path: root/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
2 files changed, 380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index e8f674282..1fe88ca90 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -31,6 +31,10 @@ ifeq ("@FSADM@", "yes")
+ifeq ("@VDOIMPORT@", "yes")
ifeq ("@BLKDEACTIVATE@", "yes")
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ef9659103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2021 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This file is part of LVM2.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
+# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
+# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+# Author: Zdenek Kabelac <zkabelac at>
+# Script for converting VDO volumes to lvm2 VDO LVs
+# Needed utilities:
+# lvm, dmsetup,
+# vdo, vdo2lvm,
+# grep, awk, sed, blockdev, readlink, mkdir
+# Conversion is using 'vdo convert' support from VDO manager to move
+# existing VDO header by 2M which makes space to place in PV header
+# and VG metadata area, and then create VDOPOOL LV and VDO LV in such VG.
+set -euE -o pipefail
+# user may override lvm location by setting LVM_BINARY
+# default name for converted VG and its VDO LV
+# help message
+tool_usage() {
+ echo "${TOOL}: Utility to convert VDO volume to VDO LV."
+ echo
+ echo " ${TOOL} [options] <vdo_device_path>"
+ echo
+ echo " Options:"
+ echo " -f | --force Bypass sanity checks"
+ echo " -h | --help Show this help message"
+ echo " -n | --name Specifies VG/LV name for converted VDO volume"
+ echo " -v | --verbose Be verbose"
+ echo " -y | --yes Answer \"yes\" at any prompts"
+ echo " --dry-run Print commands without running them"
+ exit
+verbose() {
+ test -z "$VERB" || echo "$TOOL:" "$@"
+# Support multi-line error messages
+error() {
+ for i in "$@" ; do
+ echo "$TOOL: $i" >&2
+ done
+ cleanup 1
+dry() {
+ if [ "$DRY" -ne 0 ]; then
+ verbose "Dry execution" "$@"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ verbose "Executing" "$@"
+ "$@"
+cleanup() {
+ trap '' 2
+ rm -rf "$TEMPDIR"
+ # error exit status for break
+ exit "${1:-1}"
+get_enabled_value_() {
+ case "$1" in
+ enabled) echo "1" ;;
+ *) echo "0" ;;
+ esac
+get_kb_size_with_unit_() {
+ case "$1" in
+ *[kK]) echo $(( ${1%[kK]} )) ;;
+ *[mM]) echo $(( ${1%[mM]} * 1024 )) ;;
+ *[gG]) echo $(( ${1%[gG]} * 1024 * 1024 )) ;;
+ *[tT]) echo $(( ${1%[tT]} * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 )) ;;
+ *[pP]) echo $(( ${1%[pP]} * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 )) ;;
+ esac
+get_mb_size_with_unit_() {
+ case "$1" in
+ *[mM]) echo $(( ${1%[mM]} )) ;;
+ *[gG]) echo $(( ${1%[gG]} * 1024 )) ;;
+ *[tT]) echo $(( ${1%[tT]} * 1024 * 1024 )) ;;
+ *[pP]) echo $(( ${1%[pP]} * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 )) ;;
+ esac
+# Figure out largest possible extent size usable for VG
+# $1 physical size
+# $2 logical size
+get_largest_extent_size_() {
+ local max=4
+ local i
+ local d
+ for i in 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 ; do
+ d=$(( $1 / i ))
+ test $(( d * i )) -eq "$1" || break
+ d=$(( $2 / i ))
+ test $(( d * i )) -eq "$2" || break
+ max=$i
+ done
+ echo "$max"
+# detect LV on the given device
+# dereference device name if it is symbolic link
+detect_lv_() {
+ local DEVICE=$1
+ local MAJOR
+ local MINOR
+ DEVICE=${1/#"${DM_DEV_DIR}/"/}
+ test -n "$DEVICE" || error "Cannot get readlink \"$1\"."
+ case "$RDEVICE" in
+ # hardcoded /dev since udev does not create these entries elsewhere
+ /dev/dm-[0-9]*)
+ read -r <"/sys/block/${RDEVICE#/dev/}/dm/name" SYSVOLUME 2>&1 && DEVICE="$DM_DEV_DIR/mapper/$SYSVOLUME"
+ read -r <"/sys/block/${RDEVICE#/dev/}/dev" MAJORMINOR 2>&1 || error "Cannot get major:minor for \"$DEVICE\"."
+ ;;
+ *)
+ STAT=$(stat --format "MAJOR=\$((0x%t)) MINOR=\$((0x%T))" "$RDEVICE")
+ test -n "$STAT" || error "Cannot get major:minor for \"$DEVICE\"."
+ eval "$STAT"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ eval "$(dmsetup info -c -j "$MAJOR" -m "$MINOR" -o uuid,name --noheadings --nameprefixes --separator ' ')"
+# parse yaml config files into 'prefix_yaml_part_names=("value")' strings
+parse_yaml_() {
+ local yaml_file=$1
+ local prefix=$2
+ local s
+ local w
+ local fs
+ s='[[:space:]]*'
+ w='[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*'
+ fs="$(echo @|tr @ '\034')"
+ (
+ sed -ne '/^--/s|--||g; s|\"|\\\"|g; s/[[:space:]]*$//g;' \
+ -e 's/\$/\\\$/g' \
+ -e "/#.*[\"\']/!s| #.*||g; /^#/s|#.*||g;" \
+ -e "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s:$s\"\(.*\)\"$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" \
+ -e "s|^\($s\)\($w\)${s}[:-]$s\(.*\)$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" |
+ awk -F"$fs" '{
+ indent = length($1)/2;
+ if (length($2) == 0) { conj[indent]="+";} else {conj[indent]="";}
+ vname[indent] = $2;
+ for (i in vname) {if (i > indent) {delete vname[i]}}
+ if (length($3) > 0) {
+ vn=""; for (i=0; i<indent; i++) {vn=(vn)(vname[i])("_")}
+ printf("%s%s%s%s=(\"%s\")\n", "'"$prefix"'",vn, $2, conj[indent-1], $3);
+ }
+ }' |
+ sed -e 's/_=/+=/g' |
+ awk 'BEGIN {
+ FS="=";
+ OFS="="
+ }
+ /(-|\.).*=/ {
+ gsub("-|\\.", "_", $1)
+ }
+ { print }'
+ ) < "$yaml_file"
+# convert existing VDO volume into lvm2 volume
+convert2lvm_() {
+ local DEVICE=$1
+ local VGNAME=${NAME%/*}
+ local LVNAME=${NAME#*/}
+ local VDONAME
+ local EXTENTSZ
+ local IS_LV=1
+ DM_UUID=""
+ detect_lv_ "$DEVICE"
+ case "$DM_UUID" in
+ LVM-*) eval "$(dmsetup splitname --nameprefixes --noheadings --separator ' ' "$DM_NAME")"
+ if [ -z "$VGNAME" ] || [ "$VGNAME" = "$LVNAME" ] ; then
+ elif test "$VGNAME" != "$DM_VG_NAME" ; then
+ error "Volume group name \"$VGNAME\" does not match name \"$DM_VG_NAME\" for device \"$DEVICE\"."
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *) IS_LV=0
+ # Check $VGNANE does not already exists
+ "$LVM" vgs "$VGNAME" && error "Cannot use already existing volume group name \"$VGNAME\"."
+ ;;
+ esac
+ verbose "Checked whether device $1 is already LV ($IS_LV)."
+ "$MKDIR" -p -m 0000 "$TEMPDIR" || error "Failed to create $TEMPDIR."
+ verbose "Getting YAML VDO configuration."
+ "$VDO" printConfigFile $VDOCONF >"$TEMPDIR/vdoconf.yml"
+ VDONAME=$(awk -v DNAME="$DEVICE" '/.*VDOService$/ {VNAME=substr($1, 0, length($1) - 1)} /[[:space:]]*device:/ { if ($2 ~ DNAME) {print VNAME}}' "$TEMPDIR/vdoconf.yml")
+ TRVDONAME=$(echo "$VDONAME" | tr '-' '_')
+ # When VDO volume is 'active', check it's not mounted/being used
+ eval "$(dmsetup info -c -o open "$VDONAME" --noheadings --nameprefixes || true)"
+ test "${DM_OPEN:-0}" -eq 0 || error "Cannot converted VDO volume \"$VDONAME\" which is in use!"
+ #parse_yaml_ "$TEMPDIR/vdoconf.yml" _
+ eval "$(parse_yaml_ "$TEMPDIR/vdoconf.yml" _ | grep "$TRVDONAME" | sed -e "s/_config_vdos_$TRVDONAME/vdo/g")"
+ vdo_logicalSize=$(get_kb_size_with_unit_ "$vdo_logicalSize")
+ vdo_physicalSize=$(get_kb_size_with_unit_ "$vdo_physicalSize")
+ verbose "Going to convert physical sized VDO device $vdo_physicalSize KiB."
+ verbose "With logical volume of size $vdo_logicalSize KiB."
+ PARAMS=$(cat <<EOF
+allocation {
+ vdo_use_compression = $(get_enabled_value_ "$vdo_compression")
+ vdo_use_deduplication = $(get_enabled_value_ "$vdo_deduplication")
+ vdo_use_metadata_hints=1
+ vdo_minimum_io_size = $vdo_logicalBlockSize
+ vdo_block_map_cache_size_mb = $(get_mb_size_with_unit_ "$vdo_blockMapCacheSize")
+ vdo_block_map_period = $vdo_blockMapPeriod
+ vdo_check_point_frequency = $vdo_indexCfreq
+ vdo_use_sparse_index = $(get_enabled_value_ "$vdo_indexSparse")
+ vdo_index_memory_size_mb = $(awk "BEGIN {print $vdo_indexMemory * 1024}")
+ vdo_slab_size_mb = $(get_mb_size_with_unit_ "$vdo_blockMapCacheSize")
+ vdo_ack_threads = $vdo_ackThreads
+ vdo_bio_threads = $vdo_bioThreads
+ vdo_bio_rotation = $vdo_bioRotationInterval
+ vdo_cpu_threads = $vdo_cpuThreads
+ vdo_hash_zone_threads = $vdo_hashZoneThreads
+ vdo_logical_threads = $vdo_logicalThreads
+ vdo_physical_threads = $vdo_physicalThreads
+ vdo_write_policy = $vdo_writePolicy
+ vdo_max_discard = $(( $(get_kb_size_with_unit_ "$vdo_maxDiscardSize") * 1024 ))
+ vdo_pool_header_size = 0
+ verbose "VDO conversion paramaters: $PARAMS"
+ verbose "Stopping VDO volume."
+ dry "$VDO" stop $VDOCONF --name "$VDONAME"
+ if [ "$IS_LV" = "0" ]; then
+ verbose "Moving VDO header by 2MiB."
+ dry "$VDO" convert $VDOCONF --force --name "$VDONAME"
+ dry "$LVM" pvcreate $YES --dataalignment 2M "$DEVICE" || {
+ error "Creation of PV on \"$DEVICE\" failed, while VDO header has been already moved!"
+ }
+ # Obtain free space in this new PV
+ # after 'vdo convert/vdo2lvm' call there is +2M free space at the front of the device
+ case "$DRY" in
+ 0) pvfree=$("$LVM" pvs -o devsize --units b --nosuffix --noheadings "$DEVICE") ;;
+ *) pvfree=$("$BLOCKDEV" --getsize64 "$DEVICE") ;;
+ esac
+ pvfree=$(( pvfree / 1024 - 2048 )) # to KiB
+ else
+ pvfree=$("$LVM" lvs -o size --units b --nosuffix --noheadings "$VGNAME/$LVNAME")
+ pvfree=$(( pvfree / 1024 )) # to KiB
+ fi
+ # select largest possible extent size that can exactly express both sizes
+ EXTENTSZ=$(get_largest_extent_size_ "$pvfree" "$vdo_logicalSize")
+ if [ "$IS_LV" = "0" ]; then
+ verbose "Creating VG \"${NAME%/*}\" with extent size $EXTENTSZ KiB."
+ dry "$LVM" vgcreate $YES $VERB -s "${EXTENTSZ}k" "$VGNAME" "$DEVICE" || {
+ error "Creation of VG \"$VGNAME\" failed, while VDO header has been already moved!"
+ }
+ verbose "Creating VDO pool data LV from all extents in volume group $VGNAME."
+ dry "$LVM" lvcreate -Zn -Wn $YES $VERB -l100%VG -n "${LVNAME}_vpool" "$VGNAME"
+ else
+ # validate existing VG extent_size can express virtual VDO size
+ vg_extent_size=$("$LVM" vgs -o vg_extent_size --units b --nosuffix --noheadings "$VGNAME" || true)
+ vg_extent_size=$(( vg_extent_size / 1024 ))
+ test "$vg_extent_size" -le "$EXTENTSZ" || {
+ error "Please vgchange extent_size to at most $EXTENTSZ KiB or extend and align virtual size on $vg_extent_size KiB."
+ }
+ verbose "Renaming existing LV to be used as _vdata volume for VDO pool LV."
+ dry "$LVM" lvrename $YES $VERB "$VGNAME/$LVNAME" "$VGNAME/${LVNAME}_vpool" || {
+ error "Rename of LV \"$VGNAME/$LVNAME\" failed, while VDO header has been already moved!"
+ }
+ fi
+ verbose "Converting to VDO pool."
+ dry "$LVM" lvconvert $YES $VERB $FORCE --config "$PARAMS" -Zn -V "${vdo_logicalSize}k" -n "$LVNAME" --type vdo-pool "$VGNAME/${LVNAME}_vpool"
+ rm -fr "$TEMPDIR"
+# start point of this script
+# - parsing parameters
+trap "cleanup 2" 2
+test "$#" -eq 0 && tool_usage
+while [ "$#" -ne 0 ]
+ case "$1" in
+ "") ;;
+ "-f"|"--force" ) FORCE="-f" ;;
+ "-h"|"--help" ) tool_usage ;;
+ "-n"|"--name" ) shift; NAME=$1 ;;
+ "-v"|"--verbose") VERB="-v" ;;
+ "-y"|"--yes" ) YES="-y" ;;
+ "--dry-run" ) DRY="1" ;;
+ "-*") error "Wrong argument \"$1\". (see: $TOOL --help)" ;;
+ *) DEVICENAME=$1 ;; # device name does not start with '-'
+ esac
+ shift
+# do conversion
+convert2lvm_ "$DEVICENAME"