FreeBSD dependencies: - compiler: pkg install gcc5 - autotools + pkgconf (for builds from svn/git) pkg install autotools pkgconf - pkgconf might be needed to find libs in build from tarball too: pkg install pkgconf - building with cmake + ninja instead of autotools: pkg install cmake ninja - libev (cross-platform event loop library) if freebsd-kqueue from lighty isn't working pkg install libev - stack traces on asserts: pkg install libunwind - PCRE (mod_rewrite, mod_redirect, config conditionals, ...) pkg install pcre - TLS support (and mod_auth {SHA1} support) pkg install libressl or (mysql-connector-c still requires openssl) pkg install openssl - PHP for unit tests pkg install php56 - MySQL for mod_mysql_vhost pkg install mysql-connector-c - File and directory monitoring pkg install gamin or pkg install fam - Lua 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3 (mod_magnet and mod_cml) pkg install lua51 (or lua52 or lua53) - memcached library (mod_cml and mod_trigger_b4_dl feature) pkg install libmemcached - gdbm (mod_trigger_b4_dl feature) pkg install gdbm - LDAP (mod_auth feature) pkg install openldap-client - SQLite3 (required for most mod_webdav features) pkg install sqlite3 - XML (mod_webdav properties and locking) pkg install libxml2 - UUID library (mod_webdav locking) pkg install e2fsprogs-libuuid Configure: To help autotools find libraries and headers: CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib ./configure ... With ssl the compiler might warn about OPENSSL_NO_KRB5 redefinitions, just configure "--with-kerberos5" for now.