# Makefile for lrexlib # See src/*/Makefile for user-definable settings REGNAMES = gnu pcre posix oniguruma tre PROJECT = lrexlib VERSION = 2.7.0 PROJECT_VERSIONED = $(PROJECT)-$(VERSION) DISTFILE = $(PROJECT_VERSIONED).zip install: @for i in *.rockspec; do \ luarocks make $$i; \ done check: @if test -z "$(LUA)"; then echo "Set LUA to run tests"; exit 1; fi @for i in $(REGNAMES); do \ LUA_PATH="test/?.lua;$(LUA_PATH)" $(LUA) test/runtest.lua -dsrc/$$i $$i; \ done docs: @make -C doc rockspecs: lua mkrockspecs.lua $(VERSION) `md5sum $(DISTFILE)` dist: docs git2cl > ChangeLog cd .. && rm -f $(DISTFILE) && zip $(DISTFILE) -r $(PROJECT) -x "lrexlib/.git/*" "*.gitignore" "*.o" "*.a" "*.so" "*.so.*" "*.zip" "*SciTE.properties" "*scite.properties" && mv $(DISTFILE) $(PROJECT) && cd $(PROJECT) && unzip $(DISTFILE) && mv $(PROJECT) $(PROJECT_VERSIONED) && rm -f $(DISTFILE) && zip $(DISTFILE) -r $(PROJECT_VERSIONED) && rm -rf $(PROJECT_VERSIONED) WOGER_ARGS = package=$(PROJECT) package_name=$(PROJECT) version=$(VERSION) description="Lua binding for regex libraries" notes=release-notes dist_type="zip" github_user=rrthomas release: dist check agrep -d 'Release' $(VERSION) NEWS | tail -n +3 | head -n -2 > release-notes && \ git diff --exit-code && \ git tag -a -m "Release tag" rel-`echo $(VERSION) | sed -e 's/\./-/g'` && \ git push && git push --tags && \ woger github $(WOGER_ARGS) && \ for i in $(REGNAMES); do \ LUAROCKS_CONFIG=luarocks-config.lua luarocks --tree=luarocks build $$i; \ done && \ woger lua $(WOGER_ARGS) @echo "Don't forget to upload release to github!" rm -f release-notes