/* * mod_vhostdb_pgsql - virtual hosts mapping from backend PostgreSQL database * * Copyright(c) 2017 Glenn Strauss gstrauss()gluelogic.com All rights reserved * License: BSD 3-clause (same as lighttpd) */ #include "first.h" #include #include #include #include "base.h" #include "http_vhostdb.h" #include "log.h" #include "plugin.h" /* * virtual host plugin using PostgreSQL for domain to directory lookups */ typedef struct { PGconn *dbconn; const buffer *sqlquery; } vhostdb_config; typedef struct { void *vdata; } plugin_config; typedef struct { PLUGIN_DATA; plugin_config defaults; plugin_config conf; } plugin_data; static void mod_vhostdb_dbconf_free (void *vdata) { vhostdb_config *dbconf = (vhostdb_config *)vdata; if (!dbconf) return; PQfinish(dbconf->dbconn); free(dbconf); } static int mod_vhostdb_dbconf_setup (server *srv, const array *opts, void **vdata) { const buffer *sqlquery = NULL; const char *dbname=NULL, *user=NULL, *pass=NULL, *host=NULL, *port=NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < opts->used; ++i) { const data_string *ds = (data_string *)opts->data[i]; if (ds->type == TYPE_STRING) { if (buffer_is_equal_caseless_string(&ds->key, CONST_STR_LEN("sql"))) { sqlquery = &ds->value; } else if (buffer_is_equal_caseless_string(&ds->key, CONST_STR_LEN("dbname"))) { dbname = ds->value.ptr; } else if (buffer_is_equal_caseless_string(&ds->key, CONST_STR_LEN("user"))) { user = ds->value.ptr; } else if (buffer_is_equal_caseless_string(&ds->key, CONST_STR_LEN("password"))) { pass = ds->value.ptr; } else if (buffer_is_equal_caseless_string(&ds->key, CONST_STR_LEN("host"))) { host = ds->value.ptr; } else if (buffer_is_equal_caseless_string(&ds->key, CONST_STR_LEN("port"))) { port = ds->value.ptr; } } } /* required: * - sql (sql query) * - dbname * - user (unless dbname is a pgsql conninfo URI) * * optional: * - password, default: empty * - hostname * - port, default: 5432 */ if (!buffer_string_is_empty(sqlquery) && NULL != dbname) { vhostdb_config *dbconf; PGconn *dbconn = PQsetdbLogin(host,port,NULL,NULL,dbname,user,pass); if (NULL == dbconn) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "PGsetdbLogin() failed, exiting..."); return -1; } if (CONNECTION_OK != PQstatus(dbconn)) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to login to database, exiting..."); PQfinish(dbconn); return -1; } /* Postgres sets FD_CLOEXEC on database socket descriptors */ dbconf = (vhostdb_config *)calloc(1, sizeof(*dbconf)); dbconf->dbconn = dbconn; dbconf->sqlquery = sqlquery; *vdata = dbconf; } return 0; } static void mod_vhostdb_patch_config(request_st * const r, plugin_data * const p); static int mod_vhostdb_pgsql_query(request_st * const r, void *p_d, buffer *docroot) { plugin_data *p = (plugin_data *)p_d; vhostdb_config *dbconf; PGresult *res; int cols, rows; /*(reuse buffer for sql query before generating docroot result)*/ buffer *sqlquery = docroot; buffer_clear(sqlquery); /*(also resets docroot (alias))*/ mod_vhostdb_patch_config(r, p); if (NULL == p->conf.vdata) return 0; /*(after resetting docroot)*/ dbconf = (vhostdb_config *)p->conf.vdata; for (char *b = dbconf->sqlquery->ptr, *d; *b; b = d+1) { if (NULL != (d = strchr(b, '?'))) { /* escape the uri.authority */ size_t len; int err; buffer_append_string_len(sqlquery, b, (size_t)(d - b)); buffer_string_prepare_append(sqlquery, buffer_string_length(&r->uri.authority) * 2); len = PQescapeStringConn(dbconf->dbconn, sqlquery->ptr + buffer_string_length(sqlquery), CONST_BUF_LEN(&r->uri.authority), &err); buffer_commit(sqlquery, len); if (0 != err) return -1; } else { d = dbconf->sqlquery->ptr + buffer_string_length(dbconf->sqlquery); buffer_append_string_len(sqlquery, b, (size_t)(d - b)); break; } } res = PQexec(dbconf->dbconn, sqlquery->ptr); buffer_clear(docroot); /*(reset buffer to store result)*/ if (PGRES_TUPLES_OK != PQresultStatus(res)) { log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "%s", PQerrorMessage(dbconf->dbconn)); PQclear(res); return -1; } cols = PQnfields(res); rows = PQntuples(res); if (rows == 1 && cols >= 1) { buffer_copy_string(docroot, PQgetvalue(res, 0, 0)); } /* else no such virtual host */ PQclear(res); return 0; } INIT_FUNC(mod_vhostdb_init) { static http_vhostdb_backend_t http_vhostdb_backend_pgsql = { "pgsql", mod_vhostdb_pgsql_query, NULL }; plugin_data *p = calloc(1, sizeof(*p)); /* register http_vhostdb_backend_pgsql */ http_vhostdb_backend_pgsql.p_d = p; http_vhostdb_backend_set(&http_vhostdb_backend_pgsql); return p; } FREE_FUNC(mod_vhostdb_cleanup) { plugin_data * const p = p_d; if (NULL == p->cvlist) return; /* (init i to 0 if global context; to 1 to skip empty global context) */ for (int i = !p->cvlist[0].v.u2[1], used = p->nconfig; i < used; ++i) { config_plugin_value_t *cpv = p->cvlist + p->cvlist[i].v.u2[0]; for (; -1 != cpv->k_id; ++cpv) { if (cpv->vtype != T_CONFIG_LOCAL || NULL == cpv->v.v) continue; switch (cpv->k_id) { case 0: /* vhostdb. */ mod_vhostdb_dbconf_free(cpv->v.v); break; default: break; } } } } static void mod_vhostdb_merge_config_cpv(plugin_config * const pconf, const config_plugin_value_t * const cpv) { switch (cpv->k_id) { /* index into static config_plugin_keys_t cpk[] */ case 0: /* vhostdb. */ if (cpv->vtype == T_CONFIG_LOCAL) pconf->vdata = cpv->v.v; break; default:/* should not happen */ return; } } static void mod_vhostdb_merge_config(plugin_config * const pconf, const config_plugin_value_t *cpv) { do { mod_vhostdb_merge_config_cpv(pconf, cpv); } while ((++cpv)->k_id != -1); } static void mod_vhostdb_patch_config(request_st * const r, plugin_data * const p) { p->conf = p->defaults; /* copy small struct instead of memcpy() */ /*memcpy(&p->conf, &p->defaults, sizeof(plugin_config));*/ for (int i = 1, used = p->nconfig; i < used; ++i) { if (config_check_cond(r, (uint32_t)p->cvlist[i].k_id)) mod_vhostdb_merge_config(&p->conf,p->cvlist + p->cvlist[i].v.u2[0]); } } SETDEFAULTS_FUNC(mod_vhostdb_set_defaults) { static const config_plugin_keys_t cpk[] = { { CONST_STR_LEN("vhostdb.pgsql"), T_CONFIG_ARRAY_KVSTRING, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION } ,{ NULL, 0, T_CONFIG_UNSET, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_UNSET } }; plugin_data * const p = p_d; if (!config_plugin_values_init(srv, p, cpk, "mod_vhostdb_pgsql")) return HANDLER_ERROR; /* process and validate config directives * (init i to 0 if global context; to 1 to skip empty global context) */ for (int i = !p->cvlist[0].v.u2[1]; i < p->nconfig; ++i) { config_plugin_value_t *cpv = p->cvlist + p->cvlist[i].v.u2[0]; for (; -1 != cpv->k_id; ++cpv) { switch (cpv->k_id) { case 0: /* vhostdb. */ if (cpv->v.a->used) { if (0 != mod_vhostdb_dbconf_setup(srv, cpv->v.a, &cpv->v.v)) return HANDLER_ERROR; if (NULL != cpv->v.v) cpv->vtype = T_CONFIG_LOCAL; } break; default:/* should not happen */ break; } } } /* initialize p->defaults from global config context */ if (p->nconfig > 0 && p->cvlist->v.u2[1]) { const config_plugin_value_t *cpv = p->cvlist + p->cvlist->v.u2[0]; if (-1 != cpv->k_id) mod_vhostdb_merge_config(&p->defaults, cpv); } return HANDLER_GO_ON; } int mod_vhostdb_pgsql_plugin_init (plugin *p); int mod_vhostdb_pgsql_plugin_init (plugin *p) { p->version = LIGHTTPD_VERSION_ID; p->name = "vhostdb_pgsql"; p->init = mod_vhostdb_init; p->cleanup = mod_vhostdb_cleanup; p->set_defaults = mod_vhostdb_set_defaults; return 0; }