diff options
authorMarko Mäkelä <>2017-06-30 18:39:23 +0300
committerMarko Mäkelä <>2017-06-30 18:40:36 +0300
commitf27e1a318c9d1959e1f7b5da4fe379b72350ff8b (patch)
parent4877659006757904624f5e97c67eec2d64f67f59 (diff)
Remove duplicated tests
17 files changed, 4 insertions, 2739 deletions
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/bug36172.result b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/bug36172.result
index 23c5b0cc2f7..727f100d064 100644
--- a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/bug36172.result
+++ b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/bug36172.result
@@ -1 +1,4 @@
-SET default_storage_engine=InnoDB;
+set @file_per_table=@@global.innodb_file_per_table;
+SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table=on;
+SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table=@file_per_table;
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_bug36169.result b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_bug36169.result
deleted file mode 100644
index bae08bd54a2..00000000000
--- a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_bug36169.result
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-call mtr.add_suppression("Cannot add field .* in table .* because after adding it, the row size is .* which is greater than maximum allowed size .* for a record on index leaf page.");
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_bug36172.result b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_bug36172.result
deleted file mode 100644
index 195775f74c8..00000000000
--- a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_bug36172.result
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-SET storage_engine=InnoDB;
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_bug52745.result b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_bug52745.result
deleted file mode 100644
index 1556c313994..00000000000
--- a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_bug52745.result
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-CREATE TABLE bug52745 (
-a2 int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
-col37 time DEFAULT NULL,
-col38 char(229) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
-col39 text,
-col41 int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
-col42 varchar(248) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
-col43 smallint(5) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
-col44 varchar(150) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
-col45 float unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
-col46 binary(1) DEFAULT NULL,
-col47 tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL,
-col48 tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
-col49 timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-col50 binary(1) DEFAULT NULL,
-col51 double unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
-col52 int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
-col53 time DEFAULT NULL,
-col54 double unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
-col55 time DEFAULT NULL,
-col56 mediumtext CHARACTER SET latin2,
-col57 blob,
-col58 decimal(52,16) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL DEFAULT '000000000000000000000000000000000000.0000000000000000',
-col59 binary(1) DEFAULT NULL,
-col60 longblob,
-col61 time DEFAULT NULL,
-col62 longtext CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_persian_ci,
-col63 timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-col64 int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
-col65 date DEFAULT NULL,
-col66 timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-col67 binary(1) DEFAULT NULL,
-col68 tinyblob,
-col69 date DEFAULT NULL,
-col70 tinyint(3) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
-col71 varchar(44) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
-col72 datetime DEFAULT NULL,
-col73 smallint(5) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
-col74 longblob,
-col75 bit(34) DEFAULT NULL,
-col76 float unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
-col77 year(2) DEFAULT NULL,
-col78 tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
-col79 set('msfheowh','tbpxbgf','by','wahnrjw','myqfasxz','rsokyumrt') CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL,
-col80 datetime DEFAULT NULL,
-col81 smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,
-col82 enum('xtaurnqfqz','rifrse','kuzwpbvb','niisabk','zxavro','rbvasv','','uulrfaove','','') DEFAULT NULL,
-col83 bigint(20) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
-col84 float unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
-col85 double DEFAULT NULL,
-col86 enum('ylannv','','vlkhycqc','snke','cxifustp','xiaxaswzp','oxl') CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_german2_ci DEFAULT NULL,
-col87 varbinary(221) DEFAULT NULL,
-col88 double unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
-col89 float unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
-col90 tinyblob
-Note 1287 'YEAR(2)' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use YEAR(4) instead
-Note 1291 Column 'col82' has duplicated value '' in ENUM
-Note 1291 Column 'col82' has duplicated value '' in ENUM
-col40='0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-col87='HZdkf.4 s7t,5Rmq 8so fmr,ruGLUG25TrtI.yQ 2SuHq0ML7rw7.4 b2yf2E5TJxOtBBZImezDnzpj,uPYfznnEUDN1e9aQoO 2DsplB7TFWy oQJ br HLF :F,eQ p4i1oWsr lL3PG,hjCz6hYqN h1QTjLCjrv:QCdSzpYBibJAtZCxLOk3l6Blsh.W',
-Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'col53' at row 1
-Warning 1264 Out of range value for column 'col54' at row 1
-Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'col59' at row 1
-Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'col61' at row 1
-Warning 1264 Out of range value for column 'col64' at row 1
-Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'col65' at row 1
-Warning 1264 Out of range value for column 'col66' at row 1
-Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'col68' at row 1
-Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'col69' at row 1
-Warning 1264 Out of range value for column 'col70' at row 1
-Warning 1264 Out of range value for column 'col78' at row 1
-Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'col79' at row 1
-Warning 1264 Out of range value for column 'col84' at row 1
-Level Code Message
-Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'col53' at row 1
-Warning 1264 Out of range value for column 'col54' at row 1
-Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'col59' at row 1
-Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'col61' at row 1
-Warning 1264 Out of range value for column 'col64' at row 1
-Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'col65' at row 1
-Warning 1264 Out of range value for column 'col66' at row 1
-Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'col68' at row 1
-Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'col69' at row 1
-Warning 1264 Out of range value for column 'col70' at row 1
-Warning 1264 Out of range value for column 'col78' at row 1
-Warning 1265 Data truncated for column 'col79' at row 1
-Warning 1264 Out of range value for column 'col84' at row 1
-DROP TABLE bug52745;
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_bug53591.result b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_bug53591.result
deleted file mode 100644
index 0222ad64fa2..00000000000
--- a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_bug53591.result
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-SET GLOBAL innodb_strict_mode=on;
-set old_alter_table=0;
-CREATE TABLE bug53591(a text charset utf8 not null)
-ALTER TABLE bug53591 ADD PRIMARY KEY(a(220));
-ERROR 42000: Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is {checked_valid}. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
-Level Code Message
-Error 1118 Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is {checked_valid}. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
-DROP TABLE bug53591;
-SET GLOBAL innodb_strict_mode=DEFAULT;
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_bug56680.result b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_bug56680.result
deleted file mode 100644
index c509c5bad21..00000000000
--- a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_bug56680.result
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-CREATE TABLE bug56680(
-b CHAR(1),
-c INT,
-INSERT INTO bug56680 VALUES(0,'x',1);
-SELECT b FROM bug56680;
-connect con1,localhost,root,,;
-connection con1;
-UPDATE bug56680 SET b='X';
-connection default;
-SELECT b FROM bug56680;
-SELECT * FROM bug56680;
-a b c
-1 x 1
-connection con1;
-disconnect con1;
-connection default;
-SELECT b FROM bug56680;
-INSERT INTO bug56680 SELECT 0,b,c FROM bug56680;
-INSERT INTO bug56680 SELECT 0,b,c FROM bug56680;
-INSERT INTO bug56680 SELECT 0,b,c FROM bug56680;
-INSERT INTO bug56680 SELECT 0,b,c FROM bug56680;
-INSERT INTO bug56680 SELECT 0,b,c FROM bug56680;
-INSERT INTO bug56680 SELECT 0,b,c FROM bug56680;
-INSERT INTO bug56680 SELECT 0,b,c FROM bug56680;
-INSERT INTO bug56680 SELECT 0,b,c FROM bug56680;
-INSERT INTO bug56680 SELECT 0,b,c FROM bug56680;
-INSERT INTO bug56680 SELECT 0,b,c FROM bug56680;
-INSERT INTO bug56680 SELECT 0,b,c FROM bug56680;
-SELECT b FROM bug56680 LIMIT 2;
-connect con1,localhost,root,,;
-connection con1;
-DELETE FROM bug56680 WHERE a=1;
-INSERT INTO bug56680 VALUES(1,'X',1);
-SELECT b FROM bug56680 LIMIT 3;
-connection default;
-SELECT b FROM bug56680 LIMIT 2;
-CHECK TABLE bug56680;
-Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
-test.bug56680 check status OK
-connection con1;
-SELECT b FROM bug56680 LIMIT 2;
-CHECK TABLE bug56680;
-Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
-test.bug56680 check status OK
-connection default;
-disconnect con1;
-SELECT b FROM bug56680 LIMIT 2;
-CREATE TABLE bug56680_2(
-b VARCHAR(2) CHARSET latin1 COLLATE latin1_german2_ci,
-c INT,
-INSERT INTO bug56680_2 SELECT 0,_latin1 0xdf,c FROM bug56680;
-SELECT HEX(b) FROM bug56680_2 LIMIT 2;
-DELETE FROM bug56680_2 WHERE a=1;
-INSERT INTO bug56680_2 VALUES(1,'SS',1);
-SELECT HEX(b) FROM bug56680_2 LIMIT 3;
-CHECK TABLE bug56680_2;
-Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
-test.bug56680_2 check status OK
-SELECT HEX(b) FROM bug56680_2 LIMIT 2;
-DELETE FROM bug56680_2 WHERE a=1;
-INSERT INTO bug56680_2 VALUES(1,_latin1 0xdf,1);
-SELECT HEX(b) FROM bug56680_2 LIMIT 3;
-CHECK TABLE bug56680_2;
-Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
-test.bug56680_2 check status OK
-DROP TABLE bug56680_2;
-DROP TABLE bug56680;
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_cmp_drop_table.result b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_cmp_drop_table.result
deleted file mode 100644
index 11e90b9e7d6..00000000000
--- a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_cmp_drop_table.result
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-set global innodb_file_per_table=on;
-set global innodb_file_format=`1`;
-Warning 131 Using innodb_file_format is deprecated and the parameter may be removed in future releases. See
-create table t1(a text) engine=innodb key_block_size=8;
-SELECT page_size FROM information_schema.innodb_cmpmem WHERE pages_used > 0;
-drop table t1;
-SELECT page_size FROM information_schema.innodb_cmpmem WHERE pages_used > 0;
-create table t2(a text) engine=innodb;
-SELECT page_size FROM information_schema.innodb_cmpmem WHERE pages_used > 0;
-drop table t2;
-Warning 131 Using innodb_file_format is deprecated and the parameter may be removed in future releases. See
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_index_large_prefix.result b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_index_large_prefix.result
deleted file mode 100644
index 5be18b84065..00000000000
--- a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/r/innodb_index_large_prefix.result
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,538 +0,0 @@
-SET default_storage_engine=InnoDB;
-call mtr.add_suppression("Cannot add field .* in table .* because after adding it, the row size is .* which is greater than maximum allowed size (.*) for a record on index leaf page.");
-set global innodb_large_prefix=1;
-Warning 131 Using innodb_large_prefix is deprecated and the parameter may be removed in future releases. See
-set global innodb_strict_mode=1;
-### Test 1 ###
-create table worklog5743(a TEXT not null, primary key (a(1000))) ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-insert into worklog5743 values(repeat("a", 20000));
-update worklog5743 set a = (repeat("b", 16000));
-create index idx on worklog5743(a(2000));
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-update worklog5743 set a = (repeat("x", 17000));
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
-connect con1,localhost,root,,;
-select a = repeat("x", 17000) from worklog5743;
-a = repeat("x", 17000)
-select a = repeat("b", 16000) from worklog5743;
-a = repeat("b", 16000)
-connect con2,localhost,root,,;
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
-select a = repeat("x", 17000) from worklog5743;
-a = repeat("x", 17000)
-connection default;
-drop table worklog5743;
-### Test 2 ###
-create table worklog5743(a1 int, a2 TEXT not null) ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-create index idx on worklog5743(a1, a2(2000));
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-insert into worklog5743 values(9, repeat("a", 10000));
-update worklog5743 set a1 = 1000;
-connection con1;
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
-explain select a1, a2 = repeat("a", 10000) from worklog5743 where a1 = 9;
-id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
-1 SIMPLE worklog5743 ref idx idx 5 const 1
-select a1, a2 = repeat("a", 10000) from worklog5743 where a1 = 9;
-a1 a2 = repeat("a", 10000)
-9 1
-connection con2;
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
-select a1, a2 = repeat("a", 10000) from worklog5743 where a1 = 9;
-a1 a2 = repeat("a", 10000)
-connection default;
-drop table worklog5743;
-### Test 3 ###
-create table worklog5743(a1 int, a2 TEXT not null) ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
-create index idx on worklog5743(a1, a2(50));
-insert into worklog5743 values(9, repeat("a", 10000));
-update worklog5743 set a1 = 1000;
-connection con1;
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
-explain select a1, a2 = repeat("a", 10000) from worklog5743 where a1 = 9;
-id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
-1 SIMPLE worklog5743 ref idx idx 5 const 1
-select a1, a2 = repeat("a", 10000) from worklog5743 where a1 = 9;
-a1 a2 = repeat("a", 10000)
-9 1
-connection con2;
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
-select a1, a2 = repeat("a", 10000) from worklog5743 where a1 = 9;
-a1 a2 = repeat("a", 10000)
-connection default;
-drop table worklog5743;
-### Test 4 ###
-create table worklog5743_1(a1 int, a2 TEXT not null) KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=1;
-create table worklog5743_2(a1 int, a2 TEXT not null) KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=2;
-create table worklog5743_4(a1 int, a2 TEXT not null) KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=4;
-create table worklog5743_8(a1 int, a2 TEXT, a3 TEXT) KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=8;
-create table worklog5743_16(a1 int, a2 TEXT, a3 TEXT) KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=16;
-set sql_mode='';
-set global innodb_large_prefix=0;
-Warning 131 Using innodb_large_prefix is deprecated and the parameter may be removed in future releases. See
-create index idx1 on worklog5743_1(a2(4000));
-ERROR 42000: Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Note 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
-Error 1118 Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
-set global innodb_large_prefix=1;
-Warning 131 Using innodb_large_prefix is deprecated and the parameter may be removed in future releases. See
-create index idx2 on worklog5743_1(a2(4000));
-ERROR 42000: Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Note 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-Error 1118 Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
-create index idx3 on worklog5743_1(a2(436));
-ERROR 42000: Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Error 1118 Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
-create index idx4 on worklog5743_1(a2(434));
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-create index idx5 on worklog5743_1(a1, a2(430));
-ERROR 42000: Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Error 1118 Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
-create index idx6 on worklog5743_1(a1, a2(428));
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-set global innodb_large_prefix=0;
-Warning 131 Using innodb_large_prefix is deprecated and the parameter may be removed in future releases. See
-create index idx1 on worklog5743_2(a2(4000));
-Note 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Note 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
-set global innodb_large_prefix=1;
-Warning 131 Using innodb_large_prefix is deprecated and the parameter may be removed in future releases. See
-create index idx2 on worklog5743_2(a2(4000));
-ERROR 42000: Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Note 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-Error 1118 Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
-create index idx3 on worklog5743_2(a2(948));
-ERROR 42000: Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Error 1118 Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
-create index idx4 on worklog5743_2(a2(946));
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-create index idx5 on worklog5743_2(a1, a2(942));
-ERROR 42000: Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Error 1118 Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
-create index idx6 on worklog5743_2(a1, a2(940));
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-set global innodb_large_prefix=0;
-Warning 131 Using innodb_large_prefix is deprecated and the parameter may be removed in future releases. See
-create index idx1 on worklog5743_4(a2(4000));
-Note 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Note 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
-set global innodb_large_prefix=1;
-Warning 131 Using innodb_large_prefix is deprecated and the parameter may be removed in future releases. See
-create index idx2 on worklog5743_4(a2(4000));
-ERROR 42000: Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Note 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-Error 1118 Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
-create index idx3 on worklog5743_4(a2(1972));
-ERROR 42000: Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Error 1118 Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
-create index idx4 on worklog5743_4(a2(1970));
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-create index idx5 on worklog5743_4(a1, a2(1966));
-ERROR 42000: Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Error 1118 Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
-create index idx6 on worklog5743_4(a1, a2(1964));
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-set global innodb_large_prefix=0;
-Warning 131 Using innodb_large_prefix is deprecated and the parameter may be removed in future releases. See
-create index idx1 on worklog5743_8(a2(1000));
-Note 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Note 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
-set global innodb_large_prefix=1;
-Warning 131 Using innodb_large_prefix is deprecated and the parameter may be removed in future releases. See
-create index idx2 on worklog5743_8(a2(3073));
-Note 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Note 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-create index idx3 on worklog5743_8(a2(3072));
-Note 1831 Duplicate index `idx3`. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Note 1831 Duplicate index `idx3`. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release
-create index idx4 on worklog5743_8(a1, a2(3069));
-ERROR 42000: Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Error 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-create index idx5 on worklog5743_8(a1, a2(3068));
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-create index idx6 on worklog5743_8(a1, a2(2000), a3(1069));
-ERROR 42000: Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Error 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-create index idx7 on worklog5743_8(a1, a2(2000), a3(1068));
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-set global innodb_large_prefix=0;
-Warning 131 Using innodb_large_prefix is deprecated and the parameter may be removed in future releases. See
-create index idx1 on worklog5743_16(a2(1000));
-Note 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Note 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
-set global innodb_large_prefix=1;
-Warning 131 Using innodb_large_prefix is deprecated and the parameter may be removed in future releases. See
-create index idx2 on worklog5743_16(a2(3073));
-Note 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Note 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-create index idx3 on worklog5743_16(a2(3072));
-Note 1831 Duplicate index `idx3`. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Note 1831 Duplicate index `idx3`. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release
-create index idx4 on worklog5743_16(a1, a2(3069));
-ERROR 42000: Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Error 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-create index idx5 on worklog5743_16(a1, a2(3068));
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-create index idx6 on worklog5743_16(a1, a2(2000), a3(1069));
-ERROR 42000: Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Error 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-create index idx7 on worklog5743_16(a1, a2(2000), a3(1068));
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-set sql_mode=default;
-insert into worklog5743_1 values(9, repeat("a", 10000));
-insert into worklog5743_2 values(9, repeat("a", 10000));
-insert into worklog5743_4 values(9, repeat("a", 10000));
-insert into worklog5743_8 values(9, repeat("a", 10000), repeat("a", 10000));
-insert into worklog5743_16 values(9, repeat("a", 10000), repeat("a", 10000));
-set global innodb_large_prefix=0;
-Warning 131 Using innodb_large_prefix is deprecated and the parameter may be removed in future releases. See
-insert into worklog5743_1 values(2, repeat("b", 10000));
-insert into worklog5743_2 values(2, repeat("b", 10000));
-insert into worklog5743_4 values(2, repeat("b", 10000));
-insert into worklog5743_8 values(2, repeat("b", 10000), repeat("b", 10000));
-insert into worklog5743_16 values(2, repeat("b", 10000), repeat("b", 10000));
-set global innodb_large_prefix=1;
-Warning 131 Using innodb_large_prefix is deprecated and the parameter may be removed in future releases. See
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_1;
-a1 left(a2, 20)
-9 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
-2 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_2;
-a1 left(a2, 20)
-9 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
-2 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_4;
-a1 left(a2, 20)
-9 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
-2 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_8;
-a1 left(a2, 20)
-9 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
-2 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_16;
-a1 left(a2, 20)
-9 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
-2 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
-update worklog5743_1 set a1 = 1000;
-update worklog5743_2 set a1 = 1000;
-update worklog5743_4 set a1 = 1000;
-update worklog5743_8 set a1 = 1000;
-update worklog5743_16 set a1 = 1000;
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_1;
-a1 left(a2, 20)
-1000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
-1000 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_2;
-a1 left(a2, 20)
-1000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
-1000 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_4;
-a1 left(a2, 20)
-1000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
-1000 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_8;
-a1 left(a2, 20)
-1000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
-1000 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_16;
-a1 left(a2, 20)
-1000 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
-1000 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
-connection con1;
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
-explain select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_1 where a1 = 9;
-id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
-1 SIMPLE worklog5743_1 ref idx6 idx6 5 const 1
-explain select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_2 where a1 = 9;
-id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
-1 SIMPLE worklog5743_2 ref idx6 idx6 5 const 1
-explain select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_4 where a1 = 9;
-id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
-1 SIMPLE worklog5743_4 ref idx6 idx6 5 const 1
-explain select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_8 where a1 = 9;
-id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
-1 SIMPLE worklog5743_8 ref idx5,idx7 idx5 5 const 1
-explain select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_16 where a1 = 9;
-id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
-1 SIMPLE worklog5743_16 ref idx5,idx7 idx5 5 const 1
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_1 where a1 = 9;
-a1 left(a2, 20)
-9 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_2 where a1 = 9;
-a1 left(a2, 20)
-9 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_4 where a1 = 9;
-a1 left(a2, 20)
-9 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_8 where a1 = 9;
-a1 left(a2, 20)
-9 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_16 where a1 = 9;
-a1 left(a2, 20)
-9 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
-connection con2;
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_1 where a1 = 9;
-a1 left(a2, 20)
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_2 where a1 = 9;
-a1 left(a2, 20)
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_4 where a1 = 9;
-a1 left(a2, 20)
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_8 where a1 = 9;
-a1 left(a2, 20)
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_16 where a1 = 9;
-a1 left(a2, 20)
-connection default;
-drop table worklog5743_1;
-drop table worklog5743_2;
-drop table worklog5743_4;
-drop table worklog5743_8;
-drop table worklog5743_16;
-### Test 5 ###
-create table worklog5743(a1 int,
-a2 varchar(20000),
-a3 varchar(3073),
-a4 varchar(3072),
-a5 varchar(3069),
-a6 varchar(3068))
-set sql_mode='';
-create index idx1 on worklog5743(a2);
-Warning 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-create index idx2 on worklog5743(a3);
-Warning 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-create index idx3 on worklog5743(a4);
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-create index idx4 on worklog5743(a1, a2);
-ERROR 42000: Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Warning 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-Error 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-create index idx5 on worklog5743(a1, a5);
-ERROR 42000: Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-Error 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-create index idx6 on worklog5743(a1, a6);
-show warnings;
-Level Code Message
-show create table worklog5743;
-Table Create Table
-worklog5743 CREATE TABLE `worklog5743` (
- `a1` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
- `a2` varchar(20000) DEFAULT NULL,
- `a3` varchar(3073) DEFAULT NULL,
- `a4` varchar(3072) DEFAULT NULL,
- `a5` varchar(3069) DEFAULT NULL,
- `a6` varchar(3068) DEFAULT NULL,
- KEY `idx1` (`a2`(3072)),
- KEY `idx2` (`a3`(3072)),
- KEY `idx3` (`a4`),
- KEY `idx6` (`a1`,`a6`)
-set sql_mode=default;
-insert into worklog5743 values(9,
-repeat("a", 20000), repeat("a", 3073),
-repeat("a", 3072), repeat("a", 3069),
-repeat("a", 3068));
-update worklog5743 set a1 = 1000;
-connection con1;
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
-explain select a1 from worklog5743 where a1 = 9;
-id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra
-1 SIMPLE worklog5743 ref idx6 idx6 5 const 1 Using index
-select a1 from worklog5743 where a1 = 9;
-connection con2;
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
-select a1 from worklog5743 where a1 = 9;
-connection default;
-drop table worklog5743;
-### Test 6 ###
-create table worklog5743(a TEXT not null, primary key (a(1000))) row_format=COMPACT;
-ERROR HY000: Index column size too large. The maximum column size is 767 bytes
-create table worklog5743(a TEXT) row_format=COMPACT;
-create index idx on worklog5743(a(768));
-ERROR HY000: Index column size too large. The maximum column size is 767 bytes
-create index idx on worklog5743(a(767));
-insert into worklog5743 values(repeat("a", 20000));
-insert into worklog5743 values(repeat("b", 20000));
-update worklog5743 set a = (repeat("x", 25000));
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
-connection con1;
-select a = repeat("a", 20000) from worklog5743;
-a = repeat("a", 20000)
-disconnect con1;
-connection con2;
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
-select a = repeat("x", 25000) from worklog5743;
-a = repeat("x", 25000)
-disconnect con2;
-connection default;
-drop table worklog5743;
-### Test 7 ###
-create table worklog5743(a TEXT not null) ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
-set statement sql_mode = '' for
-create index idx1 on worklog5743(a(3073));
-Note 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes
-create index idx2 on worklog5743(a(3072));
-Note 1831 Duplicate index `idx2`. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release
-show create table worklog5743;
-Table Create Table
-worklog5743 CREATE TABLE `worklog5743` (
- `a` text NOT NULL,
- KEY `idx1` (`a`(3072)),
- KEY `idx2` (`a`(3072))
-drop table worklog5743;
-create table worklog5743(a TEXT not null) ROW_FORMAT=REDUNDANT;
-create index idx on worklog5743(a(768));
-ERROR HY000: Index column size too large. The maximum column size is 767 bytes
-create index idx2 on worklog5743(a(767));
-drop table worklog5743;
-create table worklog5743(a TEXT not null) ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT;
-create index idx on worklog5743(a(768));
-ERROR HY000: Index column size too large. The maximum column size is 767 bytes
-create index idx2 on worklog5743(a(767));
-drop table worklog5743;
-SET GLOBAL innodb_large_prefix=1;
-Warning 131 Using innodb_large_prefix is deprecated and the parameter may be removed in future releases. See
-SET GLOBAL innodb_strict_mode = DEFAULT;
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_bug36169.opt b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_bug36169.opt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a4e594f382..00000000000
--- a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_bug36169.opt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
---innodb_large_prefix=ON \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_bug36169.test b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_bug36169.test
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a9b2099fa8..00000000000
--- a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_bug36169.test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1153 +0,0 @@
---source include/
-# Bug#36169 create innodb compressed table with too large row size crashed
-call mtr.add_suppression("Cannot add field .* in table .* because after adding it, the row size is .* which is greater than maximum allowed size .* for a record on index leaf page.");
-# The following is copied from
-# (
-# Probably it can be simplified but that is not obvious.
-# we care only that the following SQL commands do produce errors
-# as expected and do not crash the server
--- disable_query_log
--- disable_result_log
-# Generating 10 tables
-# Creating a table with 94 columns and 24 indexes
-set innodb_strict_mode=on;
-(`col0` BOOL,
-`col1` BOOL,
-`col2` TINYINT,
-`col3` DATE,
-`col4` TIME,
-`col5` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col6` TIME,
-`col7` TEXT,
-`col8` DECIMAL,
-`col9` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col10` FLOAT,
-`col12` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col13` TINYBLOB,
-`col14` YEAR,
-`col15` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col16` NUMERIC,
-`col17` NUMERIC,
-`col18` BLOB,
-`col19` DATETIME,
-`col21` DECIMAL,
-`col22` DATETIME,
-`col23` NUMERIC,
-`col24` NUMERIC,
-`col25` LONGTEXT,
-`col26` TINYBLOB,
-`col27` TIME,
-`col28` TINYBLOB,
-`col29` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col30` SMALLINT,
-`col31` REAL,
-`col32` FLOAT,
-`col33` CHAR (175),
-`col34` TINYTEXT,
-`col35` TINYTEXT,
-`col36` TINYBLOB,
-`col37` TINYBLOB,
-`col38` TINYTEXT,
-`col39` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col40` TIMESTAMP,
-`col41` DOUBLE,
-`col42` SMALLINT,
-`col43` LONGBLOB,
-`col44` VARCHAR (80),
-`col45` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col46` NUMERIC,
-`col47` BIGINT,
-`col48` DATE,
-`col49` TINYBLOB,
-`col50` DATE,
-`col51` BOOL,
-`col52` MEDIUMINT,
-`col53` FLOAT,
-`col54` TINYBLOB,
-`col55` LONGTEXT,
-`col56` SMALLINT,
-`col57` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col58` DATETIME,
-`col59` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col60` VARCHAR (232),
-`col61` NUMERIC,
-`col62` YEAR,
-`col63` SMALLINT,
-`col64` TIMESTAMP,
-`col65` BLOB,
-`col66` LONGBLOB,
-`col67` INT,
-`col68` LONGTEXT,
-`col69` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col70` INT,
-`col71` TIME,
-`col72` TIMESTAMP,
-`col73` TIMESTAMP,
-`col74` VARCHAR (170),
-`col75` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col76` TINYBLOB,
-`col77` BIGINT,
-`col78` NUMERIC,
-`col79` DATETIME,
-`col80` YEAR,
-`col81` NUMERIC,
-`col82` LONGBLOB,
-`col83` TEXT,
-`col84` CHAR (83),
-`col85` DECIMAL,
-`col86` FLOAT,
-`col87` INT,
-`col88` VARCHAR (145),
-`col89` DATE,
-`col90` DECIMAL,
-`col91` DECIMAL,
-`col92` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col93` TIME,
-KEY `idx0` (`col69`,`col90`,`col8`),
-KEY `idx1` (`col60`),
-KEY `idx2` (`col60`,`col70`,`col74`),
-KEY `idx3` (`col22`,`col32`,`col72`,`col30`),
-KEY `idx4` (`col29`),
-KEY `idx5` (`col19`,`col45`(143)),
-KEY `idx6` (`col46`,`col48`,`col5`,`col39`(118)),
-KEY `idx7` (`col48`,`col61`),
-KEY `idx8` (`col93`),
-KEY `idx9` (`col31`),
-KEY `idx10` (`col30`,`col21`),
-KEY `idx11` (`col67`),
-KEY `idx12` (`col44`,`col6`,`col8`,`col38`(226)),
-KEY `idx13` (`col71`,`col41`,`col15`,`col49`(88)),
-KEY `idx14` (`col78`),
-KEY `idx15` (`col63`,`col67`,`col64`),
-KEY `idx16` (`col17`,`col86`),
-KEY `idx17` (`col77`,`col56`,`col10`,`col55`(24)),
-KEY `idx18` (`col62`),
-KEY `idx19` (`col31`,`col57`,`col56`,`col53`),
-KEY `idx20` (`col46`),
-KEY `idx21` (`col83`(54)),
-KEY `idx22` (`col51`,`col7`(120)),
-KEY `idx23` (`col7`(163),`col31`,`col71`,`col14`)
-# Creating a table with 10 columns and 32 indexes
-(`col0` CHAR (113),
-`col1` FLOAT,
-`col2` BIGINT,
-`col3` DECIMAL,
-`col4` BLOB,
-`col5` LONGTEXT,
-`col6` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col7` BIGINT,
-`col8` BIGINT,
-`col9` TINYBLOB,
-KEY `idx0` (`col5`(101),`col7`,`col8`),
-KEY `idx1` (`col8`),
-KEY `idx2` (`col4`(177),`col9`(126),`col6`,`col3`),
-KEY `idx3` (`col5`(160)),
-KEY `idx4` (`col9`(242)),
-KEY `idx5` (`col4`(139),`col2`,`col3`),
-KEY `idx6` (`col7`),
-KEY `idx7` (`col6`,`col2`,`col0`,`col3`),
-KEY `idx8` (`col9`(66)),
-KEY `idx9` (`col5`(253)),
-KEY `idx10` (`col1`,`col7`,`col2`),
-KEY `idx11` (`col9`(242),`col0`,`col8`,`col5`(163)),
-KEY `idx12` (`col8`),
-KEY `idx13` (`col0`,`col9`(37)),
-KEY `idx14` (`col0`),
-KEY `idx15` (`col5`(111)),
-KEY `idx16` (`col8`,`col0`,`col5`(13)),
-KEY `idx17` (`col4`(139)),
-KEY `idx18` (`col5`(189),`col2`,`col3`,`col9`(136)),
-KEY `idx19` (`col0`,`col3`,`col1`,`col8`),
-KEY `idx20` (`col8`),
-KEY `idx21` (`col0`,`col7`,`col9`(227),`col3`),
-KEY `idx22` (`col0`),
-KEY `idx23` (`col2`),
-KEY `idx24` (`col3`),
-KEY `idx25` (`col2`,`col3`),
-KEY `idx26` (`col0`),
-KEY `idx27` (`col5`(254)),
-KEY `idx28` (`col3`),
-KEY `idx29` (`col3`),
-KEY `idx30` (`col7`,`col3`,`col0`,`col4`(220)),
-KEY `idx31` (`col4`(1),`col0`)
-# Creating a table with 141 columns and 18 indexes
-(`col0` BOOL,
-`col1` MEDIUMINT,
-`col2` VARCHAR (209),
-`col4` CHAR (13),
-`col5` DOUBLE,
-`col6` TINYTEXT,
-`col7` REAL,
-`col8` SMALLINT,
-`col9` BLOB,
-`col10` TINYINT,
-`col11` DECIMAL,
-`col12` BLOB,
-`col13` DECIMAL,
-`col14` LONGBLOB,
-`col15` SMALLINT,
-`col16` LONGBLOB,
-`col17` TINYTEXT,
-`col18` FLOAT,
-`col19` CHAR (78),
-`col20` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col21` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col22` MEDIUMINT,
-`col23` INT,
-`col24` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col25` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col26` TINYBLOB,
-`col27` VARCHAR (116),
-`col28` TIMESTAMP,
-`col29` BLOB,
-`col30` SMALLINT,
-`col32` DECIMAL,
-`col33` DECIMAL,
-`col34` TEXT,
-`col35` MEDIUMINT,
-`col36` MEDIUMINT,
-`col37` BIGINT,
-`col38` VARCHAR (253),
-`col39` TINYBLOB,
-`col40` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col41` BIGINT,
-`col42` DOUBLE,
-`col43` TEXT,
-`col44` BLOB,
-`col45` TIME,
-`col46` MEDIUMINT,
-`col48` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col50` VARCHAR (97),
-`col51` TEXT,
-`col52` NUMERIC,
-`col53` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col54` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col55` MEDIUMINT,
-`col56` DATETIME,
-`col57` DATETIME,
-`col58` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col59` CHAR (244),
-`col60` LONGBLOB,
-`col61` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col62` DOUBLE,
-`col63` SMALLINT,
-`col64` BOOL,
-`col65` SMALLINT,
-`col66` VARCHAR (212),
-`col67` TIME,
-`col68` REAL,
-`col69` BOOL,
-`col70` BIGINT,
-`col71` DATE,
-`col72` TINYINT,
-`col73` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col74` DATE,
-`col75` TIME,
-`col76` DATETIME,
-`col77` BOOL,
-`col78` TINYTEXT,
-`col79` MEDIUMINT,
-`col80` NUMERIC,
-`col81` LONGTEXT,
-`col82` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col84` NUMERIC,
-`col85` VARCHAR (184),
-`col87` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col88` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col89` BOOL,
-`col90` SMALLINT,
-`col91` TINYINT,
-`col92` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col93` BOOL,
-`col94` TIMESTAMP,
-`col95` BOOL,
-`col96` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col97` DECIMAL,
-`col98` BOOL,
-`col99` DECIMAL,
-`col100` MEDIUMINT,
-`col102` TINYINT,
-`col103` BOOL,
-`col104` MEDIUMINT,
-`col105` DECIMAL,
-`col106` NUMERIC,
-`col107` TIMESTAMP,
-`col108` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col109` TINYBLOB,
-`col110` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col111` YEAR,
-`col112` TIMESTAMP,
-`col113` CHAR (201),
-`col114` BOOL,
-`col115` TINYINT,
-`col116` DOUBLE,
-`col117` TINYINT,
-`col118` TIMESTAMP,
-`col119` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col120` SMALLINT,
-`col121` TINYBLOB,
-`col122` TIMESTAMP,
-`col123` BLOB,
-`col124` DATE,
-`col125` SMALLINT,
-`col126` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col127` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col129` REAL,
-`col130` VARCHAR (159),
-`col131` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col132` BIGINT,
-`col133` INT,
-`col134` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col135` CHAR (198),
-`col136` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col137` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col138` SMALLINT,
-`col139` BLOB,
-`col140` LONGBLOB,
-KEY `idx0` (`col14`(139),`col24`(208),`col38`,`col35`),
-KEY `idx1` (`col48`,`col118`,`col29`(131),`col100`),
-KEY `idx2` (`col86`,`col67`,`col43`(175)),
-KEY `idx3` (`col19`),
-KEY `idx4` (`col40`(220),`col67`),
-KEY `idx5` (`col99`,`col56`),
-KEY `idx6` (`col68`,`col28`,`col137`(157)),
-KEY `idx7` (`col51`(160),`col99`,`col45`,`col39`(9)),
-KEY `idx8` (`col15`,`col52`,`col90`,`col94`),
-KEY `idx9` (`col24`(3),`col139`(248),`col108`(118),`col41`),
-KEY `idx10` (`col36`,`col92`,`col114`),
-KEY `idx11` (`col115`,`col9`(116)),
-KEY `idx12` (`col130`,`col93`,`col134`),
-KEY `idx13` (`col123`(65)),
-KEY `idx14` (`col44`(90),`col86`,`col119`),
-KEY `idx15` (`col69`),
-KEY `idx16` (`col132`,`col81`(118),`col18`),
-KEY `idx17` (`col24`(250),`col7`,`col92`,`col45`)
-# Creating a table with 199 columns and 1 indexes
-(`col0` SMALLINT,
-`col1` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col2` TINYTEXT,
-`col3` DOUBLE,
-`col4` NUMERIC,
-`col5` DATE,
-`col6` BIGINT,
-`col7` DOUBLE,
-`col8` TEXT,
-`col9` INT,
-`col10` REAL,
-`col11` TINYINT,
-`col12` NUMERIC,
-`col13` NUMERIC,
-`col14` TIME,
-`col15` DOUBLE,
-`col16` REAL,
-`col17` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col18` YEAR,
-`col19` TINYTEXT,
-`col20` YEAR,
-`col21` CHAR (250),
-`col22` TINYINT,
-`col23` TINYINT,
-`col24` SMALLINT,
-`col25` DATETIME,
-`col26` MEDIUMINT,
-`col27` LONGBLOB,
-`col28` VARCHAR (106),
-`col29` FLOAT,
-`col30` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col31` TINYBLOB,
-`col32` BIGINT,
-`col33` YEAR,
-`col34` REAL,
-`col35` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col36` LONGTEXT,
-`col37` LONGBLOB,
-`col38` BIGINT,
-`col39` FLOAT,
-`col40` TIME,
-`col41` DATETIME,
-`col42` BOOL,
-`col43` BIGINT,
-`col44` SMALLINT,
-`col45` TIME,
-`col47` TIME,
-`col48` TINYTEXT,
-`col50` BIGINT,
-`col51` NUMERIC,
-`col52` TINYBLOB,
-`col53` DATE,
-`col54` DECIMAL,
-`col55` SMALLINT,
-`col56` TINYTEXT,
-`col57` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col58` YEAR,
-`col59` TIME,
-`col60` TINYINT,
-`col61` DECIMAL,
-`col62` DOUBLE,
-`col63` DATE,
-`col64` LONGTEXT,
-`col65` DOUBLE,
-`col66` VARCHAR (88),
-`col67` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col68` DATE,
-`col69` MEDIUMINT,
-`col70` DECIMAL,
-`col71` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col72` LONGTEXT,
-`col73` REAL,
-`col74` DOUBLE,
-`col75` TIME,
-`col76` DATE,
-`col77` DECIMAL,
-`col78` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col79` NUMERIC,
-`col80` BIGINT,
-`col81` YEAR,
-`col82` SMALLINT,
-`col83` MEDIUMINT,
-`col84` TINYINT,
-`col85` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col86` TIME,
-`col87` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col88` LONGTEXT,
-`col89` BOOL,
-`col90` BLOB,
-`col91` LONGBLOB,
-`col92` YEAR,
-`col93` BLOB,
-`col94` INT,
-`col95` TINYTEXT,
-`col96` TINYINT,
-`col97` DECIMAL,
-`col98` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col99` MEDIUMINT,
-`col100` TINYINT,
-`col101` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col102` TINYINT,
-`col103` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col104` TIMESTAMP,
-`col105` TEXT,
-`col106` DATETIME,
-`col107` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col108` CHAR (220),
-`col109` TIME,
-`col110` VARCHAR (131),
-`col111` DECIMAL,
-`col112` FLOAT,
-`col113` SMALLINT,
-`col114` BIGINT,
-`col115` LONGBLOB,
-`col116` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col117` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col118` BLOB,
-`col119` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col120` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col121` DATETIME,
-`col122` FLOAT,
-`col123` VARCHAR (242),
-`col124` YEAR,
-`col125` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col126` TIME,
-`col127` BOOL,
-`col128` TINYBLOB,
-`col129` DOUBLE,
-`col130` TINYINT,
-`col131` BIGINT,
-`col132` SMALLINT,
-`col133` INT,
-`col135` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col136` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col137` TINYTEXT,
-`col139` NUMERIC,
-`col140` BLOB,
-`col141` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col142` INT,
-`col143` VARCHAR (26),
-`col144` BLOB,
-`col145` REAL,
-`col146` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col147` LONGBLOB,
-`col148` TEXT,
-`col149` BLOB,
-`col150` CHAR (189),
-`col151` LONGTEXT,
-`col152` INT,
-`col153` FLOAT,
-`col154` LONGTEXT,
-`col155` DATE,
-`col156` LONGBLOB,
-`col157` TINYBLOB,
-`col158` REAL,
-`col159` DATE,
-`col160` TIME,
-`col161` YEAR,
-`col162` DOUBLE,
-`col163` VARCHAR (90),
-`col164` FLOAT,
-`col165` NUMERIC,
-`col166` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col169` TINYBLOB,
-`col170` TIME,
-`col171` SMALLINT,
-`col172` TINYTEXT,
-`col173` SMALLINT,
-`col174` DOUBLE,
-`col175` VARCHAR (14),
-`col176` VARCHAR (90),
-`col177` REAL,
-`col178` MEDIUMINT,
-`col179` TINYBLOB,
-`col180` FLOAT,
-`col181` TIMESTAMP,
-`col182` REAL,
-`col184` BIGINT,
-`col185` INT,
-`col186` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col187` TIME,
-`col188` FLOAT,
-`col189` TIME,
-`col190` INT,
-`col191` FLOAT,
-`col192` MEDIUMINT,
-`col193` TINYINT,
-`col194` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col195` DATE,
-`col196` TIME,
-`col197` YEAR,
-`col198` CHAR (206),
-KEY `idx0` (`col39`,`col23`)
-# Creating a table with 133 columns and 16 indexes
-(`col0` VARCHAR (60),
-`col1` NUMERIC,
-`col2` LONGTEXT,
-`col4` LONGTEXT,
-`col5` LONGBLOB,
-`col6` LONGBLOB,
-`col7` DATETIME,
-`col8` TINYTEXT,
-`col9` BLOB,
-`col10` BOOL,
-`col11` BIGINT,
-`col12` TEXT,
-`col13` VARCHAR (213),
-`col14` TINYBLOB,
-`col15` BOOL,
-`col16` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col17` DOUBLE,
-`col18` TEXT,
-`col19` BLOB,
-`col20` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col21` TINYINT,
-`col22` DATETIME,
-`col23` TINYINT,
-`col24` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col25` REAL,
-`col26` BOOL,
-`col27` FLOAT,
-`col28` LONGBLOB,
-`col29` DATETIME,
-`col30` FLOAT,
-`col31` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col32` LONGBLOB,
-`col33` NUMERIC,
-`col34` YEAR,
-`col35` VARCHAR (146),
-`col36` BIGINT,
-`col37` DATETIME,
-`col38` DATE,
-`col39` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col40` CHAR (112),
-`col41` FLOAT,
-`col42` YEAR,
-`col43` TIME,
-`col44` DOUBLE,
-`col45` NUMERIC,
-`col46` FLOAT,
-`col47` DECIMAL,
-`col48` BIGINT,
-`col49` DECIMAL,
-`col50` YEAR,
-`col51` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col52` LONGBLOB,
-`col53` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col54` BLOB,
-`col55` FLOAT,
-`col56` REAL,
-`col57` REAL,
-`col58` TEXT,
-`col59` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col60` INT,
-`col61` INT,
-`col62` DATE,
-`col63` TEXT,
-`col64` DATE,
-`col65` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col67` TINYTEXT,
-`col68` TINYBLOB,
-`col69` FLOAT,
-`col70` BLOB,
-`col71` DATETIME,
-`col72` DOUBLE,
-`col73` LONGTEXT,
-`col74` TIME,
-`col75` DATETIME,
-`col76` VARCHAR (122),
-`col77` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col78` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col79` BOOL,
-`col80` LONGTEXT,
-`col81` TINYTEXT,
-`col82` NUMERIC,
-`col84` DATE,
-`col85` YEAR,
-`col86` BLOB,
-`col87` TINYTEXT,
-`col89` MEDIUMINT,
-`col90` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col91` NUMERIC,
-`col92` DATETIME,
-`col93` NUMERIC,
-`col94` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col95` TINYTEXT,
-`col96` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col97` YEAR,
-`col98` MEDIUMINT,
-`col99` TEXT,
-`col100` TEXT,
-`col101` TIME,
-`col102` VARCHAR (225),
-`col103` TINYTEXT,
-`col104` TEXT,
-`col105` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col106` TINYINT,
-`col107` TEXT,
-`col108` LONGBLOB,
-`col109` LONGTEXT,
-`col110` TINYTEXT,
-`col111` CHAR (56),
-`col112` YEAR,
-`col113` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col114` TINYBLOB,
-`col115` DATETIME,
-`col116` DATE,
-`col117` TIME,
-`col118` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col120` FLOAT,
-`col121` TIMESTAMP,
-`col122` MEDIUMINT,
-`col123` YEAR,
-`col124` DATE,
-`col125` TEXT,
-`col126` FLOAT,
-`col127` TINYTEXT,
-`col128` BOOL,
-`col129` NUMERIC,
-`col130` TIMESTAMP,
-`col131` INT,
-`col132` MEDIUMBLOB,
-KEY `idx0` (`col130`),
-KEY `idx1` (`col30`,`col55`,`col19`(31)),
-KEY `idx2` (`col104`(186)),
-KEY `idx3` (`col131`),
-KEY `idx4` (`col64`,`col93`,`col2`(11)),
-KEY `idx5` (`col34`,`col121`,`col22`),
-KEY `idx6` (`col33`,`col55`,`col83`),
-KEY `idx7` (`col17`,`col87`(245),`col99`(17)),
-KEY `idx8` (`col65`,`col120`),
-KEY `idx9` (`col82`),
-KEY `idx10` (`col9`(72)),
-KEY `idx11` (`col88`),
-KEY `idx12` (`col128`,`col9`(200),`col71`,`col66`),
-KEY `idx13` (`col77`(126)),
-KEY `idx14` (`col105`(26),`col13`,`col117`),
-KEY `idx15` (`col4`(246),`col130`,`col115`,`col3`(141))
-# Creating a table with 176 columns and 13 indexes
-(`col0` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col1` VARCHAR (90),
-`col2` TINYTEXT,
-`col3` TIME,
-`col4` BOOL,
-`col5` TINYTEXT,
-`col6` BOOL,
-`col7` TIMESTAMP,
-`col8` TINYBLOB,
-`col9` TINYINT,
-`col10` YEAR,
-`col11` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col12` TEXT,
-`col13` CHAR (248),
-`col14` BIGINT,
-`col15` TEXT,
-`col16` TINYINT,
-`col17` NUMERIC,
-`col18` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col19` LONGBLOB,
-`col20` FLOAT,
-`col21` INT,
-`col22` TEXT,
-`col23` BOOL,
-`col24` DECIMAL,
-`col26` FLOAT,
-`col27` TINYBLOB,
-`col28` NUMERIC,
-`col29` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col30` DATE,
-`col31` LONGTEXT,
-`col32` DATE,
-`col33` FLOAT,
-`col34` BIGINT,
-`col35` TINYTEXT,
-`col36` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col37` TIME,
-`col38` INT,
-`col39` TINYINT,
-`col40` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col41` CHAR (130),
-`col42` SMALLINT,
-`col43` INT,
-`col44` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col45` VARCHAR (126),
-`col46` INT,
-`col48` BIGINT,
-`col49` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col50` TINYBLOB,
-`col51` MEDIUMINT,
-`col52` TEXT,
-`col53` VARCHAR (208),
-`col54` VARCHAR (207),
-`col55` NUMERIC,
-`col56` DATETIME,
-`col57` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col58` NUMERIC,
-`col59` TINYBLOB,
-`col60` VARCHAR (73),
-`col61` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col62` TINYBLOB,
-`col63` DATETIME,
-`col64` NUMERIC,
-`col65` MEDIUMINT,
-`col66` DATETIME,
-`col67` NUMERIC,
-`col68` TINYINT,
-`col69` VARCHAR (58),
-`col70` DECIMAL,
-`col71` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col72` DATE,
-`col73` TIME,
-`col75` DECIMAL,
-`col76` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col77` REAL,
-`col78` YEAR,
-`col79` YEAR,
-`col80` LONGBLOB,
-`col81` BLOB,
-`col82` BIGINT,
-`col83` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col84` NUMERIC,
-`col85` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col86` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col87` LONGBLOB,
-`col88` TIME,
-`col89` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col90` DECIMAL,
-`col91` FLOAT,
-`col92` DATETIME,
-`col93` TINYTEXT,
-`col94` TIMESTAMP,
-`col95` TIMESTAMP,
-`col96` TEXT,
-`col97` REAL,
-`col98` VARCHAR (198),
-`col99` TIME,
-`col100` TINYINT,
-`col101` BIGINT,
-`col102` LONGBLOB,
-`col103` LONGBLOB,
-`col104` MEDIUMINT,
-`col105` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col106` TIMESTAMP,
-`col107` SMALLINT,
-`col108` NUMERIC,
-`col109` DECIMAL,
-`col110` FLOAT,
-`col111` DECIMAL,
-`col112` REAL,
-`col113` TINYTEXT,
-`col114` FLOAT,
-`col115` VARCHAR (7),
-`col116` LONGTEXT,
-`col117` DATE,
-`col118` BIGINT,
-`col119` TEXT,
-`col120` BIGINT,
-`col121` BLOB,
-`col122` CHAR (110),
-`col123` NUMERIC,
-`col124` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col125` NUMERIC,
-`col126` NUMERIC,
-`col127` BOOL,
-`col128` TIME,
-`col129` TINYBLOB,
-`col130` TINYBLOB,
-`col131` DATE,
-`col132` INT,
-`col133` VARCHAR (123),
-`col134` CHAR (238),
-`col135` VARCHAR (225),
-`col136` LONGTEXT,
-`col137` LONGBLOB,
-`col138` REAL,
-`col139` TINYBLOB,
-`col140` DATETIME,
-`col141` TINYTEXT,
-`col142` LONGBLOB,
-`col143` BIGINT,
-`col144` VARCHAR (236),
-`col145` TEXT,
-`col146` YEAR,
-`col147` DECIMAL,
-`col148` TEXT,
-`col149` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col150` TINYINT,
-`col151` BOOL,
-`col152` VARCHAR (72),
-`col153` INT,
-`col154` VARCHAR (165),
-`col155` TINYINT,
-`col156` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col158` TIME,
-`col159` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col160` LONGBLOB,
-`col161` DATETIME,
-`col163` BLOB,
-`col164` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col165` TIMESTAMP,
-`col166` DATE,
-`col167` TINYBLOB,
-`col168` TINYBLOB,
-`col169` LONGBLOB,
-`col170` DATETIME,
-`col171` BIGINT,
-`col172` VARCHAR (30),
-`col173` LONGTEXT,
-`col174` TIME,
-`col175` FLOAT,
-KEY `idx0` (`col16`,`col156`(139),`col97`,`col120`),
-KEY `idx1` (`col24`,`col0`(108)),
-KEY `idx2` (`col117`,`col173`(34),`col132`,`col82`),
-KEY `idx3` (`col2`(86)),
-KEY `idx4` (`col2`(43)),
-KEY `idx5` (`col83`,`col35`(87),`col111`),
-KEY `idx6` (`col6`,`col134`,`col92`),
-KEY `idx7` (`col56`),
-KEY `idx8` (`col30`,`col53`,`col129`(66)),
-KEY `idx9` (`col53`,`col113`(211),`col32`,`col15`(75)),
-KEY `idx10` (`col34`),
-KEY `idx11` (`col126`),
-KEY `idx12` (`col24`)
-# Creating a table with 179 columns and 46 indexes
-(`col0` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col3` DATETIME,
-`col4` DATE,
-`col5` YEAR,
-`col6` REAL,
-`col7` NUMERIC,
-`col9` TEXT,
-`col10` TIMESTAMP,
-`col11` DOUBLE,
-`col12` DOUBLE,
-`col13` SMALLINT,
-`col14` TIMESTAMP,
-`col15` DECIMAL,
-`col16` DATE,
-`col17` TEXT,
-`col18` LONGBLOB,
-`col19` BIGINT,
-`col20` FLOAT,
-`col21` DATETIME,
-`col22` TINYINT,
-`col23` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col24` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col25` TIME,
-`col26` TEXT,
-`col27` LONGTEXT,
-`col28` BIGINT,
-`col29` REAL,
-`col30` YEAR,
-`col31` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col32` MEDIUMINT,
-`col33` FLOAT,
-`col34` TEXT,
-`col35` DATE,
-`col36` TIMESTAMP,
-`col37` REAL,
-`col38` BLOB,
-`col39` BLOB,
-`col40` BLOB,
-`col41` TINYBLOB,
-`col42` INT,
-`col43` TINYINT,
-`col44` REAL,
-`col45` BIGINT,
-`col46` TIMESTAMP,
-`col47` BLOB,
-`col48` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col49` BOOL,
-`col50` CHAR (109),
-`col51` DOUBLE,
-`col53` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col54` FLOAT,
-`col56` CHAR (166),
-`col57` TEXT,
-`col58` TIME,
-`col59` DECIMAL,
-`col60` TEXT,
-`col61` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col62` LONGTEXT,
-`col63` YEAR,
-`col64` DOUBLE,
-`col65` CHAR (87),
-`col66` DATE,
-`col67` BOOL,
-`col68` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col69` DATETIME,
-`col70` DECIMAL,
-`col71` TIME,
-`col72` REAL,
-`col73` LONGTEXT,
-`col74` BLOB,
-`col75` REAL,
-`col76` INT,
-`col77` INT,
-`col78` FLOAT,
-`col79` DOUBLE,
-`col80` MEDIUMINT,
-`col81` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col82` VARCHAR (221),
-`col83` BIGINT,
-`col84` TINYINT,
-`col85` BIGINT,
-`col86` FLOAT,
-`col87` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col88` CHAR (126),
-`col89` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col90` DATETIME,
-`col91` TINYINT,
-`col92` DOUBLE,
-`col93` NUMERIC,
-`col94` DATE,
-`col95` BLOB,
-`col96` DATETIME,
-`col97` TIME,
-`col98` LONGBLOB,
-`col99` INT,
-`col100` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col101` TINYBLOB,
-`col102` INT,
-`col103` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col104` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col105` FLOAT,
-`col106` TINYBLOB,
-`col107` VARCHAR (26),
-`col108` TINYINT,
-`col109` TIME,
-`col110` TINYBLOB,
-`col111` LONGBLOB,
-`col112` TINYTEXT,
-`col113` FLOAT,
-`col114` TINYINT,
-`col115` NUMERIC,
-`col116` TIME,
-`col117` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col118` DATE,
-`col119` SMALLINT,
-`col120` BLOB,
-`col121` TINYTEXT,
-`col122` REAL,
-`col123` YEAR,
-`col124` REAL,
-`col125` BOOL,
-`col126` BLOB,
-`col127` REAL,
-`col128` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col129` TIMESTAMP,
-`col130` LONGBLOB,
-`col131` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col132` YEAR,
-`col133` YEAR,
-`col134` INT,
-`col135` MEDIUMINT,
-`col136` MEDIUMINT,
-`col137` TINYTEXT,
-`col138` TINYBLOB,
-`col139` BLOB,
-`col140` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col141` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col142` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col143` TINYTEXT,
-`col144` DATETIME,
-`col145` TEXT,
-`col147` DECIMAL,
-`col148` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col149` TINYTEXT,
-`col150` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col151` MEDIUMTEXT,
-`col152` CHAR (126),
-`col153` DOUBLE,
-`col154` CHAR (243),
-`col155` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col156` SET ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col157` DATETIME,
-`col158` DOUBLE,
-`col159` NUMERIC,
-`col160` DECIMAL,
-`col161` FLOAT,
-`col162` LONGBLOB,
-`col163` LONGTEXT,
-`col164` INT,
-`col165` TIME,
-`col166` CHAR (27),
-`col167` VARCHAR (63),
-`col168` TEXT,
-`col169` TINYBLOB,
-`col170` TINYBLOB,
-`col171` ENUM ('test1','test2','test3'),
-`col172` INT,
-`col173` TIME,
-`col174` DECIMAL,
-`col175` DOUBLE,
-`col176` MEDIUMBLOB,
-`col177` LONGBLOB,
-`col178` CHAR (43),
-KEY `idx0` (`col131`(219)),
-KEY `idx1` (`col67`,`col122`,`col59`,`col87`(33)),
-KEY `idx2` (`col83`,`col42`,`col57`(152)),
-KEY `idx3` (`col106`(124)),
-KEY `idx4` (`col173`,`col80`,`col165`,`col89`(78)),
-KEY `idx5` (`col174`,`col145`(108),`col23`(228),`col141`),
-KEY `idx6` (`col157`,`col140`),
-KEY `idx7` (`col130`(188),`col15`),
-KEY `idx8` (`col52`),
-KEY `idx9` (`col144`),
-KEY `idx10` (`col155`),
-KEY `idx11` (`col62`(230),`col1`(109)),
-KEY `idx12` (`col151`(24),`col95`(85)),
-KEY `idx13` (`col114`),
-KEY `idx14` (`col42`,`col98`(56),`col146`),
-KEY `idx15` (`col147`,`col39`(254),`col35`),
-KEY `idx16` (`col79`),
-KEY `idx17` (`col65`),
-KEY `idx18` (`col149`(165),`col168`(119),`col32`,`col117`),
-KEY `idx19` (`col64`),
-KEY `idx20` (`col93`),
-KEY `idx21` (`col64`,`col113`,`col104`(182)),
-KEY `idx22` (`col52`,`col111`(189)),
-KEY `idx23` (`col45`),
-KEY `idx24` (`col154`,`col107`,`col110`(159)),
-KEY `idx25` (`col149`(1),`col87`(131)),
-KEY `idx26` (`col58`,`col115`,`col63`),
-KEY `idx27` (`col95`(9),`col0`,`col87`(113)),
-KEY `idx28` (`col92`,`col130`(1)),
-KEY `idx29` (`col151`(129),`col137`(254),`col13`),
-KEY `idx30` (`col49`),
-KEY `idx31` (`col28`),
-KEY `idx32` (`col83`,`col146`),
-KEY `idx33` (`col155`,`col90`,`col17`(245)),
-KEY `idx34` (`col174`,`col169`(44),`col107`),
-KEY `idx35` (`col113`),
-KEY `idx36` (`col52`),
-KEY `idx37` (`col16`,`col120`(190)),
-KEY `idx38` (`col28`),
-KEY `idx39` (`col131`(165)),
-KEY `idx40` (`col135`,`col26`(86)),
-KEY `idx41` (`col69`,`col94`),
-KEY `idx42` (`col105`,`col151`(38),`col97`),
-KEY `idx43` (`col88`),
-KEY `idx44` (`col176`(100),`col42`,`col73`(189),`col94`),
-KEY `idx45` (`col2`(27),`col27`(116))
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_bug36172.test b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_bug36172.test
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d21d656fd8..00000000000
--- a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_bug36172.test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
---source include/
-# Test case for bug 36172
--- source include/
-SET storage_engine=InnoDB;
-# we do not really care about what gets printed, we are only
-# interested in getting success or failure according to our
-# expectations
--- disable_query_log
--- disable_result_log
-CREATE TABLE `table0` ( `col0` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `col1` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `col2` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL, `col3` date DEFAULT NULL, `col4` time DEFAULT NULL, `col5` set('test1','test2','test3') DEFAULT NULL, `col6` time DEFAULT NULL, `col7` text, `col8` decimal(10,0) DEFAULT NULL, `col9` set('test1','test2','test3') DEFAULT NULL, `col10` float DEFAULT NULL, `col11` double DEFAULT NULL, `col12` enum('test1','test2','test3') DEFAULT NULL, `col13` tinyblob, `col14` year(4) DEFAULT NULL, `col15` set('test1','test2','test3') DEFAULT NULL, `col16` decimal(10,0) DEFAULT NULL, `col17` decimal(10,0) DEFAULT NULL, `col18` blob, `col19` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `col20` double DEFAULT NULL, `col21` decimal(10,0) DEFAULT NULL, `col22` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `col23` decimal(10,0) DEFAULT NULL, `col24` decimal(10,0) DEFAULT NULL, `col25` longtext, `col26` tinyblob, `col27` time DEFAULT NULL, `col28` tinyblob, `col29` enum('test1','test2','test3') DEFAULT NULL, `col30` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL, `col31` double DEFAULT NULL, `col32` float DEFAULT NULL, `col33` char(175) DEFAULT NULL, `col34` tinytext, `col35` tinytext, `col36` tinyblob, `col37` tinyblob, `col38` tinytext, `col39` mediumblob, `col40` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `col41` double DEFAULT NULL, `col42` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL, `col43` longblob, `col44` varchar(80) DEFAULT NULL, `col45` mediumtext, `col46` decimal(10,0) DEFAULT NULL, `col47` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `col48` date DEFAULT NULL, `col49` tinyblob, `col50` date DEFAULT NULL, `col51` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `col52` mediumint(9) DEFAULT NULL, `col53` float DEFAULT NULL, `col54` tinyblob, `col55` longtext, `col56` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL, `col57` enum('test1','test2','test3') DEFAULT NULL, `col58` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `col59` mediumtext, `col60` varchar(232) DEFAULT NULL, `col61` decimal(10,0) DEFAULT NULL, `col62` year(4) DEFAULT NULL, `col63` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL, `col64` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `col65` blob, `col66` longblob, `col67` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `col68` longtext, `col69` enum('test1','test2','test3') DEFAULT NULL, `col70` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `col71` time DEFAULT NULL, `col72` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `col73` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `col74` varchar(170) DEFAULT NULL, `col75` set('test1','test2','test3') DEFAULT NULL, `col76` tinyblob, `col77` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `col78` decimal(10,0) DEFAULT NULL, `col79` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `col80` year(4) DEFAULT NULL, `col81` decimal(10,0) DEFAULT NULL, `col82` longblob, `col83` text, `col84` char(83) DEFAULT NULL, `col85` decimal(10,0) DEFAULT NULL, `col86` float DEFAULT NULL, `col87` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `col88` varchar(145) DEFAULT NULL, `col89` date DEFAULT NULL, `col90` decimal(10,0) DEFAULT NULL, `col91` decimal(10,0) DEFAULT NULL, `col92` mediumblob, `col93` time DEFAULT NULL, KEY `idx0` (`col69`,`col90`,`col8`), KEY `idx1` (`col60`), KEY `idx2` (`col60`,`col70`,`col74`), KEY `idx3` (`col22`,`col32`,`col72`,`col30`), KEY `idx4` (`col29`), KEY `idx5` (`col19`,`col45`(143)), KEY `idx6` (`col46`,`col48`,`col5`,`col39`(118)), KEY `idx7` (`col48`,`col61`), KEY `idx8` (`col93`), KEY `idx9` (`col31`), KEY `idx10` (`col30`,`col21`), KEY `idx11` (`col67`), KEY `idx12` (`col44`,`col6`,`col8`,`col38`(226)), KEY `idx13` (`col71`,`col41`,`col15`,`col49`(88)), KEY `idx14` (`col78`), KEY `idx15` (`col63`,`col67`,`col64`), KEY `idx16` (`col17`,`col86`), KEY `idx17` (`col77`,`col56`,`col10`,`col55`(24)), KEY `idx18` (`col62`), KEY `idx19` (`col31`,`col57`,`col56`,`col53`), KEY `idx20` (`col46`), KEY `idx21` (`col83`(54)), KEY `idx22` (`col51`,`col7`(120)), KEY `idx23` (`col7`(163),`col31`,`col71`,`col14`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=2;
-insert ignore into `table0` set `col23` = 7887371.5084383683, `col24` = 4293854615.6906948000, `col25` = 'vitalist', `col26` = 'widespread', `col27` = '3570490', `col28` = 'habitual', `col30` = -5471, `col31` = 4286985783.6771750000, `col32` = 6354540.9826654866, `col33` = 'defoliation', `col34` = 'logarithms', `col35` = 'tegument\'s', `col36` = 'scouting\'s', `col37` = 'intermittency', `col38` = 'elongates', `col39` = 'prophecies', `col40` = '20560103035939', `col41` = 4292809130.0544143000, `col42` = 22057, `col43` = 'Hess\'s', `col44` = 'bandstand', `col45` = 'phenylketonuria', `col46` = 6338767.4018677324, `col47` = 5310247, `col48` = '12592418', `col49` = 'churchman\'s', `col50` = '32226125', `col51` = -58, `col52` = -6207968, `col53` = 1244839.3255104220, `col54` = 'robotized', `col55` = 'monotonous', `col56` = -26909, `col58` = '20720107023550', `col59` = 'suggestiveness\'s', `col60` = 'gemology', `col61` = 4287800670.2229986000, `col62` = '1944', `col63` = -16827, `col64` = '20700107212324', `col65` = 'Nicolais', `col66` = 'apteryx', `col67` = 6935317, `col68` = 'stroganoff', `col70` = 3316430, `col71` = '3277608', `col72` = '19300511045918', `col73` = '20421201003327', `col74` = 'attenuant', `col75` = '15173', `col76` = 'upstroke\'s', `col77` = 8118987, `col78` = 6791516.2735374002, `col79` = '20780701144624', `col80` = '2134', `col81` = 4290682351.3127537000, `col82` = 'unexplainably', `col83` = 'Storm', `col84` = 'Greyso\'s', `col85` = 4289119212.4306774000, `col86` = 7617575.8796655172, `col87` = -6325335, `col88` = 'fondue\'s', `col89` = '40608940', `col90` = 1659421.8093508712, `col91` = 8346904.6584368423, `col92` = 'reloads', `col93` = '5188366';
-INSERT IGNORE INTO `table0` SET `col19` = '19940127002709', `col20` = 2383927.9055146948, `col21` = 4293243420.5621204000, `col22` = '20511211123705', `col23` = 4289899778.6573381000, `col24` = 4293449279.0540481000, `col25` = 'emphysemic', `col26` = 'dentally', `col27` = '2347406', `col28` = 'eruct', `col30` = 1222, `col31` = 4294372994.9941406000, `col32` = 4291385574.1173744000, `col33` = 'borrowing\'s', `col34` = 'septics', `col35` = 'ratter\'s', `col36` = 'Kaye', `col37` = 'Florentia', `col38` = 'allium', `col39` = 'barkeep', `col40` = '19510407003441', `col41` = 4293559200.4215522000, `col42` = 22482, `col43` = 'decussate', `col44` = 'Brom\'s', `col45` = 'violated', `col46` = 4925506.4635456400, `col47` = 930549, `col48` = '51296066', `col49` = 'voluminously', `col50` = '29306676', `col51` = -88, `col52` = -2153690, `col53` = 4290250202.1464887000, `col54` = 'expropriation', `col55` = 'Aberdeen\'s', `col56` = 20343, `col58` = '19640415171532', `col59` = 'extern', `col60` = 'Ubana', `col61` = 4290487961.8539081000, `col62` = '2147', `col63` = -24271, `col64` = '20750801194548', `col65` = 'Cunaxa\'s', `col66` = 'pasticcio', `col67` = 2795817, `col68` = 'Indore\'s', `col70` = 6864127, `col71` = '1817832', `col72` = '20540506114211', `col73` = '20040101012300', `col74` = 'rationalized', `col75` = '45522', `col76` = 'indene', `col77` = -6964559, `col78` = 4247535.5266884370, `col79` = '20720416124357', `col80` = '2143', `col81` = 4292060102.4466386000, `col82` = 'striving', `col83` = 'boneblack\'s', `col84` = 'redolent', `col85` = 6489697.9009369183, `col86` = 4287473465.9731131000, `col87` = 7726015, `col88` = 'perplexed', `col89` = '17153791', `col90` = 5478587.1108127078, `col91` = 4287091404.7004304000, `col92` = 'Boulez\'s', `col93` = '2931278';
-DROP TABLE table0;
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_bug52745.test b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_bug52745.test
deleted file mode 100644
index b7efd0692ca..00000000000
--- a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_bug52745.test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
---source include/
-CREATE TABLE bug52745 (
- a2 int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
- col37 time DEFAULT NULL,
- col38 char(229) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
- col39 text,
- col41 int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
- col42 varchar(248) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
- col43 smallint(5) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
- col44 varchar(150) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
- col45 float unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
- col46 binary(1) DEFAULT NULL,
- col47 tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL,
- col48 tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
- col49 timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
- col50 binary(1) DEFAULT NULL,
- col51 double unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
- col52 int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
- col53 time DEFAULT NULL,
- col54 double unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
- col55 time DEFAULT NULL,
- col56 mediumtext CHARACTER SET latin2,
- col57 blob,
- col58 decimal(52,16) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL DEFAULT '000000000000000000000000000000000000.0000000000000000',
- col59 binary(1) DEFAULT NULL,
- col60 longblob,
- col61 time DEFAULT NULL,
- col62 longtext CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_persian_ci,
- col63 timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
- col64 int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
- col65 date DEFAULT NULL,
- col66 timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
- col67 binary(1) DEFAULT NULL,
- col68 tinyblob,
- col69 date DEFAULT NULL,
- col70 tinyint(3) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
- col71 varchar(44) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL,
- col72 datetime DEFAULT NULL,
- col73 smallint(5) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
- col74 longblob,
- col75 bit(34) DEFAULT NULL,
- col76 float unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
- col77 year(2) DEFAULT NULL,
- col78 tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
- col79 set('msfheowh','tbpxbgf','by','wahnrjw','myqfasxz','rsokyumrt') CHARACTER SET latin2 DEFAULT NULL,
- col80 datetime DEFAULT NULL,
- col81 smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,
- col82 enum('xtaurnqfqz','rifrse','kuzwpbvb','niisabk','zxavro','rbvasv','','uulrfaove','','') DEFAULT NULL,
- col83 bigint(20) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
- col84 float unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
- col85 double DEFAULT NULL,
- col86 enum('ylannv','','vlkhycqc','snke','cxifustp','xiaxaswzp','oxl') CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_german2_ci DEFAULT NULL,
- col87 varbinary(221) DEFAULT NULL,
- col88 double unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
- col89 float unsigned zerofill DEFAULT NULL,
- col90 tinyblob
-col40='0000-00-00 00:00:00',
-col87='HZdkf.4 s7t,5Rmq 8so fmr,ruGLUG25TrtI.yQ 2SuHq0ML7rw7.4 b2yf2E5TJxOtBBZImezDnzpj,uPYfznnEUDN1e9aQoO 2DsplB7TFWy oQJ br HLF :F,eQ p4i1oWsr lL3PG,hjCz6hYqN h1QTjLCjrv:QCdSzpYBibJAtZCxLOk3l6Blsh.W',
-DROP TABLE bug52745;
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_bug53591.test b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_bug53591.test
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bce587f106..00000000000
--- a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_bug53591.test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
---source include/
-SET GLOBAL innodb_strict_mode=on;
-set old_alter_table=0;
-CREATE TABLE bug53591(a text charset utf8 not null)
--- replace_result 8126 {checked_valid} 4030 {checked_valid} 1982 {checked_valid}
-ALTER TABLE bug53591 ADD PRIMARY KEY(a(220));
--- replace_result 8126 {checked_valid} 4030 {checked_valid} 1982 {checked_valid}
-DROP TABLE bug53591;
-SET GLOBAL innodb_strict_mode=DEFAULT;
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_bug56680.test b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_bug56680.test
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cb1c897f2e..00000000000
--- a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_bug56680.test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
---source include/
-# Bug #56680 InnoDB may return wrong results from a case-insensitive index
--- disable_query_log
-SET @tx_isolation_orig = @@tx_isolation;
-# The flag innodb_change_buffering_debug is only available in debug builds.
-# It instructs InnoDB to try to evict pages from the buffer pool when
-# change buffering is possible, so that the change buffer will be used
-# whenever possible.
-SET @innodb_change_buffering_debug_orig = @@innodb_change_buffering_debug;
-SET GLOBAL innodb_change_buffering_debug = 1;
--- enable_query_log
-CREATE TABLE bug56680(
- b CHAR(1),
- c INT,
- INDEX(b))
-INSERT INTO bug56680 VALUES(0,'x',1);
-SELECT b FROM bug56680;
-connect (con1,localhost,root,,);
-connection con1;
-UPDATE bug56680 SET b='X';
-connection default;
-# This should return the last committed value 'x', but would return 'X'
-# due to a bug in row_search_for_mysql().
-SELECT b FROM bug56680;
-# This would always return the last committed value 'x'.
-SELECT * FROM bug56680;
-connection con1;
-disconnect con1;
-connection default;
-SELECT b FROM bug56680;
-# For the rest of this test, use the READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level
-# to see what exists in the secondary index.
-# Create enough rows for the table, so that the insert buffer will be
-# used for modifying the secondary index page. There must be multiple
-# index pages, because changes to the root page are never buffered.
-INSERT INTO bug56680 SELECT 0,b,c FROM bug56680;
-INSERT INTO bug56680 SELECT 0,b,c FROM bug56680;
-INSERT INTO bug56680 SELECT 0,b,c FROM bug56680;
-INSERT INTO bug56680 SELECT 0,b,c FROM bug56680;
-INSERT INTO bug56680 SELECT 0,b,c FROM bug56680;
-INSERT INTO bug56680 SELECT 0,b,c FROM bug56680;
-INSERT INTO bug56680 SELECT 0,b,c FROM bug56680;
-INSERT INTO bug56680 SELECT 0,b,c FROM bug56680;
-INSERT INTO bug56680 SELECT 0,b,c FROM bug56680;
-INSERT INTO bug56680 SELECT 0,b,c FROM bug56680;
-INSERT INTO bug56680 SELECT 0,b,c FROM bug56680;
-SELECT b FROM bug56680 LIMIT 2;
-connect (con1,localhost,root,,);
-connection con1;
-DELETE FROM bug56680 WHERE a=1;
-# This should be buffered, if innodb_change_buffering_debug = 1 is in effect.
-INSERT INTO bug56680 VALUES(1,'X',1);
-# This should force an insert buffer merge, and return 'X' in the first row.
-SELECT b FROM bug56680 LIMIT 3;
-connection default;
-SELECT b FROM bug56680 LIMIT 2;
-CHECK TABLE bug56680;
-connection con1;
-SELECT b FROM bug56680 LIMIT 2;
-CHECK TABLE bug56680;
-connection default;
-disconnect con1;
-SELECT b FROM bug56680 LIMIT 2;
-CREATE TABLE bug56680_2(
- b VARCHAR(2) CHARSET latin1 COLLATE latin1_german2_ci,
- c INT,
- INDEX(b))
-INSERT INTO bug56680_2 SELECT 0,_latin1 0xdf,c FROM bug56680;
-SELECT HEX(b) FROM bug56680_2 LIMIT 2;
-DELETE FROM bug56680_2 WHERE a=1;
-# This should be buffered, if innodb_change_buffering_debug = 1 is in effect.
-INSERT INTO bug56680_2 VALUES(1,'SS',1);
-# This should force an insert buffer merge, and return 'SS' in the first row.
-SELECT HEX(b) FROM bug56680_2 LIMIT 3;
-CHECK TABLE bug56680_2;
-# Test this with compressed tables.
-SELECT HEX(b) FROM bug56680_2 LIMIT 2;
-DELETE FROM bug56680_2 WHERE a=1;
-# This should be buffered, if innodb_change_buffering_debug = 1 is in effect.
-INSERT INTO bug56680_2 VALUES(1,_latin1 0xdf,1);
-# This should force an insert buffer merge, and return 0xdf in the first row.
-SELECT HEX(b) FROM bug56680_2 LIMIT 3;
-CHECK TABLE bug56680_2;
-DROP TABLE bug56680_2;
-DROP TABLE bug56680;
--- disable_query_log
-SET GLOBAL tx_isolation = @tx_isolation_orig;
-SET GLOBAL innodb_change_buffering_debug = @innodb_change_buffering_debug_orig;
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_cmp_drop_table-master.opt b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_cmp_drop_table-master.opt
deleted file mode 100644
index a9a3d8c3db8..00000000000
--- a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_cmp_drop_table-master.opt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_cmp_drop_table.test b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_cmp_drop_table.test
deleted file mode 100644
index 35e4b2c6bf3..00000000000
--- a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_cmp_drop_table.test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
---source include/
-# lazy evition might not be lazy enough when key rotation
-# scans through pages
--- source include/
-let $per_table=`select @@innodb_file_per_table`;
-let $format=`select @@innodb_file_format`;
--- let $query_i_s = SELECT page_size FROM information_schema.innodb_cmpmem WHERE pages_used > 0
-set global innodb_file_per_table=on;
-set global innodb_file_format=`1`;
-create table t1(a text) engine=innodb key_block_size=8;
--- disable_query_log
-# insert some rows so we are using compressed pages
--- let $i = 10
-while ($i)
- insert into t1 values(repeat('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',100));
- dec $i;
--- enable_query_log
-# we should be using some 8K pages
--- eval $query_i_s
-drop table t1;
-# because of lazy eviction at drop table in 5.5 there should be some
-# used 8K pages
--- eval $query_i_s
-# create a non-compressed table and insert enough into it to evict
-# compressed pages
-create table t2(a text) engine=innodb;
--- disable_query_log
--- let $i = 400
-while ($i)
- insert into t2 values(repeat('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',1000));
- dec $i;
--- enable_query_log
-# now there should be no 8K pages in the buffer pool
--- eval $query_i_s
-drop table t2;
-# restore environment to the state it was before this test execution
--- disable_query_log
-eval set global innodb_file_format=$format;
-eval set global innodb_file_per_table=$per_table;
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_index_large_prefix.test b/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_index_large_prefix.test
deleted file mode 100644
index d071e3833e9..00000000000
--- a/mysql-test/suite/innodb_zip/t/innodb_index_large_prefix.test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,434 +0,0 @@
-# Testcase for worklog #5743: Lift the limit of index key prefixes
---source include/
---source include/
-SET default_storage_engine=InnoDB;
-call mtr.add_suppression("Cannot add field .* in table .* because after adding it, the row size is .* which is greater than maximum allowed size (.*) for a record on index leaf page.");
-let $innodb_large_prefix_orig=`select @@innodb_large_prefix`;
-set global innodb_large_prefix=1;
-set global innodb_strict_mode=1;
--- echo ### Test 1 ###
-# Create a table of DYNAMIC format, with a primary index of 1000 bytes in
-# size
-create table worklog5743(a TEXT not null, primary key (a(1000))) ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
-show warnings;
-# Do some insertion and update to excercise the external cache
-# code path
-insert into worklog5743 values(repeat("a", 20000));
-# default session, update the table
-update worklog5743 set a = (repeat("b", 16000));
-# Create a secondary index
-create index idx on worklog5743(a(2000));
-show warnings;
-# Start a few sessions to do selections on table being updated in default
-# session, so it would rebuild the previous version from undo log.
-# 1) Default session: Initiate an update on the externally stored column
-# 2) Session con1: Select from table with repeated read
-# 3) Session con2: Select from table with read uncommitted
-# 4) Default session: rollback updates
-update worklog5743 set a = (repeat("x", 17000));
-# Start a new session to select the column to force it build
-# an earlier version of the clustered index through undo log. So it should
-# just see the result of repeat("b", 16000)
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
---connect (con1,localhost,root,,)
-select a = repeat("x", 17000) from worklog5743;
-select a = repeat("b", 16000) from worklog5743;
-# Start another session doing "read uncommitted" query, it
-# should see the uncommitted update
---connect (con2,localhost,root,,)
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
-select a = repeat("x", 17000) from worklog5743;
-# Roll back the transaction
---connection default
-drop table worklog5743;
--- echo ### Test 2 ###
-# Create a table with only a secondary index has large prefix column
-create table worklog5743(a1 int, a2 TEXT not null) ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
-show warnings;
-create index idx on worklog5743(a1, a2(2000));
-show warnings;
-insert into worklog5743 values(9, repeat("a", 10000));
-update worklog5743 set a1 = 1000;
-# Do a select from another connection that would use the secondary index
---connection con1
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
-explain select a1, a2 = repeat("a", 10000) from worklog5743 where a1 = 9;
-select a1, a2 = repeat("a", 10000) from worklog5743 where a1 = 9;
-# Do read uncommitted in another session, it would show there is no
-# row with a1 = 9
---connection con2
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
-select a1, a2 = repeat("a", 10000) from worklog5743 where a1 = 9;
---connection default
-drop table worklog5743;
--- echo ### Test 3 ###
-# Create a table with a secondary index has small (50 bytes) prefix column
-create table worklog5743(a1 int, a2 TEXT not null) ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
-create index idx on worklog5743(a1, a2(50));
-insert into worklog5743 values(9, repeat("a", 10000));
-update worklog5743 set a1 = 1000;
-# Do a select from another connection that would use the secondary index
---connection con1
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
-explain select a1, a2 = repeat("a", 10000) from worklog5743 where a1 = 9;
-select a1, a2 = repeat("a", 10000) from worklog5743 where a1 = 9;
-# Do read uncommitted in another session, it would show there is no
-# row with a1 = 9
---connection con2
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
-select a1, a2 = repeat("a", 10000) from worklog5743 where a1 = 9;
---connection default
-drop table worklog5743;
--- echo ### Test 4 ###
-# Create compressed tables with each KEY_BLOCK_SIZE.
-create table worklog5743_1(a1 int, a2 TEXT not null) KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=1;
-create table worklog5743_2(a1 int, a2 TEXT not null) KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=2;
-create table worklog5743_4(a1 int, a2 TEXT not null) KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=4;
-create table worklog5743_8(a1 int, a2 TEXT, a3 TEXT) KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=8;
-create table worklog5743_16(a1 int, a2 TEXT, a3 TEXT) KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=16;
-# The maximum overall index record (not prefix) length of a
-# compressed table is dependent on innodb-page-size (IPS),
-# key_block_size (KBS) and the number of fields (NF).
-# "Too big row" error (HA_ERR_TO_BIG_ROW) will be returned if this
-# limit is exceeded.
-# See page_zip_empty_size() and Bug #47495 for more detail.
-# Test edge cases for indexes using key_block_size=1
-set sql_mode='';
-set global innodb_large_prefix=0;
-create index idx1 on worklog5743_1(a2(4000));
-show warnings;
-set global innodb_large_prefix=1;
-create index idx2 on worklog5743_1(a2(4000));
-show warnings;
-create index idx3 on worklog5743_1(a2(436));
-show warnings;
-# Bug#13391353 Limit is one byte less on on 32bit-Linux only
-create index idx4 on worklog5743_1(a2(434));
-show warnings;
-create index idx5 on worklog5743_1(a1, a2(430));
-show warnings;
-# Bug#13391353 Limit is one byte less on on 32bit-Linux only
-create index idx6 on worklog5743_1(a1, a2(428));
-show warnings;
-# Test edge cases for indexes using key_block_size=2
-set global innodb_large_prefix=0;
-create index idx1 on worklog5743_2(a2(4000));
-show warnings;
-set global innodb_large_prefix=1;
-create index idx2 on worklog5743_2(a2(4000));
-show warnings;
-create index idx3 on worklog5743_2(a2(948));
-show warnings;
-# Bug#13391353 Limit is one byte less on on 32bit-Linux only
-create index idx4 on worklog5743_2(a2(946));
-show warnings;
-create index idx5 on worklog5743_2(a1, a2(942));
-show warnings;
-# Bug#13391353 Limit is one byte less on on 32bit-Linux only
-create index idx6 on worklog5743_2(a1, a2(940));
-show warnings;
-# Test edge cases for indexes using key_block_size=4
-set global innodb_large_prefix=0;
-create index idx1 on worklog5743_4(a2(4000));
-show warnings;
-set global innodb_large_prefix=1;
-create index idx2 on worklog5743_4(a2(4000));
-show warnings;
-create index idx3 on worklog5743_4(a2(1972));
-show warnings;
-# Bug#13391353 Limit is one byte less on on 32bit-Linux only
-create index idx4 on worklog5743_4(a2(1970));
-show warnings;
-create index idx5 on worklog5743_4(a1, a2(1966));
-show warnings;
-# Bug#13391353 Limit is one byte less on on 32bit-Linux only
-create index idx6 on worklog5743_4(a1, a2(1964));
-show warnings;
-# Test edge cases for indexes using key_block_size=8
-set global innodb_large_prefix=0;
-create index idx1 on worklog5743_8(a2(1000));
-show warnings;
-set global innodb_large_prefix=1;
-create index idx2 on worklog5743_8(a2(3073));
-show warnings;
-create index idx3 on worklog5743_8(a2(3072));
-show warnings;
--- error ER_TOO_LONG_KEY
-create index idx4 on worklog5743_8(a1, a2(3069));
-show warnings;
-create index idx5 on worklog5743_8(a1, a2(3068));
-show warnings;
--- error ER_TOO_LONG_KEY
-create index idx6 on worklog5743_8(a1, a2(2000), a3(1069));
-show warnings;
-create index idx7 on worklog5743_8(a1, a2(2000), a3(1068));
-show warnings;
-# Test edge cases for indexes using key_block_size=16
-set global innodb_large_prefix=0;
-create index idx1 on worklog5743_16(a2(1000));
-show warnings;
-set global innodb_large_prefix=1;
-create index idx2 on worklog5743_16(a2(3073));
-show warnings;
-create index idx3 on worklog5743_16(a2(3072));
-show warnings;
--- error ER_TOO_LONG_KEY
-create index idx4 on worklog5743_16(a1, a2(3069));
-show warnings;
-create index idx5 on worklog5743_16(a1, a2(3068));
-show warnings;
--- error ER_TOO_LONG_KEY
-create index idx6 on worklog5743_16(a1, a2(2000), a3(1069));
-show warnings;
-create index idx7 on worklog5743_16(a1, a2(2000), a3(1068));
-show warnings;
-set sql_mode=default;
-# Insert a large record into each of these tables.
-insert into worklog5743_1 values(9, repeat("a", 10000));
-insert into worklog5743_2 values(9, repeat("a", 10000));
-insert into worklog5743_4 values(9, repeat("a", 10000));
-insert into worklog5743_8 values(9, repeat("a", 10000), repeat("a", 10000));
-insert into worklog5743_16 values(9, repeat("a", 10000), repeat("a", 10000));
-# Now if we change the global innodb_large_prefix back to 767,
-# updates to these indexes should still be allowed.
-set global innodb_large_prefix=0;
-insert into worklog5743_1 values(2, repeat("b", 10000));
-insert into worklog5743_2 values(2, repeat("b", 10000));
-insert into worklog5743_4 values(2, repeat("b", 10000));
-insert into worklog5743_8 values(2, repeat("b", 10000), repeat("b", 10000));
-insert into worklog5743_16 values(2, repeat("b", 10000), repeat("b", 10000));
-set global innodb_large_prefix=1;
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_1;
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_2;
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_4;
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_8;
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_16;
-update worklog5743_1 set a1 = 1000;
-update worklog5743_2 set a1 = 1000;
-update worklog5743_4 set a1 = 1000;
-update worklog5743_8 set a1 = 1000;
-update worklog5743_16 set a1 = 1000;
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_1;
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_2;
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_4;
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_8;
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_16;
-# Do a select from another connection that would use the secondary index
---connection con1
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
-explain select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_1 where a1 = 9;
-explain select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_2 where a1 = 9;
-explain select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_4 where a1 = 9;
-explain select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_8 where a1 = 9;
-explain select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_16 where a1 = 9;
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_1 where a1 = 9;
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_2 where a1 = 9;
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_4 where a1 = 9;
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_8 where a1 = 9;
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_16 where a1 = 9;
-# Do read uncommitted in another session, it would show there is no
-# row with a1 = 9
---connection con2
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_1 where a1 = 9;
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_2 where a1 = 9;
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_4 where a1 = 9;
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_8 where a1 = 9;
-select a1, left(a2, 20) from worklog5743_16 where a1 = 9;
---connection default
-drop table worklog5743_1;
-drop table worklog5743_2;
-drop table worklog5743_4;
-drop table worklog5743_8;
-drop table worklog5743_16;
--- echo ### Test 5 ###
-# Create a table with large varchar columns and create indexes
-# directly on these large columns to show that prefix limit is
-# automatically applied and to show that limit.
-create table worklog5743(a1 int,
- a2 varchar(20000),
- a3 varchar(3073),
- a4 varchar(3072),
- a5 varchar(3069),
- a6 varchar(3068))
-set sql_mode='';
-create index idx1 on worklog5743(a2);
-create index idx2 on worklog5743(a3);
-create index idx3 on worklog5743(a4);
-show warnings;
--- error ER_TOO_LONG_KEY
-create index idx4 on worklog5743(a1, a2);
-show warnings;
--- error ER_TOO_LONG_KEY
-create index idx5 on worklog5743(a1, a5);
-show warnings;
-create index idx6 on worklog5743(a1, a6);
-show warnings;
-show create table worklog5743;
-set sql_mode=default;
-insert into worklog5743 values(9,
- repeat("a", 20000), repeat("a", 3073),
- repeat("a", 3072), repeat("a", 3069),
- repeat("a", 3068));
-update worklog5743 set a1 = 1000;
-# Do a select from another connection that would use the secondary index
---connection con1
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
-explain select a1 from worklog5743 where a1 = 9;
-select a1 from worklog5743 where a1 = 9;
-# Do read uncommitted, it would show there is no row with a1 = 9
---connection con2
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
-select a1 from worklog5743 where a1 = 9;
---connection default
-drop table worklog5743;
--- echo ### Test 6 ###
-# Create a table with old format, and the limit is 768 bytes.
-create table worklog5743(a TEXT not null, primary key (a(1000))) row_format=COMPACT;
-create table worklog5743(a TEXT) row_format=COMPACT;
-# Excercise the column length check in ha_innobase::add_index()
-create index idx on worklog5743(a(768));
-# This should be successful
-create index idx on worklog5743(a(767));
-# Perform some DMLs
-insert into worklog5743 values(repeat("a", 20000));
-insert into worklog5743 values(repeat("b", 20000));
-update worklog5743 set a = (repeat("x", 25000));
-# Start a new session to select the table to force it build
-# an earlier version of the cluster index through undo log
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
---connection con1
-select a = repeat("a", 20000) from worklog5743;
---disconnect con1
---connection con2
-select @@session.tx_isolation;
-select a = repeat("x", 25000) from worklog5743;
---disconnect con2
---connection default
-drop table worklog5743;
--- echo ### Test 7 ###
-# Some border line tests on the column length.
-# We have a limit of 3072 bytes for Barracuda table
-create table worklog5743(a TEXT not null) ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;
-# Length exceeds maximum supported key length
-# It will be auto-truncated to 3072
-set statement sql_mode = '' for
-create index idx1 on worklog5743(a(3073));
-create index idx2 on worklog5743(a(3072));
-show create table worklog5743;
-drop table worklog5743;
-# We have a limit of 767 bytes for Antelope tables
-create table worklog5743(a TEXT not null) ROW_FORMAT=REDUNDANT;
-create index idx on worklog5743(a(768));
-create index idx2 on worklog5743(a(767));
-drop table worklog5743;
-create table worklog5743(a TEXT not null) ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT;
-create index idx on worklog5743(a(768));
-create index idx2 on worklog5743(a(767));
-drop table worklog5743;
-eval SET GLOBAL innodb_large_prefix=$innodb_large_prefix_orig;
-SET GLOBAL innodb_strict_mode = DEFAULT;