/* * http_kv - HTTP version, method, status key-value string mapping * * Fully-rewritten from original * Copyright(c) 2018 Glenn Strauss gstrauss()gluelogic.com All rights reserved * License: BSD 3-clause (same as lighttpd) */ #include "first.h" #include "http_kv.h" #include "buffer.h" #include typedef struct { int key; unsigned int vlen; const char *value; } keyvalue; static const keyvalue http_versions[] = { { HTTP_VERSION_2, CONST_LEN_STR("HTTP/2.0") }, /* SERVER_PROTOCOL */ { HTTP_VERSION_3, CONST_LEN_STR("HTTP/3.0") }, { HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CONST_LEN_STR("HTTP/1.1") }, { HTTP_VERSION_1_0, CONST_LEN_STR("HTTP/1.0") }, { HTTP_VERSION_UNSET, 0, NULL } }; static const buffer http_methods[] = { { CONST_STR_LEN("GET")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("HEAD")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("QUERY")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("POST")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("PUT")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("DELETE")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("CONNECT")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("OPTIONS")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("TRACE")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("ACL")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("BASELINE-CONTROL")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("BIND")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("CHECKIN")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("CHECKOUT")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("COPY")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("LABEL")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("LINK")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("LOCK")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("MERGE")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("MKACTIVITY")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("MKCALENDAR")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("MKCOL")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("MKREDIRECTREF")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("MKWORKSPACE")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("MOVE")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("ORDERPATCH")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("PATCH")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("PROPFIND")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("PROPPATCH")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("REBIND")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("REPORT")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("SEARCH")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("UNBIND")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("UNCHECKOUT")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("UNLINK")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("UNLOCK")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("UPDATE")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("UPDATEREDIRECTREF")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("VERSION-CONTROL")+1, 0 }, { CONST_STR_LEN("PRI")+1, 0 }, { "", 0, 0 } }; /* https://www.iana.org/assignments/http-status-codes/http-status-codes.xhtml */ static const keyvalue http_status[] = { { 100, CONST_LEN_STR("100 Continue") }, { 101, CONST_LEN_STR("101 Switching Protocols") }, { 102, CONST_LEN_STR("102 Processing") }, /* WebDAV */ { 103, CONST_LEN_STR("103 Early Hints") }, { 200, CONST_LEN_STR("200 OK") }, { 201, CONST_LEN_STR("201 Created") }, { 202, CONST_LEN_STR("202 Accepted") }, { 203, CONST_LEN_STR("203 Non-Authoritative Information") }, { 204, CONST_LEN_STR("204 No Content") }, { 205, CONST_LEN_STR("205 Reset Content") }, { 206, CONST_LEN_STR("206 Partial Content") }, { 207, CONST_LEN_STR("207 Multi-status") }, /* WebDAV */ { 208, CONST_LEN_STR("208 Already Reported") }, { 226, CONST_LEN_STR("226 IM Used") }, { 300, CONST_LEN_STR("300 Multiple Choices") }, { 301, CONST_LEN_STR("301 Moved Permanently") }, { 302, CONST_LEN_STR("302 Found") }, { 303, CONST_LEN_STR("303 See Other") }, { 304, CONST_LEN_STR("304 Not Modified") }, { 305, CONST_LEN_STR("305 Use Proxy") }, { 306, CONST_LEN_STR("306 (Unused)") }, { 307, CONST_LEN_STR("307 Temporary Redirect") }, { 308, CONST_LEN_STR("308 Permanent Redirect") }, { 400, CONST_LEN_STR("400 Bad Request") }, { 401, CONST_LEN_STR("401 Unauthorized") }, { 402, CONST_LEN_STR("402 Payment Required") }, { 403, CONST_LEN_STR("403 Forbidden") }, { 404, CONST_LEN_STR("404 Not Found") }, { 405, CONST_LEN_STR("405 Method Not Allowed") }, { 406, CONST_LEN_STR("406 Not Acceptable") }, { 407, CONST_LEN_STR("407 Proxy Authentication Required") }, { 408, CONST_LEN_STR("408 Request Timeout") }, { 409, CONST_LEN_STR("409 Conflict") }, { 410, CONST_LEN_STR("410 Gone") }, { 411, CONST_LEN_STR("411 Length Required") }, { 412, CONST_LEN_STR("412 Precondition Failed") }, { 413, CONST_LEN_STR("413 Payload Too Large") }, { 414, CONST_LEN_STR("414 URI Too Long") }, { 415, CONST_LEN_STR("415 Unsupported Media Type") }, { 416, CONST_LEN_STR("416 Range Not Satisfiable") }, { 417, CONST_LEN_STR("417 Expectation Failed") }, { 421, CONST_LEN_STR("421 Misdirected Request") }, /* RFC 7540 */ { 422, CONST_LEN_STR("422 Unprocessable Entity") }, /* WebDAV */ { 423, CONST_LEN_STR("423 Locked") }, /* WebDAV */ { 424, CONST_LEN_STR("424 Failed Dependency") }, /* WebDAV */ { 425, CONST_LEN_STR("425 Too Early") }, { 426, CONST_LEN_STR("426 Upgrade Required") }, /* TLS */ { 428, CONST_LEN_STR("428 Precondition Required") }, { 429, CONST_LEN_STR("429 Too Many Requests") }, { 431, CONST_LEN_STR("431 Request Header Fields Too Large") }, { 451, CONST_LEN_STR("451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons") }, { 500, CONST_LEN_STR("500 Internal Server Error") }, { 501, CONST_LEN_STR("501 Not Implemented") }, { 502, CONST_LEN_STR("502 Bad Gateway") }, { 503, CONST_LEN_STR("503 Service Unavailable") }, { 504, CONST_LEN_STR("504 Gateway Timeout") }, { 505, CONST_LEN_STR("505 HTTP Version Not Supported") }, { 506, CONST_LEN_STR("506 Variant Also Negotiates") }, { 507, CONST_LEN_STR("507 Insufficient Storage") }, /* WebDAV */ { 508, CONST_LEN_STR("508 Loop Detected") }, { 510, CONST_LEN_STR("510 Not Extended") }, { 511, CONST_LEN_STR("511 Network Authentication Required") }, { -1, 0, NULL } }; const buffer *http_method_buf (http_method_t i) { return ((unsigned int)i < sizeof(http_methods)/sizeof(*http_methods)-2) ? http_methods+i : http_methods+i+sizeof(http_methods)/sizeof(*http_methods); /* HTTP_METHOD_PRI is -2, HTTP_METHOD_UNSET is -1 */ } __attribute_noinline__ __attribute_pure__ static const keyvalue * keyvalue_from_key (const keyvalue *kv, const int k) { /*(expects sentinel to have key == -1 and value == NULL)*/ while (kv->key != k && kv->key != -1) ++kv; return kv; } #if 0 /*(unused)*/ __attribute_pure__ static int keyvalue_get_key(const keyvalue *kv, const char * const s, const unsigned int slen) { /*(expects sentinel to have key == -1 and vlen == 0)*/ while (kv->vlen && (kv->vlen != slen || 0 != memcmp(kv->value, s, slen))) ++kv; return kv->key; } #endif const char *get_http_version_name(int i) { return keyvalue_from_key(http_versions, i)->value; } #if 0 /*(unused)*/ const char *get_http_status_name(int i) { return keyvalue_from_key(http_status, i)->value; } #endif #if 0 /*(unused)*/ int get_http_version_key(const char *s, size_t slen) { return keyvalue_get_key(http_versions, s, (unsigned int)slen); } #endif http_method_t get_http_method_key(const char *s, const size_t slen) { if (slen == 3 && s[0] == 'G' && s[1] == 'E' && s[2] == 'T') return HTTP_METHOD_GET; const buffer *kv = http_methods+1; /*(step over http_methods[0] ("GET"))*/ while (kv->used && (kv->used-1 != slen || 0 != memcmp(kv->ptr, s, slen))) ++kv; const uint_fast32_t i = kv - http_methods; /*(not done: could overload kv->size and store enum in kv->size)*/ return (i < sizeof(http_methods)/sizeof(*http_methods)-2) ? (http_method_t)i : i == sizeof(http_methods)/sizeof(*http_methods)-2 ? HTTP_METHOD_PRI : HTTP_METHOD_UNSET; } void http_status_append(buffer * const b, const int status) { if (200 == status) { /*(short-circuit common case)*/ buffer_append_string_len(b, CONST_STR_LEN("200 OK")); return; } const keyvalue * const kv = keyvalue_from_key(http_status, status); if (__builtin_expect( (0 != kv->vlen), 1)) buffer_append_string_len(b, kv->value, kv->vlen); else { buffer_append_int(b, status); buffer_append_char(b, ' '); } } void http_version_append(buffer * const b, const http_version_t version) { const keyvalue * const kv = keyvalue_from_key(http_versions, version); if (__builtin_expect( (0 != kv->vlen), 1)) buffer_append_string_len(b, kv->value, kv->vlen); }