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index 00000000000..4619ec55794
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+<!--$Id:,v 10.11 2000/12/04 18:05:42 bostic Exp $-->
+<!--Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by Sleepycat Software, Inc.-->
+<!--All rights reserved.-->
+<title>Berkeley DB Reference Guide: Compatibility</title>
+<meta name="description" content="Berkeley DB: An embedded database programmatic toolkit.">
+<meta name="keywords" content="embedded,database,programmatic,toolkit,b+tree,btree,hash,hashing,transaction,transactions,locking,logging,access method,access methods,java,C,C++">
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+<td><h3><dl><dt>Berkeley DB Reference Guide:<dd>Java API</dl></h3></td>
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+<h1 align=center>Compatibility</h1>
+<p>The Berkeley DB Java API has been tested with the
+<a href="">Sun Microsystems JDK 1.1.3</a> on SunOS
+5.5, and Sun's JDK 1.1.7, JDK 1.2.2 and JDK 1.3.0 on Linux and
+Windows/NT. It should work with any JDK 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3 (the latter
+two are known as Java 2) compatible environment. IBM's VM 1.3.0 has
+also been tested on Linux.
+<p>The primary requirement of the Berkeley DB Java API is that the target Java
+environment supports JNI (Java Native Interface), rather than another
+method for allowing native C/C++ code to interface to Java. The JNI was
+new in JDK 1.1, but is the most likely interface to be implemented across
+multiple platforms. However, using the JNI means that Berkeley DB will not be
+compatible with Microsoft Visual J++.
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+<p><font size=1><a href="">Copyright Sleepycat Software</a></font>
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index 00000000000..b7eedcaedba
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+<!--$Id:,v 10.16 2000/12/04 21:21:51 bostic Exp $-->
+<!--Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by Sleepycat Software, Inc.-->
+<!--All rights reserved.-->
+<title>Berkeley DB Reference Guide: Configuration</title>
+<meta name="description" content="Berkeley DB: An embedded database programmatic toolkit.">
+<meta name="keywords" content="embedded,database,programmatic,toolkit,b+tree,btree,hash,hashing,transaction,transactions,locking,logging,access method,access methods,java,C,C++">
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+<td><h3><dl><dt>Berkeley DB Reference Guide:<dd>Java API</dl></h3></td>
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+<h1 align=center>Configuration</h1>
+<p>Building the Berkeley DB java classes, the examples and the native support
+library is integrated into the normal build process. See
+<a href="../../ref/build_unix/conf.html#--enable-java">Configuring
+Berkeley DB</a> and <a href="../../ref/build_win/intro.html">Building for Windows</a>
+for more information.
+<p>We expect that you've already installed the Java JDK or equivalent on
+your system. For the sake of discussion, we'll assume it is in a
+directory called db-VERSION, e.g., you extracted Berkeley DB version 2.3.12
+and you did not change the top-level directory name. The files related
+to Java are in two subdirectories of db-VERSION: java, the java source
+files, and libdb_java, the C++ files that provide the "glue" between
+java and Berkeley DB. The directory tree looks like this:
+<p><blockquote><pre> db-VERSION
+ / \
+ java libdb_java
+ | |
+ src ...
+ |
+ com
+ |
+ sleepycat
+ / \
+ db examples
+ | |
+ ... ...
+<p>This naming conforms to the emerging standard for naming java packages.
+When the java code is built, it is placed into a <b>classes</b>
+subdirectory that is parallel to the <b>src</b> subdirectory.
+<p>For your application to use Berkeley DB successfully, you must set your
+CLASSPATH environment variable to include db-VERSION/java/classes as
+well as the classes in your java distribution. On UNIX, CLASSPATH is
+a colon separated list of directories; on Windows it is separated by
+semicolons. Alternatively, you can set your CLASSPATH to include
+db-VERSION/java/classes/db.jar which is created as a result of the
+build. The db.jar file contains the classes in com.sleepycat.db, it
+does not contain any classes in com.sleepycat.examples.
+<p>On Windows, you will want to set your PATH variable to include:
+<p>On UNIX, you will want to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
+to include the Berkeley DB library installation directory. Of course, the
+standard install directory may have been changed for your site, see your
+system administrator for details. Regardless, if you get a:
+<p>exception when you run, chances are you do not have the library search
+path configured correctly. Different Java interpreters provide
+different error messages if the CLASSPATH value is incorrect, a typical
+error is:
+<p>To ensure that everything is running correctly, you may want to try a
+simple test from the example programs in:
+<p>For example, the sample program:
+<p><blockquote><pre>% java com.sleepycat.examples.AccessExample</pre></blockquote>
+<p>will prompt for text input lines which are then stored in a Btree
+database named "access.db" in your current directory. Try giving it a
+few lines of input text and then end-of-file. Before it exits, you
+should see a list of the lines you entered display with data items.
+This is a simple check to make sure the fundamental configuration is
+working correctly.
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+<p><font size=1><a href="">Copyright Sleepycat Software</a></font>
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+<!--$Id:,v 1.2 2001/01/09 20:55:54 bostic Exp $-->
+<!--Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by Sleepycat Software, Inc.-->
+<!--All rights reserved.-->
+<title>Berkeley DB Reference Guide: Frequently Asked Questions</title>
+<meta name="description" content="Berkeley DB: An embedded database programmatic toolkit.">
+<meta name="keywords" content="embedded,database,programmatic,toolkit,b+tree,btree,hash,hashing,transaction,transactions,locking,logging,access method,access methods,java,C,C++">
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+<td><h3><dl><dt>Berkeley DB Reference Guide:<dd>Java API</dl></h3></td>
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+<h1 align=center>Frequently Asked Questions</h1>
+<p><li><b>During one of the first calls to the Berkeley DB Java API, a
+DbException is thrown with a "Bad file number" or "Bad file descriptor"
+<p>There are known large-file support bugs under JNI in various releases
+of the JDK. Please upgrade to the latest release of the JDK, and, if
+that does not help, disable big file support using the --disable-bigfile
+configuration option.
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+<p><font size=1><a href="">Copyright Sleepycat Software</a></font>
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index 00000000000..c454a0910ee
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+<!--$Id:,v 10.21 2001/01/09 18:57:28 bostic Exp $-->
+<!--Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by Sleepycat Software, Inc.-->
+<!--All rights reserved.-->
+<title>Berkeley DB Reference Guide: Java Programming Notes</title>
+<meta name="description" content="Berkeley DB: An embedded database programmatic toolkit.">
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+<td><h3><dl><dt>Berkeley DB Reference Guide:<dd>Programmer Notes</dl></h3></td>
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+<h1 align=center>Java Programming Notes</h1>
+<p>The Java API closely parallels the Berkeley DB C++ and C interfaces. If you
+are currently using either of those APIs, there will be very little to
+surprise you in the Java API. We have even taken care to make the names
+of classes, constants, methods and arguments identical, where possible,
+across all three APIs.
+<p><li>The Java runtime does not automatically close Berkeley DB objects on
+finalization. There are a couple reasons for this. One is that
+finalization is generally run only when garbage collection occurs and
+there is no guarantee that this occurs at all, even on exit. Allowing
+specific Berkeley DB actions to occur in ways that cannot be replicated seems
+wrong. Secondly, finalization of objects may happen in an arbitrary
+order, so we would have to do extra bookkeeping to make sure everything
+was closed in the proper order. The best word of advice is to always
+do a close() for any matching open() call. Specifically, the Berkeley DB
+package requires that you explicitly call close on each individual
+<a href="../../api_java/db_class.html">Db</a> and <a href="../../api_java/dbc_class.html">Dbc</a> object that you opened. Your database
+activity may not be synchronized to disk unless you do so.
+<p><li>Some methods in the Java API have no return type, and throw a
+<a href="../../api_java/except_class.html">DbException</a> when an severe error arises. There are some notable
+methods that do have a return value, and can also throw an exception.
+<a href="../../api_java/db_get.html">Db.get</a> and <a href="../../api_java/dbc_get.html">Dbc.get</a> both return 0 when a get succeeds,
+<a href="../../ref/program/errorret.html#DB_NOTFOUND">Db.DB_NOTFOUND</a> when the key is not found, and throw an error when
+there is a severe error. This approach allows the programmer to check
+for typical data driven errors by watching return values without special
+casing exceptions.
+<p>An object of type <a href="../../api_java/deadlock_class.html">DbDeadlockException</a> is thrown when a deadlock
+would occur.
+<p>An object of type <a href="../../api_java/mem_class.html">DbMemoryException</a> is thrown when the system
+cannot provide enough memory to complete the operation (the ENOMEM
+system error on UNIX).
+<p>An object of type <a href="../../api_java/runrec_class.html">DbRunRecoveryException</a>, a subclass of
+<a href="../../api_java/except_class.html">DbException</a>, is thrown when there is an error that requires a
+recovery of the database, using <a href="../../utility/db_recover.html">db_recover</a>.
+<p><li>There is no class corresponding to the C++ DbMpoolFile class in the Berkeley DB
+Java API. There is a subset of the memp_XXX methods in the <a href="../../api_java/dbenv_class.html">DbEnv</a>
+class. This has been provided to allow you to perform certain
+administrative actions on underlying memory pools opened as a consequence
+of <a href="../../api_java/env_open.html"></a>. Direct access to other memory pool functionality
+is not appropriate for the Java environment.
+<p><li>Berkeley DB always turns on the <a href="../../api_java/env_open.html#DB_THREAD">Db.DB_THREAD</a> flag since threads
+are expected in Java.
+<p><li>If there are embedded null strings in the <b>curslist</b> argument for
+<a href="../../api_java/db_join.html">Db.join</a>, they will be treated as the end of the list of
+cursors, even though you may have allocated a longer array. Fill in
+all the strings in your array unless you intend to cut it short.
+<p><li>The callback installed for <a href="../../api_java/env_set_errcall.html">DbEnv.set_errcall</a> will run in the same
+thread as the caller to <a href="../../api_java/env_set_errcall.html">DbEnv.set_errcall</a>. Make sure that thread
+remains running until your application exits or <a href="../../api_java/env_close.html">DbEnv.close</a> is
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+<p><font size=1><a href="">Copyright Sleepycat Software</a></font>