#include "first.h" #include "base.h" #include "stat_cache.h" #include "http_kv.h" #include "fdlog.h" #include "log.h" #include "response.h" #include "http_cgi.h" #include "http_chunk.h" #include "http_header.h" #include "plugin.h" #include #include "sys-socket.h" #include "sys-unistd.h" /* */ #include "sys-wait.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include /* _WIN32 custom socketpair() is used here instead of pipe() */ #ifdef _WIN32 #undef fdio_close_pipe #define fdio_close_pipe(fd) fdio_close_socket(fd) #define fdevent_fcntl_set_nb(fd) fdevent_socket_set_nb(fd) #endif typedef struct { uintptr_t *offsets; size_t osize; size_t oused; buffer *b; buffer *boffsets; buffer *ld_preload; buffer *ld_library_path; #if defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(_WIN32) buffer *systemroot; #endif #if defined(_WIN32) buffer *cygvol; #endif } env_accum; typedef struct { unix_time64_t read_timeout; unix_time64_t write_timeout; int signal_fin; } cgi_limits; typedef struct { const array *cgi; const cgi_limits *limits; unsigned short execute_x_only; unsigned short local_redir; unsigned short xsendfile_allow; unsigned short upgrade; const array *xsendfile_docroot; } plugin_config; struct cgi_pid_t; typedef struct { PLUGIN_DATA; plugin_config defaults; plugin_config conf; int tempfile_accum; struct cgi_pid_t *cgi_pid; env_accum env; } plugin_data; typedef struct { struct cgi_pid_t *cgi_pid; int fd; int fdtocgi; int rd_revents; int wr_revents; fdnode *fdn; fdnode *fdntocgi; request_st *r; connection *con; /* dumb pointer */ struct fdevents *ev; /* dumb pointer */ plugin_data *plugin_data; /* dumb pointer */ buffer *response; unix_time64_t read_ts; unix_time64_t write_ts; buffer *cgi_handler; /* dumb pointer */ http_response_opts opts; plugin_config conf; off_t orig_reqbody_length; } handler_ctx; typedef struct cgi_pid_t { pid_t pid; int signal_sent; handler_ctx *hctx; struct cgi_pid_t *next; struct cgi_pid_t *prev; } cgi_pid_t; static handler_ctx * cgi_handler_ctx_init(void) { handler_ctx *hctx = ck_calloc(1, sizeof(*hctx)); hctx->response = chunk_buffer_acquire(); hctx->fd = -1; hctx->fdtocgi = -1; return hctx; } static void cgi_handler_ctx_free(handler_ctx *hctx) { chunk_buffer_release(hctx->response); free(hctx); } INIT_FUNC(mod_cgi_init) { plugin_data * const p = ck_calloc(1, sizeof(*p)); const char *s; /* for valgrind */ s = getenv("LD_PRELOAD"); if (s) buffer_copy_string((p->env.ld_preload = buffer_init()), s); s = getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH"); if (s) buffer_copy_string((p->env.ld_library_path = buffer_init()), s); #if defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(_WIN32) /* CYGWIN needs SYSTEMROOT */ s = getenv("SYSTEMROOT"); if (s) buffer_copy_string((p->env.systemroot = buffer_init()), s); #endif #if defined(_WIN32) s = getenv("CYGVOL"); if (s) buffer_copy_string((p->env.cygvol = buffer_init()), s); #endif return p; } FREE_FUNC(mod_cgi_free) { plugin_data *p = p_d; buffer_free(p->env.ld_preload); buffer_free(p->env.ld_library_path); #if defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(_WIN32) buffer_free(p->env.systemroot); #endif #if defined(_WIN32) buffer_free(p->env.cygvol); #endif for (cgi_pid_t *cgi_pid = p->cgi_pid, *next; cgi_pid; cgi_pid = next) { next = cgi_pid->next; free(cgi_pid); } if (NULL == p->cvlist) return; /* (init i to 0 if global context; to 1 to skip empty global context) */ for (int i = !p->cvlist[0].v.u2[1], used = p->nconfig; i < used; ++i) { config_plugin_value_t *cpv = p->cvlist + p->cvlist[i].v.u2[0]; for (; -1 != cpv->k_id; ++cpv) { if (cpv->vtype != T_CONFIG_LOCAL || NULL == cpv->v.v) continue; switch (cpv->k_id) { case 6: /* cgi.limits */ free(cpv->v.v); break; default: break; } } } } static void mod_cgi_merge_config_cpv(plugin_config * const pconf, const config_plugin_value_t * const cpv) { switch (cpv->k_id) { /* index into static config_plugin_keys_t cpk[] */ case 0: /* cgi.assign */ pconf->cgi = cpv->v.a; break; case 1: /* cgi.execute-x-only */ pconf->execute_x_only = (unsigned short)cpv->v.u; break; case 2: /* cgi.x-sendfile */ pconf->xsendfile_allow = (unsigned short)cpv->v.u; break; case 3: /* cgi.x-sendfile-docroot */ pconf->xsendfile_docroot = cpv->v.a; break; case 4: /* cgi.local-redir */ pconf->local_redir = (unsigned short)cpv->v.u; break; case 5: /* cgi.upgrade */ pconf->upgrade = (unsigned short)cpv->v.u; break; case 6: /* cgi.limits */ if (cpv->vtype != T_CONFIG_LOCAL) break; pconf->limits = cpv->v.v; break; default:/* should not happen */ return; } } static void mod_cgi_merge_config(plugin_config * const pconf, const config_plugin_value_t *cpv) { do { mod_cgi_merge_config_cpv(pconf, cpv); } while ((++cpv)->k_id != -1); } static void mod_cgi_patch_config(request_st * const r, plugin_data * const p) { p->conf = p->defaults; /* copy small struct instead of memcpy() */ /*memcpy(&p->conf, &p->defaults, sizeof(plugin_config));*/ for (int i = 1, used = p->nconfig; i < used; ++i) { if (config_check_cond(r, (uint32_t)p->cvlist[i].k_id)) mod_cgi_merge_config(&p->conf, p->cvlist + p->cvlist[i].v.u2[0]); } } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_pure__ static int mod_cgi_str_to_signal (const char *s, int default_sig) { static const struct { const char *name; int sig; } sigs[] = { #ifdef SIGHUP { "HUP", SIGHUP }, #endif { "INT", SIGINT } #ifdef SIGQUIT ,{ "QUIT", SIGQUIT } #endif #ifdef SIGILL ,{ "ILL", SIGILL } #endif #ifdef SIGTRAP ,{ "TRAP", SIGTRAP } #endif #ifdef SIGABRT ,{ "ABRT", SIGABRT } #endif #ifdef SIGBUS ,{ "BUS", SIGBUS } #endif #ifdef SIGFPE ,{ "FPE", SIGFPE } #endif #ifndef SIGKILL #define SIGKILL 9 #endif ,{ "KILL", SIGKILL } #ifdef SIGUSR1 ,{ "USR1", SIGUSR1 } #endif #ifdef SIGSEGV ,{ "SEGV", SIGSEGV } #endif #ifdef SIGUSR2 ,{ "USR2", SIGUSR2 } #endif #ifdef SIGPIPE ,{ "PIPE", SIGPIPE } #endif #ifdef SIGALRM ,{ "ALRM", SIGALRM } #endif ,{ "TERM", SIGTERM } #ifdef SIGCHLD ,{ "CHLD", SIGCHLD } #endif #ifdef SIGCONT ,{ "CONT", SIGCONT } #endif #ifdef SIGURG ,{ "URG", SIGURG } #endif #ifdef SIGXCPU ,{ "XCPU", SIGXCPU } #endif #ifdef SIGXFSZ ,{ "XFSZ", SIGXFSZ } #endif #ifdef SIGWINCH ,{ "WINCH",SIGWINCH} #endif #ifdef SIGPOLL ,{ "POLL", SIGPOLL } #endif #ifdef SIGIO ,{ "IO", SIGIO } #endif }; if (s[0] == 'S' && s[1] == 'I' && s[2] == 'G') s += 3; /*("SIG" prefix)*/ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(sigs)/sizeof(*sigs); ++i) { if (0 == strcmp(s, sigs[i].name)) return sigs[i].sig; } return default_sig; } static cgi_limits * mod_cgi_parse_limits(const array * const a, log_error_st * const errh) { cgi_limits * const limits = ck_calloc(1, sizeof(cgi_limits)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < a->used; ++i) { const data_unset * const du = a->data[i]; int32_t v = config_plugin_value_to_int32(du, -1); if (buffer_eq_icase_slen(&du->key, CONST_STR_LEN("read-timeout"))) { limits->read_timeout = (unix_time64_t)v; continue; } if (buffer_eq_icase_slen(&du->key, CONST_STR_LEN("write-timeout"))) { limits->write_timeout = (unix_time64_t)v; continue; } if (buffer_eq_icase_slen(&du->key, CONST_STR_LEN("tcp-fin-propagate"))) { if (-1 == v) { v = SIGTERM; if (du->type == TYPE_STRING) { buffer * const vstr = &((data_string *)du)->value; buffer_to_upper(vstr); v = mod_cgi_str_to_signal(vstr->ptr, SIGTERM); } } limits->signal_fin = v; continue; } log_error(errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "unrecognized cgi.limits param: %s", du->key.ptr); } return limits; } SETDEFAULTS_FUNC(mod_cgi_set_defaults) { static const config_plugin_keys_t cpk[] = { { CONST_STR_LEN("cgi.assign"), T_CONFIG_ARRAY_KVSTRING, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION } ,{ CONST_STR_LEN("cgi.execute-x-only"), T_CONFIG_BOOL, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION } ,{ CONST_STR_LEN("cgi.x-sendfile"), T_CONFIG_BOOL, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION } ,{ CONST_STR_LEN("cgi.x-sendfile-docroot"), T_CONFIG_ARRAY_VLIST, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION } ,{ CONST_STR_LEN("cgi.local-redir"), T_CONFIG_BOOL, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION } ,{ CONST_STR_LEN("cgi.upgrade"), T_CONFIG_BOOL, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION } ,{ CONST_STR_LEN("cgi.limits"), T_CONFIG_ARRAY_KVANY, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION } ,{ NULL, 0, T_CONFIG_UNSET, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_UNSET } }; plugin_data * const p = p_d; if (!config_plugin_values_init(srv, p, cpk, "mod_cgi")) return HANDLER_ERROR; /* process and validate config directives * (init i to 0 if global context; to 1 to skip empty global context) */ for (int i = !p->cvlist[0].v.u2[1]; i < p->nconfig; ++i) { config_plugin_value_t *cpv = p->cvlist + p->cvlist[i].v.u2[0]; for (; -1 != cpv->k_id; ++cpv) { switch (cpv->k_id) { case 0: /* cgi.assign */ case 1: /* cgi.execute-x-only */ case 2: /* cgi.x-sendfile */ break; case 3: /* cgi.x-sendfile-docroot */ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < cpv->v.a->used; ++j) { data_string *ds = (data_string *)cpv->v.a->data[j]; if (ds->value.ptr[0] != '/') { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "%s paths must begin with '/'; invalid: \"%s\"", cpk[cpv->k_id].k, ds->value.ptr); return HANDLER_ERROR; } buffer_path_simplify(&ds->value); buffer_append_slash(&ds->value); } break; case 4: /* cgi.local-redir */ case 5: /* cgi.upgrade */ break; case 6: /* cgi.limits */ cpv->v.v = mod_cgi_parse_limits(cpv->v.a, srv->errh); if (NULL == cpv->v.v) return HANDLER_ERROR; cpv->vtype = T_CONFIG_LOCAL; break; default:/* should not happen */ break; } } } /* initialize p->defaults from global config context */ if (p->nconfig > 0 && p->cvlist->v.u2[1]) { const config_plugin_value_t *cpv = p->cvlist + p->cvlist->v.u2[0]; if (-1 != cpv->k_id) mod_cgi_merge_config(&p->defaults, cpv); } p->tempfile_accum = config_feature_bool(srv, "cgi.tempfile-accum", 1); return HANDLER_GO_ON; } static cgi_pid_t * cgi_pid_add(plugin_data *p, pid_t pid, handler_ctx *hctx) { cgi_pid_t *cgi_pid = ck_malloc(sizeof(cgi_pid_t)); cgi_pid->pid = pid; cgi_pid->signal_sent = 0; cgi_pid->hctx = hctx; cgi_pid->prev = NULL; cgi_pid->next = p->cgi_pid; if (cgi_pid->next) cgi_pid->next->prev = cgi_pid; p->cgi_pid = cgi_pid; return cgi_pid; } static void cgi_pid_kill(cgi_pid_t *cgi_pid, int sig) { cgi_pid->signal_sent = sig; /*(save last signal sent)*/ fdevent_kill(cgi_pid->pid, sig); } static void cgi_pid_del(plugin_data *p, cgi_pid_t *cgi_pid) { if (cgi_pid->prev) cgi_pid->prev->next = cgi_pid->next; else p->cgi_pid = cgi_pid->next; if (cgi_pid->next) cgi_pid->next->prev = cgi_pid->prev; free(cgi_pid); } __attribute_noinline__ static void cgi_connection_close_fdtocgi(handler_ctx *hctx) { /*(closes only hctx->fdtocgi)*/ if (-1 == hctx->fdtocgi) return; fdevent_fdnode_event_del(hctx->ev, hctx->fdntocgi); /*fdevent_unregister(ev, hctx->fdntocgi);*//*(handled below)*/ fdevent_sched_close(hctx->ev, hctx->fdntocgi); hctx->fdntocgi = NULL; hctx->fdtocgi = -1; } static void cgi_connection_close(handler_ctx *hctx) { /* the connection to the browser went away, but we still have a connection * to the CGI script * * close cgi-connection */ if (hctx->fd != -1) { /* close connection to the cgi-script */ fdevent_fdnode_event_del(hctx->ev, hctx->fdn); /*fdevent_unregister(ev, hctx->fdn);*//*(handled below)*/ fdevent_sched_close(hctx->ev, hctx->fdn); hctx->fdn = NULL; } if (hctx->fdtocgi != -1) { cgi_connection_close_fdtocgi(hctx); /*(closes only hctx->fdtocgi)*/ } plugin_data * const p = hctx->plugin_data; request_st * const r = hctx->r; r->plugin_ctx[p->id] = NULL; if (hctx->cgi_pid) { cgi_pid_kill(hctx->cgi_pid, SIGTERM); hctx->cgi_pid->hctx = NULL; } cgi_handler_ctx_free(hctx); /* finish response (if not already r->resp_body_started, r->resp_body_finished) */ if (r->handler_module == p->self) { http_response_backend_done(r); } } static handler_t cgi_connection_close_callback(request_st * const r, void *p_d) { handler_ctx *hctx = r->plugin_ctx[((plugin_data *)p_d)->id]; if (hctx) { chunkqueue_set_tempdirs(&r->reqbody_queue, /* reset sz */ r->reqbody_queue.tempdirs, 0); cgi_connection_close(hctx); } return HANDLER_GO_ON; } static int cgi_write_request(handler_ctx *hctx, int fd); static handler_t cgi_handle_fdevent_send (void *ctx, int revents) { handler_ctx *hctx = ctx; hctx->wr_revents |= revents; joblist_append(hctx->con); return HANDLER_FINISHED; } static handler_t cgi_process_wr_revents (handler_ctx * const hctx, request_st * const r, int revents) { if (revents & FDEVENT_OUT) { if (0 != cgi_write_request(hctx, hctx->fdtocgi)) { cgi_connection_close(hctx); return HANDLER_ERROR; } /* more request body to be sent to CGI */ } if (revents & FDEVENT_HUP) { /* skip sending remaining data to CGI */ if (r->reqbody_length) { chunkqueue *cq = &r->reqbody_queue; chunkqueue_mark_written(cq, chunkqueue_length(cq)); if (cq->bytes_in != (off_t)r->reqbody_length) { r->keep_alive = 0; } } cgi_connection_close_fdtocgi(hctx); /*(closes only hctx->fdtocgi)*/ } else if (revents & FDEVENT_ERR) { /* kill all connections to the cgi process */ #if 1 log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "cgi-FDEVENT_ERR"); #endif cgi_connection_close(hctx); return HANDLER_ERROR; } return HANDLER_GO_ON; } static handler_t cgi_response_headers(request_st * const r, struct http_response_opts_t *opts) { /* response headers just completed */ handler_ctx *hctx = (handler_ctx *)opts->pdata; if (light_btst(r->resp_htags, HTTP_HEADER_UPGRADE)) { if (hctx->conf.upgrade && r->http_status == 101) { /* 101 Switching Protocols; transition to transparent proxy */ if (r->h2_connect_ext) { r->http_status = 200; /* OK (response status for CONNECT) */ http_header_response_unset(r, HTTP_HEADER_UPGRADE, CONST_STR_LEN("Upgrade")); http_header_response_unset(r, HTTP_HEADER_OTHER, CONST_STR_LEN("Sec-WebSocket-Accept")); } http_response_upgrade_read_body_unknown(r); } else { light_bclr(r->resp_htags, HTTP_HEADER_UPGRADE); #if 0 /* preserve prior questionable behavior; likely broken behavior * anyway if backend thinks connection is being upgraded but client * does not receive Connection: upgrade */ http_header_response_unset(r, HTTP_HEADER_UPGRADE, CONST_STR_LEN("Upgrade")); #endif } } else if (__builtin_expect( (r->h2_connect_ext != 0), 0) && r->http_status < 300) { /*(not handling other 1xx intermediate responses here; not expected)*/ http_response_body_clear(r, 0); r->handler_module = NULL; r->http_status = 405; /* Method Not Allowed */ return HANDLER_FINISHED; } if (hctx->conf.upgrade && !light_btst(r->resp_htags, HTTP_HEADER_UPGRADE)) { chunkqueue *cq = &r->reqbody_queue; hctx->conf.upgrade = 0; r->reqbody_length = hctx->orig_reqbody_length; if (cq->bytes_out == (off_t)r->reqbody_length) { cgi_connection_close_fdtocgi(hctx); /*(closes hctx->fdtocgi)*/ } } return HANDLER_GO_ON; } __attribute_cold__ static handler_t cgi_local_redir(request_st * const r, handler_ctx * const hctx) { buffer_clear(hctx->response); chunk_buffer_yield(hctx->response); http_response_reset(r); /*(includes r->http_status = 0)*/ r->con->srv->plugins_request_reset(r); /*cgi_connection_close(hctx);*//*(already cleaned up and hctx is now invalid)*/ return HANDLER_COMEBACK; } static int cgi_recv_response(request_st * const r, handler_ctx * const hctx) { const off_t bytes_in = r->write_queue.bytes_in; switch (http_response_read(r, &hctx->opts, hctx->response, hctx->fdn)) { default: if (r->write_queue.bytes_in > bytes_in) hctx->read_ts = log_monotonic_secs; return HANDLER_GO_ON; case HANDLER_ERROR: http_response_backend_error(r); __attribute_fallthrough__ case HANDLER_FINISHED: cgi_connection_close(hctx); return HANDLER_FINISHED; case HANDLER_COMEBACK: return cgi_local_redir(r, hctx); /* HANDLER_COMEBACK */ } } static handler_t cgi_handle_fdevent(void *ctx, int revents) { handler_ctx *hctx = ctx; hctx->rd_revents |= revents; joblist_append(hctx->con); return HANDLER_FINISHED; } static handler_t cgi_process_rd_revents(handler_ctx * const hctx, request_st * const r, int revents) { if (revents & FDEVENT_IN) { handler_t rc = cgi_recv_response(r, hctx); /*(might invalidate hctx)*/ if (rc != HANDLER_GO_ON) return rc; /*(unless HANDLER_GO_ON)*/ } /* perhaps this issue is already handled */ if (revents & (FDEVENT_HUP|FDEVENT_RDHUP)) { if (r->resp_body_started) { /* drain any remaining data from kernel pipe buffers * even if (r->conf.stream_response_body * & FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE_BUFMIN) * since event loop will spin on fd FDEVENT_HUP event * until unregistered. */ handler_t rc; const unsigned short flags = r->conf.stream_response_body; r->conf.stream_response_body &= ~FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE_BUFMIN; r->conf.stream_response_body |= FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE_POLLRDHUP; do { rc = cgi_recv_response(r,hctx); /*(might invalidate hctx)*/ } while (rc == HANDLER_GO_ON); /*(unless HANDLER_GO_ON)*/ r->conf.stream_response_body = flags; return rc; /* HANDLER_FINISHED or HANDLER_COMEBACK or HANDLER_ERROR */ } else if (!buffer_is_blank(hctx->response)) { /* unfinished header package which is a body in reality */ r->resp_body_started = 1; if (0 != http_chunk_append_buffer(r, hctx->response)) { cgi_connection_close(hctx); return HANDLER_ERROR; } if (0 == r->http_status) r->http_status = 200; /* OK */ } cgi_connection_close(hctx); return HANDLER_FINISHED; } else if (revents & FDEVENT_ERR) { /* kill all connections to the cgi process */ cgi_connection_close(hctx); return HANDLER_ERROR; } return HANDLER_GO_ON; } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static void cgi_env_offset_resize(env_accum *env) { chunk_buffer_prepare_append(env->boffsets, env->boffsets->size*2); env->offsets = (uintptr_t *)(void *)env->boffsets->ptr; env->osize = env->boffsets->size/sizeof(*env->offsets); } static int cgi_env_add(void *venv, const char *key, size_t key_len, const char *val, size_t val_len) { env_accum *env = venv; if (!key || (!val && val_len)) return -1; if (__builtin_expect( (env->osize == env->oused), 0)) cgi_env_offset_resize(env); env->offsets[env->oused++] = env->b->used-1; char * const dst = buffer_extend(env->b, key_len + val_len + 2); memcpy(dst, key, key_len); dst[key_len] = '='; if (val_len) memcpy(dst + key_len + 1, val, val_len); dst[key_len + 1 + val_len] = '\0'; return 0; } static int cgi_write_request(handler_ctx *hctx, int fd) { request_st * const r = hctx->r; chunkqueue *cq = &r->reqbody_queue; chunkqueue_remove_finished_chunks(cq); /* unnecessary? */ #ifdef _WIN32 if (0 != r->con->srv->network_backend_write(fd,cq,MAX_WRITE_LIMIT,r->conf.errh)){ /* connection closed */ log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "failed to send post data to cgi, connection closed by CGI"); /* skip all remaining data */ chunkqueue_mark_written(cq, chunkqueue_length(cq)); } #else for (chunk *c = cq->first; c; c = cq->first) { ssize_t wr = chunkqueue_write_chunk_to_pipe(fd, cq, r->conf.errh); if (wr > 0) { hctx->write_ts = log_monotonic_secs; chunkqueue_mark_written(cq, wr); /* continue if wrote whole chunk or wrote 16k block * (see chunkqueue_write_chunk_file_intermed()) */ if (c != cq->first || wr == 16384) continue; /*(else partial write)*/ } else if (wr < 0) { switch(errno) { case EAGAIN: #ifdef EWOULDBLOCK #if EAGAIN != EWOULDBLOCK case EWOULDBLOCK: #endif #endif case EINTR: /* ignore and try again later */ break; case EPIPE: case ECONNRESET: /* connection closed */ #if 0 /*(not necessarily an error for CGI to close input)*/ log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "failed to send post data to cgi, connection closed by CGI"); #endif /* skip all remaining data */ /*(this may repeat if streaming and more data is received)*/ chunkqueue_mark_written(cq, chunkqueue_length(cq)); break; default: /* fatal error */ log_perror(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "write() failed"); return -1; } } /*if (0 == wr) break;*/ /*(might block)*/ break; } #endif if (cq->bytes_out == (off_t)r->reqbody_length && !hctx->conf.upgrade) { /* sent all request body input */ /* close connection to the cgi-script */ cgi_connection_close_fdtocgi(hctx); /*(closes only hctx->fdtocgi)*/ } else { off_t cqlen = chunkqueue_length(cq); if (cq->bytes_in != r->reqbody_length && cqlen < 65536 - 16384) { /*(r->conf.stream_request_body & FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST)*/ if (!(r->conf.stream_request_body & FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_POLLIN)) { r->conf.stream_request_body |= FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_POLLIN; if (r->http_version <= HTTP_VERSION_1_1) r->con->is_readable = 1;/* trigger optimistic client read */ } } struct fdevents * const ev = hctx->ev; if (-1 == hctx->fdtocgi) { /*(not registered yet)*/ hctx->fdtocgi = fd; hctx->fdntocgi = fdevent_register(ev, hctx->fdtocgi, cgi_handle_fdevent_send, hctx); } if (0 == cqlen) { /*(chunkqueue_is_empty(cq))*/ if ((fdevent_fdnode_interest(hctx->fdntocgi) & FDEVENT_OUT)) { fdevent_fdnode_event_set(ev, hctx->fdntocgi, 0); } } else { /* more request body remains to be sent to CGI so register for fdevents */ hctx->write_ts = log_monotonic_secs; fdevent_fdnode_event_set(ev, hctx->fdntocgi, FDEVENT_OUT); } } return 0; } /* lighttpd STDIN_FILENO is reopened to /dev/null, inheritable by children */ #define MOD_CGI_INHERIT_STDIN_DEV_NULL __attribute_cold__ static int cgi_create_err (request_st * const r, int cgi_fds[4], const char *msg) { /* log error with errno prior to calling close() (might change errno) */ #ifdef _WIN32 if (msg && (0 == strcmp(msg,"socketpair()") || 0 == strcmp(msg,"fcntl()"))) log_serror(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "%s", msg); else #endif if (msg) log_perror(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "%s", msg); int * const to_cgi_fds = cgi_fds; /* some fd might be -1; not checking */ if (0 == r->reqbody_length) { #ifndef MOD_CGI_INHERIT_STDIN_DEV_NULL fdio_close_file(to_cgi_fds[0]); /* /dev/null */ #endif } else if (-1 != to_cgi_fds[1]) { /* not (shared) open file in chunkqueue */ fdio_close_pipe(to_cgi_fds[0]); fdio_close_pipe(to_cgi_fds[1]); } int * const from_cgi_fds = cgi_fds+2;/* some fd might be -1; not checking */ fdio_close_pipe(from_cgi_fds[0]); fdio_close_pipe(from_cgi_fds[1]); return -1; } static int cgi_create_env(request_st * const r, plugin_data * const p, handler_ctx * const hctx, buffer * const cgi_handler) { int cgi_fds[4] = { -1, -1, -1, -1 }; int * const to_cgi_fds = cgi_fds; int * const from_cgi_fds = to_cgi_fds+2; #if 0 /*(posix_spawn() should return error if exec target does not exist)*/ if (!buffer_is_blank(cgi_handler)) { if (NULL == stat_cache_path_stat(cgi_handler)) { return cgi_create_err(r, cgi_fds, cgi_handler->ptr); } } #endif if (0 == r->reqbody_length) { #ifndef MOD_CGI_INHERIT_STDIN_DEV_NULL to_cgi_fds[0] = fdevent_open_devnull(); if (-1 == to_cgi_fds[0]) { return cgi_create_err(r, cgi_fds, "open() /dev/null"); } #endif } else if (!(r->conf.stream_request_body /*(if not streaming request body)*/ & (FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST|FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_BUFMIN)) && !hctx->conf.upgrade) { chunkqueue * const cq = &r->reqbody_queue; chunk * const c = cq->first; if (c && c == cq->last && c->type == FILE_CHUNK && c->file.is_temp) { /* request body in single tempfile if not streaming req body */ if (-1 == c->file.fd && 0 != chunkqueue_open_file_chunk(cq, r->conf.errh)) return cgi_create_err(r, cgi_fds, NULL); #ifdef __COVERITY__ force_assert(-1 != c->file.fd); #endif if (-1 == lseek(c->file.fd, 0, SEEK_SET)) { return cgi_create_err(r, cgi_fds, c->mem->ptr); } to_cgi_fds[0] = c->file.fd; } } #ifdef _WIN32 if (-1 == to_cgi_fds[0] && 0 != r->reqbody_length) { if (0 != fdevent_socketpair_cloexec(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0,to_cgi_fds)) return cgi_create_err(r, cgi_fds, "socketpair()"); if (0 != fdevent_fcntl_set_nb(to_cgi_fds[1])) return cgi_create_err(r, cgi_fds, "fcntl()"); } if (0 != fdevent_socketpair_cloexec(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0,from_cgi_fds)) return cgi_create_err(r, cgi_fds, "socketpair()"); /* fdevent_socketpair_cloexec() creates a pair of connected sockets with * one socket (sv[0]) non-overlapped, and one socket (sv[1]) overlapped. * The socket used for redirected I/O in child must be non-overlapped, * so swap sockets in from_cgi_fds[] so write socket is non-overlapped*/ int tmpfd = from_cgi_fds[0]; from_cgi_fds[0] = from_cgi_fds[1]; from_cgi_fds[1] = tmpfd; #else unsigned int bufsz_hint = 16384; if (-1 == to_cgi_fds[0] && 0 != r->reqbody_length) { if (0 != fdevent_pipe_cloexec(to_cgi_fds, bufsz_hint)) return cgi_create_err(r, cgi_fds, "pipe()"); if (0 != fdevent_fcntl_set_nb(to_cgi_fds[1])) return cgi_create_err(r, cgi_fds, "fcntl()"); } if (fdevent_pipe_cloexec(from_cgi_fds, bufsz_hint)) return cgi_create_err(r, cgi_fds, "pipe()"); #endif if (-1 == fdevent_fcntl_set_nb(from_cgi_fds[0])) return cgi_create_err(r, cgi_fds, "fcntl()"); env_accum * const env = &p->env; env->b = chunk_buffer_acquire(); env->boffsets = chunk_buffer_acquire(); buffer_truncate(env->b, 0); char *args[3]; char **envp; { size_t i = 0; http_cgi_opts opts = { 0, 0, NULL, NULL }; env->offsets = (uintptr_t *)(void *)env->boffsets->ptr; env->osize = env->boffsets->size/sizeof(*env->offsets); env->oused = 0; /* create environment */ http_version_t http_version = r->http_version; if (r->h2_connect_ext) { /*(SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1 instead of HTTP/2.0)*/ r->http_version = HTTP_VERSION_1_1; r->http_method = HTTP_METHOD_GET; } if (hctx->conf.upgrade) { r->reqbody_length = hctx->orig_reqbody_length; if (r->reqbody_length < 0) r->reqbody_length = 0; } http_cgi_headers(r, &opts, cgi_env_add, env); if (hctx->conf.upgrade) r->reqbody_length = -1; if (r->h2_connect_ext) { r->http_version = http_version; /*(restore from above)*/ r->http_method = HTTP_METHOD_CONNECT; /* https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6455#section-4.1 * 7. The request MUST include a header field with the name * |Sec-WebSocket-Key|. The value of this header field MUST be a * nonce consisting of a randomly selected 16-byte value that has * been base64-encoded (see Section 4 of [RFC4648]). The nonce * MUST be selected randomly for each connection. * Note: Sec-WebSocket-Key is not used in RFC8441; * include Sec-WebSocket-Key for HTTP/1.1 compatibility; * !!not random!! base64-encoded "0000000000000000" */ if (!http_header_request_get(r, HTTP_HEADER_OTHER, CONST_STR_LEN("Sec-WebSocket-Key"))) cgi_env_add(env, CONST_STR_LEN("HTTP_SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY"), CONST_STR_LEN("MDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMA==")); /*(Upgrade and Connection should not exist for HTTP/2 request)*/ cgi_env_add(env, CONST_STR_LEN("HTTP_UPGRADE"), CONST_STR_LEN("websocket")); cgi_env_add(env, CONST_STR_LEN("HTTP_CONNECTION"), CONST_STR_LEN("upgrade")); } /* for valgrind */ if (p->env.ld_preload) { cgi_env_add(env, CONST_STR_LEN("LD_PRELOAD"), BUF_PTR_LEN(p->env.ld_preload)); } if (p->env.ld_library_path) { cgi_env_add(env, CONST_STR_LEN("LD_LIBRARY_PATH"), BUF_PTR_LEN(p->env.ld_library_path)); } #if defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(_WIN32) /* CYGWIN and _WIN32 need SYSTEMROOT */ if (p->env.systemroot) { cgi_env_add(env, CONST_STR_LEN("SYSTEMROOT"), BUF_PTR_LEN(p->env.systemroot)); } #endif /* adjust (uintptr_t) offsets to (char *) ptr * (stored as offsets while accumulating in buffer, * in case buffer is reallocated during env creation) */ if (__builtin_expect( (env->osize == env->oused), 0)) cgi_env_offset_resize(env); envp = (char **)env->offsets; envp[env->oused] = NULL; const uintptr_t baseptr = (uintptr_t)env->b->ptr; for (i = 0; i < env->oused; ++i) envp[i] += baseptr; /* set up args */ i = 0; if (!buffer_is_blank(cgi_handler)) { args[i++] = cgi_handler->ptr; } #ifdef _WIN32 /* adjust path to scripts run via cygwin program if CYGVOL env is set */ if (p->env.cygvol) { buffer *tb = r->tmp_buf; buffer_copy_buffer(tb, p->env.cygvol); /* e.g. "/cygdrive/c" */ buffer_append_path_len(tb, BUF_PTR_LEN(&r->physical.path)); args[i++] = tb->ptr; } else #endif args[i++] = r->physical.path.ptr; args[i] = NULL; } #ifdef _WIN32 /*(flag to chdir to script dir on _WIN32)*/ int dfd = !buffer_is_blank(cgi_handler) ? -3 : -2; int serrh_fd = r->conf.serrh ? r->conf.serrh->fd : -1; pid_t pid = fdevent_createprocess(args, envp, (intptr_t)to_cgi_fds[0], (intptr_t)from_cgi_fds[1], serrh_fd, dfd); #else #if 0 /*(if cache used, then must skip fdio_close_dirfd(dfd) further below)*/ /*(similar to fdevent_open_dirname(), but leveraging stat_cache)*/ /*(would need specialized routine to also pass O_DIRECTORY)*/ /*(if not for r->conf.follow_symlink policy (of dubious benefit itself), * the target dir could be handled in fdevent_fork_execve() similarly * to how target dir is handled in fdevent_createprocess())*/ /*(handle special cases of no dirname or dirname is root directory)*/ const char * const path = r->physical.path.ptr; char * const c = strrchr(path, '/'); const char * const dname = (NULL != c ? c != path ? path : "/" : "."); buffer * const tb = r->tmp_buf; buffer_copy_string_len(tb, dname, dname == path ? (uint32_t)(c - path) : 1); const stat_cache_entry * const sce = stat_cache_get_entry_open(tb, r->conf.follow_symlink); int dfd = sce ? sce->fd : -1; #else int dfd = fdevent_open_dirname(r->physical.path.ptr,r->conf.follow_symlink); #endif if (-1 == dfd) { log_perror(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "open dirname %s failed", r->physical.path.ptr); } int serrh_fd = r->conf.serrh ? r->conf.serrh->fd : -1; pid_t pid = (dfd >= 0) ? fdevent_fork_execve(args[0], args, envp, to_cgi_fds[0], from_cgi_fds[1], serrh_fd, dfd) : -1; #endif chunk_buffer_release(env->boffsets); chunk_buffer_release(env->b); env->boffsets = NULL; env->b = NULL; if (-1 == pid) { /* log error with errno prior to calling close() (might change errno) */ log_perror(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "fork/spawn %s", args[0]); if (dfd >= 0) fdio_close_dirfd(dfd); return cgi_create_err(r, cgi_fds, NULL); } { if (dfd >= 0) fdio_close_dirfd(dfd); hctx->cgi_pid = cgi_pid_add(p, pid, hctx); if (0 == r->reqbody_length) { #ifndef MOD_CGI_INHERIT_STDIN_DEV_NULL fdio_close_file(to_cgi_fds[0]); #endif } else if (-1 == to_cgi_fds[1]) { chunkqueue * const cq = &r->reqbody_queue; chunkqueue_mark_written(cq, chunkqueue_length(cq)); } else if (0 != cgi_write_request(hctx, to_cgi_fds[1])) { return cgi_create_err(r, cgi_fds, NULL); } else { if (-1 == hctx->fdtocgi) /*(body fully sent in initial write)*/ fdio_close_pipe(to_cgi_fds[1]); else /*(fdevent_register() was called on fd opened further above)*/ ++r->con->srv->cur_fds; fdio_close_pipe(to_cgi_fds[0]); } fdio_close_pipe(from_cgi_fds[1]); ++r->con->srv->cur_fds; hctx->fd = from_cgi_fds[0]; struct fdevents * const ev = hctx->ev; hctx->fdn = fdevent_register(ev, hctx->fd, cgi_handle_fdevent, hctx); hctx->read_ts = log_monotonic_secs; fdevent_fdnode_event_set(ev, hctx->fdn, FDEVENT_IN | FDEVENT_RDHUP); return 0; } } URIHANDLER_FUNC(cgi_is_handled) { plugin_data *p = p_d; const stat_cache_st *st; data_string *ds; if (NULL != r->handler_module) return HANDLER_GO_ON; /* r->physical.path is non-empty for handle_subrequest_start */ /*if (buffer_is_blank(&r->physical.path)) return HANDLER_GO_ON;*/ mod_cgi_patch_config(r, p); if (NULL == p->conf.cgi) return HANDLER_GO_ON; ds = (data_string *)array_match_key_suffix(p->conf.cgi, &r->physical.path); if (NULL == ds) return HANDLER_GO_ON; /* r->tmp_sce is set in http_response_physical_path_check() and is valid * in handle_subrequest_start callback -- handle_subrequest_start callbacks * should not change r->physical.path (or should invalidate r->tmp_sce) */ st = r->tmp_sce && buffer_is_equal(&r->tmp_sce->name, &r->physical.path) ? &r->tmp_sce->st : stat_cache_path_stat(&r->physical.path); if (NULL == st) return HANDLER_GO_ON; /* (aside: CGI might be executable even if it is not readable) */ if (!S_ISREG(st->st_mode)) return HANDLER_GO_ON; if (p->conf.execute_x_only == 1 && (st->st_mode & (S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH)) == 0) return HANDLER_GO_ON; if (__builtin_expect( (r->h2_connect_ext != 0), 0) && !p->conf.upgrade) { r->http_status = 405; /* Method Not Allowed */ return HANDLER_FINISHED; } if (r->reqbody_length && p->tempfile_accum && !(r->conf.stream_request_body /*(if not streaming request body)*/ & (FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST|FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_BUFMIN))) { /* store request body in single tempfile if not streaming request body*/ r->reqbody_queue.upload_temp_file_size = (off_t)((1uLL << (sizeof(off_t)*8-1))-1); } { handler_ctx *hctx = cgi_handler_ctx_init(); hctx->ev = r->con->srv->ev; hctx->r = r; hctx->con = r->con; hctx->plugin_data = p; hctx->cgi_handler = &ds->value; memcpy(&hctx->conf, &p->conf, sizeof(plugin_config)); if (__builtin_expect( (r->h2_connect_ext != 0), 0)) { } else if (!light_btst(r->rqst_htags, HTTP_HEADER_UPGRADE)) hctx->conf.upgrade = 0; else if (!hctx->conf.upgrade || r->http_version != HTTP_VERSION_1_1) { hctx->conf.upgrade = 0; http_header_request_unset(r, HTTP_HEADER_UPGRADE, CONST_STR_LEN("Upgrade")); } if (hctx->conf.upgrade) { hctx->orig_reqbody_length = r->reqbody_length; r->reqbody_length = -1; } hctx->opts.max_per_read = !(r->conf.stream_response_body /*(if not streaming response body)*/ & (FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE|FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE_BUFMIN)) ? 262144 : (r->conf.stream_response_body & FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE_BUFMIN) ? 16384 /* FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE_BUFMIN */ : 65536; /* FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE */ #ifdef _WIN32 hctx->opts.fdfmt = S_IFSOCK; #else hctx->opts.fdfmt = S_IFIFO; #endif hctx->opts.backend = BACKEND_CGI; hctx->opts.authorizer = 0; hctx->opts.local_redir = hctx->conf.local_redir; hctx->opts.xsendfile_allow = hctx->conf.xsendfile_allow; hctx->opts.xsendfile_docroot = hctx->conf.xsendfile_docroot; hctx->opts.pdata = hctx; hctx->opts.headers = cgi_response_headers; r->plugin_ctx[p->id] = hctx; r->handler_module = p->self; } return HANDLER_GO_ON; } /* * - HANDLER_GO_ON : not our job * - HANDLER_FINISHED: got response * - HANDLER_WAIT_FOR_EVENT: waiting for response */ SUBREQUEST_FUNC(mod_cgi_handle_subrequest) { plugin_data * const p = p_d; handler_ctx * const hctx = r->plugin_ctx[p->id]; if (NULL == hctx) return HANDLER_GO_ON; if (__builtin_expect( (r->conf.stream_request_body & FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_TCP_FIN), 0) && hctx->conf.limits && hctx->conf.limits->signal_fin) { /* XXX: consider setting r->http_status = 499 if (0 == r->http_status) * (499 is nginx custom status to indicate client closed connection) */ if (-1 == hctx->fd) return HANDLER_ERROR; /*(CGI not yet spawned)*/ if (hctx->cgi_pid) /* send signal to notify CGI about TCP FIN */ cgi_pid_kill(hctx->cgi_pid, hctx->conf.limits->signal_fin); } const int rd_revents = hctx->rd_revents; const int wr_revents = hctx->wr_revents; if (rd_revents) { hctx->rd_revents = 0; handler_t rc = cgi_process_rd_revents(hctx, r, rd_revents); if (rc != HANDLER_GO_ON) return rc; /*(might invalidate hctx)*/ } if (wr_revents) { hctx->wr_revents = 0; handler_t rc = cgi_process_wr_revents(hctx, r, wr_revents); if (rc != HANDLER_GO_ON) return rc; /*(might invalidate hctx)*/ } if ((r->conf.stream_response_body & FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE_BUFMIN) && r->resp_body_started) { if (chunkqueue_length(&r->write_queue) > 65536 - 4096) { fdevent_fdnode_event_clr(hctx->ev, hctx->fdn, FDEVENT_IN); } else if (!(fdevent_fdnode_interest(hctx->fdn) & FDEVENT_IN)) { /* optimistic read from backend */ handler_t rc = cgi_recv_response(r, hctx); /*(might invalidate hctx)*/ if (rc != HANDLER_GO_ON) return rc; /*(unless HANDLER_GO_ON)*/ hctx->read_ts = log_monotonic_secs; fdevent_fdnode_event_add(hctx->ev, hctx->fdn, FDEVENT_IN); } } chunkqueue * const cq = &r->reqbody_queue; if (cq->bytes_in != (off_t)r->reqbody_length) { /*(64k - 4k to attempt to avoid temporary files * in conjunction with FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_BUFMIN)*/ if (chunkqueue_length(cq) > 65536 - 4096 && (r->conf.stream_request_body & FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_BUFMIN)){ r->conf.stream_request_body &= ~FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_POLLIN; } else { handler_t rc = r->con->reqbody_read(r); if (rc != HANDLER_GO_ON && !(hctx->conf.upgrade && -1 == hctx->fd && rc == HANDLER_WAIT_FOR_EVENT)) return rc; } } if (-1 == hctx->fd) { /* CGI environment requires that Content-Length be set. * Send 411 Length Required if Content-Length missing. * (occurs here if client sends Transfer-Encoding: chunked * and module is flagged to stream request body to backend) */ if (-1 == r->reqbody_length && !hctx->conf.upgrade) { return (r->conf.stream_request_body & FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST) ? http_response_reqbody_read_error(r, 411) : HANDLER_WAIT_FOR_EVENT; } if (cgi_create_env(r, p, hctx, hctx->cgi_handler)) { r->http_status = 500; r->handler_module = NULL; return HANDLER_FINISHED; } } else if (!chunkqueue_is_empty(cq)) { if (fdevent_fdnode_interest(hctx->fdntocgi) & FDEVENT_OUT) return HANDLER_WAIT_FOR_EVENT; if (0 != cgi_write_request(hctx, hctx->fdtocgi)) { cgi_connection_close(hctx); return HANDLER_ERROR; } } /* if not done, wait for CGI to close stdout, so we read EOF on pipe */ return HANDLER_WAIT_FOR_EVENT; } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static void cgi_trigger_hctx_timeout(handler_ctx * const hctx, const char * const msg) { request_st * const r = hctx->r; joblist_append(r->con); log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "%s timeout on CGI: %s (pid: %lld)", msg, r->physical.path.ptr, (long long)hctx->cgi_pid->pid); if (*msg == 'w') { /* "write" */ /* theoretically, response might be waiting on hctx->fdn pipe * if it arrived since we last checked for event, and if CGI * timeout out while reading (or did not read) request body */ handler_t rc = cgi_recv_response(r, hctx); /*(might invalidate hctx)*/ if (rc != HANDLER_GO_ON) return; /*(unless HANDLER_GO_ON)*/ } if (0 == r->http_status) r->http_status = 504; /* Gateway Timeout */ cgi_connection_close(hctx); } static handler_t cgi_trigger_cb(server *srv, void *p_d) { UNUSED(srv); const unix_time64_t mono = log_monotonic_secs; plugin_data * const p = p_d; for (cgi_pid_t *cgi_pid = p->cgi_pid; cgi_pid; cgi_pid = cgi_pid->next) { /*(hctx stays in cgi_pid list until process pid is reaped, * so p->cgi_pid[] is not modified during this loop)*/ handler_ctx * const hctx = cgi_pid->hctx; if (!hctx) continue; /*(already called cgi_pid_kill())*/ const cgi_limits * const limits = hctx->conf.limits; if (NULL == limits) continue; if (limits->read_timeout && hctx->fdn && (fdevent_fdnode_interest(hctx->fdn) & FDEVENT_IN) && mono - hctx->read_ts > limits->read_timeout) { cgi_trigger_hctx_timeout(hctx, "read"); continue; } if (limits->write_timeout && hctx->fdntocgi && (fdevent_fdnode_interest(hctx->fdntocgi) & FDEVENT_OUT) && mono - hctx->write_ts > limits->write_timeout) { cgi_trigger_hctx_timeout(hctx, "write"); continue; } } return HANDLER_GO_ON; } static handler_t cgi_waitpid_cb(server *srv, void *p_d, pid_t pid, int status) { /*(XXX: if supporting a large number of CGI, might use a different algorithm * instead of linked list, e.g. splaytree indexed with pid)*/ plugin_data *p = (plugin_data *)p_d; for (cgi_pid_t *cgi_pid = p->cgi_pid; cgi_pid; cgi_pid = cgi_pid->next) { if (pid != cgi_pid->pid) continue; handler_ctx * const hctx = cgi_pid->hctx; if (hctx) hctx->cgi_pid = NULL; if (WIFEXITED(status)) { /* (skip logging (non-zero) CGI exit; might be very noisy) */ } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { /* ignore SIGTERM if sent by cgi_connection_close() (NULL == hctx)*/ if (WTERMSIG(status) != cgi_pid->signal_sent) { log_error_st *errh = hctx ? hctx->r->conf.errh : srv->errh; log_error(errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "CGI pid %d died with signal %d", pid, WTERMSIG(status)); } } #if 0 /*(should not happen; lighttpd not catching STOP or CONT)*/ else { log_error_st *errh = hctx ? hctx->r->conf.errh : srv->errh; log_error(errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "CGI pid %d ended unexpectedly", pid); } #endif cgi_pid_del(p, cgi_pid); return HANDLER_FINISHED; } return HANDLER_GO_ON; } __attribute_cold__ __declspec_dllexport__ int mod_cgi_plugin_init(plugin *p); int mod_cgi_plugin_init(plugin *p) { p->version = LIGHTTPD_VERSION_ID; p->name = "cgi"; p->handle_request_reset = cgi_connection_close_callback; p->handle_subrequest_start = cgi_is_handled; p->handle_subrequest = mod_cgi_handle_subrequest; p->handle_trigger = cgi_trigger_cb; p->handle_waitpid = cgi_waitpid_cb; p->init = mod_cgi_init; p->cleanup = mod_cgi_free; p->set_defaults = mod_cgi_set_defaults; return 0; }