==================== Using Authentication ==================== ---------------- Module: mod_auth ---------------- :Author: Jan Kneschke :Date: $Date$ :Revision: $Revision$ :abstract: The auth module provides ... .. meta:: :keywords: lighttpd, authentication .. contents:: Table of Contents Description =========== NOTE: latest documentation can be found at: https://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/lighttpd/wiki/Docs_ModAuth Supported Methods ----------------- lighttpd supportes both authentication method described by RFC 2617: basic ````` The Basic method transfers the username and the password in cleartext over the network (base64 encoded) and might result in security problems if not used in conjunction with an encrypted channel between client and server. digest `````` The Digest method only transfers a hashed value over the network which performs a lot of work to harden the authentication process in insecure networks. Backends -------- Depending on the method lighttpd provides various way to store the credentials used for the authentication. for basic auth: - plain_ - htpasswd_ - htdigest_ - ldap_ for digest auth: - plain_ - htdigest_ plain ````` A file which contains username and the cleartext password separated by a colon. Each entry is terminated by a single newline.:: e.g.: agent007:secret htpasswd ```````` A file which contains username and the crypt()'ed password separated by a colon. Each entry is terminated by a single newline. :: e.g.: agent007:XWY5JwrAVBXsQ You can use htpasswd from the apache distribution to manage those files. :: $ htpasswd lighttpd.user.htpasswd agent007 htdigest ```````` A file which contains username, realm and the md5()'ed password separated by a colon. Each entry is terminated by a single newline. :: e.g.: agent007:download area:8364d0044ef57b3defcfa141e8f77b65 You can use htdigest from the apache distribution to manage those files. :: $ htdigest lighttpd.user.htdigest 'download area' agent007 Using md5sum can also generate the password-hash: :: #!/bin/sh user=$1 realm=$2 pass=$3 hash=`echo -n "$user:$realm:$pass" | md5sum | cut -b -32` echo "$user:$realm:$hash" To use it: $ htdigest.sh 'agent007' 'download area' 'secret' agent007:download area:8364d0044ef57b3defcfa141e8f77b65 ldap ```` the ldap backend is basically performing the following steps to authenticate a user 1. connect anonymously (at plugin init) 2. get DN for filter = username 3. auth against ldap server 4. disconnect if all 4 steps are performed without any error the user is authenticated Configuration ============= :: ## type of backend # plain, htpasswd, ldap or htdigest auth.backend = "htpasswd" # filename of the password storage for # plain auth.backend.plain.userfile = "lighttpd-plain.user" ## for htpasswd auth.backend.htpasswd.userfile = "lighttpd-htpasswd.user" ## for htdigest auth.backend.htdigest.userfile = "lighttpd-htdigest.user" ## for ldap # the $ in auth.backend.ldap.filter is replaced by the # 'username' from the login dialog auth.backend.ldap.hostname = "localhost" auth.backend.ldap.base-dn = "dc=my-domain,dc=com" auth.backend.ldap.filter = "(uid=$)" # if enabled, startTLS needs a valid (base64-encoded) CA # certificate auth.backend.ldap.starttls = "enable" auth.backend.ldap.ca-file = "/etc/CAcertificate.pem" ## restrictions # set restrictions: # # ( => # ( "method" => "digest"/"basic", # "realm" => , # "require" => "user=" ) # ) # # is a string to display in the dialog # presented to the user and is also used for the # digest-algorithm and has to match the realm in the # htdigest file (if used) # auth.require = ( "/download/" => ( "method" => "digest", "realm" => "download archive", "require" => "user=agent007|user=agent008" ), "/server-info" => ( "method" => "digest", "realm" => "download archive", "require" => "valid-user" ) )