package LightyTest; use strict; use IO::Socket (); use Test::More; # diag() use Socket; use Cwd 'abs_path'; sub find_program { my @DEFAULT_PATHS = ('/usr/bin/', '/usr/local/bin/'); my ($envname, $program) = @_; my $location; if (defined $ENV{$envname}) { $location = $ENV{$envname}; } else { $location = `which "$program" 2>/dev/null`; chomp $location; if (! -x $location) { for my $path (@DEFAULT_PATHS) { $location = $path . $program; last if -x $location; } } } if (-x $location) { $ENV{$envname} = $location; return 1; } else { delete $ENV{$envname}; return 0; } } BEGIN { our $HAVE_PERL = find_program('PERL', 'perl'); if (!$HAVE_PERL) { die "Couldn't find path to perl, but it obviously seems to be running"; } } sub mtime { my $file = shift; my @stat = stat $file; return @stat ? $stat[9] : 0; } sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; my $lpath; my $exe = $^O eq "cygwin" ? ".exe" : ""; $self->{CONFIGFILE} = 'lighttpd.conf'; $lpath = (defined $ENV{'top_builddir'} ? $ENV{'top_builddir'} : '..'); $self->{BASEDIR} = abs_path($lpath); $lpath = (defined $ENV{'top_builddir'} ? $ENV{'top_builddir'}."/tests" : '.'); $self->{TESTDIR} = abs_path($lpath); if (mtime($self->{BASEDIR}."/src/lighttpd$exe") > mtime($self->{BASEDIR}."/build/lighttpd$exe")) { $self->{BINDIR} = $self->{BASEDIR}.'/src'; if (mtime($self->{BASEDIR}.'/src/.libs')) { $self->{MODULES_PATH} = $self->{BASEDIR}.'/src/.libs'; } else { $self->{MODULES_PATH} = $self->{BASEDIR}.'/src'; } } else { $self->{BINDIR} = $self->{BASEDIR}.'/build'; $self->{MODULES_PATH} = $self->{BASEDIR}.'/build'; } $self->{LIGHTTPD_PATH} = $self->{BINDIR}."/lighttpd$exe"; if (exists $ENV{LIGHTTPD_EXE_PATH}) { $self->{LIGHTTPD_PATH} = $ENV{LIGHTTPD_EXE_PATH}; } my ($name, $aliases, $addrtype, $net) = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton(""), AF_INET); $self->{HOSTNAME} = $name; bless($self, $class); return $self; } sub listening_on { my $self = shift; my $port = shift; local $@; local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { }; eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die 'alarm()'; }; alarm(1); my $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new( Timeout => 1, Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => "", PeerPort => $port) || do { alarm(0); die 'socket()'; }; close $remote; alarm(0); }; alarm(0); return (defined($@) && $@ eq ""); } sub stop_proc { my $self = shift; my $pid = $self->{LIGHTTPD_PID}; if (defined $pid && $pid != -1) { if ($self->{"win32native"}) { # kill process tree; not a graceful shutdown of lighttpd or backends # # # aside: /bin/kill is not the same as shell builtin kill # Still, lighttpd currently does not appear able to catch # signals from Perl kill() or from /bin/kill, and so the # process tree including backends is not cleaned up; only # lighttpd is killed. # system('/bin/kill', '-s', 'INT', '-f', '-W', $winpid) == 0 or return -1; # # powershell kill -Force -Id $winpid (same as Stop-Process) # powershell Stop-Process -Force -Id $winpid (same as kill) # powershell Stop-Process -Force -Name lighttpd.exe # # sysinternal tools # # pskill -nobanner -t $winpid # pskill -nobanner -t lighttpd.exe # my $winpid = 0; if (open(my $WH, "<", "/proc/$pid/winpid")) { $winpid = <$WH>; chomp($winpid); close($WH); } if ($winpid) { system('/cygdrive/c/windows/system32/taskkill.exe', '/F', '/T', '/PID', $winpid); } else { system('/cygdrive/c/windows/system32/taskkill.exe', '/F', '/T', '/IM', 'lighttpd.exe'); } } else { kill('USR1', $pid) if (($ENV{"TRACEME"}||'') eq 'strace'); kill('TERM', $pid) or return -1; } return -1 if ($pid != waitpid($pid, 0)); } else { diag("\nProcess not started, nothing to stop"); return -1; } return 0; } sub wait_for_port_with_proc { my $self = shift; my $port = shift; my $child = shift; my $timeout = 10*100; # 10 secs (valgrind might take a while), select waits 0.01 s while (0 == $self->listening_on($port)) { select(undef, undef, undef, 0.01); $timeout--; # the process is gone, we failed require POSIX; if (0 != waitpid($child, POSIX::WNOHANG())) { return -1; } if (0 >= $timeout) { diag("\nTimeout while trying to connect; killing child"); kill('TERM', $child); return -1; } } return 0; } sub bind_ephemeral_tcp_socket { my $SOCK; socket($SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) || die "socket: $!"; setsockopt($SOCK, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, pack("l", 1)) || die "setsockopt: $!"; bind($SOCK, sockaddr_in(0, INADDR_LOOPBACK)) || die "bind: $!"; my($port) = sockaddr_in(getsockname($SOCK)); return ($SOCK, $port); } sub get_ephemeral_tcp_port { # bind to an ephemeral port, close() it, and return port that was used # (While there is a race condition before caller may reuse the port, # the port is likely to remain available for the serialized tests) my $port; (undef, $port) = bind_ephemeral_tcp_socket(); return $port; } sub cygpath_alm { my $FH; open($FH, '-|', "cygpath", "-alm", $_[0]) || return $_[0]; my $result = <$FH>; close $FH; chomp $result; $result =~ s/^[A-Z]://i unless $_[1]; # remove volume (C:) return $result; } sub start_proc { my $self = shift; # kill old proc if necessary #$self->stop_proc; # listen on localhost and kernel-assigned ephemeral port my $SOCK; ($SOCK, $self->{PORT}) = bind_ephemeral_tcp_socket(); my $testdir = $self->{TESTDIR}; my $conf = $self->{TESTDIR}.'/'.$self->{CONFIGFILE}; my $modules_path = $self->{MODULES_PATH}; # test for cygwin w/ _WIN32 native lighttpd.exe (not linked w/ cygwin1.dll) # ($^O eq "MSWin32") is untested; not supported my $win32native = $^O eq "cygwin" && 0 != system("ldd '$$self{LIGHTTPD_PATH}' | grep -q cygwin"); $self->{"win32native"} = $win32native; if ($win32native) { $ENV{SHELL} = "/bin/sh"; $ENV{PERL} = cygpath_alm($ENV{PERL}); $testdir = cygpath_alm($testdir); $conf = cygpath_alm($conf); $modules_path = cygpath_alm($modules_path); $ENV{CYGROOT} = cygpath_alm("/", 1); $ENV{CYGVOL} = $ENV{CYGROOT} =~ m%^([a-z]):%i ? "/cygdrive/$1" : "/cygdrive/c"; } my @cmdline = ($self->{LIGHTTPD_PATH}, "-D", "-f", $conf, "-m", $modules_path); splice(@cmdline, -2) if exists $ENV{LIGHTTPD_EXE_PATH}; if (!defined $ENV{"TRACEME"}) { } elsif ($ENV{"TRACEME"} eq 'strace') { @cmdline = (qw(strace -tt -s 4096 -o strace -f -v), @cmdline); } elsif ($ENV{"TRACEME"} eq 'truss') { @cmdline = (qw(truss -a -l -w all -v all -o strace), @cmdline); } elsif ($ENV{"TRACEME"} eq 'gdb') { @cmdline = ('gdb', '--batch', '--ex', 'run', '--ex', 'bt full', '--args', @cmdline); } elsif ($ENV{"TRACEME"} eq 'valgrind') { @cmdline = (qw(valgrind --tool=memcheck --track-origins=yes --show-reachable=yes --leak-check=yes --log-file=valgrind.%p), @cmdline); } # diag("\nstarting lighttpd at :$$self{PORT}, cmdline: @cmdline"); my $child = fork(); if (not defined $child) { diag("\nFork failed"); close($SOCK); return -1; } if ($child == 0) { $ENV{'SRCDIR'} = $testdir; if ($win32native) { # On platforms where systemd socket activation is not supported # or inconvenient for testing (i.e. cygwin <-> native Windows exe), # there is a race condition with close() before server start, # but port specific port is unlikely to be reused so quickly, # and the point is to avoid a port which is already in use. close($SOCK); my $CONF; open($CONF,'>',$self->{TESTDIR}."/tmp/bind.conf") || die "open: $!"; print $CONF < "$ENV{CYGROOT}") BIND_OVERRIDE } else { # set up systemd socket activation env vars $ENV{LISTEN_FDS} = "1"; $ENV{LISTEN_PID} = $$; if (defined($ENV{"TRACEME"}) && $ENV{"TRACEME"} ne "valgrind") { $ENV{LISTEN_PID} = "parent:$$"; # lighttpd extension } listen($SOCK, 1024) || die "listen: $!"; if (fileno($SOCK) != 3) { # SD_LISTEN_FDS_START 3 require POSIX; POSIX::dup2(fileno($SOCK), 3) || die "dup2: $!"; close($SOCK); } else { require Fcntl; fcntl($SOCK, Fcntl::F_SETFD(), 0); # clr FD_CLOEXEC } } #diag(sprintf('\ncmd: %s', "@cmdline")); exec @cmdline or die($?); } close($SOCK); if (0 != $self->wait_for_port_with_proc($self->{PORT}, $child)) { diag(sprintf('\nThe process %i is not up', $child)); return -1; } $self->{LIGHTTPD_PID} = $child; 0; } sub handle_http { my $self = shift; my $t = shift; my $EOL = "\015\012"; my $BLANK = $EOL x 2; my $host = ""; my @request = $t->{REQUEST}; my @response = $t->{RESPONSE}; my $slow = defined $t->{SLOWREQUEST}; my $is_debug = $ENV{"TRACE_HTTP"}; my $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $self->{PORT}); if (not defined $remote) { diag("\nconnect failed: $!"); return -1; } $remote->autoflush(1); my $ipproto_tcp = defined &Socket::IPPROTO_TCP ? Socket::IPPROTO_TCP : 6; my $tcp_nodelay = defined &Socket::TCP_NODELAY ? Socket::TCP_NODELAY : 1; $remote->setsockopt($ipproto_tcp, $tcp_nodelay, 1); # (ignore rc) diag("\nsending request header to ".$host.":".$self->{PORT}) if $is_debug; foreach(@request) { # pipeline requests chomp; s/\r//g; s/\n/$EOL/g; diag("<< ".$_."\n") if $is_debug; if (!$slow) { print $remote $_,$BLANK; } else { print $remote $_; print $remote "\015"; print $remote "\012"; print $remote "\015"; print $remote "\012"; } } if ($^O ne "openbsd" && $^O ne "dragonfly" && !$self->{"win32native"}) { # (avoid on OS where TCP half-close may be reported as POLLHUP) shutdown($remote, 1); # I've stopped writing data } diag("\n... done") if $is_debug; my $lines = ""; diag("\nreceiving response") if $is_debug; # read everything while(<$remote>) { $lines .= $_; diag(">> ".$_) if $is_debug; } diag("\n... done") if $is_debug; close $remote; my $full_response = $lines; my $href; foreach $href ( @{ $t->{RESPONSE} }) { # first line is always response header my %resp_hdr; my $resp_body; my $resp_line; my $conditions = $_; for (my $ln = 0; defined $lines; $ln++) { (my $line, $lines) = split($EOL, $lines, 2); # header finished last if(!defined $line or length($line) == 0); if ($ln == 0) { # response header $resp_line = $line; } else { # response vars if ($line =~ /^([^:]+):\s*(.+)$/) { (my $h = $1) =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; if (defined $resp_hdr{$h}) { # diag(sprintf("\nheader '%s' is duplicated: '%s' and '%s'\n", # $h, $resp_hdr{$h}, $2)); $resp_hdr{$h} .= ', '.$2; } else { $resp_hdr{$h} = $2; } } else { diag(sprintf("\nunexpected line '%s'", $line)); return -1; } } } if (not defined($resp_line)) { diag(sprintf("\nempty response")); return -1; } $t->{etag} = $resp_hdr{'etag'}; $t->{date} = $resp_hdr{'date'}; # check length if (defined $resp_hdr{"content-length"}) { $resp_body = substr($lines, 0, $resp_hdr{"content-length"}); if (length($lines) < $resp_hdr{"content-length"}) { $lines = ""; } else { $lines = substr($lines, $resp_hdr{"content-length"}); } undef $lines if (length($lines) == 0); } else { $resp_body = $lines; undef $lines; } # check conditions if ($resp_line =~ /^(HTTP\/1\.[01]) ([0-9]{3}) .+$/) { if ($href->{'HTTP-Protocol'} ne $1) { diag(sprintf("\nproto failed: expected '%s', got '%s'", $href->{'HTTP-Protocol'}, $1)); return -1; } if ($href->{'HTTP-Status'} ne $2) { diag(sprintf("\nstatus failed: expected '%s', got '%s'", $href->{'HTTP-Status'}, $2)); return -1; } } else { diag(sprintf("\nunexpected resp_line '%s'", $resp_line)); return -1; } if (defined $href->{'HTTP-Content'}) { $resp_body = "" unless defined $resp_body; if ($href->{'HTTP-Content'} ne $resp_body) { diag(sprintf("\nbody failed: expected '%s', got '%s'", $href->{'HTTP-Content'}, $resp_body)); return -1; } } if (defined $href->{'-HTTP-Content'}) { if (defined $resp_body && $resp_body ne '') { diag(sprintf("\nbody failed: expected empty body, got '%s'", $resp_body)); return -1; } } foreach (keys %{ $href }) { next if $_ eq 'HTTP-Protocol'; next if $_ eq 'HTTP-Status'; next if $_ eq 'HTTP-Content'; next if $_ eq '-HTTP-Content'; (my $k = $_) =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; my $verify_value = 1; my $key_inverted = 0; if (substr($k, 0, 1) eq '+') { $k = substr($k, 1); $verify_value = 0; } elsif (substr($k, 0, 1) eq '-') { ## the key should NOT exist $k = substr($k, 1); $key_inverted = 1; $verify_value = 0; ## skip the value check } if ($key_inverted) { if (defined $resp_hdr{$k}) { diag(sprintf("\nheader '%s' MUST not be set", $k)); return -1; } } else { if (not defined $resp_hdr{$k}) { diag(sprintf("\nrequired header '%s' is missing", $k)); return -1; } } if ($verify_value) { if ($href->{$_} =~ /^\/(.+)\/$/) { if ($resp_hdr{$k} !~ /$1/) { diag(sprintf( "\nresponse-header failed: expected '%s', got '%s', regex: %s", $href->{$_}, $resp_hdr{$k}, $1)); return -1; } } elsif ($href->{$_} ne $resp_hdr{$k}) { diag(sprintf( "\nresponse-header failed: expected '%s', got '%s'", $href->{$_}, $resp_hdr{$k})); return -1; } } } } # we should have sucked up everything if (defined $lines) { diag(sprintf("\nunexpected lines '%s'", $lines)); return -1; } return 0; } sub spawnfcgi { my ($self, $binary, $port) = @_; my $child = fork(); if (not defined $child) { diag("\nCouldn't fork"); return -1; } if ($child == 0) { my $iaddr = inet_aton('localhost') || die "no host: localhost"; my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp'); socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die "socket: $!"; setsockopt(SOCK, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, pack("l", 1)) || die "setsockopt: $!"; bind(SOCK, sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr)) || die "bind: $!"; listen(SOCK, 1024) || die "listen: $!"; require POSIX; POSIX::dup2(fileno(SOCK), 0) || die "dup2: $!"; exec { $binary } ($binary) or die($?); } else { if (0 != $self->wait_for_port_with_proc($port, $child)) { diag(sprintf("\nThe process %i is not up (port %i, %s)", $child, $port, $binary)); return -1; } return $child; } } sub endspawnfcgi { my ($self, $pid) = @_; return -1 if (-1 == $pid); kill(2, $pid); waitpid($pid, 0); return 0; } sub has_feature { # quick-n-dirty crude parse of "lighttpd -V" # (XXX: should be run on demand and only once per instance, then cached) my ($self, $feature) = @_; my $FH; open($FH, "-|",$self->{LIGHTTPD_PATH}, "-V") || return 0; while (<$FH>) { return ($1 eq '+') if (/([-+]) \Q$feature\E/); } close $FH; return 0; } sub has_crypto { # quick-n-dirty crude parse of "lighttpd -V" # (XXX: should be run on demand and only once per instance, then cached) my ($self) = @_; my $FH; open($FH, "-|",$self->{LIGHTTPD_PATH}, "-V") || return 0; while (<$FH>) { #return 1 if (/[+] (?i:OpenSSL|mbedTLS|GnuTLS|WolfSSL|Nettle|NSS crypto) support/); return 1 if (/[+] (?i:OpenSSL|mbedTLS|GnuTLS|WolfSSL|Nettle) support/); } close $FH; return 0; } 1;