diff options
authorunknown <serg@serg.mylan>2004-10-29 00:22:54 +0200
committerunknown <serg@serg.mylan>2004-10-29 00:22:54 +0200
commitbbfb40404f18f718a7fa400057f3971d11f7578a (patch)
parent2260f6d8e038e5b4bf69f2a6a14993e3b9c086eb (diff)
new api per hf request:
string2decimal_fixed decimal_round(from, to) decimal_make_zero decimal_string_size decimal_neg strings/decimal.c: new api per hf request: string2decimal_fixed decimal_round(from, to) decimal_make_zero
2 files changed, 130 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/include/decimal.h b/include/decimal.h
index fbe507f4049..e1a495f1f2b 100644
--- a/include/decimal.h
+++ b/include/decimal.h
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ typedef struct st_decimal {
int decimal2string(decimal *from, char *to, int *to_len);
int string2decimal(char *from, decimal *to, char **end);
+int string2decimal_fixed(char *from, decimal *to, char **end);
int decimal2ulonglong(decimal *from, ulonglong *to);
int ulonglong2decimal(ulonglong from, decimal *to);
int decimal2longlong(decimal *from, longlong *to);
@@ -49,14 +50,34 @@ int decimal_cmp(decimal *from1, decimal *from2);
int decimal_mul(decimal *from1, decimal *from2, decimal *to);
int decimal_div(decimal *from1, decimal *from2, decimal *to, int scale_incr);
int decimal_mod(decimal *from1, decimal *from2, decimal *to);
-int decimal_round(decimal *dec, int new_scale, dec_round_mode mode);
+int decimal_round(decimal *from, decimal *to, int new_scale, dec_round_mode mode);
the following works only on special "zero" decimal, not on any
decimal that happen to evaluate to zero
#define decimal_is_zero(dec) ((dec)->intg1==1 && (dec)->frac1==0 && (dec)->buf[0]==0)
+/* set a decimal to zero */
+#define decimal_make_zero(dec) do { \
+ (dec)->buf[0]=0; \
+ (dec)->intg=1; \
+ (dec)->frac=0; \
+ (dec)->sign=0; \
+ } while(0)
+ returns the length of the buffer to hold string representation
+ of the decimal
+#define decimal_string_size(dec) ((dec)->intg + (dec)->frac + ((dec)->frac > 0) + 1)
+/* negate a decimal */
+#define decimal_neg(dec) do { (dec)->sign=!(dec)->sign; } while(0)
diff --git a/strings/decimal.c b/strings/decimal.c
index 30dbe495d46..c884b333414 100644
--- a/strings/decimal.c
+++ b/strings/decimal.c
@@ -182,13 +182,6 @@ static const int dig2bytes[DIG_PER_DEC1+1]={0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4};
(to)=a; \
} while(0)
-#define MAKE_ZERO(dec) do { \
- dec->buf[0]=0; \
- dec->intg=1; \
- dec->frac=0; \
- dec->sign=0; \
- } while(0)
Convert decimal to its printable string representation
@@ -291,18 +284,23 @@ int decimal2string(decimal *from, char *to, int *to_len)
Convert string to decimal
- string2decimal()
+ str2decl()
from - value to convert
to - decimal where where the result will be stored
to->buf and to->len must be set.
end - if not NULL, *end will be set to the char where
conversion ended
+ fixed - use to->intg, to->frac as limits for input number
+ to->intg and to->frac can be modified even when fixed=1
+ (but only decreased, in this case)
-int string2decimal(char *from, decimal *to, char **end)
+static int str2dec(char *from, decimal *to, char **end, my_bool fixed)
char *s=from, *s1;
int i, intg, frac, error, intg1, frac1;
@@ -334,14 +332,34 @@ int string2decimal(char *from, decimal *to, char **end)
if (frac+intg == 0)
return E_DEC_BAD_NUM;
- intg1=ROUND_UP(intg);
- frac1=ROUND_UP(frac);
- FIX_INTG_FRAC_ERROR(to->len, intg1, frac1, error);
- if (unlikely(error))
+ if (fixed)
+ {
+ if (frac > to->frac)
+ {
+ frac=to->frac;
+ }
+ if (intg > to->intg)
+ {
+ intg=to->intg;
+ }
+ intg1=ROUND_UP(intg);
+ frac1=ROUND_UP(frac);
+ if (intg1+frac1 > to->len)
+ return E_DEC_OOM;
+ }
+ else
- frac=frac1*DIG_PER_DEC1;
- if (error == E_DEC_OVERFLOW)
- intg=intg1*DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ intg1=ROUND_UP(intg);
+ frac1=ROUND_UP(frac);
+ FIX_INTG_FRAC_ERROR(to->len, intg1, frac1, error);
+ if (unlikely(error))
+ {
+ frac=frac1*DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ if (error == E_DEC_OVERFLOW)
+ intg=intg1*DIG_PER_DEC1;
+ }
@@ -381,6 +399,16 @@ int string2decimal(char *from, decimal *to, char **end)
return error;
+int string2decimal(char *from, decimal *to, char **end)
+ return str2dec(from, to, end, 0);
+int string2decimal_fixed(char *from, decimal *to, char **end)
+ return str2dec(from, to, end, 1);
Convert decimal to double
@@ -766,8 +794,8 @@ int decimal_bin_size(int precision, int scale)
- dec - decimal to round,
- also, it's where the result will be stored
+ from - decimal to round,
+ to - result buffer. from==to is allowed
scale - to what position to round. can be negative!
mode - round to nearest even or truncate
@@ -779,44 +807,57 @@ int decimal_bin_size(int precision, int scale)
-int decimal_round(decimal *dec, int scale, dec_round_mode mode)
+int decimal_round(decimal *from, decimal *to, int scale, dec_round_mode mode)
- int frac0=ROUND_UP(scale), frac1=ROUND_UP(dec->frac),
- intg0=ROUND_UP(dec->intg), error=E_DEC_OK, len=dec->len;
- dec1 *buf=dec->buf, x, y, carry=0;
+ int frac0=ROUND_UP(scale), frac1=ROUND_UP(from->frac),
+ intg0=ROUND_UP(from->intg), error=E_DEC_OK, len=to->len;
+ dec1 *buf0=from->buf, *buf1=to->buf, x, y, carry=0;
- DBUG_ASSERT(intg0+frac1 <= len);
- if (frac0 > frac1)
+ if (unlikely(frac0+intg0 > len))
- if (frac0+intg0 > len)
- {
- frac0=len-intg0;
- scale=frac0*DIG_PER_DEC1;
- }
- buf+=intg0+frac1;
- while (frac0-- > frac1)
- *buf++=0;
- goto done;
+ frac0=len-intg0;
+ scale=frac0*DIG_PER_DEC1;
- if (scale >= dec->frac)
- goto done; /* nothing to do */
- if (scale+dec->intg <=0)
+ if (scale+from->intg <=0)
- MAKE_ZERO(dec);
+ decimal_make_zero(to);
return E_DEC_OK;
+ if (to != from)
+ {
+ dec1 *end=buf0+intg0+min(frac1, frac0);
+ while (buf0 < end)
+ *buf1++ = *buf0++;
+ buf0=from->buf;
+ buf1=to->buf;
+ to->sign=from->sign;
+ to->intg=min(from->intg, len*DIG_PER_DEC1);
+ }
+ if (frac0 > frac1)
+ {
+ buf1+=intg0+frac1;
+ while (frac0-- > frac1)
+ *buf1++=0;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (scale >= from->frac)
+ goto done; /* nothing to do */
DBUG_ASSERT(frac0+intg0 > 0);
- buf+=intg0+frac0-1;
+ buf0+=intg0+frac0-1;
+ buf1+=intg0+frac0-1;
if (scale == frac0*DIG_PER_DEC1)
if (mode != TRUNCATE)
- x=buf[1]/DIG_MASK;
- if (x > 5 || (x == 5 && *buf & 1))
- (*buf)++;
+ x=buf0[1]/DIG_MASK;
+ if (x > 5 || (x == 5 && *buf0 & 1))
+ (*buf1)++;
@@ -824,23 +865,23 @@ int decimal_round(decimal *dec, int scale, dec_round_mode mode)
int pos=frac0*DIG_PER_DEC1-scale-1;
if (mode != TRUNCATE)
- x=*buf / powers10[pos];
+ x=*buf1 / powers10[pos];
y=x % 10;
if (y > 5 || (y == 5 && (x/10) & 1))
- *buf=x*powers10[pos]-y;
+ *buf1=x*powers10[pos]-y;
- *buf=(*buf/powers10[pos+1])*powers10[pos+1];
+ *buf1=(*buf1/powers10[pos+1])*powers10[pos+1];
- if (*buf > DIG_BASE)
+ if (*buf1 > DIG_BASE)
- *buf-=DIG_BASE;
- while (carry && buf >= dec->buf)
+ *buf1-=DIG_BASE;
+ while (carry && buf1 >= to->buf)
- ADD(*buf, *buf, 0, carry);
- buf--;
+ ADD(*buf1, *buf1, 0, carry);
+ buf1--;
if (unlikely(carry))
@@ -851,17 +892,17 @@ int decimal_round(decimal *dec, int scale, dec_round_mode mode)
error=E_DEC_TRUNCATED; /* XXX */
- for (buf=dec->buf+frac0+intg0; buf > dec->buf; buf--)
+ for (buf1=to->buf+frac0+intg0; buf1 > to->buf; buf1--)
- buf[0]=buf[-1];
+ buf1[0]=buf1[-1];
- *buf=1;
+ *buf1=1;
if (scale<0) scale=0;
- dec->frac=scale;
+ to->frac=scale;
return error;
@@ -878,6 +919,11 @@ done:
param - extra param to the operation. unused for '+', '-', '*'
scale increment for '/'
+ returned valued may be larger than the actual buffer requred
+ in the operation, as decimal_result_size, by design, operates on
+ precision/scale values only and not on the actual decimal number
size of to->buf array in dec1 elements. to get size in bytes
multiply by sizeof(dec1)
@@ -890,17 +936,8 @@ int decimal_result_size(decimal *from1, decimal *from2, char op, int param)
return ROUND_UP(max(from1->intg, from2->intg)) +
ROUND_UP(max(from1->frac, from2->frac));
case '+':
- {
- int intg1=from1->intg, intg2=from2->intg, intg0=max(intg1, intg2);
- dec1 x;
- /* is there a need for extra word because of carry ? */
- x=intg1 > intg2 ? from1->buf[0] :
- intg2 > intg1 ? from2->buf[0] :
- from1->buf[0] + from2->buf[0] ;
- if (unlikely(x > DIG_MASK*9)) /* yes, there is */
- intg0+=DIG_PER_DEC1;
- return ROUND_UP(intg0) + ROUND_UP(max(from1->frac, from2->frac));
- }
+ return ROUND_UP(max(from1->intg, from2->intg)+1) +
+ ROUND_UP(max(from1->frac, from2->frac));
case '*':
return ROUND_UP(from1->intg+from2->intg)+
@@ -1027,7 +1064,7 @@ static int do_sub(decimal *from1, decimal *from2, decimal *to)
if (to == 0) /* decimal_cmp() */
return 0;
- MAKE_ZERO(to);
+ decimal_make_zero(to);
return E_DEC_OK;
@@ -1238,7 +1275,7 @@ static int do_div_mod(decimal *from1, decimal *from2,
if (prec1 <= 0)
{ /* short-circuit everything: from1 == 0 */
- MAKE_ZERO(to);
+ decimal_make_zero(to);
return E_DEC_OK;
for (i=(prec1-1) % DIG_PER_DEC1; *buf1 < powers10[i--]; prec1--) ;
@@ -1418,7 +1455,7 @@ static int do_div_mod(decimal *from1, decimal *from2,
if (unlikely(-intg0 >= to->len))
- MAKE_ZERO(to);
+ decimal_make_zero(to);
goto done;
@@ -1762,9 +1799,9 @@ void test_ro(char *s1, int n, dec_round_mode mode)
sprintf(s, "%s('%s', %d)", (mode == TRUNCATE ? "truncate" : "round"),
s1, n);
string2decimal(s1, &a, 0);
- res=decimal_round(&a, n, mode);
+ res=decimal_round(&a, &b, n, mode);
printf("%-40s => res=%d ", s, res);
- print_decimal(&a);
+ print_decimal(&b);