path: root/bdb/db/db_pr.c
diff options
authortim@threads.polyesthetic.msg <>2001-03-04 19:42:05 -0500
committertim@threads.polyesthetic.msg <>2001-03-04 19:42:05 -0500
commit89dad52004ecba5a380aeebb0e2a9beaae88eb86 (patch)
tree9dd732e08dba156ee3d7635caedc0dc3107ecac6 /bdb/db/db_pr.c
parent639a1069d313843288ba6d9cb54b290073a748a7 (diff)
Import changeset
Diffstat (limited to 'bdb/db/db_pr.c')
1 files changed, 1284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bdb/db/db_pr.c b/bdb/db/db_pr.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cb977cadfda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bdb/db/db_pr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1284 @@
+ * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
+ * Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include "db_config.h"
+#ifndef lint
+static const char revid[] = "$Id: db_pr.c,v 11.46 2001/01/22 17:25:06 krinsky Exp $";
+#endif /* not lint */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "db_int.h"
+#include "db_page.h"
+#include "btree.h"
+#include "hash.h"
+#include "qam.h"
+#include "db_am.h"
+#include "db_verify.h"
+static int __db_bmeta __P((DB *, FILE *, BTMETA *, u_int32_t));
+static int __db_hmeta __P((DB *, FILE *, HMETA *, u_int32_t));
+static void __db_meta __P((DB *, DBMETA *, FILE *, FN const *, u_int32_t));
+static const char *__db_dbtype_to_string __P((DB *));
+static void __db_prdb __P((DB *, FILE *, u_int32_t));
+static FILE *__db_prinit __P((FILE *));
+static void __db_proff __P((void *));
+static int __db_prtree __P((DB *, u_int32_t));
+static void __db_psize __P((DB *));
+static int __db_qmeta __P((DB *, FILE *, QMETA *, u_int32_t));
+ * 64K is the maximum page size, so by default we check for offsets larger
+ * than that, and, where possible, we refine the test.
+ */
+#define PSIZE_BOUNDARY (64 * 1024 + 1)
+static size_t set_psize = PSIZE_BOUNDARY;
+static FILE *set_fp; /* Output file descriptor. */
+ * __db_loadme --
+ * A nice place to put a breakpoint.
+ *
+ * PUBLIC: void __db_loadme __P((void));
+ */
+ getpid();
+ * __db_dump --
+ * Dump the tree to a file.
+ *
+ * PUBLIC: int __db_dump __P((DB *, char *, char *));
+ */
+__db_dump(dbp, op, name)
+ DB *dbp;
+ char *op, *name;
+ FILE *fp, *save_fp;
+ u_int32_t flags;
+ COMPQUIET(save_fp, NULL);
+ if (set_psize == PSIZE_BOUNDARY)
+ __db_psize(dbp);
+ if (name != NULL) {
+ if ((fp = fopen(name, "w")) == NULL)
+ return (__os_get_errno());
+ save_fp = set_fp;
+ set_fp = fp;
+ } else
+ fp = __db_prinit(NULL);
+ for (flags = 0; *op != '\0'; ++op)
+ switch (*op) {
+ case 'a':
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ break;
+ default:
+ return (EINVAL);
+ }
+ __db_prdb(dbp, fp, flags);
+ fprintf(fp, "%s\n", DB_LINE);
+ (void)__db_prtree(dbp, flags);
+ fflush(fp);
+ if (name != NULL) {
+ fclose(fp);
+ set_fp = save_fp;
+ }
+ return (0);
+ * __db_prdb --
+ * Print out the DB structure information.
+ */
+static void
+__db_prdb(dbp, fp, flags)
+ DB *dbp;
+ FILE *fp;
+ u_int32_t flags;
+ static const FN fn[] = {
+ { DB_AM_DISCARD, "discard cached pages" },
+ { DB_AM_DUP, "duplicates" },
+ { DB_AM_INMEM, "in-memory" },
+ { DB_AM_PGDEF, "default page size" },
+ { DB_AM_RDONLY, "read-only" },
+ { DB_AM_SUBDB, "multiple-databases" },
+ { DB_AM_SWAP, "needswap" },
+ { DB_BT_RECNUM, "btree:recnum" },
+ { DB_BT_REVSPLIT, "btree:no reverse split" },
+ { DB_DBM_ERROR, "dbm/ndbm error" },
+ { DB_OPEN_CALLED, "DB->open called" },
+ { DB_RE_DELIMITER, "recno:delimiter" },
+ { DB_RE_FIXEDLEN, "recno:fixed-length" },
+ { DB_RE_PAD, "recno:pad" },
+ { DB_RE_RENUMBER, "recno:renumber" },
+ { DB_RE_SNAPSHOT, "recno:snapshot" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+ };
+ BTREE *bt;
+ HASH *h;
+ QUEUE *q;
+ COMPQUIET(flags, 0);
+ fprintf(fp,
+ "In-memory DB structure:\n%s: %#lx",
+ __db_dbtype_to_string(dbp), (u_long)dbp->flags);
+ __db_prflags(dbp->flags, fn, fp);
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ switch (dbp->type) {
+ case DB_BTREE:
+ case DB_RECNO:
+ bt = dbp->bt_internal;
+ fprintf(fp, "bt_meta: %lu bt_root: %lu\n",
+ (u_long)bt->bt_meta, (u_long)bt->bt_root);
+ fprintf(fp, "bt_maxkey: %lu bt_minkey: %lu\n",
+ (u_long)bt->bt_maxkey, (u_long)bt->bt_minkey);
+ fprintf(fp, "bt_compare: %#lx bt_prefix: %#lx\n",
+ (u_long)bt->bt_compare, (u_long)bt->bt_prefix);
+ fprintf(fp, "bt_lpgno: %lu\n", (u_long)bt->bt_lpgno);
+ if (dbp->type == DB_RECNO) {
+ fprintf(fp,
+ "re_pad: %#lx re_delim: %#lx re_len: %lu re_source: %s\n",
+ (u_long)bt->re_pad, (u_long)bt->re_delim,
+ (u_long)bt->re_len,
+ bt->re_source == NULL ? "" : bt->re_source);
+ fprintf(fp, "re_modified: %d re_eof: %d re_last: %lu\n",
+ bt->re_modified, bt->re_eof, (u_long)bt->re_last);
+ }
+ break;
+ case DB_HASH:
+ h = dbp->h_internal;
+ fprintf(fp, "meta_pgno: %lu\n", (u_long)h->meta_pgno);
+ fprintf(fp, "h_ffactor: %lu\n", (u_long)h->h_ffactor);
+ fprintf(fp, "h_nelem: %lu\n", (u_long)h->h_nelem);
+ fprintf(fp, "h_hash: %#lx\n", (u_long)h->h_hash);
+ break;
+ case DB_QUEUE:
+ q = dbp->q_internal;
+ fprintf(fp, "q_meta: %lu\n", (u_long)q->q_meta);
+ fprintf(fp, "q_root: %lu\n", (u_long)q->q_root);
+ fprintf(fp, "re_pad: %#lx re_len: %lu\n",
+ (u_long)q->re_pad, (u_long)q->re_len);
+ fprintf(fp, "rec_page: %lu\n", (u_long)q->rec_page);
+ fprintf(fp, "page_ext: %lu\n", (u_long)q->page_ext);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ * __db_prtree --
+ * Print out the entire tree.
+ */
+static int
+__db_prtree(dbp, flags)
+ DB *dbp;
+ u_int32_t flags;
+ PAGE *h;
+ db_pgno_t i, last;
+ int ret;
+ if (set_psize == PSIZE_BOUNDARY)
+ __db_psize(dbp);
+ if (dbp->type == DB_QUEUE) {
+ ret = __db_prqueue(dbp, flags);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* Find out the page number of the last page in the database. */
+ if ((ret = memp_fget(dbp->mpf, &last, DB_MPOOL_LAST, &h)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ if ((ret = memp_fput(dbp->mpf, h, 0)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ /* Dump each page. */
+ for (i = 0; i <= last; ++i) {
+ if ((ret = memp_fget(dbp->mpf, &i, 0, &h)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ (void)__db_prpage(dbp, h, flags);
+ if ((ret = memp_fput(dbp->mpf, h, 0)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ }
+ (void)fflush(__db_prinit(NULL));
+ return (0);
+ * __db_meta --
+ * Print out common metadata information.
+ */
+static void
+__db_meta(dbp, dbmeta, fp, fn, flags)
+ DB *dbp;
+ DBMETA *dbmeta;
+ FILE *fp;
+ FN const *fn;
+ u_int32_t flags;
+ PAGE *h;
+ int cnt;
+ db_pgno_t pgno;
+ u_int8_t *p;
+ int ret;
+ const char *sep;
+ fprintf(fp, "\tmagic: %#lx\n", (u_long)dbmeta->magic);
+ fprintf(fp, "\tversion: %lu\n", (u_long)dbmeta->version);
+ fprintf(fp, "\tpagesize: %lu\n", (u_long)dbmeta->pagesize);
+ fprintf(fp, "\ttype: %lu\n", (u_long)dbmeta->type);
+ fprintf(fp, "\tkeys: %lu\trecords: %lu\n",
+ (u_long)dbmeta->key_count, (u_long)dbmeta->record_count);
+ /*
+ * If we're doing recovery testing, don't display the free
+ * list, it may have changed and that makes the dump diff
+ * not work.
+ */
+ fprintf(fp, "\tfree list: %lu", (u_long)dbmeta->free);
+ for (pgno = dbmeta->free,
+ cnt = 0, sep = ", "; pgno != PGNO_INVALID;) {
+ if ((ret = memp_fget(dbp->mpf, &pgno, 0, &h)) != 0) {
+ fprintf(fp,
+ "Unable to retrieve free-list page: %lu: %s\n",
+ (u_long)pgno, db_strerror(ret));
+ break;
+ }
+ pgno = h->next_pgno;
+ (void)memp_fput(dbp->mpf, h, 0);
+ fprintf(fp, "%s%lu", sep, (u_long)pgno);
+ if (++cnt % 10 == 0) {
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ cnt = 0;
+ sep = "\t";
+ } else
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ }
+ if (fn != NULL) {
+ fprintf(fp, "\tflags: %#lx", (u_long)dbmeta->flags);
+ __db_prflags(dbmeta->flags, fn, fp);
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "\tuid: ");
+ for (p = (u_int8_t *)dbmeta->uid,
+ cnt = 0; cnt < DB_FILE_ID_LEN; ++cnt) {
+ fprintf(fp, "%x", *p++);
+ if (cnt < DB_FILE_ID_LEN - 1)
+ fprintf(fp, " ");
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ * __db_bmeta --
+ * Print out the btree meta-data page.
+ */
+static int
+__db_bmeta(dbp, fp, h, flags)
+ DB *dbp;
+ FILE *fp;
+ BTMETA *h;
+ u_int32_t flags;
+ static const FN mfn[] = {
+ { BTM_DUP, "duplicates" },
+ { BTM_RECNO, "recno" },
+ { BTM_RECNUM, "btree:recnum" },
+ { BTM_FIXEDLEN, "recno:fixed-length" },
+ { BTM_RENUMBER, "recno:renumber" },
+ { BTM_SUBDB, "multiple-databases" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+ };
+ __db_meta(dbp, (DBMETA *)h, fp, mfn, flags);
+ fprintf(fp, "\tmaxkey: %lu minkey: %lu\n",
+ (u_long)h->maxkey, (u_long)h->minkey);
+ if (dbp->type == DB_RECNO)
+ fprintf(fp, "\tre_len: %#lx re_pad: %lu\n",
+ (u_long)h->re_len, (u_long)h->re_pad);
+ fprintf(fp, "\troot: %lu\n", (u_long)h->root);
+ return (0);
+ * __db_hmeta --
+ * Print out the hash meta-data page.
+ */
+static int
+__db_hmeta(dbp, fp, h, flags)
+ DB *dbp;
+ FILE *fp;
+ HMETA *h;
+ u_int32_t flags;
+ static const FN mfn[] = {
+ { DB_HASH_DUP, "duplicates" },
+ { DB_HASH_SUBDB, "multiple-databases" },
+ { 0, NULL }
+ };
+ int i;
+ __db_meta(dbp, (DBMETA *)h, fp, mfn, flags);
+ fprintf(fp, "\tmax_bucket: %lu\n", (u_long)h->max_bucket);
+ fprintf(fp, "\thigh_mask: %#lx\n", (u_long)h->high_mask);
+ fprintf(fp, "\tlow_mask: %#lx\n", (u_long)h->low_mask);
+ fprintf(fp, "\tffactor: %lu\n", (u_long)h->ffactor);
+ fprintf(fp, "\tnelem: %lu\n", (u_long)h->nelem);
+ fprintf(fp, "\th_charkey: %#lx\n", (u_long)h->h_charkey);
+ fprintf(fp, "\tspare points: ");
+ for (i = 0; i < NCACHED; i++)
+ fprintf(fp, "%lu ", (u_long)h->spares[i]);
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ return (0);
+ * __db_qmeta --
+ * Print out the queue meta-data page.
+ */
+static int
+__db_qmeta(dbp, fp, h, flags)
+ DB *dbp;
+ FILE *fp;
+ QMETA *h;
+ u_int32_t flags;
+ __db_meta(dbp, (DBMETA *)h, fp, NULL, flags);
+ fprintf(fp, "\tfirst_recno: %lu\n", (u_long)h->first_recno);
+ fprintf(fp, "\tcur_recno: %lu\n", (u_long)h->cur_recno);
+ fprintf(fp, "\tre_len: %#lx re_pad: %lu\n",
+ (u_long)h->re_len, (u_long)h->re_pad);
+ fprintf(fp, "\trec_page: %lu\n", (u_long)h->rec_page);
+ fprintf(fp, "\tpage_ext: %lu\n", (u_long)h->page_ext);
+ return (0);
+ * __db_prnpage
+ * -- Print out a specific page.
+ *
+ * PUBLIC: int __db_prnpage __P((DB *, db_pgno_t));
+ */
+__db_prnpage(dbp, pgno)
+ DB *dbp;
+ db_pgno_t pgno;
+ PAGE *h;
+ int ret;
+ if (set_psize == PSIZE_BOUNDARY)
+ __db_psize(dbp);
+ if ((ret = memp_fget(dbp->mpf, &pgno, 0, &h)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ ret = __db_prpage(dbp, h, DB_PR_PAGE);
+ (void)fflush(__db_prinit(NULL));
+ (void)memp_fput(dbp->mpf, h, 0);
+ return (ret);
+ * __db_prpage
+ * -- Print out a page.
+ *
+ * PUBLIC: int __db_prpage __P((DB *, PAGE *, u_int32_t));
+ */
+__db_prpage(dbp, h, flags)
+ DB *dbp;
+ PAGE *h;
+ u_int32_t flags;
+ BTREE *t;
+ FILE *fp;
+ HOFFPAGE a_hkd;
+ QAMDATA *qp, *qep;
+ db_indx_t dlen, len, i;
+ db_pgno_t pgno;
+ db_recno_t recno;
+ int deleted, ret;
+ const char *s;
+ u_int32_t qlen;
+ u_int8_t *ep, *hk, *p;
+ void *sp;
+ fp = __db_prinit(NULL);
+ /*
+ * If we're doing recovery testing and this page is P_INVALID,
+ * assume it's a page that's on the free list, and don't display it.
+ */
+ return (0);
+ s = __db_pagetype_to_string(TYPE(h));
+ if (s == NULL) {
+ fprintf(fp, "ILLEGAL PAGE TYPE: page: %lu type: %lu\n",
+ (u_long)h->pgno, (u_long)TYPE(h));
+ return (1);
+ }
+ /* Page number, page type. */
+ fprintf(fp, "page %lu: %s level: %lu",
+ (u_long)h->pgno, s, (u_long)h->level);
+ /* Record count. */
+ if (TYPE(h) == P_IBTREE ||
+ TYPE(h) == P_IRECNO || (TYPE(h) == P_LRECNO &&
+ h->pgno == ((BTREE *)dbp->bt_internal)->bt_root))
+ fprintf(fp, " records: %lu", (u_long)RE_NREC(h));
+ /* LSN. */
+ fprintf(fp, " (lsn.file: %lu lsn.offset: %lu)\n",
+ (u_long)LSN(h).file, (u_long)LSN(h).offset);
+ switch (TYPE(h)) {
+ return (__db_bmeta(dbp, fp, (BTMETA *)h, flags));
+ case P_HASHMETA:
+ return (__db_hmeta(dbp, fp, (HMETA *)h, flags));
+ case P_QAMMETA:
+ return (__db_qmeta(dbp, fp, (QMETA *)h, flags));
+ case P_QAMDATA: /* Should be meta->start. */
+ return (0);
+ qlen = ((QUEUE *)dbp->q_internal)->re_len;
+ recno = (h->pgno - 1) * QAM_RECNO_PER_PAGE(dbp) + 1;
+ i = 0;
+ qep = (QAMDATA *)((u_int8_t *)h + set_psize - qlen);
+ for (qp = QAM_GET_RECORD(dbp, h, i); qp < qep;
+ recno++, i++, qp = QAM_GET_RECORD(dbp, h, i)) {
+ if (!F_ISSET(qp, QAM_SET))
+ continue;
+ fprintf(fp, "%s",
+ F_ISSET(qp, QAM_VALID) ? "\t" : " D");
+ fprintf(fp, "[%03lu] %4lu ",
+ (u_long)recno, (u_long)qp - (u_long)h);
+ __db_pr(qp->data, qlen);
+ }
+ return (0);
+ }
+ /* LSN. */
+ fprintf(fp, " (lsn.file: %lu lsn.offset: %lu)\n",
+ (u_long)LSN(h).file, (u_long)LSN(h).offset);
+ t = dbp->bt_internal;
+ s = "\t";
+ if (TYPE(h) != P_IBTREE && TYPE(h) != P_IRECNO) {
+ fprintf(fp, "%sprev: %4lu next: %4lu",
+ s, (u_long)PREV_PGNO(h), (u_long)NEXT_PGNO(h));
+ s = " ";
+ }
+ if (TYPE(h) == P_OVERFLOW) {
+ fprintf(fp, "%sref cnt: %4lu ", s, (u_long)OV_REF(h));
+ __db_pr((u_int8_t *)h + P_OVERHEAD, OV_LEN(h));
+ return (0);
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "%sentries: %4lu", s, (u_long)NUM_ENT(h));
+ fprintf(fp, " offset: %4lu\n", (u_long)HOFFSET(h));
+ return (0);
+ ret = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < NUM_ENT(h); i++) {
+ if (P_ENTRY(h, i) - (u_int8_t *)h < P_OVERHEAD ||
+ (size_t)(P_ENTRY(h, i) - (u_int8_t *)h) >= set_psize) {
+ fprintf(fp,
+ "ILLEGAL PAGE OFFSET: indx: %lu of %lu\n",
+ (u_long)i, (u_long)h->inp[i]);
+ ret = EINVAL;
+ continue;
+ }
+ deleted = 0;
+ switch (TYPE(h)) {
+ case P_HASH:
+ case P_IBTREE:
+ case P_IRECNO:
+ sp = P_ENTRY(h, i);
+ break;
+ case P_LBTREE:
+ sp = P_ENTRY(h, i);
+ deleted = i % 2 == 0 &&
+ B_DISSET(GET_BKEYDATA(h, i + O_INDX)->type);
+ break;
+ case P_LDUP:
+ case P_LRECNO:
+ sp = P_ENTRY(h, i);
+ deleted = B_DISSET(GET_BKEYDATA(h, i)->type);
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(fp,
+ "ILLEGAL PAGE ITEM: %lu\n", (u_long)TYPE(h));
+ ret = EINVAL;
+ continue;
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "%s", deleted ? " D" : "\t");
+ fprintf(fp, "[%03lu] %4lu ", (u_long)i, (u_long)h->inp[i]);
+ switch (TYPE(h)) {
+ case P_HASH:
+ hk = sp;
+ switch (HPAGE_PTYPE(hk)) {
+ case H_OFFDUP:
+ memcpy(&pgno,
+ HOFFDUP_PGNO(hk), sizeof(db_pgno_t));
+ fprintf(fp,
+ "%4lu [offpage dups]\n", (u_long)pgno);
+ break;
+ /*
+ * If this is the first item on a page, then
+ * we cannot figure out how long it is, so
+ * we only print the first one in the duplicate
+ * set.
+ */
+ if (i != 0)
+ len = LEN_HKEYDATA(h, 0, i);
+ else
+ len = 1;
+ fprintf(fp, "Duplicates:\n");
+ for (p = HKEYDATA_DATA(hk),
+ ep = p + len; p < ep;) {
+ memcpy(&dlen, p, sizeof(db_indx_t));
+ p += sizeof(db_indx_t);
+ fprintf(fp, "\t\t");
+ __db_pr(p, dlen);
+ p += sizeof(db_indx_t) + dlen;
+ }
+ break;
+ case H_KEYDATA:
+ __db_pr(HKEYDATA_DATA(hk),
+ LEN_HKEYDATA(h, i == 0 ? set_psize : 0, i));
+ break;
+ case H_OFFPAGE:
+ memcpy(&a_hkd, hk, HOFFPAGE_SIZE);
+ fprintf(fp,
+ "overflow: total len: %4lu page: %4lu\n",
+ (u_long)a_hkd.tlen, (u_long)a_hkd.pgno);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case P_IBTREE:
+ bi = sp;
+ fprintf(fp, "count: %4lu pgno: %4lu type: %4lu",
+ (u_long)bi->nrecs, (u_long)bi->pgno,
+ (u_long)bi->type);
+ switch (B_TYPE(bi->type)) {
+ case B_KEYDATA:
+ __db_pr(bi->data, bi->len);
+ break;
+ case B_OVERFLOW:
+ __db_proff(bi->data);
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(fp, "ILLEGAL BINTERNAL TYPE: %lu\n",
+ (u_long)B_TYPE(bi->type));
+ ret = EINVAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case P_IRECNO:
+ ri = sp;
+ fprintf(fp, "entries %4lu pgno %4lu\n",
+ (u_long)ri->nrecs, (u_long)ri->pgno);
+ break;
+ case P_LBTREE:
+ case P_LDUP:
+ case P_LRECNO:
+ bk = sp;
+ switch (B_TYPE(bk->type)) {
+ case B_KEYDATA:
+ __db_pr(bk->data, bk->len);
+ break;
+ case B_OVERFLOW:
+ __db_proff(bk);
+ break;
+ default:
+ fprintf(fp,
+ (u_long)B_TYPE(bk->type));
+ ret = EINVAL;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ (void)fflush(fp);
+ return (ret);
+ * __db_pr --
+ * Print out a data element.
+ *
+ * PUBLIC: void __db_pr __P((u_int8_t *, u_int32_t));
+ */
+__db_pr(p, len)
+ u_int8_t *p;
+ u_int32_t len;
+ FILE *fp;
+ u_int lastch;
+ int i;
+ fp = __db_prinit(NULL);
+ fprintf(fp, "len: %3lu", (u_long)len);
+ lastch = '.';
+ if (len != 0) {
+ fprintf(fp, " data: ");
+ for (i = len <= 20 ? len : 20; i > 0; --i, ++p) {
+ lastch = *p;
+ if (isprint((int)*p) || *p == '\n')
+ fprintf(fp, "%c", *p);
+ else
+ fprintf(fp, "0x%.2x", (u_int)*p);
+ }
+ if (len > 20) {
+ fprintf(fp, "...");
+ lastch = '.';
+ }
+ }
+ if (lastch != '\n')
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ * __db_prdbt --
+ * Print out a DBT data element.
+ *
+ * PUBLIC: int __db_prdbt __P((DBT *, int, const char *, void *,
+ * PUBLIC: int (*)(void *, const void *), int, VRFY_DBINFO *));
+ */
+__db_prdbt(dbtp, checkprint, prefix, handle, callback, is_recno, vdp)
+ DBT *dbtp;
+ int checkprint;
+ const char *prefix;
+ void *handle;
+ int (*callback) __P((void *, const void *));
+ int is_recno;
+ static const char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
+ db_recno_t recno;
+ u_int32_t len;
+ int ret;
+#define DBTBUFLEN 100
+ char *p, *hp, buf[DBTBUFLEN], hbuf[DBTBUFLEN];
+ if (vdp != NULL) {
+ /*
+ * If vdp is non-NULL, we might be the first key in the
+ * "fake" subdatabase used for key/data pairs we can't
+ * associate with a known subdb.
+ *
+ * Check and clear the SALVAGE_PRINTHEADER flag; if
+ * it was set, print a subdatabase header.
+ */
+ (void)__db_prheader(NULL, "__OTHER__", 0, 0,
+ handle, callback, vdp, 0);
+ }
+ /*
+ * !!!
+ * This routine is the routine that dumps out items in the format
+ * used by db_dump(1) and db_load(1). This means that the format
+ * cannot change.
+ */
+ if (prefix != NULL && (ret = callback(handle, prefix)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ if (is_recno) {
+ /*
+ * We're printing a record number, and this has to be done
+ * in a platform-independent way. So we use the numeral in
+ * straight ASCII.
+ */
+ __ua_memcpy(&recno, dbtp->data, sizeof(recno));
+ snprintf(buf, DBTBUFLEN, "%lu", (u_long)recno);
+ /* If we're printing data as hex, print keys as hex too. */
+ if (!checkprint) {
+ for (len = strlen(buf), p = buf, hp = hbuf;
+ len-- > 0; ++p) {
+ *hp++ = hex[(u_int8_t)(*p & 0xf0) >> 4];
+ *hp++ = hex[*p & 0x0f];
+ }
+ *hp = '\0';
+ ret = callback(handle, hbuf);
+ } else
+ ret = callback(handle, buf);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ } else if (checkprint) {
+ for (len = dbtp->size, p = dbtp->data; len--; ++p)
+ if (isprint((int)*p)) {
+ if (*p == '\\' &&
+ (ret = callback(handle, "\\")) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ snprintf(buf, DBTBUFLEN, "%c", *p);
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, buf)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ } else {
+ snprintf(buf, DBTBUFLEN, "\\%c%c",
+ hex[(u_int8_t)(*p & 0xf0) >> 4],
+ hex[*p & 0x0f]);
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, buf)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ }
+ } else
+ for (len = dbtp->size, p = dbtp->data; len--; ++p) {
+ snprintf(buf, DBTBUFLEN, "%c%c",
+ hex[(u_int8_t)(*p & 0xf0) >> 4],
+ hex[*p & 0x0f]);
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, buf)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ }
+ return (callback(handle, "\n"));
+ * __db_proff --
+ * Print out an off-page element.
+ */
+static void
+ void *vp;
+ FILE *fp;
+ fp = __db_prinit(NULL);
+ bo = vp;
+ switch (B_TYPE(bo->type)) {
+ case B_OVERFLOW:
+ fprintf(fp, "overflow: total len: %4lu page: %4lu\n",
+ (u_long)bo->tlen, (u_long)bo->pgno);
+ break;
+ fprintf(fp, "duplicate: page: %4lu\n", (u_long)bo->pgno);
+ break;
+ }
+ * __db_prflags --
+ * Print out flags values.
+ *
+ * PUBLIC: void __db_prflags __P((u_int32_t, const FN *, FILE *));
+ */
+__db_prflags(flags, fn, fp)
+ u_int32_t flags;
+ FN const *fn;
+ FILE *fp;
+ const FN *fnp;
+ int found;
+ const char *sep;
+ sep = " (";
+ for (found = 0, fnp = fn; fnp->mask != 0; ++fnp)
+ if (LF_ISSET(fnp->mask)) {
+ fprintf(fp, "%s%s", sep, fnp->name);
+ sep = ", ";
+ found = 1;
+ }
+ if (found)
+ fprintf(fp, ")");
+ * __db_prinit --
+ * Initialize tree printing routines.
+ */
+static FILE *
+ FILE *fp;
+ if (set_fp == NULL)
+ set_fp = fp == NULL ? stdout : fp;
+ return (set_fp);
+ * __db_psize --
+ * Get the page size.
+ */
+static void
+ DB *dbp;
+ DBMETA *mp;
+ db_pgno_t pgno;
+ set_psize = PSIZE_BOUNDARY - 1;
+ pgno = PGNO_BASE_MD;
+ if (memp_fget(dbp->mpf, &pgno, 0, &mp) != 0)
+ return;
+ switch (mp->magic) {
+ set_psize = mp->pagesize;
+ break;
+ }
+ (void)memp_fput(dbp->mpf, mp, 0);
+ * __db_dbtype_to_string --
+ * Return the name of the database type.
+ */
+static const char *
+ DB *dbp;
+ switch (dbp->type) {
+ case DB_BTREE:
+ return ("btree");
+ case DB_HASH:
+ return ("hash");
+ break;
+ case DB_RECNO:
+ return ("recno");
+ break;
+ case DB_QUEUE:
+ return ("queue");
+ default:
+ return ("UNKNOWN TYPE");
+ }
+ * __db_pagetype_to_string --
+ * Return the name of the specified page type.
+ *
+ * PUBLIC: const char *__db_pagetype_to_string __P((u_int32_t));
+ */
+const char *
+ u_int32_t type;
+ char *s;
+ s = NULL;
+ switch (type) {
+ s = "btree metadata";
+ break;
+ case P_LDUP:
+ s = "duplicate";
+ break;
+ case P_HASH:
+ s = "hash";
+ break;
+ case P_HASHMETA:
+ s = "hash metadata";
+ break;
+ case P_IBTREE:
+ s = "btree internal";
+ break;
+ case P_INVALID:
+ s = "invalid";
+ break;
+ case P_IRECNO:
+ s = "recno internal";
+ break;
+ case P_LBTREE:
+ s = "btree leaf";
+ break;
+ case P_LRECNO:
+ s = "recno leaf";
+ break;
+ case P_OVERFLOW:
+ s = "overflow";
+ break;
+ case P_QAMMETA:
+ s = "queue metadata";
+ break;
+ case P_QAMDATA:
+ s = "queue";
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* Just return a NULL. */
+ break;
+ }
+ return (s);
+ * __db_prheader --
+ * Write out header information in the format expected by db_load.
+ *
+ * PUBLIC: int __db_prheader __P((DB *, char *, int, int, void *,
+ * PUBLIC: int (*)(void *, const void *), VRFY_DBINFO *, db_pgno_t));
+ */
+__db_prheader(dbp, subname, pflag, keyflag, handle, callback, vdp, meta_pgno)
+ DB *dbp;
+ char *subname;
+ int pflag, keyflag;
+ void *handle;
+ int (*callback) __P((void *, const void *));
+ db_pgno_t meta_pgno;
+ DB_BTREE_STAT *btsp;
+ DB_ENV *dbenv;
+ DB_HASH_STAT *hsp;
+ char *buf;
+ int buflen, ret, t_ret;
+ u_int32_t dbtype;
+ btsp = NULL;
+ hsp = NULL;
+ qsp = NULL;
+ ret = 0;
+ buf = NULL;
+ COMPQUIET(buflen, 0);
+ if (dbp == NULL)
+ dbenv = NULL;
+ else
+ dbenv = dbp->dbenv;
+ /*
+ * If we've been passed a verifier statistics object, use
+ * that; we're being called in a context where dbp->stat
+ * is unsafe.
+ */
+ if (vdp != NULL) {
+ if ((ret = __db_vrfy_getpageinfo(vdp, meta_pgno, &pip)) != 0)
+ return (ret);
+ } else
+ pip = NULL;
+ /*
+ * If dbp is NULL, we're being called from inside __db_prdbt,
+ * and this is a special subdatabase for "lost" items. Make it a btree.
+ * Otherwise, set dbtype to the appropriate type for the specified
+ * meta page, or the type of the dbp.
+ */
+ if (dbp == NULL)
+ dbtype = DB_BTREE;
+ else if (pip != NULL)
+ switch (pip->type) {
+ if (F_ISSET(pip, VRFY_IS_RECNO))
+ dbtype = DB_RECNO;
+ else
+ dbtype = DB_BTREE;
+ break;
+ case P_HASHMETA:
+ dbtype = DB_HASH;
+ break;
+ default:
+ /*
+ * If the meta page is of a bogus type, it's
+ * because we have a badly corrupt database.
+ * (We must be in the verifier for pip to be non-NULL.)
+ * Pretend we're a Btree and salvage what we can.
+ */
+ dbtype = DB_BTREE;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ dbtype = dbp->type;
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, "VERSION=3\n")) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (pflag) {
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, "format=print\n")) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ } else if ((ret = callback(handle, "format=bytevalue\n")) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ /*
+ * 64 bytes is long enough, as a minimum bound, for any of the
+ * fields besides subname. Subname can be anything, and so
+ * 64 + subname is big enough for all the things we need to print here.
+ */
+ buflen = 64 + ((subname != NULL) ? strlen(subname) : 0);
+ if ((ret = __os_malloc(dbenv, buflen, NULL, &buf)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (subname != NULL) {
+ snprintf(buf, buflen, "database=%s\n", subname);
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, buf)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ }
+ switch (dbtype) {
+ case DB_BTREE:
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, "type=btree\n")) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (pip != NULL) {
+ if ((ret =
+ callback(handle, "recnum=1\n")) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (pip->bt_maxkey != 0) {
+ snprintf(buf, buflen,
+ "bt_maxkey=%lu\n", (u_long)pip->bt_maxkey);
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, buf)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if (pip->bt_minkey != 0 &&
+ pip->bt_minkey != DEFMINKEYPAGE) {
+ snprintf(buf, buflen,
+ "bt_minkey=%lu\n", (u_long)pip->bt_minkey);
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, buf)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((ret = dbp->stat(dbp, &btsp, NULL, 0)) != 0) {
+ dbp->err(dbp, ret, "DB->stat");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if (F_ISSET(dbp, DB_BT_RECNUM))
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, "recnum=1\n")) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (btsp->bt_maxkey != 0) {
+ snprintf(buf, buflen,
+ "bt_maxkey=%lu\n", (u_long)btsp->bt_maxkey);
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, buf)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if (btsp->bt_minkey != 0 && btsp->bt_minkey != DEFMINKEYPAGE) {
+ snprintf(buf, buflen,
+ "bt_minkey=%lu\n", (u_long)btsp->bt_minkey);
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, buf)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ }
+ break;
+ case DB_HASH:
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, "type=hash\n")) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (pip != NULL) {
+ if (pip->h_ffactor != 0) {
+ snprintf(buf, buflen,
+ "h_ffactor=%lu\n", (u_long)pip->h_ffactor);
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, buf)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if (pip->h_nelem != 0) {
+ snprintf(buf, buflen,
+ "h_nelem=%lu\n", (u_long)pip->h_nelem);
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, buf)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((ret = dbp->stat(dbp, &hsp, NULL, 0)) != 0) {
+ dbp->err(dbp, ret, "DB->stat");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if (hsp->hash_ffactor != 0) {
+ snprintf(buf, buflen,
+ "h_ffactor=%lu\n", (u_long)hsp->hash_ffactor);
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, buf)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if (hsp->hash_nelem != 0 || hsp->hash_nkeys != 0) {
+ snprintf(buf, buflen, "h_nelem=%lu\n",
+ hsp->hash_nelem > hsp->hash_nkeys ?
+ (u_long)hsp->hash_nelem : (u_long)hsp->hash_nkeys);
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, buf)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ }
+ break;
+ case DB_QUEUE:
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, "type=queue\n")) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (vdp != NULL) {
+ snprintf(buf,
+ buflen, "re_len=%lu\n", (u_long)vdp->re_len);
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, buf)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((ret = dbp->stat(dbp, &qsp, NULL, 0)) != 0) {
+ dbp->err(dbp, ret, "DB->stat");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ snprintf(buf, buflen, "re_len=%lu\n", (u_long)qsp->qs_re_len);
+ if (qsp->qs_re_pad != 0 && qsp->qs_re_pad != ' ')
+ snprintf(buf, buflen, "re_pad=%#x\n", qsp->qs_re_pad);
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, buf)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ break;
+ case DB_RECNO:
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, "type=recno\n")) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (pip != NULL) {
+ if ((ret =
+ callback(handle, "renumber=1\n")) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (pip->re_len > 0) {
+ snprintf(buf, buflen,
+ "re_len=%lu\n", (u_long)pip->re_len);
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, buf)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((ret = dbp->stat(dbp, &btsp, NULL, 0)) != 0) {
+ dbp->err(dbp, ret, "DB->stat");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, "renumber=1\n")) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (F_ISSET(dbp, DB_RE_FIXEDLEN)) {
+ snprintf(buf, buflen,
+ "re_len=%lu\n", (u_long)btsp->bt_re_len);
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, buf)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if (btsp->bt_re_pad != 0 && btsp->bt_re_pad != ' ') {
+ snprintf(buf, buflen, "re_pad=%#x\n", btsp->bt_re_pad);
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, buf)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ }
+ break;
+ case DB_UNKNOWN:
+ DB_ASSERT(0); /* Impossible. */
+ __db_err(dbp->dbenv, "Impossible DB type in __db_prheader");
+ ret = EINVAL;
+ goto err;
+ }
+ if (pip != NULL) {
+ if (F_ISSET(pip, VRFY_HAS_DUPS))
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, "duplicates=1\n")) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, "dupsort=1\n")) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ /* We should handle page size. XXX */
+ } else {
+ if (F_ISSET(dbp, DB_AM_DUP))
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, "duplicates=1\n")) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (F_ISSET(dbp, DB_AM_DUPSORT))
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, "dupsort=1\n")) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ if (!F_ISSET(dbp, DB_AM_PGDEF)) {
+ snprintf(buf, buflen,
+ "db_pagesize=%lu\n", (u_long)dbp->pgsize);
+ if ((ret = callback(handle, buf)) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ }
+ }
+ if (keyflag && (ret = callback(handle, "keys=1\n")) != 0)
+ goto err;
+ ret = callback(handle, "HEADER=END\n");
+err: if (pip != NULL &&
+ (t_ret = __db_vrfy_putpageinfo(vdp, pip)) != 0 && ret == 0)
+ ret = t_ret;
+ if (btsp != NULL)
+ __os_free(btsp, 0);
+ if (hsp != NULL)
+ __os_free(hsp, 0);
+ if (qsp != NULL)
+ __os_free(qsp, 0);
+ if (buf != NULL)
+ __os_free(buf, buflen);
+ return (ret);
+ * __db_prfooter --
+ * Print the footer that marks the end of a DB dump. This is trivial,
+ * but for consistency's sake we don't want to put its literal contents
+ * in multiple places.
+ *
+ * PUBLIC: int __db_prfooter __P((void *, int (*)(void *, const void *)));
+ */
+__db_prfooter(handle, callback)
+ void *handle;
+ int (*callback) __P((void *, const void *));
+ return (callback(handle, "DATA=END\n"));