This package provides the X.Org X11 driver for Wacom and Wacom-like tablets. It obsoletes the linuxwacom driver and supports X server versions 1.7 and higher. Server versions lower than 1.7 may be supported by this driver, but users are encouraged to use the old linuxwacom driver instead. Provided that hotplugging is enabled in the X server, the simplest configuration is to copy the wacom.fdi file into /etc/hal/fdi/policies and to restart HAL and then plug in the tablet. The driver will autoconfigure itself. If hotplugging is not possible or desired, an InputDevice section in the xorg.conf with the Driver wacom will load the device. Details on the configuration can be found in xorg.conf(5) and wacom(4). Since this driver is an X11 driver only, a kernel driver is required to get hardware support. If the kernel driver is older than this driver, some features may not be available. ============================================================================== BUILDING FROM GIT: $ ./ --prefix=/usr Adjust the prefix according to your local setup, in most cases, a prefix of /usr is correct. BUILDING FROM TARBALL: $ ./configure && make On Solaris (i386): $ ./configure --with-hal-data-dir=/etc/hal && make On Solaris (amd64): $ ./configure --enable-xserver64 --with-hal-data-dir=/etc/hal && make Adjust the prefix according to your local setup, in most cases, a prefix of /usr is correct. ============================================================================== Please surf the HOWTO page at (or the miniHOWTO at if you run a Fedora system) to find the proper options if the default building environment doesn't work for you. ============================================================================== WEBSITE: