diff options
authorunknown <msvensson@neptunus.(none)>2006-08-30 17:11:00 +0200
committerunknown <msvensson@neptunus.(none)>2006-08-30 17:11:00 +0200
commitd4075f6659caf5f0941dda36773c86a82468cec9 (patch)
parent91bdf2952d0f78a514d03235754ee54813f9ae6c (diff)
Bug#21813 An attacker has the opportunity to bypass query logging, part2
- Use the "%.*b" format when printing prepared and exeuted prepared statements to the log. - Add test case to check that also prepared statements end up in the query log Bug#14346 Prepared statements corrupting general log/server memory - Use "stmt->query" when logging the newly prepared query instead of "packet" sql/ mysql_stmt_prepare - Use "%.*b" format when printing to log - Print the query from stmt instead of "packet", packet points at the net in/out buffer and has most likely been overwritten when result for prepare was written to client. mysql_stmt_execute - Use "%.*b" format when printing to log - Print the query from thd as the expanded query has been specifially set to be valid also after restore from backup statement tests/mysql_client_test.c: Add tests for bug#21813 to already existing test for bug#17667. Add functionality for also executing prepared statements and making sure they end up in the log as well.
2 files changed, 70 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/sql/ b/sql/
index 6d35c441368..32f0ca6859d 100644
--- a/sql/
+++ b/sql/
@@ -1877,7 +1877,8 @@ void mysql_stmt_prepare(THD *thd, const char *packet, uint packet_length)
- mysql_log.write(thd, COM_STMT_PREPARE, "[%lu] %s", stmt->id, packet);
+ mysql_log.write(thd, COM_STMT_PREPARE, "[%lu] %.*b", stmt->id,
+ stmt->query_length, stmt->query);
/* check_prepared_statemnt sends the metadata packet in case of success */
@@ -2252,7 +2253,8 @@ void mysql_stmt_execute(THD *thd, char *packet_arg, uint packet_length)
if (!(specialflag & SPECIAL_NO_PRIOR))
my_pthread_setprio(pthread_self(), WAIT_PRIOR);
if (error == 0)
- mysql_log.write(thd, COM_STMT_EXECUTE, "[%lu] %s", stmt->id, thd->query);
+ mysql_log.write(thd, COM_STMT_EXECUTE, "[%lu] %.*b", stmt->id,
+ thd->query_length, thd->query);
diff --git a/tests/mysql_client_test.c b/tests/mysql_client_test.c
index 427994f832f..8377c757138 100644
--- a/tests/mysql_client_test.c
+++ b/tests/mysql_client_test.c
@@ -14912,22 +14912,31 @@ static void test_bug15613()
Bug#17667: An attacker has the opportunity to bypass query logging.
+ Note! Also tests Bug#21813, where prepared statements are used to
+ run queries
static void test_bug17667()
int rc;
+ MYSQL_STMT *stmt;
+ enum query_type { QT_NORMAL, QT_PREPARED};
struct buffer_and_length {
+ enum query_type qt;
const char *buffer;
const uint length;
} statements[]= {
- { "drop table if exists bug17667", 29 },
- { "create table bug17667 (c varchar(20))", 37 },
- { "insert into bug17667 (c) values ('regular') /* NUL=\0 with comment */", 68 },
- { "insert into bug17667 (c) values ('NUL=\0 in value')", 50 },
- { "insert into bug17667 (c) values ('5 NULs=\0\0\0\0\0')", 48 },
- { "/* NUL=\0 with comment */ insert into bug17667 (c) values ('encore')", 67 },
- { "drop table bug17667", 19 },
- { NULL, 0 } };
+ { QT_NORMAL, "drop table if exists bug17667", 29 },
+ { QT_NORMAL, "create table bug17667 (c varchar(20))", 37 },
+ { QT_NORMAL, "insert into bug17667 (c) values ('regular') /* NUL=\0 with comment */", 68 },
+ "insert into bug17667 (c) values ('prepared') /* NUL=\0 with comment */", 69, },
+ { QT_NORMAL, "insert into bug17667 (c) values ('NUL=\0 in value')", 50 },
+ { QT_NORMAL, "insert into bug17667 (c) values ('5 NULs=\0\0\0\0\0')", 48 },
+ { QT_PREPARED, "insert into bug17667 (c) values ('6 NULs=\0\0\0\0\0\0')", 50 },
+ { QT_NORMAL, "/* NUL=\0 with comment */ insert into bug17667 (c) values ('encore')", 67 },
+ { QT_NORMAL, "drop table bug17667", 19 },
+ { QT_NORMAL, NULL, 0 } };
struct buffer_and_length *statement_cursor;
FILE *log_file;
@@ -14937,9 +14946,36 @@ static void test_bug17667()
for (statement_cursor= statements; statement_cursor->buffer != NULL;
statement_cursor++) {
- rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, statement_cursor->buffer,
- statement_cursor->length);
- myquery(rc);
+ if (statement_cursor->qt == QT_NORMAL)
+ {
+ /* Run statement as normal query */
+ rc= mysql_real_query(mysql, statement_cursor->buffer,
+ statement_cursor->length);
+ myquery(rc);
+ }
+ else if (statement_cursor->qt == QT_PREPARED)
+ {
+ /*
+ Run as prepared statement
+ NOTE! All these queries should be in the log twice,
+ one time for prepare and one time for execute
+ */
+ stmt= mysql_stmt_init(mysql);
+ rc= mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, statement_cursor->buffer,
+ statement_cursor->length);
+ check_execute(stmt, rc);
+ rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
+ check_execute(stmt, rc);
+ mysql_stmt_close(stmt);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(0==1);
+ }
/* Make sure the server has written the logs to disk before reading it */
@@ -14957,29 +14993,36 @@ static void test_bug17667()
for (statement_cursor= statements; statement_cursor->buffer != NULL;
statement_cursor++) {
+ int expected_hits= 1, hits= 0;
char line_buffer[MAX_TEST_QUERY_LENGTH*2];
/* more than enough room for the query and some marginalia. */
+ /* Prepared statments always occurs twice in log */
+ if (statement_cursor->qt == QT_PREPARED)
+ expected_hits++;
+ /* Loop until we found expected number of log entries */
do {
- memset(line_buffer, '/', MAX_TEST_QUERY_LENGTH*2);
+ /* Loop until statement is found in log */
+ do {
+ memset(line_buffer, '/', MAX_TEST_QUERY_LENGTH*2);
- if(fgets(line_buffer, MAX_TEST_QUERY_LENGTH*2, log_file) == NULL)
- {
- /* If fgets returned NULL, it indicates either error or EOF */
- if (feof(log_file))
- DIE("Found EOF before all statements where found");
- else
+ if(fgets(line_buffer, MAX_TEST_QUERY_LENGTH*2, log_file) == NULL)
+ /* If fgets returned NULL, it indicates either error or EOF */
+ if (feof(log_file))
+ DIE("Found EOF before all statements where found");
fprintf(stderr, "Got error %d while reading from file\n",
DIE("Read error");
- }
- /* Print the line */
- printf("%s", line_buffer);
- } while (my_memmem(line_buffer, MAX_TEST_QUERY_LENGTH*2,
- statement_cursor->buffer, statement_cursor->length) == NULL);
+ } while (my_memmem(line_buffer, MAX_TEST_QUERY_LENGTH*2,
+ statement_cursor->buffer,
+ statement_cursor->length) == NULL);
+ hits++;
+ } while (hits < expected_hits);
printf("Found statement starting with \"%s\"\n",