/* ltre.c - Lua binding of TRE regular expressions library */ /* See Copyright Notice in the file LICENSE */ #include #include #include #include "lua.h" #include "lauxlib.h" #include "../common.h" #include /* These 2 settings may be redefined from the command-line or the makefile. * They should be kept in sync between themselves and with the target name. */ #ifndef REX_LIBNAME # define REX_LIBNAME "rex_tre" #endif #ifndef REX_OPENLIB # define REX_OPENLIB luaopen_rex_tre #endif #define REX_TYPENAME REX_LIBNAME"_regex" #define ALG_CFLAGS_DFLT REG_EXTENDED #define ALG_EFLAGS_DFLT 0 #define ALG_NOMATCH(res) ((res) == REG_NOMATCH) #define ALG_ISMATCH(res) ((res) == 0) #define ALG_SUBBEG(ud,n) ud->match[n].rm_so #define ALG_SUBEND(ud,n) ud->match[n].rm_eo #define ALG_SUBLEN(ud,n) (ALG_SUBEND(ud,n) - ALG_SUBBEG(ud,n)) #define ALG_SUBVALID(ud,n) (ALG_SUBBEG(ud,n) >= 0) #define ALG_NSUB(ud) ((int)ud->r.re_nsub) #define ALG_PUSHSUB(L,ud,text,n) \ lua_pushlstring (L, (text) + ALG_SUBBEG(ud,n), ALG_SUBLEN(ud,n)) #define ALG_PUSHSUB_OR_FALSE(L,ud,text,n) \ (ALG_SUBVALID(ud,n) ? ALG_PUSHSUB (L,ud,text,n) : lua_pushboolean (L,0)) #define ALG_PUSHSTART(L,ud,offs,n) lua_pushinteger(L, (offs) + ALG_SUBBEG(ud,n) + 1) #define ALG_PUSHEND(L,ud,offs,n) lua_pushinteger(L, (offs) + ALG_SUBEND(ud,n)) #define ALG_PUSHOFFSETS(L,ud,offs,n) \ (ALG_PUSHSTART(L,ud,offs,n), ALG_PUSHEND(L,ud,offs,n)) #define ALG_BASE(st) (st) #define ALG_GETCFLAGS(L,pos) luaL_optint(L, pos, ALG_CFLAGS_DFLT) typedef struct { regex_t r; regmatch_t * match; int freed; } TPosix; #define TUserdata TPosix #include "../algo.h" /* Functions ****************************************************************************** */ static void checkarg_regaparams (lua_State *L, int stackpos, regaparams_t *argP) { if (lua_type (L, stackpos) != LUA_TTABLE) /* allow for userdata? */ luaL_argerror (L, stackpos, "table expected"); lua_pushvalue (L, stackpos); argP->cost_ins = get_int_field (L, "cost_ins"); argP->cost_del = get_int_field (L, "cost_del"); argP->cost_subst = get_int_field (L, "cost_subst"); argP->max_cost = get_int_field (L, "max_cost"); argP->max_ins = get_int_field (L, "max_ins"); argP->max_del = get_int_field (L, "max_del"); argP->max_subst = get_int_field (L, "max_subst"); argP->max_err = get_int_field (L, "max_err"); lua_pop (L, 1); } /* method r:atfind (s, params, [st], [ef]) */ /* method r:aexec (s, params, [st], [ef]) */ static void checkarg_atfind (lua_State *L, TArgExec *argE, TPosix **ud, regaparams_t *argP) { *ud = check_ud (L); argE->text = luaL_checklstring (L, 2, &argE->textlen); checkarg_regaparams (L, 3, argP); argE->startoffset = get_startoffset (L, 4, argE->textlen); argE->eflags = luaL_optint (L, 5, ALG_EFLAGS_DFLT); } static int generate_error (lua_State *L, const TPosix *ud, int errcode) { char errbuf[80]; tre_regerror (errcode, &ud->r, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)); return luaL_error (L, "%s", errbuf); } static int compile_regex (lua_State *L, const TArgComp *argC, TPosix **pud) { int res; TPosix *ud; ud = (TPosix *)lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (TPosix)); memset (ud, 0, sizeof (TPosix)); /* initialize all members to 0 */ res = tre_regncomp (&ud->r, argC->pattern, argC->patlen, argC->cflags); if (res != 0) return generate_error (L, ud, res); if (argC->cflags & REG_NOSUB) ud->r.re_nsub = 0; ud->match = (regmatch_t *) Lmalloc (L, (ALG_NSUB(ud) + 1) * sizeof (regmatch_t)); lua_pushvalue (L, LUA_ENVIRONINDEX); lua_setmetatable (L, -2); if (pud) *pud = ud; return 1; } static int generic_atfind (lua_State *L, int tfind) { int res; TArgExec argE; TPosix *ud; regaparams_t argP; regamatch_t res_match; checkarg_atfind (L, &argE, &ud, &argP); if (argE.startoffset > (int)argE.textlen) return lua_pushnil(L), 1; argE.text += argE.startoffset; res_match.nmatch = ALG_NSUB(ud) + 1; res_match.pmatch = ud->match; /* execute the search */ res = tre_reganexec (&ud->r, argE.text, argE.textlen - argE.startoffset, &res_match, argP, argE.eflags); if (ALG_ISMATCH (res)) { ALG_PUSHOFFSETS (L, ud, argE.startoffset, 0); if (tfind) push_substring_table (L, ud, argE.text); else push_offset_table (L, ud, argE.startoffset); /* set values in the dictionary part of the table */ set_int_field (L, "cost", res_match.cost); set_int_field (L, "num_ins", res_match.num_ins); set_int_field (L, "num_del", res_match.num_del); set_int_field (L, "num_subst", res_match.num_subst); return 3; } else if (ALG_NOMATCH (res)) return lua_pushnil (L), 1; else return generate_error (L, ud, res); } static int Ltre_atfind (lua_State *L) { return generic_atfind (L, 1); } static int Ltre_aexec (lua_State *L) { return generic_atfind (L, 0); } static int gmatch_exec (TUserdata *ud, TArgExec *argE) { if (argE->startoffset > 0) argE->eflags |= REG_NOTBOL; argE->text += argE->startoffset; return tre_regnexec (&ud->r, argE->text, argE->textlen - argE->startoffset, ALG_NSUB(ud) + 1, ud->match, argE->eflags); } static void gmatch_pushsubject (lua_State *L, TArgExec *argE) { lua_pushlstring (L, argE->text, argE->textlen); } static int findmatch_exec (TPosix *ud, TArgExec *argE) { argE->text += argE->startoffset; return tre_regnexec (&ud->r, argE->text, argE->textlen - argE->startoffset, ALG_NSUB(ud) + 1, ud->match, argE->eflags); } static int gsub_exec (TPosix *ud, TArgExec *argE, int st) { if (st > 0) argE->eflags |= REG_NOTBOL; return tre_regnexec (&ud->r, argE->text+st, argE->textlen-st, ALG_NSUB(ud)+1, ud->match, argE->eflags); } static int split_exec (TPosix *ud, TArgExec *argE, int offset) { if (offset > 0) argE->eflags |= REG_NOTBOL; return tre_regnexec (&ud->r, argE->text + offset, argE->textlen - offset, ALG_NSUB(ud) + 1, ud->match, argE->eflags); } static int Ltre_have_backrefs (lua_State *L) { TPosix *ud = check_ud (L); lua_pushboolean (L, tre_have_backrefs (&ud->r)); return 1; } static int Ltre_have_approx (lua_State *L) { TPosix *ud = check_ud (L); lua_pushboolean (L, tre_have_approx (&ud->r)); return 1; } static int Ltre_gc (lua_State *L) { TPosix *ud = check_ud (L); if (ud->freed == 0) { /* precaution against "manual" __gc calling */ ud->freed = 1; tre_regfree (&ud->r); free (ud->match); } return 0; } static int Ltre_tostring (lua_State *L) { TPosix *ud = check_ud (L); if (ud->freed == 0) lua_pushfstring (L, "%s (%p)", REX_TYPENAME, (void*)ud); else lua_pushfstring (L, "%s (deleted)", REX_TYPENAME); return 1; } static flag_pair tre_flags[] = { { "BASIC", REG_BASIC }, { "NOSPEC", REG_NOSPEC }, { "EXTENDED", REG_EXTENDED }, { "ICASE", REG_ICASE }, { "NOSUB", REG_NOSUB }, { "NEWLINE", REG_NEWLINE }, { "NOTBOL", REG_NOTBOL }, { "NOTEOL", REG_NOTEOL }, /* TRE-specific flags */ { "LITERAL", REG_LITERAL }, { "RIGHT_ASSOC", REG_RIGHT_ASSOC }, { "UNGREEDY", REG_UNGREEDY }, { "APPROX_MATCHER", REG_APPROX_MATCHER }, { "BACKTRACKING_MATCHER", REG_BACKTRACKING_MATCHER }, /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { NULL, 0 } }; static flag_pair tre_error_flags[] = { { "OK", REG_OK }, /* TRE-specific */ { "NOMATCH", REG_NOMATCH }, { "BADPAT", REG_BADPAT }, { "ECOLLATE", REG_ECOLLATE }, { "ECTYPE", REG_ECTYPE }, { "EESCAPE", REG_EESCAPE }, { "ESUBREG", REG_ESUBREG }, { "EBRACK", REG_EBRACK }, { "EPAREN", REG_EPAREN }, { "EBRACE", REG_EBRACE }, { "BADBR", REG_BADBR }, { "ERANGE", REG_ERANGE }, { "ESPACE", REG_ESPACE }, { "BADRPT", REG_BADRPT }, /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { NULL, 0 } }; /* config. flags with integer value */ static flag_pair tre_config_flags_int[] = { { "CONFIG_APPROX", TRE_CONFIG_APPROX }, { "CONFIG_WCHAR", TRE_CONFIG_WCHAR }, { "CONFIG_MULTIBYTE", TRE_CONFIG_MULTIBYTE }, { "CONFIG_SYSTEM_ABI", TRE_CONFIG_SYSTEM_ABI }, { NULL, 0 } }; /* config. flags with string value */ static flag_pair tre_config_flags_str[] = { { "CONFIG_VERSION", TRE_CONFIG_VERSION }, { NULL, 0 } }; static int Ltre_get_flags (lua_State *L) { const flag_pair* fps[] = { tre_flags, tre_error_flags, NULL }; return get_flags (L, fps); } static int Ltre_config (lua_State *L) { int intval; const char *strval; flag_pair *fp; if (lua_istable (L, 1)) lua_settop (L, 1); else lua_newtable (L); for (fp = tre_config_flags_int; fp->key; ++fp) { if (0 == tre_config (fp->val, &intval)) { lua_pushinteger (L, intval); lua_setfield (L, -2, fp->key); } } for (fp = tre_config_flags_str; fp->key; ++fp) { if (0 == tre_config (fp->val, &strval)) { lua_pushstring (L, strval); lua_setfield (L, -2, fp->key); } } return 1; } static int Ltre_version (lua_State *L) { lua_pushstring (L, tre_version ()); return 1; } static const luaL_Reg posixmeta[] = { { "exec", ud_exec }, { "tfind", ud_tfind }, { "find", ud_find }, { "match", ud_match }, { "aexec", Ltre_aexec }, { "atfind", Ltre_atfind }, { "have_backrefs", Ltre_have_backrefs }, { "have_approx", Ltre_have_approx }, { "__gc", Ltre_gc }, { "__tostring", Ltre_tostring }, { NULL, NULL} }; static const luaL_Reg rexlib[] = { { "match", match }, { "find", find }, { "gmatch", gmatch }, { "gsub", gsub }, { "split", split }, { "new", ud_new }, { "flags", Ltre_get_flags }, { "plainfind", plainfind_func }, { "config", Ltre_config }, { "version", Ltre_version }, { NULL, NULL } }; /* Open the library */ REX_API int REX_OPENLIB (lua_State *L) { /* create a new function environment to serve as a metatable for methods */ lua_newtable (L); lua_pushvalue (L, -1); lua_replace (L, LUA_ENVIRONINDEX); lua_pushvalue(L, -1); /* mt.__index = mt */ lua_setfield(L, -2, "__index"); luaL_register (L, NULL, posixmeta); /* register functions */ luaL_register (L, REX_LIBNAME, rexlib); lua_pushliteral (L, REX_VERSION" (for TRE regexes)"); lua_setfield (L, -2, "_VERSION"); return 1; }