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authorVicențiu Ciorbaru <>2022-02-28 17:02:30 +0200
committerVicențiu Ciorbaru <>2022-02-28 17:02:58 +0200
commit6e7ece95a0f4ec6a217c80cf736d9aa5a2b49b6a (patch)
parentf002e19837ebc10e672d8d0d03c04ecc69b3f2c3 (diff)
WIP: foo tests
2 files changed, 265 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/deny/show_databases_global_roles_deny.test b/mysql-test/suite/deny/show_databases_global_roles_deny.test
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f260f315fdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/suite/deny/show_databases_global_roles_deny.test
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+--source include/
+# This test covers show databases command interacting with DENY command.
+# A user is able to see a database in `show databases` if:
+# 1. They have globally granted any of the *DB_ACLS* (see privilege sets)
+# or they have SHOW DATABASES privilege
+# 2. They have on the database level granted any privilege.
+# 3. They have grants on any of the underlying database objects:
+# a. Tables
+# b. Columns
+# c. Stored Procedures
+# A deny masking rights should affect all levels of this chain.
+create user foo;
+create role bar;
+grant bar to foo;
+create database some_db;
+create table some_db.t1 (a int, secret int);
+show databases;
+grant select on *.* to foo;
+show grants for foo;
+--echo #############################
+--echo # Test global level denies. #
+--echo #############################
+--echo #
+--echo # Test masking global level denies.
+--echo #
+--connect (con1,localhost,foo,,)
+show databases;
+disconnect con1;
+connection default;
+--echo #
+--echo # Mask all rigths.
+--echo #
+deny select on *.* to bar;
+--connect (con1,localhost,foo,,)
+show databases;
+set role bar;
+show databases;
+disconnect con1;
+connection default;
+#--echo #
+#--echo # Not all rights masked.
+#--echo #
+#grant insert on *.* to foo;
+#--echo #
+#--echo # some_db should now show up in the list because insert is not masked.
+#--echo #
+#--connect (con1,localhost,foo,,)
+#show databases;
+#disconnect con1;
+#connection default;
+#deny insert on *.* to foo;
+#--echo #
+#--echo # some_db should not be present now.
+#--echo #
+#--connect (con1,localhost,foo,,)
+#show databases;
+#disconnect con1;
+#connection default;
+#grant show databases on *.* to foo;
+#--connect (con1,localhost,foo,,)
+#show databases;
+#disconnect con1;
+#connection default;
+#deny show databases on *.* to foo;
+#--connect (con1,localhost,foo,,)
+#show databases;
+#disconnect con1;
+#connection default;
+#--echo #
+#--echo # Test masking database level grants with global denies.
+#--echo #
+#grant select on some_db.* to foo;
+#--connect (con1,localhost,foo,,)
+#show databases;
+#disconnect con1;
+#connection default;
+#grant update on some_db.* to foo;
+#--connect (con1,localhost,foo,,)
+#--echo #
+#--echo # Update not masked via global deny, some_db should show up.
+#--echo #
+#show databases;
+#disconnect con1;
+#connection default;
+#deny update on *.* to foo;
+#--connect (con1,localhost,foo,,)
+#--echo #
+#--echo # Now it should show up.
+#--echo #
+#show databases;
+#disconnect con1;
+#connection default;
+#--echo #
+#--echo # Test masking table level grants with global denies.
+#--echo #
+#connection default;
+#grant insert on some_db.t1 to foo;
+#show grants for foo;
+#--connect (con1,localhost,foo,,)
+#show databases;
+#disconnect con1;
+#connection default;
+#grant delete on some_db.t1 to foo;
+#show grants for foo;
+#--connect (con1,localhost,foo,,)
+#--echo #
+#--echo # some_db should show up because we have delete rights on t1.
+#--echo #
+#show databases;
+#disconnect con1;
+#connection default;
+#deny delete on *.* to foo;
+#--connect (con1,localhost,foo,,)
+#show databases;
+#disconnect con1;
+#connection default;
+#--echo #
+#--echo # Test masking column level grants with global denies.
+#--echo #
+#grant references (a) on some_db.t1 to foo;
+#show grants for foo;
+#--connect (con1,localhost,foo,,)
+#show databases;
+#disconnect con1;
+#connection default;
+#deny references on *.* to foo;
+#show grants for foo;
+#--connect (con1,localhost,foo,,)
+#show databases;
+#disconnect con1;
+#connection default;
+#delimiter |;
+#--echo #
+#--echo # Test masking procedure / function / package level grants with global
+#--echo # denies.
+#--echo #
+#create procedure some_db.proc_1()
+#select 1;
+#create function some_db.func_1() returns int
+#return 3;
+#set @old_sql_mode=@@sql_mode|
+#set sql_mode=ORACLE|
+#create package some_db.util_functions as
+# function f1(id int) return int;
+#create package body some_db.util_functions as
+# function f1(id int) return int as result int;
+# begin
+# return 10;
+# end;
+#delimiter ;|
+#grant execute on procedure some_db.proc_1 to foo;
+#grant execute on function some_db.func_1 to foo;
+#grant execute on package some_db.util_functions to foo;
+#set sql_mode=@old_sql_mode;
+#--connect (con1,localhost,foo,,)
+#show databases;
+#disconnect con1;
+#connection default;
+#deny execute on *.* to foo;
+#--connect (con1,localhost,foo,,)
+#show databases;
+#disconnect con1;
+#connection default;
+#--echo # TODO(cvicentiu) -- When database level denies are implemented, check
+#--echo # the following:
+#--echo # If we still have show databases ACL, yet we have
+#--echo # DENY all on some_db.* to foo, show databases should still show some_db,
+#--echo # simply because we *do* have show databases ACL.
+#--echo # NOTE: Currently we still have show databases ACL. This means
+#--echo # That even if all rights are denie
+drop user foo;
+drop role bar;
+drop database some_db;
diff --git a/mysql-test/suite/deny/test.test b/mysql-test/suite/deny/test.test
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d4badce966b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-test/suite/deny/test.test
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+create user foo;
+create database deny_db;
+create table deny_db.t1 (a int, b int, secret int);
+--connect (con1,localhost,foo,,)
+select * from deny_db.t1;
+select * from deny_db.t2;
+select * from deny_db2.t3;
+disconnect con1;
+connection default;
+grant select (secret) on deny_db.t1 to foo;
+deny select on *.* to foo;
+--connect (con1,localhost,foo,,)
+show databases;
+use information_schema; # Information schema should still be accessible.
+use deny_db; # Ensure we can't move to a db we don't have access to.
+select * from deny_db.t1;