#include "first.h" #include "response.h" #include "request.h" #include "reqpool.h" #include "base.h" #include "fdevent.h" #include "http_header.h" #include "http_kv.h" #include "log.h" #include "stat_cache.h" #include "chunk.h" #include "http_chunk.h" #include "http_date.h" #include "http_range.h" #include "plugin.h" #include #include #include "sys-time.h" #include #include #include #include int http_response_omit_header (request_st * const r, const data_string * const ds) { const size_t klen = buffer_clen(&ds->key); if (klen == sizeof("X-Sendfile")-1 && buffer_eq_icase_ssn(ds->key.ptr, CONST_STR_LEN("X-Sendfile"))) return 1; if (klen >= sizeof("X-LIGHTTPD-")-1 && buffer_eq_icase_ssn(ds->key.ptr, CONST_STR_LEN("X-LIGHTTPD-"))) { if (klen == sizeof("X-LIGHTTPD-KBytes-per-second")-1 && buffer_eq_icase_ssn(ds->key.ptr+sizeof("X-LIGHTTPD-")-1, CONST_STR_LEN("KBytes-per-second"))) { /* "X-LIGHTTPD-KBytes-per-second" */ off_t limit = strtol(ds->value.ptr, NULL, 10) << 10; /*(*=1024)*/ if (limit > 0 && (limit < r->conf.bytes_per_second || 0 == r->conf.bytes_per_second)) { r->conf.bytes_per_second = limit; } } return 1; } return 0; } __attribute_cold__ static void http_response_write_header_partial_1xx (request_st * const r, buffer * const b) { /* take data in con->write_queue and move into b * (to be sent prior to final response headers in r->write_queue) */ connection * const con = r->con; /*assert(&r->write_queue != con->write_queue);*/ chunkqueue * const cq = con->write_queue; con->write_queue = &r->write_queue; /*assert(0 == buffer_clen(b));*//*expect empty buffer from caller*/ uint32_t len = (uint32_t)chunkqueue_length(cq); /*(expecting MEM_CHUNK(s), so not expecting error reading files)*/ if (chunkqueue_read_data(cq, buffer_string_prepare_append(b, len), len, r->conf.errh) < 0) len = 0; buffer_truncate(b, len);/*expect initial empty buffer from caller*/ chunkqueue_free(cq); } void http_response_write_header (request_st * const r) { /* disable keep-alive if requested */ r->con->keep_alive_idle = r->conf.max_keep_alive_idle; if (__builtin_expect( (0 == r->conf.max_keep_alive_idle), 0) || r->con->request_count > r->conf.max_keep_alive_requests) { r->keep_alive = 0; } else if (0 != r->reqbody_length && r->reqbody_length != r->reqbody_queue.bytes_in && (NULL == r->handler_module || 0 == (r->conf.stream_request_body & (FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST | FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_BUFMIN)))) { r->keep_alive = 0; } if (light_btst(r->resp_htags, HTTP_HEADER_UPGRADE) && r->http_version == HTTP_VERSION_1_1) { http_header_response_set(r, HTTP_HEADER_CONNECTION, CONST_STR_LEN("Connection"), CONST_STR_LEN("upgrade")); } else if (r->keep_alive <= 0) { http_header_response_set(r, HTTP_HEADER_CONNECTION, CONST_STR_LEN("Connection"), CONST_STR_LEN("close")); } else if (r->http_version == HTTP_VERSION_1_0) {/*(&& r->keep_alive > 0)*/ http_header_response_set(r, HTTP_HEADER_CONNECTION, CONST_STR_LEN("Connection"), CONST_STR_LEN("keep-alive")); } if (304 == r->http_status && light_btst(r->resp_htags, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING)) { http_header_response_unset(r, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_ENCODING, CONST_STR_LEN("Content-Encoding")); } chunkqueue * const cq = &r->write_queue; buffer * const b = chunkqueue_prepend_buffer_open(cq); if (cq != r->con->write_queue) http_response_write_header_partial_1xx(r, b); buffer_append_string_len(b, (r->http_version == HTTP_VERSION_1_1) ? "HTTP/1.1 " : "HTTP/1.0 ", sizeof("HTTP/1.1 ")-1); http_status_append(b, r->http_status); /* add all headers */ for (size_t i = 0, used = r->resp_headers.used; i < used; ++i) { const data_string * const ds = (data_string *)r->resp_headers.data[i]; const uint32_t klen = buffer_clen(&ds->key); const uint32_t vlen = buffer_clen(&ds->value); if (__builtin_expect( (0 == klen), 0)) continue; if (__builtin_expect( (0 == vlen), 0)) continue; if ((ds->key.ptr[0] & 0xdf) == 'X' && http_response_omit_header(r, ds)) continue; char * restrict s = buffer_extend(b, klen+vlen+4); s[0] = '\r'; s[1] = '\n'; memcpy(s+2, ds->key.ptr, klen); s += 2+klen; s[0] = ':'; s[1] = ' '; memcpy(s+2, ds->value.ptr, vlen); } if (!light_btst(r->resp_htags, HTTP_HEADER_DATE)) { /* HTTP/1.1 and later requires a Date: header */ /* "\r\nDate: " 8-chars + 30-chars "%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT" + '\0' */ static unix_time64_t tlast = 0; static char tstr[40] = "\r\nDate: "; /* cache the generated timestamp */ const unix_time64_t cur_ts = log_epoch_secs; if (__builtin_expect ( (tlast != cur_ts), 0)) http_date_time_to_str(tstr+8, sizeof(tstr)-8, (tlast = cur_ts)); buffer_append_string_len(b, tstr, 37); } if (!light_btst(r->resp_htags, HTTP_HEADER_SERVER) && r->conf.server_tag) buffer_append_str2(b, CONST_STR_LEN("\r\nServer: "), BUF_PTR_LEN(r->conf.server_tag)); buffer_append_string_len(b, CONST_STR_LEN("\r\n\r\n")); r->resp_header_len = buffer_clen(b); if (r->conf.log_response_header) { log_error_multiline(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, BUF_PTR_LEN(b), "fd:%d resp: ", r->con->fd); } chunkqueue_prepend_buffer_commit(cq); /*(optimization to use fewer syscalls to send a small response)*/ off_t cqlen; if (r->resp_body_finished && light_btst(r->resp_htags, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH) && (cqlen = chunkqueue_length(cq) - r->resp_header_len) > 0 && cqlen < 16384) chunkqueue_small_resp_optim(cq); } __attribute_cold__ static handler_t http_response_physical_path_error (request_st * const r, const int code, const char * const msg) { r->http_status = code; if ((code == 404 && r->conf.log_file_not_found) || r->conf.log_request_handling) { if (NULL == msg) log_perror(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "-- "); else log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "%s", msg); log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Path : %s", r->physical.path.ptr); log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "URI : %s", r->uri.path.ptr); } return HANDLER_FINISHED; } static handler_t http_response_physical_path_check(request_st * const r) { stat_cache_entry *sce = stat_cache_get_entry(&r->physical.path); if (__builtin_expect( (sce != NULL), 1)) { /* file exists */ } else { switch (errno) { case ENOTDIR: /* PATH_INFO ! :) */ break; case EACCES: return http_response_physical_path_error(r, 403, NULL); case ENAMETOOLONG: /* file name to be read was too long. return 404 */ case ENOENT: if (r->http_method == HTTP_METHOD_OPTIONS && light_btst(r->resp_htags, HTTP_HEADER_ALLOW)) { r->http_status = 200; return HANDLER_FINISHED; } return http_response_physical_path_error(r, 404, NULL); default: /* we have no idea what happened. let's tell the user so. */ return http_response_physical_path_error(r, 500, NULL); } /* not found, perhaps PATHINFO */ char *pathinfo; { /*(might check at startup that s->document_root does not end in '/')*/ size_t len = buffer_clen(&r->physical.basedir) - (buffer_has_pathsep_suffix(&r->physical.basedir)); pathinfo = r->physical.path.ptr + len; if ('/' != *pathinfo) { pathinfo = NULL; } else if (pathinfo == r->physical.path.ptr) { /*(basedir is "/")*/ pathinfo = strchr(pathinfo+1, '/'); } } const uint32_t pathused = r->physical.path.used; for (char *pprev = pathinfo; pathinfo; pprev = pathinfo, pathinfo = strchr(pathinfo+1, '/')) { /*(temporarily modify r->physical.path in-place)*/ r->physical.path.used = pathinfo - r->physical.path.ptr + 1; *pathinfo = '\0'; stat_cache_entry * const nsce = stat_cache_get_entry(&r->physical.path); *pathinfo = '/'; r->physical.path.used = pathused; if (NULL == nsce) { pathinfo = pathinfo != pprev ? pprev : NULL; break; } sce = nsce; if (!S_ISDIR(sce->st.st_mode)) break; } if (NULL == pathinfo || !S_ISREG(sce->st.st_mode)) { /* no it really doesn't exists */ return http_response_physical_path_error(r, 404, "-- file not found"); } /* note: historical behavior checks S_ISREG() above, permitting * path-info only on regular files, not dirs or special files */ /* we have a PATHINFO */ if (pathinfo) { size_t len = r->physical.path.ptr+pathused-1-pathinfo, reqlen; if (r->conf.force_lowercase_filenames && len <= (reqlen = buffer_clen(&r->target)) && buffer_eq_icase_ssn(r->target.ptr + reqlen - len, pathinfo, len)) { /* attempt to preserve case-insensitive PATH_INFO * (works in common case where mod_alias, mod_magnet, and other modules * have not modified the PATH_INFO portion of request URI, or did so * with exactly the PATH_INFO desired) */ buffer_copy_string_len(&r->pathinfo, r->target.ptr + reqlen - len, len); } else { buffer_copy_string_len(&r->pathinfo, pathinfo, len); } /* * shorten uri.path */ buffer_truncate(&r->uri.path, buffer_clen(&r->uri.path) - len); buffer_truncate(&r->physical.path, (size_t)(pathinfo - r->physical.path.ptr)); } } if (!r->conf.follow_symlink && 0 != stat_cache_path_contains_symlink(&r->physical.path, r->conf.errh)) { return http_response_physical_path_error(r, 403, "-- access denied due to symlink restriction"); } /* r->tmp_sce is valid in handle_subrequest_start callback -- * handle_subrquest_start callbacks should not change r->physical.path * (or should invalidate r->tmp_sce). r->tmp_sce is not reset between * requests and is valid only for sequential code after this func succeeds*/ r->tmp_sce = sce; if (S_ISREG(sce->st.st_mode)) /*(common case)*/ return HANDLER_GO_ON; if (S_ISDIR(sce->st.st_mode)) { if (!buffer_has_slash_suffix(&r->uri.path)) { http_response_redirect_to_directory(r, 301); return HANDLER_FINISHED; } } else { /* any special handling of other non-reg files ?*/ } return HANDLER_GO_ON; } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static handler_t http_status_set_error_close (request_st * const r, int status) { r->keep_alive = 0; r->resp_body_finished = 1; r->handler_module = NULL; r->http_status = status; return HANDLER_FINISHED; } __attribute_cold__ static handler_t http_response_prepare_options_star (request_st * const r) { r->http_status = 200; r->resp_body_finished = 1; http_header_response_append(r, HTTP_HEADER_ALLOW, CONST_STR_LEN("Allow"), CONST_STR_LEN("OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST")); return HANDLER_FINISHED; } __attribute_cold__ static handler_t http_response_prepare_connect (request_st * const r) { return (r->handler_module) ? HANDLER_GO_ON : http_status_set_error_close(r, 405);/* 405 Method Not Allowed */ } static handler_t http_response_config (request_st * const r) { config_cond_cache_reset(r); config_patch_config(r); r->server_name = r->conf.server_name ? r->conf.server_name : &r->uri.authority; /* do we have to downgrade from 1.1 to 1.0 ? (ignore for HTTP/2) */ if (__builtin_expect( (!r->conf.allow_http11), 0) && r->http_version == HTTP_VERSION_1_1) r->http_version = HTTP_VERSION_1_0; if (__builtin_expect( (r->reqbody_length > 0), 0) && 0 != r->conf.max_request_size /* r->conf.max_request_size in kB */ && (off_t)r->reqbody_length > ((off_t)r->conf.max_request_size << 10)) { log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "request-size too long: %lld -> 413", (long long) r->reqbody_length); return /* 413 Payload Too Large */ http_status_set_error_close(r, 413); } return HANDLER_GO_ON; } __attribute_noinline__ static handler_t http_response_prepare (request_st * const r) { handler_t rc; /* looks like someone has already made a decision */ if (__builtin_expect( (r->http_status > 200), 0)) { /* yes, > 200 */ if (0 == r->resp_body_finished) http_response_body_clear(r, 0); return HANDLER_FINISHED; } /* no decision yet, build conf->filename */ if (buffer_is_unset(&r->physical.path)) { if (__builtin_expect( (!r->async_callback), 1)) { rc = http_response_config(r); if (HANDLER_GO_ON != rc) return rc; } else r->async_callback = 0; /* reset */ /* we only come here when we have the parse the full request again * * a HANDLER_COMEBACK from mod_rewrite and mod_fastcgi might be a * problem here as mod_setenv might get called multiple times * * fastcgi-auth might lead to a COMEBACK too * fastcgi again dead server too */ if (r->conf.log_request_handling) { log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "-- parsed Request-URI"); log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Request-URI : %s", r->target.ptr); log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "URI-scheme : %s", r->uri.scheme.ptr); log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "URI-authority : %s", r->uri.authority.ptr); log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "URI-path (clean): %s", r->uri.path.ptr); log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "URI-query : %.*s", BUFFER_INTLEN_PTR(&r->uri.query)); } rc = plugins_call_handle_uri_clean(r); if (HANDLER_GO_ON != rc) return rc; if (__builtin_expect( (r->http_method == HTTP_METHOD_OPTIONS), 0) && r->uri.path.ptr[0] == '*' && r->uri.path.ptr[1] == '\0') return http_response_prepare_options_star(r); if (__builtin_expect( (r->http_method == HTTP_METHOD_CONNECT), 0)) return http_response_prepare_connect(r); /* * border between logical and physical * logical path (URI) becomes a physical filename */ /* docroot: set r->physical.doc_root and might set r->server_name */ buffer_clear(&r->physical.doc_root); rc = plugins_call_handle_docroot(r); if (HANDLER_GO_ON != rc) return rc; /* transform r->uri.path to r->physical.rel_path (relative file path) */ buffer_copy_buffer(&r->physical.rel_path, &r->uri.path); #if defined(__WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) /* strip dots from the end and spaces * * windows/dos handle those filenames as the same file * * foo == foo. == foo..... == "foo... " == "foo.. ./" * * This will affect in some cases PATHINFO * * on native windows we could prepend the filename with \\?\ to circumvent * this behaviour. I have no idea how to push this through cygwin * * */ { buffer *b = &r->physical.rel_path; size_t len = buffer_clen(b); /* strip trailing " /" or "./" once */ if (len > 1 && b->ptr[len - 1] == '/' && (b->ptr[len - 2] == ' ' || b->ptr[len - 2] == '.')) { len -= 2; } /* strip all trailing " " and "." */ while (len > 0 && ( ' ' == b->ptr[len-1] || '.' == b->ptr[len-1] ) ) --len; buffer_truncate(b, len); } #endif /* MacOS X and Windows (typically) case-insensitive filesystems */ if (r->conf.force_lowercase_filenames) { buffer_to_lower(&r->physical.rel_path); } /* compose physical filename: physical.path = doc_root + rel_path */ if (buffer_is_unset(&r->physical.doc_root)) buffer_copy_buffer(&r->physical.doc_root, r->conf.document_root); buffer_copy_buffer(&r->physical.basedir, &r->physical.doc_root); buffer_copy_path_len2(&r->physical.path, BUF_PTR_LEN(&r->physical.doc_root), BUF_PTR_LEN(&r->physical.rel_path)); rc = plugins_call_handle_physical(r); if (HANDLER_GO_ON != rc) return rc; if (r->conf.log_request_handling) { log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "-- logical -> physical"); log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Doc-Root : %s", r->physical.doc_root.ptr); log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Basedir : %s", r->physical.basedir.ptr); log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Rel-Path : %s", r->physical.rel_path.ptr); log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Path : %s", r->physical.path.ptr); } } if (NULL != r->handler_module) return HANDLER_GO_ON; /* * No module grabbed the request yet (like mod_access) * * Go on and check if the file exists at all */ rc = http_response_physical_path_check(r); if (HANDLER_GO_ON != rc) return rc; /* r->physical.path is non-empty and exists in the filesystem */ if (r->conf.log_request_handling) { log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "-- handling subrequest"); log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Path : %s", r->physical.path.ptr); log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "URI : %s", r->uri.path.ptr); log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Pathinfo : %s", r->pathinfo.ptr ? r->pathinfo.ptr : ""); } /* call the handlers */ rc = plugins_call_handle_subrequest_start(r); if (HANDLER_GO_ON != rc) return rc; if (__builtin_expect( (NULL == r->handler_module), 0)) { /* no handler; finish request */ if (__builtin_expect( (0 == r->http_status), 0)) { if (r->http_method == HTTP_METHOD_OPTIONS) { http_response_body_clear(r, 0); http_response_prepare_options_star(r); /*(treat like "*")*/ } else if (!http_method_get_head_post(r->http_method)) r->http_status = 501; else r->http_status = 403; } return HANDLER_FINISHED; } return HANDLER_GO_ON; } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static handler_t http_response_comeback (request_st * const r) { if (NULL != r->handler_module || !buffer_is_unset(&r->physical.path)) return HANDLER_GO_ON; request_config_reset(r); if (__builtin_expect( (r->http_host != NULL), 1)) buffer_copy_string_len_lc(&r->uri.authority, BUF_PTR_LEN(r->http_host)); else /*(buffer_blank(&r->uri.authority) w/o code inline)*/ buffer_copy_string_len(&r->uri.authority, CONST_STR_LEN("")); int status = http_request_parse_target(r, r->con->proto_default_port); if (0 == status) { r->conditional_is_valid = (1 << COMP_SERVER_SOCKET) | (1 << COMP_HTTP_SCHEME) | (1 << COMP_HTTP_HOST) | (1 << COMP_HTTP_REMOTE_IP) | (1 << COMP_HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD) | (1 << COMP_HTTP_URL) | (1 << COMP_HTTP_QUERY_STRING) | (1 << COMP_HTTP_REQUEST_HEADER); return HANDLER_GO_ON; } else { r->conditional_is_valid = (1 << COMP_SERVER_SOCKET) | (1 << COMP_HTTP_REMOTE_IP); config_cond_cache_reset(r); return http_status_set_error_close(r, status); } } __attribute_cold__ static void http_response_errdoc_init (request_st * const r) { /* modules that produce headers required with error response should * typically also produce an error document. Make an exception for * mod_auth WWW-Authenticate response header. */ buffer *www_auth = NULL; if (401 == r->http_status) { const buffer * const vb = http_header_response_get(r, HTTP_HEADER_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, CONST_STR_LEN("WWW-Authenticate")); if (NULL != vb) www_auth = buffer_init_buffer(vb); } buffer_reset(&r->physical.path); r->resp_htags = 0; array_reset_data_strings(&r->resp_headers); http_response_body_clear(r, 0); if (NULL != www_auth) { http_header_response_set(r, HTTP_HEADER_WWW_AUTHENTICATE, CONST_STR_LEN("WWW-Authenticate"), BUF_PTR_LEN(www_auth)); buffer_free(www_auth); } } __attribute_cold__ static void http_response_static_errdoc (request_st * const r) { if (NULL == r->handler_module ? r->error_handler_saved_status >= 65535 : (!r->conf.error_intercept || r->error_handler_saved_status)) return; http_response_errdoc_init(r); r->resp_body_finished = 1; /* try to send static errorfile */ if (r->conf.errorfile_prefix) { buffer_copy_buffer(&r->physical.path, r->conf.errorfile_prefix); buffer_append_int(&r->physical.path, r->http_status); buffer_append_string_len(&r->physical.path, CONST_STR_LEN(".html")); stat_cache_entry *sce = stat_cache_get_entry_open(&r->physical.path, r->conf.follow_symlink); if (sce && 0 == http_chunk_append_file_ref(r, sce)) { const buffer *content_type = stat_cache_content_type_get(sce, r); if (content_type) http_header_response_set(r, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, CONST_STR_LEN("Content-Type"), BUF_PTR_LEN(content_type)); return; } buffer_clear(&r->physical.path); } /* build default error-page */ buffer * const b = chunkqueue_append_buffer_open(&r->write_queue); buffer_copy_string_len(b, CONST_STR_LEN( "\n" "\n" "\n" " \n" " ")); http_status_append(b, r->http_status); buffer_append_string_len(b, CONST_STR_LEN( "\n" " \n" " \n" "

")); http_status_append(b, r->http_status); buffer_append_string_len(b, CONST_STR_LEN( "

\n" " \n" "\n")); chunkqueue_append_buffer_commit(&r->write_queue); http_header_response_set(r, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, CONST_STR_LEN("Content-Type"), CONST_STR_LEN("text/html")); } __attribute_cold__ static void http_response_merge_trailers (request_st * const r) { /* attempt to merge trailers into headers; header not yet sent by caller */ if (buffer_is_blank(&r->gw_dechunk->b)) return; const int done = r->gw_dechunk->done; if (!done) return; /* XXX: !done; could scan for '\n' and send only those */ /* do not include trailers if success status (when response was read from * backend) subsequently changed to error status. http_chunk could add the * trailers, but such actions are better on a different code layer than in * http_chunk.c */ if (done < 400 && r->http_status >= 400) return; /* XXX: trailers passed through; no sanity check currently done * https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-4.1.2 * * Not checking for disallowed fields * Not handling (deprecated) line wrapping * Not strictly checking fields */ const char *k = strchr(r->gw_dechunk->b.ptr, '\n'); /*(skip final chunk)*/ if (NULL == k) return; /*(should not happen)*/ ++k; for (const char *v, *e; (e = strchr(k, '\n')); k = e+1) { v = memchr(k, ':', (size_t)(e - k)); if (NULL == v || v == k || *k == ' ' || *k == '\t') continue; uint32_t klen = (uint32_t)(v - k); do { ++v; } while (*v == ' ' || *v == '\t'); if (*v == '\r' || *v == '\n') continue; enum http_header_e id = http_header_hkey_get(k, klen); http_header_response_insert(r, id, k, klen, v, (size_t)(e - v)); } http_header_response_unset(r, HTTP_HEADER_OTHER, CONST_STR_LEN("Trailer")); buffer_clear(&r->gw_dechunk->b); } __attribute_noinline__ static handler_t http_response_write_prepare(request_st * const r) { switch (r->http_status) { case 200: /* common case */ break; case 204: /* class: header only */ case 205: case 304: /* disable chunked encoding again as we have no body */ http_response_body_clear(r, 1); /* no Content-Body, no Content-Length */ http_header_response_unset(r, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, CONST_STR_LEN("Content-Length")); r->resp_body_finished = 1; break; default: /* class: header + body */ /* only custom body for 4xx and 5xx */ if (r->http_status >= 400 && r->http_status < 600) http_response_static_errdoc(r); break; } if (r->gw_dechunk) http_response_merge_trailers(r); /* Allow filter plugins to change response headers */ switch (plugins_call_handle_response_start(r)) { case HANDLER_GO_ON: case HANDLER_FINISHED: break; default: log_error(r->conf.errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "response_start plugin failed"); return HANDLER_ERROR; } if (r->resp_body_finished) { /* check for Range request (current impl requires resp_body_finished) */ if (r->conf.range_requests && http_range_rfc7233(r) >= 400) http_response_static_errdoc(r); /* 416 Range Not Satisfiable */ /* set content-length if length is known and not already set */ if (!(r->resp_htags & (light_bshift(HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH) |light_bshift(HTTP_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING)))) { off_t qlen = chunkqueue_length(&r->write_queue); /** * The Content-Length header can only be sent if we have content: * - HEAD does not have a content-body (but can have content-length) * - 1xx, 204 and 304 does not have a content-body * (RFC 2616 Section 4.3) * * Otherwise generate a Content-Length header * (if chunked encoding is not available) * * (should not reach here if 1xx (r->http_status < 200)) */ if (qlen > 0) { buffer_append_int( http_header_response_set_ptr(r, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, CONST_STR_LEN("Content-Length")), qlen); } else if (r->http_method != HTTP_METHOD_HEAD && r->http_status != 204 && r->http_status != 304) { /* Content-Length: 0 is important for Redirects (301, ...) as * there might be content. */ http_header_response_set(r, HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, CONST_STR_LEN("Content-Length"), CONST_STR_LEN("0")); } } } else if (r->http_version == HTTP_VERSION_2) { /* handled by HTTP/2 framing */ } else { /** * response is not yet finished, but we have all headers * * keep-alive requires one of: * - Content-Length: ... (HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.0) * - Transfer-Encoding: chunked (HTTP/1.1) * - Upgrade: ... (lighttpd then acts as transparent proxy) */ if (!(r->resp_htags & (light_bshift(HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH) |light_bshift(HTTP_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING) |light_bshift(HTTP_HEADER_UPGRADE)))) { if (r->http_method == HTTP_METHOD_CONNECT && r->http_status == 200){ /*(no transfer-encoding if successful CONNECT)*/ } else if (r->http_version == HTTP_VERSION_1_1) { off_t qlen = chunkqueue_length(&r->write_queue); r->resp_send_chunked = 1; if (r->resp_decode_chunked) { /*(reconstitute initial partially-decoded chunk)*/ off_t gw_chunked = r->gw_dechunk->gw_chunked; if (gw_chunked >= 2) qlen += gw_chunked - 2; else if (1 == gw_chunked) chunkqueue_append_mem(&r->write_queue, CONST_STR_LEN("\r")); else { if (qlen) chunkqueue_append_mem(&r->write_queue, CONST_STR_LEN("\r\n")); const buffer * const hdr = &r->gw_dechunk->b; if (!buffer_is_blank(hdr)) /*(partial chunked header)*/ chunkqueue_append_mem(&r->write_queue, BUF_PTR_LEN(hdr)); } } else if (qlen) { chunkqueue_append_mem(&r->write_queue, CONST_STR_LEN("\r\n")); } if (qlen) { /* create initial Transfer-Encoding: chunked segment */ buffer * const b = chunkqueue_prepend_buffer_open(&r->write_queue); buffer_append_uint_hex(b, (uintmax_t)qlen); buffer_append_string_len(b, CONST_STR_LEN("\r\n")); chunkqueue_prepend_buffer_commit(&r->write_queue); } http_header_response_append(r, HTTP_HEADER_TRANSFER_ENCODING, CONST_STR_LEN("Transfer-Encoding"), CONST_STR_LEN("chunked")); } else { /* if (r->http_version == HTTP_VERSION_1_0) */ r->keep_alive = 0; } } } if (r->http_method == HTTP_METHOD_HEAD) { /* HEAD request is like a GET, but without the content */ http_response_body_clear(r, 1); r->resp_body_finished = 1; } return HANDLER_GO_ON; } __attribute_cold__ static int http_response_call_error_handler (request_st * const r, const buffer * const error_handler) { /* call error-handler */ /* set REDIRECT_STATUS to save current HTTP status code * for access by dynamic handlers * https://redmine.lighttpd.net/issues/1828 */ buffer_append_int( http_header_env_set_ptr(r, CONST_STR_LEN("REDIRECT_STATUS")), r->http_status); if (error_handler == r->conf.error_handler) { plugins_call_handle_request_reset(r); if (r->reqbody_length) { if (r->reqbody_length != r->reqbody_queue.bytes_in) r->keep_alive = 0; r->reqbody_length = 0; chunkqueue_reset(&r->reqbody_queue); } r->con->is_writable = 1; r->resp_body_finished = 0; r->resp_body_started = 0; r->error_handler_saved_status = r->http_status; r->error_handler_saved_method = r->http_method; r->http_method = HTTP_METHOD_GET; } else { /*(preserve behavior for server.error-handler-404)*/ /*(negative to flag old behavior)*/ r->error_handler_saved_status = -r->http_status; } if (r->http_version == HTTP_VERSION_UNSET) r->http_version = HTTP_VERSION_1_0; buffer_copy_buffer(&r->target, error_handler); http_response_errdoc_init(r); r->http_status = 0; /*(after http_response_errdoc_init())*/ return 1; } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static int http_response_has_error_handler (request_st * const r) { if (r->error_handler_saved_status > 0) r->http_method = r->error_handler_saved_method; if (NULL == r->handler_module || r->conf.error_intercept) { if (__builtin_expect( (r->error_handler_saved_status), 0)) { const int subreq_status = r->http_status; if (r->error_handler_saved_status > 0) r->http_status = r->error_handler_saved_status; else if (r->http_status == 404 || r->http_status == 403) /* error-handler-404 is a 404 */ r->http_status = -r->error_handler_saved_status; else { /* error-handler-404 is back and has generated content */ /* if Status: was set, take it otherwise use 200 */ } if (200 <= subreq_status && subreq_status <= 299) { /*(flag value to indicate that error handler succeeded) *(for (NULL == r->handler_module))*/ r->error_handler_saved_status = 65535; /* >= 1000 */ } } else if (__builtin_expect( (r->http_status >= 400), 0)) { const buffer *error_handler = NULL; if (r->conf.error_handler) error_handler = r->conf.error_handler; else if ((r->http_status == 404 || r->http_status == 403) && r->conf.error_handler_404) error_handler = r->conf.error_handler_404; if (error_handler) return http_response_call_error_handler(r, error_handler); } } return 0; } handler_t http_response_handler (request_st * const r) { int rc; do { const plugin *p = r->handler_module; if (NULL != p || ((rc = http_response_prepare(r)) == HANDLER_GO_ON && NULL != (p = r->handler_module))) rc = p->handle_subrequest(r, p->data); switch (rc) { case HANDLER_WAIT_FOR_EVENT: if (!r->resp_body_finished && (!r->resp_body_started || 0 == (r->conf.stream_response_body & (FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE |FDEVENT_STREAM_RESPONSE_BUFMIN)))) return HANDLER_WAIT_FOR_EVENT; /* come back here */ /* response headers received from backend; start response */ __attribute_fallthrough__ case HANDLER_GO_ON: case HANDLER_FINISHED: if (r->http_status == 0) r->http_status = 200; if ((__builtin_expect( (r->http_status < 400), 1) && __builtin_expect( (0 == r->error_handler_saved_status), 1)) || __builtin_expect( (!http_response_has_error_handler(r)), 1)) /* we have something to send; go on */ /*(CON_STATE_RESPONSE_START; transient state)*/ return http_response_write_prepare(r); __attribute_fallthrough__ case HANDLER_COMEBACK: http_response_comeback(r); rc = HANDLER_COMEBACK; continue; /*case HANDLER_ERROR:*/ default: return HANDLER_ERROR; /* something went wrong */ } } while (rc == HANDLER_COMEBACK); #ifndef __COVERITY__ return HANDLER_ERROR; /* should not happen */ /*(not reached)*/ #endif }