path: root/testes/big.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testes/big.lua')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testes/big.lua b/testes/big.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ebee1ec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testes/big.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+-- $Id: big.lua,v 1.35 2018/03/09 14:23:48 roberto Exp $
+-- See Copyright Notice in file all.lua
+if _soft then
+ return 'a'
+print "testing large tables"
+local debug = require"debug"
+local lim = 2^18 + 1000
+local prog = { "local y = {0" }
+for i = 1, lim do prog[#prog + 1] = i end
+prog[#prog + 1] = "}\n"
+prog[#prog + 1] = "X = y\n"
+prog[#prog + 1] = ("assert(X[%d] == %d)"):format(lim - 1, lim - 2)
+prog[#prog + 1] = "return 0"
+prog = table.concat(prog, ";")
+local env = {string = string, assert = assert}
+local f = assert(load(prog, nil, nil, env))
+assert(env.X[lim] == lim - 1 and env.X[lim + 1] == lim)
+for k in pairs(env) do env[k] = undef end
+-- yields during accesses larger than K (in RK)
+setmetatable(env, {
+ __index = function (t, n) coroutine.yield('g'); return _G[n] end,
+ __newindex = function (t, n, v) coroutine.yield('s'); _G[n] = v end,
+X = nil
+co = coroutine.wrap(f)
+assert(co() == 's')
+assert(co() == 'g')
+assert(co() == 'g')
+assert(co() == 0)
+assert(X[lim] == lim - 1 and X[lim + 1] == lim)
+-- errors in accesses larger than K (in RK)
+getmetatable(env).__index = function () end
+getmetatable(env).__newindex = function () end
+local e, m = pcall(f)
+assert(not e and m:find("global 'X'"))
+-- errors in metamethods
+getmetatable(env).__newindex = function () error("hi") end
+local e, m = xpcall(f, debug.traceback)
+assert(not e and m:find("'newindex'"))
+f, X = nil
+if 2^32 == 0 then -- (small integers) {
+print "testing string length overflow"
+local repstrings = 192 -- number of strings to be concatenated
+local ssize = math.ceil(2.0^32 / repstrings) + 1 -- size of each string
+assert(repstrings * ssize > 2.0^32) -- it should be larger than maximum size
+local longs = string.rep("\0", ssize) -- create one long string
+-- create function to concatentate 'repstrings' copies of its argument
+local rep = assert(load(
+ "local a = ...; return " .. string.rep("a", repstrings, "..")))
+local a, b = pcall(rep, longs) -- call that function
+-- it should fail without creating string (result would be too large)
+assert(not a and string.find(b, "overflow"))
+end -- }
+return 'a'