/* * http_date - HTTP date manipulation * * Copyright(c) 2015 Glenn Strauss gstrauss()gluelogic.com All rights reserved * License: BSD 3-clause (same as lighttpd) */ #include "http_date.h" #include "sys-time.h" #include /* strlen() */ #include "buffer.h" /* light_isdigit() */ #include "log.h" /* log_epoch_secs */ /** * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231 * [RFC7231] Date/Time Formats * Prior to 1995, there were three different formats commonly used by * servers to communicate timestamps. For compatibility with old * implementations, all three are defined here. The preferred format is * a fixed-length and single-zone subset of the date and time * specification used by the Internet Message Format [RFC5322]. * HTTP-date = IMF-fixdate / obs-date * An example of the preferred format is * Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT ; IMF-fixdate * * * (intended for use with strftime() and strptime()) * "%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT" */ static const char datestrs[] = /*0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90*/ "\0\x0A\x14\x1E\x28\x32\x3c\x46\x50\x5A" "SunMonTueWedThuFriSat" "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec"; __attribute_cold__ static const char * http_date_parse_RFC_850 (const char *s, struct tm * const tm) { /* RFC 7231 * Recipients of a timestamp value in rfc850-date format, which uses a * two-digit year, MUST interpret a timestamp that appears to be more * than 50 years in the future as representing the most recent year in * the past that had the same last two digits. */ static time_t tm_year_last_check; static int tm_year_cur; static int tm_year_base; /* (log_epoch_secs is a global variable, maintained elsewhere) */ /* (optimization: check for year change no more than once per min) */ if (log_epoch_secs >= tm_year_last_check + 60) { struct tm tm_cur; if (NULL != gmtime_r(&log_epoch_secs, &tm_cur)) { tm_year_last_check = log_epoch_secs; if (tm_cur.tm_year != tm_year_cur) { tm_year_cur = tm_cur.tm_year; tm_year_base = tm_year_cur - (tm_year_cur % 100); } } } /* Note: does not validate numerical ranges of * tm_mday, tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec */ /* Note: does not validate tm_wday beyond first three chars */ tm->tm_isdst = 0; tm->tm_yday = 0; tm->tm_wday = 0; tm->tm_mon = 0; const char * const tens = datestrs; const char *p = tens + 10; do { if (s[0] == p[0] && s[1] == p[1] && s[2] == p[2]) break; p += 3; } while (++tm->tm_wday < 7); if (7 == tm->tm_wday) return NULL; s += 3; while (*s != ',' && *s != '\0') ++s; if (s[0] != ',' || s[1] != ' ' || !light_isdigit(s[2]) || !light_isdigit(s[3])) return NULL; tm->tm_mday = tens[(s[2]-'0')] + (s[3]-'0'); if ( s[4] != '-') return NULL; p = tens + 10 + sizeof("SunMonTueWedThuFriSat")-1; do { if (s[5] == p[0] && s[6] == p[1] && s[7] == p[2]) break; p += 3; } while (++tm->tm_mon < 12); if (12 == tm->tm_mon) return NULL; if (s[8] != '-' || !light_isdigit(s[9]) || !light_isdigit(s[10])) return NULL; tm->tm_year = tens[(s[9]-'0')] + (s[10]-'0') + tm_year_base; if (tm->tm_year > tm_year_cur + 50) tm->tm_year -= 100; if (s[11] != ' ' || !light_isdigit(s[12]) || !light_isdigit(s[13])) return NULL; tm->tm_hour = tens[(s[12]-'0')] + (s[13]-'0'); if (s[14] != ':' || !light_isdigit(s[15]) || !light_isdigit(s[16])) return NULL; tm->tm_min = tens[(s[15]-'0')] + (s[16]-'0'); if (s[17] != ':' || !light_isdigit(s[18]) || !light_isdigit(s[19])) return NULL; tm->tm_sec = tens[(s[18]-'0')] + (s[19]-'0'); if (s[20] != ' ' || s[21] != 'G' || s[22] != 'M' || s[23] != 'T') return NULL; return s+24; /*(24 chars from ',' following the variable len wday)*/ } __attribute_cold__ static const char * http_date_parse_asctime (const char * const s, struct tm * const tm) { /* Note: does not validate numerical ranges of * tm_mday, tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec */ tm->tm_isdst = 0; tm->tm_yday = 0; tm->tm_wday = 0; tm->tm_mon = 0; const char * const tens = datestrs; const char *p = tens + 10; do { if (s[0] == p[0] && s[1] == p[1] && s[2] == p[2]) break; p += 3; } while (++tm->tm_wday < 7); if (7 == tm->tm_wday) return NULL; if (s[3] != ' ') return NULL; p = tens + 10 + sizeof("SunMonTueWedThuFriSat")-1; do { if (s[4] == p[0] && s[5] == p[1] && s[6] == p[2]) break; p += 3; } while (++tm->tm_mon < 12); if (12 == tm->tm_mon) return NULL; if (s[7] != ' ' || (s[8] != ' ' && !light_isdigit(s[8])) || !light_isdigit(s[9])) return NULL; tm->tm_mday = (s[8] == ' ' ? 0 : tens[(s[8]-'0')]) + (s[9]-'0'); if (s[10] != ' ' || !light_isdigit(s[11]) || !light_isdigit(s[12])) return NULL; tm->tm_hour = tens[(s[11]-'0')] + (s[12]-'0'); if (s[13] != ':' || !light_isdigit(s[14]) || !light_isdigit(s[15])) return NULL; tm->tm_min = tens[(s[14]-'0')] + (s[15]-'0'); if (s[16] != ':' || !light_isdigit(s[17]) || !light_isdigit(s[18])) return NULL; tm->tm_sec = tens[(s[17]-'0')] + (s[18]-'0'); if (s[19] != ' ' || !light_isdigit(s[20]) || !light_isdigit(s[21]) || !light_isdigit(s[22]) || !light_isdigit(s[23])) return NULL; tm->tm_year =(tens[(s[20]-'0')] + (s[21]-'0'))*100 + tens[(s[22]-'0')] + (s[23]-'0') - 1900; return s+24; } static const char * http_date_parse_IMF_fixdate (const char * const s, struct tm * const tm) { /* Note: does not validate numerical ranges of * tm_mday, tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec */ tm->tm_isdst = 0; tm->tm_yday = 0; tm->tm_wday = 0; tm->tm_mon = 0; const char * const tens = datestrs; const char *p = tens + 10; do { if (s[0] == p[0] && s[1] == p[1] && s[2] == p[2]) break; p += 3; } while (++tm->tm_wday < 7); if (7 == tm->tm_wday) return NULL; if (s[3] != ',' || s[4] != ' ' || !light_isdigit(s[5]) || !light_isdigit(s[6])) return NULL; tm->tm_mday = tens[(s[5]-'0')] + (s[6]-'0'); if ( s[7] != ' ') return NULL; p = tens + 10 + sizeof("SunMonTueWedThuFriSat")-1; do { if (s[8] == p[0] && s[9] == p[1] && s[10] == p[2]) break; p += 3; } while (++tm->tm_mon < 12); if (12 == tm->tm_mon) return NULL; if (s[11] != ' ' || !light_isdigit(s[12]) || !light_isdigit(s[13]) || !light_isdigit(s[14]) || !light_isdigit(s[15])) return NULL; tm->tm_year =(tens[(s[12]-'0')] + (s[13]-'0'))*100 + tens[(s[14]-'0')] + (s[15]-'0') - 1900; if (s[16] != ' ' || !light_isdigit(s[17]) || !light_isdigit(s[18])) return NULL; tm->tm_hour = tens[(s[17]-'0')] + (s[18]-'0'); if (s[19] != ':' || !light_isdigit(s[20]) || !light_isdigit(s[21])) return NULL; tm->tm_min = tens[(s[20]-'0')] + (s[21]-'0'); if (s[22] != ':' || !light_isdigit(s[23]) || !light_isdigit(s[24])) return NULL; tm->tm_sec = tens[(s[23]-'0')] + (s[24]-'0'); if (s[25] != ' ' || s[26] != 'G' || s[27] != 'M' || s[28] != 'T') return NULL; return s+29; } static const char * http_date_str_to_tm (const char * const s, const uint32_t len, struct tm * const tm) { /* attempt strptime() using multiple date formats * support RFC 822,1123,7231; RFC 850; and ANSI C asctime() date strings, * as required by [RFC7231] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-7.1 * [RFC7231] Date/Time Formats * HTTP-date = IMF-fixdate / obs-date * [...] * A recipient that parses a timestamp value in an HTTP header field * MUST accept all three HTTP-date formats. */ /* employ specialized strptime() * - HTTP expected date formats are known, so not needed as input param * - HTTP expected date string content is in C locale and is case-sensitive * - returns (const char *) instead of strptime() (char *) return type * - returns NULL if error (if date string could not be parsed) * Note: internal implementation requires '\0'-terminated string, or at * least one valid char after partial match of RFC 850 or asctime formats */ if (len == 29) return http_date_parse_IMF_fixdate(s, tm); else if (len > 29) return http_date_parse_RFC_850(s, tm); else /* len < 29 */ return http_date_parse_asctime(s, tm); } uint32_t http_date_time_to_str (char * const s, const size_t sz, const time_t t) { /*('max' is expected to be >= 30 (IMF-fixdate is 29 chars + '\0'))*/ struct tm tm; const char fmt[] = "%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT"; /*IMF-fixdate fmt*/ return (__builtin_expect( (NULL != gmtime_r(&t, &tm)), 1)) ? (uint32_t)strftime(s, sz, fmt, &tm) : 0; } #if !defined(HAVE_TIMEGM) && !defined(_WIN32) time_t http_date_timegm (const struct tm * const tm) { int y = tm->tm_year + 1900; int m = tm->tm_mon + 1; int d = tm->tm_mday; /* days_from_civil() http://howardhinnant.github.io/date_algorithms.html */ y -= m <= 2; int era = y / 400; int yoe = y - era * 400; // [0, 399] int doy = (153 * (m + (m > 2 ? -3 : 9)) + 2) / 5 + d - 1; // [0, 365] int doe = yoe * 365 + yoe / 4 - yoe / 100 + doy; // [0, 146096] int days_since_1970 = era * 146097 + doe - 719468; return 60*(60*(24L*days_since_1970+tm->tm_hour)+tm->tm_min)+tm->tm_sec; } #endif int http_date_if_modified_since (const char * const ifmod, const uint32_t ifmodlen, const time_t lmtime) { struct tm ifmodtm; if (NULL == http_date_str_to_tm(ifmod, ifmodlen, &ifmodtm)) return 1; /* date parse error */ const time_t ifmtime = http_date_timegm(&ifmodtm); return (lmtime > ifmtime); /* returns 0 if not modified since, * returns 1 if modified since or date parse error */ }