#include "first.h" #include "base.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "network.h" #include "log.h" #include "rand.h" #include "chunk.h" #include "h2.h" /* h2_send_1xx() */ #include "fdevent.h" #include "fdlog.h" #include "connections.h" #include "sock_addr.h" #include "stat_cache.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "plugin_config.h" /* config_plugin_value_tobool() */ #include "network_write.h" /* network_write_show_handlers() */ #include "reqpool.h" /* request_pool_init() request_pool_free() */ #include "response.h" /* http_response_send_1xx_cb_set() strftime_cache_reset() */ #ifdef HAVE_VERSIONSTAMP_H # include "versionstamp.h" #else # define REPO_VERSION "" #endif #define PACKAGE_DESC PACKAGE_NAME "/" PACKAGE_VERSION REPO_VERSION static const buffer default_server_tag = { CONST_STR_LEN(PACKAGE_DESC)+1, 0 }; #include #include #include "sys-time.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_VALGRIND_VALGRIND_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_PWD_H # include # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_LOADAVG_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_RESOURCE_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_PRCTL_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_PROCCTL_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_PRIV_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_MALLOC_H #ifndef LIGHTTPD_STATIC #ifdef HAVE_DLFCN_H #include #endif #endif #include #if defined(HAVE_MALLOC_TRIM) static int(*malloc_trim_fn)(size_t); static size_t malloc_top_pad; #endif #endif #include "sys-crypto.h" #if defined(USE_OPENSSL_CRYPTO) \ || defined(USE_MBEDTLS_CRYPTO) \ || defined(USE_NSS_CRYPTO) \ || defined(USE_GNUTLS_CRYPTO) \ || defined(USE_WOLFTLS_CRYPTO) #define TEXT_SSL " (ssl)" #else #define TEXT_SSL #endif #ifndef __sgi /* IRIX doesn't like the alarm based time() optimization */ /* #define USE_ALARM */ #endif static int oneshot_fd = 0; static int oneshot_fdout = -1; static fdnode *oneshot_fdn = NULL; static int (*oneshot_read_cq)(connection *con, chunkqueue *cq, off_t max_bytes); static volatile int pid_fd = -2; static server_socket_array graceful_sockets; static server_socket_array inherited_sockets; static volatile sig_atomic_t graceful_restart = 0; static volatile sig_atomic_t graceful_shutdown = 0; static volatile sig_atomic_t srv_shutdown = 0; static volatile sig_atomic_t handle_sig_child = 0; static volatile sig_atomic_t handle_sig_alarm = 1; static volatile sig_atomic_t handle_sig_hup = 0; static int idle_limit = 0; #if defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) && defined(SA_SIGINFO) static volatile siginfo_t last_sigterm_info; static volatile siginfo_t last_sighup_info; static void sigaction_handler(int sig, siginfo_t *si, void *context) { static const siginfo_t empty_siginfo; UNUSED(context); if (!si) *(const siginfo_t **)&si = &empty_siginfo; switch (sig) { case SIGTERM: srv_shutdown = 1; last_sigterm_info = *si; break; case SIGUSR1: if (!graceful_shutdown) { graceful_restart = 1; graceful_shutdown = 1; last_sigterm_info = *si; } break; case SIGINT: if (graceful_shutdown) { if (2 == graceful_restart) graceful_restart = 1; else srv_shutdown = 1; } else { graceful_shutdown = 1; } last_sigterm_info = *si; break; case SIGALRM: handle_sig_alarm = 1; break; case SIGHUP: handle_sig_hup = 1; last_sighup_info = *si; break; case SIGCHLD: handle_sig_child = 1; break; } } #elif defined(HAVE_SIGNAL) || defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) static void signal_handler(int sig) { switch (sig) { case SIGTERM: srv_shutdown = 1; break; case SIGUSR1: if (!graceful_shutdown) { graceful_restart = 1; graceful_shutdown = 1; } break; case SIGINT: if (graceful_shutdown) { if (2 == graceful_restart) graceful_restart = 1; else srv_shutdown = 1; } else { graceful_shutdown = 1; } break; case SIGALRM: handle_sig_alarm = 1; break; case SIGHUP: handle_sig_hup = 1; break; case SIGCHLD: handle_sig_child = 1; break; } } #endif #ifdef HAVE_FORK static int daemonize(void) { int pipefd[2]; pid_t pid; #ifdef SIGTTOU signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN); #endif #ifdef SIGTTIN signal(SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN); #endif #ifdef SIGTSTP signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN); #endif if (fdevent_pipe_cloexec(pipefd, 64) < 0) exit(-1); if (0 > (pid = fork())) exit(-1); if (0 < pid) { char buf; ssize_t bytes; close(pipefd[1]); /* parent waits for grandchild to be ready */ do { bytes = read(pipefd[0], &buf, sizeof(buf)); } while (bytes < 0 && EINTR == errno); close(pipefd[0]); if (bytes <= 0) { /* closed fd (without writing) == failure in grandchild */ fputs("daemonized server failed to start; check error log for details\n", stderr); exit(-1); } exit(0); } close(pipefd[0]); if (-1 == setsid()) exit(0); signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); if (0 != fork()) exit(0); if (0 != chdir("/")) exit(0); return pipefd[1]; } #endif static int clockid_mono_coarse = 0; static unix_time64_t server_monotonic_secs (void) { unix_timespec64_t ts; return (0 == log_clock_gettime(clockid_mono_coarse, &ts)) ? ts.tv_sec : log_monotonic_secs; } static unix_time64_t server_epoch_secs (server * const srv, unix_time64_t mono_ts_delta) { const unix_time64_t cur_ts = log_epoch_secs; const unix_time64_t new_ts = TIME64_CAST(time(NULL)); const unix_time64_t new_ts_adj = new_ts - mono_ts_delta; /* attempt to detect large clock jump */ if (new_ts_adj < cur_ts || new_ts_adj - cur_ts > 300) { /*(5 mins)*/ log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "warning: clock jumped %lld secs", (long long)((int64_t)new_ts_adj - (int64_t)cur_ts)); int delta = /*(30 mins default)*/ config_feature_int(srv, "server.clock-jump-restart", 1800); if (delta && (new_ts_adj > cur_ts ? new_ts_adj-cur_ts : cur_ts-new_ts_adj) > delta) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "attempting graceful restart in < ~5 seconds, else hard restart"); srv->graceful_expire_ts = log_monotonic_secs + 5; raise(SIGUSR1); } } return new_ts; } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ __attribute_returns_nonnull__ static server *server_init(void) { server *srv = calloc(1, sizeof(*srv)); force_assert(srv); srv->tmp_buf = buffer_init(); strftime_cache_reset(); li_rand_reseed(); srv->startup_ts = log_epoch_secs = TIME64_CAST(time(NULL)); #ifdef HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME unix_timespec64_t ts; UNUSED(&ts); #ifdef CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE if (0 == log_clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE, &ts)) clockid_mono_coarse = CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE; else #endif #ifdef CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW_APPROX if (0 == log_clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW_APPROX, &ts)) clockid_mono_coarse = CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW_APPROX; else #endif #ifdef CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW if (0 == log_clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &ts)) clockid_mono_coarse = CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW; else #endif clockid_mono_coarse = CLOCK_MONOTONIC; #endif log_monotonic_secs = server_monotonic_secs(); srv->errh = log_set_global_errh(NULL, 0); config_init(srv); srv->request_env = plugins_call_handle_request_env; srv->loadavg[0] = 0.0; srv->loadavg[1] = 0.0; srv->loadavg[2] = 0.0; srv->stdin_fd = -1; log_con_jqueue = (connection *)(uintptr_t)&log_con_jqueue;/*(sentinel)*/ return srv; } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static void server_free(server *srv) { if (oneshot_fd > 0) { if (oneshot_fdn) { fdevent_fdnode_event_del(srv->ev, oneshot_fdn); fdevent_unregister(srv->ev, oneshot_fd); oneshot_fdn = NULL; } close(oneshot_fd); } if (oneshot_fdout >= 0) { close(oneshot_fdout); } if (srv->stdin_fd >= 0) { close(srv->stdin_fd); } buffer_free(srv->tmp_buf); fdevent_free(srv->ev); config_free(srv); stat_cache_free(); li_rand_cleanup(); chunkqueue_chunk_pool_free(); if (srv->errh != log_set_global_errh(NULL, 0)) fdlog_free(srv->errh); free(srv); } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static void remove_pid_file(server *srv) { if (pid_fd <= -2) return; if (srv->srvconf.pid_file && 0 <= pid_fd) { if (0 != ftruncate(pid_fd, 0)) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ftruncate failed for: %s", srv->srvconf.pid_file->ptr); } } if (0 <= pid_fd) { close(pid_fd); pid_fd = -1; } if (srv->srvconf.pid_file && !srv->srvconf.changeroot) { if (0 != unlink(srv->srvconf.pid_file->ptr)) { if (errno != EACCES && errno != EPERM) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "unlink failed for: %s", srv->srvconf.pid_file->ptr); } } } } __attribute_cold__ static server_socket * server_oneshot_getsock(server *srv, sock_addr *cnt_addr) { server_socket *srv_socket, *srv_socket_wild = NULL; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < srv->srv_sockets.used; ++i) { srv_socket = srv->srv_sockets.ptr[i]; if (!sock_addr_is_port_eq(&srv_socket->addr,cnt_addr)) continue; if (sock_addr_is_addr_eq(&srv_socket->addr,cnt_addr)) return srv_socket; if (NULL != srv_socket_wild) continue; if (sock_addr_is_addr_wildcard(&srv_socket->addr)) { srv_socket_wild = srv_socket; } } if (NULL != srv_socket_wild) { return srv_socket_wild; } else if (srv->srv_sockets.used) { return srv->srv_sockets.ptr[0]; } else { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "no sockets configured"); return NULL; } } static int server_oneshot_read_cq(connection *con, chunkqueue *cq, off_t max_bytes) { /* temporary set con->fd to oneshot_fd (fd input) rather than outshot_fdout * (lighttpd generally assumes operation on sockets, so this is a kludge) */ int fd = con->fd; con->fd = oneshot_fdn->fd; int rc = oneshot_read_cq(con, cq, max_bytes); con->fd = fd; /* note: optimistic reads (elsewhere) may or may not be enough to re-enable * read interest after FDEVENT_IN interest was paused for other reasons */ const int events = fdevent_fdnode_interest(oneshot_fdn); int n = con->is_readable > 0 ? 0 : FDEVENT_IN; if (events & FDEVENT_RDHUP) n |= FDEVENT_RDHUP; fdevent_fdnode_event_set(con->srv->ev, oneshot_fdn, n); return rc; } static handler_t server_oneshot_handle_fdevent(void *context, int revents) { connection *con = context; /* note: not sync'd with con->fdn or connection_set_fdevent_interest() */ int rdhup = 0; int n = fdevent_fdnode_interest(oneshot_fdn); if (revents & FDEVENT_IN) n &= ~FDEVENT_IN; request_st * const r = &con->request; if (r->state != CON_STATE_ERROR && (revents & (FDEVENT_HUP|FDEVENT_RDHUP))){ revents &= ~(FDEVENT_HUP|FDEVENT_RDHUP); /* copied and modified from connection_handle_fdevent() * fdevent_is_tcp_half_closed() will fail on pipe * and, besides, read end of pipes should treat POLLHUP as POLLRDHUP */ n &= ~(FDEVENT_IN|FDEVENT_RDHUP); rdhup = 1; } fdevent_fdnode_event_set(con->srv->ev, oneshot_fdn, n); fdnode * const fdn = con->fdn; /* fdn->ctx == con */ handler_t rc = (fdn && (fdevent_handler)NULL != fdn->handler) ? (*fdn->handler)(con, revents) : HANDLER_FINISHED; if (rdhup) { r->conf.stream_request_body &= ~(FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_BUFMIN|FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_POLLIN); r->conf.stream_request_body |= FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_POLLRDHUP; r->conf.stream_request_body |= FDEVENT_STREAM_REQUEST_TCP_FIN; con->is_readable = 1; /*(can read 0 for end-of-stream)*/ if (chunkqueue_is_empty(con->read_queue)) r->keep_alive = 0; if (r->reqbody_length < -1) /*(transparent proxy mode; no more data)*/ r->reqbody_length = r->reqbody_queue.bytes_in; } return rc; } __attribute_cold__ static int server_oneshot_init_pipe(server *srv, int fdin, int fdout) { /* Note: attempt to work with netcat pipes though other code expects socket. * netcat has different fds (pipes) for stdin and stdout. To support * netcat, need to avoid S_ISSOCK(), getsockname(), and getpeername(), * reconstructing addresses from environment variables: * NCAT_LOCAL_ADDR NCAT_LOCAL_PORT * NCAT_REMOTE_ADDR NCAT_REMOTE_PORT * NCAT_PROTO (TCP, UDP, SCTP) */ connection *con; const server_socket *srv_socket; sock_addr cnt_addr; /* detect if called from netcat or else fabricate localhost addrs */ const char * const ncat = getenv("NCAT_LOCAL_ADDR"); const char * const ncat_local_addr = ncat ? ncat : ""; /*(fabricated)*/ const char * const ncat_local_port = ncat ? getenv("NCAT_LOCAL_PORT") : "80"; /*(fabricated)*/ const char * const ncat_remote_addr = ncat ? getenv("NCAT_REMOTE_ADDR") : ""; /*(fabricated)*/ const char * const ncat_remote_port = ncat ? getenv("NCAT_REMOTE_PORT") : "48080"; /*(fabricated)*/ if (NULL == ncat_local_addr || NULL == ncat_local_port) return 0; if (NULL == ncat_remote_addr || NULL == ncat_remote_port) return 0; const int family = ncat && strchr(ncat_local_addr,':') ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET; unsigned short port; port = (unsigned short)strtol(ncat_local_port, NULL, 10); if (1 != sock_addr_inet_pton(&cnt_addr, ncat_local_addr, family, port)) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "invalid local addr"); return 0; } srv_socket = server_oneshot_getsock(srv, &cnt_addr); if (NULL == srv_socket) return 0; port = (unsigned short)strtol(ncat_remote_port, NULL, 10); if (1 != sock_addr_inet_pton(&cnt_addr, ncat_remote_addr, family, port)) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "invalid remote addr"); return 0; } /*(must set flags; fd did not pass through fdevent accept() logic)*/ if (-1 == fdevent_fcntl_set_nb_cloexec(fdin)) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "fcntl()"); return 0; } if (-1 == fdevent_fcntl_set_nb_cloexec(fdout)) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "fcntl()"); return 0; } con = connection_accepted(srv, srv_socket, &cnt_addr, fdout); if (NULL == con) return 0; /* note: existing routines assume socket, not pipe * connections.c:connection_read_cq() * uses recv() ifdef __WIN32 * passes S_IFSOCK to fdevent_ioctl_fionread() * (The routine could be copied and modified, if required) * This is unlikely to work if TLS is used over pipe since the SSL_CTX * is associated with the other end of the pipe. However, if using * pipes, using TLS is unexpected behavior. */ /*assert(oneshot_fd == fdin);*/ oneshot_read_cq = con->network_read; con->network_read = server_oneshot_read_cq; oneshot_fdn = fdevent_register(srv->ev, fdin, server_oneshot_handle_fdevent, con); fdevent_fdnode_event_set(srv->ev, oneshot_fdn, FDEVENT_RDHUP); connection_state_machine(con); return 1; } __attribute_cold__ static int server_oneshot_init(server *srv, int fd) { connection *con; const server_socket *srv_socket; sock_addr cnt_addr; socklen_t cnt_len; cnt_len = sizeof(cnt_addr); if (0 != getsockname(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&cnt_addr, &cnt_len)) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "getsockname()"); return 0; } srv_socket = server_oneshot_getsock(srv, &cnt_addr); if (NULL == srv_socket) return 0; #ifdef __clang_analyzer__ memset(&cnt_addr, 0, sizeof(cnt_addr)); #endif cnt_len = sizeof(cnt_addr); if (0 != getpeername(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&cnt_addr, &cnt_len)) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "getpeername()"); return 0; } /*(must set flags; fd did not pass through fdevent accept() logic)*/ if (-1 == fdevent_fcntl_set_nb_cloexec(fd)) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "fcntl()"); return 0; } if (sock_addr_get_family(&cnt_addr) != AF_UNIX) { network_accept_tcp_nagle_disable(fd); } con = connection_accepted(srv, srv_socket, &cnt_addr, fd); if (NULL == con) return 0; connection_state_machine(con); return 1; } __attribute_cold__ static void show_version (void) { char *b = PACKAGE_DESC TEXT_SSL \ " - a light and fast webserver\n" #ifdef NONREPRODUCIBLE_BUILD "Build-Date: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n"; #endif ; write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, b, strlen(b)); } __attribute_cold__ static void show_features (void) { static const char features[] = "\nFeatures:\n\n" #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 "\t+ IPv6 support\n" #else "\t- IPv6 support\n" #endif #if defined HAVE_ZLIB_H && defined HAVE_LIBZ "\t+ zlib support\n" #else "\t- zlib support\n" #endif #if defined HAVE_ZSTD_H && defined HAVE_ZSTD "\t+ zstd support\n" #else "\t- zstd support\n" #endif #if defined HAVE_BZLIB_H && defined HAVE_LIBBZ2 "\t+ bzip2 support\n" #else "\t- bzip2 support\n" #endif #if defined HAVE_BROTLI_ENCODE_H && defined HAVE_BROTLI "\t+ brotli support\n" #else "\t- brotli support\n" #endif #if defined(HAVE_CRYPT) || defined(HAVE_CRYPT_R) "\t+ crypt support\n" #else "\t- crypt support\n" #endif #ifdef USE_OPENSSL_CRYPTO "\t+ OpenSSL support\n" #else "\t- OpenSSL support\n" #endif #ifdef USE_MBEDTLS_CRYPTO "\t+ mbedTLS support\n" #else "\t- mbedTLS support\n" #endif #ifdef USE_NSS_CRYPTO "\t+ NSS crypto support\n" #else "\t- NSS crypto support\n" #endif #ifdef USE_GNUTLS_CRYPTO "\t+ GnuTLS support\n" #else "\t- GnuTLS support\n" #endif #ifdef USE_WOLFSSL_CRYPTO "\t+ WolfSSL support\n" #else "\t- WolfSSL support\n" #endif #ifdef USE_NETTLE_CRYPTO "\t+ Nettle support\n" #else "\t- Nettle support\n" #endif #ifdef HAVE_PCRE "\t+ PCRE support\n" #else "\t- PCRE support\n" #endif #ifdef HAVE_MYSQL "\t+ MySQL support\n" #else "\t- MySQL support\n" #endif #ifdef HAVE_PGSQL "\t+ PgSQL support\n" #else "\t- PgSQL support\n" #endif #ifdef HAVE_DBI "\t+ DBI support\n" #else "\t- DBI support\n" #endif #ifdef HAVE_KRB5 "\t+ Kerberos support\n" #else "\t- Kerberos support\n" #endif #if defined(HAVE_LDAP_H) && defined(HAVE_LBER_H) && defined(HAVE_LIBLDAP) && defined(HAVE_LIBLBER) "\t+ LDAP support\n" #else "\t- LDAP support\n" #endif #ifdef HAVE_PAM "\t+ PAM support\n" #else "\t- PAM support\n" #endif #ifdef HAVE_FAM_H "\t+ FAM support\n" #else "\t- FAM support\n" #endif #ifdef HAVE_LUA_H "\t+ LUA support\n" #else "\t- LUA support\n" #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBXML_H "\t+ xml support\n" #else "\t- xml support\n" #endif #ifdef HAVE_SQLITE3_H "\t+ SQLite support\n" #else "\t- SQLite support\n" #endif ; show_version(); printf("%s%s%s%s\n", fdevent_show_event_handlers(), network_write_show_handlers(), features, sizeof(time_t) > 4 || (sizeof(time_t) == 4 && (time_t)-1 > (time_t)1) ? "\t+ Y2038 support\n" : "\t- Y2038 support (unsafe 32-bit signed time_t)\n"); } __attribute_cold__ static void show_help (void) { char *b = PACKAGE_DESC TEXT_SSL #ifdef NONREPRODUCIBLE_BUILD " ("__DATE__ " " __TIME__ ")" #endif " - a light and fast webserver\n" \ "usage:\n" \ " -f filename of the config-file\n" \ " -m module directory (default: "LIBRARY_DIR")\n" \ " -i graceful shutdown after of inactivity\n" \ " -1 process single (one) request on stdin socket, then exit\n" \ " -p print the parsed config-file in internal form, and exit\n" \ " -t test config-file syntax, then exit\n" \ " -tt test config-file syntax, load and init modules, then exit\n" \ " -D don't go to background (default: go to background)\n" \ " -v show version\n" \ " -V show compile-time features\n" \ " -h show this help\n" \ "\n" ; write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, b, strlen(b)); } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static void server_sockets_save (server *srv) { /* graceful_restart */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < srv->srv_sockets.used; ++i) srv->srv_sockets.ptr[i]->srv = NULL; /* srv will shortly be invalid */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < srv->srv_sockets_inherited.used; ++i) srv->srv_sockets_inherited.ptr[i]->srv = NULL; /* srv to be invalid */ memcpy(&graceful_sockets, &srv->srv_sockets, sizeof(server_socket_array)); memset(&srv->srv_sockets, 0, sizeof(server_socket_array)); memcpy(&inherited_sockets, &srv->srv_sockets_inherited, sizeof(server_socket_array)); memset(&srv->srv_sockets_inherited, 0, sizeof(server_socket_array)); } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static void server_sockets_restore (server *srv) { /* graceful_restart */ memcpy(&srv->srv_sockets, &graceful_sockets, sizeof(server_socket_array)); memset(&graceful_sockets, 0, sizeof(server_socket_array)); memcpy(&srv->srv_sockets_inherited, &inherited_sockets, sizeof(server_socket_array)); memset(&inherited_sockets, 0, sizeof(server_socket_array)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < srv->srv_sockets.used; ++i) srv->srv_sockets.ptr[i]->srv = srv; /* update ptr */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < srv->srv_sockets_inherited.used; ++i) srv->srv_sockets_inherited.ptr[i]->srv = srv; /* update ptr */ } __attribute_cold__ static int server_sockets_set_nb_cloexec (server *srv) { if (srv->sockets_disabled) return 0; /* lighttpd -1 (one-shot mode) */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < srv->srv_sockets.used; ++i) { server_socket *srv_socket = srv->srv_sockets.ptr[i]; if (-1 == fdevent_fcntl_set_nb_cloexec_sock(srv_socket->fd)) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "fcntl()"); return -1; } } return 0; } __attribute_cold__ static void server_sockets_set_event (server *srv, int event) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < srv->srv_sockets.used; ++i) { server_socket *srv_socket = srv->srv_sockets.ptr[i]; fdevent_fdnode_event_set(srv->ev, srv_socket->fdn, event); } } __attribute_cold__ static void server_sockets_unregister (server *srv) { if (2 == srv->sockets_disabled) return; srv->sockets_disabled = 2; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < srv->srv_sockets.used; ++i) network_unregister_sock(srv, srv->srv_sockets.ptr[i]); } __attribute_cold__ static void server_sockets_close (server *srv) { /* closing socket right away will make it possible for the next lighttpd * to take over (old-style graceful restart), but only if backends * (e.g. fastcgi, scgi, etc) are independent from lighttpd, rather * than started by lighttpd via "bin-path") */ if (3 == srv->sockets_disabled) return; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < srv->srv_sockets.used; ++i) { server_socket *srv_socket = srv->srv_sockets.ptr[i]; if (-1 == srv_socket->fd) continue; if (2 != srv->sockets_disabled) network_unregister_sock(srv,srv_socket); close(srv_socket->fd); srv_socket->fd = -1; /* network_close() will cleanup after us */ } srv->sockets_disabled = 3; } __attribute_cold__ static void server_graceful_signal_prev_generation (void) { const char * const prev_gen = getenv("LIGHTTPD_PREV_GEN"); if (NULL == prev_gen) return; pid_t pid = (pid_t)strtol(prev_gen, NULL, 10); unsetenv("LIGHTTPD_PREV_GEN"); if (pid <= 0) return; /*(should not happen)*/ if (pid == fdevent_waitpid(pid,NULL,1)) return; /*(pid exited; unexpected)*/ kill(pid, SIGINT); /* signal previous generation for graceful shutdown */ } __attribute_cold__ static int server_graceful_state_bg (server *srv) { /*assert(graceful_restart);*/ /*(SIGUSR1 set to SIG_IGN in workers, so should not reach here if worker)*/ if (srv_shutdown) return 0; /* check if server should fork and background (bg) itself * to continue processing requests already in progress */ if (!config_feature_bool(srv, "server.graceful-restart-bg", 0)) return 0; /*(set flag to false to avoid repeating)*/ data_unset * const du = array_get_data_unset(srv->srvconf.feature_flags, CONST_STR_LEN("server.graceful-restart-bg")); if (du->type == TYPE_STRING) buffer_copy_string_len(&((data_string *)du)->value, CONST_STR_LEN("false")); else /* (du->type == TYPE_INTEGER) */ ((data_integer *)du)->value = 0; /* require exec'd via absolute path or daemon in foreground * and exec'd with path containing '/' (e.g. "./xxxxx") */ char ** const argv = srv->argv; if (0 == srv->srvconf.dont_daemonize ? argv[0][0] != '/' : NULL == strchr(argv[0], '/')) return 0; #if 0 /* disabled; not fully implemented * srv->srvconf.systemd_socket_activation might be cleared in network_init() * leading to issuing a false warning */ /* warn if server.systemd-socket-activation not enabled * (While this warns on existing config rather than new config, * it is probably a decent predictor for presence in new config) */ if (!srv->srvconf.systemd_socket_activation) log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[note] server.systemd-socket-activation not enabled; " "listen sockets will be closed and reopened"); #endif /* flush log buffers to avoid potential duplication of entries * server_handle_sighup(srv) does the following, but skip logging */ plugins_call_handle_sighup(srv); fdlog_files_cycle(srv->errh); /* reopen log files, not pipes */ /* backgrounding to continue processing requests in progress */ /* re-exec lighttpd in original process * Note: using path in re-exec is portable and allows lighttpd upgrade. * OTOH, getauxval() AT_EXECFD and fexecve() could be used on Linux to * re-exec without access to original executable on disk, which might be * desirable in some situations, but is not implemented here. * Alternatively, if argv[] was not available, could use readlink() on * /proc/self/exe (Linux-specific), though there are ways on many other * platforms to achieve the same: * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1023306/finding-current-executables-path-without-proc-self-exe */ #if defined(HAVE_KQUEUE) #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) /*(must *exclude* rfork RFFDG flag for kqueue to work across rfork)*/ pid_t pid = rfork(RFPROC); #else pid_t pid = -1; if (pid < 0) { /* kqueue is not inherited across fork * future: fdevent kqueue and stat_cache kqueue would need to be closed, * re-opened, and active fds re-registered. Not current done. * Need to create some routines like fdevent_reinit_after_fork*/ log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "server.graceful-restart-bg ignored on OpenBSD and NetBSD " "due to limitation in kqueue inheritance and lacking rfork"); return 0; } #endif #else pid_t pid = fork(); #endif if (pid) { /* original process */ if (pid < 0) return 0; network_socket_activation_to_env(srv); /* save pid of original server in environment so that it can be * signalled by restarted server once restarted server is ready * to accept new connections */ server_graceful_signal_prev_generation();/*(expect no prev gen active)*/ if (0 == srv->srvconf.max_worker) { buffer * const tb = srv->tmp_buf; buffer_clear(tb); buffer_append_int(tb, pid); setenv("LIGHTTPD_PREV_GEN", tb->ptr, 1); } /*fdevent_waitpid(pid, NULL, 0);*//* detach? */ execv(argv[0], argv); _exit(1); } /* else child/grandchild */ /*if (-1 == setsid()) _exit(1);*//* should we detach? */ /* Note: restarted server will fail with socket-in-use error if * server.systemd-socket-activation not enabled in restarted server */ if (0 != srv->srvconf.max_worker) server_sockets_close(srv);/*(close before parent reaps pid in waitpid)*/ /*if (0 != fork()) _exit(0);*//* should we detach? */ /*(grandchild is now backgrounded and detached from original process)*/ /* XXX: might extend code to have new server.feature-flags param specify * max lifetime before aborting remaining connections */ /* (reached if lighttpd workers or if sole process w/o workers) * use same code as comment elsewhere in server.c: * make sure workers do not muck with pid-file */ if (0 <= pid_fd) { close(pid_fd); pid_fd = -1; } srv->srvconf.pid_file = NULL; /* (original process is backgrounded -- even if no active connections -- * to allow graceful shutdown tasks to be run by server and by modules) */ log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[note] pid %lld continuing to handle %u connection(s) in progress", (long long)getpid(), srv->srvconf.max_conns - srv->lim_conns); if (0 == srv->srvconf.max_worker) { /* reset graceful_shutdown; wait for signal from restarted server */ srv->graceful_expire_ts = 0; graceful_shutdown = 0; } graceful_restart = 0; return 1; } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static void server_graceful_shutdown_maint (server *srv) { if (oneshot_fd) { /* permit keep-alive on one-shot connections until graceful_expire_ts */ if (!srv->graceful_expire_ts) return; if (srv->graceful_expire_ts >= log_monotonic_secs) return; } connection_graceful_shutdown_maint(srv); } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static void server_graceful_state (server *srv) { if (!srv_shutdown) { if (0 == srv->graceful_expire_ts) { srv->graceful_expire_ts = config_feature_int(srv, "server.graceful-shutdown-timeout", 8); if (srv->graceful_expire_ts) srv->graceful_expire_ts += log_monotonic_secs; } server_graceful_shutdown_maint(srv); } if (2 == srv->sockets_disabled || 3 == srv->sockets_disabled) { if (oneshot_fd) graceful_restart = 0; return; } log_error(srv->errh,__FILE__,__LINE__,"[note] graceful shutdown started"); /* no graceful restart if chroot()ed, if oneshot mode, or if idle timeout */ if (srv->srvconf.changeroot || oneshot_fd || 2 == graceful_shutdown) graceful_restart = 0; if (graceful_restart) { if (!server_graceful_state_bg(srv)) server_sockets_unregister(srv); if (pid_fd > 0) pid_fd = -pid_fd; /*(flag to skip removing pid file)*/ } else { server_sockets_close(srv); remove_pid_file(srv); /*(prevent more removal attempts)*/ srv->srvconf.pid_file = NULL; } } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static void server_sockets_enable (server *srv) { server_sockets_set_event(srv, FDEVENT_IN); srv->sockets_disabled = 0; log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[note] sockets enabled again"); } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static void server_sockets_disable (server *srv) { server_sockets_set_event(srv, 0); srv->sockets_disabled = 1; log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, (0 == srv->lim_conns) ? "[note] sockets disabled, connection limit reached" : "[note] sockets disabled, out-of-fds"); } __attribute_cold__ static void server_overload_check (server *srv) { if (srv->cur_fds < srv->max_fds_lowat && 0 != srv->lim_conns) server_sockets_enable(srv); } static void server_load_check (server *srv) { /* check if hit limits for num fds used or num connections */ if (srv->cur_fds > srv->max_fds_hiwat || 0 == srv->lim_conns) server_sockets_disable(srv); } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static int server_main_setup (server * const srv, int argc, char **argv) { int print_config = 0; int test_config = 0; int i_am_root = 0; int o; #ifdef HAVE_FORK int num_childs = 0; #endif uint32_t i; #ifdef HAVE_SIGACTION struct sigaction act; #endif #ifdef HAVE_FORK int parent_pipe_fd = -1; #endif #ifdef HAVE_GETUID i_am_root = (0 == getuid()); #endif /* initialize globals (including file-scoped static globals) */ oneshot_fd = 0; oneshot_fdout = -1; srv_shutdown = 0; graceful_shutdown = 0; handle_sig_alarm = 1; handle_sig_hup = 0; idle_limit = 0; chunkqueue_set_tempdirs_default_reset(); /*graceful_restart = 0;*//*(reset below to avoid further daemonizing)*/ /*(intentionally preserved)*/ /*memset(graceful_sockets, 0, sizeof(graceful_sockets));*/ /*memset(inherited_sockets, 0, sizeof(inherited_sockets));*/ /*pid_fd = -1;*/ srv->argv = argv; while(-1 != (o = getopt(argc, argv, "f:m:i:hvVD1pt"))) { switch(o) { case 'f': if (srv->config_data_base) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Can only read one config file. Use the include command to use multiple config files."); return -1; } if (config_read(srv, optarg)) { return -1; } break; case 'm': buffer_copy_string(srv->srvconf.modules_dir, optarg); break; case 'i': { char *endptr; long timeout = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 0); if (!*optarg || *endptr || timeout < 0) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Invalid idle timeout value: %s", optarg); return -1; } idle_limit = (int)timeout; break; } case 'p': print_config = 1; break; case 't': ++test_config; break; case '1': if (0 == oneshot_fd) oneshot_fd = dup(STDIN_FILENO); break; case 'D': srv->srvconf.dont_daemonize = 1; break; case 'v': show_version(); return 0; case 'V': show_features(); return 0; case 'h': show_help(); return 0; default: show_help(); return -1; } } #ifdef __CYGWIN__ if (!srv->config_data_base && NULL != getenv("NSSM_SERVICE_NAME")) { char *dir = getenv("NSSM_SERVICE_DIR"); if (NULL != dir && 0 != chdir(dir)) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "chdir %s failed", dir); return -1; } srv->srvconf.dont_daemonize = 1; buffer_copy_string_len(srv->srvconf.modules_dir, CONST_STR_LEN("modules")); if (config_read(srv, "conf/lighttpd.conf")) return -1; } #endif if (!srv->config_data_base) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "No configuration available. Try using -f option."); return -1; } if (print_config) { config_print(srv); puts(srv->tmp_buf->ptr); } if (test_config) { srv->srvconf.pid_file = NULL; if (1 == test_config) { printf("Syntax OK\n"); } else { /*(test_config > 1)*/ test_config = 0; srv->srvconf.preflight_check = 1; srv->srvconf.dont_daemonize = 1; } } if (test_config || print_config) { return 0; } if (oneshot_fd) { if (oneshot_fd <= STDERR_FILENO) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Invalid fds at startup with lighttpd -1"); return -1; } graceful_shutdown = 1; srv->sockets_disabled = 2; srv->srvconf.dont_daemonize = 1; srv->srvconf.pid_file = NULL; if (srv->srvconf.max_worker) { srv->srvconf.max_worker = 0; log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "server one-shot command line option disables server.max-worker config file option."); } struct stat st; if (0 != fstat(oneshot_fd, &st)) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "fstat()"); return -1; } if (S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode)) { oneshot_fdout = dup(STDOUT_FILENO); if (oneshot_fdout <= STDERR_FILENO) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "dup()"); return -1; } } else if (!S_ISSOCK(st.st_mode)) { /* require that fd is a socket * (modules might expect STDIN_FILENO and STDOUT_FILENO opened to /dev/null) */ log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "lighttpd -1 stdin is not a socket"); return -1; } } if (srv->srvconf.bindhost && buffer_is_equal_string(srv->srvconf.bindhost, CONST_STR_LEN("/dev/stdin"))) { if (-1 == srv->stdin_fd) srv->stdin_fd = dup(STDIN_FILENO); if (srv->stdin_fd <= STDERR_FILENO) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Invalid fds at startup"); return -1; } } /* close stdin and stdout, as they are not needed */ { struct stat st; int devnull; int errfd; do { /* coverity[overwrite_var : FALSE] */ devnull = fdevent_open_devnull(); #ifdef __COVERITY__ __coverity_escape__(devnull); #endif } while (-1 != devnull && devnull <= STDERR_FILENO); if (-1 == devnull) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "opening /dev/null failed"); return -1; } errfd = (0 == fstat(STDERR_FILENO, &st)) ? -1 : devnull; if (0 != fdevent_set_stdin_stdout_stderr(devnull, devnull, errfd)) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "setting default fds failed"); #ifdef FD_CLOEXEC if (-1 != errfd) close(errfd); if (devnull != errfd) close(devnull); #endif return -1; } #ifdef FD_CLOEXEC if (-1 != errfd) close(errfd); if (devnull != errfd) close(devnull); #endif } http_response_send_1xx_cb_set(NULL, HTTP_VERSION_2); if (!config_feature_bool(srv, "server.h2-discard-backend-1xx", 0)) http_response_send_1xx_cb_set(h2_send_1xx, HTTP_VERSION_2); http_response_send_1xx_cb_set(NULL, HTTP_VERSION_1_1); if (!config_feature_bool(srv, "server.h1-discard-backend-1xx", 0)) http_response_send_1xx_cb_set(connection_send_1xx, HTTP_VERSION_1_1); if (0 != config_set_defaults(srv)) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "setting default values failed"); return -1; } if (plugins_load(srv)) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "loading plugins finally failed"); return -1; } if (HANDLER_GO_ON != plugins_call_init(srv)) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Initialization of plugins failed. Going down."); return -1; } /* mod_indexfile should be listed in server.modules prior to dynamic handlers */ i = 0; for (const char *pname = NULL; i < srv->plugins.used; ++i) { plugin *p = ((plugin **)srv->plugins.ptr)[i]; if (NULL != pname && 0 == strcmp(p->name, "indexfile")) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Warning: mod_indexfile should be listed in server.modules prior to mod_%s", pname); break; } if (p->handle_subrequest_start && p->handle_subrequest) { if (!pname) pname = p->name; } } /* open pid file BEFORE chroot */ if (-2 == pid_fd) pid_fd = -1; /*(initial startup state)*/ if (-1 == pid_fd && srv->srvconf.pid_file) { const char *pidfile = srv->srvconf.pid_file->ptr; if (-1 == (pid_fd = fdevent_open_cloexec(pidfile, 0, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH))) { struct stat st; if (errno != EEXIST) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "opening pid-file failed: %s", pidfile); return -1; } if (0 != stat(pidfile, &st)) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "stating existing pid-file failed: %s", pidfile); } if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "pid-file exists and isn't regular file: %s", pidfile); return -1; } if (-1 == (pid_fd = fdevent_open_cloexec(pidfile, 0, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH))) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "opening pid-file failed: %s", pidfile); return -1; } } } { #ifdef HAVE_GETRLIMIT struct rlimit rlim = { 4096, 4096 }; int use_rlimit = 1; #ifdef HAVE_VALGRIND_VALGRIND_H if (RUNNING_ON_VALGRIND) use_rlimit = 0; #endif if (0 != getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim)) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "getrlimit()"); use_rlimit = 0; } /** * if we are not root can can't increase the fd-limit above rlim_max, but we can reduce it */ if (use_rlimit && srv->srvconf.max_fds && (i_am_root || srv->srvconf.max_fds <= rlim.rlim_max)) { /* set rlimits */ rlim_t rlim_cur = rlim.rlim_cur; rlim.rlim_cur = srv->srvconf.max_fds; if (i_am_root) rlim.rlim_max = srv->srvconf.max_fds; if (0 != setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim)) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "setrlimit()"); log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "setrlimit() may need root to run once: setsebool -P httpd_setrlimit on"); use_rlimit = 0; if (srv->srvconf.max_fds > rlim_cur) srv->srvconf.max_fds = rlim_cur; } } /*(default upper limit of 4k if server.max-fds not specified)*/ if (0 == srv->srvconf.max_fds) srv->srvconf.max_fds = (rlim.rlim_cur <= 4096) ? (unsigned short)rlim.rlim_cur : 4096; /* set core file rlimit, if enable_cores is set */ if (use_rlimit && srv->srvconf.enable_cores && getrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim) == 0) { rlim.rlim_cur = rlim.rlim_max; setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim); } #endif } /* we need root-perms for port < 1024 */ if (0 != network_init(srv, srv->stdin_fd)) { return -1; } srv->stdin_fd = -1; if (i_am_root) { #ifdef HAVE_PWD_H /* set user and group */ struct group *grp = NULL; struct passwd *pwd = NULL; if (srv->srvconf.groupname) { if (NULL == (grp = getgrnam(srv->srvconf.groupname->ptr))) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "can't find groupname %s", srv->srvconf.groupname->ptr); return -1; } } if (srv->srvconf.username) { if (NULL == (pwd = getpwnam(srv->srvconf.username->ptr))) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "can't find username %s", srv->srvconf.username->ptr); return -1; } if (pwd->pw_uid == 0) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "I will not set uid to 0\n"); return -1; } if (NULL == grp && NULL == (grp = getgrgid(pwd->pw_gid))) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "can't find group id %d", (int)pwd->pw_gid); return -1; } } if (NULL != grp) { if (grp->gr_gid == 0) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "I will not set gid to 0\n"); return -1; } } /* * Change group before chroot, when we have access * to /etc/group * */ if (NULL != grp) { if (-1 == setgid(grp->gr_gid)) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "setgid()"); return -1; } if (-1 == setgroups(0, NULL)) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "setgroups()"); return -1; } if (srv->srvconf.username) { initgroups(srv->srvconf.username->ptr, grp->gr_gid); } } #endif #ifdef HAVE_CHROOT if (srv->srvconf.changeroot) { tzset(); if (-1 == chroot(srv->srvconf.changeroot->ptr)) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "chroot()"); return -1; } if (-1 == chdir("/")) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "chdir()"); return -1; } } #endif #ifdef HAVE_PWD_H /* drop root privs */ if (NULL != pwd) { if (-1 == setuid(pwd->pw_uid)) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "setuid()"); return -1; } } #endif #if defined(HAVE_SYS_PRCTL_H) && defined(PR_SET_DUMPABLE) /** * on IRIX 6.5.30 they have prctl() but no DUMPABLE */ if (srv->srvconf.enable_cores) { prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 1, 0, 0, 0); } #elif defined(HAVE_SYS_PROCCTL_H) && defined(PROC_TRACE_CTL_ENABLE) /* (DragonFlyBSD has procctl(), but not PROC_TRACE_CTL_ENABLE) */ if (srv->srvconf.enable_cores) { int dumpable = PROC_TRACE_CTL_ENABLE; procctl(P_PID, 0, PROC_TRACE_CTL, &dumpable); } #elif defined(HAVE_SETPFLAGS) && defined(__PROC_PROTECT) /** * setpflags seems uniquely a solaris/illumos feature * but just taking extra precautions clearing __PROC_PROTECT option */ if (srv->srvconf.enable_cores) { setpflags(__PROC_PROTECT, 0); } #endif } #ifdef HAVE_FORK /* network is up, let's daemonize ourself */ if (0 == srv->srvconf.dont_daemonize && 0 == graceful_restart) { parent_pipe_fd = daemonize(); } #endif graceful_restart = 0;/*(reset here after avoiding further daemonizing)*/ if (0 == oneshot_fd) graceful_shutdown = 0; #ifdef HAVE_SIGACTION memset(&act, 0, sizeof(act)); act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &act, NULL); # if defined(SA_SIGINFO) last_sighup_info.si_uid = 0, last_sighup_info.si_pid = 0; last_sigterm_info.si_uid = 0, last_sigterm_info.si_pid = 0; act.sa_sigaction = sigaction_handler; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; # else act.sa_handler = signal_handler; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; # endif sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGHUP, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGALRM, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGUSR1, &act, NULL); /* it should be safe to restart syscalls after SIGCHLD */ act.sa_flags |= SA_RESTART | SA_NOCLDSTOP; sigaction(SIGCHLD, &act, NULL); #elif defined(HAVE_SIGNAL) /* ignore the SIGPIPE from sendfile() */ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGALRM, signal_handler); signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler); signal(SIGHUP, signal_handler); signal(SIGCHLD, signal_handler); signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); signal(SIGUSR1, signal_handler); #endif srv->gid = getgid(); srv->uid = getuid(); srv->pid = getpid(); /* write pid file */ if (pid_fd > 2) { buffer * const tb = srv->tmp_buf; buffer_clear(tb); buffer_append_int(tb, srv->pid); buffer_append_string_len(tb, CONST_STR_LEN("\n")); if (-1 == write_all(pid_fd, BUF_PTR_LEN(tb))) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Couldn't write pid file"); close(pid_fd); pid_fd = -1; return -1; } } else if (pid_fd < -2) { pid_fd = -pid_fd; } /* Close stderr ASAP in the child process to make sure that nothing * is being written to that fd which may not be valid anymore. */ if (!srv->srvconf.preflight_check) { if (-1 == config_log_error_open(srv)) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Opening errorlog failed. Going down."); return -1; } if (!oneshot_fd) log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "server started (" PACKAGE_DESC ")"); } if (HANDLER_GO_ON != plugins_call_set_defaults(srv)) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Configuration of plugins failed. Going down."); return -1; } if (!config_finalize(srv, &default_server_tag)) { return -1; } if (srv->srvconf.preflight_check) { /*printf("Preflight OK");*//*(stdout reopened to /dev/null)*/ return 0; } #ifdef HAVE_FORK /** * notify daemonize-grandparent of successful startup * do this before any further forking is done (workers) */ if (0 == srv->srvconf.dont_daemonize && -1 != parent_pipe_fd) { if (0 > write(parent_pipe_fd, "", 1)) return -1; close(parent_pipe_fd); } if (idle_limit && srv->srvconf.max_worker) { srv->srvconf.max_worker = 0; log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "server idle time limit command line option disables server.max-worker config file option."); } /* start watcher and workers */ num_childs = srv->srvconf.max_worker; if (num_childs > 0) { pid_t pids[num_childs]; pid_t pid; const int npids = num_childs; int child = 0; unsigned int timer = 0; for (int n = 0; n < npids; ++n) pids[n] = -1; server_graceful_signal_prev_generation(); while (!child && !srv_shutdown && !graceful_shutdown) { if (num_childs > 0) { switch ((pid = fork())) { case -1: return -1; case 0: child = 1; alarm(0); break; default: num_childs--; for (int n = 0; n < npids; ++n) { if (-1 == pids[n]) { pids[n] = pid; break; } } break; } } else { int status; unix_time64_t mono_ts; if (-1 != (pid = fdevent_waitpid_intr(-1, &status))) { mono_ts = log_monotonic_secs; log_monotonic_secs = server_monotonic_secs(); log_epoch_secs = server_epoch_secs(srv, log_monotonic_secs - mono_ts); if (plugins_call_handle_waitpid(srv, pid, status) != HANDLER_GO_ON) { if (!timer) alarm((timer = 5)); continue; } switch (fdlog_pipes_waitpid_cb(pid)) { default: break; case -1: if (!timer) alarm((timer = 5)); __attribute_fallthrough__ case 1: continue; } /** * check if one of our workers went away */ for (int n = 0; n < npids; ++n) { if (pid == pids[n]) { pids[n] = -1; num_childs++; break; } } } else { switch (errno) { case EINTR: mono_ts = log_monotonic_secs; log_monotonic_secs = server_monotonic_secs(); log_epoch_secs = server_epoch_secs(srv, log_monotonic_secs - mono_ts); /** * if we receive a SIGHUP we have to close our logs ourself as we don't * have the mainloop who can help us here */ if (handle_sig_hup) { handle_sig_hup = 0; fdlog_files_cycle(srv->errh); /* reopen log files, not pipes */ /* forward SIGHUP to workers */ for (int n = 0; n < npids; ++n) { if (pids[n] > 0) kill(pids[n], SIGHUP); } } if (handle_sig_alarm) { handle_sig_alarm = 0; timer = 0; plugins_call_handle_trigger(srv); fdlog_pipes_restart(log_monotonic_secs); } break; default: break; } } } } /** * for the parent this is the exit-point */ if (!child) { /** * kill all children too */ if (graceful_shutdown || graceful_restart) { /* flag to ignore one SIGINT if graceful_restart */ if (graceful_restart) graceful_restart = 2; kill(0, SIGINT); server_graceful_state(srv); } else if (srv_shutdown) { kill(0, SIGTERM); } return 0; } /* ignore SIGUSR1 in workers; only parent directs graceful restart */ #ifdef HAVE_SIGACTION { struct sigaction actignore; memset(&actignore, 0, sizeof(actignore)); actignore.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigaction(SIGUSR1, &actignore, NULL); } #elif defined(HAVE_SIGNAL) signal(SIGUSR1, SIG_IGN); #endif /** * make sure workers do not muck with pid-file */ if (0 <= pid_fd) { close(pid_fd); pid_fd = -1; } srv->srvconf.pid_file = NULL; fdlog_pipes_abandon_pids(); srv->pid = getpid(); li_rand_reseed(); } #endif srv->max_fds = (int)srv->srvconf.max_fds; if (srv->max_fds < 32) /*(sanity check; not expected)*/ srv->max_fds = 32; /*(server load checks will fail if too low)*/ srv->ev = fdevent_init(srv->srvconf.event_handler, &srv->max_fds, &srv->cur_fds, srv->errh); if (NULL == srv->ev) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "fdevent_init failed"); return -1; } srv->max_fds_lowat = srv->max_fds * 8 / 10; srv->max_fds_hiwat = srv->max_fds * 9 / 10; /* set max-conns */ if (srv->srvconf.max_conns > srv->max_fds/2) { /* we can't have more connections than max-fds/2 */ log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "can't have more connections than fds/2: %hu %d", srv->srvconf.max_conns, srv->max_fds); srv->lim_conns = srv->srvconf.max_conns = srv->max_fds/2; } else if (srv->srvconf.max_conns) { /* otherwise respect the wishes of the user */ srv->lim_conns = srv->srvconf.max_conns; } else { /* or use the default: we really don't want to hit max-fds */ srv->lim_conns = srv->srvconf.max_conns = srv->max_fds/3; } /* libev backend overwrites our SIGCHLD handler and calls waitpid on SIGCHLD; we want our own SIGCHLD handling. */ #ifdef HAVE_SIGACTION sigaction(SIGCHLD, &act, NULL); #elif defined(HAVE_SIGNAL) signal(SIGCHLD, signal_handler); #endif /* * kqueue() is called here, select resets its internals, * all server sockets get their handlers * * */ if (0 != network_register_fdevents(srv)) { return -1; } chunkqueue_internal_pipes(config_feature_bool(srv, "chunkqueue.splice", 1)); /* might fail if user is using fam (not gamin) and famd isn't running */ if (!stat_cache_init(srv->ev, srv->errh)) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "stat-cache could not be setup, dying."); return -1; } #ifdef USE_ALARM { /* setup periodic timer (1 second) */ struct itimerval interval; interval.it_interval.tv_sec = 1; interval.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; interval.it_value.tv_sec = 1; interval.it_value.tv_usec = 0; if (setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &interval, NULL)) { log_perror(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "setitimer()"); return -1; } } #endif /* get the current number of FDs */ { int fd = fdevent_open_devnull(); if (fd >= 0) { srv->cur_fds = fd; close(fd); } } if (0 != server_sockets_set_nb_cloexec(srv)) { return -1; } /* plugin hook for worker_init */ if (HANDLER_GO_ON != plugins_call_worker_init(srv)) return -1; if (oneshot_fdout > 0) { if (server_oneshot_init_pipe(srv, oneshot_fd, oneshot_fdout)) { oneshot_fd = -1; oneshot_fdout = -1; } } else if (oneshot_fd && server_oneshot_init(srv, oneshot_fd)) { oneshot_fd = -1; } if (0 == srv->srvconf.max_worker) server_graceful_signal_prev_generation(); return 1; } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static void server_handle_sighup (server * const srv) { /* cycle logfiles */ plugins_call_handle_sighup(srv); fdlog_files_cycle(srv->errh); /* reopen log files, not pipes */ #ifdef HAVE_SIGACTION log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "logfiles cycled UID = %d PID = %d", (int)last_sighup_info.si_uid, (int)last_sighup_info.si_pid); #else log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "logfiles cycled"); #endif } __attribute_noinline__ static void server_handle_sigalrm (server * const srv, unix_time64_t mono_ts, unix_time64_t last_active_ts) { plugins_call_handle_trigger(srv); log_monotonic_secs = mono_ts; log_epoch_secs = server_epoch_secs(srv, 0); /* check idle time limit, if enabled */ if (idle_limit && idle_limit < mono_ts - last_active_ts && !graceful_shutdown) { log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "[note] idle timeout %ds exceeded, " "initiating graceful shutdown", (int)idle_limit); graceful_shutdown = 2; /* value 2 indicates idle timeout */ if (graceful_restart) { graceful_restart = 0; if (pid_fd < -2) pid_fd = -pid_fd; server_sockets_close(srv); } } #ifdef HAVE_GETLOADAVG /* refresh loadavg data every 30 seconds */ if (srv->loadts + 30 < mono_ts) { if (-1 != getloadavg(srv->loadavg, 3)) { srv->loadts = mono_ts; } } #endif if (0 == (mono_ts & 0x3f)) { /*(once every 64 secs)*/ /* free logger buffers every 64 secs */ fdlog_flushall(srv->errh); /* free excess chunkqueue buffers every 64 secs */ chunkqueue_chunk_pool_clear(); /* clear request and connection pools every 64 secs */ request_pool_free(); connections_pool_clear(srv); #if defined(HAVE_MALLOC_TRIM) if (malloc_trim_fn) malloc_trim_fn(malloc_top_pad); #endif /* attempt to restart dead piped loggers every 64 secs */ if (0 == srv->srvconf.max_worker) fdlog_pipes_restart(mono_ts); } /* cleanup stat-cache */ stat_cache_trigger_cleanup(); /* reset global/aggregate rate limit counters */ config_reset_config_bytes_sec(srv->config_data_base); /* if graceful_shutdown, accelerate cleanup of recently completed request/responses */ if (graceful_shutdown && !srv_shutdown) server_graceful_shutdown_maint(srv); connection_periodic_maint(srv, mono_ts); } __attribute_noinline__ static void server_handle_sigchld (server * const srv) { pid_t pid; do { int status; pid = fdevent_waitpid(-1, &status, 1); if (pid > 0) { if (plugins_call_handle_waitpid(srv, pid, status) != HANDLER_GO_ON) { continue; } if (0 == srv->srvconf.max_worker) { /* check piped-loggers and restart, even if shutting down */ if (fdlog_pipes_waitpid_cb(pid)) { continue; } } } } while (pid > 0 || (-1 == pid && errno == EINTR)); } __attribute_hot__ __attribute_nonnull__() static void server_run_con_queue (connection * const restrict joblist, const connection * const sentinel) { for (connection *con = joblist, *jqnext; con != sentinel; con = jqnext) { jqnext = con->jqnext; con->jqnext = NULL; connection_state_machine(con); } } __attribute_hot__ __attribute_noinline__ static void server_main_loop (server * const srv) { unix_time64_t last_active_ts = server_monotonic_secs(); log_epoch_secs = server_epoch_secs(srv, 0); while (!srv_shutdown) { if (handle_sig_hup) { handle_sig_hup = 0; server_handle_sighup(srv); } /*(USE_ALARM not used; fdevent_poll() is effective periodic timer)*/ #ifdef USE_ALARM if (handle_sig_alarm) { handle_sig_alarm = 0; #endif unix_time64_t mono_ts = server_monotonic_secs(); if (mono_ts != log_monotonic_secs) { server_handle_sigalrm(srv, mono_ts, last_active_ts); } #ifdef USE_ALARM } #endif if (handle_sig_child) { handle_sig_child = 0; server_handle_sigchld(srv); } if (graceful_shutdown) { server_graceful_state(srv); if (NULL == srv->conns && graceful_shutdown) { /* we are in graceful shutdown phase and all connections are closed * we are ready to terminate without harming anyone */ srv_shutdown = 1; break; } } else if (srv->sockets_disabled) { server_overload_check(srv); } else { server_load_check(srv); } static connection * const sentinel = (connection *)(uintptr_t)&log_con_jqueue; connection * const joblist = log_con_jqueue; log_con_jqueue = sentinel; server_run_con_queue(joblist, sentinel); if (fdevent_poll(srv->ev, log_con_jqueue != sentinel ? 0 : 1000) > 0) last_active_ts = log_monotonic_secs; } } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static int main_init_once (void) { #ifdef HAVE_GETUID #ifndef HAVE_ISSETUGID #define issetugid() (geteuid() != getuid() || getegid() != getgid()) #endif if (0 != getuid() && issetugid()) { /*check as early as possible in main()*/ fprintf(stderr, "Are you nuts ? Don't apply a SUID bit to this binary\n"); return 0; } #endif #if defined(HAVE_MALLOPT) && defined(M_ARENA_MAX) #ifdef LIGHTTPD_STATIC mallopt(M_ARENA_MAX, 2); /*(ignore error, if any)*/ #else { int (*mallopt_fn)(int, int); mallopt_fn = (int (*)(int, int))(intptr_t)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT,"mallopt"); if (mallopt_fn) mallopt_fn(M_ARENA_MAX, 2); /*(ignore error, if any)*/ } #endif #endif #if defined(HAVE_MALLOC_TRIM) malloc_top_pad = 524288; { const char * const top_pad_str = getenv("MALLOC_TOP_PAD_"); if (top_pad_str) { unsigned long top_pad = strtoul(top_pad_str, NULL, 10); if (top_pad != ULONG_MAX) malloc_top_pad = (size_t)top_pad; } } #ifdef LIGHTTPD_STATIC malloc_trim_fn = malloc_trim; #else malloc_trim_fn = (int (*)(size_t))(intptr_t)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT,"malloc_trim"); #endif #endif /* for nice %b handling in strftime() */ setlocale(LC_TIME, "C"); tzset(); return 1; } __attribute_cold__ int main (int argc, char ** argv) { if (!main_init_once()) return -1; int rc; do { server * const srv = server_init(); if (graceful_restart) { server_sockets_restore(srv); optind = 1; } rc = server_main_setup(srv, argc, argv); if (rc > 0) { server_main_loop(srv); if (graceful_shutdown || graceful_restart) { server_graceful_state(srv); } if (NULL == srv->conns) rc = 0; if (2 == graceful_shutdown) { /* value 2 indicates idle timeout */ log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "server stopped after idle timeout"); } else if (!oneshot_fd) { #ifdef HAVE_SIGACTION log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "server stopped by UID = %d PID = %d", (int)last_sigterm_info.si_uid, (int)last_sigterm_info.si_pid); #else log_error(srv->errh, __FILE__, __LINE__, "server stopped"); #endif } } /* clean-up */ chunkqueue_internal_pipes(0); remove_pid_file(srv); config_log_error_close(srv); if (graceful_restart) server_sockets_save(srv); else network_close(srv); request_pool_free(); connections_free(srv); plugins_free(srv); server_free(srv); if (rc < 0 || !graceful_restart) break; /* wait for all children to exit before graceful restart */ while (fdevent_waitpid(-1, NULL, 0) > 0) ; } while (graceful_restart); return rc; }