# # Check LightDM runs the script hooks correctly for autologin and the greeter # [Seat:*] type=unity display-setup-script=test-script-hook DISPLAY-SETUP display-stopped-script=test-script-hook DISPLAY-STOPPED greeter-setup-script=test-script-hook GREETER-SETUP session-setup-script=test-script-hook SESSION-SETUP session-cleanup-script=test-script-hook SESSION-CLEANUP autologin-user=have-password1 user-session=default #?*START-DAEMON #?RUNNER DAEMON-START # System compositor starts #?UNITY-SYSTEM-COMPOSITOR START FILE=/run/mir_socket VT=7 XDG_VTNR=7 #?*UNITY-SYSTEM-COMPOSITOR READY # X server starts #?XMIR-0 START SEAT=seat0 MIR-ID=x-0 # Daemon connects when X server is ready #?*XMIR-0 INDICATE-READY #?XMIR-0 INDICATE-READY #?XMIR-0 ACCEPT-CONNECT #?SCRIPT-HOOK DISPLAY-SETUP #?SCRIPT-HOOK SESSION-SETUP USER=have-password1 # Session starts #?SESSION-X-0 START XDG_SEAT=seat0 XDG_VTNR=7 XDG_GREETER_DATA_DIR=.*/have-password1 XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11 XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=default USER=have-password1 #?LOGIN1 ACTIVATE-SESSION SESSION=c0 #?XMIR-0 ACCEPT-CONNECT #?SESSION-X-0 CONNECT-XSERVER # System compositor switches to session #?UNITY-SYSTEM-COMPOSITOR SET-ACTIVE-SESSION ID=x-0 # Logout session #?*SESSION-X-0 LOGOUT # Script hook runs #?SCRIPT-HOOK SESSION-CLEANUP USER=have-password1 # X server stops #?XMIR-0 TERMINATE SIGNAL=15 # Script hooks run #?SCRIPT-HOOK DISPLAY-STOPPED # X server starts #?XMIR-1 START SEAT=seat0 MIR-ID=x-1 # Daemon connects when X server is ready #?*XMIR-1 INDICATE-READY #?XMIR-1 INDICATE-READY #?XMIR-1 ACCEPT-CONNECT # Script hooks run #?SCRIPT-HOOK DISPLAY-SETUP #?SCRIPT-HOOK GREETER-SETUP USER=.* # Greeter starts #?GREETER-X-1 START XDG_SEAT=seat0 XDG_VTNR=7 XDG_SESSION_CLASS=greeter #?LOGIN1 ACTIVATE-SESSION SESSION=c1 #?XMIR-1 ACCEPT-CONNECT #?GREETER-X-1 CONNECT-XSERVER #?GREETER-X-1 CONNECT-TO-DAEMON #?GREETER-X-1 CONNECTED-TO-DAEMON # System compositor switches to session #?UNITY-SYSTEM-COMPOSITOR SET-ACTIVE-SESSION ID=x-1 # Cleanup #?*STOP-DAEMON #?GREETER-X-1 TERMINATE SIGNAL=15 #?XMIR-1 TERMINATE SIGNAL=15 # Script hooks run #?SCRIPT-HOOK DISPLAY-STOPPED # Finish cleanup #?UNITY-SYSTEM-COMPOSITOR TERMINATE SIGNAL=15 #?RUNNER DAEMON-EXIT STATUS=0