path: root/bdb/test/test085.tcl
diff options
authorunknown <tim@threads.polyesthetic.msg>2001-03-04 19:42:05 -0500
committerunknown <tim@threads.polyesthetic.msg>2001-03-04 19:42:05 -0500
commitec6ae091617bdfdca9e65e8d3e65b950d234f676 (patch)
tree9dd732e08dba156ee3d7635caedc0dc3107ecac6 /bdb/test/test085.tcl
parent87d70fb598105b64b538ff6b81eef9da626255b1 (diff)
Import changeset
Diffstat (limited to 'bdb/test/test085.tcl')
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bdb/test/test085.tcl b/bdb/test/test085.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..09134a00f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bdb/test/test085.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+# Copyright (c) 2000
+# Sleepycat Software. All rights reserved.
+# $Id: test085.tcl,v 1.4 2000/12/11 17:24:55 sue Exp $
+# DB Test 85: Test of cursor behavior when a cursor is pointing to a deleted
+# btree key which then has duplicates added.
+proc test085 { method {pagesize 512} {onp 3} {offp 10} {tnum 85} args } {
+ source ./include.tcl
+ global alphabet
+ set omethod [convert_method $method]
+ set args [convert_args $method $args]
+ set eindex [lsearch -exact $args "-env"]
+ #
+ # If we are using an env, then testfile should just be the db name.
+ # Otherwise it is the test directory and the name.
+ if { $eindex == -1 } {
+ set testfile $testdir/test0$tnum.db
+ set env NULL
+ } else {
+ set testfile test0$tnum.db
+ incr eindex
+ set env [lindex $args $eindex]
+ }
+ set pgindex [lsearch -exact $args "-pagesize"]
+ if { $pgindex != -1 } {
+ puts "Test085: skipping for specific pagesizes"
+ return
+ }
+ cleanup $testdir $env
+ # Keys must sort $prekey < $key < $postkey.
+ set prekey "AA"
+ set key "BBB"
+ set postkey "CCCC"
+ # Make these distinguishable from each other and from the
+ # alphabets used for the $key's data.
+ set predatum "1234567890"
+ set datum $alphabet
+ set postdatum "0987654321"
+ append args " -pagesize $pagesize -dup"
+ puts -nonewline "Test0$tnum $omethod ($args): "
+ # Skip for all non-btrees. (Rbtrees don't count as btrees, for
+ # now, since they don't support dups.)
+ if { [is_btree $method] != 1 } {
+ puts "Skipping for method $method."
+ return
+ } else {
+ puts "Duplicates w/ deleted item cursor."
+ }
+ # Repeat the test with both on-page and off-page numbers of dups.
+ foreach ndups "$onp $offp" {
+ # Put operations we want to test on a cursor set to the
+ # deleted item, the key to use with them, and what should
+ # come before and after them given a placement of
+ # the deleted item at the beginning or end of the dupset.
+ set final [expr $ndups - 1]
+ set putops {
+ {{-before} "" $predatum {[test085_ddatum 0]} beginning}
+ {{-before} "" {[test085_ddatum $final]} $postdatum end}
+ {{-current} "" $predatum {[test085_ddatum 0]} beginning}
+ {{-current} "" {[test085_ddatum $final]} $postdatum end}
+ {{-keyfirst} $key $predatum {[test085_ddatum 0]} beginning}
+ {{-keyfirst} $key $predatum {[test085_ddatum 0]} end}
+ {{-keylast} $key {[test085_ddatum $final]} $postdatum beginning}
+ {{-keylast} $key {[test085_ddatum $final]} $postdatum end}
+ {{-after} "" $predatum {[test085_ddatum 0]} beginning}
+ {{-after} "" {[test085_ddatum $final]} $postdatum end}
+ }
+ # Get operations we want to test on a cursor set to the
+ # deleted item, any args to get, and the expected key/data pair.
+ set getops {
+ {{-current} "" "" "" beginning}
+ {{-current} "" "" "" end}
+ {{-next} "" $key {[test085_ddatum 0]} beginning}
+ {{-next} "" $postkey $postdatum end}
+ {{-prev} "" $prekey $predatum beginning}
+ {{-prev} "" $key {[test085_ddatum $final]} end}
+ {{-first} "" $prekey $predatum beginning}
+ {{-first} "" $prekey $predatum end}
+ {{-last} "" $postkey $postdatum beginning}
+ {{-last} "" $postkey $postdatum end}
+ {{-nextdup} "" $key {[test085_ddatum 0]} beginning}
+ {{-nextdup} "" EMPTYLIST "" end}
+ {{-nextnodup} "" $postkey $postdatum beginning}
+ {{-nextnodup} "" $postkey $postdatum end}
+ {{-prevnodup} "" $prekey $predatum beginning}
+ {{-prevnodup} "" $prekey $predatum end}
+ }
+ foreach pair $getops {
+ set op [lindex $pair 0]
+ puts "\tTest0$tnum: Get ($op) with $ndups duplicates,\
+ cursor at the [lindex $pair 4]."
+ set db [eval {berkdb_open -create \
+ -truncate -mode 0644} $omethod $args $testfile]
+ error_check_good "db open" [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
+ set dbc [test085_setup $db]
+ set beginning [expr [string compare \
+ [lindex $pair 4] "beginning"] == 0]
+ for { set i 0 } { $i < $ndups } { incr i } {
+ if { $beginning } {
+ error_check_good db_put($i) \
+ [$db put $key [test085_ddatum $i]] 0
+ } else {
+ set c [$db cursor]
+ set j [expr $ndups - $i - 1]
+ error_check_good db_cursor($j) \
+ [is_valid_cursor $c $db] TRUE
+ set d [test085_ddatum $j]
+ error_check_good dbc_put($j) \
+ [$c put -keyfirst $key $d] 0
+ error_check_good c_close [$c close] 0
+ }
+ }
+ set gargs [lindex $pair 1]
+ set ekey ""
+ set edata ""
+ eval set ekey [lindex $pair 2]
+ eval set edata [lindex $pair 3]
+ set dbt [eval $dbc get $op $gargs]
+ if { [string compare $ekey EMPTYLIST] == 0 } {
+ error_check_good dbt($op,$ndups) \
+ [llength $dbt] 0
+ } else {
+ error_check_good dbt($op,$ndups) $dbt \
+ [list [list $ekey $edata]]
+ }
+ error_check_good "dbc close" [$dbc close] 0
+ error_check_good "db close" [$db close] 0
+ verify_dir $testdir "\t\t"
+ }
+ foreach pair $putops {
+ # Open and set up database.
+ set op [lindex $pair 0]
+ puts "\tTest0$tnum: Put ($op) with $ndups duplicates,\
+ cursor at the [lindex $pair 4]."
+ set db [eval {berkdb_open -create \
+ -truncate -mode 0644} $omethod $args $testfile]
+ error_check_good "db open" [is_valid_db $db] TRUE
+ set beginning [expr [string compare \
+ [lindex $pair 4] "beginning"] == 0]
+ set dbc [test085_setup $db]
+ # Put duplicates.
+ for { set i 0 } { $i < $ndups } { incr i } {
+ if { $beginning } {
+ error_check_good db_put($i) \
+ [$db put $key [test085_ddatum $i]] 0
+ } else {
+ set c [$db cursor]
+ set j [expr $ndups - $i - 1]
+ error_check_good db_cursor($j) \
+ [is_valid_cursor $c $db] TRUE
+ set d [test085_ddatum $j]
+ error_check_good dbc_put($j) \
+ [$c put -keyfirst $key $d] 0
+ error_check_good c_close [$c close] 0
+ }
+ }
+ # Set up cursors for stability test.
+ set pre_dbc [$db cursor]
+ error_check_good pre_set [$pre_dbc get -set $prekey] \
+ [list [list $prekey $predatum]]
+ set post_dbc [$db cursor]
+ error_check_good post_set [$post_dbc get -set $postkey]\
+ [list [list $postkey $postdatum]]
+ set first_dbc [$db cursor]
+ error_check_good first_set \
+ [$first_dbc get -get_both $key [test085_ddatum 0]] \
+ [list [list $key [test085_ddatum 0]]]
+ set last_dbc [$db cursor]
+ error_check_good last_set \
+ [$last_dbc get -get_both $key [test085_ddatum \
+ [expr $ndups - 1]]] \
+ [list [list $key [test085_ddatum [expr $ndups -1]]]]
+ set k [lindex $pair 1]
+ set d_before ""
+ set d_after ""
+ eval set d_before [lindex $pair 2]
+ eval set d_after [lindex $pair 3]
+ set newdatum "NewDatum"
+ error_check_good dbc_put($op,$ndups) \
+ [eval $dbc put $op $k $newdatum] 0
+ error_check_good dbc_prev($op,$ndups) \
+ [lindex [lindex [$dbc get -prev] 0] 1] \
+ $d_before
+ error_check_good dbc_current($op,$ndups) \
+ [lindex [lindex [$dbc get -next] 0] 1] \
+ $newdatum
+ error_check_good dbc_next($op,$ndups) \
+ [lindex [lindex [$dbc get -next] 0] 1] \
+ $d_after
+ # Verify stability of pre- and post- cursors.
+ error_check_good pre_stable [$pre_dbc get -current] \
+ [list [list $prekey $predatum]]
+ error_check_good post_stable [$post_dbc get -current] \
+ [list [list $postkey $postdatum]]
+ error_check_good first_stable \
+ [$first_dbc get -current] \
+ [list [list $key [test085_ddatum 0]]]
+ error_check_good last_stable \
+ [$last_dbc get -current] \
+ [list [list $key [test085_ddatum [expr $ndups -1]]]]
+ foreach c "$pre_dbc $post_dbc $first_dbc $last_dbc" {
+ error_check_good ${c}_close [$c close] 0
+ }
+ error_check_good "dbc close" [$dbc close] 0
+ error_check_good "db close" [$db close] 0
+ verify_dir $testdir "\t\t"
+ }
+ }
+# Set up the test database; put $prekey, $key, and $postkey with their
+# respective data, and then delete $key with a new cursor. Return that
+# cursor, still pointing to the deleted item.
+proc test085_setup { db } {
+ upvar key key
+ upvar prekey prekey
+ upvar postkey postkey
+ upvar predatum predatum
+ upvar postdatum postdatum
+ # no one else should ever see this one!
+ set datum "bbbbbbbb"
+ error_check_good pre_put [$db put $prekey $predatum] 0
+ error_check_good main_put [$db put $key $datum] 0
+ error_check_good post_put [$db put $postkey $postdatum] 0
+ set dbc [$db cursor]
+ error_check_good db_cursor [is_valid_cursor $dbc $db] TRUE
+ error_check_good dbc_getset [$dbc get -get_both $key $datum] \
+ [list [list $key $datum]]
+ error_check_good dbc_del [$dbc del] 0
+ return $dbc
+proc test085_ddatum { a } {
+ global alphabet
+ return $a$alphabet