# makefile for rex_onig library include ../defaults.mak # === USER SETTINGS === # =========================================================================== # These are default values. INC = LIB = -lonig # If the default settings don't work for your system, # try to uncomment and edit the settings below. #INC = #LIB = -lonig # Target name REGNAME = onig # =========================================================================== # === END OF USER SETTINGS === OBJ = lonig.o lonig_f.o ../common.o include ../common.mak # static Oniguruma regexp library binding ar_onig: $(TRG_AR) # dynamic Oniguruma regexp library binding so_onig: $(TRG_SO) # Dependencies lonig.o: lonig.c ../common.h ../algo.h lonig_f.o: lonig_f.c ../common.h ../common.o: ../common.c ../common.h # (End of Makefile)