-- See Copyright Notice in the file LICENSE -- arrays: deep comparison local function eq (t1, t2, lut) if t1 == t2 then return true end if type(t1) ~= "table" or type(t2) ~= "table" or #t1 ~= #t2 then return false end lut = lut or {} -- look-up table: are these 2 arrays already compared? lut[t1] = lut[t1] or {} if lut[t1][t2] then return true end lut[t2] = lut[t2] or {} lut[t1][t2], lut[t2][t1] = true, true for k,v in ipairs (t1) do if not eq (t2[k], v, lut) then return false end -- recursion end return true end -- a "nil GUID", to be used instead of nils in datasets local NT = "b5f74fe5-46f4-483a-8321-e58ba2fa0e17" -- pack vararg in table, replacing nils with "NT" items local function packNT (...) local t = {} for i=1, select ("#", ...) do local v = select (i, ...) t[i] = (v == nil) and NT or v end return t end -- unpack table into vararg, replacing "NT" items with nils local function unpackNT (t) local len = #t local function unpack_from (i) local v = t[i] if v == NT then v = nil end if i == len then return v end return v, unpack_from (i+1) end if len > 0 then return unpack_from (1) end end -- print results (deep into arrays) local function print_results (val, indent, lut) indent = indent or "" lut = lut or {} -- look-up table local str = tostring (val) if type (val) == "table" then if lut[val] then io.write (indent, str, "\n") else lut[val] = true io.write (indent, str, "\n") for i,v in ipairs (val) do print_results (v, " " .. indent, lut) -- recursion end end else io.write (indent, val == NT and "nil" or str, "\n") end end -- returns: -- 1) true, if success; false, if failure -- 2) test results table or error_message local function test_function (test, func, newmembuffer) local res local t = packNT (pcall (func, unpackNT (test[1]))) if t[1] then table.remove (t, 1) res = t if newmembuffer then test[1][1] = newmembuffer (test[1][1]) local t = packNT (pcall (func, unpackNT (test[1]))) if t[1] then table.remove (t, 1) res = t else print "buffer subjects test failed" res = t[2] --> error_message end end else res = t[2] --> error_message end local how = (type (res) == type (test[2])) and (type (res) == "string" or eq (res, test[2])) -- allow error messages to differ return how, res end -- returns: -- 1) true, if success; false, if failure -- 2) test results table or error_message -- 3) test results table or error_message local function test_method (test, constructor, name) local res1, res2 local subject = test[2][1] local ok, r = pcall (constructor, unpackNT (test[1])) if ok then local t = packNT (pcall (r[name], r, unpackNT (test[2]))) if t[1] then table.remove (t, 1) res1, res2 = t else res1, res2 = 2, t[2] --> 2, error_message end else res1, res2 = 1, r --> 1, error_message end return eq (res1, test[3]), res1, res2 end -- returns: a list of failed tests local function test_set (set, lib, newmembuffer) local list = {} if type (set.Func) == "function" then local func = set.Func for i,test in ipairs (set) do local ok, res = test_function (test, func, newmembuffer) if not ok then table.insert (list, {i=i, res}) end end elseif type (set.Method) == "string" then for i,test in ipairs (set) do local ok, res1, res2 = test_method (test, lib.new, set.Method) if not ok then table.insert (list, {i=i, res1, res2}) end end else error ("neither set.Func nor set.Method is valid") end return list end return { eq = eq, NT = NT, print_results = print_results, test_function = test_function, test_method = test_method, test_set = test_set, }