diff options
authorandrey@lmy004. <>2005-12-02 13:22:15 +0100
committerandrey@lmy004. <>2005-12-02 13:22:15 +0100
commitebe90857cbd55114dff69a8010614e88194d91a9 (patch)
parenta370c2d90743607c66c4ec9bd141169a63004004 (diff)
add these, forgotten in the previous commit
3 files changed, 2730 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libmysqld/event.h b/libmysqld/event.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5ba96e401ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmysqld/event.h
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+/* -*- C++ -*- */
+#ifndef _EVENT_H_
+#define _EVENT_H_
+#include "sp_head.h"
+extern ulong opt_event_executor;
+#define EVEX_OK 0
+#define EVEX_KEY_NOT_FOUND -1
+#define EVEX_PARSE_ERROR -6
+#define EVEX_NO_DB_ERROR -8
+#define EVEX_BAD_PARAMS -10
+#define EVEX_NOT_RUNNING -11
+#define EVENT_EXEC_NO_MORE (1L << 0)
+#define EVENT_NOT_USED (1L << 1)
+enum enum_event_on_completion
+enum enum_event_status
+class event_timed
+ event_timed(const event_timed &); /* Prevent use of these */
+ void operator=(event_timed &);
+ LEX_STRING m_db;
+ LEX_STRING m_name;
+ LEX_STRING m_qname; //
+ LEX_STRING m_body;
+ LEX_STRING m_definer_user;
+ LEX_STRING m_definer_host;
+ LEX_STRING m_definer;// combination of user and host
+ LEX_STRING m_comment;
+ TIME m_starts;
+ TIME m_ends;
+ TIME m_execute_at;
+ longlong m_expr;
+ interval_type m_interval;
+ longlong m_created;
+ longlong m_modified;
+ TIME m_last_executed;
+ enum enum_event_on_completion m_on_completion;
+ enum enum_event_status m_status;
+ sp_head *m_sphead;
+ uint m_old_cmq; // Old CLIENT_MULTI_QUERIES value
+ const uchar *m_body_begin;
+ bool m_dropped;
+ bool m_free_sphead_on_delete;
+ uint m_flags;//all kind of purposes
+ bool m_last_executed_changed;
+ bool m_status_changed;
+ event_timed():m_expr(0), m_created(0), m_modified(0),
+ m_status(MYSQL_EVENT_ENABLED), m_sphead(0), m_dropped(false),
+ m_free_sphead_on_delete(true), m_flags(0),
+ m_last_executed_changed(false), m_status_changed(false)
+ { init(); }
+ ~event_timed()
+ {
+ if (m_free_sphead_on_delete)
+ free_sp();
+ }
+ void
+ init();
+ int
+ init_definer(THD *thd);
+ int
+ init_execute_at(THD *thd, Item *expr);
+ int
+ init_interval(THD *thd, Item *expr, interval_type interval);
+ void
+ init_name(THD *thd, sp_name *name);
+ int
+ init_starts(THD *thd, Item *starts);
+ int
+ init_ends(THD *thd, Item *ends);
+ void
+ event_timed::init_body(THD *thd);
+ void
+ init_comment(THD *thd, LEX_STRING *comment);
+ void
+ set_on_completion_drop(bool drop);
+ void
+ set_event_status(bool enabled);
+ int
+ load_from_row(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, TABLE *table);
+ bool
+ compute_next_execution_time();
+ void
+ mark_last_executed();
+ bool
+ drop(THD *thd);
+ bool
+ update_fields(THD *thd);
+ char *
+ get_show_create_event(THD *thd, uint *length);
+ int
+ execute(THD *thd, MEM_ROOT *mem_root);
+ int
+ compile(THD *thd, MEM_ROOT *mem_root);
+ void free_sp()
+ {
+ if (m_sphead)
+ {
+ delete m_sphead;
+ m_sphead= 0;
+ }
+ }
+evex_create_event(THD *thd, event_timed *et, uint create_options);
+evex_update_event(THD *thd, sp_name *name, event_timed *et);
+evex_drop_event(THD *thd, event_timed *et, bool drop_if_exists);
+typedef struct st_event_item {
+ my_time_t execute_at;
+ sp_head *proc;
+ char *definer_user;
+ char *definer_host;
+CREATE TABLE `event` (
+ `db` varchar(64) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin NOT NULL default '',
+ `name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
+ `body` blob NOT NULL,
+ `definer` varchar(77) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin NOT NULL default '',
+ `execute_at` datetime default NULL,
+ `transient_expression` int(11) default NULL,
+ `interval_type` enum('YEAR','QUARTER','MONTH','DAY','HOUR','MINUTE','WEEK',
+ `created` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+ `modified` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+ `last_executed` datetime default NULL,
+ `starts` datetime default NULL,
+ `ends` datetime default NULL,
+ `status` enum('ENABLED','DISABLED') NOT NULL default 'ENABLED',
+ `on_completion` enum('DROP','PRESERVE') NOT NULL default 'DROP',
+ `comment` varchar(64) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin NOT NULL default '',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`db`,`name`)
+#endif /* _EVENT_H_ */
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..007391f76a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/
@@ -0,0 +1,2310 @@
+#include "mysql_priv.h"
+//#include "sql_acl.h"
+#include "event.h"
+#include "sp.h"
+ TODO list :
+ 1. Move event_timed class to as well as the part of the header
+ 2. Do something aboute the events replication. SQL statements issued while
+ executing an event should not be logged into the binary log.
+ 3. Add a lock and use it for guarding access to events_array dynamic array.
+ 4. Add checks everywhere where new instance of THD is created. NULL can be
+ returned and this will crash the server. The server will crash probably
+ later but should not be in this code! Add a global variable, and a lock
+ to guard it, that will specify an error in a worker thread so preventing
+ new threads from being spawned.
+ 5. Move executor related code to and .h
+ 6. Maybe move all allocations during parsing to evex_mem_root thus saving
+ double parsing in evex_create_event!
+ 7. If the server is killed (stopping) try to kill executing events..
+ 8. What happens if one renames an event in the DB while it is in memory?
+ Or even deleting it?
+ 9. created & modified in the table should be UTC?
+ 10. Add a lock to event_timed to serialize execution of an event - do not
+ allow parallel executions. Hmm, however how last_executed is marked
+ then? The call to event_timed::mark_last_executed() must be moved to
+ event_timed::execute()?
+ 11. Consider using conditional variable when doing shutdown instead of
+ waiting some time (tries < 5).
+ 12. Fix event_timed::get_show_create_event.
+ 13. Add logging to file.
+ 14. Add function documentation whenever needed.
+ EVEX_FIELD_COUNT /* a cool trick to count the number of fields :) */
+ open_proc_type_table_for_update(thd, "event", &mysql_event_table_exists)
+static bool mysql_event_table_exists= 1;
+static DYNAMIC_ARRAY events_array;
+static DYNAMIC_ARRAY evex_executing_queue;
+static MEM_ROOT evex_mem_root;
+static uint workers_count;
+static bool evex_is_running= false;
+static pthread_mutex_t LOCK_event_arrays,
+ LOCK_workers_count,
+ LOCK_evex_running;
+extern int yyparse(void *thd);
+ulong opt_event_executor;
+my_bool event_executor_running_global_var= false;
+extern ulong thread_created;
+//extern volatile uint thread_running;
+//////////////// Static functions follow ///////////////////////////
+/* NOTE Andrey: Document better
+ Compares two TIME structures.
+ a > b -> 1
+ a = b -> 0
+ a < b -> -1
+static inline int
+my_time_compare(TIME *a, TIME *b)
+ Or maybe it is faster to use TIME_to_ulonglong_datetime
+ for "a" and "b"
+ DBUG_ENTER("my_time_compare");
+ if (a->year > b->year)
+ if (a->year < b->year)
+ if (a->month > b->month)
+ if (a->month < b->month)
+ if (a->day > b->day)
+ if (a->day < b->day)
+ if (a->hour > b->hour)
+ if (a->hour < b->hour)
+ if (a->minute > b->minute)
+ if (a->minute < b->minute)
+ if (a->second > b->second)
+ if (a->second < b->second)
+ /*!! second_part is not compared !*/
+static int
+event_timed_compare(event_timed **a, event_timed **b)
+ return my_time_compare(&(*a)->m_execute_at, &(*b)->m_execute_at);
+ if (a->sort > b->sort)
+ return -1;
+ if (a->sort < b->sort)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ Puts some data common to CREATE and ALTER EVENT into a row.
+ evex_fill_row()
+ thd THD
+ table the row to fill out
+ et Event's data
+ Used both when an event is created and when it is altered.
+static int
+evex_fill_row(THD *thd, TABLE *table, event_timed *et)
+ DBUG_ENTER("evex_fill_row");
+ int ret=0;
+ if (table->s->fields != EVEX_FIELD_COUNT)
+ goto get_field_failed;
+ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("m_db.len=%d",et->m_db.length));
+ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("m_name.len=%d",et->m_name.length));
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_DB]->
+ store(et->m_db.str, et->m_db.length, system_charset_info);
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_NAME]->
+ store(et->m_name.str, et->m_name.length, system_charset_info);
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_ON_COMPLETION]->set_notnull();
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_ON_COMPLETION]->store((longlong)et->m_on_completion);
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_STATUS]->set_notnull();
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_STATUS]->store((longlong)et->m_status);
+ et->m_status_changed= false;
+ // ToDo: Andrey. How to use users current charset?
+ if (et->m_body.str)
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_BODY]->
+ store(et->m_body.str, et->m_body.length, system_charset_info);
+ if (et->m_starts.year)
+ {
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_STARTS]->set_notnull();// set NULL flag to OFF
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_STARTS]->store_time(&et->m_starts,MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME);
+ }
+ if (et->m_ends.year)
+ {
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_ENDS]->set_notnull();
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_ENDS]->store_time(&et->m_ends, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME);
+ }
+ if (et->m_expr)
+ {
+ // m_expr was fixed in init_interval
+// et->m_expr->save_in_field(table->field[EVEX_FIELD_INTERVAL_EXPR], (my_bool)TRUE);
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_INTERVAL_EXPR]->set_notnull();
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_INTERVAL_EXPR]->store((longlong)et->m_expr);
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_TRANSIENT_INTERVAL]->set_notnull();
+ // in the enum (C) intervals start from 0 but in mysql enum valid values start
+ // from 1. Thus +1 offset is needed!
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_TRANSIENT_INTERVAL]->store((longlong)et->m_interval + 1);
+ }
+ else if (et->m_execute_at.year)
+ {
+ // fix_fields already called in init_execute_at
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_EXECUTE_AT]->set_notnull();
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_EXECUTE_AT]->store_time(&et->m_execute_at, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME);
+ //this will make it NULL because we don't call set_notnull
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_TRANSIENT_INTERVAL]->store((longlong) 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // it is normal to be here when the action is update
+ // this is an error if the action is create. something is borked
+ }
+ ((Field_timestamp *)table->field[EVEX_FIELD_MODIFIED])->set_time();
+ if ((et->m_comment).length)
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_COMMENT]->
+ store((et->m_comment).str, (et->m_comment).length, system_charset_info);
+ Creates an event in mysql.event
+ db_create_event()
+ thd THD
+ et event_timed object containing information for the event
+ Creates an event. Relies on evex_fill_row which is shared with
+ db_update_event. The name of the event is inside "et".
+static int
+db_create_event(THD *thd, event_timed *et)
+ int ret;
+ TABLE *table;
+ TABLE_LIST tables;
+ char olddb[128];
+ bool dbchanged;
+ DBUG_ENTER("db_create_event");
+ DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("name: %.*s", et->m_name.length, et->m_name.str));
+ dbchanged= false;
+ if ((ret= sp_use_new_db(thd, et->m_db.str, olddb, sizeof(olddb),
+ 0, &dbchanged)))
+ {
+ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("cannot use_new_db. code=%d", ret));
+ }
+ bzero(&tables, sizeof(tables));
+ tables.db= (char*)"mysql";
+ tables.table_name= tables.alias= (char*)"event";
+ if (!(table= EVEX_OPEN_TABLE_FOR_UPDATE()))
+ {
+ if (dbchanged)
+ (void)mysql_change_db(thd, olddb, 1);
+ }
+ restore_record(table, s->default_values); // Get default values for fields
+ strxmov(definer, et->m_definer_user.str, "@", et->m_definer_host.str, NullS);
+ if (table->s->fields != EVEX_FIELD_COUNT)
+ {
+ goto done;
+ }
+/* TODO : Uncomment these and add handling in or here
+ if (sp->m_name.length > table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_NAME]->field_length)
+ {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (sp->m_body.length > table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_BODY]->field_length)
+ {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (!(et->m_expr) && !(et->m_execute_at.year))
+ {
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("neither m_expr nor m_execute_as is set!"));
+ goto done;
+ }
+ ret= table->field[EVEX_FIELD_DEFINER]->
+ store(definer, (uint)strlen(definer), system_charset_info);
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ ((Field_timestamp *)table->field[EVEX_FIELD_CREATED])->set_time();
+ if ((ret= evex_fill_row(thd, table, et)))
+ goto done;
+ ret= EVEX_OK;
+ if (table->file->write_row(table->record[0]))
+ else if (mysql_bin_log.is_open())
+ {
+ thd->clear_error();
+ /* Such a statement can always go directly to binlog, no trans cache */
+ Query_log_event qinfo(thd, thd->query, thd->query_length, 0, FALSE);
+ mysql_bin_log.write(&qinfo);
+ }
+ close_thread_tables(thd);
+ if (dbchanged)
+ (void)mysql_change_db(thd, olddb, 1);
+ Used to execute ALTER EVENT
+ db_update_event()
+ thd THD
+ sp_name the name of the event to alter
+ et event's data
+ sp_name is passed since this is the name of the event to
+ alter in case of RENAME TO.
+static int
+db_update_event(THD *thd, sp_name *name, event_timed *et)
+ TABLE *table;
+ int ret;
+ DBUG_ENTER("db_update_event");
+ DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("name: %.*s", et->m_name.length, et->m_name.str));
+ if (name)
+ DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("rename to: %.*s", name->m_name.length, name->m_name.str));
+ // Todo: Handle in SP_OPEN_TABLE_FAILED
+ if (!(table= EVEX_OPEN_TABLE_FOR_UPDATE()))
+ ret= sp_db_find_routine_aux(thd, 0/*notype*/, et->m_db, et->m_name, table);
+ if (ret == EVEX_OK)
+ {
+ store_record(table,record[1]);
+ table->timestamp_field_type= TIMESTAMP_NO_AUTO_SET; // Don't update create on row update.
+ ret= evex_fill_row(thd, table, et);
+ if (ret)
+ goto done;
+ if (name)
+ {
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_DB]->
+ store(name->m_db.str, name->m_db.length, system_charset_info);
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_NAME]->
+ store(name->m_name.str, name->m_name.length, system_charset_info);
+ }
+ if ((table->file->update_row(table->record[1],table->record[0])))
+ }
+ close_thread_tables(thd);
+ Use sp_name for look up, return in **ett if found
+static int
+db_find_event(THD *thd, sp_name *name, event_timed **ett)
+ TABLE *table;
+ int ret;
+ const char *definer;
+ char *ptr;
+ event_timed *et;
+ Open_tables_state open_tables_state_backup;
+ DBUG_ENTER("db_find_event");
+ DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("name: %*s",
+ name->m_name.length, name->m_name.str));
+ if (!(table= open_proc_type_table_for_read(thd, &open_tables_state_backup,
+ "event", &mysql_event_table_exists)))
+ if ((ret= sp_db_find_routine_aux(thd, 0/*notype*/, name->m_db, name->m_name,
+ table)) != SP_OK)
+ goto done;
+ et= new event_timed;
+ /*
+ The table should not be closed beforehand.
+ ::load_from_row only loads and does not compile
+ */
+ if ((ret= et->load_from_row(&evex_mem_root, table)))
+ goto done;
+ if (ret && et)
+ {
+ delete et;
+ et= 0;
+ }
+ close_thread_tables(thd);
+ thd->restore_backup_open_tables_state(&open_tables_state_backup);
+ *ett= et;
+static int
+evex_load_and_compile_event(THD * thd, sp_name *spn, bool use_lock)
+ int ret= 0;
+ MEM_ROOT *tmp_mem_root;
+ event_timed *ett, *ett_copy;
+ DBUG_ENTER("db_load_and_compile_event");
+ DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("name: %*s", spn->m_name.length, spn->m_name.str));
+ tmp_mem_root= thd->mem_root;
+ thd->mem_root= &evex_mem_root;
+ if (db_find_event(thd, spn, &ett))
+ {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /*
+ allocate on evex_mem_root. call without evex_mem_root and
+ and m_sphead will not be cleared!
+ */
+ if ((ret= ett->compile(thd, &evex_mem_root)))
+ {
+ thd->mem_root= tmp_mem_root;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ ett->compute_next_execution_time();
+ if (use_lock)
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_event_arrays));
+ VOID(push_dynamic(&events_array,(gptr) ett));
+ ett_copy= dynamic_element(&events_array, events_array.elements - 1,
+ event_timed*);
+ VOID(push_dynamic(&evex_executing_queue, (gptr) &ett_copy));
+ /*
+ There is a copy in the array which we don't need. m_sphead won't be
+ destroyed.
+ */
+ ett->m_free_sphead_on_delete= false;
+ delete ett;
+ /*
+ We find where the first element resides in the arraay. And then do a
+ qsort of events_array.elements (the current number of elements).
+ We know that the elements are stored in a contiguous block w/o holes.
+ */
+ qsort((gptr) dynamic_element(&evex_executing_queue, 0, event_timed**),
+ evex_executing_queue.elements,
+ sizeof(event_timed **),
+ (qsort_cmp) event_timed_compare);
+ if (use_lock)
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_event_arrays));
+ if (thd->mem_root != tmp_mem_root)
+ thd->mem_root= tmp_mem_root;
+ if (spn)
+ delete spn;
+static int
+evex_remove_from_cache(LEX_STRING *db, LEX_STRING *name, bool use_lock)
+ uint i;
+ int ret= 0;
+ bool need_second_pass= true;
+ DBUG_ENTER("evex_remove_from_cache");
+ /*
+ It is possible that 2 (or 1) pass(es) won't find the event in memory.
+ The reason is that DISABLED events are not cached.
+ */
+ if (use_lock)
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_event_arrays));
+ for (i= 0; i < evex_executing_queue.elements; ++i)
+ {
+ event_timed **p_et= dynamic_element(&evex_executing_queue, i, event_timed**);
+ event_timed *ett= *p_et;
+ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("[%s.%s]==[%s.%s]?",db->str,name->str,
+ ett->m_db.str, ett->m_name.str));
+ if (name->length == ett->m_name.length &&
+ db->length == ett->m_db.length &&
+ 0 == strncmp(db->str, ett->m_db.str, db->length) &&
+ 0 == strncmp(name->str, ett->m_name.str, name->length)
+ )
+ {
+ int idx;
+ //we are lucky the event is in the executing queue, no need of second pass
+ need_second_pass= false;
+ idx= get_index_dynamic(&events_array, (gptr) ett);
+ if (idx != -1)
+ {
+ //destruct first and then remove. the destructor will delete sp_head
+ ett->free_sp();
+ delete_dynamic_element(&events_array, idx);
+ delete_dynamic_element(&evex_executing_queue, i);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //this should never happen
+ DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Sth weird with get_index_dynamic. %d."
+ "i=%d idx=%d evex_ex_queue.buf=%p evex_ex_queue.elements=%d ett=%p\n"
+ "events_array=%p events_array.elements=%d events_array.buf=%p\n"
+ "p_et=%p ett=%p",
+ __LINE__, i, idx, &evex_executing_queue.buffer,
+ evex_executing_queue.elements, ett, &events_array,
+ events_array.elements, events_array.buffer, p_et, ett));
+ goto done;
+ }
+ //ok we have cleaned
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ ToDo Andrey : Think about whether second pass is needed. All events
+ that are in memory are enabled. If an event is being
+ disabled (by a SQL stmt) it will be uncached. Hmm...
+ However is this true for events that has been
+ disabled because of another reason like - no need
+ to be executed because ENDS is in the past?
+ For instance, second_pass is needed when an event
+ was created as DISABLED but then altered as ENABLED.
+ */
+ if (need_second_pass)
+ //we haven't found the event in the executing queue. This is nice! :)
+ //Look for it in the events_array.
+ for (i= 0; i < events_array.elements; ++i)
+ {
+ event_timed *ett= dynamic_element(&events_array, i, event_timed*);
+ if (name->length == ett->m_name.length &&
+ db->length == ett->m_db.length &&
+ 0 == strncmp(db->str, ett->m_db.str, db->length) &&
+ 0 == strncmp(name->str, ett->m_name.str, name->length)
+ )
+ delete_dynamic_element(&events_array, i);
+ }
+ if (use_lock)
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_event_arrays));
+ Exported functions follow
+ The function exported to the world for creating of events.
+ evex_create_event()
+ thd THD
+ et event's data
+ create_options Options specified when in the query. We are
+ interested whether there is IF NOT EXISTS
+ - in case there is an event with the same name (db) and
+ IF NOT EXISTS is specified, an warning is put into the W stack.
+ - Add code for in-memory structures - caching & uncaching.
+evex_create_event(THD *thd, event_timed *et, uint create_options)
+ int ret = 0;
+ sp_name *spn= 0;
+ DBUG_ENTER("evex_create_event");
+ DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("name: %*s options:%d", et->m_name.length,
+ et->m_name.str, create_options));
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ if (!evex_is_running)
+ // TODO: put an warning to the user here.
+ // Is it needed? (Andrey, 051129)
+ {}
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ if ((ret = db_create_event(thd, et)) == EVEX_WRITE_ROW_FAILED &&
+ (create_options & HA_LEX_CREATE_IF_NOT_EXISTS))
+ {
+ push_warning_printf(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_NOTE,
+ "EVENT", thd->lex->et->m_name.str);
+ ret= 0;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /*
+ A warning is thrown only when create_options is set to
+ which means that we have duplicated key -> warning. In all
+ other cases -> error.
+ */
+ if (ret)
+ goto done;
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ if (!evex_is_running)
+ {
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ goto done;
+ }
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ //cache only if the event is ENABLED
+ if (et->m_status == MYSQL_EVENT_ENABLED)
+ {
+ spn= new sp_name(et->m_db, et->m_name);
+ if ((ret= evex_load_and_compile_event(thd, spn, true)))
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (spn)
+ delete spn;
+ The function exported to the world for alteration of events.
+ evex_update_event()
+ thd THD
+ name the real name of the event.
+ et event's data
+ et contains data about dbname and event name.
+ name is the new name of the event. if not null this means
+ that RENAME TO was specified in the query.
+ - Add code for in-memory structures - caching & uncaching.
+evex_update_event(THD *thd, sp_name *name, event_timed *et)
+ int ret, i;
+ bool need_second_pass= true;
+ sp_name *spn= 0;
+ DBUG_ENTER("evex_update_event");
+ DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("name: %*s", et->m_name.length, et->m_name.str));
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ if (!evex_is_running)
+ // put an warning to the user here
+ {}
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ if ((ret= db_update_event(thd, name, et)))
+ goto done_no_evex;
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ if (!evex_is_running)
+ // not running - therefore no memory structures
+ goto done_no_evex;
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ /*
+ It is possible that 2 (or 1) pass(es) won't find the event in memory.
+ The reason is that DISABLED events are not cached.
+ */
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_event_arrays));
+ if (name)
+ {
+ evex_remove_from_cache(&name->m_db, &name->m_name, false);
+ if (et->m_status == MYSQL_EVENT_ENABLED &&
+ (ret= evex_load_and_compile_event(thd, name, false))
+ )
+ goto done;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ evex_remove_from_cache(&et->m_db, &et->m_name, false);
+ spn= new sp_name(et->m_db, et->m_name);
+ if (et->m_status == MYSQL_EVENT_ENABLED &&
+ (ret= evex_load_and_compile_event(thd, spn, false))
+ )
+ {
+ delete spn;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_event_arrays));
+ Checks for existance of a specified event
+ evex_event_exists()
+ thd THD
+ et event's name
+ Currently unused
+evex_event_exists(THD *thd, event_timed *et)
+ TABLE *table;
+ int ret;
+ bool opened= FALSE;
+ Open_tables_state open_tables_state_backup;
+ DBUG_ENTER("evex_event_exists");
+ if (!(table= open_proc_type_table_for_read(thd, &open_tables_state_backup,
+ "event", &mysql_event_table_exists)))
+ ret= sp_db_find_routine_aux(thd, 0/*notype*/, et->m_db, et->m_name, table);
+ close_thread_tables(thd);
+ thd->restore_backup_open_tables_state(&open_tables_state_backup);
+ thd->clear_error();
+ DBUG_RETURN(ret == SP_OK);
+ Drops an event
+ evex_drop_event()
+ thd THD
+ et event's name
+ drop_if_exists if set and the event not existing => warning onto the stack
+ Update in-memory structures
+evex_drop_event(THD *thd, event_timed *et, bool drop_if_exists)
+ TABLE *table;
+ int ret;
+ bool opened;
+ DBUG_ENTER("evex_drop_event");
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ if (!evex_is_running)
+ // put an warning to the user here
+ {}
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ if (!(table= EVEX_OPEN_TABLE_FOR_UPDATE()))
+ ret= sp_db_find_routine_aux(thd, 0/*notype*/, et->m_db, et->m_name, table);
+ if (ret == EVEX_OK)
+ {
+ if (table->file->delete_row(table->record[0]))
+ {
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ret == SP_KEY_NOT_FOUND && drop_if_exists)
+ {
+ push_warning_printf(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_NOTE,
+ "EVENT", thd->lex->et->m_name.str);
+ ret= 0;
+ goto done;
+ } else
+ goto done;
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ if (evex_is_running)
+ ret= evex_remove_from_cache(&et->m_db, &et->m_name, true);
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ /*
+ "opened" is switched to TRUE when we open mysql.event for checking.
+ In this case we have to close the table after finishing working with it.
+ */
+ close_thread_tables(thd);
+ !!! This one is executor related so maybe moving it to
+ is a good idea or ?
+static int
+evex_load_events_from_db(THD *thd)
+ TABLE *table;
+ READ_RECORD read_record_info;
+ MYSQL_LOCK *lock;
+ Open_tables_state open_tables_state_backup;
+ int ret= -1;
+ DBUG_ENTER("evex_load_events_from_db");
+ if (!(table= open_proc_type_table_for_read(thd, &open_tables_state_backup,
+ "event", &mysql_event_table_exists)))
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_event_arrays));
+ init_read_record(&read_record_info, thd, table ,NULL,1,0);
+ while (!(read_record_info.read_record(&read_record_info)))
+ {
+ event_timed *et, *et_copy;
+ if (!(et= new event_timed()))
+ {
+ DBUG_PRINT("evex_load_events_from_db", ("Out of memory"));
+ ret= -1;
+ goto end;
+ }
+ DBUG_PRINT("evex_load_events_from_db", ("Loading event from row."));
+ if (et->load_from_row(&evex_mem_root, table))
+ //error loading!
+ continue;
+ DBUG_PRINT("evex_load_events_from_db",
+ ("Event %s loaded from row. Time to compile", et->m_name.str));
+ if (et->compile(thd, &evex_mem_root))
+ //problem during compile
+ continue;
+ // let's find when to be executed
+ et->compute_next_execution_time();
+ DBUG_PRINT("evex_load_events_from_db",
+ ("Adding %s to the executor list.", et->m_name.str));
+ VOID(push_dynamic(&events_array,(gptr) et));
+ // we always add at the end so the number of elements - 1 is the place
+ // in the buffer
+ et_copy= dynamic_element(&events_array, events_array.elements - 1,
+ event_timed*);
+ VOID(push_dynamic(&evex_executing_queue,(gptr) &et_copy));
+ et->m_free_sphead_on_delete= false;
+ DBUG_PRINT("info", (""));
+ delete et;
+ }
+ end_read_record(&read_record_info);
+ qsort((gptr) dynamic_element(&evex_executing_queue, 0, event_timed**),
+ evex_executing_queue.elements,
+ sizeof(event_timed **),
+ (qsort_cmp) event_timed_compare
+ );
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_event_arrays));
+ thd->version--; // Force close to free memory
+ ret= 0;
+ close_thread_tables(thd);
+ thd->restore_backup_open_tables_state(&open_tables_state_backup);
+ DBUG_PRINT("evex_load_events_from_db",
+ ("Events loaded from DB. Status code %d", ret));
+//////////////// EVENT_TIMED class /////////////////////////////////
+ Init all member variables
+ event_timed::init()
+ DBUG_ENTER("event_timed::init");
+ m_qname.str= m_db.str= m_name.str= m_body.str= m_comment.str= 0;
+ m_qname.length= m_db.length= m_name.length= m_body.length= m_comment.length= 0;
+ set_zero_time(&m_starts, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME);
+ set_zero_time(&m_ends, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME);
+ set_zero_time(&m_execute_at, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME);
+ set_zero_time(&m_last_executed, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME);
+ m_definer_user.str= m_definer_host.str= 0;
+ m_definer_user.length= m_definer_host.length= 0;
+ Set a name of the event
+ event_timed::init_name()
+ thd THD
+ name the name extracted in the parser
+event_timed::init_name(THD *thd, sp_name *name)
+ DBUG_ENTER("event_timed::init_name");
+ uint n; /* Counter for nul trimming */
+ /* During parsing, we must use thd->mem_root */
+ MEM_ROOT *root= thd->mem_root;
+ /* We have to copy strings to get them into the right memroot */
+ if (name)
+ {
+ m_db.length= name->m_db.length;
+ if (name->m_db.length == 0)
+ m_db.str= NULL;
+ else
+ m_db.str= strmake_root(root, name->m_db.str, name->m_db.length);
+ m_name.length= name->m_name.length;
+ m_name.str= strmake_root(root, name->m_name.str, name->m_name.length);
+ if (name->m_qname.length == 0)
+ name->init_qname(thd);
+ m_qname.length= name->m_qname.length;
+ m_qname.str= strmake_root(root, name->m_qname.str, m_qname.length);
+ }
+ else if (thd->db)
+ {
+ m_db.length= thd->db_length;
+ m_db.str= strmake_root(root, thd->db, m_db.length);
+ }
+ DBUG_PRINT("m_db", ("len=%d db=%s",m_db.length, m_db.str));
+ DBUG_PRINT("m_name", ("len=%d name=%s",m_name.length, m_name.str));
+ Set body of the event - what should be executed.
+ event_timed::init_body()
+ thd THD
+ The body is extracted by copying all data between the
+ start of the body set by another method and the current pointer in Lex.
+event_timed::init_body(THD *thd)
+ DBUG_ENTER("event_timed::init_body");
+ MEM_ROOT *root= thd->mem_root;
+ m_body.length= thd->lex->ptr - m_body_begin;
+ // Trim nuls at the end
+ while (m_body.length && m_body_begin[m_body.length-1] == '\0')
+ m_body.length--;
+ m_body.str= strmake_root(root, (char *)m_body_begin, m_body.length);
+ Set time for execution for one time events.
+ event_timed::init_execute_at()
+ expr when (datetime)
+ 0 - OK
+ EVEX_PARSE_ERROR - fix_fields failed
+ EVEX_BAD_PARAMS - datetime is in the past
+event_timed::init_execute_at(THD *thd, Item *expr)
+ my_bool not_used;
+ TIME ltime;
+ my_time_t my_time_tmp;
+ TIME time_tmp;
+ DBUG_ENTER("event_timed::init_execute_at");
+ if (expr->fix_fields(thd, &expr))
+ if (expr->val_int() == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_ERROR)
+ // let's check whether time is in the past
+ thd->variables.time_zone->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&time_tmp,
+ (my_time_t) thd->query_start());
+ if (expr->val_int() < TIME_to_ulonglong_datetime(&time_tmp))
+ if ((not_used= expr->get_date(&ltime, TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE)))
+ /*
+ This may result in a 1970-01-01 date if ltime is > 2037-xx-xx
+ CONVERT_TZ has similar problem
+ */
+ my_tz_UTC->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&ltime, TIME_to_timestamp(thd,&ltime, &not_used));
+ m_execute_at= ltime;
+ Set time for execution for transient events.
+ event_timed::init_interval()
+ expr how much?
+ interval what is the interval
+ 0 - OK
+ EVEX_PARSE_ERROR - fix_fields failed
+ EVEX_BAD_PARAMS - Interval is not positive
+event_timed::init_interval(THD *thd, Item *expr, interval_type interval)
+ longlong tmp;
+ DBUG_ENTER("event_timed::init_interval");
+ if (expr->fix_fields(thd, &expr))
+ if ((tmp= expr->val_int()) <= 0)
+ m_expr= tmp;
+ m_interval= interval;
+ Set activation time.
+ event_timed::init_starts()
+ expr how much?
+ interval what is the interval
+ Note that activation time is not execution time.
+ EVERY 5 MINUTE STARTS "2004-12-12 10:00:00" means that
+ the event will be executed every 5 minutes but this will
+ start at the date shown above. Expressions are possible :
+ DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) -- start tommorow at
+ same time.
+ 0 - OK
+ EVEX_PARSE_ERROR - fix_fields failed
+event_timed::init_starts(THD *thd, Item *starts)
+ my_bool not_used;
+ TIME ltime;
+ my_time_t my_time_tmp;
+ DBUG_ENTER("event_timed::init_starts");
+ if (starts->fix_fields(thd, &starts))
+ if (starts->val_int() == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_ERROR)
+ if ((not_used= starts->get_date(&ltime, TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE)))
+ /*
+ This may result in a 1970-01-01 date if ltime is > 2037-xx-xx
+ CONVERT_TZ has similar problem
+ */
+ my_tz_UTC->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&ltime, TIME_to_timestamp(thd,&ltime, &not_used));
+ m_starts= ltime;
+ Set deactivation time.
+ event_timed::init_ends()
+ thd THD
+ ends when?
+ Note that activation time is not execution time.
+ EVERY 5 MINUTE ENDS "2004-12-12 10:00:00" means that
+ the event will be executed every 5 minutes but this will
+ end at the date shown above. Expressions are possible :
+ DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) -- end tommorow at
+ same time.
+ 0 - OK
+ EVEX_PARSE_ERROR - fix_fields failed
+event_timed::init_ends(THD *thd, Item *ends)
+ TIME ltime;
+ my_time_t my_time_tmp;
+ my_bool not_used;
+ DBUG_ENTER("event_timed::init_ends");
+ if (ends->fix_fields(thd, &ends))
+ // the field was already fixed in init_ends
+ if ((not_used= ends->get_date(&ltime, TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE)))
+ /*
+ This may result in a 1970-01-01 date if ltime is > 2037-xx-xx
+ CONVERT_TZ has similar problem
+ */
+ my_tz_UTC->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&ltime, TIME_to_timestamp(thd, &ltime, &not_used));
+ if (m_starts.year && my_time_compare(&m_starts, &ltime) != -1)
+ m_ends= ltime;
+ Set behaviour when ENDS has been set and passed by.
+ event_timed::init_interval()
+ drop if set then drop the event otherwise preserve it.
+event_timed::set_on_completion_drop(bool drop)
+ DBUG_ENTER("event_timed::set_on_completion");
+ if (drop)
+ else
+ Sets event's status. DISABLED - not executable even if
+ everything else is ok (STARTS, ENDS, INTERVAL and so on).
+ event_timed::set_event_status()
+ enabled set whether enabled or not.
+event_timed::set_event_status(bool enabled)
+ DBUG_ENTER("event_timed::set_on_completion");
+ m_status_changed= true;
+ if (enabled)
+ else
+ Sets comment.
+ event_timed::init_comment()
+ thd THD - used for memory allocation
+ comment the string.
+event_timed::init_comment(THD *thd, LEX_STRING *comment)
+ DBUG_ENTER("event_timed::init_comment");
+ MEM_ROOT *root= thd->mem_root;
+ m_comment.length= comment->length;
+ m_comment.str= strmake_root(root, comment->str, comment->length);
+ DBUG_PRINT("m_comment", ("len=%d",m_comment.length));
+ Inits definer (m_definer_user and m_definer_host) during
+ parsing.
+ event_timed::init_definer()
+event_timed::init_definer(THD *thd)
+ DBUG_ENTER("event_timed::init_definer");
+ m_definer_user.str= strdup_root(thd->mem_root, thd->security_ctx->priv_user);
+ m_definer_user.length= strlen(thd->security_ctx->priv_user);
+ m_definer_host.str= strdup_root(thd->mem_root, thd->security_ctx->priv_host);
+ m_definer_host.length= strlen(thd->security_ctx->priv_host);
+ Loads an event from a row from mysql.event
+ event_timed::load_from_row()
+event_timed::load_from_row(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, TABLE *table)
+ longlong created;
+ longlong modified;
+ char *ptr;
+ event_timed *et;
+ uint len;
+ bool res1, res2;
+ DBUG_ENTER("event_timed::load_from_row");
+ if (!table)
+ goto error;
+ et= this;
+ if (table->s->fields != EVEX_FIELD_COUNT)
+ goto error;
+ if ((et->m_db.str= get_field(mem_root,
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_DB])) == NULL)
+ goto error;
+ et->m_db.length= strlen(et->m_db.str);
+ if ((et->m_name.str= get_field(mem_root,
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_NAME])) == NULL)
+ goto error;
+ et->m_name.length= strlen(et->m_name.str);
+ if ((et->m_body.str= get_field(mem_root,
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_BODY])) == NULL)
+ goto error;
+ et->m_body.length= strlen(et->m_body.str);
+ if ((et->m_definer.str= get_field(mem_root,
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_DEFINER])) == NullS)
+ goto error;
+ et->m_definer.length= strlen(et->m_definer.str);
+ ptr= strchr(et->m_definer.str, '@');
+ if (! ptr)
+ ptr= et->m_definer.str; // Weird, isn't it?
+ len= ptr - et->m_definer.str;
+ et->m_definer_user.str= strmake_root(mem_root, et->m_definer.str, len);
+ et->m_definer_user.length= len;
+ len= et->m_definer.length - len - 1; //1 is because of @
+ et->m_definer_host.str= strmake_root(mem_root, ptr + 1, len);//1: because of @
+ et->m_definer_host.length= len;
+ res1= table->field[EVEX_FIELD_STARTS]->
+ get_date(&et->m_starts, TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE);
+ res2= table->field[EVEX_FIELD_ENDS]->
+ get_date(&et->m_ends, TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE);
+ et->m_expr= table->field[EVEX_FIELD_INTERVAL_EXPR]->val_int();
+ /*
+ If res1 and res2 are true then both fields are empty.
+ Hence if EVEX_FIELD_EXECUTE_AT is empty there is an error.
+ */
+ if (res1 && res2 && !et->m_expr && table->field[EVEX_FIELD_EXECUTE_AT]->
+ get_date(&et->m_execute_at, TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE))
+ goto error;
+ /*
+ In DB the values start from 1 but enum interval_type starts
+ from 0
+ */
+ et->m_interval= (interval_type)
+ ((ulonglong) table->field[EVEX_FIELD_TRANSIENT_INTERVAL]->val_int() - 1);
+ et->m_modified= table->field[EVEX_FIELD_CREATED]->val_int();
+ et->m_created= table->field[EVEX_FIELD_MODIFIED]->val_int();
+ /*
+ ToDo Andrey : Ask PeterG & Serg what to do in this case.
+ Whether on load last_executed_at should be loaded
+ or it must be 0ed. If last_executed_at is loaded
+ then an event can be scheduled for execution
+ instantly. Let's say an event has to be executed
+ every 15 mins. The server has been stopped for
+ more than this time and then started. If L_E_AT
+ is loaded from DB, execution at L_E_AT+15min
+ will be scheduled. However this time is in the past.
+ Hence immediate execution. Due to patch of
+ ::mark_last_executed() m_last_executed gets time_now
+ and not m_execute_at. If not like this a big
+ queue can be scheduled for times which are still in
+ the past (2, 3 and more executions which will be
+ consequent).
+ */
+ set_zero_time(&m_last_executed, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME);
+#ifdef ANDREY_0
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_LAST_EXECUTED]->
+ get_date(&et->m_last_executed, TIME_NO_ZERO_DATE);
+ m_last_executed_changed= false;
+ // ToDo : Andrey . Find a way not to allocate ptr on event_mem_root
+ if ((ptr= get_field(mem_root, table->field[EVEX_FIELD_STATUS])) == NullS)
+ goto error;
+ DBUG_PRINT("load_from_row", ("Event [%s] is [%s]", et->m_name.str, ptr));
+ et->m_status= (ptr[0]=='E'? MYSQL_EVENT_ENABLED:
+ // ToDo : Andrey . Find a way not to allocate ptr on event_mem_root
+ if ((ptr= get_field(mem_root,
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_ON_COMPLETION])) == NullS)
+ goto error;
+ et->m_on_completion= (ptr[0]=='D'? MYSQL_EVENT_ON_COMPLETION_DROP:
+ et->m_comment.str= get_field(mem_root, table->field[EVEX_FIELD_COMMENT]);
+ if (et->m_comment.str != NullS)
+ et->m_comment.length= strlen(et->m_comment.str);
+ else
+ et->m_comment.length= 0;
+ TIME time_now;
+ my_time_t now;
+ int tmp;
+ DBUG_ENTER("event_timed::compute_next_execution_time");
+ if (m_status == MYSQL_EVENT_DISABLED)
+ {
+ DBUG_PRINT("compute_next_execution_time",
+ ("Event %s is DISABLED", m_name.str));
+ goto ret;
+ }
+ //if one-time no need to do computation
+ if (!m_expr)
+ {
+ //let's check whether it was executed
+ if (m_last_executed.year)
+ {
+ DBUG_PRINT("compute_next_execution_time",
+ ("One-time event %s was already executed", m_name.str));
+ if (m_on_completion == MYSQL_EVENT_ON_COMPLETION_DROP)
+ {
+ DBUG_PRINT("compute_next_execution_time",
+ ("One-time event will be dropped."));
+ m_dropped= true;
+ }
+ m_status_changed= true;
+ }
+ goto ret;
+ }
+ time(&now);
+ my_tz_UTC->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&time_now, now);
+ sql_print_information("[%s.%s]", m_db.str, m_name.str);
+ sql_print_information("time_now : [%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d ]", time_now.year, time_now.month,, time_now.hour, time_now.minute, time_now.second);
+ sql_print_information("m_starts : [%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d ]", m_starts.year, m_starts.month,, m_starts.hour, m_starts.minute, m_starts.second);
+ sql_print_information("m_ends : [%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d ]", m_ends.year, m_ends.month,, m_ends.hour, m_ends.minute, m_ends.second);
+ sql_print_information("m_last_ex: [%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d ]", m_last_executed.year, m_last_executed.month,, m_last_executed.hour, m_last_executed.minute, m_last_executed.second);
+ //if time_now is after m_ends don't execute anymore
+ if (m_ends.year && (tmp= my_time_compare(&m_ends, &time_now)) == -1)
+ {
+ // time_now is after m_ends. don't execute anymore
+ set_zero_time(&m_execute_at, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME);
+ if (m_on_completion == MYSQL_EVENT_ON_COMPLETION_DROP)
+ m_dropped= true;
+ m_status_changed= true;
+ goto ret;
+ }
+ /*
+ Here time_now is before or equals m_ends if the latter is set.
+ Let's check whether time_now is before m_starts.
+ If so schedule for m_starts
+ */
+ if (m_starts.year && (tmp= my_time_compare(&time_now, &m_starts)) < 1)
+ {
+ if (tmp == 0 && my_time_compare(&m_starts, &m_last_executed) == 0)
+ {
+ /*
+ time_now = m_starts = m_last_executed
+ do nothing or we will schedule for second time execution at m_starts.
+ */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //m_starts is in the future
+ //time_now before m_starts. Scheduling for m_starts
+ m_execute_at= m_starts;
+ goto ret;
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_starts.year && m_ends.year)
+ {
+ /*
+ Both m_starts and m_ends are set and time_now is between them (incl.)
+ If m_last_executed is set then increase with m_expr. The new TIME is
+ after m_ends set m_execute_at to 0. And check for m_on_completion
+ If not set then schedule for now.
+ */
+ if (!m_last_executed.year)
+ m_execute_at= time_now;
+ else
+ {
+ my_time_t last, ll_ends;
+ // There was previous execution
+ last= sec_since_epoch_TIME(&m_last_executed) + m_expr;
+ ll_ends= sec_since_epoch_TIME(&m_ends);
+ //now convert back to TIME
+ //ToDo Andrey: maybe check for error here?
+ if (ll_ends < last)
+ {
+ // Next execution after ends. No more executions
+ set_zero_time(&m_execute_at, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME);
+ if (m_on_completion == MYSQL_EVENT_ON_COMPLETION_DROP)
+ m_dropped= true;
+ }
+ else
+ my_tz_UTC->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&m_execute_at, last);
+ }
+ goto ret;
+ }
+ else if (!m_starts.year && !m_ends.year)
+ {
+ // both m_starts and m_ends are not set, se we schedule for the next
+ // based on m_last_executed
+ if (!m_last_executed.year)
+ //m_last_executed not set. Schedule the event for now
+ m_execute_at= time_now;
+ else
+ //ToDo Andrey: maybe check for error here?
+ my_tz_UTC->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&m_execute_at,
+ sec_since_epoch_TIME(&m_last_executed) + m_expr);
+ goto ret;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //either m_starts or m_ends is set
+ if (m_starts.year)
+ {
+ /*
+ - m_starts is set.
+ - m_starts is not in the future according to check made before
+ Hence schedule for m_starts + m_expr in case m_last_executed
+ is not set, otherwise to m_last_executed + m_expr
+ */
+ my_time_t last;
+ //convert either m_last_executed or m_starts to seconds
+ if (m_last_executed.year)
+ last= sec_since_epoch_TIME(&m_last_executed) + m_expr;
+ else
+ last= sec_since_epoch_TIME(&m_starts);
+ //now convert back to TIME
+ //ToDo Andrey: maybe check for error here?
+ my_tz_UTC->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&m_execute_at, last);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*
+ - m_ends is set
+ - m_ends is after time_now or is equal
+ Hence check for m_last_execute and increment with m_expr.
+ If m_last_executed is not set then schedule for now
+ */
+ my_time_t last, ll_ends;
+ if (!m_last_executed.year)
+ m_execute_at= time_now;
+ else
+ {
+ last= sec_since_epoch_TIME(&m_last_executed);
+ ll_ends= sec_since_epoch_TIME(&m_ends);
+ last+= m_expr;
+ //now convert back to TIME
+ //ToDo Andrey: maybe check for error here?
+ if (ll_ends < last)
+ {
+ set_zero_time(&m_execute_at, MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME);
+ if (m_on_completion == MYSQL_EVENT_ON_COMPLETION_DROP)
+ m_dropped= true;
+ }
+ else
+ my_tz_UTC->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&m_execute_at, last);
+ }
+ }
+ goto ret;
+ }
+ DBUG_RETURN(false);
+ TIME time_now;
+ my_time_t now;
+ time(&now);
+ my_tz_UTC->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&time_now, now);
+ m_last_executed= time_now; // was m_execute_at
+#ifdef ANDREY_0
+ m_last_executed= m_execute_at;
+ m_last_executed_changed= true;
+event_timed::drop(THD *thd)
+ DBUG_ENTER("event_timed::drop");
+ if (evex_drop_event(thd, this, false))
+ DBUG_RETURN(true);
+ DBUG_RETURN(false);
+event_timed::update_fields(THD *thd)
+ TABLE *table;
+ int ret= 0;
+ bool opened;
+ DBUG_ENTER("event_timed::update_time_fields");
+ DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("name: %*s", m_name.length, m_name.str));
+ //no need to update if nothing has changed
+ if (!(m_status_changed || m_last_executed_changed))
+ goto done;
+ if (!(table= EVEX_OPEN_TABLE_FOR_UPDATE()))
+ if ((ret= sp_db_find_routine_aux(thd, 0/*notype*/, m_db, m_name, table)))
+ goto done;
+ store_record(table,record[1]);
+ table->timestamp_field_type= TIMESTAMP_NO_AUTO_SET; // Don't update create on row update.
+ if (m_last_executed_changed)
+ {
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_LAST_EXECUTED]->set_notnull();
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_LAST_EXECUTED]->store_time(&m_last_executed,
+ m_last_executed_changed= false;
+ }
+ if (m_status_changed)
+ {
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_STATUS]->set_notnull();
+ table->field[EVEX_FIELD_STATUS]->store((longlong)m_status);
+ m_status_changed= false;
+ }
+ if ((table->file->update_row(table->record[1],table->record[0])))
+ close_thread_tables(thd);
+char *
+event_timed::get_show_create_event(THD *thd, uint *length)
+ char *dst, *ret;
+ uint len, tmp_len;
+ len = strlen("CREATE EVENT ") + m_db.length + strlen(".") + m_name.length +
+ strlen(" ON SCHEDULE ") + strlen("EVERY 5 MINUTE ")
+ + strlen("ON COMPLETION ")
+ + (m_on_completion==MYSQL_EVENT_ON_COMPLETION_DROP?
+ strlen("NOT PRESERVE "):strlen("PRESERVE "))
+ + (m_status==MYSQL_EVENT_ENABLED?
+ strlen("ENABLE "):strlen("DISABLE "))
+ + strlen("COMMENT \"") + m_comment.length + strlen("\" ")
+ + strlen("DO ") +
+ + m_body.length + strlen(";");
+ ret= dst= (char*) alloc_root(thd->mem_root, len);
+ memcpy(dst, "CREATE EVENT ", tmp_len= strlen("CREATE EVENT "));
+ dst+= tmp_len;
+ memcpy(dst, m_db.str, tmp_len=m_db.length);
+ dst+= tmp_len;
+ memcpy(dst, ".", tmp_len= strlen("."));
+ dst+= tmp_len;
+ memcpy(dst, m_name.str, tmp_len= m_name.length);
+ dst+= tmp_len;
+ memcpy(dst, " ON SCHEDULE ", tmp_len= strlen(" ON SCHEDULE "));
+ dst+= tmp_len;
+ memcpy(dst, "EVERY 5 MINUTE ", tmp_len= strlen("EVERY 5 MINUTE "));
+ dst+= tmp_len;
+ memcpy(dst, "ON COMPLETION ", tmp_len =strlen("ON COMPLETION "));
+ dst+= tmp_len;
+ memcpy(dst, (m_on_completion==MYSQL_EVENT_ON_COMPLETION_DROP?
+ tmp_len =(m_on_completion==MYSQL_EVENT_ON_COMPLETION_DROP? 13:9));
+ dst+= tmp_len;
+ memcpy(dst, (m_status==MYSQL_EVENT_ENABLED?
+ tmp_len= (m_status==MYSQL_EVENT_ENABLED? 8:9));
+ dst+=tmp_len;
+ memcpy(dst, "COMMENT \"", tmp_len= strlen("COMMENT \""));
+ dst+= tmp_len;
+ memcpy(dst, m_comment.str, tmp_len= m_comment.length);
+ dst+= tmp_len;
+ memcpy(dst, "\" ", tmp_len=2);
+ dst+= tmp_len;
+ memcpy(dst, "DO ", tmp_len=3);
+ dst+= tmp_len;
+ memcpy(dst, m_body.str, tmp_len= m_body.length);
+ dst+= tmp_len;
+ memcpy(dst, ";", 1);
+ ++dst;
+ *dst= '\0';
+ *length= len;
+ return ret;
+event_timed::execute(THD *thd, MEM_ROOT *mem_root= NULL)
+ List<Item> empty_item_list;
+ int ret= 0;
+ DBUG_ENTER("event_timed::execute");
+ // TODO Andrey : make this as member variable and delete in destructor
+ empty_item_list.empty();
+ if (!m_sphead && (ret= compile(thd, mem_root)))
+ goto done;
+ ret= m_sphead->execute_procedure(thd, &empty_item_list);
+ // Don't cache m_sphead if allocated on another mem_root
+ if (mem_root && m_sphead)
+ {
+ delete m_sphead;
+ m_sphead= 0;
+ }
+event_timed::compile(THD *thd, MEM_ROOT *mem_root= NULL)
+ MEM_ROOT *tmp_mem_root= 0;
+ LEX *old_lex= thd->lex, lex;
+ char *old_db;
+ event_timed *ett;
+ sp_name *spn;
+ char *old_query;
+ uint old_query_len;
+ st_sp_chistics *p;
+ DBUG_ENTER("event_timed::compile");
+ // change the memory root for the execution time
+ if (mem_root)
+ {
+ tmp_mem_root= thd->mem_root;
+ thd->mem_root= mem_root;
+ }
+ old_query_len= thd->query_length;
+ old_query= thd->query;
+ old_db= thd->db;
+ thd->db= m_db.str;
+ thd->query= get_show_create_event(thd, &thd->query_length);
+ DBUG_PRINT("event_timed::compile", ("query:%s",thd->query));
+ thd->lex= &lex;
+ lex_start(thd, (uchar*)thd->query, thd->query_length);
+ lex.et_compile_phase= TRUE;
+ if (yyparse((void *)thd) || thd->is_fatal_error)
+ {
+ // Free lex associated resources
+ // QQ: Do we really need all this stuff here ?
+ if (lex.sphead)
+ {
+ if (&lex != thd->lex)
+ thd->lex->sphead->restore_lex(thd);
+ delete lex.sphead;
+ lex.sphead= 0;
+ }
+ // QQ: anything else ?
+ lex_end(&lex);
+ thd->lex= old_lex;
+ }
+ m_sphead= lex.sphead;
+ m_sphead->m_db= m_db;
+ //copy also chistics since they will vanish otherwise we get 0x0 pointer
+ // Todo : Handle sql_mode !!
+ m_sphead->set_definer(m_definer.str, m_definer.length);
+ m_sphead->set_info(0, 0, &lex.sp_chistics, 0/*sql_mode*/);
+ m_sphead->optimize();
+ lex_end(&lex);
+ thd->lex= old_lex;
+ thd->query= old_query;
+ thd->query_length= old_query_len;
+ thd->db= old_db;
+ /*
+ Change the memory root for the execution time.
+ */
+ if (mem_root)
+ thd->mem_root= tmp_mem_root;
+/******************************** EXECUTOR ************************************/
+//extern "C" pthread_handler_decl(event_executor_main, arg);
+//extern "C" pthread_handler_decl(event_executor_worker, arg);
+ TODO Andrey: Check for command line option whether to start
+ the main thread or not.
+pthread_handler_t event_executor_worker(void *arg);
+pthread_handler_t event_executor_main(void *arg);
+ pthread_t th;
+ DBUG_ENTER("init_events");
+ DBUG_PRINT("info",("Starting events main thread"));
+ pthread_mutex_init(&LOCK_event_arrays, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST);
+ pthread_mutex_init(&LOCK_workers_count, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST);
+ pthread_mutex_init(&LOCK_evex_running, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST);
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ evex_is_running= false;
+ event_executor_running_global_var= false;
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ //TODO Andrey: Change the error code returned!
+ if (pthread_create(&th, NULL, event_executor_main, (void*)NULL))
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ pthread_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_event_arrays);
+ pthread_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_workers_count);
+ pthread_mutex_destroy(&LOCK_evex_running);
+static int
+init_event_thread(THD* thd)
+ DBUG_ENTER("init_event_thread");
+ thd->client_capabilities= 0;
+ thd->security_ctx->skip_grants();
+ my_net_init(&thd->net, 0);
+ thd->net.read_timeout = slave_net_timeout;
+ thd->slave_thread= 0;
+ thd->options= OPTION_AUTO_IS_NULL;
+ thd->client_capabilities= CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES;
+ thd->real_id=pthread_self();
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count));
+ thd->thread_id= thread_id++;
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count));
+ if (init_thr_lock() || thd->store_globals())
+ {
+ thd->cleanup();
+ delete thd;
+ }
+#if !defined(__WIN__) && !defined(OS2) && !defined(__NETWARE__)
+ sigset_t set;
+ VOID(sigemptyset(&set)); // Get mask in use
+ VOID(pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK,&set,&thd->block_signals));
+ thd->proc_info= "Initialized";
+ thd->version= refresh_version;
+ thd->set_time();
+pthread_handler_t event_executor_main(void *arg)
+ THD *thd; /* needs to be first for thread_stack */
+ ulonglong iter_num= 0;
+ uint i=0, j=0;
+ DBUG_ENTER("event_executor_main");
+ DBUG_PRINT("event_executor_main", ("EVEX thread started"));
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ evex_is_running= true;
+ event_executor_running_global_var= opt_event_executor;
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ // init memory root
+ init_alloc_root(&evex_mem_root, MEM_ROOT_BLOCK_SIZE, MEM_ROOT_PREALLOC);
+ // needs to call my_thread_init(), otherwise we get a coredump in DBUG_ stuff
+ my_thread_init();
+ //TODO Andrey: Check for NULL
+ if (!(thd = new THD)) // note that contructor of THD uses DBUG_ !
+ {
+ sql_print_error("Cannot create THD for event_executor_main");
+ goto err_no_thd;
+ }
+ thd->thread_stack = (char*)&thd; // remember where our stack is
+ pthread_detach_this_thread();
+ if (init_event_thread(thd))
+ goto err;
+ thd->init_for_queries();
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count));
+ threads.append(thd);
+ thread_count++;
+ thread_running++;
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count));
+ DBUG_PRINT("EVEX main thread", ("Initing events_array"));
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_event_arrays));
+ /*
+ my_malloc is used as underlying allocator which does not use a mem_root
+ thus data should be freed at later stage.
+ */
+ VOID(my_init_dynamic_array(&events_array, sizeof(event_timed), 50, 100));
+ VOID(my_init_dynamic_array(&evex_executing_queue, sizeof(event_timed *), 50, 100));
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_event_arrays));
+ if (evex_load_events_from_db(thd))
+ goto err;
+ /* Read queries from the IO/THREAD until this thread is killed */
+ while (!thd->killed)
+ {
+ TIME time_now;
+ my_time_t now;
+ my_ulonglong cnt;
+ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("EVEX External Loop %d", ++cnt));
+// sql_print_information("[EVEX] External Loop!");
+ my_sleep(500000);// sleep 0.5s
+ if (!event_executor_running_global_var)
+ continue;
+ time(&now);
+ my_tz_UTC->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&time_now, now);
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_event_arrays));
+ for (i= 0; (i < evex_executing_queue.elements) && !thd->killed; ++i)
+ {
+ event_timed **p_et=dynamic_element(&evex_executing_queue,i,event_timed**);
+ event_timed *et= *p_et;
+// sql_print_information("[EVEX] External Loop 2!");
+ if (!event_executor_running_global_var)
+ break;// soon we will do only continue (see the code a bit above)
+ thd->proc_info = "Iterating";
+ /*
+ if this is the first event which is after time_now then no
+ more need to iterate over more elements since the array is sorted.
+ */
+ if (et->m_execute_at.year &&
+ my_time_compare(&time_now, &et->m_execute_at) == -1)
+ break;
+ if (et->m_status == MYSQL_EVENT_ENABLED)
+ {
+ pthread_t th;
+ DBUG_PRINT("info", (" Spawning a thread %d", ++iter_num));
+// sql_print_information(" Spawning a thread %d", ++iter_num);
+ if (pthread_create(&th, NULL, event_executor_worker, (void*)et))
+ {
+ sql_print_error("Problem while trying to create a thread");
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_event_arrays));
+ goto err; // for now finish execution of the Executor
+ }
+ et->mark_last_executed();
+ et->compute_next_execution_time();
+ et->update_fields(thd);
+ if ((et->m_execute_at.year && !et->m_expr)
+ || TIME_to_ulonglong_datetime(&et->m_execute_at) == 0L)
+ et->m_flags |= EVENT_EXEC_NO_MORE;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ Let's remove elements which won't be executed any more
+ The number is "i" and it is <= up to evex_executing_queue.elements
+ */
+ j= 0;
+ while (j < i && j < evex_executing_queue.elements)
+ {
+ event_timed **p_et= dynamic_element(&evex_executing_queue, j, event_timed**);
+ event_timed *et= *p_et;
+ if (et->m_flags & EVENT_EXEC_NO_MORE || et->m_status == MYSQL_EVENT_DISABLED)
+ {
+ delete_dynamic_element(&evex_executing_queue, j);
+ DBUG_PRINT("", ("DELETING FROM EXECUTION QUEUE [%s.%s]",et->m_db.str, et->m_name.str));
+ // nulling the position, will delete later
+ if (et->m_dropped)
+ {
+ // we have to drop the event
+ int idx;
+ et->drop(thd);
+ idx= get_index_dynamic(&events_array, (gptr) et);
+ if (idx != -1)
+ delete_dynamic_element(&events_array, idx);
+ else
+ sql_print_error("Something weird happened with events. %d", __LINE__);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ ++j;
+ }
+ if (evex_executing_queue.elements)
+ //ToDo Andrey : put a lock here
+ qsort((gptr) dynamic_element(&evex_executing_queue, 0, event_timed**),
+ evex_executing_queue.elements,
+ sizeof(event_timed **),
+ (qsort_cmp) event_timed_compare
+ );
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_event_arrays));
+ }// while (!thd->killed)
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ evex_is_running= false;
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ sql_print_information("Event executor stopping");
+ // LEX_STRINGs reside in the memory root and will be destroyed with it.
+ // Hence no need of delete but only freeing of SP
+ for (i=0; i < events_array.elements; ++i)
+ {
+ event_timed *et= dynamic_element(&events_array, i, event_timed*);
+ et->free_sp();
+ }
+ // TODO Andrey: USE lock here!
+ delete_dynamic(&evex_executing_queue);
+ delete_dynamic(&events_array);
+ thd->proc_info = "Clearing";
+ DBUG_ASSERT(thd->net.buff != 0);
+ net_end(&thd->net); // destructor will not free it, because we are weird
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count);
+ thread_count--;
+ thread_running--;
+ delete thd;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count);
+ /*
+ sleeping some time may help not crash the server. sleeping
+ is done to wait for spawned threads to finish.
+ TODO: A better will be with a conditional variable
+ */
+ {
+ uint tries= 0;
+ while (tries++ < 5)
+ {
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_workers_count));
+ if (!workers_count)
+ {
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_workers_count));
+ break;
+ }
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_workers_count));
+ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Sleep %d", tries));
+ my_sleep(1000000 * tries);// 1s
+ }
+ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Maybe now it is ok to kill the thread and evex MRoot"));
+ }
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ evex_is_running= false;
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_evex_running));
+ free_root(&evex_mem_root, MYF(0));
+ sql_print_information("Event executor stopped");
+ shutdown_events();
+ my_thread_end();
+ pthread_exit(0);
+ DBUG_RETURN(0); // Can't return anything here
+pthread_handler_t event_executor_worker(void *event_void)
+ THD *thd; /* needs to be first for thread_stack */
+ List<Item> empty_item_list;
+ event_timed *event = (event_timed *) event_void;
+ MEM_ROOT mem_root;
+ ulong save_options;
+ DBUG_ENTER("event_executor_worker");
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_workers_count));
+ ++workers_count;
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_workers_count));
+ init_alloc_root(&mem_root, MEM_ROOT_BLOCK_SIZE, MEM_ROOT_PREALLOC);
+ //we pass this empty list as parameter to the SP_HEAD of the event
+ empty_item_list.empty();
+ my_thread_init();
+ //TODO Andrey: Check for NULL
+ if (!(thd = new THD)) // note that contructor of THD uses DBUG_ !
+ {
+ sql_print_error("Cannot create a THD structure in worker thread");
+ goto err_no_thd;
+ }
+ thd->thread_stack = (char*)&thd; // remember where our stack is
+ thd->mem_root= &mem_root;
+// pthread_detach_this_thread();
+ pthread_detach(pthread_self());
+ if (init_event_thread(thd))
+ goto err;
+ thd->init_for_queries();
+ save_options= thd->options;
+ thd->options&= ~OPTION_BIN_LOG;
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count));
+ threads.append(thd);
+ thread_count++;
+ thread_running++;
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count));
+ //thd->security_ctx->priv_host is char[MAX_HOSTNAME]
+ strxnmov(thd->security_ctx->priv_host, sizeof(thd->security_ctx->priv_host),
+ event->m_definer_host.str, NullS);
+ thd->security_ctx->priv_user= event->m_definer_user.str;
+ thd->db= event->m_db.str;
+ if (!check_global_access(thd, EVENT_ACL))
+ {
+ char exec_time[200];
+ int ret;
+ my_TIME_to_str(&event->m_execute_at, exec_time);
+ DBUG_PRINT("info", (" EVEX EXECUTING event for event %s.%s [EXPR:%d][EXECUTE_AT:%s]", event->m_db.str, event->m_name.str,(int) event->m_expr, exec_time));
+// sql_print_information(" EVEX EXECUTING event for event %s.%s [EXPR:%d][EXECUTE_AT:%s]", event->m_db.str, event->m_name.str,(int) event->m_expr, exec_time);
+ ret= event->execute(thd);
+// sql_print_information(" EVEX EXECUTED event for event %s.%s [EXPR:%d][EXECUTE_AT:%s]. RetCode=%d", event->m_db.str, event->m_name.str,(int) event->m_expr, exec_time, ret);
+ DBUG_PRINT("info", (" EVEX EXECUTED event for event %s.%s [EXPR:%d][EXECUTE_AT:%s]", event->m_db.str, event->m_name.str,(int) event->m_expr, exec_time));
+ }
+ thd->db= 0;
+ //reenable (is it needed?)
+ thd->options= save_options;
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count));
+ thread_count--;
+ thread_running--;
+ /*
+ Some extra safety, which should not been needed (normally, event deletion
+ should already have done these assignments (each event which sets these
+ variables is supposed to set them to 0 before terminating)).
+ */
+ //thd->query= thd->db= thd->catalog= 0;
+ //thd->query_length= thd->db_length= 0;
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count));
+ //thd->temporary_tables = 0; // remove tempation from destructor to close them
+ thd->proc_info = "Clearing";
+ DBUG_ASSERT(thd->net.buff != 0);
+ net_end(&thd->net); // destructor will not free it, because we are weird
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count));
+ delete thd;
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count));
+ free_root(&mem_root, MYF(0));
+// sql_print_information(" Worker thread exiting");
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_workers_count));
+ --workers_count;
+ VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_workers_count));
+ my_thread_end();
+ pthread_exit(0);
+ DBUG_RETURN(0); // Can't return anything here
diff --git a/sql/event.h b/sql/event.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5ba96e401ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/event.h
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+/* -*- C++ -*- */
+#ifndef _EVENT_H_
+#define _EVENT_H_
+#include "sp_head.h"
+extern ulong opt_event_executor;
+#define EVEX_OK 0
+#define EVEX_KEY_NOT_FOUND -1
+#define EVEX_PARSE_ERROR -6
+#define EVEX_NO_DB_ERROR -8
+#define EVEX_BAD_PARAMS -10
+#define EVEX_NOT_RUNNING -11
+#define EVENT_EXEC_NO_MORE (1L << 0)
+#define EVENT_NOT_USED (1L << 1)
+enum enum_event_on_completion
+enum enum_event_status
+class event_timed
+ event_timed(const event_timed &); /* Prevent use of these */
+ void operator=(event_timed &);
+ LEX_STRING m_db;
+ LEX_STRING m_name;
+ LEX_STRING m_qname; //
+ LEX_STRING m_body;
+ LEX_STRING m_definer_user;
+ LEX_STRING m_definer_host;
+ LEX_STRING m_definer;// combination of user and host
+ LEX_STRING m_comment;
+ TIME m_starts;
+ TIME m_ends;
+ TIME m_execute_at;
+ longlong m_expr;
+ interval_type m_interval;
+ longlong m_created;
+ longlong m_modified;
+ TIME m_last_executed;
+ enum enum_event_on_completion m_on_completion;
+ enum enum_event_status m_status;
+ sp_head *m_sphead;
+ uint m_old_cmq; // Old CLIENT_MULTI_QUERIES value
+ const uchar *m_body_begin;
+ bool m_dropped;
+ bool m_free_sphead_on_delete;
+ uint m_flags;//all kind of purposes
+ bool m_last_executed_changed;
+ bool m_status_changed;
+ event_timed():m_expr(0), m_created(0), m_modified(0),
+ m_status(MYSQL_EVENT_ENABLED), m_sphead(0), m_dropped(false),
+ m_free_sphead_on_delete(true), m_flags(0),
+ m_last_executed_changed(false), m_status_changed(false)
+ { init(); }
+ ~event_timed()
+ {
+ if (m_free_sphead_on_delete)
+ free_sp();
+ }
+ void
+ init();
+ int
+ init_definer(THD *thd);
+ int
+ init_execute_at(THD *thd, Item *expr);
+ int
+ init_interval(THD *thd, Item *expr, interval_type interval);
+ void
+ init_name(THD *thd, sp_name *name);
+ int
+ init_starts(THD *thd, Item *starts);
+ int
+ init_ends(THD *thd, Item *ends);
+ void
+ event_timed::init_body(THD *thd);
+ void
+ init_comment(THD *thd, LEX_STRING *comment);
+ void
+ set_on_completion_drop(bool drop);
+ void
+ set_event_status(bool enabled);
+ int
+ load_from_row(MEM_ROOT *mem_root, TABLE *table);
+ bool
+ compute_next_execution_time();
+ void
+ mark_last_executed();
+ bool
+ drop(THD *thd);
+ bool
+ update_fields(THD *thd);
+ char *
+ get_show_create_event(THD *thd, uint *length);
+ int
+ execute(THD *thd, MEM_ROOT *mem_root);
+ int
+ compile(THD *thd, MEM_ROOT *mem_root);
+ void free_sp()
+ {
+ if (m_sphead)
+ {
+ delete m_sphead;
+ m_sphead= 0;
+ }
+ }
+evex_create_event(THD *thd, event_timed *et, uint create_options);
+evex_update_event(THD *thd, sp_name *name, event_timed *et);
+evex_drop_event(THD *thd, event_timed *et, bool drop_if_exists);
+typedef struct st_event_item {
+ my_time_t execute_at;
+ sp_head *proc;
+ char *definer_user;
+ char *definer_host;
+CREATE TABLE `event` (
+ `db` varchar(64) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin NOT NULL default '',
+ `name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
+ `body` blob NOT NULL,
+ `definer` varchar(77) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin NOT NULL default '',
+ `execute_at` datetime default NULL,
+ `transient_expression` int(11) default NULL,
+ `interval_type` enum('YEAR','QUARTER','MONTH','DAY','HOUR','MINUTE','WEEK',
+ `created` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+ `modified` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+ `last_executed` datetime default NULL,
+ `starts` datetime default NULL,
+ `ends` datetime default NULL,
+ `status` enum('ENABLED','DISABLED') NOT NULL default 'ENABLED',
+ `on_completion` enum('DROP','PRESERVE') NOT NULL default 'DROP',
+ `comment` varchar(64) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin NOT NULL default '',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`db`,`name`)
+#endif /* _EVENT_H_ */