#include "first.h" #include "sys-time.h" #include "base.h" #include "fdevent.h" #include "fdlog.h" #include "log.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "http_header.h" #include "response.h" #include "sock_addr.h" #include "plugin.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG_H # include #endif typedef struct { char key; enum { FORMAT_UNSET, FORMAT_LITERAL, FORMAT_HEADER, FORMAT_RESPONSE_HEADER, FORMAT_ENV, FORMAT_TIMESTAMP, FORMAT_TIME_USED, FORMAT_REMOTE_ADDR, FORMAT_HTTP_HOST, FORMAT_REQUEST_LINE, FORMAT_STATUS, FORMAT_BYTES_OUT_NO_HEADER, FORMAT_BYTES_OUT, FORMAT_BYTES_IN, FORMAT_SERVER_NAME, FORMAT_REQUEST_PROTOCOL, FORMAT_REQUEST_METHOD, FORMAT_COOKIE, FORMAT_SERVER_PORT, FORMAT_LOCAL_ADDR, FORMAT_KEEPALIVE_COUNT, FORMAT_URL, FORMAT_QUERY_STRING, FORMAT_FILENAME, FORMAT_CONNECTION_STATUS, FORMAT_NOTE, /* same as FORMAT_ENV */ FORMAT_REMOTE_HOST, /* same as FORMAT_REMOTE_ADDR */ FORMAT_REMOTE_USER, /* redirected to FORMAT_ENV */ FORMAT_TIME_USED_US,/* redirected to FORMAT_TIME_USED */ /*(parsed and replaced at startup)*/ FORMAT_REMOTE_IDENT, FORMAT_PERCENT, FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED } tag; } format_mapping; /** * * * "%h %V %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" * */ static const format_mapping fmap[] = { { '%', FORMAT_PERCENT }, /*(parsed and replaced at startup)*/ { 'a', FORMAT_REMOTE_ADDR }, { 'A', FORMAT_LOCAL_ADDR }, { 'b', FORMAT_BYTES_OUT_NO_HEADER }, { 'B', FORMAT_BYTES_OUT_NO_HEADER }, { 'C', FORMAT_COOKIE }, { 'D', FORMAT_TIME_USED_US }, { 'e', FORMAT_ENV }, { 'f', FORMAT_FILENAME }, { 'h', FORMAT_REMOTE_HOST }, /*(parsed and redirected at startup)*/ { 'H', FORMAT_REQUEST_PROTOCOL }, { 'i', FORMAT_HEADER }, { 'I', FORMAT_BYTES_IN }, { 'k', FORMAT_KEEPALIVE_COUNT }, { 'l', FORMAT_REMOTE_IDENT }, /*(parsed and replaced at startup)*/ { 'm', FORMAT_REQUEST_METHOD }, { 'n', FORMAT_NOTE }, /*(parsed and redirected at startup)*/ { 'o', FORMAT_RESPONSE_HEADER }, { 'O', FORMAT_BYTES_OUT }, { 'p', FORMAT_SERVER_PORT }, { 'P', FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED }, /* we are only one process */ { 'q', FORMAT_QUERY_STRING }, { 'r', FORMAT_REQUEST_LINE }, { 's', FORMAT_STATUS }, { 't', FORMAT_TIMESTAMP }, { 'T', FORMAT_TIME_USED }, { 'u', FORMAT_REMOTE_USER }, /*(parsed and redirected at startup)*/ { 'U', FORMAT_URL }, /* w/o querystring */ { 'v', FORMAT_SERVER_NAME }, { 'V', FORMAT_HTTP_HOST }, { 'X', FORMAT_CONNECTION_STATUS }, { '\0', FORMAT_UNSET } }; enum e_optflags_time { /* format string is passed to strftime unless other format optflags set * (besides FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_BEGIN or FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_END) */ FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_END = 0x00,/* use request end time (default) */ FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_BEGIN = 0x01,/* use request start time */ FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_SEC = 0x02,/* request time as num sec since epoch */ FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_MSEC = 0x04,/* request time as num msec since epoch */ FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_USEC = 0x08,/* request time as num usec since epoch */ FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_NSEC = 0x10,/* request time as num nsec since epoch */ FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_MSEC_FRAC = 0x20,/* request time msec fraction */ FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_USEC_FRAC = 0x40,/* request time usec fraction */ FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_NSEC_FRAC = 0x80 /* request time nsec fraction */ }; enum e_optflags_port { FORMAT_FLAG_PORT_LOCAL = 0x01,/* (default) */ FORMAT_FLAG_PORT_REMOTE = 0x02 }; typedef struct { int field; int opt; buffer string; } format_field; typedef struct { unix_time64_t last_generated_accesslog_ts; buffer ts_accesslog_str; #if defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__-0 >= 199901L /* C99 */ format_field ptr[]; /* C99 VLA */ #else format_field ptr[1]; #endif } format_fields; typedef struct { fdlog_st *fdlog; char use_syslog; /* syslog has global buffer */ uint8_t escaping; unsigned short syslog_level; format_fields *parsed_format; } plugin_config; typedef struct { PLUGIN_DATA; plugin_config defaults; plugin_config conf; format_fields *default_format;/* allocated if default format */ } plugin_data; typedef void(esc_fn_t)(buffer * restrict b, const char * restrict s, size_t len); typedef enum { BS_ESCAPE_DEFAULT ,BS_ESCAPE_JSON } buffer_bs_escape_t; INIT_FUNC(mod_accesslog_init) { return ck_calloc(1, sizeof(plugin_data)); } __attribute_cold__ static format_fields * accesslog_parse_format_err(log_error_st *errh, const char *file, unsigned int line, format_field *f, const char *msg) { log_error(errh, file, line, "%s", msg); for (; f->field != FORMAT_UNSET; ++f) free(f->string.ptr); return NULL; } static int accesslog_parse_format_token (const char c) { const format_mapping *p = fmap; while (p->key != c && p->key != '\0') ++p; return p->tag; } static format_fields * accesslog_parse_format(const char * const format, const uint32_t flen, log_error_st * const errh) { /* common log format (the default) results in 18 elements, * so 127 should be enough except for obscene custom usage */ uint32_t used = 0; const uint32_t sz = 127;/* (sz+1 must match fptr[] num elts below) */ format_field *f; format_field fptr[128]; /* (128 elements takes 4k on stack in 64-bit) */ memset(fptr, 0, sizeof(fptr)); /*assert(FORMAT_UNSET == 0);*/ if (0 == flen) return NULL; uint32_t i = 0; do { uint32_t start = i; while (format[i] != '%' && ++i < flen) ; if (start != i) { /* save string from start to i */ if (used && (f = fptr+used-1)->field == FORMAT_LITERAL) buffer_append_string_len(&f->string, format + start, i - start); else { if (used == sz) return accesslog_parse_format_err(errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, fptr, "too many fields (>= 127) in accesslog.format"); f = fptr + used++; f->field = FORMAT_LITERAL; buffer_copy_string_len(&f->string, format + start, i - start); } } if (i == flen) break; uint32_t k = ++i; /* step over '%' */ if (i == flen) return accesslog_parse_format_err(errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, fptr, "% must be followed by a format-specifier"); /* we need a new field */ if (used == sz) return accesslog_parse_format_err(errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, fptr, "too many fields (>= 127) in accesslog.format"); /* search for the terminating command */ if (format[i] == '{') { k = ++i; while (i < flen && format[i] != '}') ++i; if (i == flen || i == k) { return accesslog_parse_format_err(errh,__FILE__,__LINE__,fptr, "%{...} must contain string and %{ must be terminated by }"); } ++i; } else { /* skip over (ignore) '<' or '>' */ if (format[i] == '<' || format[i] == '>') k = ++i; /* special-case "%%" and "%l" */ if (i < flen && (format[i] == '%' || format[i] == 'l')) { /* replace "%%" with literal '%' */ /* replace "%l" with literal '-'; ignore remote ident */ if (0 == used || (f = fptr+used-1)->field != FORMAT_LITERAL) { f = fptr + used++; f->field = FORMAT_LITERAL; } buffer_append_char(&f->string, format[i] == '%' ? '%' : '-'); continue; } } /* add field */ f = fptr + used++; if (i != k) /* %{...} */ buffer_copy_string_len(&f->string, format + k, i - k - 1); f->field = (i < flen) ? accesslog_parse_format_token(format[i]) : FORMAT_UNSET; if (f->field == FORMAT_UNSET) return accesslog_parse_format_err(errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, fptr, "% or %{...} must be followed by a valid format-specifier"); } while (++i < flen); format_fields * const fields = ck_malloc(sizeof(format_fields) + ((used+1) * sizeof(format_field))); memset(fields, 0, sizeof(format_fields)); memcpy(fields->ptr, fptr, (used+1) * sizeof(format_field)); return fields; } static void mod_accesslog_free_format_fields(format_fields * const ff) { for (format_field *f = ff->ptr; f->field != FORMAT_UNSET; ++f) free(f->string.ptr); free(ff->ts_accesslog_str.ptr); free(ff); } FREE_FUNC(mod_accesslog_free) { plugin_data * const p = p_d; if (NULL == p->cvlist) return; /* (init i to 0 if global context; to 1 to skip empty global context) */ for (int i = !p->cvlist[0].v.u2[1], used = p->nconfig; i < used; ++i) { config_plugin_value_t *cpv = p->cvlist + p->cvlist[i].v.u2[0]; for (; -1 != cpv->k_id; ++cpv) { if (cpv->vtype != T_CONFIG_LOCAL || NULL == cpv->v.v) continue; switch (cpv->k_id) { case 0: /* accesslog.filename */ /*(handled by fdlog_closeall())*/ break; case 1: /* accesslog.format */ mod_accesslog_free_format_fields(cpv->v.v); break; default: break; } } } if (NULL != p->default_format) { mod_accesslog_free_format_fields(p->default_format); } } static void mod_accesslog_merge_config_cpv(plugin_config * const pconf, const config_plugin_value_t * const cpv) { switch (cpv->k_id) { /* index into static config_plugin_keys_t cpk[] */ case 0:{/* accesslog.filename */ if (cpv->vtype != T_CONFIG_LOCAL) break; pconf->fdlog = cpv->v.v; break; } case 1:{/* accesslog.format */ if (cpv->vtype != T_CONFIG_LOCAL) break; pconf->parsed_format = cpv->v.v; break; } case 2: /* accesslog.use-syslog */ pconf->use_syslog = (int)cpv->v.u; break; case 3: /* accesslog.syslog-level */ pconf->syslog_level = cpv->v.shrt; break; case 4: /* accesslog.escaping */ if (cpv->vtype != T_CONFIG_LOCAL) break; pconf->escaping = (int)cpv->v.u; break; default:/* should not happen */ return; } } static void mod_accesslog_merge_config(plugin_config * const pconf, const config_plugin_value_t *cpv) { do { mod_accesslog_merge_config_cpv(pconf, cpv); } while ((++cpv)->k_id != -1); } static void mod_accesslog_patch_config(request_st * const r, plugin_data * const p) { memcpy(&p->conf, &p->defaults, sizeof(plugin_config)); for (int i = 1, used = p->nconfig; i < used; ++i) { if (config_check_cond(r, (uint32_t)p->cvlist[i].k_id)) mod_accesslog_merge_config(&p->conf, p->cvlist + p->cvlist[i].v.u2[0]); } } static format_fields * mod_accesslog_process_format(const char * const format, const uint32_t flen, server * const srv); SETDEFAULTS_FUNC(mod_accesslog_set_defaults) { static const config_plugin_keys_t cpk[] = { { CONST_STR_LEN("accesslog.filename"), T_CONFIG_STRING, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION } ,{ CONST_STR_LEN("accesslog.format"), T_CONFIG_STRING, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION } ,{ CONST_STR_LEN("accesslog.use-syslog"), T_CONFIG_BOOL, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION } ,{ CONST_STR_LEN("accesslog.syslog-level"), T_CONFIG_SHORT, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION } ,{ CONST_STR_LEN("accesslog.escaping"), T_CONFIG_STRING, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION } ,{ NULL, 0, T_CONFIG_UNSET, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_UNSET } }; plugin_data * const p = p_d; if (!config_plugin_values_init(srv, p, cpk, "mod_accesslog")) return HANDLER_ERROR; /* process and validate config directives * (init i to 0 if global context; to 1 to skip empty global context) */ for (int i = !p->cvlist[0].v.u2[1]; i < p->nconfig; ++i) { config_plugin_value_t *cpv = p->cvlist + p->cvlist[i].v.u2[0]; int use_syslog = 0; config_plugin_value_t *cpvfile = NULL; for (; -1 != cpv->k_id; ++cpv) { switch (cpv->k_id) { case 0: /* accesslog.filename */ if (!buffer_is_blank(cpv->v.b)) cpvfile = cpv; else { cpv->v.v = NULL; cpv->vtype = T_CONFIG_LOCAL; } break; case 1: /* accesslog.format */ if (NULL != strchr(cpv->v.b->ptr, '\\')) { /* process basic backslash-escapes in format string */ buffer *b; *(const buffer **)&b = cpv->v.b; char *t = b->ptr; for (char *s = t; *s; ++s) { if (s[0] != '\\') { *t++ = *s; continue; } if (s[1] == '\0') continue; /*(ignore dangling '\\')*/ switch (*++s) { case 'a': *t++ = '\a'; break; /* bell */ case 'b': *t++ = '\b'; break; /* backspace */ case 'f': *t++ = '\f'; break; /* form feed */ case 'n': *t++ = '\n'; break; /* newline */ case 'r': *t++ = '\r'; break; /* carriage return */ case 't': *t++ = '\t'; break; /* horizontal tab */ case 'v': *t++ = '\v'; break; /* vertical tab */ /*case '"':*/ /*case '\\':*/ default: *t++ = *s; break; /*(use literal char)*/ } } buffer_truncate(b, (size_t)(t - b->ptr)); } cpv->v.v = mod_accesslog_process_format(BUF_PTR_LEN(cpv->v.b), srv); if (NULL == cpv->v.v) return HANDLER_ERROR; cpv->vtype = T_CONFIG_LOCAL; break; case 2: /* accesslog.use-syslog */ use_syslog = (int)cpv->v.u; break; case 3: /* accesslog.syslog-level */ break; case 4: /* accesslog.escaping */ /* quick parse: 0 == "default", 1 == "json" */ cpv->v.u = (0 == strcmp(cpv->v.b->ptr, "json")) ? BS_ESCAPE_JSON : BS_ESCAPE_DEFAULT; cpv->vtype = T_CONFIG_LOCAL; break; default:/* should not happen */ break; } } if (srv->srvconf.preflight_check) continue; if (use_syslog) continue; /* ignore the next checks */ cpv = cpvfile; /* accesslog.filename handled after preflight_check */ if (NULL == cpv) continue; const char * const fn = cpv->v.b->ptr; cpv->v.v = fdlog_open(fn); cpv->vtype = T_CONFIG_LOCAL; if (NULL == cpv->v.v) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "opening log '%s' failed", fn); return HANDLER_ERROR; } } p->defaults.syslog_level = LOG_INFO; /* initialize p->defaults from global config context */ if (p->nconfig > 0 && p->cvlist->v.u2[1]) { const config_plugin_value_t *cpv = p->cvlist + p->cvlist->v.u2[0]; if (-1 != cpv->k_id) mod_accesslog_merge_config(&p->defaults, cpv); } if (NULL == p->defaults.parsed_format) { /* (set default format even if p->use_syslog since * some other condition might enable logfile) */ static const char fmt[] = "%h %V %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\""; p->defaults.parsed_format = p->default_format = mod_accesslog_process_format(CONST_STR_LEN(fmt), srv); if (NULL == p->default_format) return HANDLER_ERROR; } return HANDLER_GO_ON; } static format_fields * mod_accesslog_process_format(const char * const format, const uint32_t flen, server * const srv) { format_fields * const parsed_format = accesslog_parse_format(format, flen, srv->errh); if (NULL == parsed_format) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "parsing accesslog-definition failed: %s", format); return NULL; } uint32_t tcount = 0; for (format_field *f = parsed_format->ptr; f->field != FORMAT_UNSET; ++f) { buffer * const fstr = &f->string; if (FORMAT_LITERAL == f->field) continue; if (FORMAT_TIMESTAMP == f->field) { if (!buffer_is_blank(fstr)) { const char * const ptr = fstr->ptr; uint32_t len = buffer_clen(fstr); if (0 == strncmp(ptr, "begin:", sizeof("begin:")-1)) { f->opt |= FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_BEGIN; memmove(fstr->ptr, fstr->ptr+6, len-6); /*"begin:"*/ buffer_truncate(fstr, len-6); } else if (0 == strncmp(ptr, "end:", sizeof("end:")-1)) { f->opt |= FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_END; memmove(fstr->ptr, fstr->ptr+4, len-4); /*"end:"*/ buffer_truncate(fstr, len-4); } if (0 == strcmp(ptr, "sec")) f->opt |= FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_SEC; else if (0 == strcmp(ptr, "msec")) f->opt |= FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_MSEC; else if (0 == strcmp(ptr, "usec")) f->opt |= FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_USEC; else if (0 == strcmp(ptr, "nsec")) f->opt |= FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_NSEC; else if (0 == strcmp(ptr, "msec_frac")) f->opt |= FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_MSEC_FRAC; else if (0 == strcmp(ptr, "usec_frac")) f->opt |= FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_USEC_FRAC; else if (0 == strcmp(ptr, "nsec_frac")) f->opt |= FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_NSEC_FRAC; else if (NULL == strchr(ptr, '%')) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "constant string for time format (misspelled token? or missing '%%'): %s", format); mod_accesslog_free_format_fields(parsed_format); return NULL; } } /* make sure they didn't try to send the timestamp in twice * (would invalidate pconf->parsed_format.ts_accesslog_str cache of timestamp str) */ if (!(f->opt & ~(FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_BEGIN|FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_END|FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_SEC)) && ++tcount > 1) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "you may not use strftime timestamp format %%{}t twice in the same access log: %s", format); mod_accesslog_free_format_fields(parsed_format); return NULL; } if (f->opt & FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_BEGIN) srv->srvconf.high_precision_timestamps = 1; } else if (FORMAT_TIME_USED_US == f->field) { f->opt |= FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_USEC; f->field = FORMAT_TIME_USED; srv->srvconf.high_precision_timestamps = 1; } else if (FORMAT_TIME_USED == f->field) { const char * const ptr = fstr->ptr; if (buffer_is_blank(fstr) || 0 == strcmp(ptr, "s") || 0 == strcmp(ptr, "sec")) f->opt |= FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_SEC; else if (0 == strcmp(ptr, "ms") || 0 == strcmp(ptr, "msec")) f->opt |= FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_MSEC; else if (0 == strcmp(ptr, "us") || 0 == strcmp(ptr, "usec")) f->opt |= FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_USEC; else if (0 == strcmp(ptr, "ns") || 0 == strcmp(ptr, "nsec")) f->opt |= FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_NSEC; else { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "invalid time unit in %%{UNIT}T: %s", format); mod_accesslog_free_format_fields(parsed_format); return NULL; } if (f->opt & ~(FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_SEC)) srv->srvconf.high_precision_timestamps = 1; } else if (FORMAT_COOKIE == f->field) { if (buffer_is_blank(fstr)) f->field = FORMAT_LITERAL; /*(blank)*/ } else if (FORMAT_SERVER_PORT == f->field) { const char * const ptr = fstr->ptr; if (buffer_is_blank(fstr)) f->opt |= FORMAT_FLAG_PORT_LOCAL; else if (0 == strcmp(ptr, "canonical")) f->opt |= FORMAT_FLAG_PORT_LOCAL; else if (0 == strcmp(ptr, "local")) f->opt |= FORMAT_FLAG_PORT_LOCAL; else if (0 == strcmp(ptr, "remote")) f->opt |= FORMAT_FLAG_PORT_REMOTE; else { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "invalid format %%{canonical,local,remote}p: %s", format); mod_accesslog_free_format_fields(parsed_format); return NULL; } } else if (FORMAT_HEADER == f->field || FORMAT_RESPONSE_HEADER == f->field) { f->opt = http_header_hkey_get(BUF_PTR_LEN(fstr)); } else if (FORMAT_REMOTE_HOST == f->field) { f->field = FORMAT_REMOTE_ADDR; } else if (FORMAT_REMOTE_USER == f->field) { f->field = FORMAT_ENV; buffer_copy_string_len(fstr, CONST_STR_LEN("REMOTE_USER")); } else if (FORMAT_NOTE == f->field) { f->field = FORMAT_ENV; } } return parsed_format; } TRIGGER_FUNC(log_access_periodic_flush) { UNUSED(p_d); /* flush buffered access logs every 4 seconds */ if (0 == (log_monotonic_secs & 3)) fdlog_files_flush(srv->errh, 0); return HANDLER_GO_ON; } static void accesslog_append_buffer (buffer * const restrict dest, const buffer * const restrict b, esc_fn_t esc_fn) { if (!buffer_string_is_empty(b)) esc_fn(dest, BUF_PTR_LEN(b)); else buffer_append_char(dest, '-'); } static void accesslog_append_bytes (buffer * const dest, off_t bytes, const uint32_t adj) { if (bytes > 0) buffer_append_int(dest, (bytes -= (off_t)adj) > 0 ? bytes : 0); else buffer_append_char(dest, '-'); } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static void accesslog_append_cookie (buffer * const restrict dest, const request_st * const restrict r, const buffer * const restrict name, esc_fn_t esc_fn) { const buffer * const vb = http_header_request_get(r, HTTP_HEADER_COOKIE, CONST_STR_LEN("Cookie")); if (NULL == vb) return; char *str = vb->ptr; size_t len = buffer_clen(name); do { while (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t') ++str; if (0 == strncmp(str, name->ptr, len) && str[len] == '=') { char *v = str+len+1; for (str = v; *str != '\0' && *str != ';'; ++str) ; if (str == v) break; do { --str; } while (str > v && (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t')); esc_fn(dest, v, str - v + 1); break; } else { while (*str != ';' && *str != ' ' && *str != '\t' && *str != '\0') ++str; } while (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t') ++str; } while (*str++ == ';'); } static int accesslog_append_time (buffer * const b, const request_st * const r, const format_field * const f, unix_timespec64_t * const ts, format_fields * const parsed_format) { int flush = 0; if (f->field == FORMAT_TIMESTAMP) { if (f->opt & ~(FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_BEGIN|FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_END)) { if (f->opt & FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_SEC) { unix_time64_t t = (!(f->opt & FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_BEGIN)) ? log_epoch_secs : r->start_hp.tv_sec; buffer_append_int(b, (intmax_t)t); } else if (f->opt & (FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_MSEC|FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_USEC|FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_NSEC)) { unix_time64_t t; long ns; if (!(f->opt & FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_BEGIN)) { if (0 == ts->tv_sec) log_clock_gettime_realtime(ts); t = ts->tv_sec; ns = ts->tv_nsec; } else { t = r->start_hp.tv_sec; ns = r->start_hp.tv_nsec; } if (f->opt & FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_MSEC) { t *= 1000; t += (ns + 999999) / 1000000; /* ceil */ } else if (f->opt & FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_USEC) { t *= 1000000; t += (ns + 999) / 1000; /* ceil */ } else {/*(f->opt & FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_NSEC)*/ t *= 1000000000; t += ns; } buffer_append_int(b, (intmax_t)t); } else { /*(FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_MSEC_FRAC|FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_USEC_FRAC|FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_NSEC_FRAC)*/ long ns; char *ptr; if (!(f->opt & FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_BEGIN)) { if (0 == ts->tv_sec) log_clock_gettime_realtime(ts); ns = ts->tv_nsec; } else { ns = r->start_hp.tv_nsec; } /*assert(t < 1000000000);*/ if (f->opt & FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_MSEC_FRAC) { ns += 999999; /* ceil */ ns /= 1000000; buffer_append_string_len(b, CONST_STR_LEN("000")); } else if (f->opt & FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_USEC_FRAC) { ns += 999; /* ceil */ ns /= 1000; buffer_append_string_len(b, CONST_STR_LEN("000000")); } else {/*(f->opt & FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_NSEC_FRAC)*/ buffer_append_string_len(b, CONST_STR_LEN("000000000")); } ptr = b->ptr + buffer_clen(b); for (long x; ns > 0; ns = x) *--ptr += (ns - (x = ns/10) * 10); /* ns % 10 */ } } else { buffer * const ts_accesslog_str = &parsed_format->ts_accesslog_str; /* cache the generated timestamp (only if ! FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_BEGIN) */ unix_time64_t t; struct tm tm; if (!(f->opt & FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_BEGIN)) { const unix_time64_t cur_ts = log_epoch_secs; if (parsed_format->last_generated_accesslog_ts == cur_ts) { buffer_append_string_buffer(b, ts_accesslog_str); return 0; /* flush == 0 */ } t = parsed_format->last_generated_accesslog_ts = cur_ts; flush = 1; } else { t = r->start_hp.tv_sec; } const char *fmt = buffer_is_blank(&f->string) ? NULL : f->string.ptr; buffer_clear(ts_accesslog_str); #if defined(HAVE_STRUCT_TM_GMTOFF) buffer_append_strftime(ts_accesslog_str, fmt ? fmt : "[%d/%b/%Y:%T %z]", localtime64_r(&t, &tm)); #else /* HAVE_STRUCT_TM_GMTOFF */ buffer_append_strftime(ts_accesslog_str, fmt ? fmt : "[%d/%b/%Y:%T +0000]", gmtime64_r(&t, &tm)); #endif /* HAVE_STRUCT_TM_GMTOFF */ buffer_append_string_buffer(b, ts_accesslog_str); } } else { /* FORMAT_TIME_USED or FORMAT_TIME_USED_US */ if (f->opt & FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_SEC) { buffer_append_int(b, log_epoch_secs - r->start_hp.tv_sec); } else { const unix_timespec64_t * const bs = &r->start_hp; off_t tdiff; /*(expected to be 64-bit since large file support enabled)*/ if (0 == ts->tv_sec) log_clock_gettime_realtime(ts); tdiff = (off_t)(ts->tv_sec - bs->tv_sec)*1000000000 + (ts->tv_nsec - bs->tv_nsec); if (tdiff <= 0) { /* sanity check for time moving backwards * (daylight savings adjustment or leap seconds or ?) */ tdiff = -1; } else if (f->opt & FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_MSEC) { tdiff += 999999; /* ceil */ tdiff /= 1000000; } else if (f->opt & FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_USEC) { tdiff += 999; /* ceil */ tdiff /= 1000; } /* else (f->opt & FORMAT_FLAG_TIME_NSEC) */ buffer_append_int(b, (intmax_t)tdiff); } } return flush; } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static void log_access_record_cold (buffer * const b, const request_st * const r, const format_field * const f, esc_fn_t esc_fn) { connection * const con = r->con; switch (f->field) { case FORMAT_SERVER_PORT: if (f->opt & FORMAT_FLAG_PORT_REMOTE) { buffer_append_int(b, sock_addr_get_port(r->dst_addr)); break; } /* else if (f->opt & FORMAT_FLAG_PORT_LOCAL) *//*(default)*/ __attribute_fallthrough__ case FORMAT_LOCAL_ADDR: { const server_socket * const srv_sock = con->srv_socket; const buffer * const srv_token = srv_sock->srv_token; const uint32_t colon = srv_sock->srv_token_colon; if (f->field == FORMAT_LOCAL_ADDR) /* (perf: not using getsockname() and * sock_addr_cache_inet_ntop_copy_buffer()) * (still useful if admin has configured explicit listen IPs) */ buffer_append_string_len(b, srv_token->ptr, colon); else { /* FORMAT_SERVER_PORT */ const uint32_t tlen = buffer_clen(srv_token); if (colon < tlen) /*(colon != tlen)*/ buffer_append_string_len(b, srv_token->ptr+colon+1, tlen - (colon+1)); } } break; case FORMAT_KEEPALIVE_COUNT: if (con->request_count > 1) buffer_append_int(b, (intmax_t)(con->request_count-1)); else buffer_append_char(b, '0'); break; case FORMAT_URL: { const uint32_t len = buffer_clen(&r->target); const char * const qmark = memchr(r->target.ptr, '?', len); esc_fn(b, r->target.ptr, qmark ? (uint32_t)(qmark - r->target.ptr) : len); } break; case FORMAT_QUERY_STRING: esc_fn(b, BUF_PTR_LEN(&r->uri.query)); break; case FORMAT_FILENAME: accesslog_append_buffer(b, &r->physical.path, esc_fn); break; case FORMAT_CONNECTION_STATUS: buffer_append_char(b, (r->state == CON_STATE_RESPONSE_END) ? r->keep_alive <= 0 ? '-' : '+' : 'X'); /* CON_STATE_ERROR */ break; #if 0 /*(parsed and replaced at startup)*/ case FORMAT_REMOTE_IDENT: /* ident */ buffer_append_char(b, '-'); break; #endif #if 0 /*(parsed and replaced at startup)*/ case FORMAT_PERCENT: buffer_append_char(b, '%'); break; #endif default: break; } } static int log_access_record (const request_st * const r, buffer * const b, format_fields * const parsed_format, esc_fn_t esc) { const buffer *vb; unix_timespec64_t ts = { 0, 0 }; int flush = 0; for (const format_field *f = parsed_format->ptr; f->field != FORMAT_UNSET; ++f) { switch(f->field) { case FORMAT_LITERAL: buffer_append_string_buffer(b, &f->string); break; case FORMAT_HEADER: vb = http_header_request_get(r, f->opt, BUF_PTR_LEN(&f->string)); accesslog_append_buffer(b, vb, esc); break; case FORMAT_RESPONSE_HEADER: vb = http_header_response_get(r, f->opt, BUF_PTR_LEN(&f->string)); accesslog_append_buffer(b, vb, esc); break; #if 0 /*(parsed and redirected at startup to FORMAT_ENV "REMOTE_USER")*/ case FORMAT_REMOTE_USER: vb = http_header_env_get(r, CONST_STR_LEN("REMOTE_USER")); accesslog_append_buffer(b, vb, esc); break; #endif #if 0 /*(parsed and redirected at startup to FORMAT_ENV)*/ /*case FORMAT_NOTE:*/ #endif case FORMAT_ENV: vb = http_header_env_get(r, BUF_PTR_LEN(&f->string)); accesslog_append_buffer(b, vb, esc); break; case FORMAT_TIMESTAMP: #if 0 /*(parsed and redirected at startup to FORMAT_TIME_USED)*/ case FORMAT_TIME_USED_US: #endif case FORMAT_TIME_USED: flush |= accesslog_append_time(b, r, f, &ts, parsed_format); break; #if 0 /*(parsed and redirected at startup to FORMAT_REMOTE_ADDR)*/ /*case FORMAT_REMOTE_HOST:*/ #endif case FORMAT_REMOTE_ADDR: buffer_append_string_buffer(b, r->dst_addr_buf); break; case FORMAT_HTTP_HOST: accesslog_append_buffer(b, &r->uri.authority, esc); break; case FORMAT_REQUEST_LINE: /*(attempt to reconstruct request line)*/ http_method_append(b, r->http_method); buffer_append_char(b, ' '); esc(b, BUF_PTR_LEN(&r->target_orig)); buffer_append_char(b, ' '); http_version_append(b, r->http_version); break; case FORMAT_STATUS: buffer_append_int(b, r->http_status); break; case FORMAT_BYTES_OUT_NO_HEADER: accesslog_append_bytes(b, http_request_stats_bytes_out(r), r->resp_header_len); break; case FORMAT_BYTES_OUT: accesslog_append_bytes(b, http_request_stats_bytes_out(r), 0); break; case FORMAT_BYTES_IN: accesslog_append_bytes(b, http_request_stats_bytes_in(r), 0); break; case FORMAT_SERVER_NAME: accesslog_append_buffer(b, r->server_name, esc); break; case FORMAT_REQUEST_PROTOCOL: http_version_append(b, r->http_version); break; case FORMAT_REQUEST_METHOD: http_method_append(b, r->http_method); break; case FORMAT_COOKIE: accesslog_append_cookie(b, r, &f->string, esc); break; default: log_access_record_cold(b, r, f, esc); break; } } return flush; } REQUESTDONE_FUNC(log_access_write) { plugin_data * const p = p_d; mod_accesslog_patch_config(r, p); fdlog_st * const fdlog = p->conf.fdlog; /* No output device, nothing to do */ if (!p->conf.use_syslog && !fdlog) return HANDLER_GO_ON; buffer * const b = (p->conf.use_syslog || fdlog->mode == FDLOG_PIPE) ? (buffer_clear(r->tmp_buf), r->tmp_buf) : &fdlog->b; esc_fn_t * const esc_fn = !p->conf.escaping ? buffer_append_bs_escaped : buffer_append_bs_escaped_json; const int flush = log_access_record(r, b, p->conf.parsed_format, esc_fn); #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG_H if (p->conf.use_syslog) { if (!buffer_is_blank(b)) syslog(p->conf.syslog_level, "%s", b->ptr); return HANDLER_GO_ON; } #endif buffer_append_char(b, '\n'); if (flush || fdlog->mode == FDLOG_PIPE || buffer_clen(b) >= 8192) { const ssize_t wr = write_all(fdlog->fd, BUF_PTR_LEN(b)); buffer_clear(b); /*(clear buffer, even on error)*/ if (-1 == wr) log_perror(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "error flushing log %s", fdlog->fn); } return HANDLER_GO_ON; } __attribute_cold__ int mod_accesslog_plugin_init(plugin *p); int mod_accesslog_plugin_init(plugin *p) { p->version = LIGHTTPD_VERSION_ID; p->name = "accesslog"; p->init = mod_accesslog_init; p->set_defaults= mod_accesslog_set_defaults; p->cleanup = mod_accesslog_free; p->handle_request_done = log_access_write; p->handle_trigger = log_access_periodic_flush; return 0; }