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mode: <>2003-08-26 11:51:09 +0200 <>2003-08-26 11:51:09 +0200
commit7f158dd12a814e990454eee85fc5fea4d18a8d30 (patch)
tree64a6fa388e4aab5527ee4bc81489d6cfac07fcf0 /Docs
parent5b28d4a9a49a2d1c3225044b2cc82aa9e840687f (diff)
parent6f6042462933c66f8af0503b32aa62e43f1aaf1f (diff)
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2 files changed, 721 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Docs/sp-imp-spec.txt b/Docs/sp-imp-spec.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..385625464f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Docs/sp-imp-spec.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,622 @@
+ Implementation specification for Stored Procedures
+ ==================================================
+- How parsing and execution of queries work
+ In order to execute a query, the function is
+ called, which in turn calls the parser (yyparse()) with an updated Lex
+ structure as the result. mysql_parse() then calls mysql_execute_command()
+ which dispatches on the command code (in Lex) to the corresponding code for
+ executing that particular query.
+ There are thre structures involved in the execution of a query which are of
+ interest to the stored procedure implementation:
+ - Lex (mentioned above) is the "compiled" query, that is the output from
+ the parser and what is then interpreted to do the actual work.
+ It constains an enum value (sql_command) which is the query type, and
+ all the data collected by the parser needed for the execution (table
+ names, fields, values, etc).
+ - THD is the "run-time" state of a connection, containing all that is
+ needed for a particular client connection, and, among other things, the
+ Lex structure currently being executed.
+ - Item_*: During parsing, all data is translated into "items", objects of
+ the subclasses of "Item", such as Item_int, Item_real, Item_string, etc,
+ for basic datatypes, and also various more specialized Item types for
+ expressions to be evaluated (Item_func objects).
+- How to fit Stored Procedure into this scheme
+ - An overview of the classes and files for stored procedures
+ (More detailed APIs at the end of this file)
+ - class sp_head (sp_head.{cc,h})
+ This contains, among other things, an array of "instructions" and the
+ method for executing the procedure.
+ - class sp_pcontext (sp_pcontext.{cc,h}
+ This is the parse context for the procedure. It's primarily used during
+ parsing to keep track of local parameters, variables and labels, but
+ it's also used at CALL time do find parameters mode (IN, OUT or INOUT)
+ and type when setting up the runtime context.
+ - class sp_instr (sp_head.{cc,h})
+ This is the base class for "instructions", that is, what is generated
+ by the parser. It turns out that we only need 4 different sub classes:
+ - sp_instr_stmt
+ Execute a statement. This is the "call-out" any normal SQL statement,
+ like a SELECT, INSERT etc. It contains the Lex structure for the
+ statement in question.
+ - sp_instr_set
+ Set the value of a local variable (or parameter)
+ - sp_instr_jump
+ An unconditional jump.
+ - sp_instr_jump_if_not
+ Jump if condition is not true. It turns out that the negative test is
+ most convenient when generating the code for the flow control
+ constructs.
+ - class sp_rcontext (sp_rcontext.h)
+ This is the runtime context in the THD structure.
+ It contains an array of items, the parameters and local variables for
+ the currently executing stored procedure.
+ This means that variable value lookup is in runtime is constant time,
+ a simple index operation.
+ - class Item_splocal (Item.{cc,h})
+ This is a subclass of Item. Its sole purpose is to hide the fact that
+ the real Item is actually in the current frame (runtime context).
+ It contains the frame offset and defers all methods to the real Item
+ in the frame. This is what the parser generates for local variables.
+ - Utility functions (sp.{cc,h})
+ This contains functions for creating, dropping and finding a stored
+ procedure in the mysql.proc table (or internal cache, when it is
+ implemented).
+ - Parsing CREATE PROCEDURE ...
+ When parsing a CREATE PROCEDURE the parser first initializes the
+ sphead and spcont (runtime context) fields in the Lex.
+ The sql_command code for the result of parsing a is
+ The parsing of the parameter list and body is relatively
+ straight-forward:
+ - Parameters:
+ name, type and mode (IN/OUT/INOUT) is pushed to spcont
+ - Declared local variables:
+ Same as parameters (mode is then IN)
+ - Local Variable references:
+ If an identifier is found in in spcont, an Item_splocal is created
+ with the variable's frame index, otherwise an Item_field or Item_ref
+ is created (as before).
+ - Statements:
+ The Lex in THD is replaced by a new Lex structure and the statement,
+ is parsed as usual. A sp_instr_stmt is created, containing the new
+ Lex, and added to added to the instructions in sphead.
+ Afterwards, the procedure's Lex is restored in THD.
+ - SET var:
+ Setting a local variable generates a sp_instr_set instruction,
+ containing the variable's frame offset, the expression (an Item),
+ and the type.
+ - Flow control:
+ Flow control constructs like, IF, WHILE, etc, generate a conditional
+ and unconditional jumps in the "obvious" way, but a few notes may
+ be required:
+ - Forward jumps: When jumping forward, the exact destination is not
+ known at the time of the creation of the jump instruction. The
+ sphead therefore contains list of instruction-label pairs for
+ each forward reference. When the position later is known, the
+ instructions in the list are updated with the correct location.
+ - Loop constructs have optional labels. If a loop doesn't have a
+ label, an anonymous label is generated to simplify the parsing.
+ - There are two types of CASE. The "simple" case is implemented
+ with an anonymous variable bound to the value to be tested.
+ - An example
+ Parsing the procedure:
+ create procedure a(s char(16))
+ begin
+ declare x int;
+ set x = 3;
+ while x > 0 do
+ set x = x-1;
+ insert into values (x, s);
+ end while
+ end
+ would generate the following structures:
+ ______
+ thd: | | _________
+ | lex -+--->| | ___________________
+ |______| | spcont -+------------------->| "s",in,char(16):0 |
+ | sphead -+------ |("x",in,int :1)|
+ |_________| | |___________________|
+ ____V__________________
+ | m_name: "a" |
+ | m_defstr: "create ..."|
+ | m_instr: ... |
+ |_______________________|
+ Note that the contents of the spcont is changing during the parsing,
+ at all times reflecting the state of the would-be runtime frame.
+ The m_instr is an array of instructions:
+ Pos. Instruction
+ 0 sp_instr_set(1, '3')
+ 1 sp_instr_jump_if_not(5, 'x>0')
+ 2 sp_instr_set(1, 'x-1')
+ 3 sp_instr_stmt('insert into ...')
+ 4 sp_instr_jump(1)
+ 5 <end>
+ Here, '3', 'x>0', etc, represent the Items or Lex for the respective
+ expressions or statements.
+ - Parsing CREATE FUNCTION ...
+ Creating a functions is essensially the same thing as for a PROCEDURE,
+ with the addition that a FUNCTION has a return type and a RETURN
+ statement, but no OUT or INOUT parameters.
+ The main difference during parsing is that we store the result type
+ in the sp_head. However, there are big differences when it comes to
+ invoking a FUNCTION. (See below.)
+ - Storing, caching, dropping...
+ As seen above, the entired definition string, including the "CREATE
+ PROCEDURE" (or "FUNCTION") is kept. The procedure definition string is
+ stored in the table mysql.proc with the name and type as the key, the
+ type being one of the enum ("procedure","function").
+ A PROCEDURE is just stored int the mysql.proc table. A FUNCTION has an
+ additional requirement. They will be called in expressions with the same
+ syntax as UDFs, so UDFs and stored FUNCTIONs share the namespace. Thus,
+ we must make sure that we do not have UDFs and FUNCTIONs with the same
+ name (even if they are storded in different places).
+ This means that we can reparse the procedure as many time as we want.
+ The first time, the resulting Lex is used to store the procedure in
+ the database (using the function sp.c:sp_create_procedure()).
+ The simplest way would be to just leave it at that, and re-read the
+ procedure from the database each time it is called. (And in fact, that's
+ the way the earliest implementation will work.)
+ However, this is not very efficient, and we can do better. The full
+ implementation should work like this:
+ 1) Upon creation time, parse and store the procedure. Note that we still
+ need to parse it to catch syntax errors, but we can't check if called
+ procedures exists for instance.
+ 2) Upon first CALL, read from the database, parse it, and cache the
+ resulting Lex in memory. This time we can do more error checking.
+ 3) Upon subsequent CALLs, use the cached Lex.
+ Note that this implies that the Lex structure with its sphead must be
+ reentrant, that is, reusable and shareable between different threads
+ and calls. The runtime state for a procedure is kept in the sp_rcontext
+ in THD.
+ The mechanisms of storing, finding, and dropping procedures are
+ encapsulated in the files sp.{cc,h}.
+ - CALLing a procedure
+ A CALL is parsed just like any statement. The resulting Lex has the
+ sql_command SQLCOM_CALL, the procedure's name and the parameters are
+ pushed to the Lex' value_list.
+ then uses to
+ get the sp_head for the procedure (which may have been read from the
+ database or feetched from the in-memory cache) and calls the sp_head's
+ method execute().
+ Note: It's important that substatements called by the procedure do not
+ do send_ok(). Fortunately, there is a flag in THD->net to disable
+ this during CALLs. If a substatement fails, it will however send
+ an error back to the client, so the CALL mechanism must return
+ immediately and without sending an error.
+ The sp_head::execute() method works as follows:
+ 1) Keep a pointer to the old runtime context in THD (if any)
+ 2) Create a new runtime context. The information about the required size
+ is in sp_head's parse time context.
+ 3) Push each parameter (from the CALL's Lex->value_list) to the new
+ context. If it's an OUT or INOUT parameter, the parameter's offset
+ in the caller's frame is set in the new context as well.
+ 4) For each instruction, call its execute() method.
+ The result is a pointer to the next instruction to execute (or NULL)
+ if an error occured.
+ 5) On success, set the new values of the OUT and INOUT parameters in
+ the caller's frame.
+ - USE database
+ Before executing the instruction we also keeps the current default
+ database (if any). If this was changed during execution (i.e. a "USE"
+ statement has been executed), we restore the current database to the
+ original.
+ This is the most useful way to handle USE in procedures. If we didn't,
+ the caller would find himself in a different database after calling
+ a function, which can be confusing.
+ Restoring the database also gives full freedom to the procedure writer:
+ - It's possible to write "general" procedures that are independent of
+ the actual database name.
+ - It's possible to write procedures that work on a particular database
+ by calling USE, without having to use fully qualified table names
+ everywhere (which doesn't help if you want to call other, "general",
+ procedures anyway).
+ - Evaluating Items
+ There are three occasions where we need to evaluate an expression:
+ - When SETing a variable
+ - When CALLing a procedure
+ - When testing an expression for a branch (in IF, WHILE, etc)
+ The semantics in stored procedures is "call-by-value", so we have to
+ evaluate any "func" Items at the point of the CALL or SET, otherwise
+ we would get a kind of "lazy" evaluation with unexpected results with
+ respect to OUT parameters for instance.
+ For this the support function, is needed.
+ - Calling a FUNCTION
+ Functions don't have an explicit call keyword like procedures. Instead,
+ they appear in expressions with the conventional syntax "fun(arg, ...)".
+ The problem is that we already have User Defined Functions (UDFs) which
+ are called the same way. A UDF is detected by the lexical analyzer (not
+ the parser!), in the find_keyword() function, and returns a UDF_*_FUNC
+ or UDA_*_SUM token with the udf_func object as the yylval.
+ So, stored functions must be handled in a simpilar way, and as a
+ consequence, UDFs and functions must not have the same name.
+ - Detecting and parsing a FUNCTION invokation
+ The existance of UDFs are checked during the lexical analysis (in
+ This has the drawback that they must
+ exist before they are refered to, which was ok before SPs existed,
+ but then it becomes a problem. The first implementation of SP FUNCTIONs
+ will work the same way, but this should be fixed a.s.a.p. (This will
+ required some reworking of the way UDFs are handled, which is why it's
+ not done from the start.)
+ For the time being, a FUNCTION is detected the same way, and returns
+ the token SP_FUNC. During the parsing we only check for the *existance*
+ of the function, we don't parse it, since wa can't call the parser
+ recursively.
+ When encountering a SP_FUNC with parameters in the expression parser,
+ an instance of the new Item_func_sp class is created. Unlike UDFs, we
+ don't have different classes for different return types, since we at
+ this point don't know the type.
+ - Collecting FUNCTIONs to invoke
+ A FUNCTION differs from a PROCEDURE in one important aspect: Whereas a
+ PROCEDURE is CALLed as statement by itself, a FUNCTION is invoked
+ "on-the-fly" during the execution of *another* statement.
+ This makes things a lot more complicated compared to CALL:
+ - We can't read and parse the FUNCTION from the mysql.proc table at the
+ point of invokation; the server requires that all tables used are
+ opened and locked at the beginning of the query execution.
+ One "obvious" solution would be to simply push "mysql.proc" to the list
+ of tables used by the query, but this implies a "join" with this table
+ if the query is a select, so it doesn't work (and we can't exclude this
+ table easily; since a priviledged used might in fact want to search
+ the proc table).
+ Another solution would of course be to allow the opening and closing
+ of the mysql.proc table during a query execution, but this it not
+ possible at the present.
+ So, the solution is to collect the names of the refered FUNCTIONs during
+ parsing in the lex.
+ Then, before doing anything else in mysql_execute_command(), read all
+ functions from the database an keep them in the THD, where the function
+ sp_find_function() can find them during the execution.
+ Note: Even when a global in-memory cache is implemented, we must still
+ make sure that the functions are indeed read and cached at this point.
+ The code that read and cache functions from the database must also be
+ invoked recursively for each read FUNCTION to make sure we have *all* the
+ functions we need.
+ In the absence of the real in-memory cache for SPs, a temporary solution
+ has been implemented with a per-THD cache for just FUNCTIONs. This is
+ handled by the functions
+ void sp_add_fun_to_lex(LEX *lex, LEX_STRING fun);
+ void sp_merge_funs(LEX *dst, LEX *src);
+ int sp_cache_functions(THD *thd, LEX *lex);
+ void sp_clear_function_cache(THD *thd);
+ in
+ The procedure name is pushed to Lex->value_list.
+ The sql_command code for the result of parsing a is
+ Dropping is done by simply getting the procedure with the sp_find()
+ function and calling sp_drop() (both in sp.{cc,h}).
+ DROP PROCEDURE/FUNCTION also supports the non-standard "IF EXISTS",
+ analogous to other DROP statements in MySQL.
+ - Class and function APIs
+ - The parser context: sp_pcontext.h
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ sp_param_in,
+ sp_param_out,
+ sp_param_inout
+ } sp_param_mode_t;
+ typedef struct
+ {
+ Item_string *name;
+ enum enum_field_types type;
+ sp_param_mode_t mode;
+ uint offset; // Offset in current frame
+ my_bool isset;
+ } sp_pvar_t;
+ class sp_pcontext
+ {
+ sp_pcontext();
+ // Return the maximum frame size
+ uint max_framesize();
+ // Return the current frame size
+ uint current_framesize();
+ // Return the number of parameters
+ uint params();
+ // Set the number of parameters to the current frame size
+ void set_params();
+ // Set type of the variable at offset 'i' in the frame
+ void set_type(uint i, enum enum_field_types type);
+ // Mark the i:th variable to "set" (i.e. having a value) with
+ // 'val' true.
+ void set_isset(uint i, my_bool val);
+ // Push the variable 'name' to the frame.
+ void push(LEX_STRING *name,
+ enum enum_field_types type, sp_param_mode_t mode);
+ // Pop 'num' variables from the frame.
+ void pop(uint num = 1);
+ // Find variable by name
+ sp_pvar_t *find_pvar(LEX_STRING *name);
+ // Find variable by index
+ sp_pvar_t *find_pvar(uint i);
+ // Push label 'name' of instruction index 'ip' to the label context
+ sp_label_t *push_label(char *name, uint ip);
+ // Find label 'name' in the context
+ sp_label_t *find_label(char *name);
+ // Return the last pushed label
+ sp_label_t *last_label();
+ // Return and remove the last pushed label.
+ sp_label_t *pop_label();
+ }
+ - The run-time context (call frame): sp_rcontext.h
+ class sp_rcontext
+ {
+ // 'size' is the max size of the context
+ sp_rcontext(uint size);
+ // Push value (parameter) 'i' to the frame
+ void push_item(Item *i);
+ // Set slot 'idx' to value 'i'
+ void set_item(uint idx, Item *i);
+ // Return the item in slot 'idx'
+ Item *get_item(uint idx);
+ // Set the "out" index 'oidx' for slot 'idx. If it's an IN slot,
+ // use 'oidx' -1.
+ void set_oindex(uint idx, int oidx);
+ // Return the "out" index for slot 'idx'
+ int get_oindex(uint idx);
+ // Set the FUNCTION result
+ void set_result(Item *i);
+ // Get the FUNCTION result
+ Item *get_result();
+ }
+ - The procedure: sp_head.h
+ class sp_head
+ {
+ sp_head(LEX_STRING *name, LEX*);
+ // Store this procedure in the database. This is a wrapper around
+ // the function sp_create_procedure().
+ int create(THD *);
+ // Invoke a FUNCTION
+ int
+ execute_function(THD *thd, Item **args, uint argcount, Item **resp);
+ int
+ execute_procedure(THD *thd, List<Item> *args);
+ // Add the instruction to this procedure.
+ void add_instr(sp_instr *);
+ // Return the number of instructions.
+ uint instructions();
+ // Resets lex in 'thd' and keeps a copy of the old one.
+ void reset_lex(THD *);
+ // Restores lex in 'thd' from our copy, but keeps some status from the
+ // one in 'thd', like ptr, tables, fields, etc.
+ void restore_lex(THD *);
+ // Put the instruction on the backpatch list, associated with
+ // the label.
+ void push_backpatch(sp_instr *, struct sp_label *);
+ // Update all instruction with this label in the backpatch list to
+ // the current position.
+ void backpatch(struct sp_label *);
+ }
+ - Instructions
+ - The base class:
+ class sp_instr
+ {
+ // 'ip' is the index of this instruction
+ sp_instr(uint ip);
+ // Execute this instrution.
+ // '*nextp' will be set to the index of the next instruction
+ // to execute. (For most instruction this will be the
+ // instruction following this one.)
+ // Returns 0 on success, non-zero if some error occured.
+ virtual int execute(THD *, uint *nextp)
+ }
+ - Statement instruction:
+ class sp_instr_stmt : public sp_instr
+ {
+ sp_instr_stmt(uint ip);
+ int execute(THD *, uint *nextp);
+ // Set the statement's Lex
+ void set_lex(LEX *);
+ // Return the statement's Lex
+ LEX *get_lex();
+ }
+ - SET instruction:
+ class sp_instr_set : public sp_instr
+ {
+ // 'offset' is the variable's frame offset, 'val' the value,
+ // and 'type' the variable type.
+ sp_instr_set(uint ip,
+ uint offset, Item *val, enum enum_field_types type);
+ int execute(THD *, uint *nextp);
+ }
+ - Unconditional jump
+ class sp_instr_jump : public sp_instr
+ {
+ // No destination, must be set.
+ sp_instr_jump(uint ip);
+ // 'dest' is the destination instruction index.
+ sp_instr_jump(uint ip, uint dest);
+ int execute(THD *, uint *nextp);
+ // Set the destination instruction 'dest'.
+ void set_destination(uint dest);
+ }
+ - Conditional jump
+ class sp_instr_jump_if_not : public sp_instr_jump
+ {
+ // Jump if 'i' evaluates to false. Destination not set yet.
+ sp_instr_jump_if_not(uint ip, Item *i);
+ // Jump to 'dest' if 'i' evaluates to false.
+ sp_instr_jump_if_not(uint ip, Item *i, uint dest)
+ int execute(THD *, uint *nextp);
+ }
+ - Return a function value
+ class sp_instr_return : public sp_instr
+ {
+ // Return the value 'val'
+ sp_instr_return(uint ip, Item *val, enum enum_field_types type);
+ int execute(THD *thd, uint *nextp);
+ }
+ - Utility functions: sp.h
+ #define SP_OK 0
+ #define SP_KEY_NOT_FOUND -1
+ #define SP_WRITE_ROW_FAILED -3
+ #define SP_GET_FIELD_FAILED -5
+ #define SP_PARSE_ERROR -6
+ // Finds a stored procedure given its name. Returns NULL if not found.
+ sp_head *sp_find_procedure(THD *, LEX_STRING *name);
+ // Store the procedure 'name' in the database. 'def' is the complete
+ // definition string ("create procedure ...").
+ int sp_create_procedure(THD *,
+ char *name, uint namelen,
+ char *def, uint deflen);
+ // Drop the procedure 'name' from the database.
+ int sp_drop_procedure(THD *, char *name, uint namelen);
+ // Finds a stored function given its name. Returns NULL if not found.
+ sp_head *sp_find_function(THD *, LEX_STRING *name);
+ // Store the function 'name' in the database. 'def' is the complete
+ // definition string ("create function ...").
+ int sp_create_function(THD *,
+ char *name, uint namelen,
+ char *def, uint deflen);
+ // Drop the function 'name' from the database.
+ int sp_drop_function(THD *, char *name, uint namelen);
diff --git a/Docs/sp-implemented.txt b/Docs/sp-implemented.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..41e7c4b2923
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Docs/sp-implemented.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+Stored Procedures implemented 2003-03-07:
+Summary of Not Yet Implemented:
+ - SQL queries (like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE etc) in FUNCTION bodies
+ - External languages
+ - Access control
+ - Routine characteristics (mostly used for external languages)
+ - Prepared SP caching; SPs are fetched and reparsed at each call
+ - SQL-99 COMMIT (related to BEGIN/END)
+ - FOR-loops (as it requires cursors)
+ - ALTER/DROP METHOD (as it implies User Defined Types)
+ - CONDITIONs, HANDLERs, SIGNAL and RESIGNAL (will probably not be implemented)
+Summary of what's implemented:
+ - CALL
+ - DECLARE of local variables
+ - SELECT INTO local variables
+ - "Non-query" FUNCTIONs only
+List of what's implemented:
+ - CREATE PROCEDURE|FUNCTION name ( args ) body
+ No routine characteristics yet.
+ Is parsed, but a no-op (as there are no characteristics implemented yet).
+ CASCADE/RESTRICT is not implemented (and CASCADE probably will not be).
+ CASCADE/RESTRICT is not implemented (and CASCADE probably will not be).
+ - CALL name (args)
+ OUT and INOUT parameters are only supported for local variables, and
+ therefore only useful when calling such procedures from within another
+ procedure.
+ Note: For the time being, when a procedure with OUT/INOUT parameter is
+ called, the out values are silently discarded. In the future, this
+ will either generate an error message, or it might even work to
+ call all procedures from the top-level.
+ - Function/Procedure body:
+ Is parsed, but not the real thing with (optional) transaction
+ control, it only serves as block syntax for multiple statements (and
+ local variable binding).
+ Note: Multiple statements requires a client that can send bodies
+ containing ";". This is handled in the CLI clients mysql and
+ mysqltest with the "delimiter" command. Changing the end-of-query
+ delimiter ";" to for instance "|" allows ";" to be used in the
+ routine body.
+ - SET of local variables
+ Implemented as part of the pre-existing SET syntax. This allows an
+ extended syntax of "SET a=x, b=y, ..." where different variable types
+ (SP local and global) can be mixed. This also allows combinations
+ of local variables and some options that only make sense for
+ global/system variables; in that case the options are accepted but
+ ignored.
+ - The flow control constructs: CASE, IF, LOOP, WHILE, ITERATE and LEAVE
+ are fully implemented.
+ - SELECT ... INTO local variables (as well as global session variables)
+ is implemented. (Note: This is not SQL-99 feature, but common in other
+ databases.)
+ - A FUNCTION can have flow control contructs, but must not contain
+ an SQL query, like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, etc. The reason is that it's
+ hard to allow this is that a FUNCTION is executed as part of another
+ query (unlike a PROCEDURE, which is called as a statement). The table
+ locking scheme used makes it difficult to allow "subqueries" during
+ FUNCTION invokation.
+Closed questions:
+ - What is the expected result when creating a procedure with a name that
+ already exists? An error or overwrite?
+ Answer: Error
+ - Do PROCEDUREs and FUNCTIONs share namespace or not? I think not, but the
+ we need to flag the type in the mysql.proc table and the name alone is
+ not a unique key any more, or, we have separate tables.
+ (Unfortunately, mysql.func is already taken. Use "sfunc" and maybe even
+ rename "proc" into "sproc" while we still can, for consistency?)
+ Answer: Same tables, with an additional key-field for the type.
+Open questions/issues:
+ - SQL-99 variables and parameters are typed. For the present we don't do
+ any type checking, since this is the way MySQL works. I still don't know
+ if we should keep it this way, or implement type checking. Possibly we
+ should have optional, uset-settable, type checking.