-- Light Unix I/O for Lua -- Copyright 2012 Rob Kendrick -- -- Distributed under the same terms as Lua itself (MIT). -- -- A wrapper around the rather raw interface luxio normally provides to -- make things simpler. --- High-level bindings to POSIX functionality. --- @module luxio.simple -- -- sio = require "luxio.simple" -- -- sio.stdin, .stdout, .stderr -- descriptor objects for standard IO end points -- -- myfile = assert(sio.open("filename", "flags"[, "mode"])) -- flags is a string, each flag is a single character: -- r = open for reading (O_RDONLY) -- w = open for writing (O_WRONLY) -- + = open in append mode (O_APPEND) -- c = create file if it does not already exist (O_CREAT) -- e = ensure this call creates the file (O_EXCL) -- n = do not update the access time (O_NOATIME) -- d = where possible, open non-blocking (O_NONBLOCK) -- t = truncate file if it already exists (O_TRUNC) -- -- returns file object, or nil, error string, errno. -- -- myfile.fd -- file descriptor number of the object -- -- myfile.name -- descriptive name of file (such as file name, sockaddr, etc) -- -- myfile.closed -- bool indicating if this descriptor has been closed -- -- myfile:close() -- close the file. -- returns true, or nil, errorstring, errno. -- -- myfile:nonblocking([bool]) -- bool: true to set non-blocking, false to set blocking, nil to -- make no change -- returns bool indicating current state, or nil, error string and -- errno. -- -- myfile:write(string[, offset]) -- writes string to the file, optionally starting at offset bytes in -- returns number of bytes written, or nil, error string, errno -- -- myfile:writev(...) -- writes ALL the strings! -- return number of bytes written, or nil, error string, errno -- -- myfile:seek([whence][, offset]) -- seek within the file. whence can be one of cur, set and end. -- values default to cur and 0. -- returns new offset, or nil, error string, errno -- -- myfile:read(pattern[, pattern...]) -- reads data from the file. pattern can be: -- a number: read this number of bytes. -- "*a": read all data until EOF -- "*l": read a line (warning: inefficient, reads a byte at a time!) -- returns the results, or nil, error string, errno -- -- myfile:chmod(mode) -- Change permissions of an open descriptor's backing file. -- -- myfile:nogc() -- do not close the descriptor on garbage collect -- -- myfile:lock(mode, whence, start, len, wait) -- Manipulates advisory locks on file regions. -- mode is one of "r", "w", or "", for read lock, write lock, or -- unset lock. whence, like seek, one of "cur", "set", "end". -- start and len describe the region. If wait is set, it will -- wait until the lock is available before claiming it and -- returning. -- -- myfile:unlock(whence, start, len) -- Same as above, except implicitly passes "" on your behave in mode -- -- myfile:locktest(mode, whence, start, len) -- As above, but it does not claim the lock, just checks if it -- is available. Returns true if the lock would work, or false -- and a pid of the holder if the lock is already taken. -- -- myfile = sio.wrap_fd(fd[, nogc][, name]) -- wrap an fd aquired elsewhere with functions here -- fd: number of file descriptor -- nogc: do not close file when object is collected (default false) -- name: symbolic name of descriptor (default "") -- -- read_pipe, write_pipe = sio.pipe() -- create an anonymous pipe, returning both halves, the read end and -- the write end, or nil, error message, errno. -- -- sock1, sock2 = sio.socketpair() -- creates a pair of stream UNIX domain sockets, returning both. -- Optionally pass luxio.SOCK_DGRAM if you want a datagram socket. -- -- mysock = sio.inet([socktype]) -- create an IPv4 socket of socktype, either "tcp" (default) or "udp". -- returns socket object or nil, error string, errno -- -- mysock = sio.inet6([socktype]) -- create an IPv6 socket of socktype, either "tcp" (default) or "udp". -- returns socket object or nil, error string, errno -- -- mysock = sio.connect(host, service) -- connects to a remote host via tcp, using getaddrinfo() to find -- possibilities. Does resolving, and can connect to both IPv4 and -- IPv6 hosts. returns socket object, or nil, error string, errno. -- -- mysock = sio.bind(host, service[, backlog]) -- creates a TCP socket and binds it to the specified host and service. -- returns socket object or nil, error string, errno -- -- mysock:connect(address, port) -- connects to an address and port. No host name lookup is done. -- returns true, or nil, error string, errno. -- -- mysock:bind(address, port) -- binds to an address and port. No host name lookup is done. -- returns true, or nil, error string, errno -- -- mysock:listen([backlog]) -- enables listening for connections. -- returns true, or nil, error string, errno -- -- mysock:accept() -- returns the next connection in the queue as a socket object, or -- nil, error string, errno -- -- mysock:setsockopt(level, option, value) -- sets a socket option, such as SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR. -- returns true, or nil, error message, errno -- -- mysock:getsockopt(level, option) -- gets a socket option -- returns the value, or nil, error message, errno -- -- oldmask = sio.umask(newmask) -- change the umask -- returns old umask -- -- chmod(filename, mode) -- Changes the permissions of a named file -- -- opendir(path) -- Returns an object for directory enumeration, -- or nil, error message, errno -- mydir:iterate() -- Returns an iterator suitable for use with the for loop that -- returns two values, a file name and a table containing -- d_ino, d_name and possibly d_type. -- mydir:next() -- Returns a table containing d_ino, d_name and possibly d_type, -- or nil at end of directory. -- mydir:close() -- Closes an open directory. -- -- mkdir(path[, "mode"]) -- Creates a directory. Mode defaults to 0775. -- Returns 0, or nil, errmsg, errno -- -- fork() -- Forks the process. Returns 0 to the child, pid of child to -- parent, or nil, errmsg, errno -- exec(path, ...) -- Replaces this proces with another. Either never returns, or -- returns nil, errmsg, errno -- waitpid([pid[, options]]) -- Waits for a child to exit, and returns its exit status. pid -- defaults to -1. -- kill(pid[, signal]) -- Sends a signal to another process. Signal defaults to SIGTERM. -- Returns 0, or nil, errmsg, errno -- setenv(key, value[, overwrite]) -- Sets an environment variable. overwrite defaults to false. -- Returns 0, or nil, errmsg, errno -- getenv(key) -- Returns the given environment variable, or nil. -- unsetenv(key) -- Unsets the given key. Returns 0 if success (or key didn't -- exist) or nil, errmsg, errno -- chdir(path) -- Changes the current working directory. Returns 0, or -- nil, errmsg, errno -- getcwd() -- Returns the current working directory, or nil, errmsg, errno -- -- flags() -- Parses a list of comma-seperated flag strings, looks them up -- as UNIX constants, and ORs them together. -- Common suffixes are optional, and the system is case-insensitive. -- For example, flags("rdrw,creat,excl") would be the same as ORing -- together O_RDWR, O_CREAT, and O_EXCL. local l = require "luxio" assert(l._ABI == 0, "luxio ABI mismatch") local l_open = l.open local l_pipe = l.pipe local l_socketpair = l.socketpair local l_socket = l.socket local l_bind = l.bind local l_connect = l.connect local l_listen = l.listen local l_accept = l.accept local l_close = l.close local l_write = l.write local l_writev = l.writev local l_read = l.read local l_stat = l.stat local l_lstat = l.lstat local l_fstat = l.fstat local l_lseek = l.lseek local l_chmod = l.chmod local l_fchmod = l.fchmod local l_umask = l.umask local l_link = l.link local l_mkdir = l.mkdir local l_mkfifo = l.mkfifo local l_unlink = l.unlink local l_rmdir = l.rmdir local l_rename = l.rename local l_fcntl = l.fcntl local l_setsockopt = l.setsockopt local l_getsockopt = l.getsockopt local l_getaddrinfo = l.getaddrinfo local l_send = l.send local l_sendto = l.sendto local l_recv = l.recv local l_recvfrom = l.recvfrom local l_gai_strerror = l.gai_strerror local l_connect = l.connect local l_bit_bor = l.bit.bor local l_bit_bclear = l.bit.bclear local l_bit_btest = l.bit.btest local strerror = l.strerror local l_make_sockaddr = l.make_sockaddr local getmetatable = getmetatable local setmetatable = setmetatable local assert = assert local error = error local tostring = tostring local tonumber = tonumber local unpack = unpack local newproxy = newproxy local lua_version = tonumber(_VERSION:match "Lua (%d.%d)") local descriptor_mt local sio_wrap_mt local function err(s, errno) return nil, ("%s: %s"):format(s, strerror(errno)), errno end local function sio_mt_gc(o) if o.fd and not o.nogcfd then l_close(o.fd) end end --- stat result table. --- The table that all the stat family returns. --- @field dev ID of device containing file --- @field ino inode number --- @field mode protection mode --- @field nlink number of hard links --- @field uid user ID of owner --- @field gid group ID of owner --- @field rdev device ID (if special file) --- @field size total size, in bytes --- @field blksize blocksize for file system I/O --- @field blocks number of 512 byte blocks allocated --- @field atime time of last access --- @field mtime time of last modification --- @field ctime time of last status change --- @table stat --- A file handle. --- The basic type used to expose file handles. --- @type file if lua_version == 5.1 then sio_wrap_mt = function(fd, nogcfd, name) assert(type(fd) == "number", "expected file descriptor number at #1") local p = newproxy(true) local r = { --- The file descriptor as a number. fd = fd, proxy = p, nogcfd = nogcfd, --- Helpful text representation of file handle. name = name, closed = false } getmetatable(p).__gc = function() return sio_mt_gc(r) end return setmetatable(r, descriptor_mt) end elseif lua_version >= 5.2 then sio_wrap_mt = function(fd, nogcfd, name) assert(type(fd) == "number", "expected file descriptor number at #1") local r = { fd = fd, nogcfd = nogcfd, name = name, closed = false } return setmetatable(r, descriptor_mt) end end local function sio_check_mt(t) if getmetatable(t) ~= descriptor_mt then error "not passed an sio object" end if t.closed then error "passed closed sio object" end return true end --- Close an open file. --- @function file:close --- @treturn bool|nil true on success, nil on failure --- @treturn string|nil string describing error --- @treturn errno|nil errno on error local function close(o) sio_check_mt(o) local r, errno = l_close(o.fd) if r ~= 0 then return err("close", errno) end o.fd = nil o.closed = true return true end --- Disable garbage collection of a file. --- @function file:nogc local function nogc(o) sio_check_mt(o) o.nogcfd = true end --- Set the non-blocking flag on a file. --- @function file:nonblocking --- @tparam bool blocking true for non-blocking, false or nil for blocking. local function nonblocking(o, b) sio_check_mt(o) local fd = o.fd local flags, errno = l_fcntl(fd, l.F_GETFL) if flags == -1 then return err("fcntl", errno) end if b == nil then return l_bit_btest(flags, l.O_NONBLOCK) elseif b == false then flags = l_bit_bclear(flags, l.O_NONBLOCK) elseif b == true then flags = l_bit_bor(flags, l.O_NONBLOCK) else error "expected nil, true or false at #2" end flags, errno = l_fcntl(fd, l.F_SETFL, flags) if flags ~= 0 then return err("fcntl", errno) else return true end end --- Write data to a file. --- @function file:write --- @tparam string data --- @tparam[opt=1] number offset into string to start write from --- @treturn number|nil bytes written, or nil on error --- @treturn string|nil string describing error if error --- @treturn errno|nil errno if error local function write(o, d, i) sio_check_mt(o) assert(type(d) == "string", "string expected at #2") local r, errno = l_write(o.fd, d, i) if r < 0 then return err("write", errno) end return r end --- Write a list of strings to a file. --- @function file:writev --- @tparam string ... List of strings to write --- @treturn number|nil Bytes written, or nil in case of error --- @treturn string|nil string describing error if error --- @treturn errno|nil errno if error local function writev(o, ...) sio_check_mt(o) local r, errno = l_writev(o.fd, ...) if r < 0 then return err("writev", errno) end return r end --- Read data from a file. --- This function takes a list of patterns to read, based loosely --- on Lua's own read function. They are: --- --- * "*a" - read all data until end of file. --- * "*l" - read a single line of data, or until end of file. --- * Or, a number describing the number of bytes to read. --- @function file:read --- @tparam string ... List of read patterns. --- @treturn ...|nil List of return strings, or nil if error --- @treturn string|nil String describing error if error --- @treturn errno|nil errno if error local function read(o, ...) local res = { } for idx, patt in ipairs { ... } do if patt == "*a" then local c = { } repeat local r, errno = l_read(o.fd, l.BUFSIZ) if r == -1 then return err("read", errno) end c[#c + 1] = r until #r == 0 if #c ~= 0 then res[#res + 1] = table.concat(c) end elseif patt == "*l" then local c = { } local r, errno repeat r, errno = l_read(o.fd, 1) if r == -1 then return err("read", errno) end if r ~= '\n' and #r ~= 0 then c[#c + 1] = r else break end until #r == 0 if #c ~= 0 or #r ~= 0 then res[#res + 1] = table.concat(c) end elseif type(patt) == "number" then local r, errno = l_read(o.fd, patt) if r == -1 then return err("read", errno) end if #r ~= 0 then res[#res + 1] = r end else error(("unknown pattern specification '%s' at #%d"):format(patt, idx)) end end if #res == 0 then return nil else return unpack(res) end end --- Get information on an option file. --- @function file:fstat --- @treturn stat|nil stat table or nil if error --- @treturn string|nil string describing error if error --- @treturn errno|nil errno if error local function fstat(o) sio_check_mt(o) local r, e = l_fstat(o.fd) if r < 0 then return err("fstat", e) end return e end local seek_modes = { ["cur"] = l.SEEK_CUR, ["set"] = l.SEEK_SET, ["end"] = l.SEEK_END } --- Change the position within a file. --- @function file:seek --- @tparam string whence one of "cur", "set", and "end". --- @tparam number offset signed number describing requested change. --- @treturn number|nil resulting offset, as measured from beginning of file --- in bytes, or nil if error. --- @treturn string|nil string describing error if error --- @treturn errno|nil errno if error local function seek(o, whence, offset) sio_check_mt(o) assert(offset == nil or type(offset) == "number", "offset number expected at #2") whence = whence or "cur" offset = offset or 0 whence = seek_modes[whence] or error "unknown seek whence" local r, errno = l_lseek(o.fd, offset, whence) if r < 0 then return err("lseek", errno) end return r end --- Apply or remove an advisory lock on an open file. --- @function file:lock --- @tparam string rw Lock type "r" for read, "w" for write, "" for unlock. --- @tparam string whence one of "cur", "set", and "end" --- @tparam number offset offset of start of lock/unlock location --- @tparam number len length in bytes of lock/unlock locations --- @tparam bool wait true if the call should block until region is unlocked --- @tparam bool test true if you simply want to check if locked --- @treturn true|nil nil if error --- @treturn string|nil string describing error if error --- @treturn errno|nil errno if error local function lock(o, rw, whence, offset, len, wait, test) sio_check_mt(o) assert(rw == "r" or rw == "w" or rw == "") assert(seek_modes[whence]) assert(type(offset) == "number") assert(type(len) == "number" and len >= 0) local flock = { l_whence = seek_modes[whence], l_start = offset, l_len = len } local cmd = wait and l.F_SETLKW or l.F_SETLK if test then cmd = l.F_GETLK end if rw == "r" then flock.l_type = l.F_RDLCK elseif rw == "w" then flock.l_type = l.F_WRLCK else flock.l_type = l.F_UNLCK end local r, errno = l_fcntl(o.fd, cmd, flock) if r < 0 then return err("fcntl", errno) end if not test then return true else if flock.l_type == l.F_UNLCK then return true else return false, flock.l_pid end end end --- Unlock a region of an open file. --- Convienence function. Simply calls `file:lock` with an empty rw. --- @function file:unlock --- @tparam string whence --- @tparam number offset --- @tparam number len --- @treturn true|nil nil if error --- @treturn string|nil string describing error if error --- @treturn errno|nil errno if error local function unlock(o, whence, offset, len) return lock(o, "", whence, offset, len) end local function locktest(o, type, whence, offset, len) return lock(o, type, whence, offset, len, false, true) end local function fchmod(o, mode) sio_check_mt(o) local mode = sio_mode_flags(mode) local r, errno = l_fchmod(o.fd, mode) if r < 0 then return err("fchmod", errno) end return r end --- Helper functions. --- @section helper local flag_prefixes = { "O_", "SEEK_", "SPLICE_F_", "S_", "F_", "PF_", "AF_", "IPPROTO_", "SOCK_", "SHUT_", "SO_", "TCP_", "AI_", "POLL", "LOG_", "EXIT_", "MSG_" } local function flags_find_flag(f) for flag in pairs(l) do if type(l[flag]) == "number" then if f == flag or f == flag:lower() then return flag end -- now look for both lower and upper using a set of prefixes for _, prefix in ipairs(flag_prefixes) do local try = prefix .. f if try == flag or try:upper() == flag:upper() then return flag end end end end return nil end local flag_cache = { } --- Convert a string of comma-seperated flag names to a number. --- This function takes a list of strings, each with comma-seperated flag names --- and returns a number which is all of those flags ORed together. --- Flags can optionally be lower-case, and also if they begin with one of --- the common prefixes, such as O_, S_, F_, AF_, AI_, SO_, TCP_ and many others --- can be omitted. --- For example: --- --- myflags = sio.flags "rdwr,creat,excl" --- @tparam string ... --- @treturn number --- @function flags local function flags(...) local r = 0 local f = table.concat({ ... }, ",") if flag_cache[f] then return flag_cache[f] end for i in f:gmatch("([^,]*)") do if i ~= "" then local flag = flags_find_flag(i) if not flag then error("unknown flag " .. i) end r = l_bit_bor(r, luxio[flag]) end end flag_cache[f] = r return r end local function sio_perm_flags_help(s, read, write, execute, sid) local c = { } for l in s:gmatch "." do if l == "r" then c[#c + 1] = read elseif l == "w" then c[#c + 1] = write elseif l == "x" then c[#c + 1] = execute elseif l == "s" then c[#c + 1] = sid elseif l == "t" then c[#c + 1] = l.S_ISVTX elseif l == "-" then -- skip - else error(("unknown permission flag '%s'"):format(l)) end end return l_bit_bor(unpack(c)) end local S_IRALL = l_bit_bor(l.S_IRUSR, l.S_IRGRP, l.S_IROTH) local S_IWALL = l_bit_bor(l.S_IWUSR, l.S_IWGRP, l.S_IWOTH) local S_IXALL = l_bit_bor(l.S_IXUSR, l.S_IXGRP, l.S_IXOTH) local S_ISUIDGID = l_bit_bor(l.S_ISUID, l.S_ISGID) --- Convert a string representing a permissions mode to a number. --- This function converts a string into a mode flag. It supports --- many different forms. For example: --- --- sio.tomode(0666) -- already a mode, it'll just return it --- sio.tomode "666" -- converted directly to number, assumed octal --- sio.tomode "-rw-r--r--" -- as emitted by ls --- sio.tomode "o+rw,g+r" -- as used by chmod --- @tparam number|string f mode description to convert --- @treturn number --- @function tomode local function sio_mode_flags(f) if type(f) == "number" then -- is already a suitable mode return f end if type(f) ~= "string" then -- if it's not a string, we don't know how to process it error("string describing access mode expected") end if f:match "0?[0-7][0-7][0-7][0-7]" then -- octal number as a string return tonumber(f, 8) end if not f:match "[^-rwx]" then -- ls-style local usr, grp, oth = f:match "(...)(...)(...)" if not (usr and grp and oth) then error "incorrect format for ls-style permissions flags" end local m = l_bit_bor(sio_perm_flags_help(usr, l.S_IRUSR, l.S_IWUSR, l.S_IXUSR), sio_perm_flags_help(grp, l.S_IRGRP, l.S_IWGRP, l.S_IXGRP), sio_perm_flags_help(oth, l.S_IROTH, l.S_IWOTH, l.S_IXOTH)) return m end -- try to parse this as a chmod-style command local m = 0 for e, p in f:gmatch "(.)=([^,]+),?" do if e == "u" then m = l_bit_bor(m, sio_perm_flags_help(p, l.S_IRUSR, l.S_IWUSR, l.S_IXUSR, l.S_ISUID)) elseif e == "g" then m = l_bit_bor(m, sio_perm_flags_help(p, l.S_IRGRP, l.S_IWGRP, l.S_IXGRP, l.S_ISGID)) elseif e == "o" then m = l_bit_bor(m, sio_perm_flags_help(p, l.S_IROTH, l.S_IWOTH, l.S_IXOTH, 0)) elseif e == "a" then m = l_bit_bor(m, sio_perm_flags_help(p, S_IRALL, S_IWALL, S_IXALL, S_ISUIDGID)) else error(("unknown access group '%s'"):format(e)) end end return m end local open_flags = { r = 0, w = 0, -- handled manually ["+"] = l.O_APPEND, c = l.O_CREAT, e = l_bit_bor(l.O_EXCL, l.O_CREAT), n = l.O_NOATIME, d = l.O_NDELAY, t = l.O_TRUNC } local function sio_open_flags(flags) local r = { } if flags:match "r" and flags:match "w" then r[#r + 1] = l.O_RDWR elseif flags:match "r" then r[#r + 1] = l.O_RDONLY elseif flags:match "w" then r[#r + 1] = l.O_WRONLY end for m in flags:gmatch "(.)" do local f = open_flags[m] or error(("unknown open flag '%s'"):format(m)) r[#r + 1] = f end return l_bit_bor(unpack(r)) end --- Opening files. --- @section open --- Open a file. --- The open type may contain the following characters; --- --- * r - open file for reading --- * w - open file for writing --- * \+ - append --- * e - open and create exclusively (O_EXCL and O_CREAT) --- * c - create file if it doesn't exist. (O_CREAT) --- * n - do not modify access time (O_NOATIME) --- * d - open in non-blocking mode (O_NDELAY) --- * t - truncate file --- @tparam string filename --- @tparam[opt="r"] string flags open type --- @tparam[opt] mode number permissions mode if creating. --- @treturn file|nil File handle, or nil if error --- @treturn string|nil Error string if error --- @treturn errno|nil Error number if error --- @function open local function open(filename, flags, mode) mode = mode or tonumber("666", 8) assert(type(filename) == "string", "filename string expected at #1") flags = sio_open_flags(flags or "r") local r, errno = l_open(filename, flags, sio_mode_flags(mode)) if r < 0 then return err("open", errno) end return sio_wrap_mt(r, false, filename) end local pipe_count = 0 --- Create an anonymous pipe. --- Returns two files, the first one can be used to read data written --- to the second. --- @treturn file|nil Reading half of pipe, or nil on error --- @treturn file|string Writing half of pipe, or string describing error --- @treturn errno|nil Error number if error --- @function pipe local function pipe() local fds = { } local r, errno = l_pipe(fds) if r ~= 0 then return err("pipe", errno) end local pipename1 = (""):format(pipe_count) local pipename2 = (""):format(pipe_count) pipe_count = pipe_count + 1 return sio_wrap_mt(fds[1], false, pipename1), sio_wrap_mt(fds[2], false, pipename2) end local socketpair_count = 0 --- Create an anonymous UNIX domain socket pair. --- Returns two files, which can be considered as each end of a bi-directional --- pipe. --- @treturn file|nil First socket of the pair, or nil on error --- @treturn file|string Second socket of the pair, or string describing error --- @treturn errno|nil Error number if error --- @function pipe local function socketpair(type) type = type or l.SOCK_STREAM local typen = type == l.SOCK_STREAM and "stream" or "datagram" local sv = { } local r, errno = l_socketpair(l.AF_UNIX, type or l.SOCK_STREAM, 0, sv) if r ~= 0 then return err("pipe", errno) end local spname1 = ("<%s socketpair %d/0>"):format(typen, socketpair_count) local spname2 = ("<%s socketpair %d/1>"):format(typen, socketpair_count) socketpair_count = socketpair_count + 1 return sio_wrap_mt(sv[1], false, spname1), sio_wrap_mt(sv[2], false, spname2) end local function stat(p) local r, e = l_stat(p) if r < 0 then return err("stat", e) end return e end local function lstat(p) local r, e = l_lstat(p) if r < 0 then return err("lstat", e) end return e end local function chmod(file, mode) local mode = sio_mode_flags(mode) local r, errno = l_chmod(file, mode) if r < 0 then return err("chmod", errno) end return r end local function umask(mask) return l_umask(sio_mode_flags(mask)) end local function link(existing, new) local r, errno = l_link(existing, new) if r ~= 0 then return err("link", errno) end return true end local function mkfifo(pathname, mode) local mode = sio_mode_flags(mode) local r, errno = l_mkfifo(pathname, mode) if r ~= 0 then return err("mkfifo", errno) end return true end local function unlink(pathname) local r, errno = l_unlink(pathname) if r ~= 0 then return err("unlink", errno) end return true end local function rmdir(pathname) local r, errno = l_rmdir(pathname) if r ~= 0 then return err("rmdir", errno) end return true end local function rename(old, new) local r, errno = l_rename(old, new) if r ~= 0 then return err("rename", errno) end return true end --- Network functions. --- @section net local function luxio_socket_create(family, socktype) socktype = socktype or "tcp" -- default to tcp socket local st if socktype == "tcp" then st = l.SOCK_STREAM elseif socktype == "udp" then st = l.SOCK_DGRAM end assert(st ~= nil, "unknown socket type") local sock, errno = l_socket(family, st, 0) if sock < 0 then return err("socket", errno) end local sockname = (""):format( family == l.AF_INET and "ipv4" or "ipv6", socktype) local r = sio_wrap_mt(sock, false, sockname) r.sock = { family = family, type = st } return r end local function inet(socktype) return luxio_socket_create(l.AF_INET, socktype) end local function inet6(socktype) return luxio_socket_create(l.AF_INET6, socktype) end local function connect(host, serv) serv = tostring(serv) assert(type(host) == "string", "host string expected at #1") assert(type(serv) == "string", "service string expected at #2") local r, addrinfo = l_getaddrinfo(host, serv, 0, l.AF_UNSPEC, l.SOCK_STREAM) if r < 0 then return nil, ("getaddrinfo: %s"):format(l_gai_strerror(r)), r end local sock, addr, errno for idx, ai in ipairs(addrinfo) do sock, errno = l_socket(ai.ai_family, ai.ai_socktype, ai.ai_protocol) if sock < 0 then -- can't create this type of socket sock = nil else r, errno = l_connect(sock, ai.ai_addr) if r < 0 then -- can't connect to this address l_close(sock) sock = nil else -- we connected! addr = ai break end end end if sock == nil then -- we couldn't connect, return the last error return err("unable to connect", errno) end local sockname = (""):format( addr.ai_family == l.AF_INET and "ipv4" or "ipv6", addr.ai_addr.address, addr.ai_addr.port) r = sio_wrap_mt(sock, false, sockname) r.sock = { family = addr.ai_family, type = addr.ai_socktype, addr = addr.ai_addr } return r end local function bind(host, serv, backlog) host = host or "::" serv = tostring(serv) assert(type(serv) == "string", "service string expected at #2") backlog = backlog or 32 local r, addrinfo = l_getaddrinfo(host, serv, l.AI_PASSIVE, l.AF_UNSPEC, l.SOCK_STREAM) if r < 0 then return nil, ("getaddrinfo: %s"):format(l_gai_strerror(r)), r end local sock, errno, addr for idx, ai in ipairs(addrinfo) do sock, errno = l_socket(ai.ai_family, ai.ai_socktype, ai.ai_protocol) if sock < 0 then -- can't creat this tpe of socket sock = nil else l_setsockopt(sock, l.SOL_SOCKET, l.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) r, errno = l_bind(sock, ai.ai_addr) if r < 0 then -- can't bind to this address l_close(sock) sock = nil else -- we bound! addr = ai break end end end if sock == nil then -- we couldn't bind, return the last error return err("bind", errno) end r, errno = l_listen(sock, backlog) if r < 0 then l_close(sock) return err("listen", errno) end local sockname = (""):format( addr.ai_family == l.AF_INET and "ipv4" or "ipv6", addr.ai_addr.address, addr.ai_addr.port) r = sio_wrap_mt(sock, false, sockname) r.sock = { family = addr.ai_family, type = addr.ai_socktype, addr = addr.ai_addr } return r end local function accept(o) sio_check_mt(o) local r, addr = l_accept(o.fd) if r < 0 then return err("accept", addr) end local sockname = (""):format( addr.family == l.AF_INET and "ipv4" or "ipv6", addr.address, addr.port) r = sio_wrap_mt(r, false, sockname) r.sock = { family = addr.family, type = l.SOCK_STREAM, addr = addr } return r, addr end local function msetsockopt(o, level, option, value) sio_check_mt(o) assert(type(level) == "number", "level number expected at #2") assert(type(option) == "number", "option number expected at #3") local r, errno = l_setsockopt(o.fd, level, option, value) if r == 0 then return true end return err("setsockopt", errno) end local function mgetsockopt(o, level, option) sio_check_mt(o) assert(type(level) == "number", "level number expected at #2") assert(type(option) == "number", "option number expected at #3") local r, value = l_getsockopt(o.fd, level, option) if r == 0 then return value end return err("getsockopt", errno) end local function mbind(o, address, port) sio_check_mt(o) assert(type(address) == "string", "address string expected at #2") assert(type(port) == "number", "port number expected at #3") local sockaddr = l_make_sockaddr(o.sock.family, port, address) local r, errno = l_bind(o.fd, sockaddr) if r < 0 then return err("bind", errno) end o.sock.addr = sockaddr o.name = (""):format( o.sock.family == l.AF_INET and "ipv4" or "ipv6", o.sock.type == l.SOCK_STREAM and "tcp" or "udp", sockaddr.address, sockaddr.port) return true end local function mlisten(o, backlog) sio_check_mt(o) backlog = backlog or 32 local r, errno = l_listen(o.fd, backlog) if r < 0 then return err("listen", errno) end return true end local function mconnect(o, address, port) sio_check_mt(o) assert(type(address) == "string", "address string expected at #2") assert(type(port) == "number", "port number expected at #3") local sockaddr = l_make_sockaddr(o.sock.family, port, address) local r, errno = l_connect(o.fd, sockaddr) if r < 0 then return err("connect", errno) end o.name = (""):format( o.sock.family == l.AF_INET and "ipv4" or "ipv6", o.sock.type == l.SOCK_STREAM and "tcp" or "udp", sockaddr.address, sockaddr.port) return true end local function msend(o, buf, f) sio_check_mt(o) assert(type(buf) == "string") f = flags(f or "") local r, errno = l_send(o.fd, buf, f); if r < 0 then return err("send", errno); end return r end local function mrecv(o, count, f) sio_check_mt(o) assert(type(count) == "number") f = flags(f or "") local r, errno = l_recv(o.fd, count, f); if r == -1 then return err("recv", errno); end return r end descriptor_mt = { close = close, nogc = nogc, nonblocking = nonblocking, write = write, writev = writev, read = read, seek = seek, chmod = fchmod, fchmod = fchmod, stat = fstat, fstat = stat, lock = lock, locktest = locktest, accept = accept, setsockopt = msetsockopt, getsockopt = mgetsockopt, bind = mbind, listen = mlisten, connect = mconnect, send = msend, recv = mrecv, __tostring = function(x) return ("file descriptor: %s (%s)"):format( tostring(x.fd or "closed"), x.name or "") end, __gc = sio_meta_gc, } descriptor_mt.__index = descriptor_mt -- Directory enumeration local lclosedir = l.closedir local lreaddir = l.readdir local function dirent_meta_gc(o) if not o.closed then lclosedir(o.dir) end end local dirent_wrap_mt local dirent_check_mt local dirent_mt = { next = function(o) dirent_check_mt(o) local r, t = lreaddir(o.dir) if r == 0 then return t -- next directory entry elseif r == nil then return nil -- end of directory else error("readdir iterator: " .. lstrerror(r)) end end, iterate = function(o) dirent_check_mt(o) return function() local r, t = lreaddir(o.dir) if r == 0 then return t.d_name, t elseif r == nil then -- end of directory return nil else error("readdir iterator: " .. lstrerror(r)) end end end, close = function(o) dirent_check_mt(o) lclosedir(o.dir) o.closed = true end, __gc = dirent_meta_gc } dirent_mt.__index = dirent_mt if lua_version == 5.1 then dirent_wrap_mt = function(t) t.proxy = newproxy(true) getmetatable(t.proxy).__gc = function() dirent_meta_gc(t) end return setmetatable(t, dirent_mt) end else dirent_wrap_mt = function(t) return setmetatable(t, dirent_mt) end end dirent_check_mt = function(x) if getmetatable(x) ~= dirent_mt then error "object passed is not a directory object" end if x.closed then error "directory passed has been closed" end end local lopendir = l.opendir local function opendir(path) local r, errno = lopendir(path) if r == nil then return err("opendir", errno) end return dirent_wrap_mt { dir = r } end -- Misc helper functions that do not function on descriptors local lmkdir = l.mkdir local function mkdir(path, mode) mode = sio_mode_flags(mode or "0755") if path == "" or path == "/" then return true end local r, errno = lmkdir(path, mode) if r < 0 then return err("mkdir", errno) end return r end local lfork = l.fork local function fork() local r, errno = lfork() if r == -1 then return err("fork", errno) end return r end local lexec = l.exec local function exec(...) local r, errno = lexec(...) return err("exec", errno) end local lexecp = l.execp local function execp(...) local r, errno = lexecp(...) return err("execp", errno) end local lwaitpid = l.waitpid local function waitpid(pid, options) pid = pid or -1 options = options or 0 local r, errno = waitpid(pid, options) if r == -1 then return err("waitpid", errno) end return r end local l_kill = l.kill local SIGTERM = l.SIGTERM local function kill(pid, signal) signal = signal or SIGTERM if type(pid) ~= "number" or pid < 1 then return nil, "invalid pid passed to kill" end local r, errno = l_kill(pid, signal) if r == -1 then return err("kill", errno) end return r end local l_setenv = l.setenv local function setenv(key, value, overwrite) local r, errno = l_setenv(key, value, overwrite and 1 or 0) if r == -1 then return err("setenv", errno) end return r end local l_unsetenv = l.unsetenv local function unsetenv(key) local r, errno = l_unsetenv(key) if r == -1 then return err("unsetenv", errno) end return r end local l_chdir = l.chdir local function chdir(path) local r, errno = l_chdir(path) if r == -1 then return err("chdir", errno) end return r end local l_getcwd = l.getcwd local function getcwd() local r, errno = l_getcwd() if r == nil then return err("getcwd", errno) end return r end return { open = open, pipe = pipe, socketpair = socketpair, inet = inet, inet6 = inet6, connect = connect, bind = bind, stat = stat, lstat = lstat, wrap_fd = sio_wrap_mt, tomode = sio_mode_flags, umask = umask, chmod = chmod, link = link, mkdir = mkdir, mkfifo = mkfifo, unlink = unlink, rmdir = rmdir, rename = rename, fork = fork, exec = exec, execp = execp, waitpid = waitpid, kill = kill, setenv = setenv, getenv = l.getenv, -- this call cannot fail unsetenv = unsetenv, opendir = opendir, chdir = chdir, getcwd = getcwd, stdin = sio_wrap_mt(l.STDIN_FILENO, true, ""), stdout = sio_wrap_mt(l.STDOUT_FILENO, true, ""), stderr = sio_wrap_mt(l.STDERR_FILENO, true, ""), luxio = l, flags = flags, _VERSION = "Luxio Simple Interface " .. tostring(l._RELEASE), _COPYRIGHT = "Copyright 2012 Rob Kendrick ", _RELEASE = l._RELEASE }