LM_SENSORS QUICK INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------------------------ NOTE: PLEASE SKIM THE INSTALL DOCUMENT, OR BETTER YET READ IT CAREFULLY! The instructions in this document will generally work if you have a standard system, but not always!! Quickstart for i2c option 1 (modules) and lm_sensors option 1 (modules). This is by far the EASIEST METHOD. Other methods are described in INSTALL. ------------------------------------------ * Verify you are running a 2.4 kernel, 2.4.10 or later. If you are running a 2.5/2.6 kernel, the ONLY thing you need to do is 'make user' and 'make user_install'. Do NOT follow the rest of these instructions. * Make sure you have the kernel tree corresponding to your current kernel in /lib/modules/(uname -r)/build. Even if the source is there, it may not correspond to your running kernel. If so, you will have to recompile your kernel. * Verify that your i2c support in the kernel is configured as modules or is disabled. If it is compiled-in, you obviously cannot replace it with modules in the next step. * Do `lsmod'. If there are any old i2c or sensors modules loaded, you MUST remove them (as root) with `rmmod'. * Download, build, and install the latest i2c package, (i2c-2.9.0 or later). The i2c subsystem found in the Linux 2.4 kernel trees, even the latest ones, is outdated and won't work. Quickstart for i2c: make; make install; depmod -a * Go back to the lm_sensors directory. Do `make'. The warnings about .d files at the start are harmless. If you have compile problems, you probably should not have skipped step 3. Go back and install the latest i2c package. If you still have compile problems, you probably should not have skipped the i2c step above. * Do (as root) `make install'. * Do (as root) `depmod -a'. * Verify that /usr/local/lib is listed in /etc/ld.so.conf; add it if it isn't. * Do (as root) `ldconfig'. * Run (as root) `prog/mkdev/mkdev.sh' to create the device files, unless you already have them or are running devfs. * Run (as root) `prog/detect/sensors-detect' to detect your hardware, put the lines it suggests into /etc/modules.conf and enter the modprobe lines sensors-detect suggests. Add the line `sensors -s' after the modprobe lines. * Reboot, or else type in the modprobe lines and `sensors -s'. * Run `sensors' to see your output. * That's it! If you have problems, read our excellent FAQ (doc/FAQ or doc/lm_sensors-FAQ.html).