# Hand crafted tests for GNU M4. -*- Autotest -*- # Copyright (C) 2001, 2006-2008, 2010, 2013-2014, 2017 Free Software # Foundation, Inc. # This file is part of GNU M4. # # GNU M4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # GNU M4 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . AT_BANNER([Module support.]) ## --------- ## ## modfreeze ## ## --------- ## AT_SETUP([Freezing modules]) AT_KEYWORDS([frozen]) AT_DATA([[frozen.m4]], [[divert(1)dnl define(`test', `local::`test'')dnl define(`test1', defn(`test'))dnl ->test include(`modtest') define(`test2', defn(`test'))dnl ->test include(`shadow') define(`test3', defn(`test'))dnl ->test ]]) AT_DATA([[unfrozen.m4]], [[undivert(1)dnl test1 test2 test3 ]]) # First generate the `expout' ouput by running over the sources before # freezing. AT_CHECK_M4([-I "$abs_builddir" frozen.m4 unfrozen.m4], [0], [stdout], [stderr]) mv stdout expout mv stderr experr # Now freeze the first source file. AT_CHECK_M4([-I "$abs_builddir" -F frozen.m4f frozen.m4], [0], [], [ignore]) # Now rerun the original sequence, but using the frozen file. AT_CHECK_M4([-I "$abs_builddir" -R frozen.m4f unfrozen.m4], [0], [expout], [experr]) AT_CLEANUP([frozen.m4f]) ## ---------------------------- ## ## Exercising the test module. ## ## ---------------------------- ## # AT_CHECK_M4_MODTEST(TITLE, ENV-VARS, M4-OPTIONS) # ------------------------------------------------ # Add a test named TITLE, running m4 with either ENV-VARS in the environment # or M4-OPTIONS set to pick up test modules. m4_define([AT_CHECK_M4_MODTEST], [AT_SETUP([$1]) AT_DATA([input.m4], [[test Dumpdef: dumpdef(`test'). include(`modtest') test Dumpdef: dumpdef(`test'). ]]) dnl Fortunately, all tests within AT_SETUP are in the same subshell, so dnl setting the environment now will impact the AT_CHECK_M4, but not dnl carry over to the next AT_SETUP. m4_ifval([$2], [$2 export m4_substr([$2], [0], m4_index([$2], [=]))]) AT_CHECK_M4([$3 input.m4], [0], [[test Dumpdef: . Test module called. Dumpdef: . ]], [[m4:input.m4:2: warning: dumpdef: undefined macro 'test' Test module loaded. test: ]]) AT_CLEANUP ]) AT_CHECK_M4_MODTEST([--include: absolute path], [], [-I "$abs_builddir"]) AT_CHECK_M4_MODTEST([--include: relative path], [], [-I "$top_build_prefix/tests"]) AT_CHECK_M4_MODTEST([M4PATH: absolute path], [M4PATH="$abs_builddir:"], []) AT_CHECK_M4_MODTEST([M4PATH: relative path], [M4PATH="$top_build_prefix/tests:"], []) ## ------ ## ## shadow ## ## ------ ## AT_SETUP([modules: shadow]) AT_DATA([[input.m4]], [[# no modules loaded yet test shadow # define our own macros for `test' and `shadow' define(`test', `local::`test'') define(`shadow', `local::`shadow'') test shadow # module Shadow defines `shadow' and `test' macros include(`shadow') dumpdef(`test') dumpdef(`shadow') test shadow # save the definition of `test' from the Shadow module define(`Shadow::test', defn(`test')) # module Modtest also defines a `test' macro include(`modtest') dumpdef(`test') dumpdef(`shadow') test shadow # Reloading Shadow shouldn't affect anything include(`shadow') dumpdef(`test') dumpdef(`shadow') test shadow ]]) AT_DATA([[expout]], [[# no modules loaded yet test shadow # define our own macros for `test' and `shadow' local::test local::shadow # module Shadow defines `shadow' and `test' macros Shadow module loaded. Shadow::test called. Shadow::shadow called. # save the definition of `test' from the Shadow module # module Modtest also defines a `test' macro Test module called. Shadow::shadow called. # Reloading Shadow shouldn't affect anything Test module called. Shadow::shadow called. ]]) AT_DATA([[experr]], [[test: shadow: Test module loaded. test: shadow: test: shadow: ]]) AT_CHECK_M4([-I "$abs_builddir" input.m4], [0], [expout], [experr]) AT_CLEANUP ## ----------------------- ## ## module symbol importing ## ## ----------------------- ## # Importing a symbol from a not yet loaded module # This test is ugly, because we need to canonicalize strerror strings # to match our test. So we save STDERR to a file, and run another check # which edits that file and compares it to the canonical STDERR output # from the first command: AT_SETUP([modules: importing]) AT_DATA([[input.m4]], [[import include(`import') import import symbol_fail module_fail ]]) AT_DATA([[expout]], [[import import::import called. import::import called. import::symbol_fail called. ]]) AT_DATA([[experr]], [[Test module loaded. TRUE TRUE m4:input.m4:5: cannot load symbol `no_such' from module `modtest' m4:input.m4:6: cannot open module `no_such' ]]) ls "$abs_builddir" AT_CHECK_M4([-I "$abs_builddir" input.m4], [1], [expout], [experr]) AT_CLEANUP ## ------------------- ## ## text module symbols ## ## ------------------- ## # Support text macros with requested numbers of parameters. AT_SETUP([modules: text]) AT_DATA([input.m4], [[__test__ __test__(1) __test__(1,2) onearg onearg(1) onearg(1,2) manyargs manyargs(1) manyargs(1,2) ]]) AT_CHECK_M4([-I "$abs_builddir" modtest input.m4], [0], [[modtest modtest modtest 1 1 1 1,2 ]], [[Test module loaded. m4:input.m4:2: warning: __test__: extra arguments ignored: 1 > 0 m4:input.m4:3: warning: __test__: extra arguments ignored: 2 > 0 m4:input.m4:4: warning: onearg: too few arguments: 0 < 1 m4:input.m4:6: warning: onearg: extra arguments ignored: 2 > 1 ]]) AT_CLEANUP ## -------------------- ## ## trace module symbols ## ## -------------------- ## # The trace bit should not be lost if a builtin is unloaded from # memory and then redefined by a subsequent load. AT_SETUP([modules: trace]) AT_DATA([[input.m4]], [[test include(`shadow') test include(`shadow') test ]]) AT_DATA([[expout]], [[test Shadow module loaded. Shadow::test called. Shadow::test called. ]]) AT_DATA([[experr]], [[m4trace: -1- test -> `Shadow::`test' called.' m4trace: -1- test -> `Shadow::`test' called.' ]]) AT_CHECK_M4([-I "$abs_builddir" -t test input.m4], [0], [expout], [experr]) AT_CLEANUP