path: root/Documentation/process
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+Executive summary
+The rest of this section covers the scope of the kernel development process
+and the kinds of frustrations that developers and their employers can
+encounter there. There are a great many reasons why kernel code should be
+merged into the official ("mainline") kernel, including automatic
+availability to users, community support in many forms, and the ability to
+influence the direction of kernel development. Code contributed to the
+Linux kernel must be made available under a GPL-compatible license.
+:ref:`development_process` introduces the development process, the kernel
+release cycle, and the mechanics of the merge window. The various phases in
+the patch development, review, and merging cycle are covered. There is some
+discussion of tools and mailing lists. Developers wanting to get started
+with kernel development are encouraged to track down and fix bugs as an
+initial exercise.
+:ref:`development_early_stage` covers early-stage project planning, with an
+emphasis on involving the development community as soon as possible.
+:ref:`development_coding` is about the coding process; several pitfalls which
+have been encountered by other developers are discussed. Some requirements for
+patches are covered, and there is an introduction to some of the tools
+which can help to ensure that kernel patches are correct.
+:ref:`development_posting` talks about the process of posting patches for
+review. To be taken seriously by the development community, patches must be
+properly formatted and described, and they must be sent to the right place.
+Following the advice in this section should help to ensure the best
+possible reception for your work.
+:ref:`development_followthrough` covers what happens after posting patches; the
+job is far from done at that point. Working with reviewers is a crucial part
+of the development process; this section offers a number of tips on how to
+avoid problems at this important stage. Developers are cautioned against
+assuming that the job is done when a patch is merged into the mainline.
+:ref:`development_advancedtopics` introduces a couple of "advanced" topics:
+managing patches with git and reviewing patches posted by others.
+:ref:`development_conclusion` concludes the document with pointers to sources
+for more information on kernel development.
+What this document is about
+The Linux kernel, at over 8 million lines of code and well over 1000
+contributors to each release, is one of the largest and most active free
+software projects in existence. Since its humble beginning in 1991, this
+kernel has evolved into a best-of-breed operating system component which
+runs on pocket-sized digital music players, desktop PCs, the largest
+supercomputers in existence, and all types of systems in between. It is a
+robust, efficient, and scalable solution for almost any situation.
+With the growth of Linux has come an increase in the number of developers
+(and companies) wishing to participate in its development. Hardware
+vendors want to ensure that Linux supports their products well, making
+those products attractive to Linux users. Embedded systems vendors, who
+use Linux as a component in an integrated product, want Linux to be as
+capable and well-suited to the task at hand as possible. Distributors and
+other software vendors who base their products on Linux have a clear
+interest in the capabilities, performance, and reliability of the Linux
+kernel. And end users, too, will often wish to change Linux to make it
+better suit their needs.
+One of the most compelling features of Linux is that it is accessible to
+these developers; anybody with the requisite skills can improve Linux and
+influence the direction of its development. Proprietary products cannot
+offer this kind of openness, which is a characteristic of the free software
+process. But, if anything, the kernel is even more open than most other
+free software projects. A typical three-month kernel development cycle can
+involve over 1000 developers working for more than 100 different companies
+(or for no company at all).
+Working with the kernel development community is not especially hard. But,
+that notwithstanding, many potential contributors have experienced
+difficulties when trying to do kernel work. The kernel community has
+evolved its own distinct ways of operating which allow it to function
+smoothly (and produce a high-quality product) in an environment where
+thousands of lines of code are being changed every day. So it is not
+surprising that Linux kernel development process differs greatly from
+proprietary development methods.
+The kernel's development process may come across as strange and
+intimidating to new developers, but there are good reasons and solid
+experience behind it. A developer who does not understand the kernel
+community's ways (or, worse, who tries to flout or circumvent them) will
+have a frustrating experience in store. The development community, while
+being helpful to those who are trying to learn, has little time for those
+who will not listen or who do not care about the development process.
+It is hoped that those who read this document will be able to avoid that
+frustrating experience. There is a lot of material here, but the effort
+involved in reading it will be repaid in short order. The development
+community is always in need of developers who will help to make the kernel
+better; the following text should help you - or those who work for you -
+join our community.
+This document was written by Jonathan Corbet, It has been
+improved by comments from Johannes Berg, James Berry, Alex Chiang, Roland
+Dreier, Randy Dunlap, Jake Edge, Jiri Kosina, Matt Mackall, Arthur Marsh,
+Amanda McPherson, Andrew Morton, Andrew Price, Tsugikazu Shibata, and
+Jochen Voß.
+This work was supported by the Linux Foundation; thanks especially to
+Amanda McPherson, who saw the value of this effort and made it all happen.
+The importance of getting code into the mainline
+Some companies and developers occasionally wonder why they should bother
+learning how to work with the kernel community and get their code into the
+mainline kernel (the "mainline" being the kernel maintained by Linus
+Torvalds and used as a base by Linux distributors). In the short term,
+contributing code can look like an avoidable expense; it seems easier to
+just keep the code separate and support users directly. The truth of the
+matter is that keeping code separate ("out of tree") is a false economy.
+As a way of illustrating the costs of out-of-tree code, here are a few
+relevant aspects of the kernel development process; most of these will be
+discussed in greater detail later in this document. Consider:
+- Code which has been merged into the mainline kernel is available to all
+ Linux users. It will automatically be present on all distributions which
+ enable it. There is no need for driver disks, downloads, or the hassles
+ of supporting multiple versions of multiple distributions; it all just
+ works, for the developer and for the user. Incorporation into the
+ mainline solves a large number of distribution and support problems.
+- While kernel developers strive to maintain a stable interface to user
+ space, the internal kernel API is in constant flux. The lack of a stable
+ internal interface is a deliberate design decision; it allows fundamental
+ improvements to be made at any time and results in higher-quality code.
+ But one result of that policy is that any out-of-tree code requires
+ constant upkeep if it is to work with new kernels. Maintaining
+ out-of-tree code requires significant amounts of work just to keep that
+ code working.
+ Code which is in the mainline, instead, does not require this work as the
+ result of a simple rule requiring any developer who makes an API change
+ to also fix any code that breaks as the result of that change. So code
+ which has been merged into the mainline has significantly lower
+ maintenance costs.
+- Beyond that, code which is in the kernel will often be improved by other
+ developers. Surprising results can come from empowering your user
+ community and customers to improve your product.
+- Kernel code is subjected to review, both before and after merging into
+ the mainline. No matter how strong the original developer's skills are,
+ this review process invariably finds ways in which the code can be
+ improved. Often review finds severe bugs and security problems. This is
+ especially true for code which has been developed in a closed
+ environment; such code benefits strongly from review by outside
+ developers. Out-of-tree code is lower-quality code.
+- Participation in the development process is your way to influence the
+ direction of kernel development. Users who complain from the sidelines
+ are heard, but active developers have a stronger voice - and the ability
+ to implement changes which make the kernel work better for their needs.
+- When code is maintained separately, the possibility that a third party
+ will contribute a different implementation of a similar feature always
+ exists. Should that happen, getting your code merged will become much
+ harder - to the point of impossibility. Then you will be faced with the
+ unpleasant alternatives of either (1) maintaining a nonstandard feature
+ out of tree indefinitely, or (2) abandoning your code and migrating your
+ users over to the in-tree version.
+- Contribution of code is the fundamental action which makes the whole
+ process work. By contributing your code you can add new functionality to
+ the kernel and provide capabilities and examples which are of use to
+ other kernel developers. If you have developed code for Linux (or are
+ thinking about doing so), you clearly have an interest in the continued
+ success of this platform; contributing code is one of the best ways to
+ help ensure that success.
+All of the reasoning above applies to any out-of-tree kernel code,
+including code which is distributed in proprietary, binary-only form.
+There are, however, additional factors which should be taken into account
+before considering any sort of binary-only kernel code distribution. These
+- The legal issues around the distribution of proprietary kernel modules
+ are cloudy at best; quite a few kernel copyright holders believe that
+ most binary-only modules are derived products of the kernel and that, as
+ a result, their distribution is a violation of the GNU General Public
+ license (about which more will be said below). Your author is not a
+ lawyer, and nothing in this document can possibly be considered to be
+ legal advice. The true legal status of closed-source modules can only be
+ determined by the courts. But the uncertainty which haunts those modules
+ is there regardless.
+- Binary modules greatly increase the difficulty of debugging kernel
+ problems, to the point that most kernel developers will not even try. So
+ the distribution of binary-only modules will make it harder for your
+ users to get support from the community.
+- Support is also harder for distributors of binary-only modules, who must
+ provide a version of the module for every distribution and every kernel
+ version they wish to support. Dozens of builds of a single module can
+ be required to provide reasonably comprehensive coverage, and your users
+ will have to upgrade your module separately every time they upgrade their
+ kernel.
+- Everything that was said above about code review applies doubly to
+ closed-source code. Since this code is not available at all, it cannot
+ have been reviewed by the community and will, beyond doubt, have serious
+ problems.
+Makers of embedded systems, in particular, may be tempted to disregard much
+of what has been said in this section in the belief that they are shipping
+a self-contained product which uses a frozen kernel version and requires no
+more development after its release. This argument misses the value of
+widespread code review and the value of allowing your users to add
+capabilities to your product. But these products, too, have a limited
+commercial life, after which a new version must be released. At that
+point, vendors whose code is in the mainline and well maintained will be
+much better positioned to get the new product ready for market quickly.
+Code is contributed to the Linux kernel under a number of licenses, but all
+code must be compatible with version 2 of the GNU General Public License
+(GPLv2), which is the license covering the kernel distribution as a whole.
+In practice, that means that all code contributions are covered either by
+GPLv2 (with, optionally, language allowing distribution under later
+versions of the GPL) or the three-clause BSD license. Any contributions
+which are not covered by a compatible license will not be accepted into the
+Copyright assignments are not required (or requested) for code contributed
+to the kernel. All code merged into the mainline kernel retains its
+original ownership; as a result, the kernel now has thousands of owners.
+One implication of this ownership structure is that any attempt to change
+the licensing of the kernel is doomed to almost certain failure. There are
+few practical scenarios where the agreement of all copyright holders could
+be obtained (or their code removed from the kernel). So, in particular,
+there is no prospect of a migration to version 3 of the GPL in the
+foreseeable future.
+It is imperative that all code contributed to the kernel be legitimately
+free software. For that reason, code from anonymous (or pseudonymous)
+contributors will not be accepted. All contributors are required to "sign
+off" on their code, stating that the code can be distributed with the
+kernel under the GPL. Code which has not been licensed as free software by
+its owner, or which risks creating copyright-related problems for the
+kernel (such as code which derives from reverse-engineering efforts lacking
+proper safeguards) cannot be contributed.
+Questions about copyright-related issues are common on Linux development
+mailing lists. Such questions will normally receive no shortage of
+answers, but one should bear in mind that the people answering those
+questions are not lawyers and cannot provide legal advice. If you have
+legal questions relating to Linux source code, there is no substitute for
+talking with a lawyer who understands this field. Relying on answers
+obtained on technical mailing lists is a risky affair.
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+.. _development_process:
+How the development process works
+Linux kernel development in the early 1990's was a pretty loose affair,
+with relatively small numbers of users and developers involved. With a
+user base in the millions and with some 2,000 developers involved over the
+course of one year, the kernel has since had to evolve a number of
+processes to keep development happening smoothly. A solid understanding of
+how the process works is required in order to be an effective part of it.
+The big picture
+The kernel developers use a loosely time-based release process, with a new
+major kernel release happening every two or three months. The recent
+release history looks like this:
+ ====== =================
+ 2.6.38 March 14, 2011
+ 2.6.37 January 4, 2011
+ 2.6.36 October 20, 2010
+ 2.6.35 August 1, 2010
+ 2.6.34 May 15, 2010
+ 2.6.33 February 24, 2010
+ ====== =================
+Every 2.6.x release is a major kernel release with new features, internal
+API changes, and more. A typical 2.6 release can contain nearly 10,000
+changesets with changes to several hundred thousand lines of code. 2.6 is
+thus the leading edge of Linux kernel development; the kernel uses a
+rolling development model which is continually integrating major changes.
+A relatively straightforward discipline is followed with regard to the
+merging of patches for each release. At the beginning of each development
+cycle, the "merge window" is said to be open. At that time, code which is
+deemed to be sufficiently stable (and which is accepted by the development
+community) is merged into the mainline kernel. The bulk of changes for a
+new development cycle (and all of the major changes) will be merged during
+this time, at a rate approaching 1,000 changes ("patches," or "changesets")
+per day.
+(As an aside, it is worth noting that the changes integrated during the
+merge window do not come out of thin air; they have been collected, tested,
+and staged ahead of time. How that process works will be described in
+detail later on).
+The merge window lasts for approximately two weeks. At the end of this
+time, Linus Torvalds will declare that the window is closed and release the
+first of the "rc" kernels. For the kernel which is destined to be 2.6.40,
+for example, the release which happens at the end of the merge window will
+be called 2.6.40-rc1. The -rc1 release is the signal that the time to
+merge new features has passed, and that the time to stabilize the next
+kernel has begun.
+Over the next six to ten weeks, only patches which fix problems should be
+submitted to the mainline. On occasion a more significant change will be
+allowed, but such occasions are rare; developers who try to merge new
+features outside of the merge window tend to get an unfriendly reception.
+As a general rule, if you miss the merge window for a given feature, the
+best thing to do is to wait for the next development cycle. (An occasional
+exception is made for drivers for previously-unsupported hardware; if they
+touch no in-tree code, they cannot cause regressions and should be safe to
+add at any time).
+As fixes make their way into the mainline, the patch rate will slow over
+time. Linus releases new -rc kernels about once a week; a normal series
+will get up to somewhere between -rc6 and -rc9 before the kernel is
+considered to be sufficiently stable and the final 2.6.x release is made.
+At that point the whole process starts over again.
+As an example, here is how the 2.6.38 development cycle went (all dates in
+ ============== ===============================
+ January 4 2.6.37 stable release
+ January 18 2.6.38-rc1, merge window closes
+ January 21 2.6.38-rc2
+ February 1 2.6.38-rc3
+ February 7 2.6.38-rc4
+ February 15 2.6.38-rc5
+ February 21 2.6.38-rc6
+ March 1 2.6.38-rc7
+ March 7 2.6.38-rc8
+ March 14 2.6.38 stable release
+ ============== ===============================
+How do the developers decide when to close the development cycle and create
+the stable release? The most significant metric used is the list of
+regressions from previous releases. No bugs are welcome, but those which
+break systems which worked in the past are considered to be especially
+serious. For this reason, patches which cause regressions are looked upon
+unfavorably and are quite likely to be reverted during the stabilization
+The developers' goal is to fix all known regressions before the stable
+release is made. In the real world, this kind of perfection is hard to
+achieve; there are just too many variables in a project of this size.
+There comes a point where delaying the final release just makes the problem
+worse; the pile of changes waiting for the next merge window will grow
+larger, creating even more regressions the next time around. So most 2.6.x
+kernels go out with a handful of known regressions though, hopefully, none
+of them are serious.
+Once a stable release is made, its ongoing maintenance is passed off to the
+"stable team," currently consisting of Greg Kroah-Hartman. The stable team
+will release occasional updates to the stable release using the 2.6.x.y
+numbering scheme. To be considered for an update release, a patch must (1)
+fix a significant bug, and (2) already be merged into the mainline for the
+next development kernel. Kernels will typically receive stable updates for
+a little more than one development cycle past their initial release. So,
+for example, the 2.6.36 kernel's history looked like:
+ ============== ===============================
+ October 10 2.6.36 stable release
+ November 22
+ December 9
+ January 7
+ February 17
+ ============== ===============================
+ was the final stable update for the 2.6.36 release.
+Some kernels are designated "long term" kernels; they will receive support
+for a longer period. As of this writing, the current long term kernels
+and their maintainers are:
+ ====== ====================== ===========================
+ 2.6.27 Willy Tarreau (Deep-frozen stable kernel)
+ 2.6.32 Greg Kroah-Hartman
+ 2.6.35 Andi Kleen (Embedded flag kernel)
+ ====== ====================== ===========================
+The selection of a kernel for long-term support is purely a matter of a
+maintainer having the need and the time to maintain that release. There
+are no known plans for long-term support for any specific upcoming
+The lifecycle of a patch
+Patches do not go directly from the developer's keyboard into the mainline
+kernel. There is, instead, a somewhat involved (if somewhat informal)
+process designed to ensure that each patch is reviewed for quality and that
+each patch implements a change which is desirable to have in the mainline.
+This process can happen quickly for minor fixes, or, in the case of large
+and controversial changes, go on for years. Much developer frustration
+comes from a lack of understanding of this process or from attempts to
+circumvent it.
+In the hopes of reducing that frustration, this document will describe how
+a patch gets into the kernel. What follows below is an introduction which
+describes the process in a somewhat idealized way. A much more detailed
+treatment will come in later sections.
+The stages that a patch goes through are, generally:
+ - Design. This is where the real requirements for the patch - and the way
+ those requirements will be met - are laid out. Design work is often
+ done without involving the community, but it is better to do this work
+ in the open if at all possible; it can save a lot of time redesigning
+ things later.
+ - Early review. Patches are posted to the relevant mailing list, and
+ developers on that list reply with any comments they may have. This
+ process should turn up any major problems with a patch if all goes
+ well.
+ - Wider review. When the patch is getting close to ready for mainline
+ inclusion, it should be accepted by a relevant subsystem maintainer -
+ though this acceptance is not a guarantee that the patch will make it
+ all the way to the mainline. The patch will show up in the maintainer's
+ subsystem tree and into the -next trees (described below). When the
+ process works, this step leads to more extensive review of the patch and
+ the discovery of any problems resulting from the integration of this
+ patch with work being done by others.
+- Please note that most maintainers also have day jobs, so merging
+ your patch may not be their highest priority. If your patch is
+ getting feedback about changes that are needed, you should either
+ make those changes or justify why they should not be made. If your
+ patch has no review complaints but is not being merged by its
+ appropriate subsystem or driver maintainer, you should be persistent
+ in updating the patch to the current kernel so that it applies cleanly
+ and keep sending it for review and merging.
+ - Merging into the mainline. Eventually, a successful patch will be
+ merged into the mainline repository managed by Linus Torvalds. More
+ comments and/or problems may surface at this time; it is important that
+ the developer be responsive to these and fix any issues which arise.
+ - Stable release. The number of users potentially affected by the patch
+ is now large, so, once again, new problems may arise.
+ - Long-term maintenance. While it is certainly possible for a developer
+ to forget about code after merging it, that sort of behavior tends to
+ leave a poor impression in the development community. Merging code
+ eliminates some of the maintenance burden, in that others will fix
+ problems caused by API changes. But the original developer should
+ continue to take responsibility for the code if it is to remain useful
+ in the longer term.
+One of the largest mistakes made by kernel developers (or their employers)
+is to try to cut the process down to a single "merging into the mainline"
+step. This approach invariably leads to frustration for everybody
+How patches get into the Kernel
+There is exactly one person who can merge patches into the mainline kernel
+repository: Linus Torvalds. But, of the over 9,500 patches which went
+into the 2.6.38 kernel, only 112 (around 1.3%) were directly chosen by Linus
+himself. The kernel project has long since grown to a size where no single
+developer could possibly inspect and select every patch unassisted. The
+way the kernel developers have addressed this growth is through the use of
+a lieutenant system built around a chain of trust.
+The kernel code base is logically broken down into a set of subsystems:
+networking, specific architecture support, memory management, video
+devices, etc. Most subsystems have a designated maintainer, a developer
+who has overall responsibility for the code within that subsystem. These
+subsystem maintainers are the gatekeepers (in a loose way) for the portion
+of the kernel they manage; they are the ones who will (usually) accept a
+patch for inclusion into the mainline kernel.
+Subsystem maintainers each manage their own version of the kernel source
+tree, usually (but certainly not always) using the git source management
+tool. Tools like git (and related tools like quilt or mercurial) allow
+maintainers to track a list of patches, including authorship information
+and other metadata. At any given time, the maintainer can identify which
+patches in his or her repository are not found in the mainline.
+When the merge window opens, top-level maintainers will ask Linus to "pull"
+the patches they have selected for merging from their repositories. If
+Linus agrees, the stream of patches will flow up into his repository,
+becoming part of the mainline kernel. The amount of attention that Linus
+pays to specific patches received in a pull operation varies. It is clear
+that, sometimes, he looks quite closely. But, as a general rule, Linus
+trusts the subsystem maintainers to not send bad patches upstream.
+Subsystem maintainers, in turn, can pull patches from other maintainers.
+For example, the networking tree is built from patches which accumulated
+first in trees dedicated to network device drivers, wireless networking,
+etc. This chain of repositories can be arbitrarily long, though it rarely
+exceeds two or three links. Since each maintainer in the chain trusts
+those managing lower-level trees, this process is known as the "chain of
+Clearly, in a system like this, getting patches into the kernel depends on
+finding the right maintainer. Sending patches directly to Linus is not
+normally the right way to go.
+Next trees
+The chain of subsystem trees guides the flow of patches into the kernel,
+but it also raises an interesting question: what if somebody wants to look
+at all of the patches which are being prepared for the next merge window?
+Developers will be interested in what other changes are pending to see
+whether there are any conflicts to worry about; a patch which changes a
+core kernel function prototype, for example, will conflict with any other
+patches which use the older form of that function. Reviewers and testers
+want access to the changes in their integrated form before all of those
+changes land in the mainline kernel. One could pull changes from all of
+the interesting subsystem trees, but that would be a big and error-prone
+The answer comes in the form of -next trees, where subsystem trees are
+collected for testing and review. The older of these trees, maintained by
+Andrew Morton, is called "-mm" (for memory management, which is how it got
+started). The -mm tree integrates patches from a long list of subsystem
+trees; it also has some patches aimed at helping with debugging.
+Beyond that, -mm contains a significant collection of patches which have
+been selected by Andrew directly. These patches may have been posted on a
+mailing list, or they may apply to a part of the kernel for which there is
+no designated subsystem tree. As a result, -mm operates as a sort of
+subsystem tree of last resort; if there is no other obvious path for a
+patch into the mainline, it is likely to end up in -mm. Miscellaneous
+patches which accumulate in -mm will eventually either be forwarded on to
+an appropriate subsystem tree or be sent directly to Linus. In a typical
+development cycle, approximately 5-10% of the patches going into the
+mainline get there via -mm.
+The current -mm patch is available in the "mmotm" (-mm of the moment)
+directory at:
+Use of the MMOTM tree is likely to be a frustrating experience, though;
+there is a definite chance that it will not even compile.
+The primary tree for next-cycle patch merging is linux-next, maintained by
+Stephen Rothwell. The linux-next tree is, by design, a snapshot of what
+the mainline is expected to look like after the next merge window closes.
+Linux-next trees are announced on the linux-kernel and linux-next mailing
+lists when they are assembled; they can be downloaded from:
+Linux-next has become an integral part of the kernel development process;
+all patches merged during a given merge window should really have found
+their way into linux-next some time before the merge window opens.
+Staging trees
+The kernel source tree contains the drivers/staging/ directory, where
+many sub-directories for drivers or filesystems that are on their way to
+being added to the kernel tree live. They remain in drivers/staging while
+they still need more work; once complete, they can be moved into the
+kernel proper. This is a way to keep track of drivers that aren't
+up to Linux kernel coding or quality standards, but people may want to use
+them and track development.
+Greg Kroah-Hartman currently maintains the staging tree. Drivers that
+still need work are sent to him, with each driver having its own
+subdirectory in drivers/staging/. Along with the driver source files, a
+TODO file should be present in the directory as well. The TODO file lists
+the pending work that the driver needs for acceptance into the kernel
+proper, as well as a list of people that should be Cc'd for any patches to
+the driver. Current rules require that drivers contributed to staging
+must, at a minimum, compile properly.
+Staging can be a relatively easy way to get new drivers into the mainline
+where, with luck, they will come to the attention of other developers and
+improve quickly. Entry into staging is not the end of the story, though;
+code in staging which is not seeing regular progress will eventually be
+removed. Distributors also tend to be relatively reluctant to enable
+staging drivers. So staging is, at best, a stop on the way toward becoming
+a proper mainline driver.
+As can be seen from the above text, the kernel development process depends
+heavily on the ability to herd collections of patches in various
+directions. The whole thing would not work anywhere near as well as it
+does without suitably powerful tools. Tutorials on how to use these tools
+are well beyond the scope of this document, but there is space for a few
+By far the dominant source code management system used by the kernel
+community is git. Git is one of a number of distributed version control
+systems being developed in the free software community. It is well tuned
+for kernel development, in that it performs quite well when dealing with
+large repositories and large numbers of patches. It also has a reputation
+for being difficult to learn and use, though it has gotten better over
+time. Some sort of familiarity with git is almost a requirement for kernel
+developers; even if they do not use it for their own work, they'll need git
+to keep up with what other developers (and the mainline) are doing.
+Git is now packaged by almost all Linux distributions. There is a home
+page at:
+That page has pointers to documentation and tutorials.
+Among the kernel developers who do not use git, the most popular choice is
+almost certainly Mercurial:
+Mercurial shares many features with git, but it provides an interface which
+many find easier to use.
+The other tool worth knowing about is Quilt:
+Quilt is a patch management system, rather than a source code management
+system. It does not track history over time; it is, instead, oriented
+toward tracking a specific set of changes against an evolving code base.
+Some major subsystem maintainers use quilt to manage patches intended to go
+upstream. For the management of certain kinds of trees (-mm, for example),
+quilt is the best tool for the job.
+Mailing lists
+A great deal of Linux kernel development work is done by way of mailing
+lists. It is hard to be a fully-functioning member of the community
+without joining at least one list somewhere. But Linux mailing lists also
+represent a potential hazard to developers, who risk getting buried under a
+load of electronic mail, running afoul of the conventions used on the Linux
+lists, or both.
+Most kernel mailing lists are run on; the master list can
+be found at:
+There are lists hosted elsewhere, though; a number of them are at
+The core mailing list for kernel development is, of course, linux-kernel.
+This list is an intimidating place to be; volume can reach 500 messages per
+day, the amount of noise is high, the conversation can be severely
+technical, and participants are not always concerned with showing a high
+degree of politeness. But there is no other place where the kernel
+development community comes together as a whole; developers who avoid this
+list will miss important information.
+There are a few hints which can help with linux-kernel survival:
+- Have the list delivered to a separate folder, rather than your main
+ mailbox. One must be able to ignore the stream for sustained periods of
+ time.
+- Do not try to follow every conversation - nobody else does. It is
+ important to filter on both the topic of interest (though note that
+ long-running conversations can drift away from the original subject
+ without changing the email subject line) and the people who are
+ participating.
+- Do not feed the trolls. If somebody is trying to stir up an angry
+ response, ignore them.
+- When responding to linux-kernel email (or that on other lists) preserve
+ the Cc: header for all involved. In the absence of a strong reason (such
+ as an explicit request), you should never remove recipients. Always make
+ sure that the person you are responding to is in the Cc: list. This
+ convention also makes it unnecessary to explicitly ask to be copied on
+ replies to your postings.
+- Search the list archives (and the net as a whole) before asking
+ questions. Some developers can get impatient with people who clearly
+ have not done their homework.
+- Avoid top-posting (the practice of putting your answer above the quoted
+ text you are responding to). It makes your response harder to read and
+ makes a poor impression.
+- Ask on the correct mailing list. Linux-kernel may be the general meeting
+ point, but it is not the best place to find developers from all
+ subsystems.
+The last point - finding the correct mailing list - is a common place for
+beginning developers to go wrong. Somebody who asks a networking-related
+question on linux-kernel will almost certainly receive a polite suggestion
+to ask on the netdev list instead, as that is the list frequented by most
+networking developers. Other lists exist for the SCSI, video4linux, IDE,
+filesystem, etc. subsystems. The best place to look for mailing lists is
+in the MAINTAINERS file packaged with the kernel source.
+Getting started with Kernel development
+Questions about how to get started with the kernel development process are
+common - from both individuals and companies. Equally common are missteps
+which make the beginning of the relationship harder than it has to be.
+Companies often look to hire well-known developers to get a development
+group started. This can, in fact, be an effective technique. But it also
+tends to be expensive and does not do much to grow the pool of experienced
+kernel developers. It is possible to bring in-house developers up to speed
+on Linux kernel development, given the investment of a bit of time. Taking
+this time can endow an employer with a group of developers who understand
+the kernel and the company both, and who can help to train others as well.
+Over the medium term, this is often the more profitable approach.
+Individual developers are often, understandably, at a loss for a place to
+start. Beginning with a large project can be intimidating; one often wants
+to test the waters with something smaller first. This is the point where
+some developers jump into the creation of patches fixing spelling errors or
+minor coding style issues. Unfortunately, such patches create a level of
+noise which is distracting for the development community as a whole, so,
+increasingly, they are looked down upon. New developers wishing to
+introduce themselves to the community will not get the sort of reception
+they wish for by these means.
+Andrew Morton gives this advice for aspiring kernel developers
+ The #1 project for all kernel beginners should surely be "make sure
+ that the kernel runs perfectly at all times on all machines which
+ you can lay your hands on". Usually the way to do this is to work
+ with others on getting things fixed up (this can require
+ persistence!) but that's fine - it's a part of kernel development.
+In the absence of obvious problems to fix, developers are advised to look
+at the current lists of regressions and open bugs in general. There is
+never any shortage of issues in need of fixing; by addressing these issues,
+developers will gain experience with the process while, at the same time,
+building respect with the rest of the development community.
diff --git a/Documentation/process/3.Early-stage.rst b/Documentation/process/3.Early-stage.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..af2c0af931d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/3.Early-stage.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+.. _development_early_stage:
+Early-stage planning
+When contemplating a Linux kernel development project, it can be tempting
+to jump right in and start coding. As with any significant project,
+though, much of the groundwork for success is best laid before the first
+line of code is written. Some time spent in early planning and
+communication can save far more time later on.
+Specifying the problem
+Like any engineering project, a successful kernel enhancement starts with a
+clear description of the problem to be solved. In some cases, this step is
+easy: when a driver is needed for a specific piece of hardware, for
+example. In others, though, it is tempting to confuse the real problem
+with the proposed solution, and that can lead to difficulties.
+Consider an example: some years ago, developers working with Linux audio
+sought a way to run applications without dropouts or other artifacts caused
+by excessive latency in the system. The solution they arrived at was a
+kernel module intended to hook into the Linux Security Module (LSM)
+framework; this module could be configured to give specific applications
+access to the realtime scheduler. This module was implemented and sent to
+the linux-kernel mailing list, where it immediately ran into problems.
+To the audio developers, this security module was sufficient to solve their
+immediate problem. To the wider kernel community, though, it was seen as a
+misuse of the LSM framework (which is not intended to confer privileges
+onto processes which they would not otherwise have) and a risk to system
+stability. Their preferred solutions involved realtime scheduling access
+via the rlimit mechanism for the short term, and ongoing latency reduction
+work in the long term.
+The audio community, however, could not see past the particular solution
+they had implemented; they were unwilling to accept alternatives. The
+resulting disagreement left those developers feeling disillusioned with the
+entire kernel development process; one of them went back to an audio list
+and posted this:
+ There are a number of very good Linux kernel developers, but they
+ tend to get outshouted by a large crowd of arrogant fools. Trying
+ to communicate user requirements to these people is a waste of
+ time. They are much too "intelligent" to listen to lesser mortals.
+The reality of the situation was different; the kernel developers were far
+more concerned about system stability, long-term maintenance, and finding
+the right solution to the problem than they were with a specific module.
+The moral of the story is to focus on the problem - not a specific solution
+- and to discuss it with the development community before investing in the
+creation of a body of code.
+So, when contemplating a kernel development project, one should obtain
+answers to a short set of questions:
+ - What, exactly, is the problem which needs to be solved?
+ - Who are the users affected by this problem? Which use cases should the
+ solution address?
+ - How does the kernel fall short in addressing that problem now?
+Only then does it make sense to start considering possible solutions.
+Early discussion
+When planning a kernel development project, it makes great sense to hold
+discussions with the community before launching into implementation. Early
+communication can save time and trouble in a number of ways:
+ - It may well be that the problem is addressed by the kernel in ways which
+ you have not understood. The Linux kernel is large and has a number of
+ features and capabilities which are not immediately obvious. Not all
+ kernel capabilities are documented as well as one might like, and it is
+ easy to miss things. Your author has seen the posting of a complete
+ driver which duplicated an existing driver that the new author had been
+ unaware of. Code which reinvents existing wheels is not only wasteful;
+ it will also not be accepted into the mainline kernel.
+ - There may be elements of the proposed solution which will not be
+ acceptable for mainline merging. It is better to find out about
+ problems like this before writing the code.
+ - It's entirely possible that other developers have thought about the
+ problem; they may have ideas for a better solution, and may be willing
+ to help in the creation of that solution.
+Years of experience with the kernel development community have taught a
+clear lesson: kernel code which is designed and developed behind closed
+doors invariably has problems which are only revealed when the code is
+released into the community. Sometimes these problems are severe,
+requiring months or years of effort before the code can be brought up to
+the kernel community's standards. Some examples include:
+ - The Devicescape network stack was designed and implemented for
+ single-processor systems. It could not be merged into the mainline
+ until it was made suitable for multiprocessor systems. Retrofitting
+ locking and such into code is a difficult task; as a result, the merging
+ of this code (now called mac80211) was delayed for over a year.
+ - The Reiser4 filesystem included a number of capabilities which, in the
+ core kernel developers' opinion, should have been implemented in the
+ virtual filesystem layer instead. It also included features which could
+ not easily be implemented without exposing the system to user-caused
+ deadlocks. The late revelation of these problems - and refusal to
+ address some of them - has caused Reiser4 to stay out of the mainline
+ kernel.
+ - The AppArmor security module made use of internal virtual filesystem
+ data structures in ways which were considered to be unsafe and
+ unreliable. This concern (among others) kept AppArmor out of the
+ mainline for years.
+In each of these cases, a great deal of pain and extra work could have been
+avoided with some early discussion with the kernel developers.
+Who do you talk to?
+When developers decide to take their plans public, the next question will
+be: where do we start? The answer is to find the right mailing list(s) and
+the right maintainer. For mailing lists, the best approach is to look in
+the MAINTAINERS file for a relevant place to post. If there is a suitable
+subsystem list, posting there is often preferable to posting on
+linux-kernel; you are more likely to reach developers with expertise in the
+relevant subsystem and the environment may be more supportive.
+Finding maintainers can be a bit harder. Again, the MAINTAINERS file is
+the place to start. That file tends to not always be up to date, though,
+and not all subsystems are represented there. The person listed in the
+MAINTAINERS file may, in fact, not be the person who is actually acting in
+that role currently. So, when there is doubt about who to contact, a
+useful trick is to use git (and "git log" in particular) to see who is
+currently active within the subsystem of interest. Look at who is writing
+patches, and who, if anybody, is attaching Signed-off-by lines to those
+patches. Those are the people who will be best placed to help with a new
+development project.
+The task of finding the right maintainer is sometimes challenging enough
+that the kernel developers have added a script to ease the process:
+ .../scripts/
+This script will return the current maintainer(s) for a given file or
+directory when given the "-f" option. If passed a patch on the
+command line, it will list the maintainers who should probably receive
+copies of the patch. There are a number of options regulating how hard will search for maintainers; please be careful about
+using the more aggressive options as you may end up including developers
+who have no real interest in the code you are modifying.
+If all else fails, talking to Andrew Morton can be an effective way to
+track down a maintainer for a specific piece of code.
+When to post?
+If possible, posting your plans during the early stages can only be
+helpful. Describe the problem being solved and any plans that have been
+made on how the implementation will be done. Any information you can
+provide can help the development community provide useful input on the
+One discouraging thing which can happen at this stage is not a hostile
+reaction, but, instead, little or no reaction at all. The sad truth of the
+matter is (1) kernel developers tend to be busy, (2) there is no shortage
+of people with grand plans and little code (or even prospect of code) to
+back them up, and (3) nobody is obligated to review or comment on ideas
+posted by others. Beyond that, high-level designs often hide problems
+which are only reviewed when somebody actually tries to implement those
+designs; for that reason, kernel developers would rather see the code.
+If a request-for-comments posting yields little in the way of comments, do
+not assume that it means there is no interest in the project.
+Unfortunately, you also cannot assume that there are no problems with your
+idea. The best thing to do in this situation is to proceed, keeping the
+community informed as you go.
+Getting official buy-in
+If your work is being done in a corporate environment - as most Linux
+kernel work is - you must, obviously, have permission from suitably
+empowered managers before you can post your company's plans or code to a
+public mailing list. The posting of code which has not been cleared for
+release under a GPL-compatible license can be especially problematic; the
+sooner that a company's management and legal staff can agree on the posting
+of a kernel development project, the better off everybody involved will be.
+Some readers may be thinking at this point that their kernel work is
+intended to support a product which does not yet have an officially
+acknowledged existence. Revealing their employer's plans on a public
+mailing list may not be a viable option. In cases like this, it is worth
+considering whether the secrecy is really necessary; there is often no real
+need to keep development plans behind closed doors.
+That said, there are also cases where a company legitimately cannot
+disclose its plans early in the development process. Companies with
+experienced kernel developers may choose to proceed in an open-loop manner
+on the assumption that they will be able to avoid serious integration
+problems later. For companies without that sort of in-house expertise, the
+best option is often to hire an outside developer to review the plans under
+a non-disclosure agreement. The Linux Foundation operates an NDA program
+designed to help with this sort of situation; more information can be found
+This kind of review is often enough to avoid serious problems later on
+without requiring public disclosure of the project.
diff --git a/Documentation/process/4.Coding.rst b/Documentation/process/4.Coding.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..983d628c1112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/4.Coding.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+.. _development_coding:
+Getting the code right
+While there is much to be said for a solid and community-oriented design
+process, the proof of any kernel development project is in the resulting
+code. It is the code which will be examined by other developers and merged
+(or not) into the mainline tree. So it is the quality of this code which
+will determine the ultimate success of the project.
+This section will examine the coding process. We'll start with a look at a
+number of ways in which kernel developers can go wrong. Then the focus
+will shift toward doing things right and the tools which can help in that
+Coding style
+The kernel has long had a standard coding style, described in
+Documentation/process/coding-style.rst. For much of that time, the policies described
+in that file were taken as being, at most, advisory. As a result, there is
+a substantial amount of code in the kernel which does not meet the coding
+style guidelines. The presence of that code leads to two independent
+hazards for kernel developers.
+The first of these is to believe that the kernel coding standards do not
+matter and are not enforced. The truth of the matter is that adding new
+code to the kernel is very difficult if that code is not coded according to
+the standard; many developers will request that the code be reformatted
+before they will even review it. A code base as large as the kernel
+requires some uniformity of code to make it possible for developers to
+quickly understand any part of it. So there is no longer room for
+strangely-formatted code.
+Occasionally, the kernel's coding style will run into conflict with an
+employer's mandated style. In such cases, the kernel's style will have to
+win before the code can be merged. Putting code into the kernel means
+giving up a degree of control in a number of ways - including control over
+how the code is formatted.
+The other trap is to assume that code which is already in the kernel is
+urgently in need of coding style fixes. Developers may start to generate
+reformatting patches as a way of gaining familiarity with the process, or
+as a way of getting their name into the kernel changelogs - or both. But
+pure coding style fixes are seen as noise by the development community;
+they tend to get a chilly reception. So this type of patch is best
+avoided. It is natural to fix the style of a piece of code while working
+on it for other reasons, but coding style changes should not be made for
+their own sake.
+The coding style document also should not be read as an absolute law which
+can never be transgressed. If there is a good reason to go against the
+style (a line which becomes far less readable if split to fit within the
+80-column limit, for example), just do it.
+Abstraction layers
+Computer Science professors teach students to make extensive use of
+abstraction layers in the name of flexibility and information hiding.
+Certainly the kernel makes extensive use of abstraction; no project
+involving several million lines of code could do otherwise and survive.
+But experience has shown that excessive or premature abstraction can be
+just as harmful as premature optimization. Abstraction should be used to
+the level required and no further.
+At a simple level, consider a function which has an argument which is
+always passed as zero by all callers. One could retain that argument just
+in case somebody eventually needs to use the extra flexibility that it
+provides. By that time, though, chances are good that the code which
+implements this extra argument has been broken in some subtle way which was
+never noticed - because it has never been used. Or, when the need for
+extra flexibility arises, it does not do so in a way which matches the
+programmer's early expectation. Kernel developers will routinely submit
+patches to remove unused arguments; they should, in general, not be added
+in the first place.
+Abstraction layers which hide access to hardware - often to allow the bulk
+of a driver to be used with multiple operating systems - are especially
+frowned upon. Such layers obscure the code and may impose a performance
+penalty; they do not belong in the Linux kernel.
+On the other hand, if you find yourself copying significant amounts of code
+from another kernel subsystem, it is time to ask whether it would, in fact,
+make sense to pull out some of that code into a separate library or to
+implement that functionality at a higher level. There is no value in
+replicating the same code throughout the kernel.
+#ifdef and preprocessor use in general
+The C preprocessor seems to present a powerful temptation to some C
+programmers, who see it as a way to efficiently encode a great deal of
+flexibility into a source file. But the preprocessor is not C, and heavy
+use of it results in code which is much harder for others to read and
+harder for the compiler to check for correctness. Heavy preprocessor use
+is almost always a sign of code which needs some cleanup work.
+Conditional compilation with #ifdef is, indeed, a powerful feature, and it
+is used within the kernel. But there is little desire to see code which is
+sprinkled liberally with #ifdef blocks. As a general rule, #ifdef use
+should be confined to header files whenever possible.
+Conditionally-compiled code can be confined to functions which, if the code
+is not to be present, simply become empty. The compiler will then quietly
+optimize out the call to the empty function. The result is far cleaner
+code which is easier to follow.
+C preprocessor macros present a number of hazards, including possible
+multiple evaluation of expressions with side effects and no type safety.
+If you are tempted to define a macro, consider creating an inline function
+instead. The code which results will be the same, but inline functions are
+easier to read, do not evaluate their arguments multiple times, and allow
+the compiler to perform type checking on the arguments and return value.
+Inline functions
+Inline functions present a hazard of their own, though. Programmers can
+become enamored of the perceived efficiency inherent in avoiding a function
+call and fill a source file with inline functions. Those functions,
+however, can actually reduce performance. Since their code is replicated
+at each call site, they end up bloating the size of the compiled kernel.
+That, in turn, creates pressure on the processor's memory caches, which can
+slow execution dramatically. Inline functions, as a rule, should be quite
+small and relatively rare. The cost of a function call, after all, is not
+that high; the creation of large numbers of inline functions is a classic
+example of premature optimization.
+In general, kernel programmers ignore cache effects at their peril. The
+classic time/space tradeoff taught in beginning data structures classes
+often does not apply to contemporary hardware. Space *is* time, in that a
+larger program will run slower than one which is more compact.
+More recent compilers take an increasingly active role in deciding whether
+a given function should actually be inlined or not. So the liberal
+placement of "inline" keywords may not just be excessive; it could also be
+In May, 2006, the "Devicescape" networking stack was, with great
+fanfare, released under the GPL and made available for inclusion in the
+mainline kernel. This donation was welcome news; support for wireless
+networking in Linux was considered substandard at best, and the Devicescape
+stack offered the promise of fixing that situation. Yet, this code did not
+actually make it into the mainline until June, 2007 (2.6.22). What
+This code showed a number of signs of having been developed behind
+corporate doors. But one large problem in particular was that it was not
+designed to work on multiprocessor systems. Before this networking stack
+(now called mac80211) could be merged, a locking scheme needed to be
+retrofitted onto it.
+Once upon a time, Linux kernel code could be developed without thinking
+about the concurrency issues presented by multiprocessor systems. Now,
+however, this document is being written on a dual-core laptop. Even on
+single-processor systems, work being done to improve responsiveness will
+raise the level of concurrency within the kernel. The days when kernel
+code could be written without thinking about locking are long past.
+Any resource (data structures, hardware registers, etc.) which could be
+accessed concurrently by more than one thread must be protected by a lock.
+New code should be written with this requirement in mind; retrofitting
+locking after the fact is a rather more difficult task. Kernel developers
+should take the time to understand the available locking primitives well
+enough to pick the right tool for the job. Code which shows a lack of
+attention to concurrency will have a difficult path into the mainline.
+One final hazard worth mentioning is this: it can be tempting to make a
+change (which may bring big improvements) which causes something to break
+for existing users. This kind of change is called a "regression," and
+regressions have become most unwelcome in the mainline kernel. With few
+exceptions, changes which cause regressions will be backed out if the
+regression cannot be fixed in a timely manner. Far better to avoid the
+regression in the first place.
+It is often argued that a regression can be justified if it causes things
+to work for more people than it creates problems for. Why not make a
+change if it brings new functionality to ten systems for each one it
+breaks? The best answer to this question was expressed by Linus in July,
+ So we don't fix bugs by introducing new problems. That way lies
+ madness, and nobody ever knows if you actually make any real
+ progress at all. Is it two steps forwards, one step back, or one
+ step forward and two steps back?
+An especially unwelcome type of regression is any sort of change to the
+user-space ABI. Once an interface has been exported to user space, it must
+be supported indefinitely. This fact makes the creation of user-space
+interfaces particularly challenging: since they cannot be changed in
+incompatible ways, they must be done right the first time. For this
+reason, a great deal of thought, clear documentation, and wide review for
+user-space interfaces is always required.
+Code checking tools
+For now, at least, the writing of error-free code remains an ideal that few
+of us can reach. What we can hope to do, though, is to catch and fix as
+many of those errors as possible before our code goes into the mainline
+kernel. To that end, the kernel developers have put together an impressive
+array of tools which can catch a wide variety of obscure problems in an
+automated way. Any problem caught by the computer is a problem which will
+not afflict a user later on, so it stands to reason that the automated
+tools should be used whenever possible.
+The first step is simply to heed the warnings produced by the compiler.
+Contemporary versions of gcc can detect (and warn about) a large number of
+potential errors. Quite often, these warnings point to real problems.
+Code submitted for review should, as a rule, not produce any compiler
+warnings. When silencing warnings, take care to understand the real cause
+and try to avoid "fixes" which make the warning go away without addressing
+its cause.
+Note that not all compiler warnings are enabled by default. Build the
+kernel with "make EXTRA_CFLAGS=-W" to get the full set.
+The kernel provides several configuration options which turn on debugging
+features; most of these are found in the "kernel hacking" submenu. Several
+of these options should be turned on for any kernel used for development or
+testing purposes. In particular, you should turn on:
+ extra set of warnings for problems like the use of deprecated interfaces
+ or ignoring an important return value from a function. The output
+ generated by these warnings can be verbose, but one need not worry about
+ warnings from other parts of the kernel.
+ - DEBUG_OBJECTS will add code to track the lifetime of various objects
+ created by the kernel and warn when things are done out of order. If
+ you are adding a subsystem which creates (and exports) complex objects
+ of its own, consider adding support for the object debugging
+ infrastructure.
+ - DEBUG_SLAB can find a variety of memory allocation and use errors; it
+ should be used on most development kernels.
+ number of common locking errors.
+There are quite a few other debugging options, some of which will be
+discussed below. Some of them have a significant performance impact and
+should not be used all of the time. But some time spent learning the
+available options will likely be paid back many times over in short order.
+One of the heavier debugging tools is the locking checker, or "lockdep."
+This tool will track the acquisition and release of every lock (spinlock or
+mutex) in the system, the order in which locks are acquired relative to
+each other, the current interrupt environment, and more. It can then
+ensure that locks are always acquired in the same order, that the same
+interrupt assumptions apply in all situations, and so on. In other words,
+lockdep can find a number of scenarios in which the system could, on rare
+occasion, deadlock. This kind of problem can be painful (for both
+developers and users) in a deployed system; lockdep allows them to be found
+in an automated manner ahead of time. Code with any sort of non-trivial
+locking should be run with lockdep enabled before being submitted for
+As a diligent kernel programmer, you will, beyond doubt, check the return
+status of any operation (such as a memory allocation) which can fail. The
+fact of the matter, though, is that the resulting failure recovery paths
+are, probably, completely untested. Untested code tends to be broken code;
+you could be much more confident of your code if all those error-handling
+paths had been exercised a few times.
+The kernel provides a fault injection framework which can do exactly that,
+especially where memory allocations are involved. With fault injection
+enabled, a configurable percentage of memory allocations will be made to
+fail; these failures can be restricted to a specific range of code.
+Running with fault injection enabled allows the programmer to see how the
+code responds when things go badly. See
+Documentation/fault-injection/fault-injection.txt for more information on
+how to use this facility.
+Other kinds of errors can be found with the "sparse" static analysis tool.
+With sparse, the programmer can be warned about confusion between
+user-space and kernel-space addresses, mixture of big-endian and
+small-endian quantities, the passing of integer values where a set of bit
+flags is expected, and so on. Sparse must be installed separately (it can
+be found at if your
+distributor does not package it); it can then be run on the code by adding
+"C=1" to your make command.
+The "Coccinelle" tool ( is able to find a wide
+variety of potential coding problems; it can also propose fixes for those
+problems. Quite a few "semantic patches" for the kernel have been packaged
+under the scripts/coccinelle directory; running "make coccicheck" will run
+through those semantic patches and report on any problems found. See
+Documentation/coccinelle.txt for more information.
+Other kinds of portability errors are best found by compiling your code for
+other architectures. If you do not happen to have an S/390 system or a
+Blackfin development board handy, you can still perform the compilation
+step. A large set of cross compilers for x86 systems can be found at
+Some time spent installing and using these compilers will help avoid
+embarrassment later.
+Documentation has often been more the exception than the rule with kernel
+development. Even so, adequate documentation will help to ease the merging
+of new code into the kernel, make life easier for other developers, and
+will be helpful for your users. In many cases, the addition of
+documentation has become essentially mandatory.
+The first piece of documentation for any patch is its associated
+changelog. Log entries should describe the problem being solved, the form
+of the solution, the people who worked on the patch, any relevant
+effects on performance, and anything else that might be needed to
+understand the patch. Be sure that the changelog says *why* the patch is
+worth applying; a surprising number of developers fail to provide that
+Any code which adds a new user-space interface - including new sysfs or
+/proc files - should include documentation of that interface which enables
+user-space developers to know what they are working with. See
+Documentation/ABI/README for a description of how this documentation should
+be formatted and what information needs to be provided.
+The file Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.rst describes all of the kernel's
+boot-time parameters. Any patch which adds new parameters should add the
+appropriate entries to this file.
+Any new configuration options must be accompanied by help text which
+clearly explains the options and when the user might want to select them.
+Internal API information for many subsystems is documented by way of
+specially-formatted comments; these comments can be extracted and formatted
+in a number of ways by the "kernel-doc" script. If you are working within
+a subsystem which has kerneldoc comments, you should maintain them and add
+them, as appropriate, for externally-available functions. Even in areas
+which have not been so documented, there is no harm in adding kerneldoc
+comments for the future; indeed, this can be a useful activity for
+beginning kernel developers. The format of these comments, along with some
+information on how to create kerneldoc templates can be found in the file
+Anybody who reads through a significant amount of existing kernel code will
+note that, often, comments are most notable by their absence. Once again,
+the expectations for new code are higher than they were in the past;
+merging uncommented code will be harder. That said, there is little desire
+for verbosely-commented code. The code should, itself, be readable, with
+comments explaining the more subtle aspects.
+Certain things should always be commented. Uses of memory barriers should
+be accompanied by a line explaining why the barrier is necessary. The
+locking rules for data structures generally need to be explained somewhere.
+Major data structures need comprehensive documentation in general.
+Non-obvious dependencies between separate bits of code should be pointed
+out. Anything which might tempt a code janitor to make an incorrect
+"cleanup" needs a comment saying why it is done the way it is. And so on.
+Internal API changes
+The binary interface provided by the kernel to user space cannot be broken
+except under the most severe circumstances. The kernel's internal
+programming interfaces, instead, are highly fluid and can be changed when
+the need arises. If you find yourself having to work around a kernel API,
+or simply not using a specific functionality because it does not meet your
+needs, that may be a sign that the API needs to change. As a kernel
+developer, you are empowered to make such changes.
+There are, of course, some catches. API changes can be made, but they need
+to be well justified. So any patch making an internal API change should be
+accompanied by a description of what the change is and why it is
+necessary. This kind of change should also be broken out into a separate
+patch, rather than buried within a larger patch.
+The other catch is that a developer who changes an internal API is
+generally charged with the task of fixing any code within the kernel tree
+which is broken by the change. For a widely-used function, this duty can
+lead to literally hundreds or thousands of changes - many of which are
+likely to conflict with work being done by other developers. Needless to
+say, this can be a large job, so it is best to be sure that the
+justification is solid. Note that the Coccinelle tool can help with
+wide-ranging API changes.
+When making an incompatible API change, one should, whenever possible,
+ensure that code which has not been updated is caught by the compiler.
+This will help you to be sure that you have found all in-tree uses of that
+interface. It will also alert developers of out-of-tree code that there is
+a change that they need to respond to. Supporting out-of-tree code is not
+something that kernel developers need to be worried about, but we also do
+not have to make life harder for out-of-tree developers than it needs to
diff --git a/Documentation/process/5.Posting.rst b/Documentation/process/5.Posting.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1b7728b19ea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/5.Posting.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+.. _development_posting:
+Posting patches
+Sooner or later, the time comes when your work is ready to be presented to
+the community for review and, eventually, inclusion into the mainline
+kernel. Unsurprisingly, the kernel development community has evolved a set
+of conventions and procedures which are used in the posting of patches;
+following them will make life much easier for everybody involved. This
+document will attempt to cover these expectations in reasonable detail;
+more information can also be found in the files process/submitting-patches.rst,
+process/submitting-drivers.rst, and process/submit-checklist.rst in the kernel documentation
+When to post
+There is a constant temptation to avoid posting patches before they are
+completely "ready." For simple patches, that is not a problem. If the
+work being done is complex, though, there is a lot to be gained by getting
+feedback from the community before the work is complete. So you should
+consider posting in-progress work, or even making a git tree available so
+that interested developers can catch up with your work at any time.
+When posting code which is not yet considered ready for inclusion, it is a
+good idea to say so in the posting itself. Also mention any major work
+which remains to be done and any known problems. Fewer people will look at
+patches which are known to be half-baked, but those who do will come in
+with the idea that they can help you drive the work in the right direction.
+Before creating patches
+There are a number of things which should be done before you consider
+sending patches to the development community. These include:
+ - Test the code to the extent that you can. Make use of the kernel's
+ debugging tools, ensure that the kernel will build with all reasonable
+ combinations of configuration options, use cross-compilers to build for
+ different architectures, etc.
+ - Make sure your code is compliant with the kernel coding style
+ guidelines.
+ - Does your change have performance implications? If so, you should run
+ benchmarks showing what the impact (or benefit) of your change is; a
+ summary of the results should be included with the patch.
+ - Be sure that you have the right to post the code. If this work was done
+ for an employer, the employer likely has a right to the work and must be
+ agreeable with its release under the GPL.
+As a general rule, putting in some extra thought before posting code almost
+always pays back the effort in short order.
+Patch preparation
+The preparation of patches for posting can be a surprising amount of work,
+but, once again, attempting to save time here is not generally advisable
+even in the short term.
+Patches must be prepared against a specific version of the kernel. As a
+general rule, a patch should be based on the current mainline as found in
+Linus's git tree. When basing on mainline, start with a well-known release
+point - a stable or -rc release - rather than branching off the mainline at
+an arbitrary spot.
+It may become necessary to make versions against -mm, linux-next, or a
+subsystem tree, though, to facilitate wider testing and review. Depending
+on the area of your patch and what is going on elsewhere, basing a patch
+against these other trees can require a significant amount of work
+resolving conflicts and dealing with API changes.
+Only the most simple changes should be formatted as a single patch;
+everything else should be made as a logical series of changes. Splitting
+up patches is a bit of an art; some developers spend a long time figuring
+out how to do it in the way that the community expects. There are a few
+rules of thumb, however, which can help considerably:
+ - The patch series you post will almost certainly not be the series of
+ changes found in your working revision control system. Instead, the
+ changes you have made need to be considered in their final form, then
+ split apart in ways which make sense. The developers are interested in
+ discrete, self-contained changes, not the path you took to get to those
+ changes.
+ - Each logically independent change should be formatted as a separate
+ patch. These changes can be small ("add a field to this structure") or
+ large (adding a significant new driver, for example), but they should be
+ conceptually small and amenable to a one-line description. Each patch
+ should make a specific change which can be reviewed on its own and
+ verified to do what it says it does.
+ - As a way of restating the guideline above: do not mix different types of
+ changes in the same patch. If a single patch fixes a critical security
+ bug, rearranges a few structures, and reformats the code, there is a
+ good chance that it will be passed over and the important fix will be
+ lost.
+ - Each patch should yield a kernel which builds and runs properly; if your
+ patch series is interrupted in the middle, the result should still be a
+ working kernel. Partial application of a patch series is a common
+ scenario when the "git bisect" tool is used to find regressions; if the
+ result is a broken kernel, you will make life harder for developers and
+ users who are engaging in the noble work of tracking down problems.
+ - Do not overdo it, though. One developer once posted a set of edits
+ to a single file as 500 separate patches - an act which did not make him
+ the most popular person on the kernel mailing list. A single patch can
+ be reasonably large as long as it still contains a single *logical*
+ change.
+ - It can be tempting to add a whole new infrastructure with a series of
+ patches, but to leave that infrastructure unused until the final patch
+ in the series enables the whole thing. This temptation should be
+ avoided if possible; if that series adds regressions, bisection will
+ finger the last patch as the one which caused the problem, even though
+ the real bug is elsewhere. Whenever possible, a patch which adds new
+ code should make that code active immediately.
+Working to create the perfect patch series can be a frustrating process
+which takes quite a bit of time and thought after the "real work" has been
+done. When done properly, though, it is time well spent.
+Patch formatting and changelogs
+So now you have a perfect series of patches for posting, but the work is
+not done quite yet. Each patch needs to be formatted into a message which
+quickly and clearly communicates its purpose to the rest of the world. To
+that end, each patch will be composed of the following:
+ - An optional "From" line naming the author of the patch. This line is
+ only necessary if you are passing on somebody else's patch via email,
+ but it never hurts to add it when in doubt.
+ - A one-line description of what the patch does. This message should be
+ enough for a reader who sees it with no other context to figure out the
+ scope of the patch; it is the line that will show up in the "short form"
+ changelogs. This message is usually formatted with the relevant
+ subsystem name first, followed by the purpose of the patch. For
+ example:
+ ::
+ gpio: fix build on CONFIG_GPIO_SYSFS=n
+ - A blank line followed by a detailed description of the contents of the
+ patch. This description can be as long as is required; it should say
+ what the patch does and why it should be applied to the kernel.
+ - One or more tag lines, with, at a minimum, one Signed-off-by: line from
+ the author of the patch. Tags will be described in more detail below.
+The items above, together, form the changelog for the patch. Writing good
+changelogs is a crucial but often-neglected art; it's worth spending
+another moment discussing this issue. When writing a changelog, you should
+bear in mind that a number of different people will be reading your words.
+These include subsystem maintainers and reviewers who need to decide
+whether the patch should be included, distributors and other maintainers
+trying to decide whether a patch should be backported to other kernels, bug
+hunters wondering whether the patch is responsible for a problem they are
+chasing, users who want to know how the kernel has changed, and more. A
+good changelog conveys the needed information to all of these people in the
+most direct and concise way possible.
+To that end, the summary line should describe the effects of and motivation
+for the change as well as possible given the one-line constraint. The
+detailed description can then amplify on those topics and provide any
+needed additional information. If the patch fixes a bug, cite the commit
+which introduced the bug if possible (and please provide both the commit ID
+and the title when citing commits). If a problem is associated with
+specific log or compiler output, include that output to help others
+searching for a solution to the same problem. If the change is meant to
+support other changes coming in later patch, say so. If internal APIs are
+changed, detail those changes and how other developers should respond. In
+general, the more you can put yourself into the shoes of everybody who will
+be reading your changelog, the better that changelog (and the kernel as a
+whole) will be.
+Needless to say, the changelog should be the text used when committing the
+change to a revision control system. It will be followed by:
+ - The patch itself, in the unified ("-u") patch format. Using the "-p"
+ option to diff will associate function names with changes, making the
+ resulting patch easier for others to read.
+You should avoid including changes to irrelevant files (those generated by
+the build process, for example, or editor backup files) in the patch. The
+file "dontdiff" in the Documentation directory can help in this regard;
+pass it to diff with the "-X" option.
+The tags mentioned above are used to describe how various developers have
+been associated with the development of this patch. They are described in
+detail in the process/submitting-patches.rst document; what follows here is a brief
+summary. Each of these lines has the format:
+ tag: Full Name <email address> optional-other-stuff
+The tags in common use are:
+ - Signed-off-by: this is a developer's certification that he or she has
+ the right to submit the patch for inclusion into the kernel. It is an
+ agreement to the Developer's Certificate of Origin, the full text of
+ which can be found in Documentation/process/submitting-patches.rst. Code without a
+ proper signoff cannot be merged into the mainline.
+ - Acked-by: indicates an agreement by another developer (often a
+ maintainer of the relevant code) that the patch is appropriate for
+ inclusion into the kernel.
+ - Tested-by: states that the named person has tested the patch and found
+ it to work.
+ - Reviewed-by: the named developer has reviewed the patch for correctness;
+ see the reviewer's statement in Documentation/process/submitting-patches.rst for more
+ detail.
+ - Reported-by: names a user who reported a problem which is fixed by this
+ patch; this tag is used to give credit to the (often underappreciated)
+ people who test our code and let us know when things do not work
+ correctly.
+ - Cc: the named person received a copy of the patch and had the
+ opportunity to comment on it.
+Be careful in the addition of tags to your patches: only Cc: is appropriate
+for addition without the explicit permission of the person named.
+Sending the patch
+Before you mail your patches, there are a couple of other things you should
+take care of:
+ - Are you sure that your mailer will not corrupt the patches? Patches
+ which have had gratuitous white-space changes or line wrapping performed
+ by the mail client will not apply at the other end, and often will not
+ be examined in any detail. If there is any doubt at all, mail the patch
+ to yourself and convince yourself that it shows up intact.
+ Documentation/process/email-clients.rst has some helpful hints on making
+ specific mail clients work for sending patches.
+ - Are you sure your patch is free of silly mistakes? You should always
+ run patches through scripts/ and address the complaints it
+ comes up with. Please bear in mind that, while being the
+ embodiment of a fair amount of thought about what kernel patches should
+ look like, is not smarter than you. If fixing a complaint
+ would make the code worse, don't do it.
+Patches should always be sent as plain text. Please do not send them as
+attachments; that makes it much harder for reviewers to quote sections of
+the patch in their replies. Instead, just put the patch directly into your
+When mailing patches, it is important to send copies to anybody who might
+be interested in it. Unlike some other projects, the kernel encourages
+people to err on the side of sending too many copies; don't assume that the
+relevant people will see your posting on the mailing lists. In particular,
+copies should go to:
+ - The maintainer(s) of the affected subsystem(s). As described earlier,
+ the MAINTAINERS file is the first place to look for these people.
+ - Other developers who have been working in the same area - especially
+ those who might be working there now. Using git to see who else has
+ modified the files you are working on can be helpful.
+ - If you are responding to a bug report or a feature request, copy the
+ original poster as well.
+ - Send a copy to the relevant mailing list, or, if nothing else applies,
+ the linux-kernel list.
+ - If you are fixing a bug, think about whether the fix should go into the
+ next stable update. If so, should get a copy of
+ the patch. Also add a "Cc:" to the tags within
+ the patch itself; that will cause the stable team to get a notification
+ when your fix goes into the mainline.
+When selecting recipients for a patch, it is good to have an idea of who
+you think will eventually accept the patch and get it merged. While it
+is possible to send patches directly to Linus Torvalds and have him merge
+them, things are not normally done that way. Linus is busy, and there are
+subsystem maintainers who watch over specific parts of the kernel. Usually
+you will be wanting that maintainer to merge your patches. If there is no
+obvious maintainer, Andrew Morton is often the patch target of last resort.
+Patches need good subject lines. The canonical format for a patch line is
+something like:
+ [PATCH nn/mm] subsys: one-line description of the patch
+where "nn" is the ordinal number of the patch, "mm" is the total number of
+patches in the series, and "subsys" is the name of the affected subsystem.
+Clearly, nn/mm can be omitted for a single, standalone patch.
+If you have a significant series of patches, it is customary to send an
+introductory description as part zero. This convention is not universally
+followed though; if you use it, remember that information in the
+introduction does not make it into the kernel changelogs. So please ensure
+that the patches, themselves, have complete changelog information.
+In general, the second and following parts of a multi-part patch should be
+sent as a reply to the first part so that they all thread together at the
+receiving end. Tools like git and quilt have commands to mail out a set of
+patches with the proper threading. If you have a long series, though, and
+are using git, please stay away from the --chain-reply-to option to avoid
+creating exceptionally deep nesting.
diff --git a/Documentation/process/6.Followthrough.rst b/Documentation/process/6.Followthrough.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a173cd5f93d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/6.Followthrough.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+.. _development_followthrough:
+At this point, you have followed the guidelines given so far and, with the
+addition of your own engineering skills, have posted a perfect series of
+patches. One of the biggest mistakes that even experienced kernel
+developers can make is to conclude that their work is now done. In truth,
+posting patches indicates a transition into the next stage of the process,
+with, possibly, quite a bit of work yet to be done.
+It is a rare patch which is so good at its first posting that there is no
+room for improvement. The kernel development process recognizes this fact,
+and, as a result, is heavily oriented toward the improvement of posted
+code. You, as the author of that code, will be expected to work with the
+kernel community to ensure that your code is up to the kernel's quality
+standards. A failure to participate in this process is quite likely to
+prevent the inclusion of your patches into the mainline.
+Working with reviewers
+A patch of any significance will result in a number of comments from other
+developers as they review the code. Working with reviewers can be, for
+many developers, the most intimidating part of the kernel development
+process. Life can be made much easier, though, if you keep a few things in
+ - If you have explained your patch well, reviewers will understand its
+ value and why you went to the trouble of writing it. But that value
+ will not keep them from asking a fundamental question: what will it be
+ like to maintain a kernel with this code in it five or ten years later?
+ Many of the changes you may be asked to make - from coding style tweaks
+ to substantial rewrites - come from the understanding that Linux will
+ still be around and under development a decade from now.
+ - Code review is hard work, and it is a relatively thankless occupation;
+ people remember who wrote kernel code, but there is little lasting fame
+ for those who reviewed it. So reviewers can get grumpy, especially when
+ they see the same mistakes being made over and over again. If you get a
+ review which seems angry, insulting, or outright offensive, resist the
+ impulse to respond in kind. Code review is about the code, not about
+ the people, and code reviewers are not attacking you personally.
+ - Similarly, code reviewers are not trying to promote their employers'
+ agendas at the expense of your own. Kernel developers often expect to
+ be working on the kernel years from now, but they understand that their
+ employer could change. They truly are, almost without exception,
+ working toward the creation of the best kernel they can; they are not
+ trying to create discomfort for their employers' competitors.
+What all of this comes down to is that, when reviewers send you comments,
+you need to pay attention to the technical observations that they are
+making. Do not let their form of expression or your own pride keep that
+from happening. When you get review comments on a patch, take the time to
+understand what the reviewer is trying to say. If possible, fix the things
+that the reviewer is asking you to fix. And respond back to the reviewer:
+thank them, and describe how you will answer their questions.
+Note that you do not have to agree with every change suggested by
+reviewers. If you believe that the reviewer has misunderstood your code,
+explain what is really going on. If you have a technical objection to a
+suggested change, describe it and justify your solution to the problem. If
+your explanations make sense, the reviewer will accept them. Should your
+explanation not prove persuasive, though, especially if others start to
+agree with the reviewer, take some time to think things over again. It can
+be easy to become blinded by your own solution to a problem to the point
+that you don't realize that something is fundamentally wrong or, perhaps,
+you're not even solving the right problem.
+Andrew Morton has suggested that every review comment which does not result
+in a code change should result in an additional code comment instead; that
+can help future reviewers avoid the questions which came up the first time
+One fatal mistake is to ignore review comments in the hope that they will
+go away. They will not go away. If you repost code without having
+responded to the comments you got the time before, you're likely to find
+that your patches go nowhere.
+Speaking of reposting code: please bear in mind that reviewers are not
+going to remember all the details of the code you posted the last time
+around. So it is always a good idea to remind reviewers of previously
+raised issues and how you dealt with them; the patch changelog is a good
+place for this kind of information. Reviewers should not have to search
+through list archives to familiarize themselves with what was said last
+time; if you help them get a running start, they will be in a better mood
+when they revisit your code.
+What if you've tried to do everything right and things still aren't going
+anywhere? Most technical disagreements can be resolved through discussion,
+but there are times when somebody simply has to make a decision. If you
+honestly believe that this decision is going against you wrongly, you can
+always try appealing to a higher power. As of this writing, that higher
+power tends to be Andrew Morton. Andrew has a great deal of respect in the
+kernel development community; he can often unjam a situation which seems to
+be hopelessly blocked. Appealing to Andrew should not be done lightly,
+though, and not before all other alternatives have been explored. And bear
+in mind, of course, that he may not agree with you either.
+What happens next
+If a patch is considered to be a good thing to add to the kernel, and once
+most of the review issues have been resolved, the next step is usually
+entry into a subsystem maintainer's tree. How that works varies from one
+subsystem to the next; each maintainer has his or her own way of doing
+things. In particular, there may be more than one tree - one, perhaps,
+dedicated to patches planned for the next merge window, and another for
+longer-term work.
+For patches applying to areas for which there is no obvious subsystem tree
+(memory management patches, for example), the default tree often ends up
+being -mm. Patches which affect multiple subsystems can also end up going
+through the -mm tree.
+Inclusion into a subsystem tree can bring a higher level of visibility to a
+patch. Now other developers working with that tree will get the patch by
+default. Subsystem trees typically feed linux-next as well, making their
+contents visible to the development community as a whole. At this point,
+there's a good chance that you will get more comments from a new set of
+reviewers; these comments need to be answered as in the previous round.
+What may also happen at this point, depending on the nature of your patch,
+is that conflicts with work being done by others turn up. In the worst
+case, heavy patch conflicts can result in some work being put on the back
+burner so that the remaining patches can be worked into shape and merged.
+Other times, conflict resolution will involve working with the other
+developers and, possibly, moving some patches between trees to ensure that
+everything applies cleanly. This work can be a pain, but count your
+blessings: before the advent of the linux-next tree, these conflicts often
+only turned up during the merge window and had to be addressed in a hurry.
+Now they can be resolved at leisure, before the merge window opens.
+Some day, if all goes well, you'll log on and see that your patch has been
+merged into the mainline kernel. Congratulations! Once the celebration is
+complete (and you have added yourself to the MAINTAINERS file), though, it
+is worth remembering an important little fact: the job still is not done.
+Merging into the mainline brings its own challenges.
+To begin with, the visibility of your patch has increased yet again. There
+may be a new round of comments from developers who had not been aware of
+the patch before. It may be tempting to ignore them, since there is no
+longer any question of your code being merged. Resist that temptation,
+though; you still need to be responsive to developers who have questions or
+More importantly, though: inclusion into the mainline puts your code into
+the hands of a much larger group of testers. Even if you have contributed
+a driver for hardware which is not yet available, you will be surprised by
+how many people will build your code into their kernels. And, of course,
+where there are testers, there will be bug reports.
+The worst sort of bug reports are regressions. If your patch causes a
+regression, you'll find an uncomfortable number of eyes upon you;
+regressions need to be fixed as soon as possible. If you are unwilling or
+unable to fix the regression (and nobody else does it for you), your patch
+will almost certainly be removed during the stabilization period. Beyond
+negating all of the work you have done to get your patch into the mainline,
+having a patch pulled as the result of a failure to fix a regression could
+well make it harder for you to get work merged in the future.
+After any regressions have been dealt with, there may be other, ordinary
+bugs to deal with. The stabilization period is your best opportunity to
+fix these bugs and ensure that your code's debut in a mainline kernel
+release is as solid as possible. So, please, answer bug reports, and fix
+the problems if at all possible. That's what the stabilization period is
+for; you can start creating cool new patches once any problems with the old
+ones have been taken care of.
+And don't forget that there are other milestones which may also create bug
+reports: the next mainline stable release, when prominent distributors pick
+up a version of the kernel containing your patch, etc. Continuing to
+respond to these reports is a matter of basic pride in your work. If that
+is insufficient motivation, though, it's also worth considering that the
+development community remembers developers who lose interest in their code
+after it's merged. The next time you post a patch, they will be evaluating
+it with the assumption that you will not be around to maintain it
+Other things that can happen
+One day, you may open your mail client and see that somebody has mailed you
+a patch to your code. That is one of the advantages of having your code
+out there in the open, after all. If you agree with the patch, you can
+either forward it on to the subsystem maintainer (be sure to include a
+proper From: line so that the attribution is correct, and add a signoff of
+your own), or send an Acked-by: response back and let the original poster
+send it upward.
+If you disagree with the patch, send a polite response explaining why. If
+possible, tell the author what changes need to be made to make the patch
+acceptable to you. There is a certain resistance to merging patches which
+are opposed by the author and maintainer of the code, but it only goes so
+far. If you are seen as needlessly blocking good work, those patches will
+eventually flow around you and get into the mainline anyway. In the Linux
+kernel, nobody has absolute veto power over any code. Except maybe Linus.
+On very rare occasion, you may see something completely different: another
+developer posts a different solution to your problem. At that point,
+chances are that one of the two patches will not be merged, and "mine was
+here first" is not considered to be a compelling technical argument. If
+somebody else's patch displaces yours and gets into the mainline, there is
+really only one way to respond: be pleased that your problem got solved and
+get on with your work. Having one's work shoved aside in this manner can
+be hurtful and discouraging, but the community will remember your reaction
+long after they have forgotten whose patch actually got merged.
diff --git a/Documentation/process/7.AdvancedTopics.rst b/Documentation/process/7.AdvancedTopics.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..172733cff097
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/7.AdvancedTopics.rst
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+.. _development_advancedtopics:
+Advanced topics
+At this point, hopefully, you have a handle on how the development process
+works. There is still more to learn, however! This section will cover a
+number of topics which can be helpful for developers wanting to become a
+regular part of the Linux kernel development process.
+Managing patches with git
+The use of distributed version control for the kernel began in early 2002,
+when Linus first started playing with the proprietary BitKeeper
+application. While BitKeeper was controversial, the approach to software
+version management it embodied most certainly was not. Distributed version
+control enabled an immediate acceleration of the kernel development
+project. In current times, there are several free alternatives to
+BitKeeper. For better or for worse, the kernel project has settled on git
+as its tool of choice.
+Managing patches with git can make life much easier for the developer,
+especially as the volume of those patches grows. Git also has its rough
+edges and poses certain hazards; it is a young and powerful tool which is
+still being civilized by its developers. This document will not attempt to
+teach the reader how to use git; that would be sufficient material for a
+long document in its own right. Instead, the focus here will be on how git
+fits into the kernel development process in particular. Developers who
+wish to come up to speed with git will find more information at:
+and on various tutorials found on the web.
+The first order of business is to read the above sites and get a solid
+understanding of how git works before trying to use it to make patches
+available to others. A git-using developer should be able to obtain a copy
+of the mainline repository, explore the revision history, commit changes to
+the tree, use branches, etc. An understanding of git's tools for the
+rewriting of history (such as rebase) is also useful. Git comes with its
+own terminology and concepts; a new user of git should know about refs,
+remote branches, the index, fast-forward merges, pushes and pulls, detached
+heads, etc. It can all be a little intimidating at the outset, but the
+concepts are not that hard to grasp with a bit of study.
+Using git to generate patches for submission by email can be a good
+exercise while coming up to speed.
+When you are ready to start putting up git trees for others to look at, you
+will, of course, need a server that can be pulled from. Setting up such a
+server with git-daemon is relatively straightforward if you have a system
+which is accessible to the Internet. Otherwise, free, public hosting sites
+(Github, for example) are starting to appear on the net. Established
+developers can get an account on, but those are not easy to come
+by; see for more information.
+The normal git workflow involves the use of a lot of branches. Each line
+of development can be separated into a separate "topic branch" and
+maintained independently. Branches in git are cheap, there is no reason to
+not make free use of them. And, in any case, you should not do your
+development in any branch which you intend to ask others to pull from.
+Publicly-available branches should be created with care; merge in patches
+from development branches when they are in complete form and ready to go -
+not before.
+Git provides some powerful tools which can allow you to rewrite your
+development history. An inconvenient patch (one which breaks bisection,
+say, or which has some other sort of obvious bug) can be fixed in place or
+made to disappear from the history entirely. A patch series can be
+rewritten as if it had been written on top of today's mainline, even though
+you have been working on it for months. Changes can be transparently
+shifted from one branch to another. And so on. Judicious use of git's
+ability to revise history can help in the creation of clean patch sets with
+fewer problems.
+Excessive use of this capability can lead to other problems, though, beyond
+a simple obsession for the creation of the perfect project history.
+Rewriting history will rewrite the changes contained in that history,
+turning a tested (hopefully) kernel tree into an untested one. But, beyond
+that, developers cannot easily collaborate if they do not have a shared
+view of the project history; if you rewrite history which other developers
+have pulled into their repositories, you will make life much more difficult
+for those developers. So a simple rule of thumb applies here: history
+which has been exported to others should generally be seen as immutable
+So, once you push a set of changes to your publicly-available server, those
+changes should not be rewritten. Git will attempt to enforce this rule if
+you try to push changes which do not result in a fast-forward merge
+(i.e. changes which do not share the same history). It is possible to
+override this check, and there may be times when it is necessary to rewrite
+an exported tree. Moving changesets between trees to avoid conflicts in
+linux-next is one example. But such actions should be rare. This is one
+of the reasons why development should be done in private branches (which
+can be rewritten if necessary) and only moved into public branches when
+it's in a reasonably advanced state.
+As the mainline (or other tree upon which a set of changes is based)
+advances, it is tempting to merge with that tree to stay on the leading
+edge. For a private branch, rebasing can be an easy way to keep up with
+another tree, but rebasing is not an option once a tree is exported to the
+world. Once that happens, a full merge must be done. Merging occasionally
+makes good sense, but overly frequent merges can clutter the history
+needlessly. Suggested technique in this case is to merge infrequently, and
+generally only at specific release points (such as a mainline -rc
+release). If you are nervous about specific changes, you can always
+perform test merges in a private branch. The git "rerere" tool can be
+useful in such situations; it remembers how merge conflicts were resolved
+so that you don't have to do the same work twice.
+One of the biggest recurring complaints about tools like git is this: the
+mass movement of patches from one repository to another makes it easy to
+slip in ill-advised changes which go into the mainline below the review
+radar. Kernel developers tend to get unhappy when they see that kind of
+thing happening; putting up a git tree with unreviewed or off-topic patches
+can affect your ability to get trees pulled in the future. Quoting Linus:
+ You can send me patches, but for me to pull a git patch from you, I
+ need to know that you know what you're doing, and I need to be able
+ to trust things *without* then having to go and check every
+ individual change by hand.
+To avoid this kind of situation, ensure that all patches within a given
+branch stick closely to the associated topic; a "driver fixes" branch
+should not be making changes to the core memory management code. And, most
+importantly, do not use a git tree to bypass the review process. Post an
+occasional summary of the tree to the relevant list, and, when the time is
+right, request that the tree be included in linux-next.
+If and when others start to send patches for inclusion into your tree,
+don't forget to review them. Also ensure that you maintain the correct
+authorship information; the git "am" tool does its best in this regard, but
+you may have to add a "From:" line to the patch if it has been relayed to
+you via a third party.
+When requesting a pull, be sure to give all the relevant information: where
+your tree is, what branch to pull, and what changes will result from the
+pull. The git request-pull command can be helpful in this regard; it will
+format the request as other developers expect, and will also check to be
+sure that you have remembered to push those changes to the public server.
+Reviewing patches
+Some readers will certainly object to putting this section with "advanced
+topics" on the grounds that even beginning kernel developers should be
+reviewing patches. It is certainly true that there is no better way to
+learn how to program in the kernel environment than by looking at code
+posted by others. In addition, reviewers are forever in short supply; by
+looking at code you can make a significant contribution to the process as a
+Reviewing code can be an intimidating prospect, especially for a new kernel
+developer who may well feel nervous about questioning code - in public -
+which has been posted by those with more experience. Even code written by
+the most experienced developers can be improved, though. Perhaps the best
+piece of advice for reviewers (all reviewers) is this: phrase review
+comments as questions rather than criticisms. Asking "how does the lock
+get released in this path?" will always work better than stating "the
+locking here is wrong."
+Different developers will review code from different points of view. Some
+are mostly concerned with coding style and whether code lines have trailing
+white space. Others will focus primarily on whether the change implemented
+by the patch as a whole is a good thing for the kernel or not. Yet others
+will check for problematic locking, excessive stack usage, possible
+security issues, duplication of code found elsewhere, adequate
+documentation, adverse effects on performance, user-space ABI changes, etc.
+All types of review, if they lead to better code going into the kernel, are
+welcome and worthwhile.
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+.. _development_conclusion:
+For more information
+There are numerous sources of information on Linux kernel development and
+related topics. First among those will always be the Documentation
+directory found in the kernel source distribution. The top-level process/howto.rst
+file is an important starting point; process/submitting-patches.rst and
+process/submitting-drivers.rst are also something which all kernel developers should
+read. Many internal kernel APIs are documented using the kerneldoc
+mechanism; "make htmldocs" or "make pdfdocs" can be used to generate those
+documents in HTML or PDF format (though the version of TeX shipped by some
+distributions runs into internal limits and fails to process the documents
+Various web sites discuss kernel development at all levels of detail. Your
+author would like to humbly suggest as a source;
+information on many specific kernel topics can be found via the LWN kernel
+index at:
+Beyond that, a valuable resource for kernel developers is:
+And, of course, one should not forget, the definitive
+location for kernel release information.
+There are a number of books on kernel development:
+ Linux Device Drivers, 3rd Edition (Jonathan Corbet, Alessandro
+ Rubini, and Greg Kroah-Hartman). Online at
+ Linux Kernel Development (Robert Love).
+ Understanding the Linux Kernel (Daniel Bovet and Marco Cesati).
+All of these books suffer from a common fault, though: they tend to be
+somewhat obsolete by the time they hit the shelves, and they have been on
+the shelves for a while now. Still, there is quite a bit of good
+information to be found there.
+Documentation for git can be found at:
+Congratulations to anybody who has made it through this long-winded
+document. Hopefully it has provided a helpful understanding of how the
+Linux kernel is developed and how you can participate in that process.
+In the end, it's the participation that matters. Any open source software
+project is no more than the sum of what its contributors put into it. The
+Linux kernel has progressed as quickly and as well as it has because it has
+been helped by an impressively large group of developers, all of whom are
+working to make it better. The kernel is a premier example of what can be
+done when thousands of people work together toward a common goal.
+The kernel can always benefit from a larger developer base, though. There
+is always more work to do. But, just as importantly, most other
+participants in the Linux ecosystem can benefit through contributing to the
+kernel. Getting code into the mainline is the key to higher code quality,
+lower maintenance and distribution costs, a higher level of influence over
+the direction of kernel development, and more. It is a situation where
+everybody involved wins. Fire up your editor and come join us; you will be
+more than welcome.
diff --git a/Documentation/process/adding-syscalls.rst b/Documentation/process/adding-syscalls.rst
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+Adding a New System Call
+This document describes what's involved in adding a new system call to the
+Linux kernel, over and above the normal submission advice in
+:ref:`Documentation/process/submitting-patches.rst <submittingpatches>`.
+System Call Alternatives
+The first thing to consider when adding a new system call is whether one of
+the alternatives might be suitable instead. Although system calls are the
+most traditional and most obvious interaction points between userspace and the
+kernel, there are other possibilities -- choose what fits best for your
+ - If the operations involved can be made to look like a filesystem-like
+ object, it may make more sense to create a new filesystem or device. This
+ also makes it easier to encapsulate the new functionality in a kernel module
+ rather than requiring it to be built into the main kernel.
+ - If the new functionality involves operations where the kernel notifies
+ userspace that something has happened, then returning a new file
+ descriptor for the relevant object allows userspace to use
+ ``poll``/``select``/``epoll`` to receive that notification.
+ - However, operations that don't map to
+ :manpage:`read(2)`/:manpage:`write(2)`-like operations
+ have to be implemented as :manpage:`ioctl(2)` requests, which can lead
+ to a somewhat opaque API.
+ - If you're just exposing runtime system information, a new node in sysfs
+ (see ``Documentation/filesystems/sysfs.txt``) or the ``/proc`` filesystem may
+ be more appropriate. However, access to these mechanisms requires that the
+ relevant filesystem is mounted, which might not always be the case (e.g.
+ in a namespaced/sandboxed/chrooted environment). Avoid adding any API to
+ debugfs, as this is not considered a 'production' interface to userspace.
+ - If the operation is specific to a particular file or file descriptor, then
+ an additional :manpage:`fcntl(2)` command option may be more appropriate. However,
+ :manpage:`fcntl(2)` is a multiplexing system call that hides a lot of complexity, so
+ this option is best for when the new function is closely analogous to
+ existing :manpage:`fcntl(2)` functionality, or the new functionality is very simple
+ (for example, getting/setting a simple flag related to a file descriptor).
+ - If the operation is specific to a particular task or process, then an
+ additional :manpage:`prctl(2)` command option may be more appropriate. As
+ with :manpage:`fcntl(2)`, this system call is a complicated multiplexor so
+ is best reserved for near-analogs of existing ``prctl()`` commands or
+ getting/setting a simple flag related to a process.
+Designing the API: Planning for Extension
+A new system call forms part of the API of the kernel, and has to be supported
+indefinitely. As such, it's a very good idea to explicitly discuss the
+interface on the kernel mailing list, and it's important to plan for future
+extensions of the interface.
+(The syscall table is littered with historical examples where this wasn't done,
+together with the corresponding follow-up system calls --
+``eventfd``/``eventfd2``, ``dup2``/``dup3``, ``inotify_init``/``inotify_init1``,
+``pipe``/``pipe2``, ``renameat``/``renameat2`` -- so
+learn from the history of the kernel and plan for extensions from the start.)
+For simpler system calls that only take a couple of arguments, the preferred
+way to allow for future extensibility is to include a flags argument to the
+system call. To make sure that userspace programs can safely use flags
+between kernel versions, check whether the flags value holds any unknown
+flags, and reject the system call (with ``EINVAL``) if it does::
+ if (flags & ~(THING_FLAG1 | THING_FLAG2 | THING_FLAG3))
+ return -EINVAL;
+(If no flags values are used yet, check that the flags argument is zero.)
+For more sophisticated system calls that involve a larger number of arguments,
+it's preferred to encapsulate the majority of the arguments into a structure
+that is passed in by pointer. Such a structure can cope with future extension
+by including a size argument in the structure::
+ struct xyzzy_params {
+ u32 size; /* userspace sets p->size = sizeof(struct xyzzy_params) */
+ u32 param_1;
+ u64 param_2;
+ u64 param_3;
+ };
+As long as any subsequently added field, say ``param_4``, is designed so that a
+zero value gives the previous behaviour, then this allows both directions of
+version mismatch:
+ - To cope with a later userspace program calling an older kernel, the kernel
+ code should check that any memory beyond the size of the structure that it
+ expects is zero (effectively checking that ``param_4 == 0``).
+ - To cope with an older userspace program calling a newer kernel, the kernel
+ code can zero-extend a smaller instance of the structure (effectively
+ setting ``param_4 = 0``).
+See :manpage:`perf_event_open(2)` and the ``perf_copy_attr()`` function (in
+``kernel/events/core.c``) for an example of this approach.
+Designing the API: Other Considerations
+If your new system call allows userspace to refer to a kernel object, it
+should use a file descriptor as the handle for that object -- don't invent a
+new type of userspace object handle when the kernel already has mechanisms and
+well-defined semantics for using file descriptors.
+If your new :manpage:`xyzzy(2)` system call does return a new file descriptor,
+then the flags argument should include a value that is equivalent to setting
+``O_CLOEXEC`` on the new FD. This makes it possible for userspace to close
+the timing window between ``xyzzy()`` and calling
+``fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)``, where an unexpected ``fork()`` and
+``execve()`` in another thread could leak a descriptor to
+the exec'ed program. (However, resist the temptation to re-use the actual value
+of the ``O_CLOEXEC`` constant, as it is architecture-specific and is part of a
+numbering space of ``O_*`` flags that is fairly full.)
+If your system call returns a new file descriptor, you should also consider
+what it means to use the :manpage:`poll(2)` family of system calls on that file
+descriptor. Making a file descriptor ready for reading or writing is the
+normal way for the kernel to indicate to userspace that an event has
+occurred on the corresponding kernel object.
+If your new :manpage:`xyzzy(2)` system call involves a filename argument::
+ int sys_xyzzy(const char __user *path, ..., unsigned int flags);
+you should also consider whether an :manpage:`xyzzyat(2)` version is more appropriate::
+ int sys_xyzzyat(int dfd, const char __user *path, ..., unsigned int flags);
+This allows more flexibility for how userspace specifies the file in question;
+in particular it allows userspace to request the functionality for an
+already-opened file descriptor using the ``AT_EMPTY_PATH`` flag, effectively
+giving an :manpage:`fxyzzy(3)` operation for free::
+ - xyzzyat(AT_FDCWD, path, ..., 0) is equivalent to xyzzy(path,...)
+ - xyzzyat(fd, "", ..., AT_EMPTY_PATH) is equivalent to fxyzzy(fd, ...)
+(For more details on the rationale of the \*at() calls, see the
+:manpage:`openat(2)` man page; for an example of AT_EMPTY_PATH, see the
+:manpage:`fstatat(2)` man page.)
+If your new :manpage:`xyzzy(2)` system call involves a parameter describing an
+offset within a file, make its type ``loff_t`` so that 64-bit offsets can be
+supported even on 32-bit architectures.
+If your new :manpage:`xyzzy(2)` system call involves privileged functionality,
+it needs to be governed by the appropriate Linux capability bit (checked with
+a call to ``capable()``), as described in the :manpage:`capabilities(7)` man
+page. Choose an existing capability bit that governs related functionality,
+but try to avoid combining lots of only vaguely related functions together
+under the same bit, as this goes against capabilities' purpose of splitting
+the power of root. In particular, avoid adding new uses of the already
+overly-general ``CAP_SYS_ADMIN`` capability.
+If your new :manpage:`xyzzy(2)` system call manipulates a process other than
+the calling process, it should be restricted (using a call to
+``ptrace_may_access()``) so that only a calling process with the same
+permissions as the target process, or with the necessary capabilities, can
+manipulate the target process.
+Finally, be aware that some non-x86 architectures have an easier time if
+system call parameters that are explicitly 64-bit fall on odd-numbered
+arguments (i.e. parameter 1, 3, 5), to allow use of contiguous pairs of 32-bit
+registers. (This concern does not apply if the arguments are part of a
+structure that's passed in by pointer.)
+Proposing the API
+To make new system calls easy to review, it's best to divide up the patchset
+into separate chunks. These should include at least the following items as
+distinct commits (each of which is described further below):
+ - The core implementation of the system call, together with prototypes,
+ generic numbering, Kconfig changes and fallback stub implementation.
+ - Wiring up of the new system call for one particular architecture, usually
+ x86 (including all of x86_64, x86_32 and x32).
+ - A demonstration of the use of the new system call in userspace via a
+ selftest in ``tools/testing/selftests/``.
+ - A draft man-page for the new system call, either as plain text in the
+ cover letter, or as a patch to the (separate) man-pages repository.
+New system call proposals, like any change to the kernel's API, should always
+be cc'ed to
+Generic System Call Implementation
+The main entry point for your new :manpage:`xyzzy(2)` system call will be called
+``sys_xyzzy()``, but you add this entry point with the appropriate
+``SYSCALL_DEFINEn()`` macro rather than explicitly. The 'n' indicates the
+number of arguments to the system call, and the macro takes the system call name
+followed by the (type, name) pairs for the parameters as arguments. Using
+this macro allows metadata about the new system call to be made available for
+other tools.
+The new entry point also needs a corresponding function prototype, in
+``include/linux/syscalls.h``, marked as asmlinkage to match the way that system
+calls are invoked::
+ asmlinkage long sys_xyzzy(...);
+Some architectures (e.g. x86) have their own architecture-specific syscall
+tables, but several other architectures share a generic syscall table. Add your
+new system call to the generic list by adding an entry to the list in
+ #define __NR_xyzzy 292
+ __SYSCALL(__NR_xyzzy, sys_xyzzy)
+Also update the __NR_syscalls count to reflect the additional system call, and
+note that if multiple new system calls are added in the same merge window,
+your new syscall number may get adjusted to resolve conflicts.
+The file ``kernel/sys_ni.c`` provides a fallback stub implementation of each
+system call, returning ``-ENOSYS``. Add your new system call here too::
+ cond_syscall(sys_xyzzy);
+Your new kernel functionality, and the system call that controls it, should
+normally be optional, so add a ``CONFIG`` option (typically to
+``init/Kconfig``) for it. As usual for new ``CONFIG`` options:
+ - Include a description of the new functionality and system call controlled
+ by the option.
+ - Make the option depend on EXPERT if it should be hidden from normal users.
+ - Make any new source files implementing the function dependent on the CONFIG
+ option in the Makefile (e.g. ``obj-$(CONFIG_XYZZY_SYSCALL) += xyzzy.c``).
+ - Double check that the kernel still builds with the new CONFIG option turned
+ off.
+To summarize, you need a commit that includes:
+ - ``CONFIG`` option for the new function, normally in ``init/Kconfig``
+ - ``SYSCALL_DEFINEn(xyzzy, ...)`` for the entry point
+ - corresponding prototype in ``include/linux/syscalls.h``
+ - generic table entry in ``include/uapi/asm-generic/unistd.h``
+ - fallback stub in ``kernel/sys_ni.c``
+x86 System Call Implementation
+To wire up your new system call for x86 platforms, you need to update the
+master syscall tables. Assuming your new system call isn't special in some
+way (see below), this involves a "common" entry (for x86_64 and x32) in
+ 333 common xyzzy sys_xyzzy
+and an "i386" entry in ``arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_32.tbl``::
+ 380 i386 xyzzy sys_xyzzy
+Again, these numbers are liable to be changed if there are conflicts in the
+relevant merge window.
+Compatibility System Calls (Generic)
+For most system calls the same 64-bit implementation can be invoked even when
+the userspace program is itself 32-bit; even if the system call's parameters
+include an explicit pointer, this is handled transparently.
+However, there are a couple of situations where a compatibility layer is
+needed to cope with size differences between 32-bit and 64-bit.
+The first is if the 64-bit kernel also supports 32-bit userspace programs, and
+so needs to parse areas of (``__user``) memory that could hold either 32-bit or
+64-bit values. In particular, this is needed whenever a system call argument
+ - a pointer to a pointer
+ - a pointer to a struct containing a pointer (e.g. ``struct iovec __user *``)
+ - a pointer to a varying sized integral type (``time_t``, ``off_t``,
+ ``long``, ...)
+ - a pointer to a struct containing a varying sized integral type.
+The second situation that requires a compatibility layer is if one of the
+system call's arguments has a type that is explicitly 64-bit even on a 32-bit
+architecture, for example ``loff_t`` or ``__u64``. In this case, a value that
+arrives at a 64-bit kernel from a 32-bit application will be split into two
+32-bit values, which then need to be re-assembled in the compatibility layer.
+(Note that a system call argument that's a pointer to an explicit 64-bit type
+does **not** need a compatibility layer; for example, :manpage:`splice(2)`'s arguments of
+type ``loff_t __user *`` do not trigger the need for a ``compat_`` system call.)
+The compatibility version of the system call is called ``compat_sys_xyzzy()``,
+and is added with the ``COMPAT_SYSCALL_DEFINEn()`` macro, analogously to
+SYSCALL_DEFINEn. This version of the implementation runs as part of a 64-bit
+kernel, but expects to receive 32-bit parameter values and does whatever is
+needed to deal with them. (Typically, the ``compat_sys_`` version converts the
+values to 64-bit versions and either calls on to the ``sys_`` version, or both of
+them call a common inner implementation function.)
+The compat entry point also needs a corresponding function prototype, in
+``include/linux/compat.h``, marked as asmlinkage to match the way that system
+calls are invoked::
+ asmlinkage long compat_sys_xyzzy(...);
+If the system call involves a structure that is laid out differently on 32-bit
+and 64-bit systems, say ``struct xyzzy_args``, then the include/linux/compat.h
+header file should also include a compat version of the structure (``struct
+compat_xyzzy_args``) where each variable-size field has the appropriate
+``compat_`` type that corresponds to the type in ``struct xyzzy_args``. The
+``compat_sys_xyzzy()`` routine can then use this ``compat_`` structure to
+parse the arguments from a 32-bit invocation.
+For example, if there are fields::
+ struct xyzzy_args {
+ const char __user *ptr;
+ __kernel_long_t varying_val;
+ u64 fixed_val;
+ /* ... */
+ };
+in struct xyzzy_args, then struct compat_xyzzy_args would have::
+ struct compat_xyzzy_args {
+ compat_uptr_t ptr;
+ compat_long_t varying_val;
+ u64 fixed_val;
+ /* ... */
+ };
+The generic system call list also needs adjusting to allow for the compat
+version; the entry in ``include/uapi/asm-generic/unistd.h`` should use
+``__SC_COMP`` rather than ``__SYSCALL``::
+ #define __NR_xyzzy 292
+ __SC_COMP(__NR_xyzzy, sys_xyzzy, compat_sys_xyzzy)
+To summarize, you need:
+ - a ``COMPAT_SYSCALL_DEFINEn(xyzzy, ...)`` for the compat entry point
+ - corresponding prototype in ``include/linux/compat.h``
+ - (if needed) 32-bit mapping struct in ``include/linux/compat.h``
+ - instance of ``__SC_COMP`` not ``__SYSCALL`` in
+ ``include/uapi/asm-generic/unistd.h``
+Compatibility System Calls (x86)
+To wire up the x86 architecture of a system call with a compatibility version,
+the entries in the syscall tables need to be adjusted.
+First, the entry in ``arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_32.tbl`` gets an extra
+column to indicate that a 32-bit userspace program running on a 64-bit kernel
+should hit the compat entry point::
+ 380 i386 xyzzy sys_xyzzy compat_sys_xyzzy
+Second, you need to figure out what should happen for the x32 ABI version of
+the new system call. There's a choice here: the layout of the arguments
+should either match the 64-bit version or the 32-bit version.
+If there's a pointer-to-a-pointer involved, the decision is easy: x32 is
+ILP32, so the layout should match the 32-bit version, and the entry in
+``arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl`` is split so that x32 programs hit
+the compatibility wrapper::
+ 333 64 xyzzy sys_xyzzy
+ ...
+ 555 x32 xyzzy compat_sys_xyzzy
+If no pointers are involved, then it is preferable to re-use the 64-bit system
+call for the x32 ABI (and consequently the entry in
+arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl is unchanged).
+In either case, you should check that the types involved in your argument
+layout do indeed map exactly from x32 (-mx32) to either the 32-bit (-m32) or
+64-bit (-m64) equivalents.
+System Calls Returning Elsewhere
+For most system calls, once the system call is complete the user program
+continues exactly where it left off -- at the next instruction, with the
+stack the same and most of the registers the same as before the system call,
+and with the same virtual memory space.
+However, a few system calls do things differently. They might return to a
+different location (``rt_sigreturn``) or change the memory space
+(``fork``/``vfork``/``clone``) or even architecture (``execve``/``execveat``)
+of the program.
+To allow for this, the kernel implementation of the system call may need to
+save and restore additional registers to the kernel stack, allowing complete
+control of where and how execution continues after the system call.
+This is arch-specific, but typically involves defining assembly entry points
+that save/restore additional registers and invoke the real system call entry
+For x86_64, this is implemented as a ``stub_xyzzy`` entry point in
+``arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S``, and the entry in the syscall table
+(``arch/x86/entry/syscalls/syscall_64.tbl``) is adjusted to match::
+ 333 common xyzzy stub_xyzzy
+The equivalent for 32-bit programs running on a 64-bit kernel is normally
+called ``stub32_xyzzy`` and implemented in ``arch/x86/entry/entry_64_compat.S``,
+with the corresponding syscall table adjustment in
+ 380 i386 xyzzy sys_xyzzy stub32_xyzzy
+If the system call needs a compatibility layer (as in the previous section)
+then the ``stub32_`` version needs to call on to the ``compat_sys_`` version
+of the system call rather than the native 64-bit version. Also, if the x32 ABI
+implementation is not common with the x86_64 version, then its syscall
+table will also need to invoke a stub that calls on to the ``compat_sys_``
+For completeness, it's also nice to set up a mapping so that user-mode Linux
+still works -- its syscall table will reference stub_xyzzy, but the UML build
+doesn't include ``arch/x86/entry/entry_64.S`` implementation (because UML
+simulates registers etc). Fixing this is as simple as adding a #define to
+ #define stub_xyzzy sys_xyzzy
+Other Details
+Most of the kernel treats system calls in a generic way, but there is the
+occasional exception that may need updating for your particular system call.
+The audit subsystem is one such special case; it includes (arch-specific)
+functions that classify some special types of system call -- specifically
+file open (``open``/``openat``), program execution (``execve``/``exeveat``) or
+socket multiplexor (``socketcall``) operations. If your new system call is
+analogous to one of these, then the audit system should be updated.
+More generally, if there is an existing system call that is analogous to your
+new system call, it's worth doing a kernel-wide grep for the existing system
+call to check there are no other special cases.
+A new system call should obviously be tested; it is also useful to provide
+reviewers with a demonstration of how user space programs will use the system
+call. A good way to combine these aims is to include a simple self-test
+program in a new directory under ``tools/testing/selftests/``.
+For a new system call, there will obviously be no libc wrapper function and so
+the test will need to invoke it using ``syscall()``; also, if the system call
+involves a new userspace-visible structure, the corresponding header will need
+to be installed to compile the test.
+Make sure the selftest runs successfully on all supported architectures. For
+example, check that it works when compiled as an x86_64 (-m64), x86_32 (-m32)
+and x32 (-mx32) ABI program.
+For more extensive and thorough testing of new functionality, you should also
+consider adding tests to the Linux Test Project, or to the xfstests project
+for filesystem-related changes.
+ -
+ - git://
+Man Page
+All new system calls should come with a complete man page, ideally using groff
+markup, but plain text will do. If groff is used, it's helpful to include a
+pre-rendered ASCII version of the man page in the cover email for the
+patchset, for the convenience of reviewers.
+The man page should be cc'ed to
+For more details, see
+References and Sources
+ - LWN article from Michael Kerrisk on use of flags argument in system calls:
+ - LWN article from Michael Kerrisk on how to handle unknown flags in a system
+ call:
+ - LWN article from Jake Edge describing constraints on 64-bit system call
+ arguments:
+ - Pair of LWN articles from David Drysdale that describe the system call
+ implementation paths in detail for v3.14:
+ -
+ -
+ - Architecture-specific requirements for system calls are discussed in the
+ :manpage:`syscall(2)` man-page:
+ - Collated emails from Linus Torvalds discussing the problems with ``ioctl()``:
+ - "How to not invent kernel interfaces", Arnd Bergmann,
+ - LWN article from Michael Kerrisk on avoiding new uses of CAP_SYS_ADMIN:
+ - Recommendation from Andrew Morton that all related information for a new
+ system call should come in the same email thread:
+ - Recommendation from Michael Kerrisk that a new system call should come with
+ a man page:
+ - Suggestion from Thomas Gleixner that x86 wire-up should be in a separate
+ commit:
+ - Suggestion from Greg Kroah-Hartman that it's good for new system calls to
+ come with a man-page & selftest:
+ - Discussion from Michael Kerrisk of new system call vs. :manpage:`prctl(2)` extension:
+ - Suggestion from Ingo Molnar that system calls that involve multiple
+ arguments should encapsulate those arguments in a struct, which includes a
+ size field for future extensibility:
+ - Numbering oddities arising from (re-)use of O_* numbering space flags:
+ - commit 75069f2b5bfb ("vfs: renumber FMODE_NONOTIFY and add to uniqueness
+ check")
+ - commit 12ed2e36c98a ("fanotify: FMODE_NONOTIFY and __O_SYNC in sparc
+ conflict")
+ - commit bb458c644a59 ("Safer ABI for O_TMPFILE")
+ - Discussion from Matthew Wilcox about restrictions on 64-bit arguments:
+ - Recommendation from Greg Kroah-Hartman that unknown flags should be
+ policed:
+ - Recommendation from Linus Torvalds that x32 system calls should prefer
+ compatibility with 64-bit versions rather than 32-bit versions:
diff --git a/Documentation/process/applying-patches.rst b/Documentation/process/applying-patches.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..abd7dc7ae240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/applying-patches.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
+.. _applying_patches:
+Applying Patches To The Linux Kernel
+Original by:
+ Jesper Juhl, August 2005
+Last update:
+ 2016-09-14
+A frequently asked question on the Linux Kernel Mailing List is how to apply
+a patch to the kernel or, more specifically, what base kernel a patch for
+one of the many trees/branches should be applied to. Hopefully this document
+will explain this to you.
+In addition to explaining how to apply and revert patches, a brief
+description of the different kernel trees (and examples of how to apply
+their specific patches) is also provided.
+What is a patch?
+A patch is a small text document containing a delta of changes between two
+different versions of a source tree. Patches are created with the ``diff``
+To correctly apply a patch you need to know what base it was generated from
+and what new version the patch will change the source tree into. These
+should both be present in the patch file metadata or be possible to deduce
+from the filename.
+How do I apply or revert a patch?
+You apply a patch with the ``patch`` program. The patch program reads a diff
+(or patch) file and makes the changes to the source tree described in it.
+Patches for the Linux kernel are generated relative to the parent directory
+holding the kernel source dir.
+This means that paths to files inside the patch file contain the name of the
+kernel source directories it was generated against (or some other directory
+names like "a/" and "b/").
+Since this is unlikely to match the name of the kernel source dir on your
+local machine (but is often useful info to see what version an otherwise
+unlabeled patch was generated against) you should change into your kernel
+source directory and then strip the first element of the path from filenames
+in the patch file when applying it (the ``-p1`` argument to ``patch`` does
+To revert a previously applied patch, use the -R argument to patch.
+So, if you applied a patch like this::
+ patch -p1 < ../patch-x.y.z
+You can revert (undo) it like this::
+ patch -R -p1 < ../patch-x.y.z
+How do I feed a patch/diff file to ``patch``?
+This (as usual with Linux and other UNIX like operating systems) can be
+done in several different ways.
+In all the examples below I feed the file (in uncompressed form) to patch
+via stdin using the following syntax::
+ patch -p1 < path/to/patch-x.y.z
+If you just want to be able to follow the examples below and don't want to
+know of more than one way to use patch, then you can stop reading this
+section here.
+Patch can also get the name of the file to use via the -i argument, like
+ patch -p1 -i path/to/patch-x.y.z
+If your patch file is compressed with gzip or xz and you don't want to
+uncompress it before applying it, then you can feed it to patch like this
+ xzcat path/to/patch-x.y.z.xz | patch -p1
+ bzcat path/to/patch-x.y.z.gz | patch -p1
+If you wish to uncompress the patch file by hand first before applying it
+(what I assume you've done in the examples below), then you simply run
+gunzip or xz on the file -- like this::
+ gunzip patch-x.y.z.gz
+ xz -d patch-x.y.z.xz
+Which will leave you with a plain text patch-x.y.z file that you can feed to
+patch via stdin or the ``-i`` argument, as you prefer.
+A few other nice arguments for patch are ``-s`` which causes patch to be silent
+except for errors which is nice to prevent errors from scrolling out of the
+screen too fast, and ``--dry-run`` which causes patch to just print a listing of
+what would happen, but doesn't actually make any changes. Finally ``--verbose``
+tells patch to print more information about the work being done.
+Common errors when patching
+When patch applies a patch file it attempts to verify the sanity of the
+file in different ways.
+Checking that the file looks like a valid patch file and checking the code
+around the bits being modified matches the context provided in the patch are
+just two of the basic sanity checks patch does.
+If patch encounters something that doesn't look quite right it has two
+options. It can either refuse to apply the changes and abort or it can try
+to find a way to make the patch apply with a few minor changes.
+One example of something that's not 'quite right' that patch will attempt to
+fix up is if all the context matches, the lines being changed match, but the
+line numbers are different. This can happen, for example, if the patch makes
+a change in the middle of the file but for some reasons a few lines have
+been added or removed near the beginning of the file. In that case
+everything looks good it has just moved up or down a bit, and patch will
+usually adjust the line numbers and apply the patch.
+Whenever patch applies a patch that it had to modify a bit to make it fit
+it'll tell you about it by saying the patch applied with **fuzz**.
+You should be wary of such changes since even though patch probably got it
+right it doesn't /always/ get it right, and the result will sometimes be
+When patch encounters a change that it can't fix up with fuzz it rejects it
+outright and leaves a file with a ``.rej`` extension (a reject file). You can
+read this file to see exactly what change couldn't be applied, so you can
+go fix it up by hand if you wish.
+If you don't have any third-party patches applied to your kernel source, but
+only patches from and you apply the patches in the correct order,
+and have made no modifications yourself to the source files, then you should
+never see a fuzz or reject message from patch. If you do see such messages
+anyway, then there's a high risk that either your local source tree or the
+patch file is corrupted in some way. In that case you should probably try
+re-downloading the patch and if things are still not OK then you'd be advised
+to start with a fresh tree downloaded in full from
+Let's look a bit more at some of the messages patch can produce.
+If patch stops and presents a ``File to patch:`` prompt, then patch could not
+find a file to be patched. Most likely you forgot to specify -p1 or you are
+in the wrong directory. Less often, you'll find patches that need to be
+applied with ``-p0`` instead of ``-p1`` (reading the patch file should reveal if
+this is the case -- if so, then this is an error by the person who created
+the patch but is not fatal).
+If you get ``Hunk #2 succeeded at 1887 with fuzz 2 (offset 7 lines).`` or a
+message similar to that, then it means that patch had to adjust the location
+of the change (in this example it needed to move 7 lines from where it
+expected to make the change to make it fit).
+The resulting file may or may not be OK, depending on the reason the file
+was different than expected.
+This often happens if you try to apply a patch that was generated against a
+different kernel version than the one you are trying to patch.
+If you get a message like ``Hunk #3 FAILED at 2387.``, then it means that the
+patch could not be applied correctly and the patch program was unable to
+fuzz its way through. This will generate a ``.rej`` file with the change that
+caused the patch to fail and also a ``.orig`` file showing you the original
+content that couldn't be changed.
+If you get ``Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Assume -R? [n]``
+then patch detected that the change contained in the patch seems to have
+already been made.
+If you actually did apply this patch previously and you just re-applied it
+in error, then just say [n]o and abort this patch. If you applied this patch
+previously and actually intended to revert it, but forgot to specify -R,
+then you can say [**y**]es here to make patch revert it for you.
+This can also happen if the creator of the patch reversed the source and
+destination directories when creating the patch, and in that case reverting
+the patch will in fact apply it.
+A message similar to ``patch: **** unexpected end of file in patch`` or
+``patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line`` means that patch could make no
+sense of the file you fed to it. Either your download is broken, you tried to
+feed patch a compressed patch file without uncompressing it first, or the patch
+file that you are using has been mangled by a mail client or mail transfer
+agent along the way somewhere, e.g., by splitting a long line into two lines.
+Often these warnings can easily be fixed by joining (concatenating) the
+two lines that had been split.
+As I already mentioned above, these errors should never happen if you apply
+a patch from to the correct version of an unmodified source tree.
+So if you get these errors with patches then you should probably
+assume that either your patch file or your tree is broken and I'd advise you
+to start over with a fresh download of a full kernel tree and the patch you
+wish to apply.
+Are there any alternatives to ``patch``?
+Yes there are alternatives.
+You can use the ``interdiff`` program ( to
+generate a patch representing the differences between two patches and then
+apply the result.
+This will let you move from something like 4.7.2 to 4.7.3 in a single
+step. The -z flag to interdiff will even let you feed it patches in gzip or
+bzip2 compressed form directly without the use of zcat or bzcat or manual
+Here's how you'd go from 4.7.2 to 4.7.3 in a single step::
+ interdiff -z ../patch-4.7.2.gz ../patch-4.7.3.gz | patch -p1
+Although interdiff may save you a step or two you are generally advised to
+do the additional steps since interdiff can get things wrong in some cases.
+Another alternative is ``ketchup``, which is a python script for automatic
+downloading and applying of patches (
+Other nice tools are diffstat, which shows a summary of changes made by a
+patch; lsdiff, which displays a short listing of affected files in a patch
+file, along with (optionally) the line numbers of the start of each patch;
+and grepdiff, which displays a list of the files modified by a patch where
+the patch contains a given regular expression.
+Where can I download the patches?
+The patches are available at
+Most recent patches are linked from the front page, but they also have
+specific homes.
+The 4.x.y (-stable) and 4.x patches live at
+The -rc patches live at
+In place of ```` you can use ````, where cc is a
+country code. This way you'll be downloading from a mirror site that's most
+likely geographically closer to you, resulting in faster downloads for you,
+less bandwidth used globally and less load on the main servers --
+these are good things, so do use mirrors when possible.
+The 4.x kernels
+These are the base stable releases released by Linus. The highest numbered
+release is the most recent.
+If regressions or other serious flaws are found, then a -stable fix patch
+will be released (see below) on top of this base. Once a new 4.x base
+kernel is released, a patch is made available that is a delta between the
+previous 4.x kernel and the new one.
+To apply a patch moving from 4.6 to 4.7, you'd do the following (note
+that such patches do **NOT** apply on top of 4.x.y kernels but on top of the
+base 4.x kernel -- if you need to move from 4.x.y to 4.x+1 you need to
+first revert the 4.x.y patch).
+Here are some examples::
+ # moving from 4.6 to 4.7
+ $ cd ~/linux-4.6 # change to kernel source dir
+ $ patch -p1 < ../patch-4.7 # apply the 4.7 patch
+ $ cd ..
+ $ mv linux-4.6 linux-4.7 # rename source dir
+ # moving from 4.6.1 to 4.7
+ $ cd ~/linux-4.6.1 # change to kernel source dir
+ $ patch -p1 -R < ../patch-4.6.1 # revert the 4.6.1 patch
+ # source dir is now 4.6
+ $ patch -p1 < ../patch-4.7 # apply new 4.7 patch
+ $ cd ..
+ $ mv linux-4.6.1 linux-4.7 # rename source dir
+The 4.x.y kernels
+Kernels with 3-digit versions are -stable kernels. They contain small(ish)
+critical fixes for security problems or significant regressions discovered
+in a given 4.x kernel.
+This is the recommended branch for users who want the most recent stable
+kernel and are not interested in helping test development/experimental
+If no 4.x.y kernel is available, then the highest numbered 4.x kernel is
+the current stable kernel.
+.. note::
+ The -stable team usually do make incremental patches available as well
+ as patches against the latest mainline release, but I only cover the
+ non-incremental ones below. The incremental ones can be found at
+These patches are not incremental, meaning that for example the 4.7.3
+patch does not apply on top of the 4.7.2 kernel source, but rather on top
+of the base 4.7 kernel source.
+So, in order to apply the 4.7.3 patch to your existing 4.7.2 kernel
+source you have to first back out the 4.7.2 patch (so you are left with a
+base 4.7 kernel source) and then apply the new 4.7.3 patch.
+Here's a small example::
+ $ cd ~/linux-4.7.2 # change to the kernel source dir
+ $ patch -p1 -R < ../patch-4.7.2 # revert the 4.7.2 patch
+ $ patch -p1 < ../patch-4.7.3 # apply the new 4.7.3 patch
+ $ cd ..
+ $ mv linux-4.7.2 linux-4.7.3 # rename the kernel source dir
+The -rc kernels
+These are release-candidate kernels. These are development kernels released
+by Linus whenever he deems the current git (the kernel's source management
+tool) tree to be in a reasonably sane state adequate for testing.
+These kernels are not stable and you should expect occasional breakage if
+you intend to run them. This is however the most stable of the main
+development branches and is also what will eventually turn into the next
+stable kernel, so it is important that it be tested by as many people as
+This is a good branch to run for people who want to help out testing
+development kernels but do not want to run some of the really experimental
+stuff (such people should see the sections about -git and -mm kernels below).
+The -rc patches are not incremental, they apply to a base 4.x kernel, just
+like the 4.x.y patches described above. The kernel version before the -rcN
+suffix denotes the version of the kernel that this -rc kernel will eventually
+turn into.
+So, 4.8-rc5 means that this is the fifth release candidate for the 4.8
+kernel and the patch should be applied on top of the 4.7 kernel source.
+Here are 3 examples of how to apply these patches::
+ # first an example of moving from 4.7 to 4.8-rc3
+ $ cd ~/linux-4.7 # change to the 4.7 source dir
+ $ patch -p1 < ../patch-4.8-rc3 # apply the 4.8-rc3 patch
+ $ cd ..
+ $ mv linux-4.7 linux-4.8-rc3 # rename the source dir
+ # now let's move from 4.8-rc3 to 4.8-rc5
+ $ cd ~/linux-4.8-rc3 # change to the 4.8-rc3 dir
+ $ patch -p1 -R < ../patch-4.8-rc3 # revert the 4.8-rc3 patch
+ $ patch -p1 < ../patch-4.8-rc5 # apply the new 4.8-rc5 patch
+ $ cd ..
+ $ mv linux-4.8-rc3 linux-4.8-rc5 # rename the source dir
+ # finally let's try and move from 4.7.3 to 4.8-rc5
+ $ cd ~/linux-4.7.3 # change to the kernel source dir
+ $ patch -p1 -R < ../patch-4.7.3 # revert the 4.7.3 patch
+ $ patch -p1 < ../patch-4.8-rc5 # apply new 4.8-rc5 patch
+ $ cd ..
+ $ mv linux-4.7.3 linux-4.8-rc5 # rename the kernel source dir
+The -git kernels
+These are daily snapshots of Linus' kernel tree (managed in a git
+repository, hence the name).
+These patches are usually released daily and represent the current state of
+Linus's tree. They are more experimental than -rc kernels since they are
+generated automatically without even a cursory glance to see if they are
+-git patches are not incremental and apply either to a base 4.x kernel or
+a base 4.x-rc kernel -- you can see which from their name.
+A patch named 4.7-git1 applies to the 4.7 kernel source and a patch
+named 4.8-rc3-git2 applies to the source of the 4.8-rc3 kernel.
+Here are some examples of how to apply these patches::
+ # moving from 4.7 to 4.7-git1
+ $ cd ~/linux-4.7 # change to the kernel source dir
+ $ patch -p1 < ../patch-4.7-git1 # apply the 4.7-git1 patch
+ $ cd ..
+ $ mv linux-4.7 linux-4.7-git1 # rename the kernel source dir
+ # moving from 4.7-git1 to 4.8-rc2-git3
+ $ cd ~/linux-4.7-git1 # change to the kernel source dir
+ $ patch -p1 -R < ../patch-4.7-git1 # revert the 4.7-git1 patch
+ # we now have a 4.7 kernel
+ $ patch -p1 < ../patch-4.8-rc2 # apply the 4.8-rc2 patch
+ # the kernel is now 4.8-rc2
+ $ patch -p1 < ../patch-4.8-rc2-git3 # apply the 4.8-rc2-git3 patch
+ # the kernel is now 4.8-rc2-git3
+ $ cd ..
+ $ mv linux-4.7-git1 linux-4.8-rc2-git3 # rename source dir
+The -mm patches and the linux-next tree
+The -mm patches are experimental patches released by Andrew Morton.
+In the past, -mm tree were used to also test subsystem patches, but this
+function is now done via the
+`linux-next <>`
+tree. The Subsystem maintainers push their patches first to linux-next,
+and, during the merge window, sends them directly to Linus.
+The -mm patches serve as a sort of proving ground for new features and other
+experimental patches that aren't merged via a subsystem tree.
+Once such patches has proved its worth in -mm for a while Andrew pushes
+it on to Linus for inclusion in mainline.
+The linux-next tree is daily updated, and includes the -mm patches.
+Both are in constant flux and contains many experimental features, a
+lot of debugging patches not appropriate for mainline etc., and is the most
+experimental of the branches described in this document.
+These patches are not appropriate for use on systems that are supposed to be
+stable and they are more risky to run than any of the other branches (make
+sure you have up-to-date backups -- that goes for any experimental kernel but
+even more so for -mm patches or using a Kernel from the linux-next tree).
+Testing of -mm patches and linux-next is greatly appreciated since the whole
+point of those are to weed out regressions, crashes, data corruption bugs,
+build breakage (and any other bug in general) before changes are merged into
+the more stable mainline Linus tree.
+But testers of -mm and linux-next should be aware that breakages are
+more common than in any other tree.
+This concludes this list of explanations of the various kernel trees.
+I hope you are now clear on how to apply the various patches and help testing
+the kernel.
+Thank you's to Randy Dunlap, Rolf Eike Beer, Linus Torvalds, Bodo Eggert,
+Johannes Stezenbach, Grant Coady, Pavel Machek and others that I may have
+forgotten for their reviews and contributions to this document.
diff --git a/Documentation/process/changes.rst b/Documentation/process/changes.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..22797a15dc24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/changes.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+.. _changes:
+Minimal requerements to compile the Kernel
+This document is designed to provide a list of the minimum levels of
+software necessary to run the 4.x kernels.
+This document is originally based on my "Changes" file for 2.0.x kernels
+and therefore owes credit to the same people as that file (Jared Mauch,
+Axel Boldt, Alessandro Sigala, and countless other users all over the
+Current Minimal Requirements
+Upgrade to at **least** these software revisions before thinking you've
+encountered a bug! If you're unsure what version you're currently
+running, the suggested command should tell you.
+Again, keep in mind that this list assumes you are already functionally
+running a Linux kernel. Also, not all tools are necessary on all
+systems; obviously, if you don't have any ISDN hardware, for example,
+you probably needn't concern yourself with isdn4k-utils.
+====================== =============== ========================================
+ Program Minimal version Command to check the version
+====================== =============== ========================================
+GNU C 3.2 gcc --version
+GNU make 3.80 make --version
+binutils 2.12 ld -v
+util-linux 2.10o fdformat --version
+module-init-tools 0.9.10 depmod -V
+e2fsprogs 1.41.4 e2fsck -V
+jfsutils 1.1.3 fsck.jfs -V
+reiserfsprogs 3.6.3 reiserfsck -V
+xfsprogs 2.6.0 xfs_db -V
+squashfs-tools 4.0 mksquashfs -version
+btrfs-progs 0.18 btrfsck
+pcmciautils 004 pccardctl -V
+quota-tools 3.09 quota -V
+PPP 2.4.0 pppd --version
+isdn4k-utils 3.1pre1 isdnctrl 2>&1|grep version
+nfs-utils 1.0.5 showmount --version
+procps 3.2.0 ps --version
+oprofile 0.9 oprofiled --version
+udev 081 udevd --version
+grub 0.93 grub --version || grub-install --version
+mcelog 0.6 mcelog --version
+iptables 1.4.2 iptables -V
+openssl & libcrypto 1.0.0 openssl version
+bc 1.06.95 bc --version
+Sphinx\ [#f1]_ 1.2 sphinx-build --version
+====================== =============== ========================================
+.. [#f1] Sphinx is needed only to build the Kernel documentation
+Kernel compilation
+The gcc version requirements may vary depending on the type of CPU in your
+You will need GNU make 3.80 or later to build the kernel.
+Linux on IA-32 has recently switched from using ``as86`` to using ``gas`` for
+assembling the 16-bit boot code, removing the need for ``as86`` to compile
+your kernel. This change does, however, mean that you need a recent
+release of binutils.
+You will need perl 5 and the following modules: ``Getopt::Long``,
+``Getopt::Std``, ``File::Basename``, and ``File::Find`` to build the kernel.
+You will need bc to build kernels 3.10 and higher
+Module signing and external certificate handling use the OpenSSL program and
+crypto library to do key creation and signature generation.
+You will need openssl to build kernels 3.7 and higher if module signing is
+enabled. You will also need openssl development packages to build kernels 4.3
+and higher.
+System utilities
+Architectural changes
+DevFS has been obsoleted in favour of udev
+32-bit UID support is now in place. Have fun!
+Linux documentation for functions is transitioning to inline
+documentation via specially-formatted comments near their
+definitions in the source. These comments can be combined with the
+SGML templates in the Documentation/DocBook directory to make DocBook
+files, which can then be converted by DocBook stylesheets to PostScript,
+HTML, PDF files, and several other formats. In order to convert from
+DocBook format to a format of your choice, you'll need to install Jade as
+well as the desired DocBook stylesheets.
+New versions of util-linux provide ``fdisk`` support for larger disks,
+support new options to mount, recognize more supported partition
+types, have a fdformat which works with 2.4 kernels, and similar goodies.
+You'll probably want to upgrade.
+If the unthinkable happens and your kernel oopses, you may need the
+ksymoops tool to decode it, but in most cases you don't.
+It is generally preferred to build the kernel with ``CONFIG_KALLSYMS`` so
+that it produces readable dumps that can be used as-is (this also
+produces better output than ksymoops). If for some reason your kernel
+is not build with ``CONFIG_KALLSYMS`` and you have no way to rebuild and
+reproduce the Oops with that option, then you can still decode that Oops
+with ksymoops.
+A new module loader is now in the kernel that requires ``module-init-tools``
+to use. It is backward compatible with the 2.4.x series kernels.
+These changes to the ``/lib/modules`` file tree layout also require that
+mkinitrd be upgraded.
+The latest version of ``e2fsprogs`` fixes several bugs in fsck and
+debugfs. Obviously, it's a good idea to upgrade.
+The ``jfsutils`` package contains the utilities for the file system.
+The following utilities are available:
+- ``fsck.jfs`` - initiate replay of the transaction log, and check
+ and repair a JFS formatted partition.
+- ``mkfs.jfs`` - create a JFS formatted partition.
+- other file system utilities are also available in this package.
+The reiserfsprogs package should be used for reiserfs-3.6.x
+(Linux kernels 2.4.x). It is a combined package and contains working
+versions of ``mkreiserfs``, ``resize_reiserfs``, ``debugreiserfs`` and
+``reiserfsck``. These utils work on both i386 and alpha platforms.
+The latest version of ``xfsprogs`` contains ``mkfs.xfs``, ``xfs_db``, and the
+``xfs_repair`` utilities, among others, for the XFS filesystem. It is
+architecture independent and any version from 2.0.0 onward should
+work correctly with this version of the XFS kernel code (2.6.0 or
+later is recommended, due to some significant improvements).
+PCMCIAutils replaces ``pcmcia-cs``. It properly sets up
+PCMCIA sockets at system startup and loads the appropriate modules
+for 16-bit PCMCIA devices if the kernel is modularized and the hotplug
+subsystem is used.
+Support for 32 bit uid's and gid's is required if you want to use
+the newer version 2 quota format. Quota-tools version 3.07 and
+newer has this support. Use the recommended version or newer
+from the table above.
+Intel IA32 microcode
+A driver has been added to allow updating of Intel IA32 microcode,
+accessible as a normal (misc) character device. If you are not using
+udev you may need to::
+ mkdir /dev/cpu
+ mknod /dev/cpu/microcode c 10 184
+ chmod 0644 /dev/cpu/microcode
+as root before you can use this. You'll probably also want to
+get the user-space microcode_ctl utility to use with this.
+``udev`` is a userspace application for populating ``/dev`` dynamically with
+only entries for devices actually present. ``udev`` replaces the basic
+functionality of devfs, while allowing persistent device naming for
+Needs libfuse 2.4.0 or later. Absolute minimum is 2.3.0 but mount
+options ``direct_io`` and ``kernel_cache`` won't work.
+General changes
+If you have advanced network configuration needs, you should probably
+consider using the network tools from ip-route2.
+Packet Filter / NAT
+The packet filtering and NAT code uses the same tools like the previous 2.4.x
+kernel series (iptables). It still includes backwards-compatibility modules
+for 2.2.x-style ipchains and 2.0.x-style ipfwadm.
+The PPP driver has been restructured to support multilink and to
+enable it to operate over diverse media layers. If you use PPP,
+upgrade pppd to at least 2.4.0.
+If you are not using udev, you must have the device file /dev/ppp
+which can be made by::
+ mknod /dev/ppp c 108 0
+as root.
+Due to changes in the length of the phone number field, isdn4k-utils
+needs to be recompiled or (preferably) upgraded.
+In ancient (2.4 and earlier) kernels, the nfs server needed to know
+about any client that expected to be able to access files via NFS. This
+information would be given to the kernel by ``mountd`` when the client
+mounted the filesystem, or by ``exportfs`` at system startup. exportfs
+would take information about active clients from ``/var/lib/nfs/rmtab``.
+This approach is quite fragile as it depends on rmtab being correct
+which is not always easy, particularly when trying to implement
+fail-over. Even when the system is working well, ``rmtab`` suffers from
+getting lots of old entries that never get removed.
+With modern kernels we have the option of having the kernel tell mountd
+when it gets a request from an unknown host, and mountd can give
+appropriate export information to the kernel. This removes the
+dependency on ``rmtab`` and means that the kernel only needs to know about
+currently active clients.
+To enable this new functionality, you need to::
+ mount -t nfsd nfsd /proc/fs/nfsd
+before running exportfs or mountd. It is recommended that all NFS
+services be protected from the internet-at-large by a firewall where
+that is possible.
+On x86 kernels the mcelog utility is needed to process and log machine check
+events when ``CONFIG_X86_MCE`` is enabled. Machine check events are errors
+reported by the CPU. Processing them is strongly encouraged.
+Kernel documentation
+The ReST markups currently used by the Documentation/ files are meant to be
+built with ``Sphinx`` version 1.2 or upper. If you're desiring to build
+PDF outputs, it is recommended to use version 1.4.6.
+.. note::
+ Please notice that, for PDF and LaTeX output, you'll also need ``XeLaTeX``
+ version 3.14159265. Depending on the distribution, you may also need
+ to install a series of ``texlive`` packages that provide the minimal
+ set of functionalities required for ``XeLaTex`` to work.
+Other tools
+In order to produce documentation from DocBook, you'll also need ``xmlto``.
+Please notice, however, that we're currently migrating all documents to use
+Getting updated software
+Kernel compilation
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+System utilities
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+DocBook Stylesheets
+- <>
+XMLTO XSLT Frontend
+- <>
+Intel P6 microcode
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+- <>
+Kernel documentation
+- <>
diff --git a/Documentation/process/code-of-conflict.rst b/Documentation/process/code-of-conflict.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..47b6de763203
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/code-of-conflict.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Code of Conflict
+The Linux kernel development effort is a very personal process compared
+to "traditional" ways of developing software. Your code and ideas
+behind it will be carefully reviewed, often resulting in critique and
+criticism. The review will almost always require improvements to the
+code before it can be included in the kernel. Know that this happens
+because everyone involved wants to see the best possible solution for
+the overall success of Linux. This development process has been proven
+to create the most robust operating system kernel ever, and we do not
+want to do anything to cause the quality of submission and eventual
+result to ever decrease.
+If however, anyone feels personally abused, threatened, or otherwise
+uncomfortable due to this process, that is not acceptable. If so,
+please contact the Linux Foundation's Technical Advisory Board at
+<>, or the individual members, and they
+will work to resolve the issue to the best of their ability. For more
+information on who is on the Technical Advisory Board and what their
+role is, please see:
+ -
+As a reviewer of code, please strive to keep things civil and focused on
+the technical issues involved. We are all humans, and frustrations can
+be high on both sides of the process. Try to keep in mind the immortal
+words of Bill and Ted, "Be excellent to each other."
diff --git a/Documentation/process/coding-style.rst b/Documentation/process/coding-style.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..968808bec407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/coding-style.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,1062 @@
+.. _codingstyle:
+Linux kernel coding style
+This is a short document describing the preferred coding style for the
+linux kernel. Coding style is very personal, and I won't **force** my
+views on anybody, but this is what goes for anything that I have to be
+able to maintain, and I'd prefer it for most other things too. Please
+at least consider the points made here.
+First off, I'd suggest printing out a copy of the GNU coding standards,
+and NOT read it. Burn them, it's a great symbolic gesture.
+Anyway, here goes:
+1) Indentation
+Tabs are 8 characters, and thus indentations are also 8 characters.
+There are heretic movements that try to make indentations 4 (or even 2!)
+characters deep, and that is akin to trying to define the value of PI to
+be 3.
+Rationale: The whole idea behind indentation is to clearly define where
+a block of control starts and ends. Especially when you've been looking
+at your screen for 20 straight hours, you'll find it a lot easier to see
+how the indentation works if you have large indentations.
+Now, some people will claim that having 8-character indentations makes
+the code move too far to the right, and makes it hard to read on a
+80-character terminal screen. The answer to that is that if you need
+more than 3 levels of indentation, you're screwed anyway, and should fix
+your program.
+In short, 8-char indents make things easier to read, and have the added
+benefit of warning you when you're nesting your functions too deep.
+Heed that warning.
+The preferred way to ease multiple indentation levels in a switch statement is
+to align the ``switch`` and its subordinate ``case`` labels in the same column
+instead of ``double-indenting`` the ``case`` labels. E.g.:
+.. code-block:: c
+ switch (suffix) {
+ case 'G':
+ case 'g':
+ mem <<= 30;
+ break;
+ case 'M':
+ case 'm':
+ mem <<= 20;
+ break;
+ case 'K':
+ case 'k':
+ mem <<= 10;
+ /* fall through */
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+Don't put multiple statements on a single line unless you have
+something to hide:
+.. code-block:: c
+ if (condition) do_this;
+ do_something_everytime;
+Don't put multiple assignments on a single line either. Kernel coding style
+is super simple. Avoid tricky expressions.
+Outside of comments, documentation and except in Kconfig, spaces are never
+used for indentation, and the above example is deliberately broken.
+Get a decent editor and don't leave whitespace at the end of lines.
+2) Breaking long lines and strings
+Coding style is all about readability and maintainability using commonly
+available tools.
+The limit on the length of lines is 80 columns and this is a strongly
+preferred limit.
+Statements longer than 80 columns will be broken into sensible chunks, unless
+exceeding 80 columns significantly increases readability and does not hide
+information. Descendants are always substantially shorter than the parent and
+are placed substantially to the right. The same applies to function headers
+with a long argument list. However, never break user-visible strings such as
+printk messages, because that breaks the ability to grep for them.
+3) Placing Braces and Spaces
+The other issue that always comes up in C styling is the placement of
+braces. Unlike the indent size, there are few technical reasons to
+choose one placement strategy over the other, but the preferred way, as
+shown to us by the prophets Kernighan and Ritchie, is to put the opening
+brace last on the line, and put the closing brace first, thusly:
+.. code-block:: c
+ if (x is true) {
+ we do y
+ }
+This applies to all non-function statement blocks (if, switch, for,
+while, do). E.g.:
+.. code-block:: c
+ switch (action) {
+ case KOBJ_ADD:
+ return "add";
+ return "remove";
+ return "change";
+ default:
+ return NULL;
+ }
+However, there is one special case, namely functions: they have the
+opening brace at the beginning of the next line, thus:
+.. code-block:: c
+ int function(int x)
+ {
+ body of function
+ }
+Heretic people all over the world have claimed that this inconsistency
+is ... well ... inconsistent, but all right-thinking people know that
+(a) K&R are **right** and (b) K&R are right. Besides, functions are
+special anyway (you can't nest them in C).
+Note that the closing brace is empty on a line of its own, **except** in
+the cases where it is followed by a continuation of the same statement,
+ie a ``while`` in a do-statement or an ``else`` in an if-statement, like
+.. code-block:: c
+ do {
+ body of do-loop
+ } while (condition);
+.. code-block:: c
+ if (x == y) {
+ ..
+ } else if (x > y) {
+ ...
+ } else {
+ ....
+ }
+Rationale: K&R.
+Also, note that this brace-placement also minimizes the number of empty
+(or almost empty) lines, without any loss of readability. Thus, as the
+supply of new-lines on your screen is not a renewable resource (think
+25-line terminal screens here), you have more empty lines to put
+comments on.
+Do not unnecessarily use braces where a single statement will do.
+.. code-block:: c
+ if (condition)
+ action();
+.. code-block:: none
+ if (condition)
+ do_this();
+ else
+ do_that();
+This does not apply if only one branch of a conditional statement is a single
+statement; in the latter case use braces in both branches:
+.. code-block:: c
+ if (condition) {
+ do_this();
+ do_that();
+ } else {
+ otherwise();
+ }
+3.1) Spaces
+Linux kernel style for use of spaces depends (mostly) on
+function-versus-keyword usage. Use a space after (most) keywords. The
+notable exceptions are sizeof, typeof, alignof, and __attribute__, which look
+somewhat like functions (and are usually used with parentheses in Linux,
+although they are not required in the language, as in: ``sizeof info`` after
+``struct fileinfo info;`` is declared).
+So use a space after these keywords::
+ if, switch, case, for, do, while
+but not with sizeof, typeof, alignof, or __attribute__. E.g.,
+.. code-block:: c
+ s = sizeof(struct file);
+Do not add spaces around (inside) parenthesized expressions. This example is
+.. code-block:: c
+ s = sizeof( struct file );
+When declaring pointer data or a function that returns a pointer type, the
+preferred use of ``*`` is adjacent to the data name or function name and not
+adjacent to the type name. Examples:
+.. code-block:: c
+ char *linux_banner;
+ unsigned long long memparse(char *ptr, char **retptr);
+ char *match_strdup(substring_t *s);
+Use one space around (on each side of) most binary and ternary operators,
+such as any of these::
+ = + - < > * / % | & ^ <= >= == != ? :
+but no space after unary operators::
+ & * + - ~ ! sizeof typeof alignof __attribute__ defined
+no space before the postfix increment & decrement unary operators::
+ ++ --
+no space after the prefix increment & decrement unary operators::
+ ++ --
+and no space around the ``.`` and ``->`` structure member operators.
+Do not leave trailing whitespace at the ends of lines. Some editors with
+``smart`` indentation will insert whitespace at the beginning of new lines as
+appropriate, so you can start typing the next line of code right away.
+However, some such editors do not remove the whitespace if you end up not
+putting a line of code there, such as if you leave a blank line. As a result,
+you end up with lines containing trailing whitespace.
+Git will warn you about patches that introduce trailing whitespace, and can
+optionally strip the trailing whitespace for you; however, if applying a series
+of patches, this may make later patches in the series fail by changing their
+context lines.
+4) Naming
+C is a Spartan language, and so should your naming be. Unlike Modula-2
+and Pascal programmers, C programmers do not use cute names like
+ThisVariableIsATemporaryCounter. A C programmer would call that
+variable ``tmp``, which is much easier to write, and not the least more
+difficult to understand.
+HOWEVER, while mixed-case names are frowned upon, descriptive names for
+global variables are a must. To call a global function ``foo`` is a
+shooting offense.
+GLOBAL variables (to be used only if you **really** need them) need to
+have descriptive names, as do global functions. If you have a function
+that counts the number of active users, you should call that
+``count_active_users()`` or similar, you should **not** call it ``cntusr()``.
+Encoding the type of a function into the name (so-called Hungarian
+notation) is brain damaged - the compiler knows the types anyway and can
+check those, and it only confuses the programmer. No wonder MicroSoft
+makes buggy programs.
+LOCAL variable names should be short, and to the point. If you have
+some random integer loop counter, it should probably be called ``i``.
+Calling it ``loop_counter`` is non-productive, if there is no chance of it
+being mis-understood. Similarly, ``tmp`` can be just about any type of
+variable that is used to hold a temporary value.
+If you are afraid to mix up your local variable names, you have another
+problem, which is called the function-growth-hormone-imbalance syndrome.
+See chapter 6 (Functions).
+5) Typedefs
+Please don't use things like ``vps_t``.
+It's a **mistake** to use typedef for structures and pointers. When you see a
+.. code-block:: c
+ vps_t a;
+in the source, what does it mean?
+In contrast, if it says
+.. code-block:: c
+ struct virtual_container *a;
+you can actually tell what ``a`` is.
+Lots of people think that typedefs ``help readability``. Not so. They are
+useful only for:
+ (a) totally opaque objects (where the typedef is actively used to **hide**
+ what the object is).
+ Example: ``pte_t`` etc. opaque objects that you can only access using
+ the proper accessor functions.
+ .. note::
+ Opaqueness and ``accessor functions`` are not good in themselves.
+ The reason we have them for things like pte_t etc. is that there
+ really is absolutely **zero** portably accessible information there.
+ (b) Clear integer types, where the abstraction **helps** avoid confusion
+ whether it is ``int`` or ``long``.
+ u8/u16/u32 are perfectly fine typedefs, although they fit into
+ category (d) better than here.
+ .. note::
+ Again - there needs to be a **reason** for this. If something is
+ ``unsigned long``, then there's no reason to do
+ typedef unsigned long myflags_t;
+ but if there is a clear reason for why it under certain circumstances
+ might be an ``unsigned int`` and under other configurations might be
+ ``unsigned long``, then by all means go ahead and use a typedef.
+ (c) when you use sparse to literally create a **new** type for
+ type-checking.
+ (d) New types which are identical to standard C99 types, in certain
+ exceptional circumstances.
+ Although it would only take a short amount of time for the eyes and
+ brain to become accustomed to the standard types like ``uint32_t``,
+ some people object to their use anyway.
+ Therefore, the Linux-specific ``u8/u16/u32/u64`` types and their
+ signed equivalents which are identical to standard types are
+ permitted -- although they are not mandatory in new code of your
+ own.
+ When editing existing code which already uses one or the other set
+ of types, you should conform to the existing choices in that code.
+ (e) Types safe for use in userspace.
+ In certain structures which are visible to userspace, we cannot
+ require C99 types and cannot use the ``u32`` form above. Thus, we
+ use __u32 and similar types in all structures which are shared
+ with userspace.
+Maybe there are other cases too, but the rule should basically be to NEVER
+EVER use a typedef unless you can clearly match one of those rules.
+In general, a pointer, or a struct that has elements that can reasonably
+be directly accessed should **never** be a typedef.
+6) Functions
+Functions should be short and sweet, and do just one thing. They should
+fit on one or two screenfuls of text (the ISO/ANSI screen size is 80x24,
+as we all know), and do one thing and do that well.
+The maximum length of a function is inversely proportional to the
+complexity and indentation level of that function. So, if you have a
+conceptually simple function that is just one long (but simple)
+case-statement, where you have to do lots of small things for a lot of
+different cases, it's OK to have a longer function.
+However, if you have a complex function, and you suspect that a
+less-than-gifted first-year high-school student might not even
+understand what the function is all about, you should adhere to the
+maximum limits all the more closely. Use helper functions with
+descriptive names (you can ask the compiler to in-line them if you think
+it's performance-critical, and it will probably do a better job of it
+than you would have done).
+Another measure of the function is the number of local variables. They
+shouldn't exceed 5-10, or you're doing something wrong. Re-think the
+function, and split it into smaller pieces. A human brain can
+generally easily keep track of about 7 different things, anything more
+and it gets confused. You know you're brilliant, but maybe you'd like
+to understand what you did 2 weeks from now.
+In source files, separate functions with one blank line. If the function is
+exported, the **EXPORT** macro for it should follow immediately after the
+closing function brace line. E.g.:
+.. code-block:: c
+ int system_is_up(void)
+ {
+ return system_state == SYSTEM_RUNNING;
+ }
+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(system_is_up);
+In function prototypes, include parameter names with their data types.
+Although this is not required by the C language, it is preferred in Linux
+because it is a simple way to add valuable information for the reader.
+7) Centralized exiting of functions
+Albeit deprecated by some people, the equivalent of the goto statement is
+used frequently by compilers in form of the unconditional jump instruction.
+The goto statement comes in handy when a function exits from multiple
+locations and some common work such as cleanup has to be done. If there is no
+cleanup needed then just return directly.
+Choose label names which say what the goto does or why the goto exists. An
+example of a good name could be ``out_free_buffer:`` if the goto frees ``buffer``.
+Avoid using GW-BASIC names like ``err1:`` and ``err2:``, as you would have to
+renumber them if you ever add or remove exit paths, and they make correctness
+difficult to verify anyway.
+The rationale for using gotos is:
+- unconditional statements are easier to understand and follow
+- nesting is reduced
+- errors by not updating individual exit points when making
+ modifications are prevented
+- saves the compiler work to optimize redundant code away ;)
+.. code-block:: c
+ int fun(int a)
+ {
+ int result = 0;
+ char *buffer;
+ buffer = kmalloc(SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!buffer)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ if (condition1) {
+ while (loop1) {
+ ...
+ }
+ result = 1;
+ goto out_buffer;
+ }
+ ...
+ out_free_buffer:
+ kfree(buffer);
+ return result;
+ }
+A common type of bug to be aware of is ``one err bugs`` which look like this:
+.. code-block:: c
+ err:
+ kfree(foo->bar);
+ kfree(foo);
+ return ret;
+The bug in this code is that on some exit paths ``foo`` is NULL. Normally the
+fix for this is to split it up into two error labels ``err_free_bar:`` and
+.. code-block:: c
+ err_free_bar:
+ kfree(foo->bar);
+ err_free_foo:
+ kfree(foo);
+ return ret;
+Ideally you should simulate errors to test all exit paths.
+8) Commenting
+Comments are good, but there is also a danger of over-commenting. NEVER
+try to explain HOW your code works in a comment: it's much better to
+write the code so that the **working** is obvious, and it's a waste of
+time to explain badly written code.
+Generally, you want your comments to tell WHAT your code does, not HOW.
+Also, try to avoid putting comments inside a function body: if the
+function is so complex that you need to separately comment parts of it,
+you should probably go back to chapter 6 for a while. You can make
+small comments to note or warn about something particularly clever (or
+ugly), but try to avoid excess. Instead, put the comments at the head
+of the function, telling people what it does, and possibly WHY it does
+When commenting the kernel API functions, please use the kernel-doc format.
+See the files Documentation/kernel-documentation.rst and scripts/kernel-doc
+for details.
+The preferred style for long (multi-line) comments is:
+.. code-block:: c
+ /*
+ * This is the preferred style for multi-line
+ * comments in the Linux kernel source code.
+ * Please use it consistently.
+ *
+ * Description: A column of asterisks on the left side,
+ * with beginning and ending almost-blank lines.
+ */
+For files in net/ and drivers/net/ the preferred style for long (multi-line)
+comments is a little different.
+.. code-block:: c
+ /* The preferred comment style for files in net/ and drivers/net
+ * looks like this.
+ *
+ * It is nearly the same as the generally preferred comment style,
+ * but there is no initial almost-blank line.
+ */
+It's also important to comment data, whether they are basic types or derived
+types. To this end, use just one data declaration per line (no commas for
+multiple data declarations). This leaves you room for a small comment on each
+item, explaining its use.
+9) You've made a mess of it
+That's OK, we all do. You've probably been told by your long-time Unix
+user helper that ``GNU emacs`` automatically formats the C sources for
+you, and you've noticed that yes, it does do that, but the defaults it
+uses are less than desirable (in fact, they are worse than random
+typing - an infinite number of monkeys typing into GNU emacs would never
+make a good program).
+So, you can either get rid of GNU emacs, or change it to use saner
+values. To do the latter, you can stick the following in your .emacs file:
+.. code-block:: none
+ (defun c-lineup-arglist-tabs-only (ignored)
+ "Line up argument lists by tabs, not spaces"
+ (let* ((anchor (c-langelem-pos c-syntactic-element))
+ (column (c-langelem-2nd-pos c-syntactic-element))
+ (offset (- (1+ column) anchor))
+ (steps (floor offset c-basic-offset)))
+ (* (max steps 1)
+ c-basic-offset)))
+ (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook
+ (lambda ()
+ ;; Add kernel style
+ (c-add-style
+ "linux-tabs-only"
+ '("linux" (c-offsets-alist
+ (arglist-cont-nonempty
+ c-lineup-gcc-asm-reg
+ c-lineup-arglist-tabs-only))))))
+ (add-hook 'c-mode-hook
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((filename (buffer-file-name)))
+ ;; Enable kernel mode for the appropriate files
+ (when (and filename
+ (string-match (expand-file-name "~/src/linux-trees")
+ filename))
+ (setq indent-tabs-mode t)
+ (setq show-trailing-whitespace t)
+ (c-set-style "linux-tabs-only")))))
+This will make emacs go better with the kernel coding style for C
+files below ``~/src/linux-trees``.
+But even if you fail in getting emacs to do sane formatting, not
+everything is lost: use ``indent``.
+Now, again, GNU indent has the same brain-dead settings that GNU emacs
+has, which is why you need to give it a few command line options.
+However, that's not too bad, because even the makers of GNU indent
+recognize the authority of K&R (the GNU people aren't evil, they are
+just severely misguided in this matter), so you just give indent the
+options ``-kr -i8`` (stands for ``K&R, 8 character indents``), or use
+``scripts/Lindent``, which indents in the latest style.
+``indent`` has a lot of options, and especially when it comes to comment
+re-formatting you may want to take a look at the man page. But
+remember: ``indent`` is not a fix for bad programming.
+10) Kconfig configuration files
+For all of the Kconfig* configuration files throughout the source tree,
+the indentation is somewhat different. Lines under a ``config`` definition
+are indented with one tab, while help text is indented an additional two
+spaces. Example::
+ config AUDIT
+ bool "Auditing support"
+ depends on NET
+ help
+ Enable auditing infrastructure that can be used with another
+ kernel subsystem, such as SELinux (which requires this for
+ logging of avc messages output). Does not do system-call
+ auditing without CONFIG_AUDITSYSCALL.
+Seriously dangerous features (such as write support for certain
+filesystems) should advertise this prominently in their prompt string::
+ config ADFS_FS_RW
+ bool "ADFS write support (DANGEROUS)"
+ depends on ADFS_FS
+ ...
+For full documentation on the configuration files, see the file
+11) Data structures
+Data structures that have visibility outside the single-threaded
+environment they are created and destroyed in should always have
+reference counts. In the kernel, garbage collection doesn't exist (and
+outside the kernel garbage collection is slow and inefficient), which
+means that you absolutely **have** to reference count all your uses.
+Reference counting means that you can avoid locking, and allows multiple
+users to have access to the data structure in parallel - and not having
+to worry about the structure suddenly going away from under them just
+because they slept or did something else for a while.
+Note that locking is **not** a replacement for reference counting.
+Locking is used to keep data structures coherent, while reference
+counting is a memory management technique. Usually both are needed, and
+they are not to be confused with each other.
+Many data structures can indeed have two levels of reference counting,
+when there are users of different ``classes``. The subclass count counts
+the number of subclass users, and decrements the global count just once
+when the subclass count goes to zero.
+Examples of this kind of ``multi-level-reference-counting`` can be found in
+memory management (``struct mm_struct``: mm_users and mm_count), and in
+filesystem code (``struct super_block``: s_count and s_active).
+Remember: if another thread can find your data structure, and you don't
+have a reference count on it, you almost certainly have a bug.
+12) Macros, Enums and RTL
+Names of macros defining constants and labels in enums are capitalized.
+.. code-block:: c
+ #define CONSTANT 0x12345
+Enums are preferred when defining several related constants.
+CAPITALIZED macro names are appreciated but macros resembling functions
+may be named in lower case.
+Generally, inline functions are preferable to macros resembling functions.
+Macros with multiple statements should be enclosed in a do - while block:
+.. code-block:: c
+ #define macrofun(a, b, c) \
+ do { \
+ if (a == 5) \
+ do_this(b, c); \
+ } while (0)
+Things to avoid when using macros:
+1) macros that affect control flow:
+.. code-block:: c
+ #define FOO(x) \
+ do { \
+ if (blah(x) < 0) \
+ return -EBUGGERED; \
+ } while (0)
+is a **very** bad idea. It looks like a function call but exits the ``calling``
+function; don't break the internal parsers of those who will read the code.
+2) macros that depend on having a local variable with a magic name:
+.. code-block:: c
+ #define FOO(val) bar(index, val)
+might look like a good thing, but it's confusing as hell when one reads the
+code and it's prone to breakage from seemingly innocent changes.
+3) macros with arguments that are used as l-values: FOO(x) = y; will
+bite you if somebody e.g. turns FOO into an inline function.
+4) forgetting about precedence: macros defining constants using expressions
+must enclose the expression in parentheses. Beware of similar issues with
+macros using parameters.
+.. code-block:: c
+ #define CONSTANT 0x4000
+ #define CONSTEXP (CONSTANT | 3)
+5) namespace collisions when defining local variables in macros resembling
+.. code-block:: c
+ #define FOO(x) \
+ ({ \
+ typeof(x) ret; \
+ ret = calc_ret(x); \
+ (ret); \
+ })
+ret is a common name for a local variable - __foo_ret is less likely
+to collide with an existing variable.
+The cpp manual deals with macros exhaustively. The gcc internals manual also
+covers RTL which is used frequently with assembly language in the kernel.
+13) Printing kernel messages
+Kernel developers like to be seen as literate. Do mind the spelling
+of kernel messages to make a good impression. Do not use crippled
+words like ``dont``; use ``do not`` or ``don't`` instead. Make the messages
+concise, clear, and unambiguous.
+Kernel messages do not have to be terminated with a period.
+Printing numbers in parentheses (%d) adds no value and should be avoided.
+There are a number of driver model diagnostic macros in <linux/device.h>
+which you should use to make sure messages are matched to the right device
+and driver, and are tagged with the right level: dev_err(), dev_warn(),
+dev_info(), and so forth. For messages that aren't associated with a
+particular device, <linux/printk.h> defines pr_notice(), pr_info(),
+pr_warn(), pr_err(), etc.
+Coming up with good debugging messages can be quite a challenge; and once
+you have them, they can be a huge help for remote troubleshooting. However
+debug message printing is handled differently than printing other non-debug
+messages. While the other pr_XXX() functions print unconditionally,
+pr_debug() does not; it is compiled out by default, unless either DEBUG is
+defined or CONFIG_DYNAMIC_DEBUG is set. That is true for dev_dbg() also,
+and a related convention uses VERBOSE_DEBUG to add dev_vdbg() messages to
+the ones already enabled by DEBUG.
+Many subsystems have Kconfig debug options to turn on -DDEBUG in the
+corresponding Makefile; in other cases specific files #define DEBUG. And
+when a debug message should be unconditionally printed, such as if it is
+already inside a debug-related #ifdef section, printk(KERN_DEBUG ...) can be
+14) Allocating memory
+The kernel provides the following general purpose memory allocators:
+kmalloc(), kzalloc(), kmalloc_array(), kcalloc(), vmalloc(), and
+vzalloc(). Please refer to the API documentation for further information
+about them.
+The preferred form for passing a size of a struct is the following:
+.. code-block:: c
+ p = kmalloc(sizeof(*p), ...);
+The alternative form where struct name is spelled out hurts readability and
+introduces an opportunity for a bug when the pointer variable type is changed
+but the corresponding sizeof that is passed to a memory allocator is not.
+Casting the return value which is a void pointer is redundant. The conversion
+from void pointer to any other pointer type is guaranteed by the C programming
+The preferred form for allocating an array is the following:
+.. code-block:: c
+ p = kmalloc_array(n, sizeof(...), ...);
+The preferred form for allocating a zeroed array is the following:
+.. code-block:: c
+ p = kcalloc(n, sizeof(...), ...);
+Both forms check for overflow on the allocation size n * sizeof(...),
+and return NULL if that occurred.
+15) The inline disease
+There appears to be a common misperception that gcc has a magic "make me
+faster" speedup option called ``inline``. While the use of inlines can be
+appropriate (for example as a means of replacing macros, see Chapter 12), it
+very often is not. Abundant use of the inline keyword leads to a much bigger
+kernel, which in turn slows the system as a whole down, due to a bigger
+icache footprint for the CPU and simply because there is less memory
+available for the pagecache. Just think about it; a pagecache miss causes a
+disk seek, which easily takes 5 milliseconds. There are a LOT of cpu cycles
+that can go into these 5 milliseconds.
+A reasonable rule of thumb is to not put inline at functions that have more
+than 3 lines of code in them. An exception to this rule are the cases where
+a parameter is known to be a compiletime constant, and as a result of this
+constantness you *know* the compiler will be able to optimize most of your
+function away at compile time. For a good example of this later case, see
+the kmalloc() inline function.
+Often people argue that adding inline to functions that are static and used
+only once is always a win since there is no space tradeoff. While this is
+technically correct, gcc is capable of inlining these automatically without
+help, and the maintenance issue of removing the inline when a second user
+appears outweighs the potential value of the hint that tells gcc to do
+something it would have done anyway.
+16) Function return values and names
+Functions can return values of many different kinds, and one of the
+most common is a value indicating whether the function succeeded or
+failed. Such a value can be represented as an error-code integer
+(-Exxx = failure, 0 = success) or a ``succeeded`` boolean (0 = failure,
+non-zero = success).
+Mixing up these two sorts of representations is a fertile source of
+difficult-to-find bugs. If the C language included a strong distinction
+between integers and booleans then the compiler would find these mistakes
+for us... but it doesn't. To help prevent such bugs, always follow this
+ If the name of a function is an action or an imperative command,
+ the function should return an error-code integer. If the name
+ is a predicate, the function should return a "succeeded" boolean.
+For example, ``add work`` is a command, and the add_work() function returns 0
+for success or -EBUSY for failure. In the same way, ``PCI device present`` is
+a predicate, and the pci_dev_present() function returns 1 if it succeeds in
+finding a matching device or 0 if it doesn't.
+All EXPORTed functions must respect this convention, and so should all
+public functions. Private (static) functions need not, but it is
+recommended that they do.
+Functions whose return value is the actual result of a computation, rather
+than an indication of whether the computation succeeded, are not subject to
+this rule. Generally they indicate failure by returning some out-of-range
+result. Typical examples would be functions that return pointers; they use
+NULL or the ERR_PTR mechanism to report failure.
+17) Don't re-invent the kernel macros
+The header file include/linux/kernel.h contains a number of macros that
+you should use, rather than explicitly coding some variant of them yourself.
+For example, if you need to calculate the length of an array, take advantage
+of the macro
+.. code-block:: c
+ #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))
+Similarly, if you need to calculate the size of some structure member, use
+.. code-block:: c
+ #define FIELD_SIZEOF(t, f) (sizeof(((t*)0)->f))
+There are also min() and max() macros that do strict type checking if you
+need them. Feel free to peruse that header file to see what else is already
+defined that you shouldn't reproduce in your code.
+18) Editor modelines and other cruft
+Some editors can interpret configuration information embedded in source files,
+indicated with special markers. For example, emacs interprets lines marked
+like this:
+.. code-block:: c
+ -*- mode: c -*-
+Or like this:
+.. code-block:: c
+ /*
+ Local Variables:
+ compile-command: "gcc -DMAGIC_DEBUG_FLAG foo.c"
+ End:
+ */
+Vim interprets markers that look like this:
+.. code-block:: c
+ /* vim:set sw=8 noet */
+Do not include any of these in source files. People have their own personal
+editor configurations, and your source files should not override them. This
+includes markers for indentation and mode configuration. People may use their
+own custom mode, or may have some other magic method for making indentation
+work correctly.
+19) Inline assembly
+In architecture-specific code, you may need to use inline assembly to interface
+with CPU or platform functionality. Don't hesitate to do so when necessary.
+However, don't use inline assembly gratuitously when C can do the job. You can
+and should poke hardware from C when possible.
+Consider writing simple helper functions that wrap common bits of inline
+assembly, rather than repeatedly writing them with slight variations. Remember
+that inline assembly can use C parameters.
+Large, non-trivial assembly functions should go in .S files, with corresponding
+C prototypes defined in C header files. The C prototypes for assembly
+functions should use ``asmlinkage``.
+You may need to mark your asm statement as volatile, to prevent GCC from
+removing it if GCC doesn't notice any side effects. You don't always need to
+do so, though, and doing so unnecessarily can limit optimization.
+When writing a single inline assembly statement containing multiple
+instructions, put each instruction on a separate line in a separate quoted
+string, and end each string except the last with \n\t to properly indent the
+next instruction in the assembly output:
+.. code-block:: c
+ asm ("magic %reg1, #42\n\t"
+ "more_magic %reg2, %reg3"
+ : /* outputs */ : /* inputs */ : /* clobbers */);
+20) Conditional Compilation
+Wherever possible, don't use preprocessor conditionals (#if, #ifdef) in .c
+files; doing so makes code harder to read and logic harder to follow. Instead,
+use such conditionals in a header file defining functions for use in those .c
+files, providing no-op stub versions in the #else case, and then call those
+functions unconditionally from .c files. The compiler will avoid generating
+any code for the stub calls, producing identical results, but the logic will
+remain easy to follow.
+Prefer to compile out entire functions, rather than portions of functions or
+portions of expressions. Rather than putting an ifdef in an expression, factor
+out part or all of the expression into a separate helper function and apply the
+conditional to that function.
+If you have a function or variable which may potentially go unused in a
+particular configuration, and the compiler would warn about its definition
+going unused, mark the definition as __maybe_unused rather than wrapping it in
+a preprocessor conditional. (However, if a function or variable *always* goes
+unused, delete it.)
+Within code, where possible, use the IS_ENABLED macro to convert a Kconfig
+symbol into a C boolean expression, and use it in a normal C conditional:
+.. code-block:: c
+ ...
+ }
+The compiler will constant-fold the conditional away, and include or exclude
+the block of code just as with an #ifdef, so this will not add any runtime
+overhead. However, this approach still allows the C compiler to see the code
+inside the block, and check it for correctness (syntax, types, symbol
+references, etc). Thus, you still have to use an #ifdef if the code inside the
+block references symbols that will not exist if the condition is not met.
+At the end of any non-trivial #if or #ifdef block (more than a few lines),
+place a comment after the #endif on the same line, noting the conditional
+expression used. For instance:
+.. code-block:: c
+ ...
+ #endif /* CONFIG_SOMETHING */
+Appendix I) References
+The C Programming Language, Second Edition
+by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie.
+Prentice Hall, Inc., 1988.
+ISBN 0-13-110362-8 (paperback), 0-13-110370-9 (hardback).
+The Practice of Programming
+by Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike.
+Addison-Wesley, Inc., 1999.
+ISBN 0-201-61586-X.
+GNU manuals - where in compliance with K&R and this text - for cpp, gcc,
+gcc internals and indent, all available from
+WG14 is the international standardization working group for the programming
+language C, URL:
+Kernel process/coding-style.rst, by at OLS 2002:
diff --git a/Documentation/process/ b/Documentation/process/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1b01a80ad9ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
+project = 'Linux Kernel Development Documentation'
+latex_documents = [
+ ('index', 'process.tex', 'Linux Kernel Development Documentation',
+ 'The kernel development community', 'manual'),
diff --git a/Documentation/process/development-process.rst b/Documentation/process/development-process.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..61c627e41ba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/development-process.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+.. _development_process_main:
+A guide to the Kernel Development Process
+.. toctree::
+ :numbered:
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ 1.Intro
+ 2.Process
+ 3.Early-stage
+ 4.Coding
+ 5.Posting
+ 6.Followthrough
+ 7.AdvancedTopics
+ 8.Conclusion
+The purpose of this document is to help developers (and their managers)
+work with the development community with a minimum of frustration. It is
+an attempt to document how this community works in a way which is
+accessible to those who are not intimately familiar with Linux kernel
+development (or, indeed, free software development in general). While
+there is some technical material here, this is very much a process-oriented
+discussion which does not require a deep knowledge of kernel programming to
diff --git a/Documentation/process/email-clients.rst b/Documentation/process/email-clients.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ac892b30815e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/email-clients.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+.. _email_clients:
+Email clients info for Linux
+These days most developers use ``git send-email`` instead of regular
+email clients. The man page for this is quite good. On the receiving
+end, maintainers use ``git am`` to apply the patches.
+If you are new to ``git`` then send your first patch to yourself. Save it
+as raw text including all the headers. Run ``git am raw_email.txt`` and
+then review the changelog with ``git log``. When that works then send
+the patch to the appropriate mailing list(s).
+General Preferences
+Patches for the Linux kernel are submitted via email, preferably as
+inline text in the body of the email. Some maintainers accept
+attachments, but then the attachments should have content-type
+``text/plain``. However, attachments are generally frowned upon because
+it makes quoting portions of the patch more difficult in the patch
+review process.
+Email clients that are used for Linux kernel patches should send the
+patch text untouched. For example, they should not modify or delete tabs
+or spaces, even at the beginning or end of lines.
+Don't send patches with ``format=flowed``. This can cause unexpected
+and unwanted line breaks.
+Don't let your email client do automatic word wrapping for you.
+This can also corrupt your patch.
+Email clients should not modify the character set encoding of the text.
+Emailed patches should be in ASCII or UTF-8 encoding only.
+If you configure your email client to send emails with UTF-8 encoding,
+you avoid some possible charset problems.
+Email clients should generate and maintain References: or In-Reply-To:
+headers so that mail threading is not broken.
+Copy-and-paste (or cut-and-paste) usually does not work for patches
+because tabs are converted to spaces. Using xclipboard, xclip, and/or
+xcutsel may work, but it's best to test this for yourself or just avoid
+Don't use PGP/GPG signatures in mail that contains patches.
+This breaks many scripts that read and apply the patches.
+(This should be fixable.)
+It's a good idea to send a patch to yourself, save the received message,
+and successfully apply it with 'patch' before sending patches to Linux
+mailing lists.
+Some email client (MUA) hints
+Here are some specific MUA configuration hints for editing and sending
+patches for the Linux kernel. These are not meant to be complete
+software package configuration summaries.
+- TUI = text-based user interface
+- GUI = graphical user interface
+Alpine (TUI)
+Config options:
+In the :menuselection:`Sending Preferences` section:
+- :menuselection:`Do Not Send Flowed Text` must be ``enabled``
+- :menuselection:`Strip Whitespace Before Sending` must be ``disabled``
+When composing the message, the cursor should be placed where the patch
+should appear, and then pressing :kbd:`CTRL-R` let you specify the patch file
+to insert into the message.
+Claws Mail (GUI)
+Works. Some people use this successfully for patches.
+To insert a patch use :menuselection:`Message-->Insert` File (:kbd:`CTRL-I`)
+or an external editor.
+If the inserted patch has to be edited in the Claws composition window
+"Auto wrapping" in
+:menuselection:`Configuration-->Preferences-->Compose-->Wrapping` should be
+Evolution (GUI)
+Some people use this successfully for patches.
+When composing mail select: Preformat
+ from :menuselection:`Format-->Paragraph Style-->Preformatted` (:kbd:`CTRL-7`)
+ or the toolbar
+Then use:
+:menuselection:`Insert-->Text File...` (:kbd:`ALT-N x`)
+to insert the patch.
+You can also ``diff -Nru old.c new.c | xclip``, select
+:menuselection:`Preformat`, then paste with the middle button.
+Kmail (GUI)
+Some people use Kmail successfully for patches.
+The default setting of not composing in HTML is appropriate; do not
+enable it.
+When composing an email, under options, uncheck "word wrap". The only
+disadvantage is any text you type in the email will not be word-wrapped
+so you will have to manually word wrap text before the patch. The easiest
+way around this is to compose your email with word wrap enabled, then save
+it as a draft. Once you pull it up again from your drafts it is now hard
+word-wrapped and you can uncheck "word wrap" without losing the existing
+At the bottom of your email, put the commonly-used patch delimiter before
+inserting your patch: three hyphens (``---``).
+Then from the :menuselection:`Message` menu item, select insert file and
+choose your patch.
+As an added bonus you can customise the message creation toolbar menu
+and put the :menuselection:`insert file` icon there.
+Make the composer window wide enough so that no lines wrap. As of
+KMail 1.13.5 (KDE 4.5.4), KMail will apply word wrapping when sending
+the email if the lines wrap in the composer window. Having word wrapping
+disabled in the Options menu isn't enough. Thus, if your patch has very
+long lines, you must make the composer window very wide before sending
+the email. See:
+You can safely GPG sign attachments, but inlined text is preferred for
+patches so do not GPG sign them. Signing patches that have been inserted
+as inlined text will make them tricky to extract from their 7-bit encoding.
+If you absolutely must send patches as attachments instead of inlining
+them as text, right click on the attachment and select properties, and
+highlight :menuselection:`Suggest automatic display` to make the attachment
+inlined to make it more viewable.
+When saving patches that are sent as inlined text, select the email that
+contains the patch from the message list pane, right click and select
+:menuselection:`save as`. You can use the whole email unmodified as a patch
+if it was properly composed. There is no option currently to save the email
+when you are actually viewing it in its own window -- there has been a request
+filed at kmail's bugzilla and hopefully this will be addressed. Emails are
+saved as read-write for user only so you will have to chmod them to make them
+group and world readable if you copy them elsewhere.
+Lotus Notes (GUI)
+Run away from it.
+Mutt (TUI)
+Plenty of Linux developers use ``mutt``, so it must work pretty well.
+Mutt doesn't come with an editor, so whatever editor you use should be
+used in a way that there are no automatic linebreaks. Most editors have
+an :menuselection:`insert file` option that inserts the contents of a file
+To use ``vim`` with mutt::
+ set editor="vi"
+If using xclip, type the command::
+ :set paste
+before middle button or shift-insert or use::
+ :r filename
+if you want to include the patch inline.
+(a)ttach works fine without ``set paste``.
+You can also generate patches with ``git format-patch`` and then use Mutt
+to send them::
+ $ mutt -H 0001-some-bug-fix.patch
+Config options:
+It should work with default settings.
+However, it's a good idea to set the ``send_charset`` to::
+ set send_charset="us-ascii:utf-8"
+Mutt is highly customizable. Here is a minimum configuration to start
+using Mutt to send patches through Gmail::
+ # .muttrc
+ # ================ IMAP ====================
+ set imap_user = ''
+ set imap_pass = 'yourpassword'
+ set spoolfile = imaps://
+ set folder = imaps://
+ set record="imaps://[Gmail]/Sent Mail"
+ set postponed="imaps://[Gmail]/Drafts"
+ set mbox="imaps://[Gmail]/All Mail"
+ # ================ SMTP ====================
+ set smtp_url = "smtp://"
+ set smtp_pass = $imap_pass
+ set ssl_force_tls = yes # Require encrypted connection
+ # ================ Composition ====================
+ set editor = `echo \$EDITOR`
+ set edit_headers = yes # See the headers when editing
+ set charset = UTF-8 # value of $LANG; also fallback for send_charset
+ # Sender, email address, and sign-off line must match
+ unset use_domain # because joe@localhost is just embarrassing
+ set realname = "YOUR NAME"
+ set from = ""
+ set use_from = yes
+The Mutt docs have lots more information:
+Pine (TUI)
+Pine has had some whitespace truncation issues in the past, but these
+should all be fixed now.
+Use alpine (pine's successor) if you can.
+Config options:
+- ``quell-flowed-text`` is needed for recent versions
+- the ``no-strip-whitespace-before-send`` option is needed
+Sylpheed (GUI)
+- Works well for inlining text (or using attachments).
+- Allows use of an external editor.
+- Is slow on large folders.
+- Won't do TLS SMTP auth over a non-SSL connection.
+- Has a helpful ruler bar in the compose window.
+- Adding addresses to address book doesn't understand the display name
+ properly.
+Thunderbird (GUI)
+Thunderbird is an Outlook clone that likes to mangle text, but there are ways
+to coerce it into behaving.
+- Allow use of an external editor:
+ The easiest thing to do with Thunderbird and patches is to use an
+ "external editor" extension and then just use your favorite ``$EDITOR``
+ for reading/merging patches into the body text. To do this, download
+ and install the extension, then add a button for it using
+ :menuselection:`View-->Toolbars-->Customize...` and finally just click on it
+ when in the :menuselection:`Compose` dialog.
+ Please note that "external editor" requires that your editor must not
+ fork, or in other words, the editor must not return before closing.
+ You may have to pass additional flags or change the settings of your
+ editor. Most notably if you are using gvim then you must pass the -f
+ option to gvim by putting ``/usr/bin/gvim -f`` (if the binary is in
+ ``/usr/bin``) to the text editor field in :menuselection:`external editor`
+ settings. If you are using some other editor then please read its manual
+ to find out how to do this.
+To beat some sense out of the internal editor, do this:
+- Edit your Thunderbird config settings so that it won't use ``format=flowed``.
+ Go to :menuselection:`edit-->preferences-->advanced-->config editor` to bring up
+ the thunderbird's registry editor.
+- Set ``mailnews.send_plaintext_flowed`` to ``false``
+- Set ``mailnews.wraplength`` from ``72`` to ``0``
+- :menuselection:`View-->Message Body As-->Plain Text`
+- :menuselection:`View-->Character Encoding-->Unicode (UTF-8)`
+TkRat (GUI)
+Works. Use "Insert file..." or external editor.
+Gmail (Web GUI)
+Does not work for sending patches.
+Gmail web client converts tabs to spaces automatically.
+At the same time it wraps lines every 78 chars with CRLF style line breaks
+although tab2space problem can be solved with external editor.
+Another problem is that Gmail will base64-encode any message that has a
+non-ASCII character. That includes things like European names.
diff --git a/Documentation/process/howto.rst b/Documentation/process/howto.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3f66a1980726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/howto.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+HOWTO do Linux kernel development
+This is the be-all, end-all document on this topic. It contains
+instructions on how to become a Linux kernel developer and how to learn
+to work with the Linux kernel development community. It tries to not
+contain anything related to the technical aspects of kernel programming,
+but will help point you in the right direction for that.
+If anything in this document becomes out of date, please send in patches
+to the maintainer of this file, who is listed at the bottom of the
+So, you want to learn how to become a Linux kernel developer? Or you
+have been told by your manager, "Go write a Linux driver for this
+device." This document's goal is to teach you everything you need to
+know to achieve this by describing the process you need to go through,
+and hints on how to work with the community. It will also try to
+explain some of the reasons why the community works like it does.
+The kernel is written mostly in C, with some architecture-dependent
+parts written in assembly. A good understanding of C is required for
+kernel development. Assembly (any architecture) is not required unless
+you plan to do low-level development for that architecture. Though they
+are not a good substitute for a solid C education and/or years of
+experience, the following books are good for, if anything, reference:
+ - "The C Programming Language" by Kernighan and Ritchie [Prentice Hall]
+ - "Practical C Programming" by Steve Oualline [O'Reilly]
+ - "C: A Reference Manual" by Harbison and Steele [Prentice Hall]
+The kernel is written using GNU C and the GNU toolchain. While it
+adheres to the ISO C89 standard, it uses a number of extensions that are
+not featured in the standard. The kernel is a freestanding C
+environment, with no reliance on the standard C library, so some
+portions of the C standard are not supported. Arbitrary long long
+divisions and floating point are not allowed. It can sometimes be
+difficult to understand the assumptions the kernel has on the toolchain
+and the extensions that it uses, and unfortunately there is no
+definitive reference for them. Please check the gcc info pages (`info
+gcc`) for some information on them.
+Please remember that you are trying to learn how to work with the
+existing development community. It is a diverse group of people, with
+high standards for coding, style and procedure. These standards have
+been created over time based on what they have found to work best for
+such a large and geographically dispersed team. Try to learn as much as
+possible about these standards ahead of time, as they are well
+documented; do not expect people to adapt to you or your company's way
+of doing things.
+Legal Issues
+The Linux kernel source code is released under the GPL. Please see the
+file, COPYING, in the main directory of the source tree, for details on
+the license. If you have further questions about the license, please
+contact a lawyer, and do not ask on the Linux kernel mailing list. The
+people on the mailing lists are not lawyers, and you should not rely on
+their statements on legal matters.
+For common questions and answers about the GPL, please see:
+The Linux kernel source tree has a large range of documents that are
+invaluable for learning how to interact with the kernel community. When
+new features are added to the kernel, it is recommended that new
+documentation files are also added which explain how to use the feature.
+When a kernel change causes the interface that the kernel exposes to
+userspace to change, it is recommended that you send the information or
+a patch to the manual pages explaining the change to the manual pages
+maintainer at, and CC the list
+Here is a list of files that are in the kernel source tree that are
+required reading:
+ This file gives a short background on the Linux kernel and describes
+ what is necessary to do to configure and build the kernel. People
+ who are new to the kernel should start here.
+ :ref:`Documentation/process/changes.rst <changes>`
+ This file gives a list of the minimum levels of various software
+ packages that are necessary to build and run the kernel
+ successfully.
+ :ref:`Documentation/process/coding-style.rst <codingstyle>`
+ This describes the Linux kernel coding style, and some of the
+ rationale behind it. All new code is expected to follow the
+ guidelines in this document. Most maintainers will only accept
+ patches if these rules are followed, and many people will only
+ review code if it is in the proper style.
+ :ref:`Documentation/process/submitting-patches.rst <submittingpatches>` and :ref:`Documentation/process/submitting-drivers.rst <submittingdrivers>`
+ These files describe in explicit detail how to successfully create
+ and send a patch, including (but not limited to):
+ - Email contents
+ - Email format
+ - Who to send it to
+ Following these rules will not guarantee success (as all patches are
+ subject to scrutiny for content and style), but not following them
+ will almost always prevent it.
+ Other excellent descriptions of how to create patches properly are:
+ "The Perfect Patch"
+ "Linux kernel patch submission format"
+ :ref:`Documentation/process/stable-api-nonsense.rst <stable_api_nonsense>`
+ This file describes the rationale behind the conscious decision to
+ not have a stable API within the kernel, including things like:
+ - Subsystem shim-layers (for compatibility?)
+ - Driver portability between Operating Systems.
+ - Mitigating rapid change within the kernel source tree (or
+ preventing rapid change)
+ This document is crucial for understanding the Linux development
+ philosophy and is very important for people moving to Linux from
+ development on other Operating Systems.
+ :ref:`Documentation/admin-guide/security-bugs.rst <securitybugs>`
+ If you feel you have found a security problem in the Linux kernel,
+ please follow the steps in this document to help notify the kernel
+ developers, and help solve the issue.
+ :ref:`Documentation/process/management-style.rst <managementstyle>`
+ This document describes how Linux kernel maintainers operate and the
+ shared ethos behind their methodologies. This is important reading
+ for anyone new to kernel development (or anyone simply curious about
+ it), as it resolves a lot of common misconceptions and confusion
+ about the unique behavior of kernel maintainers.
+ :ref:`Documentation/process/stable-kernel-rules.rst <stable_kernel_rules>`
+ This file describes the rules on how the stable kernel releases
+ happen, and what to do if you want to get a change into one of these
+ releases.
+ :ref:`Documentation/process/kernel-docs.rst <kernel_docs>`
+ A list of external documentation that pertains to kernel
+ development. Please consult this list if you do not find what you
+ are looking for within the in-kernel documentation.
+ :ref:`Documentation/process/applying-patches.rst <applying_patches>`
+ A good introduction describing exactly what a patch is and how to
+ apply it to the different development branches of the kernel.
+The kernel also has a large number of documents that can be
+automatically generated from the source code itself or from
+ReStructuredText markups (ReST), like this one. This includes a
+full description of the in-kernel API, and rules on how to handle
+locking properly.
+All such documents can be generated as PDF or HTML by running::
+ make pdfdocs
+ make htmldocs
+respectively from the main kernel source directory.
+The documents that uses ReST markup will be generated at Documentation/output.
+They can also be generated on LaTeX and ePub formats with::
+ make latexdocs
+ make epubdocs
+Currently, there are some documents written on DocBook that are in
+the process of conversion to ReST. Such documents will be created in the
+Documentation/DocBook/ directory and can be generated also as
+Postscript or man pages by running::
+ make psdocs
+ make mandocs
+Becoming A Kernel Developer
+If you do not know anything about Linux kernel development, you should
+look at the Linux KernelNewbies project:
+It consists of a helpful mailing list where you can ask almost any type
+of basic kernel development question (make sure to search the archives
+first, before asking something that has already been answered in the
+past.) It also has an IRC channel that you can use to ask questions in
+real-time, and a lot of helpful documentation that is useful for
+learning about Linux kernel development.
+The website has basic information about code organization, subsystems,
+and current projects (both in-tree and out-of-tree). It also describes
+some basic logistical information, like how to compile a kernel and
+apply a patch.
+If you do not know where you want to start, but you want to look for
+some task to start doing to join into the kernel development community,
+go to the Linux Kernel Janitor's project:
+It is a great place to start. It describes a list of relatively simple
+problems that need to be cleaned up and fixed within the Linux kernel
+source tree. Working with the developers in charge of this project, you
+will learn the basics of getting your patch into the Linux kernel tree,
+and possibly be pointed in the direction of what to go work on next, if
+you do not already have an idea.
+If you already have a chunk of code that you want to put into the kernel
+tree, but need some help getting it in the proper form, the
+kernel-mentors project was created to help you out with this. It is a
+mailing list, and can be found at:
+Before making any actual modifications to the Linux kernel code, it is
+imperative to understand how the code in question works. For this
+purpose, nothing is better than reading through it directly (most tricky
+bits are commented well), perhaps even with the help of specialized
+tools. One such tool that is particularly recommended is the Linux
+Cross-Reference project, which is able to present source code in a
+self-referential, indexed webpage format. An excellent up-to-date
+repository of the kernel code may be found at:
+The development process
+Linux kernel development process currently consists of a few different
+main kernel "branches" and lots of different subsystem-specific kernel
+branches. These different branches are:
+ - main 4.x kernel tree
+ - 4.x.y -stable kernel tree
+ - 4.x -git kernel patches
+ - subsystem specific kernel trees and patches
+ - the 4.x -next kernel tree for integration tests
+4.x kernel tree
+4.x kernels are maintained by Linus Torvalds, and can be found on
+ in the pub/linux/kernel/v4.x/ directory. Its development
+process is as follows:
+ - As soon as a new kernel is released a two weeks window is open,
+ during this period of time maintainers can submit big diffs to
+ Linus, usually the patches that have already been included in the
+ -next kernel for a few weeks. The preferred way to submit big changes
+ is using git (the kernel's source management tool, more information
+ can be found at but plain patches are also just
+ fine.
+ - After two weeks a -rc1 kernel is released it is now possible to push
+ only patches that do not include new features that could affect the
+ stability of the whole kernel. Please note that a whole new driver
+ (or filesystem) might be accepted after -rc1 because there is no
+ risk of causing regressions with such a change as long as the change
+ is self-contained and does not affect areas outside of the code that
+ is being added. git can be used to send patches to Linus after -rc1
+ is released, but the patches need to also be sent to a public
+ mailing list for review.
+ - A new -rc is released whenever Linus deems the current git tree to
+ be in a reasonably sane state adequate for testing. The goal is to
+ release a new -rc kernel every week.
+ - Process continues until the kernel is considered "ready", the
+ process should last around 6 weeks.
+It is worth mentioning what Andrew Morton wrote on the linux-kernel
+mailing list about kernel releases:
+ *"Nobody knows when a kernel will be released, because it's
+ released according to perceived bug status, not according to a
+ preconceived timeline."*
+4.x.y -stable kernel tree
+Kernels with 3-part versions are -stable kernels. They contain
+relatively small and critical fixes for security problems or significant
+regressions discovered in a given 4.x kernel.
+This is the recommended branch for users who want the most recent stable
+kernel and are not interested in helping test development/experimental
+If no 4.x.y kernel is available, then the highest numbered 4.x
+kernel is the current stable kernel.
+4.x.y are maintained by the "stable" team <>, and
+are released as needs dictate. The normal release period is approximately
+two weeks, but it can be longer if there are no pressing problems. A
+security-related problem, instead, can cause a release to happen almost
+The file Documentation/process/stable-kernel-rules.rst in the kernel tree
+documents what kinds of changes are acceptable for the -stable tree, and
+how the release process works.
+4.x -git patches
+These are daily snapshots of Linus' kernel tree which are managed in a
+git repository (hence the name.) These patches are usually released
+daily and represent the current state of Linus' tree. They are more
+experimental than -rc kernels since they are generated automatically
+without even a cursory glance to see if they are sane.
+Subsystem Specific kernel trees and patches
+The maintainers of the various kernel subsystems --- and also many
+kernel subsystem developers --- expose their current state of
+development in source repositories. That way, others can see what is
+happening in the different areas of the kernel. In areas where
+development is rapid, a developer may be asked to base his submissions
+onto such a subsystem kernel tree so that conflicts between the
+submission and other already ongoing work are avoided.
+Most of these repositories are git trees, but there are also other SCMs
+in use, or patch queues being published as quilt series. Addresses of
+these subsystem repositories are listed in the MAINTAINERS file. Many
+of them can be browsed at
+Before a proposed patch is committed to such a subsystem tree, it is
+subject to review which primarily happens on mailing lists (see the
+respective section below). For several kernel subsystems, this review
+process is tracked with the tool patchwork. Patchwork offers a web
+interface which shows patch postings, any comments on a patch or
+revisions to it, and maintainers can mark patches as under review,
+accepted, or rejected. Most of these patchwork sites are listed at
+4.x -next kernel tree for integration tests
+Before updates from subsystem trees are merged into the mainline 4.x
+tree, they need to be integration-tested. For this purpose, a special
+testing repository exists into which virtually all subsystem trees are
+pulled on an almost daily basis:
+This way, the -next kernel gives a summary outlook onto what will be
+expected to go into the mainline kernel at the next merge period.
+Adventurous testers are very welcome to runtime-test the -next kernel.
+Bug Reporting
+ is where the Linux kernel developers track kernel
+bugs. Users are encouraged to report all bugs that they find in this
+tool. For details on how to use the kernel bugzilla, please see:
+The file admin-guide/reporting-bugs.rst in the main kernel source directory has a good
+template for how to report a possible kernel bug, and details what kind
+of information is needed by the kernel developers to help track down the
+Managing bug reports
+One of the best ways to put into practice your hacking skills is by fixing
+bugs reported by other people. Not only you will help to make the kernel
+more stable, you'll learn to fix real world problems and you will improve
+your skills, and other developers will be aware of your presence. Fixing
+bugs is one of the best ways to get merits among other developers, because
+not many people like wasting time fixing other people's bugs.
+To work in the already reported bug reports, go to
+If you want to be advised of the future bug reports, you can subscribe to the
+bugme-new mailing list (only new bug reports are mailed here) or to the
+bugme-janitor mailing list (every change in the bugzilla is mailed here)
+Mailing lists
+As some of the above documents describe, the majority of the core kernel
+developers participate on the Linux Kernel Mailing list. Details on how
+to subscribe and unsubscribe from the list can be found at:
+There are archives of the mailing list on the web in many different
+places. Use a search engine to find these archives. For example:
+It is highly recommended that you search the archives about the topic
+you want to bring up, before you post it to the list. A lot of things
+already discussed in detail are only recorded at the mailing list
+Most of the individual kernel subsystems also have their own separate
+mailing list where they do their development efforts. See the
+MAINTAINERS file for a list of what these lists are for the different
+Many of the lists are hosted on Information on them can be
+found at:
+Please remember to follow good behavioral habits when using the lists.
+Though a bit cheesy, the following URL has some simple guidelines for
+interacting with the list (or any list):
+If multiple people respond to your mail, the CC: list of recipients may
+get pretty large. Don't remove anybody from the CC: list without a good
+reason, or don't reply only to the list address. Get used to receiving the
+mail twice, one from the sender and the one from the list, and don't try
+to tune that by adding fancy mail-headers, people will not like it.
+Remember to keep the context and the attribution of your replies intact,
+keep the "John Kernelhacker wrote ...:" lines at the top of your reply, and
+add your statements between the individual quoted sections instead of
+writing at the top of the mail.
+If you add patches to your mail, make sure they are plain readable text
+as stated in Documentation/process/submitting-patches.rst.
+Kernel developers don't want to deal with
+attachments or compressed patches; they may want to comment on
+individual lines of your patch, which works only that way. Make sure you
+use a mail program that does not mangle spaces and tab characters. A
+good first test is to send the mail to yourself and try to apply your
+own patch by yourself. If that doesn't work, get your mail program fixed
+or change it until it works.
+Above all, please remember to show respect to other subscribers.
+Working with the community
+The goal of the kernel community is to provide the best possible kernel
+there is. When you submit a patch for acceptance, it will be reviewed
+on its technical merits and those alone. So, what should you be
+ - criticism
+ - comments
+ - requests for change
+ - requests for justification
+ - silence
+Remember, this is part of getting your patch into the kernel. You have
+to be able to take criticism and comments about your patches, evaluate
+them at a technical level and either rework your patches or provide
+clear and concise reasoning as to why those changes should not be made.
+If there are no responses to your posting, wait a few days and try
+again, sometimes things get lost in the huge volume.
+What should you not do?
+ - expect your patch to be accepted without question
+ - become defensive
+ - ignore comments
+ - resubmit the patch without making any of the requested changes
+In a community that is looking for the best technical solution possible,
+there will always be differing opinions on how beneficial a patch is.
+You have to be cooperative, and willing to adapt your idea to fit within
+the kernel. Or at least be willing to prove your idea is worth it.
+Remember, being wrong is acceptable as long as you are willing to work
+toward a solution that is right.
+It is normal that the answers to your first patch might simply be a list
+of a dozen things you should correct. This does **not** imply that your
+patch will not be accepted, and it is **not** meant against you
+personally. Simply correct all issues raised against your patch and
+resend it.
+Differences between the kernel community and corporate structures
+The kernel community works differently than most traditional corporate
+development environments. Here are a list of things that you can try to
+do to avoid problems:
+ Good things to say regarding your proposed changes:
+ - "This solves multiple problems."
+ - "This deletes 2000 lines of code."
+ - "Here is a patch that explains what I am trying to describe."
+ - "I tested it on 5 different architectures..."
+ - "Here is a series of small patches that..."
+ - "This increases performance on typical machines..."
+ Bad things you should avoid saying:
+ - "We did it this way in AIX/ptx/Solaris, so therefore it must be
+ good..."
+ - "I've being doing this for 20 years, so..."
+ - "This is required for my company to make money"
+ - "This is for our Enterprise product line."
+ - "Here is my 1000 page design document that describes my idea"
+ - "I've been working on this for 6 months..."
+ - "Here's a 5000 line patch that..."
+ - "I rewrote all of the current mess, and here it is..."
+ - "I have a deadline, and this patch needs to be applied now."
+Another way the kernel community is different than most traditional
+software engineering work environments is the faceless nature of
+interaction. One benefit of using email and irc as the primary forms of
+communication is the lack of discrimination based on gender or race.
+The Linux kernel work environment is accepting of women and minorities
+because all you are is an email address. The international aspect also
+helps to level the playing field because you can't guess gender based on
+a person's name. A man may be named Andrea and a woman may be named Pat.
+Most women who have worked in the Linux kernel and have expressed an
+opinion have had positive experiences.
+The language barrier can cause problems for some people who are not
+comfortable with English. A good grasp of the language can be needed in
+order to get ideas across properly on mailing lists, so it is
+recommended that you check your emails to make sure they make sense in
+English before sending them.
+Break up your changes
+The Linux kernel community does not gladly accept large chunks of code
+dropped on it all at once. The changes need to be properly introduced,
+discussed, and broken up into tiny, individual portions. This is almost
+the exact opposite of what companies are used to doing. Your proposal
+should also be introduced very early in the development process, so that
+you can receive feedback on what you are doing. It also lets the
+community feel that you are working with them, and not simply using them
+as a dumping ground for your feature. However, don't send 50 emails at
+one time to a mailing list, your patch series should be smaller than
+that almost all of the time.
+The reasons for breaking things up are the following:
+1) Small patches increase the likelihood that your patches will be
+ applied, since they don't take much time or effort to verify for
+ correctness. A 5 line patch can be applied by a maintainer with
+ barely a second glance. However, a 500 line patch may take hours to
+ review for correctness (the time it takes is exponentially
+ proportional to the size of the patch, or something).
+ Small patches also make it very easy to debug when something goes
+ wrong. It's much easier to back out patches one by one than it is
+ to dissect a very large patch after it's been applied (and broken
+ something).
+2) It's important not only to send small patches, but also to rewrite
+ and simplify (or simply re-order) patches before submitting them.
+Here is an analogy from kernel developer Al Viro:
+ *"Think of a teacher grading homework from a math student. The
+ teacher does not want to see the student's trials and errors
+ before they came up with the solution. They want to see the
+ cleanest, most elegant answer. A good student knows this, and
+ would never submit her intermediate work before the final
+ solution.*
+ *The same is true of kernel development. The maintainers and
+ reviewers do not want to see the thought process behind the
+ solution to the problem one is solving. They want to see a
+ simple and elegant solution."*
+It may be challenging to keep the balance between presenting an elegant
+solution and working together with the community and discussing your
+unfinished work. Therefore it is good to get early in the process to
+get feedback to improve your work, but also keep your changes in small
+chunks that they may get already accepted, even when your whole task is
+not ready for inclusion now.
+Also realize that it is not acceptable to send patches for inclusion
+that are unfinished and will be "fixed up later."
+Justify your change
+Along with breaking up your patches, it is very important for you to let
+the Linux community know why they should add this change. New features
+must be justified as being needed and useful.
+Document your change
+When sending in your patches, pay special attention to what you say in
+the text in your email. This information will become the ChangeLog
+information for the patch, and will be preserved for everyone to see for
+all time. It should describe the patch completely, containing:
+ - why the change is necessary
+ - the overall design approach in the patch
+ - implementation details
+ - testing results
+For more details on what this should all look like, please see the
+ChangeLog section of the document:
+ "The Perfect Patch"
+All of these things are sometimes very hard to do. It can take years to
+perfect these practices (if at all). It's a continuous process of
+improvement that requires a lot of patience and determination. But
+don't give up, it's possible. Many have done it before, and each had to
+start exactly where you are now.
+Thanks to Paolo Ciarrocchi who allowed the "Development Process"
+( section
+to be based on text he had written, and to Randy Dunlap and Gerrit
+Huizenga for some of the list of things you should and should not say.
+Also thanks to Pat Mochel, Hanna Linder, Randy Dunlap, Kay Sievers,
+Vojtech Pavlik, Jan Kara, Josh Boyer, Kees Cook, Andrew Morton, Andi
+Kleen, Vadim Lobanov, Jesper Juhl, Adrian Bunk, Keri Harris, Frans Pop,
+David A. Wheeler, Junio Hamano, Michael Kerrisk, and Alex Shepard for
+their review, comments, and contributions. Without their help, this
+document would not have been possible.
+Maintainer: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
diff --git a/Documentation/process/index.rst b/Documentation/process/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6ee818752474
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+.. raw:: latex
+ \renewcommand\thesection*
+ \renewcommand\thesubsection*
+Linux Kernel Development Documentation
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ howto
+ changes
+ coding-style
+ submitting-patches
+ submitting-drivers
+ stable-api-nonsense
+ management-style
+ stable-kernel-rules
+ kernel-docs
+ applying-patches
+ email-clients
+ submit-checklist
+ code-of-conflict
+ adding-syscalls
+ magic-number
+ volatile-considered-harmful
+ development-process
diff --git a/Documentation/process/kernel-docs.rst b/Documentation/process/kernel-docs.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..05a7857a4a83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/kernel-docs.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+.. _kernel_docs:
+Index of Documentation for People Interested in Writing and/or Understanding the Linux Kernel
+ Juan-Mariano de Goyeneche <>
+The need for a document like this one became apparent in the
+linux-kernel mailing list as the same questions, asking for pointers
+to information, appeared again and again.
+Fortunately, as more and more people get to GNU/Linux, more and more
+get interested in the Kernel. But reading the sources is not always
+enough. It is easy to understand the code, but miss the concepts, the
+philosophy and design decisions behind this code.
+Unfortunately, not many documents are available for beginners to
+start. And, even if they exist, there was no "well-known" place which
+kept track of them. These lines try to cover this lack. All documents
+available on line known by the author are listed, while some reference
+books are also mentioned.
+PLEASE, if you know any paper not listed here or write a new document,
+send me an e-mail, and I'll include a reference to it here. Any
+corrections, ideas or comments are also welcomed.
+The papers that follow are listed in no particular order. All are
+cataloged with the following fields: the document's "Title", the
+"Author"/s, the "URL" where they can be found, some "Keywords" helpful
+when searching for specific topics, and a brief "Description" of the
+.. note::
+ The documents on each section of this document are ordered by its
+ published date, from the newest to the oldest.
+Docs at the Linux Kernel tree
+The DocBook books should be built with ``make {htmldocs | psdocs | pdfdocs}``.
+The Sphinx books should be built with ``make {htmldocs | pdfdocs | epubdocs}``.
+ * Name: **linux/Documentation**
+ :Author: Many.
+ :Location: Documentation/
+ :Keywords: text files, Sphinx, DocBook.
+ :Description: Documentation that comes with the kernel sources,
+ inside the Documentation directory. Some pages from this document
+ (including this document itself) have been moved there, and might
+ be more up to date than the web version.
+ * Title: **The Kernel Hacking HOWTO**
+ :Author: Various Talented People, and Rusty.
+ :Location: Documentation/DocBook/kernel-hacking.tmpl
+ :Keywords: HOWTO, kernel contexts, deadlock, locking, modules,
+ symbols, return conventions.
+ :Description: From the Introduction: "Please understand that I
+ never wanted to write this document, being grossly underqualified,
+ but I always wanted to read it, and this was the only way. I
+ simply explain some best practices, and give reading entry-points
+ into the kernel sources. I avoid implementation details: that's
+ what the code is for, and I ignore whole tracts of useful
+ routines. This document assumes familiarity with C, and an
+ understanding of what the kernel is, and how it is used. It was
+ originally written for the 2.3 kernels, but nearly all of it
+ applies to 2.2 too; 2.0 is slightly different".
+ * Title: **Linux Kernel Locking HOWTO**
+ :Author: Various Talented People, and Rusty.
+ :Location: Documentation/DocBook/kernel-locking.tmpl
+ :Keywords: locks, locking, spinlock, semaphore, atomic, race
+ condition, bottom halves, tasklets, softirqs.
+ :Description: The title says it all: document describing the
+ locking system in the Linux Kernel either in uniprocessor or SMP
+ systems.
+ :Notes: "It was originally written for the later (>2.3.47) 2.3
+ kernels, but most of it applies to 2.2 too; 2.0 is slightly
+ different". Freely redistributable under the conditions of the GNU
+ General Public License.
+On-line docs
+ * Title: **Linux Kernel Mailing List Glossary**
+ :Author: various
+ :URL:
+ :Date: rolling version
+ :Keywords: glossary, terms, linux-kernel.
+ :Description: From the introduction: "This glossary is intended as
+ a brief description of some of the acronyms and terms you may hear
+ during discussion of the Linux kernel".
+ * Title: **Tracing the Way of Data in a TCP Connection through the Linux Kernel**
+ :Author: Richard Sailer
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 2016
+ :Keywords: Linux Kernel Networking, TCP, tracing, ftrace
+ :Description: A seminar paper explaining ftrace and how to use it for
+ understanding linux kernel internals,
+ illustrated at tracing the way of a TCP packet through the kernel.
+ :Abstract: *This short paper outlines the usage of ftrace a tracing framework
+ as a tool to understand a running Linux system.
+ Having obtained a trace-log a kernel hacker can read and understand
+ source code more determined and with context.
+ In a detailed example this approach is demonstrated in tracing
+ and the way of data in a TCP Connection through the kernel.
+ Finally this trace-log is used as base for more a exact conceptual
+ exploration and description of the Linux TCP/IP implementation.*
+ * Title: **On submitting kernel Patches**
+ :Author: Andi Kleen
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 2008
+ :Keywords: patches, review process, types of submissions, basic rules, case studies
+ :Description: This paper gives several experience values on what types of patches
+ there are and how likley they get merged.
+ :Abstract:
+ [...]. This paper examines some common problems for
+ submitting larger changes and some strategies to avoid problems.
+ * Title: **Overview of the Virtual File System**
+ :Author: Richard Gooch.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 2007
+ :Keywords: VFS, File System, mounting filesystems, opening files,
+ dentries, dcache.
+ :Description: Brief introduction to the Linux Virtual File System.
+ What is it, how it works, operations taken when opening a file or
+ mounting a file system and description of important data
+ structures explaining the purpose of each of their entries.
+ * Title: **Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition**
+ :Author: Jonathan Corbet, Alessandro Rubini, Greg Kroah-Hartman
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 2005
+ :Description: A 600-page book covering the (2.6.10) driver
+ programming API and kernel hacking in general. Available under the
+ Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.
+ :note: You can also :ref:`purchase a copy from O'Reilly or elsewhere <ldd3_published>`.
+ * Title: **Writing an ALSA Driver**
+ :Author: Takashi Iwai <>
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 2005
+ :Keywords: ALSA, sound, soundcard, driver, lowlevel, hardware.
+ :Description: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture for developers,
+ both at kernel and user-level sides. ALSA is the Linux kernel
+ sound architecture in the 2.6 kernel version.
+ * Title: **Linux PCMCIA Programmer's Guide**
+ :Author: David Hinds.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 2003
+ :Keywords: PCMCIA.
+ :Description: "This document describes how to write kernel device
+ drivers for the Linux PCMCIA Card Services interface. It also
+ describes how to write user-mode utilities for communicating with
+ Card Services.
+ * Title: **Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide**
+ :Author: Ori Pomerantz.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 2001
+ :Keywords: modules, GPL book, /proc, ioctls, system calls,
+ interrupt handlers .
+ :Description: Very nice 92 pages GPL book on the topic of modules
+ programming. Lots of examples.
+ * Title: **Global spinlock list and usage**
+ :Author: Rick Lindsley.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 2001
+ :Keywords: spinlock.
+ :Description: This is an attempt to document both the existence and
+ usage of the spinlocks in the Linux 2.4.5 kernel. Comprehensive
+ list of spinlocks showing when they are used, which functions
+ access them, how each lock is acquired, under what conditions it
+ is held, whether interrupts can occur or not while it is held...
+ * Title: **A Linux vm README**
+ :Author: Kanoj Sarcar.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 2001
+ :Keywords: virtual memory, mm, pgd, vma, page, page flags, page
+ cache, swap cache, kswapd.
+ :Description: Telegraphic, short descriptions and definitions
+ relating the Linux virtual memory implementation.
+ * Title: **Video4linux Drivers, Part 1: Video-Capture Device**
+ :Author: Alan Cox.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 2000
+ :Keywords: video4linux, driver, video capture, capture devices,
+ camera driver.
+ :Description: The title says it all.
+ * Title: **Video4linux Drivers, Part 2: Video-capture Devices**
+ :Author: Alan Cox.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 2000
+ :Keywords: video4linux, driver, video capture, capture devices,
+ camera driver, control, query capabilities, capability, facility.
+ :Description: The title says it all.
+ * Title: **Linux IP Networking. A Guide to the Implementation and Modification of the Linux Protocol Stack.**
+ :Author: Glenn Herrin.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 2000
+ :Keywords: network, networking, protocol, IP, UDP, TCP, connection,
+ socket, receiving, transmitting, forwarding, routing, packets,
+ modules, /proc, sk_buff, FIB, tags.
+ :Description: Excellent paper devoted to the Linux IP Networking,
+ explaining anything from the kernel's to the user space
+ configuration tools' code. Very good to get a general overview of
+ the kernel networking implementation and understand all steps
+ packets follow from the time they are received at the network
+ device till they are delivered to applications. The studied kernel
+ code is from 2.2.14 version. Provides code for a working packet
+ dropper example.
+ * Title: **How To Make Sure Your Driver Will Work On The Power Macintosh**
+ :Author: Paul Mackerras.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 1999
+ :Keywords: Mac, Power Macintosh, porting, drivers, compatibility.
+ :Description: The title says it all.
+ * Title: **An Introduction to SCSI Drivers**
+ :Author: Alan Cox.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 1999
+ :Keywords: SCSI, device, driver.
+ :Description: The title says it all.
+ * Title: **Advanced SCSI Drivers And Other Tales**
+ :Author: Alan Cox.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 1999
+ :Keywords: SCSI, device, driver, advanced.
+ :Description: The title says it all.
+ * Title: **Writing Linux Mouse Drivers**
+ :Author: Alan Cox.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 1999
+ :Keywords: mouse, driver, gpm.
+ :Description: The title says it all.
+ * Title: **More on Mouse Drivers**
+ :Author: Alan Cox.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 1999
+ :Keywords: mouse, driver, gpm, races, asynchronous I/O.
+ :Description: The title still says it all.
+ * Title: **Writing Video4linux Radio Driver**
+ :Author: Alan Cox.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 1999
+ :Keywords: video4linux, driver, radio, radio devices.
+ :Description: The title says it all.
+ * Title: **I/O Event Handling Under Linux**
+ :Author: Richard Gooch.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 1999
+ :Keywords: IO, I/O, select(2), poll(2), FDs, aio_read(2), readiness
+ event queues.
+ :Description: From the Introduction: "I/O Event handling is about
+ how your Operating System allows you to manage a large number of
+ open files (file descriptors in UNIX/POSIX, or FDs) in your
+ application. You want the OS to notify you when FDs become active
+ (have data ready to be read or are ready for writing). Ideally you
+ want a mechanism that is scalable. This means a large number of
+ inactive FDs cost very little in memory and CPU time to manage".
+ * Title: **(nearly) Complete Linux Loadable Kernel Modules. The definitive guide for hackers, virus coders and system administrators.**
+ :Author: pragmatic/THC.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 1999
+ :Keywords: syscalls, intercept, hide, abuse, symbol table.
+ :Description: Interesting paper on how to abuse the Linux kernel in
+ order to intercept and modify syscalls, make
+ files/directories/processes invisible, become root, hijack ttys,
+ write kernel modules based virus... and solutions for admins to
+ avoid all those abuses.
+ :Notes: For 2.0.x kernels. Gives guidances to port it to 2.2.x
+ kernels.
+ * Name: **Linux Virtual File System**
+ :Author: Peter J. Braam.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 1998
+ :Keywords: slides, VFS, inode, superblock, dentry, dcache.
+ :Description: Set of slides, presumably from a presentation on the
+ Linux VFS layer. Covers version 2.1.x, with dentries and the
+ dcache.
+ * Title: **The Venus kernel interface**
+ :Author: Peter J. Braam.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 1998
+ :Keywords: coda, filesystem, venus, cache manager.
+ :Description: "This document describes the communication between
+ Venus and kernel level file system code needed for the operation
+ of the Coda filesystem. This version document is meant to describe
+ the current interface (version 1.0) as well as improvements we
+ envisage".
+ * Title: **Design and Implementation of the Second Extended Filesystem**
+ :Author: Rémy Card, Theodore Ts'o, Stephen Tweedie.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 1998
+ :Keywords: ext2, linux fs history, inode, directory, link, devices,
+ VFS, physical structure, performance, benchmarks, ext2fs library,
+ ext2fs tools, e2fsck.
+ :Description: Paper written by three of the top ext2 hackers.
+ Covers Linux filesystems history, ext2 motivation, ext2 features,
+ design, physical structure on disk, performance, benchmarks,
+ e2fsck's passes description... A must read!
+ :Notes: This paper was first published in the Proceedings of the
+ First Dutch International Symposium on Linux, ISBN 90-367-0385-9.
+ * Title: **The Linux RAID-1, 4, 5 Code**
+ :Author: Ingo Molnar, Gadi Oxman and Miguel de Icaza.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 1997
+ :Keywords: RAID, MD driver.
+ :Description: Linux Journal Kernel Korner article. Here is its
+ :Abstract: *A description of the implementation of the RAID-1,
+ RAID-4 and RAID-5 personalities of the MD device driver in the
+ Linux kernel, providing users with high performance and reliable,
+ secondary-storage capability using software*.
+ * Title: **Linux Kernel Hackers' Guide**
+ :Author: Michael K. Johnson.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 1997
+ :Keywords: device drivers, files, VFS, kernel interface, character vs
+ block devices, hardware interrupts, scsi, DMA, access to user memory,
+ memory allocation, timers.
+ :Description: A guide designed to help you get up to speed on the
+ concepts that are not intuitevly obvious, and to document the internal
+ structures of Linux.
+ * Title: **Dynamic Kernels: Modularized Device Drivers**
+ :Author: Alessandro Rubini.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 1996
+ :Keywords: device driver, module, loading/unloading modules,
+ allocating resources.
+ :Description: Linux Journal Kernel Korner article. Here is its
+ :Abstract: *This is the first of a series of four articles
+ co-authored by Alessandro Rubini and Georg Zezchwitz which present
+ a practical approach to writing Linux device drivers as kernel
+ loadable modules. This installment presents an introduction to the
+ topic, preparing the reader to understand next month's
+ installment*.
+ * Title: **Dynamic Kernels: Discovery**
+ :Author: Alessandro Rubini.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 1996
+ :Keywords: character driver, init_module, clean_up module,
+ autodetection, mayor number, minor number, file operations,
+ open(), close().
+ :Description: Linux Journal Kernel Korner article. Here is its
+ :Abstract: *This article, the second of four, introduces part of
+ the actual code to create custom module implementing a character
+ device driver. It describes the code for module initialization and
+ cleanup, as well as the open() and close() system calls*.
+ * Title: **The Devil's in the Details**
+ :Author: Georg v. Zezschwitz and Alessandro Rubini.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 1996
+ :Keywords: read(), write(), select(), ioctl(), blocking/non
+ blocking mode, interrupt handler.
+ :Description: Linux Journal Kernel Korner article. Here is its
+ :Abstract: *This article, the third of four on writing character
+ device drivers, introduces concepts of reading, writing, and using
+ ioctl-calls*.
+ * Title: **Dissecting Interrupts and Browsing DMA**
+ :Author: Alessandro Rubini and Georg v. Zezschwitz.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 1996
+ :Keywords: interrupts, irqs, DMA, bottom halves, task queues.
+ :Description: Linux Journal Kernel Korner article. Here is its
+ :Abstract: *This is the fourth in a series of articles about
+ writing character device drivers as loadable kernel modules. This
+ month, we further investigate the field of interrupt handling.
+ Though it is conceptually simple, practical limitations and
+ constraints make this an ''interesting'' part of device driver
+ writing, and several different facilities have been provided for
+ different situations. We also investigate the complex topic of
+ DMA*.
+ * Title: **Device Drivers Concluded**
+ :Author: Georg v. Zezschwitz.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 1996
+ :Keywords: address spaces, pages, pagination, page management,
+ demand loading, swapping, memory protection, memory mapping, mmap,
+ virtual memory areas (VMAs), vremap, PCI.
+ :Description: Finally, the above turned out into a five articles
+ series. This latest one's introduction reads: "This is the last of
+ five articles about character device drivers. In this final
+ section, Georg deals with memory mapping devices, beginning with
+ an overall description of the Linux memory management concepts".
+ * Title: **Network Buffers And Memory Management**
+ :Author: Alan Cox.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 1996
+ :Keywords: sk_buffs, network devices, protocol/link layer
+ variables, network devices flags, transmit, receive,
+ configuration, multicast.
+ :Description: Linux Journal Kernel Korner.
+ :Abstract: *Writing a network device driver for Linux is fundamentally
+ simple---most of the complexity (other than talking to the
+ hardware) involves managing network packets in memory*.
+ * Title: **Analysis of the Ext2fs structure**
+ :Author: Louis-Dominique Dubeau.
+ :URL:
+ :Date: 1994
+ :Keywords: ext2, filesystem, ext2fs.
+ :Description: Description of ext2's blocks, directories, inodes,
+ bitmaps, invariants...
+Published books
+ * Title: **Linux Treiber entwickeln**
+ :Author: Jürgen Quade, Eva-Katharina Kunst
+ :Publisher: dpunkt.verlag
+ :Date: Oct 2015 (4th edition)
+ :Pages: 688
+ :ISBN: 978-3-86490-288-8
+ :Note: German. The third edition from 2011 is
+ much cheaper and still quite up-to-date.
+ * Title: **Linux Kernel Networking: Implementation and Theory**
+ :Author: Rami Rosen
+ :Publisher: Apress
+ :Date: December 22, 2013
+ :Pages: 648
+ :ISBN: 978-1430261964
+ * Title: **Embedded Linux Primer: A practical Real-World Approach, 2nd Edition**
+ :Author: Christopher Hallinan
+ :Publisher: Pearson
+ :Date: November, 2010
+ :Pages: 656
+ :ISBN: 978-0137017836
+ * Title: **Linux Kernel Development, 3rd Edition**
+ :Author: Robert Love
+ :Publisher: Addison-Wesley
+ :Date: July, 2010
+ :Pages: 440
+ :ISBN: 978-0672329463
+ * Title: **Essential Linux Device Drivers**
+ :Author: Sreekrishnan Venkateswaran
+ :Published: Prentice Hall
+ :Date: April, 2008
+ :Pages: 744
+ :ISBN: 978-0132396554
+.. _ldd3_published:
+ * Title: **Linux Device Drivers, 3rd Edition**
+ :Authors: Jonathan Corbet, Alessandro Rubini, and Greg Kroah-Hartman
+ :Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates
+ :Date: 2005
+ :Pages: 636
+ :ISBN: 0-596-00590-3
+ :Notes: Further information in
+ PDF format, URL:
+ * Title: **Linux Kernel Internals**
+ :Author: Michael Beck
+ :Publisher: Addison-Wesley
+ :Date: 1997
+ :ISBN: 0-201-33143-8 (second edition)
+ * Title: **Programmation Linux 2.0 API systeme et fonctionnement du noyau**
+ :Author: Remy Card, Eric Dumas, Franck Mevel
+ :Publisher: Eyrolles
+ :Date: 1997
+ :Pages: 520
+ :ISBN: 2-212-08932-5
+ :Notes: French
+ * Title: **The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD UNIX Operating System**
+ :Author: Marshall Kirk McKusick, Keith Bostic, Michael J. Karels,
+ John S. Quarterman
+ :Publisher: Addison-Wesley
+ :Date: 1996
+ :ISBN: 0-201-54979-4
+ * Title: **Unix internals -- the new frontiers**
+ :Author: Uresh Vahalia
+ :Publisher: Prentice Hall
+ :Date: 1996
+ :Pages: 600
+ :ISBN: 0-13-101908-2
+ * Title: **Programming for the real world - POSIX.4**
+ :Author: Bill O. Gallmeister
+ :Publisher: O'Reilly & Associates, Inc
+ :Date: 1995
+ :Pages: 552
+ :ISBN: I-56592-074-0
+ :Notes: Though not being directly about Linux, Linux aims to be
+ POSIX. Good reference.
+ * Title: **UNIX Systems for Modern Architectures: Symmetric Multiprocessing and Caching for Kernel Programmers**
+ :Author: Curt Schimmel
+ :Publisher: Addison Wesley
+ :Date: June, 1994
+ :Pages: 432
+ :ISBN: 0-201-63338-8
+ * Title: **The Design and Implementation of the 4.3 BSD UNIX Operating System**
+ :Author: Samuel J. Leffler, Marshall Kirk McKusick, Michael J
+ Karels, John S. Quarterman
+ :Publisher: Addison-Wesley
+ :Date: 1989 (reprinted with corrections on October, 1990)
+ :ISBN: 0-201-06196-1
+ * Title: **The Design of the UNIX Operating System**
+ :Author: Maurice J. Bach
+ :Publisher: Prentice Hall
+ :Date: 1986
+ :Pages: 471
+ :ISBN: 0-13-201757-1
+ * Name: **Cross-Referencing Linux**
+ :URL:
+ :Keywords: Browsing source code.
+ :Description: Another web-based Linux kernel source code browser.
+ Lots of cross references to variables and functions. You can see
+ where they are defined and where they are used.
+ * Name: **Linux Weekly News**
+ :URL:
+ :Keywords: latest kernel news.
+ :Description: The title says it all. There's a fixed kernel section
+ summarizing developers' work, bug fixes, new features and versions
+ produced during the week. Published every Thursday.
+ * Name: **The home page of Linux-MM**
+ :Author: The Linux-MM team.
+ :URL:
+ :Keywords: memory management, Linux-MM, mm patches, TODO, docs,
+ mailing list.
+ :Description: Site devoted to Linux Memory Management development.
+ Memory related patches, HOWTOs, links, mm developers... Don't miss
+ it if you are interested in memory management development!
+ * Name: **Kernel Newbies IRC Channel and Website**
+ :URL:
+ :Keywords: IRC, newbies, channel, asking doubts.
+ :Description: #kernelnewbies on
+ #kernelnewbies is an IRC network dedicated to the 'newbie'
+ kernel hacker. The audience mostly consists of people who are
+ learning about the kernel, working on kernel projects or
+ professional kernel hackers that want to help less seasoned kernel
+ people.
+ #kernelnewbies is on the OFTC IRC Network.
+ Try as your server and then /join #kernelnewbies.
+ The kernelnewbies website also hosts articles, documents, FAQs...
+ * Name: **linux-kernel mailing list archives and search engines**
+ :URL:
+ :URL:
+ :URL:
+ :Keywords: linux-kernel, archives, search.
+ :Description: Some of the linux-kernel mailing list archivers. If
+ you have a better/another one, please let me know.
+Document last updated on Tue 2016-Sep-20
+This document is based on:
diff --git a/Documentation/process/magic-number.rst b/Documentation/process/magic-number.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c74199f60c6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/magic-number.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+Linux magic numbers
+This file is a registry of magic numbers which are in use. When you
+add a magic number to a structure, you should also add it to this
+file, since it is best if the magic numbers used by various structures
+are unique.
+It is a **very** good idea to protect kernel data structures with magic
+numbers. This allows you to check at run time whether (a) a structure
+has been clobbered, or (b) you've passed the wrong structure to a
+routine. This last is especially useful --- particularly when you are
+passing pointers to structures via a void * pointer. The tty code,
+for example, does this frequently to pass driver-specific and line
+discipline-specific structures back and forth.
+The way to use magic numbers is to declare then at the beginning of
+the structure, like so::
+ struct tty_ldisc {
+ int magic;
+ ...
+ };
+Please follow this discipline when you are adding future enhancements
+to the kernel! It has saved me countless hours of debugging,
+especially in the screwy cases where an array has been overrun and
+structures following the array have been overwritten. Using this
+discipline, these cases get detected quickly and safely.
+ Theodore Ts'o
+ 31 Mar 94
+ The magic table is current to Linux 2.1.55.
+ Michael Chastain
+ <>
+ 22 Sep 1997
+ Now it should be up to date with Linux 2.1.112. Because
+ we are in feature freeze time it is very unlikely that
+ something will change before 2.2.x. The entries are
+ sorted by number field.
+ Krzysztof G. Baranowski
+ <mailto:>
+ 29 Jul 1998
+ Updated the magic table to Linux 2.5.45. Right over the feature freeze,
+ but it is possible that some new magic numbers will sneak into the
+ kernel before 2.6.x yet.
+ Petr Baudis
+ <>
+ 03 Nov 2002
+ Updated the magic table to Linux 2.5.74.
+ Fabian Frederick
+ <>
+ 09 Jul 2003
+===================== ================ ======================== ==========================================
+Magic Name Number Structure File
+===================== ================ ======================== ==========================================
+PG_MAGIC 'P' pg_{read,write}_hdr ``include/linux/pg.h``
+CMAGIC 0x0111 user ``include/linux/a.out.h``
+MKISS_DRIVER_MAGIC 0x04bf mkiss_channel ``drivers/net/mkiss.h``
+HDLC_MAGIC 0x239e n_hdlc ``drivers/char/n_hdlc.c``
+APM_BIOS_MAGIC 0x4101 apm_user ``arch/x86/kernel/apm_32.c``
+CYCLADES_MAGIC 0x4359 cyclades_port ``include/linux/cyclades.h``
+DB_MAGIC 0x4442 fc_info ``drivers/net/iph5526_novram.c``
+DL_MAGIC 0x444d fc_info ``drivers/net/iph5526_novram.c``
+FASYNC_MAGIC 0x4601 fasync_struct ``include/linux/fs.h``
+FF_MAGIC 0x4646 fc_info ``drivers/net/iph5526_novram.c``
+ISICOM_MAGIC 0x4d54 isi_port ``include/linux/isicom.h``
+PTY_MAGIC 0x5001 ``drivers/char/pty.c``
+PPP_MAGIC 0x5002 ppp ``include/linux/if_pppvar.h``
+SERIAL_MAGIC 0x5301 async_struct ``include/linux/serial.h``
+SSTATE_MAGIC 0x5302 serial_state ``include/linux/serial.h``
+SLIP_MAGIC 0x5302 slip ``drivers/net/slip.h``
+STRIP_MAGIC 0x5303 strip ``drivers/net/strip.c``
+X25_ASY_MAGIC 0x5303 x25_asy ``drivers/net/x25_asy.h``
+SIXPACK_MAGIC 0x5304 sixpack ``drivers/net/hamradio/6pack.h``
+AX25_MAGIC 0x5316 ax_disp ``drivers/net/mkiss.h``
+TTY_MAGIC 0x5401 tty_struct ``include/linux/tty.h``
+MGSL_MAGIC 0x5401 mgsl_info ``drivers/char/synclink.c``
+TTY_DRIVER_MAGIC 0x5402 tty_driver ``include/linux/tty_driver.h``
+MGSLPC_MAGIC 0x5402 mgslpc_info ``drivers/char/pcmcia/synclink_cs.c``
+TTY_LDISC_MAGIC 0x5403 tty_ldisc ``include/linux/tty_ldisc.h``
+USB_SERIAL_MAGIC 0x6702 usb_serial ``drivers/usb/serial/usb-serial.h``
+FULL_DUPLEX_MAGIC 0x6969 ``drivers/net/ethernet/dec/tulip/de2104x.c``
+USB_BLUETOOTH_MAGIC 0x6d02 usb_bluetooth ``drivers/usb/class/bluetty.c``
+RFCOMM_TTY_MAGIC 0x6d02 ``net/bluetooth/rfcomm/tty.c``
+USB_SERIAL_PORT_MAGIC 0x7301 usb_serial_port ``drivers/usb/serial/usb-serial.h``
+CG_MAGIC 0x00090255 ufs_cylinder_group ``include/linux/ufs_fs.h``
+RPORT_MAGIC 0x00525001 r_port ``drivers/char/rocket_int.h``
+LSEMAGIC 0x05091998 lse ``drivers/fc4/fc.c``
+GDTIOCTL_MAGIC 0x06030f07 gdth_iowr_str ``drivers/scsi/gdth_ioctl.h``
+RIEBL_MAGIC 0x09051990 ``drivers/net/atarilance.c``
+NBD_REQUEST_MAGIC 0x12560953 nbd_request ``include/linux/nbd.h``
+RED_MAGIC2 0x170fc2a5 (any) ``mm/slab.c``
+BAYCOM_MAGIC 0x19730510 baycom_state ``drivers/net/baycom_epp.c``
+ISDN_X25IFACE_MAGIC 0x1e75a2b9 isdn_x25iface_proto_data ``drivers/isdn/isdn_x25iface.h``
+ECP_MAGIC 0x21504345 cdkecpsig ``include/linux/cdk.h``
+LSOMAGIC 0x27091997 lso ``drivers/fc4/fc.c``
+LSMAGIC 0x2a3b4d2a ls ``drivers/fc4/fc.c``
+WANPIPE_MAGIC 0x414C4453 sdla_{dump,exec} ``include/linux/wanpipe.h``
+CS_CARD_MAGIC 0x43525553 cs_card ``sound/oss/cs46xx.c``
+LABELCL_MAGIC 0x4857434c labelcl_info_s ``include/asm/ia64/sn/labelcl.h``
+ISDN_ASYNC_MAGIC 0x49344C01 modem_info ``include/linux/isdn.h``
+CTC_ASYNC_MAGIC 0x49344C01 ctc_tty_info ``drivers/s390/net/ctctty.c``
+ISDN_NET_MAGIC 0x49344C02 isdn_net_local_s ``drivers/isdn/i4l/isdn_net_lib.h``
+SAVEKMSG_MAGIC2 0x4B4D5347 savekmsg ``arch/*/amiga/config.c``
+CS_STATE_MAGIC 0x4c4f4749 cs_state ``sound/oss/cs46xx.c``
+SLAB_C_MAGIC 0x4f17a36d kmem_cache ``mm/slab.c``
+COW_MAGIC 0x4f4f4f4d cow_header_v1 ``arch/um/drivers/ubd_user.c``
+I810_CARD_MAGIC 0x5072696E i810_card ``sound/oss/i810_audio.c``
+TRIDENT_CARD_MAGIC 0x5072696E trident_card ``sound/oss/trident.c``
+ROUTER_MAGIC 0x524d4157 wan_device [in ``wanrouter.h`` pre 3.9]
+SAVEKMSG_MAGIC1 0x53415645 savekmsg ``arch/*/amiga/config.c``
+GDA_MAGIC 0x58464552 gda ``arch/mips/include/asm/sn/gda.h``
+RED_MAGIC1 0x5a2cf071 (any) ``mm/slab.c``
+EEPROM_MAGIC_VALUE 0x5ab478d2 lanai_dev ``drivers/atm/lanai.c``
+HDLCDRV_MAGIC 0x5ac6e778 hdlcdrv_state ``include/linux/hdlcdrv.h``
+PCXX_MAGIC 0x5c6df104 channel ``drivers/char/pcxx.h``
+KV_MAGIC 0x5f4b565f kernel_vars_s ``arch/mips/include/asm/sn/klkernvars.h``
+I810_STATE_MAGIC 0x63657373 i810_state ``sound/oss/i810_audio.c``
+TRIDENT_STATE_MAGIC 0x63657373 trient_state ``sound/oss/trident.c``
+M3_CARD_MAGIC 0x646e6f50 m3_card ``sound/oss/maestro3.c``
+FW_HEADER_MAGIC 0x65726F66 fw_header ``drivers/atm/fore200e.h``
+SLOT_MAGIC 0x67267321 slot ``drivers/hotplug/cpqphp.h``
+SLOT_MAGIC 0x67267322 slot ``drivers/hotplug/acpiphp.h``
+LO_MAGIC 0x68797548 nbd_device ``include/linux/nbd.h``
+OPROFILE_MAGIC 0x6f70726f super_block ``drivers/oprofile/oprofilefs.h``
+M3_STATE_MAGIC 0x734d724d m3_state ``sound/oss/maestro3.c``
+VMALLOC_MAGIC 0x87654320 snd_alloc_track ``sound/core/memory.c``
+KMALLOC_MAGIC 0x87654321 snd_alloc_track ``sound/core/memory.c``
+PWC_MAGIC 0x89DC10AB pwc_device ``drivers/usb/media/pwc.h``
+NBD_REPLY_MAGIC 0x96744668 nbd_reply ``include/linux/nbd.h``
+ENI155_MAGIC 0xa54b872d midway_eprom ``drivers/atm/eni.h``
+CODA_MAGIC 0xC0DAC0DA coda_file_info ``fs/coda/coda_fs_i.h``
+DPMEM_MAGIC 0xc0ffee11 gdt_pci_sram ``drivers/scsi/gdth.h``
+YAM_MAGIC 0xF10A7654 yam_port ``drivers/net/hamradio/yam.c``
+CCB_MAGIC 0xf2691ad2 ccb ``drivers/scsi/ncr53c8xx.c``
+QUEUE_MAGIC_FREE 0xf7e1c9a3 queue_entry ``drivers/scsi/arm/queue.c``
+QUEUE_MAGIC_USED 0xf7e1cc33 queue_entry ``drivers/scsi/arm/queue.c``
+HTB_CMAGIC 0xFEFAFEF1 htb_class ``net/sched/sch_htb.c``
+NMI_MAGIC 0x48414d4d455201 nmi_s ``arch/mips/include/asm/sn/nmi.h``
+===================== ================ ======================== ==========================================
+Note that there are also defined special per-driver magic numbers in sound
+memory management. See ``include/sound/sndmagic.h`` for complete list of them. Many
+OSS sound drivers have their magic numbers constructed from the soundcard PCI
+ID - these are not listed here as well.
+IrDA subsystem also uses large number of own magic numbers, see
+``include/net/irda/irda.h`` for a complete list of them.
+HFS is another larger user of magic numbers - you can find them in
diff --git a/Documentation/process/management-style.rst b/Documentation/process/management-style.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..45595fd8a66b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/management-style.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+.. _managementstyle:
+Linux kernel management style
+This is a short document describing the preferred (or made up, depending
+on who you ask) management style for the linux kernel. It's meant to
+mirror the process/coding-style.rst document to some degree, and mainly written to
+avoid answering [#f1]_ the same (or similar) questions over and over again.
+Management style is very personal and much harder to quantify than
+simple coding style rules, so this document may or may not have anything
+to do with reality. It started as a lark, but that doesn't mean that it
+might not actually be true. You'll have to decide for yourself.
+Btw, when talking about "kernel manager", it's all about the technical
+lead persons, not the people who do traditional management inside
+companies. If you sign purchase orders or you have any clue about the
+budget of your group, you're almost certainly not a kernel manager.
+These suggestions may or may not apply to you.
+First off, I'd suggest buying "Seven Habits of Highly Effective
+People", and NOT read it. Burn it, it's a great symbolic gesture.
+.. [#f1] This document does so not so much by answering the question, but by
+ making it painfully obvious to the questioner that we don't have a clue
+ to what the answer is.
+Anyway, here goes:
+.. _decisions:
+1) Decisions
+Everybody thinks managers make decisions, and that decision-making is
+important. The bigger and more painful the decision, the bigger the
+manager must be to make it. That's very deep and obvious, but it's not
+actually true.
+The name of the game is to **avoid** having to make a decision. In
+particular, if somebody tells you "choose (a) or (b), we really need you
+to decide on this", you're in trouble as a manager. The people you
+manage had better know the details better than you, so if they come to
+you for a technical decision, you're screwed. You're clearly not
+competent to make that decision for them.
+(Corollary:if the people you manage don't know the details better than
+you, you're also screwed, although for a totally different reason.
+Namely that you are in the wrong job, and that **they** should be managing
+your brilliance instead).
+So the name of the game is to **avoid** decisions, at least the big and
+painful ones. Making small and non-consequential decisions is fine, and
+makes you look like you know what you're doing, so what a kernel manager
+needs to do is to turn the big and painful ones into small things where
+nobody really cares.
+It helps to realize that the key difference between a big decision and a
+small one is whether you can fix your decision afterwards. Any decision
+can be made small by just always making sure that if you were wrong (and
+you **will** be wrong), you can always undo the damage later by
+backtracking. Suddenly, you get to be doubly managerial for making
+**two** inconsequential decisions - the wrong one **and** the right one.
+And people will even see that as true leadership (*cough* bullshit
+Thus the key to avoiding big decisions becomes to just avoiding to do
+things that can't be undone. Don't get ushered into a corner from which
+you cannot escape. A cornered rat may be dangerous - a cornered manager
+is just pitiful.
+It turns out that since nobody would be stupid enough to ever really let
+a kernel manager have huge fiscal responsibility **anyway**, it's usually
+fairly easy to backtrack. Since you're not going to be able to waste
+huge amounts of money that you might not be able to repay, the only
+thing you can backtrack on is a technical decision, and there
+back-tracking is very easy: just tell everybody that you were an
+incompetent nincompoop, say you're sorry, and undo all the worthless
+work you had people work on for the last year. Suddenly the decision
+you made a year ago wasn't a big decision after all, since it could be
+easily undone.
+It turns out that some people have trouble with this approach, for two
+ - admitting you were an idiot is harder than it looks. We all like to
+ maintain appearances, and coming out in public to say that you were
+ wrong is sometimes very hard indeed.
+ - having somebody tell you that what you worked on for the last year
+ wasn't worthwhile after all can be hard on the poor lowly engineers
+ too, and while the actual **work** was easy enough to undo by just
+ deleting it, you may have irrevocably lost the trust of that
+ engineer. And remember: "irrevocable" was what we tried to avoid in
+ the first place, and your decision ended up being a big one after
+ all.
+Happily, both of these reasons can be mitigated effectively by just
+admitting up-front that you don't have a friggin' clue, and telling
+people ahead of the fact that your decision is purely preliminary, and
+might be the wrong thing. You should always reserve the right to change
+your mind, and make people very **aware** of that. And it's much easier
+to admit that you are stupid when you haven't **yet** done the really
+stupid thing.
+Then, when it really does turn out to be stupid, people just roll their
+eyes and say "Oops, he did it again".
+This preemptive admission of incompetence might also make the people who
+actually do the work also think twice about whether it's worth doing or
+not. After all, if **they** aren't certain whether it's a good idea, you
+sure as hell shouldn't encourage them by promising them that what they
+work on will be included. Make them at least think twice before they
+embark on a big endeavor.
+Remember: they'd better know more about the details than you do, and
+they usually already think they have the answer to everything. The best
+thing you can do as a manager is not to instill confidence, but rather a
+healthy dose of critical thinking on what they do.
+Btw, another way to avoid a decision is to plaintively just whine "can't
+we just do both?" and look pitiful. Trust me, it works. If it's not
+clear which approach is better, they'll eventually figure it out. The
+answer may end up being that both teams get so frustrated by the
+situation that they just give up.
+That may sound like a failure, but it's usually a sign that there was
+something wrong with both projects, and the reason the people involved
+couldn't decide was that they were both wrong. You end up coming up
+smelling like roses, and you avoided yet another decision that you could
+have screwed up on.
+2) People
+Most people are idiots, and being a manager means you'll have to deal
+with it, and perhaps more importantly, that **they** have to deal with
+It turns out that while it's easy to undo technical mistakes, it's not
+as easy to undo personality disorders. You just have to live with
+theirs - and yours.
+However, in order to prepare yourself as a kernel manager, it's best to
+remember not to burn any bridges, bomb any innocent villagers, or
+alienate too many kernel developers. It turns out that alienating people
+is fairly easy, and un-alienating them is hard. Thus "alienating"
+immediately falls under the heading of "not reversible", and becomes a
+no-no according to :ref:`decisions`.
+There's just a few simple rules here:
+ (1) don't call people d*ckheads (at least not in public)
+ (2) learn how to apologize when you forgot rule (1)
+The problem with #1 is that it's very easy to do, since you can say
+"you're a d*ckhead" in millions of different ways [#f2]_, sometimes without
+even realizing it, and almost always with a white-hot conviction that
+you are right.
+And the more convinced you are that you are right (and let's face it,
+you can call just about **anybody** a d*ckhead, and you often **will** be
+right), the harder it ends up being to apologize afterwards.
+To solve this problem, you really only have two options:
+ - get really good at apologies
+ - spread the "love" out so evenly that nobody really ends up feeling
+ like they get unfairly targeted. Make it inventive enough, and they
+ might even be amused.
+The option of being unfailingly polite really doesn't exist. Nobody will
+trust somebody who is so clearly hiding his true character.
+.. [#f2] Paul Simon sang "Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover", because quite
+ frankly, "A Million Ways to Tell a Developer He Is a D*ckhead" doesn't
+ scan nearly as well. But I'm sure he thought about it.
+3) People II - the Good Kind
+While it turns out that most people are idiots, the corollary to that is
+sadly that you are one too, and that while we can all bask in the secure
+knowledge that we're better than the average person (let's face it,
+nobody ever believes that they're average or below-average), we should
+also admit that we're not the sharpest knife around, and there will be
+other people that are less of an idiot than you are.
+Some people react badly to smart people. Others take advantage of them.
+Make sure that you, as a kernel maintainer, are in the second group.
+Suck up to them, because they are the people who will make your job
+easier. In particular, they'll be able to make your decisions for you,
+which is what the game is all about.
+So when you find somebody smarter than you are, just coast along. Your
+management responsibilities largely become ones of saying "Sounds like a
+good idea - go wild", or "That sounds good, but what about xxx?". The
+second version in particular is a great way to either learn something
+new about "xxx" or seem **extra** managerial by pointing out something the
+smarter person hadn't thought about. In either case, you win.
+One thing to look out for is to realize that greatness in one area does
+not necessarily translate to other areas. So you might prod people in
+specific directions, but let's face it, they might be good at what they
+do, and suck at everything else. The good news is that people tend to
+naturally gravitate back to what they are good at, so it's not like you
+are doing something irreversible when you **do** prod them in some
+direction, just don't push too hard.
+4) Placing blame
+Things will go wrong, and people want somebody to blame. Tag, you're it.
+It's not actually that hard to accept the blame, especially if people
+kind of realize that it wasn't **all** your fault. Which brings us to the
+best way of taking the blame: do it for another guy. You'll feel good
+for taking the fall, he'll feel good about not getting blamed, and the
+guy who lost his whole 36GB porn-collection because of your incompetence
+will grudgingly admit that you at least didn't try to weasel out of it.
+Then make the developer who really screwed up (if you can find him) know
+**in_private** that he screwed up. Not just so he can avoid it in the
+future, but so that he knows he owes you one. And, perhaps even more
+importantly, he's also likely the person who can fix it. Because, let's
+face it, it sure ain't you.
+Taking the blame is also why you get to be manager in the first place.
+It's part of what makes people trust you, and allow you the potential
+glory, because you're the one who gets to say "I screwed up". And if
+you've followed the previous rules, you'll be pretty good at saying that
+by now.
+5) Things to avoid
+There's one thing people hate even more than being called "d*ckhead",
+and that is being called a "d*ckhead" in a sanctimonious voice. The
+first you can apologize for, the second one you won't really get the
+chance. They likely will no longer be listening even if you otherwise
+do a good job.
+We all think we're better than anybody else, which means that when
+somebody else puts on airs, it **really** rubs us the wrong way. You may
+be morally and intellectually superior to everybody around you, but
+don't try to make it too obvious unless you really **intend** to irritate
+somebody [#f3]_.
+Similarly, don't be too polite or subtle about things. Politeness easily
+ends up going overboard and hiding the problem, and as they say, "On the
+internet, nobody can hear you being subtle". Use a big blunt object to
+hammer the point in, because you can't really depend on people getting
+your point otherwise.
+Some humor can help pad both the bluntness and the moralizing. Going
+overboard to the point of being ridiculous can drive a point home
+without making it painful to the recipient, who just thinks you're being
+silly. It can thus help get through the personal mental block we all
+have about criticism.
+.. [#f3] Hint: internet newsgroups that are not directly related to your work
+ are great ways to take out your frustrations at other people. Write
+ insulting posts with a sneer just to get into a good flame every once in
+ a while, and you'll feel cleansed. Just don't crap too close to home.
+6) Why me?
+Since your main responsibility seems to be to take the blame for other
+peoples mistakes, and make it painfully obvious to everybody else that
+you're incompetent, the obvious question becomes one of why do it in the
+first place?
+First off, while you may or may not get screaming teenage girls (or
+boys, let's not be judgmental or sexist here) knocking on your dressing
+room door, you **will** get an immense feeling of personal accomplishment
+for being "in charge". Never mind the fact that you're really leading
+by trying to keep up with everybody else and running after them as fast
+as you can. Everybody will still think you're the person in charge.
+It's a great job if you can hack it.
diff --git a/Documentation/process/stable-api-nonsense.rst b/Documentation/process/stable-api-nonsense.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..24f5aeecee91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/stable-api-nonsense.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+.. _stable_api_nonsense:
+The Linux Kernel Driver Interface
+(all of your questions answered and then some)
+Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
+This is being written to try to explain why Linux **does not have a binary
+kernel interface, nor does it have a stable kernel interface**.
+.. note::
+ Please realize that this article describes the **in kernel** interfaces, not
+ the kernel to userspace interfaces.
+ The kernel to userspace interface is the one that application programs use,
+ the syscall interface. That interface is **very** stable over time, and
+ will not break. I have old programs that were built on a pre 0.9something
+ kernel that still work just fine on the latest 2.6 kernel release.
+ That interface is the one that users and application programmers can count
+ on being stable.
+Executive Summary
+You think you want a stable kernel interface, but you really do not, and
+you don't even know it. What you want is a stable running driver, and
+you get that only if your driver is in the main kernel tree. You also
+get lots of other good benefits if your driver is in the main kernel
+tree, all of which has made Linux into such a strong, stable, and mature
+operating system which is the reason you are using it in the first
+It's only the odd person who wants to write a kernel driver that needs
+to worry about the in-kernel interfaces changing. For the majority of
+the world, they neither see this interface, nor do they care about it at
+First off, I'm not going to address **any** legal issues about closed
+source, hidden source, binary blobs, source wrappers, or any other term
+that describes kernel drivers that do not have their source code
+released under the GPL. Please consult a lawyer if you have any legal
+questions, I'm a programmer and hence, I'm just going to be describing
+the technical issues here (not to make light of the legal issues, they
+are real, and you do need to be aware of them at all times.)
+So, there are two main topics here, binary kernel interfaces and stable
+kernel source interfaces. They both depend on each other, but we will
+discuss the binary stuff first to get it out of the way.
+Binary Kernel Interface
+Assuming that we had a stable kernel source interface for the kernel, a
+binary interface would naturally happen too, right? Wrong. Please
+consider the following facts about the Linux kernel:
+ - Depending on the version of the C compiler you use, different kernel
+ data structures will contain different alignment of structures, and
+ possibly include different functions in different ways (putting
+ functions inline or not.) The individual function organization
+ isn't that important, but the different data structure padding is
+ very important.
+ - Depending on what kernel build options you select, a wide range of
+ different things can be assumed by the kernel:
+ - different structures can contain different fields
+ - Some functions may not be implemented at all, (i.e. some locks
+ compile away to nothing for non-SMP builds.)
+ - Memory within the kernel can be aligned in different ways,
+ depending on the build options.
+ - Linux runs on a wide range of different processor architectures.
+ There is no way that binary drivers from one architecture will run
+ on another architecture properly.
+Now a number of these issues can be addressed by simply compiling your
+module for the exact specific kernel configuration, using the same exact
+C compiler that the kernel was built with. This is sufficient if you
+want to provide a module for a specific release version of a specific
+Linux distribution. But multiply that single build by the number of
+different Linux distributions and the number of different supported
+releases of the Linux distribution and you quickly have a nightmare of
+different build options on different releases. Also realize that each
+Linux distribution release contains a number of different kernels, all
+tuned to different hardware types (different processor types and
+different options), so for even a single release you will need to create
+multiple versions of your module.
+Trust me, you will go insane over time if you try to support this kind
+of release, I learned this the hard way a long time ago...
+Stable Kernel Source Interfaces
+This is a much more "volatile" topic if you talk to people who try to
+keep a Linux kernel driver that is not in the main kernel tree up to
+date over time.
+Linux kernel development is continuous and at a rapid pace, never
+stopping to slow down. As such, the kernel developers find bugs in
+current interfaces, or figure out a better way to do things. If they do
+that, they then fix the current interfaces to work better. When they do
+so, function names may change, structures may grow or shrink, and
+function parameters may be reworked. If this happens, all of the
+instances of where this interface is used within the kernel are fixed up
+at the same time, ensuring that everything continues to work properly.
+As a specific examples of this, the in-kernel USB interfaces have
+undergone at least three different reworks over the lifetime of this
+subsystem. These reworks were done to address a number of different
+ - A change from a synchronous model of data streams to an asynchronous
+ one. This reduced the complexity of a number of drivers and
+ increased the throughput of all USB drivers such that we are now
+ running almost all USB devices at their maximum speed possible.
+ - A change was made in the way data packets were allocated from the
+ USB core by USB drivers so that all drivers now needed to provide
+ more information to the USB core to fix a number of documented
+ deadlocks.
+This is in stark contrast to a number of closed source operating systems
+which have had to maintain their older USB interfaces over time. This
+provides the ability for new developers to accidentally use the old
+interfaces and do things in improper ways, causing the stability of the
+operating system to suffer.
+In both of these instances, all developers agreed that these were
+important changes that needed to be made, and they were made, with
+relatively little pain. If Linux had to ensure that it will preserve a
+stable source interface, a new interface would have been created, and
+the older, broken one would have had to be maintained over time, leading
+to extra work for the USB developers. Since all Linux USB developers do
+their work on their own time, asking programmers to do extra work for no
+gain, for free, is not a possibility.
+Security issues are also very important for Linux. When a
+security issue is found, it is fixed in a very short amount of time. A
+number of times this has caused internal kernel interfaces to be
+reworked to prevent the security problem from occurring. When this
+happens, all drivers that use the interfaces were also fixed at the
+same time, ensuring that the security problem was fixed and could not
+come back at some future time accidentally. If the internal interfaces
+were not allowed to change, fixing this kind of security problem and
+insuring that it could not happen again would not be possible.
+Kernel interfaces are cleaned up over time. If there is no one using a
+current interface, it is deleted. This ensures that the kernel remains
+as small as possible, and that all potential interfaces are tested as
+well as they can be (unused interfaces are pretty much impossible to
+test for validity.)
+What to do
+So, if you have a Linux kernel driver that is not in the main kernel
+tree, what are you, a developer, supposed to do? Releasing a binary
+driver for every different kernel version for every distribution is a
+nightmare, and trying to keep up with an ever changing kernel interface
+is also a rough job.
+Simple, get your kernel driver into the main kernel tree (remember we
+are talking about GPL released drivers here, if your code doesn't fall
+under this category, good luck, you are on your own here, you leech
+<insert link to leech comment from Andrew and Linus here>.) If your
+driver is in the tree, and a kernel interface changes, it will be fixed
+up by the person who did the kernel change in the first place. This
+ensures that your driver is always buildable, and works over time, with
+very little effort on your part.
+The very good side effects of having your driver in the main kernel tree
+ - The quality of the driver will rise as the maintenance costs (to the
+ original developer) will decrease.
+ - Other developers will add features to your driver.
+ - Other people will find and fix bugs in your driver.
+ - Other people will find tuning opportunities in your driver.
+ - Other people will update the driver for you when external interface
+ changes require it.
+ - The driver automatically gets shipped in all Linux distributions
+ without having to ask the distros to add it.
+As Linux supports a larger number of different devices "out of the box"
+than any other operating system, and it supports these devices on more
+different processor architectures than any other operating system, this
+proven type of development model must be doing something right :)
+Thanks to Randy Dunlap, Andrew Morton, David Brownell, Hanna Linder,
+Robert Love, and Nishanth Aravamudan for their review and comments on
+early drafts of this paper.
diff --git a/Documentation/process/stable-kernel-rules.rst b/Documentation/process/stable-kernel-rules.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..11ec2d93a5e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/stable-kernel-rules.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+.. _stable_kernel_rules:
+Everything you ever wanted to know about Linux -stable releases
+Rules on what kind of patches are accepted, and which ones are not, into the
+"-stable" tree:
+ - It must be obviously correct and tested.
+ - It cannot be bigger than 100 lines, with context.
+ - It must fix only one thing.
+ - It must fix a real bug that bothers people (not a, "This could be a
+ problem..." type thing).
+ - It must fix a problem that causes a build error (but not for things
+ marked CONFIG_BROKEN), an oops, a hang, data corruption, a real
+ security issue, or some "oh, that's not good" issue. In short, something
+ critical.
+ - Serious issues as reported by a user of a distribution kernel may also
+ be considered if they fix a notable performance or interactivity issue.
+ As these fixes are not as obvious and have a higher risk of a subtle
+ regression they should only be submitted by a distribution kernel
+ maintainer and include an addendum linking to a bugzilla entry if it
+ exists and additional information on the user-visible impact.
+ - New device IDs and quirks are also accepted.
+ - No "theoretical race condition" issues, unless an explanation of how the
+ race can be exploited is also provided.
+ - It cannot contain any "trivial" fixes in it (spelling changes,
+ whitespace cleanups, etc).
+ - It must follow the
+ :ref:`Documentation/process/submitting-patches.rst <submittingpatches>`
+ rules.
+ - It or an equivalent fix must already exist in Linus' tree (upstream).
+Procedure for submitting patches to the -stable tree
+ - If the patch covers files in net/ or drivers/net please follow netdev stable
+ submission guidelines as described in
+ Documentation/networking/netdev-FAQ.txt
+ - Security patches should not be handled (solely) by the -stable review
+ process but should follow the procedures in
+ :ref:`Documentation/admin-guide/security-bugs.rst <securitybugs>`.
+For all other submissions, choose one of the following procedures
+.. _option_1:
+Option 1
+To have the patch automatically included in the stable tree, add the tag
+.. code-block:: none
+ Cc:
+in the sign-off area. Once the patch is merged it will be applied to
+the stable tree without anything else needing to be done by the author
+or subsystem maintainer.
+.. _option_2:
+Option 2
+After the patch has been merged to Linus' tree, send an email to containing the subject of the patch, the commit ID,
+why you think it should be applied, and what kernel version you wish it to
+be applied to.
+.. _option_3:
+Option 3
+Send the patch, after verifying that it follows the above rules, to You must note the upstream commit ID in the
+changelog of your submission, as well as the kernel version you wish
+it to be applied to.
+:ref:`option_1` is **strongly** preferred, is the easiest and most common.
+:ref:`option_2` and :ref:`option_3` are more useful if the patch isn't deemed
+worthy at the time it is applied to a public git tree (for instance, because
+it deserves more regression testing first). :ref:`option_3` is especially
+useful if the patch needs some special handling to apply to an older kernel
+(e.g., if API's have changed in the meantime).
+Note that for :ref:`option_3`, if the patch deviates from the original
+upstream patch (for example because it had to be backported) this must be very
+clearly documented and justified in the patch description.
+The upstream commit ID must be specified with a separate line above the commit
+text, like this:
+.. code-block:: none
+ commit <sha1> upstream.
+Additionally, some patches submitted via Option 1 may have additional patch
+prerequisites which can be cherry-picked. This can be specified in the following
+format in the sign-off area:
+.. code-block:: none
+ Cc: <> # 3.3.x: a1f84a3: sched: Check for idle
+ Cc: <> # 3.3.x: 1b9508f: sched: Rate-limit newidle
+ Cc: <> # 3.3.x: fd21073: sched: Fix affinity logic
+ Cc: <> # 3.3.x
+ Signed-off-by: Ingo Molnar <>
+The tag sequence has the meaning of:
+.. code-block:: none
+ git cherry-pick a1f84a3
+ git cherry-pick 1b9508f
+ git cherry-pick fd21073
+ git cherry-pick <this commit>
+Also, some patches may have kernel version prerequisites. This can be
+specified in the following format in the sign-off area:
+.. code-block:: none
+ Cc: <> # 3.3.x-
+The tag has the meaning of:
+.. code-block:: none
+ git cherry-pick <this commit>
+For each "-stable" tree starting with the specified version.
+Following the submission:
+ - The sender will receive an ACK when the patch has been accepted into the
+ queue, or a NAK if the patch is rejected. This response might take a few
+ days, according to the developer's schedules.
+ - If accepted, the patch will be added to the -stable queue, for review by
+ other developers and by the relevant subsystem maintainer.
+Review cycle
+ - When the -stable maintainers decide for a review cycle, the patches will be
+ sent to the review committee, and the maintainer of the affected area of
+ the patch (unless the submitter is the maintainer of the area) and CC: to
+ the linux-kernel mailing list.
+ - The review committee has 48 hours in which to ACK or NAK the patch.
+ - If the patch is rejected by a member of the committee, or linux-kernel
+ members object to the patch, bringing up issues that the maintainers and
+ members did not realize, the patch will be dropped from the queue.
+ - At the end of the review cycle, the ACKed patches will be added to the
+ latest -stable release, and a new -stable release will happen.
+ - Security patches will be accepted into the -stable tree directly from the
+ security kernel team, and not go through the normal review cycle.
+ Contact the kernel security team for more details on this procedure.
+ - The queues of patches, for both completed versions and in progress
+ versions can be found at:
+ - The finalized and tagged releases of all stable kernels can be found
+ in separate branches per version at:
+Review committee
+ - This is made up of a number of kernel developers who have volunteered for
+ this task, and a few that haven't.
diff --git a/Documentation/process/submit-checklist.rst b/Documentation/process/submit-checklist.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a0d9d34bfb6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/submit-checklist.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+.. _submitchecklist:
+Linux Kernel patch submission checklist
+Here are some basic things that developers should do if they want to see their
+kernel patch submissions accepted more quickly.
+These are all above and beyond the documentation that is provided in
+:ref:`Documentation/process/submitting-patches.rst <submittingpatches>`
+and elsewhere regarding submitting Linux kernel patches.
+1) If you use a facility then #include the file that defines/declares
+ that facility. Don't depend on other header files pulling in ones
+ that you use.
+2) Builds cleanly:
+ a) with applicable or modified ``CONFIG`` options ``=y``, ``=m``, and
+ ``=n``. No ``gcc`` warnings/errors, no linker warnings/errors.
+ b) Passes ``allnoconfig``, ``allmodconfig``
+ c) Builds successfully when using ``O=builddir``
+3) Builds on multiple CPU architectures by using local cross-compile tools
+ or some other build farm.
+4) ppc64 is a good architecture for cross-compilation checking because it
+ tends to use ``unsigned long`` for 64-bit quantities.
+5) Check your patch for general style as detailed in
+ :ref:`Documentation/process/coding-style.rst <codingstyle>`.
+ Check for trivial violations with the patch style checker prior to
+ submission (``scripts/``).
+ You should be able to justify all violations that remain in
+ your patch.
+6) Any new or modified ``CONFIG`` options don't muck up the config menu.
+7) All new ``Kconfig`` options have help text.
+8) Has been carefully reviewed with respect to relevant ``Kconfig``
+ combinations. This is very hard to get right with testing -- brainpower
+ pays off here.
+9) Check cleanly with sparse.
+10) Use ``make checkstack`` and ``make namespacecheck`` and fix any problems
+ that they find.
+ .. note::
+ ``checkstack`` does not point out problems explicitly,
+ but any one function that uses more than 512 bytes on the stack is a
+ candidate for change.
+11) Include :ref:`kernel-doc <kernel_doc>` to document global kernel APIs.
+ (Not required for static functions, but OK there also.) Use
+ ``make htmldocs`` or ``make pdfdocs`` to check the
+ :ref:`kernel-doc <kernel_doc>` and fix any issues.
+12) Has been tested with ``CONFIG_PREEMPT``, ``CONFIG_DEBUG_PREEMPT``,
+ simultaneously enabled.
+13) Has been build- and runtime tested with and without ``CONFIG_SMP`` and
+14) If the patch affects IO/Disk, etc: has been tested with and without
+15) All codepaths have been exercised with all lockdep features enabled.
+16) All new ``/proc`` entries are documented under ``Documentation/``
+17) All new kernel boot parameters are documented in
+ ``Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.rst``.
+18) All new module parameters are documented with ``MODULE_PARM_DESC()``
+19) All new userspace interfaces are documented in ``Documentation/ABI/``.
+ See ``Documentation/ABI/README`` for more information.
+ Patches that change userspace interfaces should be CCed to
+20) Check that it all passes ``make headers_check``.
+21) Has been checked with injection of at least slab and page-allocation
+ failures. See ``Documentation/fault-injection/``.
+ If the new code is substantial, addition of subsystem-specific fault
+ injection might be appropriate.
+22) Newly-added code has been compiled with ``gcc -W`` (use
+ ``make EXTRA_CFLAGS=-W``). This will generate lots of noise, but is good
+ for finding bugs like "warning: comparison between signed and unsigned".
+23) Tested after it has been merged into the -mm patchset to make sure
+ that it still works with all of the other queued patches and various
+ changes in the VM, VFS, and other subsystems.
+24) All memory barriers {e.g., ``barrier()``, ``rmb()``, ``wmb()``} need a
+ comment in the source code that explains the logic of what they are doing
+ and why.
+25) If any ioctl's are added by the patch, then also update
+ ``Documentation/ioctl/ioctl-number.txt``.
+26) If your modified source code depends on or uses any of the kernel
+ APIs or features that are related to the following ``Kconfig`` symbols,
+ then test multiple builds with the related ``Kconfig`` symbols disabled
+ and/or ``=m`` (if that option is available) [not all of these at the
+ same time, just various/random combinations of them]:
+ ``CONFIG_NET``, ``CONFIG_INET=n`` (but latter with ``CONFIG_NET=y``).
diff --git a/Documentation/process/submitting-drivers.rst b/Documentation/process/submitting-drivers.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0939d018c289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/submitting-drivers.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+.. _submittingdrivers:
+Submitting Drivers For The Linux Kernel
+This document is intended to explain how to submit device drivers to the
+various kernel trees. Note that if you are interested in video card drivers
+you should probably talk to XFree86 ( and/or X.Org
+( instead.
+Also read the Documentation/process/submitting-patches.rst document.
+Allocating Device Numbers
+Major and minor numbers for block and character devices are allocated
+by the Linux assigned name and number authority (currently this is
+Torben Mathiasen). The site is This
+also deals with allocating numbers for devices that are not going to
+be submitted to the mainstream kernel.
+See Documentation/admin-guide/devices.rst for more information on this.
+If you don't use assigned numbers then when your device is submitted it will
+be given an assigned number even if that is different from values you may
+have shipped to customers before.
+Who To Submit Drivers To
+Linux 2.0:
+ No new drivers are accepted for this kernel tree.
+Linux 2.2:
+ No new drivers are accepted for this kernel tree.
+Linux 2.4:
+ If the code area has a general maintainer then please submit it to
+ the maintainer listed in MAINTAINERS in the kernel file. If the
+ maintainer does not respond or you cannot find the appropriate
+ maintainer then please contact Willy Tarreau <>.
+Linux 2.6 and upper:
+ The same rules apply as 2.4 except that you should follow linux-kernel
+ to track changes in API's. The final contact point for Linux 2.6+
+ submissions is Andrew Morton.
+What Criteria Determine Acceptance
+ The code must be released to us under the
+ GNU General Public License. We don't insist on any kind
+ of exclusive GPL licensing, and if you wish the driver
+ to be useful to other communities such as BSD you may well
+ wish to release under multiple licenses.
+ See accepted licenses at include/linux/module.h
+ The copyright owner must agree to use of GPL.
+ It's best if the submitter and copyright owner
+ are the same person/entity. If not, the name of
+ the person/entity authorizing use of GPL should be
+ listed in case it's necessary to verify the will of
+ the copyright owner.
+ If your driver uses existing interfaces and behaves like
+ other drivers in the same class it will be much more likely
+ to be accepted than if it invents gratuitous new ones.
+ If you need to implement a common API over Linux and NT
+ drivers do it in userspace.
+ Please use the Linux style of code formatting as documented
+ in :ref:`Documentation/process/coding-style.rst <codingStyle>`.
+ If you have sections of code
+ that need to be in other formats, for example because they
+ are shared with a windows driver kit and you want to
+ maintain them just once separate them out nicely and note
+ this fact.
+ Pointers are not always 32bits, not all computers are little
+ endian, people do not all have floating point and you
+ shouldn't use inline x86 assembler in your driver without
+ careful thought. Pure x86 drivers generally are not popular.
+ If you only have x86 hardware it is hard to test portability
+ but it is easy to make sure the code can easily be made
+ portable.
+ It helps if anyone can see how to fix the driver. It helps
+ you because you get patches not bug reports. If you submit a
+ driver that intentionally obfuscates how the hardware works
+ it will go in the bitbucket.
+PM support:
+ Since Linux is used on many portable and desktop systems, your
+ driver is likely to be used on such a system and therefore it
+ should support basic power management by implementing, if
+ necessary, the .suspend and .resume methods used during the
+ system-wide suspend and resume transitions. You should verify
+ that your driver correctly handles the suspend and resume, but
+ if you are unable to ensure that, please at least define the
+ .suspend method returning the -ENOSYS ("Function not
+ implemented") error. You should also try to make sure that your
+ driver uses as little power as possible when it's not doing
+ anything. For the driver testing instructions see
+ Documentation/power/drivers-testing.txt and for a relatively
+ complete overview of the power management issues related to
+ drivers see Documentation/power/admin-guide/devices.rst .
+ In general if there is active maintenance of a driver by
+ the author then patches will be redirected to them unless
+ they are totally obvious and without need of checking.
+ If you want to be the contact and update point for the
+ driver it is a good idea to state this in the comments,
+ and include an entry in MAINTAINERS for your driver.
+What Criteria Do Not Determine Acceptance
+ Being the hardware vendor and maintaining the driver is
+ often a good thing. If there is a stable working driver from
+ other people already in the tree don't expect 'we are the
+ vendor' to get your driver chosen. Ideally work with the
+ existing driver author to build a single perfect driver.
+ It doesn't matter if a large Linux company wrote the driver,
+ or you did. Nobody has any special access to the kernel
+ tree. Anyone who tells you otherwise isn't telling the
+ whole story.
+Linux kernel master tree:
+ ftp.\ *country_code*\
+ where *country_code* == your country code, such as
+ **us**, **uk**, **fr**, etc.
+Linux kernel mailing list:
+ [mail to subscribe]
+Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition (covers 2.6.10):
+ (free version)
+ Weekly summary of kernel development activity -
+ 2.6 API changes:
+ Porting drivers from prior kernels to 2.6:
+ Documentation and assistance for new kernel programmers
+Linux USB project:
+How to NOT write kernel driver by Arjan van de Ven:
+Kernel Janitor:
+GIT, Fast Version Control System:
diff --git a/Documentation/process/submitting-patches.rst b/Documentation/process/submitting-patches.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b4cf8f375184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/submitting-patches.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,840 @@
+.. _submittingpatches:
+How to Get Your Change Into the Linux Kernel or Care And Operation Of Your Linus Torvalds
+For a person or company who wishes to submit a change to the Linux
+kernel, the process can sometimes be daunting if you're not familiar
+with "the system." This text is a collection of suggestions which
+can greatly increase the chances of your change being accepted.
+This document contains a large number of suggestions in a relatively terse
+format. For detailed information on how the kernel development process
+works, see :ref:`Documentation/process <development_process_main>`.
+Also, read :ref:`Documentation/process/submit-checklist.rst <submitchecklist>`
+for a list of items to check before
+submitting code. If you are submitting a driver, also read
+:ref:`Documentation/process/submitting-drivers.rst <submittingdrivers>`;
+for device tree binding patches, read
+Many of these steps describe the default behavior of the ``git`` version
+control system; if you use ``git`` to prepare your patches, you'll find much
+of the mechanical work done for you, though you'll still need to prepare
+and document a sensible set of patches. In general, use of ``git`` will make
+your life as a kernel developer easier.
+Creating and Sending your Change
+0) Obtain a current source tree
+If you do not have a repository with the current kernel source handy, use
+``git`` to obtain one. You'll want to start with the mainline repository,
+which can be grabbed with::
+ git clone git://
+Note, however, that you may not want to develop against the mainline tree
+directly. Most subsystem maintainers run their own trees and want to see
+patches prepared against those trees. See the **T:** entry for the subsystem
+in the MAINTAINERS file to find that tree, or simply ask the maintainer if
+the tree is not listed there.
+It is still possible to download kernel releases via tarballs (as described
+in the next section), but that is the hard way to do kernel development.
+1) ``diff -up``
+If you must generate your patches by hand, use ``diff -up`` or ``diff -uprN``
+to create patches. Git generates patches in this form by default; if
+you're using ``git``, you can skip this section entirely.
+All changes to the Linux kernel occur in the form of patches, as
+generated by :manpage:`diff(1)`. When creating your patch, make sure to
+create it in "unified diff" format, as supplied by the ``-u`` argument
+to :manpage:`diff(1)`.
+Also, please use the ``-p`` argument which shows which C function each
+change is in - that makes the resultant ``diff`` a lot easier to read.
+Patches should be based in the root kernel source directory,
+not in any lower subdirectory.
+To create a patch for a single file, it is often sufficient to do::
+ SRCTREE= linux
+ MYFILE= drivers/net/mydriver.c
+ cp $MYFILE $MYFILE.orig
+ vi $MYFILE # make your change
+ cd ..
+ diff -up $SRCTREE/$MYFILE{.orig,} > /tmp/patch
+To create a patch for multiple files, you should unpack a "vanilla",
+or unmodified kernel source tree, and generate a ``diff`` against your
+own source tree. For example::
+ MYSRC= /devel/linux
+ tar xvfz linux-3.19.tar.gz
+ mv linux-3.19 linux-3.19-vanilla
+ diff -uprN -X linux-3.19-vanilla/Documentation/dontdiff \
+ linux-3.19-vanilla $MYSRC > /tmp/patch
+``dontdiff`` is a list of files which are generated by the kernel during
+the build process, and should be ignored in any :manpage:`diff(1)`-generated
+Make sure your patch does not include any extra files which do not
+belong in a patch submission. Make sure to review your patch -after-
+generating it with :manpage:`diff(1)`, to ensure accuracy.
+If your changes produce a lot of deltas, you need to split them into
+individual patches which modify things in logical stages; see
+:ref:`split_changes`. This will facilitate review by other kernel developers,
+very important if you want your patch accepted.
+If you're using ``git``, ``git rebase -i`` can help you with this process. If
+you're not using ``git``, ``quilt`` <>
+is another popular alternative.
+.. _describe_changes:
+2) Describe your changes
+Describe your problem. Whether your patch is a one-line bug fix or
+5000 lines of a new feature, there must be an underlying problem that
+motivated you to do this work. Convince the reviewer that there is a
+problem worth fixing and that it makes sense for them to read past the
+first paragraph.
+Describe user-visible impact. Straight up crashes and lockups are
+pretty convincing, but not all bugs are that blatant. Even if the
+problem was spotted during code review, describe the impact you think
+it can have on users. Keep in mind that the majority of Linux
+installations run kernels from secondary stable trees or
+vendor/product-specific trees that cherry-pick only specific patches
+from upstream, so include anything that could help route your change
+downstream: provoking circumstances, excerpts from dmesg, crash
+descriptions, performance regressions, latency spikes, lockups, etc.
+Quantify optimizations and trade-offs. If you claim improvements in
+performance, memory consumption, stack footprint, or binary size,
+include numbers that back them up. But also describe non-obvious
+costs. Optimizations usually aren't free but trade-offs between CPU,
+memory, and readability; or, when it comes to heuristics, between
+different workloads. Describe the expected downsides of your
+optimization so that the reviewer can weigh costs against benefits.
+Once the problem is established, describe what you are actually doing
+about it in technical detail. It's important to describe the change
+in plain English for the reviewer to verify that the code is behaving
+as you intend it to.
+The maintainer will thank you if you write your patch description in a
+form which can be easily pulled into Linux's source code management
+system, ``git``, as a "commit log". See :ref:`explicit_in_reply_to`.
+Solve only one problem per patch. If your description starts to get
+long, that's a sign that you probably need to split up your patch.
+See :ref:`split_changes`.
+When you submit or resubmit a patch or patch series, include the
+complete patch description and justification for it. Don't just
+say that this is version N of the patch (series). Don't expect the
+subsystem maintainer to refer back to earlier patch versions or referenced
+URLs to find the patch description and put that into the patch.
+I.e., the patch (series) and its description should be self-contained.
+This benefits both the maintainers and reviewers. Some reviewers
+probably didn't even receive earlier versions of the patch.
+Describe your changes in imperative mood, e.g. "make xyzzy do frotz"
+instead of "[This patch] makes xyzzy do frotz" or "[I] changed xyzzy
+to do frotz", as if you are giving orders to the codebase to change
+its behaviour.
+If the patch fixes a logged bug entry, refer to that bug entry by
+number and URL. If the patch follows from a mailing list discussion,
+give a URL to the mailing list archive; use the
+redirector with a ``Message-Id``, to ensure that the links cannot become
+However, try to make your explanation understandable without external
+resources. In addition to giving a URL to a mailing list archive or
+bug, summarize the relevant points of the discussion that led to the
+patch as submitted.
+If you want to refer to a specific commit, don't just refer to the
+SHA-1 ID of the commit. Please also include the oneline summary of
+the commit, to make it easier for reviewers to know what it is about.
+ Commit e21d2170f36602ae2708 ("video: remove unnecessary
+ platform_set_drvdata()") removed the unnecessary
+ platform_set_drvdata(), but left the variable "dev" unused,
+ delete it.
+You should also be sure to use at least the first twelve characters of the
+SHA-1 ID. The kernel repository holds a *lot* of objects, making
+collisions with shorter IDs a real possibility. Bear in mind that, even if
+there is no collision with your six-character ID now, that condition may
+change five years from now.
+If your patch fixes a bug in a specific commit, e.g. you found an issue using
+``git bisect``, please use the 'Fixes:' tag with the first 12 characters of
+the SHA-1 ID, and the one line summary. For example::
+ Fixes: e21d2170f366 ("video: remove unnecessary platform_set_drvdata()")
+The following ``git config`` settings can be used to add a pretty format for
+outputting the above style in the ``git log`` or ``git show`` commands::
+ [core]
+ abbrev = 12
+ [pretty]
+ fixes = Fixes: %h (\"%s\")
+.. _split_changes:
+3) Separate your changes
+Separate each **logical change** into a separate patch.
+For example, if your changes include both bug fixes and performance
+enhancements for a single driver, separate those changes into two
+or more patches. If your changes include an API update, and a new
+driver which uses that new API, separate those into two patches.
+On the other hand, if you make a single change to numerous files,
+group those changes into a single patch. Thus a single logical change
+is contained within a single patch.
+The point to remember is that each patch should make an easily understood
+change that can be verified by reviewers. Each patch should be justifiable
+on its own merits.
+If one patch depends on another patch in order for a change to be
+complete, that is OK. Simply note **"this patch depends on patch X"**
+in your patch description.
+When dividing your change into a series of patches, take special care to
+ensure that the kernel builds and runs properly after each patch in the
+series. Developers using ``git bisect`` to track down a problem can end up
+splitting your patch series at any point; they will not thank you if you
+introduce bugs in the middle.
+If you cannot condense your patch set into a smaller set of patches,
+then only post say 15 or so at a time and wait for review and integration.
+4) Style-check your changes
+Check your patch for basic style violations, details of which can be
+found in
+:ref:`Documentation/process/coding-style.rst <codingstyle>`.
+Failure to do so simply wastes
+the reviewers time and will get your patch rejected, probably
+without even being read.
+One significant exception is when moving code from one file to
+another -- in this case you should not modify the moved code at all in
+the same patch which moves it. This clearly delineates the act of
+moving the code and your changes. This greatly aids review of the
+actual differences and allows tools to better track the history of
+the code itself.
+Check your patches with the patch style checker prior to submission
+(scripts/ Note, though, that the style checker should be
+viewed as a guide, not as a replacement for human judgment. If your code
+looks better with a violation then its probably best left alone.
+The checker reports at three levels:
+ - ERROR: things that are very likely to be wrong
+ - WARNING: things requiring careful review
+ - CHECK: things requiring thought
+You should be able to justify all violations that remain in your
+5) Select the recipients for your patch
+You should always copy the appropriate subsystem maintainer(s) on any patch
+to code that they maintain; look through the MAINTAINERS file and the
+source code revision history to see who those maintainers are. The
+script scripts/ can be very useful at this step. If you
+cannot find a maintainer for the subsystem you are working on, Andrew
+Morton ( serves as a maintainer of last resort.
+You should also normally choose at least one mailing list to receive a copy
+of your patch set. functions as a list of
+last resort, but the volume on that list has caused a number of developers
+to tune it out. Look in the MAINTAINERS file for a subsystem-specific
+list; your patch will probably get more attention there. Please do not
+spam unrelated lists, though.
+Many kernel-related lists are hosted on; you can find a
+list of them at There are
+kernel-related lists hosted elsewhere as well, though.
+Do not send more than 15 patches at once to the vger mailing lists!!!
+Linus Torvalds is the final arbiter of all changes accepted into the
+Linux kernel. His e-mail address is <>.
+He gets a lot of e-mail, and, at this point, very few patches go through
+Linus directly, so typically you should do your best to -avoid-
+sending him e-mail.
+If you have a patch that fixes an exploitable security bug, send that patch
+to For severe bugs, a short embargo may be considered
+to allow distributors to get the patch out to users; in such cases,
+obviously, the patch should not be sent to any public lists.
+Patches that fix a severe bug in a released kernel should be directed
+toward the stable maintainers by putting a line like this::
+ Cc:
+into the sign-off area of your patch (note, NOT an email recipient). You
+should also read
+:ref:`Documentation/process/stable-kernel-rules.rst <stable_kernel_rules>`
+in addition to this file.
+Note, however, that some subsystem maintainers want to come to their own
+conclusions on which patches should go to the stable trees. The networking
+maintainer, in particular, would rather not see individual developers
+adding lines like the above to their patches.
+If changes affect userland-kernel interfaces, please send the MAN-PAGES
+maintainer (as listed in the MAINTAINERS file) a man-pages patch, or at
+least a notification of the change, so that some information makes its way
+into the manual pages. User-space API changes should also be copied to
+For small patches you may want to CC the Trivial Patch Monkey which collects "trivial" patches. Have a look
+into the MAINTAINERS file for its current manager.
+Trivial patches must qualify for one of the following rules:
+- Spelling fixes in documentation
+- Spelling fixes for errors which could break :manpage:`grep(1)`
+- Warning fixes (cluttering with useless warnings is bad)
+- Compilation fixes (only if they are actually correct)
+- Runtime fixes (only if they actually fix things)
+- Removing use of deprecated functions/macros
+- Contact detail and documentation fixes
+- Non-portable code replaced by portable code (even in arch-specific,
+ since people copy, as long as it's trivial)
+- Any fix by the author/maintainer of the file (ie. patch monkey
+ in re-transmission mode)
+6) No MIME, no links, no compression, no attachments. Just plain text
+Linus and other kernel developers need to be able to read and comment
+on the changes you are submitting. It is important for a kernel
+developer to be able to "quote" your changes, using standard e-mail
+tools, so that they may comment on specific portions of your code.
+For this reason, all patches should be submitted by e-mail "inline".
+.. warning::
+ Be wary of your editor's word-wrap corrupting your patch,
+ if you choose to cut-n-paste your patch.
+Do not attach the patch as a MIME attachment, compressed or not.
+Many popular e-mail applications will not always transmit a MIME
+attachment as plain text, making it impossible to comment on your
+code. A MIME attachment also takes Linus a bit more time to process,
+decreasing the likelihood of your MIME-attached change being accepted.
+Exception: If your mailer is mangling patches then someone may ask
+you to re-send them using MIME.
+See :ref:`Documentation/process/email-clients.rst <email_clients>`
+for hints about configuring your e-mail client so that it sends your patches
+7) E-mail size
+Large changes are not appropriate for mailing lists, and some
+maintainers. If your patch, uncompressed, exceeds 300 kB in size,
+it is preferred that you store your patch on an Internet-accessible
+server, and provide instead a URL (link) pointing to your patch. But note
+that if your patch exceeds 300 kB, it almost certainly needs to be broken up
+8) Respond to review comments
+Your patch will almost certainly get comments from reviewers on ways in
+which the patch can be improved. You must respond to those comments;
+ignoring reviewers is a good way to get ignored in return. Review comments
+or questions that do not lead to a code change should almost certainly
+bring about a comment or changelog entry so that the next reviewer better
+understands what is going on.
+Be sure to tell the reviewers what changes you are making and to thank them
+for their time. Code review is a tiring and time-consuming process, and
+reviewers sometimes get grumpy. Even in that case, though, respond
+politely and address the problems they have pointed out.
+9) Don't get discouraged - or impatient
+After you have submitted your change, be patient and wait. Reviewers are
+busy people and may not get to your patch right away.
+Once upon a time, patches used to disappear into the void without comment,
+but the development process works more smoothly than that now. You should
+receive comments within a week or so; if that does not happen, make sure
+that you have sent your patches to the right place. Wait for a minimum of
+one week before resubmitting or pinging reviewers - possibly longer during
+busy times like merge windows.
+10) Include PATCH in the subject
+Due to high e-mail traffic to Linus, and to linux-kernel, it is common
+convention to prefix your subject line with [PATCH]. This lets Linus
+and other kernel developers more easily distinguish patches from other
+e-mail discussions.
+11) Sign your work
+To improve tracking of who did what, especially with patches that can
+percolate to their final resting place in the kernel through several
+layers of maintainers, we've introduced a "sign-off" procedure on
+patches that are being emailed around.
+The sign-off is a simple line at the end of the explanation for the
+patch, which certifies that you wrote it or otherwise have the right to
+pass it on as an open-source patch. The rules are pretty simple: if you
+can certify the below:
+Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1
+By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:
+ (a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I
+ have the right to submit it under the open source license
+ indicated in the file; or
+ (b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best
+ of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source
+ license and I have the right under that license to submit that
+ work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part
+ by me, under the same open source license (unless I am
+ permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated
+ in the file; or
+ (c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other
+ person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified
+ it.
+ (d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution
+ are public and that a record of the contribution (including all
+ personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is
+ maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with
+ this project or the open source license(s) involved.
+then you just add a line saying::
+ Signed-off-by: Random J Developer <>
+using your real name (sorry, no pseudonyms or anonymous contributions.)
+Some people also put extra tags at the end. They'll just be ignored for
+now, but you can do this to mark internal company procedures or just
+point out some special detail about the sign-off.
+If you are a subsystem or branch maintainer, sometimes you need to slightly
+modify patches you receive in order to merge them, because the code is not
+exactly the same in your tree and the submitters'. If you stick strictly to
+rule (c), you should ask the submitter to rediff, but this is a totally
+counter-productive waste of time and energy. Rule (b) allows you to adjust
+the code, but then it is very impolite to change one submitter's code and
+make him endorse your bugs. To solve this problem, it is recommended that
+you add a line between the last Signed-off-by header and yours, indicating
+the nature of your changes. While there is nothing mandatory about this, it
+seems like prepending the description with your mail and/or name, all
+enclosed in square brackets, is noticeable enough to make it obvious that
+you are responsible for last-minute changes. Example::
+ Signed-off-by: Random J Developer <>
+ [ struct foo moved from foo.c to foo.h]
+ Signed-off-by: Lucky K Maintainer <>
+This practice is particularly helpful if you maintain a stable branch and
+want at the same time to credit the author, track changes, merge the fix,
+and protect the submitter from complaints. Note that under no circumstances
+can you change the author's identity (the From header), as it is the one
+which appears in the changelog.
+Special note to back-porters: It seems to be a common and useful practice
+to insert an indication of the origin of a patch at the top of the commit
+message (just after the subject line) to facilitate tracking. For instance,
+here's what we see in a 3.x-stable release::
+ Date: Tue Oct 7 07:26:38 2014 -0400
+ libata: Un-break ATA blacklist
+ commit 1c40279960bcd7d52dbdf1d466b20d24b99176c8 upstream.
+And here's what might appear in an older kernel once a patch is backported::
+ Date: Tue May 13 22:12:27 2008 +0200
+ wireless, airo: waitbusy() won't delay
+ [backport of 2.6 commit b7acbdfbd1f277c1eb23f344f899cfa4cd0bf36a]
+Whatever the format, this information provides a valuable help to people
+tracking your trees, and to people trying to troubleshoot bugs in your
+12) When to use Acked-by: and Cc:
+The Signed-off-by: tag indicates that the signer was involved in the
+development of the patch, or that he/she was in the patch's delivery path.
+If a person was not directly involved in the preparation or handling of a
+patch but wishes to signify and record their approval of it then they can
+ask to have an Acked-by: line added to the patch's changelog.
+Acked-by: is often used by the maintainer of the affected code when that
+maintainer neither contributed to nor forwarded the patch.
+Acked-by: is not as formal as Signed-off-by:. It is a record that the acker
+has at least reviewed the patch and has indicated acceptance. Hence patch
+mergers will sometimes manually convert an acker's "yep, looks good to me"
+into an Acked-by: (but note that it is usually better to ask for an
+explicit ack).
+Acked-by: does not necessarily indicate acknowledgement of the entire patch.
+For example, if a patch affects multiple subsystems and has an Acked-by: from
+one subsystem maintainer then this usually indicates acknowledgement of just
+the part which affects that maintainer's code. Judgement should be used here.
+When in doubt people should refer to the original discussion in the mailing
+list archives.
+If a person has had the opportunity to comment on a patch, but has not
+provided such comments, you may optionally add a ``Cc:`` tag to the patch.
+This is the only tag which might be added without an explicit action by the
+person it names - but it should indicate that this person was copied on the
+patch. This tag documents that potentially interested parties
+have been included in the discussion.
+13) Using Reported-by:, Tested-by:, Reviewed-by:, Suggested-by: and Fixes:
+The Reported-by tag gives credit to people who find bugs and report them and it
+hopefully inspires them to help us again in the future. Please note that if
+the bug was reported in private, then ask for permission first before using the
+Reported-by tag.
+A Tested-by: tag indicates that the patch has been successfully tested (in
+some environment) by the person named. This tag informs maintainers that
+some testing has been performed, provides a means to locate testers for
+future patches, and ensures credit for the testers.
+Reviewed-by:, instead, indicates that the patch has been reviewed and found
+acceptable according to the Reviewer's Statement:
+Reviewer's statement of oversight
+By offering my Reviewed-by: tag, I state that:
+ (a) I have carried out a technical review of this patch to
+ evaluate its appropriateness and readiness for inclusion into
+ the mainline kernel.
+ (b) Any problems, concerns, or questions relating to the patch
+ have been communicated back to the submitter. I am satisfied
+ with the submitter's response to my comments.
+ (c) While there may be things that could be improved with this
+ submission, I believe that it is, at this time, (1) a
+ worthwhile modification to the kernel, and (2) free of known
+ issues which would argue against its inclusion.
+ (d) While I have reviewed the patch and believe it to be sound, I
+ do not (unless explicitly stated elsewhere) make any
+ warranties or guarantees that it will achieve its stated
+ purpose or function properly in any given situation.
+A Reviewed-by tag is a statement of opinion that the patch is an
+appropriate modification of the kernel without any remaining serious
+technical issues. Any interested reviewer (who has done the work) can
+offer a Reviewed-by tag for a patch. This tag serves to give credit to
+reviewers and to inform maintainers of the degree of review which has been
+done on the patch. Reviewed-by: tags, when supplied by reviewers known to
+understand the subject area and to perform thorough reviews, will normally
+increase the likelihood of your patch getting into the kernel.
+A Suggested-by: tag indicates that the patch idea is suggested by the person
+named and ensures credit to the person for the idea. Please note that this
+tag should not be added without the reporter's permission, especially if the
+idea was not posted in a public forum. That said, if we diligently credit our
+idea reporters, they will, hopefully, be inspired to help us again in the
+A Fixes: tag indicates that the patch fixes an issue in a previous commit. It
+is used to make it easy to determine where a bug originated, which can help
+review a bug fix. This tag also assists the stable kernel team in determining
+which stable kernel versions should receive your fix. This is the preferred
+method for indicating a bug fixed by the patch. See :ref:`describe_changes`
+for more details.
+14) The canonical patch format
+This section describes how the patch itself should be formatted. Note
+that, if you have your patches stored in a ``git`` repository, proper patch
+formatting can be had with ``git format-patch``. The tools cannot create
+the necessary text, though, so read the instructions below anyway.
+The canonical patch subject line is::
+ Subject: [PATCH 001/123] subsystem: summary phrase
+The canonical patch message body contains the following:
+ - A ``from`` line specifying the patch author (only needed if the person
+ sending the patch is not the author).
+ - An empty line.
+ - The body of the explanation, line wrapped at 75 columns, which will
+ be copied to the permanent changelog to describe this patch.
+ - The ``Signed-off-by:`` lines, described above, which will
+ also go in the changelog.
+ - A marker line containing simply ``---``.
+ - Any additional comments not suitable for the changelog.
+ - The actual patch (``diff`` output).
+The Subject line format makes it very easy to sort the emails
+alphabetically by subject line - pretty much any email reader will
+support that - since because the sequence number is zero-padded,
+the numerical and alphabetic sort is the same.
+The ``subsystem`` in the email's Subject should identify which
+area or subsystem of the kernel is being patched.
+The ``summary phrase`` in the email's Subject should concisely
+describe the patch which that email contains. The ``summary
+phrase`` should not be a filename. Do not use the same ``summary
+phrase`` for every patch in a whole patch series (where a ``patch
+series`` is an ordered sequence of multiple, related patches).
+Bear in mind that the ``summary phrase`` of your email becomes a
+globally-unique identifier for that patch. It propagates all the way
+into the ``git`` changelog. The ``summary phrase`` may later be used in
+developer discussions which refer to the patch. People will want to
+google for the ``summary phrase`` to read discussion regarding that
+patch. It will also be the only thing that people may quickly see
+when, two or three months later, they are going through perhaps
+thousands of patches using tools such as ``gitk`` or ``git log
+For these reasons, the ``summary`` must be no more than 70-75
+characters, and it must describe both what the patch changes, as well
+as why the patch might be necessary. It is challenging to be both
+succinct and descriptive, but that is what a well-written summary
+should do.
+The ``summary phrase`` may be prefixed by tags enclosed in square
+brackets: "Subject: [PATCH <tag>...] <summary phrase>". The tags are
+not considered part of the summary phrase, but describe how the patch
+should be treated. Common tags might include a version descriptor if
+the multiple versions of the patch have been sent out in response to
+comments (i.e., "v1, v2, v3"), or "RFC" to indicate a request for
+comments. If there are four patches in a patch series the individual
+patches may be numbered like this: 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4. This assures
+that developers understand the order in which the patches should be
+applied and that they have reviewed or applied all of the patches in
+the patch series.
+A couple of example Subjects::
+ Subject: [PATCH 2/5] ext2: improve scalability of bitmap searching
+ Subject: [PATCH v2 01/27] x86: fix eflags tracking
+The ``from`` line must be the very first line in the message body,
+and has the form:
+ From: Original Author <>
+The ``from`` line specifies who will be credited as the author of the
+patch in the permanent changelog. If the ``from`` line is missing,
+then the ``From:`` line from the email header will be used to determine
+the patch author in the changelog.
+The explanation body will be committed to the permanent source
+changelog, so should make sense to a competent reader who has long
+since forgotten the immediate details of the discussion that might
+have led to this patch. Including symptoms of the failure which the
+patch addresses (kernel log messages, oops messages, etc.) is
+especially useful for people who might be searching the commit logs
+looking for the applicable patch. If a patch fixes a compile failure,
+it may not be necessary to include _all_ of the compile failures; just
+enough that it is likely that someone searching for the patch can find
+it. As in the ``summary phrase``, it is important to be both succinct as
+well as descriptive.
+The ``---`` marker line serves the essential purpose of marking for patch
+handling tools where the changelog message ends.
+One good use for the additional comments after the ``---`` marker is for
+a ``diffstat``, to show what files have changed, and the number of
+inserted and deleted lines per file. A ``diffstat`` is especially useful
+on bigger patches. Other comments relevant only to the moment or the
+maintainer, not suitable for the permanent changelog, should also go
+here. A good example of such comments might be ``patch changelogs``
+which describe what has changed between the v1 and v2 version of the
+If you are going to include a ``diffstat`` after the ``---`` marker, please
+use ``diffstat`` options ``-p 1 -w 70`` so that filenames are listed from
+the top of the kernel source tree and don't use too much horizontal
+space (easily fit in 80 columns, maybe with some indentation). (``git``
+generates appropriate diffstats by default.)
+See more details on the proper patch format in the following
+.. _explicit_in_reply_to:
+15) Explicit In-Reply-To headers
+It can be helpful to manually add In-Reply-To: headers to a patch
+(e.g., when using ``git send-email``) to associate the patch with
+previous relevant discussion, e.g. to link a bug fix to the email with
+the bug report. However, for a multi-patch series, it is generally
+best to avoid using In-Reply-To: to link to older versions of the
+series. This way multiple versions of the patch don't become an
+unmanageable forest of references in email clients. If a link is
+helpful, you can use the redirector (e.g., in
+the cover email text) to link to an earlier version of the patch series.
+16) Sending ``git pull`` requests
+If you have a series of patches, it may be most convenient to have the
+maintainer pull them directly into the subsystem repository with a
+``git pull`` operation. Note, however, that pulling patches from a developer
+requires a higher degree of trust than taking patches from a mailing list.
+As a result, many subsystem maintainers are reluctant to take pull
+requests, especially from new, unknown developers. If in doubt you can use
+the pull request as the cover letter for a normal posting of the patch
+series, giving the maintainer the option of using either.
+A pull request should have [GIT] or [PULL] in the subject line. The
+request itself should include the repository name and the branch of
+interest on a single line; it should look something like::
+ Please pull from
+ git:// i2c-for-linus
+ to get these changes:
+A pull request should also include an overall message saying what will be
+included in the request, a ``git shortlog`` listing of the patches
+themselves, and a ``diffstat`` showing the overall effect of the patch series.
+The easiest way to get all this information together is, of course, to let
+``git`` do it for you with the ``git request-pull`` command.
+Some maintainers (including Linus) want to see pull requests from signed
+commits; that increases their confidence that the request actually came
+from you. Linus, in particular, will not pull from public hosting sites
+like GitHub in the absence of a signed tag.
+The first step toward creating such tags is to make a GNUPG key and get it
+signed by one or more core kernel developers. This step can be hard for
+new developers, but there is no way around it. Attending conferences can
+be a good way to find developers who can sign your key.
+Once you have prepared a patch series in ``git`` that you wish to have somebody
+pull, create a signed tag with ``git tag -s``. This will create a new tag
+identifying the last commit in the series and containing a signature
+created with your private key. You will also have the opportunity to add a
+changelog-style message to the tag; this is an ideal place to describe the
+effects of the pull request as a whole.
+If the tree the maintainer will be pulling from is not the repository you
+are working from, don't forget to push the signed tag explicitly to the
+public tree.
+When generating your pull request, use the signed tag as the target. A
+command like this will do the trick::
+ git request-pull master git://my.public.tree/linux.git my-signed-tag
+Andrew Morton, "The perfect patch" (tpp).
+ <>
+Jeff Garzik, "Linux kernel patch submission format".
+ <>
+Greg Kroah-Hartman, "How to piss off a kernel subsystem maintainer".
+ <>
+ <>
+ <>
+ <>
+ <>
+ <>
+NO!!!! No more huge patch bombs to people!
+ <>
+Kernel Documentation/process/coding-style.rst:
+ :ref:`Documentation/process/coding-style.rst <codingstyle>`
+Linus Torvalds's mail on the canonical patch format:
+ <>
+Andi Kleen, "On submitting kernel patches"
+ Some strategies to get difficult or controversial changes in.
diff --git a/Documentation/process/volatile-considered-harmful.rst b/Documentation/process/volatile-considered-harmful.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e0d042af386c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/process/volatile-considered-harmful.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+Why the "volatile" type class should not be used
+C programmers have often taken volatile to mean that the variable could be
+changed outside of the current thread of execution; as a result, they are
+sometimes tempted to use it in kernel code when shared data structures are
+being used. In other words, they have been known to treat volatile types
+as a sort of easy atomic variable, which they are not. The use of volatile in
+kernel code is almost never correct; this document describes why.
+The key point to understand with regard to volatile is that its purpose is
+to suppress optimization, which is almost never what one really wants to
+do. In the kernel, one must protect shared data structures against
+unwanted concurrent access, which is very much a different task. The
+process of protecting against unwanted concurrency will also avoid almost
+all optimization-related problems in a more efficient way.
+Like volatile, the kernel primitives which make concurrent access to data
+safe (spinlocks, mutexes, memory barriers, etc.) are designed to prevent
+unwanted optimization. If they are being used properly, there will be no
+need to use volatile as well. If volatile is still necessary, there is
+almost certainly a bug in the code somewhere. In properly-written kernel
+code, volatile can only serve to slow things down.
+Consider a typical block of kernel code::
+ spin_lock(&the_lock);
+ do_something_on(&shared_data);
+ do_something_else_with(&shared_data);
+ spin_unlock(&the_lock);
+If all the code follows the locking rules, the value of shared_data cannot
+change unexpectedly while the_lock is held. Any other code which might
+want to play with that data will be waiting on the lock. The spinlock
+primitives act as memory barriers - they are explicitly written to do so -
+meaning that data accesses will not be optimized across them. So the
+compiler might think it knows what will be in shared_data, but the
+spin_lock() call, since it acts as a memory barrier, will force it to
+forget anything it knows. There will be no optimization problems with
+accesses to that data.
+If shared_data were declared volatile, the locking would still be
+necessary. But the compiler would also be prevented from optimizing access
+to shared_data _within_ the critical section, when we know that nobody else
+can be working with it. While the lock is held, shared_data is not
+volatile. When dealing with shared data, proper locking makes volatile
+unnecessary - and potentially harmful.
+The volatile storage class was originally meant for memory-mapped I/O
+registers. Within the kernel, register accesses, too, should be protected
+by locks, but one also does not want the compiler "optimizing" register
+accesses within a critical section. But, within the kernel, I/O memory
+accesses are always done through accessor functions; accessing I/O memory
+directly through pointers is frowned upon and does not work on all
+architectures. Those accessors are written to prevent unwanted
+optimization, so, once again, volatile is unnecessary.
+Another situation where one might be tempted to use volatile is
+when the processor is busy-waiting on the value of a variable. The right
+way to perform a busy wait is::
+ while (my_variable != what_i_want)
+ cpu_relax();
+The cpu_relax() call can lower CPU power consumption or yield to a
+hyperthreaded twin processor; it also happens to serve as a compiler
+barrier, so, once again, volatile is unnecessary. Of course, busy-
+waiting is generally an anti-social act to begin with.
+There are still a few rare situations where volatile makes sense in the
+ - The above-mentioned accessor functions might use volatile on
+ architectures where direct I/O memory access does work. Essentially,
+ each accessor call becomes a little critical section on its own and
+ ensures that the access happens as expected by the programmer.
+ - Inline assembly code which changes memory, but which has no other
+ visible side effects, risks being deleted by GCC. Adding the volatile
+ keyword to asm statements will prevent this removal.
+ - The jiffies variable is special in that it can have a different value
+ every time it is referenced, but it can be read without any special
+ locking. So jiffies can be volatile, but the addition of other
+ variables of this type is strongly frowned upon. Jiffies is considered
+ to be a "stupid legacy" issue (Linus's words) in this regard; fixing it
+ would be more trouble than it is worth.
+ - Pointers to data structures in coherent memory which might be modified
+ by I/O devices can, sometimes, legitimately be volatile. A ring buffer
+ used by a network adapter, where that adapter changes pointers to
+ indicate which descriptors have been processed, is an example of this
+ type of situation.
+For most code, none of the above justifications for volatile apply. As a
+result, the use of volatile is likely to be seen as a bug and will bring
+additional scrutiny to the code. Developers who are tempted to use
+volatile should take a step back and think about what they are truly trying
+to accomplish.
+Patches to remove volatile variables are generally welcome - as long as
+they come with a justification which shows that the concurrency issues have
+been properly thought through.
+Original impetus and research by Randy Dunlap
+Written by Jonathan Corbet
+Improvements via comments from Satyam Sharma, Johannes Stezenbach, Jesper
+Juhl, Heikki Orsila, H. Peter Anvin, Philipp Hahn, and Stefan