path: root/innobase/mem/mem0pool.c
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authorunknown <>2001-02-17 14:19:19 +0200
committerunknown <>2001-02-17 14:19:19 +0200
commit2662b59306ef0cd495fa6e2edf7129e58a11393a (patch)
treebfe39951a73e906579ab819bf5198ad8f3a64a36 /innobase/mem/mem0pool.c
parent66de55a56bdcf2f7a9c0c4f8e19b3e761475e202 (diff)
Added Innobase to source distribution
Docs/manual.texi: Added Innobase documentation Incremented version include/my_base.h: Added option for Innobase myisam/mi_check.c: cleanup mysql-test/t/bdb.test: cleanup mysql-test/t/innobase.test: Extended with new tests from bdb.test mysql-test/t/merge.test: Added test of SHOW create mysys/my_init.c: Fix for UNIXWARE 7 scripts/ Always write how to start mysqld scripts/ Fixed type sql/ Update to new version sql/ha_innobase.h: Update to new version sql/handler.h: Added 'update_table_comment()' and 'append_create_info()' sql/ Fixes for Innobase sql/ Fixes for Innobase sql/ Append create information (for MERGE tables) sql/ Fixes for Innobase
Diffstat (limited to 'innobase/mem/mem0pool.c')
1 files changed, 578 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/innobase/mem/mem0pool.c b/innobase/mem/mem0pool.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7418ee36dbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/innobase/mem/mem0pool.c
@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
+The lowest-level memory management
+(c) 1997 Innobase Oy
+Created 5/12/1997 Heikki Tuuri
+#include "mem0pool.h"
+#include "mem0pool.ic"
+#include "sync0sync.h"
+#include "ut0mem.h"
+#include "ut0lst.h"
+#include "ut0byte.h"
+/* We would like to use also the buffer frames to allocate memory. This
+would be desirable, because then the memory consumption of the database
+would be fixed, and we might even lock the buffer pool to the main memory.
+The problem here is that the buffer management routines can themselves call
+memory allocation, while the buffer pool mutex is reserved.
+The main components of the memory consumption are:
+1. buffer pool,
+2. parsed and optimized SQL statements,
+3. data dictionary cache,
+4. log buffer,
+5. locks for each transaction,
+6. hash table for the adaptive index,
+7. state and buffers for each SQL query currently being executed,
+8. session for each user, and
+9. stack for each OS thread.
+Items 1-3 are managed by an LRU algorithm. Items 5 and 6 can potentially
+consume very much memory. Items 7 and 8 should consume quite little memory,
+and the OS should take care of item 9, which too should consume little memory.
+A solution to the memory management:
+1. the buffer pool size is set separately;
+2. log buffer size is set separately;
+3. the common pool size for all the other entries, except 8, is set separately.
+Problems: we may waste memory if the common pool is set too big. Another
+problem is the locks, which may take very much space in big transactions.
+Then the shared pool size should be set very big. We can allow locks to take
+space from the buffer pool, but the SQL optimizer is then unaware of the
+usable size of the buffer pool. We could also combine the objects in the
+common pool and the buffers in the buffer pool into a single LRU list and
+manage it uniformly, but this approach does not take into account the parsing
+and other costs unique to SQL statements.
+So, let the SQL statements and the data dictionary entries form one single
+LRU list, let us call it the dictionary LRU list. The locks for a transaction
+can be seen as a part of the state of the transaction. Hence, they should be
+stored in the common pool. We still have the problem of a very big update
+transaction, for example, which will set very many x-locks on rows, and the
+locks will consume a lot of memory, say, half of the buffer pool size.
+Another problem is what to do if we are not able to malloc a requested
+block of memory from the common pool. Then we can truncate the LRU list of
+the dictionary cache. If it does not help, a system error results.
+Because 5 and 6 may potentially consume very much memory, we let them grow
+into the buffer pool. We may let the locks of a transaction take frames
+from the buffer pool, when the corresponding memory heap block has grown to
+the size of a buffer frame. Similarly for the hash node cells of the locks,
+and for the adaptive index. Thus, for each individual transaction, its locks
+can occupy at most about the size of the buffer frame of memory in the common
+pool, and after that its locks will grow into the buffer pool. */
+/* Memory area header */
+struct mem_area_struct{
+ ulint size_and_free; /* memory area size is obtained by
+ anding with ~MEM_AREA_FREE; area in
+ a free list if ANDing with
+ MEM_AREA_FREE results in nonzero */
+ UT_LIST_NODE_T(mem_area_t)
+ free_list; /* free list node */
+/* Mask used to extract the free bit from area->size */
+#define MEM_AREA_FREE 1
+/* The smallest memory area total size */
+/* Data structure for a memory pool. The space is allocated using the buddy
+algorithm, where free list i contains areas of size 2 to power i. */
+struct mem_pool_struct{
+ byte* buf; /* memory pool */
+ ulint size; /* memory common pool size */
+ ulint reserved; /* amount of currently allocated
+ memory */
+ mutex_t mutex; /* mutex protecting this struct */
+ UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(mem_area_t)
+ free_list[64]; /* lists of free memory areas: an
+ area is put to the list whose number
+ is the 2-logarithm of the area size */
+/* The common memory pool */
+mem_pool_t* mem_comm_pool = NULL;
+ulint mem_out_of_mem_err_msg_count = 0;
+Returns memory area size. */
+ /* out: size */
+ mem_area_t* area) /* in: area */
+ return(area->size_and_free & ~MEM_AREA_FREE);
+Sets memory area size. */
+ mem_area_t* area, /* in: area */
+ ulint size) /* in: size */
+ area->size_and_free = (area->size_and_free & MEM_AREA_FREE)
+ | size;
+Returns memory area free bit. */
+ /* out: TRUE if free */
+ mem_area_t* area) /* in: area */
+ ut_ad(TRUE == MEM_AREA_FREE);
+ return(area->size_and_free & MEM_AREA_FREE);
+Sets memory area free bit. */
+ mem_area_t* area, /* in: area */
+ ibool free) /* in: free bit value */
+ ut_ad(TRUE == MEM_AREA_FREE);
+ area->size_and_free = (area->size_and_free & ~MEM_AREA_FREE)
+ | free;
+Creates a memory pool. */
+ /* out: memory pool */
+ ulint size) /* in: pool size in bytes */
+ mem_pool_t* pool;
+ mem_area_t* area;
+ ulint i;
+ ulint used;
+ ut_a(size > 10000);
+ pool = ut_malloc(sizeof(mem_pool_t));
+ pool->buf = ut_malloc(size);
+ pool->size = size;
+ mutex_create(&(pool->mutex));
+ mutex_set_level(&(pool->mutex), SYNC_MEM_POOL);
+ /* Initialize the free lists */
+ for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
+ UT_LIST_INIT(pool->free_list[i]);
+ }
+ used = 0;
+ while (size - used >= MEM_AREA_MIN_SIZE) {
+ i = ut_2_log(size - used);
+ if (ut_2_exp(i) > size - used) {
+ /* ut_2_log rounds upward */
+ i--;
+ }
+ area = (mem_area_t*)(pool->buf + used);
+ mem_area_set_size(area, ut_2_exp(i));
+ mem_area_set_free(area, TRUE);
+ UT_LIST_ADD_FIRST(free_list, pool->free_list[i], area);
+ used = used + ut_2_exp(i);
+ }
+ ut_ad(size >= used);
+ pool->reserved = 0;
+ return(pool);
+Fills the specified free list. */
+ /* out: TRUE if we were able to insert a
+ block to the free list */
+ ulint i, /* in: free list index */
+ mem_pool_t* pool) /* in: memory pool */
+ mem_area_t* area;
+ mem_area_t* area2;
+ ibool ret;
+ ut_ad(mutex_own(&(pool->mutex)));
+ if (i >= 63) {
+ /* We come here when we have run out of space in the
+ memory pool: */
+ if (mem_out_of_mem_err_msg_count % 1000 == 0) {
+ /* We do not print the message every time: */
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "Innobase: Warning: out of memory in additional memory pool.\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "Innobase: Innobase will start allocating memory from the OS.\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "Innobase: You should restart the database with a bigger value in\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "Innobase: the MySQL .cnf file for innobase_additional_mem_pool_size.\n");
+ }
+ mem_out_of_mem_err_msg_count++;
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ area = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(pool->free_list[i + 1]);
+ if (area == NULL) {
+ ret = mem_pool_fill_free_list(i + 1, pool);
+ if (ret == FALSE) {
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ area = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(pool->free_list[i + 1]);
+ }
+ UT_LIST_REMOVE(free_list, pool->free_list[i + 1], area);
+ area2 = (mem_area_t*)(((byte*)area) + ut_2_exp(i));
+ mem_area_set_size(area2, ut_2_exp(i));
+ mem_area_set_free(area2, TRUE);
+ UT_LIST_ADD_FIRST(free_list, pool->free_list[i], area2);
+ mem_area_set_size(area, ut_2_exp(i));
+ UT_LIST_ADD_FIRST(free_list, pool->free_list[i], area);
+ return(TRUE);
+Allocates memory from a pool. NOTE: This low-level function should only be
+used in mem0mem.*! */
+ /* out, own: allocated memory buffer */
+ ulint size, /* in: allocated size in bytes; for optimum
+ space usage, the size should be a power of 2
+ mem_pool_t* pool) /* in: memory pool */
+ mem_area_t* area;
+ ulint n;
+ ibool ret;
+ n = ut_2_log(ut_max(size + MEM_AREA_EXTRA_SIZE, MEM_AREA_MIN_SIZE));
+ mutex_enter(&(pool->mutex));
+ area = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(pool->free_list[n]);
+ if (area == NULL) {
+ ret = mem_pool_fill_free_list(n, pool);
+ if (ret == FALSE) {
+ /* Out of memory in memory pool: we try to allocate
+ from the operating system with the regular malloc: */
+ mutex_exit(&(pool->mutex));
+ return(ut_malloc(size));
+ }
+ area = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(pool->free_list[n]);
+ }
+ ut_a(mem_area_get_free(area));
+ ut_ad(mem_area_get_size(area) == ut_2_exp(n));
+ mem_area_set_free(area, FALSE);
+ UT_LIST_REMOVE(free_list, pool->free_list[n], area);
+ pool->reserved += mem_area_get_size(area);
+ mutex_exit(&(pool->mutex));
+ ut_ad(mem_pool_validate(pool));
+ return((void*)(MEM_AREA_EXTRA_SIZE + ((byte*)area)));
+Gets the buddy of an area, if it exists in pool. */
+ /* out: the buddy, NULL if no buddy in pool */
+ mem_area_t* area, /* in: memory area */
+ ulint size, /* in: memory area size */
+ mem_pool_t* pool) /* in: memory pool */
+ mem_area_t* buddy;
+ ut_ad(size != 0);
+ if (((((byte*)area) - pool->buf) % (2 * size)) == 0) {
+ /* The buddy is in a higher address */
+ buddy = (mem_area_t*)(((byte*)area) + size);
+ if ((((byte*)buddy) - pool->buf) + size > pool->size) {
+ /* The buddy is not wholly contained in the pool:
+ there is no buddy */
+ buddy = NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* The buddy is in a lower address; NOTE that area cannot
+ be at the pool lower end, because then we would end up to
+ the upper branch in this if-clause: the remainder would be
+ 0 */
+ buddy = (mem_area_t*)(((byte*)area) - size);
+ }
+ return(buddy);
+Frees memory to a pool. */
+ void* ptr, /* in, own: pointer to allocated memory
+ buffer */
+ mem_pool_t* pool) /* in: memory pool */
+ mem_area_t* area;
+ mem_area_t* buddy;
+ void* new_ptr;
+ ulint size;
+ ulint n;
+ if (mem_out_of_mem_err_msg_count > 0) {
+ /* It may be that the area was really allocated from the
+ OS with regular malloc: check if ptr points within
+ our memory pool */
+ if ((byte*)ptr < pool->buf
+ || (byte*)ptr >= pool->buf + pool->size) {
+ ut_free(ptr);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ area = (mem_area_t*) (((byte*)ptr) - MEM_AREA_EXTRA_SIZE);
+ size = mem_area_get_size(area);
+ ut_ad(size != 0);
+ ut_a(!mem_area_get_free(area));
+ if (((byte*)area) + size < pool->buf + pool->size) {
+ ulint next_size;
+ next_size = mem_area_get_size(
+ (mem_area_t*)(((byte*)area) + size));
+ ut_a(ut_2_power_up(next_size) == next_size);
+ }
+ buddy = mem_area_get_buddy(area, size, pool);
+ n = ut_2_log(size);
+ mutex_enter(&(pool->mutex));
+ if (buddy && mem_area_get_free(buddy)
+ && (size == mem_area_get_size(buddy))) {
+ /* The buddy is in a free list */
+ if ((byte*)buddy < (byte*)area) {
+ new_ptr = ((byte*)buddy) + MEM_AREA_EXTRA_SIZE;
+ mem_area_set_size(buddy, 2 * size);
+ mem_area_set_free(buddy, FALSE);
+ } else {
+ new_ptr = ptr;
+ mem_area_set_size(area, 2 * size);
+ }
+ /* Remove the buddy from its free list and merge it to area */
+ UT_LIST_REMOVE(free_list, pool->free_list[n], buddy);
+ pool->reserved += ut_2_exp(n);
+ mutex_exit(&(pool->mutex));
+ mem_area_free(new_ptr, pool);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ UT_LIST_ADD_FIRST(free_list, pool->free_list[n], area);
+ mem_area_set_free(area, TRUE);
+ ut_ad(pool->reserved >= size);
+ pool->reserved -= size;
+ }
+ mutex_exit(&(pool->mutex));
+ ut_ad(mem_pool_validate(pool));
+Validates a memory pool. */
+ /* out: TRUE if ok */
+ mem_pool_t* pool) /* in: memory pool */
+ mem_area_t* area;
+ mem_area_t* buddy;
+ ulint free;
+ ulint i;
+ mutex_enter(&(pool->mutex));
+ free = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
+ UT_LIST_VALIDATE(free_list, mem_area_t, pool->free_list[i]);
+ area = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(pool->free_list[i]);
+ while (area != NULL) {
+ ut_a(mem_area_get_free(area));
+ ut_a(mem_area_get_size(area) == ut_2_exp(i));
+ buddy = mem_area_get_buddy(area, ut_2_exp(i), pool);
+ ut_a(!buddy || !mem_area_get_free(buddy)
+ || (ut_2_exp(i) != mem_area_get_size(buddy)));
+ area = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(free_list, area);
+ free += ut_2_exp(i);
+ }
+ }
+ ut_a(free + pool->reserved == pool->size
+ - (pool->size % MEM_AREA_MIN_SIZE));
+ mutex_exit(&(pool->mutex));
+ return(TRUE);
+Prints info of a memory pool. */
+ FILE* outfile,/* in: output file to write to */
+ mem_pool_t* pool) /* in: memory pool */
+ ulint i;
+ mem_pool_validate(pool);
+ fprintf(outfile, "INFO OF A MEMORY POOL\n");
+ mutex_enter(&(pool->mutex));
+ for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
+ if (UT_LIST_GET_LEN(pool->free_list[i]) > 0) {
+ fprintf(outfile,
+ "Free list length %lu for blocks of size %lu\n",
+ UT_LIST_GET_LEN(pool->free_list[i]),
+ ut_2_exp(i));
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(outfile, "Pool size %lu, reserved %lu.\n", pool->size,
+ pool->reserved);
+ mutex_exit(&(pool->mutex));
+Returns the amount of reserved memory. */
+ /* out: reserved mmeory in bytes */
+ mem_pool_t* pool) /* in: memory pool */
+ ulint reserved;
+ mutex_enter(&(pool->mutex));
+ reserved = pool->reserved;
+ mutex_exit(&(pool->mutex));
+ return(reserved);