-- See Copyright Notice in the file LICENSE do local path = "./?.lua;" if package.path:sub(1, #path) ~= path then package.path = path .. package.path end end local luatest = require "luatest" local function newalienbuffer (str) local alien = require "alien" local buf = alien.buffer (#str) if #str > 0 then alien.memmove (buf:topointer (), str, #str) end return buf end -- returns: number of failures local function test_library (libname, setfile, verbose, use_alien) if verbose then print (("[lib: %s; file: %s]"):format (libname, setfile)) end local lib = require (libname) local f = require (setfile) local sets = f (libname) local newmembuffer = use_alien and newalienbuffer or lib._newmembuffer if newmembuffer then if libname == "rex_posix" and not lib.flags ().STARTEND then newmembuffer = nil io.stderr:write ("Cannot run posix tests with buffer subjects without REG_STARTEND\n") end else io.stderr:write ("Warning: cannot run tests with buffer subjects\n") end local n = 0 -- number of failures for _, set in ipairs (sets) do if verbose then print (set.Name or "Unnamed set") end local err = luatest.test_set (set, lib, newmembuffer) if verbose then for _,v in ipairs (err) do print (" Test " .. v.i) luatest.print_results (v, " ") end end n = n + #err end if verbose then print "" end return n end local avail_tests = { posix = { lib = "rex_posix", "common_sets", "posix_sets" }, gnu = { lib = "rex_gnu", "common_sets", "emacs_sets", "gnu_sets" }, oniguruma = { lib = "rex_onig", "common_sets", "oniguruma_sets", }, pcre = { lib = "rex_pcre", "common_sets", "pcre_sets", "pcre_sets2", }, pcre2 = { lib = "rex_pcre2", "common_sets", "pcre_sets", "pcre_sets2", }, spencer = { lib = "rex_spencer", "common_sets", "posix_sets", "spencer_sets" }, tre = { lib = "rex_tre", "common_sets", "posix_sets", "spencer_sets", --[["tre_sets"]] }, } do local verbose, tests, nerr = false, {}, 0 local dir local use_alien -- check arguments for i = 1, select ("#", ...) do local arg = select (i, ...) if arg:sub(1,1) == "-" then if arg == "-v" then verbose = true elseif arg == "-a" then use_alien = true elseif arg:sub(1,2) == "-d" then dir = arg:sub(3) else error ("invalid argument: [" .. arg .. "]") end else if avail_tests[arg] then tests[#tests+1] = avail_tests[arg] else error ("invalid argument: [" .. arg .. "]") end end end assert (#tests > 0, "no library specified") -- give priority to libraries located in the specified directory if dir then dir = dir:gsub("[/\\]+$", "") for _, ext in ipairs {"dll", "so", "dylib"} do if package.cpath:match ("%?%." .. ext) then local cpath = dir .. "/?." .. ext .. ";" if package.cpath:sub(1, #cpath) ~= cpath then package.cpath = cpath .. package.cpath end break end end end -- do tests for _, test in ipairs (tests) do package.loaded[test.lib] = nil -- to force-reload the tested library for _, setfile in ipairs (test) do nerr = nerr + test_library (test.lib, setfile, verbose, use_alien) end end print ("Total number of failures: " .. nerr) end