tag namev2_02_173 (7e9d7a481be5042b433bc8986b7e39b6c1dba763)
tag date2017-07-20 16:59:10 +0100
tagged byAlasdair G Kergon <>
tagged objectcommit 88f1565937...
Release 2.02.173
A variety of fixes including some important ones for clvmd to avoid some reported crashes after machines have gone down. Work is continuing to improve the recently-added raid enhancements and in particular reshaping so please continue to use these with caution. 371 files changed, 3942 insertions(+), 2646 deletions(-) -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.14 (GNU/Linux) iEYEABECAAYFAllw1xQACgkQIoGRwVZ+LBd1XwCgrXO1CO1t7RNxKyA0IkdTSzi9 R70An0Whqb/fJaxeAyrgzcJ5cDRZ0uYo =YeKN -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----