diff options
author | jimw@mysql.com <> | 2006-04-30 13:27:38 -0700 |
committer | jimw@mysql.com <> | 2006-04-30 13:27:38 -0700 |
commit | f21c110d138990de057d7d69971f60bfc678f737 (patch) | |
tree | 4149d104692e9dafa62ff0ddb7174a16b4a47013 | |
parent | 08eb2588bffdf1b5a2f06ee1a6e5d7c189ed2201 (diff) | |
parent | bad7e32a949982c07a738ce83bc5f87a562d90a3 (diff) | |
download | mariadb-git-f21c110d138990de057d7d69971f60bfc678f737.tar.gz |
Merge mysql.com:/home/jimw/my/mysql-5.0-clean
into mysql.com:/home/jimw/my/mysql-5.1-clean
152 files changed, 11419 insertions, 1560 deletions
diff --git a/.bzrignore b/.bzrignore index 751b823f1ea..afd29afbae2 100644 --- a/.bzrignore +++ b/.bzrignore @@ -291,6 +291,7 @@ client/my_decimal.h client/my_user.c client/mysql client/mysql.cpp +client/mysql_upgrade client/mysqladmin client/mysqladmin.c client/mysqladmin.cpp @@ -367,6 +368,9 @@ extra/resolve_stack_dump extra/resolveip extra/sql_state.h extra/tztime.cc +extra/yassl/taocrypt/benchmark/benchmark +extra/yassl/taocrypt/test/test +extra/yassl/testsuite/testsuite fcns.c fcns.h gdbinit @@ -679,6 +683,7 @@ mysql-test/mysql-test-run.log mysql-test/mysql_test_run_new mysql-test/ndb/ndbcluster mysql-test/r/*.err +mysql-test/r/*.log mysql-test/r/*.out mysql-test/r/*.reject mysql-test/r/alter_table.err @@ -1747,6 +1752,10 @@ tools/mysqlmanager tools/mysqlmngd tools/mysqltestmanager tools/mysys_priv.h +unittest/examples/*.t +unittest/mysys/*.t +unittest/mytap/t/*.t +unittest/unit vi.h vio/*.ds? vio/*.vcproj @@ -1758,9 +1767,3 @@ vio/viotest-sslconnect.cpp vio/viotest.cpp zlib/*.ds? zlib/*.vcproj -mysql-test/r/*.log -client/mysql_upgrade -unittest/examples/*.t -unittest/mysys/*.t -unittest/mytap/t/*.t -unittest/unit diff --git a/VC++Files/client/mysql_upgrade.dsp b/VC++Files/client/mysql_upgrade.dsp index a039098d639..28eb2a58f39 100644 --- a/VC++Files/client/mysql_upgrade.dsp +++ b/VC++Files/client/mysql_upgrade.dsp @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ # TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Console Application" 0x0103 -CFG=mysql_upgrade - Win32 Release +CFG=mysql_upgrade - Win32 Debug !MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, !MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run !MESSAGE @@ -13,59 +13,112 @@ CFG=mysql_upgrade - Win32 Release !MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE !MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: !MESSAGE -!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "mysql_upgrade.mak" CFG="mysql_upgrade - Win32 Release" +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "mysql_upgrade.mak" CFG="mysql_upgrade - Win32 Debug" !MESSAGE !MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: !MESSAGE !MESSAGE "mysql_upgrade - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") +!MESSAGE "mysql_upgrade - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") +!MESSAGE "mysql_upgrade - Win32 classic" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") !MESSAGE # Begin Project # PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0 # PROP Scc_ProjName "" # PROP Scc_LocalPath "" -CPP=cl.exe +CPP=xicl6.exe RSC=rc.exe + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "mysql_upgrade - Win32 Release" + # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 -# PROP BASE Output_Dir "mysql_upgrade___Win32_Release" -# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "mysql_upgrade___Win32_Release" +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release" # PROP BASE Target_Dir "" # PROP Use_MFC 0 # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 -# PROP Output_Dir "mysql_upgrade___Win32_Release" -# PROP Intermediate_Dir "mysql_upgrade___Win32_Release" +# PROP Output_Dir "release" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "release" # PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 # PROP Target_Dir "" # ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c -# ADD CPP /nologo /G6 /MT /W3 /O2 /I "../include" /D "NDEBUG" /D "DBUG_OFF" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D "_WINDOWS" /Fp"Release/mysql_upgrade.pch" /YX /Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/" /FD /c -# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x416 /d "NDEBUG" -# ADD RSC /l 0x416 /d "NDEBUG" +# ADD CPP /nologo /G6 /MT /W3 /O2 /I "../include" /I "../" /D "DBUG_OFF" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "NDEBUG" /FD /c +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" BSC32=bscmake.exe # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo # ADD BSC32 /nologo -LINK32=link.exe -# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 -# ADD LINK32 mysqlclient.lib wsock32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib zlib.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /pdb:"release/mysql_upgrade.pdb" /machine:I386 /out:"../client_release/mysql_upgrade.exe" /libpath:"..\lib_release\\" -# SUBTRACT LINK32 /pdb:none +LINK32=xilink6.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 +# ADD LINK32 mysqlclient.lib mysys.lib wsock32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib zlib.lib ..\extra\yassl\Release\yassl.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 /out:"../client_release/mysql_upgrade.exe" /libpath:"..\lib_release\\" +# SUBTRACT LINK32 /incremental:yes + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "mysql_upgrade - Win32 Debug" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "mysqlimp" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "mysqlimp" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP Output_Dir "debug" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "debug" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /G6 /MTd /W3 /Z7 /Od /I "../include" /I "../" /D "_DEBUG" /D "SAFEMALLOC" /D "SAFE_MUTEX" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D "_WINDOWS" /FD /c +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=xilink6.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept +# ADD LINK32 mysqlclient.lib mysys.lib wsock32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib zlib.lib setargv.obj ..\extra\yassl\Debug\yassl.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /incremental:no /debug /machine:I386 /out:"../client_debug/mysql_upgrade.exe" /pdbtype:sept /libpath:"..\lib_debug\\" + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "mysql_upgrade - Win32 classic" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "mysql_upgrade___Win32_classic" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "mysql_upgrade___Win32_classic" +# PROP BASE Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP Output_Dir "classic" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "classic" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /G6 /MT /W3 /O2 /I "../include" /I "../" /D "DBUG_OFF" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "NDEBUG" /FD /c +# SUBTRACT BASE CPP /YX +# ADD CPP /nologo /G6 /MT /W3 /O2 /I "../include" /I "../" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_WINDOWS" /D LICENSE=Commercial /D "DBUG_OFF" /D "_MBCS" /D "NDEBUG" /FD /c +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=xilink6.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 mysqlclient.lib mysys.lib wsock32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 /out:"../client_release/mysql_upgrade.exe" /libpath:"..\lib_release\\" +# SUBTRACT BASE LINK32 /incremental:yes +# ADD LINK32 mysqlclient.lib mysys.lib wsock32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib zlib.lib ..\extra\yassl\Release\yassl.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 /out:"../client_classic/mysql_upgrade.exe" /libpath:"..\lib_release\\" +# SUBTRACT LINK32 /incremental:yes + +!ENDIF + # Begin Target # Name "mysql_upgrade - Win32 Release" -# Begin Group "Source Files" - -# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat" +# Name "mysql_upgrade - Win32 Debug" +# Name "mysql_upgrade - Win32 classic" # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\mysql_upgrade.c # End Source File -# End Group -# Begin Group "Header Files" - -# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl" -# End Group -# Begin Group "Resource Files" - -# PROP Default_Filter "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe" -# End Group # End Target # End Project diff --git a/VC++Files/client/mysql_upgrade.vcproj b/VC++Files/client/mysql_upgrade.vcproj new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..38cae600a75 --- /dev/null +++ b/VC++Files/client/mysql_upgrade.vcproj @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?> +<VisualStudioProject + ProjectType="Visual C++" + Version="7.10" + Name="mysql_upgrade" + SccProjectName="" + SccLocalPath=""> + <Platforms> + <Platform + Name="Win32"/> + </Platforms> + <Configurations> + <Configuration + Name="Debug|Win32" + OutputDirectory=".\debug" + IntermediateDirectory=".\debug" + ConfigurationType="1" + UseOfMFC="0" + ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="FALSE" + CharacterSet="2"> + <Tool + Name="VCCLCompilerTool" + Optimization="0" + OptimizeForProcessor="2" + AdditionalIncludeDirectories="../include,../" + PreprocessorDefinitions="_DEBUG;SAFEMALLOC;SAFE_MUTEX;_CONSOLE;_WINDOWS" + RuntimeLibrary="1" + PrecompiledHeaderFile=".\debug/mysql_upgrade.pch" + AssemblerListingLocation=".\debug/" + ObjectFile=".\debug/" + ProgramDataBaseFileName=".\debug/" + WarningLevel="3" + SuppressStartupBanner="TRUE" + DebugInformationFormat="1" + CompileAs="0"/> + <Tool + Name="VCCustomBuildTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCLinkerTool" + AdditionalDependencies="wsock32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib setargv.obj" + OutputFile="../client_debug/mysql_upgrade.exe" + LinkIncremental="1" + SuppressStartupBanner="TRUE" + AdditionalLibraryDirectories="" + GenerateDebugInformation="TRUE" + ProgramDatabaseFile=".\debug/mysql_upgrade.pdb" + SubSystem="1" + TargetMachine="1"/> + <Tool + Name="VCMIDLTool" + TypeLibraryName=".\debug/mysql_upgrade.tlb" + HeaderFileName=""/> + <Tool + Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCResourceCompilerTool" + PreprocessorDefinitions="_DEBUG" + Culture="1033"/> + <Tool + Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCManagedWrapperGeneratorTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCAuxiliaryManagedWrapperGeneratorTool"/> + </Configuration> + <Configuration + Name="Release|Win32" + OutputDirectory=".\release" + IntermediateDirectory=".\release" + ConfigurationType="1" + UseOfMFC="0" + ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="FALSE" + CharacterSet="2"> + <Tool + Name="VCCLCompilerTool" + Optimization="2" + InlineFunctionExpansion="1" + OptimizeForProcessor="2" + AdditionalIncludeDirectories="../include,../" + PreprocessorDefinitions="DBUG_OFF;_CONSOLE;_WINDOWS;NDEBUG" + StringPooling="TRUE" + RuntimeLibrary="0" + EnableFunctionLevelLinking="TRUE" + PrecompiledHeaderFile=".\release/mysql_upgrade.pch" + AssemblerListingLocation=".\release/" + ObjectFile=".\release/" + ProgramDataBaseFileName=".\release/" + WarningLevel="3" + SuppressStartupBanner="TRUE" + CompileAs="0"/> + <Tool + Name="VCCustomBuildTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCLinkerTool" + AdditionalDependencies="wsock32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib" + OutputFile="../client_release/mysql_upgrade.exe" + LinkIncremental="1" + SuppressStartupBanner="TRUE" + AdditionalLibraryDirectories="" + ProgramDatabaseFile=".\release/mysql_upgrade.pdb" + SubSystem="1" + TargetMachine="1"/> + <Tool + Name="VCMIDLTool" + TypeLibraryName=".\release/mysql_upgrade.tlb" + HeaderFileName=""/> + <Tool + Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCResourceCompilerTool" + PreprocessorDefinitions="NDEBUG" + Culture="1033"/> + <Tool + Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCManagedWrapperGeneratorTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCAuxiliaryManagedWrapperGeneratorTool"/> + </Configuration> + <Configuration + Name="classic|Win32" + OutputDirectory=".\classic" + IntermediateDirectory=".\classic" + ConfigurationType="1" + UseOfMFC="0" + ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage="FALSE" + CharacterSet="2"> + <Tool + Name="VCCLCompilerTool" + Optimization="2" + InlineFunctionExpansion="1" + OptimizeForProcessor="2" + AdditionalIncludeDirectories="../include,../" + PreprocessorDefinitions="_CONSOLE;_WINDOWS;LICENSE=Commercial;DBUG_OFF;NDEBUG" + StringPooling="TRUE" + RuntimeLibrary="0" + EnableFunctionLevelLinking="TRUE" + PrecompiledHeaderFile=".\classic/mysql_upgrade.pch" + AssemblerListingLocation=".\classic/" + ObjectFile=".\classic/" + ProgramDataBaseFileName=".\classic/" + WarningLevel="3" + SuppressStartupBanner="TRUE" + CompileAs="0"/> + <Tool + Name="VCCustomBuildTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCLinkerTool" + AdditionalDependencies="wsock32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib" + OutputFile="../client_classic/mysql_upgrade.exe" + LinkIncremental="1" + SuppressStartupBanner="TRUE" + AdditionalLibraryDirectories="" + ProgramDatabaseFile=".\classic/mysql_upgrade.pdb" + SubSystem="1" + TargetMachine="1"/> + <Tool + Name="VCMIDLTool" + TypeLibraryName=".\classic/mysql_upgrade.tlb" + HeaderFileName=""/> + <Tool + Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCResourceCompilerTool" + PreprocessorDefinitions="NDEBUG" + Culture="1033"/> + <Tool + Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCWebDeploymentTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCManagedWrapperGeneratorTool"/> + <Tool + Name="VCAuxiliaryManagedWrapperGeneratorTool"/> + </Configuration> + </Configurations> + <References> + </References> + <Files> + <File + RelativePath="mysql_upgrade.c"> + <FileConfiguration + Name="Debug|Win32"> + <Tool + Name="VCCLCompilerTool" + Optimization="0" + AdditionalIncludeDirectories="" + PreprocessorDefinitions=""/> + </FileConfiguration> + <FileConfiguration + Name="Release|Win32"> + <Tool + Name="VCCLCompilerTool" + Optimization="2" + AdditionalIncludeDirectories="" + PreprocessorDefinitions=""/> + </FileConfiguration> + <FileConfiguration + Name="classic|Win32"> + <Tool + Name="VCCLCompilerTool" + Optimization="2" + AdditionalIncludeDirectories="" + PreprocessorDefinitions=""/> + </FileConfiguration> + </File> + </Files> + <Globals> + </Globals> +</VisualStudioProject> diff --git a/VC++Files/client/mysql_upgrade_ia64.dsp b/VC++Files/client/mysql_upgrade_ia64.dsp index a116f3f06c3..5cb42ba0224 100644 --- a/VC++Files/client/mysql_upgrade_ia64.dsp +++ b/VC++Files/client/mysql_upgrade_ia64.dsp @@ -4,21 +4,23 @@ # TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Console Application" 0x0103 -CFG=mysql_upgrade - Win32 Release +CFG=mysql_upgrade - WinIA64 classic !MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, !MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "mysql_upgrade.mak". -!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "mysql_upgrade_ia64.mak". +!MESSAGE !MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE !MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: -!MESSAGE -!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "mysql_upgrade.mak" CFG="mysql_upgrade - Win32 Release" -!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "mysql_upgrade_ia64.mak" CFG="mysql_upgrade - WinIA64 classic" +!MESSAGE !MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: -!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE !MESSAGE "mysql_upgrade - WinIA64 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") -!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE "mysql_upgrade - WinIA64 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") +!MESSAGE "mysql_upgrade - WinIA64 classic" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") +!MESSAGE # Begin Project # PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0 @@ -27,51 +29,96 @@ CFG=mysql_upgrade - Win32 Release CPP=cl.exe RSC=rc.exe -!IF "$(CFG)" == "mysql - WinIA64 Release" +!IF "$(CFG)" == "mysql_upgrade - WinIA64 Release" # PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 # PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 -# PROP BASE Output_Dir "mysql_upgrade___WinIA64_Release" -# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "mysql_upgrade___WinIA64_Release" +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release" # PROP BASE Target_Dir "" # PROP Use_MFC 0 # PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 -# PROP Output_Dir "mysql_upgrade___WinIA64_Release" -# PROP Intermediate_Dir "mysql_upgrade___WinIA64_Release" +# PROP Output_Dir "release" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "release" # PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 # PROP Target_Dir "" +MTL=midl.exe # ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN64" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c -# ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /I "../include" /D"NDEBUG" /D"DBUG_OFF" /D"_CONSOLE" /D"_MBCS" /D"_WINDOWS" /Fp"Release/mysql_upgrade.pch" /YX /Fo"Release/" /Fd"Release/" /FD /c /O2 /G2 /EHsc /D"_IA64_" /Zi /D"WIN64" /D"WIN32" /D"_AFX_NO_DAO_SUPPORT" /Wp64 /Zm600 -# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x416 /d "NDEBUG" -# ADD RSC /l 0x416 /d "NDEBUG" +# ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /Zi /O2 /I "../include" /I "../" /D "DBUG_OFF" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_IA64_" /D "WIN64" /D "WIN32" /D "_AFX_NO_DAO_SUPPORT" /FD /G2 /EHsc /Wp64 /Zm600 /c +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" BSC32=bscmake.exe # ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo # ADD BSC32 /nologo LINK32=link.exe -# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:IA64 -# ADD LINK32 mysqlclient.lib wsock32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib zlib.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /pdb:"release/mysql_upgrade.pdb" /machine:IA64 /out:"../client_release/mysql_upgrade.exe" /libpath:"..\lib_release\\" /incremental:no -# SUBTRACT LINK32 +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:IA64 +# ADD LINK32 ..\lib_release\zlib.lib mysqlclient.lib wsock32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib bufferoverflowU.lib zlib.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /out:"../client_release/mysql_upgrade.exe" /libpath:"..\lib_release\\" /machine:IA64 -!ENDIF +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "mysql_upgrade - WinIA64 Debug" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "mysqlimp" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "mysqlimp" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP Output_Dir "debug" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "debug" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +MTL=midl.exe +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od /D "WIN64" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Zi /Od /I "../include" /I "../" /D "_DEBUG" /D "SAFEMALLOC" /D "SAFE_MUTEX" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_IA64_" /D "WIN64" /D "WIN32" /D "_AFX_NO_DAO_SUPPORT" /FD /G2 /EHsc /Wp64 /Zm600 /c +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:IA64 +# ADD LINK32 setargv.obj ..\lib_debug\zlib.lib ..\lib_debug\dbug.lib mysqlclient.lib wsock32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib bufferoverflowU.lib zlib.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /incremental:no /debug /out:"../client_debug/mysql_upgrade.exe" /libpath:"..\lib_debug\\" /machine:IA64 + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "mysql_upgrade - WinIA64 classic" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "mysql_upgrade___WinIA64_classic" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "mysql_upgrade___WinIA64_classic" +# PROP BASE Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP Output_Dir "classic" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "classic" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +MTL=midl.exe +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /G6 /MT /W3 /O2 /I "../include" /I "../" /D "DBUG_OFF" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "NDEBUG" /FD /c +# SUBTRACT BASE CPP /YX +# ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /Zi /O2 /I "../include" /I "../" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_WINDOWS" /D LICENSE=Commercial /D "DBUG_OFF" /D "_MBCS" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_IA64_" /D "WIN64" /D "WIN32" /D "_AFX_NO_DAO_SUPPORT" /FD /G2 /EHsc /Wp64 /Zm600 /c +# SUBTRACT CPP /YX +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 mysqlclient.lib wsock32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /out:"../client_release/mysql_upgrade.exe" /libpath:"..\lib_release\\" /machine:IA64 +# ADD LINK32 ..\lib_release\zlib.lib mysqlclient.lib wsock32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib bufferoverflowU.lib zlib.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /out:"../client_classic/mysql_upgrade.exe" /libpath:"..\lib_release\\" /machine:IA64 + +!ENDIF # Begin Target # Name "mysql_upgrade - WinIA64 Release" -# Begin Group "Source Files" - -# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat" +# Name "mysql_upgrade - WinIA64 Debug" +# Name "mysql_upgrade - WinIA64 classic" # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\mysql_upgrade.c # End Source File -# End Group -# Begin Group "Header Files" - -# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl" -# End Group -# Begin Group "Resource Files" - -# PROP Default_Filter "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe" -# End Group # End Target # End Project diff --git a/VC++Files/mysql.dsw b/VC++Files/mysql.dsw index dd70ad630a1..a5f5a214bd6 100644 --- a/VC++Files/mysql.dsw +++ b/VC++Files/mysql.dsw @@ -446,6 +446,9 @@ Package=<4> Project_Dep_Name mysqlimport End Project Dependency Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name mysql_upgrade + End Project Dependency + Begin Project Dependency Project_Dep_Name mysqlshow End Project Dependency Begin Project Dependency @@ -530,6 +533,24 @@ Package=<4> ############################################################################### +Project: "mysql_upgrade"=".\client\mysql_upgade.dsp" - Package Owner=<4> + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<4> +{{{ + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name mysqlclient + End Project Dependency + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name mysys + End Project Dependency +}}} + +############################################################################### + Project: "mysqlserver"=".\mysqlserver\mysqlserver.dsp" - Package Owner=<4> Package=<5> diff --git a/VC++Files/mysql.sln b/VC++Files/mysql.sln index 344aaa38507..f7c612ff390 100644 --- a/VC++Files/mysql.sln +++ b/VC++Files/mysql.sln @@ -157,6 +157,14 @@ Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "mysqlimport", "client\mysql {44D9C7DC-6636-4B82-BD01-6876C64017DF} = {44D9C7DC-6636-4B82-BD01-6876C64017DF} EndProjectSection EndProject +Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "mysql_upgrade", "client\mysql_upgrade.vcproj", "{AD95DAD3-6DB9-4F8B-A345-7A39A83AAD3D}" + ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject + {BA86AE72-0CF5-423D-BBA2-E12B0D72EBFB} = {BA86AE72-0CF5-423D-BBA2-E12B0D72EBFB} + {26383276-4843-494B-8BE0-8936ED3EBAAB} = {26383276-4843-494B-8BE0-8936ED3EBAAB} + {8762A9B8-72A9-462E-A9A2-F3265081F8AF} = {8762A9B8-72A9-462E-A9A2-F3265081F8AF} + {44D9C7DC-6636-4B82-BD01-6876C64017DF} = {44D9C7DC-6636-4B82-BD01-6876C64017DF} + EndProjectSection +EndProject Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "mysqlserver", "mysqlserver\mysqlserver.vcproj", "{94B86159-C581-42CD-825D-C69CBC237E5C}" ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject {EEC1300B-85A5-497C-B3E1-F708021DF859} = {EEC1300B-85A5-497C-B3E1-F708021DF859} diff --git a/VC++Files/mysql_ia64.dsw b/VC++Files/mysql_ia64.dsw index 96878cd3651..0f9c5471f7e 100644 --- a/VC++Files/mysql_ia64.dsw +++ b/VC++Files/mysql_ia64.dsw @@ -528,6 +528,9 @@ Package=<4> Project_Dep_Name mysqlimport End Project Dependency Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name mysql_upgrade + End Project Dependency + Begin Project Dependency Project_Dep_Name mysqlshow End Project Dependency Begin Project Dependency @@ -600,6 +603,21 @@ Package=<4> ############################################################################### +Project: "mysql_upgrade"=".\client\mysql_upgrade_ia64.dsp" - Package Owner=<4> + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<4> +{{{ + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name mysqlclient + End Project Dependency +}}} + +############################################################################### + Project: "mysqlserver"=".\mysqlserver\mysqlserver_ia64.dsp" - Package Owner=<4> Package=<5> diff --git a/config/ac-macros/openssl.m4 b/config/ac-macros/openssl.m4 index 1f9d53abe01..a23c46eed00 100644 --- a/config/ac-macros/openssl.m4 +++ b/config/ac-macros/openssl.m4 @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([MYSQL_FIND_OPENSSL], [ incs="$1" libs="$2" + eval shrexts=\"$shrext_cmds\" case "$incs---$libs" in ---) for d in /usr/ssl/include /usr/local/ssl/include /usr/include \ @@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([MYSQL_FIND_OPENSSL], [ /usr/lib /usr/lib64 /opt/ssl/lib /opt/openssl/lib \ /usr/freeware/lib32 /usr/local/lib/ ; do # Just to be safe, we test for ".so" anyway - if test -f $d/libssl.a || test -f $d/libssl.so || test -f $d/libssl$shrext_cmds ; then + if test -f $d/libssl.a || test -f $d/libssl.so || test -f $d/libssl$shrext ; then OPENSSL_LIB=$d fi done @@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([MYSQL_FIND_OPENSSL], [ OPENSSL_INCLUDE=-I$incs fi # Just to be safe, we test for ".so" anyway - if test -f $libs/libssl.a || test -f $libs/libssl.so || test -f $libs/libssl$shrext_cmds ; then + if test -f $libs/libssl.a || test -f $libs/libssl.so || test -f $libs/libssl$shrext ; then OPENSSL_LIB=$libs fi ;; diff --git a/config/ac-macros/zlib.m4 b/config/ac-macros/zlib.m4 index 23cc132aca8..713e7072c6f 100644 --- a/config/ac-macros/zlib.m4 +++ b/config/ac-macros/zlib.m4 @@ -90,8 +90,9 @@ case $SYSTEM_TYPE in ;; *) # Just to be safe, we test for ".so" anyway + eval shrexts=\"$shrext_cmds\" if test \( -f "$mysql_zlib_dir/lib/libz.a" -o -f "$mysql_zlib_dir/lib/libz.so" -o \ - -f "$mysql_zlib_dir/lib/libz$shrext_cmds" \) \ + -f "$mysql_zlib_dir/lib/libz$shrext" \) \ -a -f "$mysql_zlib_dir/include/zlib.h"; then ZLIB_INCLUDES="-I$mysql_zlib_dir/include" ZLIB_LIBS="-L$mysql_zlib_dir/lib -lz" diff --git a/configure.in b/configure.in index 2fde26d5930..eb3d8153d25 100644 --- a/configure.in +++ b/configure.in @@ -196,6 +196,7 @@ then else AC_PATH_PROG(AS, as, as) fi + # Still need ranlib for readline; local static use only so no libtool. AC_PROG_RANLIB # We use libtool @@ -207,6 +208,13 @@ AC_PROG_LIBTOOL LIBTOOL="$LIBTOOL --preserve-dup-deps" AC_SUBST(LIBTOOL)dnl +AC_SUBST(NM)dnl + +# NM= "$NM -X64" +#archive_expsym_cmds= `echo "$archive_expsym_cmds" | sed -e '/"$(CC)"//'` +#archive_expsym_cmds= "$CC -q64 $archive_expsym_cmds" +# CXXFLAGS=`echo "$CXXFLAGS -Werror" | sed -e 's/-fbranch-probabilities//; s/-Wall//; s/-ansi//; s/-pedantic//; s/-Wcheck//'` + #AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL AC_DISABLE_FAST_INSTALL AC_DISABLE_SHARED AC_DISABLE_STATIC # AC_PROG_INSTALL @@ -482,7 +490,7 @@ then AC_MSG_ERROR([MySQL requires an ANSI C compiler (and a C++ compiler). Try gcc. See the Installation chapter in the Reference Manual.]) fi -NOINST_LDFLAGS= +NOINST_LDFLAGS="-static" static_nss="" STATIC_NSS_FLAGS="" @@ -705,9 +713,8 @@ AC_CHECK_FUNC(yp_get_default_domain, , AC_CHECK_FUNC(p2open, , AC_CHECK_LIB(gen, p2open)) # This may get things to compile even if bind-8 is installed AC_CHECK_FUNC(bind, , AC_CHECK_LIB(bind, bind)) -# For crypt() on Linux -AC_CHECK_LIB(crypt, crypt) -AC_CHECK_FUNC(crypt, AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CRYPT], [1], [crypt])) +# Check if crypt() exists in libc or libcrypt, sets LIBS if needed +AC_SEARCH_LIBS(crypt, crypt, AC_DEFINE(HAVE_CRYPT, 1, [crypt])) # For sem_xxx functions on Solaris 2.6 AC_CHECK_FUNC(sem_init, , AC_CHECK_LIB(posix4, sem_init)) diff --git a/extra/yassl/Makefile.am b/extra/yassl/Makefile.am index 3ce5e2632cc..60868f82add 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/Makefile.am +++ b/extra/yassl/Makefile.am @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -SUBDIRS = taocrypt src +SUBDIRS = taocrypt src testsuite EXTRA_DIST = yassl.dsp yassl.dsw yassl.vcproj $(wildcard mySTL/*.hpp) \ cmakelists.txt diff --git a/extra/yassl/README b/extra/yassl/README index 198a1031cb7..ad59fe3965e 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/README +++ b/extra/yassl/README @@ -1,4 +1,137 @@ -yaSSL Release notes, version 0.9.6 +yaSSL Release notes, version 1.2.2 (03/27/06) + + + This release of yaSSL contains minor bug fixes and portability enhancements. + +See build instructions below under 1.0.6: + + + +*******************yaSSL Release notes, version 1.2.0 + + + This release of yaSSL contains minor bug fixes, portability enhancements, + Diffie-Hellman compatibility fixes for other servers and client, + optimization improvements, and x86 ASM changes. + +See build instructions below under 1.0.6: + + + +*****************yaSSL Release notes, version 1.1.5 + + This release of yaSSL contains minor bug fixes, portability enhancements, + and user requested changes including the ability to add all certificates in + a directory, more robust socket handling, no new overloading unless + requested, and an SSL_VERIFY_NONE option. + + +See build instructions below under 1.0.6: + + + +******************yaSSL Release notes, version 1.0.6 + +This release of yaSSL contains minor bug fixes, portability enhancements, +x86 assembly for ARC4, SHA, MD5, and RIPEMD, --enable-ia32-asm configure +option, and a security patch for certificate chain processing. + +--To build on Linux, Solaris, *BSD, Mac OS X, or Cygwin: + + ./configure + make + + run testsuite from yaSSL-Home/testsuite to test the build + +to make a release build: + + ./configure --disable-debug + make + + run testsuite from yaSSL-Home/testsuite to test the build + + +--To build on Win32 + +Choose (Re)Build All from the project workspace + +run Debug\testsuite.exe from yaSSL-Home\testsuite to test the build + + +--To enable ia32 assembly for TaoCrypt ciphers and message digests + + On MSVC this is always on + + On GCC **, use ./configure --enable-ia32-asm + + ** This isn't on by default because of the use of intel syntax and the + problem that olders versions of gas have with some addressing statements. + If you enable this and get assemler errors during compilation or can't + pass the TaoCrypt tests, please send todd@yassl.com a message and disable + this option in the meantime. + + +***************** yaSSL Release notes, version 1.0.5 + +This release of yaSSL contains minor bug fixes, portability enhancements, +x86 assembly for AES, 3DES, BLOWFISH, and TWOFISH, --without-debug configure +option, and --enable-kernel-mode configure option for using TaoCrypt with +kernel modules. + +--To build on Linux, Solaris, *BSD, Mac OS X, or Cygwin: + + ./configure + make + + run testsuite from yaSSL-Home/testsuite to test the build + +to make a release build: + + ./configure --without-debug + make + + run testsuite from yaSSL-Home/testsuite to test the build + + +--To build on Win32 + +Choose (Re)Build All from the project workspace + +run Debug\testsuite.exe from yaSSL-Home\testsuite to test the build + + +******************yaSSL Release notes, version 1.0.1 + +This release of yaSSL contains minor bug fixes, portability enhancements, +GCC 3.4.4 support, MSVC 2003 support, and more documentation. + +Please see build instructions in the release notes for 0.9.6 below. + + +******************yaSSL Release notes, version 1.0 + +This release of yaSSL contains minor bug fixes, portability enhancements, +GCC 4.0 support, testsuite, improvements, and API additions. + +Please see build instructions in the release notes for 0.9.6 below. + + +******************yaSSL Release notes, version 0.9.9 + +This release of yaSSL contains minor bug fixes, portability enchancements, +MSVC 7 support, memory improvements, and API additions. + +Please see build instructions in the release notes for 0.9.6 below. + + +******************yaSSL Release notes, version 0.9.8 + +This release of yaSSL contains minor bug fixes and portability enchancements. + +Please see build instructions in the release notes for 0.9.6 below. + + +******************yaSSL Release notes, version 0.9.6 This release of yaSSL contains minor bug fixes, removal of STL support, and removal of exceptions and rtti so that the library can be linked without the diff --git a/extra/yassl/examples/client/client.cpp b/extra/yassl/examples/client/client.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..704a8e76637 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/examples/client/client.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +/* client.cpp */ + +#include "../../testsuite/test.hpp" + +//#define TEST_RESUME + + +void client_test(void* args) +{ +#ifdef _WIN32 + WSADATA wsd; + WSAStartup(0x0002, &wsd); +#endif + + SOCKET_T sockfd = 0; + int argc = 0; + char** argv = 0; + + set_args(argc, argv, *static_cast<func_args*>(args)); + tcp_connect(sockfd); + + SSL_METHOD* method = TLSv1_client_method(); + SSL_CTX* ctx = SSL_CTX_new(method); + + set_certs(ctx); + SSL* ssl = SSL_new(ctx); + + SSL_set_fd(ssl, sockfd); + + if (SSL_connect(ssl) != SSL_SUCCESS) err_sys("SSL_connect failed"); + showPeer(ssl); + + const char* cipher = 0; + int index = 0; + char list[1024]; + strcpy(list, "cipherlist"); + while ( (cipher = SSL_get_cipher_list(ssl, index++)) ) { + strcat(list, ":"); + strcat(list, cipher); + } + printf("%s\n", list); + printf("Using Cipher Suite %s\n", SSL_get_cipher(ssl)); + + char msg[] = "hello yassl!"; + if (SSL_write(ssl, msg, sizeof(msg)) != sizeof(msg)) + err_sys("SSL_write failed"); + + char reply[1024]; + reply[SSL_read(ssl, reply, sizeof(reply))] = 0; + printf("Server response: %s\n", reply); + +#ifdef TEST_RESUME + SSL_SESSION* session = SSL_get_session(ssl); + SSL* sslResume = SSL_new(ctx); +#endif + + SSL_shutdown(ssl); + SSL_free(ssl); + +#ifdef TEST_RESUME + tcp_connect(sockfd); + SSL_set_fd(sslResume, sockfd); + SSL_set_session(sslResume, session); + + if (SSL_connect(sslResume) != SSL_SUCCESS) err_sys("SSL resume failed"); + + if (SSL_write(sslResume, msg, sizeof(msg)) != sizeof(msg)) + err_sys("SSL_write failed"); + + reply[SSL_read(sslResume, reply, sizeof(reply))] = 0; + printf("Server response: %s\n", reply); + + SSL_shutdown(sslResume); + SSL_free(sslResume); +#endif // TEST_RESUME + + SSL_CTX_free(ctx); + ((func_args*)args)->return_code = 0; +} + + +#ifndef NO_MAIN_DRIVER + + int main(int argc, char** argv) + { + func_args args; + + args.argc = argc; + args.argv = argv; + + client_test(&args); + return args.return_code; + } + +#endif // NO_MAIN_DRIVER + diff --git a/extra/yassl/examples/client/client.dsp b/extra/yassl/examples/client/client.dsp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1caa585dadb --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/examples/client/client.dsp @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="client" - Package Owner=<4> +# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00 +# ** DO NOT EDIT ** + +# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Console Application" 0x0103 + +CFG=client - Win32 Debug +!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, +!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "client.mak". +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE +!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "client.mak" CFG="client - Win32 Debug" +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE "client - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") +!MESSAGE "client - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") +!MESSAGE + +# Begin Project +# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0 +# PROP Scc_ProjName "" +# PROP Scc_LocalPath "" +CPP=cl.exe +RSC=rc.exe + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "client - Win32 Release" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP Output_Dir "Release" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /O2 /I "..\..\taocrypt\include" /I "..\..\include" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 +# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "client - Win32 Debug" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP Output_Dir "Debug" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /GZ /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /ZI /Od /I "..\..\include" /I "..\..\taocrypt\include" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /FR /YX /FD /GZ /c +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept +# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept + +!ENDIF + +# Begin Target + +# Name "client - Win32 Release" +# Name "client - Win32 Debug" +# Begin Group "Source Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\client.cpp +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "Header Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl" +# End Group +# Begin Group "Resource Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe" +# End Group +# End Target +# End Project diff --git a/extra/yassl/examples/echoclient/echoclient.cpp b/extra/yassl/examples/echoclient/echoclient.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ca557cca8af --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/examples/echoclient/echoclient.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +/* echoclient.cpp */ + +#include "../../testsuite/test.hpp" + + +void echoclient_test(void* args) +{ +#ifdef _WIN32 + WSADATA wsd; + WSAStartup(0x0002, &wsd); +#endif + + SOCKET_T sockfd = 0; + int argc = 0; + char** argv = 0; + + FILE* fin = stdin; + FILE* fout = stdout; + + bool inCreated = false; + bool outCreated = false; + + set_args(argc, argv, *static_cast<func_args*>(args)); + if (argc >= 2) { + fin = fopen(argv[1], "r"); + inCreated = true; + } + if (argc >= 3) { + fout = fopen(argv[2], "w"); + outCreated = true; + } + + if (!fin) err_sys("can't open input file"); + if (!fout) err_sys("can't open output file"); + + tcp_connect(sockfd); + + SSL_METHOD* method = TLSv1_client_method(); + SSL_CTX* ctx = SSL_CTX_new(method); + set_certs(ctx); + SSL* ssl = SSL_new(ctx); + + SSL_set_fd(ssl, sockfd); + if (SSL_connect(ssl) != SSL_SUCCESS) err_sys("SSL_connect failed"); + + char send[1024]; + char reply[1024]; + + while (fgets(send, sizeof(send), fin)) { + + int sendSz = strlen(send) + 1; + if (SSL_write(ssl, send, sendSz) != sendSz) + err_sys("SSL_write failed"); + + if (strncmp(send, "quit", 4) == 0) { + fputs("sending server shutdown command: quit!\n", fout); + break; + } + + if (SSL_read(ssl, reply, sizeof(reply)) > 0) + fputs(reply, fout); + } + + SSL_CTX_free(ctx); + SSL_free(ssl); + + fflush(fout); + if (inCreated) fclose(fin); + if (outCreated) fclose(fout); + + ((func_args*)args)->return_code = 0; +} + + +#ifndef NO_MAIN_DRIVER + + int main(int argc, char** argv) + { + func_args args; + + args.argc = argc; + args.argv = argv; + + echoclient_test(&args); + + return args.return_code; + } + +#endif // NO_MAIN_DRIVER diff --git a/extra/yassl/examples/echoclient/echoclient.dsp b/extra/yassl/examples/echoclient/echoclient.dsp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..52052c6dc44 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/examples/echoclient/echoclient.dsp @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="echoclient" - Package Owner=<4> +# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00 +# ** DO NOT EDIT ** + +# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Console Application" 0x0103 + +CFG=echoclient - Win32 Debug +!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, +!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "echoclient.mak". +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE +!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "echoclient.mak" CFG="echoclient - Win32 Debug" +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE "echoclient - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") +!MESSAGE "echoclient - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") +!MESSAGE + +# Begin Project +# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0 +# PROP Scc_ProjName "" +# PROP Scc_LocalPath "" +CPP=cl.exe +RSC=rc.exe + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "echoclient - Win32 Release" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP Output_Dir "Release" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /O2 /I "..\..\include" /I "..\..\taocrypt\include" /D "NDEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 +# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "echoclient - Win32 Debug" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP Output_Dir "Debug" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /GZ /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /ZI /Od /I "..\..\include" /I "..\..\taocrypt\include" /D "_DEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /FR /YX /FD /GZ /c +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept +# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept + +!ENDIF + +# Begin Target + +# Name "echoclient - Win32 Release" +# Name "echoclient - Win32 Debug" +# Begin Group "Source Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\echoclient.cpp +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "Header Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl" +# End Group +# Begin Group "Resource Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe" +# End Group +# End Target +# End Project diff --git a/extra/yassl/examples/echoclient/input b/extra/yassl/examples/echoclient/input new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..438a592852c --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/examples/echoclient/input @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +/* echoclient.cpp */ + +#include "openssl/ssl.h" /* openssl compatibility test */ +#include <stdio.h> +#include <stdlib.h> + + +#ifdef WIN32 + #include <winsock2.h> +#else + #include <string.h> + #include <unistd.h> + #include <netinet/in.h> + #include <arpa/inet.h> + #include <sys/ioctl.h> + #include <sys/time.h> + #include <sys/types.h> + #include <sys/socket.h> +#endif /* WIN32 */ + + +void err_sys(const char* msg) +{ + fputs("yassl client error: ", stderr); + fputs(msg, stderr); + exit(EXIT_FAILURE); +} + +const char* loopback = ""; +const short yasslPort = 11111; + +using namespace yaSSL; + + +int main(int argc, char** argv) +{ +#ifdef WIN32 + WSADATA wsd; + WSAStartup(0x0002, &wsd); + int sockfd; +#else + unsigned int sockfd; +#endif /* WIN32 */ + + FILE* fin = stdin; + FILE* fout = stdout; + + if (argc >= 2) fin = fopen(argv[1], "r"); + if (argc >= 3) fout = fopen(argv[2], "w"); + + if (!fin) err_sys("can't open input file"); + if (!fout) err_sys("can't open output file"); + + sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); + sockaddr_in servaddr; + memset(&servaddr, 0, sizeof(servaddr)); + servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; + + servaddr.sin_port = htons(yasslPort); + servaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(loopback); + if (connect(sockfd, (const sockaddr*)&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr)) != 0) + err_sys("tcp connect failed"); + + SSL_METHOD* method = TLSv1_client_method(); + SSL_CTX* ctx = SSL_CTX_new(method); + SSL* ssl = SSL_new(ctx); + + SSL_set_fd(ssl, sockfd); + if (SSL_connect(ssl) != SSL_SUCCESS) err_sys("SSL_connect failed"); + + char send[1024]; + char reply[1024]; + + while (fgets(send, sizeof(send), fin)) { + + int sendSz = strlen(send) + 1; + if (SSL_write(ssl, send, sendSz) != sendSz) + err_sys("SSL_write failed"); + + if (strncmp(send, "quit", 4) == 0) { + fputs("sending server shutdown command: quit!", fout); + break; + } + + if (SSL_read(ssl, reply, sizeof(reply)) > 0) + fputs(reply, fout); + } + + SSL_CTX_free(ctx); + SSL_free(ssl); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/extra/yassl/examples/echoclient/quit b/extra/yassl/examples/echoclient/quit new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3db49b3ad12 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/examples/echoclient/quit @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +quit + diff --git a/extra/yassl/examples/echoserver/echoserver.cpp b/extra/yassl/examples/echoserver/echoserver.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..14a37a7e175 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/examples/echoserver/echoserver.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +/* echoserver.cpp */ + +#include "../../testsuite/test.hpp" + + +#ifndef NO_MAIN_DRIVER + #define ECHO_OUT + + THREAD_RETURN YASSL_API echoserver_test(void*); + int main(int argc, char** argv) + { + func_args args; + + args.argc = argc; + args.argv = argv; + + echoserver_test(&args); + return args.return_code; + } + +#endif // NO_MAIN_DRIVER + + +THREAD_RETURN YASSL_API echoserver_test(void* args) +{ +#ifdef _WIN32 + WSADATA wsd; + WSAStartup(0x0002, &wsd); +#endif + + SOCKET_T sockfd = 0; + int argc = 0; + char** argv = 0; + + set_args(argc, argv, *static_cast<func_args*>(args)); + +#ifdef ECHO_OUT + FILE* fout = stdout; + if (argc >= 2) fout = fopen(argv[1], "w"); + if (!fout) err_sys("can't open output file"); +#endif + + tcp_listen(sockfd); + + SSL_METHOD* method = TLSv1_server_method(); + SSL_CTX* ctx = SSL_CTX_new(method); + + set_serverCerts(ctx); + DH* dh = set_tmpDH(ctx); + + bool shutdown(false); + +#if defined(_POSIX_THREADS) && defined(NO_MAIN_DRIVER) + // signal ready to tcp_accept + func_args& server_args = *((func_args*)args); + tcp_ready& ready = *server_args.signal_; + pthread_mutex_lock(&ready.mutex_); + ready.ready_ = true; + pthread_cond_signal(&ready.cond_); + pthread_mutex_unlock(&ready.mutex_); +#endif + + while (!shutdown) { + sockaddr_in client; + socklen_t client_len = sizeof(client); + int clientfd = accept(sockfd, (sockaddr*)&client, &client_len); + if (clientfd == -1) err_sys("tcp accept failed"); + + SSL* ssl = SSL_new(ctx); + SSL_set_fd(ssl, clientfd); + if (SSL_accept(ssl) != SSL_SUCCESS) err_sys("SSL_accept failed"); + + char command[1024]; + int echoSz(0); + while ( (echoSz = SSL_read(ssl, command, sizeof(command))) > 0) { + + if ( strncmp(command, "quit", 4) == 0) { + printf("client sent quit command: shutting down!\n"); + shutdown = true; + break; + } + else if ( strncmp(command, "GET", 3) == 0) { + char type[] = "HTTP/1.0 200 ok\r\nContent-type:" + " text/html\r\n\r\n"; + char header[] = "<html><body BGCOLOR=\"#ffffff\">\n<pre>\n"; + char body[] = "greetings from yaSSL\n"; + char footer[] = "</body></html>\r\n\r\n"; + + strncpy(command, type, sizeof(type)); + echoSz = sizeof(type) - 1; + + strncpy(&command[echoSz], header, sizeof(header)); + echoSz += sizeof(header) - 1; + strncpy(&command[echoSz], body, sizeof(body)); + echoSz += sizeof(body) - 1; + strncpy(&command[echoSz], footer, sizeof(footer)); + echoSz += sizeof(footer); + + if (SSL_write(ssl, command, echoSz) != echoSz) + err_sys("SSL_write failed"); + break; + } + command[echoSz] = 0; + + #ifdef ECHO_OUT + fputs(command, fout); + #endif + + if (SSL_write(ssl, command, echoSz) != echoSz) + err_sys("SSL_write failed"); + } + SSL_free(ssl); + } + +#ifdef _WIN32 + closesocket(sockfd); +#else + close(sockfd); +#endif + + DH_free(dh); + SSL_CTX_free(ctx); + + ((func_args*)args)->return_code = 0; + return 0; +} diff --git a/extra/yassl/examples/echoserver/echoserver.dsp b/extra/yassl/examples/echoserver/echoserver.dsp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..21a965b013c --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/examples/echoserver/echoserver.dsp @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="echoserver" - Package Owner=<4> +# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00 +# ** DO NOT EDIT ** + +# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Console Application" 0x0103 + +CFG=echoserver - Win32 Debug +!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, +!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "echoserver.mak". +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE +!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "echoserver.mak" CFG="echoserver - Win32 Debug" +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE "echoserver - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") +!MESSAGE "echoserver - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") +!MESSAGE + +# Begin Project +# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0 +# PROP Scc_ProjName "" +# PROP Scc_LocalPath "" +CPP=cl.exe +RSC=rc.exe + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "echoserver - Win32 Release" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP Output_Dir "Release" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /G6 /MT /W3 /O2 /I "..\..\include" /I "..\..\taocrypt\include" /D "NDEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 +# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "echoserver - Win32 Debug" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP Output_Dir "Debug" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /GZ /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /ZI /Od /I "..\..\include" /I "..\..\taocrypt\include" /D "_DEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /FR /YX /FD /GZ /c +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept +# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept + +!ENDIF + +# Begin Target + +# Name "echoserver - Win32 Release" +# Name "echoserver - Win32 Debug" +# Begin Group "Source Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\echoserver.cpp +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "Header Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl" +# End Group +# Begin Group "Resource Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe" +# End Group +# End Target +# End Project diff --git a/extra/yassl/examples/server/server.cpp b/extra/yassl/examples/server/server.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4d3f121cf2c --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/examples/server/server.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +/* server.cpp */ + + +#include "../../testsuite/test.hpp" + + +THREAD_RETURN YASSL_API server_test(void* args) +{ +#ifdef _WIN32 + WSADATA wsd; + WSAStartup(0x0002, &wsd); +#endif + + SOCKET_T sockfd = 0; + int clientfd = 0; + int argc = 0; + char** argv = 0; + + set_args(argc, argv, *static_cast<func_args*>(args)); + tcp_accept(sockfd, clientfd, *static_cast<func_args*>(args)); + +#ifdef _WIN32 + closesocket(sockfd); +#else + close(sockfd); +#endif + + SSL_METHOD* method = TLSv1_server_method(); + SSL_CTX* ctx = SSL_CTX_new(method); + + //SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx, "RC4-SHA"); + SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, 0); + set_serverCerts(ctx); + DH* dh = set_tmpDH(ctx); + + SSL* ssl = SSL_new(ctx); + SSL_set_fd(ssl, clientfd); + + if (SSL_accept(ssl) != SSL_SUCCESS) err_sys("SSL_accept failed"); + showPeer(ssl); + printf("Using Cipher Suite %s\n", SSL_get_cipher(ssl)); + + char command[1024]; + command[SSL_read(ssl, command, sizeof(command))] = 0; + printf("First client command: %s\n", command); + + char msg[] = "I hear you, fa shizzle!"; + if (SSL_write(ssl, msg, sizeof(msg)) != sizeof(msg)) + err_sys("SSL_write failed"); + + DH_free(dh); + SSL_CTX_free(ctx); + SSL_free(ssl); + + ((func_args*)args)->return_code = 0; + return 0; +} + + +#ifndef NO_MAIN_DRIVER + + int main(int argc, char** argv) + { + func_args args; + + args.argc = argc; + args.argv = argv; + + server_test(&args); + return args.return_code; + } + +#endif // NO_MAIN_DRIVER diff --git a/extra/yassl/examples/server/server.dsp b/extra/yassl/examples/server/server.dsp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9c797c54dfe --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/examples/server/server.dsp @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="server" - Package Owner=<4> +# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00 +# ** DO NOT EDIT ** + +# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Application" 0x0101 + +CFG=server - Win32 Debug +!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, +!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "server.mak". +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE +!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "server.mak" CFG="server - Win32 Debug" +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE "server - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") +!MESSAGE "server - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") +!MESSAGE + +# Begin Project +# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0 +# PROP Scc_ProjName "" +# PROP Scc_LocalPath "" +CPP=cl.exe +MTL=midl.exe +RSC=rc.exe + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "server - Win32 Release" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP Output_Dir "Release" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /O2 /I "..\..\include" /I "..\..\taocrypt\include" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c +# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 +# ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /machine:I386 +# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 +# SUBTRACT LINK32 /pdb:none + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "server - Win32 Debug" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP Output_Dir "Debug" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /GZ /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /ZI /Od /I "..\..\include" /I "..\..\taocrypt\include" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /FR /YX /FD /GZ /c +# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 +# ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept +# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept +# SUBTRACT LINK32 /pdb:none /nodefaultlib + +!ENDIF + +# Begin Target + +# Name "server - Win32 Release" +# Name "server - Win32 Debug" +# Begin Group "Source Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\server.cpp +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "Header Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl" +# End Group +# Begin Group "Resource Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe" +# End Group +# End Target +# End Project diff --git a/extra/yassl/include/cert_wrapper.hpp b/extra/yassl/include/cert_wrapper.hpp index 2381347c27e..2a214c529fd 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/include/cert_wrapper.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/include/cert_wrapper.hpp @@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ class CertManager { SignerList signers_; // decoded CA keys and names // plus verified chained certs bool verifyPeer_; + bool verifyNone_; // no error if verify fails bool failNoCert_; bool sendVerify_; public: @@ -107,10 +108,12 @@ public: uint get_privateKeyLength() const; bool verifyPeer() const; + bool verifyNone() const; bool failNoCert() const; bool sendVerify() const; void setVerifyPeer(); + void setVerifyNone(); void setFailNoCert(); void setSendVerify(); private: diff --git a/extra/yassl/include/crypto_wrapper.hpp b/extra/yassl/include/crypto_wrapper.hpp index ca9d870677e..cb542c25a67 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/include/crypto_wrapper.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/include/crypto_wrapper.hpp @@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ namespace yaSSL { -// Digest policy should implement a get_digest, update, and get sizes for pad and -// digest +// Digest policy should implement a get_digest, update, and get sizes for pad +// and digest struct Digest : public virtual_base { virtual void get_digest(byte*) = 0; virtual void get_digest(byte*, const byte*, unsigned int) = 0; @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ public: uint get_agreedKeyLength() const; const byte* get_agreedKey() const; const byte* get_publicKey() const; - void makeAgreement(const byte*); + void makeAgreement(const byte*, unsigned int); void set_sizes(int&, int&, int&) const; void get_parms(byte*, byte*, byte*) const; diff --git a/extra/yassl/include/openssl/ssl.h b/extra/yassl/include/openssl/ssl.h index 8a87196b7ed..b6840d006df 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/include/openssl/ssl.h +++ b/extra/yassl/include/openssl/ssl.h @@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ * */ + + #ifndef yaSSL_openssl_h__ #define yaSSL_openssl_h__ @@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ extern "C" { class X509_NAME; #else typedef struct SSL SSL; - typedef struct SSL_SESION SSL_SESSION; + typedef struct SSL_SESSION SSL_SESSION; typedef struct SSL_METHOD SSL_METHOD; typedef struct SSL_CTX SSL_CTX; typedef struct SSL_CIPHER SSL_CIPHER; @@ -258,6 +260,8 @@ int SSL_pending(SSL*); enum { /* ssl Constants */ + SSL_BAD_STAT = -7, + SSL_BAD_PATH = -6, SSL_BAD_FILETYPE = -5, SSL_BAD_FILE = -4, SSL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = -3, diff --git a/extra/yassl/include/socket_wrapper.hpp b/extra/yassl/include/socket_wrapper.hpp index 38a9ce3bd25..d2258a93723 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/include/socket_wrapper.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/include/socket_wrapper.hpp @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public: uint send(const byte* buf, unsigned int len, int flags = 0) const; uint receive(byte* buf, unsigned int len, int flags = 0) const; - void wait() const; + bool wait() const; void closeSocket(); void shutDown(int how = SD_SEND); diff --git a/extra/yassl/include/yassl.hpp b/extra/yassl/include/yassl.hpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..edb8e416eb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/include/yassl.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +/* yassl.hpp + * + * Copyright (C) 2003 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd. + * + * This file is part of yaSSL. + * + * yaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * yaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA + */ + + +/* yaSSL externel header defines yaSSL API + */ + + +#ifndef yaSSL_EXT_HPP +#define yaSSL_EXT_HPP + + +namespace yaSSL { + + +#ifdef _WIN32 + typedef unsigned int SOCKET_T; +#else + typedef int SOCKET_T; +#endif + + +class Client { +public: + Client(); + ~Client(); + + // basics + int Connect(SOCKET_T); + int Write(const void*, int); + int Read(void*, int); + + // options + void SetCA(const char*); + void SetCert(const char*); + void SetKey(const char*); +private: + struct ClientImpl; + ClientImpl* pimpl_; + + Client(const Client&); // hide copy + Client& operator=(const Client&); // and assign +}; + + +class Server { +public: + Server(); + ~Server(); + + // basics + int Accept(SOCKET_T); + int Write(const void*, int); + int Read(void*, int); + + // options + void SetCA(const char*); + void SetCert(const char*); + void SetKey(const char*); +private: + struct ServerImpl; + ServerImpl* pimpl_; + + Server(const Server&); // hide copy + Server& operator=(const Server&); // and assign +}; + + +} // namespace yaSSL +#endif // yaSSL_EXT_HPP diff --git a/extra/yassl/include/yassl_error.hpp b/extra/yassl/include/yassl_error.hpp index 0b06a37a635..9c12b06e34a 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/include/yassl_error.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/include/yassl_error.hpp @@ -59,6 +59,10 @@ enum YasslError { enum Library { yaSSL_Lib = 0, CryptoLib, SocketLib }; +enum { MAX_ERROR_SZ = 80 }; + +void SetErrorString(YasslError, char*); + // Base class for all yaSSL exceptions class Error : public mySTL::runtime_error { diff --git a/extra/yassl/include/yassl_imp.hpp b/extra/yassl/include/yassl_imp.hpp index 3de58901f8e..2f240b71c03 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/include/yassl_imp.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/include/yassl_imp.hpp @@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ struct Parameters { uint8 suites_size_; Cipher suites_[MAX_SUITE_SZ]; char cipher_name_[MAX_SUITE_NAME]; - char cipher_list_[MAX_CIPHER_LIST]; + char cipher_list_[MAX_CIPHERS][MAX_SUITE_NAME]; Parameters(ConnectionEnd, const Ciphers&, ProtocolVersion); diff --git a/extra/yassl/include/yassl_int.hpp b/extra/yassl/include/yassl_int.hpp index e75294ad073..935bae582ea 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/include/yassl_int.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/include/yassl_int.hpp @@ -77,8 +77,6 @@ enum ServerState { // combines all states class States { - enum {MAX_ERROR_SZ = 80 }; - RecordLayerState recordLayer_; HandShakeState handshakeLayer_; ClientState clientState_; @@ -227,7 +225,8 @@ sslFactory& GetSSL_Factory(); class SSL_METHOD { ProtocolVersion version_; ConnectionEnd side_; - bool verifyPeer_; + bool verifyPeer_; // request or send certificate + bool verifyNone_; // whether to verify certificate bool failNoCert_; public: explicit SSL_METHOD(ConnectionEnd ce, ProtocolVersion pv); @@ -236,9 +235,11 @@ public: ConnectionEnd getSide() const; void setVerifyPeer(); + void setVerifyNone(); void setFailNoCert(); bool verifyPeer() const; + bool verifyNone() const; bool failNoCert() const; private: SSL_METHOD(const SSL_METHOD&); // hide copy @@ -331,6 +332,7 @@ public: const Stats& GetStats() const; void setVerifyPeer(); + void setVerifyNone(); void setFailNoCert(); bool SetCipherList(const char*); bool SetDH(const DH&); diff --git a/extra/yassl/include/yassl_types.hpp b/extra/yassl/include/yassl_types.hpp index 66cc6aa3c68..bfb6467182b 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/include/yassl_types.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/include/yassl_types.hpp @@ -39,32 +39,34 @@ namespace yaSSL { void CleanUp(); -// library allocation -struct new_t {}; // yaSSL New type -extern new_t ys; // pass in parameter +#ifdef YASSL_PURE_C -} // namespace yaSSL + // library allocation + struct new_t {}; // yaSSL New type + extern new_t ys; // pass in parameter -void* operator new (size_t, yaSSL::new_t); -void* operator new[](size_t, yaSSL::new_t); + } // namespace yaSSL -void operator delete (void*, yaSSL::new_t); -void operator delete[](void*, yaSSL::new_t); + void* operator new (size_t, yaSSL::new_t); + void* operator new[](size_t, yaSSL::new_t); + void operator delete (void*, yaSSL::new_t); + void operator delete[](void*, yaSSL::new_t); -namespace yaSSL { + namespace yaSSL { -template<typename T> -void ysDelete(T* ptr) -{ + + template<typename T> + void ysDelete(T* ptr) + { if (ptr) ptr->~T(); ::operator delete(ptr, yaSSL::ys); -} + } -template<typename T> -void ysArrayDelete(T* ptr) -{ + template<typename T> + void ysArrayDelete(T* ptr) + { // can't do array placement destruction since not tracking size in // allocation, only allow builtins to use array placement since they // don't need destructors called @@ -72,15 +74,40 @@ void ysArrayDelete(T* ptr) (void)sizeof(builtin); ::operator delete[](ptr, yaSSL::ys); -} + } + #define NEW_YS new (ys) -// to resolve compiler generated operator delete on base classes with -// virtual destructors (when on stack), make sure doesn't get called -class virtual_base { -public: + // to resolve compiler generated operator delete on base classes with + // virtual destructors (when on stack), make sure doesn't get called + class virtual_base { + public: static void operator delete(void*) { assert(0); } -}; + }; + + +#else // YASSL_PURE_C + + + template<typename T> + void ysDelete(T* ptr) + { + delete ptr; + } + + template<typename T> + void ysArrayDelete(T* ptr) + { + delete[] ptr; + } + + #define NEW_YS new + + class virtual_base {}; + + + +#endif // YASSL_PURE_C typedef unsigned char uint8; @@ -110,7 +137,7 @@ const int KEY_PREFIX = 7; // up to 7 prefix letters for key rounds const int FORTEZZA_MAX = 128; // Maximum Fortezza Key length const int MAX_SUITE_SZ = 64; // 32 max suites * sizeof(suite) const int MAX_SUITE_NAME = 48; // max length of suite name -const int MAX_CIPHER_LIST = 512; // max length of cipher list names +const int MAX_CIPHERS = 32; // max supported ciphers for cipher list const int SIZEOF_ENUM = 1; // SSL considers an enum 1 byte, not 4 const int SIZEOF_SENDER = 4; // Sender constant, for finished generation const int PAD_MD5 = 48; // pad length 1 and 2 for md5 finished diff --git a/extra/yassl/mySTL/helpers.hpp b/extra/yassl/mySTL/helpers.hpp index de825c23fec..5aa14d838b1 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/mySTL/helpers.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/mySTL/helpers.hpp @@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ #define mySTL_HELPERS_HPP #include <stdlib.h> +#ifdef _MSC_VER + #include <new> +#endif /* Workaround for the lack of operator new(size_t, void*) @@ -43,7 +46,6 @@ typedef Dummy* yassl_pointer; - namespace mySTL { diff --git a/extra/yassl/src/buffer.cpp b/extra/yassl/src/buffer.cpp index 56d355bea80..3bc6dced887 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/src/buffer.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/src/buffer.cpp @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ * with SSL types and sockets */ + #include <string.h> // memcpy #include "runtime.hpp" #include "buffer.hpp" @@ -63,13 +64,13 @@ input_buffer::input_buffer() input_buffer::input_buffer(uint s) - : size_(0), current_(0), buffer_(new (ys) byte[s]), end_(buffer_ + s) + : size_(0), current_(0), buffer_(NEW_YS byte[s]), end_(buffer_ + s) {} // with assign input_buffer::input_buffer(uint s, const byte* t, uint len) - : size_(0), current_(0), buffer_(new (ys) byte[s]), end_(buffer_ + s) + : size_(0), current_(0), buffer_(NEW_YS byte[s]), end_(buffer_ + s) { assign(t, len); } @@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ input_buffer::~input_buffer() void input_buffer::allocate(uint s) { assert(!buffer_); // find realloc error - buffer_ = new (ys) byte[s]; + buffer_ = NEW_YS byte[s]; end_ = buffer_ + s; } @@ -97,7 +98,7 @@ byte* input_buffer::get_buffer() const } -// after a raw write user can set new (ys) size +// after a raw write user can set NEW_YS size // if you know the size before the write use assign() void input_buffer::add_size(uint i) { @@ -199,13 +200,13 @@ output_buffer::output_buffer() // with allocate output_buffer::output_buffer(uint s) - : current_(0), buffer_(new (ys) byte[s]), end_(buffer_ + s) + : current_(0), buffer_(NEW_YS byte[s]), end_(buffer_ + s) {} // with assign output_buffer::output_buffer(uint s, const byte* t, uint len) - : current_(0), buffer_(new (ys) byte[s]), end_(buffer_+ s) + : current_(0), buffer_(NEW_YS byte[s]), end_(buffer_+ s) { write(t, len); } @@ -240,7 +241,7 @@ void output_buffer::set_current(uint c) void output_buffer::allocate(uint s) { assert(!buffer_); // find realloc error - buffer_ = new (ys) byte[s]; end_ = buffer_ + s; + buffer_ = NEW_YS byte[s]; end_ = buffer_ + s; } diff --git a/extra/yassl/src/cert_wrapper.cpp b/extra/yassl/src/cert_wrapper.cpp index a775c366a92..b98c7faf1d0 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/src/cert_wrapper.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/src/cert_wrapper.cpp @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ namespace yaSSL { -x509::x509(uint sz) : length_(sz), buffer_(new (ys) opaque[sz]) +x509::x509(uint sz) : length_(sz), buffer_(NEW_YS opaque[sz]) { } @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ x509::~x509() x509::x509(const x509& that) : length_(that.length_), - buffer_(new (ys) opaque[length_]) + buffer_(NEW_YS opaque[length_]) { memcpy(buffer_, that.buffer_, length_); } @@ -92,7 +92,8 @@ opaque* x509::use_buffer() //CertManager CertManager::CertManager() - : peerX509_(0), verifyPeer_(false), failNoCert_(false), sendVerify_(false) + : peerX509_(0), verifyPeer_(false), verifyNone_(false), failNoCert_(false), + sendVerify_(false) {} @@ -114,6 +115,12 @@ bool CertManager::verifyPeer() const } +bool CertManager::verifyNone() const +{ + return verifyNone_; +} + + bool CertManager::failNoCert() const { return failNoCert_; @@ -132,6 +139,12 @@ void CertManager::setVerifyPeer() } +void CertManager::setVerifyNone() +{ + verifyNone_ = true; +} + + void CertManager::setFailNoCert() { failNoCert_ = true; @@ -153,7 +166,7 @@ void CertManager::AddPeerCert(x509* x) void CertManager::CopySelfCert(const x509* x) { if (x) - list_.push_back(new (ys) x509(*x)); + list_.push_back(NEW_YS x509(*x)); } @@ -161,11 +174,12 @@ void CertManager::CopySelfCert(const x509* x) int CertManager::CopyCaCert(const x509* x) { TaoCrypt::Source source(x->get_buffer(), x->get_length()); - TaoCrypt::CertDecoder cert(source, true, &signers_); + TaoCrypt::CertDecoder cert(source, true, &signers_, verifyNone_, + TaoCrypt::CertDecoder::CA); if (!cert.GetError().What()) { const TaoCrypt::PublicKey& key = cert.GetPublicKey(); - signers_.push_back(new (ys) TaoCrypt::Signer(key.GetKey(), key.size(), + signers_.push_back(NEW_YS TaoCrypt::Signer(key.GetKey(), key.size(), cert.GetCommonName(), cert.GetHash())); } return cert.GetError().What(); @@ -228,13 +242,13 @@ int CertManager::Validate() while ( count > 1 ) { TaoCrypt::Source source((*last)->get_buffer(), (*last)->get_length()); - TaoCrypt::CertDecoder cert(source, true, &signers_); + TaoCrypt::CertDecoder cert(source, true, &signers_, verifyNone_); if (int err = cert.GetError().What()) return err; const TaoCrypt::PublicKey& key = cert.GetPublicKey(); - signers_.push_back(new (ys) TaoCrypt::Signer(key.GetKey(), key.size(), + signers_.push_back(NEW_YS TaoCrypt::Signer(key.GetKey(), key.size(), cert.GetCommonName(), cert.GetHash())); --last; --count; @@ -243,7 +257,7 @@ int CertManager::Validate() if (count) { // peer's is at the front TaoCrypt::Source source((*last)->get_buffer(), (*last)->get_length()); - TaoCrypt::CertDecoder cert(source, true, &signers_); + TaoCrypt::CertDecoder cert(source, true, &signers_, verifyNone_); if (int err = cert.GetError().What()) return err; @@ -259,7 +273,7 @@ int CertManager::Validate() int iSz = cert.GetIssuer() ? strlen(cert.GetIssuer()) + 1 : 0; int sSz = cert.GetCommonName() ? strlen(cert.GetCommonName()) + 1 : 0; - peerX509_ = new (ys) X509(cert.GetIssuer(), iSz, cert.GetCommonName(), + peerX509_ = NEW_YS X509(cert.GetIssuer(), iSz, cert.GetCommonName(), sSz); } return 0; diff --git a/extra/yassl/src/crypto_wrapper.cpp b/extra/yassl/src/crypto_wrapper.cpp index 80cadd3d722..8859fbdd70f 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/src/crypto_wrapper.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/src/crypto_wrapper.cpp @@ -58,13 +58,13 @@ struct MD5::MD5Impl { }; -MD5::MD5() : pimpl_(new (ys) MD5Impl) {} +MD5::MD5() : pimpl_(NEW_YS MD5Impl) {} MD5::~MD5() { ysDelete(pimpl_); } -MD5::MD5(const MD5& that) : Digest(), pimpl_(new (ys) +MD5::MD5(const MD5& that) : Digest(), pimpl_(NEW_YS MD5Impl(that.pimpl_->md5_)) {} @@ -116,13 +116,13 @@ struct SHA::SHAImpl { }; -SHA::SHA() : pimpl_(new (ys) SHAImpl) {} +SHA::SHA() : pimpl_(NEW_YS SHAImpl) {} SHA::~SHA() { ysDelete(pimpl_); } -SHA::SHA(const SHA& that) : Digest(), pimpl_(new (ys) SHAImpl(that.pimpl_->sha_)) {} +SHA::SHA(const SHA& that) : Digest(), pimpl_(NEW_YS SHAImpl(that.pimpl_->sha_)) {} SHA& SHA::operator=(const SHA& that) { @@ -173,13 +173,13 @@ struct RMD::RMDImpl { }; -RMD::RMD() : pimpl_(new (ys) RMDImpl) {} +RMD::RMD() : pimpl_(NEW_YS RMDImpl) {} RMD::~RMD() { ysDelete(pimpl_); } -RMD::RMD(const RMD& that) : Digest(), pimpl_(new (ys) RMDImpl(that.pimpl_->rmd_)) {} +RMD::RMD(const RMD& that) : Digest(), pimpl_(NEW_YS RMDImpl(that.pimpl_->rmd_)) {} RMD& RMD::operator=(const RMD& that) { @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ struct HMAC_MD5::HMAC_MD5Impl { HMAC_MD5::HMAC_MD5(const byte* secret, unsigned int len) - : pimpl_(new (ys) HMAC_MD5Impl) + : pimpl_(NEW_YS HMAC_MD5Impl) { pimpl_->mac_.SetKey(secret, len); } @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ struct HMAC_SHA::HMAC_SHAImpl { HMAC_SHA::HMAC_SHA(const byte* secret, unsigned int len) - : pimpl_(new (ys) HMAC_SHAImpl) + : pimpl_(NEW_YS HMAC_SHAImpl) { pimpl_->mac_.SetKey(secret, len); } @@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ struct HMAC_RMD::HMAC_RMDImpl { HMAC_RMD::HMAC_RMD(const byte* secret, unsigned int len) - : pimpl_(new (ys) HMAC_RMDImpl) + : pimpl_(NEW_YS HMAC_RMDImpl) { pimpl_->mac_.SetKey(secret, len); } @@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ struct DES::DESImpl { }; -DES::DES() : pimpl_(new (ys) DESImpl) {} +DES::DES() : pimpl_(NEW_YS DESImpl) {} DES::~DES() { ysDelete(pimpl_); } @@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ struct DES_EDE::DES_EDEImpl { }; -DES_EDE::DES_EDE() : pimpl_(new (ys) DES_EDEImpl) {} +DES_EDE::DES_EDE() : pimpl_(NEW_YS DES_EDEImpl) {} DES_EDE::~DES_EDE() { ysDelete(pimpl_); } @@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ struct RC4::RC4Impl { }; -RC4::RC4() : pimpl_(new (ys) RC4Impl) {} +RC4::RC4() : pimpl_(NEW_YS RC4Impl) {} RC4::~RC4() { ysDelete(pimpl_); } @@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ struct AES::AESImpl { }; -AES::AES(unsigned int ks) : pimpl_(new (ys) AESImpl(ks)) {} +AES::AES(unsigned int ks) : pimpl_(NEW_YS AESImpl(ks)) {} AES::~AES() { ysDelete(pimpl_); } @@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ struct RandomPool::RandomImpl { TaoCrypt::RandomNumberGenerator RNG_; }; -RandomPool::RandomPool() : pimpl_(new (ys) RandomImpl) {} +RandomPool::RandomPool() : pimpl_(NEW_YS RandomImpl) {} RandomPool::~RandomPool() { ysDelete(pimpl_); } @@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ void DSS::DSSImpl::SetPrivate(const byte* key, unsigned int sz) // Set public or private key DSS::DSS(const byte* key, unsigned int sz, bool publicKey) - : pimpl_(new (ys) DSSImpl) + : pimpl_(NEW_YS DSSImpl) { if (publicKey) pimpl_->SetPublic(key, sz); @@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ void RSA::RSAImpl::SetPrivate(const byte* key, unsigned int sz) // Set public or private key RSA::RSA(const byte* key, unsigned int sz, bool publicKey) - : pimpl_(new (ys) RSAImpl) + : pimpl_(NEW_YS RSAImpl) { if (publicKey) pimpl_->SetPublic(key, sz); @@ -723,13 +723,13 @@ struct Integer::IntegerImpl { explicit IntegerImpl(const TaoCrypt::Integer& i) : int_(i) {} }; -Integer::Integer() : pimpl_(new (ys) IntegerImpl) {} +Integer::Integer() : pimpl_(NEW_YS IntegerImpl) {} Integer::~Integer() { ysDelete(pimpl_); } -Integer::Integer(const Integer& other) : pimpl_(new (ys) +Integer::Integer(const Integer& other) : pimpl_(NEW_YS IntegerImpl(other.pimpl_->int_)) {} @@ -773,9 +773,9 @@ struct DiffieHellman::DHImpl { void AllocKeys(unsigned int pubSz, unsigned int privSz, unsigned int agrSz) { - publicKey_ = new (ys) byte[pubSz]; - privateKey_ = new (ys) byte[privSz]; - agreedKey_ = new (ys) byte[agrSz]; + publicKey_ = NEW_YS byte[pubSz]; + privateKey_ = NEW_YS byte[privSz]; + agreedKey_ = NEW_YS byte[agrSz]; } }; @@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ struct DiffieHellman::DHImpl { /* // server Side DH, server's view DiffieHellman::DiffieHellman(const char* file, const RandomPool& random) - : pimpl_(new (ys) DHImpl(random.pimpl_->RNG_)) + : pimpl_(NEW_YS DHImpl(random.pimpl_->RNG_)) { using namespace TaoCrypt; Source source; @@ -808,12 +808,12 @@ DiffieHellman::DiffieHellman(const char* file, const RandomPool& random) DiffieHellman::DiffieHellman(const byte* p, unsigned int pSz, const byte* g, unsigned int gSz, const byte* pub, unsigned int pubSz, const RandomPool& random) - : pimpl_(new (ys) DHImpl(random.pimpl_->RNG_)) + : pimpl_(NEW_YS DHImpl(random.pimpl_->RNG_)) { using TaoCrypt::Integer; pimpl_->dh_.Initialize(Integer(p, pSz).Ref(), Integer(g, gSz).Ref()); - pimpl_->publicKey_ = new (ys) opaque[pubSz]; + pimpl_->publicKey_ = NEW_YS opaque[pubSz]; memcpy(pimpl_->publicKey_, pub, pubSz); } @@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ DiffieHellman::DiffieHellman(const byte* p, unsigned int pSz, const byte* g, // Server Side DH, server's view DiffieHellman::DiffieHellman(const Integer& p, const Integer& g, const RandomPool& random) -: pimpl_(new (ys) DHImpl(random.pimpl_->RNG_)) +: pimpl_(NEW_YS DHImpl(random.pimpl_->RNG_)) { using TaoCrypt::Integer; @@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ DiffieHellman::~DiffieHellman() { ysDelete(pimpl_); } // Client side and view, use server that for p and g DiffieHellman::DiffieHellman(const DiffieHellman& that) - : pimpl_(new (ys) DHImpl(*that.pimpl_)) + : pimpl_(NEW_YS DHImpl(*that.pimpl_)) { pimpl_->dh_.GenerateKeyPair(pimpl_->ranPool_, pimpl_->privateKey_, pimpl_->publicKey_); @@ -855,9 +855,9 @@ DiffieHellman& DiffieHellman::operator=(const DiffieHellman& that) } -void DiffieHellman::makeAgreement(const byte* other) +void DiffieHellman::makeAgreement(const byte* other, unsigned int otherSz) { - pimpl_->dh_.Agree(pimpl_->agreedKey_, pimpl_->privateKey_, other); + pimpl_->dh_.Agree(pimpl_->agreedKey_, pimpl_->privateKey_, other, otherSz); } @@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ x509* PemToDer(const char* fname, CertType type) Base64Decoder b64Dec(der); uint sz = der.size(); - mySTL::auto_ptr<x509> x(new (ys) x509(sz), ysDelete); + mySTL::auto_ptr<x509> x(NEW_YS x509(sz), ysDelete); memcpy(x->use_buffer(), der.get_buffer(), sz); fclose(file); diff --git a/extra/yassl/src/handshake.cpp b/extra/yassl/src/handshake.cpp index 16c9bde2003..2603365e41a 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/src/handshake.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/src/handshake.cpp @@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ * the various handshake messages. */ + + #include "runtime.hpp" #include "handshake.hpp" #include "yassl_int.hpp" @@ -362,9 +364,9 @@ void p_hash(output_buffer& result, const output_buffer& secret, if (lastLen) times += 1; if (hash == md5) - hmac.reset(new (ys) HMAC_MD5(secret.get_buffer(), secret.get_size())); + hmac.reset(NEW_YS HMAC_MD5(secret.get_buffer(), secret.get_size())); else - hmac.reset(new (ys) HMAC_SHA(secret.get_buffer(), secret.get_size())); + hmac.reset(NEW_YS HMAC_SHA(secret.get_buffer(), secret.get_size())); // A0 = seed hmac->get_digest(previous, seed.get_buffer(), seed.get_size());// A1 uint lastTime = times - 1; @@ -582,11 +584,11 @@ void TLS_hmac(SSL& ssl, byte* digest, const byte* buffer, uint sz, MACAlgorithm algo = ssl.getSecurity().get_parms().mac_algorithm_; if (algo == sha) - hmac.reset(new (ys) HMAC_SHA(ssl.get_macSecret(verify), SHA_LEN)); + hmac.reset(NEW_YS HMAC_SHA(ssl.get_macSecret(verify), SHA_LEN)); else if (algo == rmd) - hmac.reset(new (ys) HMAC_RMD(ssl.get_macSecret(verify), RMD_LEN)); + hmac.reset(NEW_YS HMAC_RMD(ssl.get_macSecret(verify), RMD_LEN)); else - hmac.reset(new (ys) HMAC_MD5(ssl.get_macSecret(verify), MD5_LEN)); + hmac.reset(NEW_YS HMAC_MD5(ssl.get_macSecret(verify), MD5_LEN)); hmac->update(seq, SEQ_SZ); // seq_num inner[0] = content; // type @@ -603,7 +605,7 @@ void TLS_hmac(SSL& ssl, byte* digest, const byte* buffer, uint sz, void PRF(byte* digest, uint digLen, const byte* secret, uint secLen, const byte* label, uint labLen, const byte* seed, uint seedLen) { - uint half = secLen / 2 + secLen % 2; + uint half = (secLen + 1) / 2; output_buffer md5_half(half); output_buffer sha_half(half); @@ -648,18 +650,19 @@ void build_certHashes(SSL& ssl, Hashes& hashes) } + // do process input requests mySTL::auto_ptr<input_buffer> DoProcessReply(SSL& ssl, mySTL::auto_ptr<input_buffer> buffered) { - ssl.getSocket().wait(); // wait for input if blocking - uint ready = ssl.getSocket().get_ready(); - if (!ready) { - // Nothing to receive after blocking wait => error + // wait for input if blocking + if (!ssl.getSocket().wait()) { ssl.SetError(receive_error); - buffered.reset(0); - return buffered; + buffered.reset(0); + return buffered; } + uint ready = ssl.getSocket().get_ready(); + if (!ready) return buffered; // add buffered data if its there uint buffSz = buffered.get() ? buffered.get()->get_size() : 0; @@ -690,7 +693,7 @@ DoProcessReply(SSL& ssl, mySTL::auto_ptr<input_buffer> buffered) // make sure we have enough input in buffer to process this record if (hdr.length_ > buffer.get_remaining()) { uint sz = buffer.get_remaining() + RECORD_HEADER; - buffered.reset(new (ys) input_buffer(sz, buffer.get_buffer() + + buffered.reset(NEW_YS input_buffer(sz, buffer.get_buffer() + buffer.get_current() - RECORD_HEADER, sz)); break; } @@ -730,6 +733,7 @@ void processReply(SSL& ssl) buffered = tmp; else break; + if (ssl.GetError()) return; } } @@ -767,7 +771,7 @@ void sendClientKeyExchange(SSL& ssl, BufferOutput buffer) RecordLayerHeader rlHeader; HandShakeHeader hsHeader; - mySTL::auto_ptr<output_buffer> out(new (ys) output_buffer, ysDelete); + mySTL::auto_ptr<output_buffer> out(NEW_YS output_buffer, ysDelete); buildHeaders(ssl, hsHeader, rlHeader, ck); buildOutput(*out.get(), rlHeader, hsHeader, ck); hashHandShake(ssl, *out.get()); @@ -788,7 +792,7 @@ void sendServerKeyExchange(SSL& ssl, BufferOutput buffer) RecordLayerHeader rlHeader; HandShakeHeader hsHeader; - mySTL::auto_ptr<output_buffer> out(new (ys) output_buffer, ysDelete); + mySTL::auto_ptr<output_buffer> out(NEW_YS output_buffer, ysDelete); buildHeaders(ssl, hsHeader, rlHeader, sk); buildOutput(*out.get(), rlHeader, hsHeader, sk); hashHandShake(ssl, *out.get()); @@ -813,7 +817,7 @@ void sendChangeCipher(SSL& ssl, BufferOutput buffer) ChangeCipherSpec ccs; RecordLayerHeader rlHeader; buildHeader(ssl, rlHeader, ccs); - mySTL::auto_ptr<output_buffer> out(new (ys) output_buffer, ysDelete); + mySTL::auto_ptr<output_buffer> out(NEW_YS output_buffer, ysDelete); buildOutput(*out.get(), rlHeader, ccs); if (buffer == buffered) @@ -830,7 +834,7 @@ void sendFinished(SSL& ssl, ConnectionEnd side, BufferOutput buffer) Finished fin; buildFinished(ssl, fin, side == client_end ? client : server); - mySTL::auto_ptr<output_buffer> out(new (ys) output_buffer, ysDelete); + mySTL::auto_ptr<output_buffer> out(NEW_YS output_buffer, ysDelete); cipherFinished(ssl, fin, *out.get()); // hashes handshake if (ssl.getSecurity().get_resuming()) { @@ -914,7 +918,7 @@ void sendServerHello(SSL& ssl, BufferOutput buffer) ServerHello sh(ssl.getSecurity().get_connection().version_); RecordLayerHeader rlHeader; HandShakeHeader hsHeader; - mySTL::auto_ptr<output_buffer> out(new (ys) output_buffer, ysDelete); + mySTL::auto_ptr<output_buffer> out(NEW_YS output_buffer, ysDelete); buildServerHello(ssl, sh); ssl.set_random(sh.get_random(), server_end); @@ -937,7 +941,7 @@ void sendServerHelloDone(SSL& ssl, BufferOutput buffer) ServerHelloDone shd; RecordLayerHeader rlHeader; HandShakeHeader hsHeader; - mySTL::auto_ptr<output_buffer> out(new (ys) output_buffer, ysDelete); + mySTL::auto_ptr<output_buffer> out(NEW_YS output_buffer, ysDelete); buildHeaders(ssl, hsHeader, rlHeader, shd); buildOutput(*out.get(), rlHeader, hsHeader, shd); @@ -958,7 +962,7 @@ void sendCertificate(SSL& ssl, BufferOutput buffer) Certificate cert(ssl.getCrypto().get_certManager().get_cert()); RecordLayerHeader rlHeader; HandShakeHeader hsHeader; - mySTL::auto_ptr<output_buffer> out(new (ys) output_buffer, ysDelete); + mySTL::auto_ptr<output_buffer> out(NEW_YS output_buffer, ysDelete); buildHeaders(ssl, hsHeader, rlHeader, cert); buildOutput(*out.get(), rlHeader, hsHeader, cert); @@ -980,7 +984,7 @@ void sendCertificateRequest(SSL& ssl, BufferOutput buffer) request.Build(); RecordLayerHeader rlHeader; HandShakeHeader hsHeader; - mySTL::auto_ptr<output_buffer> out(new (ys) output_buffer, ysDelete); + mySTL::auto_ptr<output_buffer> out(NEW_YS output_buffer, ysDelete); buildHeaders(ssl, hsHeader, rlHeader, request); buildOutput(*out.get(), rlHeader, hsHeader, request); @@ -1002,7 +1006,7 @@ void sendCertificateVerify(SSL& ssl, BufferOutput buffer) verify.Build(ssl); RecordLayerHeader rlHeader; HandShakeHeader hsHeader; - mySTL::auto_ptr<output_buffer> out(new (ys) output_buffer, ysDelete); + mySTL::auto_ptr<output_buffer> out(NEW_YS output_buffer, ysDelete); buildHeaders(ssl, hsHeader, rlHeader, verify); buildOutput(*out.get(), rlHeader, hsHeader, verify); diff --git a/extra/yassl/src/make.bat b/extra/yassl/src/make.bat new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4c79a9c6406 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/src/make.bat @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# quick and dirty build file for testing different MSDEVs +setlocal + +set myFLAGS= /I../include /I../mySTL /I../taocrypt/include /W3 /c /ZI + +cl %myFLAGS% buffer.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% cert_wrapper.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% crypto_wrapper.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% handshake.cpp + +cl %myFLAGS% lock.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% log.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% socket_wrapper.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% ssl.cpp + +cl %myFLAGS% template_instnt.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% timer.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% yassl.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% yassl_error.cpp + +cl %myFLAGS% yassl_imp.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% yassl_int.cpp + +link.exe -lib /out:yassl.lib buffer.obj cert_wrapper.obj crypto_wrapper.obj handshake.obj lock.obj log.obj socket_wrapper.obj ssl.obj template_instnt.obj timer.obj yassl.obj yassl_error.obj yassl_imp.obj yassl_int.obj + + + diff --git a/extra/yassl/src/socket_wrapper.cpp b/extra/yassl/src/socket_wrapper.cpp index 285e0dee2e5..c6611803421 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/src/socket_wrapper.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/src/socket_wrapper.cpp @@ -46,9 +46,11 @@ #ifdef _WIN32 const int SOCKET_EINVAL = WSAEINVAL; const int SOCKET_EWOULDBLOCK = WSAEWOULDBLOCK; + const int SOCKET_EAGAIN = WSAEWOULDBLOCK; #else const int SOCKET_EINVAL = EINVAL; const int SOCKET_EWOULDBLOCK = EWOULDBLOCK; + const int SOCKET_EAGAIN = EAGAIN; #endif // _WIN32 @@ -98,10 +100,10 @@ uint Socket::get_ready() const ioctlsocket(socket_, FIONREAD, &ready); #else /* - 64-bit Solaris requires the variable passed to - FIONREAD be a 32-bit value. + 64-bit Solaris requires the variable passed to + FIONREAD be a 32-bit value. */ - int ready = 0; + unsigned int ready = 0; ioctl(socket_, FIONREAD, &ready); #endif @@ -126,18 +128,24 @@ uint Socket::receive(byte* buf, unsigned int sz, int flags) const assert(socket_ != INVALID_SOCKET); int recvd = ::recv(socket_, reinterpret_cast<char *>(buf), sz, flags); - if (recvd == -1) + // idea to seperate error from would block by arnetheduck@gmail.com + if (recvd == -1) { + if (get_lastError() == SOCKET_EWOULDBLOCK || + get_lastError() == SOCKET_EAGAIN) return 0; + } + else if (recvd == 0) + return static_cast<uint>(-1); return recvd; } -// wait if blocking for input, or error -void Socket::wait() const +// wait if blocking for input, return false for error +bool Socket::wait() const { byte b; - receive(&b, 1, MSG_PEEK); + return receive(&b, 1, MSG_PEEK) != static_cast<uint>(-1); } diff --git a/extra/yassl/src/ssl.cpp b/extra/yassl/src/ssl.cpp index 94e783167b3..1aab14009d3 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/src/ssl.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/src/ssl.cpp @@ -38,6 +38,14 @@ #include "yassl_int.hpp" #include <stdio.h> +#ifdef _WIN32 + #include <windows.h> // FindFirstFile etc.. +#else + #include <sys/types.h> // file helper + #include <sys/stat.h> // stat + #include <dirent.h> // opendir +#endif + namespace yaSSL { @@ -52,25 +60,25 @@ SSL_METHOD* SSLv3_method() SSL_METHOD* SSLv3_server_method() { - return new (ys) SSL_METHOD(server_end, ProtocolVersion(3,0)); + return NEW_YS SSL_METHOD(server_end, ProtocolVersion(3,0)); } SSL_METHOD* SSLv3_client_method() { - return new (ys) SSL_METHOD(client_end, ProtocolVersion(3,0)); + return NEW_YS SSL_METHOD(client_end, ProtocolVersion(3,0)); } SSL_METHOD* TLSv1_server_method() { - return new (ys) SSL_METHOD(server_end, ProtocolVersion(3,1)); + return NEW_YS SSL_METHOD(server_end, ProtocolVersion(3,1)); } SSL_METHOD* TLSv1_client_method() { - return new (ys) SSL_METHOD(client_end, ProtocolVersion(3,1)); + return NEW_YS SSL_METHOD(client_end, ProtocolVersion(3,1)); } @@ -83,7 +91,7 @@ SSL_METHOD* SSLv23_server_method() SSL_CTX* SSL_CTX_new(SSL_METHOD* method) { - return new (ys) SSL_CTX(method); + return NEW_YS SSL_CTX(method); } @@ -95,7 +103,7 @@ void SSL_CTX_free(SSL_CTX* ctx) SSL* SSL_new(SSL_CTX* ctx) { - return new (ys) SSL(ctx); + return NEW_YS SSL(ctx); } @@ -115,7 +123,12 @@ int SSL_set_fd(SSL* ssl, int fd) int SSL_connect(SSL* ssl) { sendClientHello(*ssl); + ClientState neededState = ssl->getSecurity().get_resuming() ? + serverFinishedComplete : serverHelloDoneComplete; + while (ssl->getStates().getClient() < neededState) { + if (ssl->GetError()) break; processReply(*ssl); + } if(ssl->getCrypto().get_certManager().sendVerify()) sendCertificate(*ssl); @@ -130,7 +143,10 @@ int SSL_connect(SSL* ssl) sendFinished(*ssl, client_end); ssl->flushBuffer(); if (!ssl->getSecurity().get_resuming()) + while (ssl->getStates().getClient() < serverFinishedComplete) { + if (ssl->GetError()) break; processReply(*ssl); + } ssl->verifyState(serverFinishedComplete); ssl->useLog().ShowTCP(ssl->getSocket().get_fd()); @@ -171,9 +187,7 @@ int SSL_accept(SSL* ssl) sendServerHelloDone(*ssl); ssl->flushBuffer(); - // Java Client sends fragmented response - while (ssl->getStates().getServer() < - clientFinishedComplete) { + while (ssl->getStates().getServer() < clientFinishedComplete) { if (ssl->GetError()) break; processReply(*ssl); } @@ -182,10 +196,7 @@ int SSL_accept(SSL* ssl) sendFinished(*ssl, server_end); ssl->flushBuffer(); if (ssl->getSecurity().get_resuming()) { - - // Java Client sends fragmented response - while (ssl->getStates().getServer() < - clientFinishedComplete) { + while (ssl->getStates().getServer() < clientFinishedComplete) { if (ssl->GetError()) break; processReply(*ssl); } @@ -281,9 +292,15 @@ char* SSL_get_shared_ciphers(SSL* /*ssl*/, char* buf, int len) } -const char* SSL_get_cipher_list(SSL* ssl, int /*priority */) +const char* SSL_get_cipher_list(SSL* ssl, int priority) { - return ssl->getSecurity().get_parms().cipher_list_; + if (priority < 0 || priority >= MAX_CIPHERS) + return 0; + + if (ssl->getSecurity().get_parms().cipher_list_[priority][0]) + return ssl->getSecurity().get_parms().cipher_list_[priority]; + + return 0; } @@ -455,7 +472,7 @@ int read_file(SSL_CTX* ctx, const char* file, int format, CertType type) fseek(input, 0, SEEK_END); long sz = ftell(input); rewind(input); - x = new (ys) x509(sz); // takes ownership + x = NEW_YS x509(sz); // takes ownership size_t bytes = fread(x->use_buffer(), sz, 1, input); if (bytes != 1) { fclose(input); @@ -492,16 +509,74 @@ void SSL_CTX_set_verify(SSL_CTX* ctx, int mode, VerifyCallback /*vc*/) if (mode & SSL_VERIFY_PEER) ctx->setVerifyPeer(); + if (mode == SSL_VERIFY_NONE) + ctx->setVerifyNone(); + if (mode & SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT) ctx->setFailNoCert(); } int SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(SSL_CTX* ctx, const char* file, - const char* /*path*/) + const char* path) { - // just files for now - return read_file(ctx, file, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM, CA); + int ret = SSL_SUCCESS; + const int HALF_PATH = 128; + + if (file) ret = read_file(ctx, file, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM, CA); + + if (ret == SSL_SUCCESS && path) { + // call read_file for each reqular file in path +#ifdef _WIN32 + + WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; + HANDLE hFind; + + char name[MAX_PATH + 1]; // directory specification + strncpy(name, path, MAX_PATH - 3); + strncat(name, "\\*", 3); + + hFind = FindFirstFile(name, &FindFileData); + if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return SSL_BAD_PATH; + + do { + if (FindFileData.dwFileAttributes != FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { + strncpy(name, path, MAX_PATH - 2 - HALF_PATH); + strncat(name, "\\", 2); + strncat(name, FindFileData.cFileName, HALF_PATH); + ret = read_file(ctx, name, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM, CA); + } + } while (ret == SSL_SUCCESS && FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData)); + + FindClose(hFind); + +#else // _WIN32 + + const int MAX_PATH = 260; + + DIR* dir = opendir(path); + if (!dir) return SSL_BAD_PATH; + + struct dirent* entry; + struct stat buf; + char name[MAX_PATH + 1]; + + while (ret == SSL_SUCCESS && (entry = readdir(dir))) { + strncpy(name, path, MAX_PATH - 1 - HALF_PATH); + strncat(name, "/", 1); + strncat(name, entry->d_name, HALF_PATH); + if (stat(name, &buf) < 0) return SSL_BAD_STAT; + + if (S_ISREG(buf.st_mode)) + ret = read_file(ctx, name, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM, CA); + } + + closedir(dir); + +#endif + } + + return ret; } @@ -648,13 +723,13 @@ void OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms() // compatibility only {} -void SSL_library_init() // compatibility only +void SSL_library_init() // compatiblity only {} DH* DH_new(void) { - DH* dh = new (ys) DH; + DH* dh = NEW_YS DH; if (dh) dh->p = dh->g = 0; return dh; @@ -679,7 +754,7 @@ BIGNUM* BN_bin2bn(const unsigned char* num, int sz, BIGNUM* retVal) if (!retVal) { created = true; - bn.reset(new (ys) BIGNUM); + bn.reset(NEW_YS BIGNUM); retVal = bn.get(); } @@ -706,12 +781,14 @@ void ERR_print_errors_fp(FILE* /*fp*/) } -char* ERR_error_string(unsigned long /*err*/, char* buffer) +char* ERR_error_string(unsigned long errNumber, char* buffer) { - // TODO: - static char* msg = "Not Implemented"; - if (buffer) - return strncpy(buffer, msg, strlen(msg)); + static char* msg = "Please supply a buffer for error string"; + + if (buffer) { + SetErrorString(YasslError(errNumber), buffer); + return buffer; + } return msg; } @@ -728,14 +805,14 @@ const char* X509_verify_cert_error_string(long /* error */) const EVP_MD* EVP_md5(void) { // TODO: FIX add to some list for destruction - return new (ys) MD5; + return NEW_YS MD5; } const EVP_CIPHER* EVP_des_ede3_cbc(void) { // TODO: FIX add to some list for destruction - return new (ys) DES_EDE; + return NEW_YS DES_EDE; } diff --git a/extra/yassl/src/template_instnt.cpp b/extra/yassl/src/template_instnt.cpp index c55ca39bec2..5782df213ea 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/src/template_instnt.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/src/template_instnt.cpp @@ -35,13 +35,6 @@ #include "openssl/ssl.h" #ifdef HAVE_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION -#if !defined(USE_CRYPTOPP_LIB) -namespace TaoCrypt { -template class HMAC<MD5>; -template class HMAC<SHA>; -template class HMAC<RIPEMD160>; -} -#endif // USE_CRYPTOPP_LIB namespace mySTL { template class list<unsigned char*>; diff --git a/extra/yassl/src/timer.cpp b/extra/yassl/src/timer.cpp index 8b7d2d17a84..4fe0d3aa4f9 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/src/timer.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/src/timer.cpp @@ -26,17 +26,13 @@ #include "runtime.hpp" #include "timer.hpp" -#ifdef _WIN32 -#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -#include <windows.h> -#else -#include <sys/time.h> -#endif - namespace yaSSL { #ifdef _WIN32 + #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN + #include <windows.h> + timer_d timer() { static bool init(false); @@ -61,6 +57,8 @@ namespace yaSSL { #else // _WIN32 + #include <sys/time.h> + timer_d timer() { struct timeval tv; diff --git a/extra/yassl/src/yassl.cpp b/extra/yassl/src/yassl.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..86af12fd448 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/src/yassl.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,244 @@ +/* yassl.cpp + * + * Copyright (C) 2003 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd. + * + * This file is part of yaSSL. + * + * yaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * yaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA + */ + + +/* yaSSL implements external API + */ + +#include "runtime.hpp" +#include "yassl.hpp" +#include "yassl_int.hpp" +#include "handshake.hpp" +#include <stdio.h> + +#include "openssl/ssl.h" // get rid of this + + +// yaSSL overloads hide these +void* operator new[](size_t sz) +{ + return ::operator new(sz); +} + +void operator delete[](void* ptr) +{ + ::operator delete(ptr); +} + + +namespace yaSSL { + +using mySTL::min; + + +struct Base { + SSL_METHOD* method_; + SSL_CTX* ctx_; + SSL* ssl_; + + char* ca_; + char* cert_; + char* key_; + + DH* dh_; + + Base() : method_(0), ctx_(0), ssl_(0), ca_(0), cert_(0), key_(0), dh_(0) + {} + + ~Base() + { + if (dh_) DH_free(dh_); + delete[] key_; + delete[] cert_; + delete[] ca_; + SSL_CTX_free(ctx_); // frees method_ too + SSL_free(ssl_); + } +}; + + +void SetDH(Base&); + +void SetUpBase(Base& base, ConnectionEnd end, SOCKET_T s) +{ + base.method_ = new SSL_METHOD(end, ProtocolVersion(3,1)); + base.ctx_ = new SSL_CTX(base.method_); + + if (base.ca_) + if (SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(base.ctx_, + base.ca_, 0) != SSL_SUCCESS) assert(0); + if (base.cert_) + if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(base.ctx_, + base.cert_, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) != SSL_SUCCESS) assert(0); + if (base.key_) + if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(base.ctx_, base.key_, + SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) != SSL_SUCCESS) assert(0); + + if (end == server_end) SetDH(base); + + base.ssl_ = new SSL(base.ctx_); + base.ssl_->useSocket().set_fd(s); +} + + +void SetDH(Base& base) +{ + static unsigned char dh512_p[] = + { + 0xDA,0x58,0x3C,0x16,0xD9,0x85,0x22,0x89,0xD0,0xE4,0xAF,0x75, + 0x6F,0x4C,0xCA,0x92,0xDD,0x4B,0xE5,0x33,0xB8,0x04,0xFB,0x0F, + 0xED,0x94,0xEF,0x9C,0x8A,0x44,0x03,0xED,0x57,0x46,0x50,0xD3, + 0x69,0x99,0xDB,0x29,0xD7,0x76,0x27,0x6B,0xA2,0xD3,0xD4,0x12, + 0xE2,0x18,0xF4,0xDD,0x1E,0x08,0x4C,0xF6,0xD8,0x00,0x3E,0x7C, + 0x47,0x74,0xE8,0x33, + }; + + static unsigned char dh512_g[] = + { + 0x02, + }; + + if ( (base.dh_ = DH_new()) ) { + base.dh_->p = BN_bin2bn(dh512_p, sizeof(dh512_p), 0); + base.dh_->g = BN_bin2bn(dh512_g, sizeof(dh512_g), 0); + } + if (!base.dh_->p || !base.dh_->g) { + DH_free(base.dh_); + base.dh_ = 0; + } + SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(base.ctx_, base.dh_); +} + + +void NewCopy(char*& dst, const char* src) +{ + size_t len = strlen(src) + 1; + dst = new char[len]; + + strncpy(dst, src, len); +} + + +// Client Implementation +struct Client::ClientImpl { + Base base_; +}; + + +Client::Client() : pimpl_(new ClientImpl) +{} + + +Client::~Client() { delete pimpl_; } + + +int Client::Connect(SOCKET_T s) +{ + SetUpBase(pimpl_->base_, client_end, s); + return SSL_connect(pimpl_->base_.ssl_); +} + + +int Client::Write(const void* buffer, int sz) +{ + return sendData(*pimpl_->base_.ssl_, buffer, sz); +} + + +int Client::Read(void* buffer, int sz) +{ + Data data(min(sz, MAX_RECORD_SIZE), static_cast<opaque*>(buffer)); + return receiveData(*pimpl_->base_.ssl_, data); +} + + +void Client::SetCA(const char* name) +{ + NewCopy(pimpl_->base_.ca_, name); +} + + +void Client::SetCert(const char* name) +{ + NewCopy(pimpl_->base_.cert_, name); +} + + +void Client::SetKey(const char* name) +{ + NewCopy(pimpl_->base_.key_, name); +} + + + +// Server Implementation +struct Server::ServerImpl { + Base base_; +}; + + +Server::Server() : pimpl_(new ServerImpl) +{} + + +Server::~Server() { delete pimpl_; } + + +int Server::Accept(SOCKET_T s) +{ + SetUpBase(pimpl_->base_, server_end, s); + return SSL_accept(pimpl_->base_.ssl_); +} + + +int Server::Write(const void* buffer, int sz) +{ + return sendData(*pimpl_->base_.ssl_, buffer, sz); +} + + +int Server::Read(void* buffer, int sz) +{ + Data data(min(sz, MAX_RECORD_SIZE), static_cast<opaque*>(buffer)); + return receiveData(*pimpl_->base_.ssl_, data); +} + + +void Server::SetCA(const char* name) +{ + NewCopy(pimpl_->base_.ca_, name); +} + + +void Server::SetCert(const char* name) +{ + NewCopy(pimpl_->base_.cert_, name); +} + + +void Server::SetKey(const char* name) +{ + NewCopy(pimpl_->base_.key_, name); +} + + + +} // namespace yaSSL diff --git a/extra/yassl/src/yassl_error.cpp b/extra/yassl/src/yassl_error.cpp index c53aef2068d..59113d7438c 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/src/yassl_error.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/src/yassl_error.cpp @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ #include "runtime.hpp" #include "yassl_error.hpp" +#include "error.hpp" // TaoCrypt error numbers namespace yaSSL { @@ -48,6 +49,184 @@ Library Error::get_lib() const } +void SetErrorString(YasslError error, char* buffer) +{ + using namespace TaoCrypt; + const int max = MAX_ERROR_SZ; // shorthand + + switch (error) { + + // yaSSL proper errors + case range_error : + strncpy(buffer, "buffer index error, out of range", max); + break; + + case realloc_error : + strncpy(buffer, "trying to realloc a fixed buffer", max); + break; + + case factory_error : + strncpy(buffer, "unknown factory create request", max); + break; + + case unknown_cipher : + strncpy(buffer, "trying to use an unknown cipher", max); + break; + + case prefix_error : + strncpy(buffer, "bad master secret derivation, prefix too big", max); + break; + + case record_layer : + strncpy(buffer, "record layer not ready yet", max); + break; + + case handshake_layer : + strncpy(buffer, "handshake layer not ready yet", max); + break; + + case out_of_order : + strncpy(buffer, "handshake message received in wrong order", max); + break; + + case bad_input : + strncpy(buffer, "bad cipher suite input", max); + break; + + case match_error : + strncpy(buffer, "unable to match a supported cipher suite", max); + break; + + case no_key_file : + strncpy(buffer, "the server needs a private key file", max); + break; + + case verify_error : + strncpy(buffer, "unable to verify peer checksum", max); + break; + + case send_error : + strncpy(buffer, "socket layer send error", max); + break; + + case receive_error : + strncpy(buffer, "socket layer receive error", max); + break; + + case certificate_error : + strncpy(buffer, "unable to proccess cerificate", max); + break; + + // TaoCrypt errors + case NO_ERROR : + strncpy(buffer, "not in error state", max); + break; + + case WINCRYPT_E : + strncpy(buffer, "bad wincrypt acquire", max); + break; + + case CRYPTGEN_E : + strncpy(buffer, "CryptGenRandom error", max); + break; + + case OPEN_RAN_E : + strncpy(buffer, "unable to use random device", max); + break; + + case READ_RAN_E : + strncpy(buffer, "unable to use random device", max); + break; + + case INTEGER_E : + strncpy(buffer, "ASN: bad DER Integer Header", max); + break; + + case SEQUENCE_E : + strncpy(buffer, "ASN: bad Sequence Header", max); + break; + + case SET_E : + strncpy(buffer, "ASN: bad Set Header", max); + break; + + case VERSION_E : + strncpy(buffer, "ASN: version length not 1", max); + break; + + case SIG_OID_E : + strncpy(buffer, "ASN: signature OID mismatch", max); + break; + + case BIT_STR_E : + strncpy(buffer, "ASN: bad BitString Header", max); + break; + + case UNKNOWN_OID_E : + strncpy(buffer, "ASN: unknown key OID type", max); + break; + + case OBJECT_ID_E : + strncpy(buffer, "ASN: bad Ojbect ID Header", max); + break; + + case TAG_NULL_E : + strncpy(buffer, "ASN: expected TAG NULL", max); + break; + + case EXPECT_0_E : + strncpy(buffer, "ASN: expected 0", max); + break; + + case OCTET_STR_E : + strncpy(buffer, "ASN: bad Octet String Header", max); + break; + + case TIME_E : + strncpy(buffer, "ASN: bad TIME", max); + break; + + case DATE_SZ_E : + strncpy(buffer, "ASN: bad Date Size", max); + break; + + case SIG_LEN_E : + strncpy(buffer, "ASN: bad Signature Length", max); + break; + + case UNKOWN_SIG_E : + strncpy(buffer, "ASN: unknown signature OID", max); + break; + + case UNKOWN_HASH_E : + strncpy(buffer, "ASN: unknown hash OID", max); + break; + + case DSA_SZ_E : + strncpy(buffer, "ASN: bad DSA r or s size", max); + break; + + case BEFORE_DATE_E : + strncpy(buffer, "ASN: before date in the future", max); + break; + + case AFTER_DATE_E : + strncpy(buffer, "ASN: after date in the past", max); + break; + + case SIG_CONFIRM_E : + strncpy(buffer, "ASN: bad self signature confirmation", max); + break; + + case SIG_OTHER_E : + strncpy(buffer, "ASN: bad other signature confirmation", max); + break; + + default : + strncpy(buffer, "unknown error number", max); + } +} + } // namespace yaSSL diff --git a/extra/yassl/src/yassl_imp.cpp b/extra/yassl/src/yassl_imp.cpp index 1d9db46816b..1d2d5396ea0 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/src/yassl_imp.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/src/yassl_imp.cpp @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ #include "asn.hpp" // provide crypto wrapper?? + namespace yaSSL { @@ -111,10 +112,14 @@ void ClientDiffieHellmanPublic::build(SSL& ssl) uint keyLength = dhClient.get_agreedKeyLength(); // pub and agree same alloc(keyLength, true); - dhClient.makeAgreement(dhServer.get_publicKey()); + dhClient.makeAgreement(dhServer.get_publicKey(), keyLength); c16toa(keyLength, Yc_); memcpy(Yc_ + KEY_OFFSET, dhClient.get_publicKey(), keyLength); + // because of encoding first byte might be zero, don't use it for preMaster + if (*dhClient.get_agreedKey() == 0) + ssl.set_preMaster(dhClient.get_agreedKey() + 1, keyLength - 1); + else ssl.set_preMaster(dhClient.get_agreedKey(), keyLength); } @@ -134,10 +139,10 @@ void DH_Server::build(SSL& ssl) const CertManager& cert = ssl.getCrypto().get_certManager(); if (ssl.getSecurity().get_parms().sig_algo_ == rsa_sa_algo) - auth.reset(new (ys) RSA(cert.get_privateKey(), + auth.reset(NEW_YS RSA(cert.get_privateKey(), cert.get_privateKeyLength(), false)); else { - auth.reset(new (ys) DSS(cert.get_privateKey(), + auth.reset(NEW_YS DSS(cert.get_privateKey(), cert.get_privateKeyLength(), false)); sigSz += DSS_ENCODED_EXTRA; } @@ -168,7 +173,7 @@ void DH_Server::build(SSL& ssl) byte hash[FINISHED_SZ]; MD5 md5; SHA sha; - signature_ = new (ys) byte[sigSz]; + signature_ = NEW_YS byte[sigSz]; const Connection& conn = ssl.getSecurity().get_connection(); // md5 @@ -199,7 +204,7 @@ void DH_Server::build(SSL& ssl) tmp.write(signature_, sigSz); // key message - keyMessage_ = new (ys) opaque[length_]; + keyMessage_ = NEW_YS opaque[length_]; memcpy(keyMessage_, tmp.get_buffer(), tmp.get_size()); } @@ -253,7 +258,7 @@ opaque* EncryptedPreMasterSecret::get_clientKey() const void EncryptedPreMasterSecret::alloc(int sz) { length_ = sz; - secret_ = new (ys) opaque[sz]; + secret_ = NEW_YS opaque[sz]; } @@ -269,10 +274,14 @@ void ClientDiffieHellmanPublic::read(SSL& ssl, input_buffer& input) ato16(tmp, keyLength); alloc(keyLength); - input.read(Yc_, length_); - dh.makeAgreement(Yc_); + input.read(Yc_, keyLength); + dh.makeAgreement(Yc_, keyLength); - ssl.set_preMaster(dh.get_agreedKey(), keyLength); + // because of encoding, first byte might be 0, don't use for preMaster + if (*dh.get_agreedKey() == 0) + ssl.set_preMaster(dh.get_agreedKey() + 1, dh.get_agreedKeyLength() - 1); + else + ssl.set_preMaster(dh.get_agreedKey(), dh.get_agreedKeyLength()); ssl.makeMasterSecret(); } @@ -303,7 +312,7 @@ opaque* ClientDiffieHellmanPublic::get_clientKey() const void ClientDiffieHellmanPublic::alloc(int sz, bool offset) { length_ = sz + (offset ? KEY_OFFSET : 0); - Yc_ = new (ys) opaque[length_]; + Yc_ = NEW_YS opaque[length_]; } @@ -348,7 +357,7 @@ void DH_Server::read(SSL& ssl, input_buffer& input) tmp[1] = input[AUTO]; ato16(tmp, length); - signature_ = new (ys) byte[length]; + signature_ = NEW_YS byte[length]; input.read(signature_, length); // verify signature @@ -386,7 +395,7 @@ void DH_Server::read(SSL& ssl, input_buffer& input) } // save input - ssl.useCrypto().SetDH(new (ys) DiffieHellman(parms_.get_p(), + ssl.useCrypto().SetDH(NEW_YS DiffieHellman(parms_.get_p(), parms_.get_pSize(), parms_.get_g(), parms_.get_gSize(), parms_.get_pub(), parms_.get_pubSize(), ssl.getCrypto().get_random())); @@ -438,7 +447,7 @@ void Parameters::SetSuites(ProtocolVersion pv) int i = 0; // available suites, best first // when adding more, make sure cipher_names is updated and - // MAX_CIPHER_LIST is big enough + // MAX_CIPHERS is big enough if (isTLS(pv)) { suites_[i++] = 0x00; @@ -510,13 +519,10 @@ void Parameters::SetCipherNames() for (int j = 0; j < suites; j++) { int index = suites_[j*2 + 1]; // every other suite is suite id - int len = strlen(cipher_names[index]); - memcpy(&cipher_list_[pos], cipher_names[index], len); - pos += len; - cipher_list_[pos++] = ':'; + int len = strlen(cipher_names[index]) + 1; + strncpy(cipher_list_[pos++], cipher_names[index], len); } - if (suites) - cipher_list_[--pos] = 0; + cipher_list_[pos][0] = 0; } @@ -928,7 +934,7 @@ void Data::Process(input_buffer& input, SSL& ssl) // read data if (dataSz) { input_buffer* data; - ssl.addData(data = new (ys) input_buffer(dataSz)); + ssl.addData(data = NEW_YS input_buffer(dataSz)); input.read(data->get_buffer(), dataSz); data->add_size(dataSz); @@ -1025,7 +1031,7 @@ void Certificate::Process(input_buffer& input, SSL& ssl) c24to32(tmp, cert_sz); x509* myCert; - cm.AddPeerCert(myCert = new (ys) x509(cert_sz)); + cm.AddPeerCert(myCert = NEW_YS x509(cert_sz)); input.read(myCert->use_buffer(), myCert->get_length()); list_sz -= cert_sz + CERT_HEADER; @@ -1111,21 +1117,21 @@ const opaque* ServerDHParams::get_pub() const opaque* ServerDHParams::alloc_p(int sz) { - p_ = new (ys) opaque[pSz_ = sz]; + p_ = NEW_YS opaque[pSz_ = sz]; return p_; } opaque* ServerDHParams::alloc_g(int sz) { - g_ = new (ys) opaque[gSz_ = sz]; + g_ = NEW_YS opaque[gSz_ = sz]; return g_; } opaque* ServerDHParams::alloc_pub(int sz) { - Ys_ = new (ys) opaque[pubSz_ = sz]; + Ys_ = NEW_YS opaque[pubSz_ = sz]; return Ys_; } @@ -1323,6 +1329,7 @@ input_buffer& operator>>(input_buffer& input, ClientHello& hello) // Compression hello.comp_len_ = input[AUTO]; + while (hello.comp_len_--) // ignore for now hello.compression_methods_ = CompressionMethod(input[AUTO]); return input; @@ -1537,7 +1544,7 @@ void CertificateRequest::Build() for (int j = 0; j < authCount; j++) { int sz = REQUEST_HEADER + MIN_DIS_SIZE; DistinguishedName dn; - certificate_authorities_.push_back(dn = new (ys) byte[sz]); + certificate_authorities_.push_back(dn = NEW_YS byte[sz]); opaque tmp[REQUEST_HEADER]; c16toa(MIN_DIS_SIZE, tmp); @@ -1584,7 +1591,7 @@ input_buffer& operator>>(input_buffer& input, CertificateRequest& request) ato16(tmp, dnSz); DistinguishedName dn; - request.certificate_authorities_.push_back(dn = new (ys) + request.certificate_authorities_.push_back(dn = NEW_YS byte[REQUEST_HEADER + dnSz]); memcpy(dn, tmp, REQUEST_HEADER); input.read(&dn[REQUEST_HEADER], dnSz); @@ -1630,7 +1637,11 @@ output_buffer& operator<<(output_buffer& output, // CertificateRequest processing handler void CertificateRequest::Process(input_buffer&, SSL& ssl) { - ssl.useCrypto().use_certManager().setSendVerify(); + CertManager& cm = ssl.useCrypto().use_certManager(); + + // make sure user provided cert and key before sending and using + if (cm.get_cert() && cm.get_privateKey()) + cm.setSendVerify(); } @@ -1665,7 +1676,7 @@ void CertificateVerify::Build(SSL& ssl) RSA rsa(cert.get_privateKey(), cert.get_privateKeyLength(), false); sz = rsa.get_cipherLength() + VERIFY_HEADER; - sig.reset(new (ys) byte[sz]); + sig.reset(NEW_YS byte[sz]); c16toa(sz - VERIFY_HEADER, len); memcpy(sig.get(), len, VERIFY_HEADER); @@ -1676,7 +1687,7 @@ void CertificateVerify::Build(SSL& ssl) DSS dss(cert.get_privateKey(), cert.get_privateKeyLength(), false); sz = DSS_SIG_SZ + DSS_ENCODED_EXTRA + VERIFY_HEADER; - sig.reset(new (ys) byte[sz]); + sig.reset(NEW_YS byte[sz]); c16toa(sz - VERIFY_HEADER, len); memcpy(sig.get(), len, VERIFY_HEADER); @@ -1714,7 +1725,7 @@ input_buffer& operator>>(input_buffer& input, CertificateVerify& request) ato16(tmp, sz); request.set_length(sz); - request.signature_ = new (ys) byte[sz]; + request.signature_ = NEW_YS byte[sz]; input.read(request.signature_, sz); return input; @@ -1975,7 +1986,7 @@ Connection::~Connection() void Connection::AllocPreSecret(uint sz) { - pre_master_secret_ = new (ys) opaque[pre_secret_len_ = sz]; + pre_master_secret_ = NEW_YS opaque[pre_secret_len_ = sz]; } @@ -2011,35 +2022,35 @@ void Connection::CleanPreMaster() // Create functions for message factory -Message* CreateCipherSpec() { return new (ys) ChangeCipherSpec; } -Message* CreateAlert() { return new (ys) Alert; } -Message* CreateHandShake() { return new (ys) HandShakeHeader; } -Message* CreateData() { return new (ys) Data; } +Message* CreateCipherSpec() { return NEW_YS ChangeCipherSpec; } +Message* CreateAlert() { return NEW_YS Alert; } +Message* CreateHandShake() { return NEW_YS HandShakeHeader; } +Message* CreateData() { return NEW_YS Data; } // Create functions for handshake factory -HandShakeBase* CreateHelloRequest() { return new (ys) HelloRequest; } -HandShakeBase* CreateClientHello() { return new (ys) ClientHello; } -HandShakeBase* CreateServerHello() { return new (ys) ServerHello; } -HandShakeBase* CreateCertificate() { return new (ys) Certificate; } -HandShakeBase* CreateServerKeyExchange() { return new (ys) ServerKeyExchange;} -HandShakeBase* CreateCertificateRequest() { return new (ys) +HandShakeBase* CreateHelloRequest() { return NEW_YS HelloRequest; } +HandShakeBase* CreateClientHello() { return NEW_YS ClientHello; } +HandShakeBase* CreateServerHello() { return NEW_YS ServerHello; } +HandShakeBase* CreateCertificate() { return NEW_YS Certificate; } +HandShakeBase* CreateServerKeyExchange() { return NEW_YS ServerKeyExchange;} +HandShakeBase* CreateCertificateRequest() { return NEW_YS CertificateRequest; } -HandShakeBase* CreateServerHelloDone() { return new (ys) ServerHelloDone; } -HandShakeBase* CreateCertificateVerify() { return new (ys) CertificateVerify;} -HandShakeBase* CreateClientKeyExchange() { return new (ys) ClientKeyExchange;} -HandShakeBase* CreateFinished() { return new (ys) Finished; } +HandShakeBase* CreateServerHelloDone() { return NEW_YS ServerHelloDone; } +HandShakeBase* CreateCertificateVerify() { return NEW_YS CertificateVerify;} +HandShakeBase* CreateClientKeyExchange() { return NEW_YS ClientKeyExchange;} +HandShakeBase* CreateFinished() { return NEW_YS Finished; } // Create functions for server key exchange factory -ServerKeyBase* CreateRSAServerKEA() { return new (ys) RSA_Server; } -ServerKeyBase* CreateDHServerKEA() { return new (ys) DH_Server; } -ServerKeyBase* CreateFortezzaServerKEA() { return new (ys) Fortezza_Server; } +ServerKeyBase* CreateRSAServerKEA() { return NEW_YS RSA_Server; } +ServerKeyBase* CreateDHServerKEA() { return NEW_YS DH_Server; } +ServerKeyBase* CreateFortezzaServerKEA() { return NEW_YS Fortezza_Server; } // Create functions for client key exchange factory -ClientKeyBase* CreateRSAClient() { return new (ys) +ClientKeyBase* CreateRSAClient() { return NEW_YS EncryptedPreMasterSecret; } -ClientKeyBase* CreateDHClient() { return new (ys) +ClientKeyBase* CreateDHClient() { return NEW_YS ClientDiffieHellmanPublic; } -ClientKeyBase* CreateFortezzaClient() { return new (ys) FortezzaKeys; } +ClientKeyBase* CreateFortezzaClient() { return NEW_YS FortezzaKeys; } // Constructor calls this to Register compile time callbacks diff --git a/extra/yassl/src/yassl_int.cpp b/extra/yassl/src/yassl_int.cpp index 87d990b3506..396461a6ed5 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/src/yassl_int.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/src/yassl_int.cpp @@ -31,40 +31,41 @@ #include "openssl/ssl.h" // for DH -void* operator new(size_t sz, yaSSL::new_t) -{ #ifdef YASSL_PURE_C + + void* operator new(size_t sz, yaSSL::new_t) + { void* ptr = malloc(sz ? sz : 1); if (!ptr) abort(); return ptr; -#else - return ::operator new(sz); -#endif -} + } -void operator delete(void* ptr, yaSSL::new_t) -{ -#ifdef YASSL_PURE_C + void operator delete(void* ptr, yaSSL::new_t) + { if (ptr) free(ptr); -#else - ::operator delete(ptr); -#endif -} + } -void* operator new[](size_t sz, yaSSL::new_t nt) -{ + void* operator new[](size_t sz, yaSSL::new_t nt) + { return ::operator new(sz, nt); -} + } -void operator delete[](void* ptr, yaSSL::new_t nt) -{ + void operator delete[](void* ptr, yaSSL::new_t nt) + { ::operator delete(ptr, nt); -} + } + + namespace yaSSL { + + new_t ys; // for yaSSL library new + + } +#endif // YASSL_PURE_C namespace yaSSL { @@ -72,7 +73,6 @@ namespace yaSSL { using mySTL::min; -new_t ys; // for yaSSL library new @@ -286,6 +286,8 @@ SSL::SSL(SSL_CTX* ctx) if (ctx->getMethod()->verifyPeer()) cm.setVerifyPeer(); + if (ctx->getMethod()->verifyNone()) + cm.setVerifyNone(); if (ctx->getMethod()->failNoCert()) cm.setFailNoCert(); @@ -321,8 +323,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.key_size_ = AES_256_KEY_SZ; parms.iv_size_ = AES_BLOCK_SZ; parms.cipher_type_ = block; - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) SHA); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) AES(AES_256_KEY_SZ)); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS SHA); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS AES(AES_256_KEY_SZ)); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA], MAX_SUITE_NAME); break; @@ -335,8 +337,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.key_size_ = AES_128_KEY_SZ; parms.iv_size_ = AES_BLOCK_SZ; parms.cipher_type_ = block; - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) SHA); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) AES); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS SHA); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS AES); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA], MAX_SUITE_NAME); break; @@ -349,8 +351,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.key_size_ = DES_EDE_KEY_SZ; parms.iv_size_ = DES_IV_SZ; parms.cipher_type_ = block; - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) SHA); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) DES_EDE); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS SHA); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS DES_EDE); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA] , MAX_SUITE_NAME); break; @@ -363,8 +365,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.key_size_ = DES_KEY_SZ; parms.iv_size_ = DES_IV_SZ; parms.cipher_type_ = block; - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) SHA); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) DES); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS SHA); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS DES); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[SSL_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA], MAX_SUITE_NAME); break; @@ -377,8 +379,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.key_size_ = RC4_KEY_SZ; parms.iv_size_ = 0; parms.cipher_type_ = stream; - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) SHA); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) RC4); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS SHA); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS RC4); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA], MAX_SUITE_NAME); break; @@ -391,8 +393,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.key_size_ = RC4_KEY_SZ; parms.iv_size_ = 0; parms.cipher_type_ = stream; - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) MD5); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) RC4); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS MD5); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS RC4); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5], MAX_SUITE_NAME); break; @@ -407,8 +409,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.iv_size_ = DES_IV_SZ; parms.cipher_type_ = block; secure_.use_connection().send_server_key_ = true; // eph - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) SHA); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) DES); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS SHA); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS DES); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[SSL_DHE_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA], MAX_SUITE_NAME); break; @@ -423,8 +425,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.iv_size_ = DES_IV_SZ; parms.cipher_type_ = block; secure_.use_connection().send_server_key_ = true; // eph - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) SHA); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) DES_EDE); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS SHA); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS DES_EDE); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[SSL_DHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA], MAX_SUITE_NAME); break; @@ -439,8 +441,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.iv_size_ = AES_BLOCK_SZ; parms.cipher_type_ = block; secure_.use_connection().send_server_key_ = true; // eph - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) SHA); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) AES(AES_256_KEY_SZ)); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS SHA); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS AES(AES_256_KEY_SZ)); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA], MAX_SUITE_NAME); break; @@ -455,8 +457,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.iv_size_ = AES_BLOCK_SZ; parms.cipher_type_ = block; secure_.use_connection().send_server_key_ = true; // eph - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) SHA); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) AES); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS SHA); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS AES); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA], MAX_SUITE_NAME); break; @@ -471,8 +473,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.iv_size_ = DES_IV_SZ; parms.cipher_type_ = block; secure_.use_connection().send_server_key_ = true; // eph - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) SHA); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) DES); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS SHA); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS DES); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[SSL_DHE_DSS_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA], MAX_SUITE_NAME); break; @@ -487,8 +489,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.iv_size_ = DES_IV_SZ; parms.cipher_type_ = block; secure_.use_connection().send_server_key_ = true; // eph - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) SHA); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) DES_EDE); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS SHA); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS DES_EDE); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[SSL_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA], MAX_SUITE_NAME); break; @@ -503,8 +505,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.iv_size_ = AES_BLOCK_SZ; parms.cipher_type_ = block; secure_.use_connection().send_server_key_ = true; // eph - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) SHA); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) AES(AES_256_KEY_SZ)); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS SHA); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS AES(AES_256_KEY_SZ)); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA], MAX_SUITE_NAME); break; @@ -519,8 +521,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.iv_size_ = AES_BLOCK_SZ; parms.cipher_type_ = block; secure_.use_connection().send_server_key_ = true; // eph - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) SHA); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) AES); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS SHA); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS AES); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA], MAX_SUITE_NAME); break; @@ -533,8 +535,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.key_size_ = AES_256_KEY_SZ; parms.iv_size_ = AES_BLOCK_SZ; parms.cipher_type_ = block; - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) RMD); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) AES(AES_256_KEY_SZ)); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS RMD); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS AES(AES_256_KEY_SZ)); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_RMD160], MAX_SUITE_NAME); break; @@ -547,8 +549,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.key_size_ = AES_128_KEY_SZ; parms.iv_size_ = AES_BLOCK_SZ; parms.cipher_type_ = block; - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) RMD); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) AES); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS RMD); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS AES); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_RMD160], MAX_SUITE_NAME); break; @@ -561,8 +563,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.key_size_ = DES_EDE_KEY_SZ; parms.iv_size_ = DES_IV_SZ; parms.cipher_type_ = block; - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) RMD); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) DES_EDE); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS RMD); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS DES_EDE); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_RMD160], MAX_SUITE_NAME); break; @@ -577,8 +579,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.iv_size_ = DES_IV_SZ; parms.cipher_type_ = block; secure_.use_connection().send_server_key_ = true; // eph - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) RMD); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) DES_EDE); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS RMD); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS DES_EDE); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_RMD160], MAX_SUITE_NAME); @@ -594,8 +596,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.iv_size_ = AES_BLOCK_SZ; parms.cipher_type_ = block; secure_.use_connection().send_server_key_ = true; // eph - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) RMD); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) AES(AES_256_KEY_SZ)); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS RMD); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS AES(AES_256_KEY_SZ)); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_RMD160], MAX_SUITE_NAME); @@ -611,8 +613,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.iv_size_ = AES_BLOCK_SZ; parms.cipher_type_ = block; secure_.use_connection().send_server_key_ = true; // eph - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) RMD); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) AES); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS RMD); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS AES); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_RMD160], MAX_SUITE_NAME); @@ -628,8 +630,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.iv_size_ = DES_IV_SZ; parms.cipher_type_ = block; secure_.use_connection().send_server_key_ = true; // eph - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) RMD); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) DES_EDE); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS RMD); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS DES_EDE); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_RMD160], MAX_SUITE_NAME); @@ -645,8 +647,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.iv_size_ = AES_BLOCK_SZ; parms.cipher_type_ = block; secure_.use_connection().send_server_key_ = true; // eph - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) RMD); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) AES(AES_256_KEY_SZ)); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS RMD); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS AES(AES_256_KEY_SZ)); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_256_CBC_RMD160], MAX_SUITE_NAME); @@ -662,8 +664,8 @@ void SSL::set_pending(Cipher suite) parms.iv_size_ = AES_BLOCK_SZ; parms.cipher_type_ = block; secure_.use_connection().send_server_key_ = true; // eph - crypto_.setDigest(new (ys) RMD); - crypto_.setCipher(new (ys) AES); + crypto_.setDigest(NEW_YS RMD); + crypto_.setCipher(NEW_YS AES); strncpy(parms.cipher_name_, cipher_names[TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_AES_128_CBC_RMD160], MAX_SUITE_NAME); @@ -830,7 +832,7 @@ void SSL::deriveKeys() int length = 2 * secure_.get_parms().hash_size_ + 2 * secure_.get_parms().key_size_ + 2 * secure_.get_parms().iv_size_; - int rounds = length / MD5_LEN + ((length % MD5_LEN) ? 1 : 0); + int rounds = (length + MD5_LEN - 1 ) / MD5_LEN; input_buffer key_data(rounds * MD5_LEN); opaque sha_output[SHA_LEN]; @@ -1366,17 +1368,16 @@ static Sessions* sessionsInstance = 0; Sessions& GetSessions() { if (!sessionsInstance) - sessionsInstance = new (ys) Sessions; + sessionsInstance = NEW_YS Sessions; return *sessionsInstance; } static sslFactory* sslFactoryInstance = 0; -sslFactory& GetSSL_Factory() -{ +sslFactory& GetSSL_Factory(){ if (!sslFactoryInstance) - sslFactoryInstance = new (ys) sslFactory; + sslFactoryInstance = NEW_YS sslFactory; return *sslFactoryInstance; } @@ -1395,7 +1396,7 @@ typedef Mutex::Lock Lock; void Sessions::add(const SSL& ssl) { Lock guard(mutex_); - list_.push_back(new (ys) SSL_SESSION(ssl, random_)); + list_.push_back(NEW_YS SSL_SESSION(ssl, random_)); } @@ -1462,7 +1463,8 @@ void Sessions::remove(const opaque* id) SSL_METHOD::SSL_METHOD(ConnectionEnd ce, ProtocolVersion pv) - : version_(pv), side_(ce), verifyPeer_(false), failNoCert_(false) + : version_(pv), side_(ce), verifyPeer_(false), verifyNone_(false), + failNoCert_(false) {} @@ -1484,6 +1486,12 @@ void SSL_METHOD::setVerifyPeer() } +void SSL_METHOD::setVerifyNone() +{ + verifyNone_ = true; +} + + void SSL_METHOD::setFailNoCert() { failNoCert_ = true; @@ -1496,6 +1504,12 @@ bool SSL_METHOD::verifyPeer() const } +bool SSL_METHOD::verifyNone() const +{ + return verifyNone_; +} + + bool SSL_METHOD::failNoCert() const { return failNoCert_; @@ -1572,6 +1586,12 @@ void SSL_CTX::setVerifyPeer() } +void SSL_CTX::setVerifyNone() +{ + method_->setVerifyNone(); +} + + void SSL_CTX::setFailNoCert() { method_->setFailNoCert(); @@ -1794,7 +1814,7 @@ void Crypto::SetDH(DiffieHellman* dh) void Crypto::SetDH(const DH_Parms& dh) { if (dh.set_) - dh_ = new (ys) DiffieHellman(dh.p_, dh.g_, random_); + dh_ = NEW_YS DiffieHellman(dh.p_, dh.g_, random_); } @@ -1961,7 +1981,7 @@ X509_NAME::X509_NAME(const char* n, size_t sz) : name_(0) { if (sz) { - name_ = new (ys) char[sz]; + name_ = NEW_YS char[sz]; memcpy(name_, n, sz); } } diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/Makefile.am b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/Makefile.am index e882f7bafe6..859c704e9d5 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/Makefile.am +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/Makefile.am @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -SUBDIRS = src +SUBDIRS = src test benchmark EXTRA_DIST = taocrypt.dsw taocrypt.dsp taocrypt.vcproj cmakelists.txt diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/benchmark/Makefile.am b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/benchmark/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..81200ff7e6a --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/benchmark/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +INCLUDES = -I../include -I../../mySTL +bin_PROGRAMS = benchmark +benchmark_SOURCES = benchmark.cpp +benchmark_LDFLAGS = -L../src +benchmark_LDADD = -ltaocrypt +benchmark_CXXFLAGS = -DYASSL_PURE_C +benchmark_DEPENDENCIES = ../src/libtaocrypt.la +EXTRA_DIST = benchmark.dsp rsa1024.der dh1024.der dsa1024.der make.bat diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/benchmark/benchmark.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/benchmark/benchmark.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..bb725a90187 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/benchmark/benchmark.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,440 @@ +// benchmark.cpp +// TaoCrypt benchmark + +#include <string.h> +#include <stdio.h> + +#include "runtime.hpp" +#include "des.hpp" +#include "aes.hpp" +#include "twofish.hpp" +#include "blowfish.hpp" +#include "arc4.hpp" +#include "md5.hpp" +#include "sha.hpp" +#include "ripemd.hpp" +#include "rsa.hpp" +#include "dh.hpp" +#include "dsa.hpp" + + +using namespace TaoCrypt; + +void bench_aes(bool show); +void bench_des(); +void bench_blowfish(); +void bench_twofish(); +void bench_arc4(); + +void bench_md5(); +void bench_sha(); +void bench_ripemd(); + +void bench_rsa(); +void bench_dh(); +void bench_dsa(); + +double current_time(); + + + + +int main(int argc, char** argv) +{ + bench_aes(false); + bench_aes(true); + bench_blowfish(); + bench_twofish(); + bench_arc4(); + bench_des(); + + printf("\n"); + + bench_md5(); + bench_sha(); + bench_ripemd(); + + printf("\n"); + + bench_rsa(); + bench_dh(); + bench_dsa(); + + return 0; +} + +const int megs = 5; // how much to test + +const byte key[] = +{ + 0x01,0x23,0x45,0x67,0x89,0xab,0xcd,0xef, + 0xfe,0xde,0xba,0x98,0x76,0x54,0x32,0x10, + 0x89,0xab,0xcd,0xef,0x01,0x23,0x45,0x67 +}; + +const byte iv[] = +{ + 0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78,0x90,0xab,0xcd,0xef, + 0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01, + 0x11,0x21,0x31,0x41,0x51,0x61,0x71,0x81 + +}; + + +byte plain [1024*1024]; +byte cipher[1024*1024]; + + +void bench_des() +{ + DES_EDE3_CBC_Encryption enc; + enc.SetKey(key, 16, iv); + + double start = current_time(); + + for(int i = 0; i < megs; i++) + enc.Process(plain, cipher, sizeof(plain)); + + double total = current_time() - start; + + double persec = 1 / total * megs; + + printf("3DES %d megs took %5.3f seconds, %5.2f MB/s\n", megs, total, + persec); +} + + +void bench_aes(bool show) +{ + AES_CBC_Encryption enc; + enc.SetKey(key, 16, iv); + + double start = current_time(); + + for(int i = 0; i < megs; i++) + enc.Process(plain, cipher, sizeof(plain)); + + double total = current_time() - start; + + double persec = 1 / total * megs; + + if (show) + printf("AES %d megs took %5.3f seconds, %5.2f MB/s\n", megs, total, + persec); +} + + +void bench_twofish() +{ + Twofish_CBC_Encryption enc; + enc.SetKey(key, 16, iv); + + double start = current_time(); + + for(int i = 0; i < megs; i++) + enc.Process(plain, cipher, sizeof(plain)); + + double total = current_time() - start; + + double persec = 1 / total * megs; + + printf("Twofish %d megs took %5.3f seconds, %5.2f MB/s\n", megs, total, + persec); + +} + + +void bench_blowfish() +{ + Blowfish_CBC_Encryption enc; + enc.SetKey(key, 16, iv); + + double start = current_time(); + + for(int i = 0; i < megs; i++) + enc.Process(plain, cipher, sizeof(plain)); + + double total = current_time() - start; + + double persec = 1 / total * megs; + + printf("Blowfish %d megs took %5.3f seconds, %5.2f MB/s\n", megs, total, + persec); +} + + +void bench_arc4() +{ + ARC4 enc; + enc.SetKey(key, 16); + + double start = current_time(); + + for(int i = 0; i < megs; i++) + enc.Process(cipher, plain, sizeof(plain)); + + double total = current_time() - start; + + double persec = 1 / total * megs; + + printf("ARC4 %d megs took %5.3f seconds, %5.2f MB/s\n", megs, total, + persec); +} + + +void bench_md5() +{ + MD5 hash; + byte digest[MD5::DIGEST_SIZE]; + + double start = current_time(); + + + for(int i = 0; i < megs; i++) + hash.Update(plain, sizeof(plain)); + + hash.Final(digest); + + double total = current_time() - start; + + double persec = 1 / total * megs; + + printf("MD5 %d megs took %5.3f seconds, %5.2f MB/s\n", megs, total, + persec); +} + + +void bench_sha() +{ + SHA hash; + byte digest[SHA::DIGEST_SIZE]; + + double start = current_time(); + + + for(int i = 0; i < megs; i++) + hash.Update(plain, sizeof(plain)); + + hash.Final(digest); + + /* + for(int i = 0; i < megs; i++) + hash.AsmTransform(plain, 16384); + */ + + + double total = current_time() - start; + + double persec = 1 / total * megs; + + printf("SHA %d megs took %5.3f seconds, %5.2f MB/s\n", megs, total, + persec); +} + + +void bench_ripemd() +{ + RIPEMD160 hash; + byte digest[RIPEMD160::DIGEST_SIZE]; + + double start = current_time(); + + + for(int i = 0; i < megs; i++) + hash.Update(plain, sizeof(plain)); + + hash.Final(digest); + + double total = current_time() - start; + + double persec = 1 / total * megs; + + printf("RIPEMD %d megs took %5.3f seconds, %5.2f MB/s\n", megs, total, + persec); +} + +RandomNumberGenerator rng; + +void bench_rsa() +{ + const int times = 100; + + Source source; + FileSource("./rsa1024.der", source); + + if (source.size() == 0) { + printf("can't find ./rsa1024.der\n"); + return; + } + RSA_PrivateKey priv(source); + RSAES_Encryptor enc(priv); + + byte message[] = "Everyone gets Friday off."; + byte cipher[128]; // for 1024 bit + byte plain[128]; // for 1024 bit + const int len = strlen((char*)message); + + int i; + double start = current_time(); + + for (i = 0; i < times; i++) + enc.Encrypt(message, len, cipher, rng); + + double total = current_time() - start; + double each = total / times; // per second + double milliEach = each * 1000; // milliseconds + + printf("RSA 1024 encryption took %6.2f milliseconds, avg over %d" + " iterations\n", milliEach, times); + + RSAES_Decryptor dec(priv); + + start = current_time(); + + for (i = 0; i < times; i++) + dec.Decrypt(cipher, 128, plain, rng); + + total = current_time() - start; + each = total / times; // per second + milliEach = each * 1000; // milliseconds + + printf("RSA 1024 decryption took %6.2f milliseconds, avg over %d" + " iterations\n", milliEach, times); +} + + +void bench_dh() +{ + const int times = 100; + + Source source; + FileSource("./dh1024.der", source); + + if (source.size() == 0) { + printf("can't find ./dh1024.der\n"); + return; + } + DH dh(source); + + byte pub[128]; // for 1024 bit + byte priv[128]; // for 1024 bit + + int i; + double start = current_time(); + + for (i = 0; i < times; i++) + dh.GenerateKeyPair(rng, priv, pub); + + double total = current_time() - start; + double each = total / times; // per second + double milliEach = each * 1000; // milliseconds + + printf("DH 1024 key generation %6.2f milliseconds, avg over %d" + " iterations\n", milliEach, times); + + DH dh2(dh); + byte pub2[128]; // for 1024 bit + byte priv2[128]; // for 1024 bit + dh2.GenerateKeyPair(rng, priv2, pub2); + unsigned char key[256]; + + start = current_time(); + + for (i = 0; i < times; i++) + dh.Agree(key, priv, pub2); + + total = current_time() - start; + each = total / times; // per second + milliEach = each * 1000; // in milliseconds + + printf("DH 1024 key agreement %6.2f milliseconds, avg over %d" + " iterations\n", milliEach, times); +} + +void bench_dsa() +{ + const int times = 100; + + Source source; + FileSource("./dsa1024.der", source); + + if (source.size() == 0) { + printf("can't find ./dsa1024.der\n"); + return; + } + + DSA_PrivateKey key(source); + DSA_Signer signer(key); + + SHA sha; + byte digest[SHA::DIGEST_SIZE]; + byte signature[40]; + const char msg[] = "this is the message"; + sha.Update((byte*)msg, sizeof(msg)); + sha.Final(digest); + + int i; + double start = current_time(); + + for (i = 0; i < times; i++) + signer.Sign(digest, signature, rng); + + double total = current_time() - start; + double each = total / times; // per second + double milliEach = each * 1000; // milliseconds + + printf("DSA 1024 sign took %6.2f milliseconds, avg over %d" + " iterations\n", milliEach, times); + + DSA_Verifier verifier(key); + + start = current_time(); + + for (i = 0; i < times; i++) + verifier.Verify(digest, signature); + + total = current_time() - start; + each = total / times; // per second + milliEach = each * 1000; // in milliseconds + + printf("DSA 1024 verify took %6.2f milliseconds, avg over %d" + " iterations\n", milliEach, times); +} + + + +#ifdef _WIN32 + + #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN + #include <windows.h> + + double current_time() + { + static bool init(false); + static LARGE_INTEGER freq; + + if (!init) { + QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freq); + init = true; + } + + LARGE_INTEGER count; + QueryPerformanceCounter(&count); + + return static_cast<double>(count.QuadPart) / freq.QuadPart; + } + +#else + + #include <sys/time.h> + + double current_time() + { + struct timeval tv; + gettimeofday(&tv, 0); + + return static_cast<double>(tv.tv_sec) + + static_cast<double>(tv.tv_usec) / 1000000; + } + +#endif // _WIN32 diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/benchmark/benchmark.dsp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/benchmark/benchmark.dsp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ed8fef316bb --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/benchmark/benchmark.dsp @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="benchmark" - Package Owner=<4> +# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00 +# ** DO NOT EDIT ** + +# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Console Application" 0x0103 + +CFG=benchmark - Win32 Debug +!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, +!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "benchmark.mak". +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE +!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "benchmark.mak" CFG="benchmark - Win32 Debug" +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE "benchmark - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") +!MESSAGE "benchmark - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") +!MESSAGE + +# Begin Project +# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0 +# PROP Scc_ProjName "" +# PROP Scc_LocalPath "" +CPP=cl.exe +RSC=rc.exe + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "benchmark - Win32 Release" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "benchmark___Win32_Release" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "benchmark___Win32_Release" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP Output_Dir "Release" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /I "..\include" /I "..\..\mySTL" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 +# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "benchmark - Win32 Debug" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "benchmark___Win32_Debug" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "benchmark___Win32_Debug" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP Output_Dir "Debug" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug" +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /GZ /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /I "..\include" /I "..\..\mySTL" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /GZ /c +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept +# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept + +!ENDIF + +# Begin Target + +# Name "benchmark - Win32 Release" +# Name "benchmark - Win32 Debug" +# Begin Group "Source Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\benchmark.cpp +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "Header Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl" +# End Group +# Begin Group "Resource Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe" +# End Group +# End Target +# End Project diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/benchmark/dh1024.der b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/benchmark/dh1024.der Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1a85d90f3f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/benchmark/dh1024.der diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/benchmark/dsa1024.der b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/benchmark/dsa1024.der Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000000..1fcb37fad6a --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/benchmark/dsa1024.der diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/benchmark/make.bat b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/benchmark/make.bat new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..63391578cfa --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/benchmark/make.bat @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# quick and dirty build file for testing different MSDEVs +setlocal + +set myFLAGS= /I../include /I../../mySTL /c /W3 /G6 /O2 +#set myFLAGS= /I../include /I../../mySTL /c /W3 + +cl %myFLAGS% benchmark.cpp + +link.exe /out:benchmark.exe ../src/taocrypt.lib benchmark.obj + diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/benchmark/rsa1024.der b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/benchmark/rsa1024.der Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8fc91814472 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/benchmark/rsa1024.der diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/aes.hpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/aes.hpp index b8436d35c5f..e2c1a34b0e3 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/aes.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/aes.hpp @@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ #ifndef TAO_CRYPT_AES_HPP #define TAO_CRYPT_AES_HPP -#include <string.h> #include "misc.hpp" #include "modes.hpp" -#include "block.hpp" + namespace TaoCrypt { + enum { AES_BLOCK_SIZE = 16 }; @@ -45,32 +45,38 @@ public: : Mode_BASE(BLOCK_SIZE), dir_(DIR), mode_(MODE) {} void Process(byte*, const byte*, word32); - void SetKey(const byte* iv, word32 sz, CipherDir fake = ENCRYPTION); - - void ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte*, const byte*, byte*) const; + void SetKey(const byte* key, word32 sz, CipherDir fake = ENCRYPTION); + void SetIV(const byte* iv) { memcpy(r_, iv, BLOCK_SIZE); } private: CipherDir dir_; Mode mode_; - static const word32 Te0[256]; - static const word32 Te1[256]; - static const word32 Te2[256]; - static const word32 Te3[256]; - static const word32 Te4[256]; - - static const word32 Td0[256]; - static const word32 Td1[256]; - static const word32 Td2[256]; - static const word32 Td3[256]; - static const word32 Td4[256]; - static const word32 rcon_[]; word32 rounds_; - Word32Block key_; + word32 key_[60]; // max size + + static const word32 Te[5][256]; + static const word32 Td[5][256]; + + static const word32* Te0; + static const word32* Te1; + static const word32* Te2; + static const word32* Te3; + static const word32* Te4; + + static const word32* Td0; + static const word32* Td1; + static const word32* Td2; + static const word32* Td3; + static const word32* Td4; void encrypt(const byte*, const byte*, byte*) const; + void AsmEncrypt(const byte*, byte*, void*) const; void decrypt(const byte*, const byte*, byte*) const; + void AsmDecrypt(const byte*, byte*, void*) const; + + void ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte*, const byte*, byte*) const; AES(const AES&); // hide copy AES& operator=(const AES&); // and assign diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/arc4.hpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/arc4.hpp index c919c8ea2ae..c37b89fb294 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/arc4.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/arc4.hpp @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ public: ARC4() {} void Process(byte*, const byte*, word32); + void AsmProcess(byte*, const byte*, word32); void SetKey(const byte*, word32); private: byte x_; diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/asn.hpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/asn.hpp index 14fcf22d843..6a1163fbb1c 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/asn.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/asn.hpp @@ -232,7 +232,12 @@ enum KeyType { DSAk = 515, RSAk = 645 }; // sums of algo OID // an x509v Certificate BER Decoder class CertDecoder : public BER_Decoder { public: - explicit CertDecoder(Source&, bool decode = true, SignerList* = 0); + enum DateType { BEFORE, AFTER }; + enum NameType { ISSUER, SUBJECT }; + enum CertType { CA, USER }; + + explicit CertDecoder(Source&, bool decode = true, SignerList* sl = 0, + bool noVerify = false, CertType ct = USER); ~CertDecoder(); const PublicKey& GetPublicKey() const { return key_; } @@ -242,9 +247,6 @@ public: const byte* GetHash() const { return subjectHash_; } void DecodeToKey(); - - enum DateType { BEFORE, AFTER }; - enum NameType { ISSUER, SUBJECT }; private: PublicKey key_; word32 certBegin_; // offset to start of cert @@ -257,9 +259,10 @@ private: byte* signature_; char* issuer_; // CommonName char* subject_; // CommonName + bool verify_; // Default to yes, but could be off void ReadHeader(); - void Decode(SignerList*); + void Decode(SignerList*, CertType); void StoreKey(); void AddDSA(); bool ValidateSelfSignature(); diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/block.hpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/block.hpp index ee00ad7487f..4c262e1a540 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/block.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/block.hpp @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public: CheckSize(n); if (n == 0) return 0; - return new (tc) T[n]; + return NEW_TC T[n]; } void deallocate(void* p, size_type n) diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/blowfish.hpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/blowfish.hpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..7d794a37329 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/blowfish.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +/* blowfish.hpp + * + * Copyright (C) 2003 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd. + * + * This file is part of yaSSL. + * + * yaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * yaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA + */ + +/* blowfish.hpp defines Blowfish +*/ + + +#ifndef TAO_CRYPT_BLOWFISH_HPP +#define TAO_CRYPT_BLOWFISH_HPP + +#include "misc.hpp" +#include "modes.hpp" +#include "algorithm.hpp" + +namespace TaoCrypt { + +enum { BLOWFISH_BLOCK_SIZE = 8 }; + + +// Blowfish encryption and decryption, see +class Blowfish : public Mode_BASE { +public: + enum { BLOCK_SIZE = BLOWFISH_BLOCK_SIZE, ROUNDS = 16 }; + + Blowfish(CipherDir DIR, Mode MODE) + : Mode_BASE(BLOCK_SIZE), dir_(DIR), mode_(MODE) {} + + void Process(byte*, const byte*, word32); + void SetKey(const byte* key, word32 sz, CipherDir fake = ENCRYPTION); + void SetIV(const byte* iv) { memcpy(r_, iv, BLOCK_SIZE); } +private: + CipherDir dir_; + Mode mode_; + + static const word32 p_init_[ROUNDS + 2]; + static const word32 s_init_[4 * 256]; + + word32 pbox_[ROUNDS + 2]; + word32 sbox_[4 * 256]; + + void crypt_block(const word32 in[2], word32 out[2]) const; + void AsmProcess(const byte* in, byte* out) const; + void ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte*, const byte*, byte*) const; + + Blowfish(const Blowfish&); // hide copy + Blowfish& operator=(const Blowfish&); // and assign +}; + + +typedef BlockCipher<ENCRYPTION, Blowfish, ECB> Blowfish_ECB_Encryption; +typedef BlockCipher<DECRYPTION, Blowfish, ECB> Blowfish_ECB_Decryption; + +typedef BlockCipher<ENCRYPTION, Blowfish, CBC> Blowfish_CBC_Encryption; +typedef BlockCipher<DECRYPTION, Blowfish, CBC> Blowfish_CBC_Decryption; + + + +} // naemspace + +#endif // TAO_CRYPT_BLOWFISH_HPP + diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/des.hpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/des.hpp index 127b8ddc6d5..e0867b09166 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/des.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/des.hpp @@ -27,73 +27,87 @@ #ifndef TAO_CRYPT_DES_HPP #define TAO_CRYPT_DES_HPP -#include <string.h> #include "misc.hpp" #include "modes.hpp" namespace TaoCrypt { -enum { DES_BLOCK_SIZE = 8 }; -// Base for all DES types -class DES_BASE : public Mode_BASE { -public: - enum { BLOCK_SIZE = DES_BLOCK_SIZE, KEY_SIZE = 32, BOXES = 8, - BOX_SIZE = 64 }; +enum { DES_BLOCK_SIZE = 8, DES_KEY_SIZE = 32 }; - DES_BASE(CipherDir DIR, Mode MODE) - : Mode_BASE(BLOCK_SIZE), dir_(DIR), mode_(MODE) {} - void Process(byte*, const byte*, word32); +class BasicDES { +public: + void SetKey(const byte*, word32, CipherDir dir); + void RawProcessBlock(word32&, word32&) const; protected: - CipherDir dir_; - Mode mode_; -private: - DES_BASE(const DES_BASE&); // hide copy - DES_BASE& operator=(const DES_BASE&); // and assign + word32 k_[DES_KEY_SIZE]; }; // DES -class DES : public DES_BASE { +class DES : public Mode_BASE, public BasicDES { public: - DES(CipherDir DIR, Mode MODE) : DES_BASE(DIR, MODE) {} + DES(CipherDir DIR, Mode MODE) + : Mode_BASE(DES_BLOCK_SIZE), dir_(DIR), mode_(MODE) {} - void SetKey(const byte*, word32, CipherDir dir); - void RawProcessBlock(word32&, word32&) const; - void ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte*, const byte*, byte*) const; + void Process(byte*, const byte*, word32); private: - word32 k_[KEY_SIZE]; + CipherDir dir_; + Mode mode_; + + void ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte*, const byte*, byte*) const; + + DES(const DES&); // hide copy + DES& operator=(const DES&); // and assign }; // DES_EDE2 -class DES_EDE2 : public DES_BASE { +class DES_EDE2 : public Mode_BASE { public: DES_EDE2(CipherDir DIR, Mode MODE) - : DES_BASE(DIR, MODE), des1_(DIR, MODE), des2_(DIR, MODE) {} + : Mode_BASE(DES_BLOCK_SIZE), dir_(DIR), mode_(MODE) {} void SetKey(const byte*, word32, CipherDir dir); - void ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte*, const byte*, byte*) const; + void Process(byte*, const byte*, word32); private: - DES des1_; - DES des2_; + CipherDir dir_; + Mode mode_; + + BasicDES des1_; + BasicDES des2_; + + void ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte*, const byte*, byte*) const; + + DES_EDE2(const DES_EDE2&); // hide copy + DES_EDE2& operator=(const DES_EDE2&); // and assign }; + // DES_EDE3 -class DES_EDE3 : public DES_BASE { +class DES_EDE3 : public Mode_BASE { public: DES_EDE3(CipherDir DIR, Mode MODE) - : DES_BASE(DIR, MODE), des1_(DIR, MODE), des2_(DIR, MODE), - des3_(DIR, MODE) {} + : Mode_BASE(DES_BLOCK_SIZE), dir_(DIR), mode_(MODE) {} void SetKey(const byte*, word32, CipherDir dir); - void ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte*, const byte*, byte*) const; + void SetIV(const byte* iv) { memcpy(r_, iv, DES_BLOCK_SIZE); } + void Process(byte*, const byte*, word32); private: - DES des1_; - DES des2_; - DES des3_; + CipherDir dir_; + Mode mode_; + + BasicDES des1_; + BasicDES des2_; + BasicDES des3_; + + void AsmProcess(const byte* in, byte* out, void* box) const; + void ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte*, const byte*, byte*) const; + + DES_EDE3(const DES_EDE3&); // hide copy + DES_EDE3& operator=(const DES_EDE3&); // and assign }; diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/dh.hpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/dh.hpp index 54a1705546b..75a5d6280d3 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/dh.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/dh.hpp @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public: } void GenerateKeyPair(RandomNumberGenerator&, byte*, byte*); - void Agree(byte*, const byte*, const byte*); + void Agree(byte*, const byte*, const byte*, word32 otherSz = 0); void SetP(const Integer& p) { p_ = p; } void SetG(const Integer& g) { g_ = g; } diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/hash.hpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/hash.hpp index 5c90d01aefe..16112cb644d 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/hash.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/hash.hpp @@ -57,17 +57,26 @@ public: virtual void Update(const byte*, word32); virtual void Final(byte*); + word32 GetBitCountLo() const { return loLen_ << 3; } + word32 GetBitCountHi() const { return (loLen_ >> (8*sizeof(loLen_) - 3)) + + (hiLen_ << 3); } + enum { MaxDigestSz = 5, MaxBufferSz = 64 }; protected: - word32 buffLen_; - word32 length_; // in Bits + typedef word32 HashLengthType; + word32 buffLen_; // in bytes + HashLengthType loLen_; // length in bytes + HashLengthType hiLen_; // length in bytes word32 digest_[MaxDigestSz]; word32 buffer_[MaxBufferSz / sizeof(word32)]; virtual void Transform() = 0; + + void AddLength(word32); }; + } // namespace #endif // TAO_CRYPT_HASH_HPP diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/hmac.hpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/hmac.hpp index cf029812ce2..543366afc3a 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/hmac.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/hmac.hpp @@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ private: T mac_; // MSVC 6 HACK, gives compiler error if calculated in array - enum { HMAC_BSIZE = T::BLOCK_SIZE / sizeof(word32), - HMAC_DSIZE = T::DIGEST_SIZE / sizeof(word32) }; + enum { BSIZE = T::BLOCK_SIZE / sizeof(word32), + DSIZE = T::DIGEST_SIZE / sizeof(word32) }; - word32 ip_[HMAC_BSIZE]; // align ipad_ on word32 - word32 op_[HMAC_BSIZE]; // align opad_ on word32 - word32 innerH_[HMAC_DSIZE]; // align innerHash_ on word32 + word32 ip_[BSIZE]; // align ipad_ on word32 + word32 op_[BSIZE]; // align opad_ on word32 + word32 innerH_[DSIZE]; // align innerHash_ on word32 void KeyInnerHash(); diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/integer.hpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/integer.hpp index d3bd731e2bd..ee83906cfbc 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/integer.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/integer.hpp @@ -274,7 +274,6 @@ private: Integer& dividend, const Integer& divisor); AlignedWordBlock reg_; Sign sign_; - }; inline bool operator==(const Integer& a, const Integer& b) diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/kernelc.hpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/kernelc.hpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..bb74c10ad07 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/kernelc.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/* kernelc.hpp + * + * Copyright (C) 2003 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd. + * + * This file is part of yaSSL. + * + * yaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * yaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA + */ + +/* kernelc.hpp provides support for C std lib when compiled in kernel mode +*/ + +#ifndef TAOCRYPT_KERNELC_HPP +#define TAOCRYPT_KERNELC_HPP + +#include <linux/types.h> // get right size_t + +// system functions that c++ doesn't like headers for + +extern "C" void* memcpy(void*, const void*, size_t); +extern "C" void* memset(void*, int, size_t); +extern "C" void printk(char *fmt, ...); + +#define KERN_ERR "<3>" /* error conditions */ + +#if defined(NDEBUG) + #define assert(p) ((void)0) +#else + #define assert(expr) \ + if (!(expr)) { \ + printk(KERN_ERR "Assertion failed! %s,%s,%s,line=%d\n", \ + #expr,__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__); } +#endif + + + +#endif // TAOCRYPT_KERNELC_HPP diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/md5.hpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/md5.hpp index 0198daa466e..981f29108fe 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/md5.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/md5.hpp @@ -45,10 +45,13 @@ public: MD5(const MD5&); MD5& operator= (const MD5&); + void Update(const byte*, word32); + void Init(); void Swap(MD5&); private: void Transform(); + void AsmTransform(const byte* data, word32 times); }; inline void swap(MD5& a, MD5& b) diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/misc.hpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/misc.hpp index 26383d4c96b..0808d76ccdf 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/misc.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/misc.hpp @@ -24,9 +24,15 @@ #ifndef TAO_CRYPT_MISC_HPP #define TAO_CRYPT_MISC_HPP -#include <stdlib.h> -#include <assert.h> -#include <string.h> + +#if !defined(DO_TAOCRYPT_KERNEL_MODE) + #include <stdlib.h> + #include <assert.h> + #include <string.h> +#else + #include "kernelc.hpp" +#endif + #include "types.hpp" #include "type_traits.hpp" @@ -39,31 +45,33 @@ namespace TaoCrypt { void CleanUp(); -// library allocation -struct new_t {}; // TaoCrypt New type -extern new_t tc; // pass in parameter +#ifdef YASSL_PURE_C -} // namespace TaoCrypt + // library allocation + struct new_t {}; // TaoCrypt New type + extern new_t tc; // pass in parameter -void* operator new (size_t, TaoCrypt::new_t); -void* operator new[](size_t, TaoCrypt::new_t); + } // namespace TaoCrypt -void operator delete (void*, TaoCrypt::new_t); -void operator delete[](void*, TaoCrypt::new_t); + void* operator new (size_t, TaoCrypt::new_t); + void* operator new[](size_t, TaoCrypt::new_t); + void operator delete (void*, TaoCrypt::new_t); + void operator delete[](void*, TaoCrypt::new_t); -namespace TaoCrypt { -template<typename T> -void tcDelete(T* ptr) -{ + namespace TaoCrypt { + + template<typename T> + void tcDelete(T* ptr) + { if (ptr) ptr->~T(); ::operator delete(ptr, TaoCrypt::tc); -} + } -template<typename T> -void tcArrayDelete(T* ptr) -{ + template<typename T> + void tcArrayDelete(T* ptr) + { // can't do array placement destruction since not tracking size in // allocation, only allow builtins to use array placement since they // don't need destructors called @@ -71,15 +79,39 @@ void tcArrayDelete(T* ptr) (void)sizeof(builtin); ::operator delete[](ptr, TaoCrypt::tc); -} + } + #define NEW_TC new (TaoCrypt::tc) -// to resolve compiler generated operator delete on base classes with -// virtual destructors (when on stack), make sure doesn't get called -class virtual_base { -public: + + // to resolve compiler generated operator delete on base classes with + // virtual destructors (when on stack), make sure doesn't get called + class virtual_base { + public: static void operator delete(void*) { assert(0); } -}; + }; + +#else // YASSL_PURE_C + + + template<typename T> + void tcDelete(T* ptr) + { + delete ptr; + } + + template<typename T> + void tcArrayDelete(T* ptr) + { + delete[] ptr; + } + + #define NEW_TC new + + class virtual_base {}; + + +#endif // YASSL_PURE_C #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BCPLUSPLUS__) @@ -100,15 +132,13 @@ public: #define TAOCRYPT_DISABLE_X86ASM #endif - -// Disable assmebler when compiling with icc -// Temporary workaround for bug12717 +// icc problem with -03 and integer, disable for now #if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) #define TAOCRYPT_DISABLE_X86ASM #endif - +// Turn on ia32 ASM for Big Integer // CodeWarrior defines _MSC_VER #if !defined(TAOCRYPT_DISABLE_X86ASM) && ((defined(_MSC_VER) && \ !defined(__MWERKS__) && defined(_M_IX86)) || \ @@ -117,6 +147,20 @@ public: #endif +// Turn on ia32 ASM for Ciphers and Message Digests +// Seperate define since these are more complex, use member offsets +// and user may want to turn off while leaving Big Integer optos on +#if defined(TAOCRYPT_X86ASM_AVAILABLE) && !defined(DISABLE_TAO_ASM) + #define TAO_ASM +#endif + + +// Extra word in older vtable implementations, for ASM member offset +#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ < 3 + #define OLD_GCC_OFFSET +#endif + + #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) # define TAOCRYPT_MALLOC_ALIGNMENT_IS_16 #endif @@ -437,6 +481,58 @@ inline void ByteReverseIf(T* out, const T* in, word32 bc, ByteOrder order) } + +// do Asm Reverse is host is Little and x86asm +#ifdef LITTLE_ENDIAN_ORDER + #ifdef TAOCRYPT_X86ASM_AVAILABLE + #define LittleReverse AsmReverse + #else + #define LittleReverse ByteReverse + #endif +#else + #define LittleReverse +#endif + + +// do Asm Reverse is host is Big and x86asm +#ifdef BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER + #ifdef TAOCRYPT_X86ASM_AVAILABLE + #define BigReverse AsmReverse + #else + #define BigReverse ByteReverse + #endif +#else + #define BigReverse +#endif + + +#ifdef TAOCRYPT_X86ASM_AVAILABLE + + // faster than rotate, use bswap + + inline word32 AsmReverse(word32 wd) + { + #ifdef __GNUC__ + __asm__ + ( + "bswap %1" + : "=r"(wd) + : "0"(wd) + ); + #else + __asm + { + mov eax, wd + bswap eax + mov wd, eax + } + #endif + return wd; + } + +#endif + + template <class T> inline void GetUserKey(ByteOrder order, T* out, word32 outlen, const byte* in, word32 inlen) diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/modes.hpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/modes.hpp index a23d14db7da..10f336c00eb 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/modes.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/modes.hpp @@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ #ifndef TAO_CRYPT_MODES_HPP #define TAO_CRYPT_MODES_HPP -#include <string.h> #include "misc.hpp" namespace TaoCrypt { @@ -68,14 +67,8 @@ public: } virtual ~Mode_BASE() {} - virtual void ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte*, const byte*, byte*) const = 0; - - void ECB_Process(byte*, const byte*, word32); - void CBC_Encrypt(byte*, const byte*, word32); - void CBC_Decrypt(byte*, const byte*, word32); - void SetIV(const byte* iv) { memcpy(reg_, iv, blockSz_); } -private: +protected: int blockSz_; byte* reg_; byte* tmp_; @@ -83,9 +76,15 @@ private: word32 r_[MaxBlockSz / sizeof(word32)]; // align reg_ on word32 word32 t_[MaxBlockSz / sizeof(word32)]; // align tmp_ on word32 + void ECB_Process(byte*, const byte*, word32); + void CBC_Encrypt(byte*, const byte*, word32); + void CBC_Decrypt(byte*, const byte*, word32); Mode_BASE(const Mode_BASE&); // hide copy Mode_BASE& operator=(const Mode_BASE&); // and assign + +private: + virtual void ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte*, const byte*, byte*) const = 0; }; diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/pwdbased.hpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/pwdbased.hpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f40c48fe026 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/pwdbased.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +/* pwdbased.hpp + * + * Copyright (C) 2003 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd. + * + * This file is part of yaSSL. + * + * yaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * yaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA + */ + +/* pwdbased.hpp defines PBKDF2 from PKCS #5 +*/ + + +#ifndef TAO_CRYPT_PWDBASED_HPP +#define TAO_CRYPT_PWDBASED_HPP + +#include <string.h> +#include "misc.hpp" +#include "block.hpp" +#include "hmac.hpp" + +namespace TaoCrypt { + + +// From PKCS #5, T must be type suitable for HMAC<T> +template <class T> +class PBKDF2_HMAC { +public: + word32 MaxDerivedKeyLength() const { return 0xFFFFFFFFU;} // avoid overflow + + word32 DeriveKey(byte* derived, word32 dLen, const byte* pwd, word32 pLen, + const byte* salt, word32 sLen, word32 iterations) const; +}; + + + +template <class T> +word32 PBKDF2_HMAC<T>::DeriveKey(byte* derived, word32 dLen, const byte* pwd, + word32 pLen, const byte* salt, word32 sLen, + word32 iterations) const +{ + assert(dLen <= MaxDerivedKeyLength()); + assert(iterations > 0); + + ByteBlock buffer(T::DIGEST_SIZE); + HMAC<T> hmac; + + hmac.SetKey(pwd, pLen); + + word32 i = 1; + + while (dLen > 0) { + hmac.Update(salt, sLen); + word32 j; + for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { + byte b = i >> ((3-j)*8); + hmac.Update(&b, 1); + } + hmac.Final(buffer.get_buffer()); + + word32 segmentLen = mySTL::min(dLen, buffer.size()); + memcpy(derived, buffer.get_buffer(), segmentLen); + + for (j = 1; j < iterations; j++) { + hmac.Update(buffer.get_buffer(), buffer.size()); + hmac.Final(buffer.get_buffer()); + xorbuf(derived, buffer.get_buffer(), segmentLen); + } + derived += segmentLen; + dLen -= segmentLen; + i++; + } + return iterations; +} + + + + +} // naemspace + +#endif // TAO_CRYPT_PWDBASED_HPP diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/ripemd.hpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/ripemd.hpp index 4f8e1fd0386..b72e503f095 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/ripemd.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/ripemd.hpp @@ -45,10 +45,12 @@ public: RIPEMD160(const RIPEMD160&); RIPEMD160& operator= (const RIPEMD160&); + void Update(const byte*, word32); void Init(); void Swap(RIPEMD160&); private: void Transform(); + void AsmTransform(const byte* data, word32 times); }; inline void swap(RIPEMD160& a, RIPEMD160& b) diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/runtime.hpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/runtime.hpp index d9d7877bd93..3a5cf62865a 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/runtime.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/runtime.hpp @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ #ifdef __sun - + #include <assert.h> // Handler for pure virtual functions @@ -49,7 +49,11 @@ namespace __Crun { #if __GNUC__ > 2 extern "C" { -#include <assert.h> +#if !defined(DO_TAOCRYPT_KERNEL_MODE) + #include <assert.h> +#else + #include "kernelc.hpp" +#endif /* Disallow inline __cxa_pure_virtual() */ static int __cxa_pure_virtual() __attribute__((noinline, used)); diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/sha.hpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/sha.hpp index b75d9e3f670..3e301a6f0ae 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/sha.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/sha.hpp @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ public: word32 getDigestSize() const { return DIGEST_SIZE; } word32 getPadSize() const { return PAD_SIZE; } + void Update(const byte* data, word32 len); void Init(); SHA(const SHA&); @@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ public: void Swap(SHA&); private: void Transform(); + void AsmTransform(const byte* data, word32 times); }; diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/twofish.hpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/twofish.hpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8605221854f --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/twofish.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +/* twofish.hpp + * + * Copyright (C) 2003 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd. + * + * This file is part of yaSSL. + * + * yaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * yaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA + */ + +/* twofish.hpp defines Twofish +*/ + + +#ifndef TAO_CRYPT_TWOFISH_HPP +#define TAO_CRYPT_TWOFISH_HPP + +#include "misc.hpp" +#include "modes.hpp" +#include "algorithm.hpp" + +namespace TaoCrypt { + +enum { TWOFISH_BLOCK_SIZE = 16 }; + + +// Twofish encryption and decryption, see +class Twofish : public Mode_BASE { +public: + enum { BLOCK_SIZE = TWOFISH_BLOCK_SIZE }; + + Twofish(CipherDir DIR, Mode MODE) + : Mode_BASE(BLOCK_SIZE), dir_(DIR), mode_(MODE) {} + + void Process(byte*, const byte*, word32); + void SetKey(const byte* key, word32 sz, CipherDir fake = ENCRYPTION); + void SetIV(const byte* iv) { memcpy(r_, iv, BLOCK_SIZE); } +private: + CipherDir dir_; + Mode mode_; + + static const byte q_[2][256]; + static const word32 mds_[4][256]; + + word32 k_[40]; + word32 s_[4][256]; + + static word32 h0(word32 x, const word32 *key, unsigned int kLen); + static word32 h(word32 x, const word32 *key, unsigned int kLen); + + void ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte*, const byte*, byte*) const; + + void encrypt(const byte*, const byte*, byte*) const; + void decrypt(const byte*, const byte*, byte*) const; + + void AsmEncrypt(const byte* inBlock, byte* outBlock) const; + void AsmDecrypt(const byte* inBlock, byte* outBlock) const; + + Twofish(const Twofish&); // hide copy + Twofish& operator=(const Twofish&); // and assign +}; + + +typedef BlockCipher<ENCRYPTION, Twofish, ECB> Twofish_ECB_Encryption; +typedef BlockCipher<DECRYPTION, Twofish, ECB> Twofish_ECB_Decryption; + +typedef BlockCipher<ENCRYPTION, Twofish, CBC> Twofish_CBC_Encryption; +typedef BlockCipher<DECRYPTION, Twofish, CBC> Twofish_CBC_Decryption; + + + +} // naemspace + +#endif // TAO_CRYPT_TWOFISH_HPP + diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/types.hpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/types.hpp index db9c3792bbd..a2453a994fb 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/types.hpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/include/types.hpp @@ -61,10 +61,11 @@ typedef unsigned int word32; // compilers we've found 64-bit multiply insructions for #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__DECCXX) -#if !(defined(__ICC) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)) + #if !(defined(__ICC) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)) #define HAVE_64_MULTIPLY + #endif #endif -#endif + #if defined(HAVE_64_MULTIPLY) && (defined(__alpha__) || defined(__ia64__) \ || defined(_ARCH_PPC64) || defined(__mips64) || defined(__x86_64__)) diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/Makefile.am b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/Makefile.am index d89fa95a940..d3e72346110 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/Makefile.am +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/Makefile.am @@ -2,10 +2,12 @@ INCLUDES = -I../include -I../../mySTL noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libtaocrypt.la -libtaocrypt_la_SOURCES = aes.cpp aestables.cpp algebra.cpp arc4.cpp asn.cpp \ - coding.cpp dh.cpp des.cpp dsa.cpp file.cpp hash.cpp \ - md2.cpp md5.cpp misc.cpp random.cpp ripemd.cpp rsa.cpp sha.cpp \ - template_instnt.cpp integer.cpp +libtaocrypt_la_SOURCES = aes.cpp aestables.cpp algebra.cpp arc4.cpp \ + asn.cpp bftables.cpp blowfish.cpp coding.cpp des.cpp dh.cpp \ + dsa.cpp file.cpp hash.cpp integer.cpp md2.cpp md5.cpp misc.cpp \ + random.cpp ripemd.cpp rsa.cpp sha.cpp template_instnt.cpp \ + tftables.cpp twofish.cpp + libtaocrypt_la_CXXFLAGS = @yassl_taocrypt_extra_cxxflags@ -DYASSL_PURE_C EXTRA_DIST = $(wildcard ../include/*.hpp) diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/aes.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/aes.cpp index 09cf28a40b0..e737af33df3 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/aes.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/aes.cpp @@ -19,15 +19,28 @@ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ -/* based on Wei Dai's aes.cpp from CryptoPP */ +/* C++ based on Wei Dai's aes.cpp from CryptoPP */ +/* x86 asm original */ + +#if defined(TAOCRYPT_KERNEL_MODE) + #define DO_TAOCRYPT_KERNEL_MODE +#endif // only some modules now support this #include "runtime.hpp" #include "aes.hpp" +#if defined(TAOCRYPT_X86ASM_AVAILABLE) && defined(TAO_ASM) + #define DO_AES_ASM +#endif + + namespace TaoCrypt { +#if !defined(DO_AES_ASM) + +// Generic Version void AES::Process(byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz) { if (mode_ == ECB) @@ -39,6 +52,52 @@ void AES::Process(byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz) CBC_Decrypt(out, in, sz); } +#else + +// ia32 optimized version +void AES::Process(byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz) +{ + word32 blocks = sz / BLOCK_SIZE; + + if (mode_ == ECB) + while (blocks--) { + if (dir_ == ENCRYPTION) + AsmEncrypt(in, out, (void*)Te0); + else + AsmDecrypt(in, out, (void*)Td0); + out += BLOCK_SIZE; + in += BLOCK_SIZE; + } + else if (mode_ == CBC) + if (dir_ == ENCRYPTION) + while (blocks--) { + r_[0] ^= *(word32*)in; + r_[1] ^= *(word32*)(in + 4); + r_[2] ^= *(word32*)(in + 8); + r_[3] ^= *(word32*)(in + 12); + + AsmEncrypt((byte*)r_, (byte*)r_, (void*)Te0); + + memcpy(out, r_, BLOCK_SIZE); + out += BLOCK_SIZE; + in += BLOCK_SIZE; + } + else + while (blocks--) { + AsmDecrypt(in, out, (void*)Td0); + + *(word32*)out ^= r_[0]; + *(word32*)(out + 4) ^= r_[1]; + *(word32*)(out + 8) ^= r_[2]; + *(word32*)(out + 12) ^= r_[3]; + + memcpy(r_, in, BLOCK_SIZE); + out += BLOCK_SIZE; + in += BLOCK_SIZE; + } +} + +#endif // DO_AES_ASM void AES::SetKey(const byte* userKey, word32 keylen, CipherDir /*dummy*/) @@ -46,9 +105,8 @@ void AES::SetKey(const byte* userKey, word32 keylen, CipherDir /*dummy*/) assert( (keylen == 16) || (keylen == 24) || (keylen == 32) ); rounds_ = keylen/4 + 6; - key_.New(4*(rounds_+1)); - word32 temp, *rk = key_.get_buffer(); + word32 temp, *rk = key_; unsigned int i=0; GetUserKey(BigEndianOrder, rk, keylen/4, userKey, keylen); @@ -128,7 +186,7 @@ void AES::SetKey(const byte* userKey, word32 keylen, CipherDir /*dummy*/) if (dir_ == DECRYPTION) { unsigned int i, j; - rk = key_.get_buffer(); + rk = key_; /* invert the order of the round keys: */ for (i = 0, j = 4*rounds_; i < j; i += 4, j -= 4) { @@ -166,8 +224,6 @@ void AES::SetKey(const byte* userKey, word32 keylen, CipherDir /*dummy*/) } -typedef BlockGetAndPut<word32, BigEndian> gpBlock; - void AES::ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte* in, const byte* xOr, byte* out) const { if (dir_ == ENCRYPTION) @@ -177,12 +233,16 @@ void AES::ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte* in, const byte* xOr, byte* out) const } +typedef BlockGetAndPut<word32, BigEndian> gpBlock; + + void AES::encrypt(const byte* inBlock, const byte* xorBlock, byte* outBlock) const { - word32 s0, s1, s2, s3, t0, t1, t2, t3; - const word32 *rk = key_.get_buffer(); + word32 s0, s1, s2, s3; + word32 t0, t1, t2, t3; + const word32 *rk = key_; /* * map byte array block to cipher state * and add initial round key: @@ -192,9 +252,11 @@ void AES::encrypt(const byte* inBlock, const byte* xorBlock, s1 ^= rk[1]; s2 ^= rk[2]; s3 ^= rk[3]; + /* * Nr - 1 full rounds: */ + unsigned int r = rounds_ >> 1; for (;;) { t0 = @@ -252,6 +314,7 @@ void AES::encrypt(const byte* inBlock, const byte* xorBlock, Te3[GETBYTE(t2, 0)] ^ rk[3]; } + /* * apply last round and * map cipher state to byte array block: @@ -282,16 +345,17 @@ void AES::encrypt(const byte* inBlock, const byte* xorBlock, (Te4[GETBYTE(t2, 0)] & 0x000000ff) ^ rk[3]; - gpBlock::Put(xorBlock, outBlock)(s0)(s1)(s2)(s3); + gpBlock::Put(xorBlock, outBlock)(s0)(s1)(s2)(s3); } void AES::decrypt(const byte* inBlock, const byte* xorBlock, byte* outBlock) const { - word32 s0, s1, s2, s3, t0, t1, t2, t3; - const word32* rk = key_.get_buffer(); + word32 s0, s1, s2, s3; + word32 t0, t1, t2, t3; + const word32* rk = key_; /* * map byte array block to cipher state @@ -302,9 +366,11 @@ void AES::decrypt(const byte* inBlock, const byte* xorBlock, s1 ^= rk[1]; s2 ^= rk[2]; s3 ^= rk[3]; + /* * Nr - 1 full rounds: */ + unsigned int r = rounds_ >> 1; for (;;) { t0 = @@ -395,6 +461,1371 @@ void AES::decrypt(const byte* inBlock, const byte* xorBlock, } +#if defined(DO_AES_ASM) + #ifdef __GNUC__ + #define AS1(x) asm(#x); + #define AS2(x, y) asm(#x ", " #y); + + #define PROLOG() \ + asm(".intel_syntax noprefix"); \ + AS2( movd mm3, edi ) \ + AS2( movd mm4, ebx ) \ + AS2( sub esp, 4 ) \ + AS2( movd mm7, ebp ) \ + AS2( mov [ebp - 4], esi ) \ + AS2( mov ecx, DWORD PTR [ebp + 8] ) \ + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 12] ) \ + AS2( mov ebp, DWORD PTR [ebp + 20] ) + + #define EPILOG() \ + AS2( mov esi, [ebp - 4] ) \ + AS2( mov esp, ebp ) \ + AS2( movd ebx, mm4 ) \ + AS2( movd edi, mm3 ) \ + AS1( emms ) \ + asm(".att_syntax"); + #else + #define AS1(x) __asm x + #define AS2(x, y) __asm x, y + + #define PROLOG() \ + AS1( push ebp ) \ + AS2( mov ebp, esp ) \ + AS2( movd mm3, edi ) \ + AS2( movd mm4, ebx ) \ + AS2( sub esp, 4 ) \ + AS2( movd mm7, ebp ) \ + AS2( mov [ebp - 4], esi ) \ + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 8] ) \ + AS2( mov ebp, DWORD PTR [ebp + 16] ) + + // ebp is restored at end + #define EPILOG() \ + AS2( mov esi, [ebp - 4] ) \ + AS2( movd ebx, mm4 ) \ + AS2( movd edi, mm3 ) \ + AS2( mov esp, ebp ) \ + AS1( pop ebp ) \ + AS1( emms ) \ + AS1( ret 12 ) + + + #endif + + +#ifdef _MSC_VER + __declspec(naked) +#endif +void AES::AsmEncrypt(const byte* inBlock, byte* outBlock, void* boxes) const +{ + + PROLOG() + + #ifdef OLD_GCC_OFFSET + AS2( mov edx, DWORD PTR [ecx + 60] ) // rounds + AS2( lea edi, [ecx + 64] ) // rk + #else + AS2( mov edx, DWORD PTR [ecx + 56] ) // rounds + AS2( lea edi, [ecx + 60] ) // rk + #endif + + AS1( dec edx ) + AS2( movd mm6, edi ) // save rk + AS2( movd mm5, edx ) // save rounds + + AS2( mov eax, DWORD PTR [esi] ) + AS2( mov ebx, DWORD PTR [esi + 4] ) + AS2( mov ecx, DWORD PTR [esi + 8] ) + AS2( mov edx, DWORD PTR [esi + 12] ) + + AS1( bswap eax ) + AS1( bswap ebx ) + AS1( bswap ecx ) + AS1( bswap edx ) + + AS2( xor eax, DWORD PTR [edi] ) // s0 + AS2( xor ebx, DWORD PTR [edi + 4] ) // s1 + AS2( xor ecx, DWORD PTR [edi + 8] ) // s2 + AS2( xor edx, DWORD PTR [edi + 12] ) // s3 + + AS1(loop1: ) + /* Put0 (mm0) = + Te0[get0,rs 24] ^ + Te1[get1,rs 16] ^ + Te2[get2,rs 8] ^ + Te3[get3,rs 0] + */ + + AS2( mov esi, eax ) + AS2( shr esi, 24 ) + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + esi*4] ) + + AS2( mov edi, ebx ) + AS2( shr edi, 16 ) + AS2( and edi, 255 ) + AS2( xor esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 1024 + edi*4] ) + + AS2( movzx edi, ch ) + AS2( xor esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 2048 + edi*4] ) + + AS2( movzx edi, dl ) + AS2( xor esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 3072 + edi*4] ) + + AS2( movd mm0, esi ) + + /* Put1 (mm1) = + Te0[get1,rs 24] ^ + Te1[get2,rs 16] ^ + Te2[get3,rs 8] ^ + Te3[get0,rs 0] + */ + + AS2( mov esi, ebx ) + AS2( shr esi, 24 ) + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + esi*4] ) + + AS2( mov edi, ecx ) + AS2( shr edi, 16 ) + AS2( and edi, 255 ) + AS2( xor esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 1024 + edi*4] ) + + AS2( movzx edi, dh ) + AS2( xor esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 2048 + edi*4] ) + + AS2( movzx edi, al ) + AS2( xor esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 3072 + edi*4] ) + + AS2( movd mm1, esi ) + + + /* Put2 (mm2) = + Te0[get2,rs 24] ^ + Te1[get3,rs 16] ^ + Te2[get0,rs 8] ^ + Te3[get1,rs 0] + */ + + AS2( mov esi, ecx ) + AS2( shr esi, 24 ) + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + esi*4] ) + + AS2( mov edi, edx ) + AS2( shr edi, 16 ) + AS2( and edi, 255 ) + AS2( xor esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 1024 + edi*4] ) + + AS2( movzx edi, ah ) + AS2( xor esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 2048 + edi*4] ) + + AS2( movzx edi, bl ) + AS2( xor esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 3072 + edi*4] ) + + AS2( movd mm2, esi ) + + /* Put3 (edx) = + Te0[get3,rs 24] ^ + Te1[get0,rs 16] ^ + Te2[get1,rs 8] ^ + Te3[get2,rs 0] + */ + + AS2( mov esi, edx ) + AS2( shr esi, 24 ) + AS2( mov edx, DWORD PTR [ebp + esi*4] ) + + AS2( mov edi, eax ) + AS2( shr edi, 16 ) + AS2( and edi, 255 ) + AS2( xor edx, DWORD PTR [ebp + 1024 + edi*4] ) + + AS2( movzx esi, bh ) + AS2( xor edx, DWORD PTR [ebp + 2048 + esi*4] ) + + AS2( movzx edi, cl ) + AS2( xor edx, DWORD PTR [ebp + 3072 + edi*4] ) + + // xOr + + AS2( movd esi, mm6 ) // rk + + AS2( movd eax, mm0 ) + AS2( add esi, 16 ) + AS2( movd ebx, mm1 ) + AS2( movd mm6, esi ) // save back + AS2( movd ecx, mm2 ) + + AS2( xor eax, DWORD PTR [esi] ) + AS2( xor ebx, DWORD PTR [esi + 4] ) + AS2( movd edi, mm5 ) + AS2( xor ecx, DWORD PTR [esi + 8] ) + AS2( xor edx, DWORD PTR [esi + 12] ) + + AS1( dec edi ) + AS2( movd mm5, edi ) + + AS1( jnz loop1 ) + + // last round + /* + Put0 (mm0) = + (Te4[get0, rs24] & 0xff000000) ^ h = 4278190080 + (Te4[get1, rs16] & 0x00ff0000) ^ h = 16711680 + (Te4[get2, rs 8] & 0x0000ff00) ^ h = 65280 + (Te4[get3, rs 0] & 0x000000ff) h = 255 + */ + AS2( mov esi, eax ) + AS2( shr esi, 24 ) + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + esi*4] ) + AS2( and esi, 4278190080 ) + + AS2( mov edi, ebx ) + AS2( shr edi, 16 ) + AS2( and edi, 255 ) + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + edi*4] ) + AS2( and edi, 16711680 ) + AS2( xor esi, edi ) + + AS2( movzx edi, ch ) + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + edi*4] ) + AS2( and edi, 65280 ) + AS2( xor esi, edi ) + + AS2( movzx edi, dl ) + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + edi*4] ) + AS2( and edi, 255 ) + AS2( xor esi, edi ) + + AS2( movd mm0, esi ) + + /* + Put1 (mm1) = + (Te4[get1, rs24] & 0xff000000) ^ h = 4278190080 + (Te4[get2, rs16] & 0x00ff0000) ^ h = 16711680 + (Te4[get3, rs 8] & 0x0000ff00) ^ h = 65280 + (Te4[get0, rs 0] & 0x000000ff) h = 255 + */ + AS2( mov esi, ebx ) + AS2( shr esi, 24 ) + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + esi*4] ) + AS2( and esi, 4278190080 ) + + AS2( mov edi, ecx ) + AS2( shr edi, 16 ) + AS2( and edi, 255 ) + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + edi*4] ) + AS2( and edi, 16711680 ) + AS2( xor esi, edi ) + + AS2( movzx edi, dh ) + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + edi*4] ) + AS2( and edi, 65280 ) + AS2( xor esi, edi ) + + AS2( movzx edi, al ) + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + edi*4] ) + AS2( and edi, 255 ) + AS2( xor esi, edi ) + + AS2( movd mm1, esi ) + + /* + Put2 (mm2) = + (Te4[get2, rs24] & 0xff000000) ^ h = 4278190080 + (Te4[get3, rs16] & 0x00ff0000) ^ h = 16711680 + (Te4[get0, rs 8] & 0x0000ff00) ^ h = 65280 + (Te4[get1, rs 0] & 0x000000ff) h = 255 + */ + AS2( mov esi, ecx ) + AS2( shr esi, 24 ) + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + esi*4] ) + AS2( and esi, 4278190080 ) + + AS2( mov edi, edx ) + AS2( shr edi, 16 ) + AS2( and edi, 255 ) + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + edi*4] ) + AS2( and edi, 16711680 ) + AS2( xor esi, edi ) + + AS2( movzx edi, ah ) + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + edi*4] ) + AS2( and edi, 65280 ) + AS2( xor esi, edi ) + + AS2( movzx edi, bl ) + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + edi*4] ) + AS2( and edi, 255 ) + AS2( xor esi, edi ) + + AS2( movd mm2, esi ) + + /* + Put3 (edx) = + (Te4[get3, rs24] & 0xff000000) ^ h = 4278190080 + (Te4[get0, rs16] & 0x00ff0000) ^ h = 16711680 + (Te4[get1, rs 8] & 0x0000ff00) ^ h = 65280 + (Te4[get2, rs 0] & 0x000000ff) h = 255 + */ + AS2( mov esi, edx ) + AS2( shr esi, 24 ) + AS2( mov edx, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + esi*4] ) + AS2( and edx, 4278190080 ) + + AS2( mov edi, eax ) + AS2( shr edi, 16 ) + AS2( and edi, 255 ) + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + edi*4] ) + AS2( and esi, 16711680 ) + AS2( xor edx, esi ) + + AS2( movzx esi, bh ) + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + esi*4] ) + AS2( and edi, 65280 ) + AS2( xor edx, edi ) + + AS2( movzx edi, cl ) + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + edi*4] ) + AS2( and esi, 255 ) + AS2( xor edx, esi ) + + + // xOr + AS2( movd eax, mm0 ) + AS2( movd esi, mm6 ) // rk + AS2( movd ebx, mm1 ) + AS2( add esi, 16 ) + AS2( movd ecx, mm2 ) + + AS2( xor eax, DWORD PTR [esi] ) + AS2( xor ebx, DWORD PTR [esi + 4] ) + AS2( xor ecx, DWORD PTR [esi + 8] ) + AS2( xor edx, DWORD PTR [esi + 12] ) + + // end + AS2( movd ebp, mm7 ) + + // swap + AS1( bswap eax ) + AS1( bswap ebx ) + + // store + #ifdef __GNUC__ + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 16] ) // outBlock + #else + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 12] ) // outBlock + #endif + + AS1( bswap ecx ) + AS1( bswap edx ) + + AS2( mov DWORD PTR [esi], eax ) + AS2( mov DWORD PTR [esi + 4], ebx ) + AS2( mov DWORD PTR [esi + 8], ecx ) + AS2( mov DWORD PTR [esi + 12], edx ) + + + EPILOG() +} + + +#ifdef _MSC_VER + __declspec(naked) +#endif +void AES::AsmDecrypt(const byte* inBlock, byte* outBlock, void* boxes) const +{ + + PROLOG() + + #ifdef OLD_GCC_OFFSET + AS2( mov edx, DWORD PTR [ecx + 60] ) // rounds + AS2( lea edi, [ecx + 64] ) // rk + #else + AS2( mov edx, DWORD PTR [ecx + 56] ) // rounds + AS2( lea edi, [ecx + 60] ) // rk + #endif + + AS1( dec edx ) + AS2( movd mm6, edi ) // save rk + AS2( movd mm5, edx ) // save rounds + + AS2( mov eax, DWORD PTR [esi] ) + AS2( mov ebx, DWORD PTR [esi + 4] ) + AS2( mov ecx, DWORD PTR [esi + 8] ) + AS2( mov edx, DWORD PTR [esi + 12] ) + + AS1( bswap eax ) + AS1( bswap ebx ) + AS1( bswap ecx ) + AS1( bswap edx ) + + AS2( xor eax, DWORD PTR [edi] ) // s0 + AS2( xor ebx, DWORD PTR [edi + 4] ) // s1 + AS2( xor ecx, DWORD PTR [edi + 8] ) // s2 + AS2( xor edx, DWORD PTR [edi + 12] ) // s3 + + + AS1(loop2: ) + /* Put0 (mm0) = + Td0[GETBYTE(get0, rs24)] ^ + Td1[GETBYTE(get3, rs16)] ^ + Td2[GETBYTE(get2, rs 8)] ^ + Td3[GETBYTE(tet1, )] + */ + AS2( mov esi, eax ) + AS2( shr esi, 24 ) + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + esi*4] ) + + AS2( mov edi, edx ) + AS2( shr edi, 16 ) + AS2( and edi, 255 ) + AS2( xor esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 1024 + edi*4] ) + + AS2( movzx edi, ch ) + AS2( xor esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 2048 + edi*4] ) + + AS2( movzx edi, bl ) + AS2( xor esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 3072 + edi*4] ) + + AS2( movd mm0, esi ) + + /* Put1 (mm1) = + Td0[GETBYTE(get1, rs24)] ^ + Td1[GETBYTE(get0, rs16)] ^ + Td2[GETBYTE(get3, rs 8)] ^ + Td3[GETBYTE(tet2, )] + */ + AS2( mov esi, ebx ) + AS2( shr esi, 24 ) + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + esi*4] ) + + AS2( mov edi, eax ) + AS2( shr edi, 16 ) + AS2( and edi, 255 ) + AS2( xor esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 1024 + edi*4] ) + + AS2( movzx edi, dh ) + AS2( xor esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 2048 + edi*4] ) + + AS2( movzx edi, cl ) + AS2( xor esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 3072 + edi*4] ) + + AS2( movd mm1, esi ) + + /* Put2 (mm2) = + Td0[GETBYTE(get2, rs24)] ^ + Td1[GETBYTE(get1, rs16)] ^ + Td2[GETBYTE(get0, rs 8)] ^ + Td3[GETBYTE(tet3, )] + */ + AS2( mov esi, ecx ) + AS2( shr esi, 24 ) + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + esi*4] ) + + AS2( mov edi, ebx ) + AS2( shr edi, 16 ) + AS2( and edi, 255 ) + AS2( xor esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 1024 + edi*4] ) + + AS2( movzx edi, ah ) + AS2( xor esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 2048 + edi*4] ) + + AS2( movzx edi, dl ) + AS2( xor esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 3072 + edi*4] ) + + AS2( movd mm2, esi ) + + /* Put3 (edx) = + Td0[GETBYTE(get3, rs24)] ^ + Td1[GETBYTE(get2, rs16)] ^ + Td2[GETBYTE(get1, rs 8)] ^ + Td3[GETBYTE(tet0, )] + */ + AS2( mov esi, edx ) + AS2( shr esi, 24 ) + AS2( mov edx, DWORD PTR [ebp + esi*4] ) + + AS2( mov edi, ecx ) + AS2( shr edi, 16 ) + AS2( and edi, 255 ) + AS2( xor edx, DWORD PTR [ebp + 1024 + edi*4] ) + + AS2( movzx esi, bh ) + AS2( xor edx, DWORD PTR [ebp + 2048 + esi*4] ) + + AS2( movzx edi, al ) + AS2( xor edx, DWORD PTR [ebp + 3072 + edi*4] ) + + + // xOr + + AS2( movd esi, mm6 ) // rk + AS2( add esi, 16 ) + AS2( movd mm6, esi ) // save back + + AS2( movd eax, mm0 ) + AS2( movd ebx, mm1 ) + AS2( movd ecx, mm2 ) + + AS2( xor eax, DWORD PTR [esi] ) + AS2( xor ebx, DWORD PTR [esi + 4] ) + AS2( xor ecx, DWORD PTR [esi + 8] ) + AS2( xor edx, DWORD PTR [esi + 12] ) + + AS2( movd edi, mm5 ) + AS1( dec edi ) + AS2( movd mm5, edi ) + + AS1( jnz loop2 ) + + // last round + /* + Put0 (mm0) = + (Td4[get0, rs24] & 0xff000000) ^ h = 4278190080 + (Td4[get3, rs16] & 0x00ff0000) ^ h = 16711680 + (Td4[get2, rs 8] & 0x0000ff00) ^ h = 65280 + (Td4[get1, rs 0] & 0x000000ff) h = 255 + */ + AS2( mov esi, eax ) + AS2( shr esi, 24 ) + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + esi*4] ) + AS2( and esi, 4278190080 ) + + AS2( mov edi, edx ) + AS2( shr edi, 16 ) + AS2( and edi, 255 ) + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + edi*4] ) + AS2( and edi, 16711680 ) + AS2( xor esi, edi ) + + AS2( movzx edi, ch ) + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + edi*4] ) + AS2( and edi, 65280 ) + AS2( xor esi, edi ) + + AS2( movzx edi, bl ) + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + edi*4] ) + AS2( and edi, 255 ) + AS2( xor esi, edi ) + + AS2( movd mm0, esi ) + + /* + Put1 (mm1) = + (Td4[get1, rs24] & 0xff000000) ^ h = 4278190080 + (Td4[get0, rs16] & 0x00ff0000) ^ h = 16711680 + (Td4[get3, rs 8] & 0x0000ff00) ^ h = 65280 + (Td4[get2, rs 0] & 0x000000ff) h = 255 + */ + AS2( mov esi, ebx ) + AS2( shr esi, 24 ) + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + esi*4] ) + AS2( and esi, 4278190080 ) + + AS2( mov edi, eax ) + AS2( shr edi, 16 ) + AS2( and edi, 255 ) + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + edi*4] ) + AS2( and edi, 16711680 ) + AS2( xor esi, edi ) + + AS2( movzx edi, dh ) + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + edi*4] ) + AS2( and edi, 65280 ) + AS2( xor esi, edi ) + + AS2( movzx edi, cl ) + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + edi*4] ) + AS2( and edi, 255 ) + AS2( xor esi, edi ) + + AS2( movd mm1, esi ) + + /* + Put2 (mm2) = + (Td4[get2, rs24] & 0xff000000) ^ h = 4278190080 + (Td4[get1, rs16] & 0x00ff0000) ^ h = 16711680 + (Td4[get0, rs 8] & 0x0000ff00) ^ h = 65280 + (Td4[get3, rs 0] & 0x000000ff) h = 255 + */ + AS2( mov esi, ecx ) + AS2( shr esi, 24 ) + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + esi*4] ) + AS2( and esi, 4278190080 ) + + AS2( mov edi, ebx ) + AS2( shr edi, 16 ) + AS2( and edi, 255 ) + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + edi*4] ) + AS2( and edi, 16711680 ) + AS2( xor esi, edi ) + + AS2( movzx edi, ah ) + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + edi*4] ) + AS2( and edi, 65280 ) + AS2( xor esi, edi ) + + AS2( movzx edi, dl ) + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + edi*4] ) + AS2( and edi, 255 ) + AS2( xor esi, edi ) + + AS2( movd mm2, esi ) + + /* + Put3 (edx) = + (Td4[get3, rs24] & 0xff000000) ^ h = 4278190080 + (Td4[get2, rs16] & 0x00ff0000) ^ h = 16711680 + (Td4[get1, rs 8] & 0x0000ff00) ^ h = 65280 + (Td4[get0, rs 0] & 0x000000ff) h = 255 + */ + AS2( mov esi, edx ) + AS2( shr esi, 24 ) + AS2( mov edx, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + esi*4] ) + AS2( and edx, 4278190080 ) + + AS2( mov edi, ecx ) + AS2( shr edi, 16 ) + AS2( and edi, 255 ) + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + edi*4] ) + AS2( and esi, 16711680 ) + AS2( xor edx, esi ) + + AS2( movzx esi, bh ) + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + esi*4] ) + AS2( and edi, 65280 ) + AS2( xor edx, edi ) + + AS2( movzx edi, al ) + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 4096 + edi*4] ) + AS2( and esi, 255 ) + AS2( xor edx, esi ) + + + // xOr + AS2( movd esi, mm6 ) // rk + AS2( add esi, 16 ) + + AS2( movd eax, mm0 ) + AS2( movd ebx, mm1 ) + AS2( movd ecx, mm2 ) + + AS2( xor eax, DWORD PTR [esi] ) + AS2( xor ebx, DWORD PTR [esi + 4] ) + AS2( xor ecx, DWORD PTR [esi + 8] ) + AS2( xor edx, DWORD PTR [esi + 12] ) + + // end + AS2( movd ebp, mm7 ) + + // swap + AS1( bswap eax ) + AS1( bswap ebx ) + AS1( bswap ecx ) + AS1( bswap edx ) + + // store + #ifdef __GNUC__ + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 16] ) // outBlock + #else + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 12] ) // outBlock + #endif + AS2( mov DWORD PTR [esi], eax ) + AS2( mov DWORD PTR [esi + 4], ebx ) + AS2( mov DWORD PTR [esi + 8], ecx ) + AS2( mov DWORD PTR [esi + 12], edx ) + + + EPILOG() +} + + + +#endif // defined(DO_AES_ASM) + + + +const word32 AES::Te[5][256] = { +{ + 0xc66363a5U, 0xf87c7c84U, 0xee777799U, 0xf67b7b8dU, + 0xfff2f20dU, 0xd66b6bbdU, 0xde6f6fb1U, 0x91c5c554U, + 0x60303050U, 0x02010103U, 0xce6767a9U, 0x562b2b7dU, + 0xe7fefe19U, 0xb5d7d762U, 0x4dababe6U, 0xec76769aU, + 0x8fcaca45U, 0x1f82829dU, 0x89c9c940U, 0xfa7d7d87U, + 0xeffafa15U, 0xb25959ebU, 0x8e4747c9U, 0xfbf0f00bU, + 0x41adadecU, 0xb3d4d467U, 0x5fa2a2fdU, 0x45afafeaU, + 0x239c9cbfU, 0x53a4a4f7U, 0xe4727296U, 0x9bc0c05bU, + 0x75b7b7c2U, 0xe1fdfd1cU, 0x3d9393aeU, 0x4c26266aU, + 0x6c36365aU, 0x7e3f3f41U, 0xf5f7f702U, 0x83cccc4fU, + 0x6834345cU, 0x51a5a5f4U, 0xd1e5e534U, 0xf9f1f108U, + 0xe2717193U, 0xabd8d873U, 0x62313153U, 0x2a15153fU, + 0x0804040cU, 0x95c7c752U, 0x46232365U, 0x9dc3c35eU, + 0x30181828U, 0x379696a1U, 0x0a05050fU, 0x2f9a9ab5U, + 0x0e070709U, 0x24121236U, 0x1b80809bU, 0xdfe2e23dU, + 0xcdebeb26U, 0x4e272769U, 0x7fb2b2cdU, 0xea75759fU, + 0x1209091bU, 0x1d83839eU, 0x582c2c74U, 0x341a1a2eU, + 0x361b1b2dU, 0xdc6e6eb2U, 0xb45a5aeeU, 0x5ba0a0fbU, + 0xa45252f6U, 0x763b3b4dU, 0xb7d6d661U, 0x7db3b3ceU, + 0x5229297bU, 0xdde3e33eU, 0x5e2f2f71U, 0x13848497U, + 0xa65353f5U, 0xb9d1d168U, 0x00000000U, 0xc1eded2cU, + 0x40202060U, 0xe3fcfc1fU, 0x79b1b1c8U, 0xb65b5bedU, + 0xd46a6abeU, 0x8dcbcb46U, 0x67bebed9U, 0x7239394bU, + 0x944a4adeU, 0x984c4cd4U, 0xb05858e8U, 0x85cfcf4aU, + 0xbbd0d06bU, 0xc5efef2aU, 0x4faaaae5U, 0xedfbfb16U, + 0x864343c5U, 0x9a4d4dd7U, 0x66333355U, 0x11858594U, + 0x8a4545cfU, 0xe9f9f910U, 0x04020206U, 0xfe7f7f81U, + 0xa05050f0U, 0x783c3c44U, 0x259f9fbaU, 0x4ba8a8e3U, + 0xa25151f3U, 0x5da3a3feU, 0x804040c0U, 0x058f8f8aU, + 0x3f9292adU, 0x219d9dbcU, 0x70383848U, 0xf1f5f504U, + 0x63bcbcdfU, 0x77b6b6c1U, 0xafdada75U, 0x42212163U, + 0x20101030U, 0xe5ffff1aU, 0xfdf3f30eU, 0xbfd2d26dU, + 0x81cdcd4cU, 0x180c0c14U, 0x26131335U, 0xc3ecec2fU, + 0xbe5f5fe1U, 0x359797a2U, 0x884444ccU, 0x2e171739U, + 0x93c4c457U, 0x55a7a7f2U, 0xfc7e7e82U, 0x7a3d3d47U, + 0xc86464acU, 0xba5d5de7U, 0x3219192bU, 0xe6737395U, + 0xc06060a0U, 0x19818198U, 0x9e4f4fd1U, 0xa3dcdc7fU, + 0x44222266U, 0x542a2a7eU, 0x3b9090abU, 0x0b888883U, + 0x8c4646caU, 0xc7eeee29U, 0x6bb8b8d3U, 0x2814143cU, + 0xa7dede79U, 0xbc5e5ee2U, 0x160b0b1dU, 0xaddbdb76U, + 0xdbe0e03bU, 0x64323256U, 0x743a3a4eU, 0x140a0a1eU, + 0x924949dbU, 0x0c06060aU, 0x4824246cU, 0xb85c5ce4U, + 0x9fc2c25dU, 0xbdd3d36eU, 0x43acacefU, 0xc46262a6U, + 0x399191a8U, 0x319595a4U, 0xd3e4e437U, 0xf279798bU, + 0xd5e7e732U, 0x8bc8c843U, 0x6e373759U, 0xda6d6db7U, + 0x018d8d8cU, 0xb1d5d564U, 0x9c4e4ed2U, 0x49a9a9e0U, + 0xd86c6cb4U, 0xac5656faU, 0xf3f4f407U, 0xcfeaea25U, + 0xca6565afU, 0xf47a7a8eU, 0x47aeaee9U, 0x10080818U, + 0x6fbabad5U, 0xf0787888U, 0x4a25256fU, 0x5c2e2e72U, + 0x381c1c24U, 0x57a6a6f1U, 0x73b4b4c7U, 0x97c6c651U, + 0xcbe8e823U, 0xa1dddd7cU, 0xe874749cU, 0x3e1f1f21U, + 0x964b4bddU, 0x61bdbddcU, 0x0d8b8b86U, 0x0f8a8a85U, + 0xe0707090U, 0x7c3e3e42U, 0x71b5b5c4U, 0xcc6666aaU, + 0x904848d8U, 0x06030305U, 0xf7f6f601U, 0x1c0e0e12U, + 0xc26161a3U, 0x6a35355fU, 0xae5757f9U, 0x69b9b9d0U, + 0x17868691U, 0x99c1c158U, 0x3a1d1d27U, 0x279e9eb9U, + 0xd9e1e138U, 0xebf8f813U, 0x2b9898b3U, 0x22111133U, + 0xd26969bbU, 0xa9d9d970U, 0x078e8e89U, 0x339494a7U, + 0x2d9b9bb6U, 0x3c1e1e22U, 0x15878792U, 0xc9e9e920U, + 0x87cece49U, 0xaa5555ffU, 0x50282878U, 0xa5dfdf7aU, + 0x038c8c8fU, 0x59a1a1f8U, 0x09898980U, 0x1a0d0d17U, + 0x65bfbfdaU, 0xd7e6e631U, 0x844242c6U, 0xd06868b8U, + 0x824141c3U, 0x299999b0U, 0x5a2d2d77U, 0x1e0f0f11U, + 0x7bb0b0cbU, 0xa85454fcU, 0x6dbbbbd6U, 0x2c16163aU, +}, +{ + 0xa5c66363U, 0x84f87c7cU, 0x99ee7777U, 0x8df67b7bU, + 0x0dfff2f2U, 0xbdd66b6bU, 0xb1de6f6fU, 0x5491c5c5U, + 0x50603030U, 0x03020101U, 0xa9ce6767U, 0x7d562b2bU, + 0x19e7fefeU, 0x62b5d7d7U, 0xe64dababU, 0x9aec7676U, + 0x458fcacaU, 0x9d1f8282U, 0x4089c9c9U, 0x87fa7d7dU, + 0x15effafaU, 0xebb25959U, 0xc98e4747U, 0x0bfbf0f0U, + 0xec41adadU, 0x67b3d4d4U, 0xfd5fa2a2U, 0xea45afafU, + 0xbf239c9cU, 0xf753a4a4U, 0x96e47272U, 0x5b9bc0c0U, + 0xc275b7b7U, 0x1ce1fdfdU, 0xae3d9393U, 0x6a4c2626U, + 0x5a6c3636U, 0x417e3f3fU, 0x02f5f7f7U, 0x4f83ccccU, + 0x5c683434U, 0xf451a5a5U, 0x34d1e5e5U, 0x08f9f1f1U, + 0x93e27171U, 0x73abd8d8U, 0x53623131U, 0x3f2a1515U, + 0x0c080404U, 0x5295c7c7U, 0x65462323U, 0x5e9dc3c3U, + 0x28301818U, 0xa1379696U, 0x0f0a0505U, 0xb52f9a9aU, + 0x090e0707U, 0x36241212U, 0x9b1b8080U, 0x3ddfe2e2U, + 0x26cdebebU, 0x694e2727U, 0xcd7fb2b2U, 0x9fea7575U, + 0x1b120909U, 0x9e1d8383U, 0x74582c2cU, 0x2e341a1aU, + 0x2d361b1bU, 0xb2dc6e6eU, 0xeeb45a5aU, 0xfb5ba0a0U, + 0xf6a45252U, 0x4d763b3bU, 0x61b7d6d6U, 0xce7db3b3U, + 0x7b522929U, 0x3edde3e3U, 0x715e2f2fU, 0x97138484U, + 0xf5a65353U, 0x68b9d1d1U, 0x00000000U, 0x2cc1ededU, + 0x60402020U, 0x1fe3fcfcU, 0xc879b1b1U, 0xedb65b5bU, + 0xbed46a6aU, 0x468dcbcbU, 0xd967bebeU, 0x4b723939U, + 0xde944a4aU, 0xd4984c4cU, 0xe8b05858U, 0x4a85cfcfU, + 0x6bbbd0d0U, 0x2ac5efefU, 0xe54faaaaU, 0x16edfbfbU, + 0xc5864343U, 0xd79a4d4dU, 0x55663333U, 0x94118585U, + 0xcf8a4545U, 0x10e9f9f9U, 0x06040202U, 0x81fe7f7fU, + 0xf0a05050U, 0x44783c3cU, 0xba259f9fU, 0xe34ba8a8U, + 0xf3a25151U, 0xfe5da3a3U, 0xc0804040U, 0x8a058f8fU, + 0xad3f9292U, 0xbc219d9dU, 0x48703838U, 0x04f1f5f5U, + 0xdf63bcbcU, 0xc177b6b6U, 0x75afdadaU, 0x63422121U, + 0x30201010U, 0x1ae5ffffU, 0x0efdf3f3U, 0x6dbfd2d2U, + 0x4c81cdcdU, 0x14180c0cU, 0x35261313U, 0x2fc3ececU, + 0xe1be5f5fU, 0xa2359797U, 0xcc884444U, 0x392e1717U, + 0x5793c4c4U, 0xf255a7a7U, 0x82fc7e7eU, 0x477a3d3dU, + 0xacc86464U, 0xe7ba5d5dU, 0x2b321919U, 0x95e67373U, + 0xa0c06060U, 0x98198181U, 0xd19e4f4fU, 0x7fa3dcdcU, + 0x66442222U, 0x7e542a2aU, 0xab3b9090U, 0x830b8888U, + 0xca8c4646U, 0x29c7eeeeU, 0xd36bb8b8U, 0x3c281414U, + 0x79a7dedeU, 0xe2bc5e5eU, 0x1d160b0bU, 0x76addbdbU, + 0x3bdbe0e0U, 0x56643232U, 0x4e743a3aU, 0x1e140a0aU, + 0xdb924949U, 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0x7aa5dfdfU, + 0x8f038c8cU, 0xf859a1a1U, 0x80098989U, 0x171a0d0dU, + 0xda65bfbfU, 0x31d7e6e6U, 0xc6844242U, 0xb8d06868U, + 0xc3824141U, 0xb0299999U, 0x775a2d2dU, 0x111e0f0fU, + 0xcb7bb0b0U, 0xfca85454U, 0xd66dbbbbU, 0x3a2c1616U, +}, +{ + 0x63a5c663U, 0x7c84f87cU, 0x7799ee77U, 0x7b8df67bU, + 0xf20dfff2U, 0x6bbdd66bU, 0x6fb1de6fU, 0xc55491c5U, + 0x30506030U, 0x01030201U, 0x67a9ce67U, 0x2b7d562bU, + 0xfe19e7feU, 0xd762b5d7U, 0xabe64dabU, 0x769aec76U, + 0xca458fcaU, 0x829d1f82U, 0xc94089c9U, 0x7d87fa7dU, + 0xfa15effaU, 0x59ebb259U, 0x47c98e47U, 0xf00bfbf0U, + 0xadec41adU, 0xd467b3d4U, 0xa2fd5fa2U, 0xafea45afU, + 0x9cbf239cU, 0xa4f753a4U, 0x7296e472U, 0xc05b9bc0U, + 0xb7c275b7U, 0xfd1ce1fdU, 0x93ae3d93U, 0x266a4c26U, + 0x365a6c36U, 0x3f417e3fU, 0xf702f5f7U, 0xcc4f83ccU, + 0x345c6834U, 0xa5f451a5U, 0xe534d1e5U, 0xf108f9f1U, + 0x7193e271U, 0xd873abd8U, 0x31536231U, 0x153f2a15U, + 0x040c0804U, 0xc75295c7U, 0x23654623U, 0xc35e9dc3U, + 0x18283018U, 0x96a13796U, 0x050f0a05U, 0x9ab52f9aU, + 0x07090e07U, 0x12362412U, 0x809b1b80U, 0xe23ddfe2U, + 0xeb26cdebU, 0x27694e27U, 0xb2cd7fb2U, 0x759fea75U, + 0x091b1209U, 0x839e1d83U, 0x2c74582cU, 0x1a2e341aU, + 0x1b2d361bU, 0x6eb2dc6eU, 0x5aeeb45aU, 0xa0fb5ba0U, + 0x52f6a452U, 0x3b4d763bU, 0xd661b7d6U, 0xb3ce7db3U, + 0x297b5229U, 0xe33edde3U, 0x2f715e2fU, 0x84971384U, + 0x53f5a653U, 0xd168b9d1U, 0x00000000U, 0xed2cc1edU, + 0x20604020U, 0xfc1fe3fcU, 0xb1c879b1U, 0x5bedb65bU, + 0x6abed46aU, 0xcb468dcbU, 0xbed967beU, 0x394b7239U, + 0x4ade944aU, 0x4cd4984cU, 0x58e8b058U, 0xcf4a85cfU, + 0xd06bbbd0U, 0xef2ac5efU, 0xaae54faaU, 0xfb16edfbU, + 0x43c58643U, 0x4dd79a4dU, 0x33556633U, 0x85941185U, + 0x45cf8a45U, 0xf910e9f9U, 0x02060402U, 0x7f81fe7fU, + 0x50f0a050U, 0x3c44783cU, 0x9fba259fU, 0xa8e34ba8U, + 0x51f3a251U, 0xa3fe5da3U, 0x40c08040U, 0x8f8a058fU, + 0x92ad3f92U, 0x9dbc219dU, 0x38487038U, 0xf504f1f5U, + 0xbcdf63bcU, 0xb6c177b6U, 0xda75afdaU, 0x21634221U, + 0x10302010U, 0xff1ae5ffU, 0xf30efdf3U, 0xd26dbfd2U, + 0xcd4c81cdU, 0x0c14180cU, 0x13352613U, 0xec2fc3ecU, + 0x5fe1be5fU, 0x97a23597U, 0x44cc8844U, 0x17392e17U, + 0xc45793c4U, 0xa7f255a7U, 0x7e82fc7eU, 0x3d477a3dU, + 0x64acc864U, 0x5de7ba5dU, 0x192b3219U, 0x7395e673U, + 0x60a0c060U, 0x81981981U, 0x4fd19e4fU, 0xdc7fa3dcU, + 0x22664422U, 0x2a7e542aU, 0x90ab3b90U, 0x88830b88U, + 0x46ca8c46U, 0xee29c7eeU, 0xb8d36bb8U, 0x143c2814U, + 0xde79a7deU, 0x5ee2bc5eU, 0x0b1d160bU, 0xdb76addbU, + 0xe03bdbe0U, 0x32566432U, 0x3a4e743aU, 0x0a1e140aU, + 0x49db9249U, 0x060a0c06U, 0x246c4824U, 0x5ce4b85cU, + 0xc25d9fc2U, 0xd36ebdd3U, 0xacef43acU, 0x62a6c462U, + 0x91a83991U, 0x95a43195U, 0xe437d3e4U, 0x798bf279U, + 0xe732d5e7U, 0xc8438bc8U, 0x37596e37U, 0x6db7da6dU, + 0x8d8c018dU, 0xd564b1d5U, 0x4ed29c4eU, 0xa9e049a9U, + 0x6cb4d86cU, 0x56faac56U, 0xf407f3f4U, 0xea25cfeaU, + 0x65afca65U, 0x7a8ef47aU, 0xaee947aeU, 0x08181008U, + 0xbad56fbaU, 0x7888f078U, 0x256f4a25U, 0x2e725c2eU, + 0x1c24381cU, 0xa6f157a6U, 0xb4c773b4U, 0xc65197c6U, + 0xe823cbe8U, 0xdd7ca1ddU, 0x749ce874U, 0x1f213e1fU, + 0x4bdd964bU, 0xbddc61bdU, 0x8b860d8bU, 0x8a850f8aU, + 0x7090e070U, 0x3e427c3eU, 0xb5c471b5U, 0x66aacc66U, + 0x48d89048U, 0x03050603U, 0xf601f7f6U, 0x0e121c0eU, + 0x61a3c261U, 0x355f6a35U, 0x57f9ae57U, 0xb9d069b9U, + 0x86911786U, 0xc15899c1U, 0x1d273a1dU, 0x9eb9279eU, + 0xe138d9e1U, 0xf813ebf8U, 0x98b32b98U, 0x11332211U, + 0x69bbd269U, 0xd970a9d9U, 0x8e89078eU, 0x94a73394U, + 0x9bb62d9bU, 0x1e223c1eU, 0x87921587U, 0xe920c9e9U, + 0xce4987ceU, 0x55ffaa55U, 0x28785028U, 0xdf7aa5dfU, + 0x8c8f038cU, 0xa1f859a1U, 0x89800989U, 0x0d171a0dU, + 0xbfda65bfU, 0xe631d7e6U, 0x42c68442U, 0x68b8d068U, + 0x41c38241U, 0x99b02999U, 0x2d775a2dU, 0x0f111e0fU, + 0xb0cb7bb0U, 0x54fca854U, 0xbbd66dbbU, 0x163a2c16U, +}, +{ + 0x6363a5c6U, 0x7c7c84f8U, 0x777799eeU, 0x7b7b8df6U, + 0xf2f20dffU, 0x6b6bbdd6U, 0x6f6fb1deU, 0xc5c55491U, + 0x30305060U, 0x01010302U, 0x6767a9ceU, 0x2b2b7d56U, + 0xfefe19e7U, 0xd7d762b5U, 0xababe64dU, 0x76769aecU, + 0xcaca458fU, 0x82829d1fU, 0xc9c94089U, 0x7d7d87faU, + 0xfafa15efU, 0x5959ebb2U, 0x4747c98eU, 0xf0f00bfbU, + 0xadadec41U, 0xd4d467b3U, 0xa2a2fd5fU, 0xafafea45U, + 0x9c9cbf23U, 0xa4a4f753U, 0x727296e4U, 0xc0c05b9bU, + 0xb7b7c275U, 0xfdfd1ce1U, 0x9393ae3dU, 0x26266a4cU, + 0x36365a6cU, 0x3f3f417eU, 0xf7f702f5U, 0xcccc4f83U, + 0x34345c68U, 0xa5a5f451U, 0xe5e534d1U, 0xf1f108f9U, + 0x717193e2U, 0xd8d873abU, 0x31315362U, 0x15153f2aU, + 0x04040c08U, 0xc7c75295U, 0x23236546U, 0xc3c35e9dU, + 0x18182830U, 0x9696a137U, 0x05050f0aU, 0x9a9ab52fU, + 0x0707090eU, 0x12123624U, 0x80809b1bU, 0xe2e23ddfU, + 0xebeb26cdU, 0x2727694eU, 0xb2b2cd7fU, 0x75759feaU, + 0x09091b12U, 0x83839e1dU, 0x2c2c7458U, 0x1a1a2e34U, + 0x1b1b2d36U, 0x6e6eb2dcU, 0x5a5aeeb4U, 0xa0a0fb5bU, + 0x5252f6a4U, 0x3b3b4d76U, 0xd6d661b7U, 0xb3b3ce7dU, + 0x29297b52U, 0xe3e33eddU, 0x2f2f715eU, 0x84849713U, + 0x5353f5a6U, 0xd1d168b9U, 0x00000000U, 0xeded2cc1U, + 0x20206040U, 0xfcfc1fe3U, 0xb1b1c879U, 0x5b5bedb6U, + 0x6a6abed4U, 0xcbcb468dU, 0xbebed967U, 0x39394b72U, + 0x4a4ade94U, 0x4c4cd498U, 0x5858e8b0U, 0xcfcf4a85U, + 0xd0d06bbbU, 0xefef2ac5U, 0xaaaae54fU, 0xfbfb16edU, + 0x4343c586U, 0x4d4dd79aU, 0x33335566U, 0x85859411U, + 0x4545cf8aU, 0xf9f910e9U, 0x02020604U, 0x7f7f81feU, + 0x5050f0a0U, 0x3c3c4478U, 0x9f9fba25U, 0xa8a8e34bU, + 0x5151f3a2U, 0xa3a3fe5dU, 0x4040c080U, 0x8f8f8a05U, + 0x9292ad3fU, 0x9d9dbc21U, 0x38384870U, 0xf5f504f1U, + 0xbcbcdf63U, 0xb6b6c177U, 0xdada75afU, 0x21216342U, + 0x10103020U, 0xffff1ae5U, 0xf3f30efdU, 0xd2d26dbfU, + 0xcdcd4c81U, 0x0c0c1418U, 0x13133526U, 0xecec2fc3U, + 0x5f5fe1beU, 0x9797a235U, 0x4444cc88U, 0x1717392eU, + 0xc4c45793U, 0xa7a7f255U, 0x7e7e82fcU, 0x3d3d477aU, + 0x6464acc8U, 0x5d5de7baU, 0x19192b32U, 0x737395e6U, + 0x6060a0c0U, 0x81819819U, 0x4f4fd19eU, 0xdcdc7fa3U, + 0x22226644U, 0x2a2a7e54U, 0x9090ab3bU, 0x8888830bU, + 0x4646ca8cU, 0xeeee29c7U, 0xb8b8d36bU, 0x14143c28U, + 0xdede79a7U, 0x5e5ee2bcU, 0x0b0b1d16U, 0xdbdb76adU, + 0xe0e03bdbU, 0x32325664U, 0x3a3a4e74U, 0x0a0a1e14U, + 0x4949db92U, 0x06060a0cU, 0x24246c48U, 0x5c5ce4b8U, + 0xc2c25d9fU, 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0xb223bfa5U, 0xba02036aU, 0x5ced1682U, + 0x2b8acf1cU, 0x92a779b4U, 0xf0f307f2U, 0xa14e69e2U, + 0xcd65daf4U, 0xd50605beU, 0x1fd13462U, 0x8ac4a6feU, + 0x9d342e53U, 0xa0a2f355U, 0x32058ae1U, 0x75a4f6ebU, + 0x390b83ecU, 0xaa4060efU, 0x065e719fU, 0x51bd6e10U, + 0xf93e218aU, 0x3d96dd06U, 0xaedd3e05U, 0x464de6bdU, + 0xb591548dU, 0x0571c45dU, 0x6f0406d4U, 0xff605015U, + 0x241998fbU, 0x97d6bde9U, 0xcc894043U, 0x7767d99eU, + 0xbdb0e842U, 0x8807898bU, 0x38e7195bU, 0xdb79c8eeU, + 0x47a17c0aU, 0xe97c420fU, 0xc9f8841eU, 0x00000000U, + 0x83098086U, 0x48322bedU, 0xac1e1170U, 0x4e6c5a72U, + 0xfbfd0effU, 0x560f8538U, 0x1e3daed5U, 0x27362d39U, + 0x640a0fd9U, 0x21685ca6U, 0xd19b5b54U, 0x3a24362eU, + 0xb10c0a67U, 0x0f9357e7U, 0xd2b4ee96U, 0x9e1b9b91U, + 0x4f80c0c5U, 0xa261dc20U, 0x695a774bU, 0x161c121aU, + 0x0ae293baU, 0xe5c0a02aU, 0x433c22e0U, 0x1d121b17U, + 0x0b0e090dU, 0xadf28bc7U, 0xb92db6a8U, 0xc8141ea9U, + 0x8557f119U, 0x4caf7507U, 0xbbee99ddU, 0xfda37f60U, + 0x9ff70126U, 0xbc5c72f5U, 0xc544663bU, 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0x7aebbf6dU, 0x59da9552U, + 0x832dd4beU, 0x21d35874U, 0x692949e0U, 0xc8448ec9U, + 0x896a75c2U, 0x7978f48eU, 0x3e6b9958U, 0x71dd27b9U, + 0x4fb6bee1U, 0xad17f088U, 0xac66c920U, 0x3ab47dceU, + 0x4a1863dfU, 0x3182e51aU, 0x33609751U, 0x7f456253U, + 0x77e0b164U, 0xae84bb6bU, 0xa01cfe81U, 0x2b94f908U, + 0x68587048U, 0xfd198f45U, 0x6c8794deU, 0xf8b7527bU, + 0xd323ab73U, 0x02e2724bU, 0x8f57e31fU, 0xab2a6655U, + 0x2807b2ebU, 0xc2032fb5U, 0x7b9a86c5U, 0x08a5d337U, + 0x87f23028U, 0xa5b223bfU, 0x6aba0203U, 0x825ced16U, + 0x1c2b8acfU, 0xb492a779U, 0xf2f0f307U, 0xe2a14e69U, + 0xf4cd65daU, 0xbed50605U, 0x621fd134U, 0xfe8ac4a6U, + 0x539d342eU, 0x55a0a2f3U, 0xe132058aU, 0xeb75a4f6U, + 0xec390b83U, 0xefaa4060U, 0x9f065e71U, 0x1051bd6eU, + + 0x8af93e21U, 0x063d96ddU, 0x05aedd3eU, 0xbd464de6U, + 0x8db59154U, 0x5d0571c4U, 0xd46f0406U, 0x15ff6050U, + 0xfb241998U, 0xe997d6bdU, 0x43cc8940U, 0x9e7767d9U, + 0x42bdb0e8U, 0x8b880789U, 0x5b38e719U, 0xeedb79c8U, + 0x0a47a17cU, 0x0fe97c42U, 0x1ec9f884U, 0x00000000U, + 0x86830980U, 0xed48322bU, 0x70ac1e11U, 0x724e6c5aU, + 0xfffbfd0eU, 0x38560f85U, 0xd51e3daeU, 0x3927362dU, + 0xd9640a0fU, 0xa621685cU, 0x54d19b5bU, 0x2e3a2436U, + 0x67b10c0aU, 0xe70f9357U, 0x96d2b4eeU, 0x919e1b9bU, + 0xc54f80c0U, 0x20a261dcU, 0x4b695a77U, 0x1a161c12U, + 0xba0ae293U, 0x2ae5c0a0U, 0xe0433c22U, 0x171d121bU, + 0x0d0b0e09U, 0xc7adf28bU, 0xa8b92db6U, 0xa9c8141eU, + 0x198557f1U, 0x074caf75U, 0xddbbee99U, 0x60fda37fU, + 0x269ff701U, 0xf5bc5c72U, 0x3bc54466U, 0x7e345bfbU, + 0x29768b43U, 0xc6dccb23U, 0xfc68b6edU, 0xf163b8e4U, + 0xdccad731U, 0x85104263U, 0x22401397U, 0x112084c6U, + 0x247d854aU, 0x3df8d2bbU, 0x3211aef9U, 0xa16dc729U, + 0x2f4b1d9eU, 0x30f3dcb2U, 0x52ec0d86U, 0xe3d077c1U, + 0x166c2bb3U, 0xb999a970U, 0x48fa1194U, 0x642247e9U, + 0x8cc4a8fcU, 0x3f1aa0f0U, 0x2cd8567dU, 0x90ef2233U, + 0x4ec78749U, 0xd1c1d938U, 0xa2fe8ccaU, 0x0b3698d4U, + 0x81cfa6f5U, 0xde28a57aU, 0x8e26dab7U, 0xbfa43fadU, + 0x9de42c3aU, 0x920d5078U, 0xcc9b6a5fU, 0x4662547eU, + 0x13c2f68dU, 0xb8e890d8U, 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0xe9e9e9e9U, 0xcbcbcbcbU, + 0x54545454U, 0x7b7b7b7bU, 0x94949494U, 0x32323232U, + 0xa6a6a6a6U, 0xc2c2c2c2U, 0x23232323U, 0x3d3d3d3dU, + 0xeeeeeeeeU, 0x4c4c4c4cU, 0x95959595U, 0x0b0b0b0bU, + 0x42424242U, 0xfafafafaU, 0xc3c3c3c3U, 0x4e4e4e4eU, + 0x08080808U, 0x2e2e2e2eU, 0xa1a1a1a1U, 0x66666666U, + 0x28282828U, 0xd9d9d9d9U, 0x24242424U, 0xb2b2b2b2U, + 0x76767676U, 0x5b5b5b5bU, 0xa2a2a2a2U, 0x49494949U, + 0x6d6d6d6dU, 0x8b8b8b8bU, 0xd1d1d1d1U, 0x25252525U, + 0x72727272U, 0xf8f8f8f8U, 0xf6f6f6f6U, 0x64646464U, + 0x86868686U, 0x68686868U, 0x98989898U, 0x16161616U, + 0xd4d4d4d4U, 0xa4a4a4a4U, 0x5c5c5c5cU, 0xccccccccU, + 0x5d5d5d5dU, 0x65656565U, 0xb6b6b6b6U, 0x92929292U, + 0x6c6c6c6cU, 0x70707070U, 0x48484848U, 0x50505050U, + 0xfdfdfdfdU, 0xededededU, 0xb9b9b9b9U, 0xdadadadaU, + 0x5e5e5e5eU, 0x15151515U, 0x46464646U, 0x57575757U, + 0xa7a7a7a7U, 0x8d8d8d8dU, 0x9d9d9d9dU, 0x84848484U, + 0x90909090U, 0xd8d8d8d8U, 0xababababU, 0x00000000U, + 0x8c8c8c8cU, 0xbcbcbcbcU, 0xd3d3d3d3U, 0x0a0a0a0aU, + 0xf7f7f7f7U, 0xe4e4e4e4U, 0x58585858U, 0x05050505U, + 0xb8b8b8b8U, 0xb3b3b3b3U, 0x45454545U, 0x06060606U, + 0xd0d0d0d0U, 0x2c2c2c2cU, 0x1e1e1e1eU, 0x8f8f8f8fU, + 0xcacacacaU, 0x3f3f3f3fU, 0x0f0f0f0fU, 0x02020202U, + 0xc1c1c1c1U, 0xafafafafU, 0xbdbdbdbdU, 0x03030303U, + 0x01010101U, 0x13131313U, 0x8a8a8a8aU, 0x6b6b6b6bU, + 0x3a3a3a3aU, 0x91919191U, 0x11111111U, 0x41414141U, + 0x4f4f4f4fU, 0x67676767U, 0xdcdcdcdcU, 0xeaeaeaeaU, + 0x97979797U, 0xf2f2f2f2U, 0xcfcfcfcfU, 0xcecececeU, + 0xf0f0f0f0U, 0xb4b4b4b4U, 0xe6e6e6e6U, 0x73737373U, + 0x96969696U, 0xacacacacU, 0x74747474U, 0x22222222U, + 0xe7e7e7e7U, 0xadadadadU, 0x35353535U, 0x85858585U, + 0xe2e2e2e2U, 0xf9f9f9f9U, 0x37373737U, 0xe8e8e8e8U, + 0x1c1c1c1cU, 0x75757575U, 0xdfdfdfdfU, 0x6e6e6e6eU, + 0x47474747U, 0xf1f1f1f1U, 0x1a1a1a1aU, 0x71717171U, + 0x1d1d1d1dU, 0x29292929U, 0xc5c5c5c5U, 0x89898989U, + 0x6f6f6f6fU, 0xb7b7b7b7U, 0x62626262U, 0x0e0e0e0eU, + 0xaaaaaaaaU, 0x18181818U, 0xbebebebeU, 0x1b1b1b1bU, + 0xfcfcfcfcU, 0x56565656U, 0x3e3e3e3eU, 0x4b4b4b4bU, + 0xc6c6c6c6U, 0xd2d2d2d2U, 0x79797979U, 0x20202020U, + 0x9a9a9a9aU, 0xdbdbdbdbU, 0xc0c0c0c0U, 0xfefefefeU, + 0x78787878U, 0xcdcdcdcdU, 0x5a5a5a5aU, 0xf4f4f4f4U, + 0x1f1f1f1fU, 0xddddddddU, 0xa8a8a8a8U, 0x33333333U, + 0x88888888U, 0x07070707U, 0xc7c7c7c7U, 0x31313131U, + 0xb1b1b1b1U, 0x12121212U, 0x10101010U, 0x59595959U, + 0x27272727U, 0x80808080U, 0xececececU, 0x5f5f5f5fU, + 0x60606060U, 0x51515151U, 0x7f7f7f7fU, 0xa9a9a9a9U, + 0x19191919U, 0xb5b5b5b5U, 0x4a4a4a4aU, 0x0d0d0d0dU, + 0x2d2d2d2dU, 0xe5e5e5e5U, 0x7a7a7a7aU, 0x9f9f9f9fU, + 0x93939393U, 0xc9c9c9c9U, 0x9c9c9c9cU, 0xefefefefU, + 0xa0a0a0a0U, 0xe0e0e0e0U, 0x3b3b3b3bU, 0x4d4d4d4dU, + 0xaeaeaeaeU, 0x2a2a2a2aU, 0xf5f5f5f5U, 0xb0b0b0b0U, + 0xc8c8c8c8U, 0xebebebebU, 0xbbbbbbbbU, 0x3c3c3c3cU, + 0x83838383U, 0x53535353U, 0x99999999U, 0x61616161U, + 0x17171717U, 0x2b2b2b2bU, 0x04040404U, 0x7e7e7e7eU, + 0xbabababaU, 0x77777777U, 0xd6d6d6d6U, 0x26262626U, + 0xe1e1e1e1U, 0x69696969U, 0x14141414U, 0x63636363U, + 0x55555555U, 0x21212121U, 0x0c0c0c0cU, 0x7d7d7d7dU, +} +}; + + +const word32* AES::Te0 = AES::Te[0]; +const word32* AES::Te1 = AES::Te[1]; +const word32* AES::Te2 = AES::Te[2]; +const word32* AES::Te3 = AES::Te[3]; +const word32* AES::Te4 = AES::Te[4]; + +const word32* AES::Td0 = AES::Td[0]; +const word32* AES::Td1 = AES::Td[1]; +const word32* AES::Td2 = AES::Td[2]; +const word32* AES::Td3 = AES::Td[3]; +const word32* AES::Td4 = AES::Td[4]; + + } // namespace diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/aestables.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/aestables.cpp index 7ba25bc9ffb..af9924703ef 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/aestables.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/aestables.cpp @@ -28,689 +28,6 @@ namespace TaoCrypt { -/* -Te0[x] = S [x].[02, 01, 01, 03]; -Te1[x] = S [x].[03, 02, 01, 01]; -Te2[x] = S [x].[01, 03, 02, 01]; -Te3[x] = S [x].[01, 01, 03, 02]; -Te4[x] = S [x].[01, 01, 01, 01]; - -Td0[x] = Si[x].[0e, 09, 0d, 0b]; -Td1[x] = Si[x].[0b, 0e, 09, 0d]; -Td2[x] = Si[x].[0d, 0b, 0e, 09]; -Td3[x] = Si[x].[09, 0d, 0b, 0e]; -Td4[x] = Si[x].[01, 01, 01, 01]; -*/ - -const word32 AES::Te0[256] = { - 0xc66363a5U, 0xf87c7c84U, 0xee777799U, 0xf67b7b8dU, - 0xfff2f20dU, 0xd66b6bbdU, 0xde6f6fb1U, 0x91c5c554U, - 0x60303050U, 0x02010103U, 0xce6767a9U, 0x562b2b7dU, - 0xe7fefe19U, 0xb5d7d762U, 0x4dababe6U, 0xec76769aU, - 0x8fcaca45U, 0x1f82829dU, 0x89c9c940U, 0xfa7d7d87U, - 0xeffafa15U, 0xb25959ebU, 0x8e4747c9U, 0xfbf0f00bU, - 0x41adadecU, 0xb3d4d467U, 0x5fa2a2fdU, 0x45afafeaU, - 0x239c9cbfU, 0x53a4a4f7U, 0xe4727296U, 0x9bc0c05bU, - 0x75b7b7c2U, 0xe1fdfd1cU, 0x3d9393aeU, 0x4c26266aU, - 0x6c36365aU, 0x7e3f3f41U, 0xf5f7f702U, 0x83cccc4fU, - 0x6834345cU, 0x51a5a5f4U, 0xd1e5e534U, 0xf9f1f108U, - 0xe2717193U, 0xabd8d873U, 0x62313153U, 0x2a15153fU, - 0x0804040cU, 0x95c7c752U, 0x46232365U, 0x9dc3c35eU, - 0x30181828U, 0x379696a1U, 0x0a05050fU, 0x2f9a9ab5U, - 0x0e070709U, 0x24121236U, 0x1b80809bU, 0xdfe2e23dU, - 0xcdebeb26U, 0x4e272769U, 0x7fb2b2cdU, 0xea75759fU, - 0x1209091bU, 0x1d83839eU, 0x582c2c74U, 0x341a1a2eU, - 0x361b1b2dU, 0xdc6e6eb2U, 0xb45a5aeeU, 0x5ba0a0fbU, - 0xa45252f6U, 0x763b3b4dU, 0xb7d6d661U, 0x7db3b3ceU, - 0x5229297bU, 0xdde3e33eU, 0x5e2f2f71U, 0x13848497U, - 0xa65353f5U, 0xb9d1d168U, 0x00000000U, 0xc1eded2cU, - 0x40202060U, 0xe3fcfc1fU, 0x79b1b1c8U, 0xb65b5bedU, - 0xd46a6abeU, 0x8dcbcb46U, 0x67bebed9U, 0x7239394bU, - 0x944a4adeU, 0x984c4cd4U, 0xb05858e8U, 0x85cfcf4aU, - 0xbbd0d06bU, 0xc5efef2aU, 0x4faaaae5U, 0xedfbfb16U, - 0x864343c5U, 0x9a4d4dd7U, 0x66333355U, 0x11858594U, - 0x8a4545cfU, 0xe9f9f910U, 0x04020206U, 0xfe7f7f81U, - 0xa05050f0U, 0x783c3c44U, 0x259f9fbaU, 0x4ba8a8e3U, - 0xa25151f3U, 0x5da3a3feU, 0x804040c0U, 0x058f8f8aU, - 0x3f9292adU, 0x219d9dbcU, 0x70383848U, 0xf1f5f504U, - 0x63bcbcdfU, 0x77b6b6c1U, 0xafdada75U, 0x42212163U, - 0x20101030U, 0xe5ffff1aU, 0xfdf3f30eU, 0xbfd2d26dU, - 0x81cdcd4cU, 0x180c0c14U, 0x26131335U, 0xc3ecec2fU, - 0xbe5f5fe1U, 0x359797a2U, 0x884444ccU, 0x2e171739U, - 0x93c4c457U, 0x55a7a7f2U, 0xfc7e7e82U, 0x7a3d3d47U, - 0xc86464acU, 0xba5d5de7U, 0x3219192bU, 0xe6737395U, - 0xc06060a0U, 0x19818198U, 0x9e4f4fd1U, 0xa3dcdc7fU, - 0x44222266U, 0x542a2a7eU, 0x3b9090abU, 0x0b888883U, - 0x8c4646caU, 0xc7eeee29U, 0x6bb8b8d3U, 0x2814143cU, - 0xa7dede79U, 0xbc5e5ee2U, 0x160b0b1dU, 0xaddbdb76U, - 0xdbe0e03bU, 0x64323256U, 0x743a3a4eU, 0x140a0a1eU, - 0x924949dbU, 0x0c06060aU, 0x4824246cU, 0xb85c5ce4U, - 0x9fc2c25dU, 0xbdd3d36eU, 0x43acacefU, 0xc46262a6U, - 0x399191a8U, 0x319595a4U, 0xd3e4e437U, 0xf279798bU, - 0xd5e7e732U, 0x8bc8c843U, 0x6e373759U, 0xda6d6db7U, - 0x018d8d8cU, 0xb1d5d564U, 0x9c4e4ed2U, 0x49a9a9e0U, - 0xd86c6cb4U, 0xac5656faU, 0xf3f4f407U, 0xcfeaea25U, - 0xca6565afU, 0xf47a7a8eU, 0x47aeaee9U, 0x10080818U, - 0x6fbabad5U, 0xf0787888U, 0x4a25256fU, 0x5c2e2e72U, - 0x381c1c24U, 0x57a6a6f1U, 0x73b4b4c7U, 0x97c6c651U, - 0xcbe8e823U, 0xa1dddd7cU, 0xe874749cU, 0x3e1f1f21U, - 0x964b4bddU, 0x61bdbddcU, 0x0d8b8b86U, 0x0f8a8a85U, - 0xe0707090U, 0x7c3e3e42U, 0x71b5b5c4U, 0xcc6666aaU, - 0x904848d8U, 0x06030305U, 0xf7f6f601U, 0x1c0e0e12U, - 0xc26161a3U, 0x6a35355fU, 0xae5757f9U, 0x69b9b9d0U, - 0x17868691U, 0x99c1c158U, 0x3a1d1d27U, 0x279e9eb9U, - 0xd9e1e138U, 0xebf8f813U, 0x2b9898b3U, 0x22111133U, - 0xd26969bbU, 0xa9d9d970U, 0x078e8e89U, 0x339494a7U, - 0x2d9b9bb6U, 0x3c1e1e22U, 0x15878792U, 0xc9e9e920U, - 0x87cece49U, 0xaa5555ffU, 0x50282878U, 0xa5dfdf7aU, - 0x038c8c8fU, 0x59a1a1f8U, 0x09898980U, 0x1a0d0d17U, - 0x65bfbfdaU, 0xd7e6e631U, 0x844242c6U, 0xd06868b8U, - 0x824141c3U, 0x299999b0U, 0x5a2d2d77U, 0x1e0f0f11U, - 0x7bb0b0cbU, 0xa85454fcU, 0x6dbbbbd6U, 0x2c16163aU, -}; -const word32 AES::Te1[256] = { - 0xa5c66363U, 0x84f87c7cU, 0x99ee7777U, 0x8df67b7bU, - 0x0dfff2f2U, 0xbdd66b6bU, 0xb1de6f6fU, 0x5491c5c5U, - 0x50603030U, 0x03020101U, 0xa9ce6767U, 0x7d562b2bU, - 0x19e7fefeU, 0x62b5d7d7U, 0xe64dababU, 0x9aec7676U, - 0x458fcacaU, 0x9d1f8282U, 0x4089c9c9U, 0x87fa7d7dU, - 0x15effafaU, 0xebb25959U, 0xc98e4747U, 0x0bfbf0f0U, - 0xec41adadU, 0x67b3d4d4U, 0xfd5fa2a2U, 0xea45afafU, - 0xbf239c9cU, 0xf753a4a4U, 0x96e47272U, 0x5b9bc0c0U, - 0xc275b7b7U, 0x1ce1fdfdU, 0xae3d9393U, 0x6a4c2626U, - 0x5a6c3636U, 0x417e3f3fU, 0x02f5f7f7U, 0x4f83ccccU, - 0x5c683434U, 0xf451a5a5U, 0x34d1e5e5U, 0x08f9f1f1U, - 0x93e27171U, 0x73abd8d8U, 0x53623131U, 0x3f2a1515U, - 0x0c080404U, 0x5295c7c7U, 0x65462323U, 0x5e9dc3c3U, - 0x28301818U, 0xa1379696U, 0x0f0a0505U, 0xb52f9a9aU, - 0x090e0707U, 0x36241212U, 0x9b1b8080U, 0x3ddfe2e2U, - 0x26cdebebU, 0x694e2727U, 0xcd7fb2b2U, 0x9fea7575U, - 0x1b120909U, 0x9e1d8383U, 0x74582c2cU, 0x2e341a1aU, - 0x2d361b1bU, 0xb2dc6e6eU, 0xeeb45a5aU, 0xfb5ba0a0U, - 0xf6a45252U, 0x4d763b3bU, 0x61b7d6d6U, 0xce7db3b3U, - 0x7b522929U, 0x3edde3e3U, 0x715e2f2fU, 0x97138484U, - 0xf5a65353U, 0x68b9d1d1U, 0x00000000U, 0x2cc1ededU, - 0x60402020U, 0x1fe3fcfcU, 0xc879b1b1U, 0xedb65b5bU, - 0xbed46a6aU, 0x468dcbcbU, 0xd967bebeU, 0x4b723939U, - 0xde944a4aU, 0xd4984c4cU, 0xe8b05858U, 0x4a85cfcfU, - 0x6bbbd0d0U, 0x2ac5efefU, 0xe54faaaaU, 0x16edfbfbU, - 0xc5864343U, 0xd79a4d4dU, 0x55663333U, 0x94118585U, - 0xcf8a4545U, 0x10e9f9f9U, 0x06040202U, 0x81fe7f7fU, - 0xf0a05050U, 0x44783c3cU, 0xba259f9fU, 0xe34ba8a8U, - 0xf3a25151U, 0xfe5da3a3U, 0xc0804040U, 0x8a058f8fU, - 0xad3f9292U, 0xbc219d9dU, 0x48703838U, 0x04f1f5f5U, - 0xdf63bcbcU, 0xc177b6b6U, 0x75afdadaU, 0x63422121U, - 0x30201010U, 0x1ae5ffffU, 0x0efdf3f3U, 0x6dbfd2d2U, - 0x4c81cdcdU, 0x14180c0cU, 0x35261313U, 0x2fc3ececU, - 0xe1be5f5fU, 0xa2359797U, 0xcc884444U, 0x392e1717U, - 0x5793c4c4U, 0xf255a7a7U, 0x82fc7e7eU, 0x477a3d3dU, - 0xacc86464U, 0xe7ba5d5dU, 0x2b321919U, 0x95e67373U, - 0xa0c06060U, 0x98198181U, 0xd19e4f4fU, 0x7fa3dcdcU, - 0x66442222U, 0x7e542a2aU, 0xab3b9090U, 0x830b8888U, - 0xca8c4646U, 0x29c7eeeeU, 0xd36bb8b8U, 0x3c281414U, - 0x79a7dedeU, 0xe2bc5e5eU, 0x1d160b0bU, 0x76addbdbU, - 0x3bdbe0e0U, 0x56643232U, 0x4e743a3aU, 0x1e140a0aU, - 0xdb924949U, 0x0a0c0606U, 0x6c482424U, 0xe4b85c5cU, - 0x5d9fc2c2U, 0x6ebdd3d3U, 0xef43acacU, 0xa6c46262U, - 0xa8399191U, 0xa4319595U, 0x37d3e4e4U, 0x8bf27979U, - 0x32d5e7e7U, 0x438bc8c8U, 0x596e3737U, 0xb7da6d6dU, - 0x8c018d8dU, 0x64b1d5d5U, 0xd29c4e4eU, 0xe049a9a9U, - 0xb4d86c6cU, 0xfaac5656U, 0x07f3f4f4U, 0x25cfeaeaU, - 0xafca6565U, 0x8ef47a7aU, 0xe947aeaeU, 0x18100808U, - 0xd56fbabaU, 0x88f07878U, 0x6f4a2525U, 0x725c2e2eU, - 0x24381c1cU, 0xf157a6a6U, 0xc773b4b4U, 0x5197c6c6U, - 0x23cbe8e8U, 0x7ca1ddddU, 0x9ce87474U, 0x213e1f1fU, - 0xdd964b4bU, 0xdc61bdbdU, 0x860d8b8bU, 0x850f8a8aU, - 0x90e07070U, 0x427c3e3eU, 0xc471b5b5U, 0xaacc6666U, - 0xd8904848U, 0x05060303U, 0x01f7f6f6U, 0x121c0e0eU, - 0xa3c26161U, 0x5f6a3535U, 0xf9ae5757U, 0xd069b9b9U, - 0x91178686U, 0x5899c1c1U, 0x273a1d1dU, 0xb9279e9eU, - 0x38d9e1e1U, 0x13ebf8f8U, 0xb32b9898U, 0x33221111U, - 0xbbd26969U, 0x70a9d9d9U, 0x89078e8eU, 0xa7339494U, - 0xb62d9b9bU, 0x223c1e1eU, 0x92158787U, 0x20c9e9e9U, - 0x4987ceceU, 0xffaa5555U, 0x78502828U, 0x7aa5dfdfU, - 0x8f038c8cU, 0xf859a1a1U, 0x80098989U, 0x171a0d0dU, - 0xda65bfbfU, 0x31d7e6e6U, 0xc6844242U, 0xb8d06868U, - 0xc3824141U, 0xb0299999U, 0x775a2d2dU, 0x111e0f0fU, - 0xcb7bb0b0U, 0xfca85454U, 0xd66dbbbbU, 0x3a2c1616U, -}; -const word32 AES::Te2[256] = { - 0x63a5c663U, 0x7c84f87cU, 0x7799ee77U, 0x7b8df67bU, - 0xf20dfff2U, 0x6bbdd66bU, 0x6fb1de6fU, 0xc55491c5U, - 0x30506030U, 0x01030201U, 0x67a9ce67U, 0x2b7d562bU, - 0xfe19e7feU, 0xd762b5d7U, 0xabe64dabU, 0x769aec76U, - 0xca458fcaU, 0x829d1f82U, 0xc94089c9U, 0x7d87fa7dU, - 0xfa15effaU, 0x59ebb259U, 0x47c98e47U, 0xf00bfbf0U, - 0xadec41adU, 0xd467b3d4U, 0xa2fd5fa2U, 0xafea45afU, - 0x9cbf239cU, 0xa4f753a4U, 0x7296e472U, 0xc05b9bc0U, - 0xb7c275b7U, 0xfd1ce1fdU, 0x93ae3d93U, 0x266a4c26U, - 0x365a6c36U, 0x3f417e3fU, 0xf702f5f7U, 0xcc4f83ccU, - 0x345c6834U, 0xa5f451a5U, 0xe534d1e5U, 0xf108f9f1U, - 0x7193e271U, 0xd873abd8U, 0x31536231U, 0x153f2a15U, - 0x040c0804U, 0xc75295c7U, 0x23654623U, 0xc35e9dc3U, - 0x18283018U, 0x96a13796U, 0x050f0a05U, 0x9ab52f9aU, - 0x07090e07U, 0x12362412U, 0x809b1b80U, 0xe23ddfe2U, - 0xeb26cdebU, 0x27694e27U, 0xb2cd7fb2U, 0x759fea75U, - 0x091b1209U, 0x839e1d83U, 0x2c74582cU, 0x1a2e341aU, - 0x1b2d361bU, 0x6eb2dc6eU, 0x5aeeb45aU, 0xa0fb5ba0U, - 0x52f6a452U, 0x3b4d763bU, 0xd661b7d6U, 0xb3ce7db3U, - 0x297b5229U, 0xe33edde3U, 0x2f715e2fU, 0x84971384U, - 0x53f5a653U, 0xd168b9d1U, 0x00000000U, 0xed2cc1edU, - 0x20604020U, 0xfc1fe3fcU, 0xb1c879b1U, 0x5bedb65bU, - 0x6abed46aU, 0xcb468dcbU, 0xbed967beU, 0x394b7239U, - 0x4ade944aU, 0x4cd4984cU, 0x58e8b058U, 0xcf4a85cfU, - 0xd06bbbd0U, 0xef2ac5efU, 0xaae54faaU, 0xfb16edfbU, - 0x43c58643U, 0x4dd79a4dU, 0x33556633U, 0x85941185U, - 0x45cf8a45U, 0xf910e9f9U, 0x02060402U, 0x7f81fe7fU, - 0x50f0a050U, 0x3c44783cU, 0x9fba259fU, 0xa8e34ba8U, - 0x51f3a251U, 0xa3fe5da3U, 0x40c08040U, 0x8f8a058fU, - 0x92ad3f92U, 0x9dbc219dU, 0x38487038U, 0xf504f1f5U, - 0xbcdf63bcU, 0xb6c177b6U, 0xda75afdaU, 0x21634221U, - 0x10302010U, 0xff1ae5ffU, 0xf30efdf3U, 0xd26dbfd2U, - 0xcd4c81cdU, 0x0c14180cU, 0x13352613U, 0xec2fc3ecU, - 0x5fe1be5fU, 0x97a23597U, 0x44cc8844U, 0x17392e17U, - 0xc45793c4U, 0xa7f255a7U, 0x7e82fc7eU, 0x3d477a3dU, - 0x64acc864U, 0x5de7ba5dU, 0x192b3219U, 0x7395e673U, - 0x60a0c060U, 0x81981981U, 0x4fd19e4fU, 0xdc7fa3dcU, - 0x22664422U, 0x2a7e542aU, 0x90ab3b90U, 0x88830b88U, - 0x46ca8c46U, 0xee29c7eeU, 0xb8d36bb8U, 0x143c2814U, - 0xde79a7deU, 0x5ee2bc5eU, 0x0b1d160bU, 0xdb76addbU, - 0xe03bdbe0U, 0x32566432U, 0x3a4e743aU, 0x0a1e140aU, - 0x49db9249U, 0x060a0c06U, 0x246c4824U, 0x5ce4b85cU, - 0xc25d9fc2U, 0xd36ebdd3U, 0xacef43acU, 0x62a6c462U, - 0x91a83991U, 0x95a43195U, 0xe437d3e4U, 0x798bf279U, - 0xe732d5e7U, 0xc8438bc8U, 0x37596e37U, 0x6db7da6dU, - 0x8d8c018dU, 0xd564b1d5U, 0x4ed29c4eU, 0xa9e049a9U, - 0x6cb4d86cU, 0x56faac56U, 0xf407f3f4U, 0xea25cfeaU, - 0x65afca65U, 0x7a8ef47aU, 0xaee947aeU, 0x08181008U, - 0xbad56fbaU, 0x7888f078U, 0x256f4a25U, 0x2e725c2eU, - 0x1c24381cU, 0xa6f157a6U, 0xb4c773b4U, 0xc65197c6U, - 0xe823cbe8U, 0xdd7ca1ddU, 0x749ce874U, 0x1f213e1fU, - 0x4bdd964bU, 0xbddc61bdU, 0x8b860d8bU, 0x8a850f8aU, - 0x7090e070U, 0x3e427c3eU, 0xb5c471b5U, 0x66aacc66U, - 0x48d89048U, 0x03050603U, 0xf601f7f6U, 0x0e121c0eU, - 0x61a3c261U, 0x355f6a35U, 0x57f9ae57U, 0xb9d069b9U, - 0x86911786U, 0xc15899c1U, 0x1d273a1dU, 0x9eb9279eU, - 0xe138d9e1U, 0xf813ebf8U, 0x98b32b98U, 0x11332211U, - 0x69bbd269U, 0xd970a9d9U, 0x8e89078eU, 0x94a73394U, - 0x9bb62d9bU, 0x1e223c1eU, 0x87921587U, 0xe920c9e9U, - 0xce4987ceU, 0x55ffaa55U, 0x28785028U, 0xdf7aa5dfU, - 0x8c8f038cU, 0xa1f859a1U, 0x89800989U, 0x0d171a0dU, - 0xbfda65bfU, 0xe631d7e6U, 0x42c68442U, 0x68b8d068U, - 0x41c38241U, 0x99b02999U, 0x2d775a2dU, 0x0f111e0fU, - 0xb0cb7bb0U, 0x54fca854U, 0xbbd66dbbU, 0x163a2c16U, -}; - -const word32 AES::Te3[256] = { - 0x6363a5c6U, 0x7c7c84f8U, 0x777799eeU, 0x7b7b8df6U, - 0xf2f20dffU, 0x6b6bbdd6U, 0x6f6fb1deU, 0xc5c55491U, - 0x30305060U, 0x01010302U, 0x6767a9ceU, 0x2b2b7d56U, - 0xfefe19e7U, 0xd7d762b5U, 0xababe64dU, 0x76769aecU, - 0xcaca458fU, 0x82829d1fU, 0xc9c94089U, 0x7d7d87faU, - 0xfafa15efU, 0x5959ebb2U, 0x4747c98eU, 0xf0f00bfbU, - 0xadadec41U, 0xd4d467b3U, 0xa2a2fd5fU, 0xafafea45U, - 0x9c9cbf23U, 0xa4a4f753U, 0x727296e4U, 0xc0c05b9bU, - 0xb7b7c275U, 0xfdfd1ce1U, 0x9393ae3dU, 0x26266a4cU, - 0x36365a6cU, 0x3f3f417eU, 0xf7f702f5U, 0xcccc4f83U, - 0x34345c68U, 0xa5a5f451U, 0xe5e534d1U, 0xf1f108f9U, - 0x717193e2U, 0xd8d873abU, 0x31315362U, 0x15153f2aU, - 0x04040c08U, 0xc7c75295U, 0x23236546U, 0xc3c35e9dU, - 0x18182830U, 0x9696a137U, 0x05050f0aU, 0x9a9ab52fU, - 0x0707090eU, 0x12123624U, 0x80809b1bU, 0xe2e23ddfU, - 0xebeb26cdU, 0x2727694eU, 0xb2b2cd7fU, 0x75759feaU, - 0x09091b12U, 0x83839e1dU, 0x2c2c7458U, 0x1a1a2e34U, - 0x1b1b2d36U, 0x6e6eb2dcU, 0x5a5aeeb4U, 0xa0a0fb5bU, - 0x5252f6a4U, 0x3b3b4d76U, 0xd6d661b7U, 0xb3b3ce7dU, - 0x29297b52U, 0xe3e33eddU, 0x2f2f715eU, 0x84849713U, - 0x5353f5a6U, 0xd1d168b9U, 0x00000000U, 0xeded2cc1U, - 0x20206040U, 0xfcfc1fe3U, 0xb1b1c879U, 0x5b5bedb6U, - 0x6a6abed4U, 0xcbcb468dU, 0xbebed967U, 0x39394b72U, - 0x4a4ade94U, 0x4c4cd498U, 0x5858e8b0U, 0xcfcf4a85U, - 0xd0d06bbbU, 0xefef2ac5U, 0xaaaae54fU, 0xfbfb16edU, - 0x4343c586U, 0x4d4dd79aU, 0x33335566U, 0x85859411U, - 0x4545cf8aU, 0xf9f910e9U, 0x02020604U, 0x7f7f81feU, - 0x5050f0a0U, 0x3c3c4478U, 0x9f9fba25U, 0xa8a8e34bU, - 0x5151f3a2U, 0xa3a3fe5dU, 0x4040c080U, 0x8f8f8a05U, - 0x9292ad3fU, 0x9d9dbc21U, 0x38384870U, 0xf5f504f1U, - 0xbcbcdf63U, 0xb6b6c177U, 0xdada75afU, 0x21216342U, - 0x10103020U, 0xffff1ae5U, 0xf3f30efdU, 0xd2d26dbfU, - 0xcdcd4c81U, 0x0c0c1418U, 0x13133526U, 0xecec2fc3U, - 0x5f5fe1beU, 0x9797a235U, 0x4444cc88U, 0x1717392eU, - 0xc4c45793U, 0xa7a7f255U, 0x7e7e82fcU, 0x3d3d477aU, - 0x6464acc8U, 0x5d5de7baU, 0x19192b32U, 0x737395e6U, - 0x6060a0c0U, 0x81819819U, 0x4f4fd19eU, 0xdcdc7fa3U, - 0x22226644U, 0x2a2a7e54U, 0x9090ab3bU, 0x8888830bU, - 0x4646ca8cU, 0xeeee29c7U, 0xb8b8d36bU, 0x14143c28U, - 0xdede79a7U, 0x5e5ee2bcU, 0x0b0b1d16U, 0xdbdb76adU, - 0xe0e03bdbU, 0x32325664U, 0x3a3a4e74U, 0x0a0a1e14U, - 0x4949db92U, 0x06060a0cU, 0x24246c48U, 0x5c5ce4b8U, - 0xc2c25d9fU, 0xd3d36ebdU, 0xacacef43U, 0x6262a6c4U, - 0x9191a839U, 0x9595a431U, 0xe4e437d3U, 0x79798bf2U, - 0xe7e732d5U, 0xc8c8438bU, 0x3737596eU, 0x6d6db7daU, - 0x8d8d8c01U, 0xd5d564b1U, 0x4e4ed29cU, 0xa9a9e049U, - 0x6c6cb4d8U, 0x5656faacU, 0xf4f407f3U, 0xeaea25cfU, - 0x6565afcaU, 0x7a7a8ef4U, 0xaeaee947U, 0x08081810U, - 0xbabad56fU, 0x787888f0U, 0x25256f4aU, 0x2e2e725cU, - 0x1c1c2438U, 0xa6a6f157U, 0xb4b4c773U, 0xc6c65197U, - 0xe8e823cbU, 0xdddd7ca1U, 0x74749ce8U, 0x1f1f213eU, - 0x4b4bdd96U, 0xbdbddc61U, 0x8b8b860dU, 0x8a8a850fU, - 0x707090e0U, 0x3e3e427cU, 0xb5b5c471U, 0x6666aaccU, - 0x4848d890U, 0x03030506U, 0xf6f601f7U, 0x0e0e121cU, - 0x6161a3c2U, 0x35355f6aU, 0x5757f9aeU, 0xb9b9d069U, - 0x86869117U, 0xc1c15899U, 0x1d1d273aU, 0x9e9eb927U, - 0xe1e138d9U, 0xf8f813ebU, 0x9898b32bU, 0x11113322U, - 0x6969bbd2U, 0xd9d970a9U, 0x8e8e8907U, 0x9494a733U, - 0x9b9bb62dU, 0x1e1e223cU, 0x87879215U, 0xe9e920c9U, - 0xcece4987U, 0x5555ffaaU, 0x28287850U, 0xdfdf7aa5U, - 0x8c8c8f03U, 0xa1a1f859U, 0x89898009U, 0x0d0d171aU, - 0xbfbfda65U, 0xe6e631d7U, 0x4242c684U, 0x6868b8d0U, - 0x4141c382U, 0x9999b029U, 0x2d2d775aU, 0x0f0f111eU, - 0xb0b0cb7bU, 0x5454fca8U, 0xbbbbd66dU, 0x16163a2cU, -}; - -const word32 AES::Te4[256] = { - 0x63636363U, 0x7c7c7c7cU, 0x77777777U, 0x7b7b7b7bU, - 0xf2f2f2f2U, 0x6b6b6b6bU, 0x6f6f6f6fU, 0xc5c5c5c5U, - 0x30303030U, 0x01010101U, 0x67676767U, 0x2b2b2b2bU, - 0xfefefefeU, 0xd7d7d7d7U, 0xababababU, 0x76767676U, - 0xcacacacaU, 0x82828282U, 0xc9c9c9c9U, 0x7d7d7d7dU, - 0xfafafafaU, 0x59595959U, 0x47474747U, 0xf0f0f0f0U, - 0xadadadadU, 0xd4d4d4d4U, 0xa2a2a2a2U, 0xafafafafU, - 0x9c9c9c9cU, 0xa4a4a4a4U, 0x72727272U, 0xc0c0c0c0U, - 0xb7b7b7b7U, 0xfdfdfdfdU, 0x93939393U, 0x26262626U, - 0x36363636U, 0x3f3f3f3fU, 0xf7f7f7f7U, 0xccccccccU, - 0x34343434U, 0xa5a5a5a5U, 0xe5e5e5e5U, 0xf1f1f1f1U, - 0x71717171U, 0xd8d8d8d8U, 0x31313131U, 0x15151515U, - 0x04040404U, 0xc7c7c7c7U, 0x23232323U, 0xc3c3c3c3U, - 0x18181818U, 0x96969696U, 0x05050505U, 0x9a9a9a9aU, - 0x07070707U, 0x12121212U, 0x80808080U, 0xe2e2e2e2U, - 0xebebebebU, 0x27272727U, 0xb2b2b2b2U, 0x75757575U, - 0x09090909U, 0x83838383U, 0x2c2c2c2cU, 0x1a1a1a1aU, - 0x1b1b1b1bU, 0x6e6e6e6eU, 0x5a5a5a5aU, 0xa0a0a0a0U, - 0x52525252U, 0x3b3b3b3bU, 0xd6d6d6d6U, 0xb3b3b3b3U, - 0x29292929U, 0xe3e3e3e3U, 0x2f2f2f2fU, 0x84848484U, - 0x53535353U, 0xd1d1d1d1U, 0x00000000U, 0xededededU, - 0x20202020U, 0xfcfcfcfcU, 0xb1b1b1b1U, 0x5b5b5b5bU, - 0x6a6a6a6aU, 0xcbcbcbcbU, 0xbebebebeU, 0x39393939U, - 0x4a4a4a4aU, 0x4c4c4c4cU, 0x58585858U, 0xcfcfcfcfU, - 0xd0d0d0d0U, 0xefefefefU, 0xaaaaaaaaU, 0xfbfbfbfbU, - 0x43434343U, 0x4d4d4d4dU, 0x33333333U, 0x85858585U, - 0x45454545U, 0xf9f9f9f9U, 0x02020202U, 0x7f7f7f7fU, - 0x50505050U, 0x3c3c3c3cU, 0x9f9f9f9fU, 0xa8a8a8a8U, - 0x51515151U, 0xa3a3a3a3U, 0x40404040U, 0x8f8f8f8fU, - 0x92929292U, 0x9d9d9d9dU, 0x38383838U, 0xf5f5f5f5U, - 0xbcbcbcbcU, 0xb6b6b6b6U, 0xdadadadaU, 0x21212121U, - 0x10101010U, 0xffffffffU, 0xf3f3f3f3U, 0xd2d2d2d2U, - 0xcdcdcdcdU, 0x0c0c0c0cU, 0x13131313U, 0xececececU, - 0x5f5f5f5fU, 0x97979797U, 0x44444444U, 0x17171717U, - 0xc4c4c4c4U, 0xa7a7a7a7U, 0x7e7e7e7eU, 0x3d3d3d3dU, - 0x64646464U, 0x5d5d5d5dU, 0x19191919U, 0x73737373U, - 0x60606060U, 0x81818181U, 0x4f4f4f4fU, 0xdcdcdcdcU, - 0x22222222U, 0x2a2a2a2aU, 0x90909090U, 0x88888888U, - 0x46464646U, 0xeeeeeeeeU, 0xb8b8b8b8U, 0x14141414U, - 0xdedededeU, 0x5e5e5e5eU, 0x0b0b0b0bU, 0xdbdbdbdbU, - 0xe0e0e0e0U, 0x32323232U, 0x3a3a3a3aU, 0x0a0a0a0aU, - 0x49494949U, 0x06060606U, 0x24242424U, 0x5c5c5c5cU, - 0xc2c2c2c2U, 0xd3d3d3d3U, 0xacacacacU, 0x62626262U, - 0x91919191U, 0x95959595U, 0xe4e4e4e4U, 0x79797979U, - 0xe7e7e7e7U, 0xc8c8c8c8U, 0x37373737U, 0x6d6d6d6dU, - 0x8d8d8d8dU, 0xd5d5d5d5U, 0x4e4e4e4eU, 0xa9a9a9a9U, - 0x6c6c6c6cU, 0x56565656U, 0xf4f4f4f4U, 0xeaeaeaeaU, - 0x65656565U, 0x7a7a7a7aU, 0xaeaeaeaeU, 0x08080808U, - 0xbabababaU, 0x78787878U, 0x25252525U, 0x2e2e2e2eU, - 0x1c1c1c1cU, 0xa6a6a6a6U, 0xb4b4b4b4U, 0xc6c6c6c6U, - 0xe8e8e8e8U, 0xddddddddU, 0x74747474U, 0x1f1f1f1fU, - 0x4b4b4b4bU, 0xbdbdbdbdU, 0x8b8b8b8bU, 0x8a8a8a8aU, - 0x70707070U, 0x3e3e3e3eU, 0xb5b5b5b5U, 0x66666666U, - 0x48484848U, 0x03030303U, 0xf6f6f6f6U, 0x0e0e0e0eU, - 0x61616161U, 0x35353535U, 0x57575757U, 0xb9b9b9b9U, - 0x86868686U, 0xc1c1c1c1U, 0x1d1d1d1dU, 0x9e9e9e9eU, - 0xe1e1e1e1U, 0xf8f8f8f8U, 0x98989898U, 0x11111111U, - 0x69696969U, 0xd9d9d9d9U, 0x8e8e8e8eU, 0x94949494U, - 0x9b9b9b9bU, 0x1e1e1e1eU, 0x87878787U, 0xe9e9e9e9U, - 0xcecececeU, 0x55555555U, 0x28282828U, 0xdfdfdfdfU, - 0x8c8c8c8cU, 0xa1a1a1a1U, 0x89898989U, 0x0d0d0d0dU, - 0xbfbfbfbfU, 0xe6e6e6e6U, 0x42424242U, 0x68686868U, - 0x41414141U, 0x99999999U, 0x2d2d2d2dU, 0x0f0f0f0fU, - 0xb0b0b0b0U, 0x54545454U, 0xbbbbbbbbU, 0x16161616U, -}; - -const word32 AES::Td0[256] = { - 0x51f4a750U, 0x7e416553U, 0x1a17a4c3U, 0x3a275e96U, - 0x3bab6bcbU, 0x1f9d45f1U, 0xacfa58abU, 0x4be30393U, - 0x2030fa55U, 0xad766df6U, 0x88cc7691U, 0xf5024c25U, - 0x4fe5d7fcU, 0xc52acbd7U, 0x26354480U, 0xb562a38fU, - 0xdeb15a49U, 0x25ba1b67U, 0x45ea0e98U, 0x5dfec0e1U, - 0xc32f7502U, 0x814cf012U, 0x8d4697a3U, 0x6bd3f9c6U, - 0x038f5fe7U, 0x15929c95U, 0xbf6d7aebU, 0x955259daU, - 0xd4be832dU, 0x587421d3U, 0x49e06929U, 0x8ec9c844U, - 0x75c2896aU, 0xf48e7978U, 0x99583e6bU, 0x27b971ddU, - 0xbee14fb6U, 0xf088ad17U, 0xc920ac66U, 0x7dce3ab4U, - 0x63df4a18U, 0xe51a3182U, 0x97513360U, 0x62537f45U, - 0xb16477e0U, 0xbb6bae84U, 0xfe81a01cU, 0xf9082b94U, - 0x70486858U, 0x8f45fd19U, 0x94de6c87U, 0x527bf8b7U, - 0xab73d323U, 0x724b02e2U, 0xe31f8f57U, 0x6655ab2aU, - 0xb2eb2807U, 0x2fb5c203U, 0x86c57b9aU, 0xd33708a5U, - 0x302887f2U, 0x23bfa5b2U, 0x02036abaU, 0xed16825cU, - 0x8acf1c2bU, 0xa779b492U, 0xf307f2f0U, 0x4e69e2a1U, - 0x65daf4cdU, 0x0605bed5U, 0xd134621fU, 0xc4a6fe8aU, - 0x342e539dU, 0xa2f355a0U, 0x058ae132U, 0xa4f6eb75U, - 0x0b83ec39U, 0x4060efaaU, 0x5e719f06U, 0xbd6e1051U, - 0x3e218af9U, 0x96dd063dU, 0xdd3e05aeU, 0x4de6bd46U, - 0x91548db5U, 0x71c45d05U, 0x0406d46fU, 0x605015ffU, - 0x1998fb24U, 0xd6bde997U, 0x894043ccU, 0x67d99e77U, - 0xb0e842bdU, 0x07898b88U, 0xe7195b38U, 0x79c8eedbU, - 0xa17c0a47U, 0x7c420fe9U, 0xf8841ec9U, 0x00000000U, - 0x09808683U, 0x322bed48U, 0x1e1170acU, 0x6c5a724eU, - 0xfd0efffbU, 0x0f853856U, 0x3daed51eU, 0x362d3927U, - 0x0a0fd964U, 0x685ca621U, 0x9b5b54d1U, 0x24362e3aU, - 0x0c0a67b1U, 0x9357e70fU, 0xb4ee96d2U, 0x1b9b919eU, - 0x80c0c54fU, 0x61dc20a2U, 0x5a774b69U, 0x1c121a16U, - 0xe293ba0aU, 0xc0a02ae5U, 0x3c22e043U, 0x121b171dU, - 0x0e090d0bU, 0xf28bc7adU, 0x2db6a8b9U, 0x141ea9c8U, - 0x57f11985U, 0xaf75074cU, 0xee99ddbbU, 0xa37f60fdU, - 0xf701269fU, 0x5c72f5bcU, 0x44663bc5U, 0x5bfb7e34U, - 0x8b432976U, 0xcb23c6dcU, 0xb6edfc68U, 0xb8e4f163U, - 0xd731dccaU, 0x42638510U, 0x13972240U, 0x84c61120U, - 0x854a247dU, 0xd2bb3df8U, 0xaef93211U, 0xc729a16dU, - 0x1d9e2f4bU, 0xdcb230f3U, 0x0d8652ecU, 0x77c1e3d0U, - 0x2bb3166cU, 0xa970b999U, 0x119448faU, 0x47e96422U, - 0xa8fc8cc4U, 0xa0f03f1aU, 0x567d2cd8U, 0x223390efU, - 0x87494ec7U, 0xd938d1c1U, 0x8ccaa2feU, 0x98d40b36U, - 0xa6f581cfU, 0xa57ade28U, 0xdab78e26U, 0x3fadbfa4U, - 0x2c3a9de4U, 0x5078920dU, 0x6a5fcc9bU, 0x547e4662U, - 0xf68d13c2U, 0x90d8b8e8U, 0x2e39f75eU, 0x82c3aff5U, - 0x9f5d80beU, 0x69d0937cU, 0x6fd52da9U, 0xcf2512b3U, - 0xc8ac993bU, 0x10187da7U, 0xe89c636eU, 0xdb3bbb7bU, - 0xcd267809U, 0x6e5918f4U, 0xec9ab701U, 0x834f9aa8U, - 0xe6956e65U, 0xaaffe67eU, 0x21bccf08U, 0xef15e8e6U, - 0xbae79bd9U, 0x4a6f36ceU, 0xea9f09d4U, 0x29b07cd6U, - 0x31a4b2afU, 0x2a3f2331U, 0xc6a59430U, 0x35a266c0U, - 0x744ebc37U, 0xfc82caa6U, 0xe090d0b0U, 0x33a7d815U, - 0xf104984aU, 0x41ecdaf7U, 0x7fcd500eU, 0x1791f62fU, - 0x764dd68dU, 0x43efb04dU, 0xccaa4d54U, 0xe49604dfU, - 0x9ed1b5e3U, 0x4c6a881bU, 0xc12c1fb8U, 0x4665517fU, - 0x9d5eea04U, 0x018c355dU, 0xfa877473U, 0xfb0b412eU, - 0xb3671d5aU, 0x92dbd252U, 0xe9105633U, 0x6dd64713U, - 0x9ad7618cU, 0x37a10c7aU, 0x59f8148eU, 0xeb133c89U, - 0xcea927eeU, 0xb761c935U, 0xe11ce5edU, 0x7a47b13cU, - 0x9cd2df59U, 0x55f2733fU, 0x1814ce79U, 0x73c737bfU, - 0x53f7cdeaU, 0x5ffdaa5bU, 0xdf3d6f14U, 0x7844db86U, - 0xcaaff381U, 0xb968c43eU, 0x3824342cU, 0xc2a3405fU, - 0x161dc372U, 0xbce2250cU, 0x283c498bU, 0xff0d9541U, - 0x39a80171U, 0x080cb3deU, 0xd8b4e49cU, 0x6456c190U, - 0x7bcb8461U, 0xd532b670U, 0x486c5c74U, 0xd0b85742U, -}; - -const word32 AES::Td1[256] = { - 0x5051f4a7U, 0x537e4165U, 0xc31a17a4U, 0x963a275eU, - 0xcb3bab6bU, 0xf11f9d45U, 0xabacfa58U, 0x934be303U, - 0x552030faU, 0xf6ad766dU, 0x9188cc76U, 0x25f5024cU, - 0xfc4fe5d7U, 0xd7c52acbU, 0x80263544U, 0x8fb562a3U, - 0x49deb15aU, 0x6725ba1bU, 0x9845ea0eU, 0xe15dfec0U, - 0x02c32f75U, 0x12814cf0U, 0xa38d4697U, 0xc66bd3f9U, - 0xe7038f5fU, 0x9515929cU, 0xebbf6d7aU, 0xda955259U, - 0x2dd4be83U, 0xd3587421U, 0x2949e069U, 0x448ec9c8U, - 0x6a75c289U, 0x78f48e79U, 0x6b99583eU, 0xdd27b971U, - 0xb6bee14fU, 0x17f088adU, 0x66c920acU, 0xb47dce3aU, - 0x1863df4aU, 0x82e51a31U, 0x60975133U, 0x4562537fU, - 0xe0b16477U, 0x84bb6baeU, 0x1cfe81a0U, 0x94f9082bU, - 0x58704868U, 0x198f45fdU, 0x8794de6cU, 0xb7527bf8U, - 0x23ab73d3U, 0xe2724b02U, 0x57e31f8fU, 0x2a6655abU, - 0x07b2eb28U, 0x032fb5c2U, 0x9a86c57bU, 0xa5d33708U, - 0xf2302887U, 0xb223bfa5U, 0xba02036aU, 0x5ced1682U, - 0x2b8acf1cU, 0x92a779b4U, 0xf0f307f2U, 0xa14e69e2U, - 0xcd65daf4U, 0xd50605beU, 0x1fd13462U, 0x8ac4a6feU, - 0x9d342e53U, 0xa0a2f355U, 0x32058ae1U, 0x75a4f6ebU, - 0x390b83ecU, 0xaa4060efU, 0x065e719fU, 0x51bd6e10U, - 0xf93e218aU, 0x3d96dd06U, 0xaedd3e05U, 0x464de6bdU, - 0xb591548dU, 0x0571c45dU, 0x6f0406d4U, 0xff605015U, - 0x241998fbU, 0x97d6bde9U, 0xcc894043U, 0x7767d99eU, - 0xbdb0e842U, 0x8807898bU, 0x38e7195bU, 0xdb79c8eeU, - 0x47a17c0aU, 0xe97c420fU, 0xc9f8841eU, 0x00000000U, - 0x83098086U, 0x48322bedU, 0xac1e1170U, 0x4e6c5a72U, - 0xfbfd0effU, 0x560f8538U, 0x1e3daed5U, 0x27362d39U, - 0x640a0fd9U, 0x21685ca6U, 0xd19b5b54U, 0x3a24362eU, - 0xb10c0a67U, 0x0f9357e7U, 0xd2b4ee96U, 0x9e1b9b91U, - 0x4f80c0c5U, 0xa261dc20U, 0x695a774bU, 0x161c121aU, - 0x0ae293baU, 0xe5c0a02aU, 0x433c22e0U, 0x1d121b17U, - 0x0b0e090dU, 0xadf28bc7U, 0xb92db6a8U, 0xc8141ea9U, - 0x8557f119U, 0x4caf7507U, 0xbbee99ddU, 0xfda37f60U, - 0x9ff70126U, 0xbc5c72f5U, 0xc544663bU, 0x345bfb7eU, - 0x768b4329U, 0xdccb23c6U, 0x68b6edfcU, 0x63b8e4f1U, - 0xcad731dcU, 0x10426385U, 0x40139722U, 0x2084c611U, - 0x7d854a24U, 0xf8d2bb3dU, 0x11aef932U, 0x6dc729a1U, - 0x4b1d9e2fU, 0xf3dcb230U, 0xec0d8652U, 0xd077c1e3U, - 0x6c2bb316U, 0x99a970b9U, 0xfa119448U, 0x2247e964U, - 0xc4a8fc8cU, 0x1aa0f03fU, 0xd8567d2cU, 0xef223390U, - 0xc787494eU, 0xc1d938d1U, 0xfe8ccaa2U, 0x3698d40bU, - 0xcfa6f581U, 0x28a57adeU, 0x26dab78eU, 0xa43fadbfU, - 0xe42c3a9dU, 0x0d507892U, 0x9b6a5fccU, 0x62547e46U, - 0xc2f68d13U, 0xe890d8b8U, 0x5e2e39f7U, 0xf582c3afU, - 0xbe9f5d80U, 0x7c69d093U, 0xa96fd52dU, 0xb3cf2512U, - 0x3bc8ac99U, 0xa710187dU, 0x6ee89c63U, 0x7bdb3bbbU, - 0x09cd2678U, 0xf46e5918U, 0x01ec9ab7U, 0xa8834f9aU, - 0x65e6956eU, 0x7eaaffe6U, 0x0821bccfU, 0xe6ef15e8U, - 0xd9bae79bU, 0xce4a6f36U, 0xd4ea9f09U, 0xd629b07cU, - 0xaf31a4b2U, 0x312a3f23U, 0x30c6a594U, 0xc035a266U, - 0x37744ebcU, 0xa6fc82caU, 0xb0e090d0U, 0x1533a7d8U, - 0x4af10498U, 0xf741ecdaU, 0x0e7fcd50U, 0x2f1791f6U, - 0x8d764dd6U, 0x4d43efb0U, 0x54ccaa4dU, 0xdfe49604U, - 0xe39ed1b5U, 0x1b4c6a88U, 0xb8c12c1fU, 0x7f466551U, - 0x049d5eeaU, 0x5d018c35U, 0x73fa8774U, 0x2efb0b41U, - 0x5ab3671dU, 0x5292dbd2U, 0x33e91056U, 0x136dd647U, - 0x8c9ad761U, 0x7a37a10cU, 0x8e59f814U, 0x89eb133cU, - 0xeecea927U, 0x35b761c9U, 0xede11ce5U, 0x3c7a47b1U, - 0x599cd2dfU, 0x3f55f273U, 0x791814ceU, 0xbf73c737U, - 0xea53f7cdU, 0x5b5ffdaaU, 0x14df3d6fU, 0x867844dbU, - 0x81caaff3U, 0x3eb968c4U, 0x2c382434U, 0x5fc2a340U, - 0x72161dc3U, 0x0cbce225U, 0x8b283c49U, 0x41ff0d95U, - 0x7139a801U, 0xde080cb3U, 0x9cd8b4e4U, 0x906456c1U, - 0x617bcb84U, 0x70d532b6U, 0x74486c5cU, 0x42d0b857U, -}; - -const word32 AES::Td2[256] = { - 0xa75051f4U, 0x65537e41U, 0xa4c31a17U, 0x5e963a27U, - 0x6bcb3babU, 0x45f11f9dU, 0x58abacfaU, 0x03934be3U, - 0xfa552030U, 0x6df6ad76U, 0x769188ccU, 0x4c25f502U, - 0xd7fc4fe5U, 0xcbd7c52aU, 0x44802635U, 0xa38fb562U, - 0x5a49deb1U, 0x1b6725baU, 0x0e9845eaU, 0xc0e15dfeU, - 0x7502c32fU, 0xf012814cU, 0x97a38d46U, 0xf9c66bd3U, - 0x5fe7038fU, 0x9c951592U, 0x7aebbf6dU, 0x59da9552U, - 0x832dd4beU, 0x21d35874U, 0x692949e0U, 0xc8448ec9U, - 0x896a75c2U, 0x7978f48eU, 0x3e6b9958U, 0x71dd27b9U, - 0x4fb6bee1U, 0xad17f088U, 0xac66c920U, 0x3ab47dceU, - 0x4a1863dfU, 0x3182e51aU, 0x33609751U, 0x7f456253U, - 0x77e0b164U, 0xae84bb6bU, 0xa01cfe81U, 0x2b94f908U, - 0x68587048U, 0xfd198f45U, 0x6c8794deU, 0xf8b7527bU, - 0xd323ab73U, 0x02e2724bU, 0x8f57e31fU, 0xab2a6655U, - 0x2807b2ebU, 0xc2032fb5U, 0x7b9a86c5U, 0x08a5d337U, - 0x87f23028U, 0xa5b223bfU, 0x6aba0203U, 0x825ced16U, - 0x1c2b8acfU, 0xb492a779U, 0xf2f0f307U, 0xe2a14e69U, - 0xf4cd65daU, 0xbed50605U, 0x621fd134U, 0xfe8ac4a6U, - 0x539d342eU, 0x55a0a2f3U, 0xe132058aU, 0xeb75a4f6U, - 0xec390b83U, 0xefaa4060U, 0x9f065e71U, 0x1051bd6eU, - - 0x8af93e21U, 0x063d96ddU, 0x05aedd3eU, 0xbd464de6U, - 0x8db59154U, 0x5d0571c4U, 0xd46f0406U, 0x15ff6050U, - 0xfb241998U, 0xe997d6bdU, 0x43cc8940U, 0x9e7767d9U, - 0x42bdb0e8U, 0x8b880789U, 0x5b38e719U, 0xeedb79c8U, - 0x0a47a17cU, 0x0fe97c42U, 0x1ec9f884U, 0x00000000U, - 0x86830980U, 0xed48322bU, 0x70ac1e11U, 0x724e6c5aU, - 0xfffbfd0eU, 0x38560f85U, 0xd51e3daeU, 0x3927362dU, - 0xd9640a0fU, 0xa621685cU, 0x54d19b5bU, 0x2e3a2436U, - 0x67b10c0aU, 0xe70f9357U, 0x96d2b4eeU, 0x919e1b9bU, - 0xc54f80c0U, 0x20a261dcU, 0x4b695a77U, 0x1a161c12U, - 0xba0ae293U, 0x2ae5c0a0U, 0xe0433c22U, 0x171d121bU, - 0x0d0b0e09U, 0xc7adf28bU, 0xa8b92db6U, 0xa9c8141eU, - 0x198557f1U, 0x074caf75U, 0xddbbee99U, 0x60fda37fU, - 0x269ff701U, 0xf5bc5c72U, 0x3bc54466U, 0x7e345bfbU, - 0x29768b43U, 0xc6dccb23U, 0xfc68b6edU, 0xf163b8e4U, - 0xdccad731U, 0x85104263U, 0x22401397U, 0x112084c6U, - 0x247d854aU, 0x3df8d2bbU, 0x3211aef9U, 0xa16dc729U, - 0x2f4b1d9eU, 0x30f3dcb2U, 0x52ec0d86U, 0xe3d077c1U, - 0x166c2bb3U, 0xb999a970U, 0x48fa1194U, 0x642247e9U, - 0x8cc4a8fcU, 0x3f1aa0f0U, 0x2cd8567dU, 0x90ef2233U, - 0x4ec78749U, 0xd1c1d938U, 0xa2fe8ccaU, 0x0b3698d4U, - 0x81cfa6f5U, 0xde28a57aU, 0x8e26dab7U, 0xbfa43fadU, - 0x9de42c3aU, 0x920d5078U, 0xcc9b6a5fU, 0x4662547eU, - 0x13c2f68dU, 0xb8e890d8U, 0xf75e2e39U, 0xaff582c3U, - 0x80be9f5dU, 0x937c69d0U, 0x2da96fd5U, 0x12b3cf25U, - 0x993bc8acU, 0x7da71018U, 0x636ee89cU, 0xbb7bdb3bU, - 0x7809cd26U, 0x18f46e59U, 0xb701ec9aU, 0x9aa8834fU, - 0x6e65e695U, 0xe67eaaffU, 0xcf0821bcU, 0xe8e6ef15U, - 0x9bd9bae7U, 0x36ce4a6fU, 0x09d4ea9fU, 0x7cd629b0U, - 0xb2af31a4U, 0x23312a3fU, 0x9430c6a5U, 0x66c035a2U, - 0xbc37744eU, 0xcaa6fc82U, 0xd0b0e090U, 0xd81533a7U, - 0x984af104U, 0xdaf741ecU, 0x500e7fcdU, 0xf62f1791U, - 0xd68d764dU, 0xb04d43efU, 0x4d54ccaaU, 0x04dfe496U, - 0xb5e39ed1U, 0x881b4c6aU, 0x1fb8c12cU, 0x517f4665U, - 0xea049d5eU, 0x355d018cU, 0x7473fa87U, 0x412efb0bU, - 0x1d5ab367U, 0xd25292dbU, 0x5633e910U, 0x47136dd6U, - 0x618c9ad7U, 0x0c7a37a1U, 0x148e59f8U, 0x3c89eb13U, - 0x27eecea9U, 0xc935b761U, 0xe5ede11cU, 0xb13c7a47U, - 0xdf599cd2U, 0x733f55f2U, 0xce791814U, 0x37bf73c7U, - 0xcdea53f7U, 0xaa5b5ffdU, 0x6f14df3dU, 0xdb867844U, - 0xf381caafU, 0xc43eb968U, 0x342c3824U, 0x405fc2a3U, - 0xc372161dU, 0x250cbce2U, 0x498b283cU, 0x9541ff0dU, - 0x017139a8U, 0xb3de080cU, 0xe49cd8b4U, 0xc1906456U, - 0x84617bcbU, 0xb670d532U, 0x5c74486cU, 0x5742d0b8U, -}; - -const word32 AES::Td3[256] = { - 0xf4a75051U, 0x4165537eU, 0x17a4c31aU, 0x275e963aU, - 0xab6bcb3bU, 0x9d45f11fU, 0xfa58abacU, 0xe303934bU, - 0x30fa5520U, 0x766df6adU, 0xcc769188U, 0x024c25f5U, - 0xe5d7fc4fU, 0x2acbd7c5U, 0x35448026U, 0x62a38fb5U, - 0xb15a49deU, 0xba1b6725U, 0xea0e9845U, 0xfec0e15dU, - 0x2f7502c3U, 0x4cf01281U, 0x4697a38dU, 0xd3f9c66bU, - 0x8f5fe703U, 0x929c9515U, 0x6d7aebbfU, 0x5259da95U, - 0xbe832dd4U, 0x7421d358U, 0xe0692949U, 0xc9c8448eU, - 0xc2896a75U, 0x8e7978f4U, 0x583e6b99U, 0xb971dd27U, - 0xe14fb6beU, 0x88ad17f0U, 0x20ac66c9U, 0xce3ab47dU, - 0xdf4a1863U, 0x1a3182e5U, 0x51336097U, 0x537f4562U, - 0x6477e0b1U, 0x6bae84bbU, 0x81a01cfeU, 0x082b94f9U, - 0x48685870U, 0x45fd198fU, 0xde6c8794U, 0x7bf8b752U, - 0x73d323abU, 0x4b02e272U, 0x1f8f57e3U, 0x55ab2a66U, - 0xeb2807b2U, 0xb5c2032fU, 0xc57b9a86U, 0x3708a5d3U, - 0x2887f230U, 0xbfa5b223U, 0x036aba02U, 0x16825cedU, - 0xcf1c2b8aU, 0x79b492a7U, 0x07f2f0f3U, 0x69e2a14eU, - 0xdaf4cd65U, 0x05bed506U, 0x34621fd1U, 0xa6fe8ac4U, - 0x2e539d34U, 0xf355a0a2U, 0x8ae13205U, 0xf6eb75a4U, - 0x83ec390bU, 0x60efaa40U, 0x719f065eU, 0x6e1051bdU, - 0x218af93eU, 0xdd063d96U, 0x3e05aeddU, 0xe6bd464dU, - 0x548db591U, 0xc45d0571U, 0x06d46f04U, 0x5015ff60U, - 0x98fb2419U, 0xbde997d6U, 0x4043cc89U, 0xd99e7767U, - 0xe842bdb0U, 0x898b8807U, 0x195b38e7U, 0xc8eedb79U, - 0x7c0a47a1U, 0x420fe97cU, 0x841ec9f8U, 0x00000000U, - 0x80868309U, 0x2bed4832U, 0x1170ac1eU, 0x5a724e6cU, - 0x0efffbfdU, 0x8538560fU, 0xaed51e3dU, 0x2d392736U, - 0x0fd9640aU, 0x5ca62168U, 0x5b54d19bU, 0x362e3a24U, - 0x0a67b10cU, 0x57e70f93U, 0xee96d2b4U, 0x9b919e1bU, - 0xc0c54f80U, 0xdc20a261U, 0x774b695aU, 0x121a161cU, - 0x93ba0ae2U, 0xa02ae5c0U, 0x22e0433cU, 0x1b171d12U, - 0x090d0b0eU, 0x8bc7adf2U, 0xb6a8b92dU, 0x1ea9c814U, - 0xf1198557U, 0x75074cafU, 0x99ddbbeeU, 0x7f60fda3U, - 0x01269ff7U, 0x72f5bc5cU, 0x663bc544U, 0xfb7e345bU, - 0x4329768bU, 0x23c6dccbU, 0xedfc68b6U, 0xe4f163b8U, - 0x31dccad7U, 0x63851042U, 0x97224013U, 0xc6112084U, - 0x4a247d85U, 0xbb3df8d2U, 0xf93211aeU, 0x29a16dc7U, - 0x9e2f4b1dU, 0xb230f3dcU, 0x8652ec0dU, 0xc1e3d077U, - 0xb3166c2bU, 0x70b999a9U, 0x9448fa11U, 0xe9642247U, - 0xfc8cc4a8U, 0xf03f1aa0U, 0x7d2cd856U, 0x3390ef22U, - 0x494ec787U, 0x38d1c1d9U, 0xcaa2fe8cU, 0xd40b3698U, - 0xf581cfa6U, 0x7ade28a5U, 0xb78e26daU, 0xadbfa43fU, - 0x3a9de42cU, 0x78920d50U, 0x5fcc9b6aU, 0x7e466254U, - 0x8d13c2f6U, 0xd8b8e890U, 0x39f75e2eU, 0xc3aff582U, - 0x5d80be9fU, 0xd0937c69U, 0xd52da96fU, 0x2512b3cfU, - 0xac993bc8U, 0x187da710U, 0x9c636ee8U, 0x3bbb7bdbU, - 0x267809cdU, 0x5918f46eU, 0x9ab701ecU, 0x4f9aa883U, - 0x956e65e6U, 0xffe67eaaU, 0xbccf0821U, 0x15e8e6efU, - 0xe79bd9baU, 0x6f36ce4aU, 0x9f09d4eaU, 0xb07cd629U, - 0xa4b2af31U, 0x3f23312aU, 0xa59430c6U, 0xa266c035U, - 0x4ebc3774U, 0x82caa6fcU, 0x90d0b0e0U, 0xa7d81533U, - 0x04984af1U, 0xecdaf741U, 0xcd500e7fU, 0x91f62f17U, - 0x4dd68d76U, 0xefb04d43U, 0xaa4d54ccU, 0x9604dfe4U, - 0xd1b5e39eU, 0x6a881b4cU, 0x2c1fb8c1U, 0x65517f46U, - 0x5eea049dU, 0x8c355d01U, 0x877473faU, 0x0b412efbU, - 0x671d5ab3U, 0xdbd25292U, 0x105633e9U, 0xd647136dU, - 0xd7618c9aU, 0xa10c7a37U, 0xf8148e59U, 0x133c89ebU, - 0xa927eeceU, 0x61c935b7U, 0x1ce5ede1U, 0x47b13c7aU, - 0xd2df599cU, 0xf2733f55U, 0x14ce7918U, 0xc737bf73U, - 0xf7cdea53U, 0xfdaa5b5fU, 0x3d6f14dfU, 0x44db8678U, - 0xaff381caU, 0x68c43eb9U, 0x24342c38U, 0xa3405fc2U, - 0x1dc37216U, 0xe2250cbcU, 0x3c498b28U, 0x0d9541ffU, - 0xa8017139U, 0x0cb3de08U, 0xb4e49cd8U, 0x56c19064U, - 0xcb84617bU, 0x32b670d5U, 0x6c5c7448U, 0xb85742d0U, -}; - -const word32 AES::Td4[256] = { - 0x52525252U, 0x09090909U, 0x6a6a6a6aU, 0xd5d5d5d5U, - 0x30303030U, 0x36363636U, 0xa5a5a5a5U, 0x38383838U, - 0xbfbfbfbfU, 0x40404040U, 0xa3a3a3a3U, 0x9e9e9e9eU, - 0x81818181U, 0xf3f3f3f3U, 0xd7d7d7d7U, 0xfbfbfbfbU, - 0x7c7c7c7cU, 0xe3e3e3e3U, 0x39393939U, 0x82828282U, - 0x9b9b9b9bU, 0x2f2f2f2fU, 0xffffffffU, 0x87878787U, - 0x34343434U, 0x8e8e8e8eU, 0x43434343U, 0x44444444U, - 0xc4c4c4c4U, 0xdedededeU, 0xe9e9e9e9U, 0xcbcbcbcbU, - 0x54545454U, 0x7b7b7b7bU, 0x94949494U, 0x32323232U, - 0xa6a6a6a6U, 0xc2c2c2c2U, 0x23232323U, 0x3d3d3d3dU, - 0xeeeeeeeeU, 0x4c4c4c4cU, 0x95959595U, 0x0b0b0b0bU, - 0x42424242U, 0xfafafafaU, 0xc3c3c3c3U, 0x4e4e4e4eU, - 0x08080808U, 0x2e2e2e2eU, 0xa1a1a1a1U, 0x66666666U, - 0x28282828U, 0xd9d9d9d9U, 0x24242424U, 0xb2b2b2b2U, - 0x76767676U, 0x5b5b5b5bU, 0xa2a2a2a2U, 0x49494949U, - 0x6d6d6d6dU, 0x8b8b8b8bU, 0xd1d1d1d1U, 0x25252525U, - 0x72727272U, 0xf8f8f8f8U, 0xf6f6f6f6U, 0x64646464U, - 0x86868686U, 0x68686868U, 0x98989898U, 0x16161616U, - 0xd4d4d4d4U, 0xa4a4a4a4U, 0x5c5c5c5cU, 0xccccccccU, - 0x5d5d5d5dU, 0x65656565U, 0xb6b6b6b6U, 0x92929292U, - 0x6c6c6c6cU, 0x70707070U, 0x48484848U, 0x50505050U, - 0xfdfdfdfdU, 0xededededU, 0xb9b9b9b9U, 0xdadadadaU, - 0x5e5e5e5eU, 0x15151515U, 0x46464646U, 0x57575757U, - 0xa7a7a7a7U, 0x8d8d8d8dU, 0x9d9d9d9dU, 0x84848484U, - 0x90909090U, 0xd8d8d8d8U, 0xababababU, 0x00000000U, - 0x8c8c8c8cU, 0xbcbcbcbcU, 0xd3d3d3d3U, 0x0a0a0a0aU, - 0xf7f7f7f7U, 0xe4e4e4e4U, 0x58585858U, 0x05050505U, - 0xb8b8b8b8U, 0xb3b3b3b3U, 0x45454545U, 0x06060606U, - 0xd0d0d0d0U, 0x2c2c2c2cU, 0x1e1e1e1eU, 0x8f8f8f8fU, - 0xcacacacaU, 0x3f3f3f3fU, 0x0f0f0f0fU, 0x02020202U, - 0xc1c1c1c1U, 0xafafafafU, 0xbdbdbdbdU, 0x03030303U, - 0x01010101U, 0x13131313U, 0x8a8a8a8aU, 0x6b6b6b6bU, - 0x3a3a3a3aU, 0x91919191U, 0x11111111U, 0x41414141U, - 0x4f4f4f4fU, 0x67676767U, 0xdcdcdcdcU, 0xeaeaeaeaU, - 0x97979797U, 0xf2f2f2f2U, 0xcfcfcfcfU, 0xcecececeU, - 0xf0f0f0f0U, 0xb4b4b4b4U, 0xe6e6e6e6U, 0x73737373U, - 0x96969696U, 0xacacacacU, 0x74747474U, 0x22222222U, - 0xe7e7e7e7U, 0xadadadadU, 0x35353535U, 0x85858585U, - 0xe2e2e2e2U, 0xf9f9f9f9U, 0x37373737U, 0xe8e8e8e8U, - 0x1c1c1c1cU, 0x75757575U, 0xdfdfdfdfU, 0x6e6e6e6eU, - 0x47474747U, 0xf1f1f1f1U, 0x1a1a1a1aU, 0x71717171U, - 0x1d1d1d1dU, 0x29292929U, 0xc5c5c5c5U, 0x89898989U, - 0x6f6f6f6fU, 0xb7b7b7b7U, 0x62626262U, 0x0e0e0e0eU, - 0xaaaaaaaaU, 0x18181818U, 0xbebebebeU, 0x1b1b1b1bU, - 0xfcfcfcfcU, 0x56565656U, 0x3e3e3e3eU, 0x4b4b4b4bU, - 0xc6c6c6c6U, 0xd2d2d2d2U, 0x79797979U, 0x20202020U, - 0x9a9a9a9aU, 0xdbdbdbdbU, 0xc0c0c0c0U, 0xfefefefeU, - 0x78787878U, 0xcdcdcdcdU, 0x5a5a5a5aU, 0xf4f4f4f4U, - 0x1f1f1f1fU, 0xddddddddU, 0xa8a8a8a8U, 0x33333333U, - 0x88888888U, 0x07070707U, 0xc7c7c7c7U, 0x31313131U, - 0xb1b1b1b1U, 0x12121212U, 0x10101010U, 0x59595959U, - 0x27272727U, 0x80808080U, 0xececececU, 0x5f5f5f5fU, - 0x60606060U, 0x51515151U, 0x7f7f7f7fU, 0xa9a9a9a9U, - 0x19191919U, 0xb5b5b5b5U, 0x4a4a4a4aU, 0x0d0d0d0dU, - 0x2d2d2d2dU, 0xe5e5e5e5U, 0x7a7a7a7aU, 0x9f9f9f9fU, - 0x93939393U, 0xc9c9c9c9U, 0x9c9c9c9cU, 0xefefefefU, - 0xa0a0a0a0U, 0xe0e0e0e0U, 0x3b3b3b3bU, 0x4d4d4d4dU, - 0xaeaeaeaeU, 0x2a2a2a2aU, 0xf5f5f5f5U, 0xb0b0b0b0U, - 0xc8c8c8c8U, 0xebebebebU, 0xbbbbbbbbU, 0x3c3c3c3cU, - 0x83838383U, 0x53535353U, 0x99999999U, 0x61616161U, - 0x17171717U, 0x2b2b2b2bU, 0x04040404U, 0x7e7e7e7eU, - 0xbabababaU, 0x77777777U, 0xd6d6d6d6U, 0x26262626U, - 0xe1e1e1e1U, 0x69696969U, 0x14141414U, 0x63636363U, - 0x55555555U, 0x21212121U, 0x0c0c0c0cU, 0x7d7d7d7dU, -}; - const word32 AES::rcon_[] = { 0x01000000, 0x02000000, 0x04000000, 0x08000000, 0x10000000, 0x20000000, 0x40000000, 0x80000000, diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/algebra.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/algebra.cpp index 8f4ce051a43..9c485609dd0 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/algebra.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/algebra.cpp @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ */ /* based on Wei Dai's algebra.cpp from CryptoPP */ +#undef NDEBUG +#define DEBUG // GCC 4.0 bug if NDEBUG and Optimize > 1 #include "runtime.hpp" #include "algebra.hpp" diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/arc4.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/arc4.cpp index 1e521b48f0c..6d1c4d4e3a6 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/arc4.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/arc4.cpp @@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ #include "arc4.hpp" +#if defined(TAOCRYPT_X86ASM_AVAILABLE) && defined(TAO_ASM) + #define DO_ARC4_ASM +#endif + + namespace TaoCrypt { void ARC4::SetKey(const byte* key, word32 length) @@ -71,6 +76,8 @@ inline unsigned int MakeByte(word32& x, word32& y, byte* s) } // namespace +#ifndef DO_ARC4_ASM + void ARC4::Process(byte* out, const byte* in, word32 length) { if (length == 0) return; @@ -89,5 +96,134 @@ void ARC4::Process(byte* out, const byte* in, word32 length) y_ = y; } +#else // DO_ARC4_ASM + + +#ifdef _MSC_VER + __declspec(naked) +#endif +void ARC4::Process(byte* out, const byte* in, word32 length) +{ +#ifdef __GNUC__ + #define AS1(x) asm(#x); + #define AS2(x, y) asm(#x ", " #y); + + #define PROLOG() \ + asm(".intel_syntax noprefix"); \ + AS2( movd mm3, edi ) \ + AS2( movd mm4, ebx ) \ + AS2( movd mm5, esi ) \ + AS2( movd mm6, ebp ) \ + AS2( mov ecx, DWORD PTR [ebp + 8] ) \ + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 12] ) \ + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 16] ) \ + AS2( mov ebp, DWORD PTR [ebp + 20] ) + + #define EPILOG() \ + AS2( movd ebp, mm6 ) \ + AS2( movd esi, mm5 ) \ + AS2( movd ebx, mm4 ) \ + AS2( mov esp, ebp ) \ + AS2( movd edi, mm3 ) \ + AS1( emms ) \ + asm(".att_syntax"); +#else + #define AS1(x) __asm x + #define AS2(x, y) __asm x, y + + #define PROLOG() \ + AS1( push ebp ) \ + AS2( mov ebp, esp ) \ + AS2( movd mm3, edi ) \ + AS2( movd mm4, ebx ) \ + AS2( movd mm5, esi ) \ + AS2( movd mm6, ebp ) \ + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 8] ) \ + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 12] ) \ + AS2( mov ebp, DWORD PTR [ebp + 16] ) + + #define EPILOG() \ + AS2( movd ebp, mm6 ) \ + AS2( movd esi, mm5 ) \ + AS2( movd ebx, mm4 ) \ + AS2( movd edi, mm3 ) \ + AS2( mov esp, ebp ) \ + AS1( pop ebp ) \ + AS1( emms ) \ + AS1( ret 12 ) + +#endif + + PROLOG() + + AS2( sub esp, 4 ) // make room + + AS2( cmp ebp, 0 ) + AS1( jz nothing ) + + AS2( mov [esp], ebp ) // length + + AS2( movzx edx, BYTE PTR [ecx + 1] ) // y + AS2( lea ebp, [ecx + 2] ) // state_ + AS2( movzx ecx, BYTE PTR [ecx] ) // x + + // setup loop + // a = s[x]; + AS2( movzx eax, BYTE PTR [ebp + ecx] ) + + +AS1( begin: ) + + // y = (y+a) & 0xff; + AS2( add edx, eax ) + AS2( and edx, 255 ) + + // b = s[y]; + AS2( movzx ebx, BYTE PTR [ebp + edx] ) + + // s[x] = b; + AS2( mov [ebp + ecx], bl ) + + // s[y] = a; + AS2( mov [ebp + edx], al ) + + // x = (x+1) & 0xff; + AS1( inc ecx ) + AS2( and ecx, 255 ) + + //return s[(a+b) & 0xff]; + AS2( add eax, ebx ) + AS2( and eax, 255 ) + + AS2( movzx ebx, BYTE PTR [ebp + eax] ) + + // a = s[x]; for next round + AS2( movzx eax, BYTE PTR [ebp + ecx] ) + + // xOr w/ inByte + AS2( xor bl, BYTE PTR [esi] ) + AS1( inc esi ) + + // write to outByte + AS2( mov [edi], bl ) + AS1( inc edi ) + + AS1( dec DWORD PTR [esp] ) + AS1( jnz begin ) + + + // write back to x_ and y_ + AS2( mov [ebp - 2], cl ) + AS2( mov [ebp - 1], dl ) + + +AS1( nothing: ) + + + EPILOG() +} + +#endif // DO_ARC4_ASM + } // namespace diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/asn.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/asn.cpp index 8f8d2ba52da..3efc26ab168 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/asn.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/asn.cpp @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ PublicKey::PublicKey(const byte* k, word32 s) : key_(0), sz_(0) void PublicKey::SetSize(word32 s) { sz_ = s; - key_ = new (tc) byte[sz_]; + key_ = NEW_TC byte[sz_]; } @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ void PublicKey::SetKey(const byte* k) void PublicKey::AddToEnd(const byte* data, word32 len) { - mySTL::auto_ptr<byte> tmp(new (tc) byte[sz_ + len], tcArrayDelete); + mySTL::auto_ptr<byte> tmp(NEW_TC byte[sz_ + len], tcArrayDelete); memcpy(tmp.get(), key_, sz_); memcpy(tmp.get() + sz_, data, len); @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ Signer::Signer(const byte* k, word32 kSz, const char* n, const byte* h) { if (n) { int sz = strlen(n); - name_ = new (tc) char[sz + 1]; + name_ = NEW_TC char[sz + 1]; memcpy(name_, n, sz); name_[sz] = 0; } @@ -421,12 +421,13 @@ void DH_Decoder::Decode(DH& key) } -CertDecoder::CertDecoder(Source& s, bool decode, SignerList* signers) +CertDecoder::CertDecoder(Source& s, bool decode, SignerList* signers, + bool noVerify, CertType ct) : BER_Decoder(s), certBegin_(0), sigIndex_(0), sigLength_(0), - signature_(0), issuer_(0), subject_(0) + signature_(0), issuer_(0), subject_(0), verify_(!noVerify) { if (decode) - Decode(signers); + Decode(signers, ct); } @@ -455,7 +456,7 @@ void CertDecoder::ReadHeader() // Decode a x509v3 Certificate -void CertDecoder::Decode(SignerList* signers) +void CertDecoder::Decode(SignerList* signers, CertType ct) { if (source_.GetError().What()) return; DecodeToKey(); @@ -473,12 +474,16 @@ void CertDecoder::Decode(SignerList* signers) return; } + if (ct == CA) { if ( memcmp(issuerHash_, subjectHash_, SHA::DIGEST_SIZE) == 0 ) { - if (!ValidateSelfSignature()) + if (!ValidateSelfSignature() && verify_) source_.SetError(SIG_CONFIRM_E); } else - if (!ValidateSignature(signers)) + if (!ValidateSignature(signers) && verify_) + source_.SetError(SIG_OTHER_E); + } + else if (!ValidateSignature(signers) && verify_) source_.SetError(SIG_OTHER_E); } @@ -631,7 +636,7 @@ word32 CertDecoder::GetSignature() } sigLength_--; - signature_ = new (tc) byte[sigLength_]; + signature_ = NEW_TC byte[sigLength_]; memcpy(signature_, source_.get_current(), sigLength_); source_.advance(sigLength_); @@ -652,7 +657,7 @@ word32 CertDecoder::GetDigest() sigLength_ = GetLength(source_); - signature_ = new (tc) byte[sigLength_]; + signature_ = NEW_TC byte[sigLength_]; memcpy(signature_, source_.get_current(), sigLength_); source_.advance(sigLength_); @@ -692,7 +697,7 @@ void CertDecoder::GetName(NameType nt) if (id == COMMON_NAME) { char*& ptr = (nt == ISSUER) ? issuer_ : subject_; - ptr = new (tc) char[strLen + 1]; + ptr = NEW_TC char[strLen + 1]; memcpy(ptr, source_.get_current(), strLen); ptr[strLen] = 0; } @@ -734,7 +739,7 @@ void CertDecoder::GetDate(DateType dt) memcpy(date, source_.get_current(), length); source_.advance(length); - if (!ValidateDate(date, b, dt)) + if (!ValidateDate(date, b, dt) && verify_) if (dt == BEFORE) source_.SetError(BEFORE_DATE_E); else @@ -802,22 +807,22 @@ bool CertDecoder::ValidateSignature(SignerList* signers) } -// RSA confirm +// confirm certificate signature bool CertDecoder::ConfirmSignature(Source& pub) { HashType ht; mySTL::auto_ptr<HASH> hasher(tcDelete); if (signatureOID_ == MD5wRSA) { - hasher.reset(new (tc) MD5); + hasher.reset(NEW_TC MD5); ht = MD5h; } else if (signatureOID_ == MD2wRSA) { - hasher.reset(new (tc) MD2); + hasher.reset(NEW_TC MD2); ht = MD2h; } else if (signatureOID_ == SHAwRSA || signatureOID_ == SHAwDSA) { - hasher.reset(new (tc) SHA); + hasher.reset(NEW_TC SHA); ht = SHAh; } else { diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/bftables.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/bftables.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e072b117f54 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/bftables.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,306 @@ +/* bftables.cpp + * + * Copyright (C) 2003 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd. + * + * This file is part of yaSSL. + * + * yaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * yaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA + */ + +/* based on Wei Dai's bfinit.cpp from CryptoPP */ + +#include "runtime.hpp" +#include "blowfish.hpp" + + +namespace TaoCrypt { + +const word32 Blowfish::p_init_[Blowfish::ROUNDS+2] = +{ + 608135816U, 2242054355U, 320440878U, 57701188U, + 2752067618U, 698298832U, 137296536U, 3964562569U, + 1160258022U, 953160567U, 3193202383U, 887688300U, + 3232508343U, 3380367581U, 1065670069U, 3041331479U, + 2450970073U, 2306472731U +} ; + + +const word32 Blowfish::s_init_[4*256] = { + 3509652390U, 2564797868U, 805139163U, 3491422135U, + 3101798381U, 1780907670U, 3128725573U, 4046225305U, + 614570311U, 3012652279U, 134345442U, 2240740374U, + 1667834072U, 1901547113U, 2757295779U, 4103290238U, + 227898511U, 1921955416U, 1904987480U, 2182433518U, + 2069144605U, 3260701109U, 2620446009U, 720527379U, + 3318853667U, 677414384U, 3393288472U, 3101374703U, + 2390351024U, 1614419982U, 1822297739U, 2954791486U, + 3608508353U, 3174124327U, 2024746970U, 1432378464U, + 3864339955U, 2857741204U, 1464375394U, 1676153920U, + 1439316330U, 715854006U, 3033291828U, 289532110U, + 2706671279U, 2087905683U, 3018724369U, 1668267050U, + 732546397U, 1947742710U, 3462151702U, 2609353502U, + 2950085171U, 1814351708U, 2050118529U, 680887927U, + 999245976U, 1800124847U, 3300911131U, 1713906067U, + 1641548236U, 4213287313U, 1216130144U, 1575780402U, + 4018429277U, 3917837745U, 3693486850U, 3949271944U, + 596196993U, 3549867205U, 258830323U, 2213823033U, + 772490370U, 2760122372U, 1774776394U, 2652871518U, + 566650946U, 4142492826U, 1728879713U, 2882767088U, + 1783734482U, 3629395816U, 2517608232U, 2874225571U, + 1861159788U, 326777828U, 3124490320U, 2130389656U, + 2716951837U, 967770486U, 1724537150U, 2185432712U, + 2364442137U, 1164943284U, 2105845187U, 998989502U, + 3765401048U, 2244026483U, 1075463327U, 1455516326U, + 1322494562U, 910128902U, 469688178U, 1117454909U, + 936433444U, 3490320968U, 3675253459U, 1240580251U, + 122909385U, 2157517691U, 634681816U, 4142456567U, + 3825094682U, 3061402683U, 2540495037U, 79693498U, + 3249098678U, 1084186820U, 1583128258U, 426386531U, + 1761308591U, 1047286709U, 322548459U, 995290223U, + 1845252383U, 2603652396U, 3431023940U, 2942221577U, + 3202600964U, 3727903485U, 1712269319U, 422464435U, + 3234572375U, 1170764815U, 3523960633U, 3117677531U, + 1434042557U, 442511882U, 3600875718U, 1076654713U, + 1738483198U, 4213154764U, 2393238008U, 3677496056U, + 1014306527U, 4251020053U, 793779912U, 2902807211U, + 842905082U, 4246964064U, 1395751752U, 1040244610U, + 2656851899U, 3396308128U, 445077038U, 3742853595U, + 3577915638U, 679411651U, 2892444358U, 2354009459U, + 1767581616U, 3150600392U, 3791627101U, 3102740896U, + 284835224U, 4246832056U, 1258075500U, 768725851U, + 2589189241U, 3069724005U, 3532540348U, 1274779536U, + 3789419226U, 2764799539U, 1660621633U, 3471099624U, + 4011903706U, 913787905U, 3497959166U, 737222580U, + 2514213453U, 2928710040U, 3937242737U, 1804850592U, + 3499020752U, 2949064160U, 2386320175U, 2390070455U, + 2415321851U, 4061277028U, 2290661394U, 2416832540U, + 1336762016U, 1754252060U, 3520065937U, 3014181293U, + 791618072U, 3188594551U, 3933548030U, 2332172193U, + 3852520463U, 3043980520U, 413987798U, 3465142937U, + 3030929376U, 4245938359U, 2093235073U, 3534596313U, + 375366246U, 2157278981U, 2479649556U, 555357303U, + 3870105701U, 2008414854U, 3344188149U, 4221384143U, + 3956125452U, 2067696032U, 3594591187U, 2921233993U, + 2428461U, 544322398U, 577241275U, 1471733935U, + 610547355U, 4027169054U, 1432588573U, 1507829418U, + 2025931657U, 3646575487U, 545086370U, 48609733U, + 2200306550U, 1653985193U, 298326376U, 1316178497U, + 3007786442U, 2064951626U, 458293330U, 2589141269U, + 3591329599U, 3164325604U, 727753846U, 2179363840U, + 146436021U, 1461446943U, 4069977195U, 705550613U, + 3059967265U, 3887724982U, 4281599278U, 3313849956U, + 1404054877U, 2845806497U, 146425753U, 1854211946U, + + 1266315497U, 3048417604U, 3681880366U, 3289982499U, + 2909710000U, 1235738493U, 2632868024U, 2414719590U, + 3970600049U, 1771706367U, 1449415276U, 3266420449U, + 422970021U, 1963543593U, 2690192192U, 3826793022U, + 1062508698U, 1531092325U, 1804592342U, 2583117782U, + 2714934279U, 4024971509U, 1294809318U, 4028980673U, + 1289560198U, 2221992742U, 1669523910U, 35572830U, + 157838143U, 1052438473U, 1016535060U, 1802137761U, + 1753167236U, 1386275462U, 3080475397U, 2857371447U, + 1040679964U, 2145300060U, 2390574316U, 1461121720U, + 2956646967U, 4031777805U, 4028374788U, 33600511U, + 2920084762U, 1018524850U, 629373528U, 3691585981U, + 3515945977U, 2091462646U, 2486323059U, 586499841U, + 988145025U, 935516892U, 3367335476U, 2599673255U, + 2839830854U, 265290510U, 3972581182U, 2759138881U, + 3795373465U, 1005194799U, 847297441U, 406762289U, + 1314163512U, 1332590856U, 1866599683U, 4127851711U, + 750260880U, 613907577U, 1450815602U, 3165620655U, + 3734664991U, 3650291728U, 3012275730U, 3704569646U, + 1427272223U, 778793252U, 1343938022U, 2676280711U, + 2052605720U, 1946737175U, 3164576444U, 3914038668U, + 3967478842U, 3682934266U, 1661551462U, 3294938066U, + 4011595847U, 840292616U, 3712170807U, 616741398U, + 312560963U, 711312465U, 1351876610U, 322626781U, + 1910503582U, 271666773U, 2175563734U, 1594956187U, + 70604529U, 3617834859U, 1007753275U, 1495573769U, + 4069517037U, 2549218298U, 2663038764U, 504708206U, + 2263041392U, 3941167025U, 2249088522U, 1514023603U, + 1998579484U, 1312622330U, 694541497U, 2582060303U, + 2151582166U, 1382467621U, 776784248U, 2618340202U, + 3323268794U, 2497899128U, 2784771155U, 503983604U, + 4076293799U, 907881277U, 423175695U, 432175456U, + 1378068232U, 4145222326U, 3954048622U, 3938656102U, + 3820766613U, 2793130115U, 2977904593U, 26017576U, + 3274890735U, 3194772133U, 1700274565U, 1756076034U, + 4006520079U, 3677328699U, 720338349U, 1533947780U, + 354530856U, 688349552U, 3973924725U, 1637815568U, + 332179504U, 3949051286U, 53804574U, 2852348879U, + 3044236432U, 1282449977U, 3583942155U, 3416972820U, + 4006381244U, 1617046695U, 2628476075U, 3002303598U, + 1686838959U, 431878346U, 2686675385U, 1700445008U, + 1080580658U, 1009431731U, 832498133U, 3223435511U, + 2605976345U, 2271191193U, 2516031870U, 1648197032U, + 4164389018U, 2548247927U, 300782431U, 375919233U, + 238389289U, 3353747414U, 2531188641U, 2019080857U, + 1475708069U, 455242339U, 2609103871U, 448939670U, + 3451063019U, 1395535956U, 2413381860U, 1841049896U, + 1491858159U, 885456874U, 4264095073U, 4001119347U, + 1565136089U, 3898914787U, 1108368660U, 540939232U, + 1173283510U, 2745871338U, 3681308437U, 4207628240U, + 3343053890U, 4016749493U, 1699691293U, 1103962373U, + 3625875870U, 2256883143U, 3830138730U, 1031889488U, + 3479347698U, 1535977030U, 4236805024U, 3251091107U, + 2132092099U, 1774941330U, 1199868427U, 1452454533U, + 157007616U, 2904115357U, 342012276U, 595725824U, + 1480756522U, 206960106U, 497939518U, 591360097U, + 863170706U, 2375253569U, 3596610801U, 1814182875U, + 2094937945U, 3421402208U, 1082520231U, 3463918190U, + 2785509508U, 435703966U, 3908032597U, 1641649973U, + 2842273706U, 3305899714U, 1510255612U, 2148256476U, + 2655287854U, 3276092548U, 4258621189U, 236887753U, + 3681803219U, 274041037U, 1734335097U, 3815195456U, + 3317970021U, 1899903192U, 1026095262U, 4050517792U, + 356393447U, 2410691914U, 3873677099U, 3682840055U, + + 3913112168U, 2491498743U, 4132185628U, 2489919796U, + 1091903735U, 1979897079U, 3170134830U, 3567386728U, + 3557303409U, 857797738U, 1136121015U, 1342202287U, + 507115054U, 2535736646U, 337727348U, 3213592640U, + 1301675037U, 2528481711U, 1895095763U, 1721773893U, + 3216771564U, 62756741U, 2142006736U, 835421444U, + 2531993523U, 1442658625U, 3659876326U, 2882144922U, + 676362277U, 1392781812U, 170690266U, 3921047035U, + 1759253602U, 3611846912U, 1745797284U, 664899054U, + 1329594018U, 3901205900U, 3045908486U, 2062866102U, + 2865634940U, 3543621612U, 3464012697U, 1080764994U, + 553557557U, 3656615353U, 3996768171U, 991055499U, + 499776247U, 1265440854U, 648242737U, 3940784050U, + 980351604U, 3713745714U, 1749149687U, 3396870395U, + 4211799374U, 3640570775U, 1161844396U, 3125318951U, + 1431517754U, 545492359U, 4268468663U, 3499529547U, + 1437099964U, 2702547544U, 3433638243U, 2581715763U, + 2787789398U, 1060185593U, 1593081372U, 2418618748U, + 4260947970U, 69676912U, 2159744348U, 86519011U, + 2512459080U, 3838209314U, 1220612927U, 3339683548U, + 133810670U, 1090789135U, 1078426020U, 1569222167U, + 845107691U, 3583754449U, 4072456591U, 1091646820U, + 628848692U, 1613405280U, 3757631651U, 526609435U, + 236106946U, 48312990U, 2942717905U, 3402727701U, + 1797494240U, 859738849U, 992217954U, 4005476642U, + 2243076622U, 3870952857U, 3732016268U, 765654824U, + 3490871365U, 2511836413U, 1685915746U, 3888969200U, + 1414112111U, 2273134842U, 3281911079U, 4080962846U, + 172450625U, 2569994100U, 980381355U, 4109958455U, + 2819808352U, 2716589560U, 2568741196U, 3681446669U, + 3329971472U, 1835478071U, 660984891U, 3704678404U, + 4045999559U, 3422617507U, 3040415634U, 1762651403U, + 1719377915U, 3470491036U, 2693910283U, 3642056355U, + 3138596744U, 1364962596U, 2073328063U, 1983633131U, + 926494387U, 3423689081U, 2150032023U, 4096667949U, + 1749200295U, 3328846651U, 309677260U, 2016342300U, + 1779581495U, 3079819751U, 111262694U, 1274766160U, + 443224088U, 298511866U, 1025883608U, 3806446537U, + 1145181785U, 168956806U, 3641502830U, 3584813610U, + 1689216846U, 3666258015U, 3200248200U, 1692713982U, + 2646376535U, 4042768518U, 1618508792U, 1610833997U, + 3523052358U, 4130873264U, 2001055236U, 3610705100U, + 2202168115U, 4028541809U, 2961195399U, 1006657119U, + 2006996926U, 3186142756U, 1430667929U, 3210227297U, + 1314452623U, 4074634658U, 4101304120U, 2273951170U, + 1399257539U, 3367210612U, 3027628629U, 1190975929U, + 2062231137U, 2333990788U, 2221543033U, 2438960610U, + 1181637006U, 548689776U, 2362791313U, 3372408396U, + 3104550113U, 3145860560U, 296247880U, 1970579870U, + 3078560182U, 3769228297U, 1714227617U, 3291629107U, + 3898220290U, 166772364U, 1251581989U, 493813264U, + 448347421U, 195405023U, 2709975567U, 677966185U, + 3703036547U, 1463355134U, 2715995803U, 1338867538U, + 1343315457U, 2802222074U, 2684532164U, 233230375U, + 2599980071U, 2000651841U, 3277868038U, 1638401717U, + 4028070440U, 3237316320U, 6314154U, 819756386U, + 300326615U, 590932579U, 1405279636U, 3267499572U, + 3150704214U, 2428286686U, 3959192993U, 3461946742U, + 1862657033U, 1266418056U, 963775037U, 2089974820U, + 2263052895U, 1917689273U, 448879540U, 3550394620U, + 3981727096U, 150775221U, 3627908307U, 1303187396U, + 508620638U, 2975983352U, 2726630617U, 1817252668U, + 1876281319U, 1457606340U, 908771278U, 3720792119U, + 3617206836U, 2455994898U, 1729034894U, 1080033504U, + + 976866871U, 3556439503U, 2881648439U, 1522871579U, + 1555064734U, 1336096578U, 3548522304U, 2579274686U, + 3574697629U, 3205460757U, 3593280638U, 3338716283U, + 3079412587U, 564236357U, 2993598910U, 1781952180U, + 1464380207U, 3163844217U, 3332601554U, 1699332808U, + 1393555694U, 1183702653U, 3581086237U, 1288719814U, + 691649499U, 2847557200U, 2895455976U, 3193889540U, + 2717570544U, 1781354906U, 1676643554U, 2592534050U, + 3230253752U, 1126444790U, 2770207658U, 2633158820U, + 2210423226U, 2615765581U, 2414155088U, 3127139286U, + 673620729U, 2805611233U, 1269405062U, 4015350505U, + 3341807571U, 4149409754U, 1057255273U, 2012875353U, + 2162469141U, 2276492801U, 2601117357U, 993977747U, + 3918593370U, 2654263191U, 753973209U, 36408145U, + 2530585658U, 25011837U, 3520020182U, 2088578344U, + 530523599U, 2918365339U, 1524020338U, 1518925132U, + 3760827505U, 3759777254U, 1202760957U, 3985898139U, + 3906192525U, 674977740U, 4174734889U, 2031300136U, + 2019492241U, 3983892565U, 4153806404U, 3822280332U, + 352677332U, 2297720250U, 60907813U, 90501309U, + 3286998549U, 1016092578U, 2535922412U, 2839152426U, + 457141659U, 509813237U, 4120667899U, 652014361U, + 1966332200U, 2975202805U, 55981186U, 2327461051U, + 676427537U, 3255491064U, 2882294119U, 3433927263U, + 1307055953U, 942726286U, 933058658U, 2468411793U, + 3933900994U, 4215176142U, 1361170020U, 2001714738U, + 2830558078U, 3274259782U, 1222529897U, 1679025792U, + 2729314320U, 3714953764U, 1770335741U, 151462246U, + 3013232138U, 1682292957U, 1483529935U, 471910574U, + 1539241949U, 458788160U, 3436315007U, 1807016891U, + 3718408830U, 978976581U, 1043663428U, 3165965781U, + 1927990952U, 4200891579U, 2372276910U, 3208408903U, + 3533431907U, 1412390302U, 2931980059U, 4132332400U, + 1947078029U, 3881505623U, 4168226417U, 2941484381U, + 1077988104U, 1320477388U, 886195818U, 18198404U, + 3786409000U, 2509781533U, 112762804U, 3463356488U, + 1866414978U, 891333506U, 18488651U, 661792760U, + 1628790961U, 3885187036U, 3141171499U, 876946877U, + 2693282273U, 1372485963U, 791857591U, 2686433993U, + 3759982718U, 3167212022U, 3472953795U, 2716379847U, + 445679433U, 3561995674U, 3504004811U, 3574258232U, + 54117162U, 3331405415U, 2381918588U, 3769707343U, + 4154350007U, 1140177722U, 4074052095U, 668550556U, + 3214352940U, 367459370U, 261225585U, 2610173221U, + 4209349473U, 3468074219U, 3265815641U, 314222801U, + 3066103646U, 3808782860U, 282218597U, 3406013506U, + 3773591054U, 379116347U, 1285071038U, 846784868U, + 2669647154U, 3771962079U, 3550491691U, 2305946142U, + 453669953U, 1268987020U, 3317592352U, 3279303384U, + 3744833421U, 2610507566U, 3859509063U, 266596637U, + 3847019092U, 517658769U, 3462560207U, 3443424879U, + 370717030U, 4247526661U, 2224018117U, 4143653529U, + 4112773975U, 2788324899U, 2477274417U, 1456262402U, + 2901442914U, 1517677493U, 1846949527U, 2295493580U, + 3734397586U, 2176403920U, 1280348187U, 1908823572U, + 3871786941U, 846861322U, 1172426758U, 3287448474U, + 3383383037U, 1655181056U, 3139813346U, 901632758U, + 1897031941U, 2986607138U, 3066810236U, 3447102507U, + 1393639104U, 373351379U, 950779232U, 625454576U, + 3124240540U, 4148612726U, 2007998917U, 544563296U, + 2244738638U, 2330496472U, 2058025392U, 1291430526U, + 424198748U, 50039436U, 29584100U, 3605783033U, + 2429876329U, 2791104160U, 1057563949U, 3255363231U, + 3075367218U, 3463963227U, 1469046755U, 985887462U +}; + + + + +} // namespace + diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/blowfish.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/blowfish.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..16e2277dc10 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/blowfish.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,358 @@ +/* blowfish.cpp + * + * Copyright (C) 2003 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd. + * + * This file is part of yaSSL. + * + * yaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * yaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA + */ + +/* C++ code based on Wei Dai's blowfish.cpp from CryptoPP */ +/* x86 asm is original */ + + +#if defined(TAOCRYPT_KERNEL_MODE) + #define DO_TAOCRYPT_KERNEL_MODE +#endif // only some modules now support this + + +#include "runtime.hpp" +#include "blowfish.hpp" + + + +#if defined(TAOCRYPT_X86ASM_AVAILABLE) && defined(TAO_ASM) + #define DO_BLOWFISH_ASM +#endif + + + +namespace TaoCrypt { + + +#if !defined(DO_BLOWFISH_ASM) + +// Generic Version +void Blowfish::Process(byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz) +{ + if (mode_ == ECB) + ECB_Process(out, in, sz); + else if (mode_ == CBC) + if (dir_ == ENCRYPTION) + CBC_Encrypt(out, in, sz); + else + CBC_Decrypt(out, in, sz); +} + +#else + +// ia32 optimized version +void Blowfish::Process(byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz) +{ + word32 blocks = sz / BLOCK_SIZE; + + if (mode_ == ECB) + while (blocks--) { + AsmProcess(in, out); + out += BLOCK_SIZE; + in += BLOCK_SIZE; + } + else if (mode_ == CBC) + if (dir_ == ENCRYPTION) + while (blocks--) { + r_[0] ^= *(word32*)in; + r_[1] ^= *(word32*)(in + 4); + + AsmProcess((byte*)r_, (byte*)r_); + + memcpy(out, r_, BLOCK_SIZE); + + out += BLOCK_SIZE; + in += BLOCK_SIZE; + } + else + while (blocks--) { + AsmProcess(in, out); + + *(word32*)out ^= r_[0]; + *(word32*)(out + 4) ^= r_[1]; + + memcpy(r_, in, BLOCK_SIZE); + + out += BLOCK_SIZE; + in += BLOCK_SIZE; + } +} + +#endif // DO_BLOWFISH_ASM + + +void Blowfish::SetKey(const byte* key_string, word32 keylength, CipherDir dir) +{ + assert(keylength >= 4 && keylength <= 56); + + unsigned i, j=0, k; + word32 data, dspace[2] = {0, 0}; + + memcpy(pbox_, p_init_, sizeof(p_init_)); + memcpy(sbox_, s_init_, sizeof(s_init_)); + + // Xor key string into encryption key vector + for (i=0 ; i<ROUNDS+2 ; ++i) { + data = 0; + for (k=0 ; k<4 ; ++k ) + data = (data << 8) | key_string[j++ % keylength]; + pbox_[i] ^= data; + } + + crypt_block(dspace, pbox_); + + for (i=0; i<ROUNDS; i+=2) + crypt_block(pbox_ + i, pbox_ + i + 2); + + crypt_block(pbox_ + ROUNDS, sbox_); + + for (i=0; i < 4*256-2; i+=2) + crypt_block(sbox_ + i, sbox_ + i + 2); + + if (dir==DECRYPTION) + for (i=0; i<(ROUNDS+2)/2; i++) + mySTL::swap(pbox_[i], pbox_[ROUNDS+1-i]); +} + + +#define BFBYTE_0(x) ( x &0xFF) +#define BFBYTE_1(x) ((x>> 8)&0xFF) +#define BFBYTE_2(x) ((x>>16)&0xFF) +#define BFBYTE_3(x) ( x>>24) + + +#define BF_S(Put, Get, I) (\ + Put ^= p[I], \ + tmp = p[18 + BFBYTE_3(Get)], \ + tmp += p[274+ BFBYTE_2(Get)], \ + tmp ^= p[530+ BFBYTE_1(Get)], \ + tmp += p[786+ BFBYTE_0(Get)], \ + Put ^= tmp \ + ) + + +#define BF_ROUNDS \ + BF_S(right, left, 1); \ + BF_S(left, right, 2); \ + BF_S(right, left, 3); \ + BF_S(left, right, 4); \ + BF_S(right, left, 5); \ + BF_S(left, right, 6); \ + BF_S(right, left, 7); \ + BF_S(left, right, 8); \ + BF_S(right, left, 9); \ + BF_S(left, right, 10); \ + BF_S(right, left, 11); \ + BF_S(left, right, 12); \ + BF_S(right, left, 13); \ + BF_S(left, right, 14); \ + BF_S(right, left, 15); \ + BF_S(left, right, 16); + +#define BF_EXTRA_ROUNDS \ + BF_S(right, left, 17); \ + BF_S(left, right, 18); \ + BF_S(right, left, 19); \ + BF_S(left, right, 20); + + +// Used by key setup, no byte swapping +void Blowfish::crypt_block(const word32 in[2], word32 out[2]) const +{ + word32 left = in[0]; + word32 right = in[1]; + + const word32* p = pbox_; + word32 tmp; + + left ^= p[0]; + + BF_ROUNDS + +#if ROUNDS == 20 + BF_EXTRA_ROUNDS +#endif + + right ^= p[ROUNDS + 1]; + + out[0] = right; + out[1] = left; +} + + +typedef BlockGetAndPut<word32, BigEndian> gpBlock; + +void Blowfish::ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte* in, const byte* xOr, byte* out) + const +{ + word32 tmp, left, right; + const word32* p = pbox_; + + gpBlock::Get(in)(left)(right); + left ^= p[0]; + + BF_ROUNDS + +#if ROUNDS == 20 + BF_EXTRA_ROUNDS +#endif + + right ^= p[ROUNDS + 1]; + + gpBlock::Put(xOr, out)(right)(left); +} + + +#if defined(DO_BLOWFISH_ASM) + #ifdef __GNUC__ + #define AS1(x) asm(#x); + #define AS2(x, y) asm(#x ", " #y); + + #define PROLOG() \ + asm(".intel_syntax noprefix"); \ + AS2( movd mm3, edi ) \ + AS2( movd mm4, ebx ) \ + AS2( movd mm5, esi ) \ + AS2( mov ecx, DWORD PTR [ebp + 8] ) \ + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 12] ) + + #define EPILOG() \ + AS2( movd esi, mm5 ) \ + AS2( movd ebx, mm4 ) \ + AS2( movd edi, mm3 ) \ + AS1( emms ) \ + asm(".att_syntax"); + #else + #define AS1(x) __asm x + #define AS2(x, y) __asm x, y + + #define PROLOG() \ + AS1( push ebp ) \ + AS2( mov ebp, esp ) \ + AS2( movd mm3, edi ) \ + AS2( movd mm4, ebx ) \ + AS2( movd mm5, esi ) \ + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 8] ) + + #define EPILOG() \ + AS2( movd esi, mm5 ) \ + AS2( movd ebx, mm4 ) \ + AS2( movd edi, mm3 ) \ + AS2( mov esp, ebp ) \ + AS1( pop ebp ) \ + AS1( emms ) \ + AS1( ret 8 ) + + #endif + + +#define BF_ROUND(P, G, I) \ + /* Put ^= p[I] */ \ + AS2( xor P, [edi + I*4] ) \ + /* tmp = p[18 + BFBYTE_3(Get)] */ \ + AS2( mov ecx, G ) \ + AS2( shr ecx, 16 ) \ + AS2( movzx edx, ch ) \ + AS2( mov esi, [edi + edx*4 + 72] ) \ + /* tmp += p[274+ BFBYTE_2(Get)] */ \ + AS2( movzx ecx, cl ) \ + AS2( add esi, [edi + ecx*4 + 1096] ) \ + /* tmp ^= p[530+ BFBYTE_1(Get)] */ \ + AS2( mov ecx, G ) \ + AS2( movzx edx, ch ) \ + AS2( xor esi, [edi + edx*4 + 2120] ) \ + /* tmp += p[786+ BFBYTE_0(Get)] */ \ + AS2( movzx ecx, cl ) \ + AS2( add esi, [edi + ecx*4 + 3144] ) \ + /* Put ^= tmp */ \ + AS2( xor P, esi ) + + +#ifdef _MSC_VER + __declspec(naked) +#endif +void Blowfish::AsmProcess(const byte* inBlock, byte* outBlock) const +{ + PROLOG() + + #ifdef OLD_GCC_OFFSET + AS2( lea edi, [ecx + 60] ) // pbox + #else + AS2( lea edi, [ecx + 56] ) // pbox + #endif + + AS2( mov eax, DWORD PTR [esi] ) + AS2( mov edx, DWORD PTR [edi] ) + AS1( bswap eax ) + + AS2( mov ebx, DWORD PTR [esi + 4] ) + AS2( xor eax, edx ) // left + AS1( bswap ebx ) // right + + + BF_ROUND(ebx, eax, 1) + BF_ROUND(eax, ebx, 2) + BF_ROUND(ebx, eax, 3) + BF_ROUND(eax, ebx, 4) + BF_ROUND(ebx, eax, 5) + BF_ROUND(eax, ebx, 6) + BF_ROUND(ebx, eax, 7) + BF_ROUND(eax, ebx, 8) + BF_ROUND(ebx, eax, 9) + BF_ROUND(eax, ebx, 10) + BF_ROUND(ebx, eax, 11) + BF_ROUND(eax, ebx, 12) + BF_ROUND(ebx, eax, 13) + BF_ROUND(eax, ebx, 14) + BF_ROUND(ebx, eax, 15) + BF_ROUND(eax, ebx, 16) + #if ROUNDS == 20 + BF_ROUND(ebx, eax, 17) + BF_ROUND(eax, ebx, 18) + BF_ROUND(ebx, eax, 19) + BF_ROUND(eax, ebx, 20) + + AS2( xor ebx, [edi + 84] ) // 20 + 1 (x4) + #else + AS2( xor ebx, [edi + 68] ) // 16 + 1 (x4) + #endif + + #ifdef __GNUC__ + AS2( mov edi, [ebp + 16] ) // outBlock + #else + AS2( mov edi, [ebp + 12] ) // outBlock + #endif + + AS1( bswap ebx ) + AS1( bswap eax ) + + AS2( mov [edi] , ebx ) + AS2( mov [edi + 4], eax ) + + EPILOG() +} + + +#endif // DO_BLOWFISH_ASM + + +} // namespace + diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/coding.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/coding.cpp index 944a47c288e..01ea399df13 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/coding.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/coding.cpp @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ void Base64Encoder::Encode() word32 outSz = bytes * 4 / 3; outSz += (outSz % 4); // 4 byte integrals - outSz += outSz / pemLineSz + ( (outSz % pemLineSz) ? 1 : 0); // new lines + outSz += (outSz + pemLineSz - 1) / pemLineSz; // new lines encoded_.New(outSz); word32 i = 0; @@ -187,9 +187,8 @@ void Base64Encoder::Encode() void Base64Decoder::Decode() { word32 bytes = coded_.size(); - word32 plainSz = bytes - (bytes / pemLineSz + ( (bytes % pemLineSz) ? - 1 : 0)); - plainSz = plainSz * 3 / 4 + (( (plainSz * 3) % 4) ? 1 : 0); + word32 plainSz = bytes - ((bytes + (pemLineSz - 1)) / pemLineSz); + plainSz = (plainSz * 3 + 3) / 4; decoded_.New(plainSz); word32 i = 0; diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/des.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/des.cpp index e5d3331500c..d2db4fc939e 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/des.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/des.cpp @@ -19,14 +19,25 @@ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ -/* based on Wei Dai's des.cpp from CryptoPP */ +/* C++ part based on Wei Dai's des.cpp from CryptoPP */ +/* x86 asm is original */ + + +#if defined(TAOCRYPT_KERNEL_MODE) + #define DO_TAOCRYPT_KERNEL_MODE +#endif // only some modules now support this + #include "runtime.hpp" #include "des.hpp" -#include <string.h> #include "algorithm.hpp" // mySTL::swap +#if defined(TAOCRYPT_X86ASM_AVAILABLE) && defined(TAO_ASM) + #define DO_DES_ASM +#endif + + namespace TaoCrypt { @@ -67,101 +78,7 @@ static const int bytebit[] = { 0200,0100,040,020,010,04,02,01 }; - -void DES::SetKey(const byte* key, word32 /*length*/, CipherDir dir) -{ - byte buffer[56+56+8]; - byte *const pc1m = buffer; /* place to modify pc1 into */ - byte *const pcr = pc1m + 56; /* place to rotate pc1 into */ - byte *const ks = pcr + 56; - register int i,j,l; - int m; - - for (j = 0; j < 56; j++) { /* convert pc1 to bits of key */ - l = pc1[j] - 1; /* integer bit location */ - m = l & 07; /* find bit */ - pc1m[j] = (key[l >> 3] & /* find which key byte l is in */ - bytebit[m]) /* and which bit of that byte */ - ? 1 : 0; /* and store 1-bit result */ - } - for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { /* key chunk for each iteration */ - memset(ks, 0, 8); /* Clear key schedule */ - for (j = 0; j < 56; j++) /* rotate pc1 the right amount */ - pcr[j] = pc1m[(l = j + totrot[i]) < (j < 28 ? 28 : 56) ? l: l-28]; - /* rotate left and right halves independently */ - for (j = 0; j < 48; j++){ /* select bits individually */ - /* check bit that goes to ks[j] */ - if (pcr[pc2[j] - 1]){ - /* mask it in if it's there */ - l= j % 6; - ks[j/6] |= bytebit[l] >> 2; - } - } - /* Now convert to odd/even interleaved form for use in F */ - k_[2*i] = ((word32)ks[0] << 24) - | ((word32)ks[2] << 16) - | ((word32)ks[4] << 8) - | ((word32)ks[6]); - k_[2*i + 1] = ((word32)ks[1] << 24) - | ((word32)ks[3] << 16) - | ((word32)ks[5] << 8) - | ((word32)ks[7]); - } - - // reverse key schedule order - if (dir == DECRYPTION) - for (i = 0; i < 16; i += 2) { - mySTL::swap(k_[i], k_[32 - 2 - i]); - mySTL::swap(k_[i+1], k_[32 - 1 - i]); - } - -} - -static inline void IPERM(word32& left, word32& right) -{ - word32 work; - - right = rotlFixed(right, 4U); - work = (left ^ right) & 0xf0f0f0f0; - left ^= work; - right = rotrFixed(right^work, 20U); - work = (left ^ right) & 0xffff0000; - left ^= work; - right = rotrFixed(right^work, 18U); - work = (left ^ right) & 0x33333333; - left ^= work; - right = rotrFixed(right^work, 6U); - work = (left ^ right) & 0x00ff00ff; - left ^= work; - right = rotlFixed(right^work, 9U); - work = (left ^ right) & 0xaaaaaaaa; - left = rotlFixed(left^work, 1U); - right ^= work; -} - -static inline void FPERM(word32& left, word32& right) -{ - word32 work; - - right = rotrFixed(right, 1U); - work = (left ^ right) & 0xaaaaaaaa; - right ^= work; - left = rotrFixed(left^work, 9U); - work = (left ^ right) & 0x00ff00ff; - right ^= work; - left = rotlFixed(left^work, 6U); - work = (left ^ right) & 0x33333333; - right ^= work; - left = rotlFixed(left^work, 18U); - work = (left ^ right) & 0xffff0000; - right ^= work; - left = rotlFixed(left^work, 20U); - work = (left ^ right) & 0xf0f0f0f0; - right ^= work; - left = rotrFixed(left^work, 4U); -} - -const word32 Spbox[DES::BOXES][DES::BOX_SIZE] = { +const word32 Spbox[8][64] = { { 0x01010400,0x00000000,0x00010000,0x01010404, 0x01010004,0x00010404,0x00000004,0x00010000, @@ -301,8 +218,105 @@ const word32 Spbox[DES::BOXES][DES::BOX_SIZE] = { }; +void BasicDES::SetKey(const byte* key, word32 /*length*/, CipherDir dir) +{ + byte buffer[56+56+8]; + byte *const pc1m = buffer; /* place to modify pc1 into */ + byte *const pcr = pc1m + 56; /* place to rotate pc1 into */ + byte *const ks = pcr + 56; + register int i,j,l; + int m; + + for (j = 0; j < 56; j++) { /* convert pc1 to bits of key */ + l = pc1[j] - 1; /* integer bit location */ + m = l & 07; /* find bit */ + pc1m[j] = (key[l >> 3] & /* find which key byte l is in */ + bytebit[m]) /* and which bit of that byte */ + ? 1 : 0; /* and store 1-bit result */ + } + for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { /* key chunk for each iteration */ + memset(ks, 0, 8); /* Clear key schedule */ + for (j = 0; j < 56; j++) /* rotate pc1 the right amount */ + pcr[j] = pc1m[(l = j + totrot[i]) < (j < 28 ? 28 : 56) ? l: l-28]; + /* rotate left and right halves independently */ + for (j = 0; j < 48; j++){ /* select bits individually */ + /* check bit that goes to ks[j] */ + if (pcr[pc2[j] - 1]){ + /* mask it in if it's there */ + l= j % 6; + ks[j/6] |= bytebit[l] >> 2; + } + } + /* Now convert to odd/even interleaved form for use in F */ + k_[2*i] = ((word32)ks[0] << 24) + | ((word32)ks[2] << 16) + | ((word32)ks[4] << 8) + | ((word32)ks[6]); + k_[2*i + 1] = ((word32)ks[1] << 24) + | ((word32)ks[3] << 16) + | ((word32)ks[5] << 8) + | ((word32)ks[7]); + } + + // reverse key schedule order + if (dir == DECRYPTION) + for (i = 0; i < 16; i += 2) { + mySTL::swap(k_[i], k_[32 - 2 - i]); + mySTL::swap(k_[i+1], k_[32 - 1 - i]); + } + +} -void DES::RawProcessBlock(word32& lIn, word32& rIn) const +static inline void IPERM(word32& left, word32& right) +{ + word32 work; + + right = rotlFixed(right, 4U); + work = (left ^ right) & 0xf0f0f0f0; + left ^= work; + + right = rotrFixed(right^work, 20U); + work = (left ^ right) & 0xffff0000; + left ^= work; + + right = rotrFixed(right^work, 18U); + work = (left ^ right) & 0x33333333; + left ^= work; + + right = rotrFixed(right^work, 6U); + work = (left ^ right) & 0x00ff00ff; + left ^= work; + + right = rotlFixed(right^work, 9U); + work = (left ^ right) & 0xaaaaaaaa; + left = rotlFixed(left^work, 1U); + right ^= work; +} + +static inline void FPERM(word32& left, word32& right) +{ + word32 work; + + right = rotrFixed(right, 1U); + work = (left ^ right) & 0xaaaaaaaa; + right ^= work; + left = rotrFixed(left^work, 9U); + work = (left ^ right) & 0x00ff00ff; + right ^= work; + left = rotlFixed(left^work, 6U); + work = (left ^ right) & 0x33333333; + right ^= work; + left = rotlFixed(left^work, 18U); + work = (left ^ right) & 0xffff0000; + right ^= work; + left = rotlFixed(left^work, 20U); + work = (left ^ right) & 0xf0f0f0f0; + right ^= work; + left = rotrFixed(left^work, 4U); +} + + +void BasicDES::RawProcessBlock(word32& lIn, word32& rIn) const { word32 l = lIn, r = rIn; const word32* kptr = k_; @@ -336,7 +350,7 @@ void DES::RawProcessBlock(word32& lIn, word32& rIn) const } -void DES_BASE::Process(byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz) +void DES::Process(byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz) { if (mode_ == ECB) ECB_Process(out, in, sz); @@ -358,38 +372,24 @@ void DES::ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte* in, const byte* xOr, byte* out) const Block::Get(in)(l)(r); IPERM(l,r); - const word32* kptr = k_; - - for (unsigned i = 0; i < 8; i++) - { - word32 work = rotrFixed(r, 4U) ^ kptr[4*i+0]; - l ^= Spbox[6][(work) & 0x3f] - ^ Spbox[4][(work >> 8) & 0x3f] - ^ Spbox[2][(work >> 16) & 0x3f] - ^ Spbox[0][(work >> 24) & 0x3f]; - work = r ^ kptr[4*i+1]; - l ^= Spbox[7][(work) & 0x3f] - ^ Spbox[5][(work >> 8) & 0x3f] - ^ Spbox[3][(work >> 16) & 0x3f] - ^ Spbox[1][(work >> 24) & 0x3f]; - - work = rotrFixed(l, 4U) ^ kptr[4*i+2]; - r ^= Spbox[6][(work) & 0x3f] - ^ Spbox[4][(work >> 8) & 0x3f] - ^ Spbox[2][(work >> 16) & 0x3f] - ^ Spbox[0][(work >> 24) & 0x3f]; - work = l ^ kptr[4*i+3]; - r ^= Spbox[7][(work) & 0x3f] - ^ Spbox[5][(work >> 8) & 0x3f] - ^ Spbox[3][(work >> 16) & 0x3f] - ^ Spbox[1][(work >> 24) & 0x3f]; - } + RawProcessBlock(l, r); FPERM(l,r); Block::Put(xOr, out)(r)(l); } +void DES_EDE2::Process(byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz) +{ + if (mode_ == ECB) + ECB_Process(out, in, sz); + else if (mode_ == CBC) + if (dir_ == ENCRYPTION) + CBC_Encrypt(out, in, sz); + else + CBC_Decrypt(out, in, sz); +} + void DES_EDE2::SetKey(const byte* key, word32 sz, CipherDir dir) { des1_.SetKey(key, sz, dir); @@ -403,9 +403,11 @@ void DES_EDE2::ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte* in, const byte* xOr, word32 l,r; Block::Get(in)(l)(r); IPERM(l,r); + des1_.RawProcessBlock(l, r); des2_.RawProcessBlock(r, l); des1_.RawProcessBlock(l, r); + FPERM(l,r); Block::Put(xOr, out)(r)(l); } @@ -418,18 +420,389 @@ void DES_EDE3::SetKey(const byte* key, word32 sz, CipherDir dir) des3_.SetKey(key+(dir==DECRYPTION?0:2*8), sz, dir); } + + +#if !defined(DO_DES_ASM) + +// Generic Version +void DES_EDE3::Process(byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz) +{ + if (mode_ == ECB) + ECB_Process(out, in, sz); + else if (mode_ == CBC) + if (dir_ == ENCRYPTION) + CBC_Encrypt(out, in, sz); + else + CBC_Decrypt(out, in, sz); +} + +#else + +// ia32 optimized version +void DES_EDE3::Process(byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz) +{ + word32 blocks = sz / DES_BLOCK_SIZE; + + if (mode_ == CBC) + if (dir_ == ENCRYPTION) + while (blocks--) { + r_[0] ^= *(word32*)in; + r_[1] ^= *(word32*)(in + 4); + + AsmProcess((byte*)r_, (byte*)r_, (void*)Spbox); + + memcpy(out, r_, DES_BLOCK_SIZE); + + in += DES_BLOCK_SIZE; + out += DES_BLOCK_SIZE; + } + else + while (blocks--) { + AsmProcess(in, out, (void*)Spbox); + + *(word32*)out ^= r_[0]; + *(word32*)(out + 4) ^= r_[1]; + + memcpy(r_, in, DES_BLOCK_SIZE); + + out += DES_BLOCK_SIZE; + in += DES_BLOCK_SIZE; + } + else + while (blocks--) { + AsmProcess(in, out, (void*)Spbox); + + out += DES_BLOCK_SIZE; + in += DES_BLOCK_SIZE; + } +} + +#endif // DO_DES_ASM + + void DES_EDE3::ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte* in, const byte* xOr, byte* out) const { word32 l,r; Block::Get(in)(l)(r); IPERM(l,r); + des1_.RawProcessBlock(l, r); des2_.RawProcessBlock(r, l); des3_.RawProcessBlock(l, r); + FPERM(l,r); Block::Put(xOr, out)(r)(l); } +#if defined(DO_DES_ASM) + +/* Uses IPERM algorithm from above + + left is in eax + right is in ebx + + uses ecx +*/ +#define AsmIPERM() {\ + AS2( rol ebx, 4 ) \ + AS2( mov ecx, eax ) \ + AS2( xor ecx, ebx ) \ + AS2( and ecx, 0xf0f0f0f0 ) \ + AS2( xor ebx, ecx ) \ + AS2( xor eax, ecx ) \ + AS2( ror ebx, 20 ) \ + AS2( mov ecx, eax ) \ + AS2( xor ecx, ebx ) \ + AS2( and ecx, 0xffff0000 ) \ + AS2( xor ebx, ecx ) \ + AS2( xor eax, ecx ) \ + AS2( ror ebx, 18 ) \ + AS2( mov ecx, eax ) \ + AS2( xor ecx, ebx ) \ + AS2( and ecx, 0x33333333 ) \ + AS2( xor ebx, ecx ) \ + AS2( xor eax, ecx ) \ + AS2( ror ebx, 6 ) \ + AS2( mov ecx, eax ) \ + AS2( xor ecx, ebx ) \ + AS2( and ecx, 0x00ff00ff ) \ + AS2( xor ebx, ecx ) \ + AS2( xor eax, ecx ) \ + AS2( rol ebx, 9 ) \ + AS2( mov ecx, eax ) \ + AS2( xor ecx, ebx ) \ + AS2( and ecx, 0xaaaaaaaa ) \ + AS2( xor eax, ecx ) \ + AS2( rol eax, 1 ) \ + AS2( xor ebx, ecx ) } + + +/* Uses FPERM algorithm from above + + left is in eax + right is in ebx + + uses ecx +*/ +#define AsmFPERM() {\ + AS2( ror ebx, 1 ) \ + AS2( mov ecx, eax ) \ + AS2( xor ecx, ebx ) \ + AS2( and ecx, 0xaaaaaaaa ) \ + AS2( xor eax, ecx ) \ + AS2( xor ebx, ecx ) \ + AS2( ror eax, 9 ) \ + AS2( mov ecx, ebx ) \ + AS2( xor ecx, eax ) \ + AS2( and ecx, 0x00ff00ff ) \ + AS2( xor eax, ecx ) \ + AS2( xor ebx, ecx ) \ + AS2( rol eax, 6 ) \ + AS2( mov ecx, ebx ) \ + AS2( xor ecx, eax ) \ + AS2( and ecx, 0x33333333 ) \ + AS2( xor eax, ecx ) \ + AS2( xor ebx, ecx ) \ + AS2( rol eax, 18 ) \ + AS2( mov ecx, ebx ) \ + AS2( xor ecx, eax ) \ + AS2( and ecx, 0xffff0000 ) \ + AS2( xor eax, ecx ) \ + AS2( xor ebx, ecx ) \ + AS2( rol eax, 20 ) \ + AS2( mov ecx, ebx ) \ + AS2( xor ecx, eax ) \ + AS2( and ecx, 0xf0f0f0f0 ) \ + AS2( xor eax, ecx ) \ + AS2( xor ebx, ecx ) \ + AS2( ror eax, 4 ) } + + + + +/* DesRound implements this algorithm: + + word32 work = rotrFixed(r, 4U) ^ key[0]; + l ^= Spbox[6][(work) & 0x3f] + ^ Spbox[4][(work >> 8) & 0x3f] + ^ Spbox[2][(work >> 16) & 0x3f] + ^ Spbox[0][(work >> 24) & 0x3f]; + work = r ^ key[1]; + l ^= Spbox[7][(work) & 0x3f] + ^ Spbox[5][(work >> 8) & 0x3f] + ^ Spbox[3][(work >> 16) & 0x3f] + ^ Spbox[1][(work >> 24) & 0x3f]; + + work = rotrFixed(l, 4U) ^ key[2]; + r ^= Spbox[6][(work) & 0x3f] + ^ Spbox[4][(work >> 8) & 0x3f] + ^ Spbox[2][(work >> 16) & 0x3f] + ^ Spbox[0][(work >> 24) & 0x3f]; + work = l ^ key[3]; + r ^= Spbox[7][(work) & 0x3f] + ^ Spbox[5][(work >> 8) & 0x3f] + ^ Spbox[3][(work >> 16) & 0x3f] + ^ Spbox[1][(work >> 24) & 0x3f]; + + left is in aex + right is in ebx + key is in edx + + edvances key for next round + + uses ecx, esi, and edi +*/ +#define DesRound() \ + AS2( mov ecx, ebx )\ + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [edx] )\ + AS2( ror ecx, 4 )\ + AS2( xor ecx, esi )\ + AS2( and ecx, 0x3f3f3f3f )\ + AS2( movzx esi, cl )\ + AS2( movzx edi, ch )\ + AS2( xor eax, [ebp + esi*4 + 6*256] )\ + AS2( shr ecx, 16 )\ + AS2( xor eax, [ebp + edi*4 + 4*256] )\ + AS2( movzx esi, cl )\ + AS2( movzx edi, ch )\ + AS2( xor eax, [ebp + esi*4 + 2*256] )\ + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [edx + 4] )\ + AS2( xor eax, [ebp + edi*4] )\ + AS2( mov ecx, ebx )\ + AS2( xor ecx, esi )\ + AS2( and ecx, 0x3f3f3f3f )\ + AS2( movzx esi, cl )\ + AS2( movzx edi, ch )\ + AS2( xor eax, [ebp + esi*4 + 7*256] )\ + AS2( shr ecx, 16 )\ + AS2( xor eax, [ebp + edi*4 + 5*256] )\ + AS2( movzx esi, cl )\ + AS2( movzx edi, ch )\ + AS2( xor eax, [ebp + esi*4 + 3*256] )\ + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [edx + 8] )\ + AS2( xor eax, [ebp + edi*4 + 1*256] )\ + AS2( mov ecx, eax )\ + AS2( ror ecx, 4 )\ + AS2( xor ecx, esi )\ + AS2( and ecx, 0x3f3f3f3f )\ + AS2( movzx esi, cl )\ + AS2( movzx edi, ch )\ + AS2( xor ebx, [ebp + esi*4 + 6*256] )\ + AS2( shr ecx, 16 )\ + AS2( xor ebx, [ebp + edi*4 + 4*256] )\ + AS2( movzx esi, cl )\ + AS2( movzx edi, ch )\ + AS2( xor ebx, [ebp + esi*4 + 2*256] )\ + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [edx + 12] )\ + AS2( xor ebx, [ebp + edi*4] )\ + AS2( mov ecx, eax )\ + AS2( xor ecx, esi )\ + AS2( and ecx, 0x3f3f3f3f )\ + AS2( movzx esi, cl )\ + AS2( movzx edi, ch )\ + AS2( xor ebx, [ebp + esi*4 + 7*256] )\ + AS2( shr ecx, 16 )\ + AS2( xor ebx, [ebp + edi*4 + 5*256] )\ + AS2( movzx esi, cl )\ + AS2( movzx edi, ch )\ + AS2( xor ebx, [ebp + esi*4 + 3*256] )\ + AS2( add edx, 16 )\ + AS2( xor ebx, [ebp + edi*4 + 1*256] ) + + +#ifdef _MSC_VER + __declspec(naked) +#endif +void DES_EDE3::AsmProcess(const byte* in, byte* out, void* box) const +{ +#ifdef __GNUC__ + #define AS1(x) asm(#x); + #define AS2(x, y) asm(#x ", " #y); + + asm(".intel_syntax noprefix"); + + #define PROLOG() \ + AS2( movd mm3, edi ) \ + AS2( movd mm4, ebx ) \ + AS2( movd mm5, esi ) \ + AS2( movd mm6, ebp ) \ + AS2( mov edx, DWORD PTR [ebp + 8] ) \ + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 12] ) \ + AS2( mov ebp, DWORD PTR [ebp + 20] ) + + // ebp restored at end + #define EPILOG() \ + AS2( movd edi, mm3 ) \ + AS2( movd ebx, mm4 ) \ + AS2( movd esi, mm5 ) \ + AS1( emms ) \ + asm(".att_syntax"); + +#else + #define AS1(x) __asm x + #define AS2(x, y) __asm x, y + + #define PROLOG() \ + AS1( push ebp ) \ + AS2( mov ebp, esp ) \ + AS2( movd mm3, edi ) \ + AS2( movd mm4, ebx ) \ + AS2( movd mm5, esi ) \ + AS2( movd mm6, ebp ) \ + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 8] ) \ + AS2( mov edx, ecx ) \ + AS2( mov ebp, DWORD PTR [ebp + 16] ) + + // ebp restored at end + #define EPILOG() \ + AS2( movd edi, mm3 ) \ + AS2( movd ebx, mm4 ) \ + AS2( movd esi, mm5 ) \ + AS2( mov esp, ebp ) \ + AS1( pop ebp ) \ + AS1( emms ) \ + AS1( ret 12 ) + +#endif + + + PROLOG() + + AS2( movd mm2, edx ) + + #ifdef OLD_GCC_OFFSET + AS2( add edx, 60 ) // des1 = des1 key + #else + AS2( add edx, 56 ) // des1 = des1 key + #endif + + AS2( mov eax, DWORD PTR [esi] ) + AS2( mov ebx, DWORD PTR [esi + 4] ) + AS1( bswap eax ) // left + AS1( bswap ebx ) // right + + AsmIPERM() + + DesRound() // 1 + DesRound() // 2 + DesRound() // 3 + DesRound() // 4 + DesRound() // 5 + DesRound() // 6 + DesRound() // 7 + DesRound() // 8 + + // swap left and right + AS2( xchg eax, ebx ) + + DesRound() // 1 + DesRound() // 2 + DesRound() // 3 + DesRound() // 4 + DesRound() // 5 + DesRound() // 6 + DesRound() // 7 + DesRound() // 8 + + // swap left and right + AS2( xchg eax, ebx ) + + DesRound() // 1 + DesRound() // 2 + DesRound() // 3 + DesRound() // 4 + DesRound() // 5 + DesRound() // 6 + DesRound() // 7 + DesRound() // 8 + + AsmFPERM() + + //end + AS2( movd ebp, mm6 ) + + // swap and write out + AS1( bswap ebx ) + AS1( bswap eax ) + +#ifdef __GNUC__ + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 16] ) // outBlock +#else + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 12] ) // outBlock +#endif + + AS2( mov DWORD PTR [esi], ebx ) // right first + AS2( mov DWORD PTR [esi + 4], eax ) + + + EPILOG() +} + + + +#endif // defined(DO_DES_ASM) + + } // namespace diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/dh.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/dh.cpp index ea1b5846f7d..44934394343 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/dh.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/dh.cpp @@ -26,10 +26,26 @@ #include "runtime.hpp" #include "dh.hpp" #include "asn.hpp" +#include <math.h> namespace TaoCrypt { +namespace { // locals + +unsigned int DiscreteLogWorkFactor(unsigned int n) +{ + // assuming discrete log takes about the same time as factoring + if (n<5) + return 0; + else + return (unsigned int)(2.4 * pow((double)n, 1.0/3.0) * + pow(log(double(n)), 2.0/3.0) - 5); +} + +} // namespace locals + + // Generate a DH Key Pair void DH::GenerateKeyPair(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, byte* priv, byte* pub) { @@ -41,7 +57,8 @@ void DH::GenerateKeyPair(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, byte* priv, byte* pub) // Generate private value void DH::GeneratePrivate(RandomNumberGenerator& rng, byte* priv) { - Integer x(rng, Integer::One(), p_ - 1); + Integer x(rng, Integer::One(), mySTL::min(p_ - 1, + Integer::Power2(2*DiscreteLogWorkFactor(p_.BitCount())) ) ); x.Encode(priv, p_.ByteCount()); } @@ -57,11 +74,16 @@ void DH::GeneratePublic(const byte* priv, byte* pub) // Generate Agreement -void DH::Agree(byte* agree, const byte* priv, const byte* otherPub) +void DH::Agree(byte* agree, const byte* priv, const byte* otherPub, word32 + otherSz) { const word32 bc(p_.ByteCount()); Integer x(priv, bc); - Integer y(otherPub, bc); + Integer y; + if (otherSz) + y.Decode(otherPub, otherSz); + else + y.Decode(otherPub, bc); Integer z(a_exp_b_mod_c(y, x, p_)); z.Encode(agree, bc); diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/hash.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/hash.cpp index 53b1b489b14..4e783e2c3b1 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/hash.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/hash.cpp @@ -39,6 +39,15 @@ HASHwithTransform::HASHwithTransform(word32 digSz, word32 buffSz) } +void HASHwithTransform::AddLength(word32 len) +{ + HashLengthType tmp = loLen_; + if ( (loLen_ += len) < tmp) + hiLen_++; // carry low to high + hiLen_ += SafeRightShift<8*sizeof(HashLengthType)>(len); +} + + // Update digest with data of size len, do in blocks void HASHwithTransform::Update(const byte* data, word32 len) { @@ -57,6 +66,8 @@ void HASHwithTransform::Update(const byte* data, word32 len) if (buffLen_ == blockSz) { ByteReverseIf(local, local, blockSz, getByteOrder()); Transform(); + AddLength(blockSz); + buffLen_ = 0; } } } @@ -69,25 +80,29 @@ void HASHwithTransform::Final(byte* hash) word32 digestSz = getDigestSize(); word32 padSz = getPadSize(); ByteOrder order = getByteOrder(); - word32 prePadLen = length_ + buffLen_ * 8; // in bits + + AddLength(buffLen_); // before adding pads + HashLengthType preLoLen = GetBitCountLo(); + HashLengthType preHiLen = GetBitCountHi(); byte* local = reinterpret_cast<byte*>(buffer_); local[buffLen_++] = 0x80; // add 1 // pad with zeros if (buffLen_ > padSz) { - while (buffLen_ < blockSz) local[buffLen_++] = 0; + memset(&local[buffLen_], 0, blockSz - buffLen_); + buffLen_ += blockSz - buffLen_; + ByteReverseIf(local, local, blockSz, order); Transform(); + buffLen_ = 0; } - while (buffLen_ < padSz) local[buffLen_++] = 0; + memset(&local[buffLen_], 0, padSz - buffLen_); ByteReverseIf(local, local, blockSz, order); - word32 hiSize = 0; // for future 64 bit length TODO: - memcpy(&local[padSz], order ? &hiSize : &prePadLen, sizeof(prePadLen)); - memcpy(&local[padSz+4], order ? &prePadLen : &hiSize, sizeof(prePadLen)); - + memcpy(&local[padSz], order ? &preHiLen : &preLoLen, sizeof(preLoLen)); + memcpy(&local[padSz+4], order ? &preLoLen : &preHiLen, sizeof(preLoLen)); Transform(); ByteReverseIf(digest_, digest_, digestSz, order); diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/integer.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/integer.cpp index 4ade5491530..82a248ff7da 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/integer.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/integer.cpp @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ CPP_TYPENAME AllocatorBase<T>::pointer AlignedAllocator<T>::allocate( assert(IsAlignedOn(p, 16)); return (T*)p; } - return new (tc) T[n]; + return NEW_TC T[n]; } @@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ static word AtomicInverseModPower2(word A) for (unsigned i=3; i<WORD_BITS; i*=2) R = R*(2-R*A); - assert(R*A==1); + assert(word(R*A)==1); return R; } @@ -568,21 +568,21 @@ public: static word Add(word *C, const word *A, const word *B, unsigned int N); static word Subtract(word *C, const word *A, const word*B, unsigned int N); - static inline void Multiply2(word *C, const word *A, const word *B); - static inline word Multiply2Add(word *C, const word *A, const word *B); + static void Multiply2(word *C, const word *A, const word *B); + static word Multiply2Add(word *C, const word *A, const word *B); static void Multiply4(word *C, const word *A, const word *B); static void Multiply8(word *C, const word *A, const word *B); - static inline unsigned int MultiplyRecursionLimit() {return 8;} + static unsigned int MultiplyRecursionLimit() {return 8;} - static inline void Multiply2Bottom(word *C, const word *A, const word *B); + static void Multiply2Bottom(word *C, const word *A, const word *B); static void Multiply4Bottom(word *C, const word *A, const word *B); static void Multiply8Bottom(word *C, const word *A, const word *B); - static inline unsigned int MultiplyBottomRecursionLimit() {return 8;} + static unsigned int MultiplyBottomRecursionLimit() {return 8;} static void Square2(word *R, const word *A); static void Square4(word *R, const word *A); static void Square8(word *R, const word *A) {assert(false);} - static inline unsigned int SquareRecursionLimit() {return 4;} + static unsigned int SquareRecursionLimit() {return 4;} }; word Portable::Add(word *C, const word *A, const word *B, unsigned int N) @@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ void Portable::Multiply2(word *C, const word *A, const word *B) C[3] = t.GetHighHalf(); } -inline void Portable::Multiply2Bottom(word *C, const word *A, const word *B) +void Portable::Multiply2Bottom(word *C, const word *A, const word *B) { DWord t = DWord::Multiply(A[0], B[0]); C[0] = t.GetLowHalf(); @@ -2714,7 +2714,7 @@ static Integer* zero = 0; const Integer &Integer::Zero() { if (!zero) - zero = new (tc) Integer; + zero = NEW_TC Integer; return *zero; } @@ -2724,7 +2724,7 @@ static Integer* one = 0; const Integer &Integer::One() { if (!one) - one = new (tc) Integer(1,2); + one = NEW_TC Integer(1,2); return *one; } diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/make.bat b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/make.bat new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..5a2ae580b76 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/make.bat @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +# quick and dirty build file for testing different MSDEVs +setlocal + +set myFLAGS= /I../include /I../../mySTL /c /W3 /G6 /O2 +#set myFLAGS= /I../include /I../../mySTL /c /W3 /O1 + +cl %myFLAGS% aes.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% aestables.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% algebra.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% arc4.cpp + +cl %myFLAGS% asn.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% bftables.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% blowfish.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% coding.cpp + +cl %myFLAGS% des.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% dh.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% dsa.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% file.cpp + +cl %myFLAGS% hash.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% integer.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% md2.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% md5.cpp + +cl %myFLAGS% misc.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% random.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% ripemd.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% rsa.cpp + +cl %myFLAGS% sha.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% template_instnt.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% tftables.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% twofish.cpp + +link.exe -lib /out:taocrypt.lib aes.obj aestables.obj algebra.obj arc4.obj asn.obj bftables.obj blowfish.obj coding.obj des.obj dh.obj dsa.obj file.obj hash.obj integer.obj md2.obj md5.obj misc.obj random.obj ripemd.obj rsa.obj sha.obj template_instnt.obj tftables.obj twofish.obj + diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/md5.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/md5.cpp index 1c240b43adf..3d64ff8a8a1 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/md5.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/md5.cpp @@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ #include "md5.hpp" #include "algorithm.hpp" // mySTL::swap + +#if defined(TAOCRYPT_X86ASM_AVAILABLE) && defined(TAO_ASM) + #define DO_MD5_ASM +#endif + namespace TaoCrypt { void MD5::Init() @@ -36,7 +41,8 @@ void MD5::Init() digest_[3] = 0x10325476L; buffLen_ = 0; - length_ = 0; + loLen_ = 0; + hiLen_ = 0; } @@ -44,7 +50,8 @@ MD5::MD5(const MD5& that) : HASHwithTransform(DIGEST_SIZE / sizeof(word32), BLOCK_SIZE) { buffLen_ = that.buffLen_; - length_ = that.length_; + loLen_ = that.loLen_; + hiLen_ = that.hiLen_; memcpy(digest_, that.digest_, DIGEST_SIZE); memcpy(buffer_, that.buffer_, BLOCK_SIZE); @@ -61,7 +68,8 @@ MD5& MD5::operator= (const MD5& that) void MD5::Swap(MD5& other) { - mySTL::swap(length_, other.length_); + mySTL::swap(loLen_, other.loLen_); + mySTL::swap(hiLen_, other.hiLen_); mySTL::swap(buffLen_, other.buffLen_); memcpy(digest_, other.digest_, DIGEST_SIZE); @@ -69,6 +77,335 @@ void MD5::Swap(MD5& other) } +// Update digest with data of size len, do in blocks +void MD5::Update(const byte* data, word32 len) +{ + byte* local = (byte*)buffer_; + + // remove buffered data if possible + if (buffLen_) { + word32 add = min(len, BLOCK_SIZE - buffLen_); + memcpy(&local[buffLen_], data, add); + + buffLen_ += add; + data += add; + len -= add; + + if (buffLen_ == BLOCK_SIZE) { + ByteReverseIf(local, local, BLOCK_SIZE, LittleEndianOrder); + Transform(); + AddLength(BLOCK_SIZE); + buffLen_ = 0; + } + } + + // do block size transforms or all at once for asm + if (buffLen_ == 0) { + #ifndef DO_MD5_ASM + while (len >= BLOCK_SIZE) { + memcpy(&local[0], data, BLOCK_SIZE); + + data += BLOCK_SIZE; + len -= BLOCK_SIZE; + + ByteReverseIf(local, local, BLOCK_SIZE, LittleEndianOrder); + Transform(); + AddLength(BLOCK_SIZE); + } + #else + word32 times = len / BLOCK_SIZE; + if (times) { + AsmTransform(data, times); + const word32 add = BLOCK_SIZE * times; + AddLength(add); + len -= add; + data += add; + } + #endif + } + + // cache any data left + if (len) { + memcpy(&local[buffLen_], data, len); + buffLen_ += len; + } +} + + +#ifdef DO_MD5_ASM + + +/* + // w = rotlFixed(w + f(x, y, z) + index[edi] + data, s) + x +#define ASMMD5STEP(f, w, x, y, z, index, data, s) \ + f(x, y, z) \ + AS2( mov ebp, [edi + index * 4] ) \ + AS2( lea w, [esi + w + data] ) \ + AS2( add w, ebp ) \ + AS2( rol w, s ) \ + AS2( add w, x ) + + + // F1(x, y, z) (z ^ (x & (y ^ z))) + // place in esi +#define ASMF1(x, y, z) \ + AS2( mov esi, y ) \ + AS2( xor esi, z ) \ + AS2( and esi, x ) \ + AS2( xor esi, z ) + + +#define ASMF2(x, y, z) ASMF1(z, x, y) + + + // F3(x ^ y ^ z) + // place in esi +#define ASMF3(x, y, z) \ + AS2( mov esi, x ) \ + AS2( xor esi, y ) \ + AS2( xor esi, z ) + + + + // F4(x, y, z) (y ^ (x | ~z)) + // place in esi +#define ASMF4(x, y, z) \ + AS2( mov esi, z ) \ + AS1( not esi ) \ + AS2( or esi, x ) \ + AS2( xor esi, y ) +*/ + + + // combine above ASMMD5STEP(f w/ each f ASMF1 - F4 + + // esi already set up, after using set for next round + // ebp already set up, set up using next round index + +#define MD5STEP1(w, x, y, z, index, data, s) \ + AS2( xor esi, z ) \ + AS2( and esi, x ) \ + AS2( lea w, [ebp + w + data] ) \ + AS2( xor esi, z ) \ + AS2( add w, esi ) \ + AS2( mov esi, x ) \ + AS2( rol w, s ) \ + AS2( mov ebp, [edi + index * 4] ) \ + AS2( add w, x ) + +#define MD5STEP2(w, x, y, z, index, data, s) \ + AS2( xor esi, x ) \ + AS2( and esi, z ) \ + AS2( lea w, [ebp + w + data] ) \ + AS2( xor esi, y ) \ + AS2( add w, esi ) \ + AS2( mov esi, x ) \ + AS2( rol w, s ) \ + AS2( mov ebp, [edi + index * 4] ) \ + AS2( add w, x ) + + +#define MD5STEP3(w, x, y, z, index, data, s) \ + AS2( xor esi, z ) \ + AS2( lea w, [ebp + w + data] ) \ + AS2( xor esi, x ) \ + AS2( add w, esi ) \ + AS2( mov esi, x ) \ + AS2( rol w, s ) \ + AS2( mov ebp, [edi + index * 4] ) \ + AS2( add w, x ) + + +#define MD5STEP4(w, x, y, z, index, data, s) \ + AS2( or esi, x ) \ + AS2( lea w, [ebp + w + data] ) \ + AS2( xor esi, y ) \ + AS2( add w, esi ) \ + AS2( mov esi, y ) \ + AS2( rol w, s ) \ + AS1( not esi ) \ + AS2( mov ebp, [edi + index * 4] ) \ + AS2( add w, x ) + + + +#ifdef _MSC_VER + __declspec(naked) +#endif +void MD5::AsmTransform(const byte* data, word32 times) +{ +#ifdef __GNUC__ + #define AS1(x) asm(#x); + #define AS2(x, y) asm(#x ", " #y); + + #define PROLOG() \ + asm(".intel_syntax noprefix"); \ + AS2( movd mm3, edi ) \ + AS2( movd mm4, ebx ) \ + AS2( movd mm5, esi ) \ + AS2( movd mm6, ebp ) \ + AS2( mov ecx, DWORD PTR [ebp + 8] ) \ + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 12] ) \ + AS2( mov eax, DWORD PTR [ebp + 16] ) + + #define EPILOG() \ + AS2( movd ebp, mm6 ) \ + AS2( movd esi, mm5 ) \ + AS2( movd ebx, mm4 ) \ + AS2( mov esp, ebp ) \ + AS2( movd edi, mm3 ) \ + AS1( emms ) \ + asm(".att_syntax"); +#else + #define AS1(x) __asm x + #define AS2(x, y) __asm x, y + + #define PROLOG() \ + AS1( push ebp ) \ + AS2( mov ebp, esp ) \ + AS2( movd mm3, edi ) \ + AS2( movd mm4, ebx ) \ + AS2( movd mm5, esi ) \ + AS2( movd mm6, ebp ) \ + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 8] ) \ + AS2( mov eax, DWORD PTR [ebp + 12] ) + + #define EPILOG() \ + AS2( movd ebp, mm6 ) \ + AS2( movd esi, mm5 ) \ + AS2( movd ebx, mm4 ) \ + AS2( movd edi, mm3 ) \ + AS2( mov esp, ebp ) \ + AS1( pop ebp ) \ + AS1( emms ) \ + AS1( ret 8 ) + +#endif + + + PROLOG() + + AS2( mov esi, ecx ) + + #ifdef OLD_GCC_OFFSET + AS2( add esi, 20 ) // digest_[0] + #else + AS2( add esi, 16 ) // digest_[0] + #endif + + AS2( movd mm2, eax ) // store times_ + AS2( movd mm1, esi ) // store digest_ + + AS2( mov eax, [esi] ) // a + AS2( mov ebx, [esi + 4] ) // b + AS2( mov ecx, [esi + 8] ) // c + AS2( mov edx, [esi + 12] ) // d + +AS1(loopStart:) + + // set up + AS2( mov esi, ecx ) + AS2( mov ebp, [edi] ) + + MD5STEP1( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 1, 0xd76aa478, 7) + MD5STEP1( edx, eax, ebx, ecx, 2, 0xe8c7b756, 12) + MD5STEP1( ecx, edx, eax, ebx, 3, 0x242070db, 17) + MD5STEP1( ebx, ecx, edx, eax, 4, 0xc1bdceee, 22) + MD5STEP1( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 5, 0xf57c0faf, 7) + MD5STEP1( edx, eax, ebx, ecx, 6, 0x4787c62a, 12) + MD5STEP1( ecx, edx, eax, ebx, 7, 0xa8304613, 17) + MD5STEP1( ebx, ecx, edx, eax, 8, 0xfd469501, 22) + MD5STEP1( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 9, 0x698098d8, 7) + MD5STEP1( edx, eax, ebx, ecx, 10, 0x8b44f7af, 12) + MD5STEP1( ecx, edx, eax, ebx, 11, 0xffff5bb1, 17) + MD5STEP1( ebx, ecx, edx, eax, 12, 0x895cd7be, 22) + MD5STEP1( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 13, 0x6b901122, 7) + MD5STEP1( edx, eax, ebx, ecx, 14, 0xfd987193, 12) + MD5STEP1( ecx, edx, eax, ebx, 15, 0xa679438e, 17) + MD5STEP1( ebx, ecx, edx, eax, 1, 0x49b40821, 22) + + MD5STEP2( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 6, 0xf61e2562, 5) + MD5STEP2( edx, eax, ebx, ecx, 11, 0xc040b340, 9) + MD5STEP2( ecx, edx, eax, ebx, 0, 0x265e5a51, 14) + MD5STEP2( ebx, ecx, edx, eax, 5, 0xe9b6c7aa, 20) + MD5STEP2( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 10, 0xd62f105d, 5) + MD5STEP2( edx, eax, ebx, ecx, 15, 0x02441453, 9) + MD5STEP2( ecx, edx, eax, ebx, 4, 0xd8a1e681, 14) + MD5STEP2( ebx, ecx, edx, eax, 9, 0xe7d3fbc8, 20) + MD5STEP2( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 14, 0x21e1cde6, 5) + MD5STEP2( edx, eax, ebx, ecx, 3, 0xc33707d6, 9) + MD5STEP2( ecx, edx, eax, ebx, 8, 0xf4d50d87, 14) + MD5STEP2( ebx, ecx, edx, eax, 13, 0x455a14ed, 20) + MD5STEP2( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 2, 0xa9e3e905, 5) + MD5STEP2( edx, eax, ebx, ecx, 7, 0xfcefa3f8, 9) + MD5STEP2( ecx, edx, eax, ebx, 12, 0x676f02d9, 14) + MD5STEP2( ebx, ecx, edx, eax, 5, 0x8d2a4c8a, 20) + + MD5STEP3( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 8, 0xfffa3942, 4) + MD5STEP3( edx, eax, ebx, ecx, 11, 0x8771f681, 11) + MD5STEP3( ecx, edx, eax, ebx, 14, 0x6d9d6122, 16) + MD5STEP3( ebx, ecx, edx, eax, 1, 0xfde5380c, 23) + MD5STEP3( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 4, 0xa4beea44, 4) + MD5STEP3( edx, eax, ebx, ecx, 7, 0x4bdecfa9, 11) + MD5STEP3( ecx, edx, eax, ebx, 10, 0xf6bb4b60, 16) + MD5STEP3( ebx, ecx, edx, eax, 13, 0xbebfbc70, 23) + MD5STEP3( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 0, 0x289b7ec6, 4) + MD5STEP3( edx, eax, ebx, ecx, 3, 0xeaa127fa, 11) + MD5STEP3( ecx, edx, eax, ebx, 6, 0xd4ef3085, 16) + MD5STEP3( ebx, ecx, edx, eax, 9, 0x04881d05, 23) + MD5STEP3( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 12, 0xd9d4d039, 4) + MD5STEP3( edx, eax, ebx, ecx, 15, 0xe6db99e5, 11) + MD5STEP3( ecx, edx, eax, ebx, 2, 0x1fa27cf8, 16) + MD5STEP3( ebx, ecx, edx, eax, 0, 0xc4ac5665, 23) + + // setup + AS2( mov esi, edx ) + AS1( not esi ) + + MD5STEP4( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 7, 0xf4292244, 6) + MD5STEP4( edx, eax, ebx, ecx, 14, 0x432aff97, 10) + MD5STEP4( ecx, edx, eax, ebx, 5, 0xab9423a7, 15) + MD5STEP4( ebx, ecx, edx, eax, 12, 0xfc93a039, 21) + MD5STEP4( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 3, 0x655b59c3, 6) + MD5STEP4( edx, eax, ebx, ecx, 10, 0x8f0ccc92, 10) + MD5STEP4( ecx, edx, eax, ebx, 1, 0xffeff47d, 15) + MD5STEP4( ebx, ecx, edx, eax, 8, 0x85845dd1, 21) + MD5STEP4( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 15, 0x6fa87e4f, 6) + MD5STEP4( edx, eax, ebx, ecx, 6, 0xfe2ce6e0, 10) + MD5STEP4( ecx, edx, eax, ebx, 13, 0xa3014314, 15) + MD5STEP4( ebx, ecx, edx, eax, 4, 0x4e0811a1, 21) + MD5STEP4( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 11, 0xf7537e82, 6) + MD5STEP4( edx, eax, ebx, ecx, 2, 0xbd3af235, 10) + MD5STEP4( ecx, edx, eax, ebx, 9, 0x2ad7d2bb, 15) + MD5STEP4( ebx, ecx, edx, eax, 9, 0xeb86d391, 21) + + AS2( movd esi, mm1 ) // digest_ + + AS2( add [esi], eax ) // write out + AS2( add [esi + 4], ebx ) + AS2( add [esi + 8], ecx ) + AS2( add [esi + 12], edx ) + + AS2( add edi, 64 ) + + AS2( mov eax, [esi] ) + AS2( mov ebx, [esi + 4] ) + AS2( mov ecx, [esi + 8] ) + AS2( mov edx, [esi + 12] ) + + AS2( movd ebp, mm2 ) // times + AS1( dec ebp ) + AS2( movd mm2, ebp ) + AS1( jnz loopStart ) + + + EPILOG() +} + + +#endif // DO_MD5_ASM + + void MD5::Transform() { #define F1(x, y, z) (z ^ (x & (y ^ z))) @@ -161,10 +498,8 @@ void MD5::Transform() // Wipe variables a = b = c = d = 0; - - buffLen_ = 0; - length_ += 512; } + } // namespace diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/misc.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/misc.cpp index 0b33bb38aea..3d0539187a7 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/misc.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/misc.cpp @@ -25,58 +25,57 @@ #include "runtime.hpp" #include "misc.hpp" - -void* operator new(size_t sz, TaoCrypt::new_t) -{ #ifdef YASSL_PURE_C + + void* operator new(size_t sz, TaoCrypt::new_t) + { void* ptr = malloc(sz ? sz : 1); if (!ptr) abort(); return ptr; -#else - return ::operator new(sz); -#endif -} + } -void operator delete(void* ptr, TaoCrypt::new_t) -{ -#ifdef YASSL_PURE_C + void operator delete(void* ptr, TaoCrypt::new_t) + { if (ptr) free(ptr); -#else - ::operator delete(ptr); -#endif -} + } -void* operator new[](size_t sz, TaoCrypt::new_t nt) -{ + void* operator new[](size_t sz, TaoCrypt::new_t nt) + { return ::operator new(sz, nt); -} + } -void operator delete[](void* ptr, TaoCrypt::new_t nt) -{ + void operator delete[](void* ptr, TaoCrypt::new_t nt) + { ::operator delete(ptr, nt); -} + } -/* uncomment to test -// make sure not using globals anywhere by forgetting to use overloaded -void* operator new(size_t sz); + /* uncomment to test + // make sure not using globals anywhere by forgetting to use overloaded + void* operator new(size_t sz); -void operator delete(void* ptr); + void operator delete(void* ptr); -void* operator new[](size_t sz); + void* operator new[](size_t sz); -void operator delete[](void* ptr); -*/ + void operator delete[](void* ptr); + */ -namespace TaoCrypt { + namespace TaoCrypt { + + new_t tc; // for library new + + } + +#endif // YASSL_PURE_C -new_t tc; // for library new +namespace TaoCrypt { inline void XorWords(word* r, const word* a, unsigned int n) diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/random.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/random.cpp index cf0720b11d8..945a7fa6ff7 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/random.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/random.cpp @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ #include "runtime.hpp" #include "random.hpp" +#include <string.h> + #if defined(_WIN32) #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0400 @@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ RandomNumberGenerator::RandomNumberGenerator() // place a generated block in output void RandomNumberGenerator::GenerateBlock(byte* output, word32 sz) { + memset(output, 0, sz); cipher_.Process(output, output, sz); } @@ -94,10 +97,9 @@ void OS_Seed::GenerateSeed(byte* output, word32 sz) OS_Seed::OS_Seed() { fd_ = open("/dev/urandom",O_RDONLY); + if (fd_ == -1) { + fd_ = open("/dev/random",O_RDONLY); if (fd_ == -1) - { - fd_ = open("/dev/random",O_RDONLY); - if (fd_ == -1) error_.SetError(OPEN_RAN_E); } } diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/ripemd.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/ripemd.cpp index 0534a0d572d..da96b6cc1b4 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/ripemd.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/ripemd.cpp @@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ #include "ripemd.hpp" #include "algorithm.hpp" // mySTL::swap + + +#if defined(TAOCRYPT_X86ASM_AVAILABLE) && defined(TAO_ASM) + #define DO_RIPEMD_ASM +#endif + namespace TaoCrypt { void RIPEMD160::Init() @@ -37,7 +43,8 @@ void RIPEMD160::Init() digest_[4] = 0xc3d2e1f0L; buffLen_ = 0; - length_ = 0; + loLen_ = 0; + hiLen_ = 0; } @@ -45,7 +52,8 @@ RIPEMD160::RIPEMD160(const RIPEMD160& that) : HASHwithTransform(DIGEST_SIZE / sizeof(word32), BLOCK_SIZE) { buffLen_ = that.buffLen_; - length_ = that.length_; + loLen_ = that.loLen_; + hiLen_ = that.hiLen_; memcpy(digest_, that.digest_, DIGEST_SIZE); memcpy(buffer_, that.buffer_, BLOCK_SIZE); @@ -63,7 +71,8 @@ RIPEMD160& RIPEMD160::operator= (const RIPEMD160& that) void RIPEMD160::Swap(RIPEMD160& other) { - mySTL::swap(length_, other.length_); + mySTL::swap(loLen_, other.loLen_); + mySTL::swap(hiLen_, other.hiLen_); mySTL::swap(buffLen_, other.buffLen_); memcpy(digest_, other.digest_, DIGEST_SIZE); @@ -71,6 +80,61 @@ void RIPEMD160::Swap(RIPEMD160& other) } +// Update digest with data of size len, do in blocks +void RIPEMD160::Update(const byte* data, word32 len) +{ + byte* local = (byte*)buffer_; + + // remove buffered data if possible + if (buffLen_) { + word32 add = min(len, BLOCK_SIZE - buffLen_); + memcpy(&local[buffLen_], data, add); + + buffLen_ += add; + data += add; + len -= add; + + if (buffLen_ == BLOCK_SIZE) { + ByteReverseIf(local, local, BLOCK_SIZE, LittleEndianOrder); + Transform(); + AddLength(BLOCK_SIZE); + buffLen_ = 0; + } + } + + // do block size transforms or all at once for asm + if (buffLen_ == 0) { + #ifndef DO_RIPEMD_ASM + while (len >= BLOCK_SIZE) { + memcpy(&local[0], data, BLOCK_SIZE); + + data += BLOCK_SIZE; + len -= BLOCK_SIZE; + + ByteReverseIf(local, local, BLOCK_SIZE, LittleEndianOrder); + Transform(); + AddLength(BLOCK_SIZE); + } + #else + word32 times = len / BLOCK_SIZE; + if (times) { + AsmTransform(data, times); + const word32 add = BLOCK_SIZE * times; + AddLength(add); + len -= add; + data += add; + } + #endif + } + + // cache any data left + if (len) { + memcpy(&local[buffLen_], data, len); + buffLen_ += len; + } +} + + // for all #define F(x, y, z) (x ^ y ^ z) #define G(x, y, z) (z ^ (x & (y^z))) @@ -79,14 +143,14 @@ void RIPEMD160::Swap(RIPEMD160& other) #define J(x, y, z) (x ^ (y | ~z)) #define k0 0 -#define k1 0x5a827999UL -#define k2 0x6ed9eba1UL -#define k3 0x8f1bbcdcUL -#define k4 0xa953fd4eUL -#define k5 0x50a28be6UL -#define k6 0x5c4dd124UL -#define k7 0x6d703ef3UL -#define k8 0x7a6d76e9UL +#define k1 0x5a827999 +#define k2 0x6ed9eba1 +#define k3 0x8f1bbcdc +#define k4 0xa953fd4e +#define k5 0x50a28be6 +#define k6 0x5c4dd124 +#define k7 0x6d703ef3 +#define k8 0x7a6d76e9 #define k9 0 // for 160 and 320 @@ -281,10 +345,495 @@ void RIPEMD160::Transform() digest_[3] = digest_[4] + a1 + b2; digest_[4] = digest_[0] + b1 + c2; digest_[0] = c1; +} - buffLen_ = 0; - length_ += 512; + +#ifdef DO_RIPEMD_ASM + +/* + // F(x ^ y ^ z) + // place in esi +#define ASMF(x, y, z) \ + AS2( mov esi, x ) \ + AS2( xor esi, y ) \ + AS2( xor esi, z ) + + + // G(z ^ (x & (y^z))) + // place in esi +#define ASMG(x, y, z) \ + AS2( mov esi, z ) \ + AS2( xor esi, y ) \ + AS2( and esi, x ) \ + AS2( xor esi, z ) + + + // H(z ^ (x | ~y)) + // place in esi +#define ASMH(x, y, z) \ + AS2( mov esi, y ) \ + AS1( not esi ) \ + AS2( or esi, x ) \ + AS2( xor esi, z ) + + + // I(y ^ (z & (x^y))) + // place in esi +#define ASMI(x, y, z) \ + AS2( mov esi, y ) \ + AS2( xor esi, x ) \ + AS2( and esi, z ) \ + AS2( xor esi, y ) + + + // J(x ^ (y | ~z))) + // place in esi +#define ASMJ(x, y, z) \ + AS2( mov esi, z ) \ + AS1( not esi ) \ + AS2( or esi, y ) \ + AS2( xor esi, x ) + + +// for 160 and 320 +// #define ASMSubround(f, a, b, c, d, e, i, s, k) +// a += f(b, c, d) + data[i] + k; +// a = rotlFixed((word32)a, s) + e; +// c = rotlFixed((word32)c, 10U) + +#define ASMSubround(f, a, b, c, d, e, index, s, k) \ + // a += f(b, c, d) + data[i] + k \ + AS2( mov esp, [edi + index * 4] ) \ + f(b, c, d) \ + AS2( add esi, k ) \ + AS2( add esi, esp ) \ + AS2( add a, esi ) \ + // a = rotlFixed((word32)a, s) + e \ + AS2( rol a, s ) \ + AS2( rol c, 10 ) \ + // c = rotlFixed((word32)c, 10U) \ + AS2( add a, e ) +*/ + + +// combine F into subround w/ setup +// esi already has c, setup for next round when done +// esp already has edi[index], setup for next round when done + +#define ASMSubroundF(a, b, c, d, e, index, s) \ + /* a += (b ^ c ^ d) + data[i] + k */ \ + AS2( xor esi, b ) \ + AS2( add a, [edi + index * 4] ) \ + AS2( xor esi, d ) \ + AS2( add a, esi ) \ + /* a = rotlFixed((word32)a, s) + e */ \ + AS2( mov esi, b ) \ + AS2( rol a, s ) \ + /* c = rotlFixed((word32)c, 10U) */ \ + AS2( rol c, 10 ) \ + AS2( add a, e ) + + +// combine G into subround w/ setup +// esi already has c, setup for next round when done +// esp already has edi[index], setup for next round when done + +#define ASMSubroundG(a, b, c, d, e, index, s, k) \ + /* a += (d ^ (b & (c^d))) + data[i] + k */ \ + AS2( xor esi, d ) \ + AS2( and esi, b ) \ + AS2( add a, [edi + index * 4] ) \ + AS2( xor esi, d ) \ + AS2( lea a, [esi + a + k] ) \ + /* a = rotlFixed((word32)a, s) + e */ \ + AS2( mov esi, b ) \ + AS2( rol a, s ) \ + /* c = rotlFixed((word32)c, 10U) */ \ + AS2( rol c, 10 ) \ + AS2( add a, e ) + + +// combine H into subround w/ setup +// esi already has c, setup for next round when done +// esp already has edi[index], setup for next round when done + +#define ASMSubroundH(a, b, c, d, e, index, s, k) \ + /* a += (d ^ (b | ~c)) + data[i] + k */ \ + AS1( not esi ) \ + AS2( or esi, b ) \ + AS2( add a, [edi + index * 4] ) \ + AS2( xor esi, d ) \ + AS2( lea a, [esi + a + k] ) \ + /* a = rotlFixed((word32)a, s) + e */ \ + AS2( mov esi, b ) \ + AS2( rol a, s ) \ + /* c = rotlFixed((word32)c, 10U) */ \ + AS2( rol c, 10 ) \ + AS2( add a, e ) + + +// combine I into subround w/ setup +// esi already has c, setup for next round when done +// esp already has edi[index], setup for next round when done + +#define ASMSubroundI(a, b, c, d, e, index, s, k) \ + /* a += (c ^ (d & (b^c))) + data[i] + k */ \ + AS2( xor esi, b ) \ + AS2( and esi, d ) \ + AS2( add a, [edi + index * 4] ) \ + AS2( xor esi, c ) \ + AS2( lea a, [esi + a + k] ) \ + /* a = rotlFixed((word32)a, s) + e */ \ + AS2( mov esi, b ) \ + AS2( rol a, s ) \ + /* c = rotlFixed((word32)c, 10U) */ \ + AS2( rol c, 10 ) \ + AS2( add a, e ) + + +// combine J into subround w/ setup +// esi already has d, setup for next round when done +// esp already has edi[index], setup for next round when done + +#define ASMSubroundJ(a, b, c, d, e, index, s, k) \ + /* a += (b ^ (c | ~d))) + data[i] + k */ \ + AS1( not esi ) \ + AS2( or esi, c ) \ + /* c = rotlFixed((word32)c, 10U) */ \ + AS2( add a, [edi + index * 4] ) \ + AS2( xor esi, b ) \ + AS2( rol c, 10 ) \ + AS2( lea a, [esi + a + k] ) \ + /* a = rotlFixed((word32)a, s) + e */ \ + AS2( rol a, s ) \ + AS2( mov esi, c ) \ + AS2( add a, e ) + + +#ifdef _MSC_VER + __declspec(naked) +#endif +void RIPEMD160::AsmTransform(const byte* data, word32 times) +{ +#ifdef __GNUC__ + #define AS1(x) asm(#x); + #define AS2(x, y) asm(#x ", " #y); + + #define PROLOG() \ + asm(".intel_syntax noprefix"); \ + AS2( movd mm3, edi ) \ + AS2( movd mm4, ebx ) \ + AS2( movd mm5, esi ) \ + AS2( movd mm6, ebp ) \ + AS2( mov ecx, DWORD PTR [ebp + 8] ) \ + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 12] ) \ + AS2( mov edx, DWORD PTR [ebp + 16] ) + + #define EPILOG() \ + AS2( movd ebp, mm6 ) \ + AS2( movd esi, mm5 ) \ + AS2( movd ebx, mm4 ) \ + AS2( mov esp, ebp ) \ + AS2( movd edi, mm3 ) \ + AS1( emms ) \ + asm(".att_syntax"); +#else + #define AS1(x) __asm x + #define AS2(x, y) __asm x, y + + #define PROLOG() \ + AS1( push ebp ) \ + AS2( mov ebp, esp ) \ + AS2( movd mm3, edi ) \ + AS2( movd mm4, ebx ) \ + AS2( movd mm5, esi ) \ + AS2( movd mm6, ebp ) \ + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 8] ) \ + AS2( mov edx, DWORD PTR [ebp + 12] ) + + #define EPILOG() \ + AS2( movd ebp, mm6 ) \ + AS2( movd esi, mm5 ) \ + AS2( movd ebx, mm4 ) \ + AS2( movd edi, mm3 ) \ + AS2( mov esp, ebp ) \ + AS1( pop ebp ) \ + AS1( emms ) \ + AS1( ret 8 ) + +#endif + + PROLOG() + + #ifdef OLD_GCC_OFFSET + AS2( lea esi, [ecx + 20] ) // digest_[0] + #else + AS2( lea esi, [ecx + 16] ) // digest_[0] + #endif + + AS2( sub esp, 24 ) // make room for tmp a1 - e1 + AS2( movd mm1, esi ) // store digest_ + +AS1( loopStart: ) + + AS2( movd mm2, edx ) // store times_ + + AS2( mov eax, [esi] ) // a1 + AS2( mov ebx, [esi + 4] ) // b1 + AS2( mov ecx, [esi + 8] ) // c1 + AS2( mov edx, [esi + 12] ) // d1 + AS2( mov ebp, [esi + 16] ) // e1 + + // setup + AS2( mov esi, ecx ) + + ASMSubroundF( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 0, 11) + ASMSubroundF( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 1, 14) + ASMSubroundF( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 2, 15) + ASMSubroundF( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 3, 12) + ASMSubroundF( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 4, 5) + ASMSubroundF( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 5, 8) + ASMSubroundF( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 6, 7) + ASMSubroundF( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 7, 9) + ASMSubroundF( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 8, 11) + ASMSubroundF( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 9, 13) + ASMSubroundF( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 10, 14) + ASMSubroundF( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 11, 15) + ASMSubroundF( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 12, 6) + ASMSubroundF( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 13, 7) + ASMSubroundF( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 14, 9) + ASMSubroundF( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 15, 8) + + ASMSubroundG( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 7, 7, k1) + ASMSubroundG( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 4, 6, k1) + ASMSubroundG( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 13, 8, k1) + ASMSubroundG( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 1, 13, k1) + ASMSubroundG( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 10, 11, k1) + ASMSubroundG( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 6, 9, k1) + ASMSubroundG( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 15, 7, k1) + ASMSubroundG( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 3, 15, k1) + ASMSubroundG( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 12, 7, k1) + ASMSubroundG( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 0, 12, k1) + ASMSubroundG( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 9, 15, k1) + ASMSubroundG( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 5, 9, k1) + ASMSubroundG( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 2, 11, k1) + ASMSubroundG( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 14, 7, k1) + ASMSubroundG( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 11, 13, k1) + ASMSubroundG( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 8, 12, k1) + + ASMSubroundH( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 3, 11, k2) + ASMSubroundH( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 10, 13, k2) + ASMSubroundH( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 14, 6, k2) + ASMSubroundH( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 4, 7, k2) + ASMSubroundH( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 9, 14, k2) + ASMSubroundH( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 15, 9, k2) + ASMSubroundH( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 8, 13, k2) + ASMSubroundH( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 1, 15, k2) + ASMSubroundH( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 2, 14, k2) + ASMSubroundH( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 7, 8, k2) + ASMSubroundH( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 0, 13, k2) + ASMSubroundH( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 6, 6, k2) + ASMSubroundH( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 13, 5, k2) + ASMSubroundH( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 11, 12, k2) + ASMSubroundH( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 5, 7, k2) + ASMSubroundH( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 12, 5, k2) + + ASMSubroundI( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 1, 11, k3) + ASMSubroundI( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 9, 12, k3) + ASMSubroundI( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 11, 14, k3) + ASMSubroundI( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 10, 15, k3) + ASMSubroundI( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 0, 14, k3) + ASMSubroundI( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 8, 15, k3) + ASMSubroundI( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 12, 9, k3) + ASMSubroundI( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 4, 8, k3) + ASMSubroundI( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 13, 9, k3) + ASMSubroundI( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 3, 14, k3) + ASMSubroundI( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 7, 5, k3) + ASMSubroundI( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 15, 6, k3) + ASMSubroundI( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 14, 8, k3) + ASMSubroundI( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 5, 6, k3) + ASMSubroundI( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 6, 5, k3) + ASMSubroundI( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 2, 12, k3) + + // setup + AS2( mov esi, ebp ) + + ASMSubroundJ( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 4, 9, k4) + ASMSubroundJ( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 0, 15, k4) + ASMSubroundJ( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 5, 5, k4) + ASMSubroundJ( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 9, 11, k4) + ASMSubroundJ( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 7, 6, k4) + ASMSubroundJ( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 12, 8, k4) + ASMSubroundJ( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 2, 13, k4) + ASMSubroundJ( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 10, 12, k4) + ASMSubroundJ( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 14, 5, k4) + ASMSubroundJ( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 1, 12, k4) + ASMSubroundJ( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 3, 13, k4) + ASMSubroundJ( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 8, 14, k4) + ASMSubroundJ( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 11, 11, k4) + ASMSubroundJ( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 6, 8, k4) + ASMSubroundJ( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 15, 5, k4) + ASMSubroundJ( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 13, 6, k4) + + // store a1 - e1 on stack + AS2( movd esi, mm1 ) // digest_ + + AS2( mov [esp], eax ) + AS2( mov [esp + 4], ebx ) + AS2( mov [esp + 8], ecx ) + AS2( mov [esp + 12], edx ) + AS2( mov [esp + 16], ebp ) + + AS2( mov eax, [esi] ) // a2 + AS2( mov ebx, [esi + 4] ) // b2 + AS2( mov ecx, [esi + 8] ) // c2 + AS2( mov edx, [esi + 12] ) // d2 + AS2( mov ebp, [esi + 16] ) // e2 + + + // setup + AS2( mov esi, edx ) + + ASMSubroundJ( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 5, 8, k5) + ASMSubroundJ( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 14, 9, k5) + ASMSubroundJ( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 7, 9, k5) + ASMSubroundJ( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 0, 11, k5) + ASMSubroundJ( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 9, 13, k5) + ASMSubroundJ( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 2, 15, k5) + ASMSubroundJ( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 11, 15, k5) + ASMSubroundJ( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 4, 5, k5) + ASMSubroundJ( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 13, 7, k5) + ASMSubroundJ( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 6, 7, k5) + ASMSubroundJ( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 15, 8, k5) + ASMSubroundJ( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 8, 11, k5) + ASMSubroundJ( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 1, 14, k5) + ASMSubroundJ( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 10, 14, k5) + ASMSubroundJ( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 3, 12, k5) + ASMSubroundJ( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 12, 6, k5) + + // setup + AS2( mov esi, ebx ) + + ASMSubroundI( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 6, 9, k6) + ASMSubroundI( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 11, 13, k6) + ASMSubroundI( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 3, 15, k6) + ASMSubroundI( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 7, 7, k6) + ASMSubroundI( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 0, 12, k6) + ASMSubroundI( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 13, 8, k6) + ASMSubroundI( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 5, 9, k6) + ASMSubroundI( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 10, 11, k6) + ASMSubroundI( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 14, 7, k6) + ASMSubroundI( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 15, 7, k6) + ASMSubroundI( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 8, 12, k6) + ASMSubroundI( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 12, 7, k6) + ASMSubroundI( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 4, 6, k6) + ASMSubroundI( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 9, 15, k6) + ASMSubroundI( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 1, 13, k6) + ASMSubroundI( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 2, 11, k6) + + ASMSubroundH( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 15, 9, k7) + ASMSubroundH( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 5, 7, k7) + ASMSubroundH( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 1, 15, k7) + ASMSubroundH( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 3, 11, k7) + ASMSubroundH( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 7, 8, k7) + ASMSubroundH( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 14, 6, k7) + ASMSubroundH( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 6, 6, k7) + ASMSubroundH( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 9, 14, k7) + ASMSubroundH( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 11, 12, k7) + ASMSubroundH( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 8, 13, k7) + ASMSubroundH( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 12, 5, k7) + ASMSubroundH( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 2, 14, k7) + ASMSubroundH( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 10, 13, k7) + ASMSubroundH( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 0, 13, k7) + ASMSubroundH( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 4, 7, k7) + ASMSubroundH( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 13, 5, k7) + + ASMSubroundG( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 8, 15, k8) + ASMSubroundG( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 6, 5, k8) + ASMSubroundG( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 4, 8, k8) + ASMSubroundG( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 1, 11, k8) + ASMSubroundG( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 3, 14, k8) + ASMSubroundG( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 11, 14, k8) + ASMSubroundG( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 15, 6, k8) + ASMSubroundG( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 0, 14, k8) + ASMSubroundG( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 5, 6, k8) + ASMSubroundG( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 12, 9, k8) + ASMSubroundG( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 2, 12, k8) + ASMSubroundG( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 13, 9, k8) + ASMSubroundG( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 9, 12, k8) + ASMSubroundG( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 7, 5, k8) + ASMSubroundG( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 10, 15, k8) + ASMSubroundG( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 14, 8, k8) + + ASMSubroundF( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 12, 8) + ASMSubroundF( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 15, 5) + ASMSubroundF( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 10, 12) + ASMSubroundF( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 4, 9) + ASMSubroundF( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 1, 12) + ASMSubroundF( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 5, 5) + ASMSubroundF( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 8, 14) + ASMSubroundF( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 7, 6) + ASMSubroundF( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 6, 8) + ASMSubroundF( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 2, 13) + ASMSubroundF( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 13, 6) + ASMSubroundF( eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 14, 5) + ASMSubroundF( ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 0, 15) + ASMSubroundF( edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 3, 13) + ASMSubroundF( ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 9, 11) + ASMSubroundF( ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 11, 11) + + // advance data and store for next round + AS2( add edi, 64 ) + AS2( movd esi, mm1 ) // digest_ + AS2( movd mm0, edi ) // store + + // now edi as tmp + + // c1 = digest_[1] + c1 + d2; + AS2( add [esp + 8], edx ) // + d2 + AS2( mov edi, [esi + 4] ) // digest_[1] + AS2( add [esp + 8], edi ) + + // digest_[1] = digest_[2] + d1 + e2; + AS2( mov [esi + 4], ebp ) // e2 + AS2( mov edi, [esp + 12] ) // d1 + AS2( add edi, [esi + 8] ) // digest_[2] + AS2( add [esi + 4], edi ) + + // digest_[2] = digest_[3] + e1 + a2; + AS2( mov [esi + 8], eax ) // a2 + AS2( mov edi, [esp + 16] ) // e1 + AS2( add edi, [esi + 12] ) // digest_[3] + AS2( add [esi + 8], edi ) + + // digest_[3] = digest_[4] + a1 + b2; + AS2( mov [esi + 12], ebx ) // b2 + AS2( mov edi, [esp] ) // a1 + AS2( add edi, [esi + 16] ) // digest_[4] + AS2( add [esi + 12], edi ) + + // digest_[4] = digest_[0] + b1 + c2; + AS2( mov [esi + 16], ecx ) // c2 + AS2( mov edi, [esp + 4] ) // b1 + AS2( add edi, [esi] ) // digest_[0] + AS2( add [esi + 16], edi ) + + // digest_[0] = c1; + AS2( mov edi, [esp + 8] ) // c1 + AS2( mov [esi], edi ) + + // setup for loop back + AS2( movd edx, mm2 ) // times + AS2( movd edi, mm0 ) // data, already advanced + AS1( dec edx ) + AS1( jnz loopStart ) + + + EPILOG() } +#endif // DO_RIPEMD_ASM + + } // namespace TaoCrypt diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/sha.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/sha.cpp index 13a4cfc22d3..12f80c1af75 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/sha.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/sha.cpp @@ -27,6 +27,11 @@ #include "sha.hpp" +#if defined(TAOCRYPT_X86ASM_AVAILABLE) && defined(TAO_ASM) + #define DO_SHA_ASM +#endif + + namespace TaoCrypt { #define blk0(i) (W[i] = buffer_[i]) @@ -60,7 +65,8 @@ void SHA::Init() digest_[4] = 0xC3D2E1F0L; buffLen_ = 0; - length_ = 0; + loLen_ = 0; + hiLen_ = 0; } @@ -68,7 +74,8 @@ SHA::SHA(const SHA& that) : HASHwithTransform(DIGEST_SIZE / sizeof(word32), BLOCK_SIZE) { buffLen_ = that.buffLen_; - length_ = that.length_; + loLen_ = that.loLen_; + hiLen_ = that.hiLen_; memcpy(digest_, that.digest_, DIGEST_SIZE); memcpy(buffer_, that.buffer_, BLOCK_SIZE); @@ -85,7 +92,8 @@ SHA& SHA::operator= (const SHA& that) void SHA::Swap(SHA& other) { - mySTL::swap(length_, other.length_); + mySTL::swap(loLen_, other.loLen_); + mySTL::swap(hiLen_, other.hiLen_); mySTL::swap(buffLen_, other.buffLen_); memcpy(digest_, other.digest_, DIGEST_SIZE); @@ -93,6 +101,61 @@ void SHA::Swap(SHA& other) } +// Update digest with data of size len, do in blocks +void SHA::Update(const byte* data, word32 len) +{ + byte* local = (byte*)buffer_; + + // remove buffered data if possible + if (buffLen_) { + word32 add = min(len, BLOCK_SIZE - buffLen_); + memcpy(&local[buffLen_], data, add); + + buffLen_ += add; + data += add; + len -= add; + + if (buffLen_ == BLOCK_SIZE) { + ByteReverseIf(local, local, BLOCK_SIZE, BigEndianOrder); + Transform(); + AddLength(BLOCK_SIZE); + buffLen_ = 0; + } + } + + // do block size transforms or all at once for asm + if (buffLen_ == 0) { + #ifndef DO_SHA_ASM + while (len >= BLOCK_SIZE) { + memcpy(&local[0], data, BLOCK_SIZE); + + data += BLOCK_SIZE; + len -= BLOCK_SIZE; + + ByteReverseIf(local, local, BLOCK_SIZE, BigEndianOrder); + Transform(); + AddLength(BLOCK_SIZE); + } + #else + word32 times = len / BLOCK_SIZE; + if (times) { + AsmTransform(data, times); + const word32 add = BLOCK_SIZE * times; + AddLength(add); + len -= add; + data += add; + } + #endif + } + + // cache any data left + if (len) { + memcpy(&local[buffLen_], data, len); + buffLen_ += len; + } +} + + void SHA::Transform() { word32 W[BLOCK_SIZE / sizeof(word32)]; @@ -109,17 +172,21 @@ void SHA::Transform() R0(b,c,d,e,a, 4); R0(a,b,c,d,e, 5); R0(e,a,b,c,d, 6); R0(d,e,a,b,c, 7); R0(c,d,e,a,b, 8); R0(b,c,d,e,a, 9); R0(a,b,c,d,e,10); R0(e,a,b,c,d,11); R0(d,e,a,b,c,12); R0(c,d,e,a,b,13); R0(b,c,d,e,a,14); R0(a,b,c,d,e,15); + R1(e,a,b,c,d,16); R1(d,e,a,b,c,17); R1(c,d,e,a,b,18); R1(b,c,d,e,a,19); + R2(a,b,c,d,e,20); R2(e,a,b,c,d,21); R2(d,e,a,b,c,22); R2(c,d,e,a,b,23); R2(b,c,d,e,a,24); R2(a,b,c,d,e,25); R2(e,a,b,c,d,26); R2(d,e,a,b,c,27); R2(c,d,e,a,b,28); R2(b,c,d,e,a,29); R2(a,b,c,d,e,30); R2(e,a,b,c,d,31); R2(d,e,a,b,c,32); R2(c,d,e,a,b,33); R2(b,c,d,e,a,34); R2(a,b,c,d,e,35); R2(e,a,b,c,d,36); R2(d,e,a,b,c,37); R2(c,d,e,a,b,38); R2(b,c,d,e,a,39); + R3(a,b,c,d,e,40); R3(e,a,b,c,d,41); R3(d,e,a,b,c,42); R3(c,d,e,a,b,43); R3(b,c,d,e,a,44); R3(a,b,c,d,e,45); R3(e,a,b,c,d,46); R3(d,e,a,b,c,47); R3(c,d,e,a,b,48); R3(b,c,d,e,a,49); R3(a,b,c,d,e,50); R3(e,a,b,c,d,51); R3(d,e,a,b,c,52); R3(c,d,e,a,b,53); R3(b,c,d,e,a,54); R3(a,b,c,d,e,55); R3(e,a,b,c,d,56); R3(d,e,a,b,c,57); R3(c,d,e,a,b,58); R3(b,c,d,e,a,59); + R4(a,b,c,d,e,60); R4(e,a,b,c,d,61); R4(d,e,a,b,c,62); R4(c,d,e,a,b,63); R4(b,c,d,e,a,64); R4(a,b,c,d,e,65); R4(e,a,b,c,d,66); R4(d,e,a,b,c,67); R4(c,d,e,a,b,68); R4(b,c,d,e,a,69); R4(a,b,c,d,e,70); R4(e,a,b,c,d,71); @@ -136,10 +203,414 @@ void SHA::Transform() // Wipe variables a = b = c = d = e = 0; memset(W, 0, sizeof(W)); +} - buffLen_ = 0; - length_ += 512; + +#ifdef DO_SHA_ASM + +// f1(x,y,z) (z^(x &(y^z))) +// place in esi +#define ASMf1(x,y,z) \ + AS2( mov esi, y ) \ + AS2( xor esi, z ) \ + AS2( and esi, x ) \ + AS2( xor esi, z ) + + +// R0(v,w,x,y,z,i) = +// z+= f1(w,x,y) + W[i] + 0x5A827999 + rotlFixed(v,5); +// w = rotlFixed(w,30); + +// use esi for f +// use edi as tmp + + +#define ASMR0(v,w,x,y,z,i) \ + AS2( mov esi, x ) \ + AS2( mov edi, [esp + i * 4] ) \ + AS2( xor esi, y ) \ + AS2( and esi, w ) \ + AS2( lea z, [edi + z + 0x5A827999] ) \ + AS2( mov edi, v ) \ + AS2( xor esi, y ) \ + AS2( rol edi, 5 ) \ + AS2( add z, esi ) \ + AS2( rol w, 30 ) \ + AS2( add z, edi ) + + +/* Some macro stuff, but older gas ( < 2,16 ) can't process &, so do by hand + % won't work on gas at all + +#define xstr(s) str(s) +#define str(s) #s + +#define WOFF1(a) ( a & 15) +#define WOFF2(a) ((a + 2) & 15) +#define WOFF3(a) ((a + 8) & 15) +#define WOFF4(a) ((a + 13) & 15) + +#ifdef __GNUC__ + #define WGET1(i) asm("mov esp, [edi - "xstr(WOFF1(i))" * 4] "); + #define WGET2(i) asm("xor esp, [edi - "xstr(WOFF2(i))" * 4] "); + #define WGET3(i) asm("xor esp, [edi - "xstr(WOFF3(i))" * 4] "); + #define WGET4(i) asm("xor esp, [edi - "xstr(WOFF4(i))" * 4] "); + #define WPUT1(i) asm("mov [edi - "xstr(WOFF1(i))" * 4], esp "); +#else + #define WGET1(i) AS2( mov esp, [edi - WOFF1(i) * 4] ) + #define WGET2(i) AS2( xor esp, [edi - WOFF2(i) * 4] ) + #define WGET3(i) AS2( xor esp, [edi - WOFF3(i) * 4] ) + #define WGET4(i) AS2( xor esp, [edi - WOFF4(i) * 4] ) + #define WPUT1(i) AS2( mov [edi - WOFF1(i) * 4], esp ) +#endif +*/ + +// ASMR1 = ASMR0 but use esp for W calcs + +#define ASMR1(v,w,x,y,z,i,W1,W2,W3,W4) \ + AS2( mov edi, [esp + W1 * 4] ) \ + AS2( mov esi, x ) \ + AS2( xor edi, [esp + W2 * 4] ) \ + AS2( xor esi, y ) \ + AS2( xor edi, [esp + W3 * 4] ) \ + AS2( and esi, w ) \ + AS2( xor edi, [esp + W4 * 4] ) \ + AS2( rol edi, 1 ) \ + AS2( xor esi, y ) \ + AS2( mov [esp + W1 * 4], edi ) \ + AS2( lea z, [edi + z + 0x5A827999] ) \ + AS2( mov edi, v ) \ + AS2( rol edi, 5 ) \ + AS2( add z, esi ) \ + AS2( rol w, 30 ) \ + AS2( add z, edi ) + + +// ASMR2 = ASMR1 but f is xor, xor instead + +#define ASMR2(v,w,x,y,z,i,W1,W2,W3,W4) \ + AS2( mov edi, [esp + W1 * 4] ) \ + AS2( mov esi, x ) \ + AS2( xor edi, [esp + W2 * 4] ) \ + AS2( xor esi, y ) \ + AS2( xor edi, [esp + W3 * 4] ) \ + AS2( xor esi, w ) \ + AS2( xor edi, [esp + W4 * 4] ) \ + AS2( rol edi, 1 ) \ + AS2( add z, esi ) \ + AS2( mov [esp + W1 * 4], edi ) \ + AS2( lea z, [edi + z + 0x6ED9EBA1] ) \ + AS2( mov edi, v ) \ + AS2( rol edi, 5 ) \ + AS2( rol w, 30 ) \ + AS2( add z, edi ) + + +// ASMR3 = ASMR2 but f is (x&y)|(z&(x|y)) +// which is (w&x)|(y&(w|x)) + +#define ASMR3(v,w,x,y,z,i,W1,W2,W3,W4) \ + AS2( mov edi, [esp + W1 * 4] ) \ + AS2( mov esi, x ) \ + AS2( xor edi, [esp + W2 * 4] ) \ + AS2( or esi, w ) \ + AS2( xor edi, [esp + W3 * 4] ) \ + AS2( and esi, y ) \ + AS2( xor edi, [esp + W4 * 4] ) \ + AS2( movd mm0, esi ) \ + AS2( rol edi, 1 ) \ + AS2( mov esi, x ) \ + AS2( mov [esp + W1 * 4], edi ) \ + AS2( and esi, w ) \ + AS2( lea z, [edi + z + 0x8F1BBCDC] ) \ + AS2( movd edi, mm0 ) \ + AS2( or esi, edi ) \ + AS2( mov edi, v ) \ + AS2( rol edi, 5 ) \ + AS2( add z, esi ) \ + AS2( rol w, 30 ) \ + AS2( add z, edi ) + + +// ASMR4 = ASMR2 but different constant + +#define ASMR4(v,w,x,y,z,i,W1,W2,W3,W4) \ + AS2( mov edi, [esp + W1 * 4] ) \ + AS2( mov esi, x ) \ + AS2( xor edi, [esp + W2 * 4] ) \ + AS2( xor esi, y ) \ + AS2( xor edi, [esp + W3 * 4] ) \ + AS2( xor esi, w ) \ + AS2( xor edi, [esp + W4 * 4] ) \ + AS2( rol edi, 1 ) \ + AS2( add z, esi ) \ + AS2( mov [esp + W1 * 4], edi ) \ + AS2( lea z, [edi + z + 0xCA62C1D6] ) \ + AS2( mov edi, v ) \ + AS2( rol edi, 5 ) \ + AS2( rol w, 30 ) \ + AS2( add z, edi ) + + +#ifdef _MSC_VER + __declspec(naked) +#endif +void SHA::AsmTransform(const byte* data, word32 times) +{ +#ifdef __GNUC__ + #define AS1(x) asm(#x); + #define AS2(x, y) asm(#x ", " #y); + + #define PROLOG() \ + asm(".intel_syntax noprefix"); \ + AS2( movd mm3, edi ) \ + AS2( movd mm4, ebx ) \ + AS2( movd mm5, esi ) \ + AS2( movd mm6, ebp ) \ + AS2( mov ecx, DWORD PTR [ebp + 8] ) \ + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 12] ) \ + AS2( mov eax, DWORD PTR [ebp + 16] ) + + #define EPILOG() \ + AS2( movd ebp, mm6 ) \ + AS2( movd esi, mm5 ) \ + AS2( movd ebx, mm4 ) \ + AS2( mov esp, ebp ) \ + AS2( movd edi, mm3 ) \ + AS1( emms ) \ + asm(".att_syntax"); +#else + #define AS1(x) __asm x + #define AS2(x, y) __asm x, y + + #define PROLOG() \ + AS1( push ebp ) \ + AS2( mov ebp, esp ) \ + AS2( movd mm3, edi ) \ + AS2( movd mm4, ebx ) \ + AS2( movd mm5, esi ) \ + AS2( movd mm6, ebp ) \ + AS2( mov edi, data ) \ + AS2( mov eax, times ) + + #define EPILOG() \ + AS2( movd ebp, mm6 ) \ + AS2( movd esi, mm5 ) \ + AS2( movd ebx, mm4 ) \ + AS2( movd edi, mm3 ) \ + AS2( mov esp, ebp ) \ + AS1( pop ebp ) \ + AS1( emms ) \ + AS1( ret 8 ) +#endif + + PROLOG() + + AS2( mov esi, ecx ) + + #ifdef OLD_GCC_OFFSET + AS2( add esi, 20 ) // digest_[0] + #else + AS2( add esi, 16 ) // digest_[0] + #endif + + AS2( movd mm2, eax ) // store times_ + AS2( movd mm1, esi ) // store digest_ + + AS2( sub esp, 68 ) // make room on stack + +AS1( loopStart: ) + + // byte reverse 16 words of input, 4 at a time, put on stack for W[] + + // part 1 + AS2( mov eax, [edi] ) + AS2( mov ebx, [edi + 4] ) + AS2( mov ecx, [edi + 8] ) + AS2( mov edx, [edi + 12] ) + + AS1( bswap eax ) + AS1( bswap ebx ) + AS1( bswap ecx ) + AS1( bswap edx ) + + AS2( mov [esp], eax ) + AS2( mov [esp + 4], ebx ) + AS2( mov [esp + 8], ecx ) + AS2( mov [esp + 12], edx ) + + // part 2 + AS2( mov eax, [edi + 16] ) + AS2( mov ebx, [edi + 20] ) + AS2( mov ecx, [edi + 24] ) + AS2( mov edx, [edi + 28] ) + + AS1( bswap eax ) + AS1( bswap ebx ) + AS1( bswap ecx ) + AS1( bswap edx ) + + AS2( mov [esp + 16], eax ) + AS2( mov [esp + 20], ebx ) + AS2( mov [esp + 24], ecx ) + AS2( mov [esp + 28], edx ) + + + // part 3 + AS2( mov eax, [edi + 32] ) + AS2( mov ebx, [edi + 36] ) + AS2( mov ecx, [edi + 40] ) + AS2( mov edx, [edi + 44] ) + + AS1( bswap eax ) + AS1( bswap ebx ) + AS1( bswap ecx ) + AS1( bswap edx ) + + AS2( mov [esp + 32], eax ) + AS2( mov [esp + 36], ebx ) + AS2( mov [esp + 40], ecx ) + AS2( mov [esp + 44], edx ) + + + // part 4 + AS2( mov eax, [edi + 48] ) + AS2( mov ebx, [edi + 52] ) + AS2( mov ecx, [edi + 56] ) + AS2( mov edx, [edi + 60] ) + + AS1( bswap eax ) + AS1( bswap ebx ) + AS1( bswap ecx ) + AS1( bswap edx ) + + AS2( mov [esp + 48], eax ) + AS2( mov [esp + 52], ebx ) + AS2( mov [esp + 56], ecx ) + AS2( mov [esp + 60], edx ) + + AS2( mov [esp + 64], edi ) // store edi for end + + // read from digest_ + AS2( mov eax, [esi] ) // a1 + AS2( mov ebx, [esi + 4] ) // b1 + AS2( mov ecx, [esi + 8] ) // c1 + AS2( mov edx, [esi + 12] ) // d1 + AS2( mov ebp, [esi + 16] ) // e1 + + + ASMR0(eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 0) + ASMR0(ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 1) + ASMR0(edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 2) + ASMR0(ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 3) + ASMR0(ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 4) + ASMR0(eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 5) + ASMR0(ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 6) + ASMR0(edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 7) + ASMR0(ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 8) + ASMR0(ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 9) + ASMR0(eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 10) + ASMR0(ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 11) + ASMR0(edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 12) + ASMR0(ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 13) + ASMR0(ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 14) + ASMR0(eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 15) + + ASMR1(ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 16, 0, 2, 8, 13) + ASMR1(edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 17, 1, 3, 9, 14) + ASMR1(ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 18, 2, 4, 10, 15) + ASMR1(ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 19, 3, 5, 11, 0) + + ASMR2(eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 20, 4, 6, 12, 1) + ASMR2(ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 21, 5, 7, 13, 2) + ASMR2(edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 22, 6, 8, 14, 3) + ASMR2(ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 23, 7, 9, 15, 4) + ASMR2(ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 24, 8, 10, 0, 5) + ASMR2(eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 25, 9, 11, 1, 6) + ASMR2(ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 26, 10, 12, 2, 7) + ASMR2(edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 27, 11, 13, 3, 8) + ASMR2(ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 28, 12, 14, 4, 9) + ASMR2(ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 29, 13, 15, 5, 10) + ASMR2(eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 30, 14, 0, 6, 11) + ASMR2(ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 31, 15, 1, 7, 12) + ASMR2(edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 32, 0, 2, 8, 13) + ASMR2(ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 33, 1, 3, 9, 14) + ASMR2(ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 34, 2, 4, 10, 15) + ASMR2(eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 35, 3, 5, 11, 0) + ASMR2(ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 36, 4, 6, 12, 1) + ASMR2(edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 37, 5, 7, 13, 2) + ASMR2(ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 38, 6, 8, 14, 3) + ASMR2(ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 39, 7, 9, 15, 4) + + + ASMR3(eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 40, 8, 10, 0, 5) + ASMR3(ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 41, 9, 11, 1, 6) + ASMR3(edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 42, 10, 12, 2, 7) + ASMR3(ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 43, 11, 13, 3, 8) + ASMR3(ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 44, 12, 14, 4, 9) + ASMR3(eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 45, 13, 15, 5, 10) + ASMR3(ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 46, 14, 0, 6, 11) + ASMR3(edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 47, 15, 1, 7, 12) + ASMR3(ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 48, 0, 2, 8, 13) + ASMR3(ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 49, 1, 3, 9, 14) + ASMR3(eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 50, 2, 4, 10, 15) + ASMR3(ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 51, 3, 5, 11, 0) + ASMR3(edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 52, 4, 6, 12, 1) + ASMR3(ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 53, 5, 7, 13, 2) + ASMR3(ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 54, 6, 8, 14, 3) + ASMR3(eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 55, 7, 9, 15, 4) + ASMR3(ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 56, 8, 10, 0, 5) + ASMR3(edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 57, 9, 11, 1, 6) + ASMR3(ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 58, 10, 12, 2, 7) + ASMR3(ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 59, 11, 13, 3, 8) + + ASMR4(eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 60, 12, 14, 4, 9) + ASMR4(ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 61, 13, 15, 5, 10) + ASMR4(edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 62, 14, 0, 6, 11) + ASMR4(ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 63, 15, 1, 7, 12) + ASMR4(ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 64, 0, 2, 8, 13) + ASMR4(eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 65, 1, 3, 9, 14) + ASMR4(ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 66, 2, 4, 10, 15) + ASMR4(edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 67, 3, 5, 11, 0) + ASMR4(ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 68, 4, 6, 12, 1) + ASMR4(ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 69, 5, 7, 13, 2) + ASMR4(eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 70, 6, 8, 14, 3) + ASMR4(ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 71, 7, 9, 15, 4) + ASMR4(edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 72, 8, 10, 0, 5) + ASMR4(ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 73, 9, 11, 1, 6) + ASMR4(ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 74, 10, 12, 2, 7) + ASMR4(eax, ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, 75, 11, 13, 3, 8) + ASMR4(ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, 76, 12, 14, 4, 9) + ASMR4(edx, ebp, eax, ebx, ecx, 77, 13, 15, 5, 10) + ASMR4(ecx, edx, ebp, eax, ebx, 78, 14, 0, 6, 11) + ASMR4(ebx, ecx, edx, ebp, eax, 79, 15, 1, 7, 12) + + + AS2( movd esi, mm1 ) // digest_ + + AS2( add [esi], eax ) // write out + AS2( add [esi + 4], ebx ) + AS2( add [esi + 8], ecx ) + AS2( add [esi + 12], edx ) + AS2( add [esi + 16], ebp ) + + // setup next round + AS2( movd ebp, mm2 ) // times + + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [esp + 64] ) // data + + AS2( add edi, 64 ) // next round of data + AS2( mov [esp + 64], edi ) // restore + + AS1( dec ebp ) + AS2( movd mm2, ebp ) + AS1( jnz loopStart ) + + + EPILOG() } +#endif // DO_SHA_ASM + } // namespace diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/template_instnt.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/template_instnt.cpp index 59814d03209..12bcd8238f2 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/template_instnt.cpp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/template_instnt.cpp @@ -24,8 +24,14 @@ */ +#include "runtime.hpp" #include "integer.hpp" #include "rsa.hpp" +#include "sha.hpp" +#include "md5.hpp" +#include "hmac.hpp" +#include "ripemd.hpp" +#include "pwdbased.hpp" #include "algebra.hpp" #include "vector.hpp" #include "hash.hpp" @@ -53,6 +59,12 @@ template AllocatorWithCleanup<word32>::pointer StdReallocate<word32, AllocatorWi #endif template void tcArrayDelete<char>(char*); + +template class PBKDF2_HMAC<SHA>; +template class HMAC<MD5>; +template class HMAC<SHA>; +template class HMAC<RIPEMD160>; + } namespace mySTL { diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/tftables.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/tftables.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..55846d5f79d --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/tftables.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,352 @@ +/* tftables.cpp + * + * Copyright (C) 2003 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd. + * + * This file is part of yaSSL. + * + * yaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * yaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA + */ + +/* based on Wei Dai's tftables.cpp from CryptoPP */ + +#include "runtime.hpp" +#include "twofish.hpp" + + +namespace TaoCrypt { + + +const byte Twofish::q_[2][256] = { +{ + 0xA9, 0x67, 0xB3, 0xE8, 0x04, 0xFD, 0xA3, 0x76, 0x9A, 0x92, 0x80, 0x78, + 0xE4, 0xDD, 0xD1, 0x38, 0x0D, 0xC6, 0x35, 0x98, 0x18, 0xF7, 0xEC, 0x6C, + 0x43, 0x75, 0x37, 0x26, 0xFA, 0x13, 0x94, 0x48, 0xF2, 0xD0, 0x8B, 0x30, + 0x84, 0x54, 0xDF, 0x23, 0x19, 0x5B, 0x3D, 0x59, 0xF3, 0xAE, 0xA2, 0x82, + 0x63, 0x01, 0x83, 0x2E, 0xD9, 0x51, 0x9B, 0x7C, 0xA6, 0xEB, 0xA5, 0xBE, + 0x16, 0x0C, 0xE3, 0x61, 0xC0, 0x8C, 0x3A, 0xF5, 0x73, 0x2C, 0x25, 0x0B, + 0xBB, 0x4E, 0x89, 0x6B, 0x53, 0x6A, 0xB4, 0xF1, 0xE1, 0xE6, 0xBD, 0x45, + 0xE2, 0xF4, 0xB6, 0x66, 0xCC, 0x95, 0x03, 0x56, 0xD4, 0x1C, 0x1E, 0xD7, + 0xFB, 0xC3, 0x8E, 0xB5, 0xE9, 0xCF, 0xBF, 0xBA, 0xEA, 0x77, 0x39, 0xAF, + 0x33, 0xC9, 0x62, 0x71, 0x81, 0x79, 0x09, 0xAD, 0x24, 0xCD, 0xF9, 0xD8, + 0xE5, 0xC5, 0xB9, 0x4D, 0x44, 0x08, 0x86, 0xE7, 0xA1, 0x1D, 0xAA, 0xED, + 0x06, 0x70, 0xB2, 0xD2, 0x41, 0x7B, 0xA0, 0x11, 0x31, 0xC2, 0x27, 0x90, + 0x20, 0xF6, 0x60, 0xFF, 0x96, 0x5C, 0xB1, 0xAB, 0x9E, 0x9C, 0x52, 0x1B, + 0x5F, 0x93, 0x0A, 0xEF, 0x91, 0x85, 0x49, 0xEE, 0x2D, 0x4F, 0x8F, 0x3B, + 0x47, 0x87, 0x6D, 0x46, 0xD6, 0x3E, 0x69, 0x64, 0x2A, 0xCE, 0xCB, 0x2F, + 0xFC, 0x97, 0x05, 0x7A, 0xAC, 0x7F, 0xD5, 0x1A, 0x4B, 0x0E, 0xA7, 0x5A, + 0x28, 0x14, 0x3F, 0x29, 0x88, 0x3C, 0x4C, 0x02, 0xB8, 0xDA, 0xB0, 0x17, + 0x55, 0x1F, 0x8A, 0x7D, 0x57, 0xC7, 0x8D, 0x74, 0xB7, 0xC4, 0x9F, 0x72, + 0x7E, 0x15, 0x22, 0x12, 0x58, 0x07, 0x99, 0x34, 0x6E, 0x50, 0xDE, 0x68, + 0x65, 0xBC, 0xDB, 0xF8, 0xC8, 0xA8, 0x2B, 0x40, 0xDC, 0xFE, 0x32, 0xA4, + 0xCA, 0x10, 0x21, 0xF0, 0xD3, 0x5D, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x6F, 0x9D, 0x36, 0x42, + 0x4A, 0x5E, 0xC1, 0xE0 +}, +{ + 0x75, 0xF3, 0xC6, 0xF4, 0xDB, 0x7B, 0xFB, 0xC8, 0x4A, 0xD3, 0xE6, 0x6B, + 0x45, 0x7D, 0xE8, 0x4B, 0xD6, 0x32, 0xD8, 0xFD, 0x37, 0x71, 0xF1, 0xE1, + 0x30, 0x0F, 0xF8, 0x1B, 0x87, 0xFA, 0x06, 0x3F, 0x5E, 0xBA, 0xAE, 0x5B, + 0x8A, 0x00, 0xBC, 0x9D, 0x6D, 0xC1, 0xB1, 0x0E, 0x80, 0x5D, 0xD2, 0xD5, + 0xA0, 0x84, 0x07, 0x14, 0xB5, 0x90, 0x2C, 0xA3, 0xB2, 0x73, 0x4C, 0x54, + 0x92, 0x74, 0x36, 0x51, 0x38, 0xB0, 0xBD, 0x5A, 0xFC, 0x60, 0x62, 0x96, + 0x6C, 0x42, 0xF7, 0x10, 0x7C, 0x28, 0x27, 0x8C, 0x13, 0x95, 0x9C, 0xC7, + 0x24, 0x46, 0x3B, 0x70, 0xCA, 0xE3, 0x85, 0xCB, 0x11, 0xD0, 0x93, 0xB8, + 0xA6, 0x83, 0x20, 0xFF, 0x9F, 0x77, 0xC3, 0xCC, 0x03, 0x6F, 0x08, 0xBF, + 0x40, 0xE7, 0x2B, 0xE2, 0x79, 0x0C, 0xAA, 0x82, 0x41, 0x3A, 0xEA, 0xB9, + 0xE4, 0x9A, 0xA4, 0x97, 0x7E, 0xDA, 0x7A, 0x17, 0x66, 0x94, 0xA1, 0x1D, + 0x3D, 0xF0, 0xDE, 0xB3, 0x0B, 0x72, 0xA7, 0x1C, 0xEF, 0xD1, 0x53, 0x3E, + 0x8F, 0x33, 0x26, 0x5F, 0xEC, 0x76, 0x2A, 0x49, 0x81, 0x88, 0xEE, 0x21, + 0xC4, 0x1A, 0xEB, 0xD9, 0xC5, 0x39, 0x99, 0xCD, 0xAD, 0x31, 0x8B, 0x01, + 0x18, 0x23, 0xDD, 0x1F, 0x4E, 0x2D, 0xF9, 0x48, 0x4F, 0xF2, 0x65, 0x8E, + 0x78, 0x5C, 0x58, 0x19, 0x8D, 0xE5, 0x98, 0x57, 0x67, 0x7F, 0x05, 0x64, + 0xAF, 0x63, 0xB6, 0xFE, 0xF5, 0xB7, 0x3C, 0xA5, 0xCE, 0xE9, 0x68, 0x44, + 0xE0, 0x4D, 0x43, 0x69, 0x29, 0x2E, 0xAC, 0x15, 0x59, 0xA8, 0x0A, 0x9E, + 0x6E, 0x47, 0xDF, 0x34, 0x35, 0x6A, 0xCF, 0xDC, 0x22, 0xC9, 0xC0, 0x9B, + 0x89, 0xD4, 0xED, 0xAB, 0x12, 0xA2, 0x0D, 0x52, 0xBB, 0x02, 0x2F, 0xA9, + 0xD7, 0x61, 0x1E, 0xB4, 0x50, 0x04, 0xF6, 0xC2, 0x16, 0x25, 0x86, 0x56, + 0x55, 0x09, 0xBE, 0x91 +} +}; + + +const word32 Twofish::mds_[4][256] = { + { + 0xbcbc3275, 0xecec21f3, 0x202043c6, 0xb3b3c9f4, + 0xdada03db, 0x02028b7b, 0xe2e22bfb, 0x9e9efac8, + 0xc9c9ec4a, 0xd4d409d3, 0x18186be6, 0x1e1e9f6b, + 0x98980e45, 0xb2b2387d, 0xa6a6d2e8, 0x2626b74b, + 0x3c3c57d6, 0x93938a32, 0x8282eed8, 0x525298fd, + 0x7b7bd437, 0xbbbb3771, 0x5b5b97f1, 0x474783e1, + 0x24243c30, 0x5151e20f, 0xbabac6f8, 0x4a4af31b, + 0xbfbf4887, 0x0d0d70fa, 0xb0b0b306, 0x7575de3f, + 0xd2d2fd5e, 0x7d7d20ba, 0x666631ae, 0x3a3aa35b, + 0x59591c8a, 0x00000000, 0xcdcd93bc, 0x1a1ae09d, + 0xaeae2c6d, 0x7f7fabc1, 0x2b2bc7b1, 0xbebeb90e, + 0xe0e0a080, 0x8a8a105d, 0x3b3b52d2, 0x6464bad5, + 0xd8d888a0, 0xe7e7a584, 0x5f5fe807, 0x1b1b1114, + 0x2c2cc2b5, 0xfcfcb490, 0x3131272c, 0x808065a3, + 0x73732ab2, 0x0c0c8173, 0x79795f4c, 0x6b6b4154, + 0x4b4b0292, 0x53536974, 0x94948f36, 0x83831f51, + 0x2a2a3638, 0xc4c49cb0, 0x2222c8bd, 0xd5d5f85a, + 0xbdbdc3fc, 0x48487860, 0xffffce62, 0x4c4c0796, + 0x4141776c, 0xc7c7e642, 0xebeb24f7, 0x1c1c1410, + 0x5d5d637c, 0x36362228, 0x6767c027, 0xe9e9af8c, + 0x4444f913, 0x1414ea95, 0xf5f5bb9c, 0xcfcf18c7, + 0x3f3f2d24, 0xc0c0e346, 0x7272db3b, 0x54546c70, + 0x29294cca, 0xf0f035e3, 0x0808fe85, 0xc6c617cb, + 0xf3f34f11, 0x8c8ce4d0, 0xa4a45993, 0xcaca96b8, + 0x68683ba6, 0xb8b84d83, 0x38382820, 0xe5e52eff, + 0xadad569f, 0x0b0b8477, 0xc8c81dc3, 0x9999ffcc, + 0x5858ed03, 0x19199a6f, 0x0e0e0a08, 0x95957ebf, + 0x70705040, 0xf7f730e7, 0x6e6ecf2b, 0x1f1f6ee2, + 0xb5b53d79, 0x09090f0c, 0x616134aa, 0x57571682, + 0x9f9f0b41, 0x9d9d803a, 0x111164ea, 0x2525cdb9, + 0xafafdde4, 0x4545089a, 0xdfdf8da4, 0xa3a35c97, + 0xeaead57e, 0x353558da, 0xededd07a, 0x4343fc17, + 0xf8f8cb66, 0xfbfbb194, 0x3737d3a1, 0xfafa401d, + 0xc2c2683d, 0xb4b4ccf0, 0x32325dde, 0x9c9c71b3, + 0x5656e70b, 0xe3e3da72, 0x878760a7, 0x15151b1c, + 0xf9f93aef, 0x6363bfd1, 0x3434a953, 0x9a9a853e, + 0xb1b1428f, 0x7c7cd133, 0x88889b26, 0x3d3da65f, + 0xa1a1d7ec, 0xe4e4df76, 0x8181942a, 0x91910149, + 0x0f0ffb81, 0xeeeeaa88, 0x161661ee, 0xd7d77321, + 0x9797f5c4, 0xa5a5a81a, 0xfefe3feb, 0x6d6db5d9, + 0x7878aec5, 0xc5c56d39, 0x1d1de599, 0x7676a4cd, + 0x3e3edcad, 0xcbcb6731, 0xb6b6478b, 0xefef5b01, + 0x12121e18, 0x6060c523, 0x6a6ab0dd, 0x4d4df61f, + 0xcecee94e, 0xdede7c2d, 0x55559df9, 0x7e7e5a48, + 0x2121b24f, 0x03037af2, 0xa0a02665, 0x5e5e198e, + 0x5a5a6678, 0x65654b5c, 0x62624e58, 0xfdfd4519, + 0x0606f48d, 0x404086e5, 0xf2f2be98, 0x3333ac57, + 0x17179067, 0x05058e7f, 0xe8e85e05, 0x4f4f7d64, + 0x89896aaf, 0x10109563, 0x74742fb6, 0x0a0a75fe, + 0x5c5c92f5, 0x9b9b74b7, 0x2d2d333c, 0x3030d6a5, + 0x2e2e49ce, 0x494989e9, 0x46467268, 0x77775544, + 0xa8a8d8e0, 0x9696044d, 0x2828bd43, 0xa9a92969, + 0xd9d97929, 0x8686912e, 0xd1d187ac, 0xf4f44a15, + 0x8d8d1559, 0xd6d682a8, 0xb9b9bc0a, 0x42420d9e, + 0xf6f6c16e, 0x2f2fb847, 0xdddd06df, 0x23233934, + 0xcccc6235, 0xf1f1c46a, 0xc1c112cf, 0x8585ebdc, + 0x8f8f9e22, 0x7171a1c9, 0x9090f0c0, 0xaaaa539b, + 0x0101f189, 0x8b8be1d4, 0x4e4e8ced, 0x8e8e6fab, + 0xababa212, 0x6f6f3ea2, 0xe6e6540d, 0xdbdbf252, + 0x92927bbb, 0xb7b7b602, 0x6969ca2f, 0x3939d9a9, + 0xd3d30cd7, 0xa7a72361, 0xa2a2ad1e, 0xc3c399b4, + 0x6c6c4450, 0x07070504, 0x04047ff6, 0x272746c2, + 0xacaca716, 0xd0d07625, 0x50501386, 0xdcdcf756, + 0x84841a55, 0xe1e15109, 0x7a7a25be, 0x1313ef91 + }, + { + 0xa9d93939, 0x67901717, 0xb3719c9c, 0xe8d2a6a6, + 0x04050707, 0xfd985252, 0xa3658080, 0x76dfe4e4, + 0x9a084545, 0x92024b4b, 0x80a0e0e0, 0x78665a5a, + 0xe4ddafaf, 0xddb06a6a, 0xd1bf6363, 0x38362a2a, + 0x0d54e6e6, 0xc6432020, 0x3562cccc, 0x98bef2f2, + 0x181e1212, 0xf724ebeb, 0xecd7a1a1, 0x6c774141, + 0x43bd2828, 0x7532bcbc, 0x37d47b7b, 0x269b8888, + 0xfa700d0d, 0x13f94444, 0x94b1fbfb, 0x485a7e7e, + 0xf27a0303, 0xd0e48c8c, 0x8b47b6b6, 0x303c2424, + 0x84a5e7e7, 0x54416b6b, 0xdf06dddd, 0x23c56060, + 0x1945fdfd, 0x5ba33a3a, 0x3d68c2c2, 0x59158d8d, + 0xf321ecec, 0xae316666, 0xa23e6f6f, 0x82165757, + 0x63951010, 0x015befef, 0x834db8b8, 0x2e918686, + 0xd9b56d6d, 0x511f8383, 0x9b53aaaa, 0x7c635d5d, + 0xa63b6868, 0xeb3ffefe, 0xa5d63030, 0xbe257a7a, + 0x16a7acac, 0x0c0f0909, 0xe335f0f0, 0x6123a7a7, + 0xc0f09090, 0x8cafe9e9, 0x3a809d9d, 0xf5925c5c, + 0x73810c0c, 0x2c273131, 0x2576d0d0, 0x0be75656, + 0xbb7b9292, 0x4ee9cece, 0x89f10101, 0x6b9f1e1e, + 0x53a93434, 0x6ac4f1f1, 0xb499c3c3, 0xf1975b5b, + 0xe1834747, 0xe66b1818, 0xbdc82222, 0x450e9898, + 0xe26e1f1f, 0xf4c9b3b3, 0xb62f7474, 0x66cbf8f8, + 0xccff9999, 0x95ea1414, 0x03ed5858, 0x56f7dcdc, + 0xd4e18b8b, 0x1c1b1515, 0x1eada2a2, 0xd70cd3d3, + 0xfb2be2e2, 0xc31dc8c8, 0x8e195e5e, 0xb5c22c2c, + 0xe9894949, 0xcf12c1c1, 0xbf7e9595, 0xba207d7d, + 0xea641111, 0x77840b0b, 0x396dc5c5, 0xaf6a8989, + 0x33d17c7c, 0xc9a17171, 0x62ceffff, 0x7137bbbb, + 0x81fb0f0f, 0x793db5b5, 0x0951e1e1, 0xaddc3e3e, + 0x242d3f3f, 0xcda47676, 0xf99d5555, 0xd8ee8282, + 0xe5864040, 0xc5ae7878, 0xb9cd2525, 0x4d049696, + 0x44557777, 0x080a0e0e, 0x86135050, 0xe730f7f7, + 0xa1d33737, 0x1d40fafa, 0xaa346161, 0xed8c4e4e, + 0x06b3b0b0, 0x706c5454, 0xb22a7373, 0xd2523b3b, + 0x410b9f9f, 0x7b8b0202, 0xa088d8d8, 0x114ff3f3, + 0x3167cbcb, 0xc2462727, 0x27c06767, 0x90b4fcfc, + 0x20283838, 0xf67f0404, 0x60784848, 0xff2ee5e5, + 0x96074c4c, 0x5c4b6565, 0xb1c72b2b, 0xab6f8e8e, + 0x9e0d4242, 0x9cbbf5f5, 0x52f2dbdb, 0x1bf34a4a, + 0x5fa63d3d, 0x9359a4a4, 0x0abcb9b9, 0xef3af9f9, + 0x91ef1313, 0x85fe0808, 0x49019191, 0xee611616, + 0x2d7cdede, 0x4fb22121, 0x8f42b1b1, 0x3bdb7272, + 0x47b82f2f, 0x8748bfbf, 0x6d2caeae, 0x46e3c0c0, + 0xd6573c3c, 0x3e859a9a, 0x6929a9a9, 0x647d4f4f, + 0x2a948181, 0xce492e2e, 0xcb17c6c6, 0x2fca6969, + 0xfcc3bdbd, 0x975ca3a3, 0x055ee8e8, 0x7ad0eded, + 0xac87d1d1, 0x7f8e0505, 0xd5ba6464, 0x1aa8a5a5, + 0x4bb72626, 0x0eb9bebe, 0xa7608787, 0x5af8d5d5, + 0x28223636, 0x14111b1b, 0x3fde7575, 0x2979d9d9, + 0x88aaeeee, 0x3c332d2d, 0x4c5f7979, 0x02b6b7b7, + 0xb896caca, 0xda583535, 0xb09cc4c4, 0x17fc4343, + 0x551a8484, 0x1ff64d4d, 0x8a1c5959, 0x7d38b2b2, + 0x57ac3333, 0xc718cfcf, 0x8df40606, 0x74695353, + 0xb7749b9b, 0xc4f59797, 0x9f56adad, 0x72dae3e3, + 0x7ed5eaea, 0x154af4f4, 0x229e8f8f, 0x12a2abab, + 0x584e6262, 0x07e85f5f, 0x99e51d1d, 0x34392323, + 0x6ec1f6f6, 0x50446c6c, 0xde5d3232, 0x68724646, + 0x6526a0a0, 0xbc93cdcd, 0xdb03dada, 0xf8c6baba, + 0xc8fa9e9e, 0xa882d6d6, 0x2bcf6e6e, 0x40507070, + 0xdceb8585, 0xfe750a0a, 0x328a9393, 0xa48ddfdf, + 0xca4c2929, 0x10141c1c, 0x2173d7d7, 0xf0ccb4b4, + 0xd309d4d4, 0x5d108a8a, 0x0fe25151, 0x00000000, + 0x6f9a1919, 0x9de01a1a, 0x368f9494, 0x42e6c7c7, + 0x4aecc9c9, 0x5efdd2d2, 0xc1ab7f7f, 0xe0d8a8a8 + }, + { + 0xbc75bc32, 0xecf3ec21, 0x20c62043, 0xb3f4b3c9, + 0xdadbda03, 0x027b028b, 0xe2fbe22b, 0x9ec89efa, + 0xc94ac9ec, 0xd4d3d409, 0x18e6186b, 0x1e6b1e9f, + 0x9845980e, 0xb27db238, 0xa6e8a6d2, 0x264b26b7, + 0x3cd63c57, 0x9332938a, 0x82d882ee, 0x52fd5298, + 0x7b377bd4, 0xbb71bb37, 0x5bf15b97, 0x47e14783, + 0x2430243c, 0x510f51e2, 0xbaf8bac6, 0x4a1b4af3, + 0xbf87bf48, 0x0dfa0d70, 0xb006b0b3, 0x753f75de, + 0xd25ed2fd, 0x7dba7d20, 0x66ae6631, 0x3a5b3aa3, + 0x598a591c, 0x00000000, 0xcdbccd93, 0x1a9d1ae0, + 0xae6dae2c, 0x7fc17fab, 0x2bb12bc7, 0xbe0ebeb9, + 0xe080e0a0, 0x8a5d8a10, 0x3bd23b52, 0x64d564ba, + 0xd8a0d888, 0xe784e7a5, 0x5f075fe8, 0x1b141b11, + 0x2cb52cc2, 0xfc90fcb4, 0x312c3127, 0x80a38065, + 0x73b2732a, 0x0c730c81, 0x794c795f, 0x6b546b41, + 0x4b924b02, 0x53745369, 0x9436948f, 0x8351831f, + 0x2a382a36, 0xc4b0c49c, 0x22bd22c8, 0xd55ad5f8, + 0xbdfcbdc3, 0x48604878, 0xff62ffce, 0x4c964c07, + 0x416c4177, 0xc742c7e6, 0xebf7eb24, 0x1c101c14, + 0x5d7c5d63, 0x36283622, 0x672767c0, 0xe98ce9af, + 0x441344f9, 0x149514ea, 0xf59cf5bb, 0xcfc7cf18, + 0x3f243f2d, 0xc046c0e3, 0x723b72db, 0x5470546c, + 0x29ca294c, 0xf0e3f035, 0x088508fe, 0xc6cbc617, + 0xf311f34f, 0x8cd08ce4, 0xa493a459, 0xcab8ca96, + 0x68a6683b, 0xb883b84d, 0x38203828, 0xe5ffe52e, + 0xad9fad56, 0x0b770b84, 0xc8c3c81d, 0x99cc99ff, + 0x580358ed, 0x196f199a, 0x0e080e0a, 0x95bf957e, + 0x70407050, 0xf7e7f730, 0x6e2b6ecf, 0x1fe21f6e, + 0xb579b53d, 0x090c090f, 0x61aa6134, 0x57825716, + 0x9f419f0b, 0x9d3a9d80, 0x11ea1164, 0x25b925cd, + 0xafe4afdd, 0x459a4508, 0xdfa4df8d, 0xa397a35c, + 0xea7eead5, 0x35da3558, 0xed7aedd0, 0x431743fc, + 0xf866f8cb, 0xfb94fbb1, 0x37a137d3, 0xfa1dfa40, + 0xc23dc268, 0xb4f0b4cc, 0x32de325d, 0x9cb39c71, + 0x560b56e7, 0xe372e3da, 0x87a78760, 0x151c151b, + 0xf9eff93a, 0x63d163bf, 0x345334a9, 0x9a3e9a85, + 0xb18fb142, 0x7c337cd1, 0x8826889b, 0x3d5f3da6, + 0xa1eca1d7, 0xe476e4df, 0x812a8194, 0x91499101, + 0x0f810ffb, 0xee88eeaa, 0x16ee1661, 0xd721d773, + 0x97c497f5, 0xa51aa5a8, 0xfeebfe3f, 0x6dd96db5, + 0x78c578ae, 0xc539c56d, 0x1d991de5, 0x76cd76a4, + 0x3ead3edc, 0xcb31cb67, 0xb68bb647, 0xef01ef5b, + 0x1218121e, 0x602360c5, 0x6add6ab0, 0x4d1f4df6, + 0xce4ecee9, 0xde2dde7c, 0x55f9559d, 0x7e487e5a, + 0x214f21b2, 0x03f2037a, 0xa065a026, 0x5e8e5e19, + 0x5a785a66, 0x655c654b, 0x6258624e, 0xfd19fd45, + 0x068d06f4, 0x40e54086, 0xf298f2be, 0x335733ac, + 0x17671790, 0x057f058e, 0xe805e85e, 0x4f644f7d, + 0x89af896a, 0x10631095, 0x74b6742f, 0x0afe0a75, + 0x5cf55c92, 0x9bb79b74, 0x2d3c2d33, 0x30a530d6, + 0x2ece2e49, 0x49e94989, 0x46684672, 0x77447755, + 0xa8e0a8d8, 0x964d9604, 0x284328bd, 0xa969a929, + 0xd929d979, 0x862e8691, 0xd1acd187, 0xf415f44a, + 0x8d598d15, 0xd6a8d682, 0xb90ab9bc, 0x429e420d, + 0xf66ef6c1, 0x2f472fb8, 0xdddfdd06, 0x23342339, + 0xcc35cc62, 0xf16af1c4, 0xc1cfc112, 0x85dc85eb, + 0x8f228f9e, 0x71c971a1, 0x90c090f0, 0xaa9baa53, + 0x018901f1, 0x8bd48be1, 0x4eed4e8c, 0x8eab8e6f, + 0xab12aba2, 0x6fa26f3e, 0xe60de654, 0xdb52dbf2, + 0x92bb927b, 0xb702b7b6, 0x692f69ca, 0x39a939d9, + 0xd3d7d30c, 0xa761a723, 0xa21ea2ad, 0xc3b4c399, + 0x6c506c44, 0x07040705, 0x04f6047f, 0x27c22746, + 0xac16aca7, 0xd025d076, 0x50865013, 0xdc56dcf7, + 0x8455841a, 0xe109e151, 0x7abe7a25, 0x139113ef + }, + { + 0xd939a9d9, 0x90176790, 0x719cb371, 0xd2a6e8d2, + 0x05070405, 0x9852fd98, 0x6580a365, 0xdfe476df, + 0x08459a08, 0x024b9202, 0xa0e080a0, 0x665a7866, + 0xddafe4dd, 0xb06addb0, 0xbf63d1bf, 0x362a3836, + 0x54e60d54, 0x4320c643, 0x62cc3562, 0xbef298be, + 0x1e12181e, 0x24ebf724, 0xd7a1ecd7, 0x77416c77, + 0xbd2843bd, 0x32bc7532, 0xd47b37d4, 0x9b88269b, + 0x700dfa70, 0xf94413f9, 0xb1fb94b1, 0x5a7e485a, + 0x7a03f27a, 0xe48cd0e4, 0x47b68b47, 0x3c24303c, + 0xa5e784a5, 0x416b5441, 0x06dddf06, 0xc56023c5, + 0x45fd1945, 0xa33a5ba3, 0x68c23d68, 0x158d5915, + 0x21ecf321, 0x3166ae31, 0x3e6fa23e, 0x16578216, + 0x95106395, 0x5bef015b, 0x4db8834d, 0x91862e91, + 0xb56dd9b5, 0x1f83511f, 0x53aa9b53, 0x635d7c63, + 0x3b68a63b, 0x3ffeeb3f, 0xd630a5d6, 0x257abe25, + 0xa7ac16a7, 0x0f090c0f, 0x35f0e335, 0x23a76123, + 0xf090c0f0, 0xafe98caf, 0x809d3a80, 0x925cf592, + 0x810c7381, 0x27312c27, 0x76d02576, 0xe7560be7, + 0x7b92bb7b, 0xe9ce4ee9, 0xf10189f1, 0x9f1e6b9f, + 0xa93453a9, 0xc4f16ac4, 0x99c3b499, 0x975bf197, + 0x8347e183, 0x6b18e66b, 0xc822bdc8, 0x0e98450e, + 0x6e1fe26e, 0xc9b3f4c9, 0x2f74b62f, 0xcbf866cb, + 0xff99ccff, 0xea1495ea, 0xed5803ed, 0xf7dc56f7, + 0xe18bd4e1, 0x1b151c1b, 0xada21ead, 0x0cd3d70c, + 0x2be2fb2b, 0x1dc8c31d, 0x195e8e19, 0xc22cb5c2, + 0x8949e989, 0x12c1cf12, 0x7e95bf7e, 0x207dba20, + 0x6411ea64, 0x840b7784, 0x6dc5396d, 0x6a89af6a, + 0xd17c33d1, 0xa171c9a1, 0xceff62ce, 0x37bb7137, + 0xfb0f81fb, 0x3db5793d, 0x51e10951, 0xdc3eaddc, + 0x2d3f242d, 0xa476cda4, 0x9d55f99d, 0xee82d8ee, + 0x8640e586, 0xae78c5ae, 0xcd25b9cd, 0x04964d04, + 0x55774455, 0x0a0e080a, 0x13508613, 0x30f7e730, + 0xd337a1d3, 0x40fa1d40, 0x3461aa34, 0x8c4eed8c, + 0xb3b006b3, 0x6c54706c, 0x2a73b22a, 0x523bd252, + 0x0b9f410b, 0x8b027b8b, 0x88d8a088, 0x4ff3114f, + 0x67cb3167, 0x4627c246, 0xc06727c0, 0xb4fc90b4, + 0x28382028, 0x7f04f67f, 0x78486078, 0x2ee5ff2e, + 0x074c9607, 0x4b655c4b, 0xc72bb1c7, 0x6f8eab6f, + 0x0d429e0d, 0xbbf59cbb, 0xf2db52f2, 0xf34a1bf3, + 0xa63d5fa6, 0x59a49359, 0xbcb90abc, 0x3af9ef3a, + 0xef1391ef, 0xfe0885fe, 0x01914901, 0x6116ee61, + 0x7cde2d7c, 0xb2214fb2, 0x42b18f42, 0xdb723bdb, + 0xb82f47b8, 0x48bf8748, 0x2cae6d2c, 0xe3c046e3, + 0x573cd657, 0x859a3e85, 0x29a96929, 0x7d4f647d, + 0x94812a94, 0x492ece49, 0x17c6cb17, 0xca692fca, + 0xc3bdfcc3, 0x5ca3975c, 0x5ee8055e, 0xd0ed7ad0, + 0x87d1ac87, 0x8e057f8e, 0xba64d5ba, 0xa8a51aa8, + 0xb7264bb7, 0xb9be0eb9, 0x6087a760, 0xf8d55af8, + 0x22362822, 0x111b1411, 0xde753fde, 0x79d92979, + 0xaaee88aa, 0x332d3c33, 0x5f794c5f, 0xb6b702b6, + 0x96cab896, 0x5835da58, 0x9cc4b09c, 0xfc4317fc, + 0x1a84551a, 0xf64d1ff6, 0x1c598a1c, 0x38b27d38, + 0xac3357ac, 0x18cfc718, 0xf4068df4, 0x69537469, + 0x749bb774, 0xf597c4f5, 0x56ad9f56, 0xdae372da, + 0xd5ea7ed5, 0x4af4154a, 0x9e8f229e, 0xa2ab12a2, + 0x4e62584e, 0xe85f07e8, 0xe51d99e5, 0x39233439, + 0xc1f66ec1, 0x446c5044, 0x5d32de5d, 0x72466872, + 0x26a06526, 0x93cdbc93, 0x03dadb03, 0xc6baf8c6, + 0xfa9ec8fa, 0x82d6a882, 0xcf6e2bcf, 0x50704050, + 0xeb85dceb, 0x750afe75, 0x8a93328a, 0x8ddfa48d, + 0x4c29ca4c, 0x141c1014, 0x73d72173, 0xccb4f0cc, + 0x09d4d309, 0x108a5d10, 0xe2510fe2, 0x00000000, + 0x9a196f9a, 0xe01a9de0, 0x8f94368f, 0xe6c742e6, + 0xecc94aec, 0xfdd25efd, 0xab7fc1ab, 0xd8a8e0d8 + } +}; + + +} // namespace + diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/twofish.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/twofish.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8b896ad5dc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/src/twofish.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,591 @@ +/* twofish.cpp + * + * Copyright (C) 2003 Sawtooth Consulting Ltd. + * + * This file is part of yaSSL. + * + * yaSSL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * yaSSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA + */ + +/* C++ based on Wei Dai's twofish.cpp from CryptoPP */ +/* x86 asm original */ + + +#if defined(TAOCRYPT_KERNEL_MODE) + #define DO_TAOCRYPT_KERNEL_MODE +#endif // only some modules now support this + +#include "runtime.hpp" +#include "twofish.hpp" + + +#if defined(TAOCRYPT_X86ASM_AVAILABLE) && defined(TAO_ASM) + #define DO_TWOFISH_ASM +#endif + + +namespace TaoCrypt { + + +#if !defined(DO_TWOFISH_ASM) + +// Generic Version +void Twofish::Process(byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz) +{ + if (mode_ == ECB) + ECB_Process(out, in, sz); + else if (mode_ == CBC) + if (dir_ == ENCRYPTION) + CBC_Encrypt(out, in, sz); + else + CBC_Decrypt(out, in, sz); +} + +#else + +// ia32 optimized version +void Twofish::Process(byte* out, const byte* in, word32 sz) +{ + word32 blocks = sz / BLOCK_SIZE; + + if (mode_ == ECB) + while (blocks--) { + if (dir_ == ENCRYPTION) + AsmEncrypt(in, out); + else + AsmDecrypt(in, out); + + out += BLOCK_SIZE; + in += BLOCK_SIZE; + } + else if (mode_ == CBC) + if (dir_ == ENCRYPTION) + while (blocks--) { + r_[0] ^= *(word32*)in; + r_[1] ^= *(word32*)(in + 4); + r_[2] ^= *(word32*)(in + 8); + r_[3] ^= *(word32*)(in + 12); + + AsmEncrypt((byte*)r_, (byte*)r_); + memcpy(out, r_, BLOCK_SIZE); + + out += BLOCK_SIZE; + in += BLOCK_SIZE; + } + else + while (blocks--) { + AsmDecrypt(in, out); + + *(word32*)out ^= r_[0]; + *(word32*)(out + 4) ^= r_[1]; + *(word32*)(out + 8) ^= r_[2]; + *(word32*)(out + 12) ^= r_[3]; + + memcpy(r_, in, BLOCK_SIZE); + + out += BLOCK_SIZE; + in += BLOCK_SIZE; + } +} + +#endif // DO_TWOFISH_ASM + + +namespace { // locals + +// compute (c * x^4) mod (x^4 + (a + 1/a) * x^3 + a * x^2 + (a + 1/a) * x + 1) +// over GF(256) +static inline unsigned int Mod(unsigned int c) +{ + static const unsigned int modulus = 0x14d; + unsigned int c2 = (c<<1) ^ ((c & 0x80) ? modulus : 0); + unsigned int c1 = c2 ^ (c>>1) ^ ((c & 1) ? (modulus>>1) : 0); + return c | (c1 << 8) | (c2 << 16) | (c1 << 24); +} + +// compute RS(12,8) code with the above polynomial as generator +// this is equivalent to multiplying by the RS matrix +static word32 ReedSolomon(word32 high, word32 low) +{ + for (unsigned int i=0; i<8; i++) { + high = Mod(high>>24) ^ (high<<8) ^ (low>>24); + low <<= 8; + } + return high; +} + +} // local namespace + + + +inline word32 Twofish::h0(word32 x, const word32* key, unsigned int kLen) +{ + x = x | (x<<8) | (x<<16) | (x<<24); + switch(kLen) + { +#define Q(a, b, c, d, t) q_[a][GETBYTE(t,0)] ^ (q_[b][GETBYTE(t,1)] << 8) ^ \ + (q_[c][GETBYTE(t,2)] << 16) ^ (q_[d][GETBYTE(t,3)] << 24) + case 4: x = Q(1, 0, 0, 1, x) ^ key[6]; + case 3: x = Q(1, 1, 0, 0, x) ^ key[4]; + case 2: x = Q(0, 1, 0, 1, x) ^ key[2]; + x = Q(0, 0, 1, 1, x) ^ key[0]; + } + return x; +} + +inline word32 Twofish::h(word32 x, const word32* key, unsigned int kLen) +{ + x = h0(x, key, kLen); + return mds_[0][GETBYTE(x,0)] ^ mds_[1][GETBYTE(x,1)] ^ + mds_[2][GETBYTE(x,2)] ^ mds_[3][GETBYTE(x,3)]; +} + + +void Twofish::SetKey(const byte* userKey, word32 keylen, CipherDir /*dummy*/) +{ + assert(keylen >= 16 && keylen <= 32); + + unsigned int len = (keylen <= 16 ? 2 : (keylen <= 24 ? 3 : 4)); + word32 key[8]; + GetUserKey(LittleEndianOrder, key, len*2, userKey, keylen); + + unsigned int i; + for (i=0; i<40; i+=2) { + word32 a = h(i, key, len); + word32 b = rotlFixed(h(i+1, key+1, len), 8); + k_[i] = a+b; + k_[i+1] = rotlFixed(a+2*b, 9); + } + + word32 svec[8]; + for (i=0; i<len; i++) + svec[2*(len-i-1)] = ReedSolomon(key[2*i+1], key[2*i]); + + for (i=0; i<256; i++) { + word32 t = h0(i, svec, len); + s_[0][i] = mds_[0][GETBYTE(t, 0)]; + s_[1][i] = mds_[1][GETBYTE(t, 1)]; + s_[2][i] = mds_[2][GETBYTE(t, 2)]; + s_[3][i] = mds_[3][GETBYTE(t, 3)]; + } +} + + +void Twofish::ProcessAndXorBlock(const byte* in, const byte* xOr, byte* out) + const +{ + if (dir_ == ENCRYPTION) + encrypt(in, xOr, out); + else + decrypt(in, xOr, out); +} + +#define G1(x) (s_[0][GETBYTE(x,0)] ^ s_[1][GETBYTE(x,1)] ^ \ + s_[2][GETBYTE(x,2)] ^ s_[3][GETBYTE(x,3)]) +#define G2(x) (s_[0][GETBYTE(x,3)] ^ s_[1][GETBYTE(x,0)] ^ \ + s_[2][GETBYTE(x,1)] ^ s_[3][GETBYTE(x,2)]) + +#define ENCROUND(n, a, b, c, d) \ + x = G1 (a); y = G2 (b); \ + x += y; y += x + k[2 * (n) + 1]; \ + (c) ^= x + k[2 * (n)]; \ + (c) = rotrFixed(c, 1); \ + (d) = rotlFixed(d, 1) ^ y + +#define ENCCYCLE(n) \ + ENCROUND (2 * (n), a, b, c, d); \ + ENCROUND (2 * (n) + 1, c, d, a, b) + +#define DECROUND(n, a, b, c, d) \ + x = G1 (a); y = G2 (b); \ + x += y; y += x; \ + (d) ^= y + k[2 * (n) + 1]; \ + (d) = rotrFixed(d, 1); \ + (c) = rotlFixed(c, 1); \ + (c) ^= (x + k[2 * (n)]) + +#define DECCYCLE(n) \ + DECROUND (2 * (n) + 1, c, d, a, b); \ + DECROUND (2 * (n), a, b, c, d) + + +typedef BlockGetAndPut<word32, LittleEndian> gpBlock; + +void Twofish::encrypt(const byte* inBlock, const byte* xorBlock, + byte* outBlock) const +{ + word32 x, y, a, b, c, d; + + gpBlock::Get(inBlock)(a)(b)(c)(d); + + a ^= k_[0]; + b ^= k_[1]; + c ^= k_[2]; + d ^= k_[3]; + + const word32 *k = k_+8; + + ENCCYCLE (0); + ENCCYCLE (1); + ENCCYCLE (2); + ENCCYCLE (3); + ENCCYCLE (4); + ENCCYCLE (5); + ENCCYCLE (6); + ENCCYCLE (7); + + c ^= k_[4]; + d ^= k_[5]; + a ^= k_[6]; + b ^= k_[7]; + + gpBlock::Put(xorBlock, outBlock)(c)(d)(a)(b); +} + + +void Twofish::decrypt(const byte* inBlock, const byte* xorBlock, + byte* outBlock) const +{ + word32 x, y, a, b, c, d; + + gpBlock::Get(inBlock)(c)(d)(a)(b); + + c ^= k_[4]; + d ^= k_[5]; + a ^= k_[6]; + b ^= k_[7]; + + const word32 *k = k_+8; + DECCYCLE (7); + DECCYCLE (6); + DECCYCLE (5); + DECCYCLE (4); + DECCYCLE (3); + DECCYCLE (2); + DECCYCLE (1); + DECCYCLE (0); + + a ^= k_[0]; + b ^= k_[1]; + c ^= k_[2]; + d ^= k_[3]; + + gpBlock::Put(xorBlock, outBlock)(a)(b)(c)(d); +} + + + +#if defined(DO_TWOFISH_ASM) + #ifdef __GNUC__ + #define AS1(x) asm(#x); + #define AS2(x, y) asm(#x ", " #y); + + #define PROLOG() \ + asm(".intel_syntax noprefix"); \ + AS2( movd mm3, edi ) \ + AS2( movd mm4, ebx ) \ + AS2( movd mm5, esi ) \ + AS2( movd mm6, ebp ) \ + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 8] ) \ + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 12] ) + + #define EPILOG() \ + AS2( movd esp, mm6 ) \ + AS2( movd esi, mm5 ) \ + AS2( movd ebx, mm4 ) \ + AS2( movd edi, mm3 ) \ + AS1( emms ) \ + asm(".att_syntax"); + #else + #define AS1(x) __asm x + #define AS2(x, y) __asm x, y + + #define PROLOG() \ + AS1( push ebp ) \ + AS2( mov ebp, esp ) \ + AS2( movd mm3, edi ) \ + AS2( movd mm4, ebx ) \ + AS2( movd mm5, esi ) \ + AS2( movd mm6, ebp ) \ + AS2( mov edi, ecx ) \ + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 8] ) + + /* ebp already set */ + #define EPILOG() \ + AS2( movd esi, mm5 ) \ + AS2( movd ebx, mm4 ) \ + AS2( movd edi, mm3 ) \ + AS2( mov esp, ebp ) \ + AS1( pop ebp ) \ + AS1( emms ) \ + AS1( ret 8 ) + + #endif + + + + + // x = esi, y = [esp], s_ = ebp + // edi always open for G1 and G2 + // G1 also uses edx after save and restore + // G2 also uses eax after save and restore + // and ecx for tmp [esp] which Rounds also use + // and restore from mm7 + + // x = G1(a) bytes(0,1,2,3) +#define ASMG1(z, zl, zh) \ + AS2( movd mm2, edx ) \ + AS2( movzx edi, zl ) \ + AS2( mov esi, DWORD PTR [ebp + edi*4] ) \ + AS2( movzx edx, zh ) \ + AS2( xor esi, DWORD PTR 1024[ebp + edx*4] ) \ + \ + AS2( mov edx, z ) \ + AS2( shr edx, 16 ) \ + AS2( movzx edi, dl ) \ + AS2( xor esi, DWORD PTR 2048[ebp + edi*4] ) \ + AS2( movzx edx, dh ) \ + AS2( xor esi, DWORD PTR 3072[ebp + edx*4] ) \ + AS2( movd edx, mm2 ) + + + // y = G2(b) bytes(3,0,1,2) [ put y into ecx for Rounds ] +#define ASMG2(z, zl, zh) \ + AS2( movd mm7, ecx ) \ + AS2( movd mm2, eax ) \ + AS2( mov edi, z ) \ + AS2( shr edi, 24 ) \ + AS2( mov ecx, DWORD PTR [ebp + edi*4] ) \ + AS2( movzx eax, zl ) \ + AS2( xor ecx, DWORD PTR 1024[ebp + eax*4] ) \ + \ + AS2( mov eax, z ) \ + AS2( shr eax, 16 ) \ + AS2( movzx edi, zh ) \ + AS2( xor ecx, DWORD PTR 2048[ebp + edi*4] ) \ + AS2( movzx eax, al ) \ + AS2( xor ecx, DWORD PTR 3072[ebp + eax*4] ) \ + AS2( movd eax, mm2 ) + + + // encrypt Round (n), + // x = esi, k = ebp, edi open + // y is in ecx from G2, restore when done from mm7 + // before C (which be same register!) +#define ASMENCROUND(N, A, A2, A3, B, B2, B3, C, D) \ + /* setup s_ */ \ + AS2( movd ebp, mm1 ) \ + ASMG1(A, A2, A3) \ + ASMG2(B, B2, B3) \ + /* setup k */ \ + AS2( movd ebp, mm0 ) \ + /* x += y */ \ + AS2( add esi, ecx ) \ + AS2( add ebp, 32 ) \ + /* y += x + k[2 * (n) + 1] */ \ + AS2( add ecx, esi ) \ + AS2( rol D, 1 ) \ + AS2( add ecx, DWORD PTR [ebp + 8 * N + 4] ) \ + /* (d) = rotlFixed(d, 1) ^ y */ \ + AS2( xor D, ecx ) \ + AS2( movd ecx, mm7 ) \ + /* (c) ^= x + k[2 * (n)] */ \ + AS2( mov edi, esi ) \ + AS2( add edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 8 * N] ) \ + AS2( xor C, edi ) \ + /* (c) = rotrFixed(c, 1) */ \ + AS2( ror C, 1 ) + + + // decrypt Round (n), + // x = esi, k = ebp, edi open + // y is in ecx from G2, restore ecx from mm7 when done +#define ASMDECROUND(N, A, A2, A3, B, B2, B3, C, D) \ + /* setup s_ */ \ + AS2( movd ebp, mm1 ) \ + ASMG1(A, A2, A3) \ + ASMG2(B, B2, B3) \ + /* setup k */ \ + AS2( movd ebp, mm0 ) \ + /* x += y */ \ + AS2( add esi, ecx ) \ + AS2( add ebp, 32 ) \ + /* y += x */ \ + AS2( add ecx, esi ) \ + /* (d) ^= y + k[2 * (n) + 1] */ \ + AS2( mov edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 8 * N + 4] ) \ + AS2( add edi, ecx ) \ + AS2( movd ecx, mm7 ) \ + AS2( xor D, edi ) \ + /* (d) = rotrFixed(d, 1) */ \ + AS2( ror D, 1 ) \ + /* (c) = rotlFixed(c, 1) */ \ + AS2( rol C, 1 ) \ + /* (c) ^= (x + k[2 * (n)]) */ \ + AS2( mov edi, esi ) \ + AS2( add edi, DWORD PTR [ebp + 8 * N] ) \ + AS2( xor C, edi ) + + +#ifdef _MSC_VER + __declspec(naked) +#endif +void Twofish::AsmEncrypt(const byte* inBlock, byte* outBlock) const +{ + PROLOG() + + #ifdef OLD_GCC_OFFSET + AS2( add edi, 60 ) // k_ + #else + AS2( add edi, 56 ) // k_ + #endif + + AS2( mov ebp, edi ) + + AS2( mov eax, DWORD PTR [esi] ) // a + AS2( movd mm0, edi ) // store k_ + AS2( mov ebx, DWORD PTR [esi + 4] ) // b + AS2( add ebp, 160 ) // s_[0] + AS2( mov ecx, DWORD PTR [esi + 8] ) // c + AS2( movd mm1, ebp ) // store s_ + AS2( mov edx, DWORD PTR [esi + 12] ) // d + + AS2( xor eax, DWORD PTR [edi] ) // k_[0] + AS2( xor ebx, DWORD PTR [edi + 4] ) // [1] + AS2( xor ecx, DWORD PTR [edi + 8] ) // [2] + AS2( xor edx, DWORD PTR [edi + 12] ) // [3] + + + ASMENCROUND( 0, eax, al, ah, ebx, bl, bh, ecx, edx) + ASMENCROUND( 1, ecx, cl, ch, edx, dl, dh, eax, ebx) + ASMENCROUND( 2, eax, al, ah, ebx, bl, bh, ecx, edx) + ASMENCROUND( 3, ecx, cl, ch, edx, dl, dh, eax, ebx) + ASMENCROUND( 4, eax, al, ah, ebx, bl, bh, ecx, edx) + ASMENCROUND( 5, ecx, cl, ch, edx, dl, dh, eax, ebx) + ASMENCROUND( 6, eax, al, ah, ebx, bl, bh, ecx, edx) + ASMENCROUND( 7, ecx, cl, ch, edx, dl, dh, eax, ebx) + ASMENCROUND( 8, eax, al, ah, ebx, bl, bh, ecx, edx) + ASMENCROUND( 9, ecx, cl, ch, edx, dl, dh, eax, ebx) + ASMENCROUND(10, eax, al, ah, ebx, bl, bh, ecx, edx) + ASMENCROUND(11, ecx, cl, ch, edx, dl, dh, eax, ebx) + ASMENCROUND(12, eax, al, ah, ebx, bl, bh, ecx, edx) + ASMENCROUND(13, ecx, cl, ch, edx, dl, dh, eax, ebx) + ASMENCROUND(14, eax, al, ah, ebx, bl, bh, ecx, edx) + ASMENCROUND(15, ecx, cl, ch, edx, dl, dh, eax, ebx) + + + AS2( movd ebp, mm6 ) + AS2( movd esi, mm0 ) // k_ + #ifdef __GNUC__ + AS2( mov edi, [ebp + 16] ) // outBlock + #else + AS2( mov edi, [ebp + 12] ) // outBlock + #endif + + AS2( xor ecx, DWORD PTR [esi + 16] ) // k_[4] + AS2( xor edx, DWORD PTR [esi + 20] ) // k_[5] + AS2( xor eax, DWORD PTR [esi + 24] ) // k_[6] + AS2( xor ebx, DWORD PTR [esi + 28] ) // k_[7] + + AS2( mov [edi], ecx ) // write out + AS2( mov [edi + 4], edx ) // write out + AS2( mov [edi + 8], eax ) // write out + AS2( mov [edi + 12], ebx ) // write out + + + EPILOG() +} + + +#ifdef _MSC_VER + __declspec(naked) +#endif +void Twofish::AsmDecrypt(const byte* inBlock, byte* outBlock) const +{ + PROLOG() + + #ifdef OLD_GCC_OFFSET + AS2( add edi, 60 ) // k_ + #else + AS2( add edi, 56 ) // k_ + #endif + + AS2( mov ebp, edi ) + + AS2( mov ecx, DWORD PTR [esi] ) // c + AS2( movd mm0, edi ) // store k_ + AS2( mov edx, DWORD PTR [esi + 4] ) // d + AS2( add ebp, 160 ) // s_[0] + AS2( mov eax, DWORD PTR [esi + 8] ) // a + AS2( movd mm1, ebp ) // store s_ + AS2( mov ebx, DWORD PTR [esi + 12] ) // b + + AS2( xor ecx, DWORD PTR [edi + 16] ) // k_[4] + AS2( xor edx, DWORD PTR [edi + 20] ) // [5] + AS2( xor eax, DWORD PTR [edi + 24] ) // [6] + AS2( xor ebx, DWORD PTR [edi + 28] ) // [7] + + + ASMDECROUND(15, ecx, cl, ch, edx, dl, dh, eax, ebx) + ASMDECROUND(14, eax, al, ah, ebx, bl, bh, ecx, edx) + ASMDECROUND(13, ecx, cl, ch, edx, dl, dh, eax, ebx) + ASMDECROUND(12, eax, al, ah, ebx, bl, bh, ecx, edx) + ASMDECROUND(11, ecx, cl, ch, edx, dl, dh, eax, ebx) + ASMDECROUND(10, eax, al, ah, ebx, bl, bh, ecx, edx) + ASMDECROUND( 9, ecx, cl, ch, edx, dl, dh, eax, ebx) + ASMDECROUND( 8, eax, al, ah, ebx, bl, bh, ecx, edx) + ASMDECROUND( 7, ecx, cl, ch, edx, dl, dh, eax, ebx) + ASMDECROUND( 6, eax, al, ah, ebx, bl, bh, ecx, edx) + ASMDECROUND( 5, ecx, cl, ch, edx, dl, dh, eax, ebx) + ASMDECROUND( 4, eax, al, ah, ebx, bl, bh, ecx, edx) + ASMDECROUND( 3, ecx, cl, ch, edx, dl, dh, eax, ebx) + ASMDECROUND( 2, eax, al, ah, ebx, bl, bh, ecx, edx) + ASMDECROUND( 1, ecx, cl, ch, edx, dl, dh, eax, ebx) + ASMDECROUND( 0, eax, al, ah, ebx, bl, bh, ecx, edx) + + + AS2( movd ebp, mm6 ) + AS2( movd esi, mm0 ) // k_ + #ifdef __GNUC__ + AS2( mov edi, [ebp + 16] ) // outBlock + #else + AS2( mov edi, [ebp + 12] ) // outBlock + #endif + + AS2( xor eax, DWORD PTR [esi ] ) // k_[0] + AS2( xor ebx, DWORD PTR [esi + 4] ) // k_[1] + AS2( xor ecx, DWORD PTR [esi + 8] ) // k_[2] + AS2( xor edx, DWORD PTR [esi + 12] ) // k_[3] + + AS2( mov [edi], eax ) // write out + AS2( mov [edi + 4], ebx ) // write out + AS2( mov [edi + 8], ecx ) // write out + AS2( mov [edi + 12], edx ) // write out + + + EPILOG() +} + + + +#endif // defined(DO_TWOFISH_ASM) + + + + + +} // namespace + + diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/taocrypt.dsp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/taocrypt.dsp index 115ad0cb272..13b9a07419b 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/taocrypt.dsp +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/taocrypt.dsp @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ RSC=rc.exe # PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release" # PROP Target_Dir "" # ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /YX /FD /c -# ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX- /O2 /I "include" /I "..\mySTL" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /YX /FD /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /G6 /MT /W3 /O2 /I "include" /I "..\mySTL" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /YX /FD /c # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" BSC32=bscmake.exe @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ LIB32=link.exe -lib # PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug" # PROP Target_Dir "" # ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /YX /FD /GZ /c -# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX- /ZI /Od /I "include" /I "..\mySTL" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /FR /YX /FD /GZ /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /ZI /Od /I "include" /I "..\mySTL" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /FR /YX /FD /GZ /c # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" BSC32=bscmake.exe @@ -105,6 +105,14 @@ SOURCE=.\src\asn.cpp # End Source File # Begin Source File +SOURCE=.\src\bftables.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\src\blowfish.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + SOURCE=.\src\coding.cpp # End Source File # Begin Source File @@ -159,6 +167,14 @@ SOURCE=.\src\rsa.cpp SOURCE=.\src\sha.cpp # End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\src\tftables.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\src\twofish.cpp +# End Source File # End Group # Begin Group "Header Files" @@ -185,6 +201,10 @@ SOURCE=.\include\block.hpp # End Source File # Begin Source File +SOURCE=.\include\blowfish.hpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + SOURCE=.\include\coding.hpp # End Source File # Begin Source File @@ -241,6 +261,10 @@ SOURCE=.\include\modes.hpp # End Source File # Begin Source File +SOURCE=.\include\pwdbased.hpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + SOURCE=.\include\random.hpp # End Source File # Begin Source File @@ -255,6 +279,18 @@ SOURCE=.\include\rsa.hpp SOURCE=.\include\sha.hpp # End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\include\twofish.hpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\include\type_traits.hpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\include\types.hpp +# End Source File # End Group # End Target # End Project diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/test.dsp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/test.dsp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a5e05ed0ac0 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/test.dsp @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="test" - Package Owner=<4> +# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00 +# ** DO NOT EDIT ** + +# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Console Application" 0x0103 + +CFG=test - Win32 Debug +!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, +!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "test.mak". +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE +!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "test.mak" CFG="test - Win32 Debug" +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE "test - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") +!MESSAGE "test - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") +!MESSAGE + +# Begin Project +# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0 +# PROP Scc_ProjName "" +# PROP Scc_LocalPath "" +CPP=cl.exe +RSC=rc.exe + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "test - Win32 Release" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "test___Win32_Release" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "test___Win32_Release" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP Output_Dir "test\Release" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "test\Release" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /O2 /I "include" /I "../mySTL" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /FR /YX /FD /c +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 +# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "test - Win32 Debug" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "test___Win32_Debug" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "test___Win32_Debug" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP Output_Dir "test\Debug" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "test\Debug" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /GZ /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /ZI /Od /I "include" /I "../mySTL" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /FR /YX /FD /GZ /c +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept +# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept + +!ENDIF + +# Begin Target + +# Name "test - Win32 Release" +# Name "test - Win32 Debug" +# Begin Group "Source Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\test\test.cpp +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "Header Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl" +# End Group +# Begin Group "Resource Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe" +# End Group +# End Target +# End Project diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/test.dsw b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/test.dsw new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b5c03bc6e03 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/test.dsw @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00 +# WARNING: DO NOT EDIT OR DELETE THIS WORKSPACE FILE! + +############################################################################### + +Project: "test"=.\test.dsp - Package Owner=<4> + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<4> +{{{ +}}} + +############################################################################### + +Global: + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<3> +{{{ +}}} + +############################################################################### + diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/test/Makefile.am b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/test/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..0b238f1e057 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/test/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +INCLUDES = -I../include -I../../mySTL +bin_PROGRAMS = test +test_SOURCES = test.cpp +test_LDFLAGS = -L../src +test_LDADD = -ltaocrypt +test_DEPENDENCIES = ../src/libtaocrypt.la +test_CXXFLAGS = -DYASSL_PURE_C +EXTRA_DIST = make.bat diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/test/make.bat b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/test/make.bat new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e1a4cbce7cd --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/test/make.bat @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# quick and dirty build file for testing different MSDEVs +setlocal + +set myFLAGS= /I../include /I../../mySTL /c /W3 /G6 /O2 + +cl %myFLAGS% test.cpp + +link.exe /out:test.exe ../src/taocrypt.lib test.obj advapi32.lib + diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/test/memory.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/test/memory.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..726c9c0ef54 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/test/memory.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,312 @@ +// memory.cpp +#include "../../include/lock.hpp" // locking +#include <new> // std::bad_alloc +#include <cstdlib> // malloc +#include <cstring> // memset +#include <fstream> // ofstream +#include <sstream> // stringstream +#include <cassert> // assert +#include <iomanip> // setiosflags + +/********************************************************************* + +To use MemoryTracker merely add this file to your project +No need to instantiate anything + +If your app is multi threaded define MULTI_THREADED + +*********************************************************************/ + + +// locals +namespace { + +class MemoryTracker { + std::ofstream log_; +public: + MemoryTracker(); + ~MemoryTracker(); +private: + MemoryTracker(const MemoryTracker&); // hide copy + MemoryTracker& operator=(const MemoryTracker&); // and assign + + void LogStats(); +}; + + +struct alloc_node { + alloc_node* left_; + alloc_node* right_; + + alloc_node() : left_(0), right_(0) {} +}; + + +alloc_node* Root = 0; + +size_t Allocs = 0; +size_t DeAllocs = 0; +size_t Bytes = 0; + + +struct size_tracker { + size_t size_; + size_t count_; +}; + +size_tracker sizes[] = +{ + {0,0}, + {2,0}, + {4,0}, + {8,0}, + {16,0}, + {32,0}, + {64,0}, + {128,0}, + {256,0}, + {512,0}, + {1024,0}, + {2048,0}, + {4096,0}, + {8192,0}, +}; + +const size_t size_elements(sizeof(sizes) / sizeof(size_tracker)); + +bool Tracking(false); + +using yaSSL::Mutex; +typedef Mutex::Lock Lock; + +Mutex mutex; + +MemoryTracker theTracker; + + +bool lookup(alloc_node*& find, void* key, alloc_node*& prev) +{ + bool found(false); + + while (find) { + if (find == key) { + found = true; + break; + } + prev = find; + if (key < find) + find = find->left_; + else + find = find->right_; + } + return found; +} + + +// iterative insert +void insert(alloc_node* entry) +{ + if (!Root) { + Root = entry; + return; + } + + alloc_node* tmp = Root; + alloc_node* prev = 0; + + if (lookup(tmp, entry, prev)) + assert(0); // duplicate + + if (entry < prev) + prev->left_ = entry; + else + prev->right_ = entry; +} + + +alloc_node* predecessorSwap(alloc_node* del) +{ + alloc_node* pred = del->left_; + alloc_node* predPrev = del; + + while (pred->right_) { + predPrev = pred; + pred = pred->right_; + } + if (predPrev == del) + predPrev->left_ = pred->left_; + else + predPrev->right_ = pred->left_; + + pred->left_ = del->left_; + pred->right_ = del->right_; + + return pred; +} + + +// iterative remove +void remove(void* ptr) +{ + alloc_node* del = Root; + alloc_node* prev = 0; + alloc_node* replace = 0; + + if ( lookup(del, ptr, prev) == false) + assert(0); // oops, not there + + if (del->left_ && del->right_) // two children + replace = predecessorSwap(del); + else if (!del->left_ && !del->right_) // no children + replace = 0; + else // one child + replace = (del->left_) ? del->left_ : del->right_; + + if (del == Root) + Root = replace; + else if (prev->left_ == del) + prev->left_ = replace; + else + prev->right_ = replace; +} + + +typedef void (*fp)(alloc_node*, void*); + +void applyInOrder(alloc_node* root, fp f, void* arg) +{ + if (root == 0) + return; + + applyInOrder(root->left_, f, arg); + f(root, arg); + applyInOrder(root->right_, f, arg); +} + + +void show(alloc_node* ptr, void* arg) +{ + std::ofstream* log = static_cast<std::ofstream*>(arg); + *log << ptr << '\n'; +} + + +MemoryTracker::MemoryTracker() : log_("memory.log") +{ +#ifdef __GNUC__ + // Force pool allocator to cleanup at exit + setenv("GLIBCPP_FORCE_NEW", "1", 0); +#endif + +#ifdef _MSC_VER + // msvc6 needs to create Facility for ostream before main starts, otherwise + // if another ostream is created and destroyed in main scope, log stats + // will access a dead Facility reference (std::numput) + int msvcFac = 6; + log_ << "MSVC " << msvcFac << "workaround" << std::endl; +#endif + + + Tracking = true; +} + + +MemoryTracker::~MemoryTracker() +{ + // stop tracking before log (which will alloc on output) + Tracking = false; + LogStats(); + + //assert(Allocs == DeAllocs); + //assert(Root == 0); +} + + +void MemoryTracker::LogStats() +{ + log_ << "Number of Allocs: " << Allocs << '\n'; + log_ << "Number of DeAllocs: " << DeAllocs << '\n'; + log_ << "Number of bytes used: " << Bytes << '\n'; + + log_ << "Alloc size table:\n"; + log_ << " Bytes " << '\t' << " Times\n"; + + for (size_t i = 0; i < size_elements; ++i) { + log_ << " " << sizes[i].size_ << " " << '\t'; + log_ << std::setiosflags(std::ios::right) << std::setw(8); + log_ << sizes[i].count_ << '\n'; + } + + if (Allocs != DeAllocs) { + log_<< "Showing new'd allocs with no deletes" << '\n'; + applyInOrder(Root, show, &log_); + } + log_.flush(); +} + + +// return power of 2 up to size_tracker elements +size_t powerOf2(size_t sz) +{ + size_t shifts = 0; + + if (sz) + sz -= 1; + else + return 0; + + while (sz) { + sz >>= 1; + ++shifts; + } + + return shifts < size_elements ? shifts : size_elements; +} + + +} // namespace local + + +void* operator new(size_t sz) +{ + // put alloc node in front of requested memory + void* ptr = malloc(sz + sizeof(alloc_node)); + if (ptr) { + if (Tracking) { + Lock l(mutex); + ++Allocs; + Bytes += sz; + ++sizes[powerOf2(sz)].count_; + insert(new (ptr) alloc_node); + } + return static_cast<char*>(ptr) + sizeof(alloc_node); + } + else + assert(0); +} + + +void operator delete(void* ptr) +{ + if (ptr) { + ptr = static_cast<char*>(ptr) - sizeof(alloc_node); // correct offset + if (Tracking) { + Lock l(mutex); + ++DeAllocs; + remove(ptr); + } + free(ptr); + } +} + + +void* operator new[](size_t sz) +{ + return ::operator new(sz); +} + + +void operator delete[](void* ptr) +{ + ::operator delete(ptr); +} diff --git a/extra/yassl/taocrypt/test/test.cpp b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/test/test.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..b8618b18d47 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/taocrypt/test/test.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,941 @@ +// test.cpp +// test taocrypt functionality + +#include <string.h> +#include <stdio.h> + +#include "runtime.hpp" +#include "sha.hpp" +#include "md5.hpp" +#include "md2.hpp" +#include "ripemd.hpp" +#include "hmac.hpp" +#include "arc4.hpp" +#include "des.hpp" +#include "rsa.hpp" +#include "dsa.hpp" +#include "aes.hpp" +#include "twofish.hpp" +#include "blowfish.hpp" +#include "asn.hpp" +#include "dh.hpp" +#include "coding.hpp" +#include "random.hpp" +#include "pwdbased.hpp" + + + +using TaoCrypt::byte; +using TaoCrypt::word32; +using TaoCrypt::SHA; +using TaoCrypt::MD5; +using TaoCrypt::MD2; +using TaoCrypt::RIPEMD160; +using TaoCrypt::HMAC; +using TaoCrypt::ARC4; +using TaoCrypt::DES_EDE3_CBC_Encryption; +using TaoCrypt::DES_EDE3_CBC_Decryption; +using TaoCrypt::DES_CBC_Encryption; +using TaoCrypt::DES_CBC_Decryption; +using TaoCrypt::DES_ECB_Encryption; +using TaoCrypt::DES_ECB_Decryption; +using TaoCrypt::AES_CBC_Encryption; +using TaoCrypt::AES_CBC_Decryption; +using TaoCrypt::AES_ECB_Encryption; +using TaoCrypt::AES_ECB_Decryption; +using TaoCrypt::Twofish_CBC_Encryption; +using TaoCrypt::Twofish_CBC_Decryption; +using TaoCrypt::Twofish_ECB_Encryption; +using TaoCrypt::Twofish_ECB_Decryption; +using TaoCrypt::Blowfish_CBC_Encryption; +using TaoCrypt::Blowfish_CBC_Decryption; +using TaoCrypt::Blowfish_ECB_Encryption; +using TaoCrypt::Blowfish_ECB_Decryption; +using TaoCrypt::RSA_PrivateKey; +using TaoCrypt::RSA_PublicKey; +using TaoCrypt::DSA_PrivateKey; +using TaoCrypt::DSA_PublicKey; +using TaoCrypt::DSA_Signer; +using TaoCrypt::DSA_Verifier; +using TaoCrypt::RSAES_Encryptor; +using TaoCrypt::RSAES_Decryptor; +using TaoCrypt::Source; +using TaoCrypt::FileSource; +using TaoCrypt::FileSource; +using TaoCrypt::HexDecoder; +using TaoCrypt::HexEncoder; +using TaoCrypt::Base64Decoder; +using TaoCrypt::Base64Encoder; +using TaoCrypt::CertDecoder; +using TaoCrypt::DH; +using TaoCrypt::EncodeDSA_Signature; +using TaoCrypt::DecodeDSA_Signature; +using TaoCrypt::PBKDF2_HMAC; +using TaoCrypt::tcArrayDelete; + + + +struct testVector { + byte* input_; + byte* output_; + size_t inLen_; + size_t outLen_; + + testVector(const char* in, const char* out) : input_((byte*)in), + output_((byte*)out), inLen_(strlen(in)), outLen_(strlen(out)) {} +}; + +void file_test(int, char**); +int sha_test(); +int md5_test(); +int md2_test(); +int ripemd_test(); +int hmac_test(); +int arc4_test(); +int des_test(); +int aes_test(); +int twofish_test(); +int blowfish_test(); +int rsa_test(); +int dsa_test(); +int dh_test(); +int pwdbased_test(); + +TaoCrypt::RandomNumberGenerator rng; + + +void err_sys(const char* msg, int es) +{ + printf("%s", msg); + exit(es); +} + +// func_args from test.hpp, so don't have to pull in other junk +struct func_args { + int argc; + char** argv; + int return_code; +}; + + +/* + DES, AES, Blowfish, and Twofish need aligned (4 byte) input/output for + processing, can turn this off by setting gpBlock(assumeAligned = false) + but would hurt performance. yaSSL always uses dynamic memory so we have + at least 8 byte alignment. This test tried to force alignment for stack + variables (for convenience) but some compiler versions and optimizations + seemed to be off. So we have msgTmp variable which we copy into dynamic + memory at runtime to ensure proper alignment, along with plain/cipher. + Whew! +*/ +const byte msgTmp[] = { // "now is the time for all " w/o trailing 0 + 0x6e,0x6f,0x77,0x20,0x69,0x73,0x20,0x74, + 0x68,0x65,0x20,0x74,0x69,0x6d,0x65,0x20, + 0x66,0x6f,0x72,0x20,0x61,0x6c,0x6c,0x20 +}; + +byte* msg = 0; // for block cipher input +byte* plain = 0; // for cipher decrypt comparison +byte* cipher = 0; // block output + + +void taocrypt_test(void* args) +{ + ((func_args*)args)->return_code = -1; // error state + + msg = NEW_TC byte[24]; + plain = NEW_TC byte[24]; + cipher = NEW_TC byte[24]; + + memcpy(msg, msgTmp, 24); + + int ret = 0; + if ( (ret = sha_test()) ) + err_sys("SHA test failed!\n", ret); + else + printf( "SHA test passed!\n"); + + if ( (ret = md5_test()) ) + err_sys("MD5 test failed!\n", ret); + else + printf( "MD5 test passed!\n"); + + if ( (ret = md2_test()) ) + err_sys("MD2 test failed!\n", ret); + else + printf( "MD2 test passed!\n"); + + if ( (ret = ripemd_test()) ) + err_sys("RIPEMD test failed!\n", ret); + else + printf( "RIPEMD test passed!\n"); + + if ( ( ret = hmac_test()) ) + err_sys("HMAC test failed!\n", ret); + else + printf( "HMAC test passed!\n"); + + if ( (ret = arc4_test()) ) + err_sys("ARC4 test failed!\n", ret); + else + printf( "ARC4 test passed!\n"); + + if ( (ret = des_test()) ) + err_sys("DES test failed!\n", ret); + else + printf( "DES test passed!\n"); + + if ( (ret = aes_test()) ) + err_sys("AES test failed!\n", ret); + else + printf( "AES test passed!\n"); + + if ( (ret = twofish_test()) ) + err_sys("Twofish test failed!\n", ret); + else + printf( "Twofish test passed!\n"); + + if ( (ret = blowfish_test()) ) + err_sys("Blowfish test failed!\n", ret); + else + printf( "Blowfish test passed!\n"); + + if ( (ret = rsa_test()) ) + err_sys("RSA test failed!\n", ret); + else + printf( "RSA test passed!\n"); + + if ( (ret = dh_test()) ) + err_sys("DH test failed!\n", ret); + else + printf( "DH test passed!\n"); + + if ( (ret = dsa_test()) ) + err_sys("DSA test failed!\n", ret); + else + printf( "DSA test passed!\n"); + + if ( (ret = pwdbased_test()) ) + err_sys("PBKDF2 test failed!\n", ret); + else + printf( "PBKDF2 test passed!\n"); + + tcArrayDelete(cipher); + tcArrayDelete(plain); + tcArrayDelete(msg); + + ((func_args*)args)->return_code = ret; +} + + +// so overall tests can pull in test function +#ifndef NO_MAIN_DRIVER + + int main(int argc, char** argv) + { + func_args args; + + args.argc = argc; + args.argv = argv; + + taocrypt_test(&args); + return args.return_code; + } + +#endif // NO_MAIN_DRIVER + + +void file_test(char* file, byte* check) +{ + FILE* f; + int i(0); + MD5 md5; + byte buf[1024]; + byte md5sum[MD5::DIGEST_SIZE]; + + if( !( f = fopen( file, "rb" ) )) { + printf("Can't open %s\n", file); + return; + } + while( ( i = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), f )) > 0 ) + md5.Update(buf, i); + + md5.Final(md5sum); + memcpy(check, md5sum, sizeof(md5sum)); + + for(int j = 0; j < MD5::DIGEST_SIZE; ++j ) + printf( "%02x", md5sum[j] ); + + printf(" %s\n", file); + + fclose(f); +} + + +int sha_test() +{ + SHA sha; + byte hash[SHA::DIGEST_SIZE]; + + testVector test_sha[] = + { + testVector("abc", + "\xA9\x99\x3E\x36\x47\x06\x81\x6A\xBA\x3E\x25\x71\x78\x50\xC2" + "\x6C\x9C\xD0\xD8\x9D"), + testVector("abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq", + "\x84\x98\x3E\x44\x1C\x3B\xD2\x6E\xBA\xAE\x4A\xA1\xF9\x51\x29" + "\xE5\xE5\x46\x70\xF1"), + testVector("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" + "aaaaaa", + "\x00\x98\xBA\x82\x4B\x5C\x16\x42\x7B\xD7\xA1\x12\x2A\x5A\x44" + "\x2A\x25\xEC\x64\x4D"), + testVector("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" + "aaaaaaaaaa", + "\xAD\x5B\x3F\xDB\xCB\x52\x67\x78\xC2\x83\x9D\x2F\x15\x1E\xA7" + "\x53\x99\x5E\x26\xA0") + }; + + int times( sizeof(test_sha) / sizeof(testVector) ); + for (int i = 0; i < times; ++i) { + sha.Update(test_sha[i].input_, test_sha[i].inLen_); + sha.Final(hash); + + if (memcmp(hash, test_sha[i].output_, SHA::DIGEST_SIZE) != 0) + return -1 - i; + } + + return 0; +} + + +int md5_test() +{ + MD5 md5; + byte hash[MD5::DIGEST_SIZE]; + + testVector test_md5[] = + { + testVector("abc", + "\x90\x01\x50\x98\x3c\xd2\x4f\xb0\xd6\x96\x3f\x7d\x28\xe1\x7f" + "\x72"), + testVector("message digest", + "\xf9\x6b\x69\x7d\x7c\xb7\x93\x8d\x52\x5a\x2f\x31\xaa\xf1\x61" + "\xd0"), + testVector("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", + "\xc3\xfc\xd3\xd7\x61\x92\xe4\x00\x7d\xfb\x49\x6c\xca\x67\xe1" + "\x3b"), + testVector("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345" + "6789", + "\xd1\x74\xab\x98\xd2\x77\xd9\xf5\xa5\x61\x1c\x2c\x9f\x41\x9d" + "\x9f"), + testVector("1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678" + "9012345678901234567890", + "\x57\xed\xf4\xa2\x2b\xe3\xc9\x55\xac\x49\xda\x2e\x21\x07\xb6" + "\x7a") + }; + + int times( sizeof(test_md5) / sizeof(testVector) ); + for (int i = 0; i < times; ++i) { + md5.Update(test_md5[i].input_, test_md5[i].inLen_); + md5.Final(hash); + + if (memcmp(hash, test_md5[i].output_, MD5::DIGEST_SIZE) != 0) + return -5 - i; + } + + return 0; +} + + +int md2_test() +{ + MD2 md5; + byte hash[MD2::DIGEST_SIZE]; + + testVector test_md2[] = + { + testVector("", + "\x83\x50\xe5\xa3\xe2\x4c\x15\x3d\xf2\x27\x5c\x9f\x80\x69" + "\x27\x73"), + testVector("a", + "\x32\xec\x01\xec\x4a\x6d\xac\x72\xc0\xab\x96\xfb\x34\xc0" + "\xb5\xd1"), + testVector("abc", + "\xda\x85\x3b\x0d\x3f\x88\xd9\x9b\x30\x28\x3a\x69\xe6\xde" + "\xd6\xbb"), + testVector("message digest", + "\xab\x4f\x49\x6b\xfb\x2a\x53\x0b\x21\x9f\xf3\x30\x31\xfe" + "\x06\xb0"), + testVector("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", + "\x4e\x8d\xdf\xf3\x65\x02\x92\xab\x5a\x41\x08\xc3\xaa\x47" + "\x94\x0b"), + testVector("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" + "0123456789", + "\xda\x33\xde\xf2\xa4\x2d\xf1\x39\x75\x35\x28\x46\xc3\x03" + "\x38\xcd"), + testVector("12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456" + "789012345678901234567890", + "\xd5\x97\x6f\x79\xd8\x3d\x3a\x0d\xc9\x80\x6c\x3c\x66\xf3" + "\xef\xd8") + }; + + int times( sizeof(test_md2) / sizeof(testVector) ); + for (int i = 0; i < times; ++i) { + md5.Update(test_md2[i].input_, test_md2[i].inLen_); + md5.Final(hash); + + if (memcmp(hash, test_md2[i].output_, MD2::DIGEST_SIZE) != 0) + return -10 - i; + } + + return 0; +} + + +int ripemd_test() +{ + RIPEMD160 ripe160; + byte hash[RIPEMD160::DIGEST_SIZE]; + + testVector test_ripemd[] = + { + testVector("", + "\x9c\x11\x85\xa5\xc5\xe9\xfc\x54\x61\x28\x08\x97\x7e\xe8" + "\xf5\x48\xb2\x25\x8d\x31"), + testVector("a", + "\x0b\xdc\x9d\x2d\x25\x6b\x3e\xe9\xda\xae\x34\x7b\xe6\xf4" + "\xdc\x83\x5a\x46\x7f\xfe"), + testVector("abc", + "\x8e\xb2\x08\xf7\xe0\x5d\x98\x7a\x9b\x04\x4a\x8e\x98\xc6" + "\xb0\x87\xf1\x5a\x0b\xfc"), + testVector("message digest", + "\x5d\x06\x89\xef\x49\xd2\xfa\xe5\x72\xb8\x81\xb1\x23\xa8" + "\x5f\xfa\x21\x59\x5f\x36"), + testVector("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", + "\xf7\x1c\x27\x10\x9c\x69\x2c\x1b\x56\xbb\xdc\xeb\x5b\x9d" + "\x28\x65\xb3\x70\x8d\xbc"), + testVector("abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopq", + "\x12\xa0\x53\x38\x4a\x9c\x0c\x88\xe4\x05\xa0\x6c\x27\xdc" + "\xf4\x9a\xda\x62\xeb\x2b"), + testVector("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123" + "456789", + "\xb0\xe2\x0b\x6e\x31\x16\x64\x02\x86\xed\x3a\x87\xa5\x71" + "\x30\x79\xb2\x1f\x51\x89"), + testVector("12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456" + "789012345678901234567890", + "\x9b\x75\x2e\x45\x57\x3d\x4b\x39\xf4\xdb\xd3\x32\x3c\xab" + "\x82\xbf\x63\x32\x6b\xfb"), + }; + + int times( sizeof(test_ripemd) / sizeof(testVector) ); + for (int i = 0; i < times; ++i) { + ripe160.Update(test_ripemd[i].input_, test_ripemd[i].inLen_); + ripe160.Final(hash); + + if (memcmp(hash, test_ripemd[i].output_, RIPEMD160::DIGEST_SIZE) != 0) + return -100 - i; + } + + return 0; +} + + +int hmac_test() +{ + HMAC<MD5> hmacMD5; + byte hash[MD5::DIGEST_SIZE]; + + const char* keys[]= + { + "\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b", + "Jefe", + "\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA" + }; + + testVector test_hmacMD5[] = + { + testVector("Hi There", + "\x92\x94\x72\x7a\x36\x38\xbb\x1c\x13\xf4\x8e\xf8\x15\x8b\xfc" + "\x9d"), + testVector("what do ya want for nothing?", + "\x75\x0c\x78\x3e\x6a\xb0\xb5\x03\xea\xa8\x6e\x31\x0a\x5d\xb7" + "\x38"), + testVector("\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD" + "\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD" + "\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD" + "\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD", + "\x56\xbe\x34\x52\x1d\x14\x4c\x88\xdb\xb8\xc7\x33\xf0\xe8\xb3" + "\xf6") + }; + + int times( sizeof(test_hmacMD5) / sizeof(testVector) ); + for (int i = 0; i < times; ++i) { + hmacMD5.SetKey((byte*)keys[i], strlen(keys[i])); + hmacMD5.Update(test_hmacMD5[i].input_, test_hmacMD5[i].inLen_); + hmacMD5.Final(hash); + + if (memcmp(hash, test_hmacMD5[i].output_, MD5::DIGEST_SIZE) != 0) + return -20 - i; + } + + return 0; +} + + +int arc4_test() +{ + byte cipher[16]; + byte plain[16]; + + const char* keys[] = + { + "\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89\xab\xcd\xef", + "\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89\xab\xcd\xef", + "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", + "\xef\x01\x23\x45" + }; + + testVector test_arc4[] = + { + testVector("\x01\x23\x45\x67\x89\xab\xcd\xef", + "\x75\xb7\x87\x80\x99\xe0\xc5\x96"), + testVector("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", + "\x74\x94\xc2\xe7\x10\x4b\x08\x79"), + testVector("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", + "\xde\x18\x89\x41\xa3\x37\x5d\x3a"), + testVector("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", + "\xd6\xa1\x41\xa7\xec\x3c\x38\xdf\xbd\x61") + }; + + + int times( sizeof(test_arc4) / sizeof(testVector) ); + for (int i = 0; i < times; ++i) { + ARC4::Encryption enc; + ARC4::Decryption dec; + + enc.SetKey((byte*)keys[i], strlen(keys[i])); + dec.SetKey((byte*)keys[i], strlen(keys[i])); + + enc.Process(cipher, test_arc4[i].input_, test_arc4[i].outLen_); + dec.Process(plain, cipher, test_arc4[i].outLen_); + + if (memcmp(plain, test_arc4[i].input_, test_arc4[i].outLen_)) + return -30 - i; + + if (memcmp(cipher, test_arc4[i].output_, test_arc4[i].outLen_)) + return -40 - i; + } + + return 0; +} + + +int des_test() +{ + //ECB mode + DES_ECB_Encryption enc; + DES_ECB_Decryption dec; + + const int sz = TaoCrypt::DES_BLOCK_SIZE * 3; + const byte key[] = { 0x01,0x23,0x45,0x67,0x89,0xab,0xcd,0xef }; + const byte iv[] = { 0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78,0x90,0xab,0xcd,0xef }; + + enc.SetKey(key, sizeof(key)); + enc.Process(cipher, msg, sz); + dec.SetKey(key, sizeof(key)); + dec.Process(plain, cipher, sz); + + if (memcmp(plain, msg, sz)) + return -50; + + const byte verify1[] = + { + 0xf9,0x99,0xb8,0x8e,0xaf,0xea,0x71,0x53, + 0x6a,0x27,0x17,0x87,0xab,0x88,0x83,0xf9, + 0x89,0x3d,0x51,0xec,0x4b,0x56,0x3b,0x53 + }; + + if (memcmp(cipher, verify1, sz)) + return -51; + + // CBC mode + DES_CBC_Encryption enc2; + DES_CBC_Decryption dec2; + + enc2.SetKey(key, sizeof(key), iv); + enc2.Process(cipher, msg, sz); + dec2.SetKey(key, sizeof(key), iv); + dec2.Process(plain, cipher, sz); + + if (memcmp(plain, msg, sz)) + return -52; + + const byte verify2[] = + { + 0x8b,0x7c,0x52,0xb0,0x01,0x2b,0x6c,0xb8, + 0x4f,0x0f,0xeb,0xf3,0xfb,0x5f,0x86,0x73, + 0x15,0x85,0xb3,0x22,0x4b,0x86,0x2b,0x4b + }; + + if (memcmp(cipher, verify2, sz)) + return -53; + + // EDE3 CBC mode + DES_EDE3_CBC_Encryption enc3; + DES_EDE3_CBC_Decryption dec3; + + const byte key3[] = + { + 0x01,0x23,0x45,0x67,0x89,0xab,0xcd,0xef, + 0xfe,0xde,0xba,0x98,0x76,0x54,0x32,0x10, + 0x89,0xab,0xcd,0xef,0x01,0x23,0x45,0x67 + }; + const byte iv3[] = + { + 0x12,0x34,0x56,0x78,0x90,0xab,0xcd,0xef, + 0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01, + 0x11,0x21,0x31,0x41,0x51,0x61,0x71,0x81 + + }; + + enc3.SetKey(key3, sizeof(key3), iv3); + enc3.Process(cipher, msg, sz); + dec3.SetKey(key3, sizeof(key3), iv3); + dec3.Process(plain, cipher, sz); + + if (memcmp(plain, msg, sz)) + return -54; + + const byte verify3[] = + { + 0x08,0x8a,0xae,0xe6,0x9a,0xa9,0xc1,0x13, + 0x93,0x7d,0xf7,0x3a,0x11,0x56,0x66,0xb3, + 0x18,0xbc,0xbb,0x6d,0xd2,0xb1,0x16,0xda + }; + + if (memcmp(cipher, verify3, sz)) + return -55; + + return 0; +} + + +int aes_test() +{ + AES_CBC_Encryption enc; + AES_CBC_Decryption dec; + const int bs(TaoCrypt::AES::BLOCK_SIZE); + + byte key[] = "0123456789abcdef "; // align + byte iv[] = "1234567890abcdef "; // align + + enc.SetKey(key, bs, iv); + dec.SetKey(key, bs, iv); + + enc.Process(cipher, msg, bs); + dec.Process(plain, cipher, bs); + + if (memcmp(plain, msg, bs)) + return -60; + + const byte verify[] = + { + 0x95,0x94,0x92,0x57,0x5f,0x42,0x81,0x53, + 0x2c,0xcc,0x9d,0x46,0x77,0xa2,0x33,0xcb + }; + + if (memcmp(cipher, verify, bs)) + return -61; + + AES_ECB_Encryption enc2; + AES_ECB_Decryption dec2; + + enc2.SetKey(key, bs, iv); + dec2.SetKey(key, bs, iv); + + enc2.Process(cipher, msg, bs); + dec2.Process(plain, cipher, bs); + + if (memcmp(plain, msg, bs)) + return -62; + + const byte verify2[] = + { + 0xd0,0xc9,0xd9,0xc9,0x40,0xe8,0x97,0xb6, + 0xc8,0x8c,0x33,0x3b,0xb5,0x8f,0x85,0xd1 + }; + + if (memcmp(cipher, verify2, bs)) + return -63; + + return 0; +} + + +int twofish_test() +{ + Twofish_CBC_Encryption enc; + Twofish_CBC_Decryption dec; + const int bs(TaoCrypt::Twofish::BLOCK_SIZE); + + byte key[] = "0123456789abcdef "; // align + byte iv[] = "1234567890abcdef "; // align + + enc.SetKey(key, bs, iv); + dec.SetKey(key, bs, iv); + + enc.Process(cipher, msg, bs); + dec.Process(plain, cipher, bs); + + if (memcmp(plain, msg, bs)) + return -60; + + const byte verify[] = + { + 0xD2,0xD7,0x47,0x47,0x4A,0x65,0x4E,0x16, + 0x21,0x03,0x58,0x79,0x5F,0x02,0x27,0x2C + }; + + if (memcmp(cipher, verify, bs)) + return -61; + + Twofish_ECB_Encryption enc2; + Twofish_ECB_Decryption dec2; + + enc2.SetKey(key, bs, iv); + dec2.SetKey(key, bs, iv); + + enc2.Process(cipher, msg, bs); + dec2.Process(plain, cipher, bs); + + if (memcmp(plain, msg, bs)) + return -62; + + const byte verify2[] = + { + 0x3B,0x6C,0x63,0x10,0x34,0xAB,0xB2,0x87, + 0xC4,0xCD,0x6B,0x91,0x14,0xC5,0x3A,0x09 + }; + + if (memcmp(cipher, verify2, bs)) + return -63; + + return 0; +} + + +int blowfish_test() +{ + Blowfish_CBC_Encryption enc; + Blowfish_CBC_Decryption dec; + const int bs(TaoCrypt::Blowfish::BLOCK_SIZE); + + byte key[] = "0123456789abcdef "; // align + byte iv[] = "1234567890abcdef "; // align + + enc.SetKey(key, 16, iv); + dec.SetKey(key, 16, iv); + + enc.Process(cipher, msg, bs * 2); + dec.Process(plain, cipher, bs * 2); + + if (memcmp(plain, msg, bs)) + return -60; + + const byte verify[] = + { + 0x0E,0x26,0xAA,0x29,0x11,0x25,0xAB,0xB5, + 0xBC,0xD9,0x08,0xC4,0x94,0x6C,0x89,0xA3 + }; + + if (memcmp(cipher, verify, bs)) + return -61; + + Blowfish_ECB_Encryption enc2; + Blowfish_ECB_Decryption dec2; + + enc2.SetKey(key, 16, iv); + dec2.SetKey(key, 16, iv); + + enc2.Process(cipher, msg, bs * 2); + dec2.Process(plain, cipher, bs * 2); + + if (memcmp(plain, msg, bs)) + return -62; + + const byte verify2[] = + { + 0xE7,0x42,0xB9,0x37,0xC8,0x7D,0x93,0xCA, + 0x8F,0xCE,0x39,0x32,0xDE,0xD7,0xBC,0x5B + }; + + if (memcmp(cipher, verify2, bs)) + return -63; + + return 0; +} + + +int rsa_test() +{ + Source source; + FileSource("../certs/client-key.der", source); + if (source.size() == 0) { + FileSource("../../certs/client-key.der", source); // for testsuite + if (source.size() == 0) { + FileSource("../../../certs/client-key.der", source); // Debug dir + if (source.size() == 0) + err_sys("where's your certs dir?", -79); + } + } + RSA_PrivateKey priv(source); + + RSAES_Encryptor enc(priv); + byte message[] = "Everyone gets Friday off."; + const int len(strlen((char*)message)); + byte cipher[64]; + enc.Encrypt(message, len, cipher, rng); + + RSAES_Decryptor dec(priv); + byte plain[64]; + dec.Decrypt(cipher, sizeof(plain), plain, rng); + + if (memcmp(plain, message, len)) + return -70; + + dec.SSL_Sign(message, len, cipher, rng); + if (!enc.SSL_Verify(message, len, cipher)) + return -71; + + + // test decode + Source source2; + FileSource("../certs/client-cert.der", source2); + if (source2.size() == 0) { + FileSource("../../certs/client-cert.der", source2); // for testsuite + if (source2.size() == 0) { + FileSource("../../../certs/client-cert.der", source2); // Debug dir + if (source2.size() == 0) + err_sys("where's your certs dir?", -79); + } + } + CertDecoder cd(source2, true, 0, false, CertDecoder::CA); + Source source3(cd.GetPublicKey().GetKey(), cd.GetPublicKey().size()); + RSA_PublicKey pub(source3); + + return 0; +} + + +int dh_test() +{ + Source source; + FileSource("../certs/dh1024.dat", source); + if (source.size() == 0) { + FileSource("../../certs/dh1024.dat", source); // for testsuite + if (source.size() == 0) { + FileSource("../../../certs/dh1024.dat", source); // win32 Debug dir + if (source.size() == 0) + err_sys("where's your certs dir?", -79); + } + } + HexDecoder hDec(source); + + DH dh(source); + + byte pub[128]; + byte priv[128]; + byte agree[128]; + byte pub2[128]; + byte priv2[128]; + byte agree2[128]; + + DH dh2(dh); + + dh.GenerateKeyPair(rng, priv, pub); + dh2.GenerateKeyPair(rng, priv2, pub2); + dh.Agree(agree, priv, pub2); + dh2.Agree(agree2, priv2, pub); + + + if ( memcmp(agree, agree2, dh.GetByteLength()) ) + return -80; + + return 0; +} + + +int dsa_test() +{ + Source source; + FileSource("../certs/dsa512.der", source); + if (source.size() == 0) { + FileSource("../../certs/dsa512.der", source); // for testsuite + if (source.size() == 0) { + FileSource("../../../certs/dsa512.der", source); // win32 Debug dir + if (source.size() == 0) + err_sys("where's your certs dir?", -89); + } + } + + const char msg[] = "this is the message"; + byte signature[40]; + + DSA_PrivateKey priv(source); + DSA_Signer signer(priv); + + SHA sha; + byte digest[SHA::DIGEST_SIZE]; + sha.Update((byte*)msg, sizeof(msg)); + sha.Final(digest); + + signer.Sign(digest, signature, rng); + + byte encoded[sizeof(signature) + 6]; + byte decoded[40]; + + word32 encSz = EncodeDSA_Signature(signer.GetR(), signer.GetS(), encoded); + DecodeDSA_Signature(decoded, encoded, encSz); + + DSA_PublicKey pub(priv); + DSA_Verifier verifier(pub); + + if (!verifier.Verify(digest, decoded)) + return -90; + + return 0; +} + + +int pwdbased_test() +{ + PBKDF2_HMAC<SHA> pb; + + byte derived[32]; + const byte pwd1[] = "password "; // align + const byte salt[] = { 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12 }; + + pb.DeriveKey(derived, 8, pwd1, 8, salt, sizeof(salt), 5); + + const byte verify1[] = { 0xD1, 0xDA, 0xA7, 0x86, 0x15, 0xF2, 0x87, 0xE6 }; + + if ( memcmp(derived, verify1, sizeof(verify1)) ) + return -101; + + + const byte pwd2[] = "All n-entities must communicate with other n-entities" + " via n-1 entiteeheehees "; // align + + pb.DeriveKey(derived, 24, pwd2, 76, salt, sizeof(salt), 500); + + const byte verify2[] = { 0x6A, 0x89, 0x70, 0xBF, 0x68, 0xC9, 0x2C, 0xAE, + 0xA8, 0x4A, 0x8D, 0xF2, 0x85, 0x10, 0x85, 0x86, + 0x07, 0x12, 0x63, 0x80, 0xCC, 0x47, 0xAB, 0x2D + }; + + if ( memcmp(derived, verify2, sizeof(verify2)) ) + return -102; + + return 0; +} diff --git a/extra/yassl/testsuite/Makefile.am b/extra/yassl/testsuite/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d91822f609e --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/testsuite/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +INCLUDES = -I../include -I../taocrypt/include -I../mySTL +bin_PROGRAMS = testsuite +testsuite_SOURCES = testsuite.cpp ../taocrypt/test/test.cpp \ + ../examples/client/client.cpp ../examples/server/server.cpp \ + ../examples/echoclient/echoclient.cpp \ + ../examples/echoserver/echoserver.cpp +testsuite_LDFLAGS = -L../src/ -L../taocrypt/src +testsuite_CXXFLAGS = -DYASSL_PURE_C -DNO_MAIN_DRIVER +testsuite_LDADD = -lyassl -ltaocrypt +testsuite_DEPENDENCIES = ../src/libyassl.la ../taocrypt/src/libtaocrypt.la +EXTRA_DIST = testsuite.dsp test.hpp input quit make.bat diff --git a/extra/yassl/testsuite/input b/extra/yassl/testsuite/input new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d16cbc40750 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/testsuite/input @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +// testsuite.cpp + +#include "test.hpp" +#include "md5.hpp" + +typedef unsigned char byte; + +void taocrypt_test(void*); +void file_test(char*, byte*); + +void client_test(void*); +void echoclient_test(void*); + +THREAD_RETURN YASSL_API server_test(void*); +THREAD_RETURN YASSL_API echoserver_test(void*); + +int main(int argc, char** argv) +{ + func_args args(argc, argv); + func_args server_args(args); + + // *** Crypto Test *** + taocrypt_test(&args); + assert(args.return_code == 0); + + + // *** Simple yaSSL client server test *** + THREAD_TYPE thread; + + start_thread(server_test, &server_args, &thread); + client_test(&args); + + assert(args.return_code == 0); + join_thread(thread); + assert(server_args.return_code == 0); + + + // *** Echo input yaSSL client server test *** + start_thread(echoserver_test, &server_args, &thread); + func_args echo_args; + + // setup args + echo_args.argc = 3; + echo_args.argv = new char*[echo_args.argc]; + for (int i = 0; i < echo_args.argc; i++) + echo_args.argv[i] = new char[32]; + + strcpy(echo_args.argv[0], "echoclient"); + strcpy(echo_args.argv[1], "input"); + strcpy(echo_args.argv[2], "output"); + remove("output"); + + // make sure OK + echoclient_test(&echo_args); + assert(echo_args.return_code == 0); + + + // *** Echo quit yaSSL client server test *** + echo_args.argc = 2; + strcpy(echo_args.argv[1], "quit"); + + echoclient_test(&echo_args); + assert(echo_args.return_code == 0); + join_thread(thread); + assert(server_args.return_code == 0); + + + // input output compare + byte input[TaoCrypt::MD5::DIGEST_SIZE]; + byte output[TaoCrypt::MD5::DIGEST_SIZE]; + file_test("input", input); + file_test("output", output); + assert(memcmp(input, output, sizeof(input)) == 0); + + printf("\nAll tests passed!\n"); + + // cleanup + for (int j = echo_args.argc; j >= 0; j--) + delete[] echo_args.argv[j]; + delete[] echo_args.argv; + + return 0; +} + + + +void start_thread(THREAD_FUNC fun, func_args* args, THREAD_TYPE* thread) +{ +#ifdef _WIN32 + *thread = _beginthreadex(0, 0, fun, args, 0, 0); +#else + pthread_create(thread, 0, fun, args); +#endif +} + + +void join_thread(THREAD_TYPE thread) +{ +#ifdef _WIN32 + int res = WaitForSingleObject(reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(thread), INFINITE); + assert(res == WAIT_OBJECT_0); + res = CloseHandle(reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(thread)); + assert(res); +#else + pthread_join(thread, 0); +#endif +} diff --git a/extra/yassl/testsuite/make.bat b/extra/yassl/testsuite/make.bat new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d8a55b0d3af --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/testsuite/make.bat @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# quick and dirty build file for testing different MSDEVs +setlocal + +set myFLAGS= /I../include /I../taocrypt/include /I../mySTL /c /W3 /G6 /O2 /MT /D"WIN32" /D"NO_MAIN_DRIVER" + +cl %myFLAGS% testsuite.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% ../examples/client/client.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% ../examples/echoclient/echoclient.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% ../examples/server/server.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% ../examples/echoserver/echoserver.cpp +cl %myFLAGS% ../taocrypt/test/test.cpp + +link.exe /out:testsuite.exe ../src/yassl.lib ../taocrypt/src/taocrypt.lib testsuite.obj client.obj server.obj echoclient.obj echoserver.obj test.obj advapi32.lib Ws2_32.lib + diff --git a/extra/yassl/testsuite/quit b/extra/yassl/testsuite/quit new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3db49b3ad12 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/testsuite/quit @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +quit + diff --git a/extra/yassl/testsuite/test.hpp b/extra/yassl/testsuite/test.hpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..79d02b63558 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/testsuite/test.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,352 @@ +// test.hpp + +#ifndef yaSSL_TEST_HPP +#define yaSSL_TEST_HPP + +#include "runtime.hpp" +#include "openssl/ssl.h" /* openssl compatibility test */ +#include <stdio.h> +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <assert.h> + +#ifdef _WIN32 + #include <winsock2.h> + #include <process.h> + #define SOCKET_T unsigned int +#else + #include <string.h> + #include <unistd.h> + #include <netinet/in.h> + #include <arpa/inet.h> + #include <sys/ioctl.h> + #include <sys/time.h> + #include <sys/types.h> + #include <sys/socket.h> + #include <pthread.h> + #define SOCKET_T int +#endif /* _WIN32 */ + + +#if defined(__MACH__) || defined(_WIN32) + typedef int socklen_t; +#endif + + +// HPUX doesn't use socklent_t for third parameter to accept +#if !defined(__hpux__) + typedef socklen_t* ACCEPT_THIRD_T; +#else + typedef int* ACCEPT_THIRD_T; +#endif + + +#ifndef _POSIX_THREADS + typedef unsigned int THREAD_RETURN; + typedef unsigned long THREAD_TYPE; + #define YASSL_API __stdcall +#else + typedef void* THREAD_RETURN; + typedef pthread_t THREAD_TYPE; + #define YASSL_API +#endif + + +struct tcp_ready { +#ifdef _POSIX_THREADS + pthread_mutex_t mutex_; + pthread_cond_t cond_; + bool ready_; // predicate + + tcp_ready() : ready_(false) + { + pthread_mutex_init(&mutex_, 0); + pthread_cond_init(&cond_, 0); + } + + ~tcp_ready() + { + pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex_); + pthread_cond_destroy(&cond_); + } +#endif +}; + + +struct func_args { + int argc; + char** argv; + int return_code; + tcp_ready* signal_; + + func_args(int c = 0, char** v = 0) : argc(c), argv(v) {} + + void SetSignal(tcp_ready* p) { signal_ = p; } +}; + +typedef THREAD_RETURN YASSL_API THREAD_FUNC(void*); + +void start_thread(THREAD_FUNC, func_args*, THREAD_TYPE*); +void join_thread(THREAD_TYPE); + +// yaSSL +const char* const yasslIP = ""; +const unsigned short yasslPort = 11111; + + +// client +const char* const cert = "../certs/client-cert.pem"; +const char* const key = "../certs/client-key.pem"; + +const char* const certSuite = "../../certs/client-cert.pem"; +const char* const keySuite = "../../certs/client-key.pem"; + +const char* const certDebug = "../../../certs/client-cert.pem"; +const char* const keyDebug = "../../../certs/client-key.pem"; + + +// server +const char* const svrCert = "../certs/server-cert.pem"; +const char* const svrKey = "../certs/server-key.pem"; + +const char* const svrCert2 = "../../certs/server-cert.pem"; +const char* const svrKey2 = "../../certs/server-key.pem"; + +const char* const svrCert3 = "../../../certs/server-cert.pem"; +const char* const svrKey3 = "../../../certs/server-key.pem"; + + +// server dsa +const char* const dsaCert = "../certs/dsa-cert.pem"; +const char* const dsaKey = "../certs/dsa512.der"; + +const char* const dsaCert2 = "../../certs/dsa-cert.pem"; +const char* const dsaKey2 = "../../certs/dsa512.der"; + +const char* const dsaCert3 = "../../../certs/dsa-cert.pem"; +const char* const dsaKey3 = "../../../certs/dsa512.der"; + + +// CA +const char* const caCert = "../certs/ca-cert.pem"; +const char* const caCert2 = "../../certs/ca-cert.pem"; +const char* const caCert3 = "../../../certs/ca-cert.pem"; + + +using namespace yaSSL; + + +inline void err_sys(const char* msg) +{ + printf("yassl error: %s\n", msg); + exit(EXIT_FAILURE); +} + + +inline void store_ca(SSL_CTX* ctx) +{ + // To allow testing from serveral dirs + if (SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, caCert, 0) != SSL_SUCCESS) + if (SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, caCert2, 0) != SSL_SUCCESS) + if (SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, caCert3, 0) != SSL_SUCCESS) + err_sys("failed to use certificate: certs/cacert.pem"); + + // load client CA for server verify + if (SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, cert, 0) != SSL_SUCCESS) + if (SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, certSuite, 0) != SSL_SUCCESS) + if (SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, certDebug,0) != SSL_SUCCESS) + err_sys("failed to use certificate: certs/client-cert.pem"); +} + + +// client +inline void set_certs(SSL_CTX* ctx) +{ + store_ca(ctx); + + // To allow testing from serveral dirs + if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, cert, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) + != SSL_SUCCESS) + if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, certSuite, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) + != SSL_SUCCESS) + if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, certDebug, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) + != SSL_SUCCESS) + err_sys("failed to use certificate: certs/client-cert.pem"); + + // To allow testing from several dirs + if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, key, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) + != SSL_SUCCESS) + if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, keySuite, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) + != SSL_SUCCESS) + if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx,keyDebug,SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) + != SSL_SUCCESS) + err_sys("failed to use key file: certs/client-key.pem"); +} + + +// server +inline void set_serverCerts(SSL_CTX* ctx) +{ + store_ca(ctx); + + // To allow testing from serveral dirs + if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, svrCert, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) + != SSL_SUCCESS) + if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, svrCert2, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) + != SSL_SUCCESS) + if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, svrCert3, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) + != SSL_SUCCESS) + err_sys("failed to use certificate: certs/server-cert.pem"); + + // To allow testing from several dirs + if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, svrKey, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) + != SSL_SUCCESS) + if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, svrKey2, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) + != SSL_SUCCESS) + if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, svrKey3,SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) + != SSL_SUCCESS) + err_sys("failed to use key file: certs/server-key.pem"); +} + + +// dsa server +inline void set_dsaServerCerts(SSL_CTX* ctx) +{ + store_ca(ctx); + + // To allow testing from serveral dirs + if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, dsaCert, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) + != SSL_SUCCESS) + if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, dsaCert2, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) + != SSL_SUCCESS) + if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, dsaCert3, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) + != SSL_SUCCESS) + err_sys("failed to use certificate: certs/dsa-cert.pem"); + + // To allow testing from several dirs + if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, dsaKey, SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1) + != SSL_SUCCESS) + if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, dsaKey2, SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1) + != SSL_SUCCESS) + if (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, dsaKey3,SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1) + != SSL_SUCCESS) + err_sys("failed to use key file: certs/dsa512.der"); +} + + +inline void set_args(int& argc, char**& argv, func_args& args) +{ + argc = args.argc; + argv = args.argv; + args.return_code = -1; // error state +} + + +inline void tcp_socket(SOCKET_T& sockfd, sockaddr_in& addr) +{ + sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); + memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); + addr.sin_family = AF_INET; + + addr.sin_port = htons(yasslPort); + addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(yasslIP); +} + + +inline void tcp_connect(SOCKET_T& sockfd) +{ + sockaddr_in addr; + tcp_socket(sockfd, addr); + + if (connect(sockfd, (const sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)) != 0) + err_sys("tcp connect failed"); +} + + +inline void tcp_listen(SOCKET_T& sockfd) +{ + sockaddr_in addr; + tcp_socket(sockfd, addr); + + if (bind(sockfd, (const sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)) != 0) + err_sys("tcp bind failed"); + if (listen(sockfd, 3) != 0) + err_sys("tcp listen failed"); +} + + +inline void tcp_accept(SOCKET_T& sockfd, int& clientfd, func_args& args) +{ + tcp_listen(sockfd); + + sockaddr_in client; + socklen_t client_len = sizeof(client); + +#if defined(_POSIX_THREADS) && defined(NO_MAIN_DRIVER) + // signal ready to tcp_accept + tcp_ready& ready = *args.signal_; + pthread_mutex_lock(&ready.mutex_); + ready.ready_ = true; + pthread_cond_signal(&ready.cond_); + pthread_mutex_unlock(&ready.mutex_); +#endif + + clientfd = accept(sockfd, (sockaddr*)&client, (ACCEPT_THIRD_T)&client_len); + + if (clientfd == -1) + err_sys("tcp accept failed"); +} + + +inline void showPeer(SSL* ssl) +{ + X509* peer = SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl); + if (peer) { + char* issuer = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_issuer_name(peer), 0, 0); + char* subject = X509_NAME_oneline(X509_get_subject_name(peer), 0, 0); + + printf("peer's cert info:\n"); + printf("issuer is: %s\n", issuer); + printf("subject is: %s\n", subject); + + free(subject); + free(issuer); + } + else + printf("peer has no cert!\n"); +} + + + +inline DH* set_tmpDH(SSL_CTX* ctx) +{ + static unsigned char dh512_p[] = + { + 0xDA,0x58,0x3C,0x16,0xD9,0x85,0x22,0x89,0xD0,0xE4,0xAF,0x75, + 0x6F,0x4C,0xCA,0x92,0xDD,0x4B,0xE5,0x33,0xB8,0x04,0xFB,0x0F, + 0xED,0x94,0xEF,0x9C,0x8A,0x44,0x03,0xED,0x57,0x46,0x50,0xD3, + 0x69,0x99,0xDB,0x29,0xD7,0x76,0x27,0x6B,0xA2,0xD3,0xD4,0x12, + 0xE2,0x18,0xF4,0xDD,0x1E,0x08,0x4C,0xF6,0xD8,0x00,0x3E,0x7C, + 0x47,0x74,0xE8,0x33, + }; + + static unsigned char dh512_g[] = + { + 0x02, + }; + + DH* dh; + if ( (dh = DH_new()) ) { + dh->p = BN_bin2bn(dh512_p, sizeof(dh512_p), 0); + dh->g = BN_bin2bn(dh512_g, sizeof(dh512_g), 0); + } + if (!dh->p || !dh->g) { + DH_free(dh); + dh = 0; + } + SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh(ctx, dh); + return dh; +} + + +#endif // yaSSL_TEST_HPP + diff --git a/extra/yassl/testsuite/testsuite.cpp b/extra/yassl/testsuite/testsuite.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..af988432a86 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/testsuite/testsuite.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +// testsuite.cpp + +#include "test.hpp" +#include "md5.hpp" + + +typedef unsigned char byte; + +void taocrypt_test(void*); +void file_test(char*, byte*); + +void client_test(void*); +void echoclient_test(void*); + +THREAD_RETURN YASSL_API server_test(void*); +THREAD_RETURN YASSL_API echoserver_test(void*); + +void wait_tcp_ready(func_args&); + + + +int main(int argc, char** argv) +{ + func_args args(argc, argv); + func_args server_args(argc, argv); + + // *** Crypto Test *** + taocrypt_test(&args); + assert(args.return_code == 0); + + + // *** Simple yaSSL client server test *** + tcp_ready ready; + server_args.SetSignal(&ready); + + THREAD_TYPE serverThread; + start_thread(server_test, &server_args, &serverThread); + wait_tcp_ready(server_args); + + client_test(&args); + assert(args.return_code == 0); + join_thread(serverThread); + assert(server_args.return_code == 0); + + + // *** Echo input yaSSL client server test *** + start_thread(echoserver_test, &server_args, &serverThread); + wait_tcp_ready(server_args); + func_args echo_args; + + // setup args + const int numArgs = 3; + echo_args.argc = numArgs; + char* myArgv[numArgs]; + + char argc0[32]; + char argc1[32]; + char argc2[32]; + + myArgv[0] = argc0; + myArgv[1] = argc1; + myArgv[2] = argc2; + + echo_args.argv = myArgv; + + strcpy(echo_args.argv[0], "echoclient"); + strcpy(echo_args.argv[1], "input"); + strcpy(echo_args.argv[2], "output"); + remove("output"); + + // make sure OK + echoclient_test(&echo_args); + assert(echo_args.return_code == 0); + + + // *** Echo quit yaSSL client server test *** + echo_args.argc = 2; + strcpy(echo_args.argv[1], "quit"); + + echoclient_test(&echo_args); + assert(echo_args.return_code == 0); + join_thread(serverThread); + assert(server_args.return_code == 0); + + + // input output compare + byte input[TaoCrypt::MD5::DIGEST_SIZE]; + byte output[TaoCrypt::MD5::DIGEST_SIZE]; + file_test("input", input); + file_test("output", output); + assert(memcmp(input, output, sizeof(input)) == 0); + + printf("\nAll tests passed!\n"); + + return 0; +} + + + +void start_thread(THREAD_FUNC fun, func_args* args, THREAD_TYPE* thread) +{ +#ifndef _POSIX_THREADS + *thread = _beginthreadex(0, 0, fun, args, 0, 0); +#else + pthread_create(thread, 0, fun, args); +#endif +} + + +void join_thread(THREAD_TYPE thread) +{ +#ifndef _POSIX_THREADS + int res = WaitForSingleObject(reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(thread), INFINITE); + assert(res == WAIT_OBJECT_0); + res = CloseHandle(reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(thread)); + assert(res); +#else + pthread_join(thread, 0); +#endif +} + + + +void wait_tcp_ready(func_args& args) +{ +#ifdef _POSIX_THREADS + pthread_mutex_lock(&args.signal_->mutex_); + + if (!args.signal_->ready_) + pthread_cond_wait(&args.signal_->cond_, &args.signal_->mutex_); + args.signal_->ready_ = false; // reset + + pthread_mutex_unlock(&args.signal_->mutex_); +#endif +} + + +int test_openSSL_des() +{ + /* test des encrypt/decrypt */ + char data[] = "this is my data "; + int dataSz = strlen(data); + DES_key_schedule key[3]; + byte iv[8]; + EVP_BytesToKey(EVP_des_ede3_cbc(), EVP_md5(), NULL, (byte*)data, dataSz, 1, + (byte*)key, iv); + + byte cipher[16]; + DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt((byte*)data, cipher, dataSz, &key[0], &key[8], + &key[16], &iv, true); + byte plain[16]; + DES_ede3_cbc_encrypt(cipher, plain, 16, &key[0], &key[8], &key[16], + &iv, false); + return 0; +} diff --git a/extra/yassl/testsuite/testsuite.dsp b/extra/yassl/testsuite/testsuite.dsp new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f896aa7f020 --- /dev/null +++ b/extra/yassl/testsuite/testsuite.dsp @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="testsuite" - Package Owner=<4> +# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00 +# ** DO NOT EDIT ** + +# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Console Application" 0x0103 + +CFG=testsuite - Win32 Debug +!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, +!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "testsuite.mak". +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE +!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "testsuite.mak" CFG="testsuite - Win32 Debug" +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: +!MESSAGE +!MESSAGE "testsuite - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") +!MESSAGE "testsuite - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application") +!MESSAGE + +# Begin Project +# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0 +# PROP Scc_ProjName "" +# PROP Scc_LocalPath "" +CPP=cl.exe +RSC=rc.exe + +!IF "$(CFG)" == "testsuite - Win32 Release" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP Output_Dir "Release" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX- /O2 /I "../taocrypt/include" /I "../include" /I "../mySTL" /D "NDEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D "NO_MAIN_DRIVER" /YX /FD /c +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 +# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"LIBC" +# SUBTRACT LINK32 /nodefaultlib + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "testsuite - Win32 Debug" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug" +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP Output_Dir "Debug" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /YX /FD /GZ /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX- /ZI /Od /I "../taocrypt/include" /I "../include" /I "../mySTL" /D "_DEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_MBCS" /D "NO_MAIN_DRIVER" /FR /YX /FD /GZ /c +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept +# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib /nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"LIBCD" /pdbtype:sept + +!ENDIF + +# Begin Target + +# Name "testsuite - Win32 Release" +# Name "testsuite - Win32 Debug" +# Begin Group "Source Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\examples\client\client.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\examples\echoclient\echoclient.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\examples\echoserver\echoserver.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\examples\server\server.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=..\taocrypt\test\test.cpp +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\testsuite.cpp +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "Header Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl" +# Begin Source File + +SOURCE=.\test.hpp +# End Source File +# End Group +# Begin Group "Resource Files" + +# PROP Default_Filter "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe" +# End Group +# End Target +# End Project diff --git a/extra/yassl/yassl.dsp b/extra/yassl/yassl.dsp index f51c19eebbf..dc090512743 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/yassl.dsp +++ b/extra/yassl/yassl.dsp @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ RSC=rc.exe # PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release" # PROP Target_Dir "" # ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /YX /FD /c -# ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX- /O2 /I "include" /I "taocrypt\include" /I "mySTL" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /YX /FD /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /O2 /I "include" /I "taocrypt\include" /I "mySTL" /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /YX /FD /c # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" BSC32=bscmake.exe @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ LIB32=link.exe -lib # PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug" # PROP Target_Dir "" # ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /YX /FD /GZ /c -# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX- /ZI /Od /I "include" /I "taocrypt\include" /I "mySTL" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /FR /YX /FD /GZ /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /ZI /Od /I "include" /I "taocrypt\include" /I "mySTL" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_MBCS" /D "_LIB" /FR /YX /FD /GZ /c # ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" # ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" BSC32=bscmake.exe diff --git a/extra/yassl/yassl.dsw b/extra/yassl/yassl.dsw index c0bba9acdce..288c88dfd5b 100644 --- a/extra/yassl/yassl.dsw +++ b/extra/yassl/yassl.dsw @@ -3,6 +3,21 @@ Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00 ############################################################################### +Project: "benchmark"=.\taocrypt\benchmark\benchmark.dsp - Package Owner=<4> + +Package=<5> +{{{ +}}} + +Package=<4> +{{{ + Begin Project Dependency + Project_Dep_Name taocrypt + End Project Dependency +}}} + +############################################################################### + Project: "client"=.\examples\client\client.dsp - Package Owner=<4> Package=<5> diff --git a/include/my_global.h b/include/my_global.h index cd0eda8aa45..0fb11738758 100644 --- a/include/my_global.h +++ b/include/my_global.h @@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ typedef unsigned short ushort; /* Wen using the embedded library, users might run into link problems, - dupicate declaration of __cxa_pure_virtual, solved by declaring it a + duplicate declaration of __cxa_pure_virtual, solved by declaring it a weak symbol. */ #ifdef USE_MYSYS_NEW diff --git a/mysql-test/include/have_ndb.inc b/mysql-test/include/have_ndb.inc index 28fcf18cb16..721d79392b7 100644 --- a/mysql-test/include/have_ndb.inc +++ b/mysql-test/include/have_ndb.inc @@ -1,6 +1,13 @@ ---exec test x$NDB_STATUS_OK = x1 +# Check that server is compiled and started with support for NDB -- require r/have_ndb.require disable_query_log; show variables like "have_ndbcluster"; enable_query_log; +# Check that NDB is installed and known to be working +-- require r/have_ndb_status_ok.require +disable_query_log; +eval select "$NDB_STATUS_OK" as ndb_status_ok; +enable_query_log; + + diff --git a/mysql-test/include/have_udf.inc b/mysql-test/include/have_udf.inc index 5ed1c587385..42b9942f74d 100644 --- a/mysql-test/include/have_udf.inc +++ b/mysql-test/include/have_udf.inc @@ -4,11 +4,13 @@ # --require r/have_udf.require disable_query_log; -show variables like "have_dlopen"; +show variables like "have_dynamic_loading"; enable_query_log; # -# Check that the "udf_example.so" file has been created +# Check if the variable UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB is set # - -# TODO +--require r/have_udf_example.require +disable_query_log; +eval select LENGTH("$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB") > 0 as "have_udf_example_lib"; +enable_query_log; diff --git a/mysql-test/include/not_as_root.inc b/mysql-test/include/not_as_root.inc new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e0277ea593e --- /dev/null +++ b/mysql-test/include/not_as_root.inc @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +-- require r/not_as_root.require +disable_query_log; +eval select "$MYSQL_TEST_ROOT" as running_as_root; +enable_query_log; diff --git a/mysql-test/lib/mtr_misc.pl b/mysql-test/lib/mtr_misc.pl index 5b2fd5c6df6..b5a2e5a4a68 100644 --- a/mysql-test/lib/mtr_misc.pl +++ b/mysql-test/lib/mtr_misc.pl @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ sub mtr_init_args ($); sub mtr_add_arg ($$@); sub mtr_path_exists(@); sub mtr_script_exists(@); +sub mtr_file_exists(@); sub mtr_exe_exists(@); sub mtr_copy_dir($$); sub mtr_same_opts($$); @@ -94,6 +95,14 @@ sub mtr_script_exists (@) { } } +sub mtr_file_exists (@) { + foreach my $path ( @_ ) + { + return $path if -e $path; + } + return ""; +} + sub mtr_exe_exists (@) { my @path= @_; map {$_.= ".exe"} @path if $::glob_win32; @@ -111,18 +120,27 @@ sub mtr_exe_exists (@) { } } + sub mtr_copy_dir($$) { - my $srcdir= shift; - my $dstdir= shift; + my $from_dir= shift; + my $to_dir= shift; + + mkpath("$to_dir"); + opendir(DIR, "$from_dir") + or mtr_error("Can't find $from_dir$!"); + for(readdir(DIR)) { + next if "$_" eq "." or "$_" eq ".."; + if ( -d "$from_dir/$_" ) + { + mtr_copy_dir("$from_dir/$_", "$to_dir/$_"); + next; + } + copy("$from_dir/$_", "$to_dir/$_"); + } + closedir(DIR); - # Create destination directory - mkpath($dstdir); - find(\&mtr_copy_one_file, $dstdir); } -sub mtr_copy_one_file { - print $File::Find::name, "\n"; -} sub mtr_same_opts ($$) { my $l1= shift; diff --git a/mysql-test/lib/mtr_process.pl b/mysql-test/lib/mtr_process.pl index 779be3d7081..d1d74ec9a61 100644 --- a/mysql-test/lib/mtr_process.pl +++ b/mysql-test/lib/mtr_process.pl @@ -674,10 +674,12 @@ sub mtr_mysqladmin_shutdown { mtr_add_arg($args, "shutdown"); # Start mysqladmin in paralell and wait for termination later my $pid= mtr_spawn($::exe_mysqladmin, $args, - "", $::path_manager_log, $::path_manager_log, "", + "", $path_mysqladmin_log, $path_mysqladmin_log, "", { append_log_file => 1 }); # Save the pid of the mysqladmin process $mysql_admin_pids{$pid}= 1; + + # We don't wait for termination of mysqladmin } # Wait for all the started mysqladmin to exit @@ -720,8 +722,6 @@ sub mtr_mysqladmin_shutdown { $timeout or mtr_debug("At least one server is still listening to its port"); - sleep(5) if $::glob_win32; # FIXME next startup fails if no sleep - return $res; } @@ -821,8 +821,10 @@ sub sleep_until_file_created ($$$) { my $pidfile= shift; my $timeout= shift; my $pid= shift; + my $sleeptime= 100; # Milliseconds + my $loops= ($timeout * 1000) / $sleeptime; - for ( my $loop= 1; $loop <= $timeout; $loop++ ) + for ( my $loop= 1; $loop <= $loops; $loop++ ) { if ( -r $pidfile ) { @@ -835,16 +837,20 @@ sub sleep_until_file_created ($$$) { return 0; } - mtr_debug("Sleep 1 second waiting for creation of $pidfile"); + mtr_debug("Sleep $sleeptime milliseconds waiting for ". + "creation of $pidfile"); - if ( $loop % 60 == 0 ) + # Print extra message every 60 seconds + my $seconds= ($loop * $sleeptime) / 1000; + if ( $seconds > 1 and $seconds % 60 == 0 ) { - my $left= $timeout - $loop; - mtr_warning("Waited $loop seconds for $pidfile to be created, " . + my $left= $timeout - $seconds; + mtr_warning("Waited $seconds seconds for $pidfile to be created, " . "still waiting for $left seconds..."); } - sleep(1); + # Millisceond sleep emulated with select + select(undef, undef, undef, ($sleeptime/1000)); } return 0; diff --git a/mysql-test/mysql-test-run.pl b/mysql-test/mysql-test-run.pl index 4945b87408d..fc8495e6acc 100755 --- a/mysql-test/mysql-test-run.pl +++ b/mysql-test/mysql-test-run.pl @@ -158,9 +158,9 @@ our $path_client_bindir; our $path_language; our $path_timefile; our $path_snapshot; -our $path_manager_log; # Used by mysqldadmin our $path_slave_load_tmpdir; # What is this?! our $path_mysqltest_log; +our $path_current_test_log; our $path_my_basedir; our $opt_vardir; # A path but set directly on cmd line our $opt_vardir_trace; # unix formatted opt_vardir for trace files @@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ our $exe_mysqltest; our $exe_slave_mysqld; our $exe_im; our $exe_my_print_defaults; +our $lib_udf_example; our $opt_bench= 0; our $opt_small_bench= 0; @@ -207,7 +208,6 @@ our $opt_sp_protocol; our $opt_cursor_protocol; our $opt_view_protocol; -our $opt_current_test; our $opt_debug; our $opt_do_test; our @opt_cases; # The test cases names in argv @@ -250,9 +250,6 @@ our $opt_ndbconnectstring; our $opt_ndbcluster_port_slave; our $opt_ndbconnectstring_slave; -our $opt_no_manager; # Does nothing now, we never use manager -our $opt_manager_port; # Does nothing now, we never use manager - our $opt_old_master; our $opt_record; @@ -262,6 +259,7 @@ our $opt_result_ext; our $opt_skip; our $opt_skip_rpl; +our $use_slaves; our $opt_skip_test; our $opt_skip_im; @@ -349,6 +347,7 @@ sub environment_setup (); sub kill_running_server (); sub kill_and_cleanup (); sub check_ssl_support (); +sub check_running_as_root(); sub check_ndbcluster_support (); sub rm_ndbcluster_tables ($); sub ndbcluster_install (); @@ -391,6 +390,7 @@ sub main () { check_ndbcluster_support(); # We check whether to actually use it later check_ssl_support(); + check_running_as_root(); environment_setup(); signal_setup(); @@ -421,16 +421,15 @@ sub main () { my $tests= collect_test_cases($opt_suite); # Turn off NDB and other similar options if no tests use it - my ($need_ndbcluster,$need_im,$need_slave); + my ($need_ndbcluster,$need_im); foreach my $test (@$tests) { $need_ndbcluster||= $test->{ndb_test}; $need_im||= $test->{component_id} eq 'im'; - $need_slave||= $test->{slave_num}; + $use_slaves||= $test->{slave_num}; } $opt_with_ndbcluster= 0 unless $need_ndbcluster; $opt_skip_im= 1 unless $need_im; - $opt_skip_rpl= 1 unless $need_slave; snapshot_setup(); initialize_servers(); @@ -578,7 +577,6 @@ sub command_line_setup () { 'compress' => \$opt_compress, 'bench' => \$opt_bench, 'small-bench' => \$opt_small_bench, - 'no-manager' => \$opt_no_manager, # Currently not used # Control what test suites or cases to run 'force' => \$opt_force, @@ -605,7 +603,6 @@ sub command_line_setup () { 'slave_port=i' => \$opt_slave_myport, 'ndbcluster-port|ndbcluster_port=i' => \$opt_ndbcluster_port, 'ndbcluster-port-slave=i' => \$opt_ndbcluster_port_slave, - 'manager-port=i' => \$opt_manager_port, # Currently not used 'im-port=i' => \$im_port, # Instance Manager port. 'im-mysqld1-port=i' => \$im_mysqld1_port, # Port of mysqld, controlled by IM 'im-mysqld2-port=i' => \$im_mysqld2_port, # Port of mysqld, controlled by IM @@ -739,11 +736,6 @@ sub command_line_setup () { $opt_tmpdir= "$opt_vardir/tmp" unless $opt_tmpdir; $opt_tmpdir =~ s,/+$,,; # Remove ending slash if any - # FIXME maybe not needed? - $path_manager_log= "$opt_vardir/log/manager.log" - unless $path_manager_log; - $opt_current_test= "$opt_vardir/log/current_test" - unless $opt_current_test; # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Do sanity checks of command line arguments @@ -983,6 +975,7 @@ sub command_line_setup () { $path_timefile= "$opt_vardir/log/mysqltest-time"; $path_mysqltest_log= "$opt_vardir/log/mysqltest.log"; + $path_current_test_log= "$opt_vardir/log/current_test"; $path_snapshot= "$opt_tmpdir/snapshot_$opt_master_myport/"; } @@ -994,7 +987,7 @@ sub snapshot_setup () { $master->[0]->{'path_myddir'}, $master->[1]->{'path_myddir'}); - unless ($opt_skip_rpl) + if ($use_slaves) { push @data_dir_lst, ($slave->[0]->{'path_myddir'}, $slave->[1]->{'path_myddir'}, @@ -1089,6 +1082,8 @@ sub executable_setup () { "/usr/bin/false"); $path_ndb_tools_dir= mtr_path_exists("$glob_basedir/storage/ndb/tools"); $exe_ndb_mgm= "$glob_basedir/storage/ndb/src/mgmclient/ndb_mgm"; + $lib_udf_example= + mtr_file_exists("$glob_basedir/sql/.libs/udf_example.so"); } else { @@ -1186,7 +1181,7 @@ sub environment_setup () { # Add the path where mysqld will find udf_example.so # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}= - "$glob_basedir/sql/.libs" . + ($lib_udf_example ? dirname($lib_udf_example) : "") . ($ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'} ? ":$ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}" : ""); @@ -1213,6 +1208,7 @@ sub environment_setup () { $ENV{'NDBCLUSTER_PORT'}= $opt_ndbcluster_port; $ENV{'NDBCLUSTER_PORT_SLAVE'}=$opt_ndbcluster_port_slave; + $ENV{'NDB_STATUS_OK'}= "YES"; $ENV{'IM_PATH_PID'}= $instance_manager->{path_pid}; $ENV{'IM_PORT'}= $instance_manager->{port}; @@ -1252,6 +1248,7 @@ sub signal_setup () { $SIG{INT}= \&handle_int_signal; } + sub handle_int_signal () { $SIG{INT}= 'DEFAULT'; # If we get a ^C again, we die... mtr_warning("got INT signal, cleaning up....."); @@ -1371,6 +1368,33 @@ sub kill_and_cleanup () { } +sub check_running_as_root () { + # Check if running as root + # i.e a file can be read regardless what mode we set it to + my $test_file= "test_running_as_root.txt"; + mtr_tofile($test_file, "MySQL"); + chmod(oct("0000"), $test_file); + + my $result=""; + if (open(FILE,"<",$test_file)) + { + $result= join('', <FILE>); + close FILE; + } + + chmod(oct("0755"), $test_file); + unlink($test_file); + + $ENV{'MYSQL_TEST_ROOT'}= "NO"; + if ($result eq "MySQL") + { + mtr_warning("running this script as _root_ will cause some " . + "tests to be skipped"); + $ENV{'MYSQL_TEST_ROOT'}= "YES"; + } +} + + sub check_ssl_support () { @@ -1469,7 +1493,6 @@ sub check_ndbcluster_support () { return; } -# FIXME why is there a different start below?! sub ndbcluster_install () { @@ -1499,6 +1522,7 @@ sub ndbcluster_install () { return 0; } + sub ndbcluster_start ($) { my $use_ndbcluster= shift; @@ -1802,7 +1826,7 @@ sub mysql_install_db () { install_db('master', $master->[0]->{'path_myddir'}); install_db('master', $master->[1]->{'path_myddir'}); - if ( ! $opt_skip_rpl ) + if ( $use_slaves ) { install_db('slave', $slave->[0]->{'path_myddir'}); install_db('slave', $slave->[1]->{'path_myddir'}); @@ -1822,6 +1846,7 @@ sub mysql_install_db () { mtr_report("ndbcluster_install failed, continuing without cluster"); $opt_with_ndbcluster= 0; $flag_ndb_status_ok= 0; + $ENV{'NDB_STATUS_OK'}= "NO"; } else { @@ -1861,7 +1886,7 @@ sub install_db ($$) { my $init_db_sql_tmp= "/tmp/init_db.sql$$"; my $args; - mtr_report("Installing \u$type Databases"); + mtr_report("Installing \u$type Database"); open(IN, $init_db_sql) or mtr_error("Can't open $init_db_sql: $!"); @@ -1905,8 +1930,15 @@ sub install_db ($$) { mtr_add_arg($args, "--character-sets-dir=%s", $path_charsetsdir); } + # Log bootstrap command + my $path_bootstrap_log= "$opt_vardir/log/bootstrap.log"; + mtr_tofile($path_bootstrap_log, + "$exe_mysqld " . join(" ", @$args) . "\n"); + if ( mtr_run($exe_mysqld, $args, $init_db_sql_tmp, - $path_manager_log, $path_manager_log, "") != 0 ) + $path_bootstrap_log, $path_bootstrap_log, + "", { append_log_file => 1 }) != 0 ) + { unlink($init_db_sql_tmp); mtr_error("Error executing mysqld --bootstrap\n" . @@ -1928,15 +1960,15 @@ sub im_create_passwd_file($) { my $instance_manager = shift; my $pwd_file_path = $instance_manager->{'password_file'}; - + mtr_report("Creating IM password file ($pwd_file_path)"); - + open(OUT, ">", $pwd_file_path) or mtr_error("Can't write to $pwd_file_path: $!"); - + print OUT $instance_manager->{'admin_login'}, ":", $instance_manager->{'admin_sha1'}, "\n"; - + close(OUT); } @@ -1948,7 +1980,7 @@ sub im_create_defaults_file($) { open(OUT, ">", $defaults_file) or mtr_error("Can't write to $defaults_file: $!"); - + print OUT <<EOF [mysql] @@ -2030,7 +2062,7 @@ sub run_testcase ($) { my $ndbcluster_opt; - mtr_tonewfile($opt_current_test,"$tname\n"); # Always tell where we are + mtr_tonewfile($path_current_test_log,"$tname\n"); # Always tell where we are # output current test to ndbcluster log file to enable diagnostics mtr_tofile($file_ndb_testrun_log,"CURRENT TEST $tname\n"); @@ -2109,7 +2141,7 @@ sub run_testcase ($) { # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- stop_slaves(); - } + } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prepare to start masters. Even if we use embedded, we want to run @@ -2126,9 +2158,9 @@ sub run_testcase ($) { mtr_tofile($master->[1]->{'path_myerr'},"CURRENT_TEST: $tname\n"); } -# FIXME test cases that depend on each other, prevent this from -# being at this location. -# do_before_start_master($tname,$tinfo->{'master_sh'}); + # FIXME test cases that depend on each other, prevent this from + # being at this location. + # do_before_start_master($tname,$tinfo->{'master_sh'}); # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # If any mysqld servers running died, we have to know @@ -2329,25 +2361,6 @@ sub run_testcase ($) { } } -sub copy_dir($$) { - my $from_dir= shift; - my $to_dir= shift; - - mkpath("$to_dir"); - opendir(DIR, "$from_dir") - or mtr_error("Can't find $from_dir$!"); - for(readdir(DIR)) { - next if "$_" eq "." or "$_" eq ".."; - if ( -d "$from_dir/$_" ) - { - copy_dir("$from_dir/$_", "$to_dir/$_"); - next; - } - copy("$from_dir/$_", "$to_dir/$_"); - } - closedir(DIR); - -} # # Save a snapshot of the installed test db(s) @@ -2361,7 +2374,7 @@ sub save_installed_db () { foreach my $data_dir (@data_dir_lst) { my $name= basename($data_dir); - copy_dir("$data_dir", "$path_snapshot/$name"); + mtr_copy_dir("$data_dir", "$path_snapshot/$name"); } } @@ -2385,6 +2398,7 @@ sub save_files_before_restore($$) { } } + # # Restore snapshot of the installed test db(s) # if the snapshot exists @@ -2403,7 +2417,7 @@ sub restore_installed_db ($) { my $name= basename($data_dir); save_files_before_restore($test_name, $data_dir); rmtree("$data_dir"); - copy_dir("$path_snapshot/$name", "$data_dir"); + mtr_copy_dir("$path_snapshot/$name", "$data_dir"); } if ($opt_with_ndbcluster) { @@ -2460,9 +2474,9 @@ sub report_failure_and_restart ($) { # ############################################################################## + # The embedded server needs the cleanup so we do some of the start work # but stop before actually running mysqld or anything. - sub do_before_start_master ($$) { my $tname= shift; my $init_script= shift; @@ -2495,13 +2509,14 @@ sub do_before_start_master ($$) { if ( $ret != 0 ) { # FIXME rewrite those scripts to return 0 if successful -# mtr_warning("$init_script exited with code $ret"); + # mtr_warning("$init_script exited with code $ret"); } } # for gcov FIXME needed? If so we need more absolute paths -# chdir($glob_basedir); + # chdir($glob_basedir); } + sub do_before_start_slave ($$) { my $tname= shift; my $init_script= shift; @@ -2529,7 +2544,7 @@ sub do_before_start_slave ($$) { if ( $ret != 0 ) { # FIXME rewrite those scripts to return 0 if successful -# mtr_warning("$init_script exited with code $ret"); + # mtr_warning("$init_script exited with code $ret"); } } @@ -2539,6 +2554,7 @@ sub do_before_start_slave ($$) { } } + sub mysqld_arguments ($$$$$$) { my $args= shift; my $type= shift; # master/slave/bootstrap @@ -2783,14 +2799,6 @@ sub mysqld_arguments ($$$$$$) { return $args; } -# FIXME -# if ( $type eq 'master' and $glob_use_embedded_server ) -# { -# # Add a -A to each argument to pass it to embedded server -# my @mysqltest_opt= map {("-A",$_)} @args; -# $opt_extra_mysqltest_opt= \@mysqltest_opt; -# return; -# } ############################################################################## # @@ -2890,6 +2898,7 @@ sub mysqld_start ($$$$$) { return 0; } + sub stop_masters_slaves () { print "Ending Tests\n"; @@ -2899,7 +2908,7 @@ sub stop_masters_slaves () { print "Shutting-down Instance Manager\n"; im_stop($instance_manager); } - + print "Shutting-down MySQL daemon\n\n"; stop_masters(); print "Master(s) shutdown finished\n"; @@ -2907,6 +2916,7 @@ sub stop_masters_slaves () { print "Slave(s) shutdown finished\n"; } + sub stop_masters () { my @args; @@ -2936,6 +2946,7 @@ sub stop_masters () { mtr_stop_mysqld_servers(\@args); } + sub stop_slaves () { my $force= shift; @@ -2990,7 +3001,7 @@ sub im_start($$) { mtr_add_arg($args, $opt); } - $instance_manager->{'pid'} = + $instance_manager->{'pid'} = mtr_spawn( $exe_im, # path to the executable $args, # cmd-line args @@ -3006,7 +3017,7 @@ sub im_start($$) { mtr_report('Could not start Instance Manager'); return; } - + # Instance Manager can be run in daemon mode. In this case, it creates # several processes and the parent process, created by mtr_spawn(), exits just # after start. So, we have to obtain Instance Manager PID from the PID file. @@ -3024,6 +3035,7 @@ sub im_start($$) { mtr_get_pid_from_file($instance_manager->{'path_pid'}); } + sub im_stop($) { my $instance_manager = shift; @@ -3058,12 +3070,13 @@ sub im_stop($) { # Kill processes. mtr_kill_processes(\@pids); - + stop_reap_all(); $instance_manager->{'pid'} = undef; } + # # Run include/check-testcase.test # Before a testcase, run in record mode, save result file to var @@ -3112,6 +3125,7 @@ sub run_check_testcase ($) { } } + sub run_mysqltest ($) { my $tinfo= shift; @@ -3205,11 +3219,6 @@ sub run_mysqltest ($) { "--port=$master->[0]->{'path_myport'} " . "--socket=$master->[0]->{'path_mysock'}"; - - - # FIXME really needing a PATH??? - # $ENV{'PATH'}= "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bsd:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/openwin/bin:/usr/bin/X11:$ENV{'PATH'}"; - $ENV{'MYSQL'}= $cmdline_mysql; $ENV{'MYSQL_CHECK'}= $cmdline_mysqlcheck; $ENV{'MYSQL_DUMP'}= $cmdline_mysqldump; @@ -3222,6 +3231,8 @@ sub run_mysqltest ($) { $ENV{'MYSQL_CLIENT_TEST'}= $cmdline_mysql_client_test; $ENV{'CHARSETSDIR'}= $path_charsetsdir; $ENV{'MYSQL_MY_PRINT_DEFAULTS'}= $exe_my_print_defaults; + $ENV{'UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB'}= + ($lib_udf_example ? basename($lib_udf_example) : ""); $ENV{'NDB_STATUS_OK'}= $flag_ndb_status_ok; $ENV{'NDB_SLAVE_STATUS_OK'}= $flag_ndb_slave_status_ok; @@ -3477,6 +3488,7 @@ sub gdb_arguments { $$exe= "xterm"; } + # # Modify the exe and args so that program is run in ddd # @@ -3508,8 +3520,7 @@ sub ddd_arguments { "break mysql_parse\n" . "commands 1\n" . "disable 1\n" . - "end\n" . - "run"); + "end"); } if ( $opt_manual_ddd ) diff --git a/mysql-test/r/ctype_latin2_ch.result b/mysql-test/r/ctype_latin2_ch.result index 2b3765c07c4..5b607872737 100644 --- a/mysql-test/r/ctype_latin2_ch.result +++ b/mysql-test/r/ctype_latin2_ch.result @@ -28,3 +28,4 @@ select * from t1 ignore index (primary) where tt like 'AA%'; id tt select * from t1 where tt like '%AA%'; id tt +drop table t1; diff --git a/mysql-test/r/grant2.result b/mysql-test/r/grant2.result index 6c6e0f19e08..12d20978cf9 100644 --- a/mysql-test/r/grant2.result +++ b/mysql-test/r/grant2.result @@ -355,3 +355,17 @@ insert into mysql.user select * from t1; drop table t1, t2; drop database TESTDB; flush privileges; +grant all privileges on test.* to `a@`@localhost; +grant execute on * to `a@`@localhost; +create table t2 (s1 int); +insert into t2 values (1); +drop function if exists f2; +create function f2 () returns int begin declare v int; select s1 from t2 +into v; return v; end// +select f2(); +f2() +1 +drop function f2; +drop table t2; +REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES, GRANT OPTION FROM `a@`@localhost; +drop user `a@`@localhost; diff --git a/mysql-test/r/have_ndb_status_ok.require b/mysql-test/r/have_ndb_status_ok.require new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..8a82871234b --- /dev/null +++ b/mysql-test/r/have_ndb_status_ok.require @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +ndb_status_ok +YES diff --git a/mysql-test/r/have_udf.require b/mysql-test/r/have_udf.require index 6204435c17a..2d21f65e4ac 100644 --- a/mysql-test/r/have_udf.require +++ b/mysql-test/r/have_udf.require @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ Variable_name Value -have_dlopen YES +have_dynamic_loading YES diff --git a/mysql-test/r/have_udf_example.require b/mysql-test/r/have_udf_example.require new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e60fab1dbe0 --- /dev/null +++ b/mysql-test/r/have_udf_example.require @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +have_udf_example_lib +1 diff --git a/mysql-test/r/not_as_root.require b/mysql-test/r/not_as_root.require new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d9ea5244efc --- /dev/null +++ b/mysql-test/r/not_as_root.require @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +running_as_root +NO diff --git a/mysql-test/r/openssl_1.result b/mysql-test/r/openssl_1.result index 77f2d5495a9..91382619b6c 100644 --- a/mysql-test/r/openssl_1.result +++ b/mysql-test/r/openssl_1.result @@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ f1 5 delete from t1; ERROR 42000: DELETE command denied to user 'ssl_user4'@'localhost' for table 't1' -delete from mysql.user where user='ssl_user%'; -delete from mysql.db where user='ssl_user%'; -flush privileges; +drop user ssl_user1@localhost, ssl_user2@localhost, +ssl_user3@localhost, ssl_user4@localhost; drop table t1; diff --git a/mysql-test/r/ps_11bugs.result b/mysql-test/r/ps_11bugs.result index c0d7fe502af..c849c25d646 100644 --- a/mysql-test/r/ps_11bugs.result +++ b/mysql-test/r/ps_11bugs.result @@ -116,3 +116,17 @@ execute st_1676 using @arg0, @arg1, @arg2; cola colb cold aaaa yyyy R drop table t1, t2; +create table t1 (a int primary key); +insert into t1 values (1); +explain select * from t1 where 3 in (select (1+1) union select 1); +id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra +1 PRIMARY NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables +2 DEPENDENT SUBQUERY NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL No tables used +3 DEPENDENT UNION NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL No tables used +NULL UNION RESULT <union2,3> ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL +select * from t1 where 3 in (select (1+1) union select 1); +a +prepare st_18492 from 'select * from t1 where 3 in (select (1+1) union select 1)'; +execute st_18492; +a +drop table t1; diff --git a/mysql-test/r/rpl_openssl.result b/mysql-test/r/rpl_openssl.result index be9ab29d8b7..1bd28415434 100644 --- a/mysql-test/r/rpl_openssl.result +++ b/mysql-test/r/rpl_openssl.result @@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File stop slave; change master to master_user='root',master_password='', master_ssl=0; start slave; +drop user replssl@localhost; drop table t1; show slave status; Slave_IO_State Master_Host Master_User Master_Port Connect_Retry Master_Log_File Read_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_File Relay_Log_Pos Relay_Master_Log_File Slave_IO_Running Slave_SQL_Running Replicate_Do_DB Replicate_Ignore_DB Replicate_Do_Table Replicate_Ignore_Table Replicate_Wild_Do_Table Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table Last_Errno Last_Error Skip_Counter Exec_Master_Log_Pos Relay_Log_Space Until_Condition Until_Log_File Until_Log_Pos Master_SSL_Allowed Master_SSL_CA_File Master_SSL_CA_Path Master_SSL_Cert Master_SSL_Cipher Master_SSL_Key Seconds_Behind_Master -# root MASTER_MYPORT 1 # # # # # # Yes # 0 0 # # None 0 No MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/cacert.pem MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/client-cert.pem MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/client-key.pem # +# root MASTER_MYPORT 1 master-bin.000001 564 # # master-bin.000001 Yes Yes 0 0 564 # None 0 No MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/cacert.pem MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/client-cert.pem MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/client-key.pem # diff --git a/mysql-test/r/sp-security.result b/mysql-test/r/sp-security.result index a1e78cd9d7e..af4f1c16c56 100644 --- a/mysql-test/r/sp-security.result +++ b/mysql-test/r/sp-security.result @@ -322,6 +322,7 @@ Warnings: Warning 1541 The syntax 'SHOW INNODB STATUS' is deprecated and will be removed in MySQL 5.2. Please use 'SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS' instead. GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE p1 TO user_bug7787@localhost; DROP DATABASE db_bug7787; +drop user user_bug7787@localhost; use test; ---> connection: root diff --git a/mysql-test/r/sp_notembedded.result b/mysql-test/r/sp_notembedded.result index d434f5c32ce..e39ddd1d79d 100644 --- a/mysql-test/r/sp_notembedded.result +++ b/mysql-test/r/sp_notembedded.result @@ -204,3 +204,4 @@ drop procedure bug10100pv| drop procedure bug10100pd| drop procedure bug10100pc| drop view v1| +drop table t3| diff --git a/mysql-test/r/subselect.result b/mysql-test/r/subselect.result index 37823c66de9..e4850a19b4c 100644 --- a/mysql-test/r/subselect.result +++ b/mysql-test/r/subselect.result @@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 3 DEPENDENT UNION NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL No tables used NULL UNION RESULT <union2,3> ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL Warnings: -Note 1003 select `test`.`t2`.`id` AS `id` from `test`.`t2` where <in_optimizer>(`test`.`t2`.`id`,<exists>(select 1 AS `Not_used` having (<cache>(`test`.`t2`.`id`) = <null_helper>(1)) union select 1 AS `Not_used` having (<cache>(`test`.`t2`.`id`) = <null_helper>(3)))) +Note 1003 select `test`.`t2`.`id` AS `id` from `test`.`t2` where <in_optimizer>(`test`.`t2`.`id`,<exists>(select 1 AS `1` having (<cache>(`test`.`t2`.`id`) = <ref_null_helper>(1)) union select 3 AS `3` having (<cache>(`test`.`t2`.`id`) = <ref_null_helper>(3)))) SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE id IN (SELECT 5 UNION SELECT 3); id SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE id IN (SELECT 5 UNION SELECT 2); diff --git a/mysql-test/r/trigger.result b/mysql-test/r/trigger.result index a0c4e212d58..5d5ea9511ba 100644 --- a/mysql-test/r/trigger.result +++ b/mysql-test/r/trigger.result @@ -949,7 +949,7 @@ insert into t1 values create function f2() returns int return (select max(b) from t2); insert into t2 select a, f2() from t1; load data infile '../std_data_ln/words.dat' into table t1 (a) set b:= f1(); -drop tables t1, t2; +drop table t1, t2; drop function f1; drop function f2; create table t1(i int not null, j int not null, n numeric(15,2), primary key(i,j)); diff --git a/mysql-test/r/udf.result b/mysql-test/r/udf.result index 1b5f59c038a..01aa8539262 100644 --- a/mysql-test/r/udf.result +++ b/mysql-test/r/udf.result @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ drop table if exists t1; -CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME 'udf_example.so'; -CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_double RETURNS REAL SONAME 'udf_example.so'; -CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_nonexist RETURNS INTEGER SONAME 'udf_example.so'; +CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; +CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_double RETURNS REAL SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; +CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_nonexist RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; ERROR HY000: Can't find symbol 'myfunc_nonexist' in library -CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_int RETURNS INTEGER SONAME 'udf_example.so'; -CREATE FUNCTION sequence RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "udf_example.so"; -CREATE FUNCTION lookup RETURNS STRING SONAME 'udf_example.so'; +CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_int RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; +CREATE FUNCTION sequence RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; +CREATE FUNCTION lookup RETURNS STRING SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; CREATE FUNCTION reverse_lookup -RETURNS STRING SONAME 'udf_example.so'; +RETURNS STRING SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION avgcost -RETURNS REAL SONAME 'udf_example.so'; +RETURNS REAL SONAME "UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; select myfunc_double(); ERROR HY000: myfunc_double must have at least one argument select myfunc_double(1); diff --git a/mysql-test/t/ctype_latin2_ch.test b/mysql-test/t/ctype_latin2_ch.test index 626d83fa17d..3925d02659d 100644 --- a/mysql-test/t/ctype_latin2_ch.test +++ b/mysql-test/t/ctype_latin2_ch.test @@ -28,3 +28,5 @@ select * from t1 ignore index (primary) where tt like 'AA%'; select * from t1 where tt like '%AA%'; # End of 4.1 tests + +drop table t1; diff --git a/mysql-test/t/grant2.test b/mysql-test/t/grant2.test index ce1d0fb2271..b3e2d2f7998 100644 --- a/mysql-test/t/grant2.test +++ b/mysql-test/t/grant2.test @@ -462,3 +462,29 @@ drop table t1, t2; drop database TESTDB; flush privileges; +# +# BUG#13310 incorrect user parsing by SP +# + +grant all privileges on test.* to `a@`@localhost; +grant execute on * to `a@`@localhost; +connect (bug13310,localhost,'a@',,test); +connection bug13310; +create table t2 (s1 int); +insert into t2 values (1); +--disable_warnings +drop function if exists f2; +--enable_warnings +delimiter //; +create function f2 () returns int begin declare v int; select s1 from t2 +into v; return v; end// +delimiter ;// +select f2(); + +drop function f2; +drop table t2; +disconnect bug13310; + +connection default; +REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES, GRANT OPTION FROM `a@`@localhost; +drop user `a@`@localhost; diff --git a/mysql-test/t/information_schema.test b/mysql-test/t/information_schema.test index c6dd9c7226d..b7151b03ae1 100644 --- a/mysql-test/t/information_schema.test +++ b/mysql-test/t/information_schema.test @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ # This test uses grants, which can't get tested for embedded server -- source include/not_embedded.inc -# check that CSV engine was compiled in, as the result of the test -# depends on the presence of the log tables (which are CSV-based). +# check that CSV engine was compiled in, as the result of the test depends +# on the presence of the log tables (which are CSV-based). --source include/have_csv.inc +# This test uses chmod, can't be run with root permissions +-- source include/not_as_root.inc + # Test for information_schema.schemata & # show databases diff --git a/mysql-test/t/openssl_1.test b/mysql-test/t/openssl_1.test index 359b8b69a4d..4cc9113048f 100644 --- a/mysql-test/t/openssl_1.test +++ b/mysql-test/t/openssl_1.test @@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ select * from t1; delete from t1; connection default; -delete from mysql.user where user='ssl_user%'; -delete from mysql.db where user='ssl_user%'; -flush privileges; +drop user ssl_user1@localhost, ssl_user2@localhost, +ssl_user3@localhost, ssl_user4@localhost; + drop table t1; # End of 4.1 tests diff --git a/mysql-test/t/ps_11bugs.test b/mysql-test/t/ps_11bugs.test index e214afeaaf3..ff1c87f3bd8 100644 --- a/mysql-test/t/ps_11bugs.test +++ b/mysql-test/t/ps_11bugs.test @@ -130,3 +130,17 @@ drop table t1, t2; # end of bug#1676 # End of 4.1 tests + +# bug#18492: mysqld reports ER_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE in --ps-protocol + +create table t1 (a int primary key); +insert into t1 values (1); + +explain select * from t1 where 3 in (select (1+1) union select 1); + +select * from t1 where 3 in (select (1+1) union select 1); + +prepare st_18492 from 'select * from t1 where 3 in (select (1+1) union select 1)'; +execute st_18492; + +drop table t1; diff --git a/mysql-test/t/rpl_openssl.test b/mysql-test/t/rpl_openssl.test index 8a85443e71f..00ae5c935bf 100644 --- a/mysql-test/t/rpl_openssl.test +++ b/mysql-test/t/rpl_openssl.test @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ stop slave; change master to master_user='root',master_password='', master_ssl=0; start slave; connection master; +drop user replssl@localhost; drop table t1; save_master_pos; connection slave; diff --git a/mysql-test/t/rpl_rotate_logs.test b/mysql-test/t/rpl_rotate_logs.test index 7f76aaf3355..a5c8a87c74d 100644 --- a/mysql-test/t/rpl_rotate_logs.test +++ b/mysql-test/t/rpl_rotate_logs.test @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +# This test uses chmod, can't be run with root permissions +-- source include/not_as_root.inc + # # Test is run with max_binlog_size=2048 to force automatic rotation of the # binary log diff --git a/mysql-test/t/sp-security.test b/mysql-test/t/sp-security.test index f369dc64b0e..a8c3c0a22eb 100644 --- a/mysql-test/t/sp-security.test +++ b/mysql-test/t/sp-security.test @@ -545,6 +545,7 @@ GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE p1 TO user_bug7787@localhost; # Cleanup. DROP DATABASE db_bug7787; +drop user user_bug7787@localhost; use test; diff --git a/mysql-test/t/sp_notembedded.test b/mysql-test/t/sp_notembedded.test index 3854297ec0c..4eb429156b2 100644 --- a/mysql-test/t/sp_notembedded.test +++ b/mysql-test/t/sp_notembedded.test @@ -258,5 +258,6 @@ drop procedure bug10100pv| drop procedure bug10100pd| drop procedure bug10100pc| drop view v1| +drop table t3| delimiter ;| diff --git a/mysql-test/t/trigger.test b/mysql-test/t/trigger.test index ae05d70bf67..00c85a650d1 100644 --- a/mysql-test/t/trigger.test +++ b/mysql-test/t/trigger.test @@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@ insert into t1 values create function f2() returns int return (select max(b) from t2); insert into t2 select a, f2() from t1; load data infile '../std_data_ln/words.dat' into table t1 (a) set b:= f1(); -drop tables t1, t2; +drop table t1, t2; drop function f1; drop function f2; diff --git a/mysql-test/t/udf.test b/mysql-test/t/udf.test index c9f22cf410b..e2556692612 100644 --- a/mysql-test/t/udf.test +++ b/mysql-test/t/udf.test @@ -14,18 +14,26 @@ drop table if exists t1; # Create the example functions from udf_example # -CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME 'udf_example.so'; -CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_double RETURNS REAL SONAME 'udf_example.so'; +--replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB +eval CREATE FUNCTION metaphon RETURNS STRING SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; +--replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB +eval CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_double RETURNS REAL SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; +--replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB --error ER_CANT_FIND_DL_ENTRY -CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_nonexist RETURNS INTEGER SONAME 'udf_example.so'; -CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_int RETURNS INTEGER SONAME 'udf_example.so'; -CREATE FUNCTION sequence RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "udf_example.so"; -CREATE FUNCTION lookup RETURNS STRING SONAME 'udf_example.so'; -CREATE FUNCTION reverse_lookup - RETURNS STRING SONAME 'udf_example.so'; -CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION avgcost - RETURNS REAL SONAME 'udf_example.so'; +eval CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_nonexist RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; +--replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB +eval CREATE FUNCTION myfunc_int RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; +--replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB +eval CREATE FUNCTION sequence RETURNS INTEGER SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; +--replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB +eval CREATE FUNCTION lookup RETURNS STRING SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; +--replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB +eval CREATE FUNCTION reverse_lookup + RETURNS STRING SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; +--replace_result $UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB +eval CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION avgcost + RETURNS REAL SONAME "$UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB"; --error 0 select myfunc_double(); diff --git a/server-tools/instance-manager/instance_options.cc b/server-tools/instance-manager/instance_options.cc index 06a6e1ebc63..8bbd362a15b 100644 --- a/server-tools/instance-manager/instance_options.cc +++ b/server-tools/instance-manager/instance_options.cc @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ #include "parse_output.h" #include "buffer.h" +#include "log.h" #include <my_sys.h> #include <signal.h> @@ -148,6 +149,60 @@ int Instance_options::fill_instance_version() mysqld_version= strdup_root(&alloc, start); } err: + if (rc) + log_error("fill_instance_version: Failed to get version of '%s'", + mysqld_path); + return rc; +} + + +/* + Fill mysqld_real_path + + SYNOPSYS + fill_mysqld_real_path() + + DESCRIPTION + + Get the real path to mysqld from "mysqld --help" output. + Will print the realpath of mysqld between "Usage: " and "[OPTIONS]" + + This is needed if the mysqld_path variable is pointing at a + script(for example libtool) or a symlink. + + RETURN + 0 - ok + 1 - error occured +*/ + +int Instance_options::fill_mysqld_real_path() +{ + char result[FN_REFLEN]; + char help_option[]= " --no-defaults --help"; + int rc= 1; + Buffer cmd(mysqld_path_len + sizeof(help_option)); + + if (create_mysqld_command(&cmd, mysqld_path, mysqld_path_len, + help_option, sizeof(help_option))) + goto err; + + bzero(result, FN_REFLEN); + + rc= parse_output_and_get_value(cmd.buffer, "Usage: ", + result, FN_REFLEN, + GET_LINE); + + if (*result != '\0') + { + char* options_str; + /* chop the path of at [OPTIONS] */ + if ((options_str= strstr(result, "[OPTIONS]"))) + *options_str= '\0'; + mysqld_real_path= strdup_root(&alloc, result); + } +err: + if (rc) + log_error("fill_mysqld_real_path: Failed to get real path of mysqld"); return rc; } @@ -408,7 +463,7 @@ int Instance_options::complete_initialization(const char *default_path, options_array.elements*sizeof(char*)); argv[filled_default_options + options_array.elements]= 0; - if (fill_log_options() || fill_instance_version()) + if (fill_log_options() || fill_mysqld_real_path() || fill_instance_version()) goto err; return 0; diff --git a/server-tools/instance-manager/instance_options.h b/server-tools/instance-manager/instance_options.h index dae1c2695d1..b316dbf00fc 100644 --- a/server-tools/instance-manager/instance_options.h +++ b/server-tools/instance-manager/instance_options.h @@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ public: Instance_options() : mysqld_version(0), mysqld_socket(0), mysqld_datadir(0), mysqld_bind_address(0), mysqld_pid_file(0), mysqld_port(0), - mysqld_port_val(0), mysqld_path(0), nonguarded(0), shutdown_delay(0), + mysqld_port_val(0), mysqld_path(0), mysqld_real_path(0), + nonguarded(0), shutdown_delay(0), shutdown_delay_val(0), filled_default_options(0) {} ~Instance_options(); @@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ public: uint instance_name_len; const char *mysqld_path; uint mysqld_path_len; + const char *mysqld_real_path; const char *nonguarded; const char *shutdown_delay; uint shutdown_delay_val; @@ -95,6 +97,7 @@ public: private: int fill_log_options(); int fill_instance_version(); + int fill_mysqld_real_path(); int add_to_argv(const char *option); int get_default_option(char *result, size_t result_len, const char *option_name); diff --git a/sql/item.cc b/sql/item.cc index ddb7b1e9a78..f778f0cb38e 100644 --- a/sql/item.cc +++ b/sql/item.cc @@ -5192,14 +5192,6 @@ bool Item_direct_view_ref::eq(const Item *item, bool binary_cmp) const return FALSE; } -void Item_null_helper::print(String *str) -{ - str->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("<null_helper>(")); - store->print(str); - str->append(')'); -} - - bool Item_default_value::eq(const Item *item, bool binary_cmp) const { return item->type() == DEFAULT_VALUE_ITEM && diff --git a/sql/item.h b/sql/item.h index 49f06ca31fa..f73017563dd 100644 --- a/sql/item.h +++ b/sql/item.h @@ -1893,21 +1893,6 @@ public: } }; -class Item_null_helper :public Item_ref_null_helper -{ - Item *store; -public: - Item_null_helper(Name_resolution_context *context_arg, - Item_in_subselect* master, Item *item, - const char *table_name_arg, const char *field_name_arg) - :Item_ref_null_helper(context_arg, master, (store= 0, &store), - table_name_arg, field_name_arg), - store(item) - { ref= &store; } - void print(String *str); -}; - - /* The following class is used to optimize comparing of date and bigint columns We need to save the original item ('ref') to be able to call diff --git a/sql/item_subselect.cc b/sql/item_subselect.cc index 68f189ccf8c..6c2ff19825f 100644 --- a/sql/item_subselect.cc +++ b/sql/item_subselect.cc @@ -931,14 +931,14 @@ Item_in_subselect::single_value_transformer(JOIN *join, { Item *item= (Item*) select_lex->item_list.head(); - select_lex->item_list.empty(); - select_lex->item_list.push_back(new Item_int("Not_used", - (longlong) 1, 21)); - select_lex->ref_pointer_array[0]= select_lex->item_list.head(); if (select_lex->table_list.elements) { bool tmp; Item *having= item, *orig_item= item; + select_lex->item_list.empty(); + select_lex->item_list.push_back(new Item_int("Not_used", + (longlong) 1, 21)); + select_lex->ref_pointer_array[0]= select_lex->item_list.head(); item= func->create(expr, item); if (!abort_on_null && orig_item->maybe_null) { @@ -993,17 +993,15 @@ Item_in_subselect::single_value_transformer(JOIN *join, comparison functions can't be changed during fix_fields() we can assign select_lex->having here, and pass 0 as last argument (reference) to fix_fields() - */ - item= func->create(expr, - new Item_null_helper(&select_lex->context, - this, item, - (char *)"<no matter>", - (char *)"<result>")); -#ifdef CORRECT_BUT_TOO_SLOW_TO_BE_USABLE - if (!abort_on_null && left_expr->maybe_null) - item= new Item_cond_or(new Item_func_isnull(left_expr), item); -#endif - select_lex->having= join->having= item; + */ + select_lex->having= + join->having= + func->create(expr, + new Item_ref_null_helper(&select_lex->context, this, + select_lex->ref_pointer_array, + (char *)"<no matter>", + (char *)"<result>")); + select_lex->having_fix_field= 1; /* we do not check join->having->fixed, because comparison function diff --git a/sql/mysqld.cc b/sql/mysqld.cc index 4de1e95d0f3..d4f65b5ae69 100644 --- a/sql/mysqld.cc +++ b/sql/mysqld.cc @@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ CHARSET_INFO *character_set_filesystem; SHOW_COMP_OPTION have_row_based_replication; SHOW_COMP_OPTION have_openssl, have_symlink, have_dlopen, have_query_cache; -SHOW_COMP_OPTION have_geometry, have_rtree_keys; +SHOW_COMP_OPTION have_geometry, have_rtree_keys, have_dlopen; SHOW_COMP_OPTION have_crypt, have_compress; /* Thread specific variables */ diff --git a/sql/set_var.cc b/sql/set_var.cc index a0cec361599..87d129c5a4a 100644 --- a/sql/set_var.cc +++ b/sql/set_var.cc @@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ sys_var_have_variable sys_have_blackhole_db("have_blackhole_engine", sys_var_have_variable sys_have_compress("have_compress", &have_compress); sys_var_have_variable sys_have_crypt("have_crypt", &have_crypt); sys_var_have_variable sys_have_csv_db("have_csv", &have_csv_db); -sys_var_have_variable sys_have_dlopen("have_dlopen", &have_dlopen); +sys_var_have_variable sys_have_dlopen("have_dynamic_loading", &have_dlopen); sys_var_have_variable sys_have_example_db("have_example_engine", &have_example_db); sys_var_have_variable sys_have_federated_db("have_federated_engine", @@ -913,6 +913,7 @@ SHOW_VAR init_vars[]= { {sys_prepared_stmt_count.name, (char*) &sys_prepared_stmt_count, SHOW_SYS}, {"port", (char*) &mysqld_port, SHOW_INT}, {sys_preload_buff_size.name, (char*) &sys_preload_buff_size, SHOW_SYS}, + {sys_prepared_stmt_count.name, (char*) &sys_prepared_stmt_count, SHOW_SYS}, {"protocol_version", (char*) &protocol_version, SHOW_INT}, {sys_query_alloc_block_size.name, (char*) &sys_query_alloc_block_size, SHOW_SYS}, diff --git a/sql/sql_parse.cc b/sql/sql_parse.cc index 2886f6dc267..ebf4b3fed66 100644 --- a/sql/sql_parse.cc +++ b/sql/sql_parse.cc @@ -1008,6 +1008,7 @@ static int check_connection(THD *thd) char *user= end; char *passwd= strend(user)+1; + uint user_len= passwd - user - 1; char *db= passwd; char db_buff[NAME_LEN+1]; // buffer to store db in utf8 char user_buff[USERNAME_LENGTH+1]; // buffer to store user in utf8 @@ -1040,11 +1041,19 @@ static int check_connection(THD *thd) db= db_buff; } - user_buff[copy_and_convert(user_buff, sizeof(user_buff)-1, - system_charset_info, user, strlen(user), - thd->charset(), &dummy_errors)]= '\0'; + user_buff[user_len= copy_and_convert(user_buff, sizeof(user_buff)-1, + system_charset_info, user, user_len, + thd->charset(), &dummy_errors)]= '\0'; user= user_buff; + /* If username starts and ends in "'", chop them off */ + if (user_len > 1 && user[0] == '\'' && user[user_len - 1] == '\'') + { + user[user_len-1]= 0; + user++; + user_len-= 2; + } + if (thd->main_security_ctx.user) x_free(thd->main_security_ctx.user); if (!(thd->main_security_ctx.user= my_strdup(user, MYF(0)))) diff --git a/support-files/mysql.spec.sh b/support-files/mysql.spec.sh index 4bff95b29fa..19e6b0e23df 100644 --- a/support-files/mysql.spec.sh +++ b/support-files/mysql.spec.sh @@ -473,9 +473,12 @@ usermod -g %{mysqld_group} %{mysqld_user} 2> /dev/null || true # owns all database files. chown -R %{mysqld_user}:%{mysqld_group} $mysql_datadir -# Initiate databases +# Initiate databases if needed %{_bindir}/mysql_install_db --rpm --user=%{mysqld_user} +# Upgrade databases if needed +%{_bindir}/mysql_upgrade --user=%{mysqld_user} + # Change permissions again to fix any new files. chown -R %{mysqld_user}:%{mysqld_group} $mysql_datadir @@ -541,6 +544,7 @@ fi %doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqld_multi.1* %doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqld_safe.1* %doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysql_fix_privilege_tables.1* +%doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysql_upgrade.1* %doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqlhotcopy.1* %doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysqlmanager.1* %doc %attr(644, root, man) %{_mandir}/man1/mysql.server.1* @@ -565,6 +569,7 @@ fi %attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysql_explain_log %attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysql_fix_extensions %attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysql_fix_privilege_tables +%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysql_upgrade %attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysqlhotcopy %attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysql_install_db %attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/mysql_secure_installation @@ -688,6 +693,10 @@ fi # merging BK trees) %changelog +* Fri Apr 28 2006 Kent Boortz <kent@mysql.com> + +- Install and run "mysql_upgrade" + * Wed Apr 12 2006 Jim Winstead <jimw@mysql.com> - Remove sql-bench, and MySQL-bench RPM (will be built as an independent @@ -696,7 +705,6 @@ fi * Tue Apr 11 2006 Jim Winstead <jimw@mysql.com> - Remove old mysqltestmanager and related programs - * Sat Apr 01 2006 Kent Boortz <kent@mysql.com> - Set $LDFLAGS from $MYSQL_BUILD_LDFLAGS |