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authorMike Pall <mike>2013-02-11 17:58:06 +0100
committerMike Pall <mike>2013-02-11 17:58:06 +0100
commit339b77ee050389f0f28584d373c53bd3ed81e24a (patch)
parent250b24f93728e04851385cce5665eeae26dc60a1 (diff)
OSX: Add support for Mach-O object files to -b option.
Thanks to Adam Strzelecki.
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/jit/bcsave.lua b/src/jit/bcsave.lua
index 08e54454..1c511112 100644
--- a/src/jit/bcsave.lua
+++ b/src/jit/bcsave.lua
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
local jit = require("jit")
assert(jit.version_num == 20000, "LuaJIT core/library version mismatch")
+local bit = require("bit")
-- Symbol name prefix for LuaJIT bytecode.
local LJBC_PREFIX = "luaJIT_BC_"
@@ -398,7 +399,164 @@ typedef struct {
local function bcsave_machobj(ctx, output, s, ffi)
- check(false, "NYI: no support for writing OSX object files")
+ ffi.cdef[[
+typedef struct
+ uint32_t magic, cputype, cpusubtype, filetype, ncmds, sizeofcmds, flags;
+} mach_header;
+typedef struct
+ mach_header; uint32_t reserved;
+} mach_header_64;
+typedef struct {
+ uint32_t cmd, cmdsize;
+ char segname[16];
+ uint32_t vmaddr, vmsize, fileoff, filesize;
+ uint32_t maxprot, initprot, nsects, flags;
+} mach_segment_command;
+typedef struct {
+ uint32_t cmd, cmdsize;
+ char segname[16];
+ uint64_t vmaddr, vmsize, fileoff, filesize;
+ uint32_t maxprot, initprot, nsects, flags;
+} mach_segment_command_64;
+typedef struct {
+ char sectname[16], segname[16];
+ uint32_t addr, size;
+ uint32_t offset, align, reloff, nreloc, flags;
+ uint32_t reserved1, reserved2;
+} mach_section;
+typedef struct {
+ char sectname[16], segname[16];
+ uint64_t addr, size;
+ uint32_t offset, align, reloff, nreloc, flags;
+ uint32_t reserved1, reserved2, reserved3;
+} mach_section_64;
+typedef struct {
+ uint32_t cmd, cmdsize, symoff, nsyms, stroff, strsize;
+} mach_symtab_command;
+typedef struct {
+ int32_t strx;
+ uint8_t type, sect;
+ int16_t desc;
+ uint32_t value;
+} mach_nlist;
+typedef struct {
+ uint32_t strx;
+ uint8_t type, sect;
+ uint16_t desc;
+ uint64_t value;
+} mach_nlist_64;
+typedef struct
+ uint32_t magic, nfat_arch;
+} mach_fat_header;
+typedef struct
+ uint32_t cputype, cpusubtype, offset, size, align;
+} mach_fat_arch;
+typedef struct {
+ struct {
+ mach_header hdr;
+ mach_segment_command seg;
+ mach_section sec;
+ mach_symtab_command sym;
+ } arch[1];
+ mach_nlist sym_entry;
+ uint8_t space[4096];
+} mach_obj;
+typedef struct {
+ struct {
+ mach_header_64 hdr;
+ mach_segment_command_64 seg;
+ mach_section_64 sec;
+ mach_symtab_command sym;
+ } arch[1];
+ mach_nlist_64 sym_entry;
+ uint8_t space[4096];
+} mach_obj_64;
+typedef struct {
+ mach_fat_header fat;
+ mach_fat_arch fat_arch[4];
+ struct {
+ mach_header hdr;
+ mach_segment_command seg;
+ mach_section sec;
+ mach_symtab_command sym;
+ } arch[4];
+ mach_nlist sym_entry;
+ uint8_t space[4096];
+} mach_fat_obj;
+ local symname = '_'..LJBC_PREFIX..ctx.modname
+ local isfat, is64, align, mobj = false, false, 4, "mach_obj"
+ if ctx.arch == "x64" then
+ is64, align, mobj = true, 8, "mach_obj_64"
+ elseif ctx.arch == "arm" then
+ isfat, mobj = true, "mach_fat_obj"
+ else
+ check(ctx.arch == "x86", "unsupported architecture for OSX")
+ end
+ local function aligned(v, a) return, -a) end
+ local be32 = bit.bswap -- Mach-O FAT is BE, supported archs are LE.
+ -- Create Mach-O object and fill in header.
+ local o =
+ local mach_size = aligned(ffi.offsetof(o, "space")+#symname+2, align)
+ local cputype = ({ x86={7}, x64={0x01000007}, arm={7,12,12,12} })[ctx.arch]
+ local cpusubtype = ({ x86={3}, x64={3}, arm={3,6,9,11} })[ctx.arch]
+ if isfat then
+ o.fat.magic = be32(0xcafebabe)
+ o.fat.nfat_arch = be32(#cpusubtype)
+ end
+ -- Fill in sections and symbols.
+ for i=0,#cpusubtype-1 do
+ local ofs = 0
+ if isfat then
+ local a = o.fat_arch[i]
+ a.cputype = be32(cputype[i+1])
+ a.cpusubtype = be32(cpusubtype[i+1])
+ -- Subsequent slices overlap each other to share data.
+ ofs = ffi.offsetof(o, "arch") + i*ffi.sizeof(o.arch[0])
+ a.offset = be32(ofs)
+ a.size = be32(mach_size-ofs+#s)
+ end
+ local a = o.arch[i]
+ a.hdr.magic = is64 and 0xfeedfacf or 0xfeedface
+ a.hdr.cputype = cputype[i+1]
+ a.hdr.cpusubtype = cpusubtype[i+1]
+ a.hdr.filetype = 1
+ a.hdr.ncmds = 2
+ a.hdr.sizeofcmds = ffi.sizeof(a.seg)+ffi.sizeof(a.sec)+ffi.sizeof(a.sym)
+ a.seg.cmd = is64 and 0x19 or 0x1
+ a.seg.cmdsize = ffi.sizeof(a.seg)+ffi.sizeof(a.sec)
+ a.seg.vmsize = #s
+ a.seg.fileoff = mach_size-ofs
+ a.seg.filesize = #s
+ a.seg.maxprot = 1
+ a.seg.initprot = 1
+ a.seg.nsects = 1
+ ffi.copy(a.sec.sectname, "__data")
+ ffi.copy(a.sec.segname, "__DATA")
+ a.sec.size = #s
+ a.sec.offset = mach_size-ofs
+ a.sym.cmd = 2
+ a.sym.cmdsize = ffi.sizeof(a.sym)
+ a.sym.symoff = ffi.offsetof(o, "sym_entry")-ofs
+ a.sym.nsyms = 1
+ a.sym.stroff = ffi.offsetof(o, "sym_entry")+ffi.sizeof(o.sym_entry)-ofs
+ a.sym.strsize = aligned(#symname+2, align)
+ end
+ o.sym_entry.type = 0xf
+ o.sym_entry.sect = 1
+ o.sym_entry.strx = 1
+ ffi.copy(, symname)
+ -- Write Macho-O object file.
+ local fp = savefile(output, "wb")
+ fp:write(ffi.string(o, mach_size))
+ bcsave_tail(fp, output, s)
local function bcsave_obj(ctx, output, s)