lua-scrypt ========== lua-scrypt is a binding to libscrypt which is a password crypting and verification library. lua-scrypt uses the [libscrypt][] library and provides a simple interface for hashing and verifying passwords. local scrypt = require "scrypt" local hash = scrypt.hash_password("Hello world") assert(scrypt.verify_password(hash, "Hello world")) Installation ============ To compile lua-scrypt, on platforms with libscrypt 1.21 or later run, $ make CFLAGS+=-DTRUST_LIBSCRYPT_SALT_GEN for platforms with older versions (earlier than 1.21) of libscrypt run, $ make To install lua-scrypt, run, $ make install Thanks ====== Originally, [Rob Kendrick][] wrote `lua-scrypt` back when there wasn't a shared library for the scrypt algorithm. The returned values were binary and a bit messy, and as such they are not supported by this version of the library. [libscrypt]: [Rob Kendrick]: