#include "first.h" #include "gw_backend.h" #include #include #include "sys-socket.h" #ifdef HAVE_SYS_UIO_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base.h" #include "array.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "crc32.h" #include "fdevent.h" #include "log.h" #include "sock_addr.h" #include "status_counter.h" static int * gw_status_get_counter(server *srv, gw_host *host, gw_proc *proc, const char *tag, size_t len) { buffer *b = srv->tmp_buf; buffer_copy_string_len(b, CONST_STR_LEN("gw.backend.")); buffer_append_string_buffer(b, host->id); if (proc) { buffer_append_string_len(b, CONST_STR_LEN(".")); buffer_append_int(b, proc->id); } buffer_append_string_len(b, tag, len); return status_counter_get_counter(srv, CONST_BUF_LEN(b)); } static void gw_proc_tag_inc(server *srv, gw_host *host, gw_proc *proc, const char *tag, size_t len) { ++(*gw_status_get_counter(srv, host, proc, tag, len)); } static void gw_proc_load_inc(server *srv, gw_host *host, gw_proc *proc) { *gw_status_get_counter(srv,host,proc,CONST_STR_LEN(".load")) = ++proc->load; status_counter_inc(srv, CONST_STR_LEN("gw.active-requests")); } static void gw_proc_load_dec(server *srv, gw_host *host, gw_proc *proc) { *gw_status_get_counter(srv,host,proc,CONST_STR_LEN(".load")) = --proc->load; status_counter_dec(srv, CONST_STR_LEN("gw.active-requests")); } static void gw_host_assign(server *srv, gw_host *host) { *gw_status_get_counter(srv,host,NULL,CONST_STR_LEN(".load")) = ++host->load; } static void gw_host_reset(server *srv, gw_host *host) { *gw_status_get_counter(srv,host,NULL,CONST_STR_LEN(".load")) = --host->load; } static int gw_status_init(server *srv, gw_host *host, gw_proc *proc) { *gw_status_get_counter(srv, host, proc, CONST_STR_LEN(".disabled")) = 0; *gw_status_get_counter(srv, host, proc, CONST_STR_LEN(".died")) = 0; *gw_status_get_counter(srv, host, proc, CONST_STR_LEN(".overloaded")) = 0; *gw_status_get_counter(srv, host, proc, CONST_STR_LEN(".connected")) = 0; *gw_status_get_counter(srv, host, proc, CONST_STR_LEN(".load")) = 0; *gw_status_get_counter(srv, host, NULL, CONST_STR_LEN(".load")) = 0; return 0; } static void gw_proc_set_state(gw_host *host, gw_proc *proc, int state) { if ((int)proc->state == state) return; if (proc->state == PROC_STATE_RUNNING) { --host->active_procs; } else if (state == PROC_STATE_RUNNING) { ++host->active_procs; } proc->state = state; } static gw_proc *gw_proc_init(void) { gw_proc *f = calloc(1, sizeof(*f)); force_assert(f); f->unixsocket = buffer_init(); f->connection_name = buffer_init(); f->prev = NULL; f->next = NULL; f->state = PROC_STATE_DIED; return f; } static void gw_proc_free(gw_proc *f) { if (!f) return; gw_proc_free(f->next); buffer_free(f->unixsocket); buffer_free(f->connection_name); free(f->saddr); free(f); } static gw_host *gw_host_init(void) { gw_host *f = calloc(1, sizeof(*f)); force_assert(f); f->id = buffer_init(); f->host = buffer_init(); f->unixsocket = buffer_init(); f->docroot = buffer_init(); f->bin_path = buffer_init(); f->bin_env = array_init(); f->bin_env_copy = array_init(); f->strip_request_uri = buffer_init(); f->xsendfile_docroot = array_init(); return f; } static void gw_host_free(gw_host *h) { if (!h) return; if (h->refcount) { --h->refcount; return; } buffer_free(h->id); buffer_free(h->host); buffer_free(h->unixsocket); buffer_free(h->docroot); buffer_free(h->bin_path); buffer_free(h->strip_request_uri); array_free(h->bin_env); array_free(h->bin_env_copy); array_free(h->xsendfile_docroot); gw_proc_free(h->first); gw_proc_free(h->unused_procs); for (size_t i = 0; i < h->args.used; ++i) free(h->args.ptr[i]); free(h->args.ptr); free(h); } static gw_exts *gw_extensions_init(void) { gw_exts *f = calloc(1, sizeof(*f)); force_assert(f); return f; } static void gw_extensions_free(gw_exts *f) { if (!f) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < f->used; ++i) { gw_extension *fe = f->exts[i]; for (size_t j = 0; j < fe->used; ++j) { gw_host_free(fe->hosts[j]); } buffer_free(fe->key); free(fe->hosts); free(fe); } free(f->exts); free(f); } static int gw_extension_insert(gw_exts *ext, buffer *key, gw_host *fh) { gw_extension *fe = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < ext->used; ++i) { if (buffer_is_equal(key, ext->exts[i]->key)) { fe = ext->exts[i]; break; } } if (NULL == fe) { fe = calloc(1, sizeof(*fe)); force_assert(fe); fe->key = buffer_init(); fe->last_used_ndx = -1; buffer_copy_buffer(fe->key, key); if (ext->used == ext->size) { ext->size += 8; ext->exts = realloc(ext->exts, ext->size * sizeof(*(ext->exts))); force_assert(ext->exts); } ext->exts[ext->used++] = fe; fe->size = 4; fe->hosts = malloc(fe->size * sizeof(*(fe->hosts))); force_assert(fe->hosts); } else if (fe->size == fe->used) { fe->size += 4; fe->hosts = realloc(fe->hosts, fe->size * sizeof(*(fe->hosts))); force_assert(fe->hosts); } fe->hosts[fe->used++] = fh; return 0; } static void gw_proc_connect_success(server *srv, gw_host *host, gw_proc *proc, int debug) { gw_proc_tag_inc(srv, host, proc, CONST_STR_LEN(".connected")); proc->last_used = srv->cur_ts; if (debug) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ssdsbsd", "got proc:", "pid:", proc->pid, "socket:", proc->connection_name, "load:", proc->load); } } static void gw_proc_connect_error(server *srv, gw_host *host, gw_proc *proc, pid_t pid, int errnum, int debug) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sssb", "establishing connection failed:", strerror(errnum), "socket:", proc->connection_name); if (!proc->is_local) { proc->disabled_until = srv->cur_ts + host->disable_time; gw_proc_set_state(host, proc, PROC_STATE_OVERLOADED); } else if (proc->pid == pid && proc->state == PROC_STATE_RUNNING) { /* several requests from lighttpd might reference the same proc * * Only one of them should mark the proc * and all other ones should just take a new one. * * If a new proc was started with the old struct, this might * otherwise lead to marking a perfectly good proc as dead */ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sdssd", "backend error; we'll disable for", host->disable_time, "secs and send the request to another backend instead:", "load:", host->load); if (EAGAIN == errnum) { /* - EAGAIN: cool down the backend; it is overloaded */ #ifdef __linux__ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "If this happened on Linux: You have run out of local ports. " "Check the manual, section Performance how to handle this."); #endif if (debug) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sbsd", "This means that you have more incoming requests than your " "FastCGI backend can handle in parallel. It might help to " "spawn more FastCGI backends or PHP children; if not, " "decrease server.max-connections. The load for this FastCGI " "backend", proc->connection_name, "is", proc->load); } proc->disabled_until = srv->cur_ts + host->disable_time; gw_proc_set_state(host, proc, PROC_STATE_OVERLOADED); } else { /* we got a hard error from the backend like * - ECONNREFUSED for tcp-ip sockets * - ENOENT for unix-domain-sockets */ #if 0 gw_proc_set_state(host, proc, PROC_STATE_DIED_WAIT_FOR_PID); #else /* treat as overloaded (future: unless we send kill() signal)*/ proc->disabled_until = srv->cur_ts + host->disable_time; gw_proc_set_state(host, proc, PROC_STATE_OVERLOADED); #endif } } if (EAGAIN == errnum) { gw_proc_tag_inc(srv, host, proc, CONST_STR_LEN(".overloaded")); } else { gw_proc_tag_inc(srv, host, proc, CONST_STR_LEN(".died")); } } static void gw_proc_release(server *srv, gw_host *host, gw_proc *proc, int debug) { gw_proc_load_dec(srv, host, proc); if (debug) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ssdsbsd", "released proc:", "pid:", proc->pid, "socket:", proc->connection_name, "load:", proc->load); } } static void gw_proc_check_enable(server *srv, gw_host *host, gw_proc *proc) { if (srv->cur_ts <= proc->disabled_until) return; if (proc->state != PROC_STATE_OVERLOADED) return; gw_proc_set_state(host, proc, PROC_STATE_RUNNING); log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sbbdb", "gw-server re-enabled:", proc->connection_name, host->host, host->port, host->unixsocket); } static void gw_proc_waitpid_log(server *srv, gw_host *host, gw_proc *proc, int status) { UNUSED(host); if (WIFEXITED(status)) { if (proc->state != PROC_STATE_KILLED) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sdb", "child exited:", WEXITSTATUS(status), proc->connection_name); } } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { if (WTERMSIG(status) != SIGTERM && WTERMSIG(status) != SIGINT && WTERMSIG(status) != host->kill_signal) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sd", "child signalled:", WTERMSIG(status)); } } else { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sd", "child died somehow:", status); } } static int gw_proc_waitpid(server *srv, gw_host *host, gw_proc *proc) { int rc, status; if (!proc->is_local) return 0; if (proc->pid <= 0) return 0; do { rc = waitpid(proc->pid, &status, WNOHANG); } while (-1 == rc && errno == EINTR); if (0 == rc) return 0; /* child still running */ /* child terminated */ if (-1 == rc) { /* EINVAL or ECHILD no child processes */ /* should not happen; someone else has cleaned up for us */ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sddss", "pid ", proc->pid, proc->state, "not found:", strerror(errno)); } else { gw_proc_waitpid_log(srv, host, proc, status); } proc->pid = 0; if (proc->state != PROC_STATE_KILLED) proc->disabled_until = srv->cur_ts; gw_proc_set_state(host, proc, PROC_STATE_DIED); return 1; } static int gw_proc_sockaddr_init(server *srv, gw_host *host, gw_proc *proc) { sock_addr addr; socklen_t addrlen; if (!buffer_string_is_empty(proc->unixsocket)) { if (1 != sock_addr_from_str_hints(srv, &addr, &addrlen, proc->unixsocket->ptr, AF_UNIX, 0)) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } buffer_copy_string_len(proc->connection_name, CONST_STR_LEN("unix:")); buffer_append_string_buffer(proc->connection_name, proc->unixsocket); } else { /*(note: name resolution here is *blocking* if IP string not supplied)*/ if (1 != sock_addr_from_str_hints(srv, &addr, &addrlen, host->host->ptr, 0, proc->port)) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } else { /* overwrite host->host buffer with IP addr string so that * any further use of gw_host does not block on DNS lookup */ sock_addr_inet_ntop_copy_buffer(host->host, &addr); host->family = sock_addr_get_family(&addr); } buffer_copy_string_len(proc->connection_name, CONST_STR_LEN("tcp:")); buffer_append_string_buffer(proc->connection_name, host->host); buffer_append_string_len(proc->connection_name, CONST_STR_LEN(":")); buffer_append_int(proc->connection_name, proc->port); } if (NULL != proc->saddr && proc->saddrlen < addrlen) { free(proc->saddr); proc->saddr = NULL; } if (NULL == proc->saddr) { proc->saddr = (struct sockaddr *)malloc(addrlen); force_assert(proc->saddr); } proc->saddrlen = addrlen; memcpy(proc->saddr, &addr, addrlen); return 0; } static int env_add(char_array *env, const char *key, size_t key_len, const char *val, size_t val_len) { char *dst; if (!key || !val) return -1; dst = malloc(key_len + val_len + 3); force_assert(dst); memcpy(dst, key, key_len); dst[key_len] = '='; memcpy(dst + key_len + 1, val, val_len + 1); /* add the \0 from the value */ for (size_t i = 0; i < env->used; ++i) { if (0 == strncmp(dst, env->ptr[i], key_len + 1)) { free(env->ptr[i]); env->ptr[i] = dst; return 0; } } if (env->size <= env->used + 1) { env->size += 16; env->ptr = realloc(env->ptr, env->size * sizeof(*env->ptr)); force_assert(env->ptr); } env->ptr[env->used++] = dst; return 0; } static int gw_spawn_connection(server *srv, gw_host *host, gw_proc *proc, int debug) { int gw_fd; int status; struct timeval tv = { 0, 10 * 1000 }; if (debug) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sdb", "new proc, socket:", proc->port, proc->unixsocket); } gw_fd = fdevent_socket_cloexec(proc->saddr->sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (-1 == gw_fd) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ss", "failed:", strerror(errno)); return -1; } do { status = connect(gw_fd, proc->saddr, proc->saddrlen); } while (-1 == status && errno == EINTR); if (-1 == status && errno != ENOENT && !buffer_string_is_empty(proc->unixsocket)) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sbss", "unlink", proc->unixsocket, "after connect failed:", strerror(errno)); unlink(proc->unixsocket->ptr); } close(gw_fd); if (-1 == status) { /* server is not up, spawn it */ char_array env; size_t i; int dfd = -1; /* reopen socket */ gw_fd = fdevent_socket_cloexec(proc->saddr->sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (-1 == gw_fd) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ss", "socket failed:", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (fdevent_set_so_reuseaddr(gw_fd, 1) < 0) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ss", "socketsockopt failed:", strerror(errno)); close(gw_fd); return -1; } /* create socket */ if (-1 == bind(gw_fd, proc->saddr, proc->saddrlen)) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sbs", "bind failed for:", proc->connection_name, strerror(errno)); close(gw_fd); return -1; } if (-1 == listen(gw_fd, host->listen_backlog)) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ss", "listen failed:", strerror(errno)); close(gw_fd); return -1; } { /* create environment */ env.ptr = NULL; env.size = 0; env.used = 0; /* build clean environment */ if (host->bin_env_copy->used) { for (i = 0; i < host->bin_env_copy->used; ++i) { data_string *ds=(data_string *)host->bin_env_copy->data[i]; char *ge; if (NULL != (ge = getenv(ds->value->ptr))) { env_add(&env, CONST_BUF_LEN(ds->value), ge, strlen(ge)); } } } else { char ** const e = fdevent_environ(); for (i = 0; e[i]; ++i) { char *eq; if (NULL != (eq = strchr(e[i], '='))) { env_add(&env, e[i], eq - e[i], eq+1, strlen(eq+1)); } } } /* create environment */ for (i = 0; i < host->bin_env->used; ++i) { data_string *ds = (data_string *)host->bin_env->data[i]; env_add(&env, CONST_BUF_LEN(ds->key), CONST_BUF_LEN(ds->value)); } for (i = 0; i < env.used; ++i) { /* search for PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN */ if (0 == strncmp(env.ptr[i], "PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN=", sizeof("PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN=")-1)) { break; } } /* not found, add a default */ if (i == env.used) { env_add(&env, CONST_STR_LEN("PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN"), CONST_STR_LEN("1")); } env.ptr[env.used] = NULL; } dfd = fdevent_open_dirname(host->args.ptr[0], 1); /* permit symlinks */ if (-1 == dfd) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sss", "open dirname failed:", strerror(errno), host->args.ptr[0]); } /*(FCGI_LISTENSOCK_FILENO == STDIN_FILENO == 0)*/ proc->pid = (dfd >= 0) ? fdevent_fork_execve(host->args.ptr[0], host->args.ptr, env.ptr, gw_fd, -1, -1, dfd) : -1; for (i = 0; i < env.used; ++i) free(env.ptr[i]); free(env.ptr); if (-1 != dfd) close(dfd); close(gw_fd); if (-1 == proc->pid) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sb", "gw-backend failed to start:", host->bin_path); proc->pid = 0; proc->disabled_until = srv->cur_ts; return -1; } /* register process */ proc->last_used = srv->cur_ts; proc->is_local = 1; /* wait */ select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (0 != gw_proc_waitpid(srv, host, proc)) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sb", "gw-backend failed to start:", host->bin_path); log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "If you're trying to run your app as a FastCGI backend, make " "sure you're using the FastCGI-enabled version. If this is PHP " "on Gentoo, add 'fastcgi' to the USE flags. If this is PHP, try " "removing the bytecode caches for now and try again."); return -1; } } else { proc->is_local = 0; proc->pid = 0; if (debug) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sb", "(debug) socket is already used; won't spawn:", proc->connection_name); } } gw_proc_set_state(host, proc, PROC_STATE_RUNNING); return 0; } static void gw_proc_spawn(server *srv, gw_host *host, int debug) { gw_proc *proc; for (proc = host->unused_procs; proc; proc = proc->next) { /* (proc->pid <= 0 indicates PROC_STATE_DIED, not PROC_STATE_KILLED) */ if (proc->pid > 0) continue; /* (do not attempt to spawn another proc if a proc just exited) */ if (proc->disabled_until >= srv->cur_ts) return; break; } if (proc) { if (proc == host->unused_procs) host->unused_procs = proc->next; else proc->prev->next = proc->next; if (proc->next) { proc->next->prev = proc->prev; proc->next = NULL; } proc->prev = NULL; } else { proc = gw_proc_init(); proc->id = host->max_id++; } ++host->num_procs; if (buffer_string_is_empty(host->unixsocket)) { proc->port = host->port + proc->id; } else { buffer_copy_buffer(proc->unixsocket, host->unixsocket); buffer_append_string_len(proc->unixsocket, CONST_STR_LEN("-")); buffer_append_int(proc->unixsocket, proc->id); } if (0 != gw_proc_sockaddr_init(srv, host, proc)) { /*(should not happen if host->host validated at startup, * and translated from name to IP address at startup)*/ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "ERROR: spawning backend failed."); --host->num_procs; if (proc->id == host->max_id-1) --host->max_id; gw_proc_free(proc); } else if (gw_spawn_connection(srv, host, proc, debug)) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "ERROR: spawning backend failed."); proc->next = host->unused_procs; if (host->unused_procs) host->unused_procs->prev = proc; host->unused_procs = proc; } else { proc->next = host->first; if (host->first) host->first->prev = proc; host->first = proc; } } static void gw_proc_kill(server *srv, gw_host *host, gw_proc *proc) { UNUSED(srv); if (proc->next) proc->next->prev = proc->prev; if (proc->prev) proc->prev->next = proc->next; if (proc->prev == NULL) host->first = proc->next; proc->prev = NULL; proc->next = host->unused_procs; proc->disabled_until = 0; if (host->unused_procs) host->unused_procs->prev = proc; host->unused_procs = proc; kill(proc->pid, host->kill_signal); gw_proc_set_state(host, proc, PROC_STATE_KILLED); --host->num_procs; } static gw_host * unixsocket_is_dup(gw_plugin_data *p, size_t used, buffer *unixsocket) { for (size_t i = 0; i < used; ++i) { gw_exts *exts = p->config_storage[i]->exts; if (NULL == exts) continue; for (size_t j = 0; j < exts->used; ++j) { gw_extension *ex = exts->exts[j]; for (size_t n = 0; n < ex->used; ++n) { gw_host *host = ex->hosts[n]; if (!buffer_string_is_empty(host->unixsocket) && buffer_is_equal(host->unixsocket, unixsocket) && !buffer_string_is_empty(host->bin_path)) return host; } } } return NULL; } static int parse_binpath(char_array *env, buffer *b) { char *start = b->ptr; char c; /* search for spaces */ for (size_t i = 0; i < buffer_string_length(b); ++i) { switch(b->ptr[i]) { case ' ': case '\t': /* a WS, stop here and copy the argument */ if (env->size == env->used) { env->size += 16; env->ptr = realloc(env->ptr, env->size * sizeof(*env->ptr)); } c = b->ptr[i]; b->ptr[i] = '\0'; env->ptr[env->used++] = strdup(start); b->ptr[i] = c; start = b->ptr + i + 1; break; default: break; } } if (env->size == env->used) { /*need one extra for terminating NULL*/ env->size += 16; env->ptr = realloc(env->ptr, env->size * sizeof(*env->ptr)); } /* the rest */ env->ptr[env->used++] = strdup(start); if (env->size == env->used) { /*need one extra for terminating NULL*/ env->size += 16; env->ptr = realloc(env->ptr, env->size * sizeof(*env->ptr)); } /* terminate */ env->ptr[env->used++] = NULL; return 0; } enum { GW_BALANCE_LEAST_CONNECTION, GW_BALANCE_RR, GW_BALANCE_HASH, GW_BALANCE_STICKY }; static gw_host * gw_host_get(server *srv, connection *con, gw_extension *extension, int balance, int debug) { gw_host *host; unsigned long last_max = ULONG_MAX; int max_usage = INT_MAX; int ndx = -1; size_t k; if (extension->used <= 1) { if (1 == extension->used && extension->hosts[0]->active_procs > 0) { ndx = 0; } } else switch(balance) { case GW_BALANCE_HASH: /* hash balancing */ if (debug) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sd", "proxy - used hash balancing, hosts:", extension->used); } for (k = 0, ndx = -1, last_max = ULONG_MAX; k < extension->used; ++k) { unsigned long cur_max; host = extension->hosts[k]; if (0 == host->active_procs) continue; cur_max = generate_crc32c(CONST_BUF_LEN(con->uri.path)) + generate_crc32c(CONST_BUF_LEN(host->host)) /* cachable */ + generate_crc32c(CONST_BUF_LEN(con->uri.authority)); if (debug) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sbbbd", "proxy - election:", con->uri.path, host->host, con->uri.authority, cur_max); } if (last_max < cur_max || last_max == ULONG_MAX) { last_max = cur_max; ndx = k; } } break; case GW_BALANCE_LEAST_CONNECTION: /* fair balancing */ if (debug) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "proxy - used least connection"); } for (k = 0, ndx = -1, max_usage = INT_MAX; k < extension->used; ++k) { host = extension->hosts[k]; if (0 == host->active_procs) continue; if (host->load < max_usage) { max_usage = host->load; ndx = k; } } break; case GW_BALANCE_RR: /* round robin */ if (debug) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "proxy - used round-robin balancing"); } /* just to be sure */ force_assert(extension->used < INT_MAX); host = extension->hosts[0]; /* Use last_used_ndx from first host in list */ k = extension->last_used_ndx; ndx = k + 1; /* use next host after the last one */ if (ndx < 0) ndx = 0; /* Search first active host after last_used_ndx */ while (ndx < (int) extension->used && 0 == (host = extension->hosts[ndx])->active_procs) ++ndx; if (ndx >= (int) extension->used) { /* didn't find a higher id, wrap to the start */ for (ndx = 0; ndx <= (int) k; ++ndx) { host = extension->hosts[ndx]; if (0 != host->active_procs) break; } /* No active host found */ if (0 == host->active_procs) ndx = -1; } /* Save new index for next round */ extension->last_used_ndx = ndx; break; case GW_BALANCE_STICKY: /* source sticky balancing */ if (debug) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sd", "proxy - used sticky balancing, hosts:", extension->used); } for (k = 0, ndx = -1, last_max = ULONG_MAX; k < extension->used; ++k) { unsigned long cur_max; host = extension->hosts[k]; if (0 == host->active_procs) continue; cur_max = generate_crc32c(CONST_BUF_LEN(con->dst_addr_buf)) + generate_crc32c(CONST_BUF_LEN(host->host)) + host->port; if (debug) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sbbdd", "proxy - election:", con->dst_addr_buf, host->host, host->port, cur_max); } if (last_max < cur_max || last_max == ULONG_MAX) { last_max = cur_max; ndx = k; } } break; default: break; } if (-1 != ndx) { /* found a server */ host = extension->hosts[ndx]; if (debug) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sbd", "gw - found a host", host->host, host->port); } return host; } else if (0 == srv->srvconf.max_worker) { /* special-case adaptive spawning and 0 == host->min_procs */ for (k = 0; k < extension->used; ++k) { host = extension->hosts[k]; if (0 == host->min_procs && 0 == host->num_procs && !buffer_string_is_empty(host->bin_path)) { gw_proc_spawn(srv, host, debug); if (host->num_procs) return host; } } } /* all hosts are down */ /* sorry, we don't have a server alive for this ext */ con->http_status = 503; /* Service Unavailable */ con->mode = DIRECT; /* only send the 'no handler' once */ if (!extension->note_is_sent) { extension->note_is_sent = 1; log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sBSbsbs", "all handlers for", con->uri.path, "?", con->uri.query, "on", extension->key, "are down."); } return NULL; } static int gw_establish_connection(server *srv, gw_host *host, gw_proc *proc, pid_t pid, int gw_fd, int debug) { if (-1 == connect(gw_fd, proc->saddr, proc->saddrlen)) { if (errno == EINPROGRESS || errno == EALREADY || errno == EINTR) { if (debug > 2) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sb", "connect delayed; will continue later:", proc->connection_name); } return 1; } else { gw_proc_connect_error(srv, host, proc, pid, errno, debug); return -1; } } if (debug > 1) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sd", "connect succeeded: ", gw_fd); } return 0; } static void gw_restart_dead_procs(server *srv, gw_host *host, int debug, int trigger) { for (gw_proc *proc = host->first; proc; proc = proc->next) { if (debug > 2) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sbdddd", "proc:", proc->connection_name, proc->state, proc->is_local, proc->load, proc->pid); } switch (proc->state) { case PROC_STATE_RUNNING: break; case PROC_STATE_OVERLOADED: gw_proc_check_enable(srv, host, proc); break; case PROC_STATE_KILLED: if (trigger && ++proc->disabled_until > 4) { int sig = (proc->disabled_until <= 8) ? host->kill_signal : proc->disabled_until <= 16 ? SIGTERM : SIGKILL; kill(proc->pid, sig); } break; case PROC_STATE_DIED_WAIT_FOR_PID: /*(state should not happen in workers if server.max-worker > 0)*/ /*(if PROC_STATE_DIED_WAIT_FOR_PID is used in future, might want * to save proc->disabled_until before gw_proc_waitpid() since * gw_proc_waitpid will set proc->disabled_until to srv->cur_ts, * and so process will not be restarted below until one sec later)*/ if (0 == gw_proc_waitpid(srv, host, proc)) { gw_proc_check_enable(srv, host, proc); } if (proc->state != PROC_STATE_DIED) break; /* fall through *//*(we have a dead proc now)*/ case PROC_STATE_DIED: /* local procs get restarted by us, * remote ones hopefully by the admin */ if (!buffer_string_is_empty(host->bin_path)) { /* we still have connections bound to this proc, * let them terminate first */ if (proc->load != 0) break; /* avoid spinning if child exits too quickly */ if (proc->disabled_until >= srv->cur_ts) break; /* restart the child */ if (debug) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ssbsdsd", "--- gw spawning", "\n\tsocket", proc->connection_name, "\n\tcurrent:", 1, "/", host->max_procs); } if (gw_spawn_connection(srv, host, proc, debug)) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "ERROR: spawning gw failed."); } } else { gw_proc_check_enable(srv, host, proc); } break; } } } #include "base.h" #include "connections.h" #include "joblist.h" #include "response.h" /* ok, we need a prototype */ static handler_t gw_handle_fdevent(server *srv, void *ctx, int revents); static gw_handler_ctx * handler_ctx_init(size_t sz) { gw_handler_ctx *hctx = calloc(1, 0 == sz ? sizeof(*hctx) : sz); force_assert(hctx); /*hctx->response = chunk_buffer_acquire();*//*(allocated when needed)*/ hctx->request_id = 0; hctx->gw_mode = GW_RESPONDER; hctx->state = GW_STATE_INIT; hctx->proc = NULL; hctx->fd = -1; hctx->reconnects = 0; hctx->send_content_body = 1; /*hctx->rb = chunkqueue_init();*//*(allocated when needed)*/ hctx->wb = chunkqueue_init(); hctx->wb_reqlen = 0; return hctx; } static void handler_ctx_free(gw_handler_ctx *hctx) { /* caller MUST have called gw_backend_close(srv, hctx) if necessary */ if (hctx->handler_ctx_free) hctx->handler_ctx_free(hctx); chunk_buffer_release(hctx->response); chunkqueue_free(hctx->rb); chunkqueue_free(hctx->wb); free(hctx); } static void handler_ctx_clear(gw_handler_ctx *hctx) { /* caller MUST have called gw_backend_close(srv, hctx) if necessary */ hctx->proc = NULL; hctx->host = NULL; hctx->ext = NULL; /*hctx->ext_auth is intentionally preserved to flag prior authorizer*/ hctx->gw_mode = GW_RESPONDER; hctx->state = GW_STATE_INIT; /*hctx->state_timestamp = 0;*//*(unused; left as-is)*/ if (hctx->rb) chunkqueue_reset(hctx->rb); if (hctx->wb) chunkqueue_reset(hctx->wb); hctx->wb_reqlen = 0; if (hctx->response) buffer_clear(hctx->response); hctx->fd = -1; hctx->reconnects = 0; hctx->request_id = 0; hctx->send_content_body = 1; /*plugin_config conf;*//*(no need to reset for same request)*/ /*hctx->remote_conn = NULL;*//*(no need to reset for same request)*/ /*hctx->plugin_data = NULL;*//*(no need to reset for same request)*/ } void * gw_init(void) { return calloc(1, sizeof(gw_plugin_data)); } void gw_plugin_config_free(gw_plugin_config *s) { gw_exts *exts = s->exts; if (exts) { for (size_t j = 0; j < exts->used; ++j) { gw_extension *ex = exts->exts[j]; for (size_t n = 0; n < ex->used; ++n) { gw_proc *proc; gw_host *host = ex->hosts[n]; for (proc = host->first; proc; proc = proc->next) { if (proc->pid > 0) { kill(proc->pid, host->kill_signal); } if (proc->is_local && !buffer_string_is_empty(proc->unixsocket)) { unlink(proc->unixsocket->ptr); } } for (proc = host->unused_procs; proc; proc = proc->next) { if (proc->pid > 0) { kill(proc->pid, host->kill_signal); } if (proc->is_local && !buffer_string_is_empty(proc->unixsocket)) { unlink(proc->unixsocket->ptr); } } } } gw_extensions_free(s->exts); gw_extensions_free(s->exts_auth); gw_extensions_free(s->exts_resp); } array_free(s->ext_mapping); free(s); } handler_t gw_free(server *srv, void *p_d) { gw_plugin_data *p = p_d; if (p->config_storage) { for (size_t i = 0; i < srv->config_context->used; ++i) { gw_plugin_config *s = p->config_storage[i]; if (NULL == s) continue; gw_plugin_config_free(s); } free(p->config_storage); } free(p); return HANDLER_GO_ON; } int gw_set_defaults_backend(server *srv, gw_plugin_data *p, data_unset *du, size_t i, int sh_exec) { /* per-module plugin_config MUST have common "base class" gw_plugin_config*/ /* per-module plugin_data MUST have pointer-compatible common "base class" * with gw_plugin_data (stemming from gw_plugin_config compatibility) */ data_array *da = (data_array *)du; gw_plugin_config *s = p->config_storage[i]; buffer *gw_mode; gw_host *host = NULL; if (NULL == da) return 1; if (da->type != TYPE_ARRAY || !array_is_kvarray(da->value)) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "unexpected value for xxxxx.server; expected " "( \"ext\" => ( \"backend-label\" => ( \"key\" => \"value\" )))"); return 0; } p->srv_pid = srv->pid; gw_mode = buffer_init(); s->exts = gw_extensions_init(); s->exts_auth = gw_extensions_init(); s->exts_resp = gw_extensions_init(); /*s->balance = GW_BALANCE_LEAST_CONNECTION;*//*(default)*/ /* * gw.server = ( "" => ( ... ), * "" => ( ... ) ) */ for (size_t j = 0; j < da->value->used; ++j) { data_array *da_ext = (data_array *)da->value->data[j]; /* * da_ext->key == name of the extension */ /* * gw.server = ( "" => * ( "" => ( ... ), * "" => ( ... ) * ), * "" => ... ) */ for (size_t n = 0; n < da_ext->value->used; ++n) { data_array *da_host = (data_array *)da_ext->value->data[n]; config_values_t fcv[] = { { "host", NULL, T_CONFIG_STRING, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 0 */ { "docroot", NULL, T_CONFIG_STRING, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 1 */ { "mode", NULL, T_CONFIG_STRING, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 2 */ { "socket", NULL, T_CONFIG_STRING, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 3 */ { "bin-path", NULL, T_CONFIG_STRING, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 4 */ { "check-local", NULL, T_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 5 */ { "port", NULL, T_CONFIG_SHORT, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 6 */ { "min-procs", NULL, T_CONFIG_SHORT, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 7 */ { "max-procs", NULL, T_CONFIG_SHORT, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 8 */ { "max-load-per-proc", NULL, T_CONFIG_SHORT, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 9 */ { "idle-timeout", NULL, T_CONFIG_SHORT, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 10 */ { "disable-time", NULL, T_CONFIG_SHORT, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 11 */ { "bin-environment", NULL, T_CONFIG_ARRAY, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 12 */ { "bin-copy-environment", NULL, T_CONFIG_ARRAY, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 13 */ { "broken-scriptfilename", NULL, T_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 14 */ { "allow-x-send-file", NULL, T_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 15 */ { "strip-request-uri", NULL, T_CONFIG_STRING, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 16 */ { "kill-signal", NULL, T_CONFIG_SHORT, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 17 */ { "fix-root-scriptname", NULL, T_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 18 */ { "listen-backlog", NULL, T_CONFIG_INT, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 19 */ { "x-sendfile", NULL, T_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 20 */ { "x-sendfile-docroot",NULL, T_CONFIG_ARRAY, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 21 */ { "tcp-fin-propagate", NULL, T_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 22 */ { NULL, NULL, T_CONFIG_UNSET, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_UNSET } }; unsigned short host_mode = GW_RESPONDER; if (da_host->type != TYPE_ARRAY || !array_is_kvany(da_host->value)){ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "SBS", "unexpected value for gw.server near [", da_host->key, "](string); expected ( \"ext\" => ( \"backend-label\" => ( \"key\" => \"value\" )))"); goto error; } host = gw_host_init(); buffer_clear(gw_mode); buffer_copy_buffer(host->id, da_host->key); host->check_local = 1; host->min_procs = 4; host->max_procs = 4; host->max_load_per_proc = 1; host->idle_timeout = 60; host->disable_time = 1; host->break_scriptfilename_for_php = 0; host->kill_signal = SIGTERM; host->fix_root_path_name = 0; host->listen_backlog = 1024; host->xsendfile_allow = 0; host->refcount = 0; fcv[0].destination = host->host; fcv[1].destination = host->docroot; fcv[2].destination = gw_mode; fcv[3].destination = host->unixsocket; fcv[4].destination = host->bin_path; fcv[5].destination = &(host->check_local); fcv[6].destination = &(host->port); fcv[7].destination = &(host->min_procs); fcv[8].destination = &(host->max_procs); fcv[9].destination = &(host->max_load_per_proc); fcv[10].destination = &(host->idle_timeout); fcv[11].destination = &(host->disable_time); fcv[12].destination = host->bin_env; fcv[13].destination = host->bin_env_copy; fcv[14].destination = &(host->break_scriptfilename_for_php); fcv[15].destination = &(host->xsendfile_allow); fcv[16].destination = host->strip_request_uri; fcv[17].destination = &(host->kill_signal); fcv[18].destination = &(host->fix_root_path_name); fcv[19].destination = &(host->listen_backlog); fcv[20].destination = &(host->xsendfile_allow); fcv[21].destination = host->xsendfile_docroot; fcv[22].destination = &(host->tcp_fin_propagate); if (0 != config_insert_values_internal(srv, da_host->value, fcv, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION)) { goto error; } for (size_t m = 0; m < da_host->value->used; ++m) { if (NULL != strchr(da_host->value->data[m]->key->ptr, '_')) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sb", "incorrect directive contains underscore ('_') instead of dash ('-'):", da_host->value->data[m]->key); } } if ((!buffer_string_is_empty(host->host) || host->port) && !buffer_string_is_empty(host->unixsocket)) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sbsbsbs", "either host/port or socket have to be set in:", da->key, "= (", da_ext->key, " => (", da_host->key, " ( ..."); goto error; } if (!buffer_string_is_empty(host->host) && *host->host->ptr == '/' && buffer_string_is_empty(host->unixsocket)) { buffer_copy_buffer(host->unixsocket, host->host); } if (!buffer_string_is_empty(host->unixsocket)) { /* unix domain socket */ struct sockaddr_un un; if (buffer_string_length(host->unixsocket) + 1 > sizeof(un.sun_path) - 2) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sbsbsbs", "unixsocket is too long in:", da->key, "= (", da_ext->key, " => (", da_host->key, " ( ..."); goto error; } if (!buffer_string_is_empty(host->bin_path)) { gw_host *duplicate = unixsocket_is_dup(p, i+1, host->unixsocket); if (NULL != duplicate) { if (!buffer_is_equal(host->bin_path, duplicate->bin_path)) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sb", "duplicate unixsocket path:", host->unixsocket); goto error; } gw_host_free(host); host = duplicate; ++host->refcount; } } host->family = AF_UNIX; } else { /* tcp/ip */ if (buffer_string_is_empty(host->host) && buffer_string_is_empty(host->bin_path)) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sbsbsbs", "host or bin-path have to be set in:", da->key, "= (", da_ext->key, " => (", da_host->key, " ( ..."); goto error; } else if (0 == host->port) { host->port = 80; } if (buffer_string_is_empty(host->host)) { buffer_copy_string_len(host->host, CONST_STR_LEN("")); } host->family = (NULL != strchr(host->host->ptr, ':')) ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET; } if (host->refcount) { /* already init'd; skip spawning */ } else if (!buffer_string_is_empty(host->bin_path)) { /* a local socket + self spawning */ struct stat st; parse_binpath(&host->args, host->bin_path); if (0 != stat(host->args.ptr[0], &st) || !S_ISREG(st.st_mode) || !(st.st_mode & (S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH))) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "SSs", "invalid \"bin-path\" => \"", host->bin_path->ptr, "\" (check that file exists, is regular file, " "and is executable by lighttpd)"); } if (sh_exec) { /*(preserve prior behavior for SCGI exec of command)*/ /*(admin should really prefer to put * any complex command into a script)*/ for (size_t m = 0; m < host->args.used; ++m) free(host->args.ptr[m]); free(host->args.ptr); host->args.ptr = calloc(4, sizeof(char *)); force_assert(host->args.ptr); host->args.used = 3; host->args.size = 4; host->args.ptr[0] = malloc(sizeof("/bin/sh")); force_assert(host->args.ptr[0]); memcpy(host->args.ptr[0], "/bin/sh", sizeof("/bin/sh")); host->args.ptr[1] = malloc(sizeof("-c")); force_assert(host->args.ptr[1]); memcpy(host->args.ptr[1], "-c", sizeof("-c")); host->args.ptr[2] = malloc(sizeof("exec ")-1 + buffer_string_length(host->bin_path) + 1); force_assert(host->args.ptr[2]); memcpy(host->args.ptr[2], "exec ", sizeof("exec ")-1); memcpy(host->args.ptr[2]+sizeof("exec ")-1, host->bin_path->ptr, buffer_string_length(host->bin_path)+1); host->args.ptr[3] = NULL; } if (host->min_procs > host->max_procs) host->min_procs = host->max_procs; if (host->min_procs!= host->max_procs && 0 != srv->srvconf.max_worker) { host->min_procs = host->max_procs; log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "adaptive backend spawning disabled " "(server.max_worker is non-zero)"); } if (host->max_load_per_proc < 1) host->max_load_per_proc = 0; if (s->debug) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ssbsdsbsdsd", "--- gw spawning local", "\n\tproc:", host->bin_path, "\n\tport:", host->port, "\n\tsocket", host->unixsocket, "\n\tmin-procs:", host->min_procs, "\n\tmax-procs:", host->max_procs); } for (size_t pno = 0; pno < host->min_procs; ++pno) { gw_proc *proc = gw_proc_init(); proc->id = host->num_procs++; host->max_id++; if (buffer_string_is_empty(host->unixsocket)) { proc->port = host->port + pno; } else { buffer_copy_buffer(proc->unixsocket, host->unixsocket); buffer_append_string_len(proc->unixsocket, CONST_STR_LEN("-")); buffer_append_int(proc->unixsocket, pno); } if (s->debug) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ssdsbsdsd", "--- gw spawning", "\n\tport:", host->port, "\n\tsocket", host->unixsocket, "\n\tcurrent:", pno, "/", host->max_procs); } if (0 != gw_proc_sockaddr_init(srv, host, proc)) { gw_proc_free(proc); goto error; } if (!srv->srvconf.preflight_check && gw_spawn_connection(srv, host, proc, s->debug)) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "[ERROR]: spawning gw failed."); gw_proc_free(proc); goto error; } gw_status_init(srv, host, proc); proc->next = host->first; if (host->first) host->first->prev = proc; host->first = proc; } } else { gw_proc *proc; proc = gw_proc_init(); proc->id = host->num_procs++; host->max_id++; gw_proc_set_state(host, proc, PROC_STATE_RUNNING); if (buffer_string_is_empty(host->unixsocket)) { proc->port = host->port; } else { buffer_copy_buffer(proc->unixsocket, host->unixsocket); } gw_status_init(srv, host, proc); host->first = proc; host->min_procs = 1; host->max_procs = 1; if (0 != gw_proc_sockaddr_init(srv, host, proc)) goto error; } if (!buffer_string_is_empty(gw_mode)) { if (strcmp(gw_mode->ptr, "responder") == 0) { host_mode = GW_RESPONDER; } else if (strcmp(gw_mode->ptr, "authorizer") == 0) { host_mode = GW_AUTHORIZER; } else { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sbs", "WARNING: unknown gw mode:", gw_mode,"(ignored, mode set to responder)"); } } if (host->xsendfile_docroot->used) { size_t k; for (k = 0; k < host->xsendfile_docroot->used; ++k) { data_string *ds = (data_string *)host->xsendfile_docroot->data[k]; if (ds->type != TYPE_STRING) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "unexpected type for x-sendfile-docroot; expected: \"x-sendfile-docroot\" => ( \"/allowed/path\", ... )"); goto error; } if (ds->value->ptr[0] != '/') { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "SBs", "x-sendfile-docroot paths must begin with '/'; invalid: \"", ds->value, "\""); goto error; } buffer_path_simplify(ds->value, ds->value); buffer_append_slash(ds->value); } } /* s->exts is list of exts -> hosts * s->exts now used as combined list * of authorizer and responder hosts (for backend maintenance) * s->exts_auth is list of exts -> authorizer hosts * s->exts_resp is list of exts -> responder hosts * For each path/extension: * there may be an independent GW_AUTHORIZER and GW_RESPONDER * (The GW_AUTHORIZER and GW_RESPONDER could be handled by the same * host, and an admin might want to do that for large uploads, * since GW_AUTHORIZER runs prior to receiving (potentially large) * request body from client and can authorizer or deny request * prior to receiving the full upload) */ gw_extension_insert(s->exts, da_ext->key, host); if (host_mode == GW_AUTHORIZER) { ++host->refcount; gw_extension_insert(s->exts_auth, da_ext->key, host); } else if (host_mode == GW_RESPONDER) { ++host->refcount; gw_extension_insert(s->exts_resp, da_ext->key, host); } /*(else should have been rejected above)*/ host = NULL; } } buffer_free(gw_mode); return 1; error: if (NULL != host) gw_host_free(host); buffer_free(gw_mode); return 0; } int gw_set_defaults_balance(server *srv, gw_plugin_config *s, data_unset *du) { buffer *b; if (NULL == du) { b = NULL; } else if (du->type == TYPE_STRING) { b = ((data_string *)du)->value; } else { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "unexpected type for xxxxx.balance; expected string"); return 0; } if (buffer_string_is_empty(b)) { s->balance = GW_BALANCE_LEAST_CONNECTION; } else if (buffer_is_equal_string(b, CONST_STR_LEN("fair"))) { s->balance = GW_BALANCE_LEAST_CONNECTION; } else if (buffer_is_equal_string(b, CONST_STR_LEN("least-connection"))) { s->balance = GW_BALANCE_LEAST_CONNECTION; } else if (buffer_is_equal_string(b, CONST_STR_LEN("round-robin"))) { s->balance = GW_BALANCE_RR; } else if (buffer_is_equal_string(b, CONST_STR_LEN("hash"))) { s->balance = GW_BALANCE_HASH; } else if (buffer_is_equal_string(b, CONST_STR_LEN("sticky"))) { s->balance = GW_BALANCE_STICKY; } else { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sb", "xxxxx.balance has to be one of: " "least-connection, round-robin, hash, sticky, but not:", b); return 0; } return 1; } static void gw_set_state(server *srv, gw_handler_ctx *hctx, gw_connection_state_t state) { hctx->state = state; hctx->state_timestamp = srv->cur_ts; } void gw_set_transparent(server *srv, gw_handler_ctx *hctx) { if (AF_UNIX != hctx->host->family) { if (-1 == fdevent_set_tcp_nodelay(hctx->fd, 1)) { /*(error, but not critical)*/ } } hctx->wb_reqlen = -1; gw_set_state(srv, hctx, GW_STATE_WRITE); } static void gw_backend_close(server *srv, gw_handler_ctx *hctx) { if (hctx->fd >= 0) { fdevent_fdnode_event_del(srv->ev, hctx->fdn); /*fdevent_unregister(srv->ev, hctx->fd);*//*(handled below)*/ fdevent_sched_close(srv->ev, hctx->fd, 1); hctx->fdn = NULL; hctx->fd = -1; } if (hctx->host) { if (hctx->proc) { gw_proc_release(srv, hctx->host, hctx->proc, hctx->conf.debug); hctx->proc = NULL; } gw_host_reset(srv, hctx->host); hctx->host = NULL; } } static void gw_connection_close(server *srv, gw_handler_ctx *hctx) { gw_plugin_data *p = hctx->plugin_data; connection *con = hctx->remote_conn; gw_backend_close(srv, hctx); handler_ctx_free(hctx); con->plugin_ctx[p->id] = NULL; if (con->mode == p->id) { http_response_backend_done(srv, con); } } static handler_t gw_reconnect(server *srv, gw_handler_ctx *hctx) { gw_backend_close(srv, hctx); hctx->host = gw_host_get(srv, hctx->remote_conn, hctx->ext, hctx->conf.balance, hctx->conf.debug); if (NULL == hctx->host) return HANDLER_FINISHED; gw_host_assign(srv, hctx->host); hctx->request_id = 0; hctx->opts.xsendfile_allow = hctx->host->xsendfile_allow; hctx->opts.xsendfile_docroot = hctx->host->xsendfile_docroot; gw_set_state(srv, hctx, GW_STATE_INIT); return HANDLER_COMEBACK; } handler_t gw_connection_reset(server *srv, connection *con, void *p_d) { gw_plugin_data *p = p_d; gw_handler_ctx *hctx = con->plugin_ctx[p->id]; if (hctx) gw_connection_close(srv, hctx); return HANDLER_GO_ON; } static void gw_conditional_tcp_fin(server *srv, gw_handler_ctx *hctx) { connection *con = hctx->remote_conn; /*assert(con->conf.stream_request_body & FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_TCP_FIN);*/ if (!chunkqueue_is_empty(hctx->wb)) return; if (!hctx->host->tcp_fin_propagate) return; if (hctx->gw_mode == GW_AUTHORIZER) return; if (con->conf.stream_request_body & FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_BACKEND_SHUT_WR) return; /* propagate shutdown SHUT_WR to backend if TCP half-close on con->fd */ con->conf.stream_request_body |= FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_BACKEND_SHUT_WR; con->conf.stream_request_body &= ~FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_POLLIN; con->is_readable = 0; shutdown(hctx->fd, SHUT_WR); fdevent_fdnode_event_clr(srv->ev, hctx->fdn, FDEVENT_OUT); } static handler_t gw_write_request(server *srv, gw_handler_ctx *hctx) { switch(hctx->state) { case GW_STATE_INIT: /* do we have a running process for this host (max-procs) ? */ hctx->proc = NULL; for (gw_proc *proc = hctx->host->first; proc; proc = proc->next) { if (proc->state == PROC_STATE_RUNNING) { hctx->proc = proc; break; } } /* all children are dead */ if (hctx->proc == NULL) { return HANDLER_ERROR; } /* check the other procs if they have a lower load */ for (gw_proc *proc = hctx->proc->next; proc; proc = proc->next) { if (proc->state != PROC_STATE_RUNNING) continue; if (proc->load < hctx->proc->load) hctx->proc = proc; } gw_proc_load_inc(srv, hctx->host, hctx->proc); hctx->fd = fdevent_socket_nb_cloexec(hctx->host->family,SOCK_STREAM,0); if (-1 == hctx->fd) { if (errno == EMFILE || errno == EINTR) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sd", "wait for fd at connection:", hctx->remote_conn->fd); return HANDLER_WAIT_FOR_FD; } log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ssdd", "socket failed:", strerror(errno), srv->cur_fds, srv->max_fds); return HANDLER_ERROR; } srv->cur_fds++; hctx->fdn = fdevent_register(srv->ev,hctx->fd,gw_handle_fdevent,hctx); if (hctx->proc->is_local) { hctx->pid = hctx->proc->pid; } switch (gw_establish_connection(srv, hctx->host, hctx->proc, hctx->pid, hctx->fd, hctx->conf.debug)) { case 1: /* connection is in progress */ fdevent_fdnode_event_set(srv->ev, hctx->fdn, FDEVENT_OUT); gw_set_state(srv, hctx, GW_STATE_CONNECT_DELAYED); return HANDLER_WAIT_FOR_EVENT; case -1:/* connection error */ return HANDLER_ERROR; case 0: /* everything is ok, go on */ hctx->reconnects = 0; break; } /* fall through */ case GW_STATE_CONNECT_DELAYED: if (hctx->state == GW_STATE_CONNECT_DELAYED) { /*(not GW_STATE_INIT)*/ int socket_error = fdevent_connect_status(hctx->fd); if (socket_error != 0) { gw_proc_connect_error(srv, hctx->host, hctx->proc, hctx->pid, socket_error, hctx->conf.debug); return HANDLER_ERROR; } /* go on with preparing the request */ } gw_proc_connect_success(srv, hctx->host, hctx->proc, hctx->conf.debug); gw_set_state(srv, hctx, GW_STATE_PREPARE_WRITE); /* fall through */ case GW_STATE_PREPARE_WRITE: /* ok, we have the connection */ { handler_t rc = hctx->create_env(srv, hctx); if (HANDLER_GO_ON != rc) { if (HANDLER_FINISHED != rc && HANDLER_ERROR != rc) fdevent_fdnode_event_clr(srv->ev, hctx->fdn, FDEVENT_OUT); return rc; } } /*(disable Nagle algorithm if streaming and content-length unknown)*/ if (AF_UNIX != hctx->host->family) { connection *con = hctx->remote_conn; if (con->request.content_length < 0) { if (-1 == fdevent_set_tcp_nodelay(hctx->fd, 1)) { /*(error, but not critical)*/ } } } fdevent_fdnode_event_add(srv->ev, hctx->fdn, FDEVENT_IN|FDEVENT_RDHUP); gw_set_state(srv, hctx, GW_STATE_WRITE); /* fall through */ case GW_STATE_WRITE: if (!chunkqueue_is_empty(hctx->wb)) { int ret; #if 0 if (hctx->conf.debug > 1) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sdsx", "send data to backend ( fd =", hctx->fd, "), size =", chunkqueue_length(hctx->wb)); } #endif ret = srv->network_backend_write(srv, hctx->fd, hctx->wb, MAX_WRITE_LIMIT); if (ret < 0) { switch(errno) { case EPIPE: case ENOTCONN: case ECONNRESET: /* the connection got dropped after accept() * we don't care about that -- * if you accept() it, you have to handle it. */ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ssosb", "connection was dropped after accept() " "(perhaps the gw process died),", "write-offset:", hctx->wb->bytes_out, "socket:", hctx->proc->connection_name); return HANDLER_ERROR; default: log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ssd", "write failed:", strerror(errno), errno); return HANDLER_ERROR; } } } if (hctx->wb->bytes_out == hctx->wb_reqlen) { fdevent_fdnode_event_clr(srv->ev, hctx->fdn, FDEVENT_OUT); gw_set_state(srv, hctx, GW_STATE_READ); } else { off_t wblen = hctx->wb->bytes_in - hctx->wb->bytes_out; if ((hctx->wb->bytes_in < hctx->wb_reqlen || hctx->wb_reqlen < 0) && wblen < 65536 - 16384) { connection *con = hctx->remote_conn; /*(con->conf.stream_request_body & FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST)*/ if (!(con->conf.stream_request_body & FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_POLLIN)) { con->conf.stream_request_body |= FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_POLLIN; con->is_readable = 1;/*trigger optimistic read from client*/ } } if (0 == wblen) { fdevent_fdnode_event_clr(srv->ev, hctx->fdn, FDEVENT_OUT); } else { fdevent_fdnode_event_add(srv->ev, hctx->fdn, FDEVENT_OUT); } } if (hctx->remote_conn->conf.stream_request_body & FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_TCP_FIN) gw_conditional_tcp_fin(srv, hctx); return HANDLER_WAIT_FOR_EVENT; case GW_STATE_READ: /* waiting for a response */ return HANDLER_WAIT_FOR_EVENT; default: log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "(debug) unknown state"); return HANDLER_ERROR; } } static handler_t gw_write_error(server *srv, gw_handler_ctx *hctx) { connection *con = hctx->remote_conn; int status = con->http_status; if (hctx->state == GW_STATE_INIT || hctx->state == GW_STATE_CONNECT_DELAYED) { /* (optimization to detect backend process exit while processing a * large number of ready events; (this block could be removed)) */ if (0 == srv->srvconf.max_worker) gw_restart_dead_procs(srv, hctx->host, hctx->conf.debug, 0); /* cleanup this request and let request handler start request again */ if (hctx->reconnects++ < 5) return gw_reconnect(srv, hctx); } if (hctx->backend_error) hctx->backend_error(hctx); gw_connection_close(srv, hctx); con->http_status = (status == 400) ? 400 : 503; return HANDLER_FINISHED; } static handler_t gw_send_request(server *srv, gw_handler_ctx *hctx) { handler_t rc = gw_write_request(srv, hctx); return (HANDLER_ERROR != rc) ? rc : gw_write_error(srv, hctx); } static handler_t gw_recv_response(server *srv, gw_handler_ctx *hctx); handler_t gw_handle_subrequest(server *srv, connection *con, void *p_d) { gw_plugin_data *p = p_d; gw_handler_ctx *hctx = con->plugin_ctx[p->id]; if (NULL == hctx) return HANDLER_GO_ON; if (con->mode != p->id) return HANDLER_GO_ON; /* not my job */ if ((con->conf.stream_response_body & FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE_BUFMIN) && con->file_started) { if (chunkqueue_length(con->write_queue) > 65536 - 4096) { fdevent_fdnode_event_clr(srv->ev, hctx->fdn, FDEVENT_IN); } else if (!(fdevent_fdnode_interest(hctx->fdn) & FDEVENT_IN)) { /* optimistic read from backend */ handler_t rc; rc = gw_recv_response(srv, hctx); /*(might invalidate hctx)*/ if (rc != HANDLER_GO_ON) return rc; /*(unless HANDLER_GO_ON)*/ fdevent_fdnode_event_add(srv->ev, hctx->fdn, FDEVENT_IN); } } /* (do not receive request body before GW_AUTHORIZER has run or else * the request body is discarded with handler_ctx_clear() after running * the FastCGI Authorizer) */ if (hctx->gw_mode != GW_AUTHORIZER && (0 == hctx->wb->bytes_in ? (con->state == CON_STATE_READ_POST || -1 == hctx->wb_reqlen) : (hctx->wb->bytes_in < hctx->wb_reqlen || hctx->wb_reqlen < 0))) { /* leave excess data in con->request_content_queue, which is * buffered to disk if too large and backend can not keep up */ /*(64k - 4k to attempt to avoid temporary files * in conjunction with FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_BUFMIN)*/ if (hctx->wb->bytes_in - hctx->wb->bytes_out > 65536 - 4096) { if (con->conf.stream_request_body & FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_BUFMIN) { con->conf.stream_request_body &= ~FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_POLLIN; } if (0 != hctx->wb->bytes_in) return HANDLER_WAIT_FOR_EVENT; } else { handler_t r = connection_handle_read_post_state(srv, con); chunkqueue *req_cq = con->request_content_queue; #if 0 /*(not reached since we send 411 Length Required below)*/ if (hctx->wb_reqlen < -1 && con->request.content_length >= 0) { /* (completed receiving Transfer-Encoding: chunked) */ hctx->wb_reqlen= -hctx->wb_reqlen + con->request.content_length; if (hctx->stdin_append) { handler_t rc = hctx->stdin_append(srv, hctx); if (HANDLER_GO_ON != rc) return rc; } } #endif if ((0 != hctx->wb->bytes_in || -1 == hctx->wb_reqlen) && !chunkqueue_is_empty(req_cq)) { if (hctx->stdin_append) { handler_t rc = hctx->stdin_append(srv, hctx); if (HANDLER_GO_ON != rc) return rc; } else chunkqueue_append_chunkqueue(hctx->wb, req_cq); if (fdevent_fdnode_interest(hctx->fdn) & FDEVENT_OUT) { return (r == HANDLER_GO_ON) ? HANDLER_WAIT_FOR_EVENT : r; } } if (r != HANDLER_GO_ON) return r; /* XXX: create configurable flag */ /* CGI environment requires that Content-Length be set. * Send 411 Length Required if Content-Length missing. * (occurs here if client sends Transfer-Encoding: chunked * and module is flagged to stream request body to backend) */ /* proxy currently sends HTTP/1.0 request and ideally should send * Content-Length with request if request body is present, so * send 411 Length Required if Content-Length missing. */ if (-1 == con->request.content_length) { return connection_handle_read_post_error(srv, con, 411); } } } { handler_t rc =((0==hctx->wb->bytes_in || !chunkqueue_is_empty(hctx->wb)) && hctx->state != GW_STATE_CONNECT_DELAYED) ? gw_send_request(srv, hctx) : HANDLER_WAIT_FOR_EVENT; if (HANDLER_WAIT_FOR_EVENT != rc) return rc; } if (con->conf.stream_request_body & FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_TCP_FIN) gw_conditional_tcp_fin(srv, hctx); return HANDLER_WAIT_FOR_EVENT; } static handler_t gw_recv_response(server *srv, gw_handler_ctx *hctx) { connection *con = hctx->remote_conn; gw_proc *proc = hctx->proc; gw_host *host = hctx->host; /*(XXX: make this a configurable flag for other protocols)*/ buffer *b = hctx->opts.backend == BACKEND_FASTCGI ? chunk_buffer_acquire() : hctx->response; handler_t rc = http_response_read(srv, hctx->remote_conn, &hctx->opts, b, hctx->fdn); if (b != hctx->response) chunk_buffer_release(b); switch (rc) { default: return HANDLER_GO_ON; case HANDLER_FINISHED: if (hctx->gw_mode == GW_AUTHORIZER && (200 == con->http_status || 0 == con->http_status)) { /* * If we are here in AUTHORIZER mode then a request for authorizer * was processed already, and status 200 has been returned. We need * now to handle authorized request. */ buffer *physpath = NULL; if (!buffer_string_is_empty(host->docroot)) { buffer_copy_buffer(con->physical.doc_root, host->docroot); buffer_copy_buffer(con->physical.basedir, host->docroot); buffer_copy_buffer(con->physical.path, host->docroot); buffer_append_string_buffer(con->physical.path, con->uri.path); physpath = con->physical.path; } proc->last_used = srv->cur_ts; gw_backend_close(srv, hctx); handler_ctx_clear(hctx); /* don't do more than 6 loops here; normally shouldn't happen */ if (++con->loops_per_request > 5) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sb", "too many loops while processing request:", con->request.orig_uri); con->http_status = 500; /* Internal Server Error */ con->mode = DIRECT; return HANDLER_FINISHED; } /* restart the request so other handlers can process it */ if (physpath) con->physical.path = NULL; connection_response_reset(srv,con);/*(includes con->http_status=0)*/ /* preserve con->physical.path with modified docroot */ if (physpath) con->physical.path = physpath; /*(FYI: if multiple FastCGI authorizers were to be supported, * next one could be started here instead of restarting request)*/ con->mode = DIRECT; return HANDLER_COMEBACK; } else { /* we are done */ gw_connection_close(srv, hctx); } return HANDLER_FINISHED; case HANDLER_COMEBACK: /*(not expected; treat as error)*/ case HANDLER_ERROR: /* (optimization to detect backend process exit while processing a * large number of ready events; (this block could be removed)) */ if (proc->is_local && 1 == proc->load && proc->pid == hctx->pid && proc->state != PROC_STATE_DIED && 0 == srv->srvconf.max_worker) { /* intentionally check proc->disabed_until before gw_proc_waitpid */ if (proc->disabled_until < srv->cur_ts && 0 != gw_proc_waitpid(srv, host, proc)) { if (hctx->conf.debug) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ssbsdsd", "--- gw spawning", "\n\tsocket", proc->connection_name, "\n\tcurrent:", 1, "/", host->num_procs); } if (gw_spawn_connection(srv, host, proc, hctx->conf.debug)) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "respawning failed, will retry later"); } } } if (con->file_started == 0) { /* nothing has been sent out yet, try to use another child */ if (hctx->wb->bytes_out == 0 && hctx->reconnects++ < 5) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ssbsBSBs", "response not received, request not sent", "on socket:", proc->connection_name, "for", con->uri.path, "?", con->uri.query, ", reconnecting"); return gw_reconnect(srv, hctx); } log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sosbsBSBs", "response not received, request sent:", hctx->wb->bytes_out, "on socket:", proc->connection_name, "for", con->uri.path, "?", con->uri.query, ", closing connection"); } else { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ssbsBSBs", "response already sent out, but backend returned error", "on socket:", proc->connection_name, "for", con->uri.path, "?", con->uri.query, ", terminating connection"); } if (hctx->backend_error) hctx->backend_error(hctx); http_response_backend_error(srv, con); gw_connection_close(srv, hctx); return HANDLER_FINISHED; } } static handler_t gw_handle_fdevent(server *srv, void *ctx, int revents) { gw_handler_ctx *hctx = ctx; connection *con = hctx->remote_conn; joblist_append(srv, con); if (revents & FDEVENT_IN) { handler_t rc = gw_recv_response(srv, hctx); /*(might invalidate hctx)*/ if (rc != HANDLER_GO_ON) return rc; /*(unless HANDLER_GO_ON)*/ } if (revents & FDEVENT_OUT) { return gw_send_request(srv, hctx); /*(might invalidate hctx)*/ } /* perhaps this issue is already handled */ if (revents & (FDEVENT_HUP|FDEVENT_RDHUP)) { if (hctx->state == GW_STATE_CONNECT_DELAYED) { /* getoptsock will catch this one (right ?) * * if we are in connect we might get an EINPROGRESS * in the first call and an FDEVENT_HUP in the * second round * * FIXME: as it is a bit ugly. * */ gw_send_request(srv, hctx); } else if (con->file_started) { /* drain any remaining data from kernel pipe buffers * even if (con->conf.stream_response_body * & FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE_BUFMIN) * since event loop will spin on fd FDEVENT_HUP event * until unregistered. */ handler_t rc; const unsigned short flags = con->conf.stream_response_body; con->conf.stream_response_body &= ~FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE_BUFMIN; con->conf.stream_response_body |= FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE_POLLRDHUP; do { rc = gw_recv_response(srv,hctx); /*(might invalidate hctx)*/ } while (rc == HANDLER_GO_ON); /*(unless HANDLER_GO_ON)*/ con->conf.stream_response_body = flags; return rc; /* HANDLER_FINISHED or HANDLER_ERROR */ } else { gw_proc *proc = hctx->proc; log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sBSbsbsd", "error: unexpected close of gw connection for", con->uri.path, "?", con->uri.query, "(no gw process on socket:", proc->connection_name, "?)", hctx->state); gw_connection_close(srv, hctx); } } else if (revents & FDEVENT_ERR) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "gw: got a FDEVENT_ERR. Don't know why."); if (hctx->backend_error) hctx->backend_error(hctx); http_response_backend_error(srv, con); gw_connection_close(srv, hctx); } return HANDLER_FINISHED; } handler_t gw_check_extension(server *srv, connection *con, gw_plugin_data *p, int uri_path_handler, size_t hctx_sz) { #if 0 /*(caller must handle)*/ if (con->mode != DIRECT) return HANDLER_GO_ON; gw_patch_connection(srv, con, p); if (NULL == p->conf.exts) return HANDLER_GO_ON; #endif buffer *fn = uri_path_handler ? con->uri.path : con->physical.path; size_t s_len = buffer_string_length(fn); gw_extension *extension = NULL; gw_host *host = NULL; gw_handler_ctx *hctx; unsigned short gw_mode; if (0 == s_len) return HANDLER_GO_ON; /*(not expected)*/ /* check p->conf.exts_auth list and then p->conf.ext_resp list * (skip p->conf.exts_auth if array is empty * or if GW_AUTHORIZER already ran in this request) */ hctx = con->plugin_ctx[p->id]; /*(hctx not NULL if GW_AUTHORIZER ran; hctx->ext_auth check is redundant)*/ gw_mode = (NULL == hctx || NULL == hctx->ext_auth) ? 0 /*GW_AUTHORIZER p->conf.exts_auth will be searched next*/ : GW_AUTHORIZER; /*GW_RESPONDER p->conf.exts_resp will be searched next*/ do { gw_exts *exts; if (0 == gw_mode) { gw_mode = GW_AUTHORIZER; exts = p->conf.exts_auth; } else { gw_mode = GW_RESPONDER; exts = p->conf.exts_resp; } if (0 == exts->used) continue; /* gw.map-extensions maps extensions to existing gw.server entries * * gw.map-extensions = ( ".php3" => ".php" ) * * gw.server = ( ".php" => ... ) * * */ /* check if extension-mapping matches */ if (p->conf.ext_mapping) { data_string *ds = (data_string *)array_match_key_suffix(p->conf.ext_mapping, fn); if (NULL != ds) { /* found a mapping */ /* check if we know the extension */ size_t k; for (k = 0; k < exts->used; ++k) { extension = exts->exts[k]; if (buffer_is_equal(ds->value, extension->key)) { break; } } if (k == exts->used) { /* found nothing */ extension = NULL; } } } if (extension == NULL) { size_t uri_path_len = buffer_string_length(con->uri.path); /* check if extension matches */ for (size_t k = 0; k < exts->used; ++k) { gw_extension *ext = exts->exts[k]; size_t ct_len = buffer_string_length(ext->key); /* check _url_ in the form "/gw_pattern" */ if (ext->key->ptr[0] == '/') { if (ct_len <= uri_path_len && 0==memcmp(con->uri.path->ptr,ext->key->ptr,ct_len)){ extension = ext; break; } } else if (ct_len <= s_len && 0 == memcmp(fn->ptr + s_len - ct_len, ext->key->ptr, ct_len)) { /* check extension in the form ".fcg" */ extension = ext; break; } } } } while (NULL == extension && gw_mode != GW_RESPONDER); /* extension doesn't match */ if (NULL == extension) { return HANDLER_GO_ON; } /* check if we have at least one server for this extension up and running */ host = gw_host_get(srv, con, extension, p->conf.balance, p->conf.debug); if (NULL == host) { return HANDLER_FINISHED; } /* a note about no handler is not sent yet */ extension->note_is_sent = 0; /* * if check-local is disabled, use the uri.path handler * */ /* init handler-context */ if (uri_path_handler) { if (host->check_local != 0) { return HANDLER_GO_ON; } else { /* do not split path info for authorizer */ if (gw_mode != GW_AUTHORIZER) { /* the prefix is the SCRIPT_NAME, * everything from start to the next slash * this is important for check-local = "disable" * * if prefix = /admin.gw * * /admin.gw/foo/bar * * SCRIPT_NAME = /admin.gw * PATH_INFO = /foo/bar * * if prefix = /cgi-bin/ * * /cgi-bin/foo/bar * * SCRIPT_NAME = /cgi-bin/foo * PATH_INFO = /bar * * if prefix = /, and fix-root-path-name is enable * * /cgi-bin/foo/bar * * SCRIPT_NAME = /cgi-bin/foo * PATH_INFO = /bar * */ char *pathinfo; /* the rewrite is only done for /prefix/? matches */ if (host->fix_root_path_name && extension->key->ptr[0] == '/' && extension->key->ptr[1] == '\0'){ buffer_copy_buffer(con->request.pathinfo, con->uri.path); buffer_clear(con->uri.path); } else if (extension->key->ptr[0] == '/' && buffer_string_length(con->uri.path) > buffer_string_length(extension->key) && (pathinfo = strchr(con->uri.path->ptr + buffer_string_length(extension->key), '/')) != NULL) { /* rewrite uri.path and pathinfo */ buffer_copy_string(con->request.pathinfo, pathinfo); buffer_string_set_length( con->uri.path, buffer_string_length(con->uri.path) - buffer_string_length(con->request.pathinfo)); } } } } if (!hctx) hctx = handler_ctx_init(hctx_sz); hctx->remote_conn = con; hctx->plugin_data = p; hctx->host = host; hctx->proc = NULL; hctx->ext = extension; gw_host_assign(srv, host); hctx->gw_mode = gw_mode; if (gw_mode == GW_AUTHORIZER) { hctx->ext_auth = hctx->ext; } /*hctx->conf.exts = p->conf.exts;*/ /*hctx->conf.exts_auth = p->conf.exts_auth;*/ /*hctx->conf.exts_resp = p->conf.exts_resp;*/ /*hctx->conf.ext_mapping = p->conf.ext_mapping;*/ hctx->conf.balance = p->conf.balance; hctx->conf.proto = p->conf.proto; hctx->conf.debug = p->conf.debug; hctx->opts.fdfmt = S_IFSOCK; hctx->opts.authorizer = (gw_mode == GW_AUTHORIZER); hctx->opts.local_redir = 0; hctx->opts.xsendfile_allow = host->xsendfile_allow; hctx->opts.xsendfile_docroot = host->xsendfile_docroot; con->plugin_ctx[p->id] = hctx; con->mode = p->id; if (con->conf.log_request_handling) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "handling it in mod_gw"); } return HANDLER_GO_ON; } static void gw_handle_trigger_host(server *srv, gw_host *host, int debug) { /* * TODO: * * - add timeout for a connect to a non-gw process * (use state_timestamp + state) * * perhaps we should kill a connect attempt after 10-15 seconds * * currently we wait for the TCP timeout which is 180 seconds on Linux */ /* check each child proc to detect if proc exited */ gw_proc *proc; time_t idle_timestamp; int overload = 1; for (proc = host->first; proc; proc = proc->next) { gw_proc_waitpid(srv, host, proc); } gw_restart_dead_procs(srv, host, debug, 1); /* check if adaptive spawning enabled */ if (host->min_procs == host->max_procs) return; if (buffer_string_is_empty(host->bin_path)) return; for (proc = host->first; proc; proc = proc->next) { if (proc->load <= host->max_load_per_proc) { overload = 0; break; } } if (overload && host->num_procs && host->num_procs < host->max_procs) { /* overload, spawn new child */ if (debug) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "overload detected, spawning a new child"); } gw_proc_spawn(srv, host, debug); } idle_timestamp = srv->cur_ts - host->idle_timeout; for (proc = host->first; proc; proc = proc->next) { if (host->num_procs <= host->min_procs) break; if (0 != proc->load) continue; if (proc->pid <= 0) continue; if (proc->last_used >= idle_timestamp) continue; /* terminate proc that has been idling for a long time */ if (debug) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ssbsd", "idle-timeout reached, terminating child:", "socket:", proc->unixsocket, "pid", proc->pid); } gw_proc_kill(srv, host, proc); /* proc is now in unused, let next second handle next process */ break; } for (proc = host->unused_procs; proc; proc = proc->next) { gw_proc_waitpid(srv, host, proc); } } static void gw_handle_trigger_exts(server *srv, gw_exts *exts, int debug) { for (size_t j = 0; j < exts->used; ++j) { gw_extension *ex = exts->exts[j]; for (size_t n = 0; n < ex->used; ++n) { gw_handle_trigger_host(srv, ex->hosts[n], debug); } } } static void gw_handle_trigger_exts_wkr(server *srv, gw_exts *exts) { for (size_t j = 0; j < exts->used; ++j) { gw_extension * const ex = exts->exts[j]; for (size_t n = 0; n < ex->used; ++n) { gw_host * const host = ex->hosts[n]; for (gw_proc *proc = host->first; proc; proc = proc->next) { if (proc->state == PROC_STATE_OVERLOADED) gw_proc_check_enable(srv, host, proc); } } } } handler_t gw_handle_trigger(server *srv, void *p_d) { gw_plugin_data *p = p_d; int wkr = (0 != srv->srvconf.max_worker && p->srv_pid != srv->pid); for (size_t i = 0; i < srv->config_context->used; i++) { gw_plugin_config *conf = p->config_storage[i]; gw_exts *exts = conf->exts; int debug = conf->debug ? conf->debug : p->config_storage[0]->debug; if (NULL == exts) continue; wkr ? gw_handle_trigger_exts_wkr(srv, exts) : gw_handle_trigger_exts(srv, exts, debug); } return HANDLER_GO_ON; } handler_t gw_handle_waitpid_cb(server *srv, void *p_d, pid_t pid, int status) { gw_plugin_data *p = p_d; if (0 != srv->srvconf.max_worker && p->srv_pid != srv->pid) return HANDLER_GO_ON; for (size_t i = 0; i < srv->config_context->used; ++i) { gw_plugin_config *conf = p->config_storage[i]; gw_exts *exts = conf->exts; int debug = conf->debug ? conf->debug : p->config_storage[0]->debug; if (NULL == exts) continue; for (size_t j = 0; j < exts->used; ++j) { gw_extension *ex = exts->exts[j]; for (size_t n = 0; n < ex->used; ++n) { gw_host *host = ex->hosts[n]; gw_proc *proc; for (proc = host->first; proc; proc = proc->next) { if (!proc->is_local || proc->pid != pid) continue; gw_proc_waitpid_log(srv, host, proc, status); gw_proc_set_state(host, proc, PROC_STATE_DIED); proc->pid = 0; /* restart, but avoid spinning if child exits too quickly */ if (proc->disabled_until < srv->cur_ts) { if (proc->state != PROC_STATE_KILLED) proc->disabled_until = srv->cur_ts; if (gw_spawn_connection(srv, host, proc, debug)) { log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s", "ERROR: spawning gw failed."); } } return HANDLER_FINISHED; } for (proc = host->unused_procs; proc; proc = proc->next) { if (!proc->is_local || proc->pid != pid) continue; gw_proc_waitpid_log(srv, host, proc, status); if (proc->state != PROC_STATE_KILLED) proc->disabled_until = srv->cur_ts; gw_proc_set_state(host, proc, PROC_STATE_DIED); proc->pid = 0; return HANDLER_FINISHED; } } } } return HANDLER_GO_ON; }