#include "first.h" #include "sys-time.h" #include "base.h" #include "array.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "chunk.h" #include "fdevent.h" #include "log.h" #include "http_chunk.h" #include "http_cgi.h" #include "http_date.h" #include "http_etag.h" #include "http_header.h" #include "response.h" #include "sock_addr.h" #include "stat_cache.h" #include #include #include #include "sys-socket.h" #include /** * max size of the HTTP response header from backends * (differs from server.max-request-field-size for max request field size) */ #define MAX_HTTP_RESPONSE_FIELD_SIZE 65535 __attribute_cold__ int http_response_buffer_append_authority(request_st * const r, buffer * const o) { if (!buffer_is_blank(&r->uri.authority)) { buffer_append_string_buffer(o, &r->uri.authority); } else { /* get the name of the currently connected socket */ sock_addr our_addr; socklen_t our_addr_len; our_addr.plain.sa_family = 0; our_addr_len = sizeof(our_addr); if (-1 == getsockname(r->con->fd, (struct sockaddr *)&our_addr, &our_addr_len) || our_addr_len > (socklen_t)sizeof(our_addr)) { r->http_status = 500; log_perror(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "can't get sockname"); return -1; } if (our_addr.plain.sa_family == AF_INET && our_addr.ipv4.sin_addr.s_addr == htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK)) { static char lhost[32]; static size_t lhost_len = 0; if (0 != lhost_len) { buffer_append_string_len(o, lhost, lhost_len); } else { size_t olen = buffer_clen(o); if (0 == sock_addr_nameinfo_append_buffer(o, &our_addr, r->conf.errh)) { lhost_len = buffer_clen(o) - olen; if (lhost_len < sizeof(lhost)) { memcpy(lhost, o->ptr+olen, lhost_len+1); /*(+1 for '\0')*/ } else { lhost_len = 0; } } else { lhost_len = sizeof("localhost")-1; memcpy(lhost, "localhost", lhost_len+1); /*(+1 for '\0')*/ buffer_append_string_len(o, lhost, lhost_len); } } } else if (!buffer_is_blank(r->server_name)) { buffer_append_string_buffer(o, r->server_name); } else /* Lookup name: secondly try to get hostname for bind address */ if (0 != sock_addr_nameinfo_append_buffer(o, &our_addr, r->conf.errh)) { r->http_status = 500; return -1; } { unsigned short listen_port = sock_addr_get_port(&our_addr); unsigned short default_port = 80; if (buffer_is_equal_string(&r->uri.scheme, CONST_STR_LEN("https"))) { default_port = 443; } if (0 == listen_port) listen_port = r->con->srv->srvconf.port; if (default_port != listen_port) { buffer_append_char(o, ':'); buffer_append_int(o, listen_port); } } } return 0; } int http_response_redirect_to_directory(request_st * const r, int status) { buffer *o = r->tmp_buf; buffer_clear(o); /* XXX: store flag in global at startup? */ if (r->con->srv->srvconf.absolute_dir_redirect) { buffer_append_str2(o, BUF_PTR_LEN(&r->uri.scheme), CONST_STR_LEN("://")); if (0 != http_response_buffer_append_authority(r, o)) { return -1; } } buffer *vb; if (status >= 300) { r->http_status = status; r->resp_body_finished = 1; vb = http_header_response_set_ptr(r, HTTP_HEADER_LOCATION, CONST_STR_LEN("Location")); } else { vb = http_header_response_set_ptr(r, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LOCATION, CONST_STR_LEN("Content-Location")); } buffer_copy_buffer(vb, o); buffer_append_string_encoded(vb, BUF_PTR_LEN(&r->uri.path), ENCODING_REL_URI); buffer_append_char(vb, '/'); if (!buffer_is_blank(&r->uri.query)) buffer_append_str2(vb, CONST_STR_LEN("?"), BUF_PTR_LEN(&r->uri.query)); return 0; } #define MTIME_CACHE_MAX 16 struct mtime_cache_type { unix_time64_t mtime; /* key */ buffer str; /* buffer for string representation */ }; static struct mtime_cache_type mtime_cache[MTIME_CACHE_MAX]; static char mtime_cache_str[MTIME_CACHE_MAX][HTTP_DATE_SZ]; /* 30-chars for "%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT" */ void strftime_cache_reset(void) { for (int i = 0; i < MTIME_CACHE_MAX; ++i) { mtime_cache[i].mtime = -1; mtime_cache[i].str.ptr = mtime_cache_str[i]; mtime_cache[i].str.used = sizeof(mtime_cache_str[0]); mtime_cache[i].str.size = sizeof(mtime_cache_str[0]); } } static const buffer * strftime_cache_get(const unix_time64_t last_mod) { /*(note: not bothering to convert *here* if last_mod < 0 (for cache key); * last_mod < 0 handled in http_date_time_to_str() call to gmtime64_r())*/ static int mtime_cache_idx; for (int j = 0; j < MTIME_CACHE_MAX; ++j) { if (mtime_cache[j].mtime == last_mod) return &mtime_cache[j].str; /* found cache-entry */ } if (++mtime_cache_idx == MTIME_CACHE_MAX) mtime_cache_idx = 0; const int i = mtime_cache_idx; http_date_time_to_str(mtime_cache[i].str.ptr, sizeof(mtime_cache_str[0]), (mtime_cache[i].mtime = last_mod)); return &mtime_cache[i].str; } const buffer * http_response_set_last_modified(request_st * const r, const unix_time64_t lmtime) { buffer * const vb = http_header_response_set_ptr(r, HTTP_HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED, CONST_STR_LEN("Last-Modified")); buffer_copy_buffer(vb, strftime_cache_get(lmtime)); return vb; } __attribute_pure__ static int http_response_maybe_cachable (const request_st * const r) { return (r->rqst_htags & (light_bshift(HTTP_HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH) |light_bshift(HTTP_HEADER_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE))); } int http_response_handle_cachable(request_st * const r, const buffer *lmod, const unix_time64_t lmtime) { if (!http_response_maybe_cachable(r)) return HANDLER_GO_ON; const buffer *vb, *etag; /* * 14.26 If-None-Match * [...] * If none of the entity tags match, then the server MAY perform the * requested method as if the If-None-Match header field did not exist, * but MUST also ignore any If-Modified-Since header field(s) in the * request. That is, if no entity tags match, then the server MUST NOT * return a 304 (Not Modified) response. */ if ((vb = http_header_request_get(r, HTTP_HEADER_IF_NONE_MATCH, CONST_STR_LEN("If-None-Match"))) && (etag = http_header_response_get(r, HTTP_HEADER_ETAG, CONST_STR_LEN("ETag")))) { /*(weak etag comparison must not be used for ranged requests)*/ int range_request = (0 != light_btst(r->rqst_htags, HTTP_HEADER_RANGE)); if (http_etag_matches(etag, vb->ptr, !range_request)) { if (http_method_get_head_query(r->http_method)) { r->http_status = 304; return HANDLER_FINISHED; } else { r->http_status = 412; r->handler_module = NULL; return HANDLER_FINISHED; } } } else if (http_method_get_head_query(r->http_method) && (vb = http_header_request_get(r, HTTP_HEADER_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, CONST_STR_LEN("If-Modified-Since"))) && (lmod || (lmod = http_header_response_get(r, HTTP_HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED, CONST_STR_LEN("Last-Modified"))))) { /* last-modified handling */ if (buffer_is_equal(lmod, vb) || !http_date_if_modified_since(BUF_PTR_LEN(vb), lmtime)) { r->http_status = 304; return HANDLER_FINISHED; } } return HANDLER_GO_ON; } void http_response_body_clear (request_st * const r, int preserve_length) { r->resp_send_chunked = 0; r->resp_body_scratchpad = -1; if (light_btst(r->resp_htags, HTTP_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING)) { http_header_response_unset(r, HTTP_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING, CONST_STR_LEN("Transfer-Encoding")); } if (!preserve_length) { /* preserve for HEAD responses and no-content responses (204, 205, 304) */ if (light_btst(r->resp_htags, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH)) { http_header_response_unset(r, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, CONST_STR_LEN("Content-Length")); } /*(if not preserving Content-Length, do not preserve trailers, if any)*/ r->resp_decode_chunked = 0; if (r->gw_dechunk) { free(r->gw_dechunk->b.ptr); free(r->gw_dechunk); r->gw_dechunk = NULL; } } chunkqueue_reset(&r->write_queue); } static void http_response_header_clear (request_st * const r) { r->http_status = 0; r->resp_htags = 0; r->resp_header_len = 0; r->resp_header_repeated = 0; array_reset_data_strings(&r->resp_headers); /* Note: http_response_body_clear(r, 0) is not called here * r->write_queue should be preserved for additional data after 1xx response * However, if http_response_process_headers() was called and response had * Transfer-Encoding: chunked set, then other items need to be reset */ r->resp_send_chunked = 0; r->resp_decode_chunked = 0; r->resp_body_scratchpad = -1; if (r->gw_dechunk) { free(r->gw_dechunk->b.ptr); free(r->gw_dechunk); r->gw_dechunk = NULL; } } void http_response_reset (request_st * const r) { r->http_status = 0; r->con->is_writable = 1; r->resp_body_finished = 0; r->resp_body_started = 0; r->handler_module = NULL; if (r->physical.path.ptr) { /*(skip for mod_fastcgi authorizer)*/ buffer_clear(&r->physical.doc_root); buffer_clear(&r->physical.basedir); buffer_reset(&r->physical.path); buffer_reset(&r->physical.rel_path); } r->resp_htags = 0; r->resp_header_len = 0; r->resp_header_repeated = 0; array_reset_data_strings(&r->resp_headers); http_response_body_clear(r, 0); } handler_t http_response_reqbody_read_error (request_st * const r, int http_status) { r->keep_alive = 0; /*(do not change status if response headers already set and possibly sent)*/ if (0 != r->resp_header_len) return HANDLER_ERROR; http_response_body_clear(r, 0); r->http_status = http_status; r->handler_module = NULL; return HANDLER_FINISHED; } void http_response_send_file (request_st * const r, const buffer * const path, stat_cache_entry *sce) { if (__builtin_expect( (NULL == sce), 0) || (__builtin_expect( (sce->fd < 0), 0) && 0 != sce->st.st_size)) { sce = stat_cache_get_entry_open(path, r->conf.follow_symlink); if (NULL == sce) { r->http_status = (errno == ENOENT) ? 404 : 403; log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "not a regular file: %s -> %s", r->uri.path.ptr, path->ptr); return; } if (sce->fd < 0 && __builtin_expect( (0 != sce->st.st_size), 0)) { r->http_status = (errno == ENOENT) ? 404 : 403; if (r->conf.log_request_handling) { log_perror(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "file open failed: %s", path->ptr); } return; } } if (__builtin_expect( (!r->conf.follow_symlink), 0) && 0 != stat_cache_path_contains_symlink(path, r->conf.errh)) { r->http_status = 403; if (r->conf.log_request_handling) { log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "-- access denied due symlink restriction"); log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Path : %s", path->ptr); } return; } /* we only handle regular files */ if (__builtin_expect( (!S_ISREG(sce->st.st_mode)), 0)) { r->http_status = 403; if (r->conf.log_file_not_found) { log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "not a regular file: %s -> %s", r->uri.path.ptr, path->ptr); } return; } /* set response content-type, if not set already */ static const buffer octet_stream = { CONST_STR_LEN("application/octet-stream")+1, 0 }; const buffer *content_type = NULL; if (__builtin_expect( (!light_btst(r->resp_htags, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE)), 1)) { content_type = stat_cache_content_type_get(sce, r); if (__builtin_expect( (!content_type), 0) || __builtin_expect( (buffer_is_blank(content_type)), 0)) content_type = &octet_stream; http_header_response_set(r, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, CONST_STR_LEN("Content-Type"), BUF_PTR_LEN(content_type)); } /* avoid sending caching headers if implicit "application/octet-stream" * This should workaround aggressive caching by FF and script download * seen by the first installations (e.g. if lighttpd is misconfigured)*/ int allow_caching = (content_type != &octet_stream) && (0 == r->http_status || 200 == r->http_status); if (__builtin_expect( (allow_caching), 1)) { if (__builtin_expect( (!light_btst(r->resp_htags, HTTP_HEADER_ETAG)), 1) && 0 != r->conf.etag_flags) { const buffer *etag = stat_cache_etag_get(sce, r->conf.etag_flags); if (etag && !buffer_is_blank(etag)) { http_header_response_set(r, HTTP_HEADER_ETAG, CONST_STR_LEN("ETag"), BUF_PTR_LEN(etag)); } } const buffer * const lmod = __builtin_expect( (!light_btst(r->resp_htags, HTTP_HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED)), 1) ? http_response_set_last_modified(r, sce->st.st_mtime) : NULL; if (http_response_maybe_cachable(r) && HANDLER_FINISHED == http_response_handle_cachable(r, lmod, sce->st.st_mtime)) return; } /* if we are still here, prepare body */ /* we add it here for all requests * the HEAD request will drop it afterwards again */ if (0 == sce->st.st_size || 0 == http_chunk_append_file_ref(r, sce)) { r->http_status = 200; r->resp_body_finished = 1; /*(Transfer-Encoding should not have been set at this point)*/ buffer_append_int( http_header_response_set_ptr(r, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, CONST_STR_LEN("Content-Length")), sce->st.st_size); } else { r->http_status = 500; } } static void http_response_xsendfile (request_st * const r, buffer * const path, const array * const xdocroot) { const int status = r->http_status; int valid = 1; /* reset Content-Length, if set by backend * Content-Length might later be set to size of X-Sendfile static file, * determined by open(), fstat() to reduces race conditions if the file * is modified between stat() (stat_cache_get_entry()) and open(). */ if (light_btst(r->resp_htags, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH)) { http_header_response_unset(r, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, CONST_STR_LEN("Content-Length")); } buffer_urldecode_path(path); if (!buffer_is_valid_UTF8(path)) { log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "X-Sendfile invalid UTF-8 after url-decode: %s", path->ptr); if (r->http_status < 400) { r->http_status = 502; r->handler_module = NULL; } return; } buffer_path_simplify(path); if (r->conf.force_lowercase_filenames) { buffer_to_lower(path); } if (buffer_is_blank(path)) { r->http_status = 502; valid = 0; } /* check that path is under xdocroot(s) * - xdocroot should have trailing slash appended at config time * - r->conf.force_lowercase_filenames is not a server-wide setting, * and so can not be definitively applied to xdocroot at config time*/ if (xdocroot && xdocroot->used) { const buffer * const xval = !r->conf.force_lowercase_filenames ? array_match_value_prefix(xdocroot, path) : array_match_value_prefix_nc(xdocroot, path); if (NULL == xval) { log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "X-Sendfile (%s) not under configured x-sendfile-docroot(s)", path->ptr); r->http_status = 403; valid = 0; } } if (valid) http_response_send_file(r, path, NULL); if (r->http_status >= 400 && status < 300) { r->handler_module = NULL; } else if (0 != status && 200 != status) { r->http_status = status; } } static void http_response_xsendfile2(request_st * const r, const buffer * const value, const array * const xdocroot) { const char *pos = value->ptr; buffer * const b = r->tmp_buf; const int status = r->http_status; /* reset Content-Length, if set by backend */ if (light_btst(r->resp_htags, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH)) { http_header_response_unset(r, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, CONST_STR_LEN("Content-Length")); } while (*pos) { const char *filename, *range; stat_cache_entry *sce; off_t begin_range, end_range, range_len; while (' ' == *pos) pos++; if (!*pos) break; filename = pos; if (NULL == (range = strchr(pos, ' '))) { /* missing range */ log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Couldn't find range after filename: %s", filename); r->http_status = 502; break; } buffer_copy_string_len(b, filename, range - filename); /* find end of range */ for (pos = ++range; *pos && *pos != ' ' && *pos != ','; pos++) ; buffer_urldecode_path(b); if (!buffer_is_valid_UTF8(b)) { log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "X-Sendfile2 invalid UTF-8 after url-decode: %s", b->ptr); r->http_status = 502; break; } buffer_path_simplify(b); if (r->conf.force_lowercase_filenames) { buffer_to_lower(b); } if (buffer_is_blank(b)) { r->http_status = 502; break; } if (xdocroot && xdocroot->used) { const buffer * const xval = !r->conf.force_lowercase_filenames ? array_match_value_prefix(xdocroot, b) : array_match_value_prefix_nc(xdocroot, b); if (NULL == xval) { log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "X-Sendfile2 (%s) not under configured x-sendfile-docroot(s)", b->ptr); r->http_status = 403; break; } } sce = stat_cache_get_entry_open(b, r->conf.follow_symlink); if (NULL == sce) { log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "send-file error: couldn't get stat_cache entry for " "X-Sendfile2: %s", b->ptr); r->http_status = 404; break; } else if (!S_ISREG(sce->st.st_mode)) { log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "send-file error: wrong filetype for X-Sendfile2: %s", b->ptr); r->http_status = 502; break; } /* found the file */ /* parse range */ end_range = sce->st.st_size - 1; { char *rpos = NULL; errno = 0; begin_range = strtoll(range, &rpos, 10); if (errno != 0 || begin_range < 0 || rpos == range) goto range_failed; if ('-' != *rpos++) goto range_failed; if (rpos != pos) { range = rpos; end_range = strtoll(range, &rpos, 10); if (errno != 0 || end_range < 0 || rpos == range) goto range_failed; } if (rpos != pos) goto range_failed; goto range_success; range_failed: log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Couldn't decode range after filename: %s", filename); r->http_status = 502; break; range_success: ; } /* no parameters accepted */ while (*pos == ' ') pos++; if (*pos != '\0' && *pos != ',') { r->http_status = 502; break; } range_len = end_range - begin_range + 1; if (range_len < 0) { r->http_status = 502; break; } if (range_len != 0) { http_chunk_append_file_ref_range(r, sce, begin_range, range_len); } if (*pos == ',') pos++; } if (r->http_status >= 400 && status < 300) { r->handler_module = NULL; } else if (0 != status && 200 != status) { r->http_status = status; } } void http_response_backend_error (request_st * const r) { if (r->resp_body_started) { /*(response might have been already started, kill the connection)*/ /*(mode == DIRECT to avoid later call to http_response_backend_done())*/ r->handler_module = NULL; /*(avoid sending final chunked block)*/ r->keep_alive = 0; r->resp_body_finished = 1; } /*(else error status set later by http_response_backend_done())*/ } void http_response_backend_done (request_st * const r) { /* (not CON_STATE_ERROR and not CON_STATE_RESPONSE_END, * i.e. not called from handle_connection_close or handle_request_reset * hooks, except maybe from errdoc handler, which later resets state)*/ switch (r->state) { case CON_STATE_HANDLE_REQUEST: case CON_STATE_READ_POST: if (!r->resp_body_started) { /* Send an error if we haven't sent any data yet */ if (r->http_status < 500 && r->http_status != 400) r->http_status = 500; r->handler_module = NULL; break; } __attribute_fallthrough__ case CON_STATE_WRITE: if (!r->resp_body_finished) { if (r->http_version == HTTP_VERSION_1_1) http_chunk_close(r); #if 0 /* This is a lot of work to make it possible for an HTTP/1.0 client * to detect that response is truncated (after lighttpd made an * HTTP/1.1 request to backend, and backend gave a Transfer-Encoding * chunked response instead of sending Content-Length, and lighttpd * is streaming response to client). An HTTP/1.0 client is probably * not checking for truncated response, or else client should really * prefer HTTP/1.1 or better. If lighttpd were streaming response, * there would be no Content-Length and lighttpd would have sent * Connection: close. Alternatively, since not streaming (if these * conditions are true), could send an HTTP status error instead of * sending partial content with a bogus Content-Length. If we do * not send an HTTP error status, then response_start hooks may add * caching headers (e.g. mod_expire, mod_setenv). If in future we * send HTTP error status, might special-case HEAD requests and * clear response body so that response headers (w/o Content-Length) * can be sent. For now, we have chosen to send partial content, * including generating an incorrect Content-Length (later), and not * to take any of these extra steps. */ else if (__builtin_expect( (r->http_version == HTTP_VERSION_1_0), 0) && r->gw_dechunk && !r->gw_dechunk->done && !(r->conf.stream_response_body & (FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE |FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE_BUFMIN))) { r->keep_alive = 0; /* disable keep-alive, send bogus length */ http_header_response_set(r, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, CONST_STR_LEN("Content-Length"), CONST_STR_LEN("9999999999999")); http_header_response_unset(r, HTTP_HEADER_ETAG, CONST_STR_LEN("ETag")); http_header_response_unset(r, HTTP_HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED, CONST_STR_LEN("Last-Modified")); http_header_response_unset(r, HTTP_HEADER_CACHE_CONTROL, CONST_STR_LEN("Cache-Control")); http_header_response_unset(r, HTTP_HEADER_EXPIRES, CONST_STR_LEN("Expires")); } #endif r->resp_body_finished = 1; } default: break; } } void http_response_upgrade_read_body_unknown(request_st * const r) { /* act as transparent proxy */ if (!(r->conf.stream_request_body & FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST)) r->conf.stream_request_body |= (FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_BUFMIN | FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST); if (!(r->conf.stream_response_body & FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE)) r->conf.stream_response_body |= (FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE_BUFMIN | FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE); r->conf.stream_request_body |= FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_POLLIN; r->reqbody_length = -2; r->resp_body_scratchpad = -1; r->keep_alive = 0; } __attribute_pure__ static int http_response_append_buffer_simple_accum(const request_st * const r, const off_t len) { /*(check to accumulate small reads in buffer before flushing to temp file)*/ return len < 32768 && r->write_queue.last && r->write_queue.last->file.is_temp; } static int http_response_append_buffer(request_st * const r, buffer * const mem, const int simple_accum) { /* Note: this routine is separate from http_response_append_mem() to * potentially avoid copying buffer by using http_chunk_append_buffer(). */ if (r->resp_decode_chunked) return http_chunk_decode_append_buffer(r, mem); if (r->resp_body_scratchpad > 0) { off_t len = (off_t)buffer_clen(mem); r->resp_body_scratchpad -= len; if (r->resp_body_scratchpad > 0) { if (simple_accum && http_response_append_buffer_simple_accum(r, len)) { r->resp_body_scratchpad += len; return 0; /*(accumulate small reads in buffer)*/ } } else { /* (r->resp_body_scratchpad <= 0) */ r->resp_body_finished = 1; if (__builtin_expect( (r->resp_body_scratchpad < 0), 0)) { /*(silently truncate if data exceeds Content-Length)*/ len += r->resp_body_scratchpad; r->resp_body_scratchpad = 0; buffer_truncate(mem, (uint32_t)len); } } } else if (0 == r->resp_body_scratchpad) { /*(silently truncate if data exceeds Content-Length)*/ buffer_clear(mem); return 0; } else if (simple_accum && http_response_append_buffer_simple_accum(r, buffer_clen(mem))) { return 0; /*(accumulate small reads in buffer)*/ } return http_chunk_append_buffer(r, mem); } #ifdef HAVE_SPLICE static int http_response_append_splice(request_st * const r, http_response_opts * const opts, buffer * const b, const int fd, unsigned int toread) { /* check if worthwhile to splice() to avoid copying through userspace */ /*assert(opts->simple_accum);*//*(checked in caller)*/ if (r->resp_body_scratchpad >= toread && (toread > 32768 || (toread >= 8192 /*(!http_response_append_buffer_simple_accum())*/ && r->write_queue.last && r->write_queue.last->file.is_temp))) { if (!buffer_is_blank(b)) { /*(flush small reads previously accumulated in b)*/ int rc = http_response_append_buffer(r, b, 0); /*(0 to flush)*/ chunk_buffer_yield(b); /*(improve large buf reuse)*/ if (__builtin_expect( (0 != rc), 0)) return -1; /* error */ } /*assert(opts->fdfmt == S_IFSOCK || opts->fdfmt == S_IFIFO);*/ ssize_t n = (opts->fdfmt == S_IFSOCK) ? chunkqueue_append_splice_sock_tempfile( &r->write_queue, fd, toread, r->conf.errh) : chunkqueue_append_splice_pipe_tempfile( &r->write_queue, fd, toread, r->conf.errh); if (__builtin_expect( (n >= 0), 1)) { if (0 == (r->resp_body_scratchpad -= n)) r->resp_body_finished = 1; return 1; /* success */ } else if (n != -EINVAL) return -1; /* error */ /*(fall through; target filesystem w/o splice() support)*/ } return 0; /* not handled */ } #endif static int http_response_append_mem(request_st * const r, const char * const mem, size_t len) { if (r->resp_decode_chunked) return http_chunk_decode_append_mem(r, mem, len); if (r->resp_body_scratchpad > 0) { r->resp_body_scratchpad -= (off_t)len; if (r->resp_body_scratchpad <= 0) { r->resp_body_finished = 1; if (__builtin_expect( (r->resp_body_scratchpad < 0), 0)) { /*(silently truncate if data exceeds Content-Length)*/ len = (size_t)(r->resp_body_scratchpad + (off_t)len); r->resp_body_scratchpad = 0; } } } else if (0 == r->resp_body_scratchpad) { /*(silently truncate if data exceeds Content-Length)*/ return 0; } return http_chunk_append_mem(r, mem, len); } int http_response_transfer_cqlen(request_st * const r, chunkqueue * const cq, size_t len) { /*(intended for use as callback from modules setting opts->parse(), * e.g. mod_fastcgi and mod_ajp13) *(do not set r->resp_body_finished here since those protocols handle it)*/ if (0 == len) return 0; if (__builtin_expect( (!r->resp_decode_chunked), 1)) { const size_t olen = len; if (r->resp_body_scratchpad >= 0) { r->resp_body_scratchpad -= (off_t)len; if (__builtin_expect( (r->resp_body_scratchpad < 0), 0)) { /*(silently truncate if data exceeds Content-Length)*/ len = (size_t)(r->resp_body_scratchpad + (off_t)len); r->resp_body_scratchpad = 0; } } int rc = http_chunk_transfer_cqlen(r, cq, len); if (__builtin_expect( (0 != rc), 0)) return -1; if (__builtin_expect( (olen != len), 0)) /*discard excess data, if any*/ chunkqueue_mark_written(cq, (off_t)(olen - len)); } else { /* specialized use by opts->parse() to decode chunked encoding; * FastCGI, AJP13 packet data is all type MEM_CHUNK * (This extra copy can be avoided if FastCGI backend does not send * Transfer-Encoding: chunked, which FastCGI is not supposed to do) */ uint32_t remain = (uint32_t)len, wr; for (const chunk *c = cq->first; c && remain; c=c->next, remain-=wr) { /*assert(c->type == MEM_CHUNK);*/ wr = buffer_clen(c->mem) - c->offset; if (wr > remain) wr = remain; if (0 != http_chunk_decode_append_mem(r, c->mem->ptr+c->offset, wr)) return -1; } chunkqueue_mark_written(cq, len); } return 0; } static int http_response_process_headers(request_st * const restrict r, http_response_opts * const restrict opts, char * const restrict s, const unsigned short hoff[8192], const int is_nph) { int i = 1; if (is_nph) { /* non-parsed headers ... we parse them anyway */ /* (accept HTTP/2.0 and HTTP/3.0 from naive non-proxy backends) */ /* (http_header_str_to_code() expects certain chars after code) */ if (s[12] == '\r' || s[12] == '\n') s[12] = '\0';/*(caller checked 12)*/ if ((s[5] == '1' || opts->backend != BACKEND_PROXY) && s[6] == '.' && (s[7] == '1' || s[7] == '0') && s[8] == ' ') { /* after the space should be a status code for us */ int status = http_header_str_to_code(s+9); if (status >= 100 && status < 1000) { #ifdef __COVERITY__ /* Coverity false positive for tainted data */ status = 200;/* http_header_str_to_code() validates, untaints */ #endif r->http_status = status; opts->local_redir = 0; /*(disable; status was set)*/ i = 2; } /* else we expected 3 digits and didn't get them */ } if (0 == r->http_status) { log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "invalid HTTP status line: %s", s); r->http_status = 502; /* Bad Gateway */ r->handler_module = NULL; return 0; } } else if (__builtin_expect( (opts->backend == BACKEND_PROXY), 0)) { /* invalid response Status-Line from HTTP proxy */ r->http_status = 502; /* Bad Gateway */ r->handler_module = NULL; return 0; } for (; i < hoff[0]; ++i) { const char *k = s+hoff[i], *value; char *end = s+hoff[i+1]-1; /*('\n')*/ /* parse the headers */ if (NULL == (value = memchr(k, ':', end - k))) { /* we expect: ": \r\n" */ continue; } const uint32_t klen = (uint32_t)(value - k); if (0 == klen) continue; /*(already ignored when writing response)*/ const enum http_header_e id = http_header_hkey_get(k, klen); do { ++value; } while (*value == ' ' || *value == '\t'); /* skip LWS */ /* strip the \r?\n */ if (end > value && end[-1] == '\r') --end; /*(XXX: not done; could remove trailing whitespace)*/ if (opts->authorizer && (0 == r->http_status || 200 == r->http_status)){ if (id == HTTP_HEADER_STATUS) { end[0] = '\0'; int status = http_header_str_to_code(value); if (status >= 100 && status < 1000) { #ifdef __COVERITY__ /* Coverity false positive for tainted */ status = 200;/* http_header_str_to_code() validates */ #endif r->http_status = status; opts->local_redir = 0; /*(disable; status was set)*/ } else { r->http_status = 502; /* Bad Gateway */ break; /*(do not unset r->handler_module)*/ } } else if (id == HTTP_HEADER_OTHER && klen > 9 && (k[0] & 0xdf) == 'V' && buffer_eq_icase_ssn(k, CONST_STR_LEN("Variable-"))) { http_header_env_append(r, k + 9, klen - 9, value, end - value); } continue; } switch (id) { case HTTP_HEADER_STATUS: if (opts->backend != BACKEND_PROXY) { end[0] = '\0'; int status = http_header_str_to_code(value); if (status >= 100 && status < 1000) { #ifdef __COVERITY__ /* Coverity false positive for tainted */ status = 200;/* http_header_str_to_code() validates */ #endif r->http_status = status; opts->local_redir = 0; /*(disable; status was set)*/ } else { r->http_status = 502; r->handler_module = NULL; } continue; /* do not send Status to client */ } /*(else pass w/o parse for BACKEND_PROXY)*/ break; case HTTP_HEADER_UPGRADE: /*(technically, should also verify Connection: upgrade)*/ /*(flag only for mod_proxy and mod_cgi (for now))*/ if (opts->backend != BACKEND_PROXY && opts->backend != BACKEND_CGI) continue; if (r->http_version >= HTTP_VERSION_2 && !r->h2_connect_ext) continue; break; case HTTP_HEADER_CONNECTION: if (opts->backend == BACKEND_PROXY) continue; /*(simplistic attempt to honor backend request to close)*/ if (http_header_str_contains_token(value, end - value, CONST_STR_LEN("close"))) r->keep_alive = 0; if (r->http_version >= HTTP_VERSION_2) continue; break; case HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE: if (end - value >= 22 /*(prefix match probably good enough)*/ && 0 == memcmp(value, "application/javascript", 22)) { /* value = "text/javascript"; *//*(loses ";charset=...")*/ /* *(const char **)&end = value+sizeof("text/javascript")-1; */ /*(convert "application/javascript" to "text/javascript")*/ value += 7; /*(step over "applica", leaving "tion")*/ memcpy(s+(value-s)+1, "ext", 3); } break; case HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH: if (*value == '+') ++value; if (!r->resp_decode_chunked && !light_btst(r->resp_htags, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH)) { const char *err = end; while (err > value && (err[-1] == ' ' || err[-1] == '\t')) --err; if (err <= value) continue; /*(might error 502 Bad Gateway)*/ uint32_t vlen = (uint32_t)(err - value); r->resp_body_scratchpad = (off_t)li_restricted_strtoint64(value, vlen, &err); if (err != value + vlen) { /*(invalid Content-Length value from backend; * read from backend until backend close, hope for the best) *(might choose to treat this as 502 Bad Gateway) */ r->resp_body_scratchpad = -1; } } else { /* ignore Content-Length if Transfer-Encoding: chunked * ignore subsequent (multiple) Content-Length * (might choose to treat this as 502 Bad Gateway) */ continue; } break; case HTTP_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING: if (light_btst(r->resp_htags, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH)) { /* ignore Content-Length if Transfer-Encoding: chunked * (might choose to treat this as 502 Bad Gateway) */ r->resp_body_scratchpad = -1; http_header_response_unset(r, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, CONST_STR_LEN("Content-Length")); } /*(assumes "Transfer-Encoding: chunked"; does not verify)*/ r->resp_decode_chunked = 1; r->gw_dechunk = calloc(1, sizeof(response_dechunk)); force_assert(r->gw_dechunk); continue; case HTTP_HEADER_HTTP2_SETTINGS: /* RFC7540 3.2.1 * A server MUST NOT send this header field. */ /* (not bothering to remove HTTP2-Settings from Connection) */ continue; case HTTP_HEADER_OTHER: /* ignore invalid headers with whitespace between label and ':' * (if less strict behavior is desired, check and correct above * this switch() statement, but not for BACKEND_PROXY) */ if (k[klen-1] == ' ' || k[klen-1] == '\t') continue; break; default: break; } if (end - value) http_header_response_insert(r, id, k, klen, value, end - value); } /* CGI/1.1 rev 03 - */ /* (proxy requires Status-Line, so never true for proxy)*/ if (0 == r->http_status && light_btst(r->resp_htags, HTTP_HEADER_LOCATION)){ r->http_status = 302; } return 0; } static http_response_send_1xx_cb http_response_send_1xx_h1; static http_response_send_1xx_cb http_response_send_1xx_h2; void http_response_send_1xx_cb_set (http_response_send_1xx_cb fn, int vers) { if (vers >= HTTP_VERSION_2) http_response_send_1xx_h2 = fn; else if (vers == HTTP_VERSION_1_1) http_response_send_1xx_h1 = fn; } int http_response_send_1xx (request_st * const r) { http_response_send_1xx_cb http_response_send_1xx_fn = NULL; if (r->http_version >= HTTP_VERSION_2) http_response_send_1xx_fn = http_response_send_1xx_h2; else if (r->http_version == HTTP_VERSION_1_1) http_response_send_1xx_fn = http_response_send_1xx_h1; if (http_response_send_1xx_fn && !http_response_send_1xx_fn(r, r->con)) return 0; /* error occurred */ http_response_header_clear(r); return 1; /* 1xx response handled */ } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static int http_response_check_1xx (request_st * const r, buffer * const restrict b, uint32_t hlen, uint32_t dlen) { /* pass through unset r->http_status (not 1xx) or 101 Switching Protocols */ if (0 == r->http_status || 101 == r->http_status) return 0; /* pass through as-is; do not loop for addtl response hdrs */ /* discard 1xx response from b; already processed * (but further response might follow in b, so preserve addtl data) */ if (dlen) memmove(b->ptr, b->ptr+hlen, dlen); buffer_truncate(b, dlen); /* Note: while GW_AUTHORIZER mode is not expected to return 1xx, as a * feature, 1xx responses from authorizer are passed back to client */ return http_response_send_1xx(r); /* 0: error, 1: 1xx response handled; loop for next response headers */ } __attribute_noinline__ handler_t http_response_parse_headers(request_st * const r, http_response_opts * const opts, buffer * const b) { /** * possible formats of response headers: * * proxy or NPH (non-parsed headers): * * HTTP/1.0 200 Ok\n * Header: Value\n * \n * * CGI: * * Header: Value\n * Status: 200\n * \n * * and different mixes of \n and \r\n combinations * * Some users also forget about CGI and just send a response * and hope we handle it. No headers, no header-content separator */ const char *bstart; uint32_t blen; do { uint32_t header_len, is_nph = 0; unsigned short hoff[8192]; /* max num header lines + 3; 16k on stack */ hoff[0] = 1; /* number of lines */ hoff[1] = 0; /* base offset for all lines */ hoff[2] = 0; /* offset from base for 2nd line; init 0 to detect '\n' */ blen = buffer_clen(b); header_len = http_header_parse_hoff(b->ptr, blen, hoff); if ((header_len ? header_len : blen) > MAX_HTTP_RESPONSE_FIELD_SIZE) { log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "response headers too large for %s", r->uri.path.ptr); r->http_status = 502; /* Bad Gateway */ r->handler_module = NULL; return HANDLER_FINISHED; } if (hoff[2]) { /*(at least one newline found if offset is non-zero)*/ /*("HTTP/1.1 200 " is at least 13 chars + \r\n; 12 w/o final ' ')*/ is_nph = hoff[2] >= 12 && 0 == memcmp(b->ptr, "HTTP/", 5); if (!is_nph) { const char * colon = memchr(b->ptr, ':', hoff[2]-1); if (__builtin_expect( (NULL == colon), 0)) { if (hoff[2] <= 2 && (1 == hoff[2] || b->ptr[0] == '\r')) { /* no HTTP headers */ } else if (opts->backend == BACKEND_CGI) { /* no HTTP headers, but body (special-case for CGI)*/ /* no colon found; does not appear to be HTTP headers */ if (0 != http_chunk_append_buffer(r, b)) { return HANDLER_ERROR; } r->http_status = 200; /* OK */ r->resp_body_started = 1; return HANDLER_GO_ON; } else { /* invalid response headers */ r->http_status = 502; /* Bad Gateway */ r->handler_module = NULL; return HANDLER_FINISHED; } } } } /* else no newline yet; partial header line?) */ if (0 == header_len) /* headers incomplete */ return HANDLER_GO_ON; /* the body starts after the EOL */ bstart = b->ptr + header_len; blen -= header_len; if (0 != http_response_process_headers(r, opts, b->ptr, hoff, is_nph)) return HANDLER_ERROR; } while (r->http_status < 200 && http_response_check_1xx(r, b, bstart - b->ptr, blen)); r->resp_body_started = 1; if (opts->authorizer && (r->http_status == 0 || r->http_status == 200)) { return HANDLER_GO_ON; } if (NULL == r->handler_module) { return HANDLER_FINISHED; } if (opts->local_redir && r->http_status >= 300 && r->http_status < 400 && 0 == blen) { /* (Might not have begun to receive body yet, but do skip local-redir * if we already have started receiving a response body (blen > 0)) */ /*(light_btst(r->resp_htags, HTTP_HEADER_LOCATION))*/ handler_t rc = http_cgi_local_redir(r); if (rc != HANDLER_GO_ON) return rc; } if (opts->xsendfile_allow) { buffer *vb; /* X-Sendfile2 is deprecated; historical for fastcgi */ if (opts->backend == BACKEND_FASTCGI && NULL != (vb = http_header_response_get(r, HTTP_HEADER_OTHER, CONST_STR_LEN("X-Sendfile2")))) { http_response_xsendfile2(r, vb, opts->xsendfile_docroot); /* http_header_response_unset() shortcut for HTTP_HEADER_OTHER */ buffer_clear(vb); /*(do not send to client)*/ if (NULL == r->handler_module) r->resp_body_started = 0; return HANDLER_FINISHED; } else if (NULL != (vb = http_header_response_get(r, HTTP_HEADER_OTHER, CONST_STR_LEN("X-Sendfile"))) || (opts->backend == BACKEND_FASTCGI /* X-LIGHTTPD-send-file is deprecated; historical for fastcgi */ && NULL != (vb = http_header_response_get(r, HTTP_HEADER_OTHER, CONST_STR_LEN("X-LIGHTTPD-send-file"))))) { http_response_xsendfile(r, vb, opts->xsendfile_docroot); /* http_header_response_unset() shortcut for HTTP_HEADER_OTHER */ buffer_clear(vb); /*(do not send to client)*/ if (NULL == r->handler_module) r->resp_body_started = 0; return HANDLER_FINISHED; } } if (blen > 0) { /* modules which set opts->parse() (e.g. mod_ajp13, mod_fastcgi) must * not pass buffer with excess data to this routine (and do not do so * due to framing of response headers separately from response body) */ int rc = http_response_append_mem(r, bstart, blen); if (__builtin_expect( (0 != rc), 0)) return HANDLER_ERROR; } /* (callback for response headers complete) */ return (opts->headers) ? opts->headers(r, opts) : HANDLER_GO_ON; } handler_t http_response_read(request_st * const r, http_response_opts * const opts, buffer * const b, fdnode * const fdn) { const int fd = fdn->fd; ssize_t n; size_t avail; /*size_t total = 0;*/ do { unsigned int toread = 0; avail = buffer_string_space(b); if (0 == fdevent_ioctl_fionread(fd, opts->fdfmt, (int *)&toread)) { #ifdef HAVE_SPLICE /* check if worthwhile to splice() to avoid copying to userspace */ if (opts->simple_accum) { int rc = http_response_append_splice(r, opts, b, fd, toread); if (rc) { if (__builtin_expect( (rc > 0), 1)) break; return HANDLER_ERROR; } /*(fall through to handle traditionally)*/ } #endif if (avail < toread) { uint32_t blen = buffer_clen(b); if (toread + blen < 4096) toread = 4095 - blen; else if (toread > opts->max_per_read) toread = opts->max_per_read; /* reduce amount read for response headers to reduce extra data * copying for initial data following response headers * (see http_response_parse_headers()) * (This seems reasonable to do even if opts->parse is set) * (default chunk buffer is 8k; typical response headers < 8k) * (An alternative might be the opposite: read extra, e.g. 128k, * if data available, in order to write to temp files sooner)*/ if (toread > 8192 && !r->resp_body_started) toread = 8192; } else if (0 == toread) { #if 0 return (fdevent_fdnode_interest(fdn) & FDEVENT_IN) ? HANDLER_FINISHED /* read finished */ : HANDLER_GO_ON; /* optimistic read; data not ready */ #else if (!(fdevent_fdnode_interest(fdn) & FDEVENT_IN)) { if (!(r->conf.stream_response_body & FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE_POLLRDHUP)) return HANDLER_GO_ON;/*optimistic read; data not ready*/ } if (0 == avail) /* let read() below indicate if EOF or EAGAIN */ toread = 1024; #endif } } else if (avail < 1024) { toread = 4095 - avail; } if (r->conf.stream_response_body & FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE_BUFMIN) { off_t cqlen = chunkqueue_length(&r->write_queue); if (cqlen + (off_t)toread > 65536 - 4096) { if (!r->con->is_writable) { /*(defer removal of FDEVENT_IN interest since * connection_state_machine() might be able to send data * immediately, unless !con->is_writable, where * connection_state_machine() might not loop back to call * mod_proxy_handle_subrequest())*/ fdevent_fdnode_event_clr(r->con->srv->ev, fdn, FDEVENT_IN); } if (cqlen >= 65536-1) { if (buffer_is_blank(b)) chunk_buffer_yield(b); /*(improve large buf reuse)*/ return HANDLER_GO_ON; } toread = 65536 - 1 - (unsigned int)cqlen; /* Note: heuristic is fuzzy in that it limits how much to read * from backend based on how much is pending to write to client. * Modules where data from backend is framed (e.g. FastCGI) may * want to limit how much is buffered from backend while waiting * for a complete data frame or data packet from backend. */ } } if (avail < toread) { /*(add avail+toread to reduce allocations when ioctl EOPNOTSUPP)*/ avail = toread < opts->max_per_read && avail ? avail-1+toread : toread; avail = chunk_buffer_prepare_append(b, avail); } n = read(fd, b->ptr+buffer_clen(b), avail); if (n < 0) { switch (errno) { case EAGAIN: #ifdef EWOULDBLOCK #if EWOULDBLOCK != EAGAIN case EWOULDBLOCK: #endif #endif case EINTR: if (buffer_is_blank(b)) chunk_buffer_yield(b); /*(improve large buf reuse)*/ return HANDLER_GO_ON; default: log_perror(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "read() %d %d", r->con->fd, fd); return HANDLER_ERROR; } } buffer_commit(b, (size_t)n); #ifdef __COVERITY__ /* Coverity Scan overlooks the effect of buffer_commit() */ b->ptr[buffer_clen(b)+n] = '\0'; #endif if (NULL != opts->parse) { handler_t rc = opts->parse(r, opts, b, (size_t)n); if (rc != HANDLER_GO_ON) return rc; } else if (0 == n) { if (buffer_is_blank(b)) chunk_buffer_yield(b); /*(improve large buf reuse)*/ else if (opts->simple_accum) { /*(flush small reads previously accumulated in b)*/ int rc = http_response_append_buffer(r, b, 0); /*(0 to flush)*/ chunk_buffer_yield(b); /*(improve large buf reuse)*/ if (__builtin_expect( (0 != rc), 0)) { /* error writing to tempfile; * truncate response or send 500 if nothing sent yet */ return HANDLER_ERROR; } } /* note: no further data is sent to backend after read EOF on socket * (not checking for half-closed TCP socket) * (backend should read all data desired prior to closing socket, * though might send app-level close data frame, if applicable) */ return HANDLER_FINISHED; /* read finished */ } else if (0 == r->resp_body_started) { /* split header from body */ handler_t rc = http_response_parse_headers(r, opts, b); if (rc != HANDLER_GO_ON) return rc; /* accumulate response in b until headers completed (or error)*/ if (r->resp_body_started) { buffer_clear(b); /* check if Content-Length provided and response body received * (done here instead of http_response_process_headers() since * backends which set opts->parse() might handle differently)*/ if (0 == r->resp_body_scratchpad) r->resp_body_finished = 1; /* enable simple accumulation of small reads in some situations * no Content-Length (will read to EOF) * Content-Length (will read until r->resp_body_scratchpad == 0) * not chunked-encoding * not bufmin streaming * (no custom parse routine set for opts->parse()) */ else if (!r->resp_decode_chunked /* && NULL == opts->parse */ && !(r->conf.stream_response_body & FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE_BUFMIN)) opts->simple_accum = 1; } } else { /* flush b (do not accumulate small reads) if streaming and might * write to client since there is a chance that r->write_queue is * fully written to client (no more temp files) and then we do not * want to hold onto buffered data in b for an indeterminate time * until next read of data from backend */ int simple_accum = opts->simple_accum && (!(r->conf.stream_response_body & FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE) || !r->con->is_writable); int rc = http_response_append_buffer(r, b, simple_accum); if (__builtin_expect( (0 != rc), 0)) { /* error writing to tempfile; * truncate response or send 500 if nothing sent yet */ return HANDLER_ERROR; } /*buffer_clear(b);*//*http_response_append_buffer() clears*/ /* small reads might accumulate in b; not necessarily cleared */ } if (r->conf.stream_response_body & FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE_BUFMIN) { if (chunkqueue_length(&r->write_queue) > 65536 - 4096) { /*(defer removal of FDEVENT_IN interest since * connection_state_machine() might be able to send * data immediately, unless !con->is_writable, where * connection_state_machine() might not loop back to * call the subrequest handler)*/ if (!r->con->is_writable) fdevent_fdnode_event_clr(r->con->srv->ev, fdn, FDEVENT_IN); break; } } } while (!r->resp_body_started); /*(loop to read large response headers)*/ /*while (0);*//*(extra logic might benefit systems without FIONREAD)*/ /*while ((size_t)n == avail && (total += (size_t)n) < opts->max_per_read);*/ /* else emptied kernel read buffer or partial read or reached read limit */ if (buffer_is_blank(b)) chunk_buffer_yield(b); /*(improve large buf reuse)*/ return (!r->resp_body_finished ? HANDLER_GO_ON : HANDLER_FINISHED); }