/* * server_win32 - _WIN32 winsvc * * Copyright(c) 2023 Glenn Strauss gstrauss()gluelogic.com All rights reserved * License: BSD 3-clause (same as lighttpd) * * intended for server.c to #include "server_win32.c" * - uses file-scoped static globals defined in server.c * - wraps server.c main() */ #include "first.h" #include #include #include #if 0 static void SvcReportEvent (const LPTSTR szFunction) { /*(XXX: would need separate event source message catalog for lighttpd)*/ //HANDLE hEventSource = RegisterEventSource(NULL, "lighttpd"); HANDLE hEventSource = OpenEventLogA(NULL, "System"); if (NULL == hEventSource) return; TCHAR Buffer[1024]; StringCchPrintf(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), TEXT("%s GetLastError(%d)"), szFunction, GetLastError()); LPCTSTR lpszStrings[] = { "lighttpd", Buffer }; ReportEvent(hEventSource, // event log handle EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, // event type 0, // event category 0x1, //SVC_ERROR // event identifier NULL, // no security identifier sizeof(lpszStrings)/sizeof(*lpszStrings), // lpszStrings size 0, // no binary data lpszStrings, // array of strings NULL); // no binary data //DeregisterEventSource(hEventSource); CloseEventLog(hEventSource); } #endif __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static UINT lighttpd_ServiceCreate (int argc, char ** argv) { /* https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/services/svc-cpp */ TCHAR szUnquotedPath[MAX_PATH]; if (!GetModuleFileName(NULL, szUnquotedPath, MAX_PATH)) { fprintf(stderr, "Can not install service (%lu)\n", GetLastError()); return GetLastError(); } /* Command: "C:\path\to\lighttpd.exe" -f "C:\path\to\lighttpd.conf" */ /* In case the path contains a space, it must be quoted so that * it is correctly interpreted. For example, * "d:\my share\myservice.exe" should be specified as * ""d:\my share\myservice.exe"". */ TCHAR szCommandLine[MAX_PATH*3+16]; StringCbPrintf(szCommandLine, sizeof(szCommandLine), TEXT("\"%s\" -f \"%sf\""), szUnquotedPath, szUnquotedPath); const size_t len = _tcslen(szCommandLine); memcpy(szCommandLine+len-5, "conf", 4); #ifndef LIGHTTPD_STATIC StringCbPrintf(szCommandLine+len, sizeof(szCommandLine)-len, TEXT(" -m \"%s.libs\""), szUnquotedPath-12); #endif SC_HANDLE schSCM = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE); if (!schSCM) { fprintf(stderr, "OpenSCManager failed (%lu)\n", GetLastError()); return GetLastError(); } /* LocalSystem is too powerful; this works but is overkill. * XXX: Recommended: dedicated account should be created and used. * "NT AUTHORITY\\NetworkService" might be used if files lighttpd.exe and * lighttpd.conf are installed in location accessible by NetWorkService acct */ LPCSTR lpServiceStartName = ".\\LocalSystem"; if (argc >= 4) { /* e.g. sc.exe config lighttpd obj= */ if (0 == strcmp(argv[2], "obj=")) lpServiceStartName = argv[3]; } SC_HANDLE schSvc = CreateService(schSCM, "lighttpd", "lighttpd", GENERIC_READ, SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, SERVICE_AUTO_START, SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, szCommandLine, NULL, NULL, NULL, lpServiceStartName, NULL); if (schSvc) printf("Service installed successfully\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "CreateService failed (%lu)\n", GetLastError()); if (schSvc) { char desc[] = "lighttpd web service"; SERVICE_DESCRIPTIONA svc_desc = { desc }; ChangeServiceConfig2A(schSvc, SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, &svc_desc); /*(ignore if setting Description fails)*/ } #ifdef __MINGW32__ /* lighttpd service will fail to start unless mingw libs are available. * Append mingw libs path to PATH in OS System Environment, or set custom * PATH for lighttpd service and then restart the lighttpd service: * In powershell: * reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lighttpd /f /v Environment /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d "PATH=$env:Path;C:\cygwin64\usr\x86_64-w64-mingw32\sys-root\mingw\bin" * sc.exe start lighttpd * Replace PATH above as appropriate, and separate PATH elements using ';'. * Note: there is no REG_MULTI_EXPAND_SZ, so the resulting value must be * expanded (and can not use %SystemRoot% or %SYSTEM32% or %PATH%) */ #endif CloseServiceHandle(schSvc); CloseServiceHandle(schSCM); return schSvc ? 0 : GetLastError(); } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static UINT lighttpd_ServiceDelete (void) { /* https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/services/svcconfig-cpp */ SC_HANDLE schSCM = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if (!schSCM) { fprintf(stderr, "OpenSCManager failed (%lu)\n", GetLastError()); return GetLastError(); } SC_HANDLE schSvc = OpenService(schSCM, "lighttpd", DELETE); if (schSvc == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "OpenService failed (%lu)\n", GetLastError()); CloseServiceHandle(schSCM); return GetLastError(); } BOOL rc = DeleteService(schSvc); if (rc) printf("Service removed successfully\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "DeleteService failed (%lu)\n", GetLastError()); CloseServiceHandle(schSvc); CloseServiceHandle(schSCM); return rc ? 0 : GetLastError(); } static void signal_handler (int sig); static void lighttpd_ServiceCtrlHandler (DWORD dwCtrl) { switch (dwCtrl) { case SERVICE_CONTROL_PARAMCHANGE: signal_handler(SIGUSR1); /*(redefined to SIGBREAK)*/ break; case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: signal_handler(SIGINT); break; case SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE: default: break; } } static SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE hStatus; __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static void lighttpd_ServiceStatus (DWORD dwCurrentState, DWORD dwWin32ExitCode, DWORD dwWaitHint) { if (!hStatus) return; DWORD dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP; if (dwCurrentState == SERVICE_RUNNING) dwControlsAccepted |= SERVICE_ACCEPT_PARAMCHANGE; else if (dwCurrentState == SERVICE_START_PENDING) dwControlsAccepted = 0; static DWORD gSvcCheckPoint; DWORD dwCheckPoint = (dwCurrentState == SERVICE_RUNNING || dwCurrentState == SERVICE_STOPPED) ? (gSvcCheckPoint = 0) : gSvcCheckPoint++; SERVICE_STATUS status = { SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, dwCurrentState, dwControlsAccepted, dwWin32ExitCode, 0, /*dwServiceSpecificExitCode*/ dwCheckPoint, dwWaitHint }; SetServiceStatus(hStatus, &status); } #define server_status_running(srv) \ lighttpd_ServiceStatus(SERVICE_RUNNING, NO_ERROR, 0); #define server_status_stopping(srv) \ DWORD dwWaitHint = (DWORD)(srv->graceful_expire_ts-log_monotonic_secs)*1000; \ lighttpd_ServiceStatus(SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, NO_ERROR, dwWaitHint + 1000); #ifndef main #define main main #define server_main_win32 main #endif __attribute_cold__ int server_main_win32 (int argc, char ** argv); static int svc_main_argc; static char ** svc_main_argv; __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static void lighttpd_ServiceMain (DWORD dwNumServicesArgs, LPSTR *lpServiceArgVectors) { /* service thread; not main(); params are not program startup argc, argv */ hStatus = RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerA("lighttpd", (LPHANDLER_FUNCTION) lighttpd_ServiceCtrlHandler); if (!hStatus) return; /*(unexpected; can not continue)*/ lighttpd_ServiceStatus(SERVICE_START_PENDING, NO_ERROR, 1000); int argc = svc_main_argc; /* saved in lighttpd_ServiceCtrlDispatcher() */ char ** argv = svc_main_argv;/* saved in lighttpd_ServiceCtrlDispatcher() */ /* allow manual override by lighttpd Service Properties "Start parameters"*/ if (dwNumServicesArgs > 1) { argc = (int)dwNumServicesArgs; argv = lpServiceArgVectors; } server_main_win32(argc, argv); lighttpd_ServiceStatus(SERVICE_STOPPED, NO_ERROR, 0); CloseHandle(hStatus); hStatus = NULL; } __attribute_cold__ __attribute_noinline__ static void lighttpd_ServiceCtrlDispatcher (int argc, char ** argv) { if (argc >= 2 && 0 == strcmp(argv[1], "svc-create")) ExitProcess(lighttpd_ServiceCreate(argc, argv)); if (argc == 2 && 0 == strcmp(argv[1], "svc-delete")) ExitProcess(lighttpd_ServiceDelete()); for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if (argv[i][0] == '-' && strchr(argv[i], 'D')) /*(stay in foreground)*/ return; } /* save original service start argc and argv for use by lighttpd_ServiceMain * since lighttpd_ServiceMain() thread is passed service name "lighttpd" and * argc == 1. (This is a single-service application; using globals this way * is probably not appropriate for multi-service applications.) */ svc_main_argc = argc; svc_main_argv = argv; static const SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRYA lighttpd_ServiceDispatchTable[] = { { "lighttpd", (LPSERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTIONA)lighttpd_ServiceMain }, { NULL, NULL } }; UINT rc = StartServiceCtrlDispatcherA(lighttpd_ServiceDispatchTable) ? 0 : GetLastError(); /* https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/services/debugging-a-service * At times, it may be necessary to run a service as a console application * for debugging purposes. In this scenario, the StartServiceCtrlDispatcher * function will return ERROR_FAILED_SERVICE_CONTROLLER_CONNECT. Therefore, * be sure to structure your code such that service-specific code is not * called when this error is returned. */ if (rc != ERROR_FAILED_SERVICE_CONTROLLER_CONNECT) ExitProcess(rc); } #include /* sig_atomic_t */ void fdevent_win32_init (volatile sig_atomic_t *ptr); #include /* _O_BINARY */ #include /* _setmode() */ #include /* _set_fmode() */ __attribute_cold__ int server_main_win32 (int argc, char ** argv) { static int lighttpd_ServiceCtrlDispatcher_once; if (!lighttpd_ServiceCtrlDispatcher_once) { lighttpd_ServiceCtrlDispatcher_once = 1; lighttpd_ServiceCtrlDispatcher(argc, argv); } WSADATA wsaData; WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 2); int rc = WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData); if (rc != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "WSAStartup() failed: %d\n", rc); return -1; } /* https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-runtime-library/fmode?view=msvc-160 */ /* https://sourceforge.net/p/mingw-w64/bugs/857/ */ /*_set_fmode(_O_BINARY);*/ _fmode = _O_BINARY; (void)_setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY); (void)_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY); (void)_setmode(_fileno(stderr), _O_BINARY); fdevent_win32_init(&handle_sig_child); rc = server_main(argc, argv); fdevent_win32_init(NULL); WSACleanup(); return rc; }