diff options
mode:[greg] <>2003-03-04 10:34:32 -0500[greg] <>2003-03-04 10:34:32 -0500
commit137bdcec5a258d80f6cc44ca84e7e4568f787867 (patch)
parentf95eb82934bf21a1f8d3aafba2ea2dde42014e38 (diff)
-rw-r--r--netware/BUILD/mwasmnlm (renamed from netware/mw/mwasmnlm)0
-rw-r--r--netware/BUILD/mwccnlm (renamed from netware/mw/mwccnlm)0
-rw-r--r--netware/BUILD/mwldnlm (renamed from netware/mw/mwldnlm)0
17 files changed, 363 insertions, 248 deletions
diff --git a/netware/BUILD/compile-AUTOTOOLS b/netware/BUILD/compile-AUTOTOOLS
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0688ea5aaca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netware/BUILD/compile-AUTOTOOLS
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+for package in . ./innobase
+ (cd $package
+ rm -rf config.cache autom4te.cache
+ aclocal
+ autoheader
+ libtoolize --force
+ aclocal
+ automake --add-missing --force-missing
+ autoconf)
+#rm -rf ./bdb/build_unix/config.cache ./bdb/dist/autom4te.cache
+#(cd ./bdb/dist && sh s_all)
diff --git a/netware/BUILD/compile-linux-tools b/netware/BUILD/compile-linux-tools
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..598be96ab66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netware/BUILD/compile-linux-tools
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+#set -x
+if test ! -r ./sql/
+ echo "you must start from the top source directory"
+ exit 1
+path=`dirname $0`
+# clean
+if test -e "Makefile"; then make -k clean; fi
+# remove files
+rm -f NEW-RPMS/*
+rm -f */.deps/*.P
+rm -f */*.linux
+# run autotools
+. $path/compile-AUTOTOOLS
+# configure
+./configure --without-innodb --without-docs
+# build tools only
+make clean config.h
+(cd dbug; make libdbug.a)
+(cd strings; make libmystrings.a)
+(cd mysys; make libmysys.a)
+(cd heap; make libheap.a)
+(cd vio; make libvio.a)
+(cd regex; make libregex.a)
+(cd isam; make libnisam.a)
+(cd merge; make libmerge.a)
+(cd myisam; make libmyisam.a)
+(cd myisammrg; make libmyisammrg.a)
+(cd extra; make comp_err)
+(cd libmysql; make conf_to_src)
+(cd libmysql_r; make conf_to_src)
+(cd sql; make gen_lex_hash)
+(cd strings; make conf_to_src)
+# copying required linux tools
+cp extra/comp_err extra/comp_err.linux
+cp libmysql/conf_to_src libmysql/conf_to_src.linux
+cp libmysql_r/conf_to_src libmysql_r/conf_to_src.linux
+cp sql/gen_lex_hash sql/gen_lex_hash.linux
+cp strings/conf_to_src strings/conf_to_src.linux
diff --git a/netware/BUILD/compile-netware-END b/netware/BUILD/compile-netware-END
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..beb15fbeda3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netware/BUILD/compile-netware-END
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+path=`dirname $0`
+# clean
+if test -e "Makefile"; then make -k clean; fi
+# remove files
+rm -f NEW-RPMS/*
+rm -f */.deps/*.P
+rm -rf
+# Metrowerks enviornment
+. $path/mwenv
+# run auto tools
+. $path/compile-AUTOTOOLS
+# configure
+./configure $base_configs $extra_configs
+# make
+make clean bin-dist
+# mark the build
+for file in *.tar.gz
+ if (expr "$file" : "mysql-[1-9].*" > /dev/null)
+ then
+ new_file=`echo $file | sed -e "s/mysql-/mysql-$suffix-/"`
+ if test -e "$new_file"; then mv -f $new_file $new_file.old; fi
+ mv $file $new_file
+ fi
diff --git a/netware/BUILD/compile-netware-START b/netware/BUILD/compile-netware-START
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ceac111b36c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netware/BUILD/compile-netware-START
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+#set -x
+if test ! -r ./sql/
+ echo "you must start from the top source directory"
+ exit 1
+path=`dirname $0`
+# stop on errors
+set -e
+base_configs=" \
+ --host=i686-pc-netware \
+ --enable-local-infile \
+ --with-extra-charsets=latin1_de \
+ --prefix=N:/mysql \
+ "
diff --git a/netware/BUILD/compile-netware-all b/netware/BUILD/compile-netware-all
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f8dea0f7583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netware/BUILD/compile-netware-all
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+path=`dirname $0`
diff --git a/netware/BUILD/compile-netware-debug b/netware/BUILD/compile-netware-debug
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2cd292c82fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netware/BUILD/compile-netware-debug
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+path=`dirname $0`
+. $path/compile-netware-START
+extra_configs=" \
+ --with-innodb \
+ --with-debug=full \
+ "
+. $path/compile-netware-END
diff --git a/netware/BUILD/compile-netware-standard b/netware/BUILD/compile-netware-standard
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c09337b5fe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netware/BUILD/compile-netware-standard
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+path=`dirname $0`
+. $path/compile-netware-START
+extra_configs=" \
+ --with-innodb
+ "
+. $path/compile-netware-END
diff --git a/netware/mw/mwasmnlm b/netware/BUILD/mwasmnlm
index c3501112aa5..c3501112aa5 100644
--- a/netware/mw/mwasmnlm
+++ b/netware/BUILD/mwasmnlm
diff --git a/netware/mw/mwccnlm b/netware/BUILD/mwccnlm
index 9e989485bd9..9e989485bd9 100644
--- a/netware/mw/mwccnlm
+++ b/netware/BUILD/mwccnlm
diff --git a/netware/BUILD/mwenv b/netware/BUILD/mwenv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d2b64409c88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netware/BUILD/mwenv
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# WINE_BUILD_DIR, BUILD_DIR, and VERSION must be changed before compiling
+# This values are normally changed by the nwbootstrap script
+# the default for WINE_BUILD_DIR is "F:/mydev"
+export MWCNWx86Includes="$MYDEV/libc/include"
+export MWNWx86Libraries="$MYDEV/libc/imports;$MYDEV/mw/lib"
+export MWNWx86LibraryFiles="libcpre.o;libc.imp;netware.imp;mwcrtl.lib;mwcpp.lib"
+export WINEPATH="$MYDEV/mw/bin"
+# the default for BUILD_DIR is "$HOME/mydev"
+export PATH="$PATH:BUILD_DIR/mysql-VERSION/netware/BUILD"
+export AR='mwldnlm'
+export AR_FLAGS='-type library -o'
+export AS='mwasmnlm'
+export CC='mwccnlm -gccincludes'
+export CFLAGS='-dialect c -proc 686 -bool on -relax_pointers -DUSE_OLD_FUNCTIONS'
+export CXX='mwccnlm -gccincludes'
+export CXXFLAGS='-dialect c++ -proc 686 -bool on -relax_pointers'
+export LD='mwldnlm'
+export LDFLAGS='-entry _LibCPrelude -exit _LibCPostlude -flags pseudopreemption'
+export RANLIB=:
+export STRIP=:
diff --git a/netware/mw/mwldnlm b/netware/BUILD/mwldnlm
index 7ad2872ccbb..7ad2872ccbb 100644
--- a/netware/mw/mwldnlm
+++ b/netware/BUILD/mwldnlm
diff --git a/netware/BUILD/nwbootstrap b/netware/BUILD/nwbootstrap
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..a8ed956811e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netware/BUILD/nwbootstrap
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# debug
+#set -x
+path=`dirname $0`
+# stop on errors
+set -e
+# repository direcotry
+# build direcotry
+# doc directory
+# init
+# show usage
+ cat << EOF
+usage: nwbootstrap [options]
+Exports a revision of the BitKeeper tree (nwbootstrap must be run inside a
+directory of the BitKeeper tree to be used). Creates the ChangeLog file.
+Adds the latest manual.texi from the mysqldoc BitKeeper tree. Builds the
+Linux tools required for cross-platform builds. Optionally, builds the
+binary distributions for NetWare.
+--build=<opt> Build the binary distributions for NetWare,
+ where <opt> is "standard", "debug", or "all"
+ (default is to not build a binary distribution)
+--build-dir=<dir> Export the BitKeeper tree to the <dir> directroy
+ (default is "$build_dir")
+--doc-dir=<dir> Use the mysqldoc BitKeeper tree located in the
+ <dir> directory
+ (default is parallel to current BitKeeper tree)
+--help Show this help information
+--revision=<rev> Export the BitKeeper tree as of revision <rev>
+ (default is the latest revision)
+--wine-build-dir=<dir> Use the WINE directory <dir>, which should
+ correspond to the --build-dir directory
+ (default is "$wine_build_dir")
+ nwbootstrap
+ nwbootstrap --revision=1.1594 --build=all
+ nwbootstrap --build-dir=/home/jdoe/dev --wine-build-dir=F:/dev
+ exit 0;
+# parse arguments
+for arg do
+ case "$arg" in
+ --build-dir=*) build_dir=`echo "$arg" | sed -e "s;--build-dir=;;"` ;;
+ --wine-build-dir=*) wine_build_dir=`echo "$arg" | sed -e "s;--wine-build-dir=;;"` ;;
+ --revision=*) revision=`echo "$arg" | sed -e "s;--revision=;;"` ;;
+ --build=*) build=`echo "$arg" | sed -e "s;--build=;;"` ;;
+ --doc-dir=*) doc_dir=`echo "$arg" | sed -e "s;--doc-dir=;;"` ;;
+ *) show_usage ;;
+ esac
+echo "starting build..."
+# check for bk and repo_dir
+bk help > /dev/null
+repo_dir=`bk root $repo_dir`
+cd $repo_dir
+# build temporary directory
+# export the bk tree
+command="bk export";
+if test $revision; then command="$command -r$revision"; fi
+command="$command $temp_dir"
+echo "exporting $repo_dir..."
+# determine version
+version=`grep -e "AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(mysql, .*)" < $temp_dir/ | sed -e "s/AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(mysql, \(.*\))/\1/"`
+echo "version: $version"
+# build target directory
+# delete any old target
+if test -d $target_dir.old; then rm -rf $target_dir.old; fi
+# rename old target
+if test -d $target_dir; then mv -f $target_dir $target_dir.old; fi
+# rename directory to use version
+mv $temp_dir $target_dir
+# create ChangeLog
+if test $revision
+ rev=`bk changes -r..$revision -t -d':REV:' -n | head -2 | tail -1`
+ rev=`bk changes -t -d':REV:' -n | head -1`
+echo "creating ChangeLog..."
+bk changes -v -r$rev > $target_dir/ChangeLog
+# add the latest manual
+if test -d $doc_dir
+ echo "adding the latest manual..."
+ install -m 644 $doc_dir/Docs/{manual,reservedwords}.texi $target_dir/Docs/
+# make files writeable
+cd $target_dir
+chmod -R u+rw,g+rw .
+# edit the mvenv file
+mv -f $mwenv $
+sed -e "s;WINE_BUILD_DIR;$wine_build_dir;g" \
+ -e "s;BUILD_DIR;$build_dir;g" \
+ -e "s;VERSION;$version;g" $ > $mwenv
+chmod +rwx $mwenv
+# build linux tools
+echo "compiling linux tools..."
+# compile
+if test $build
+ echo "compiling $build..."
+ ./netware/BUILD/compile-netware-$build
+echo "done"
diff --git a/netware/libmysqld.def b/netware/libmysqld.def
deleted file mode 100644
index c6615ee971c..00000000000
--- a/netware/libmysqld.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-DESCRIPTION 'MySQL 4.0 Embedded Server Library'
- mysql_server_end
- mysql_server_init
- mysql_use_result
- mysql_thread_safe
- mysql_thread_id
- mysql_store_result
- mysql_stat
- mysql_shutdown
- mysql_select_db
- mysql_row_tell
- mysql_row_seek
- mysql_real_query
- mysql_real_connect
- mysql_query
- mysql_ping
- mysql_options
- mysql_num_rows
- mysql_num_fields
- mysql_list_tables
- mysql_list_processes
- mysql_list_fields
- mysql_list_dbs
- mysql_kill
- mysql_insert_id
- mysql_init
- mysql_info
- mysql_get_server_info
- mysql_get_proto_info
- mysql_get_host_info
- mysql_get_client_info
- mysql_free_result
- mysql_field_tell
- mysql_field_count
- mysql_field_seek
- mysql_fetch_row
- mysql_fetch_lengths
- mysql_fetch_fields
- mysql_fetch_field_direct
- mysql_fetch_field
- mysql_escape_string
- mysql_real_escape_string
- mysql_error
- mysql_errno
- mysql_eof
- mysql_dump_debug_info
- mysql_drop_db
- mysql_debug
- mysql_data_seek
- mysql_create_db
- mysql_character_set_name
- mysql_change_user
- mysql_connect
- mysql_close
- mysql_affected_rows
- mysql_thread_init
- mysql_thread_end
- mysql_send_query
- mysql_read_query_result
- mysql_refresh
- mysql_odbc_escape_string
- myodbc_remove_escape
diff --git a/netware/mw/mwenv b/netware/mw/mwenv
deleted file mode 100644
index 31500ae400f..00000000000
--- a/netware/mw/mwenv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-export MYDEV="F:/mydev"
-export MWCNWx86Includes="$MYDEV/libc/include;$MYDEV/zlib-1.1.4"
-export MWNWx86Libraries="$MYDEV/libc/imports;$MYDEV/mw/lib;$MYDEV/zlib-1.1.4"
-export MWNWx86LibraryFiles="libcpre.o;libc.imp;netware.imp;mwcrtl.lib;mwcpp.lib;libz.a"
-export WINEPATH="$MYDEV/mw/bin"
-export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/mydev/mysql-4.1/netware/mw"
diff --git a/netware/nwbootstrap b/netware/nwbootstrap
deleted file mode 100755
index 3e4b03de0f5..00000000000
--- a/netware/nwbootstrap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# show executed commands
-# set -x
-# stop on errors
-set -e
-# parse arguments
-for arg do
- case "$arg" in
- --build) build=1 ;;
- --build-debug) build_debug=1 ;;
- --skip-linux) skip_linux=1 ;;
- *) echo "$0: unrecognized option: $arg" ;;
- esac
-# run the auto tools
- for package in $BD $BD/innobase
- do
- echo "cd $package"
- cd $package
- rm -f config.cache
- echo "aclocal"
- aclocal
- echo "autoheader"
- autoheader
- echo "libtoolize --force"
- libtoolize --force
- echo "aclocal"
- aclocal
- echo "automake --add-missing --force-missing"
- automake --add-missing --force-missing
- echo "autoconf"
- autoconf
- done
- cd $BD
-# check the source direcotry
-echo "looking for \"$BD/sql/\"..."
-if test ! -r ./sql/
- echo "./netware/nwbootstrap must be started from the top source directory"
- exit 1
-# clean
-# make -j 2 -k distclean
-rm -f NEW-RPMS/*
-rm -f */.deps/*.P
-# make files writeable
-chmod -R u+rw,g+rw .
-# skip linux?
-if test $skip_linux -ne 1
- echo "starting linux build..."
- echo "autotools..."
- autotools
- echo "configuring for linux..."
- ./configure --without-docs --without-innodb
- echo "building for linux..."
- make clean all
- echo "copying required linux binaries..."
- rm -f */*.linux
- cp extra/comp_err extra/comp_err.linux
- cp libmysql/conf_to_src libmysql/conf_to_src.linux
- cp libmysql/conf_to_src libmysql_r/conf_to_src.linux
- cp sql/gen_lex_hash sql/gen_lex_hash.linux
- cp strings/conf_to_src strings/conf_to_src.linux
- echo "cleaning linux build..."
- make clean distclean
-echo "starting netware build..."
-# remove stale files
-rm -rf
-# start mw enviornment
-chmod +x ./netware/nwconfigure
-chmod +x ./netware/mw/mwenv
-chmod +x ./netware/mw/mwasmnlm
-chmod +x ./netware/mw/mwccnlm
-chmod +x ./netware/mw/mwldnlm
-. ./netware/mw/mwenv
-# link nwconfigure
-rm -f ./nwconfigure
-ln ./netware/nwconfigure ./nwconfigure
-# save old builds from previous run
-if test -e *.tar.gz
- rm -f *.tar.gz.old
- rename .tar.gz .tar.gz.old *.tar.gz
-echo "autotools..."
-# debug build
-if test $build_debug -eq 1
- echo "configuring for netware (debug)..."
- ./nwconfigure --with-debug=full
- echo "building for netware (debug)..."
- make clean bin-dist
- # mark the debug build
- rename .tar.gz -debug.tar.gz *.tar.gz
-# release build
-if test $build -eq 1
- echo "configuring for netware..."
- ./nwconfigure
- echo "building for netware..."
- make clean bin-dist
-echo "done"
diff --git a/netware/nwconfigure b/netware/nwconfigure
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d89377dea8..00000000000
--- a/netware/nwconfigure
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
- AR='mwldnlm' \
- AR_FLAGS='-type library -o' \
- AS='mwasmnlm' \
- CC='mwccnlm -gccincludes' \
- CFLAGS='-dialect c -proc 686 -bool on -relax_pointers -DUSE_OLD_FUNCTIONS' \
- CXX='mwccnlm -gccincludes' \
- CXXFLAGS='-dialect c++ -proc 686 -bool on -relax_pointers' \
- LD='mwldnlm' \
- LDFLAGS='-entry _LibCPrelude -exit _LibCPostlude -flags pseudopreemption' \
- RANLIB=: \
- STRIP=: \
- ./configure --host=i686-pc-netware $* \
- --without-docs \
- --enable-local-infile \
- --with-extra-charsets=latin1_de \
- --prefix=N:/mysql \
- "
-#rm -f config.cache config.log config.status
-echo $CMD
-eval $CMD
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 78eb1343f47..874896c33b4 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -64,16 +64,17 @@ case $system in
-mkdir $BASE $BASE/bin $BASE/data $BASE/data/mysql $BASE/data/test \
+mkdir $BASE $BASE/bin \
$BASE/include $BASE/lib $BASE/support-files $BASE/share $BASE/scripts \
$BASE/mysql-test $BASE/mysql-test/t $BASE/mysql-test/r \
$BASE/mysql-test/include $BASE/mysql-test/std_data
if [ $BASE_SYSTEM != "netware" ] ; then
- mkdir $BASE/share/mysql $BASE/tests $BASE/sql-bench $BASE/man $BASE/man/man1
+ mkdir $BASE/share/mysql $BASE/tests $BASE/sql-bench $BASE/man \
+ $BASE/man/man1 $BASE/data $BASE/data/mysql $BASE/data/test
-chmod o-rwx $BASE/data $BASE/data/*
+ chmod o-rwx $BASE/data $BASE/data/*
MySQLEULA.txt Docs/manual.html Docs/manual.txt Docs/manual_toc.html \