/* * Copyright (C) 2014, Andrew P. * Copyright (C) 2017 - 2020, Sean Davis * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html the full text of the * license. */ #include #include "greetermenubar.h" static void greeter_menu_bar_size_allocate(GtkWidget* widget, GtkAllocation* allocation); G_DEFINE_TYPE(GreeterMenuBar, greeter_menu_bar, GTK_TYPE_MENU_BAR); static void greeter_menu_bar_class_init(GreeterMenuBarClass* klass) { GtkWidgetClass* widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS(klass); widget_class->size_allocate = greeter_menu_bar_size_allocate; } static void greeter_menu_bar_init(GreeterMenuBar* square) { } GtkWidget* greeter_menu_bar_new(void) { return GTK_WIDGET(g_object_new(greeter_menu_bar_get_type(), NULL)); } static gint sort_minimal_size(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, GtkRequestedSize* sizes) { gint a_size = sizes[GPOINTER_TO_INT(a)].natural_size; gint b_size = sizes[GPOINTER_TO_INT(b)].natural_size; return a_size == b_size ? 0 : a_size > b_size ? -1 : +1; } static void greeter_menu_bar_size_allocate(GtkWidget* widget, GtkAllocation* allocation) { GtkPackDirection pack_direction; GList *item; GList *shell_children; GList *expand_nums = NULL; guint visible_count = 0; guint expand_count = 0; g_return_if_fail(allocation != NULL); g_return_if_fail(GREETER_IS_MENU_BAR(widget)); gtk_widget_set_allocation(widget, allocation); pack_direction = gtk_menu_bar_get_pack_direction(GTK_MENU_BAR(widget)); g_return_if_fail(pack_direction == GTK_PACK_DIRECTION_LTR || pack_direction == GTK_PACK_DIRECTION_RTL); shell_children = gtk_container_get_children(GTK_CONTAINER(widget)); for(item = shell_children; item; item = g_list_next(item)) if(gtk_widget_get_visible(item->data)) { if(gtk_widget_compute_expand(item->data, GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)) { expand_nums = g_list_prepend(expand_nums, GINT_TO_POINTER(visible_count)); expand_count++; } visible_count++; } if(gtk_widget_get_realized(widget)) gdk_window_move_resize(gtk_widget_get_window(widget), allocation->x, allocation->y, allocation->width, allocation->height); if(visible_count > 0) { GtkAllocation remaining_space; GtkStyleContext* context = gtk_widget_get_style_context(widget); GtkStateFlags flags = gtk_widget_get_state_flags(widget); GtkRequestedSize* requested_sizes = g_newa(GtkRequestedSize, visible_count); guint border_width = gtk_container_get_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(widget)); GtkShadowType shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_OUT; GtkBorder border; gint toggle_size; GtkRequestedSize* request; gboolean ltr; int size; gtk_style_context_get_padding(context, flags, &border); gtk_widget_style_get(widget, "shadow-type", &shadow_type, NULL); remaining_space.x = (border_width + border.left); remaining_space.y = (border_width + border.top); remaining_space.width = allocation->width - 2 * border_width - border.left - border.right; remaining_space.height = allocation->height - 2 * border_width - border.top - border.bottom; if (shadow_type != GTK_SHADOW_NONE) { gtk_style_context_get_border(context, flags, &border); remaining_space.x += border.left; remaining_space.y += border.top; remaining_space.width -= border.left + border.right; remaining_space.height -= border.top + border.bottom; } request = requested_sizes; size = remaining_space.width; ltr = (gtk_widget_get_direction(widget) == GTK_TEXT_DIR_LTR) == (pack_direction == GTK_PACK_DIRECTION_LTR); for(item = shell_children; item; item = g_list_next(item)) { if (!gtk_widget_get_visible(item->data)) continue; request->data = item->data; gtk_widget_get_preferred_width_for_height(item->data, remaining_space.height, &request->minimum_size, &request->natural_size); gtk_menu_item_toggle_size_request(GTK_MENU_ITEM(item->data), &toggle_size); request->minimum_size += toggle_size; request->natural_size += toggle_size; gtk_menu_item_toggle_size_allocate(GTK_MENU_ITEM(item->data), toggle_size); size -= request->minimum_size; request++; } size = gtk_distribute_natural_allocation(size, visible_count, requested_sizes); /* Distribution extra space for widgets with expand=True */ if(size > 0 && expand_nums) { GList *first_item = NULL; gint needed_size = -1; gint max_size = 0; gint total_needed_size = 0; expand_nums = g_list_sort_with_data(expand_nums, (GCompareDataFunc)sort_minimal_size, requested_sizes); first_item = expand_nums; max_size = requested_sizes[GPOINTER_TO_INT(first_item->data)].natural_size; /* Free space that all widgets need to have the same (max_size) width * [___max_width___][widget ][widget____ ] * total_needed_size := [] + [ ] + [ ] * total_needed_size = [ ] */ for(item = g_list_next(expand_nums); item; item = g_list_next(item)) total_needed_size += max_size - requested_sizes[GPOINTER_TO_INT(item->data)].natural_size; while(first_item) { if(size >= total_needed_size) { /* total_needed_size is enough for all remaining widgets */ needed_size = max_size + (size - total_needed_size)/expand_count; break; } /* Removing current maximal widget from list */ total_needed_size -= max_size - requested_sizes[GPOINTER_TO_INT(first_item->data)].natural_size; first_item = g_list_next(first_item); if(first_item) max_size = requested_sizes[GPOINTER_TO_INT(first_item->data)].natural_size; } for(item = first_item; item; item = g_list_next(item)) { gint dsize = 0; request = &requested_sizes[GPOINTER_TO_INT(item->data)]; dsize = needed_size - request->natural_size; if(size < dsize) dsize = size; size -= dsize; request->natural_size += dsize; } } for(guint i = 0; i < visible_count; i++) { GtkAllocation child_allocation = remaining_space; request = &requested_sizes[i]; child_allocation.width = request->natural_size; remaining_space.width -= request->natural_size; if (ltr) remaining_space.x += request->natural_size; else child_allocation.x += remaining_space.width; gtk_widget_size_allocate(request->data, &child_allocation); } g_list_free(expand_nums); } g_list_free(shell_children); }