%{ /* conf-parse.y - Part of libsensors, a Linux library for reading sensor data. Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 Frodo Looijaard This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #define YYERROR_VERBOSE #include #include #include #include "data.h" #include "general.h" #include "error.h" #include "conf.h" #include "access.h" #include "init.h" static void sensors_yyerror(const char *err); static sensors_expr *malloc_expr(void); static sensors_chip *current_chip = NULL; #define bus_add_el(el) sensors_add_array_el(el,\ &sensors_config_busses,\ &sensors_config_busses_count,\ &sensors_config_busses_max,\ sizeof(sensors_bus)) #define label_add_el(el) sensors_add_array_el(el,\ ¤t_chip->labels,\ ¤t_chip->labels_count,\ ¤t_chip->labels_max,\ sizeof(sensors_label)); #define set_add_el(el) sensors_add_array_el(el,\ ¤t_chip->sets,\ ¤t_chip->sets_count,\ ¤t_chip->sets_max,\ sizeof(sensors_set)); #define compute_add_el(el) sensors_add_array_el(el,\ ¤t_chip->computes,\ ¤t_chip->computes_count,\ ¤t_chip->computes_max,\ sizeof(sensors_compute)); #define ignore_add_el(el) sensors_add_array_el(el,\ ¤t_chip->ignores,\ ¤t_chip->ignores_count,\ ¤t_chip->ignores_max,\ sizeof(sensors_ignore)); #define chip_add_el(el) sensors_add_array_el(el,\ &sensors_config_chips,\ &sensors_config_chips_count,\ &sensors_config_chips_max,\ sizeof(sensors_chip)); #define fits_add_el(el,list) sensors_add_array_el(el,\ &(list).fits,\ &(list).fits_count,\ &(list).fits_max, \ sizeof(sensors_chip_name)); %} %union { double value; char *name; void *nothing; sensors_chip_name_list chips; sensors_expr *expr; sensors_bus_id bus; sensors_chip_name chip; sensors_config_line line; } %left '-' '+' %left '*' '/' %left NEG %right '^' '`' %token ',' %token EOL %token BUS %token LABEL %token SET %token CHIP %token COMPUTE %token IGNORE %token FLOAT %token NAME %token ERROR %type chip_name_list %type expression %type bus_id %type adapter_name %type function_name %type string %type chip_name %start input %% input: /* empty */ | input line ; line: bus_statement EOL | label_statement EOL | set_statement EOL | chip_statement EOL | compute_statement EOL | ignore_statement EOL | error EOL ; bus_statement: BUS bus_id adapter_name { sensors_bus new_el; new_el.line = $1; new_el.bus = $2; new_el.adapter = $3; bus_add_el(&new_el); } ; label_statement: LABEL function_name string { sensors_label new_el; if (!current_chip) { sensors_yyerror("Label statement before first chip statement"); free($2); free($3); YYERROR; } new_el.line = $1; new_el.name = $2; new_el.value = $3; label_add_el(&new_el); } ; set_statement: SET function_name expression { sensors_set new_el; if (!current_chip) { sensors_yyerror("Set statement before first chip statement"); free($2); sensors_free_expr($3); YYERROR; } new_el.line = $1; new_el.name = $2; new_el.value = $3; set_add_el(&new_el); } ; compute_statement: COMPUTE function_name expression ',' expression { sensors_compute new_el; if (!current_chip) { sensors_yyerror("Compute statement before first chip statement"); free($2); sensors_free_expr($3); sensors_free_expr($5); YYERROR; } new_el.line = $1; new_el.name = $2; new_el.from_proc = $3; new_el.to_proc = $5; compute_add_el(&new_el); } ; ignore_statement: IGNORE function_name { sensors_ignore new_el; if (!current_chip) { sensors_yyerror("Ignore statement before first chip statement"); free($2); YYERROR; } new_el.line = $1; new_el.name = $2; ignore_add_el(&new_el); } ; chip_statement: CHIP chip_name_list { sensors_chip new_el; new_el.line = $1; new_el.labels = NULL; new_el.sets = NULL; new_el.computes = NULL; new_el.ignores = NULL; new_el.labels_count = new_el.labels_max = 0; new_el.sets_count = new_el.sets_max = 0; new_el.computes_count = new_el.computes_max = 0; new_el.ignores_count = new_el.ignores_max = 0; new_el.chips = $2; chip_add_el(&new_el); current_chip = sensors_config_chips + sensors_config_chips_count - 1; } ; chip_name_list: chip_name { $$.fits = NULL; $$.fits_count = $$.fits_max = 0; fits_add_el(&$1,$$); } | chip_name_list chip_name { $$ = $1; fits_add_el(&$2,$$); } ; expression: FLOAT { $$ = malloc_expr(); $$->data.val = $1; $$->kind = sensors_kind_val; } | NAME { $$ = malloc_expr(); $$->data.var = $1; $$->kind = sensors_kind_var; } | '@' { $$ = malloc_expr(); $$->kind = sensors_kind_source; } | expression '+' expression { $$ = malloc_expr(); $$->kind = sensors_kind_sub; $$->data.subexpr.op = sensors_add; $$->data.subexpr.sub1 = $1; $$->data.subexpr.sub2 = $3; } | expression '-' expression { $$ = malloc_expr(); $$->kind = sensors_kind_sub; $$->data.subexpr.op = sensors_sub; $$->data.subexpr.sub1 = $1; $$->data.subexpr.sub2 = $3; } | expression '*' expression { $$ = malloc_expr(); $$->kind = sensors_kind_sub; $$->data.subexpr.op = sensors_multiply; $$->data.subexpr.sub1 = $1; $$->data.subexpr.sub2 = $3; } | expression '/' expression { $$ = malloc_expr(); $$->kind = sensors_kind_sub; $$->data.subexpr.op = sensors_divide; $$->data.subexpr.sub1 = $1; $$->data.subexpr.sub2 = $3; } | '-' expression %prec NEG { $$ = malloc_expr(); $$->kind = sensors_kind_sub; $$->data.subexpr.op = sensors_negate; $$->data.subexpr.sub1 = $2; $$->data.subexpr.sub2 = NULL; } | '(' expression ')' { $$ = $2; } | '^' expression { $$ = malloc_expr(); $$->kind = sensors_kind_sub; $$->data.subexpr.op = sensors_exp; $$->data.subexpr.sub1 = $2; $$->data.subexpr.sub2 = NULL; } | '`' expression { $$ = malloc_expr(); $$->kind = sensors_kind_sub; $$->data.subexpr.op = sensors_log; $$->data.subexpr.sub1 = $2; $$->data.subexpr.sub2 = NULL; } ; bus_id: NAME { int res = sensors_parse_bus_id($1,&$$); free($1); if (res) { sensors_yyerror("Parse error in bus id"); YYERROR; } } ; adapter_name: NAME { $$ = $1; } ; function_name: NAME { $$ = $1; } ; string: NAME { $$ = $1; } ; chip_name: NAME { int res = sensors_parse_chip_name($1,&$$); free($1); if (res) { sensors_yyerror("Parse error in chip name"); YYERROR; } } ; %% void sensors_yyerror(const char *err) { if (sensors_lex_error[0]) { sensors_parse_error_wfn(sensors_lex_error, sensors_yyfilename, sensors_yylineno); sensors_lex_error[0] = '\0'; } else sensors_parse_error_wfn(err, sensors_yyfilename, sensors_yylineno); } sensors_expr *malloc_expr(void) { sensors_expr *res = malloc(sizeof(sensors_expr)); if (! res) sensors_fatal_error(__func__, "Allocating a new expression"); return res; }