// DEFINE: %{option} = enable-runtime-library=true // DEFINE: %{compile} = mlir-opt %s --sparse-compiler=%{option} // DEFINE: %{run} = TENSOR0="%mlir_src_dir/test/Integration/data/test_symmetric.mtx" \ // DEFINE: mlir-cpu-runner \ // DEFINE: -e entry -entry-point-result=void \ // DEFINE: -shared-libs=%mlir_c_runner_utils | \ // DEFINE: FileCheck %s // // RUN: %{compile} | %{run} // // Do the same run, but now with direct IR generation. // REDEFINE: %{option} = enable-runtime-library=false // RUN: %{compile} | %{run} // // Do the same run, but now with direct IR generation and vectorization. // REDEFINE: %{option} = "enable-runtime-library=false vl=2 reassociate-fp-reductions=true enable-index-optimizations=true" // RUN: %{compile} | %{run} // Do the same run, but now with direct IR generation and, if available, VLA // vectorization. // REDEFINE: %{option} = "enable-runtime-library=false vl=4 enable-arm-sve=%ENABLE_VLA" // REDEFINE: %{run} = TENSOR0="%mlir_src_dir/test/Integration/data/test_symmetric.mtx" \ // REDEFINE: %lli_host_or_aarch64_cmd \ // REDEFINE: --entry-function=entry_lli \ // REDEFINE: --extra-module=%S/Inputs/main_for_lli.ll \ // REDEFINE: %VLA_ARCH_ATTR_OPTIONS \ // REDEFINE: --dlopen=%mlir_native_utils_lib_dir/libmlir_c_runner_utils%shlibext | \ // REDEFINE: FileCheck %s // RUN: %{compile} | mlir-translate -mlir-to-llvmir | %{run} // TODO: The test currently only operates on the triangular part of the // symmetric matrix. !Filename = !llvm.ptr #SparseMatrix = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{ dimLevelType = [ "compressed", "compressed" ] }> #trait_sum_reduce = { indexing_maps = [ affine_map<(i,j) -> (i,j)>, // A affine_map<(i,j) -> ()> // x (out) ], iterator_types = ["reduction", "reduction"], doc = "x += A(i,j)" } // // Integration test that lowers a kernel annotated as sparse to // actual sparse code, initializes a matching sparse storage scheme // from file, and runs the resulting code with the JIT compiler. // module { // // A kernel that sum-reduces a matrix to a single scalar. // func.func @kernel_sum_reduce(%arga: tensor, %argx: tensor) -> tensor { %0 = linalg.generic #trait_sum_reduce ins(%arga: tensor) outs(%argx: tensor) { ^bb(%a: f64, %x: f64): %0 = arith.addf %x, %a : f64 linalg.yield %0 : f64 } -> tensor return %0 : tensor } func.func private @getTensorFilename(index) -> (!Filename) // // Main driver that reads matrix from file and calls the sparse kernel. // func.func @entry() { %d0 = arith.constant 0.0 : f64 %c0 = arith.constant 0 : index // Setup memory for a single reduction scalar, // initialized to zero. %x = tensor.from_elements %d0 : tensor // Read the sparse matrix from file, construct sparse storage. %fileName = call @getTensorFilename(%c0) : (index) -> (!Filename) %a = sparse_tensor.new %fileName : !Filename to tensor // Call the kernel. %0 = call @kernel_sum_reduce(%a, %x) : (tensor, tensor) -> tensor // Print the result for verification. // // CHECK: 24.1 // %v = tensor.extract %0[] : tensor vector.print %v : f64 // Release the resources. bufferization.dealloc_tensor %a : tensor return } }