/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Robert Ancell. * Author: Robert Ancell * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html the full text of the * license. */ #include #include #include #define HASXDMAUTH #include #include #include "ldm-marshal.h" #include "xdmcp-server.h" #include "xdmcp-protocol.h" #include "xdmcp-session-private.h" #include "xauthority.h" enum { NEW_SESSION, LAST_SIGNAL }; static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; struct XDMCPServerPrivate { /* Port to listen on */ guint port; /* Listening sockets */ GSocket *socket, *socket6; /* Hostname to report to client */ gchar *hostname; /* Status to report to clients */ gchar *status; /* XDM-AUTHENTICATION-1 key */ gchar *key; /* Active XDMCP sessions */ GHashTable *sessions; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (XDMCPServer, xdmcp_server, G_TYPE_OBJECT); XDMCPServer * xdmcp_server_new (void) { return g_object_new (XDMCP_SERVER_TYPE, NULL); } void xdmcp_server_set_port (XDMCPServer *server, guint port) { g_return_if_fail (server != NULL); server->priv->port = port; } guint xdmcp_server_get_port (XDMCPServer *server) { g_return_val_if_fail (server != NULL, 0); return server->priv->port; } void xdmcp_server_set_hostname (XDMCPServer *server, const gchar *hostname) { g_return_if_fail (server != NULL); g_free (server->priv->hostname); server->priv->hostname = g_strdup (hostname); } const gchar * xdmcp_server_get_hostname (XDMCPServer *server) { g_return_val_if_fail (server != NULL, NULL); return server->priv->hostname; } void xdmcp_server_set_status (XDMCPServer *server, const gchar *status) { g_return_if_fail (server != NULL); g_free (server->priv->status); server->priv->status = g_strdup (status); } const gchar * xdmcp_server_get_status (XDMCPServer *server) { g_return_val_if_fail (server != NULL, NULL); return server->priv->status; } void xdmcp_server_set_key (XDMCPServer *server, const gchar *key) { g_return_if_fail (server != NULL); g_free (server->priv->key); server->priv->key = g_strdup (key); } static gboolean session_timeout_cb (XDMCPSession *session) { g_debug ("Timing out unmanaged session %d", session->priv->id); g_hash_table_remove (session->priv->server->priv->sessions, GINT_TO_POINTER ((gint) session->priv->id)); return FALSE; } static XDMCPSession * add_session (XDMCPServer *server) { XDMCPSession *session; guint16 id; do { id = g_random_int () & 0xFFFFFFFF; } while (g_hash_table_lookup (server->priv->sessions, GINT_TO_POINTER ((gint) id))); session = xdmcp_session_new (id); session->priv->server = server; g_hash_table_insert (server->priv->sessions, GINT_TO_POINTER ((gint) id), g_object_ref (session)); session->priv->inactive_timeout = g_timeout_add (10, (GSourceFunc) session_timeout_cb, session); return session; } static XDMCPSession * get_session (XDMCPServer *server, guint16 id) { return g_hash_table_lookup (server->priv->sessions, GINT_TO_POINTER ((gint) id)); } static void send_packet (GSocket *socket, GSocketAddress *address, XDMCPPacket *packet) { guint8 data[1024]; gssize n_written; g_debug ("Send %s", xdmcp_packet_tostring (packet)); n_written = xdmcp_packet_encode (packet, data, 1024); if (n_written < 0) g_critical ("Failed to encode XDMCP packet"); else { GError *error = NULL; g_socket_send_to (socket, address, (gchar *) data, n_written, NULL, &error); if (error) g_warning ("Error sending packet: %s", error->message); g_clear_error (&error); } } static const gchar * get_authentication_name (XDMCPServer *server) { if (server->priv->key) return "XDM-AUTHENTICATION-1"; else return ""; } static void handle_query (XDMCPServer *server, GSocket *socket, GSocketAddress *address, XDMCPPacket *packet) { XDMCPPacket *response; gchar **i; gchar *authentication_name = NULL; /* If no authentication requested and we are configured for none then allow */ if (packet->Query.authentication_names[0] == NULL && server->priv->key == NULL) authentication_name = ""; for (i = packet->Query.authentication_names; *i; i++) { if (strcmp (*i, get_authentication_name (server)) == 0 && server->priv->key != NULL) { authentication_name = *i; break; } } if (authentication_name) { response = xdmcp_packet_alloc (XDMCP_Willing); response->Willing.authentication_name = g_strdup (authentication_name); response->Willing.hostname = g_strdup (server->priv->hostname); response->Willing.status = g_strdup (server->priv->status); } else { response = xdmcp_packet_alloc (XDMCP_Unwilling); response->Unwilling.hostname = g_strdup (server->priv->hostname); if (server->priv->key) response->Unwilling.status = g_strdup_printf ("No matching authentication, server requires %s", get_authentication_name (server)); else response->Unwilling.status = g_strdup ("Server does not support authentication"); } send_packet (socket, address, response); xdmcp_packet_free (response); } static guint8 atox (char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0'; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return c - 'a' + 10; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return c - 'A' + 10; return 0; } static void decode_key (const gchar *key, guint8 *data) { gint i; memset (data, 0, sizeof (data)); if (strncmp (key, "0x", 2) == 0 || strncmp (key, "0X", 2) == 0) { for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (key[i*2] == '\0') break; data[i] |= atox (key[i*2]) << 8; if (key[i*2+1] == '\0') break; data[i] |= atox (key[i*2+1]); } } else { for (i = 1; i < 8 && key[i-1]; i++) data[i] = key[i-1]; } } static void handle_request (XDMCPServer *server, GSocket *socket, GSocketAddress *address, XDMCPPacket *packet) { int i; XDMCPPacket *response; XDMCPSession *session; guint8 *authentication_data = NULL; gsize authentication_data_length = 0; gboolean match_authorization = FALSE; gchar *authorization_name; guint8 *authorization_data = NULL; gsize authorization_data_length = 0; guint8 *session_authorization_data = NULL; gsize session_authorization_data_length = 0; gchar **j; guint16 family; GInetAddress *xserver_address = NULL; gchar *display_number; XdmAuthKeyRec rho; /* Try and find an IPv6 address */ for (i = 0; i < packet->Request.n_connections; i++) { XDMCPConnection *connection = &packet->Request.connections[i]; if (connection->type == XAUTH_FAMILY_INTERNET6 && connection->address.length == 16) { family = connection->type; xserver_address = g_inet_address_new_from_bytes (connection->address.data, G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV6); /* We can't use link-local addresses, as we need to know what interface it is on */ if (g_inet_address_get_is_link_local (xserver_address)) { g_object_unref (xserver_address); xserver_address = NULL; } else break; } } /* If no IPv6 address, then try and find an IPv4 one */ if (!xserver_address) { for (i = 0; i < packet->Request.n_connections; i++) { XDMCPConnection *connection = &packet->Request.connections[i]; if (connection->type == XAUTH_FAMILY_INTERNET && connection->address.length == 4) { family = connection->type; xserver_address = g_inet_address_new_from_bytes (connection->address.data, G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV4); break; } } } /* Decline if haven't got an address we can connect on */ if (!xserver_address) { response = xdmcp_packet_alloc (XDMCP_Decline); response->Decline.status = g_strdup ("No valid address found"); response->Decline.authentication_name = g_strdup (packet->Request.authentication_name); response->Decline.authentication_data.data = authentication_data; response->Decline.authentication_data.length = authentication_data_length; send_packet (socket, address, response); xdmcp_packet_free (response); return; } /* Must be using our authentication scheme */ if (strcmp (packet->Request.authentication_name, get_authentication_name (server)) != 0) { response = xdmcp_packet_alloc (XDMCP_Decline); if (server->priv->key) response->Decline.status = g_strdup_printf ("Server only supports %s authentication", get_authentication_name (server)); else response->Decline.status = g_strdup ("Server does not support authentication"); response->Decline.authentication_name = g_strdup (""); send_packet (socket, address, response); xdmcp_packet_free (response); return; } /* Perform requested authentication */ if (server->priv->key) { guint8 input[8], key[8]; memset (input, 0, 8); memcpy (input, packet->Request.authentication_data.data, packet->Request.authentication_data.length > 8 ? 8 : packet->Request.authentication_data.length); /* Setup key */ decode_key (server->priv->key, key); /* Decode message from server */ authentication_data = g_malloc (sizeof (guint8) * 8); authentication_data_length = 8; XdmcpUnwrap (input, key, rho.data, authentication_data_length); XdmcpIncrementKey (&rho); XdmcpWrap (rho.data, key, authentication_data, authentication_data_length); authorization_name = g_strdup ("XDM-AUTHORIZATION-1"); } else authorization_name = g_strdup ("MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1"); /* Check if they support our authorization */ for (j = packet->Request.authorization_names; *j; j++) { if (strcmp (*j, authorization_name) == 0) { match_authorization = TRUE; break; } } /* Decline if don't support out authorization */ if (!match_authorization) { response = xdmcp_packet_alloc (XDMCP_Decline); response->Decline.status = g_strdup_printf ("Server requires %s authorization", authorization_name); g_free (authorization_name); response->Decline.authentication_name = g_strdup (packet->Request.authentication_name); response->Decline.authentication_data.data = authentication_data; response->Decline.authentication_data.length = authentication_data_length; send_packet (socket, address, response); xdmcp_packet_free (response); return; } /* Perform requested authorization */ if (server->priv->key) { gint i; guint8 key[8], session_key[8]; /* Setup key */ decode_key (server->priv->key, key); /* Generate a private session key */ // FIXME: Pick a good DES key? session_key[0] = 0; for (i = 1; i < 8; i++) session_key[i] = g_random_int () & 0xFF; /* Encrypt the session key and send it to the server */ authorization_data = g_malloc (8); authorization_data_length = 8; XdmcpWrap (session_key, key, authorization_data, authorization_data_length); /* Authorization data is the number received from the client followed by the private session key */ session_authorization_data = g_malloc (16); session_authorization_data_length = 16; XdmcpDecrementKey (&rho); memcpy (session_authorization_data, rho.data, 8); memcpy (session_authorization_data + 8, session_key, 8); } else { XAuthority *auth; /* Data is the cookie */ auth = xauth_new_cookie (XAUTH_FAMILY_WILD, NULL, 0, ""); authorization_data = xauth_copy_authorization_data (auth); authorization_data_length = xauth_get_authorization_data_length (auth); session_authorization_data = xauth_copy_authorization_data (auth); session_authorization_data_length = xauth_get_authorization_data_length (auth); g_object_unref (auth); } session = add_session (server); session->priv->address = xserver_address; session->priv->display_number = packet->Request.display_number; display_number = g_strdup_printf ("%d", packet->Request.display_number); /* We need to check if this is the loopback address and set the authority * for a local connection if this is so as XCB treats "" as local * always */ if (g_inet_address_get_is_loopback (xserver_address)) { gchar hostname[1024]; gethostname (hostname, 1024); session->priv->authority = xauth_new (XAUTH_FAMILY_LOCAL, (guint8 *) hostname, strlen (hostname), display_number, authorization_name, session_authorization_data, session_authorization_data_length); } else session->priv->authority = xauth_new (family, g_inet_address_to_bytes (G_INET_ADDRESS (xserver_address)), g_inet_address_get_native_size (G_INET_ADDRESS (xserver_address)), display_number, authorization_name, session_authorization_data, session_authorization_data_length); g_free (display_number); response = xdmcp_packet_alloc (XDMCP_Accept); response->Accept.session_id = xdmcp_session_get_id (session); response->Accept.authentication_name = g_strdup (packet->Request.authentication_name); response->Accept.authentication_data.data = authentication_data; response->Accept.authentication_data.length = authentication_data_length; response->Accept.authorization_name = authorization_name; response->Accept.authorization_data.data = authorization_data; response->Accept.authorization_data.length = authorization_data_length; send_packet (socket, address, response); xdmcp_packet_free (response); } static void handle_manage (XDMCPServer *server, GSocket *socket, GSocketAddress *address, XDMCPPacket *packet) { XDMCPSession *session; gboolean result; session = get_session (server, packet->Manage.session_id); if (!session) { XDMCPPacket *response; response = xdmcp_packet_alloc (XDMCP_Refuse); response->Refuse.session_id = packet->Manage.session_id; send_packet (socket, address, response); xdmcp_packet_free (response); return; } /* Ignore duplicate requests */ if (session->priv->started) { if (session->priv->display_number != packet->Manage.display_number || strcmp (session->priv->display_class, packet->Manage.display_class) != 0) g_debug ("Ignoring duplicate Manage with different data"); return; } /* Reject if has changed display number */ if (packet->Manage.display_number != session->priv->display_number) { XDMCPPacket *response; g_debug ("Received Manage for display number %d, but Request was %d", packet->Manage.display_number, session->priv->display_number); response = xdmcp_packet_alloc (XDMCP_Refuse); response->Refuse.session_id = packet->Manage.session_id; send_packet (socket, address, response); xdmcp_packet_free (response); } session->priv->display_class = g_strdup (packet->Manage.display_class); g_signal_emit (server, signals[NEW_SESSION], 0, session, &result); if (result) { /* Cancel the inactive timer */ g_source_remove (session->priv->inactive_timeout); session->priv->started = TRUE; } else { XDMCPPacket *response; response = xdmcp_packet_alloc (XDMCP_Failed); response->Failed.session_id = packet->Manage.session_id; response->Failed.status = g_strdup_printf ("Failed to connect to display :%d", packet->Manage.display_number); send_packet (socket, address, response); xdmcp_packet_free (response); } } static void handle_keep_alive (XDMCPServer *server, GSocket *socket, GSocketAddress *address, XDMCPPacket *packet) { XDMCPPacket *response; XDMCPSession *session; gboolean alive = FALSE; session = get_session (server, packet->KeepAlive.session_id); if (session) alive = TRUE; // FIXME: xdmcp_session_get_alive (session); response = xdmcp_packet_alloc (XDMCP_Alive); response->Alive.session_running = alive; response->Alive.session_id = alive ? packet->KeepAlive.session_id : 0; send_packet (socket, address, response); xdmcp_packet_free (response); } static gboolean read_cb (GSocket *socket, GIOCondition condition, XDMCPServer *server) { GSocketAddress *address; gchar data[1024]; GError *error = NULL; gssize n_read; n_read = g_socket_receive_from (socket, &address, data, 1024, NULL, &error); if (error) g_warning ("Failed to read from XDMCP socket: %s", error->message); g_clear_error (&error); if (n_read > 0) { XDMCPPacket *packet; packet = xdmcp_packet_decode ((guint8 *)data, n_read); if (packet) { g_debug ("Got %s", xdmcp_packet_tostring (packet)); switch (packet->opcode) { case XDMCP_BroadcastQuery: case XDMCP_Query: case XDMCP_IndirectQuery: handle_query (server, socket, address, packet); break; case XDMCP_Request: handle_request (server, socket, address, packet); break; case XDMCP_Manage: handle_manage (server, socket, address, packet); break; case XDMCP_KeepAlive: handle_keep_alive (server, socket, address, packet); break; default: g_warning ("Got unexpected XDMCP packet %d", packet->opcode); break; } xdmcp_packet_free (packet); } } return TRUE; } static GSocket * open_udp_socket (GSocketFamily family, guint port, GError **error) { GSocket *socket; GSocketAddress *address; gboolean result; socket = g_socket_new (family, G_SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM, G_SOCKET_PROTOCOL_UDP, error); if (!socket) return NULL; address = g_inet_socket_address_new (g_inet_address_new_any (family), port); result = g_socket_bind (socket, address, TRUE, error); if (!result) { g_object_unref (socket); return NULL; } return socket; } gboolean xdmcp_server_start (XDMCPServer *server) { GSource *source; GError *error = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (server != NULL, FALSE); server->priv->socket = open_udp_socket (G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV4, server->priv->port, &error); if (error) g_warning ("Failed to create IPv4 XDMCP socket: %s", error->message); g_clear_error (&error); if (server->priv->socket) { source = g_socket_create_source (server->priv->socket, G_IO_IN, NULL); g_source_set_callback (source, (GSourceFunc) read_cb, server, NULL); g_source_attach (source, NULL); } server->priv->socket6 = open_udp_socket (G_SOCKET_FAMILY_IPV6, server->priv->port, &error); if (error) g_warning ("Failed to create IPv6 XDMCP socket: %s", error->message); g_clear_error (&error); if (server->priv->socket6) { source = g_socket_create_source (server->priv->socket6, G_IO_IN, NULL); g_source_set_callback (source, (GSourceFunc) read_cb, server, NULL); g_source_attach (source, NULL); } if (!server->priv->socket && !server->priv->socket6) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static void xdmcp_server_init (XDMCPServer *server) { server->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (server, XDMCP_SERVER_TYPE, XDMCPServerPrivate); server->priv->port = XDM_UDP_PORT; server->priv->hostname = g_strdup (""); server->priv->status = g_strdup (""); server->priv->sessions = g_hash_table_new_full (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, g_object_unref); } static void xdmcp_server_finalize (GObject *object) { XDMCPServer *self; self = XDMCP_SERVER (object); if (self->priv->socket) g_object_unref (self->priv->socket); if (self->priv->socket6) g_object_unref (self->priv->socket6); g_free (self->priv->hostname); g_free (self->priv->status); g_free (self->priv->key); g_hash_table_unref (self->priv->sessions); G_OBJECT_CLASS (xdmcp_server_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void xdmcp_server_class_init (XDMCPServerClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); object_class->finalize = xdmcp_server_finalize; g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (XDMCPServerPrivate)); signals[NEW_SESSION] = g_signal_new ("new-session", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (XDMCPServerClass, new_session), g_signal_accumulator_true_handled, NULL, ldm_marshal_BOOLEAN__OBJECT, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1, XDMCP_SESSION_TYPE); }