path: root/manual/2html
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'manual/2html')
1 files changed, 518 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/manual/2html b/manual/2html
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..04b2c61e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manual/2html
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env lua5.3
+-- special marks:
+-- \1 - paragraph (empty line)
+-- \4 - remove spaces around it
+-- \3 - ref (followed by label|)
+header = [[
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">
+<title>Lua 5.4 Reference Manual</title>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="lua.css">
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="manual.css">
+<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
+<a href=""><img src="logo.gif" alt="[Lua logo]" border="0"></a>
+Lua 5.4 Reference Manual
+by Roberto Ierusalimschy, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, Waldemar Celes
+<a href="">Copyright</a>
+&copy; 2018, PUC-Rio. All rights reserved.
+<!-- ====================================================================== -->
+footer = "\n\n</body></html>\n\n"
+local seefmt = '(see %s)'
+if arg[1] == 'port' then
+ seefmt = '(ver %s)'
+ header = string.gsub(header, "by (.-)\n",
+ "%1\n<p>Tradu&ccedil;&atilde;o: S&eacute;rgio Queiroz de Medeiros", 1)
+ header = string.gsub(header, "Lua (%d+.%d+) Reference Manual",
+ "Manual de Refer&ecirc;ncia de Lua %1")
+ header = string.gsub(header, "All rights reserved",
+ "Todos os direitos reservados")
+local function compose (f,g)
+ assert(f and g)
+ return function (s) return g(f(s)) end
+local function concat (f, g)
+ assert(f and g)
+ return function (s) return f(s) .. g(s) end
+local Tag = {}
+setmetatable(Tag, {
+ __index = function (t, tag)
+ local v = function (n, att)
+ local e = ""
+ if type(att) == "table" then
+ for k,v in pairs(att) do e = string.format('%s %s="%s"', e, k, v) end
+ end
+ if n then
+ return string.format("<%s%s>%s</%s>", tag, e, n, tag)
+ else
+ return string.format("<%s%s>", tag, e)
+ end
+ end
+ t[tag] = v
+ return v
+ end
+local labels = {}
+local function anchor (text, label, link, textlink)
+ if labels[label] then
+ error("label " .. label .. " already defined")
+ end
+ labels[label] = {text = textlink, link = link}
+ return Tag.a(text, {name=link})
+local function makeref (label)
+ assert(not string.find(label, "|"))
+ return string.format("\3%s\3", label)
+local function ref (label)
+ local l = labels[label]
+ if not l then
+ io.stderr:write("label ", label, " undefined\n")
+ return "@@@@@@@"
+ else
+ return Tag.a(l.text, {href="#"})
+ end
+local function nopara (t)
+ t = string.gsub(t, "\1", "\n\n")
+ t = string.gsub(t, "<p>%s*</p>", "")
+ return t
+local function fixpara (t)
+ t = string.gsub(t, "\1", "\n</p>\n\n<p>\n")
+ t = string.gsub(t, "<p>%s*</p>", "")
+ return t
+local function antipara (t)
+ return "</p>\n" .. t .. "<p>"
+Tag.pre = compose(Tag.pre, antipara)
+Tag.ul = compose(Tag.ul, antipara)
+local Gfoots = 0
+local footnotes = {}
+local line =
+local function dischargefoots ()
+ if #footnotes == 0 then return "" end
+ local fn = table.concat(footnotes)
+ footnotes = {}
+ return line .. Tag.h3"footnotes:" .. fn .. line
+local Glists = 0
+local listings = {}
+local function dischargelist ()
+ if #listings == 0 then return "" end
+ local l = listings
+ listings = {}
+ return line .. table.concat(l, line..line) .. line
+local counters = {
+h1 = {val = 1},
+h2 = {father = "h1", val = 1},
+h3 = {father = "h2", val = 1},
+listing = {father = "h1", val = 1},
+local function inccounter (count)
+ counters[count].val = counters[count].val + 1
+ for c, v in pairs(counters) do
+ if v.father == count then v.val = 1 end
+ end
+local function getcounter (count)
+ local c = counters[count]
+ if c.father then
+ return getcounter(c.father) .. "." .. c.val
+ else
+ return c.val .. ""
+ end
+local function fixed (x)
+ return function () return x end
+local function id (x) return x end
+local function prepos (x, y)
+ assert(x and y)
+ return function (s) return string.format("%s%s%s", x, s, y) end
+local rw = Tag.b
+local function LuaName (name)
+ return Tag.code(name)
+local function getparam (s)
+ local i, e = string.find(s, "^[^%s@|]+|")
+ if not i then return nil, s
+ else return string.sub(s, i, e - 1), string.sub(s, e + 1)
+ end
+local function gettitle (h)
+ local title, p = assert(string.match(h, "<title>(.-)</title>()"))
+ return title, string.sub(h, p)
+local function getparamtitle (what, h, nonum)
+ local label, title, c, count
+ label, h = getparam(h)
+ title, h = gettitle(h)
+ if not nonum then
+ count = getcounter(what)
+ inccounter(what)
+ c = string.format("%s &ndash; ", count)
+ else
+ c = ""
+ end
+ label = label or count
+ if label then
+ title = anchor(title, label, count, "&sect;"..count)
+ end
+ title = string.format("%s%s", c, title)
+ return title, h
+local function section (what, nonum)
+ return function (h)
+ local title
+ title, h = getparamtitle(what, h, nonum)
+ local fn = what == "h1" and dischargefoots() or ""
+ h = fixpara(Tag.p(h))
+ return "</p>\n" .. Tag[what](title) .. h .. fn ..
+ dischargelist() .. "<p>"
+ end
+local function verbatim (s)
+ s = nopara(s)
+ s = string.gsub(s, "\n", "\n ")
+ s = string.gsub(s, "\n%s*$", "\n")
+ return Tag.pre(s)
+local function verb (s)
+ return Tag.code(s)
+local function lua2link (e)
+ return string.find(e, "luaL?_") and e or "pdf-"..e
+local verbfixed = verb
+local Tex = {
+ANSI = function (func)
+ return "ISO&nbsp;C function " .. Tag.code(func)
+ end,
+At = fixed"@",
+B = Tag.b,
+bigskip = fixed"",
+bignum = id,
+C = fixed"",
+Ci = prepos("<!-- ", " -->"),
+CId = function (func)
+ return "C&nbsp;function " .. Tag.code(func)
+ end,
+chapter = section"h1",
+Char = compose(verbfixed, prepos("'", "'")),
+Cdots = fixed"&middot;&middot;&middot;",
+Close = fixed"}",
+col =,
+defid = function (name)
+ local l = lua2link(name)
+ local c = Tag.code(name)
+ return anchor(c, l, l, c)
+ end,
+def = Tag.em,
+description = compose(nopara, Tag.ul),
+Em = fixed("\4" .. "&mdash;" .. "\4"),
+emph = Tag.em,
+emphx = Tag.em, -- emphasis plus index (if there was an index)
+En = fixed("&ndash;"),
+format = fixed"",
+["false"] = fixed(Tag.b"false"),
+id = Tag.code,
+idx = Tag.code,
+index = fixed"",
+Lidx = fixed"", -- Tag.code,
+ldots = fixed"...",
+x = id,
+itemize = compose(nopara, Tag.ul),
+leq = fixed"&le;",
+Lid = function (s)
+ return makeref(lua2link(s))
+ end,
+M = Tag.em,
+N = function (s) return (string.gsub(s, " ", "&nbsp;")) end,
+NE = id, -- tag"foreignphrase",
+num = id,
+["nil"] = fixed(Tag.b"nil"),
+Open = fixed"{",
+part = section("h1", true),
+Pat = compose(verbfixed, prepos("'", "'")),
+preface = section("h1", true),
+psect = section("h2", true),
+Q = prepos('"', '"'),
+refchp = makeref,
+refcode = makeref,
+refsec = makeref,
+pi = fixed"&pi;",
+rep = Tag.em, -- compose(prepos("&lt;", "&gt;"), Tag.em),
+Rw = rw,
+rw = rw,
+sb = Tag.sub,
+sp = Tag.sup,
+St = compose(verbfixed, prepos('"', '"')),
+sect1 = section"h1",
+sect2 = section"h2",
+sect3 = section"h3",
+sect4 = section("h4", true),
+simplesect = id,
+Tab2 = function (s) return Tag.table(s, {border=1}) end,
+row =,
+title = Tag.title,
+todo = Tag.todo,
+["true"] = fixed(Tag.b"true"),
+T = verb,
+item = function (s)
+ local t, p = string.match(s, "^([^\n|]+)|()")
+ if t then
+ s = string.sub(s, p)
+ s = Tag.b(t..": ") .. s
+ end
+ return
+ end,
+verbatim = verbatim,
+manual = id,
+-- for the manual
+link =function (s)
+ local l, t = getparam(s)
+ assert(l)
+ return string.format("%s (%s)", t, makeref(l))
+see = function (s) return string.format(seefmt, makeref(s)) end,
+See = makeref,
+seeC = function (s)
+ return string.format(seefmt, makeref(s))
+ end,
+seeF = function (s)
+ return string.format(seefmt, makeref(lua2link(s)))
+ end,
+APIEntry = function (e)
+ local h, name
+ h, e = string.match(e, "^%s*(.-)%s*|(.*)$")
+ name = string.match(h, "(luaL?_[%w_]+)%)? +%(") or
+ string.match(h, "luaL?_[%w_]+")
+ local a = anchor(Tag.code(name), name, name, Tag.code(name))
+ local apiicmd, ne = string.match(e, "^(.-</span>)(.*)")
+ if not apiicmd then
+ return antipara( .. Tag.h3(a)) .. Tag.pre(h) .. e
+ else
+ return antipara( .. Tag.h3(a)) .. apiicmd .. Tag.pre(h) .. ne
+ end
+LibEntry = function (e)
+ local h, name
+ h, e = string.match(e, "^(.-)|(.*)$")
+ name = string.gsub(h, " (.+", "")
+ local l = lua2link(name)
+ local a = anchor(Tag.code(h), l, l, Tag.code(name))
+ return .. Tag.h3(a) .. e
+Produc = compose(nopara, Tag.pre),
+producname = prepos("\t", " ::= "),
+Or = fixed" | ",
+VerBar = fixed"&#124;", -- vertical bar
+OrNL = fixed" | \4",
+bnfNter = prepos("", ""),
+bnfopt = prepos("[", "]"),
+bnfrep = prepos("{", "}"),
+bnfter = compose(Tag.b, prepos("&lsquo;", "&rsquo;")),
+producbody = function (s)
+ s = string.gsub(s, "%s+", " ")
+ s = string.gsub(s, "\4", "\n\t\t")
+ return s
+ end,
+apii = function (s)
+ local pop,push,err = string.match(s, "^(.-),(.-),(.*)$")
+ if pop ~= "?" and string.find(pop, "%W") then
+ pop = "(" .. pop .. ")"
+ end
+ if push ~= "?" and string.find(push, "%W") then
+ push = "(" .. push .. ")"
+ end
+ err = (err == "-") and "&ndash;" or Tag.em(err)
+ return Tag.span(
+ string.format("[-%s, +%s, %s]", pop, push, err),
+ {class="apii"}
+ )
+ end,
+local others = prepos("?? "," ??")
+local function trata (t)
+ t = string.gsub(t, "@(%w+)(%b{})", function (w, f)
+ f = trata(string.sub(f, 2, -2))
+ if type(Tex[w]) ~= "function" then
+ io.stderr:write(w .. "\n")
+ return others(f)
+ else
+ return Tex[w](f, w)
+ end
+ end)
+ return t
+-- read whole book
+t ="*a"
+t = string.gsub(t, "[<>&\128-\255]",
+ {["<"] = "&lt;",
+ [">"] = "&gt;",
+ ["&"] = "&amp;",
+ ["\170"] = "&ordf;",
+ ["\186"] = "&ordm;",
+ ["\192"] = "&Agrave;",
+ ["\193"] = "&Aacute;",
+ ["\194"] = "&Acirc;",
+ ["\195"] = "&Atilde;",
+ ["\199"] = "&Ccedil;",
+ ["\201"] = "&Eacute;",
+ ["\202"] = "&Ecirc;",
+ ["\205"] = "&Iacute;",
+ ["\211"] = "&Oacute;",
+ ["\212"] = "&Ocirc;",
+ ["\218"] = "&Uacute;",
+ ["\224"] = "&agrave;",
+ ["\225"] = "&aacute;",
+ ["\226"] = "&acirc;",
+ ["\227"] = "&atilde;",
+ ["\231"] = "&ccedil;",
+ ["\233"] = "&eacute;",
+ ["\234"] = "&ecirc;",
+ ["\237"] = "&iacute;",
+ ["\243"] = "&oacute;",
+ ["\244"] = "&ocirc;",
+ ["\245"] = "&otilde;",
+ ["\250"] = "&uacute;",
+ ["\252"] = "&uuml;"
+ })
+t = string.gsub(t, "\n\n+", "\1")
+-- complete macros with no arguments
+t = string.gsub(t, "(@%w+)([^{%w])", "%1{}%2")
+t = trata(t)
+-- correct references
+t = string.gsub(t, "\3(.-)\3", ref)
+-- remove extra space (??)
+t = string.gsub(t, "%s*\4%s*", "")
+t = nopara(t)
+-- HTML 3.2 does not need </p> (but complains when it is in wrong places :)
+t = string.gsub(t, "</p>", "")
+io.write(header, t, footer)