Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* lvmlockd: use dlock_vg to acquire the VG lockdev-dct-lvmlockdDavid Teigland2014-11-2421-38/+430
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The VG lock is a simple read/write lock that protects a VG's metadata. The VG lock is used in shared mode to read the VG and in exclusive mode to modify the VG. The function to acquire/release the VG lock is dlock_vg(): . To acquire the vg lock in ex mode for writing: dlock_vg(cmd, vg_name, "ex", 0); . To acquire the vg lock in sh mode for reading: dlock_vg(cmd, vg_name, "sh", 0); . To release the vg lock: dlock_vg(cmd, vg_name, "un", 0); The dlock_vg() function sends a message to lvmlockd, asking for the lock in the specified mode. lvmlockd acquires the lock from the underlying lock manager, and sends the result back to the command. When the command exits, or calls dlock_vg("un"), lvmlockd releases the lock in the underlying lock manager. When lvm is compiled without lvmlockd support, all the dlock_vg calls simply compile to success (1). Using the vg lock in commands is simple: . A command that wants to read the VG should acquire the vg lock in the sh mode, then read the VG: dlock_vg(cmd, vg_name, "sh", 0); vg = vg_read(cmd, vg_name); dlock_vg(cmd, vg_name, "un", 0); . A command that wants to write the VG should acquire the vg lock in the ex mode, then make changes to the VG and write it: dlock_vg(cmd, vg_name, "ex", 0); vg = vg_read(cmd, vg_name); ... vg_write(vg); vg_commit(vg); dlock_vg(cmd, vg_name, "un", 0); When a command processes multiple VGs, e.g. using toollib process_each, then VG lock should be explicitly unlocked when the command is done processing the VG, i.e. dlock_vg(cmd, vg_name, "un", 0) as shown above. When a command processes a single VG or pair of VGs, then the command can simply exit and lvmlockd will automatically unlock the VG lock(s) that the command had acquired. Locking conflicts: When a command calls dlock_vg(), the lock request is passed to lvmlockd. lvmlockd makes the corresponding lock request in the lock manager using a non-blocking request. If another command on another host holds the vg lock in a conflicting mode, the lock request fails, and lvmlockd returns the failure to the command. The command reports the lock conflict and fails. A future option may enable lvmlockd to automatically retry lock requests that fail due to conflicts with locks of commands running concurrently on other hosts. (These retries could be disabled or limited to a certain number via a command or config option.) This way, simple, transient locking conflicts between commands on different hosts would be hidden. Caching: lvmlockd uses the lvb in the VG lock to hold the VG seqno. When a command writes VG metadata with a new seqno (under an ex lock), it sends lvmlockd the new VG seqno by calling lvmlockd_vg_update(vg). When lvmlockd unlocks the ex VG lock, it saves this new seqno in the vg lock's lvb. When other hosts next acquire the VG lock, they will read the lvb, see the new seqno is higher than the last seqno they saw, and know that their cached copy of the VG is stale. When lvmlockd sees this, it invalidates the cached copy of the VG in lvmetad. When a command then reads the VG from lvmetad, it will see that it's stale, will reread the latest VG from disk, and update the cached copy in lvmetad. These commands do not yet work with lvmlockd lock_types (sanlock|dlm): . vgsplit . vgmerge . vgrename . lvrename
* lvmlockd: use dlock_gl to acquire the global lockDavid Teigland2014-11-2428-31/+573
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The global lock (gl) is a simple read/write lock that protects global lvm metadata, i.e. metadata or information that is not isolated to a single VG. This global information includes: A) The VG name space. B) PVs or devices that do not belong to a VG. The function to acquire/release the global lock is dlock_gl(): . To acquire the gl in exclusive mode for writing/changing A or B: dlock_gl(cmd, "ex", 0); . To acquire the gl in shared mode for reading/listing A or B: dlock_gl(cmd, "sh", 0); . To release the gl: dlock_gl(cmd, "un", 0); The dlock_gl() function sends a message to lvmlockd, asking for the lock in the specified mode. lvmlockd acquires the lock from the underlying lock manager, and sends the result back to the command. When the command exits, or calls dlock_gl("un"), lvmlockd releases the lock in the underlying lock manager. When lvm is compiled without lvmlockd support, all the dlock_gl() calls simply compile to success (1). Using the global lock in commands is simple: . A command that wants to get an accurate list of all VG names should acquire the gl in the sh mode, then read the list. . A command that wants to add or remove a VG name should acquire the gl in the ex mode, then add/remove the name. . A command that wants to get an accurate list of all PVs/devices should acquire the gl in the sh mode, then read the list. . A command that wants to change a device to/from a PV or add/remove a PV to/from a VG should acquire the gl in the ex mode, then make the change. . A command that wants to read the properties of an orphan PV should acquire the gl in the sh mode, then read the properties. . A command that wants to change the properties of an orphan PV should acquire the gl in the ex mode, then change the properties. . The gl is acquired at the start of a command before any processing. This is necessary so that the cached information used by the command is valid and up to date (see caching below). . A command generally knows at the outset which of the things above it is going to do, so it knows which lock mode to acquire. . If a command is given a tag, the tag matching requires a complete and accurate search of all VGs, and therefore implies that the global shared lock is needed. Locking conflicts: When a command calls dlock_gl(), the lock request is passed to lvmlockd. lvmlockd makes the corresponding lock request in the lock manager using a non-blocking request. If another command on another host holds the gl in a conflicting mode, the lock request fails, and lvmlockd returns the failure to the command. The command reports the lock conflict and fails. If a reporting command (sh lock), conflicts with another command using an ex lock (like vgextend), then the reporting command can simply be rerun. A future option may enable retrying sh lock requests within lvmlockd, making simple, incidental conflicts invisible. (These retries could be disabled or limited to a certain number via a command or config option.) If a command is changing global state (using an ex lock), the conflict could be with another sh lock (e.g. reporting command) or another ex lock (another command changing global state.) The lock manager does not say which type of conflict it was. In the case of ex/sh conflict, a retry of the ex request could be automatic, but an ex/ex conflict would generally want inspection before retrying. Uncoordinated commands concurrently changing the same global state would be uncommon, and a warning of the conflict with failure is probably preferred, so the state can be inspected. Still, the same retry options as above could be applied if needed. Caching: In addition to ex/sh mutual exclusion, the lock manager allows an application to stash a chunk of its own data within a lock. This chunk of data is called the "lock value block" (lvb). This opaque data does not affect the locking behavior, but offers a convenient way for applications to pass around extra information related to the lock. The lvb can be read and written by any host using the lock (the application can read the lvb content when acquiring the lock, and write it when releasing an ex lock.) (The dlm lvb is only 32 bytes. The sanlock lvb is up to 512 bytes.) An application can use the lvb for anything it wishes, and it's often used to help manage the cache associated with the lock. lvmlockd stores a counter/version number in the lvb. It's incremented when anything protected by the gl (A or B above) is changed. When other hosts see the version number has increased, they know that A or B have changed. lvmlockd refines this further by using a second version number that is incremented only when the VG namespace (A) changes. The dlock_gl() flag UPDATE_NAMES tells lvmlockd that the VG namespace is being changed. When lvmlockd acquires the gl and sees that the counters in the lvb have been incremented, it knows that the objects protected by the gl have been changed by another host. This implies that the local host's cache of this global information is likely out of date, and needs to be refreshed from disk. When this happens, lvmlockd sends a message to lvmetad to invalidate the cached global information in lvmetad. When a command sees that the data from lvmetad is stale, it reads from disk and updates lvmetad. All users of the global lock want to use valid information from lvmetad, so they always check that the lvmetad cache is valid before using it, and refresh it if needed. This check and refresh is done by lvmetad_validate_global_cache(). Instead of always calling dlock_gl()+lvmetad_validate_global_cache() back to back, dlock_gl() calls lvmetad_validate_global_cache() as the final step before returning. In the future, more optimizations can be made related to global cache updating. Similar to the UPDATE_NAMES method, commands can tell lvmlockd more details about what they are chaning under the global lock. lvmlockd can propagate these details to others using the gl lvb. Knowing these details, other hosts can limit their rescanning to only what's necessary given the specific changes. vgcreate with sanlock: With the sanlock lock_type, the sanlock locks are stored on disk, on a hidden LV within the VG. The first sanlock VG created will hold the global lock. Creating the first sanlock VG is a special case because no global lock will exist until after the VG is created on disk. vgcreate calls dlock_gl_create() to handle this special case. The comments in that function explain the details of how it works. command gl requirements: Some commands are listed twice if they have two different behaviors (depending on args) that need different gl usage. As listed above (in A,B), the reasons for using the gl are: A) reading or changing the VG name space B) reading or changing PV orphans (orphan properties or assignment to VGs) command: gl mode used, reason(s) gl is needed vgsplit: ex, add vg name vgrename: ex, add vg name vgcreate: ex, add vg name, rem pv orphan vgremove: ex, rem vg name, add pv orphan vgmerge: ex, rem vg name vgextend: ex, rem pv orphan vgreduce: ex, add pv orphan vgscan: sh, get vg names vgs: sh, get vg names (only if tags used or no args) vgchange: sh, get vg names (only if tags used or no args) vgchange: ex, change vg system_id/uuid/lock_type (equivalent to name) pvcreate: ex, add pv orphan pvremove: ex, rem pv orphan pvdisplay: sh, get vg names pvscan: sh, get vg names pvresize: sh, get vg names pvresize: ex, change pv orphan (only if pv is an orphan) pvchange: sh, get vg names pvchange: ex, change pv orphan (only if pv is an orphan) lvchange: sh, get vg names (only if tags used) lvscan: sh, get vg names
* lvmlockd: start and stop VG lockspaceDavid Teigland2014-11-246-6/+202
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | A lock manager requires an application to "start" or "join" a lockspace before using locks from it. Start is the point at which the lock manager on a host begins interacting with other hosts to coordinate access to locks in the lockspace. Similarly, an application needs to "stop" or "leave" a lockspace when it's done using locks from the lockspace so the lock manager can shut down and clean up the lockspace. lvmlockd uses a lockspace for each sanlock|dlm VG, and the lockspace for each VG needs to be started before lvm can use it. These commands tell lvmlockd to start or stop the lockspace for a VG: vgchange --lock-start vg_name vgchange --lock-stop vg_name To start the lockspace for a VG, lvmlockd needs to know which lock manager (sanlock or dlm) to use, and this is stored in the VG metadata as lock_type = "sanlock|dlm", along with data that is specific to the lock manager for the VG, saved as lock_args. For sanlock, lock_args is the location of the locks on disk. For dlm, lock_args is the name of the cluster the dlm should use. So, the process for starting a VG includes: - Reading the VG without a lock (no lock can be acquired because the lockspace is not started). - Taking the lock_type and lock_args strings from the VG metadata. - Asking lvmlockd to start the VG lockspace, providing the lock_type and lock_args strings which tell lvmlockd exactly which lock manager is needed. - lvmlockd will ask the specific lock manager to join the lockspace. The VG read in the first step, without a lock, is not used for for anything except getting the lock information needed to start the lockspace. Subsequent use of the VG would use the VG lock. In the case of a sanlock VG, there is an additional step in the sequence. Between the second and third steps, the vgchange lock-start command needs to activate the internal LV in the VG that holds the sanlock locks. This LV must be active before sanlock can join the lockspace. Starting and stopping VG's would typically be done automatically by the system, similar to the way LV's are automatically activated by the system. But, it is always possible to directly start/stop VG lockspaces, as it is always possible to directly activate/deactivate LVs. Automatic VG start/stop will be added by a later patch, using the basic functionality from this patch.
* lvmlockd: vgcreate/vgremove call init_vg/free_vgDavid Teigland2014-11-245-1/+655
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | vgcreate calls lvmlockd_init_vg() to do any create/initialize steps that are needed in lvmlockd for the given lock_type. vgcreate calls lvmlockd_free_vg_before() to do any removal/freeing steps that are needed in lvmlockd for the given lock_type before the VG is removed on disk. vgcreate calls lvmlockd_free_vg_final() to do any removal/freeing steps that are needed in lvmlockd for the given lock_type after the VG is removed on disk. When the lock_type is sanlock, the init/free also include lvm client side steps to create/remove an internal LV on which sanlock will store the locks for the VG.
* VG lock_type and lvmlockd setupDavid Teigland2014-11-2429-10/+621
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The locking required to access a VG is a property of the VG, and is specified in the VG metadata as the "lock_type". When lvm sees a VG, it looks at the VG's lock_type to determine if locks are needed and from where: - If the VG has no lock_type, or lock_type "none", then no locks are needed. This a "local VG". If the VG is visible to multiple hosts, the VG system_id provides basic protection. A VG with an unmatching system_id is inaccessible. - If the VG has lock_type "sanlock" or "dlm", then locks are needed from lvmlockd, which acquires locks from either sanlock or dlm respectively. This is a "dlock VG". If lvmlockd or the supporting lock manager are not running, then the dlock VG is inaccessible. - If the VG has the CLUSTERED status flag (or lock_type "clvm"), then locks are needed from clvmd. This is a "clvm VG". If clvmd or the supporting clustering or locking are not running, then the clvm VG is inaccessible. Settings in lvm.conf tell lvm commands which locking daemon to use: - global/use_lvmlockd=1: tells lvm to use lvmlockd when accessing VGs with lock_type sanlock|dlm. - global/locking_type=3: tells lvm to use clvmd when accessing VGs with CLUSTERED flag (or lock_type clvm). LVM commands cannot use both lvmlockd and clvmd at the same time: - use_lvmlockd=1 should be combined with locking_type=1 - locking_type=3 (clvmd) should be combined with use_lvmlockd=0 So, different configurations allow access to different VG's: - When configured to use lvmlockd, lvm commands can access VG's with lock_type sanlock|dlm, and VG's with CLUSTERED are ignored. - When configured to use clvmd (locking_type 3), lvm commands can access VG's with the CLUSTERED flag, and VG's with lock_type sanlock|dlm are ignored. - When configured to use neither lvmlockd nor clvmd, lvm commands can access only local VG's. lvm will ignore VG's with lock_type sanlock|dlm, and will ignore VG's with CLUSTERED (or lock_type clvm). A VG is created with a specific lock_type: - vgcreate --lock_type <arg> is a new syntax that can specify the lock_type directly. <arg> may be: none, clvm, sanlock, dlm. sanlock|dlm require lvmlockd to be configured (in lvm.conf) and running. clvm requires clvmd to be configured (in lvm.conf) and running. - vgcreate --clustered y (or -cy) is the old syntax that still works, but it is not preferred because the lock_type is not explicit. When clvmd is configured, -cy creates a VG with lock_type clvm. When lvmlockd is configured, -cy creates a VG with lock_type sanlock, but this can be changed to dlm with lvm.conf vgcreate_cy_lock_type. Notes: The LOCK_TYPE status flag is not strictly necessary, but is an attempt to prevent old versions of lvm (pre-lvmlockd) from using a VG with a lock_type. In the VG metadata, the lock_type string is accompanied by a lock_args string. The lock_args string is lock-manager-specific data associated with the VG. For sanlock, the location on disk of the locks, or for dlm, the cluster name. In a VG with lock_type sanlock|dlm, each LV also has a lock_type and lock_args in the metadata. The LV lock_type currently always matches the lock_type of the VG. For sanlock, the LV lock_args specify the disk location of the LV lock.
* lvmcache: reread a VG if the lvmetad copy is staleDavid Teigland2014-11-244-57/+164
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | and update the lvmetad copy after it is reread from disk. To test this: - Create VG foo that is visible to two hosts and usable by both. - On both run 'lvmeta vg_lookup_name foo' to see the cached copy of foo and its seqno. Say the seqno is 8. - On host1 run 'lvcreate -n lv1 -L1G foo'. - On host1 run 'lvmeta vg_lookup_name foo' to see the new version of foo in lvmetad. It should have seqno 9. - On host2 run 'lvmeta vg_lookup_name foo' to see the old cached version of foo. It should have seqno 8. - On host2 run 'lvmeta set_vg_version <uuid of foo> 9'. - On host2 run 'lvmeta vg_lookup_name foo' to see that the vg_invalid config node is reported along with the old cached version of foo. - On host2 run 'lvs foo'. It should reread foo from disk and display lv1. - On host2 run 'lvmeta vg_lookup_name foo' to see that the cached version of foo is now updated to seqno 9, and the vg_invalid node is not reported.
* lvmcache: add function to validate and update global cacheDavid Teigland2014-11-242-0/+85
| | | | | Will be used in later patches to check and update the local lvmetad global cache when needed.
* lvmeta: new program to interact with lvmetadDavid Teigland2014-11-242-1/+188
| | | | Useful for debugging.
* lvmetad: add invalidation methodDavid Teigland2014-11-241-1/+201
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Add the ability to invalidate global or individual VG metadata. The invalid state is returned to lvm commands along with the metadata. This allows lvm commands to detect stale metadata from the cache and reread the latest metadata from disk (in a subsequent patch.) These changes do not change the protocol or compatibility between lvm commands and lvmetad. Global information ------------------ Global information refers to metadata that is not isolated to a single VG , e.g. the list of vg names, or the list of pvs. When an external system, e.g. a locking system, detects that global information has been changed from another host (e.g. a new vg has been created) it sends lvmetad the message: set_global_info: global_invalid=1. lvmetad sets the global invalid flag to indicate that its cached data is stale. When lvm commands request information from lvmetad, lvmetad returns the cached information, along with an additional top-level config node called "global_invalid". This new info tells the lvm command that the cached information is stale. When an lvm command sees global_invalid from lvmated, it knows it should rescan devices and update lvmetad with the latest information. When this is complete, it sends lvmetad the message: set_global_info: global_invalid=0, and lvmetad clears the global invalid flag. Further lvm commands will use the lvmetad cache until it is invalidated again. The most common commands that cause global invalidation are vgcreate and vgextend. These are uncommon compared to commands that report global information, e.g. vgs. So, the percentage of lvmetad replies containing global_invalid should be very small. VG information -------------- VG information refers to metadata that is isolated to a single VG, e.g. an LV or the size of an LV. When an external system determines that VG information has been changed from another host (e.g. an lvcreate or lvresize), it sends lvmetad the message: set_vg_info: uuid=X version=N. X is the VG uuid, and N is the latest VG seqno that was written. lvmetad checks the seqno of its cached VG, and if the version from the message is newer, it sets an invalid flag for the cached VG. The invalid flag, along with the newer seqno are saved in a new vg_info struct. When lvm commands request VG metadata from lvmetad, lvmetad includes the invalid flag along with the VG metadata. The lvm command checks for this flag, and rereads the VG from disk if set. The VG read from disk is sent to lvmetad. lvmetad sees that the seqno in the new version matches the seqno from the last set_vg_info message, and clears the vg invalid flag. Further lvm commands will use the VG metadata from lvmetad until it is next invalidated.
* system_id: use for VG ownershipDavid Teigland2014-11-2424-51/+750
| | | | See included lvmsystemid(7) for full description.
* vgextend: use process_each_vgDavid Teigland2014-11-246-93/+122
* pvchange: use process_each_pvDavid Teigland2014-11-241-90/+46
* cache: comment out unsupported pooldatasizeZdenek Kabelac2014-11-243-25/+27
| | | | | Support for pooldatasize is not yet finished, so keep it commented out for now.
* man: updateZdenek Kabelac2014-11-242-38/+38
| | | | | Improve lvconvert. Put ENV section downward in lvm.8.
* tests: use proper LVMTEST prefix for VG nameZdenek Kabelac2014-11-241-1/+1
| | | | | Cleaner needs prefix to do its jobs and clean any left VG from python test as well.
* lvconvert: earlier detection of conflicting namesZdenek Kabelac2014-11-242-2/+27
| | | | | Detect same LV names for lvconvert prior opening VG. i.e. lvconvert --thinpool vg/lvol0 -T lvol0
* man: fix pages for generatorsZdenek Kabelac2014-11-241-8/+4
| | | | | Properly generate man page for systemd generators on make. Simplified install_clusters
* libdm: there is no element in item 0Zdenek Kabelac2014-11-241-2/+0
| | | | | | | Items[0] holds only counter in .len. So don't zero already zeroed items[0].len assigned above. (finishing fc935495c813b7577ac8237459a2cc65ea291ac2)
* report: add some comments about how string list is stored internallyPeter Rajnoha2014-11-241-1/+1
* report: add some comments about how string list is stored internallyPeter Rajnoha2014-11-241-0/+15
* man/lvchange: Mention --cachepolicy and --cachesettings.Petr Rockai2014-11-241-0/+9
* man/lvm.conf: Update to reflect changes in config parser.Petr Rockai2014-11-231-4/+11
* Update WHATS_NEW.Petr Rockai2014-11-232-0/+2
* cleanup: add missing error path checkZdenek Kabelac2014-11-231-1/+2
| | | | New code misses error path check.
* cleanup: warning: declaration of 'remove' shadows a global declarationZdenek Kabelac2014-11-231-2/+2
| | | | Don't shadow stdio.h declaration.
* libdm: report fix memleak on error pathZdenek Kabelac2014-11-231-4/+4
| | | | | | When _alloc_selection_node() fails, rh should be destroyed. Use 'bad:' label since we have goto_bad with stack embeded.
* pool: prevent pool conversion with same nameZdenek Kabelac2014-11-233-4/+15
| | | | | When same name is given for converted volume and pool volume, stop further command processing.
* tests: reduce thin testZdenek Kabelac2014-11-221-9/+5
* tests: use old virt snaps in the testZdenek Kabelac2014-11-223-11/+11
| | | | Don't use thin with its thin requirements for the test.
* libdm: fix reporting of empty string listZdenek Kabelac2014-11-222-2/+3
| | | | | | | Don't write behind the allocated array when list is empty. Use index 0 for the allocated element. Error triggered by i.e.: lvs -a -o all,lv_modules
* makefiles: standard usage of make.tmplZdenek Kabelac2014-11-221-5/+10
| | | | | | | | | | Use lvm2 standard TARGETS. Make liblvm_python.c as intermediate target (gets deleted after use) Properly delete build dir on make distclean. Mark install_python_bindings as .PHONY.
* dev_manager: fix mknodesZdenek Kabelac2014-11-222-1/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | Fix regression introduced with a2c1024f6ac7e22ac5c010a267d0c1df331ee416 _setup_task(mknodes ? name : NULL... has been replaced with: _setup_task(type != MKNODES ? name : NULL.... Use '=='
* configure: fix CLVMD_PATH locationZdenek Kabelac2014-11-223-2/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | Commit d2c116058e72d365802eb5641be60a615daacb96 introduced regression with CLVMD_PATH. + CLVMD_PATH="$clvmd_prefix/sbin/clvmd" test "$prefix" != NONE && clvmd_prefix=$prefix It has set CLVMD_PATH before clvmd_prefix got its final value. Move it one line below.
* cleanup: drop unused varsZdenek Kabelac2014-11-202-2/+2
* test: Also test repeated --cachesettings in lvchange-cache.Petr Rockai2014-11-201-0/+10
* cache: Implement 'default' as a policy settings value to clear the record.Petr Rockai2014-11-202-3/+51
* toollib: Split --cachesettings from --cachepolicy.Petr Rockai2014-11-205-32/+36
* test: Add a test for lvchange --cachepolicy.Petr Rockai2014-11-201-0/+35
* lvchange: Accept --cachepolicy.Petr Rockai2014-11-202-1/+34
* toollib: Add --cachepolicy and implement get_cachepolicy_params.Petr Rockai2014-11-203-0/+72
* cache: Add lv_cache_setpolicy to cache_manip.c.Petr Rockai2014-11-202-0/+19
* libdm-config: Warn about duplicate keys.Petr Rockai2014-11-201-1/+6
* libdm-config: Implement dm_config_remove_node.Petr Rockai2014-11-202-0/+18
* libdm-config: Interpret barewords after '=' as strings.Petr Rockai2014-11-201-0/+12
* libdm-config: Implement dm_config_flatten.Petr Rockai2014-11-202-0/+58
* libdm-config: Re-link config trees to reflect file order of keys/sections.Petr Rockai2014-11-201-0/+20
* libdm-config: Allow paths (section/key = value) in config files.Petr Rockai2014-11-201-73/+92
| | | | | | | | The order of the resulting tree is based on the first appearance of sections. With no section repeats, the sections stay as listed in the config file. Sections using the brace syntax 'section { key = value }' are treated the same way: 'section { x = 1 } section { y = 2 }' is the same as 'section/x = 1 section/y = 2' is the same as 'section { x = 1 y = 2 }'
* cache: check for internal errorZdenek Kabelac2014-11-201-1/+6
| | | | Don't try to duplicate NULL on internal error path.
* toollib: release vg on ignore pathZdenek Kabelac2014-11-201-0/+1
| | | | Missing call to release_vg().
* revert: 7639eae and 4a52a92Peter Rajnoha2014-11-204-16/+16
| | | | | Revert 7639eae8919e5872143562db8118d039f5a41225 and 4a52a9212cc5d3ae90196776f28dbfb319002c74. We need a better fix here.