path: root/innobase/row
diff options
mode: <>2004-04-06 16:14:43 +0300 <>2004-04-06 16:14:43 +0300
commit6af38c65bebe79e36aaa57c0b4f9a78f047bccad (patch)
treef7bc427aa7ce4a54802d6e8931ca1dfe64c7bfa8 /innobase/row
parent4f9b59f71db750cc2d14b0ed3a910b23996a9032 (diff)
InnoDB: send diagnostic output to stderr or files
instead of stdout or fixed-size memory buffers
Diffstat (limited to 'innobase/row')
8 files changed, 359 insertions, 343 deletions
diff --git a/innobase/row/row0ins.c b/innobase/row/row0ins.c
index 590d2b52e07..8bc6c9697c1 100644
--- a/innobase/row/row0ins.c
+++ b/innobase/row/row0ins.c
@@ -528,34 +528,37 @@ row_ins_foreign_report_err(
dtuple_t* entry) /* in: index entry in the parent
table */
- char* buf = dict_foreign_err_buf;
+ FILE* ef = dict_foreign_err_file;
- ut_sprintf_timestamp(buf);
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " Transaction:\n");
- trx_print(buf + strlen(buf), thr_get_trx(thr));
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),
-"Foreign key constraint fails for table %.500s:\n",
- foreign->foreign_table_name);
- dict_print_info_on_foreign_key_in_create_format(
- foreign, buf + strlen(buf));
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "\n%s", errstr);
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),
-" in parent table, in index %.500s tuple:\n",
- foreign->referenced_index->name);
+ rewind(ef);
+ ut_print_timestamp(ef);
+ fputs(" Transaction:\n", ef);
+ trx_print(ef, thr_get_trx(thr));
+ fputs("Foreign key constraint fails for table ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->foreign_table_name);
+ fputs(":\n", ef);
+ dict_print_info_on_foreign_key_in_create_format(ef, foreign);
+ putc('\n', ef);
+ fputs(errstr, ef);
+ fputs(" in parent table, in index ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->referenced_index->name);
if (entry) {
- dtuple_sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), 1000, entry);
+ fputs(" tuple:\n", ef);
+ dtuple_print(ef, entry);
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),
-"\nBut in child table %.500s, in index %.500s, there is a record:\n",
- foreign->foreign_table_name, foreign->foreign_index->name);
+ fputs("\nBut in child table ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->foreign_table_name);
+ fputs(", in index ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->foreign_index->name);
if (rec) {
- rec_sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), 1000, rec);
+ fputs(", there is a record:\n", ef);
+ rec_print(ef, rec);
+ } else {
+ fputs(", the record is not available\n", ef);
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "\n");
- ut_a(strlen(buf) < DICT_FOREIGN_ERR_BUF_LEN);
+ putc('\n', ef);
@@ -576,28 +579,28 @@ row_ins_foreign_report_add_err(
dtuple_t* entry) /* in: index entry to insert in the
child table */
- char* buf = dict_foreign_err_buf;
+ FILE* ef = dict_foreign_err_file;
- ut_sprintf_timestamp(buf);
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " Transaction:\n");
- trx_print(buf + strlen(buf), trx);
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),
-"Foreign key constraint fails for table %.500s:\n",
- foreign->foreign_table_name);
- dict_print_info_on_foreign_key_in_create_format(
- foreign, buf + strlen(buf));
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),
-"\nTrying to add in child table, in index %.500s tuple:\n",
- foreign->foreign_index->name);
+ rewind(ef);
+ ut_print_timestamp(ef);
+ fputs(" Transaction:\n", ef);
+ trx_print(ef, trx);
+ fputs("Foreign key constraint fails for table ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->foreign_table_name);
+ fputs(":\n", ef);
+ dict_print_info_on_foreign_key_in_create_format(ef, foreign);
+ fputs("\nTrying to add in child table, in index ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->foreign_index->name);
if (entry) {
- dtuple_sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), 1000, entry);
+ fputs(" tuple:\n", ef);
+ dtuple_print(ef, entry);
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),
-"\nBut in parent table %.500s, in index %.500s,\n"
-"the closest match we can find is record:\n",
- foreign->referenced_table_name,
- foreign->referenced_index->name);
+ fputs("\nBut in parent table ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->referenced_table_name);
+ fputs(", in index ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->referenced_index->name);
+ fputs(",\nthe closest match we can find is record:\n", ef);
if (rec && page_rec_is_supremum(rec)) {
/* If the cursor ended on a supremum record, it is better
to report the previous record in the error message, so that
@@ -606,11 +609,9 @@ row_ins_foreign_report_add_err(
if (rec) {
- rec_sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), 1000, rec);
+ rec_print(ef, rec);
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "\n");
- ut_a(strlen(buf) < DICT_FOREIGN_ERR_BUF_LEN);
+ putc('\n', ef);
@@ -652,7 +653,6 @@ row_ins_foreign_check_on_constraint(
ulint i;
char* ptr;
char table_name_buf[1000];
- char err_buf[1000];
ut_a(thr && foreign && pcur && mtr);
@@ -791,20 +791,20 @@ row_ins_foreign_check_on_constraint(
|| btr_pcur_get_low_match(cascade->pcur)
< dict_index_get_n_unique(clust_index)) {
- fprintf(stderr,
+ fputs(
"InnoDB: error in cascade of a foreign key op\n"
- "InnoDB: index %s table %s\n", index->name,
- index->table->name);
- rec_sprintf(err_buf, 900, rec);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: record %s\n", err_buf);
- rec_sprintf(err_buf, 900, clust_rec);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: clustered record %s\n",
- err_buf);
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: Make a detailed bug report and send it\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: to\n");
+ "InnoDB: ", stderr);
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, index);
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: record ", stderr);
+ rec_print(stderr, rec);
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: clustered record ", stderr);
+ rec_print(stderr, clust_rec);
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: Make a detailed bug report and send it\n"
+ "InnoDB: to\n", stderr);
@@ -834,24 +834,6 @@ row_ins_foreign_check_on_constraint(
/* This can happen if there is a circular reference of
rows such that cascading delete comes to delete a row
already in the process of being delete marked */
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: error 2 in cascade of a foreign key op\n"
- "InnoDB: index %s table %s\n", index->name,
- index->table->name);
- rec_sprintf(err_buf, 900, rec);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: record %s\n", err_buf);
- rec_sprintf(err_buf, 900, clust_rec);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: clustered record %s\n", err_buf);
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: Make a detailed bug report and send it\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: to\n");
- ut_error;
goto nonstandard_exit_func;
@@ -1022,7 +1004,6 @@ row_ins_check_foreign_constraint(
int cmp;
ulint err;
ulint i;
- char* buf = dict_foreign_err_buf;
mtr_t mtr;
@@ -1085,23 +1066,24 @@ run_again:
if (check_table == NULL) {
if (check_ref) {
+ FILE* ef = dict_foreign_err_file;
- ut_sprintf_timestamp(buf);
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " Transaction:\n");
- trx_print(buf + strlen(buf), thr_get_trx(thr));
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),
-"Foreign key constraint fails for table %.500s:\n",
- foreign->foreign_table_name);
- dict_print_info_on_foreign_key_in_create_format(
- foreign, buf + strlen(buf));
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),
-"\nTrying to add to index %.500s tuple:\n", foreign->foreign_index->name);
- dtuple_sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), 1000, entry);
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),
-"\nBut the parent table %.500s does not currently exist!\n",
- foreign->referenced_table_name);
- ut_a(strlen(buf) < DICT_FOREIGN_ERR_BUF_LEN);
+ rewind(ef);
+ ut_print_timestamp(ef);
+ fputs(" Transaction:\n", ef);
+ trx_print(ef, thr_get_trx(thr));
+ fputs("Foreign key constraint fails for table ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->foreign_table_name);
+ fputs(":\n", ef);
+ dict_print_info_on_foreign_key_in_create_format(ef,
+ foreign);
+ fputs("\nTrying to add to index ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->foreign_index->name);
+ fputs(" tuple:\n", ef);
+ dtuple_print(ef, entry);
+ fputs("\nBut the parent table ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->referenced_table_name);
+ fputs(" does not currently exist!\n", ef);
diff --git a/innobase/row/row0mysql.c b/innobase/row/row0mysql.c
index eca586b3a0a..07c3f8c4867 100644
--- a/innobase/row/row0mysql.c
+++ b/innobase/row/row0mysql.c
@@ -296,22 +296,22 @@ handle_new_error:
} else if (err == DB_MUST_GET_MORE_FILE_SPACE) {
- fprintf(stderr,
+ fputs(
"InnoDB: The database cannot continue operation because of\n"
"InnoDB: lack of space. You must add a new data file to\n"
- "InnoDB: my.cnf and restart the database.\n");
+ "InnoDB: my.cnf and restart the database.\n", stderr);
} else if (err == DB_CORRUPTION) {
- fprintf(stderr,
+ fputs(
"InnoDB: We detected index corruption in an InnoDB type table.\n"
"InnoDB: You have to dump + drop + reimport the table or, in\n"
"InnoDB: a case of widespread corruption, dump all InnoDB\n"
"InnoDB: tables and recreate the whole InnoDB tablespace.\n"
"InnoDB: If the mysqld server crashes after the startup or when\n"
"InnoDB: you dump the tables, look at section 6.1 of\n"
- "InnoDB: for help.\n");
+ "InnoDB: for help.\n", stderr);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: unknown error code %lu\n", err);
@@ -423,8 +423,10 @@ row_prebuilt_free(
|| prebuilt->magic_n2 != ROW_PREBUILT_ALLOCATED) {
"InnoDB: Error: trying to free a corrupt\n"
-"InnoDB: table handle. Magic n %lu, magic n2 %lu, table name %s\n",
- prebuilt->magic_n, prebuilt->magic_n2, prebuilt->table->name);
+"InnoDB: table handle. Magic n %lu, magic n2 %lu, table name ",
+ prebuilt->magic_n, prebuilt->magic_n2);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, prebuilt->table->name);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
@@ -469,9 +471,9 @@ row_prebuilt_free(
+ prebuilt->mysql_row_len))) {
- fprintf(stderr,
+ fputs(
"InnoDB: Error: trying to free a corrupt\n"
- "InnoDB: fetch buffer.\n");
+ "InnoDB: fetch buffer.\n", stderr);
@@ -514,8 +516,10 @@ row_update_prebuilt_trx(
if (prebuilt->magic_n != ROW_PREBUILT_ALLOCATED) {
"InnoDB: Error: trying to use a corrupt\n"
- "InnoDB: table handle. Magic n %lu, table name %s\n",
- prebuilt->magic_n, prebuilt->table->name);
+ "InnoDB: table handle. Magic n %lu, table name ",
+ prebuilt->magic_n);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, prebuilt->table->name);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
@@ -741,8 +745,10 @@ row_insert_for_mysql(
if (prebuilt->magic_n != ROW_PREBUILT_ALLOCATED) {
"InnoDB: Error: trying to free a corrupt\n"
- "InnoDB: table handle. Magic n %lu, table name %s\n",
- prebuilt->magic_n, prebuilt->table->name);
+ "InnoDB: table handle. Magic n %lu, table name ",
+ prebuilt->magic_n);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, prebuilt->table->name);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
@@ -750,12 +756,13 @@ row_insert_for_mysql(
if (srv_created_new_raw || srv_force_recovery) {
- fprintf(stderr,
+ fputs(
"InnoDB: A new raw disk partition was initialized or\n"
"InnoDB: innodb_force_recovery is on: we do not allow\n"
"InnoDB: database modifications by the user. Shut down\n"
"InnoDB: mysqld and edit my.cnf so that newraw is replaced\n"
- "InnoDB: with raw, and innodb_force_... is removed.\n");
+ "InnoDB: with raw, and innodb_force_... is removed.\n",
+ stderr);
@@ -953,8 +960,10 @@ row_update_for_mysql(
if (prebuilt->magic_n != ROW_PREBUILT_ALLOCATED) {
"InnoDB: Error: trying to free a corrupt\n"
- "InnoDB: table handle. Magic n %lu, table name %s\n",
- prebuilt->magic_n, prebuilt->table->name);
+ "InnoDB: table handle. Magic n %lu, table name ",
+ prebuilt->magic_n);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, prebuilt->table->name);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
@@ -962,12 +971,13 @@ row_update_for_mysql(
if (srv_created_new_raw || srv_force_recovery) {
- fprintf(stderr,
+ fputs(
"InnoDB: A new raw disk partition was initialized or\n"
"InnoDB: innodb_force_recovery is on: we do not allow\n"
"InnoDB: database modifications by the user. Shut down\n"
"InnoDB: mysqld and edit my.cnf so that newraw is replaced\n"
- "InnoDB: with raw, and innodb_force_... is removed.\n");
+ "InnoDB: with raw, and innodb_force_... is removed.\n",
+ stderr);
@@ -1310,12 +1320,13 @@ row_create_table_for_mysql(
ut_ad(trx->dict_operation_lock_mode == RW_X_LATCH);
if (srv_created_new_raw) {
- fprintf(stderr,
+ fputs(
"InnoDB: A new raw disk partition was initialized or\n"
"InnoDB: innodb_force_recovery is on: we do not allow\n"
"InnoDB: database modifications by the user. Shut down\n"
"InnoDB: mysqld and edit my.cnf so that newraw is replaced\n"
- "InnoDB: with raw, and innodb_force_... is removed.\n");
+ "InnoDB: with raw, and innodb_force_... is removed.\n",
+ stderr);
@@ -1390,16 +1401,17 @@ row_create_table_for_mysql(
/* We define here a debugging feature intended for
developers */
- printf("Validating InnoDB memory:\n"
+ fputs("Validating InnoDB memory:\n"
"to use this feature you must compile InnoDB with\n"
"UNIV_MEM_DEBUG defined in univ.i and the server must be\n"
"quiet because allocation from a mem heap is not protected\n"
- "by any semaphore.\n");
+ "by any semaphore.\n", stderr);
- printf("Memory validated\n");
+ fputs("Memory validated\n", stderr);
#else /* UNIV_MEM_DEBUG */
- puts("Memory NOT validated (recompile with UNIV_MEM_DEBUG)");
+ fputs("Memory NOT validated (recompile with UNIV_MEM_DEBUG)\n",
+ stderr);
#endif /* UNIV_MEM_DEBUG */
@@ -1424,30 +1436,29 @@ row_create_table_for_mysql(
trx_general_rollback_for_mysql(trx, FALSE, NULL);
if (err == DB_OUT_OF_FILE_SPACE) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: Warning: cannot create table %s because tablespace full\n",
- table->name);
+ fputs("InnoDB: Warning: cannot create table ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, table->name);
+ fputs(" because tablespace full\n", stderr);
row_drop_table_for_mysql(table->name, trx, FALSE);
} else {
ut_a(err == DB_DUPLICATE_KEY);
- fprintf(stderr,
- " InnoDB: Error: table %s already exists in InnoDB internal\n"
+ fputs(" InnoDB: Error: table ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, table->name);
+ fputs(" already exists in InnoDB internal\n"
"InnoDB: data dictionary. Have you deleted the .frm file\n"
"InnoDB: and not used DROP TABLE? Have you used DROP DATABASE\n"
"InnoDB: for InnoDB tables in MySQL version <= 3.23.43?\n"
- "InnoDB: See the Restrictions section of the InnoDB manual.\n",
- table->name);
- fprintf(stderr,
+ "InnoDB: See the Restrictions section of the InnoDB manual.\n"
"InnoDB: You can drop the orphaned table inside InnoDB by\n"
"InnoDB: creating an InnoDB table with the same name in another\n"
"InnoDB: database and moving the .frm file to the current database.\n"
"InnoDB: Then MySQL thinks the table exists, and DROP TABLE will\n"
"InnoDB: succeed.\n"
- "InnoDB: You can look further help from section 15.1 of\n"
- "InnoDB:\n");
+ "InnoDB: You can look for further help from section 15.1 of\n"
+ "InnoDB:\n", stderr);
trx->error_state = DB_SUCCESS;
@@ -1498,11 +1509,14 @@ row_create_index_for_mysql(
- fprintf(stderr,
-" InnoDB: Error: column %s appears twice in index %s of table %s\n"
-"InnoDB: This is not allowed in InnoDB.\n",
- dict_index_get_nth_field(index, i)->name,
- index->name, index->table_name);
+ fputs(" InnoDB: Error: column ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr,
+ dict_index_get_nth_field(index, i)->name);
+ fputs(" appears twice in ", stderr);
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, index);
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: This is not allowed in InnoDB.\n",
+ stderr);
@@ -1634,16 +1648,19 @@ row_drop_table_for_mysql_in_background(
trx = trx_allocate_for_background();
-/* fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Dropping table %s in background drop list\n",
- name); */
+/* fputs("InnoDB: Error: Dropping table ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, name);
+ fputs(" in background drop list\n", stderr); */
/* Drop the table in InnoDB */
error = row_drop_table_for_mysql(name, trx, FALSE);
if (error != DB_SUCCESS) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: Error: Dropping table %s in background drop list failed\n",
- name);
+ ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
+ fputs(" InnoDB: Error: Dropping table ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, name);
+ fputs(" in background drop list failed\n", stderr);
/* Flush the log to reduce probability that the .frm files and
@@ -1721,9 +1738,9 @@ already_dropped:
UT_LIST_REMOVE(row_mysql_drop_list, row_mysql_drop_list, drop);
- fprintf(stderr,
- " InnoDB: Dropped table %s in background drop queue.\n",
- drop->table_name);
+ fputs(" InnoDB: Dropped table ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, drop->table_name);
+ fputs(" in background drop queue.\n", stderr);
@@ -1782,15 +1799,17 @@ row_add_table_to_background_drop_list(
UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(row_mysql_drop_list, row_mysql_drop_list, drop);
-/* fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Adding table %s to background drop list\n",
- drop->table_name); */
+/* fputs("InnoDB: Adding table ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, drop->table_name);
+ fputs(" to background drop list\n", stderr); */
-Drops a table for MySQL. If the name of the dropped table ends to
-characters INNODB_MONITOR, then this also stops printing of monitor
-output by the master thread. */
+Drops a table for MySQL. If the name of the table to be dropped is equal
+with one of the predefined magic table names, then this also stops printing
+the corresponding monitor output by the master thread. */
@@ -1962,14 +1981,14 @@ row_drop_table_for_mysql(
- fprintf(stderr,
- " InnoDB: Error: table %s does not exist in the InnoDB internal\n"
+ fputs(" InnoDB: Error: table ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, name);
+ fputs(" does not exist in the InnoDB internal\n"
"InnoDB: data dictionary though MySQL is trying to drop it.\n"
"InnoDB: Have you copied the .frm file of the table to the\n"
"InnoDB: MySQL database directory from another database?\n"
- "InnoDB: You can look further help from section 15.1 of\n"
- "InnoDB:\n",
- name);
+ "InnoDB: You can look for further help from section 15.1 of\n"
+ "InnoDB:\n", stderr);
goto funct_exit;
@@ -1985,7 +2004,7 @@ row_drop_table_for_mysql(
if (foreign && trx->check_foreigns &&
!(drop_db && dict_tables_have_same_db(
name, foreign->foreign_table_name))) {
- char* buf = dict_foreign_err_buf;
+ FILE* ef = dict_foreign_err_file;
/* We only allow dropping a referenced table if
FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS is set to 0 */
@@ -1993,28 +2012,30 @@ row_drop_table_for_mysql(
- ut_sprintf_timestamp(buf);
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),
- " Cannot drop table %.500s\n", name);
- sprintf(buf + strlen(buf),
-"because it is referenced by %.500s\n", foreign->foreign_table_name);
- ut_a(strlen(buf) < DICT_FOREIGN_ERR_BUF_LEN);
+ rewind(ef);
+ ut_print_timestamp(ef);
+ fputs(" Cannot drop table ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, name);
+ fputs("\n"
+ "because it is referenced by ", ef);
+ ut_print_name(ef, foreign->foreign_table_name);
+ putc('\n', ef);
goto funct_exit;
if (table->n_mysql_handles_opened > 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- " InnoDB: Warning: MySQL is trying to drop table %s\n"
+ fputs(" InnoDB: Warning: MySQL is trying to drop table ",
+ stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, table->name);
+ fputs("\n"
"InnoDB: though there are still open handles to it.\n"
"InnoDB: Adding the table to the background drop queue.\n",
- table->name);
+ stderr);
@@ -2024,13 +2045,14 @@ row_drop_table_for_mysql(
if (table->n_foreign_key_checks_running > 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- " InnoDB: You are trying to drop table %s\n"
+ fputs(" InnoDB: You are trying to drop table ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, table->name);
+ fputs("\n"
"InnoDB: though there are foreign key check running on it.\n"
"InnoDB: Adding the table to the background drop queue.\n",
- table->name);
+ stderr);
@@ -2065,9 +2087,11 @@ row_drop_table_for_mysql(
if (dict_load_table(name) != NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,
-" InnoDB: Error: dropping of table %s failed!\n", name);
+ fputs(" InnoDB: Error: dropping of table ",
+ stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, name);
+ fputs(" failed!\n", stderr);
+ err = DB_ERROR;
@@ -2125,10 +2149,13 @@ loop:
- fprintf(stderr,
- " InnoDB: Warning: MySQL is trying to drop database %s\n"
- "InnoDB: though there are still open handles to table %s.\n",
- name, table_name);
+ fputs(
+ " InnoDB: Warning: MySQL is trying to drop database ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, name);
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: though there are still open handles to table ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, table_name);
+ fputs(".\n", stderr);
@@ -2142,9 +2169,12 @@ loop:
if (err != DB_SUCCESS) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: DROP DATABASE %s failed with error %lu for table %s\n",
- name, (ulint)err, table_name);
+ fputs("InnoDB: DROP DATABASE ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, name);
+ fprintf(stderr, " failed with error %lu for table ",
+ (ulint) err);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, table_name);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
@@ -2309,12 +2339,10 @@ row_rename_table_for_mysql(
if (row_mysql_is_recovered_tmp_table(new_name)) {
recovering_temp_table = TRUE;
- }
- /* Serialize data dictionary operations with dictionary mutex:
- no deadlocks can occur then in these operations */
+ } else {
+ /* Serialize data dictionary operations with dictionary mutex:
+ no deadlocks can occur then in these operations */
- if (!recovering_temp_table) {
@@ -2450,25 +2478,26 @@ row_rename_table_for_mysql(
if (err == DB_DUPLICATE_KEY) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- " InnoDB: Error: table %s exists in the InnoDB internal data\n"
- "InnoDB: dictionary though MySQL is trying rename table %s to it.\n"
+ fputs(" InnoDB: Error: table ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, new_name);
+ fputs(" exists in the InnoDB internal data\n"
+ "InnoDB: dictionary though MySQL is trying rename table ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, old_name);
+ fputs(" to it.\n"
"InnoDB: Have you deleted the .frm file and not used DROP TABLE?\n"
- "InnoDB: You can look further help from section 15.1 of\n"
- "InnoDB:\n",
- new_name, old_name);
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: If table %s is a temporary table #sql..., then it can be that\n"
+ "InnoDB: You can look for further help from section 15.1 of\n"
+ "InnoDB:\n"
+ "InnoDB: If table ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, new_name);
+ fputs(
+ " is a temporary table #sql..., then it can be that\n"
"InnoDB: there are still queries running on the table, and it will be\n"
- "InnoDB: dropped automatically when the queries end.\n", new_name);
- fprintf(stderr,
+ "InnoDB: dropped automatically when the queries end.\n"
"InnoDB: You can drop the orphaned table inside InnoDB by\n"
"InnoDB: creating an InnoDB table with the same name in another\n"
"InnoDB: database and moving the .frm file to the current database.\n"
"InnoDB: Then MySQL thinks the table exists, and DROP TABLE will\n"
- "InnoDB: succeed.\n");
+ "InnoDB: succeed.\n", stderr);
trx->error_state = DB_SUCCESS;
@@ -2493,11 +2522,13 @@ row_rename_table_for_mysql(
- fprintf(stderr,
- " InnoDB: Error: in ALTER TABLE table %s\n"
+ fputs(" InnoDB: Error: in ALTER TABLE table ",
+ stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, new_name);
+ fputs("\n"
"InnoDB: has or is referenced in foreign key constraints\n"
"InnoDB: which are not compatible with the new table definition.\n",
- new_name);
+ stderr);
old_name, FALSE));
@@ -2554,7 +2585,6 @@ row_scan_and_check_index(
int cmp;
ibool contains_null;
ulint i;
- char err_buf[1000];
*n_rows = 0;
@@ -2615,32 +2645,25 @@ loop:
if (cmp > 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Error: index records in a wrong order in index %s\n",
- index->name);
- dtuple_sprintf(err_buf, 900, prev_entry);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: prev record %s\n", err_buf);
- rec_sprintf(err_buf, 900, rec);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: record %s\n", err_buf);
+ fputs("InnoDB: index records in a wrong order in ",
+ stderr);
+ not_ok:
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, index);
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: prev record ", stderr);
+ dtuple_print(stderr, prev_entry);
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: record ", stderr);
+ rec_print(stderr, rec);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
is_ok = FALSE;
} else if ((index->type & DICT_UNIQUE)
&& !contains_null
&& matched_fields >=
dict_index_get_n_ordering_defined_by_user(index)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error: duplicate key in index %s\n",
- index->name);
- dtuple_sprintf(err_buf, 900, prev_entry);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: prev record %s\n", err_buf);
- rec_sprintf(err_buf, 900, rec);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: record %s\n", err_buf);
- is_ok = FALSE;
+ fputs("InnoDB: duplicate key in ", stderr);
+ goto not_ok;
@@ -2684,7 +2707,9 @@ row_check_table_for_mysql(
index = dict_table_get_first_index(table);
while (index != NULL) {
- /* fprintf(stderr, "Validating index %s\n", index->name); */
+ /* fputs("Validating index ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, index->name);
+ putc('\n', stderr); */
if (!btr_validate_tree(index->tree)) {
ret = DB_ERROR;
@@ -2694,18 +2719,21 @@ row_check_table_for_mysql(
ret = DB_ERROR;
- /* fprintf(stderr, "%lu entries in index %s\n", n_rows,
- index->name); */
+ /* fprintf(stderr, "%lu entries in index ", n_rows);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, index->name);
+ putc('\n', stderr); */
if (index == dict_table_get_first_index(table)) {
n_rows_in_table = n_rows;
} else if (n_rows != n_rows_in_table) {
ret = DB_ERROR;
+ fputs("InnoDB: Error: ", stderr);
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, index);
- "Error: index %s contains %lu entries, should be %lu\n",
- index->name, n_rows, n_rows_in_table);
+ " contains %lu entries, should be %lu\n",
+ n_rows, n_rows_in_table);
diff --git a/innobase/row/row0purge.c b/innobase/row/row0purge.c
index a2c60079e66..2ddc60613fc 100644
--- a/innobase/row/row0purge.c
+++ b/innobase/row/row0purge.c
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ row_purge_remove_clust_if_poss(
ibool success;
ulint n_tries = 0;
-/* printf("Purge: Removing clustered record\n"); */
+/* fputs("Purge: Removing clustered record\n", stderr); */
success = row_purge_remove_clust_if_poss_low(node, BTR_MODIFY_LEAF);
if (success) {
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ row_purge_remove_sec_if_poss_low(
if (!found) {
/* Not found */
- /* printf("PURGE:........sec entry not found\n"); */
+ /* fputs("PURGE:........sec entry not found\n", stderr); */
/* dtuple_print(entry); */
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ row_purge_remove_sec_if_poss(
ibool success;
ulint n_tries = 0;
-/* printf("Purge: Removing secondary record\n"); */
+/* fputs("Purge: Removing secondary record\n", stderr); */
success = row_purge_remove_sec_if_poss_low(node, index, entry,
diff --git a/innobase/row/row0row.c b/innobase/row/row0row.c
index 327a47f4009..680539764fd 100644
--- a/innobase/row/row0row.c
+++ b/innobase/row/row0row.c
@@ -390,7 +390,6 @@ row_build_row_ref_in_tuple(
at least s-latched and the latch held
as long as the row reference is used! */
- dict_table_t* table;
dict_index_t* clust_index;
dfield_t* dfield;
byte* field;
@@ -401,21 +400,21 @@ row_build_row_ref_in_tuple(
ut_a(ref && index && rec);
- table = index->table;
- if (!table) {
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: table %s for index %s not found\n",
- index->table_name, index->name);
+ if (!index->table) {
+ fputs("InnoDB: table ", stderr);
+ notfound:
+ ut_print_name(stderr, index->table_name);
+ fputs(" for index ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, index->name);
+ fputs(" not found\n", stderr);
- clust_index = dict_table_get_first_index(table);
+ clust_index = dict_table_get_first_index(index->table);
if (!clust_index) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: clust index for table %s for index %s not found\n",
- index->table_name, index->name);
- ut_error;
+ fputs("InnoDB: clust index for table ", stderr);
+ goto notfound;
ref_len = dict_index_get_n_unique(clust_index);
diff --git a/innobase/row/row0sel.c b/innobase/row/row0sel.c
index 6ae4f791205..6f8ce120764 100644
--- a/innobase/row/row0sel.c
+++ b/innobase/row/row0sel.c
@@ -1756,7 +1756,7 @@ row_sel_step(
} else {
/* SQL error detected */
- printf("SQL error %lu\n", err);
+ fprintf(stderr, "SQL error %lu\n", err);
que_thr_handle_error(thr, DB_ERROR, NULL, 0);
@@ -1806,7 +1806,7 @@ fetch_step(
if (sel_node->state == SEL_NODE_CLOSED) {
/* SQL error detected */
- printf("SQL error %lu\n", (ulint)DB_ERROR);
+ fprintf(stderr, "SQL error %lu\n", (ulint)DB_ERROR);
que_thr_handle_error(thr, DB_ERROR, NULL, 0);
@@ -1867,12 +1867,12 @@ row_printf_step(
while (arg) {
- printf(" ::: ");
+ fputs(" ::: ", stderr);
arg = que_node_get_next(arg);
- printf("\n");
+ putc('\n', stderr);
/* Fetch next row to print */
@@ -1980,9 +1980,10 @@ row_sel_convert_mysql_key_to_innobase(
MySQL */
if (key_ptr[data_offset + 1] != 0) {
- fprintf(stderr,
-" InnoDB: Error: BLOB or TEXT prefix > 255 bytes in query to table %s\n",
- index->table_name);
+ fputs(
+" InnoDB: Error: BLOB or TEXT prefix > 255 bytes in query to table ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, index->table_name);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
data_len = key_ptr[data_offset];
@@ -2058,20 +2059,18 @@ row_sel_store_row_id_to_prebuilt(
byte* data;
ulint len;
- char err_buf[1000];
data = rec_get_nth_field(index_rec,
dict_index_get_sys_col_pos(index, DATA_ROW_ID), &len);
if (len != DATA_ROW_ID_LEN) {
- rec_sprintf(err_buf, 900, index_rec);
-"InnoDB: Error: Row id field is wrong length %lu in table %s index %s\n"
-"InnoDB: Field number %lu, record:\n%s\n",
- len, index->table_name, index->name,
- dict_index_get_sys_col_pos(index, DATA_ROW_ID),
- err_buf);
+"InnoDB: Error: Row id field is wrong length %lu in ", len);
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, index);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n"
+"InnoDB: Field number %lu, record:\n",
+ dict_index_get_sys_col_pos(index, DATA_ROW_ID));
+ rec_print(stderr, index_rec);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
@@ -2239,9 +2238,11 @@ row_sel_store_mysql_rec(
if (!templ->mysql_null_bit_mask) {
- fprintf(stderr,
+ fputs(
"InnoDB: Error: trying to return an SQL NULL field in a non-null\n"
-"innoDB: column! Table name %s\n", prebuilt->table->name);
+"innoDB: column! Table name ", stderr);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, prebuilt->table->name);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
} else {
mysql_rec[templ->mysql_null_byte_offset] |=
(byte) (templ->mysql_null_bit_mask);
@@ -2310,8 +2311,7 @@ row_sel_get_clust_rec_for_mysql(
rec_t* old_vers;
ulint err;
trx_t* trx;
- char err_buf[1000];
*out_rec = NULL;
row_build_row_ref_in_tuple(prebuilt->clust_ref, sec_index, rec);
@@ -2344,26 +2344,22 @@ row_sel_get_clust_rec_for_mysql(
|| prebuilt->select_lock_type != LOCK_NONE) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- " InnoDB: error clustered record for sec rec not found\n"
- "InnoDB: index %s table %s\n", sec_index->name,
- sec_index->table->name);
- rec_sprintf(err_buf, 900, rec);
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: sec index record %s\n", err_buf);
- rec_sprintf(err_buf, 900, clust_rec);
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: clust index record %s\n", err_buf);
- trx = thr_get_trx(thr);
- trx_print(err_buf, trx);
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%s\nInnoDB: Make a detailed bug report and send it\n",
- err_buf);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: to\n");
+ fputs(" InnoDB: error clustered record"
+ " for sec rec not found\n"
+ "InnoDB: ", stderr);
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, sec_index);
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: sec index record ", stderr);
+ rec_print(stderr, rec);
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: clust index record ", stderr);
+ rec_print(stderr, clust_rec);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
+ trx_print(stderr, thr_get_trx(thr));
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: Make a detailed bug report and send it\n"
+ "InnoDB: to\n", stderr);
clust_rec = NULL;
@@ -2711,18 +2707,20 @@ row_search_for_mysql(
if (prebuilt->magic_n != ROW_PREBUILT_ALLOCATED) {
"InnoDB: Error: trying to free a corrupt\n"
- "InnoDB: table handle. Magic n %lu, table name %s\n",
- prebuilt->magic_n, prebuilt->table->name);
+ "InnoDB: table handle. Magic n %lu, table name ",
+ prebuilt->magic_n);
+ ut_print_name(stderr, prebuilt->table->name);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
-/* printf("Match mode %lu\n search tuple ", match_mode);
+/* fprintf(stderr, "Match mode %lu\n search tuple ", match_mode);
- printf("N tables locked %lu\n", trx->mysql_n_tables_locked);
+ fprintf(stderr, "N tables locked %lu\n", trx->mysql_n_tables_locked);
/* PHASE 0: Release a possible s-latch we are holding on the
@@ -2899,7 +2897,8 @@ row_search_for_mysql(
- /* printf("%s shortcut\n", index->name); */
+ /* ut_print_name(stderr, index->name);
+ fputs(" shortcut\n", stderr); */
@@ -2923,8 +2922,8 @@ row_search_for_mysql(
- /* printf("%s record not found 2\n",
- index->name); */
+ /* ut_print_name(stderr, index->name);
+ fputs(" record not found 2\n", stderr); */
if (trx->search_latch_timeout > 0
&& trx->has_search_latch) {
@@ -3044,8 +3043,9 @@ rec_loop:
rec = btr_pcur_get_rec(pcur);
- printf("Using index %s cnt %lu ", index->name, cnt);
- printf("; Page no %lu\n",
+ fputs("Using ", stderr);
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, index);
+ fprintf(stderr, " cnt %lu ; Page no %lu\n", cnt,
@@ -3091,11 +3091,13 @@ rec_loop:
" InnoDB: Index corruption: rec offs %lu next offs %lu, page no %lu,\n"
-"InnoDB: index %s, table %s. Run CHECK TABLE to table. You may need to\n"
+"InnoDB: ",
+ (ulint)(rec - buf_frame_align(rec)), next_offs,
+ buf_frame_get_page_no(rec));
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, index);
+ fputs(". Run CHECK TABLE. You may need to\n"
"InnoDB: restore from a backup, or dump + drop + reimport the table.\n",
- (ulint)(rec - buf_frame_align(rec)), next_offs,
- buf_frame_get_page_no(rec), index->name,
- index->table_name);
+ stderr);
@@ -3106,10 +3108,12 @@ rec_loop:
"InnoDB: Index corruption: rec offs %lu next offs %lu, page no %lu,\n"
-"InnoDB: index %s, table %s. We try to skip the rest of the page.\n",
+"InnoDB: ",
(ulint)(rec - buf_frame_align(rec)), next_offs,
- buf_frame_get_page_no(rec), index->name,
- index->table_name);
+ buf_frame_get_page_no(rec));
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, index);
+ fputs(". We try to skip the rest of the page.\n",
+ stderr);
btr_pcur_move_to_last_on_page(pcur, &mtr);
@@ -3121,11 +3125,13 @@ rec_loop:
if (!rec_validate(rec) || !btr_index_rec_validate(rec, index,
-"InnoDB: Index record corruption: rec offs %lu next offs %lu, page no %lu,\n"
-"InnoDB: index %s, table %s. We try to skip the record.\n",
+"InnoDB: Index corruption: rec offs %lu next offs %lu, page no %lu,\n"
+"InnoDB: ",
(ulint)(rec - buf_frame_align(rec)), next_offs,
- buf_frame_get_page_no(rec), index->name,
- index->table_name);
+ buf_frame_get_page_no(rec));
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, index);
+ fputs(". We try to skip the record.\n",
+ stderr);
goto next_rec;
@@ -3142,7 +3148,7 @@ rec_loop:
/* Test if the index record matches completely to search_tuple
in prebuilt: if not, then we return with DB_RECORD_NOT_FOUND */
- /* printf("Comparing rec and search tuple\n"); */
+ /* fputs("Comparing rec and search tuple\n", stderr); */
if (0 != cmp_dtuple_rec(search_tuple, rec)) {
@@ -3162,7 +3168,8 @@ rec_loop:
btr_pcur_store_position(pcur, &mtr);
- /* printf("%s record not found 3\n", index->name); */
+ /* ut_print_name(stderr, index->name);
+ fputs(" record not found 3\n", stderr); */
goto normal_return;
@@ -3187,7 +3194,8 @@ rec_loop:
btr_pcur_store_position(pcur, &mtr);
- /* printf("%s record not found 4\n", index->name); */
+ /* ut_print_name(stderr, index->name);
+ fputs(" record not found 4\n", stderr); */
goto normal_return;
@@ -3453,8 +3461,9 @@ lock_wait_or_error:
goto rec_loop;
- /* printf("Using index %s cnt %lu ret value %lu err\n", index->name,
- cnt, err); */
+/* fputs("Using ", stderr);
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, index);
+ fprintf(stderr, " cnt %lu ret value %lu err\n", cnt, err); */
trx->op_info = (char *) "";
@@ -3471,8 +3480,9 @@ normal_return:
- /* printf("Using index %s cnt %lu ret value %lu\n", index->name,
- cnt, err); */
+/* fputs("Using ", stderr);
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, index);
+ fprintf(stderr, " cnt %lu ret value %lu err\n", cnt, err); */
if (ret == DB_SUCCESS) {
diff --git a/innobase/row/row0umod.c b/innobase/row/row0umod.c
index 5dde60029f0..5975bb164b9 100644
--- a/innobase/row/row0umod.c
+++ b/innobase/row/row0umod.c
@@ -417,13 +417,11 @@ row_undo_mod_del_unmark_sec_and_undo_update(
mem_heap_t* heap;
btr_pcur_t pcur;
- btr_cur_t* btr_cur;
upd_t* update;
ulint err = DB_SUCCESS;
ibool found;
big_rec_t* dummy_big_rec;
mtr_t mtr;
- char err_buf[1000];
@@ -431,23 +429,22 @@ row_undo_mod_del_unmark_sec_and_undo_update(
found = row_search_index_entry(index, entry, mode, &pcur, &mtr);
if (!found) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "InnoDB: error in sec index entry del undo in\n"
- "InnoDB: index %s table %s\n", index->name,
- index->table->name);
- dtuple_sprintf(err_buf, 900, entry);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: tuple %s\n", err_buf);
- rec_sprintf(err_buf, 900, btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur));
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: record %s\n", err_buf);
- trx_print(err_buf, thr_get_trx(thr));
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%s\nInnoDB: Make a detailed bug report and send it\n",
- err_buf);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: to\n");
+ fputs("InnoDB: error in sec index entry del undo in\n"
+ "InnoDB: ", stderr);
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, index);
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: tuple ", stderr);
+ dtuple_print(stderr, entry);
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: record ", stderr);
+ rec_print(stderr, btr_pcur_get_rec(&pcur));
+ putc('\n', stderr);
+ trx_print(stderr, thr_get_trx(thr));
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: Make a detailed bug report and send it\n"
+ "InnoDB: to\n", stderr);
} else {
- btr_cur = btr_pcur_get_btr_cur(&pcur);
+ btr_cur_t* btr_cur = btr_pcur_get_btr_cur(&pcur);
err = btr_cur_del_mark_set_sec_rec(BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG,
btr_cur, FALSE, thr, &mtr);
diff --git a/innobase/row/row0undo.c b/innobase/row/row0undo.c
index a3ea42e1425..e1e44724752 100644
--- a/innobase/row/row0undo.c
+++ b/innobase/row/row0undo.c
@@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ row_undo_search_clust_to_pcur(
is to make sure that some thread will eventually undo the
modification corresponding to node->roll_ptr. */
- /* printf("--------------------undoing a previous version\n");
- */
+ /* fputs("--------------------undoing a previous version\n",
+ stderr); */
ret = FALSE;
} else {
diff --git a/innobase/row/row0upd.c b/innobase/row/row0upd.c
index ad6542845cb..02fe245ce8b 100644
--- a/innobase/row/row0upd.c
+++ b/innobase/row/row0upd.c
@@ -1202,7 +1202,6 @@ row_upd_sec_index_entry(
rec_t* rec;
ulint err = DB_SUCCESS;
mtr_t mtr;
- char err_buf[1000];
index = node->index;
@@ -1223,21 +1222,22 @@ row_upd_sec_index_entry(
rec = btr_cur_get_rec(btr_cur);
if (!found) {
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: error in sec index entry update in\n"
- "InnoDB: index %s table %s\n", index->name,
- index->table->name);
- dtuple_sprintf(err_buf, 900, entry);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: tuple %s\n", err_buf);
- rec_sprintf(err_buf, 900, rec);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: record %s\n", err_buf);
- trx_print(err_buf, thr_get_trx(thr));
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%s\nInnoDB: Make a detailed bug report and send it\n",
- err_buf);
- fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: to\n");
+ fputs("InnoDB: error in sec index entry update in\n"
+ "InnoDB: ", stderr);
+ dict_index_name_print(stderr, index);
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: tuple ", stderr);
+ dtuple_print(stderr, entry);
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: record ", stderr);
+ rec_print(stderr, rec);
+ putc('\n', stderr);
+ trx_print(stderr, thr_get_trx(thr));
+ fputs("\n"
+ "InnoDB: Make a detailed bug report and send it\n"
+ "InnoDB: to\n", stderr);
} else {
/* Delete mark the old index record; it can already be
delete marked if we return after a lock wait in