diff options
authorunknown <>2005-03-08 09:51:00 +0100
committerunknown <>2005-03-08 09:51:00 +0100
commit45b5e513c6455cdf0b39ead2a2a1fd44ccaab47a (patch)
parent05dfca24c4720bcc334d27a2e88ddfe9dccf14a6 (diff)
parent25f8623fffd7e9ef09ef78ff50926db8f5c0828b (diff)
3 files changed, 697 insertions, 644 deletions
diff --git a/mysql-test/r/sp.result b/mysql-test/r/sp.result
index 2ee912aaea7..a04e178263b 100644
--- a/mysql-test/r/sp.result
+++ b/mysql-test/r/sp.result
@@ -1250,6 +1250,299 @@ drop view v1|
drop view v2|
delete from t1 |
delete from t2 |
+drop table if exists fac|
+create table fac (n int unsigned not null primary key, f bigint unsigned)|
+drop procedure if exists ifac|
+create procedure ifac(n int unsigned)
+declare i int unsigned default 1;
+if n > 20 then
+set n = 20; # bigint overflow otherwise
+end if;
+while i <= n do
+insert into test.fac values (i, fac(i));
+set i = i + 1;
+end while;
+call ifac(20)|
+select * from fac|
+n f
+1 1
+2 2
+3 6
+4 24
+5 120
+6 720
+7 5040
+8 40320
+9 362880
+10 3628800
+11 39916800
+12 479001600
+13 6227020800
+14 87178291200
+15 1307674368000
+16 20922789888000
+17 355687428096000
+18 6402373705728000
+19 121645100408832000
+20 2432902008176640000
+drop table fac|
+show function status like '%f%'|
+Db Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
+test fac FUNCTION root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
+drop procedure ifac|
+drop function fac|
+show function status like '%f%'|
+Db Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
+drop table if exists primes|
+create table primes (
+i int unsigned not null primary key,
+p bigint unsigned not null
+insert into primes values
+( 0, 3), ( 1, 5), ( 2, 7), ( 3, 11), ( 4, 13),
+( 5, 17), ( 6, 19), ( 7, 23), ( 8, 29), ( 9, 31),
+(10, 37), (11, 41), (12, 43), (13, 47), (14, 53),
+(15, 59), (16, 61), (17, 67), (18, 71), (19, 73),
+(20, 79), (21, 83), (22, 89), (23, 97), (24, 101),
+(25, 103), (26, 107), (27, 109), (28, 113), (29, 127),
+(30, 131), (31, 137), (32, 139), (33, 149), (34, 151),
+(35, 157), (36, 163), (37, 167), (38, 173), (39, 179),
+(40, 181), (41, 191), (42, 193), (43, 197), (44, 199)|
+drop procedure if exists opp|
+create procedure opp(n bigint unsigned, out pp bool)
+declare r double;
+declare b, s bigint unsigned default 0;
+set r = sqrt(n);
+if s = 45 then
+set b = b+200, s = 0;
+declare p bigint unsigned;
+select t.p into p from test.primes t where t.i = s;
+if b+p > r then
+set pp = 1;
+leave again;
+end if;
+if mod(n, b+p) = 0 then
+set pp = 0;
+leave again;
+end if;
+set s = s+1;
+end if;
+end loop;
+drop procedure if exists ip|
+create procedure ip(m int unsigned)
+declare p bigint unsigned;
+declare i int unsigned;
+set i=45, p=201;
+while i < m do
+declare pp bool default 0;
+call opp(p, pp);
+if pp then
+insert into test.primes values (i, p);
+set i = i+1;
+end if;
+set p = p+2;
+end while;
+show create procedure opp|
+Procedure sql_mode Create Procedure
+opp CREATE PROCEDURE `test`.`opp`(n bigint unsigned, out pp bool)
+declare r double;
+declare b, s bigint unsigned default 0;
+set r = sqrt(n);
+if s = 45 then
+set b = b+200, s = 0;
+declare p bigint unsigned;
+select t.p into p from test.primes t where t.i = s;
+if b+p > r then
+set pp = 1;
+leave again;
+end if;
+if mod(n, b+p) = 0 then
+set pp = 0;
+leave again;
+end if;
+set s = s+1;
+end if;
+end loop;
+show procedure status like '%p%'|
+Db Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
+test ip PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
+test opp PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
+call ip(200)|
+select * from primes where i=45 or i=100 or i=199|
+i p
+45 211
+100 557
+199 1229
+drop table primes|
+drop procedure opp|
+drop procedure ip|
+show procedure status like '%p%'|
+Db Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
+drop table if exists fib|
+create table fib ( f bigint unsigned not null )|
+insert into fib values (1), (1)|
+drop procedure if exists fib|
+create procedure fib(n int unsigned)
+if n > 0 then
+declare x, y bigint unsigned;
+declare c cursor for select f from fib order by f desc limit 2;
+open c;
+fetch c into y;
+fetch c into x;
+close c;
+insert into fib values (x+y);
+call fib(n-1);
+end if;
+call fib(20)|
+select * from fib order by f asc|
+drop table fib|
+drop procedure fib|
+drop procedure if exists bar|
+create procedure bar(x char(16), y int)
+comment "111111111111" sql security invoker
+insert into test.t1 values (x, y)|
+show procedure status like 'bar'|
+Db Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
+test bar PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 INVOKER 111111111111
+alter procedure bar comment "2222222222" sql security definer|
+alter procedure bar comment "3333333333"|
+alter procedure bar|
+show create procedure bar|
+Procedure sql_mode Create Procedure
+bar CREATE PROCEDURE `test`.`bar`(x char(16), y int)
+ COMMENT '3333333333'
+insert into test.t1 values (x, y)
+show procedure status like 'bar'|
+Db Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
+test bar PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER 3333333333
+drop procedure bar|
+drop procedure if exists p1|
+create procedure p1 ()
+select (select s1 from t3) from t3|
+create table t3 (s1 int)|
+call p1()|
+(select s1 from t3)
+insert into t3 values (1)|
+call p1()|
+(select s1 from t3)
+drop procedure p1|
+drop table t3|
+drop function if exists foo|
+create function `foo` () returns int
+return 5|
+select `foo` ()|
+`foo` ()
+drop function `foo`|
+drop function if exists t1max|
+Note 1305 FUNCTION t1max does not exist
+create function t1max() returns int
+declare x int;
+select max(data) into x from t1;
+return x;
+insert into t1 values ("foo", 3), ("bar", 2), ("zip", 5), ("zap", 1)|
+select t1max()|
+drop function t1max|
+drop table if exists t3|
+create table t3 (
+v char(16) not null primary key,
+c int unsigned not null
+create function getcount(s char(16)) returns int
+declare x int;
+select count(*) into x from t3 where v = s;
+if x = 0 then
+insert into t3 values (s, 1);
+update t3 set c = c+1 where v = s;
+end if;
+return x;
+select * from t1 where data = getcount("bar")|
+id data
+zap 1
+select * from t3|
+v c
+bar 4
+select getcount("zip")|
+select getcount("zip")|
+select * from t3|
+v c
+bar 4
+zip 2
+select getcount(id) from t1 where data = 3|
+select getcount(id) from t1 where data = 5|
+select * from t3|
+v c
+bar 4
+zip 3
+foo 1
+drop table t3|
+drop function getcount|
drop procedure if exists bug822|
create procedure bug822(a_id char(16), a_data int)
@@ -1259,6 +1552,7 @@ if n = 0 then
insert into t1 (id, data) values (a_id, a_data);
end if;
+delete from t1|
call bug822('foo', 42)|
call bug822('foo', 42)|
call bug822('bar', 666)|
@@ -2364,299 +2658,6 @@ drop procedure if exists bug8762|
drop procedure if exists bug8762; create procedure bug8762() begin end|
drop procedure if exists bug8762; create procedure bug8762() begin end|
drop procedure bug8762|
-drop table if exists fac|
-create table fac (n int unsigned not null primary key, f bigint unsigned)|
-drop procedure if exists ifac|
-create procedure ifac(n int unsigned)
-declare i int unsigned default 1;
-if n > 20 then
-set n = 20; # bigint overflow otherwise
-end if;
-while i <= n do
-insert into test.fac values (i, fac(i));
-set i = i + 1;
-end while;
-call ifac(20)|
-select * from fac|
-n f
-1 1
-2 2
-3 6
-4 24
-5 120
-6 720
-7 5040
-8 40320
-9 362880
-10 3628800
-11 39916800
-12 479001600
-13 6227020800
-14 87178291200
-15 1307674368000
-16 20922789888000
-17 355687428096000
-18 6402373705728000
-19 121645100408832000
-20 2432902008176640000
-drop table fac|
-show function status like '%f%'|
-Db Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
-test fac FUNCTION root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
-drop procedure ifac|
-drop function fac|
-show function status like '%f%'|
-Db Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
-drop table if exists primes|
-create table primes (
-i int unsigned not null primary key,
-p bigint unsigned not null
-insert into primes values
-( 0, 3), ( 1, 5), ( 2, 7), ( 3, 11), ( 4, 13),
-( 5, 17), ( 6, 19), ( 7, 23), ( 8, 29), ( 9, 31),
-(10, 37), (11, 41), (12, 43), (13, 47), (14, 53),
-(15, 59), (16, 61), (17, 67), (18, 71), (19, 73),
-(20, 79), (21, 83), (22, 89), (23, 97), (24, 101),
-(25, 103), (26, 107), (27, 109), (28, 113), (29, 127),
-(30, 131), (31, 137), (32, 139), (33, 149), (34, 151),
-(35, 157), (36, 163), (37, 167), (38, 173), (39, 179),
-(40, 181), (41, 191), (42, 193), (43, 197), (44, 199)|
-drop procedure if exists opp|
-create procedure opp(n bigint unsigned, out pp bool)
-declare r double;
-declare b, s bigint unsigned default 0;
-set r = sqrt(n);
-if s = 45 then
-set b = b+200, s = 0;
-declare p bigint unsigned;
-select t.p into p from test.primes t where t.i = s;
-if b+p > r then
-set pp = 1;
-leave again;
-end if;
-if mod(n, b+p) = 0 then
-set pp = 0;
-leave again;
-end if;
-set s = s+1;
-end if;
-end loop;
-drop procedure if exists ip|
-create procedure ip(m int unsigned)
-declare p bigint unsigned;
-declare i int unsigned;
-set i=45, p=201;
-while i < m do
-declare pp bool default 0;
-call opp(p, pp);
-if pp then
-insert into test.primes values (i, p);
-set i = i+1;
-end if;
-set p = p+2;
-end while;
-show create procedure opp|
-Procedure sql_mode Create Procedure
-opp CREATE PROCEDURE `test`.`opp`(n bigint unsigned, out pp bool)
-declare r double;
-declare b, s bigint unsigned default 0;
-set r = sqrt(n);
-if s = 45 then
-set b = b+200, s = 0;
-declare p bigint unsigned;
-select t.p into p from test.primes t where t.i = s;
-if b+p > r then
-set pp = 1;
-leave again;
-end if;
-if mod(n, b+p) = 0 then
-set pp = 0;
-leave again;
-end if;
-set s = s+1;
-end if;
-end loop;
-show procedure status like '%p%'|
-Db Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
-test ip PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
-test opp PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER
-call ip(200)|
-select * from primes where i=45 or i=100 or i=199|
-i p
-45 211
-100 557
-199 1229
-drop table primes|
-drop procedure opp|
-drop procedure ip|
-show procedure status like '%p%'|
-Db Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
-drop table if exists fib|
-create table fib ( f bigint unsigned not null )|
-insert into fib values (1), (1)|
-drop procedure if exists fib|
-create procedure fib(n int unsigned)
-if n > 0 then
-declare x, y bigint unsigned;
-declare c cursor for select f from fib order by f desc limit 2;
-open c;
-fetch c into y;
-fetch c into x;
-close c;
-insert into fib values (x+y);
-call fib(n-1);
-end if;
-call fib(20)|
-select * from fib order by f asc|
-drop table fib|
-drop procedure fib|
-drop procedure if exists bar|
-create procedure bar(x char(16), y int)
-comment "111111111111" sql security invoker
-insert into test.t1 values (x, y)|
-show procedure status like 'bar'|
-Db Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
-test bar PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 INVOKER 111111111111
-alter procedure bar comment "2222222222" sql security definer|
-alter procedure bar comment "3333333333"|
-alter procedure bar|
-show create procedure bar|
-Procedure sql_mode Create Procedure
-bar CREATE PROCEDURE `test`.`bar`(x char(16), y int)
- COMMENT '3333333333'
-insert into test.t1 values (x, y)
-show procedure status like 'bar'|
-Db Name Type Definer Modified Created Security_type Comment
-test bar PROCEDURE root@localhost 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 DEFINER 3333333333
-drop procedure bar|
-drop procedure if exists p1|
-create procedure p1 ()
-select (select s1 from t3) from t3|
-create table t3 (s1 int)|
-call p1()|
-(select s1 from t3)
-insert into t3 values (1)|
-call p1()|
-(select s1 from t3)
-drop procedure p1|
-drop table t3|
-drop function if exists foo|
-create function `foo` () returns int
-return 5|
-select `foo` ()|
-`foo` ()
-drop function `foo`|
-drop function if exists t1max|
-Note 1305 FUNCTION t1max does not exist
-create function t1max() returns int
-declare x int;
-select max(data) into x from t1;
-return x;
-insert into t1 values ("foo", 3), ("bar", 2), ("zip", 5), ("zap", 1)|
-select t1max()|
-drop function t1max|
-drop table if exists t3|
-create table t3 (
-v char(16) not null primary key,
-c int unsigned not null
-create function getcount(s char(16)) returns int
-declare x int;
-select count(*) into x from t3 where v = s;
-if x = 0 then
-insert into t3 values (s, 1);
-update t3 set c = c+1 where v = s;
-end if;
-return x;
-select * from t1 where data = getcount("bar")|
-id data
-zap 1
-select * from t3|
-v c
-bar 4
-select getcount("zip")|
-select getcount("zip")|
-select * from t3|
-v c
-bar 4
-zip 2
-select getcount(id) from t1 where data = 3|
-select getcount(id) from t1 where data = 5|
-select * from t3|
-v c
-bar 4
-zip 3
-foo 1
-drop table t3|
-drop function getcount|
drop function if exists bug5240|
create function bug5240 () returns int
@@ -2696,43 +2697,62 @@ call bug7992()|
call bug7992()|
drop procedure bug7992|
drop table t3|
-drop table t1;
-drop table t2;
-lpitnumber int(11) default NULL,
-lrecordtype int(11) default NULL
-lbsiid int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
-ltradingmodeid int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
-ltradingareaid int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
-csellingprice decimal(19,4) default NULL,
-PRIMARY KEY (lbsiid,ltradingmodeid,ltradingareaid)
-lbsiid int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
-ltradingareaid int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
-PRIMARY KEY (lbsiid,ltradingareaid)
+create table t3 (
+lpitnumber int(11) default null,
+lrecordtype int(11) default null
+create table t4 (
+lbsiid int(11) not null default '0',
+ltradingmodeid int(11) not null default '0',
+ltradingareaid int(11) not null default '0',
+csellingprice decimal(19,4) default null,
+primary key (lbsiid,ltradingmodeid,ltradingareaid)
+create table t5 (
+lbsiid int(11) not null default '0',
+ltradingareaid int(11) not null default '0',
+primary key (lbsiid,ltradingareaid)
+drop procedure if exists bug8849|
+create procedure bug8849()
-insert into t3
+insert into t5
-select distinct t1.lpitnumber, t2.ltradingareaid
+select distinct t3.lpitnumber, t4.ltradingareaid
-t2 join t1 on
-t1.lpitnumber = t2.lbsiid
-and t1.lrecordtype = 1
-left join t2 as price01 on
-price01.lbsiid = t2.lbsiid and
+t4 join t3 on
+t3.lpitnumber = t4.lbsiid
+and t3.lrecordtype = 1
+left join t4 as price01 on
+price01.lbsiid = t4.lbsiid and
price01.ltradingmodeid = 1 and
-t2.ltradingareaid = price01.ltradingareaid;
+t4.ltradingareaid = price01.ltradingareaid;
+call bug8849()|
+call bug8849()|
+call bug8849()|
+drop procedure bug8849|
+drop tables t3,t4,t5|
+drop procedure if exists bug8937|
+create procedure bug8937()
+declare s,x,y,z int;
+declare a float;
+select sum(data),avg(data),min(data),max(data) into s,x,y,z from t1;
+select s,x,y,z;
+select avg(data) into a from t1;
+select a;
-call bug8849();
-call bug8849();
-call bug8849();
-drop procedure bug8849;
-drop tables t1,t2,t3;
+delete from t1|
+insert into t1 (data) values (1), (2), (3), (4), (6)|
+call bug8937()|
+s x y z
+16 3 1 6
+drop procedure bug8937|
+delete from t1|
+drop table t1,t2;
diff --git a/mysql-test/t/sp.test b/mysql-test/t/sp.test
index 3c98e5ca4ba..c120e7e94b7 100644
--- a/mysql-test/t/sp.test
+++ b/mysql-test/t/sp.test
@@ -1474,6 +1474,285 @@ delete from t2 |
+# Some "real" examples
+# fac
+drop table if exists fac|
+create table fac (n int unsigned not null primary key, f bigint unsigned)|
+drop procedure if exists ifac|
+create procedure ifac(n int unsigned)
+ declare i int unsigned default 1;
+ if n > 20 then
+ set n = 20; # bigint overflow otherwise
+ end if;
+ while i <= n do
+ begin
+ insert into test.fac values (i, fac(i));
+ set i = i + 1;
+ end;
+ end while;
+call ifac(20)|
+select * from fac|
+drop table fac|
+--replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
+show function status like '%f%'|
+drop procedure ifac|
+drop function fac|
+--replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
+show function status like '%f%'|
+# primes
+drop table if exists primes|
+create table primes (
+ i int unsigned not null primary key,
+ p bigint unsigned not null
+insert into primes values
+ ( 0, 3), ( 1, 5), ( 2, 7), ( 3, 11), ( 4, 13),
+ ( 5, 17), ( 6, 19), ( 7, 23), ( 8, 29), ( 9, 31),
+ (10, 37), (11, 41), (12, 43), (13, 47), (14, 53),
+ (15, 59), (16, 61), (17, 67), (18, 71), (19, 73),
+ (20, 79), (21, 83), (22, 89), (23, 97), (24, 101),
+ (25, 103), (26, 107), (27, 109), (28, 113), (29, 127),
+ (30, 131), (31, 137), (32, 139), (33, 149), (34, 151),
+ (35, 157), (36, 163), (37, 167), (38, 173), (39, 179),
+ (40, 181), (41, 191), (42, 193), (43, 197), (44, 199)|
+drop procedure if exists opp|
+create procedure opp(n bigint unsigned, out pp bool)
+ declare r double;
+ declare b, s bigint unsigned default 0;
+ set r = sqrt(n);
+ again:
+ loop
+ if s = 45 then
+ set b = b+200, s = 0;
+ else
+ begin
+ declare p bigint unsigned;
+ select t.p into p from test.primes t where t.i = s;
+ if b+p > r then
+ set pp = 1;
+ leave again;
+ end if;
+ if mod(n, b+p) = 0 then
+ set pp = 0;
+ leave again;
+ end if;
+ set s = s+1;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+drop procedure if exists ip|
+create procedure ip(m int unsigned)
+ declare p bigint unsigned;
+ declare i int unsigned;
+ set i=45, p=201;
+ while i < m do
+ begin
+ declare pp bool default 0;
+ call opp(p, pp);
+ if pp then
+ insert into test.primes values (i, p);
+ set i = i+1;
+ end if;
+ set p = p+2;
+ end;
+ end while;
+show create procedure opp|
+--replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
+show procedure status like '%p%'|
+# This isn't the fastest way in the world to compute prime numbers, so
+# don't be too ambitious. ;-)
+call ip(200)|
+# We don't want to select the entire table here, just pick a few
+# examples.
+# The expected result is:
+# i p
+# --- ----
+# 45 211
+# 100 557
+# 199 1229
+select * from primes where i=45 or i=100 or i=199|
+drop table primes|
+drop procedure opp|
+drop procedure ip|
+--replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
+show procedure status like '%p%'|
+# Fibonacci, for recursion test. (Yet Another Numerical series :)
+drop table if exists fib|
+create table fib ( f bigint unsigned not null )|
+insert into fib values (1), (1)|
+# We deliberately do it the awkward way, fetching the last two
+# values from the table, in order to exercise various statements
+# and table accesses at each turn.
+drop procedure if exists fib|
+create procedure fib(n int unsigned)
+ if n > 0 then
+ begin
+ declare x, y bigint unsigned;
+ declare c cursor for select f from fib order by f desc limit 2;
+ open c;
+ fetch c into y;
+ fetch c into x;
+ close c;
+ insert into fib values (x+y);
+ call fib(n-1);
+ end;
+ end if;
+call fib(20)|
+select * from fib order by f asc|
+drop table fib|
+drop procedure fib|
+# Comment & suid
+drop procedure if exists bar|
+create procedure bar(x char(16), y int)
+ comment "111111111111" sql security invoker
+ insert into test.t1 values (x, y)|
+--replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
+show procedure status like 'bar'|
+alter procedure bar comment "2222222222" sql security definer|
+alter procedure bar comment "3333333333"|
+alter procedure bar|
+show create procedure bar|
+--replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
+show procedure status like 'bar'|
+drop procedure bar|
+# rexecution
+drop procedure if exists p1|
+create procedure p1 ()
+ select (select s1 from t3) from t3|
+create table t3 (s1 int)|
+call p1()|
+insert into t3 values (1)|
+call p1()|
+drop procedure p1|
+drop table t3|
+# backticks
+drop function if exists foo|
+create function `foo` () returns int
+ return 5|
+select `foo` ()|
+drop function `foo`|
+# Implicit LOCK/UNLOCK TABLES for table access in functions
+drop function if exists t1max|
+create function t1max() returns int
+ declare x int;
+ select max(data) into x from t1;
+ return x;
+insert into t1 values ("foo", 3), ("bar", 2), ("zip", 5), ("zap", 1)|
+select t1max()|
+drop function t1max|
+drop table if exists t3|
+create table t3 (
+ v char(16) not null primary key,
+ c int unsigned not null
+create function getcount(s char(16)) returns int
+ declare x int;
+ select count(*) into x from t3 where v = s;
+ if x = 0 then
+ insert into t3 values (s, 1);
+ else
+ update t3 set c = c+1 where v = s;
+ end if;
+ return x;
+select * from t1 where data = getcount("bar")|
+select * from t3|
+select getcount("zip")|
+select getcount("zip")|
+select * from t3|
+select getcount(id) from t1 where data = 3|
+select getcount(id) from t1 where data = 5|
+select * from t3|
+drop table t3|
+drop function getcount|
# Test cases for old bugs
@@ -1492,6 +1771,7 @@ begin
end if;
+delete from t1|
call bug822('foo', 42)|
call bug822('foo', 42)|
call bug822('bar', 666)|
@@ -2931,284 +3211,6 @@ drop procedure bug8762|
-# Some "real" examples
-# fac
-drop table if exists fac|
-create table fac (n int unsigned not null primary key, f bigint unsigned)|
-drop procedure if exists ifac|
-create procedure ifac(n int unsigned)
- declare i int unsigned default 1;
- if n > 20 then
- set n = 20; # bigint overflow otherwise
- end if;
- while i <= n do
- begin
- insert into test.fac values (i, fac(i));
- set i = i + 1;
- end;
- end while;
-call ifac(20)|
-select * from fac|
-drop table fac|
---replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
-show function status like '%f%'|
-drop procedure ifac|
-drop function fac|
---replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
-show function status like '%f%'|
-# primes
-drop table if exists primes|
-create table primes (
- i int unsigned not null primary key,
- p bigint unsigned not null
-insert into primes values
- ( 0, 3), ( 1, 5), ( 2, 7), ( 3, 11), ( 4, 13),
- ( 5, 17), ( 6, 19), ( 7, 23), ( 8, 29), ( 9, 31),
- (10, 37), (11, 41), (12, 43), (13, 47), (14, 53),
- (15, 59), (16, 61), (17, 67), (18, 71), (19, 73),
- (20, 79), (21, 83), (22, 89), (23, 97), (24, 101),
- (25, 103), (26, 107), (27, 109), (28, 113), (29, 127),
- (30, 131), (31, 137), (32, 139), (33, 149), (34, 151),
- (35, 157), (36, 163), (37, 167), (38, 173), (39, 179),
- (40, 181), (41, 191), (42, 193), (43, 197), (44, 199)|
-drop procedure if exists opp|
-create procedure opp(n bigint unsigned, out pp bool)
- declare r double;
- declare b, s bigint unsigned default 0;
- set r = sqrt(n);
- again:
- loop
- if s = 45 then
- set b = b+200, s = 0;
- else
- begin
- declare p bigint unsigned;
- select t.p into p from test.primes t where t.i = s;
- if b+p > r then
- set pp = 1;
- leave again;
- end if;
- if mod(n, b+p) = 0 then
- set pp = 0;
- leave again;
- end if;
- set s = s+1;
- end;
- end if;
- end loop;
-drop procedure if exists ip|
-create procedure ip(m int unsigned)
- declare p bigint unsigned;
- declare i int unsigned;
- set i=45, p=201;
- while i < m do
- begin
- declare pp bool default 0;
- call opp(p, pp);
- if pp then
- insert into test.primes values (i, p);
- set i = i+1;
- end if;
- set p = p+2;
- end;
- end while;
-show create procedure opp|
---replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
-show procedure status like '%p%'|
-# This isn't the fastest way in the world to compute prime numbers, so
-# don't be too ambitious. ;-)
-call ip(200)|
-# We don't want to select the entire table here, just pick a few
-# examples.
-# The expected result is:
-# i p
-# --- ----
-# 45 211
-# 100 557
-# 199 1229
-select * from primes where i=45 or i=100 or i=199|
-drop table primes|
-drop procedure opp|
-drop procedure ip|
---replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
-show procedure status like '%p%'|
-# Fibonacci, for recursion test. (Yet Another Numerical series :)
-drop table if exists fib|
-create table fib ( f bigint unsigned not null )|
-insert into fib values (1), (1)|
-# We deliberately do it the awkward way, fetching the last two
-# values from the table, in order to exercise various statements
-# and table accesses at each turn.
-drop procedure if exists fib|
-create procedure fib(n int unsigned)
- if n > 0 then
- begin
- declare x, y bigint unsigned;
- declare c cursor for select f from fib order by f desc limit 2;
- open c;
- fetch c into y;
- fetch c into x;
- close c;
- insert into fib values (x+y);
- call fib(n-1);
- end;
- end if;
-call fib(20)|
-select * from fib order by f asc|
-drop table fib|
-drop procedure fib|
-# Comment & suid
-drop procedure if exists bar|
-create procedure bar(x char(16), y int)
- comment "111111111111" sql security invoker
- insert into test.t1 values (x, y)|
---replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
-show procedure status like 'bar'|
-alter procedure bar comment "2222222222" sql security definer|
-alter procedure bar comment "3333333333"|
-alter procedure bar|
-show create procedure bar|
---replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
-show procedure status like 'bar'|
-drop procedure bar|
-# rexecution
-drop procedure if exists p1|
-create procedure p1 ()
- select (select s1 from t3) from t3|
-create table t3 (s1 int)|
-call p1()|
-insert into t3 values (1)|
-call p1()|
-drop procedure p1|
-drop table t3|
-# backticks
-drop function if exists foo|
-create function `foo` () returns int
- return 5|
-select `foo` ()|
-drop function `foo`|
-# Implicit LOCK/UNLOCK TABLES for table access in functions
-drop function if exists t1max|
-create function t1max() returns int
- declare x int;
- select max(data) into x from t1;
- return x;
-insert into t1 values ("foo", 3), ("bar", 2), ("zip", 5), ("zap", 1)|
-select t1max()|
-drop function t1max|
-drop table if exists t3|
-create table t3 (
- v char(16) not null primary key,
- c int unsigned not null
-create function getcount(s char(16)) returns int
- declare x int;
- select count(*) into x from t3 where v = s;
- if x = 0 then
- insert into t3 values (s, 1);
- else
- update t3 set c = c+1 where v = s;
- end if;
- return x;
-select * from t1 where data = getcount("bar")|
-select * from t3|
-select getcount("zip")|
-select getcount("zip")|
-select * from t3|
-select getcount(id) from t1 where data = 3|
-select getcount(id) from t1 where data = 5|
-select * from t3|
-drop table t3|
-drop function getcount|
# BUG#5240: Stored procedure crash if function has cursor declaration
# The following test case fails in --ps-protocol mode due to some bugs
@@ -3275,56 +3277,85 @@ call bug7992()|
drop procedure bug7992|
drop table t3|
-delimiter ;|
-drop table t1;
-drop table t2;
-# Bug#8849: rolling back changes to AND/OR structure of ON and WHERE clauses
-# in SP
+# BUG#8849: problem with insert statement with table alias's
+# Rolling back changes to AND/OR structure of ON and WHERE clauses in SP
- lpitnumber int(11) default NULL,
- lrecordtype int(11) default NULL
+create table t3 (
+ lpitnumber int(11) default null,
+ lrecordtype int(11) default null
- lbsiid int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- ltradingmodeid int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- ltradingareaid int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- csellingprice decimal(19,4) default NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (lbsiid,ltradingmodeid,ltradingareaid)
+create table t4 (
+ lbsiid int(11) not null default '0',
+ ltradingmodeid int(11) not null default '0',
+ ltradingareaid int(11) not null default '0',
+ csellingprice decimal(19,4) default null,
+ primary key (lbsiid,ltradingmodeid,ltradingareaid)
- lbsiid int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- ltradingareaid int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- PRIMARY KEY (lbsiid,ltradingareaid)
+create table t5 (
+ lbsiid int(11) not null default '0',
+ ltradingareaid int(11) not null default '0',
+ primary key (lbsiid,ltradingareaid)
-delimiter |;
+drop procedure if exists bug8849|
+create procedure bug8849()
- insert into t3
+ insert into t5
- t3.lbsiid,
- t3.ltradingareaid
+ t5.lbsiid,
+ t5.ltradingareaid
- select distinct t1.lpitnumber, t2.ltradingareaid
+ select distinct t3.lpitnumber, t4.ltradingareaid
- t2 join t1 on
- t1.lpitnumber = t2.lbsiid
- and t1.lrecordtype = 1
- left join t2 as price01 on
- price01.lbsiid = t2.lbsiid and
+ t4 join t3 on
+ t3.lpitnumber = t4.lbsiid
+ and t3.lrecordtype = 1
+ left join t4 as price01 on
+ price01.lbsiid = t4.lbsiid and
price01.ltradingmodeid = 1 and
- t2.ltradingareaid = price01.ltradingareaid;
+ t4.ltradingareaid = price01.ltradingareaid;
-delimiter ;|
-call bug8849();
-call bug8849();
-call bug8849();
-drop procedure bug8849;
-drop tables t1,t2,t3;
+call bug8849()|
+call bug8849()|
+call bug8849()|
+drop procedure bug8849|
+drop tables t3,t4,t5|
+# BUG#8937: Stored Procedure: AVG() works as SUM() in SELECT ... INTO statement
+drop procedure if exists bug8937|
+create procedure bug8937()
+ declare s,x,y,z int;
+ declare a float;
+ select sum(data),avg(data),min(data),max(data) into s,x,y,z from t1;
+ select s,x,y,z;
+ select avg(data) into a from t1;
+ select a;
+delete from t1|
+insert into t1 (data) values (1), (2), (3), (4), (6)|
+call bug8937()|
+drop procedure bug8937|
+delete from t1|
+# Add bugs above this line. Use existing tables t1 and t2 when
+# practical, or create table t3, t3 etc temporarily (and drop them).
+delimiter ;|
+drop table t1,t2;
diff --git a/sql/item_sum.h b/sql/item_sum.h
index fead45f1881..af2710d7800 100644
--- a/sql/item_sum.h
+++ b/sql/item_sum.h
@@ -356,6 +356,8 @@ public:
void clear();
bool add();
double val_real();
+ // In SPs we might force the "wrong" type with select into a declare variable
+ longlong val_int() { return (longlong)val_real(); }
my_decimal *val_decimal(my_decimal *);
String *val_str(String *str);
void reset_field();