# .gitattributes # http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/gitattributes.html # http://git-scm.com/book/ch7-2.html # attempt to normalize all files, this is typically a good thing * text=auto # types requiring CRLF [attr]visualstudio text eol=crlf *.csproj visualstudio *.def visualstudio *.dsp visualstudio *.dsw visualstudio *.rc2 visualstudio *.resx visualstudio *.sln visualstudio *.vcproj visualstudio *.vcxproj visualstudio *.vsprops visualstudio # explicit normalizations *.gyp text *.gypi text # C/C++ *.h text *.hpp text *.hxx text *.c text *.cc text *.cpp text *.inl text # C# *.cs text *.xaml text # Configuration *.conf text *.ini text # HTML5 *.css text *.html text *.htm text *.svg text # Sass (http://sass-lang.com/) *.scss text # JavaScript (ECMAScript) *.json text *.js text # Lua *.lua text # Make *.mak text *.mk text # Shell *.sh text eol=lf *.ksh text eol=lf # Text *.txt text # Python *.py text # Ruby *.rb text # XML *.xml text *.xsd text # skip git delta compression for compressed file formats # initial list modified from https://github.com/hbons/SparkleShare/issues/519 # 'binary' implies '-diff' # (so if custom diff textconv=exif for jpg, then also remove binary attribute) # (if exif data changes, but image does not, then delta compression helps, # so delta compression desirable when images are uniquely named, and not # changed except for exif info) [attr] nopack binary -delta # media *.jpg nopack *.JPG nopack *.jpeg nopack *.JPEG nopack *.png nopack *.PNG nopack *.tiff nopack *.TIFF nopack *.flac nopack *.FLAC nopack *.mp3 nopack *.MP3 nopack *.mp4 nopack *.MP4 nopack *.ogg nopack *.OGG nopack *.oga nopack *.OGA nopack *.avi nopack *.AVI nopack *.mov nopack *.MOV nopack *.mpg nopack *.MPG nopack *.mpeg nopack *.MPEG nopack *.mkv nopack *.MKV nopack *.ogv nopack *.OGV nopack *.ogx nopack *.OGX nopack *.webm nopack *.WEBM nopack # archive *.7z nopack *.7Z nopack *.ace nopack *.ACE nopack *.gz nopack *.GZ nopack *.bz2 nopack *.BZ2 nopack *.pak nopack *.PAK nopack *.rar nopack *.RAR nopack *.tar nopack *.TAR nopack *.tgz nopack *.TGZ nopack *.z nopack *.Z nopack *.zip nopack *.ZIP nopack # package management *.deb nopack *.DEB nopack *.rpm nopack *.RPM nopack # postscript (can compress) *.ps -diff # (above is not an unabridged list) # (more compressed file formats, compressed media formats, package formats, ...) # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_archive_formats # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_file_formats # http://www.fileinfo.com/filetypes/compressed # http://www.file-extensions.org/filetype/extension/name/archive-and-compressed-files # (consider managing binary artifacts in git-annex or other external management # such as Archiva, Artifactory, Nexus) # (binary artifacts are best stored outside of git, but abuse is inevitable) *.a nopack *.exe nopack *.o nopack *.so nopack